alloverthegaf · 28 days
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Hi friends,
Long time followers and friends will know Watson, my first baby, my little wrinkly man, my cute evil overlord. I don't live with him anymore, in fact I live 9 hours away, but I still get updates from my parents, and he still holds a very large chunk of my heart.
Mum told me today he's terminal. It could be anywhere from 6 to 18 months, and here's hoping for closer to the latter. She says for now he's fine, still full of love and spite and purring. But I wanted to say something here, where so many of you watched me fall in love with him, and then post about him daily, complete with non-stop photos. Pretty sure I have a special tag for him, if I can remember or find it.
I'll probably say more when the time comes. For now, I just wanted y'all to know, and remember him for a moment, and feel a little love his way. He was my rock at times, and at times he was my reason for living, and always he will be my evil little goblin.
I'm hoping to be able to see him again before he goes. If I do, I will make sure to spam your dash with photos.
I'm okay. I'm lucky enough to have Ron, and Ned, my second baby. But I'm sad, and when he goes it will be so hard. But I will still be okay.
Love and miss y'all <3
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alloverthegaf · 6 months
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He's too big for his chair now 😭
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alloverthegaf · 4 months
Been having an unexpectedly hard month in regards to motivation, happiness, etc, considering how surprisingly good my new normal is, plus work has been extra hard for a job that is challenging but usually genuinely enjoyable and satisfying - but Ron’s been characteristically wonderful to me and my next psych appointment isn’t for like 3 weeks but I’m pretty confident in being able to figure it out with my current brain doctor and also here’s Ned sleeping on my lap while I read NCIS fanfiction and re-watch Game Grumps Mario Maker for the 50th time at 2am on a Saturday night.
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Sometimes things are still fucking hard but they’re also so much easier than it used to be.
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alloverthegaf · 2 years
Okay everyone it's been a week of us having Ned and I'm finally getting around to spamming y'all with photos
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alloverthegaf · 2 years
To counter my last post, here's a bunch of happy photos of our happy and spoiled pup
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alloverthegaf · 2 years
I've been super erratic with my presence online lately I know, and I know I don't owe an explanation for that lol but I did want to talk about the past couple of weeks and finally feel like I have the mental energy to do so
Two weeks ago on Thursday my mum called me to tell my my grandma was dying. The next day, dad called me to tell she had passed.
Both of my granddads are already gone, my other grandma having passed when I was born, so this was my last living grandparent. More than that, she was truly my hero. My grandma was the most impressive person I've ever met. I don't even know how to summarise what kind of person she was.
When mum shared grandma's funeral notice to a community page on Facebook, she had nearly a hundred people comment on it, including people she had never met. People whose wedding dresses and cakes had been made by her. People she'd volunteered for, donated food to. Grandma volunteered her time to others her whole life, even when her husband didn't agree with it. Grandma became a leader of the local scouting movement, and created Cuborama, the Cub equivalent of Jamboree. She had a poncho she made out of a blanket covered in Scout badges from all over the country, and bags full of more badges that couldn't fit. She entered her cakes and jams to the town show every year and was so competitive she wouldn't talk to our family friend when she entered as well.
At her funeral there were so many people they couldn't all fit inside the building.
And I still feel like none of that can really explain how incredible my grandma was.
There was an old man wearing a scout shirt who gave the scout salute to her coffin, and I will always regret I didn't get the chance to ask how he knew her before he left.
So. My hero died, and at the same time, Ron's dad was in hospital - I won't go into details there, but he is okay, mostly. We had to postpone picking up our puppy to travel to my hometown for the funeral. We caught up with family, which was great, but a part of the family also broke my mum's heart (and quietly, mine) with some of their feelings about the rest of the family.
AND. Ron and I have both been sick as fucking dogs.
We got home today, completely exhausted. Ron has totally been my rock the past couple of weeks, even while we were also dealing with his father's health problems, and he dealt with my family (and random pub bartenders) giving him shit beautifully lmao.
So, things are okay, but I'm still sick and exhausted and we're picking up our puppy in three days, which I am sooooooo excited for, but will probably also keep me occupied.
Below is one of my fave photos of Grandma - mum had to take her to a diabetic specialist every year, and Grandma hated it so much and would get so stressed, mum would take her to get ice cream after, and made it like a big secret which always excited Grandma. The other photo is of the Scout poncho, something she first showed me when I was a child in Cubs myself, and something I have never forgotten since.
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alloverthegaf · 1 year
Ned ate the plants that lived here and I can't keep plants alive to save my own life, does anyone have other ideas for what I can do with this?
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alloverthegaf · 2 years
I discovered something fun about one of Ned's new toys
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alloverthegaf · 2 years
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Ned said uwu
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alloverthegaf · 1 year
also sharing this video I made 3 years ago because it’s funnier than I expected
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alloverthegaf · 2 years
hi everyone I know I’ve been MIA forever I’m sorry but let me make it up to you by telling y’all the story of our mystery visitor.
A couple of months ago I woke up at night every now and then to hear meowing outside our window, but I never saw the culprit, and eventually forgot about it.
A week or so later we left out a pizza box with a slice left in it. Next morning Ron gets up for work and wakes me up to find out what the hell happened in the kitchen.
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Naturally I, the country girl, started completely freaking out because I was imagining all the different creatures that could be secretly living in our house. Ron, the city boy, thought this was hilarious. I did not, because I was busy imagining waking up to a possum or a wild rat sitting on top of me in bed.
