#ally was like dude hey youre shaking you need to sit down
puppysdog · 1 year
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meowwwhumpxx · 4 months
write a tmnt whump???
Thank you for the request anon 💞
Here you go :P
Shadows of Struggle
In the dimly lit tunnels beneath New York City, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, known for their bravery and agility, faced an unprecedented challenge. Michelangelo, usually the heart and soul of the team, was struck down during a skirmish with the Foot Clan. His brothers, Leonardo, Donatello, and Raphael, carried him back to their sewer lair, where fear and uncertainty hung heavy in the air.
Mikey lay unconscious on the makeshift bed, his usually vibrant orange mask now stained with dirt and blood. Donatello, the team's tech genius, hovered over him, scanning with his equipment. "He's stable, but his injuries are severe," Donnie muttered, his voice strained with worry.
Leo, the leader, clenched his fists, his blue eyes reflecting a mix of determination and fear. "We should have been more careful. I should have protected him."
Raphael, the hotheaded yet fiercely loyal brother, paced back and forth. "It ain't your fault, Leo. We all knew the risks."
Hours turned into days as Mikey remained unconscious. Each passing moment felt like an eternity as the turtles grappled with their own guilt and helplessness. April O'Neil, their trusted ally, brought supplies and offered what comfort she could. But even her optimism waned as Mikey showed no signs of waking.
In his dreams, Mikey wandered through a dark labyrinth, chased by shadowy figures that whispered doubts and fears. "You're not strong enough," they hissed, their voices echoing in the emptiness.
But Mikey wasn't alone. Splinter, their wise and fatherly mentor, appeared amidst the darkness. "Michelangelo, my son," he said in his calm, reassuring voice. "Strength comes not just from your fists, but from your spirit."
Mikey wanted to believe those words, but the pain in his body and the weight of his brothers' worries felt overwhelming.
Back in the lair, Donnie continued his research, desperate for any breakthrough. His exhaustion was palpable, his usually steady hands shaking as he adjusted the medical equipment.
Raph, unable to sit still any longer, stormed out into the night, needing the release of physical exertion to quell the storm raging inside him.
Leo remained by Mikey's side, whispering words of encouragement, silently willing his brother to wake up and fill the lair with his infectious laughter once more.
Then, one quiet evening, a flicker of movement from Mikey's eyelids caught Leo's attention. "Guys! He's waking up!" Leo shouted, his voice filled with relief.
Donnie rushed over, adjusting his glasses. "Mikey, can you hear me?"
Mikey blinked, his gaze unfocused at first. Slowly, recognition dawned in his eyes. "Hey dudes," he croaked, his voice hoarse but filled with warmth.
Relief washed over the brothers as they gathered around Mikey's bed, each expressing their joy in their own way. April beamed from the sidelines, her eyes misty with tears of happiness.
As Mikey recovered, the bond between the brothers grew stronger. They faced many battles together, but none had shaken them quite like this brush with losing one of their own. They knew now, more than ever, that their strength lay not just in their ninja skills, but in their unwavering loyalty and love for each other.
And so, beneath the bustling streets of New York City, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles stood united, ready to face whatever challenges the shadows of the city might bring.
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“Casey Jones I swear!”Donnie ran after the boy. Casey giddily ran from him. Donatello was falling right into his trap. Casey turned a corner and grabbed the blanket he had prepared. “JONES!” Casey jumped to the side and held out the blanket like a one dose to a bull. Donnie ran straight into it from momentum. Casey acted quickly and swaddled the oversized turtle with the oversized blanket. “CASEY WHAT THE HELL?” “It’s over Dee your going to take the day off wether you like it or not!” “I will break you spine…”Donnie hisses. “If you say so, my dragon,”Cassy finishes with a smirk knowing donnie was very flustered from inside the swaddle. He gently rolls the blanket down so that Dee’s head was exposed. Which Casey admits might not be the best idea since his boy friend might bite his face off! “I’m not taking the day off i need to fix-“ “RAPH GET IN HERE I NEED TO FORCE YOUR BROTHER TO TAKE CARE OF HIMSELF!” “Get Leo! I’m sure she’ll help!” “She’s of training at some disclosed location agin!” “Then get Mikey i’m busy!!!” “MIKEY-“ “On it sis!” Mikey pops into the room. “Bro right now,”Casey corrects. “Got it if things change up again just let me know brochacho!” “Michelangelo if you help this ba- this dingleberry you will forever be a traitor!” Donnie gives him the death glare. “On second thought your on your own!”Mikey darts away. “You are this set on spending another day in that lab?”Casey asks. “Yes, yes I am.” “But you’re not scared of missing out on life?”Casey asks. “I’m living am i not?” “Your alive but your not living!”Casey explains,”You work and work even though you hate it if you keep going to long. And we’ll I can tell by the way you smashed that computer you hate it.” “Fine! What’s up first on this day of life?”Donnie rolled his eyes then sinks his teeth into the blanket and maneuvers out of the trap. “FOOD!”
“Hey Murakami!”(i hope i spelled that right) “Oh hello Donatello!” “Sup dude,”Casey adds. “And you as well Cassy! What will it be today? Pizza Groza?” “Not today we’re trying to take care of Dee here what’s your best mental health day food?”Casey sits down at the table. “I’d suggest ramen then,”He explains. “Alright let’s see what you can do magic man,”Donnie whispers and sits down next to Casey. “Sorry,”Casey nods. “No your right I need this,”Donnie lays his head on Casey’s shoulder.
“Alright two bowls of ramen for my favorite mechanics.” “Thank you!”Casey says. Donnie reaches for his bowl and breaks apart the chop sticks. He sneaks a glance at Casey for see the boy struggling with the sticks. Donnie reaches for his hands and repositioning the chopsticks,”Hold them like this and then,”He twirls the noodles around the chopsticks. “So thats how you do it!” Casey gasps. “Loser,”Donnie gets back to his bowl of noodles. “I’m your loser though,”Casey whispers against the turtles cheek. “You two seem very gay,”Meracoami interrupts. “Huh?” “Joyous,”He clarifies. “Yes we are in fact gay,”Casey snickers.
“Alright lover boy what’s next?” “If you’ll look to your right you’ll see what’s next!”Casey smiles. Donnie turns and his breath hitches,You painted me in my scull mask?”Donnie asks. “It’s a very hot look,”Casey explains. “It was inspired by you,”Donnie takes his T-phone out to take a photo. “Really?”Casey smiles like the idiot he is. “What you thought me wearing a scull mask aka the same type of mask you where was a coincidence?”Donnie smirks. “Ok yeah maybe i am a little confused about that but still!” “You hopeless romantic,”Donnie shakes his head,”Let’s get back before someone sees me, and thinks hey that dude in winter clothes is suspicious why’s he dressed like that in summer?” “You sound like Leo,”Casey walks past Dee into the ally. “I never!”
“Alright then what’s next on the agenda?”Donnie asks. “Tv!”Casey holds up a tape of ‘The Addams Family’ “Ok go off!”Donnie polos onto the couch.
“Is that for your brother?”Morticha asks. Wensday nods,”I don’t think so,”She takes away the knife. “She should give her a bigger one.” “Here,”Moticha hands her daughter a machete. “Holy crap she actually did!” “Is this your first time seeing this movie?”Casey asks. “Yeah why?”Donnie stairs intently at the screen. “Wow I can’t believe I introduced you to The Addams Family!” “Shut up it’s getting good!”
“THATS HIW IT ENDS?”Donnie shouts,”BUT THERES SO MUCH MORE YOU CAN TELL ABOUT THEM!” “That’s why the show exists,”Cassy states. “The Show?”
One marathon later.
“Alright Dee it’s time for you to get to bed!”Casey teases. “It’s only eleven,”Donnie complains. “I don’t care the point of today has been to take care of you and sleep is included on that list.” “Fine!”Donnie sighs,”Promise I’ll see you tomorrow?”He leans his head on Caseys shoulder. “Promise.”
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No Words
Summary: The Ahalliance breaks apart.
MumboJumbo blew up
SolidarityGaming blew up
Impulse stares at the messages in chat. They can’t be real. This can’t be real. This has to be a bad dream.
He can’t have just lost two allies in one fell swoop.
Finally managing to shake himself into action, he descends his tower and rushes out into the base, where he immediately runs into a frantic Mumbo emerging from his bunker.
Impulse backs away several steps with a yelp. “Mumbo! What happened?!”
Mumbo sounds breathless as he responds, “it must’ve been a trap; there were several TNT minecarts. I don’t know who set it, but it got both of us.”
“Y-You gotta leave, dude,” Impulse says nervously. “You and Jimmy. Right?”
Mumbo nods sadly. “Yeah, I know. I can’t speak for Jimmy, but I’m gonna get my stuff and be on my way. Hey, do you mind giving me a sword or axe or something so I can go get my stuff back?”
Impulse watches him warily, clutching his own weapon tightly. “You… You said there were several TNT minecarts. Your stuff is all gone.”
“Oh. Yeah.” Mumbo forces a chuckle. “Silly me, I forgot.”
As Mumbo’s eyes flicker over Impulse’s shoulder, Impulse spins round and finds Jimmy standing fairly close to him. Within ten or so blocks, but still close enough that Impulse feels uncomfortable.
“You guys need to go,” says Impulse reluctantly. “I-I know there’s two of you and one of me, but… I don’t want any trouble.”
“Neither do we,” Jimmy says. “Mumbo, let’s just gather our stuff and go. Meet you at the front gate?”
Impulse steps back, keeping an eye on the two as they depart back to their respective towers. Now that they’re out of sight, the emotional toll of the situation finally hits him.
Grian’s already red, and now Jimmy and Mumbo are too.
Impulse has lost three of his allies.
Watching Jimmy and Mumbo leave together causes tears to spring to Impulse’s eyes. He managed to hold it together when Grian left, but losing these two really hurts. It really hammers it home that the alliance is breaking apart. They’re not the family they once were.
Less than ten minutes later, Martyn walks through the gate and finds Impulse sitting at the entrance of their communal cave, contemplating his next move.
“Hey,” he says.
Impulse glances up, hurriedly wiping his eyes. “Hi. Sorry, I didn’t hear you come in.”
“No worries.” Martyn clears his throat, the awkwardness clear in his demeanour. “So, um… Do you have any other secret alliances or anything I should know about? Any deals you’ve made?”
Impulse shakes his head and attempts a joke. “Nope, you’re all I have left in this world.”
“Ohh, that just makes this so much harder,” murmurs Martyn, before again clearing his throat and speaking louder: “I- I’m really sorry to have to tell you like this, but I’m leaving.”
It takes Impulse a few seconds to register this. When he does, his stomach drops. “Y-You’re leaving…?”
Martyn nods slowly, unable to meet Impulse’s gaze. “Yeah, um… I have a thing going on with Ren, and… I just think it’s the best place for me to be right now.”
“Wh- What do you mean?!” Impulse almost wails. “I-I need you more than ever!”
“I know, and I’m not proud of this decision,” responds Martyn guiltily. “But I just… I can’t stay here anymore.”
Impulse jumps to his feet and clasps Martyn’s hand pleadingly. “Please, don’t leave me…! We’ll be okay together.”
“Come on, Impulse.” Martyn sighs quietly. “Look around. We’re far from the powerhouse we once were. Our gate is wide open, the underground is filled with mole tunnels, our wall has been burned more than once. Just leave, Impulse. Find someone to take you in and you’ll be a lot better for it.”
With that, he pulls his hand out of Impulse’s grasp and walks away.
Impulse sinks back down to the ground in despair, watching as Martyn packs up his stuff and leaves out the same gate Jimmy and Mumbo left through not fifteen minutes earlier.
This is it.
He’s alone. Completely alone, in a base made for five.
What is he supposed to do now…?
He sits there, completely numb, until he looks up and spots the sun starting to set. Finally realising he’s an easy target out here for both mobs and red lifers, he goes over to his base and starts to gather all his valuables. As he picks up the 13 music disc, the dam almost breaks and he throws it out the window. He doesn’t need any more reminders.
The last thing he picks up is his spyglass. He stares down at it for several minutes, trying his hardest not to cry again. He remembers Jimmy carefully crafting this spyglass for him. He remembers how indignant Jimmy got every time one of them “lost” their spyglass. How he grumbled to himself as he crafted another for his friend. How Mumbo would always start giggling as he revealed to Jimmy that he had “lost” another spyglass. How delighted Martyn and Grian sounded when Jimmy got indignant.
No more stupid aha jokes. No more replacement spyglasses. No more shenanigans.
The base that was founded on laughter will never hear it again.
Unable to bear the painful memories, Impulse leaves his spyglass resting on the crafting bench and leaves his tower. After one last look up at the home he’s leaving behind, Impulse is the last to exit through the gate, for the final time.
He makes it to the house he’s looking for just as the sun disappears over the horizon. Lifting a heavy hand, he knocks on the door. Within seconds, the door opens, revealing his two best friends in the whole universe.
Skizz stares at Impulse for a moment, seeing how downtrodden his best friend looks. Like he has the weight of the world on his back. He’s seen what happened in chat and even though he doesn’t know the exact details, he can see the pain of four losses in Impulse’s heavy eyes.
Impulse opens his mouth to speak, but he doesn’t need to say anything.
Skizz and Tango envelop him in a hug, letting him cry into their shoulders.
No words need to be said.
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andreafmn · 3 years
I'm Not Afraid - Chapter 1
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Word Count: 3,325
Characters: Female Reader Argent Character, Original Male Argent Character, Derek Hale, Allison Argent, Scott McCall, Stiles Stilinski, Isaac Lahey, Lydia Martin, Chris Argent, Jackson Whittemore
Story Description: (Y/N) Argent arrived at Beacon Hills to put to rest her father's sister, Kate Argent. For the first time, her family has decided to settle down and sustain a life in this interesting small town. After 17 years, (Y/N) has the opportunity to establish interpersonal relationships but will she be ready to face the complications that come with relating to her cousin's, Allison, friends; especially, the infamous Derek Hale. She will face the adventure of being associated with the Derek and McCall pack as well as being faced with the discovery of certain aspects of her life she never imagined.
*DISCLAIMER* I do not own in any way Teen Wolf, all credits of the pre-established characters, script, and storyline belong to Jeff Davis and MTV Network. The only thing I own is Argent Reader insert, her immediate family, and her storyline, as well as her effects in the others' storyline.
Chapter: 1/?
Chapter Description: (Y/N) finally arrives at Beacon Hills for the funeral of her aunt and meets a certain wolf to which she feels a special connection.
A/N: Second fandom I'm writing for. I love Teen Wolf so much and the trope of hard Derek but only soft for you makes my heart sing. If you enjoy my writing I’ll also be posting them in AO3 and Wattpad along with other stories (I also hope to start taking requests if ya’ll want) Hope you enjoy and all constructive criticism is encouraged.
Next ->
Chapter 1
I hugged the black coat to my body as hard as I could whilst pushing through the sea of press. Our family's last name became quite known after the reports about my aunt, whose burial we were attending. She had allegedly burned down a house with people in it.  She killed them in cold blood. I hugged my grieving uncle and his less grieving wife, then my cousin who had a painful look on her face. I hugged her the longest. She let herself crumble on my arms, sobbing uncontrollably. Even though she was a horrible person she was still our aunt, family.
I took my seat behind Allison when my father, my mother, uncle Chris, and aunt Victoria stood up. Allison didn't lift her head and neither did I. I just tried to comfort her.
"It's been such a long time I don't expect you to call me grandpa." We both looked up to see a white-haired man who resembled the Argent features. "Don't worry about it, just call me Gerard." He hugged both of us, an overpowering aura emanating from his being. When we were engulfed, I looked to the side and saw two boys squatting behind a gravestone. If they were hiding, they were doing a horrible job at it.
"But I prefer Grandpa," Gerard said walking to his seat. I sat back down and drifted off during the whole ceremony. Once it was over, I joined my parents and we drove to our new house. I have a feeling that life here will be very interesting.
That weekend I decided that I had been putting working out off for too long. I changed into comfortable workout clothes and gave food to my dog, Brody. I headed out the door, put my earbuds on, and started to jog. I really didn't know where I was going since it was a new place for me, all I know is that I kept running until I reached the woods. The bad thing about this, I had no idea how to get back home. Even though I knew of this sidetrack and I knew I would be late to get back home, I kept running, needing a release from the mundane feeling of being new in town and having to reunite from our estranged family in a funeral.
I had gained a lot of momentum. God knows how fast I was running at this point that is until I hit something, it almost felt like a wall. When I looked up, I saw a very handsome guy. Spiked hair, green eyes, and slight stubble. If it weren't for the fact that I was already sweaty I would have started to sweat showers of how nervous I was. That is until he opened his mouth.
"Watch where you're going." He growled at me.
"How about you fucking move and not be a prick?" He looked at me with big eyes, probably in surprise, but quickly changed to his menacing look. Who was he trying to fool?
"Well, this is private property, which means that you're trespassing, meaning you should pay more attention to your surroundings."
"I'm sorry but a burnt-down house with almost no walls or roof is barely a property. So, how about you stop being an idiot and I can be on my way." I started to jog once again but he gained my attention once more.
"You're new here, aren't you?" I turned around to face him.
"What's it to you?" He raised his eyebrow.
"I'll take that as a yes." The cockiness oozed out of his pores.
"And why the hell should that matter?"
"Because no one would dare talk to me that way."
"Who would be afraid of a little sour wolf?" He tensed up. "Dude, chill. I'm just kidding. But I doubt anyone would be afraid of Mr...."
"Hale. Derek Hale." He said extending his hand to me. Gee, after screaming at me he wants us to be acquaintances. I thought about not shaking his hand, but I didn't want to be rude. Well, more than I have been already.
"(Y/N). Argent." I shook his hand. Strong grip. Suddenly I felt a rush of déjà vu; I had met him the day before. "Wait, aren't you that guy I accidentally hit with my grocery cart yesterday?"
"Yeah, that really hurt. You hit my ankle. You could've had me limping."
"But you're not, so be grateful I didn't break your ankle." He laughed. "Damn, if I had known how cocky you really were, I would've hit you harder."
"So, you admit that you hit me?"
"Oh yeah, of course, I hit you. Accidentally that is."
"Yeah, yeah."
I looked around trying to find where the hell I had come from but there wasn't even the slightest trail as to where I was to go.
"So, miss (Y/N). Do you even know your way home?"
"No, but I'm sure I can find my way back." Then, he took keys out of his pocket and pointed to his car.
"Come on, I'll drive you around and you just tell me when something seems familiar."
"And why should I go with the guy that almost ripped out my throat for bumping into him? For all I know you could be driving me to my death." I crossed my arms over my chest, and he let out a loud sigh.
"Look, I'm sorry for snapping. But I'm trying to be nice. That doesn't happen very often."
"Alright, Mr. Hale. I'll let you take me home just because you are being nice now, after being a prick, and I'm exhausted."
"See, no one can resist me." I rolled my eyes at his cockiness. Seriously does he buy cans of it on eBay?
"Don't get cocky with me. I can punch the living daylights out of you." He chuckled and started to drive.
We drove for about 20 minutes until I finally recognized the curb that led to my house. Upon arriving at my driveway, I got out of the car and walked to the driver’s side.
"Give me your hand” For some reason, I felt compelled to do so. He took a pen and wrote down a number. "Call me if you ever need a tour of the town."
Three weeks later, I walked inside the school to meet up with Allison. I moved here with my family since dad had some business taking float. Being the new kid in town is never fun. I would know. I switch schools almost every year. The pro and con about this would be not being attached to anyone. Usually, I'm the one who doesn't talk to anyone and is called a freak. A derogatory term given to people who are way too different from others, but a title I wore proudly.
"Oh my gosh, (Y/N)! How have you been?" Allison wrapped her arms around me and hugged me tightly. It was as if she hadn't seen me just three weeks ago.
"Hi, Allison. I've been good, getting acclimated to the new town. You?" You would think that because we were cousins, I would be more affectionate towards her but honestly, I wouldn't see her again for like three more years, so what's the point?
"I'm good. A little rocky at the start of coming here but good." Then, a boy with a buzz cut and one with great brown hair walked by and smiled at Alli. "Ooh, you should come meet my friends. Stiles, Scott!! Come here." The boys turned around with goofy grins on their faces.
"Hey, Allison. Who's this?" Buzzcut kid said.
"This is my cousin, (Y/N). She just moved here from Virginia."
"Pleasure to meet you. I'm Scott." The one with the great hair said.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Stiles." I shook their hands and smiled.
"Nice to meet you, too, buzzcut." Allison and Scott laughed but Stiles only ran his hand through his hair, suddenly becoming hyperaware of his lack of locks.
"Allison. Who might this sexy lady be?" I rolled my eyes. The last thing I need is a narcissist with a god-complex trying to get close.
"Oh, Jackson, this is my cousin, (Y/N)."
"Hi." He extended his hand and looked me up and down.
"Hi." I smiled sarcastically, and when I didn't extend my hand, he dropped his.
Finally, after standing awkwardly behind Allison whilst her friends talked, the bell rang. Talk about saved by the bell.
"Hey, (Y/N), what's your first class?" I checked my schedule.
"Um, chemistry."
"Oh, good, then you're coming with us to Mr. Harris' class," Scott said pointing towards him and Stiles. I smiled and walked behind them.
Once we got to the classroom everyone turned to me, the ever-present sign of being new in the class evident in the stare of my classmates.
"Um, hi, my name is (Y/N) Argent and I'm new." The teacher, whom I guess is Mr. Harris, turned around to face me.
"Oh, yes, Miss Argent. Welcome. You will be sitting next to Isaac Lahey. Lahey, raise your hand." Once Isaac raised his hand, I noticed he was sat near Stiles and Scott. Two people I was trying to avoid. As I walked past, I accidentally pushed Stiles' book on his lap, startling him, resulting in an awkward descent from his lab stool onto the floor.
"Hi, again. I guess we are gonna see a lot of each other for the rest of the school year." I nodded and he scratched the back of his neck. "So, um, what school did you come from?"
"Lancaster High," I responded whilst writing down what Mr. Harris was writing on the board. Stiles kept trying to talk to me, but I would only give him short, cold answers or just ignore him. That is until Mr. Harris called our attention, that's when he finally got the memo to shut up.
"I'm sorry to bother you, but I just wanted to introduce myself since we're gonna be seated next to each other all year. I'm Isaac."
"I figured." I tried giving him my best smile. The vibe he was giving off seemed like he needed it. "I'm (Y/N)."
"Well, nice to meet you, (Y/N). Now I'll leave you to the class because if I don't I know I'll be failing even more than I am."
"Oh, well, maybe I can tutor you some time. I'm actually really good at science. My mom was a chemist professor once upon a time so I'm bound to understand all this."
"Really?!" His puppy eyes seemed to light up and I nodded. "That would actually be amazing."
"Sure thing. Now let's get back to class."
