hxllblazer-a2 · 3 months
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@all-nights-dreaming - starter call
It was happening again, wasn’t it? 
He didn’t make it a habit to be aware of astral space, or he at least tried to avoid it, but sometimes when the same horrific dreams haunted for years it became a bit of a habit. Probably also something to account for when said space came from one's own mind. Maybe. Magic was just stupid like that. Really stupid. 
He supposed the first sign should’ve been when the girl with the bob cut and brass knuckles started talking like a posh princess fresh out of the palace. The second? Probably the birds. Always the fucking birds. 
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“Fuuuuuuuuuckin' hell... not another rainbow unicorn farty fetch quest...” His finger pressed to his temple with a bit of a frustrated groan. “Alright y’ sad soppy excuse for a secondary school goth kid, show yourself!” 
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thenightmarerealms · 2 years
The Compass (a Corintheus RP | chapter masterlist )
Delivered by Matthew: 
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An ornate compass, gilded with gold, along with a hand-written note:
My lord, I came across this compass in the dreams of a ship captain’s son. I hunted him through a vast labyrinth for many nights. He was so certain that this compass would lead him out of the maze, but in the end, it only led him to me. It would please me, if you accepted this small gift as a token of my affection.
It will always point towards your true north; towards me.
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ordinariums-a · 1 year
@all-nights-dreaming asked: "How did you find me?" (To Luci!) || meme
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Lucifer is just as surprised as Dream; the source of information hadn't exactly been a reliable one, but one that had panned out, all the same. "Would you believe me-" He began, with a small hesitation as he steps closer, towards the bench Dream had so neatly placed himself on. "-if I said a group of teenage goths were raving about you? Something about a middle aged man being cool enough to hang around on a park bench in the middle of the day - alone."
The description had fit Dream to a T, and whilst it had been unlikely, .. it was clearly possible. With a careful, yet cautious breath, he moved forward, taking a spot next to the Endless on the bench. "You're brooding. What's on your mind?"
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thatravenmatthew · 9 months
"𝐈𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐚 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚 𝐡𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐟𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝?" (poor Matthew LMAOOOO)
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❝ Uh... ❞ Matthew stared at Dream, blinking a few times to gather this explanation. His head cocked to the side with a quick flap of inky wings.
To be delicate or rip off the bandaid?
❝ People do it to GET OFF. ❞
Bandaid it was.
❝ It's a sex thing, Dream. If you need further explanation, I can direct you to the nearest website where you can ROCK YOUR SOCKS OFF. But don't expect me to hang around if you do. ❞
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witchoflegends · 1 year
@all-nights-dreaming liked for a starter with Destruction
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"How did you find me?" Destruction was fairly certain he had made it practically impossible to find him. Yet here stood one of his brothers. No doubt going to try and convince him to return to The Fulcrum.
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oldlaomedeiia · 1 year
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" Funny, I didn't have you down as a Tolkien fan--" quips Hob, motioning to the empty seat ahead of him, and the small, alcoholic beverage he'd purchased for Dream. For his centuries old friend of whom he still knows so little.
" Still loving life, before you ask. This time I wanted to ask you the questions, if you'll humour an old friend. "
@all-nights-dreaming from x
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thenightmarerealms · 2 years
(a Corintheus RP | chapter masterlist )
A month had passed since the Corinthian's recreation, and in that time his creator barely let him out of his sight. The nightmare was given leave to perform his function, but only that; every other moment of his time was spent by Dream's side, even when his lord was performing his own duties around the Dreaming.
Part of the Corinthian felt that there nothing amiss in this; he loved Dream, and he wished to be by his side. But another part, the ancient core of him, knew that something was amiss. He could not remember decades of his existence, and the few occasions that he'd spoken to other dreams and nightmares told him that they knew something that he didn't.
He would have brought his concerns to Dream sooner, but much of their time together pleased the Corinthian; how could he even think to ask when his creator so readily gave everything of himself to the nightmare? Their first night had only been the beginning, and every time they came together since felt like nothing else he’d ever experienced-- in this life or the last.
He was still debating on what to say as he returned to the castle, making his way to the throne room after a successful hunt. The dreamer had been a sweet young man, and his screams had sounded like music. His blood was running hot, and Dream had bid him return to his side as soon as he was done.
As he made his way through the halls, however, he stopped. Someone was in the throne room with Dream, and the agitated tone of Lucienne’s voice did not sound as if she would appreciate her audience being interrupted.