We did more investigating that afternoon and found little dirty paw prints on his computer desk, and the sink counter in the bathroom. Too big to be a rat, small enough to still be a possum, or a small cat.
Over the next week, we notice more small signs that SOMEONE is exploring our house in the midnight hours, but no more clues.
Then, one night, I’m sitting in our bedroom straightening my hair, and notice movement out of the corner of my eye. I look to the doorway and see a dark, bushy tail disappearing into the main bedroom, which we haven’t moved into yet because we haven’t set up my bed from home yet (different story). I quickly run and close the main bedroom door, then run to the entertainment room where Ron’s gaming and shout “I CAUGHT IT”.
I rush him to the bedroom and we open the door, and nothing’s there. That room permanently has a window open for an old air con vent, so clearly the intruder escaped.
At this point, obviously, I have come to the conclusion of cat.
We go away for the weekend (ANOTHER story, so romantic omg), and when we get back, we set up the bed and move into the main bedroom.
A week later my friend shows up on my doorstep crying and holding her 2 year old (oh my god another story I’m sorry I’ve been gone so long) and later we’re hanging out the back and chase the toddler back inside. When we all come out, her little snack pack of salami and cheese is missing all the fucking salami. I’m like “THE CAT!! IT WAS THE CAT!!”
We still have not properly met our regular visitor.
Then we have an irresponsible moment and buy a smart TV for the bedroom. I’m sitting in bed watching youtube and it happens. WE MEET.
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He jumps right into the bedroom like it’s his own domain. We finally have our moment of true contact. He sniffs my hand. I pat him. He tries to bite me. He butts his head against me asking for more pats.
I gently coax him into letting me pick him up so I can bring him to Ron, who’s gaming online with the guys. I enter the room, call out “Ron!” and he looks away from his FPS and goes “...oh boy.”
Next he’s explaining through his mic that he thinks I’ve just adopted this stray cat.
Thing is I don’t think he’s a stray. He looks well fed, fairly groomed, he’s so comfortable with me.
As you can see from these photos from the NEXT night, where he is getting settled in our bed.
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But he also gets very enthusiastic about food, and his claws are getting pretty long and sharp.
It’s maybe possibly not helped by me, encouraging him, and cuddling with him. Admittedly most nights since the first, Ron has come to bed and had to move the cat from his spot.
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Since then, I have told Ron’s family about it, who all want me to have the cat because they know how much I want one, and gave me all the possible ways about how it might be homeless and need me to care for it, and basically they got in my head and I started fucking FEEDING him.
So now he’s coming by earlier during the day and leaving later and he keeps butting his damn head against me looking for pats and it’s so fucking CUTE and he has the most high pitched meow.
A couple of nights ago I was having a bad day and Ron wasn’t home and I had cereal for dinner, and no food left for the cat, and I got super stressed out about him clearly waiting for food and reaching for my bowl so I put him outside and closed our bedroom window. When Ron joined me in bed later that night I told him and said I felt really bad but also less stressed about this cat that wasn’t mine, and he was like “hmmm the cold front’s supposed to start tonight” and I got so guilty and stressed about the cat that I couldn’t relax until we heard him jump in from the bathroom window lmaooo.
I have since talked to some neighbours, and the next step is to get him scanned/take him to the vet to see if he’s microchipped. If he is, I’ll contact the owner and talk to them about what’s going on. If he’s not, I’m adopting him and spending my month’s salary on cat things.
Also, I’ve nicknamed him Boof. Because he likes to boof his head against me and also because he is clearly a boofhead.
And EVERYONE who even slightly knows me knows I’ve been dying to have a pet, especially a cat, but I’ve been waiting till the new year to make sure I’m ready and financially stable enough. And out of nowhere this cat starts just forcing his way into our lives. About a week after I bonded with Boof, I was explaining the situation to one of Ron’s friends in the car on the way to dinner, and said how I’d been wanting a cat for so long and suddenly this one appears, and Ron interrupted me to say “you didn’t manifest this cat” and I’m like “but I think I MANIFESTED THIS CAT”
If I do end up taking him in, we’ll be modifying the house so he can’t get outside without a leash or something anymore, and I’ll be doing everything I can to make sure he’s still properly stimulated at home. We live on a busy intersection so there’s no alternative for me. If we do find an owner, I will sadly but earnestly ask them to try to keep him inside from now on, not only for his safety from traffic, but also because I don’t want the responsibility of something happening to him while he’s with me and he’s not mine.
I’ll update y’all as we go. But whatever happens, I feel very blessed to have met and bonded with Boof.
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alloverthegaf · 2 years
Y'all a couple months ago I sent Ron the fucken wimdy meme and tonight one of the things he brought home was this
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alloverthegaf · 2 years
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Look who's joining the family in a few weeks!! He's gonna grow into a big boy, St Bernard cross Great Dane/Mastiff.
Name suggestions are welcome because we's struggling to agree on anything. Ron wants something with one syllable and blokey, like Jeff or Bruce. I do not.
So far in the maybe pile we have Hank, Lance, or Dylan.
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alloverthegaf · 2 years
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alloverthegaf · 2 years
Seeing The Wombats tonight!
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alloverthegaf · 3 years
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We climbed the Sydney Harbour Bridge today
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