After Chemistry finished, I put everything in my bag as quickly as possible and sped to my next class, Math. Thankfully, none of Allison's friends shared this class with me but I did share it with Isaac.  I didn't consider him much a friend but more an acquaintance in desperate need of help.
As the day progressed, I noticed the rest of my classes were shared with one or more of Allison's friends. They all tried to strike up a conversation but were quickly discouraged when met with my one-worded or vague answers. Especially, Stiles. He tried especially hard to get answers out of me, only being met with the occasional laugh or stare at his comical occurrences. He seemed like the kind of person you could just open up to. The same could be said about Scott. His shy nature was alluring, and he portrayed himself as a very trustworthy and loyal being.
But I would not allow myself to let them in. My whole being yearned for a real friendship, someone to share nothing and everything; never again.
At lunch, I sat outside and ate my food quietly, a book in front of my face to shield my eyes from the sun the prevalent stares of my peers. After some minutes of appreciated loneliness, the empty table was filled with conversating teenage bodies. I smiled politely but, in my mind, I was cursing them out.
"So, (Y/N), how's your day been?" Allison asked whilst munching on an apple. I swallowed what was left of my bite and answered.
"Fine, thank you." This time no one pressed on after my short answers, finally getting the hint of my disinterest. In the corner of my eye, I saw Isaac sitting under a tree munching on half a sandwich. I excused myself and went to join him, heavily enjoying his tranquil aura.
"Oh, hi, (Y/N)." He smiled sheepishly.
"Hey, Isaac. Is that all you're eating?"
"Yeah. I'm not very hungry." He looked down as if he were ashamed.
"Nonsense! Here," I gave him the other half of my burger and another bag of chips I had in my bag. "You can't tell me you're not hungry. You're a boy in peak development."
"Thanks." He smiled as he continued munching on his food. I put on some music and we continued eating in silence. No conversation required.
The day went on smoother than it started. Classes flew by fairly quickly and the incessant chit-chat seemed to diminish. During last period I was like every other student, anxiously waiting for the bell to signal the end of the school day. When my pleads were answered, I packed the necessary book into my bag and left the rest in my locker, expertly avoiding any more social encounters. Quickly, I made my way to the waiting open car door of my father's car, ignoring Allison's beckoning me t.wards the small group of friends.
"How was your first day, darling?" My father spoke up breaking my attention from the scenery.
"Like any other first day I've had." I smiled. "The towns might change but school is always the same."
Finally at home, we were greeted with the sight of my mother cooking; people were coming over.
"(Y/N), honey, Chris, Victoria, and Allison are coming over tonight. So, go do a quick workout and come back to get ready." I nodded and ran to my room to change into workout clothes.
My routine would normally consist of waking up, working out, go to school for a dreading eight hours, come back home, workout again, do my homework, eat, and go to sleep. I lead a very monotonous life and it had been this way since I could remember. One of my earliest memories was of my father teaching me archery alongside Allison, a great distraction to our always disrupted home life. As I got older, my father started training me in boxing and knife maneuvering. How would these skills help me in life were still a mystery but I felt safe knowing them.
I got changed and decided to take Brody out with me on a quick jog through the woods. "Hey, boy, ready to go?"
He jumped on me which I took as a yes and started for the woods. We ran down the same trail I had been going on for the past three weeks. Mostly, I went down this track in hopes that Derek would make an appearance, and today was not the exception. As the ruins of his house came to view so did his tall figure.
"Trespassing again?"
"It doesn't count if I know the owner." During our greeting, Brody's leash slipped out of my hand and he ran to jump on Derek, leaving slobbering licks on his cheek. "I'm so sorry."
"Don't worry about it." He chuckled and helped me bring him down.
"I guess he likes you, even though he doesn't like anyone but me. Guess you're special."
"Maybe." He grinned.
Out of nowhere, I hit him in the shoulder. "What was that for?!"
"For trying to run me over with your shopping cart two days ago. It was uncalled for."
"No, it was revenge. You hit ME first. In the ankle."
"You're still on with that. Come on, sour wolf. That happened three weeks ago, and it was an accident."
"Whatever. Come on, I'll give you a ride home. It's getting kind of dark." This had also become part of my routine. After "bumping" into Derek he would offer to drop me off at my house, claiming it was for security.
"Okay, we're here. By the way, the offer to show you around town is still up. Just call me whenever." He said as he stopped the car in front of my house.
"Alright, will do, and thanks for the ride, Derek. I'd invite you in, but my family is coming over."
"No worries, maybe another time."
"It's a date. Anyways, thanks again. See you when I see you."
"Okay, goodnight."
"Night." He waited until I entered the house and drove away.
"Munchkin, is that you?" My father screamed from the kitchen.
"Yeah!" I screamed back.
"Okay, well, go take a shower and get ready your uncle will get here soon."
I hurried up the stairs and hopped in the shower letting the hot water stream down my body calming any aching muscle that was palpitating. In my room, I searched through my closet for an acceptable family dinner outfit, deciding a grey sweater and black jeans would be enough. I braided my hair out of my face and went downstairs to help my mother set the table.
After we put the last plate the doorbell rang.
"I'll get it!" I ran to the door and was greeted by my uncle. "Uncle Chris!" I jumped and he hugged me. There was no doubt that he was my favorite family member, his presence was always welcoming. His wife on the other hand was as cold as the winters we spent in New York. She was nice but absolutely scary. "Hi, Aunt Victoria."
"Hello, (Y/N)." I hugged her and said hi to Allison.
"Come in, guys." They walked in and I closed the door behind them.
"So, (Y/N), how have you been?" Uncle Chris asked while stuffing his mouth with mom's famous lasagna.
"I've been good. I mean, moving all the time takes a toll on you at first, but I got used to it. It's easy now to pack it all up once the school year ends."
"Oh, honey, that must be so hard on you," Victoria said. I could not read her tone, her words spoke in sympathetic notes with an underlying melody of sarcasm.  Not knowing what to answer, I bit my lip and nodded.
The whole evening was spent on us catching up and eating, laughing, playing games, but the good times came to an end when the clock hit 9:00 pm. It was stupid to set a curfew, but my mom usually had everyone in bed at this time, 10:30 as of late.
"You better come around the house more often." Uncle Chris demanded and hugged me.
"Yes, sir." I raised my hand to my eyebrow and saluted, as did he.
"Let's go, Chris. And thank you for the lovely dinner, Rebecca," Victoria said linking arms with my uncle and smiling at mom.
"No problem. Come by any time." They talked for a bit more and after they left, I went upstairs to change for bed.
"Momma, I'm gonna go to sleep."
"Okay, honey. Goodnight." I went upstairs, brushed my teeth, and put my hair in a ponytail.
Before bed, I made sure everything I would need for the next day was packed into my bag and made sure my alarm was set. I pulled all the throw pillows from my bed and set them aside, then making my way to the window to draw the curtains. Something caught my attention in the backyard, though. My eyes squinted trying to make out the figure in front of me. Blinking the confusion away, I made a double-take and looked back at an empty yard. I laughed to myself as I crept into bed. Why would Derek be in my backyard?
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retrievablememories · 4 years
U.N.I. | doyoung (m)
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title: college love pairing: doyoung x black!reader genre: fluff, smut, college!au request: There’s suddenly a foreigner in his class (University of course). He teases her and always seems to stick to her side. The kick is, is that she finds out he likes her by eavesdropping [I wanted to give you room to flex that brain of yours bc your writing is like magic] word count: 6.3k warnings: emetophobia warning, alcohol use, sub!doyoung, handjob, oral (female receiving...and a little bit male receiving?), thigh riding a/n: shout out to anon for the new title idea cuz i be struggling lmaoo
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Doyoung is curious. 
You are new to his class, having joined a couple weeks after the semester had already begun. You’re certainly not the first foreigner he’s seen, considering that the university is an international school that sees a wealth of students from other countries every year.
But still. He’s curious.
You both sit in the same row, with you a few seats down from him. That makes it harder for him to sneak glances over at you without being too obvious or receiving weird looks from the other students who think he’s staring at them. Mostly, he contents himself with hearing your voice when you answer questions or occasionally talk to your other classmates.
Doyoung tries to think about how he might also get to talk to you without seeming weird or too random, which makes him feel even sillier because he usually doesn’t have this much anxiety over talking to new people. However, he doesn’t have to ponder over it for much longer when the professor decides to split each row into groups for an in-class assignment.
You and him and three other people from your row gather together in a circle, and there are a few awkward introductions—as is the norm with classmates who haven’t truly interacted with each other before.
“I’m Y/N,”  you introduce yourself, glancing at the others sitting across from you.
They nod in acknowledgement, and Doyoung responds with, “It’s nice to meet you.” He makes sure to give his best welcoming smile, which you return.
Despite all five of you being in the same group, it soon becomes apparent that Doyoung is the best ally to have on your team. The other three students couldn’t be less motivated about the assignment if they tried, mostly gleaning answers off the two of you.
By the time the period ends, you are more than ready to get the hell out and go to your next class. You can only roll your eyes at knowing they’ll get credit for work they barely even helped with. However, your bad mood is momentarily interrupted by your only other partner who bothered to help—Doyoung.
“Thanks for that,” he says as you pass by his desk. You stop and turn around, raising your eyebrows. “You know, for...that.” Doyoung shoots an icy look towards the other people in your row. Only one of them meets his eyes, though they pointedly try to pretend like they never saw him as they gather their things and leave.
You watch the awkward exchange and can’t help but laugh. “Oh yeah, no problem. It’s nice to have someone who actually cares enough to help.”
Doyoung instantly thinks your laugh is pretty, and he decides he wants to hear more of it.
“You know, if you ever want to work together again, I’m here,” he suggests. “I mean...you’re new here, right? So if you need any help with anything...just ask.”
You smile, grateful for the offer. “Oh really? That’s nice of you. I might just have to take you up on it...because I really don’t know a soul here.” You check your phone. “Shit, I should be getting to my next class. See you later. Thanks again!”
Doyoung waves as you leave the classroom, wanting to say more but knowing you’re busy, and he hopes that you really do consider his offer.
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The next class doesn’t involve groups this time, much to your relief—and Doyoung’s as well. Doyoung still finds a way to talk to you without having to do group work, though; and the best part about it is that he doesn’t even have to do anything.
“Hey Doyoung,” you say, coming to stand by his desk at the end of class. He perks up in his seat at your presence, giving you an amiable smile.
“Hey Y/N, how are you?”
“I’m fine, though I do feel a little lost at the moment.”
Doyoung’s eyebrows draw together. “What’s the matter?”
You laugh and shake your head, a little embarrassed to tell him. “Okay, like, I have a map of the campus and everything, but I keep getting lost trying to go to classes and it’s kind of annoying...plus I don’t need a bunch of tardies in my first month here.”
“Your professors still care about that kind of stuff?”
“Yep. Unfortunately, I didn’t get any of the cool ones who don’t give a fuck about someone coming in late—for a class I’m paying for. Amazing.”
Doyoung smirks. “So you need a tour guide, is that it?”
You shrug. “If you’re up for it. I don’t wanna take up too much of your time, you know, if you’re busy. This campus is unnecessarily huge.”
Doyoung gathers his bag and stands to his feet. “Of course I can help the damsel in distress.”
“Damsel, huh?” You snort. “What’re you then, a knight in shining armor?”
“I can be if you want me to be.”
“You a comedian or something?” You give him a look between incredulity and amusement, a bit surprised at him being so brazen. “Let’s go then, brave knight. Help me find out where the Student Affairs office is before I completely lose my mind.”
Just as you asked, Doyoung leads you right to the Student Affairs office—and to a bunch of other places on campus, which you’re not entirely sure you’re going to remember. At least you have him to walk you through it until you memorize everything. 
Finally, you both stop in a grassy area of campus with a few benches nearby, standing under the shade of a tree. Doyoung turns to you. “I’ve dragged you all over this campus now, so I guess the least I could do is buy you a coffee or something.”
“You did it because I asked! But...if you’re determined to pay, I won’t stop you.” You laugh.
“Do you remember where the coffee shop is?” Doyoung asks, like he’s a professor giving you a pop quiz. You sweat because you’ve already forgotten, and you screw your face up in mock concentration.
“Umm...that way?” You point in a random direction and he chuckles when it’s wrong. He grabs your arm and guides it to the right direction, which is behind you—right in the area you just came from.
“No, it’s here! Let’s go. We’re gonna need to spend some more time out here later.”
By the end of the day, you’re surprised by how comfortable you already feel around Doyoung despite only talking to him for the first time in your group assignment the other day. He appears to think the same of you, if him sliding you his number is any indication.
“I know we have a class together, but if you want to talk outside of that…you know where to reach me now.” He taps his fingers against the table you’re both sitting at. “I think you’ll definitely be needing another tour soon.”
“I tried my best.” You sigh dramatically, placing your chin in your hand. “But thanks. I’ve got your number now, so don’t feel a way if you see me bothering you more often.” You flash him a teasing grin.
Doyoung shakes his head goodnaturedly at your statement, taking another sip of his coffee. “Somehow, I don’t think I’ll mind.”
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Though you do call on Doyoung to help you get around campus a few more times, he ends up hanging around you a lot more often outside the guise of being your personal tour guide.
Whether it’s to go to the library, visit a fast food place off campus, or even see some sports game, he’s never far away. During your first month of being at school, he’d simply explained it as wanting you to get familiar with the sights in and around campus so you wouldn’t get lost again. However, it quickly culminates in him randomly asking you to go places just because he can—and because he wants to.
You’re glad for his company—much more than you’d let him know, not wanting to come off as too clingy. Though Doyoung seems like the type to be all about his studies—which he mostly is, and it’s not a bad thing—he also knows how to have fun and how to make you laugh, even explaining jokes in Korean that go over your head. 
He makes you feel remarkably less alone while adjusting to living in another country, far away from home. It also doesn’t take you long to find out that he’s good for teasing you to no end, which often makes you want to roll your eyes or flick him in the forehead, but even his banter reminds you of your friends back home. You’re incredibly grateful for that small piece of familiarity.
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After a couple months of finally settling into the campus life, you, Doyoung, and a few of his friends decide to go to a frat house party, along with Seulgi—a girl you’re becoming close to in another one of your classes. You’re not entirely sure what to anticipate, but the experience is quite similar to what you’d expect to see back in your home country—the same drunk dancing, endless shots of alcohol, loud music, and men who are far too grabby for their own good.
Speaking of that last point…
You and Seulgi dance together amongst a flood of bodies, which is fun for a while until random men keep trying to drag you away from each other to dance with them instead; some of them are more agitated than others about being rejected.
“College guys are dangerously horny.” Seulgi laughs, though she also cuts her eyes at a small group of men nearby who’re giving you both ravenous looks.
“Kinda wish they’d go be horny somewhere else,” you say, and then you roll your eyes when yet another hand brushes against your waist. You turn to see who the culprit is this time, but it’s only Doyoung, and you’re palpably relieved to see him. “You’re back! Seems like you’d disappeared forever.”
“Yes, I am. Someone’s excited. Did you miss me that bad?” He smirks.
“Oh, please. I’m just happy you’re here so the creeps will go away.”
When you say this, his expression instantly morphs into one of recognizable concern. “Is someone bothering you two?”
“Not really, these dudes are just weirdly pushy.” Seulgi giggles, trying to wave it off. The last thing you all need is to start an argument or a full-out fight with one of these frat guys.
“Forreal. Therefore, you should act like you’re my boyfriend until the night is over.” You declare this unabashedly, linking your arm with Doyoung’s. For a second, he seems flustered at your suggestion, and then his face settles back into the same cool countenance as before.
“Fine, since you want to be next to me so much.” You elbow him at that. “That’s a good save for you, but what about Seulgi?” Doyoung asks, looking at the other girl. She is unbothered, though, and casually grabs his other arm.
“Poly relationship. Ever heard of it?” Now he really is flustered, and you laugh out loud at his expression.
You spend a good portion of the night like that, all three of you linked together as the perfect “throuple,” with some people at the party giving you interesting looks. When Johnny sees you all, he throws you and Doyoung an expression reminiscent of a grin—but somehow more devious—and Doyoung only twists his mouth up in a sneer. You don’t know what any of that interaction means, though it makes you wonder.
Seulgi eventually decides she prefers Johnny to be her fake boyfriend instead of Doyoung and goes off with him to do...whatever it is they went to do. You’re sure you can take a guess, though.
After the other two take their leave, you and Doyoung eventually end up on the back porch. It’s a little cooler out here than it is inside, though still a bit crowded with lingering couples and groups. You’re both bunched up in a small corner against the side of the house, leaning over the railing to look out at the backyard—which is mostly just trees and bushes.
“Well, how are you enjoying your first college party?” he asks, casting a questioning glance your way.
“It’s fun. I think I could see why some people end up spending all their time on this instead of studying, ha.”
“Hey, don’t become a party girl ‘cause I’m not gonna do all your homework for you.” Doyoung snickers.
“Oh, Doyoung. I wouldn’t expect you to, you’re not even good at science.”
He sucks his teeth and tucks his chin into his arms to hide the grin playing across his face. It’s quiet again for a little while, or as quiet as it can be with the others on the porch talking and laughing.
Doyoung peeks at you from underneath his fringe and thinks about what he should say next. Something like...not that, but…well, what if he did? Would it be terrible if he said it now, right here at a crowded frat party on some rickety back porch? Maybe, but…
Doyoung pushes himself off the railing and looks at you, tracing your profile with his eyes. Maybe the alcohol has taken more effect on him than he initially thought. “Y/N…” he starts, and you glance at him.
Just then, a red-faced dude who’s obviously incredibly smashed stumbles over to where you two are and promptly throws up on the floor. Some of it gets on Doyoung’s shoes, which causes him to jump back and curse loudly.
“Are you a fucking idiot?!”
“That’s disgusting,” you groan, turning your face away from the mess. You’d probably laugh if it weren’t so gross—and wasn’t right next to where you were standing. The guy doesn’t pay either of you much attention, though, because he’s too busy slumping against the railing like he’s going to pass out. Maybe somebody should worry about that, but it won’t be either of you.
“Ugh, for fuck’s sake...come on.” Doyoung takes your hand and carefully steers you around the mess, heading back indoors and maneuvering through the thick of the party. You’re not sure where he’s going at first until you both end up in some cramped bathroom, with him pulling his shoes off and running them under the tub faucet. You lean against the door, feeling like you need to stand guard so no drunken couples will burst in, even though it’s already locked. You’re not quite sure why he brought you along for this little ride, but you’re not complaining; it’s better than being left outside.
You look at him sitting on the edge of the tub and angrily wiping his shoes as best he can with toilet paper, and you giggle, though you try to keep it quiet. However, you can’t stop more giggles from pouring out at his comically pissed-off expression. Doyoung looks up at you with his eyebrows creased, a confused and irritated look coloring his features. “What’s so funny?”
You shake your head, unable to speak for a few moments. Doyoung tilts his head to the side and looks at you impatiently while you try to catch your breath, though his upset face only makes you want to laugh more. “I’m sorry, but from where I’m standing...th—this is pretty hilarious.” You burst out into laughter again. “I’m locked in a bathroom with you at a college party while you scrub vomit off your shoes. If this doesn’t make us friends for life, nothing will.”
To your surprise, he actually cracks a cynical grin after a few moments, shaking his head and sighing. His shoulders heave with the gesture. “I hate university sometimes.”
Doyoung tries not to think too deeply about that “friends for life” comment, though to his irritation, it stays in his head for days after the party. Even after he’s nearly forgotten about the shoe incident.
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You go to the library one night to find an academic journal for an upcoming paper. You’re not happy about having to make the trek, especially in this digital era when everything imaginable is usually readily accessible online, but it is what it is.
At night, the library becomes more of a hangout spot rather than a place for studying, and you don’t entirely expect to get much reading done in there. You’re hoping there’s an empty room or something you can duck into to take some quick notes on the information you need.
Finding the journal takes a bit of searching, but you finally locate it on a shelf near the back of the library. You’re about to leave the aisle and find somewhere to read it when a couple of people walk into the aisle in front of yours. By their voices, you know it’s Doyoung and Johnny.
You decide to peek over and say hi, but before you can get to the end of the aisle, you hear their heated conversation. You stop in your tracks and listen, which you probably shouldn’t be doing; but you’re not sure if you want to interrupt this talk they’re having once you hear what they’re saying, either.
“You’re being ridiculous. Just tell her!” Johnny hisses under his breath like he wants to talk louder but doesn’t want to be too distracting in the library. Ever so courteous of him, but you doubt anyone else really cares at the moment.
“Hyung, not everybody is like you. It’s not easy to just go up to someone and say you like them.”
“You act as if you’re gonna be talking to a stranger. She knows you and you know her, you hang out all the time. It’s more likely that she does like you than she doesn’t.”
“...You really think that?”
“She lets you tell all your unfunny jokes without much complaint, so yeah, I’d say she must be head over heels for you.”
“Shut the hell up. Unfunny jokes? You’re one to talk!”
You listen to the conversation intently, wondering who this mystery girl Doyoung apparently likes could be. He’s never told you about having a crush on anyone, nor has he made it obvious that he likes someone else. Although you know he has other friends—Johnny’s obviously one of them—you’re not sure what girl he hangs out with all the time besides you.
Johnny chuckles. “Don’t be mad that Y/N laughs at my jokes more than yours.”
Your eyebrows raise at this. Wait. What does this conversation have to do with you? Unless.
“Yeah, you’re supposed to laugh at a clown,” Doyoung retorts.
“Whatever, Doyoung. You just do what I told you. It’s seriously so sad watching you pine over Y/N like there isn’t an easy solution for this.”
You’re reeling with shock by now, but their voices are also getting closer to the end of the aisle like they’re about to walk into the very one you’re hiding out in. You run away before they can spot you, though you do end up drawing a few peculiar glances from some other library goers.
You eventually find a quiet, uncrowded space to sit down and take notes in, though you can hardly concentrate on the work at hand with this new information in your mind. Doyoung likes you? Doyoung likes you. Then that must be why he always messes with you, and why he’s practically been glued to your side since you got there.
Your hand tightens and loosens around your pen repeatedly as you mull over this knowledge. The longer you think about it, though, a smirk grows on your face.
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The week after, you and Doyoung have one of your regular study sessions together. You’ve dressed up for it more than you normally would—the same thing you’ve been doing throughout the week, too. Even if Doyoung doesn’t know what you know, you get a bit of fun out of dressing up to catch his eye. And it definitely works.
He always steals glances at you when he thinks you aren’t paying any attention, and you get infinite amusement out of whipping your head around to try to catch him in the act. The light blush on the tips of his ears and his startled bunny look is worth it every time.
“You got so dressed up just to study? You’ve really been going all out this week,” Doyoung comments as you sit down at your usual table in the library. He gives a small smirk as he scans your new outfit for today. He does this as if he’s only teasing and evaluating your clothes, puckering his lips in concentration, though it’s also an excuse to check you out.