“--it’s not right,” Lucienne said. “I don’t know if this is your way of punishing him, but please think about how it looks to the rest of your subjects. Despite her transgression, you would never have treated Gault this way.”
There was an exhale of breath, as if the librarian was steeling herself. “I tried to hold my tongue, sire,” she continued. “I thought that if I gave you time, you would come to your senses. But you haven’t given any quarter; if anything, you’ve been getting worse.”
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thenightmarerealms · 2 years
The Date (a Corintheus RP | chapter masterlist )​
Delivered by Matthew, complaining loudly about getting blood on his feathers:
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A white rose, cut ragged at the stem. Its sap is blood red. There is a crumpled note attached:
My lord, I think it’s customary for mortals to give each other flowers today. Don’t worry, I didn’t take it from your garden. I couldn’t find it again. I think the blood just makes it better, don’t you?
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ordinariums-a · 1 year
@all-nights-dreaming liked this for Delirium
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"I didn't agree with it, so I threw it on the ground." And they seem way too happy about it. "There's colours! And sweet little things. Would you like one?" A pinata. Delirium found and destroyed a pinata.
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thenightmarerealms · 2 years
The Tapestry
(a Corintheus RP | chapter masterlist )
 A handful of days had passed since the Corinthian’s trip to the waking world, and he remained in high spirits as he went about his function. The tapestry that Dream had gifted him was a handsome addition to the mansion, and the nightmare liked its feisty spirit.
He’s just finished with a dreamer that Tapestry helped ensnare, and he wiped the blood from his hands and mouth with an old cloth. Tapestry was rambling about how much better life was in the Dreaming, thanking him for saving him from another decade alone in an old, dusty cottage, when the Corinthian stopped short.
“What did you just say?” he asked, frowning.
“You saved me from boredom,” Tapestry said, the little banshees in its weaving fluttering about.
“No, the part about the cottage,” the nightmare said. “We spent the entire day cleaning out that damned thing.”
“No, you didn’t,” Tapestry said. “You threw a fit and Lord Morpheus sent me here so you could both leave before you finished the job.”
No, the Corinthian thought, as he turned over his memories of the day. That wasn’t right. They’d spent the day in the cottage, nothing strange had happened, and Lord Morpheus had returned them to the Dreaming.
He stared hard at the tapestry, and it fluttered briefly as if to say “what?”, but did not otherwise reply. The Corinthian’s frown deepened and he turned away, running up the creaking steps and into the room that Dream’s compass had led him to days before.
It was exactly as he remembered it, blood stains and all, and as the Corinthian stood in the center, he turned over the events of that day in his mind. Why had he been resting in Dream’s bed? Why couldn’t he remember the precise moment when they’d returned to the Dreaming? He looked down at himself, methodically searching for any clues, and realized that there was something in his back pocket. It was barely anything at all, a torn strip of black fabric barely a couple of inches across, and stained with old blood that had faded to a dull brown. He held it, crushed it between his fingers, and when he brought it up to his nose, the scent of copper jolted him.
He caught the taste of tears on his tongue, the smell of blood and the feel of a fresh bruise softening skin underneath his fingertips.
Fuck. The Corinthian couldn’t grasp an actual memory, but there was a distinct sense of absence there, as if a memory-shaped hole in his mind. He knew it, knew the taste of it, but nothing else, and their dull day in the cottage had certainly not warranted any of that.
Which meant the memory of the cottage was not real, and that Dream had fucked with his mind. Again.
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witchoflegends · 1 year
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@all-nights-dreaming sent: blood, sender cleans blood off of receiver. (Hello~ for the Corinthian if you're accepting prompts for him ^^ maybe this could be pre-rebellion? Or Dream hunts him down before the cereal convention and corners him but is weirdly nice about it 😂)
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The Corinthian was silent as Dream cleaned the blood from his hands. His latest victim that Dream had managed interrupt at the last moment. The nightmare's focus never leaving that of his creator as he studied him suspiciously. He didn't understand what game he was playing, but he wasn't sure if he liked it. "You're being awfully kind. All things considered..."