“You could just say ‘you look so fucking fine this week, Y/N.’ I know you want to say it, anyway.” Doyoung’s cheeks flush a little, and he shakes his head.
“You’re something else. Okay, you look pretty. Does that satisfy you?”
“Well. You forgot the ‘fucking,’ but I’ll let it slide.”
You both get into your work and a calm quiet settles between you, punctuated with you occasionally asking each other questions about the assignment. At some point, you grow a little bored with staring at the text for so long, and you stop and simply look at Doyoung sitting across from you in one of his favorite hoodies and his glasses. Something tender rises in your chest, a sensation you hadn’t quite given a name to until now, and you put your cheek in your hand, grinning slightly.
“I wonder why someone like you doesn’t have a girlfriend yet.”
Doyoung looks up as if he’s not sure if you’re talking to him, then furrows his eyebrows. “Someone like me?”
“Aw, you know, you’re handsome and caring and smart, and you can even be a little bit funny—even though you get on my nerves sometimes.” Doyoung rolls his eyes at the last part, though you know he’s preening at your compliments.
“I don’t know, I’m busy with studies.”
“But isn’t there even one person you might like? Or might be interested in?” Doyoung’s not looking at you anymore, his eyes dropping back down to instead focus on his book, but you notice how his fingers tighten around the textbook’s edges.
“Um—well, I haven’t really thought about that…”
“Really? No one in your dorm or your classes has caught your eye?”
Doyoung shifts a little and clears his throat. He shakes his head in response to your question, though the movement is hesitant. “What about you?”
“Changing the subject, huh? Excellent method of evasion…” You flip a page in your notebook, pointedly avoiding Doyoung’s gaze even though he’s peering up at you again. You wait with your lips clamped together, trying not to laugh as his expression grows more impatient.
“Well?! Aren’t you going to answer, after forcing me to?”
“I will when you tell the truth.” You slap the notebook closed, which causes him to jump, and this time a laugh does slip out. Doyoung’s eyes dart around your small section of the library like there might be someone else listening, or like he’s searching for a prank camera.
“The truth about what? I already told you!”
“Then what about what you told Johnny?”
Doyoung freezes for a moment, and various emotions flit across his face. He finally settles firmly on embarrassment and disappointment. “...He told you? I’m going to kill him.” His voice is softer now, like he would disappear completely if he could.
“No, I—okay, don’t get mad at me, it’s not like I did it on purpose, but I heard you two talking in here a week ago…”
“Oh...shit. You—you were there? And you didn’t say anything?!”
“Yeah. Not very discreet, huh? Maybe you want to do that in your dorm room next time.” You’re still smiling. Doyoung shifts nervously again, as if he just wants to get up and run the hell out.
“So, um…you know, then.”
“If you don’t like me, you can just say so,” Doyoung blurts out. “I...it’s fine. I don’t expect anything of you, so we can really just forget all about this. I promise I won’t make things weird, Y/N. I just...I just found myself really liking you as we got to know each other.”
“You can’t make things weird when you’re already weird.” You giggle and place your hand over Doyoung’s, grasping his fingers. “So...let’s date, then.”
He looks at you questioningly, surprise taking over. “Wait, you’re serious?”
“I’m serious.” And now you’re a little embarrassed yourself, but you continue, “Doyoung...I like you too. I guess I don’t totally hate all your teasing. But don’t get cocky about it.”
Doyoung rearranges your hands so your fingers are now laced together. A relieved smile makes a home on his lips. “Well, too late. Now you’re never going to hear the end of it.”
“Oh, I can’t wait.” Your response is sarcastic, but the smile on your face is totally genuine.
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That weekend, Johnny leaves the dorm to go visit some of his other friends in town, which means Doyoung will have the room all to himself for those few days. Normally his plans would consist of studying, trying to catch up on sleep, or seeing what his other friends are up to, but with you as his new girlfriend, he wants to spend that time together.
“So, this is your dorm,” you say, holding Doyoung’s hand as he leads you into his shared dorm with Johnny.
“Home away from home, I guess,” he says, leading you over to his bed so you can sit down. Before he can let go of your hand, you tug him to you and gesture for him to bring his face closer to yours, like you’re going to whisper something to him.
“What is it?” he asks. He’s quickly silenced by you pushing your lips against his in a kiss. When you both separate, it’s reluctant, and Doyoung pecks your mouth once more before straightening up again. You laugh at the slightly goofy grin on his face.
“What should we do?” you ask, getting more comfortable on his bed and leaning against the wall.
“I had movies in mind, but we can do anything you want.”
“Movies are fine! Hurry and start it up, I’m gonna get cold without you beside me.”
Doyoung gives an overexaggerated cringe, and you hide your face. “And you complain about me being cheesy?!”
You both make it through two and a half movies before you start getting antsy with sitting in the same spot for so long. Doyoung is still lying calmly beside you, his arm around your shoulder and the other behind his head as he continues watching the movie. Deciding to act on a whim, you abandon all pretenses of watching any more of the movie and swing your legs over his own so you’re sitting in his lap. When you situate yourself in his lap, he seems a bit starstruck, as if he wasn’t expecting this to happen—like, ever.
“Y/N…” Doyoung’s voice is surprisingly soft, like the day you revealed your feelings for each other. It’s a noticeable departure from his usual demeanor. He blinks at you for a couple moments.
“What?” you say innocently, copying his actions and blinking back at him.
Doyoung swipes his tongue across his lips, though it’s more of a nervous gesture than anything else. “You’re...you know.”
You chuckle. “‘You know’? Let’s use our words.”
“You’re, uh...s-soft,” is what he stammers out, like it was the only thing he could think of at the last minute.
“And you should be hard, but you’re not yet. So let’s fix that. If you want to?” You quickly tack the last sentence on, trying to give him an out if he really doesn’t want this. However, the hands that suddenly go to your hips make you think otherwise.
“Do it, then.” He provokes you, trying to regain his usual confidence, though it still comes out less forceful than intended.
You bring your hand to his crotch and palm him over his pants, and Doyoung takes a deep breath. You bring your lips to his, kissing him deeply and adding to the pleasant feeling. He kisses you back eagerly, flexing his hands on your hips and gripping you more tightly. You end up making out like that for a little while, and he grows underneath your palm as you tease him.
Eventually, you want more than simply feeling him over his sweatpants and pull them down, exposing his bulge. You don’t touch him for real, not just yet; instead, you trace your finger along the shape of his dick underneath the material of his boxers. Doyoung whimpers against your lips at that touch, very quietly, but audible enough for you to hear it over the TV in the background.
“Don’t get all sensitive on me now.” You pull away from his mouth and laugh. “What happened to all that teasing you love to torture me with?” You drag his underwear down so you can release his member, which is still growing underneath your caresses. Precum is already beading at the tip, flushed with need. Doyoung looks down at your hand holding his dick and worries his lip as you begin stroking him earnestly now.
He leans his head back against the wall, and you watch his throat work as he swallows and tries to keep his sounds quiet. The soundproofing in these dorms certainly isn’t the best; the people on the other side of the wall have kept him awake enough nights to know that. The few moans he does let go are low and pretty and soft, and they fit him perfectly.
Though you are stroking him mostly for his own pleasure, you do take the time to explore his dick while you have it in your hand—running your finger over a vein that stands out against the hot skin, sliding his precum between your fingers and using it to get the rest of his shaft slick. You take your time with him, but he doesn’t seem to mind the leisurely pace.
“Do you wanna come in my hand?” you ask him, and his body tenses as you reach further down to tease his balls. Another bead of precum runs down his shaft.
“That would be a waste,” Doyoung huffs, and he shifts his leg a little so his thigh is tucked between your legs now, your heat pressing right down on him. He moves his thigh back and forth slowly across you, and you let out a long, shaky breath at the way the muscles of his leg flex and release against your clit.
“Then where do you wanna do it?” You still your movements on him for a few seconds but keep your thumb on his tip so you can tease the sensitive slit there, and another choked groan comes from him.
“T-take a guess,” he says, and pulls on your hips again so he can drag your pussy over his thigh more firmly. The friction makes you whine.
“Maybe I should just make you cum like this, since you seem more interested in making me ride your leg.” You go back to steadily stroking his cock, tightening your grip on him. His mouth drops open a little at your actions.
“Y/N,” he whispers breathlessly, and lifts one hand to pull at your sweater. “Take this off.”
“Then take yours off.” Doyoung strips his sweater off as soon as you say it and waits for you to do the same. His mouth goes to your breasts once they’re free. You grin at the pleasurable sensation and run your hand through his hair, pushing him closer to your chest. Your other hand goes back to his dick, and it twitches when you make contact. “I really think you could cum just like this, with you sucking my tits and me jerking you off. Wouldn’t you like that, Doie?”
Doyoung’s face flushes at that claim, though he doesn’t deny it. He simply keeps sucking at your nipples and leaving marks across your chest, flexing his thigh against you for added stimulation.
You want him to come first, so you spit in your hand for more lube and stroke him faster, the slick sound of your hand on his cock filling your ears. His moans are more frequent now, though he still tries to hide them; all the while, you try to pull more out of him. If the people next door know what’s going on, they’ll just have to enjoy the free entertainment.
“Y/N,” he pants against your skin, and his body tenses up more underneath you. You pull his head away from your chest so you can tuck your face into his neck, placing your lips over his beating pulse and feeling the way his muscles jump under the slight touch of your mouth.
“You don’t wanna come in my hand, right? Where do you want it, then?” You keep your lips close to his ear and slow your pace to make sure he doesn’t come too soon.
“Don’t be shy now, you’re about to come, aren’t you?” You twist your hand over his tip and he groans low in his throat; the sound vibrates across your lips.
“I...in your mouth.”
You sit back to look at him, grinning devilishly. “So that’s what you like? Fine then, baby boy.” You remove yourself from his thigh, which is noticeably damp now, and position yourself between his legs with the tip of his cock pointed towards your mouth. You lean forward a bit to take the head between your lips, rubbing your tongue against the sensitive underside of it, and Doyoung comes quick with a soft cry. His cum floods over your tongue in thick, salty waves, and you keep sucking the tip until he has no more to give.
You get back onto the bed after you’ve swallowed everything, and before you know what’s happening, Doyoung has turned you on your stomach and is pulling your panties and sweatpants down in one fell swoop. “Doyoung—” Your sentence breaks when he lifts your hips up and his tongue parts your lower lips, sliding through the slickness and pushing into your hole. Your words melt into a moan as you arch your hips more to get closer to his face.
“Doyoung, y-yes, please—” You curl your fingers in the fabric of his comforter, panting harshly against the material as Doyoung dips his fingers and tongue into you like he’s starving. His tongue on your clit is maddening, circling back and forth and making your legs shake as you try to balance yourself in this position he’s tugged you into.
His fingers find what they’re looking for quickly and he teases your g-spot, thrusting into it only sometimes and leaving you wanting all the other times. In the very back of your mind, you wonder if what he said about being too studious for relationships is true, because how else would he have learned to do all this? God.
When you get close to coming, Doyoung takes some mercy on you and crooks his fingers into that soft spot more consistently now, and you cry out as you tighten around his fingers. It’s beautifully, wonderfully satisfying. The soft sounds he releases while he eats you out make you even weaker, as if he can’t hide just how turned on he is from tasting you.
Your climax hits you suddenly, and by the end of it you are laughing softly with the intoxication of how good you feel, how good he’s made you feel. When he finally pulls back from you, you let your body fully collapse against the small mattress, and Doyoung rests his head against your thigh momentarily, as if he himself is exhausted.
“I...wanted to do that for a while,” he says, and you can’t see his face but you think he must be blushing, with how sheepishly he admitted it.
It takes a bit of shuffling but you eventually end up lying side by side, stripped bare and looking up at the ceiling. The movie has long gone off, and there’s nothing but Netflix’s slideshow of new shows and movies playing on the screen now.
After a few more moments of nothing but the sound of heavy breaths, you say, “We are having round two, like right now.” 
“You’re already addicted to me, huh?” Doyoung chuckles, dragging his knuckles over your side and making your skin tingle. You smirk and throw your leg over him, and he groans at how your pussy slides over his hardening length.
“By the end of the night, you won’t be able to get enough of me.”
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bxcketbarnes · 4 years
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Pairing: Ryohei Arisu x Reader
Words: 1400+
Author’s Note: ANOTHER CHARACTER HEYOOOO. So, I watched this show called Alice in Borderland last week and I am very attracted to the main character, Arisu, and decided to write for him lmao. I hope whoever reads this likes it! I do have another idea in my head that I’m gonna try to write down before it disappears so look out for another fic in the future! Happy reading xox
You stand in the waiting area for the second game to start, your eyes darting to the other ten people standing around. You tap your foot against the ground, becoming more anxious by the second as a few more people join in.
"There's a lot of people here," a man mentions as two guys come up the stairs. The guy on the right looks down at you and you suddenly look away, feeling a blush come to your cheeks.
Why does he have to be cute? You think to yourself as the two pick up a phone. You tightly grip the phone as the devices begin to ring.
You look down at the now lit up device as it starts speaking. "Registration is now closed. There are a total of thirteen participants. The game will now commence."
Your heart starts to beat quickly, mentally preparing yourself for whatever this hell might be.
"Excuse me," a guy in a flannel gathers the attention of the two teens that registered last, pointing down at the phone in his hand. "What is this? I ended up here and I have no idea what's going on."
"It's a game," the guy with the shaggy brown hair informs him and the blonde beside him cuts him off before going any further.
"Shut up."
You watch as the man leans closer to his friend, speaking quietly into the guy's ear. You furrow your brows at the behavior, trying to make out anything he was saying but having no luck.
"Difficulty," the phone starts to speak once again and your attention moves away from the two boys. "Five of spades."
The girl beside you crouches and begins to stretch. You watch her for a few seconds before taking a deep breath, calming yourself.
"Game is… Tag. Rule: Avoid whoever is it."
Distinct chatter flows through the waiting area as many begin to slightly freak out. You stare at the phone, waiting for more instruction.
"Clear condition: Discover and touch the symbol that's hiding in one of the rooms within the time limit. You clear the game whenever the objective is fulfilled. Time limit… twenty minutes. After twenty minutes, the time bomb hidden in the building will explode."
"Jesus Christ," you mumble to yourself as everyone begins to wander off. You're one of the last people still standing in the front of the apartment building when someone bumps shoulders with you.
"You gonna try to get a head start or just stand there?" A guy wearing a white hoodie asks you and you clear your throat.
You shake your head as you start walking away from him. "No, I guess not," you mumble and see the cute guy, his friend, and another dude begin to head upstairs.
Gunshots go off causing you to jump and halt your movement. You glance over your shoulder and try to decipher where the shots were coming from. Two girls scream as you slowly lean over the balcony wall, seeing them running away from a masked man.
Your heart pounds against your chest as the man raised his gun before killing the teenagers. Your eyes widen and feel your hands begin to shake, crouching down a bit in case the man looks in your direction.
"Lovely to meet again," a familiar voice says and your eyes snap to the left, seeing the guy in the white hoodie standing a few feet from you.
You narrow your eyes at the guy before looking back down towards where the gunman was, noticing that he's now gone. "Are you following me?" You ask him while standing up.
He lets out a laugh and shakes his head, shoving his hands into his hoodie pockets. "No, I'm not. Just happened to run into you. Be safe out there," he mentions before walking past you.
"What's your name?" You call after him and the guy stops in his tracks, slightly looking over his shoulder.
He doesn't answer you and continues walking down the hall before turning towards the stairs. You let out a sigh, a bit defeated that you couldn't muster up an ally. You quickly head downstairs, checking each of the doors to see if they open when you hear footsteps sprint towards you.
"You need to hide!" The cute guy from before tells you in a panic and you look around for a place.
He grabs your arm and shoves you into the tight space beside one of the apartment doors. Your heart beats wildly as he scoots in beside you, your hands brushing against each other. You can hear the slow heavy footsteps of the gunman coming up the stairs.
You begin to panic and start to hyperventilate, causing the guy to look down at you. "Shhh," he whispers and gently places his hand over your mouth.
You grip his arm as your eyes meet his, your chest rising and falling rapidly. He looks away from you and listens to see if the coast is clear. You close your eyes and take deep breaths through your nose, your hand slipping off of his arm.
He looks around the corner and lets out a sigh of relief before stepping out. "I-I'm sorry about that," he apologizes and you shake your head.
"It's okay. I'm sorry for almost giving us up," you tell him and he chuckles nervously.
"It's understandable to react the way you did. This whole thing is just… crazy."
You nod your head in agreement, tucking some hair behind your ear. You hold your hand out unexpectedly, looking up at him through your lashes. "I'm Y/N," you introduce yourself and he looks at your hand for a few seconds before shaking it.
"Arisu," he smiles a bit before some more gunshots go off, causing the two of you to jump and look in the direction it came from. "We gotta go, c'mon."
You're roaming around the inner city of Tokyo, desperately trying to find something to eat. It's been a few days since you met Arisu and his friend Karube during the Tag game, and you're still shocked that you've survived it.
You come to a halt as you eye a body lying in the street. A gasp comes from your lips when you realize it's Arisu and sprint towards the boy. "Arisu," you whisper as you reach him, looking over his shoulder to see his eyes open. "Arisu?"
He doesn't move and you fall to your knees, reaching out to move some of the hair from his eyes. His brown eyes meet yours and you give him a small smile. "Hey," Arisu mumbles faintly and the smile you're wearing turns into a frown.
"You okay? Where's Karube?" You ask while sitting completely on the pavement, crossing your legs.
"Dead. Along with my other friend, Chota," he says with no emotion and your eyes widen. Arisu squeezes his eyes shut, seeing a few tears begin to stroll down his cheeks. "We played a heart game… a game of betrayal. I didn't deserve to live. They had so much to live for. All I had was them and now they're gone."
Your heart drops and a quiet oh leaves your lips. You swallow the lump in your throat, shifting your position so you're laying beside him. Arisu opens his eyes and his lips part a bit as you try to get comfortable.
"What are you-"
"I know what it's like to lose your friends and I don't blame you for reacting this way," you cut him off and the boy furrows his eyebrows together. "My best friend was with me when we entered this strange place. I've known her since I was about four years old," your eyes well up with tears at the memory of her dying in front of you, "we survived two games together until she couldn't take it anymore. She didn't want to "live" like this. So, I was with her when the last day of her visa ran out. Our eyes connected as soon as that laser pierced her skull."
Your lip trembled as the scene replays in your head, looking away from Arisu. He places a hand on yours before squeezing it, causing you to look up at him. "I'm sorry," he whispers and you sniffle before shaking your head.
"The point I'm trying to make is that you need to live to remember the good times. To beat this cruel game for them. To show whoever created this hell that they fucked with the wrong people," you tell him sternly and you begin to get a bit angry. "I'm getting out of this hell and I would like it if you joined me, Arisu…"
His brown eyes widen slightly, your hands still touching each other's and you lace your fingers together. "Okay. Let's do it for them," Arisu mumbles and you smile softly before the two of you slowly get off the ground.
Tagging: @bumblebet-20​ @maddz-world​
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4stars-uswnt · 4 years
Knight in Shining Armor [Lindsey Horan x Reader]
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requested by anon: If you could do a lindsey x reader where lindsey is overprotective in a bar where reader gets hit on/ harassed? love all ur work!
A/N: thanks anon! and thanks for this request :)
warnings: violence, unwanted attention/harassment and language (slight mention of homophobic language)
The air was light at the dinner table, as the USWNT had just won their friendly against Japan. With Vlatko’s and the training staff’s permission, you all headed into downtown Seattle to have dinner at a little old-fashioned diner Allie had found.
All the women were chatting and laughing with each other, enjoying some relaxed time off. Having finished your own cheeseburger and chocolate milkshake, you peek over to your girlfriend’s plate and steal a fry.
“Hey!” Lindsey swats your hand.
“What?” You look at her innocently, as you take a bite of the fry.
She narrows her eyes at you, and the corner of her mouth quirks up. “You’re lucky I like you.”
“That I am.” You hold your chin up boastfully and then place a kiss her cheek. “Ooo, look! A jukebox” Your eyes widen, as you spot the flashing colorful lights. You squeal, grabbing your girlfriend’s hand. “C’mon, Linds, let’s go pick a song.”
The blonde chuckles, smiling fondly at your excitement. It never failed to amaze her how positive you always were, even over the smallest things. The two of you had started dating about a year ago, when you had been traded to the Thorns. You were the one to ask Lindsey out to dinner, as the midfielder had been fairly nervous and flustered whenever she was around you. From that point on, you and Lindsey were inseparable and completely smitten with each other.
Approaching the jukebox, you feel the excitement bubbling within you. As you were scrolling through the song options, sticking your tongue out in concentration, your girlfriend couldn’t help but admire your beauty, the light from the music box making your face glow and the smile on your face melting Lindsey’s heart.
“What do you think I should play?” You turn to ask the other woman.
“Whatever you want, (Y/N).” Lindsey smiles at you, moving to lean against the machine.
You go to find one of your favorite songs, when you feel a stranger’s presence next to you.
“Hey.” The man slurs, and you can tell he’s slightly drunk, smelling the alcohol in his breath.
“Um, hello.” You briefly look at him and give a tight smile, not wanting to be rude.
“What’s a gorgeous girl like you doing here all by yourself.”
“I’m actually here with a group of people.” You nod your head over to the table where your teammates sat.
“Well, I was wondering,” he leers, leaning his arm above you against the jukebox, “if you wanted to go out sometime because you’re like super hot.”
Before you could respond, Lindsey speaks up from behind you, moving closer to your body and placing her hand on your shoulder. “Dude, back off. I’m her girlfriend.”
The guy looks shocked for a second until he scans observes Lindsey, and a smirks finds its way back onto his face. “Darlin, there’s not reason for you to get jealous. There’s enough of me to go around. You can even join.”
You feel like barfing at his words and sink back into your girlfriend’s body, trying to put some distance between you and him.
“I’m not jealous. I’m annoyed that you’re hitting on my girlfriend.” Lindsey clarifies, disgust written all over her face.
“Well, she didn’t even answer my question, so how do you know she’s not interested?” The man smirks, as he sips his drink.
“I’m definitely not interested.” You emphasize, hoping he’ll take a hint.
Apparently your rejection made him angry because his smile instantly disappears, replaced by a scowl. “Bitch.” He spits at you. “You’d be lucky to get with me.”
Having enough of this guy, Lindsey steps in front of you, slightly nudging you behind her. “Dude, you seriously need to leave us alone.” By now, many of your teammates had noticed the commotion and gathered around you.
“Aww, you need to have your little d*ke girlfriend protect you.” He mocks. “Whatever, you’re not even that pretty. Prude.”
Without hesitation, Lindsey punches him right in the nose.
“Ow!” The guy howls, grabbing his bleeding face. “You bitch!”
Immediately, your teammates step in separating your girlfriend and the stranger, Ashlyn and Tobin having to hold Lindsey back to contain her anger. You see Alyssa, Julie, and Kelley telling off the guy, adding some of their own choice words in as well.
“Well, I think we should head back to the hotel.” Becky decides, not leaving any room for discussion, as the rest of the group nod their heads in agreement.
On the walk back to the hotel, Lindsey tries to talk to you, but you make an effort to avoid her, moving to walk with Abby and Sam instead. Your girlfriend can’t help but pout, sensing that you’re upset with her.
Noticing Lindsey’s demeanor, Tobin throws her arm around the blonde’s shoulder. “C’mon, Rocky. I’m sure (Y/N) will tend to your wounds when we get back.” The older forward teases, earning an eye roll from Lindsey.
As the team arrives at the hotel, you all say goodnight to each other, exchanging hugs, Christen and Alex coddling a little extra over you, before dispersing, heading back to your rooms.
The elevator ride is tense, an uncomfortable silence hanging over your head, as neither you or Lindsey want to say anything. As you enter your shared hotel room, you speak your first words to your girlfriend since you’d left the restaurant.
“Go sit on the bed. I’ll get some stuff to clean your hand.”
Not wanting to upset you further, Lindsey just nods and sits at the foot of the bed. After a couple moments, you come out of the bathroom with a wet rag and some bandages. You plop down in the chair and roll it over to the bed, so you’re sitting in front of Lindsey. Taking her hand in yours, you begin to clean her split knuckles, and Lindsey nervously observes you, looking for any signs of anger.
She decides to tread the waters carefully and breaks the silence. “I’m sorry, (Y/N).”
You pause your actions, but don’t look up at her. Remaining quiet, you resume cleaning her wounds, and Lindsey takes that as a sign to continue.
“I’m sorry for punching that douchebag, but he deserved it!” The blonde exclaims, waving her non-injured hand. “And I know you don’t like violence, but I just couldn’t help myself. I couldn’t sit back and listen to him hit on you and disrespect you like that. I care too much about you to just not do anything about it.” She softly adds the last part, gauging your reaction.
You finish loosely wrapping her hand, your painful silence killing Lindsey.
“I’m not mad that you punched him.” You plainly state, causing your girlfriend to let out a breath she didn’t realize she’d been holding.
“You’re not?”
You shake your head. “That bastard deserved it.”
That elicits a light-heart chuckle from the blonde, who then furrows her brows. “Then why are you upset?”
You lightly lift up her wounded hand. “Because of this, Linds. You acted recklessly, without a second thought and injured yourself. And if he wasn’t a completely drunken idiot, he could’ve punched you back or started an entire fight, and who knows what would’ve happened? You could be a whole lot worse and have gotten seriously injured. You shouldn’t be putting yourself in harms way to protect me.” You admonish, looking down at the faintly blood stained bandage, gently rubbing over it.
“(Y/N), will you look at me?”
You lift your head to meet Lindsey’s orbs.
“(Y/N/N),” she rests her other hand on top of yours, “I will always protect you, no matter what, because I care for you and I love you. Got it?”
You nod, softly giving her a watery smile. “My own knight in shining armor.” Bringing her bandaged hand up to your lips, you kiss her palm. “I love you, Linds.”
Lindsey brings you in for a sweet kiss, before whispering against your lips, “I love you, too, (Y/N). I’ll always be your knight, for as long as you need me.”
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onechicagorpf · 5 years
Two Can Play This Game
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader (Chicago Med ED doctor)
Summary: Y/N and Jay have a very undefined relationship, which causes problems when Jay decides to meet with Ally, his ex, for drinks. Y/N’s not one to take things lightly, so when Jay dismisses her jealousy she decides to give him a taste of his own medicine...
Warnings: Loud yelling-at-each-other arguments, which can be triggering, so please watch out! Swearing + dubious medical content, as per usual lol
A/N: I just needed a break before I got started on Not A Stranger Part 4, so this happened! Enjoy! As per usual, please leave comments if you really liked it - they mean a lot!
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The sun is bearing down on you hard, and you feel a trickle of sweat go down the back of your neck.
“Need a drink?” It’s Ethan, tossing a cool bottle of water at you. Grinning, you catch it and quickly begin to empty it into your mouth.
Ethan’s frowning, looking up into the sky. “Some days, I just don’t get Chicago. It’s either freezing because it’s the polar vortex, or it’s boiling hot because - well. Whatever. I hate this.” Crushing the plastic bottle, you toss it into a nearby trashcan. “We’ve cleared everyone?” You ask, gesturing to the relatively less frantic movement of firefighters, cops, and doctors on the road. Ethan nods.
A gas explosion had gone off in an apartment, and it was bad enough that CFD paged ED doctors to come down and treat some patients on the scene. Natalie, Connor, Lanik and the student doctors opted to stay behind and hold down the fort, so you were dispatched out with Will and Ethan. For the last hour and a half, you’d been busy running triage and treating whatever burns, smoke inhalations, and other trauma injuries came your way. Luckily, the fire had been contained to just one floor, so there were only a few really awful burns. But of course, this is Chicago so there’s only so much luck going around.
The building was an old one, and that coupled with several structural defects meant that the south face of the building had partially collapsed. So in essence, for every burn victim CFD pulled out, there were about three penetrating or blunt traumas from falling concrete.
“Yeah, but I’d rather treat trauma from a falling object than burns any day,” Ethan comments and you raise your eyebrows. “See, if you’d told me that at the start I would’ve just taken all the burn vics and tossed the rest to you.” Ethan throws his hands up, as you start laughing. “Okay hold on, I didn’t say I wanted to take them all – ” “You guys good?” Cruz swings by, soot and sweat on his face. He takes off his helmet with a sigh, and his shoulders sag like he’s been carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. “Should be asking you that. Are you guys done with search and rescue?” You ask, kicking a nearby plastic chair towards him. Cruz thanks you and starts taking off his equipment. “Yeah, we’ve cleared building. CPD’s in there now.” You nod, your heart skipping a beat at the thought of the police - well specifically at the thought of one detective who you know is on scene…
Except you’re supposed to be mad at him now, so stop thinking about him!
“So they think this is arson? And that it’s related to some case Intelligence is working?” Ethan asks, and Cruz nods, “Seems that way, yeah.”
There’s a moment of silence, and your eyes scan the area, watching patrol officers lift up police tape for the last few victims being wheeled into ambulances. You get up, ready to check with Will if he’s ready to go back when Cruz kicks at your feet, a cheeky smile on his face.
“So what’s this I hear about you and the younger Halstead being on the outs?” His eyes light up, and you groan, swearing. Ethan laughs, and you shoot him a glare, to which he simply shrugs like as if he’s got nothing to do with this.
You turn back to Cruz, narrowing your eyes at him. “Who told you and what do you know?”
“All I know is that you and Jay were both at Molly’s last night and you didn’t even look at each other.” Cruz pouts, acting all sad. “What happened to my favourite detective-doctor duo, huh? Why the trouble in paradise?”
You roll your eyes. “We’re fine. We just…were hanging out with different groups of people last night.” Shrugging your shoulders, you lean against the nearby table of supplies, trying to look all nonchalant. Ethan raises his eyebrows, “So you’re definitely not pissed about the blonde chick Jay had drinks with 2 nights ago?”
“Okay, fuck you - ” You exclaim, unable to hide your rage at that memory. Which Ethan and Cruz find hilarious, apparently, because they’re throwing their heads back and laughing.
“You guys suck,” You punch Cruz in the arm as you walk away; the two men calling you back while still laughing. You flip your middle finger at them, which elicits an outraged “Hey!” Shaking your head, you chuckle as well.
The Med ED/Firehouse 51/Intelligence circle is a tight one and you love it - love having friends who are more or less in the same line of work, friends you can lean on, friends who don’t get pissed when you have to cancel on them last minute. But the flip side of that is the fact that nothing stays secret. Gossip is most the valuable currency in that social circle, so if Cruz and Ethan know, then it’s not a bad guess to think everyone knows.
“Dude, c’mon. You’re an adult. Just take the damn injection!” Severide’s voice catches your attention, and you turn. He’s standing at the back of an ambulance, with Will and Jay by his side (your heart, again, skips a beat, which only pisses you off because ugh, you’re so bad at being angry at him!). The three of them are crowded around a fairly attractive, topless blonde man sitting in the back of the ambulance, shaking his head vehemently. You start making your way towards them, listening in.
“Hell nah – I’m not letting you stab me with that shit – ” The guy’s eyes are wide, and he’s leaning back from Will.
“It’s just a tetanus shot,” Will explains, exasperated. He points to the guy’s side, where a bandaged piece of gauze has been stuck to his skin. “The rusty stairwell scratched you, so you need to get a tetanus shot.”
“I said, I’m not fucking doing needles!” Hot blond guy yells and Jay runs his hand down his face. “Okay dude seriously, I can’t question you about the fire unless you get treated first, so please just take the damn shot so we can all move on with our lives – ”
“What’s going on?” You interject, hands on your hips. All four men turn, and you’re very careful to not make eye contact with Jay. Will and Kelly both immediately shoot furtive glances at Jay once they see you, so obviously they also know that you and Jay are having an argument. Great!
I mean, it has to have been Jay’s fault, because you didn’t tell anyone…well except for Natalie…who might have told Maggie…who might have told April…who might have told Kelly - shit. Well, it doesn’t matter. The whole thing is only happening because of Jay. Technically the two of you weren’t really dating – it was just a couple of hookups, but then you also started hanging out a lot together, and it got to the point where everyone knew that the two of you were basically kinda sorta an item.
You liked that you guys never had to sit down and talk about what exactly the two of you were – all that meant was that you guys were strong and confident and that you didn’t need to have a discussion about where you stood!
Or at least that’s what it meant to you. Jay apparently thought it meant it was completely okay to go have drinks with an on and off ex from high school, who he’d admitted to you he’d hooked up with on multiple occasions in the past. When you (rightfully!) got pissed at him, he just frowned and said “What’s the problem? We’re not together.”
To which you responded very maturely.
So maturely!
In a very, very responsible way…
Okay, fine, maybe you screamed “FUCK YOU!” at the top of your lungs and left his apartment, slamming his front door loud enough to wake up all the neighbours.
You get that you’re maybe being a little over-dramatic, and maybe it is on you because you just assumed you didn’t have to have that conversation with Jay. But it hurt you immensely how he thought it was okay to go have drinks with an ex (an ex!) without thinking about you at all.
“Blake here tripped on his way down the fire escape and got scraped by a rusty stairwell, but he’s refusing his tetanus shot.” Will explains, snapping you out of your reverie.
You turn to the guy just in time to catch him giving you a very slow once over, smirking.
“How come a big strong guy like you is scared of needles, hmm?” You tilt your head, putting on your best flirty voice. It’s just a thing that tends to work with unruly male patients, you’ve learned over the years.
And yeah, maybe it can be a side benefit that Jay’s going to be an audience to you flirting with someone else…serves him right!
“I’m uh, I’m not actually scared of needles. Just didn’t trust that guy – ” He nods towards Will, who throws his hands in the air, “ – to do a good job you know? Take a delicate hand for these things. Speaking of which…you look like you’re pretty good with your hands,” Blake licks his lips, flirting with you blatantly. You have to press your lips against each other to not burst out laughing.
“Dude…” Jay threatens in a deep, dark voice, but stops when you turn around and grab the tetanus shot pack out of Will’s hands. You step towards Blake, who’s looking up at you with lust in his eyes as he shifts for you. Wiping his shoulder down with an alcohol swab, you find a good spot.
“I’m pretty good with my hands too, by the way,” Blake supplies, winking and you nod. “I’ll bet,” You reply, as someone behind you scoffs. From the corner of your eye, you can see Kelly turn away, trying not to laugh.
You’re much closer to Blake than you really need to be, not that he minds – in fact you’re pretty sure he’s having a great time checking you out up close. He curses under his breath when you inject him, but quickly recovers. You rub on the jab site once done, and trash the used pack. “Good to go,” You shoot Blake a smile. “Oh, one more thing!”
You turn, looking at a very frowny, jaws tight, arms-crossed-over-his-chest Jay Halstead. “Let me borrow that,” You reach forward and take his notepad and pen from him, before scribbling down your number on the top most sheet. Ripping it off, you press it against Blake’s chest, winking. Blake’s hands come up to take the piece of paper, grinning, briefly brushing your fingers as you pull away. Jay’s jaw is on the floor when you return his notepad and pen to him, and you can see Will just shake his head at you, amusement all over his face.
“Alright, let’s go!” You say to Will, and the two of you plus Kelly leave Jay behind with Blake.
“Jay’s going to murder that guy, you know right?” Kelly asks, once you’re out out earshot from Jay. “Like, he’s going down for a homicide. You just got an innocent man killed.” You chuckle and Will lets out a low whistle.
“I’m not gonna say he didn’t have that coming, but damn that was harsh.” The older Halstead says, still laughing.
Shrugging your shoulders, you act innocent. “I don’t know what you guys are talking about – I was just making friends!”
Will and Kelly both look at each other before looking back at you.
“Oh, yeah, of course – ”
“Obviously, what else could that have been – ”
You punch them both in the shoulder at their faux-agreement, the three of you laughing. Ethan comes over, saying there’s an ambulance ready to take them back to Med. You and Will say your goodbyes to Kelly, and take your leave.
It’s almost midnight when you finally get home. Hip-checking your door close behind you, you start undoing your scarf and carelessly toss it onto your coffee table, before collapsing onto your couch. Your hand roams the crevices of your couch, finding the plastic remote and turning on your TV. Rubbing your eyes while yawning, your TV comes alive to the news of the day. As if on cue, the screen is filled with videos of the building from earlier this morning.
“…while the gas explosion was first assumed to be an accident, it was later proven by CPD Intelligence that it was started by Derrick Henderson, a 35 year-old construction worker from Englewood, who…”
There’s a knock on your door, three loud raps. You blink, confused, and there’s another three. Frowning, you sit up, and you hear: “Y/N, I know you’re in there, c’mon just…just let me in, please,” Jay’s voice is muffled from the other side of your front door, but you know it’s him. Groaning, you get up and make your way over, unlatching your door.
“What do you want.” You intone, seeing him standing there in your threshold. He grabs the door with his hand, like as if he’s afraid you’re gonna shut the door in his face.
“I think I owe you an apology,” Jay starts and you hum, agreeing. “And then I think you owe me an apology,” He finishes, and your mouth falls open.
“What the fuck did I do!” You yell, shoving against his chest. Unfortunately for you, he doesn’t even budge - which is kinda hot, actually, wait, dammit - focus!
Jay’s eyes go wide, like he can’t believe you’re claiming innocence. “Are you kiddi – that whole thing! With – with Blake, the fucking moron, who was basically stripping you with his eyes! That was so unnecessary – ”
“You literally went on a date with your ex and you’re telling ME what’s unnecessary?! You – ”
“SHUT THE FUCK UP!” Your neighbour from down the hall yells, and both you and Jay shut up. “NOBODY CARES ABOUT YOUR PROBLEMS YOU FUCKING MORONS!”
Jay scoffs, and turns to step down your hallway to your neighbour’s apartment when you reach out, grab him by his tee and unceremoniously drag him into your apartment. Slamming the door behind you, you turn to give him a piece of your mind.
“You’re the asshole who told me that we weren’t really together so it didn’t matter if you went out with your ex-girlfriend! So why the fuck is it a problem if I give my number out, huh?!”
Jay throws his hands in the air. “I’m sorry, okay! I didn’t fucking – I wasn’t thinking when I did what I did and I can see know that it probably really hurt you, but I swear I didn’t mean to do it. I didn’t want to hurt you; I just fucked up. But you – you went out of your WAY to piss me off – ”
The two of you jump when there’s loud banging on your door. “I’M CALLING THE FUCKING POLICE ON YOU TWO!”
Jay wrenches your door open and you see your pissed off neighbour on the other side. “I’M HER BOYFRIEND AND I’M THE FUCKING POLICE, SO YOU’D JUST BE CALLING ME!” He slams the door shut and turns, running his hands over his face.
“Okay, okay, we gotta stop yelling. Anyway, my point is – what?” Jay asks, as you stand unmoving, mouth slightly open.
When you eventually find your voice, all you can say is - “You’re my boyfriend?”
“That’s what I wanted to tell you – ” Jay smiles, reaching for you but you just step back.
“That you just decided you’re my boyfriend? Because this relationship is an autocracy?” You glare at him, getting angry again. The nerve of this guy!
Not that your heart didn’t practically soar when he called himself your boyfriend, but…
“No, no, we’re very democratic, and we should talk about this more, once we’re done with all the yelling.” Jay announces, and then he smiles. “I’m just saying I love you.”
“See, no, this is exactly the kind of issue with you - you just make decisions and act like you’re right and you can do whatever you want and you can go out with your ex if you want and that’s all supposed to be fine but the moment I – as a joke – hand out my number to some guy to give you a taste of your medicine, I’m the one who crossed a line and – wait, what?” You cut yourself off, confused if you’re hearing things.
“There we go,” Jay laughs, a fond smile etched on his face, as you finally process what he said.
“Did you just…did you just say you love me?” You ask, your voice soft as you step up to him.
“Yeah,” Jay’s grinning now, right in front of you. “I’m sorry it took me a while to realise it, but…I love you.”
You just blink at him for a couple of seconds, eyes starting to tear up. And then you punch him in the chest as hard as you can.
“Ow! What the fuck?!” Jay asks, eyes wide as he frowns, wholly confused.
“You fucking – fuck!” You whisper angrily, not wanting to piss off your neighbour again. “You had to fucking go out on a date with your ex-girlfriend and piss me the fuck off and make me make you jealous before you realised that you love me?!”
“I’ve been hit in the head multiple times…?” Jay shrugs apologetically.
“You’re an idiot.” You say, before cupping the back of his neck with your hand and pulling him down to press your lips together.
You can feel Jay smile through the kiss, bringing his hands up to cradle your face as he deepens the kiss, parting your lips. You’ve kissed each other many times before, in many ways – good morning pecks, in-the-middle-of-sex makeouts, teasing neck kisses – but something about this kiss is entirely new. It’s just…warm, and loving, and delicate and beautiful and just – just perfect.
When you pull apart, the two of you rest your foreheads against each other, smiling like dumb idiots.
“I love you too.”
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beomglocks · 4 years
unlikely allies ; txt x reader
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part: one ,, next chapter / previous chapter
plot: when a zombie apocalypse breaks out in your town, you're forced to team up with a group of boys from very different social standards in your school.
genre: fluff, angst, horror i guess?, not really that scary but alright, some funny moments
w/c: 3.6K
warnings: blood, gruesome scenes (kind of really detailed), cursing, everyone hates each other, definitely some major injuries, zombies duh, everyone kinda pining for mc
he sighs looking at the both of you. "if we wanna make it out of here alive...we're gonna have to fight."
silence. the room was engulfed in silence, save for the growling and moaning of the monsters outside the door. you and yeonjun stared wide-eyed at taehyun who was mirroring your expressions.
"excuse me what?" yeonjun blurted. "we don't even know what those things are and you wanna go out there and risk getting torn to shreds like the nurse? are you crazy?" all you could do was shake your head in fear. you were still shaken up from watching someone get eaten alive.
"s-she...i saw her get eaten and then she just s-stood up? she came back to life somehow?" you questioned out loud. the boys looked at you with fear in their eyes. yeonjun stared at your shaken state and frowned turning to taehyun. "see? if go out there we're gonna die!"
"well do you have any other suggestions? if we stay here we starve to death or something like that, it's better to go out looking for help and finding others before more of them corner us here!" taehyun was making a lot of points right now but going out there? where you just saw a woman die and come back to life? that would happen to you guys if you weren't prepared.
you tried to calm yourself by taking a deep breath, "ok i agree with taehyun...but we need to be really prepared. we may not be capable of murder at this moment but we can take them on enough to get away right?"
taehyun nods but yeonjun just paces around the room anxiously. "you guys are insane. i can't believe i'm gonna die here of all places." you and taehyun watch yeonjun tug at his blonde hair. he suddenly pauses. "i have an idea. what if we don't actually try to take them on." he looked at you both expectedly.
"what do you mean?" you asked. he rolled his eyes, "we could try to just trap them in here and make our escape." taehyun nods at yeonjun's vague plan, "i get what you mean. before we start though we should take some stuff with us. we got lucky that we're in the nurse's office, we can take stuff in case we get injured."
all three of you split up around the office to pick up anything that might be helpful. "its a good thing i brought my bookbag with me," taehyun chuckles dryly. you pack up all the stuff you grabbed and help him zip up the bag. "ok so here's how we'll go forward with the plan."
•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••
yeonjun sighs shakily as he crouches behind the door. "this was my plan so why do i have to be the one to open the door?!" he angrily whispers to you. you're hiding behind the nurse's desk which is right beside the door, glaring at him, "just shut up and wait for taehyun's cue. if they hear you, we're screwed."
"will you two stop arguing. if anything i'm the one with the risker job," taehyun glares at you both. he's standing in the middle of the office, just a little bit away from the desk. "let's go over the plan just one more time so nothing unexpected happens," he's nervous and you can hear it in his voice. he's trying to act brave like earlier. yeonjun starts, "simple, i open the door letting the monsters in. they won't notice me since i'm crouched below the window." you sigh, continuing, "once the monsters come running in, i pull the stethoscope attached that chair other there as hard as i can. they'll trip over it sending them tumbling."
taehyun takes a deep breath, "and i'll be standing here as bait. once i see that they're both down, that should give me enough time to run out and shut the door on them." yeonjun bites his lip, "i hope this works...my heart is racing seriously."
since taehyun is now visible from the one lamp shining down on him, the monsters outside now have new adrenaline in them, viciously gnawing at the door's window. you don't realize it but you all take a deep breath.
as soon as taehyun yells, yeonjun swings the door open. the zombies pretty much bum rush through it to get to taehyun as soon as a slither of it was cracked open, effectively managing to swing the door all the way to the wall. you watch it hit yeonjun's arm roughly and flinch. he tries to hold back a gasp and squeezes his eyes shut.
you turn your attention to your task and pull on the stethoscope. thankfully it's stretchy enough to cause the zombies to trip over it. they tumble over each other and skid across the floor. you get up to run out the door and pull yeonjun with you who's clutching his arm.
however, when you look back taehyun is not behind you, instead, he's scrambling to the nurse's closet. apparently you overestimated the recovery time of a simple stumble to the floor. they managed to get up quickly enough to chase after taehyun who thankfully was also quick enough to notice a flawed plan. "shit!" you yell out before you could think. the zombies turn their attention to you and yeonjun who are standing by the door.
they come running at you but you slam the door shut in their faces. great, now taehyun was in there and you both were out here. not to mention, he's the one with all the supplies.