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ordinariums-a · 1 year
@all-nights-dreaming liked this for a starter
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"You're Dream of the Endless! Apologies, I---- wasn't expecting you. To see you. Aziraphale. Angel." He offered a hand, and nodded in greeting - trying not to cringe too much at how loud he had just been. As if to counteract it, he lowered his voice. "Might I ask.. what are you doing in an English bar? This.. pardon me if I'm making too many assumptions, but this doesn't really seem like your kind of scene."
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thenightmarerealms · 2 years
(a Corintheus RP | chapter masterlist )
In the months that Dream convalesced, his realm continued to be battered with vicious weather. When it did not storm, it hailed, and the younger dreamscapes bore the worst of it. Many were destroyed, others disappeared entirely. The denizens of the Dreaming did their best to adapt, and under Lucienne’s oversight, all the major arcana took in the displaced dreams and nightmares into their own lands.
The Corinthian kept the Haunted Woods to the best of his ability, though great fissures had appeared in the middle of it. It didn’t look so bad from an aesthetic perspective, though he did lose a dreamer or two before he’d realized what the cracks were.
Haze complained incessantly about the weather, the overcrowded woods, and the fact that Lord Morpheus was taking forever to heal, but now that the Corinthian had his memories back, he didn’t dare say any of it to his face, which suited the nightmare just fine.
It took six months before Dream recovered completely, and in those six months, the Corinthian visited his lord’s vessel periodically. It was mostly empty, just the shell of him with barely a flicker of life, but it was enough to see to his condition. 
The nightmare was still conflicted about what Dream had done, but time had worked in their favor. It had given him pause enough to reflect on his own wrongdoings. He could admit how monumentally stupid it had been to try to remake the waking world in his own image, and it had given him time to forgive Dream’s own equally stupid plan to block his memories of it.
On the sixth month, Dream’s vessel appeared nearly pristine again, the cracks all but gone from his porcelain skin. The Corinthian sat by his bedside, holding his wrist in a loose grip. He wasn’t there, not really, but sometimes the nightmare just liked to hear himself talk.
“It’s been ages and the weather’s almost back to normal,” he said. “I know you’re somewhere in there, and I’ve been thinking a lot about what I would say to you when you came back. I’m still pissed that you took my memories, by the way, but I think... maybe. I can see why you did it.”
He exhaled sharply, shaking his head. “Matthew said I was an asshole, and he’s not wrong. Maybe that’s why we deserve each other. Who else would put up with your bullshit?” 
He brought Dream’s hand to his mouth, pressed a kiss on the palm of it. “Please wake up.”
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oldlaomedeiia · 1 year
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    It had happened the moment Dream had mentioned Lucifer. He’d made some off hand remark with all the intimation of ‘ I licked it first. ‘  Desire is baring their teeth; hands wrapped unwaveringly tight around the pale neck of their elder brother. Not enough to strangle ; no, they’re not fool enough for that, but enough to warn. To tell  Dream that while they may not be the strongest of the Endless; they are not afraid to draw blood.  Manicured nails press lightly into skin as bony digits clasp their wrist.
                “  Do what you will , but remember....Brother mine, the next time you so much as breathe  that name-- “ they hiss,  golden hues narrowing dangerously; not once leaving the starlight of their sibling’s. They aren’t scared; even as Dream threatens to obliterate them - it’d make them smile if they weren’t furious.  They do; but it’s sardonic.   “ I shall forget you are family & DRAW BLOOD.  “  they bite back venomously, unwavering.
    from here, with @all-nights-dreaming
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witchoflegends · 1 year
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@all-nights-dreaming sent: "I thought I'd find you here." (To Cori!)
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"I should have assumed that you'd find me eventually." Oh, and what fun he's been having while Dream has been running around trying to fix all his problems. "I never realized how weak an Endless could become. You all make it seem like you're so infinitely powerful, but so far, a petty human cult and a little girl are the reasons for your downfall. I can't imagine how humiliating that must feel."
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hxllblazer-a2 · 9 months
John receives a small jar of jelly eyeballs! Each eyeball would give John a pleasant dream for one night. There were ten eyeballs in total, each sporting a different shade of irises. They taste exactly as eyeballs ought to taste - a small sacrifice for the boon they offer.
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"... Wossit with th' cannibal bowl?" Alright, so maybe this didn't even broach the top ten list of weirdest shit he's ever found sitting on his doorstep, but it was pretty close... not by much but close.
He picked the bowl up, turning it a few times in hand before ducking back inside. Well, he's not exactly sure what to do with them, but he'll figure it out.
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