"damn it!" yeonjun kicks the door in frustration. the zombies are tweaking out watching you both from inside the office. thankfully they don't notice the closet door slowly creep open.
taehyun sneaks out of the closet in a painfully slow manner, as to not get detected. he ducks behind the desk, holding his breath. he waits a moment before rising from his hiding spot and hurling a pack of unopened pens at where the cots are located. you watch the zombies whip their heads toward the sound and clamber in that direction. taehyun crawls out from behind the desk and runs toward the door. the lunch lady, who is behind the nurse, notices taehyun and runs toward him and at full blown speed.
your heart is pounding so fast, it genuinely feels like time is going in slow motion. the monster is only like a foot behind the red-haired boy. you throw the door open for taehyun and he launches himself like the outside hallway is home base. you and yeonjun once again slam the door closed on the zombie who face plants into it with a groan.
you let out a breath you didn't even know you were holding. sliding down to sit on the floor, you glance at taehyun. he's recovering from literally upper body diving out of the room but you figure he's fine since he's used to it from playing baseball so long. yeonjun seems fine too since he's not holding onto his arm anymore.
after a moment, you speak up, "are you ok?" it's not exactly a question directed at either of the two boys. you kind of are just asking yourself that but yeonjun answers anyways, "i think i'm ok, my arm is aching though. the door slammed on me pretty hard but im ok."
taehyun backs himself against the lockers opposite from you too. "i'm fine too." you examine him though you can't see him from the distance and the dimming hallway lights. his face is riddled in sweat and you can kind of see tears running down his face but he notices you staring and harshly wipes them away. he sighs letting his head rest on the lockers.
"i thought that would be easier...i thought i was gonna die back there. thanks for not leaving me," you feel like he means that so you make a noise of acknowledgment. yeonjun also nods at him but doesn't say anything.
it's dead silent in the hallway and you hope it's because the rest of the school is hiding not because they're dead. if you don't think of the circumstances you'd think it's somewhat peaceful.
taehyun breaks the silence, "what if there are other people in here in that same situation." he's not looking at you, he's looking into the abyss of darkness that is your school's hallway. once buzzing with students who you wished would shut the fuck up and move to their next class is now a ghost town. it's eerie and it leaves you with an unsettling feeling just thinking about what hides beyond the darkness.
"fuck no," yeonjun says. he's calm and you hope he doesn't lash out at what taehyun's suggesting. "taehyun..." you mumble. you don't want to say it out loud because you hate how it will sound. well, yeonjun says it for you, "did you hit your head on the way out. you almost died, dude! i know you're having some kind of epiphany about helping others and what not but think about this: those two zombie things aren't the only ones in this school. we could really die in here so we need to get o-"
"shut the fuck up!" taehyun spits. you can tell he's trying not to yell just in case there really are other zombies out here. "do you seriously only care about yourself? what if there really are other people waiting to be helped? we can't just leave them to die in this stupid ass school!" he gets up with some struggle, clutching his wrists again.
"look im not saying you have to help them but it would be really cool if you did...the more people that are alive the more likely we are to survive," with that he starts walking down into the darkness of the hallway. yeonjun scoffs and looks at you. you bite your lip. "i know it's risky...risking our lives for other people but i would feel like shit if i just let people die here while i run off like a coward."
yeonjun watches you run after taehyun. he's now left alone standing outside of the nurse's office. the zombies haven't quieted down and he wonders how much energy they have. he sighs dramatically, running after you both, "hey wait up!"
"so where are we headed?" your school isn't that big but it isn't that small either. there are three floors in total but most of the important rooms are on the first floor where you guys are located. taehyun clears his throat, "i was thinking we should get some weapons just in case. the gym's locker room/storage closet is where the team's baseball bats are located, we should be fine against those things if we manage to snag the metal ones."
once he answers you the silence surrounds you three again. you had been walking quite slowly since you didn't know if you'd encounter another zombie soon. it would be better if you could see but the power in the lights seemed to have died out. the school really did feel scarier when the lights were off.
"isn't it still day time outside?" yeonjun randomly asks. now that you think about it, he's right. if you were thinking about the time you took yeonjun to the nurse's office it was around 2 pm. "wait you're right," taehyun stops and turns around. "it was last period when you guys got to the nurse's office."
"damn it, i left my phone in my bookbag," you mumble. you thought it would be a quick trip to the nurse's office so you left it back in the class. yeonjun pats himself down and grumbles, "mine must've fallen out of my pocket during the fight. man, i fucking hate soobin! if i ever see him again he's dead."
you ignore yeonjun and look at taehyun expectantly, "sorry mines dead. i was playing with it while i was waiting for the nurse to come back," he answers sheepishly. you sigh, "we could've called for help since it's not late we could've called our parents or better yet, the police."
"don't worry, i'm sure they'll worry that we aren't coming back from school yet," yeonjun reassures. "i had practice today and my mom doesn't know i broke my wrist so she won't be expecting me home until after practice so i don't think she'll be worried until then."
yeonjun suddenly grabs taehyun's arm. you look at him in alarm because that was really random. this boy has just been full of spontaneous actions lately. "if you had practice today doesn't that mean the team would've been gathered in the gym by now?" a look of realization hits taehyun but he masks it quickly. "they're capable... they wouldn't have been turned into zombies, i'm sure there are some survivors," he sounds like he's trying to convince himself more than you guys.
as you're growing closer to the gym though, taehyun doesn't tell you that he's the best player on the team. he doesn't tell you that none of his other teammates can properly wield a bat. yes, any idiot can hold a bat but to properly swing it for the hit to have an impact takes real practice, practice that his teammates just haven't mastered. he doesn't tell you that he really doesn't think anyone in that gym has survived.
"you hear that?" yeonjun whispers stepping closer to the gym doors. there it goes again, the unmistakable moaning and groaning of the zombies. the sounds are harsher and louder being that there seem to be a lot of people in the gym at once. "damn that must be the team," you mutter. "there's no way anyone in there survived."
"we-we have to try and find out," taehyun tries. you eye him. you really don't think you'll get out of this one alive but you don't tell him that.
"we can cause some kind of distraction like last time," yeonjun suggests. "yeahhh no, im not doing that ever again," taehyun deadpans. "i think he means like what you did with the pens. that seemed to work...i think they react a lot to loud sounds."
there's a moment of silence where you all are just thinking. "your phone!" you turn to taehyun. he raises an eyebrow at you, "it's dead y/n." you shake your head, "look since it's dead and you really won't be needing it, we can just throw it somewhere in the gym. the impact of the phone hitting the wall will alert the zombies and they'll move. then we can maneuver ourselves through the darkness of the gym into the storage room to see if anyone's in there!"
both boys are staring at you with a weird look in their eyes but none of them say what they're really thinking. "that's... actually not a bad idea. the gym is big so there's no way we'll run into one. and since it looks like the lights are off they won't see us if we keep close to the walls," taehyun reiterates.
"ok so let's just get this over with," yeonjun mutters. you look at yeonjun who's staring into the gym, "you didn't have to come with us." you don't wanna sound rude but if he's just gonna complain the whole time then you'd rather be with just taehyun. "yeah right as if i'd venture off on my own in a school full of flesh-eating monsters," he rolls his eyes. "plus i'm the one who comes up with all the good plans, you guys need me."
"whatever," taehyun answers dryly. he's already starting to open the door to the gym, telling you guys that that's your cue to shut up. walking behind yeonjun, who's behind taehyun, you all crouch in a stealthy manner. you wouldn't call yourself the most athletic person but damn, why are your thighs starting to hurt? yeonjun cranes his neck to look back at you and when he sees you struggling to keep up, he slows down.
"what the fuck are you doing?" he whisper-yells. you don't know if the zombies can hear him but that sounded quite loud to you. you glare at him when the groans in the gym increase slightly in volume. "my thighs hurt, just- just leave me alone and tell taehyun to throw the damn phone." you see yeonjun purse his lips but turn to taehyun, telling him to get on with the plan. taehyun looks over to you with confusion and ?concern? written all over his face and all you do is nod at him.
he gets up slightly from his crouched position on the ground, still kind of in a half squat. he lets out a breath, preparing himself to pitch his phone. you watch in awe as you see taehyun get in the zone. you know this is a serious moment and everything but he looks good when he's focused.his eyes are trained on where he's made a mental target to throw to. even in this weird setting of a gym full of zombies of his own teammates, you can see that his breathing is steady.  you wonder why you'd never been to any of the school's home baseball games when you realize that taehyun had somewhat of a cult following. right, just like yeonjun everyone liked him and you just figured it was for nothing or that he was overhyped but you can see why now.
drawing you out of your thoughts was the sound of taehyun's phone crashing against the gym's wall. at the moment in which you were daydreaming about him, he must've thrown it. "ok cmon we gotta hurry, that might not keep them that occupied," taehyun whispers. you turn to look at the zombies which, thankfully, fell for your trick. they were all gathered in the direction where taehyun had thrown his phone. you all rose from your crouched positions and ran the rest of the way to the gym's locker room.
once inside you all let out a breath. "i can't believe that worked," you sigh. "i'm glad it did," yeonjun also sighs. "ok let's go get those bats, once we have them then we might be safe," taehyun leads you both to where he knows they are. walking down the locker room's hallway is even creepier than walking down the normal hallway. there are no windows plus the lights are out so it's even darker in here. once again you're the behind yeonjun who's behind taehyun. you feel uncomfortable and almost feeling like there's an eerie presence behind you. you never liked to be last; the shiver you get through your spine from the mere thought of something following you was weird.
just then you whip your body around but you feel it before you see it. a zombie that must've been in the locker room before you got here hovering over you. you're not sure what happened but it must've flown at you hard enough to knock your body to the ground. it was snapping and snarling in your face trying to get a bite. your eyes were closed but all your other sensed were heightened and you could definitely hear yourself shrieking wildly. you weren't sure what taehyun and yeonjun were doing but you guessed they were standing and staring in shock and horror. you are surely gonna die here.
just then, the back of the zombie's skull was knocked in with so much force that it came out through the front, effectively landing on the upper half of your body and face. just like that, it was no longer trying to devour you, instead, slumping down onto you like a lifeless doll.
you wanted to throw up but you bit it back. you figured the image of you on the floor with blood and a bashed brain spilling out of a once alive human on you was enough. 
the body was thrown off you in an instant and there stood choi beomgyu looking over you with so much concern that you were scared you turned into a zombie and were about to suffer the same fate as the corpse next to you. "oh my god y/n," his eyebrows are furrowed and his mouth is agape. he kneels down to wipe the brain remnants off you but he does it hastily and not that gentle really. you flinch and he pauses, "s-sorry its just that...well i don't know. i didn't think anyone else was alive and then i see you but you're about to get eaten so i mean-." you cut him off with a shaky hand lifted when you realize he's rambling.
he wants to go in to hug you and shout for joy that thankfully his crush- i mean... thankfully you are alive but yeonjun steps in, "dude oh my god y/n, are you okay?" you don't turn around to look at him or taehyun because frankly, you're too shaken up to even stand.
"thank you beomgyu," you whisper the expression and you kind of hope it sounds spiteful towards the other two boys for not really doing anything to help. taehyun looks down and bites his lip and yeonjun just looks at you. beomgyu smiles lightly and helps you stand and when you turn around you see the other two boys flinch at what you look like.
you know you must look horrifying with blood all over you and you want to cry. not because you look absolutely disgusting in front of the two of the most popular boys at your school but because you almost died in front of them. you let out a sob and taehyun steps forward but beomgyu is already ahead of him. "oh y/n... it's ok. look," he wipes your face with his shirt and you feel even worse. "we're alive, you're alive, it's gonna be ok."
✼ •• ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ •• ✼
taglist: @fxd-skz​ (send ask to be added!)
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matbarzyy · 4 years
Wasted Love (part 2) [T.S.]
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A/N: Wow look at me post part two soon after I started the series! Now I need to hurry up and write the third part but that’s a tomorrow problem. Thank you to everyone who told me what they thought of the start of the series, it really means the world and I hope you’ll like this part too <3
Word count: 2445
Warnings: an abusive boyfriend
“Hello you,” Tyler grinned as he fist bumped her as a greeting. It was hard to do anything else over her desk, and it was now a habit between her and all the guys on the team. “How’s your day going?”
“It’s been good,” Alessia smiled back effortlessly, leaning back into her chair to rest her back for a minute. “How was practice?”
“Pretty fun, we’re all going out for dinner tonight with a few other people, if you want to join,” He threw it out there because it was a work thing and he had never seen her out with everyone before. Alessia only ever joined when everyone was getting lunch somewhere together. Most of the people she worked with were older than her, and predominantly men too. Tyler knew it might be hard for her to be included in plans.
“Oh, thanks, but um, I’ve got to be home with my boyfriend tonight,” She said it with a little sigh, and that prompted Tyler to poke a little bit further.
“Is everything okay at home?” He leaned against the wall with a slight frown. Ever since he had met Alessia he had felt protective of her. She was one of the youngest people working for the team, and she was slowly discovering the industry. He didn’t doubt that she had the skills to do amazing, or she would never have gotten hired, but he liked to keep an eye on her to make sure she was fine.
“We had a little fight, nothing to worry about,” She admitted with a shrug. “I had plans with friends and he got a little annoyed that I haven’t been spending enough time with him, and them my friends got pissed that I cancelled so… yeah, it’ll blow over in a day or two,”
“That sucks, I’m sorry,” He didn’t know what to tell her, she would clearly annoy either her friends or boyfriend no matter what she did now. “You guys been living together long?”
“Almost six months, yeah,” Alessia nodded. “It’s nice, plus rent is so much cheaper divided by two,” She chuckled and Tyler faked a little laugh too.
“Fair enough. I’ve gotta run, but I’ll see you tomorrow?” He stopped himself from mentioning how fucked up that sounded.
Sure, regular people had to worry about money a little more than he did, but he was still sure mentioning saving money to describe how great it was to live with a boyfriend was messed up. He had expected her to say she was happy to see him more often, to come home to him every night, to wake up to him in the morning.
“Of course,” Alessia cut him off from his thoughts, and Tyler pushed himself off the wall.
“Good luck tonight, I hope things settle down at home,” He said it sincerely, but a little voice in the back of his mind nagged him. He didn’t hope things would settle down. He hoped she would break up with the guy that clearly wasn’t giving her the happiness she deserved.
“Thanks Ty,” She waved as he left, and he gave her one last smile before he was out of sight.
The fact that Jordan didn’t like it when she spent a night with her friends didn’t sit well with Tyler. It bothered him the first time she told him, but after a couple of weeks he noticed a pattern. Whenever Alessia had plans with a friend it had to be lunch, if it was at night the plans would either get cancelled or she’d show up in a bad mood the next day because she argued with her boyfriend.
Their relationship was obviously fucked up, and Tyler didn’t feel like sitting around and letting her be sad. Surely her boyfriend wouldn’t be able to say anything if she stayed out at night for a work event, so he invited her for drinks with the team and a few other people in admin and services that they got along with.
“Be careful Tyler,” Jamie shook his head disapprovingly as they got changed for their morning skate. “She’s taken,”
“I know that,” The other man grumbled. “We let everyone else we like come along, she’s cool, why wouldn’t I invite her?”
“Because you obviously like her, and she’s got a boyfriend,” Jamie was far from stupid and he knew his friend all too well.
“I’m not trying to make a move, the guy’s an asshole though,” Tyler laced up his skates, huffing as he pulled them on tightly.
“Sounds like someone’s jealous.” The bearded man used a teasing tone as he finished adjusting his own gear.
“I’m not,” Was he?
“Just don’t get into something messy, okay? She’s also just twenty two,” Jamie added. The whole scenario screamed recipe for disaster and he didn’t want to see what would go down if Tyler actually let himself fall for her.
“Way to make me feel old Jamie, thanks for that,” Tyler patted his friend’s shoulder and headed out of the locker room, ready to clear his mind on the ice for a while.
The bar was relatively quiet that night if you made an abstraction of the team of giants in green taking up most of the space. Alessia was sitting at the bar on one of the far ends, her hair falling in front of her face to hide herself.
“Is that apple juice?” Tyler slid into the seat next to hers with his own drink, lifting her curtain of hair and pushing it behind her shoulder.
“Yeah, work in the morning, remember?” She smiled, and he couldn’t help but notice how cute she was when the side of her eyes crinkled like that.
“I’ve got practice in the morning too, it’s one drink, won’t kill me,”
“I’m half your size with no muscles, my alcohol tolerance is low,” she chuckled when she saw the whiskey in his hand. One of those was enough to give her a headache. “Besides I’m driving, and I don’t want to see Jordan’s face if I come home after drinking at a work thing,”
“So what? He doesn’t like it when you hang out with your friends, he doesn’t like it when you drink, so you’re just not gonna do anything you want to do?” Tyler cocked his head to the side, pointing out everything he didn’t like about the guy while she shrugged.
“I don’t want to drink, and it’s not stupid of him to say, it’s Tuesday night. It’d be different on a weekend,” Alessia defended him and made it all sound like her own decision, but he was far from stupid.
“Fair enough,” Tyler cleared his throat to move on to something a bit more cheerful. Just hearing the name Jordan got on his nerves and he wanted the night to be fun. “Hey look! Jamie needs someone on his team,” He pointed over to the three men around the pool table. “Do you know how to play?”
“Absolutely not,” she curled further into her seat and a wide grin spread over Tyler’s face.
“Time to learn then!” He put a hand on her arm and gently tugged her up after him.
The guys were generally competitive, but considering that it was her first game they used it to teach her rather than try to win. Jamie and her took turns with Tyler coaching her from the side and showing her how to place her hands or telling her what angle she’d need to hit the ball at.
“Here,” He chuckled, standing close behind Alessia and gently grasping her wrist to adjust her.
He ignored the warning look he received from Jamie and went on with his instructions before stepping back, letting her do the rest on her own.
“Dude, you call her Allie?” Jamie groaned when Alessia was gone. “I’ve seen you like this before and you’re so fucked. You can’t have her,”
“It’s not like that!” He tried to defend himself but his friend didn’t buy it. “Fine, maybe I like her, but we’re just friends. I’m not doing anything,”
“Just don’t be stupid, okay?” The older man warned him again but he dismissed it as he had done every other time.
“It’s a nickname Jamie, not a proposal.”
The more Alessia went out for drinks at the end of the night the more she got along with the guys on the team. She didn’t talk to all of them, but Tyler, Jamie and their closer friends were now also her friends. It was refreshing to have a group of people close to her outside of home, and she loved to spend her evenings with them before she came home.
The lack of time she spent home translated into hurtful comments and reactions from Jordan almost daily. It was exhausting, but Tyler was always there to lift her mood in the morning so she found it all worth it. She blamed it on Jordan’s job being stressful at the moment, and on most nights they made up rather quickly with a little bit of effort on her part.
“I’ve just got a couple of emails to reply to,” Alessia opened her laptop on thursday night and Jordan huffed.
“Well maybe you wouldn’t need to do that at night if you weren’t always out with those people having drinks.” He stood in front of her across the table, arms crossed over his chest.
“I never even drink,” She defended herself, typing her reply while trying to ignore Jordan’s grumbles in the background. “It’s good for my career if I have contacts,”
“Enjoy your career then, just go take care of that and forget I exist,” he walked around to stand next to her and Alessia turned to him.
“Jordan I’m not-” she started but got cut off immediately.
“Are you sleeping with one of them? Uh? Is that how you’re building your career? Fucking some rich asshole behind my back?” His voice rose and her eyes widened.
“Of course not!” She insisted, flinching when he yelled.
“I’m always here taking care of you!” He stomped forward and Alessia felt her hands shake. “And yet you’re never here when I come home!”
“I’m sorry, Jordan, please,” she said quietly, trying her best to calm him down.
Jordan only shook his head at her, turning on his heels with her trailing close behind. She wanted to fix things, the emails could wait until morning. He didn’t seem to be in the same mindset as he got to the bedroom and turned around with a glare.
“You can stay out here until you’ve sorted out your priorities.” He slammed the bedroom door, missing her face by a few inches and turning the lock.
Alessia remained still behind it, in shock for a full minute.
Knowing he wouldn’t calm down too fast, she went back to her work and quickly did everything she needed to catch up on. She hoped he had settled down as she walked over to the bedroom with a yawn and tried for the door. It was still locked, so she knocked on it softly.
No answer came from the other side. She could hear him moving in bed, but he didn’t even care enough to get up.
Alessia held back her tears and went back to the couch, eyeing the laundry drying on the rack in a corner of the living room. At least she should still be able to throw a decent work outfit together in the morning. The same couldn’t be said for pajamas, there were no casual clothes drying and Jordan didn’t like it when she wore his stuff.
It was too cold to sleep without clothes on, especially with a small throw blanket rather than the comfy thick duvet that she normally had in bed. So, Alessia found herself with her legs bare and a slightly scratchy sweater on her upper body to stay warm as she curled up on the couch.
When she made it to the office in the morning she felt like crying. She had barely slept, she was exhausted both mentally and physically and she was already dreading the night ahead of her.
“What do you need?” She nearly growled when Tyler strolled into her office without a knock.
“Uh, never mind,” he swallowed and took a small step back.
“Okay?” Alessia looked up from her screen with an eyebrow raised, waiting on his next move. Did he need her or was he just standing there for no reason?
“I don’t really want to make you work right now, I don’t mean to be rude, but you look like shit,” Tyler unfroze a few seconds later and pulled a chair out to sit across from her.
“Thanks Ty,” A dry chuckle fell from her lips, and she rubbed her hands over her face. “I’m kinda sleep deprived,”
“What happened?” He stopped himself from reaching over to move her hair away from her face.
“It’s not that big of a deal,” Alessia sighed. “Jordan and I were arguing over something dumb, I spent the night on the couch and it’s ridiculously uncomfortable,”
“It’s not dumb if you didn’t even want to go back to bed,” Tyler gently pryed a little further.
“More like he didn’t want me in there,” she rolled her eyes, leaning back in her chair and fiddling with a pencil. She was staring at her hands rather than at him because she could already guess what he was about to say.
“I know it’s none of my business,” Tyler said it slowly so that he could think over his words. “But you’re my friend, and your relationship sounds really fucked up,”
“I swear it’s not as bad as it sounds, besides it’s just one night,” Alessia argued weakly, she always tried to defend him, she always had an excuse.
“You’re old enough to make your own decisions,” He shrugged. Tyler was good at hiding how furious he was, it wasn’t directed towards her so she didn’t need to see it. “But it he was mad enough to refuse to sleep next to you, he should have been the one taking the couch,”
“He’s not a bad person,” Alessia looked up then, but her words weren’t convincing.
“You know him better than I do, I guess,” Tyler let out a long sigh. He didn’t know what else to say to her, and he was afraid that pushing her would stop her from confiding in him in the future. “Call me if that happens again, okay? I live fifteen minutes away, I’ve got three empty guest rooms, and I’m sure they’re more comfortable than your couch.”
Please reblog and let me know what you thought!
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nebraska-is-a-myth · 4 years
If you would rather die, then you better hurry up and do it - Crime au part 5
Here we go again boys, thank you all so much for the support with this series, its been so heartwarming to see all of you nice comments. Feel free to talk about any of it in the comments, ask me questions, or give your own suggestions for what you think should happen next in the series and maybe Ill incorporate it into the next part.
‘The person you are trying to reach is currently unavailable’
Dream paces in front of the big windows, sapnap isn't answering his fucking phone and after the phone call he’s just had with Wilbur, there is going to be some hell to pay.
He grips the phone in his hand as his footsteps become more unstable, he feels his hands shaking with rage and fear. He knows Wilbur said that neither of the two boys were too drastically hurt but he can't help but think of what could have happened.
The masked man tries to ground himself with good memories to remind himself that the young boy is alive, a few broken bones but alive nonetheless.
He takes a deep breath and thinks back to the time he Tommy rode out to the outskirts of the dream smp in the early days of Dreams rise to power.
They had both taken motorbikes, much to dreams protest, but Tommy had insisted that he knew how to ride. Even if dream didn't believe him, it would have taken too much effort to convince Tommy to ride on the back of dreams bike.
As they revved their engines through the night, the two friends weaved in between cars and ran through as many red lights they could, and Dream would have to admit he was impressed by Tommy's driving skills.
Every now and again he would glance at the younger boy and listen to him laugh over the roaring of the motorbike Dream had leant him for the night. ( When the night finally concluded, he would gift the bike to Tommy and ride back to Dreams apartment together to watch movies and eat pizza with George and sapnap. Neither of who quite trusted the boy yet, but had come to dislike him a little less )
They both drove until they ran out of road and stopped at the very edge of the city where the land met the water. They took off their helmets and sat under the stars, talking about nothing and everything all at once. They shared stories they never thought they would tell to anyone other than their closest allies, and soon came to realise that maybe they were closer than they thought. 
Nothing extraordinary happened that night, but dream thinks that's why it's one of his fonder memories with the boy. But he thinks now he may never get the chance to talk to Tommy in the same way he did that night, there were no secrets then, no fights or anger brooding. He hopes that this is just a big misunderstanding and that maybe he will get a chance to see the stars again, but deep down he knows nothing will ever be the same.
At that moment sapnap walks through the door. Dream can smell the smoke sticking to his skin and he sees the ash wiped across his face. His fists clench but his face remains still.
“What have you done.”
Sapnap looks startled at his friend's voice, half expecting the other man to be asleep at this hour. But his stance softens and he half raises his hands as he talks. “Look, I know you said you had it under control but-”
“What the fuck did you do sapnap!”
“Hey dude chill, I'm doing you a favor here.”
“Doing me a favor! You just set a fucking warehouse on fire with two my men in it!”
“Two of your men? But I-”
“You just put two fucking kids in the hospital sapnap! You think that's doing me a fucking favor!”
“Kids, but they-”
“Yeah well they lied sap! But you didn't even think to fucking check did you! They almost put one of the on a fucking ventilator!”
“I didn't ask for a fucking parrot sapnap, I asked you to stay out of my fucking way!” 
Dream punches sapnap in the face and the room goes quiet. Sapnap keeps his face turned from Dream and bites his tongue.
“You better fucking hope those kids recover or next time that'll be a bullet that breaks your nose.”
It's a while before Wilbur agrees to meet with Dream.
Tubbo is back on his feet again, Wilbur's heartbeat picks up anytime he hears the boy cough but it's never usually more than once or twice. It eases Wilbur's mind to know he wasn't too badly affected by what happened, or at least as far as Tubbo tells him.
Tommy's shoulder is mostly healed now and he's able to carry himself on his crutches, although he mostly uses them to fend off fundy when he makes fury jokes and to poke Eret awake when he falls asleep in his spot on the couch. The left side of his face is scared slightly, it doesn't bother him too much but nobody questions it when they see the boy hobbling round in the spare pair of glasses Eret has in his room. ( Eret won't admit it, but he's stopped putting them in his closet now so tommy doesn't have to reach up high to find them )
Dream tried to contact both of the boys after the fire, only Tubbo responded to his apologetic messages, Tommy leaves him on read every time.
So when he enters Wilbur's headquarters to see both of the young boys laughing and joking with one another, he feels a sense of relief wash over him and he's almost glad nobody can see his expression under the mask.
Tommy however, does not hold the same relief Dream does.
( Okay so maybe he has missed the masked man just a little bit, but he’d rather swallow his own foot than tell dream that )
They blond glares at dream as he enters the room, refuses to reposition himself from where he's sat with his cast over the armrest of the chair. He wants the older man to see what he’s done, wants him to know that the scars are still there. It's the only reason he hasn't got Eret’s glasses on, if he didn't know the spare pair where just inches away in Eret’s office, his demeanor would be very different right now.
Dream stands before Wilbur and clears his throat to speak, Wilbur cuts him off however before he can even mutter a hello.
“We want independence.”
Dreams posture changes and Tommy can tell the demand throws him off.
“I'm sorry I don't understand.”
“We want out of the SMP. We want to request that the east side be recognized as an independent city, separate from the dream smp. You can have access to whatever funds you think you may be entitled to from the past few months, and there are a list of men that would like to return to employment under your jurisdiction. The rest will resume work under my command and will no longer be associated with you or your organization.”
Dream stands silent for a moment, unsure of what his command as a leader should be. 
“ And if I deny this request.”
“ We will not ask so nicely again dream. We have the manpower and the determination to reclaim this land as our and we will do so by any means necessary.”
Dream scoffs and turns to Tommy who is still staring daggers into him.
“And you're okay with this.”
“Don't address hi-”
Tommy cuts Wilbur off and grabs his crutch to stand, he walks over to dream in silence, never taking his eyes from the mans stupid masked face.
“I would rather die than be a part of your SMP.”
Dream looks around the room at the faces of people who he used to call his friends. He knows deep down this is his fault, that he should just agree to Wilbur's terms and maybe somehow try and rebuild his friendship with each of them. But he knows that the city isn't prepared for the kind of rivalry that having two independent gangs brings. The streets will be chaos, and he tries to tell himself that this will be the safest option, if the smp defeats them now then Dream will stay on top and he can protect his friends for just a little longer. That's all he needs, just a little bit longer to make Tommy realize that he cannot allow this to happen. 
Just a little longer
Dream turns back to tommy and slips into his façade
“If you would rather die, then do it! My answer, is no. Accept it, or face the consequences.”
Wilbur steps forward in front of Tommy and stares dream down.
“Then face the consequences we shall. Now get out, if I see you here again, I will gun you down myself.”
A few days later, karma catches up with Wilbur as he sits in the very same office he and dream spoke in. He receives a letter from the man himself, appropriately titled:
Declaration of war
Dear Wilbur,
I am a man with a large reputation within the city, and your actions against the smp cannot go without punishment. Therefore I hereby declare that we as a nation, are at war. I can offer you no mercy unless you comply with our demands of surrender from your team. We will allow you 72 hours to prepare and evacuate the city before the borders of your territory are to be bombed. If, by the 42 hour mark, you have not complied to this demand we will fire one warning shot into lmanchildburg lmaburg l’manberg. If any of your men are found on smp soil they will be shot on sight. b4tbg. Within this period of evacuation we will allow you to surrender at any point and hand in your resignation as commander of the east side.
Time to face the consequences Wilbur, the lives of your men are in your hands.
Yours truthfully, Dream
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So, I know you made a post about Martyn's comment about Grian having Stockholm Syndrome, but I feel like there's a lot of angst potential. Maybe something about Martyn and Skizzle trying to convince Grian to join them, but Grian refusing to even leave Scar's side of they kill him.
i feel like this one kinda accidentally became Grian’s villain origin story but ngl i’m not complaining
Martyn and Skizz are walking together through the forest, on their way to the desert to do some surveillance. They’re just walking up the hill near the edge of the forest when a random thought occurs to the latter. “Hey, what’s that thing where you, like, get close to your captor?”
“Huh? Oh, uh… Stockholm Syndrome, isn’t it?” Martyn responds.
“Yeah, that’s it. Stockholm Syndrome.”
“What made you think of it?”
Skizz shrugs. “I dunno, I was just thinking about Grian and why he doesn’t seem to be eager to leave Scar anymore.”
Martyn shoots him a sideways look. “You think he’s got Stockholm Syndrome? Huh. Honestly, I think you might have something there. I’ve known Grian for a long time and I know for a fact that hates people telling him what to do.”
“I really wanna save him, dude,” Skizz says. “I hate the idea of him having to slave away under Scar for even another day.”
“I do too,” agrees Martyn. “But I don’t think we can-.”
“My ears are burning,” comes a familiar voice.
The two look sharply up to find Grian himself sitting on a high branch in the tree directly in front of them, right at the top of the hill.
“Eavesdropping again?” Martyn demands. “How much did you hear?”
“Just something about slaving away under Scar. That’s how I knew you were talking about me. Not nice to talk about someone behind their back.”
Skizz and Martyn both frown. There’s something different about Grian today; he’s not his usual self. It’s worrying particularly to Martyn, who’s known him for a very long time.
“Grian, we need to talk to you,” says Martyn. “About Scar.”
“Uh huh.” Grian hops down from the tree and dusts off his hands. “You’re not gonna kill me, are you? Oh, no, wait: neither of you can. Martyn cuz you’re green and Skizz because you’re spineless.”
Skizz blanches. “Wh-What the hell?! That came out of left field!”
Martyn steps towards Grian, carefully making eye contact with his old friend. “Grian, this isn’t you. Scar’s red life energy is corrupting you, turning into something you’re not. It’s not healthy.”
“Healthy?” Grian tips his head on one side. “Huh. That’s one way of looking at it.”
Martyn pushes on: “We can help you leave him. Either we can take your first life or we can help you escape him.”
“We can keep you safe,” Skizz adds, pushing aside his hurt feelings over Grian’s prior comment. “If you’re worried about what he might do to you.”
“You think I wanna LEAVE?” Grian scoffs.
Martyn and Skizz exchange a look. “What do you mean?” asks the former slowly.
“Scar is my excuse to kill people,” Grian responds. “That goes away if I leave him.”
“Yeah, you’ve already killed at least five people, including me,” Skizz responds. “Are you really sure you wanna keep going?”
A grin slowly appears on Grian’s face as he grabs a block of TNT and lights it. “Let’s find out.”
“Skizz, move!” Martyn yells in a panic.
The two simultaneously spin round and take off running but the TNT quickly explodes behind them, the force sending them both tumbling off the top of the hill.
Martyn groans as he pushes himself up, his whole body aching from the rough landing. His left ankle, which he felt himself land heavily on, throbs. He glances warily around him and finds Skizz lying on his side a few blocks to his left, unconscious.
As Martyn crawls over to him to check on him, he spots a figure emerging from the trees. His breath catches in his throat as he registers Grian slowly and dangerously coming towards them, a flint and steel clearly in his hand.
“Grian, get away,” Martyn snaps, unable to hide the fearful shake in his voice. He moves awkwardly in front of Skizz, protecting him from Grian. “Get away from us.”
“Killing Skizzle will be delicious,” says Grian, grinning maliciously. “His last life. I wonder what it’ll feel like to take a red life? To know that the person I’ve killed will not respawn?”
“Don’t you dare!” growls Martyn. “Kill me if you want but don’t hurt him.”
“Martyn, Martyn, Martyn…” Grian shakes his head in mock disappointment. “You keep doing this. Every time you swear you don’t care about people, every time you swear you won’t get attached to anyone else, you do. Would you really sacrifice one of your lives for him, Martyn? Someone you’ve only known a few weeks?”
“Skizz has proven himself a generous and loyal ally,” Martyn replies steadily. “He’s shown himself to be perfectly willing to sacrifice his last life for us so I’m willing to sacrifice my first for him.”
Grian shrugs. “Okay, that can be arranged.”
As he steps closer, Martyn pushes himself to his feet, holding his left foot gingerly off the ground. “Please, Grian, don’t. You don’t have to let yourself get corrupted by Scar any longer.”
“Corrupted?” snorts Grian. “That’s cute.”
“Seriously, you’re suffering from Stockholm Syndrome. You don’t-.”
Grian laughs loudly, interrupting Martyn. “Stockholm Syndrome?! You really don’t get it, do you, Martyn? Scar is useless on his own. You think he would’ve been able to do HALF the damage I’ve done? If it weren’t for me, he’d have lost his red life about half an hour after his second. I’m the one keeping him alive; not because I care about him but because he’s my excuse to kill people as a green lifer. I have the highest body count on the whole server and I’m still green. Martyn…”
He moves closer to Martyn and grips his shoulder almost painfully, a terrifying smile on his face. “I’m the mastermind. Scar thinks he’s in charge and that’s what ties this whole arrangement together so neatly. Everyone focuses on Scar because he’s the red lifer and oh poor innocent Grian is stuck doing everything he says. Nobody EVER suspects that I’m anything more than just Scar’s puppet.”
“He’s yours,” says Martyn quietly. “Isn’t he? He’s just your puppet.”
“He is. But I can tell you’re trying to stall. Don’t worry, it’ll all be over soon.” Grian takes hold of Martyn’s other shoulder, trapping him on the spot. “But I don’t want to kill my old friend, no matter how much you beg me. Not yet, anyway.”
Before Martyn can react, Grian shoves him roughly aside. His ankle rolls again as he hits the ground, causing more pain to explode up his leg. “No!” he yells, as he spots Grian advancing on a semi-conscious Skizz. “Grian, don’t!”
Skizz tries to get away from Grian but the green lifer draws his sword and presses the point against his chest, forcing him to stay still. He stares into Grian’s eyes and sees nothing but evil in them. “Grian, please…! Please, don’t!”
“It’s either you or Martyn,” responds Grian. “You pick.”
Skizz meets Martyn’s gaze, and Martyn knows immediately what he’s going to say.
“O-Okay,” Skizz whispers, tipping his head back in defeat. “Kill me and leave Martyn alone.”
But as Grian raises his sword, a battle cry echoes through the trees and seconds later, three figures burst out of the forest: Ren, BigB, and Etho.
Grian scrambles back in shock as they charge towards him, before turning and fleeing back into the trees. BigB and Etho pursue him but Ren stays behind to drop down at Martyn’s side. “Thank god we got here in time! Are you two okay?”
“Apart from my ankle, I’m fine,” says Martyn, letting out a sigh of relief. “Skizz?”
“I-I think I’m okay,” Skizz responds, pressing his hand against his forehead. “But my head hurts.”
Martyn frowns sympathetically. “You were out for several minutes so you probably have a concussion.”
“Let’s get you two back to Dogwarts to rest,” says Ren kindly.
But just as Ren moves to help Martyn up, a notification flashes up on their communicators.
Bigbst4tz2 was slain by Grian
Ren lets out a low growl. “That’s it. Those filthy desert hippies have gone too far.”
“No, Ren,” Martyn says. “It’s not them; it’s just Grian. He’s the one who orchestrated all this. If you hadn’t turned up, he’d have killed both of us. He’s the real threat, not Scar. Not even Scott and Jimmy. They all do what Grian says; he’s got them all in his pocket. He’s…” He pauses, recalling Grian’s words with a shiver. “He’s the mastermind.”
Ren gazes at him for a moment. “Okay, it seems we have some things to discuss when we get back to Dogwarts. But for now, I need you two to head home while I help Etho and BigB.”
“Yes, boss,” says Martyn. “But I-I may need some help; I’m not sure if I can walk at the moment.”
Skizz sluggishly stands up and makes his way over to Martyn, whom he helps to his feet. He then lifts Martyn’s arm over his shoulder, supporting him. “I got you, buddy,” he says gently. “I got you.”
Martyn lets out another quiet sigh. He still can’t believe he and his friend are both alive and relatively unharmed, but he’s unspeakably grateful for it nonetheless.
“Thank you.”
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ririchanva · 3 years
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Summary: Marinette gains a new ally in a student from Japan, although he’s not what he seems. Lila makes her move, proving to Marinette that her threat is real. But what she didn’t count on, was that Marinette would have a few friends that has her back. Although they are the most unexpected people. When Lila pushes too far by getting Marinette and her friends expelled, there is a certain hero that lends a hand. But wait? BECOME STUDENTS OF U.A.?
Chapter Six: Feast, Testing Trust
░❇┊Previous┊❇ ░ ❇┊Next┊❇ ░ ❇┊Masterlist┊❇ ┊AO3 ┊❇░
A/n: This one is going to be EXTRA long. Mostly because I am preparing off for Felix and Ladybug coming up soon. Along with planting seeds of what's to come in the My Hero side. Ohhhhh this one is gonna be JUICY!
     ...Confusing, but juicy!
    Anyways~! On with the chapter~!
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   Adrien gulped as he watched a range of emotions flutter over the pink haired girl’s face, before she then squeaked out with her hands over her mouth.
    “Shh, shh, shh! P-please not so loud!” Adrien rushed over and grabbed for her shoulders, shaking her slightly, “Oh gosh, oh no, t-this can’t be happening! You can’t tell anyone about this!”
    Alix blinked as she stopped her freaking out, thinking she needs to stop Adrien from freaking out himself.
   Especially when he was muttering nonsense a mile a minute.
   “H-hey, Adrien, calm down,” She patted at his chest, as he was tearing up and looking so guilt ridden and upset, forcing Alix to reach out and slap him slightly, “Hey! Calm down. I won’t tell anyone your secret dude!”
    Adrien was gasping out, feeling his stomach drop, looking so panicked, “Ohhhhh! Ladybug will kill me! She’ll kill me dead! Just when I thought to take things seriously now so she could trust me a little more ahhhhh—“
    Another slap from Alix again calmed him down a bit.
    “No problem.” Alix hummed, tapping her chin, “Although it’s starting to make a bit of sense if I think about it,”
   “Alix, there’s no way that anyone should know about me being Chat Noir!”
   “And no one will!” Alix was making a sign over her chest, crossing her finger over her heart as she smiled, “That’s a Kubdel promise!”
    Adrien still looked unsure, but Alix then patted his back gently.
    “How about we go to my place and talk? I’ll even ask Nathaniel and Marc to hang out another day so we could have some privacy. It looks like you need to let it all out, you know?”
    “Yeah…” Adrien was nodding his head as he hummed, “Yeah…let it all out…”
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    “—And now! Considering that she keeps calling for not just Carapace, but for that new guy too! I feel like  I’m not that important anymore! We’re supposed to be partners. Us two against the world?! I mean, I trust My Lady a lot, but we’ve been partners for almost a year now and I still feel like I’m the one that can’t be trusted! And the Guardian—Ohhhhhh that old geezer!—”
   Alix has been sitting on her couch for the past four hours listening to Adrien’s story of how he got the ring and became Chat Noir, but then it stemmed into his growing worry about Ladybug not needing him anymore and the resentment against some Guardian of the Miraculous.
    Plagg, who Alix had the pleasure of meeting as soon as he smelled Alix’s dad’s cheese collection in the fridge, was now stuffing himself next to her.
    Meanwhile, the blond model was pacing in front of them as he let out everything off his chest, ranging from being angry, to sad, then back to being angry.
    Man, he had a lot on his plate?
    It wasn’t just about being Chat Noir either.
    Alix came to find that even as Adrien Agreste, his life was hard.
    Once she sensed that Adrien was taking a break from his complaining, she raised a hand up, “Er, I kinda have to agree with both Ladybug and this Kirin guy.”
    Adrien whipped his head around to face her, but she held her hand up.
    “Dude, I feel like you’re not hearing her. Like, you told me she’s turned you down how many times? Not to mention you do kinda flirt a lot and she has to save your sorry ass when you get your said sorry ass handed to you by an akuma. Also, I’ve noticed how you sacrifice yourself a lot. That scares a person, ya know?”
    Adrien flopped himself onto the other couch as he hummed, “But you’re not hearing me! We’re made for—”
   “—Each other because it’s destiny, we’re soulmates, yada, yada, yada. But man, this is reality! Not some anime romance comedy,” Alix sighed as she removed her hat, “No means no, Adrien. I don’t think anyone has taught ya that you can’t have everything your way. It’s wrong to just keep pushing your feelings on someone that is in love with someone else. Even if she didn’t have feelings for someone else, you should still accept when someone tells you they don’t feel that way back. Especially if they had to tell you multiple times. That’s how “Yanderes” are born you know. And you’re too pretty to be one.”
   Plagg snorted into his cheese for a moment as he grinned, “She’s got a point, kid.”
   “What’s a Yandere?” Adrien asked with a twitch of his nose as Alix sighed, placing a hand over her heart.
   “Nothing you should worry about, my sweet summer child. You’re too much of a stupid (and I say this nicely) sunshine cinnamon roll to know that.”
    “Er, I don’t know what that means, but okay?”
    “Anyways, back to the point,” Alix coughed as she looked serious, “There’s a reason why Ladybug seems to be angry with you whenever you “joke around” and try to woo her with cheap lines. It’s in the middle of a fight. You know, when you’re supposed to be protecting the city and it’s people? Not trying to get her to the movies. I mean, did you get your flirting tips from Asian Soap Operas?”
    “Well that and mangas that I got recommended by Nathaniel too. But before then, I also looked some up whenever I had travelled with my father to Japan or Korea,” Adrien said enthusiastically as he was opening his phone to show the saved sites on his app, “I mean, ain’t these romantic? I figured that reading stuff like American Young Adult books are over the top, yeah?”
    Alix couldn’t help but stare at Adrien as she flopped back onto the couch and Plagg snickering.
   She…she was totally joking about that.
   “Adrien…do you always get your dating advice from comics and TV shows?”
    “Well I had this one model friend in Japan telling me about how I could learn from these if I ever wanted to get a girlfriend, and apparently it does work! It’s also how I learnt about how to act in public school!”
    Alix didn’t know whether to smack him, laugh at him or hug him while patting his head like a mom would to their innocent child.
   Oh boy.
   “So what can I do to not annoy My Lady so much?” Adrien asked as Alix warily chuckled.
   “How about really listening to her? Maybe take value in her own feelings too?”
    Alix gave a look.
    Adrien sighed.
   “I don’t get it. I mean, I’ve done everything she’s asked. I just want to show that I care about her, and that she means the world to me. And yet she doesn’t give me the time of day outside a mission. I just…” Adrien sighed, lamenting more, “I get that she’s starting to get sick of me…maybe would rather have a partner better than me…”
   Alix was starting to piece things together as she slowly asked.
   “Adrien, do you tell Ladybug all these things? Like that you don’t feel appreciated and stuff?”
    “Er, well, no…I didn’t want to bother her with it. Honestly, I’m just trying to figure out how I can get her to at least just let me in on where she goes and what she and the Guardian talk about. Even just a little bit,” Adrien pouted, “I’m finding it unfair that she gets to know the people that’s temporarily a hero and I don’t…”
    “Maybe because the Guardian told her not to tell? I mean if he’s the one in charge, doesn’t that mean that she kinda has to listen? She’s the responsible one after all.”
   Alix paused for a moment.
  “Okay, you wanna know how you can make Ladybug take you seriously?”
   The blond’s eyes sparkled as he leaned in, nodding his head, “Yes, yes!”
   Alix smile turned into a stern face as she pointed her finger at him, ”Take a hint and move on.”
   Adrien gaped at her as Alix huffed.
   “Don’t think I don’t notice? I mean the interview with Nadja Chamack? Or that I watched Alya’s blog one too many time of you telling the whole world you guys are a couple. When I’ve heard from Ladybug a few times you guys aren’t a couple?”
   “Yet.” Adrien lifted a finger up.  
  Alix groaned, “Adrien, you’re just describing to me that you’re literally hounding and harassing her until she says yes out of irritation and defeat so you’d shut up. Do you really want that in a relationship?”
   “She’ll have to say yes to me eventually—“
   “ADRIEN!” Alix was jumping over the coffee table now as she was grabbing the front of his shirt and shaking him, “That’s not how relationships work in real life!”
   “But it worked for my parents?”
    Alix paused for a moment, reeling back as if slapped, “W-what?”
    Adrien shrugged, “I mean, my dad had always chased my mom during their college days. She eventually fell in love with him back then they got married when they had me. So it’s not just in fiction! If you tried hard enough to prove your love is real, they’ll come to love you back!”
    The pink haired girl released him for a moment as she stared at him, “Adrien. That sounds like your dad forced your mom into being with him.”
   “No he didn’t. Mom was playing hard to get, Father says. And then spoke the wonderful stories of their time together. Here, I think I have a picture of them in my Instagram…”
   Alix felt pity at the oblivious look of denial that Adrien had. She knew that his mom vanished a few years back. Was this the reason she’s gone?
    Maybe she should take it seriously that Adrien has been homeschooled and practically locked in his own home by his father all his life. Who is always busy and absent from Adrien’s daily life. There was no one else to turn to for any real advice and life lessons. (Does that bodyguard or that lady that’s always with his dad count?)
     Where has Nino been all this time this was happening?
    No wonder Adrien doesn’t realize the things he says and does are sort of messed up.
    “Okay Adrien,” She looked to Plagg, who was shrugging and shaking his head, before turning back to Adrien, “Maybe we need to have a little talk about real life stuff,”
     And this took maybe the whole day. Until Adrien had to go back home. But he managed to change into Chat Noir and sneak back into Alix’s room after hours to talk some more, with Alix making sure to lock her door so her brother doesn’t suddenly come bursting in with ANOTHER wild theory he had.
    After Alix finished talking, Adrien sat on her floor with wide eyes, as he was starting to let the gears turn in his head.
    “So…I really don’t know anything, huh?”
    Alix sighed in relief. At least he’s getting it in a way.
    “Kirin was right.” Adrien sighed as he was running his fingers through his hair, “I…was honoured to be chosen as Chat Noir. Being him gives me the sense of freedom to be outside of being just perfect me…”
    “And I get that. But you have a responsibility, dude. You’re a hero. Like Majestia and Knightowl,” Alix hummed with a nod of her head, “They keep their city save and work together professionally. They respect each other and do their jobs. Because they both love and care for the people they are protecting,”
    She didn’t think she’d have this kind of serious talk with anyone.
    Adrien nodded, as he sighed, “Wow…I feel kinda stupid now that I’m recounting everything. Man, no wonder Ladybug always seems so—“
    “Pissed off at you and looking like she’s a stuck in the mud?” Alix laughed, “Yeah. I can’t blame her, dude.”
     The blond looked at his crossed legs for a moment, fiddling with his fingers.
     Alix was reaching out to pat his head, “Baby steps, Agreste. At least you can realise things now and not be totally socially stunted. With me around, I think things will be okay,”
    Adrien smiled a little, “Thanks Alix. I think this is the first time I’ve hung out with anyone in our class one on one. Only Nino is the one I mostly hung…out with…”
    And that’s when it hit him.
    Adrien never got to know anyone inside his class. He only knew of Chloe, because of being childhood friends, and Nino, his best friend.
      Alix noticed his face and grinned, “Well that changes now~ And with me knowing your secret, I can help you out,”
   “How?” Adrien asked.
    “Like cover for you when you need to transform into Chat Noir? Stuff like that,” Alix hummed, “I wished I had a Miraculous so I could also help you and Ladybug out. But that’s up to Ladybug, huh?”
     Adrien looked thoughtful on that as he hummed, “Maybe instead of just waiting on the Guardian to show up to me. Maybe there’s a way I could call to him?”
    “That’s a thought. But let’s take this one day at a time, kitty cat,” Alix teased as Adrien laughed.
     Maybe Alix finding out his secret was a good thing. He got to not only let out what he’s been bottling up inside, but he also got insight and good advice about, well, everything.
     “Is this what friendship is like?”
     Alix raised a brow at Adrien as she the grinned, “Of course! And yes, it does include keeping it real and calling you on bullshit behaviour. But it’s not entirely your fault. It’s your dad. Still, at least you can learn from your mistakes right? The only way out is up~!”
      Alix had to note to maybe smack Nino when she sees him. Weren’t he and Adrien best friends?
     Adrien hummed, “I don’t think the feelings I have for Ladybug will go away that quick. But…I can acknowledge and respect that she only seems me as just a friend and that she loves someone else.”
     “Hey,” Alix was reaching out to Adrien’s knee as she slid on the floor in front of him, smiling weakly, “Ladybug loves you. Just…not in the way you want. I think it’s nice to cherish the friendship you guys have? And that’s okay, right?”
    Adrien took a deep breath and nodded, “For now, I suppose I should seriously stop focusing on Ladybug only and be a better hero…”
    “FINALLY!” Plagg was floating upwards and looking relieved, “Now I can rest in peace with no more woes and sighs about why doesn’t Ladybug give me a chance or I wish she would just see that I love her so much~” The kwami mocked while making kissy sounds faces, making both Adrien groan and Alix laugh.
    Now that Plagg was outing about the embarrassing things that Adrien has been saying to him about Ladybug, the blond felt the nail hitting the coffin at how appalling he was as Chat Noir.
    “I should get going,” Adrien said after an hour, looking at his phone for the time, “This…this is nice.”
    “Doesn’t mean it’s the end, buddy. We can also hang out in school, after school, or whenever you’re free. And my window is open for ya if Chat Noir decides to visit~” Alix winked, then yawned as Adrien soon transformed into Chat Noir.
     The cat hero smiled, looking like a weight has been lifted off his shoulders.
      “I’d like that. Anyways, have a good night.”       “Oh wait! I almost forgot!”
      Alix was soon grabbing from something in her bag and showed it to the cat hero, “Alya has been hounding me to take her to the museum since she has discovered something about Ladybug and the Miraculouses and wants to post the theories in the Ladyblog. Did you maybe want to come?”
    Chat Noir looked thoughtful about it, glancing down at the flyer in his hand, “Er, why?”
    “Hellooooo~?” Alix was waving a copy of the flyer about some grand opening in some part of the museum, “Don’t you wanna know more about Ladybug? And where the Miraculous came from?”
    Chat was curious. He leaned against his bo-staff for a moment with a hum.
    “It would be nice to know. You think Alya has cracked any good info?”
    “Dunno? That’s what we should find out, right? And you can totally tell Ladybug what you’ve found out? Maybe she could ease up on you and can tell you’re being serious this time around,” Alix nodded her head, “It’s a start in the right direction in reflecting on your past actions and being a better partner to her!”
     Chat smiled, nodded, “Sure! That sounds awesome! Count me in!”
    “Oh, and Lila might be tagging along too. She and Alya have been besties to the hip lately. Which is weird since I thought Alya and Marinette are BFFS,” Alix hummed, but then noticed the feline hero making a face, “Rumours about Marinette are going around with her hanging with Chloe of all people…is there something that I should know?”
    “Huh?” Chat blinked as he looked at her, “What do you mean?”
    “I mention Lila and you start making a face as if I forced a lemon in your mouth,” Alix narrowed her eyes, “Are we going to have another talk tonight?”
    Chat Noir smiled weakly, “Er…tomorrow morning? I can pick you up and we can head to school together?”
    Alix had a feeling she wasn’t going to like this talk tomorrow.
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   She didn’t like the talk at all.
    Alix was smacking her book bag onto Adrien as they rode in his car together, Adrien having picked her up from her home and now are driving to their high school. Adrien had explained himself on why he was awkward about Lila and once he spilled everything, Alix was miffed.
   “Lila was lying about everything and you told Marinette to keep MUM about it?! Ugh, Adrien! No wonder she’s hanging out with Chloe of all people!” Alix was giving a last smack to Adrien, and the blond had to wave his overprotective bodyguard from stopping the car and kicking Alix out, assuring the big guy he was fine.
    Well he’s fine physically. But mentally?
    “I-I just don’t want Lila to be akumatized, Alix! If we end up antagonising her, then we’d be in HUGE trouble,” Adrien defended himself, as he placed a hand over his heart, “Besides, her lies aren’t harming anyone!”
    Alix felt her face go red as she smacked the back of his head, “Adrien! I had myself believing her words about her getting me a legit chance to meet Tony Hawks and work with him  because she knows his kids and was so hyped on having to live my dreams as a pro-extreme sportswoman! I’d be the first of all of Europe. She made me believe that my fucking future career could come true to the point that I stopped practicing and competing all the sports I had signed up for and even ALMOST CANCELLED my extreme sports scholarship and waited for her promise to fall through!”
    Adrien gaped at her, “Wait, you actually listened to her lies?”
    “THAT’S NOT THE FUCKING POINT!” Alix huffed as she stared at him, “Adrien, what if she told Max that she knows Bill Gates and that she has connections to get Max a fake job and Max quits going to his dream college because of that lie?! Or Alya will be ruined and not be a real reporter in her future thanks to the all the lies that Lila gives her for her Ladyblog? Wait…”
    Alix gasped as she was gripping her short pigtails and turned to stare at him again.
    “Does…does that mean that Ladybug isn’t Lila’s best friend?”
     Adrien winced, sadly nodding, “I-I was there when Ladybug confirmed it in front of me and Lila—“
    “WAIT WAIT WAIT!” Alix was pinching the bridge of her nose as she took a breath, and then closed her eyes, “Even Ladybug…Adrien this goes beyond “harmless little white lies” now.”
      Adrien felt his stomach curl as Alix was cursing under her breath and was soon opening her eyes, turning to him and punching at his arm. Hard.
    “We have to tell someone!”
    “We can’t!” Adrien said desperately.
    Alix hissed.
    “We have to! We have to tell the class…wait,”
  ��  She narrowed her eyes.
     “Who else knows besides you and Marinette?”
     Adrien blanched at her.
     “Don’t make that face. I feel like you two aren’t the only ones.”
      “Hitoshi told me he knew. And that Nino, Chloe, Sabrina and maybe Rose and Juleka know too,” Adrien recalled, as Alix sighed.
      “So if this many people know…why are we not doing anything!?” Alix suddenly froze, looking to Adrien for a second and sighed, “Right. You told Marinette not to do or say anything. And maybe she told them in return, of course she would if it’s you…”
    Adrien looked confused, “What’s that supposed to mean?”
   “Nevermind,” Alix waved her hand and huffed, “Fine. If no one is gonna do it, then I will. As soon as we’re in school, I’m going to tell everyone!”
    “Alix nooooo!” The blond shook his head as he grabbed her arm gently, “We can’t expose her now! Hawkmoth…” He looked to his bodyguard driving and was relieved that the window between the driver’s seat and the back was closed, and looked back to Alix, whispering, “Hawkmoth will keep using her negative emotions over and over again and it will trouble Ladybug! Especially when we haven’t found out who and where is Hawkmoth. Just…please give me some time.”
    Alix saw the troubled and stressed look in his eyes and sighed.
   “Fine. For now, I’ll keep mum. But,” Alix wagged her finger as she stared at him, “I’m going to tell Nathaniel. He has the right to know since he’s one of my best friends. Plus Lila has been hyping him up for a job in Japan in the Manga industry. I don’t want him to be heartbroken…”
    Adrien gulped, noticing how the slow fury of overprotectiveness was showing on Alix’s face.
     Maybe the lies are going a bit too far now.
    The ride was quiet once more as they arrived at the school, Adrien coming out of the car and Alix soon followed. The students around them were in shock, whispering among themselves. The two were walking side by side together, ignoring the looks they were getting. They reached their classroom and were both surprised that Nathaniel was the first inside. And the only one.  
    Alix was grabbing Adrien’s wrist and rushed up to the red haired artist, tapping at his desk and making the said boy look up.
    “Nath! We gotta tell you something important!”
     The red head looked from her, to Adrien, then back to Alix as he sighed while looking grim, “I think I know what it’s about…”
   Adrien and Alix’s eyes widened as they looked at each other then back at Nath.
   “Y…You know?” Adrien asked, unconsciously touching at his ring.
   “Of course. I mean, I’ve heard about it from—“
    “You told him about me being Chat Noir?!” Adrien turned to Alix, betrayed, the pink haired girl and red haired boy looked at him in surprise.
     “You idiot! I told you I would never—“ Alix was smacking at Adrien’s head once more, surprising the artist before she hissed at the stupefied model, “Why would I tell that when I promised you I wouldn’t!?”
    The artist slowly raised his hand up, gaining their attention again with a cough.
    “Er…I-I was going to say I know about Lila…but, a-are you two serious?” Nath realised that they weren’t joking around as he gaped at Adrien, before his face morphed into a thoughtful look, “Then again, it makes perfect sense…”
   “That’s what I said!” Alix turned to her best friend before she then looked back at Adrien with a deadpanned stare, “How you’ve kept your identity a secret for so long with that cat brain of yours, I’ll never know!”
    “I’m sorry! I panicked!” Adrien whined as he then realised what Nath said and stared at him, “You know about Lila?”
    “I heard you and Hitoshi talk the other day. I was kinda the only other person in the room with you two when everyone else left. Heh, sorry?” The red head looked sheepish, but then turned serious, “Don’t worry, I’ll be keeping your secret Adrien. And maybe we should stop talking about it now since our classmates should be arriving soon.”
  Adrien and Alix looked back as the school bell rang, the two seeing that their classmates were indeed coming in. All three looked at each other and nodded their heads silently, agreeing to meet up with each other after class. Surprisingly, when Adrien went to take his seat, Alix was plopping next to him.
    The rollerskater winked at his surprised expression, “What? I wanna be seat buddies today~”
    Adrien smiled brightly at this, nodding his head. At least he won’t be bothered by Lila today.
     Nathaniel was at the table next to them so at least he could hear what they were saying with a good hearing. He even had to place his bag on top of the desk next to him so no one would sit next to him. That would include Lila.
   Speaking of the liar, she stared up at Alix and Adrien sitting together and glared, looking to where she should sit? Maybe Nath could let her sit—
   But she saw how the other was occupying the lone desk next to Adrien. Fine.
    Sighing, Lila moved to sit next to Mylene instead, hoping to spin some tale to her and gain her attention.
    And she did.
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     Around lunchtime, Adrien had quickly arranged for him, Alix and Nath to have lunch outside of school just so they could have some privacy to talk. Especially with Lila trying to be sneaky and join in on them. Alix experienced the brunt of Lila’s crocodile tears when the skater bluntly told her to leave them alone, and that brought both Kim and Mylene concerned for the Italian girl and looking slightly angry of Alix “being so mean” to Lila. It took Nath and Adrien both to pull Alix out and away from the room before she did anything violent.
    The three had arrived at a restaurant that Adrien sometimes sneaked to, thanks to Nino introducing him to the place (and bribing Gorilla into letting him have peace and quiet at lunchtimes that aren’t his strict diet regiment by buying some Hero Action Figures for Gorilla’s collection. Apparently this round was an All Might figurine) and managed to get good seats in a booth.
   Once they ordered their food, Adrien soon had to repeat his story to Nathaniel just as he did with Alix the other night, including stuff about Lila. Nathaniel just sat their, floored about the information given to him, but looking quite intrigued overall.  
     “Boy. Makes me glad that my crushes on both Marinette and Ladybug never went that far,” Nath saw Adrien frowned at him, making Nathaniel raise his hands up in surrender, “Sorry. But as a fellow admirer of Ladybug, I can get why you’d fall for her.”
   “Right? She’s amazing!” Adrien sighed dreamily but then pouted with narrowed eyes, “You aren’t still aiming for her, are you? Even when you have Marc?”
   “What? Marc?” Nath looked confused but then snorted, “Marc and I are partners in art. We are making a comic together, sure, but we aren’t a couple. And maybe I do still have an infatuation for Ladybug, but it’s not like I’m gonna chase her down and ask her out. She’s a hero, she has a responsibility to keep everyone safe. I respect that she loves her duty more than anyone else, you know?”
   Adrien’s shoulder slumped as he took Nathaniel’s words to heart. Ladybug did love Paris and it’s citizens. She wouldn’t have time for love and stuff, huh?
   Alix hummed a little, “So Nath, apparently we can’t tell anyone about Lila just yet. Do you agree with that?”
   “I do.”
   This surprised both Adrien and Alix.
    Nath went on to explain, “If we out her at this moment, especially with Hawkmoth taking advantage of anyone that lets their guard down, she’ll just be akumatized and then what? Once Ladybug stops her, you think Lila would back down after that? If what you’re saying is true and Lila hates Ladybug…what’s to say once she loses everything, she won’t willing go to Hawkmoth as revenge?”
   “Woah, hey, Lila wouldn’t go that far!” Adrien looked concerned at Nath’s suggestion, as the red head stared at him.
   “From what you just told me about her facing Oni-chan, Lila was willing to dupe you from leaving Ladybug’s side so she would be alone against an akuma. I’d say Lila can be a possible danger,”
    “So what do we do?” Alix asked as Nathaniel hummed.
   “We wait. We can just observe her and just slowly unravel all the lies she tells in secret to people without her knowing, little by little. Just point out the minor flaws of her tales without causing a scene. Maybe then we can at least make people wise up,” Nathaniel suggested but then looked to Adrien, “How close are you and Ladybug finding out who Hawkmoth is?”
   Adrien shook his head, “Nothing so far. She’s been more and more visiting the Guardian so…”
    “Right, the new hero with the Horse motif! And the new Chat that appeared too…” Nathaniel hummed as he tapped his chin, as Adrien was trying not to look sour at the mention of the Cat weeks ago.
   “Anyways, I wanted to talk to you about the thing I told you about last night, Adrien,” Alix spoke up as she smiled, “About Alya having a lead and helping Ladybug into finding out who Hawkmoth is!”
    Adrien frowned, “I don’t think it’s a good idea. I don’t want Alya to be snooping around and posting everything on her blog, whether she’s right or wrong. Especially when Lila is involved.”
    Nath’s eyes widened before he looked to Alix, “Adrien is right. What if Hawkmoth happens to see Alya’s blog?”
   “Oh, good point.” Alix hummed as she tapped her chin, “Fine. I can deny Alya and Lila from coming then, make up some excuse. But doesn’t mean we can’t go around ourselves and check out some clues~”
   The boys looked at each other before Alix grinned mischievously.
   “I managed to listen to everything Alya had told me about her plans. And I have the app that she used for said plans. So we can conduct this little mission by ourselves without her…plus…” She turned to the model, “Adrien? You can use this grand opening of my old man showing off his discovery of his Tibetan statue as an excuse of going out to the museum~! Public image for your father!”
    “Alix, you’re a genius!” Adrien looked excited about this, “And if we find out anything and that what Alya theorised is true, I can report this to Ladybug!”
    Nathaniel tilted his head, shrugging, “Sounds like a plan. I’m free myself on that day so I’ll tag along too.”
   Alix pumped her fist in the air, “Great! Then we prepare maybe an hour or two early before the opening. That way we have time to explore the museum and look for clues~”
   Adrien felt himself vibrate in his seat as their food arrived, already having a good feeling about this.
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   “Don’t be bemused~! It’s just the news~! The Louvre Museum will be unveiling an acquisition today~! A mysterious status carved from harden lava, which was recently discovered on the highest mountaintops of Tibet by the museum’s curator, Monsieur Kubdel~!”
    The day of the grand opening of Alix’s dad’s discovery came. Nathaniel, Alix and Adrien were already heading inside a bit earlier than expected, just so Alix could take their time showing them around and find what they need to find.
   “So according to Alya, the heroes like Ladybug and Chat Noir are using magical items, the Miraculous, which hold a Kwami, like Plagg,” Alix began, as she looked behind said Kwami of Destruction now resting on top of Nathaniel’s head eating a cheese cracker.
    Nathaniel had been introduced to Plagg already, Nathaniel having sketched the being and asking him question after question, and Plagg of course was basking in the attention.
   Adrien was half listening as he had a thought.
   “Alix, what did Alya think when you told her she couldn’t come?”
   Alix looked back at Adrien before she grinned sharply, “Oh well, I actually told her that the opening was going to be tomorrow instead. So her and Lila will just come to the museum then and not today,”
   Nathaniel rolled his eyes, “Aren’t they gonna see that you lied to them when they watch the news?”
   “That’s the beautiful thing about social media, Nathaniel~ No one is supposed to spoil or post anything about the unveiling until the next day. Today is just private first come first serve showing for important guests like the Agrestes and other celebrities,” Alix explained, “So it wasn’t technically lying. Nadja’s report isn’t live and will be shown tomorrow night, so there’s no way the could find out plus I’m pretty sure Aurore’s blog is posting her story about the statue until tomorrow night to.,”
   “Right, I just saw Aurore and Mireille on the way in,” Nathaniel recalled, “Wow, so Aurore’s blog is getting even popular huh? She’s getting invited to a lot of major events these days,”
   “Seems like it,” Alix nodded as she then walked them through the Egyptian exhibit, “Now, Alya told me that Ladybug, Chat Noir and other Miraculous holders were depicted through centuries…until for some unknown reason they disappeared and the world forgot about them.”
   “Makes sense, since Ladybug and Chat Noir debuted their presence just a few months ago,” Nathaniel placed his input with a thoughtful look, “And there aren’t much heroes in Europe anyways because of half the UN were against heroes with meta abilities being the dominant global superpowers like All Might and Mejestia,”
   “Exactly!” Alix clicked her fingers and looked up at a display with hieroglyphics, “Here, Alya said that this one had an Egyptian Ladybug user right here,.
   Adrien stared in awe at the carvings, seeing the picture of a woman spinning a familiar yo-yo as a shield. As they were moving on, Alix paused in her steps, stopping at some other tower of a pillar with Egyptian writing on it. She shuddered, goosebumps forming on her arms, as if there was something haunting about this peculiar monument.
    “Alix? Are you coming?”
    Alix turned to see Nath and Adrien waiting for her, and she nodded slowly.
    “Y-Yeah, I’m coming!”
     She moved away from the thing, glad to be out of there.
    Why did she feel a sense of foreboding when she was close to it?
   The three soon moved away from the Egyptian exhibition and went to the next room, stopping by a picture of a black knight.
   “This could be a previous Chat Noir~!” Alix pointed out, as she excitedly grabbed Adrien’s hand and dragged him forward, Nathaniel trailing behind them with observation at the paintings and listening to Alix.
    They soon stopped at a painting of a lady dancing with butterflies.
   “What about this one?” Nathaniel pointed out, “Maybe she was a good version of Hawkmoth? With the butterflies and all?”
     “That’s a good possibility,” Alix hummed as they continued on walking, “Now, Alya said back in the day, sculptures were painted.”
   “That’s true,” Nathaniel confirmed, as Alix was pulling out her phone, “Sadly, paint fades overtime.”
    “Right, but, tiny microscopic pigments still remain,” She hummed as she was clicking on an app on her phone and smiled, “Thanks to the app, witness how it originally looked~!”
   Adrien and Nathaniel gasped in surprise as they leaned onto the short girl, seeing the picture of Joan of Arc having her clothes a deep red with black spots.
    “Ladybug!” Adrien breathed out as Alix nodded.
    “But here’s the BIG thing,” The girl was soon pulling out more photos, zooming in on them, “All these works of art have something in common.”
   Adrien squinted at the pictures that Alix were showing them, but his eyes widened as he managed to see the familiar symbol that was on the box that Plagg and the ring were originally trapped in on the first day he was Chat Noir. The same boxes that Ladybug gives to temporary heroes and their Miraculous.
   “They look like as if they are signatures in a way,” Nathaniel hummed, “Like a calling card,”
   “Alya said that it might be a secret society emblem. As if some kind of Order of Guardians have been watching over the superheroes since the beginning of time,” Alix explained further with a serious look, but then her eyes widened, “…The same symbol of the Tibetan statue my old man found!”
    Nathaniel and Adrien’s eyes widened, looking at each other than back at Alix.
    “Would that mean…?” Nathaniel started as Adrien gasped, Plagg hiding in his jacket immediately.
    “We have to make sure!”
    The three were rushing to where the statue was going to be shown, and were relieved that the unveiling hasn’t started yet. Sneaking past the crowd that were idly chit chatting with each other, the three soon slipped under the red curtain surrounding the statue and peered inside a hole of the statue that homed some sort of weirdly shaped thing that had the same symbol Alix showed them.
   “Is this a Miraculous?” Nath whispered in wonder, as Alix frowned.
   “I doubt it. Adrien, what do you think?” She looked to the blond, who was frozen in place, “Adrien?”
    “It looks like…” Adrien reached out to touch the thing, finding it cool to the touch as he frowned, “A tiny monster…”
    “An Akuma?” Nathaniel asked as he looked back at the thing, “But it’s just a statue…?”
    “A two hundred year old statue to be exact, at least according to my Dad,” Alix hummed as she tilted her head, “It can’t be a coincidence that there hasn’t been a Miraculous holder for said two hundred years. Maybe this thing does have something to do with the Miraculous.”
   “A last known trace of a Miraculous until two hundred years later when Chat Noir and Ladybug show up in Paris along with Hawkmoth,” Nathaniel pieced it together and then looked to Adrien, “You have to tell Ladybug about this. Maybe she could tell the Guardian as well,”
   “We practically solved the mystery of the Miraculous~!’ Alix squeaked out quietly as Nathaniel smiled at her, also looking excited.
   “One problem guys, Ladybug only calls for me when there’s an akuma attack. But other than that, she’s hard to reach.” Adrien sighed, as the two looked thoughtful again.
   “Well…why not just call the Guardian then? Like you suggested before to Alix?” Nathaniel suggested, “Maybe he could help?”
    Adrien made a tsk sound.
    “He only comes to me. I don’t know any way of contacting him either.”
    Alix clicked her fingers, “There is a way~”
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      “…You sure about this?”
      Alix nodded to the male that was standing out in the open, “Positive. I mean it’s foolproof.”
     The three were located on the rooftop of Le Grand Paris, with Alix and Nathaniel hiding behind the pool chairs as they waited.  Adrien had taken off his ring, handed it to Plagg, telling him to give it to the Guardian and give the message that Adrien wanted to talk to him face to face. Alix thought that the Guardian had to come out and see what’s going on.
    And they didn’t have to wait long.
    “Hello, Adrien.”
    The blond turned to see the Chinese man standing behind him, smiling knowingly with Plagg floating beside him, ring in his tiny paws.
    Adrien stared in surprise that the guardian was actually here once more, right in front of him.
    “It seems we have much to talk about once more. It surprised me that you thought of contacting me this time…” Fu was then glancing at the two teens hiding behind the pool benches, as he chuckled, “Perhaps your friends could come out now? I’m sure they are getting uncomfortable hiding like that, hm?”
    Nathaniel and Alix gasped, as they poked their heads out and Adrien was looking fearful.
    Fu just gave a calm smile as he folded his hands behind him, “I believe you have something to tell me, Adrien?”
    Adrien was about to speak up when Alix was stepping forward.
       "You're...not gonna mind wipe us are you, Master Dude?!” She asked with wide eyes, Nathaniel nudging at her before he bowed his head in respect.
  “You’re the Guardian of the Miraculous, right? The one that gave Adrien his powers as Chat Noir and giving Ladybug hers?”
    “Indeed I am,” Fu responded, “I am Wang Fu. One of the last Guardians, I’m afraid.”
    “Monsieur Fu, I know that Ladybug and Chat Noir should keep their identities a secret from people, especially to each other. It’s basic Hero 101,” Nathaniel spoke calmly as he then softened,  “Please don't be angry at Adrien and make him stop being Chat Noir. We only found out by accident,”
   “Stupid accident, but that’s not entirely Adrien’s fault, he’s stunted from childhood.” Alix added but her friend immediately covered her mouth as Nathaniel continued.
   “We can keep a secret. But if you don’t feel comfortable knowing outsiders know, then we won’t stop you from wiping our memories about Adrien.”
   Alix and Adrien stared at the red head in shock, as Fu smiled a bit.
    “Just know, that you are very cruel into keeping Adrien in the dark of things and Ladybug gets a different treatment. How can they expect to work together if there is no trust on equal sides?” Nathaniel spoke tightly as he stared down at the old man, “I just thought I’d give my two Euros. If you really want the two to work together to stop Hawkmoth soon, I believe there should be fair grounds, don’t you think?”
   “You’re absolutely right.”
    Adrien gaped at the man, “He is?”     “He is,” Fu nodded as he smiled at Nathaniel, “You are quite intelligent, young man. And seem to have a sense of justice in you.”
    Nathaniel looked flustered at that as he had a shy smile, “Y-You think so?”
     “Of course he thinks so, Nath! You’re like, totally smart!” Alix chuckled but then stopped as she then looked back at the man, “Honestly, I was kind of expecting you to be some really big strict, scary dude,”
      “Do not worry. I believe myself to be…hip in the modern times,” Fu joked, as Adrien pursed his lips.
     “Why now?” He asked as he looked down, “Why not sooner?”
     “I apologise that I have kept you in the dark for so long. The timing to talk to you again and tell you of what is going on had not yet arrived…until today, that is,” Fu hummed as he gestured for the teens to sit down as he too sat on a pool bench.
   “So…we’re not gonna be punished for knowing and be brainwashed into forgetting?” Alix asked slowly as Fu grinned a little.
   “No, no. In fact, I believe Chat Noir does need allies in his corner as well,”
    “As well?” Adrien questioned as he looked back at Fu.
    “I have chosen some other Miraculous wielders besides you and Ladybug,” Fu explained, “Hawkmoth is getting stronger and stronger by the day. And it would seem that there are forces that are helping him. We are in need of a team of our own.”
   “Woah! That’s wild,” Alix breathed out as Adrien frowned.
    “Does that include whoever has the Horse Miraculous and tried using my miraculous that one time with Reflekdoll?”
     “The Horse Miraculous, yes. As for whoever it was that Plagg gave the cat ring to, I am not sure. But I do count it as a happy accident.” Fu said as Adrien folded his arms, almost childishly sulking.
    “Oh! Speaking of happy accidents. We gotta tell ya something important. We thought to tell Ladybug but I figured calling you first would be a better option,” Alix explained as she was pulling out her phone, and Fu smiled.
   “Ah, so you are the one that suggested to send Plagg to fetch me. Very cunning~” He noted, stroking his beard as Alix looked sheepish.
    “Heh, yeah, b-but anyways! We thought we’d show you some things. Things about the Miraculous and it’s history!”
    Fu looked intrigued and let Alix show her the pictures she captured, soon going off what she has already told Adrien and Nathaniel. Fu was impressed that they found out so much, although Alix admitted that she might’ve gone off from someone else that discovered and theorised about it first.
   “I figured you wouldn’t want anyone to find about all of this. Especially Hawkmoth. So I kinda just told Alya to not investigate it today and secretly we’d take over. I’ll still find a chance to maybe steer her away from the truth fully.” Alix told Fu seriously, who nodded.
   “That would be wise. But even if she did expose these theories, there is no way that Hawkmoth could trace it back to us…”
   Suddenly, Fu gasped out loud as he almost dropped Alix’s phone, eyes wide in fear.
    “M-Master Fu?” Adrien called out in surprise at the man’s reaction, looking down to see what spooked him.
    “Impossible! That’s impossible. We’re doomed!”
     The three teens looked at each other, nervous, and looked back at the panic-stricken Guardian.      
     “W-what is wrong Master Fu?” Nathaniel asked, Fu shaking his head and muttering in Chinese, confusing the red head.
    “He looks so freaked. What should we do?” Alix asked as Adrien looked at the picture, seeing it was the statue that Alix’s father discovered.
    “Is it this thing? The statue?” Adrien questioned as Fu looked up and was pulling out his phone.
    “It is not a statue, Adrien,” He was then scrolling through his pictures and showed it to the three, “It is a Sentimonster. A magical creature conjured from an emotion shaped by the power of the Peacock Miraculous!”
   The three then gasped, as Nathaniel clicked his fingers.
   “So there is a wielder of that particular Miraculous then!” Nathaniel hummed as he then looked to the shaken old man, “From what I’ve gathered from Adrien as Chat Noir, he and Ladybug have fought Sentimonsters and defeated them.”
   “Yes but…” Fu looked…ashamed, as he bowed his head, “None of them come close to the power of this one,”
    Soon, the three were told of Fu’s backstory of when he was a young boy training with the Guardians of the Miraculous in Tibet, and how the Sentimonster was created. Which resulted into how he was the last Guardian thanks to the Guardian Order vanishing, on the run with the very last box and how he had lost the Peacock and Butterfly Miraculous.
    “So that explains it,” Nathaniel spoke softly as he was piecing everything together, “Considering Alix’s father found the Sentimonster and brought it here, there’s a chance Hawkmoth and Mayura would find out and probably try to awaken it by using the Peacock.”
   “Then we should tell Ladybug,” Adrien said with determination, “She and I will stop it!”
   “You both won’t stand a chance,” Fu lamented with guilt in his eyes, “He’s totally immune to the powers of the Miraculous…”
   “Considering the thing is a Miraculous eating machine,” Alix hummed but then was stepping up, “With or without a Miraculous, let us help you, Master dude!”
   “Do not call me Master. I was never a guardian to begin with.” Fu said sadly but then it turned into his own hard resolve as he said seriously, “I will not make the same mistake!”
   Fu was then standing straight, already placing his hand out to Adrien as the blond’s eyes widened.
    “Adrien Agreste. Please surrender the Cat Miraculous.”
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  Shinso stared at the pillar with hieroglyphics on it, tilting his head as he then was looking down at the pocket watch in his hand. Sighing, he turned away from it as he clicked it open, seeing some scratched inscriptions on it.
   The answer is the ninth’s last hope.
   Even to this day, Shinso didn’t know what the words mean.
   Breathing out, he closed the watch and clicked it again, as the old silver watch turned into a blue and white watch. Placing it in his pocket, he then whispered softly.
   “Fluff. Clockwise.”
    Transforming into his Rabbit Hero form, Kazesagi, the young Miraculous wielder was calling out for his burrow. His umbrella shifted into a scythe, cutting the pillar into pieces as it fell into the bright shining hole. Kazesagi closed the portal with a pained look, and de-transformed.
     Fluff land tiredly into his hair.
��  “H-Hi-chan? Why did we do that?” Fluff cooed softly as Shinso was offering a sugarcane to her, and the Kwami took it gratefully.
   “I cannot leave any loose ends. You know that, Fluff,” Shinso murmured as he glanced around, “We should get back—“
   Suddenly, he heard a noise and Shinso froze at the sound. He quickly took Fluff in his arms and climbed into a sarcophagus, leaving it slightly open so he could see what’s going on (and not be locked up for good. That would be bad to be trapped into an Egyptian artefact for years, right?). Peering out, he then saw—
   ‘Mayura…’ The brainwasher thought as he watched her walk to some statue and raising her hand up to it, and suddenly the statue broke away as a frog like blue creature emerged from the rubble.
    “Yum. Yum. Miraculous~”
    Shinso’s eyes widened as he was hiding Fluff into his jacket and was quickly getting himself out, escaping out of the museum before the Sentimonster would notice him.
   He was already jumping onto the roofs with his capture weapon when he heard the bellowing not far behind him.
     “Fuck!” Shinso cursed as he was soon swinging himself onto the higher building, barely missing a tongue aimed for him as the blue creature was chasing after him.
    The creature was now huge.
    Meaning Hawkmoth must’ve akumatized it. Making it twice as powerful.
    Cradling Fluff close to him, Shinso was quick to jump down from the building, grabbing for the fire escape ladder and kick himself into a window, thankfully landing him into an empty room. In his hurry, he transformed back to Kazesagi, and used his now transformed umbrella, clicking at the handle.
    “Calling Ladybug, Chat Noir, Carapace, Anyone! There’s a Sentimonster that is now akumatized by Hawkmoth! I need reinforcement! I repeat! I need—“
   Feeling something wrapping around his waist, Shinso looked back and screamed as he was pulled in--
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  “I can’t believe that he’d take your Miraculous!”
   Adrien looked at Alix and Nathaniel as the three of them were in the car, Adrien’s bodyguard having picked them up and taking them home.
   Apparently Nathalie collapsed during the unveiling since Adrien and them had vanished for hours and the blond was now being called back home. Probably in big trouble for disappearing on her and Gorilla like that. Although Adrien had begged his guard to at least help him take his friends home.
   “Does he not trust you? After all he said before?” Alix was angry for Adrien as the blond had made sure Gorilla wasn’t listening and having the window divider shut., “We could’ve helped him take down this Sentimonster thing! Oh gosh, he’s gonna go and get Ladybug too huh? Then wait?! Did he think just running away would solve everything?!”
   Nathaniel looked out the window, softening, “What’s going to happen to Paris? Hawkmoth and Mayura are still at large.”
    Suddenly, the car came to a full stop as the three jerked in their seats in surprise. Hearing screams and crashes outside, they peered out the window and saw Master Fu biking with a lot of baggage on him and being chased by some monster.
   “The Master needs help!” Alix was already jumping out the car, and Nathaniel followed.
   Adrien was going to follow, but his eyes widened as he rolled out in time before the creature stuck it’s tongue onto Adrien’s car and swallowed it whole, including Gorilla.  
    “NO!” Adrien shouted, but was pulled back by his two friends as they rolled out of the way as the monster barrelled his way down the streets.
   “We should go after it!” Adrien said bravely and was about to race off it but Alix pulled at his shirt.
   “Hold on, you can’t go as Adrien Agreste!” She argued as Adrien stared at her impatiently.
   “Then what do you suggest?! In case you forgotten, I don’t have my Miraculous! Unless somehow you magically get me a Chat Noir costume or something,”
   Nathaniel looked down at the ground and saw an abandoned Banana Man costume and picked it up along with a broom, showing it to Adrien.
    Adrien stared at it then looked at Nathaniel, deadpanned.
     “You did say or something,” Nathaniel teased as Alix found a scooter to ride on and rolled it to them.
    Adrien was not amused, for once.
   “There’s no way I’m wearing that!”
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    “Chat Noir?! Is that you?!”
    The feline hero groaned from under the Banana suit, pushing his leg down to gain speed as he drove his scooter, looking back at who seems to be Ladybug dressed in a pink helmet covering her whole head and a cute black and pink tracksuit, riding a bike. There was also a young man with a cardboard box over his head with two holes for eyes dressed in what seems to be a baseball uniform and riding a skateboard.
   “Is that…Carapace, beside you, Ladybug?”
    “Sorry about this dude! Our Miraculous were taken by Master Fu!” The box headed Carapace told Banana Noir.
   The banana wearing hero felt his heart clenched. So Carapace has his Miraculous permanently.
    Master was telling the truth about choosing Miraculous holders.
     The three of them raced after the Sentimonster, but they stopped once the monster stopped as well. It seemed to be distracted as it looked off to the side, and soon was changing course.
    Where was it going?
    Ladybiker caught up to Master Fu and his bike, as she then breathed out.
    “I don’t understand! Why did you send that letter to me and take Tikki away?!” Ladybiker demanded softly, as Fu sighed.
    “As I’ve explained in my letter, I need to fix my mistake…”
    Banana Noir stepped up next to Ladybiker, “You chose us for a reason, Master. You have helped us a few times, now it’s our turn to help you!“
   Master Fu looked up to the two, unsure.
    CaraParcel looked over and then gasped, “There are two Miraculous Heroes fighting…that’s not us?!”
   Everyone looked over to see Kazesagi jumping around with his umbrella-turned-scythe, trying to dodge the tongue trying to stick to him.
    But the Rabbit Hero wasn’t alone.
    Jumping on top of the Sentimonster known as Feast, was a very tall and very adult man in all black with a white cloth wrapped around his waist as a long end of it was sticking like a horse tail, matching the scarf around his neck. His hair was stark white tied in a ponytail with black goggles that were shining red. There were horseshoes hanging around his makeshift belt as the man was soon grabbing two, and hitting them onto the Feast, making it even angrier.
   “Another horse hero?!” Banana Noir gaped at the sight and looked to Master Fu, “I thought—what happened to the other one?!”
    Soon the Rabbit and Horse heroes were flipping backwards away from the akumatized Sentimonster, landing next to the group.
   “Kirin is out of commission. I’m taking over him temporarily,” The new Horse Hero explained with a drawl in his voice, almost sounding tired, “The name’s Mustang. Now, how do we stop this thing?”
   “If it’s an akumatized Sentimonster, we need to find both the Akuma and Amok,” Ladybiker pointed out.
    “The thing is, there’s nothing to break.” Banana Noir replied back with a worried look.
     “Then it has to be inside the monster…”Ladybiker said, tapping at the side of her helmet, “If only I had my Lu—“
   “Here,” Fu was quick to give the Miraculous to Ladybiker, Banana Noir and CaraParcel, nodding his head, “Go and transform.”
   The three of them nodded, and soon were heading some place to hide and transform into their hero forms, as Fu looked to Kazesagi and Mustang.
   “You two distract Feast. I shall find a place to hide the Miracle Box.”
   “Got it, old man.” Kazesagi nodded before looking to Mustang, “Let’s go.”
    Mustang nodded as he was using his scarf as a line, swinging towards Feast, hoping to use his voyage to trap him. Although he activated the trap, the beast just went through it like it was nothing and continued to chase after Mustang.
      “Voyage doesn’t have an affect?!” Kazesagi gaped in surprise, as the portal just disappeared like smoke once Feast bulldozed through it.
     Guess burrow won’t work on a Miraculous eating monster.
      And Mustang’s goggles were beeping, signalling that he was going to transform back soon.
      What to do? What to do?
      Kazesagi turned to see Ladybug had arrived along with Chat Noir and Carapace.
      Ladybug smiled as she suddenly had a red metal detector with spots, humming a bit as she looked at Feast, then at Chat Noir and Carapace as the two were helping Mustang fight Feast. Although, Chat Noir lost his bo-staff when Feast used his sticky tongue to grab and swallow it.
    “I think I have an idea!” She hummed as she was summoning her yo-yo, and soon was tying both herself, Chat Noir and Carapace together
     “Wha—?” Chat Noir blinked as he looked down at the strings of the yo-yo binding him, then looked back at Ladybug, “Is this the time, LB?”
     “What are we doing now?” Carapace asked as Ladybug smiled sweetly at the two.
     “Ready to get the stick back~?” Ladybug batted her eyes innocently as Chat already knew what was coming next.
    “Oh no…not the tongue…” Chat murmured with a whine, as Carapace was already activating Shell-ter around them.
     The three suddenly felt the tongue sticking onto the shield, pulling all of them inside Feast’s hungry mouth and down his stomach.
     “NOO!” Kazesagi shouted as he was about to switch his umbrella into his scythe when he felt a cloth wrapped around his middle and was pulled into the air.
     Mustang caught him and soon landed them far from the monster and were racing to find the Guardian. Who happened to come out of hiding to see what’s going on.
    “W-where’s Ladybug, Chat Noir and Carapace?” Fu asked in worry.
     They didn’t have time to answer as Feast was coming their way, and he looked hungrier than before. Kazesagi and Mustang were standing protectively in front of Master Fu, ready to fight back and give the Guardian time to escape when Feast suddenly stopped. The two heroes and Fu blinked in surprise when the monster looked like it was going to blow. Quickly, Kazesagi opened his umbrella like a shield, Mustang moving behind him along with Fu. Bubbles appeared everywhere as they heard the explosion, the three peaking out to see Carapace grinning as he led down the shield while Chat Noir held the now Cataclysm’d staff that held the amok and akuma, while Ladybug did her thing and purified them.
    Once the little magical bugs were cleaning up and bringing everything to normal, Ladybug and Chat Noir approached their Master, who smiled softly.
   “Thank you Ladybug. Chat Noir. Because of you both, I do not have to run away anymore.” Fu said in relief, as Ladybug looked confused.
    But Chat Noir understood.
    Mustang’s goggles were beeping once more, and he had a few seconds to transform back, “Looks like we’re gonna have to jet—“
    Ladybug’s eyes widened, “Wait, I don’t know—“
     Fu interrupted Ladybug, “I do know who they are. Do not worry, they are our allies.”
     Ladybug looked worried as she looked to Kazesagi, but then her eyes widened at the realisation. Sighing, she nodded her head.
    Kazesagi took a bow before he was bouncing off, and Mustang followed afterwards.
      Three beeping sounds were heard as Chat Noir looked to his ring and looked back to Master Fu, “I know three people who better run before they transform back~”
     Carapace looked to Master Fu, “I should take you home, Master.”
      “Goodbye Master,” Ladybug bid her farewell as both her and Chat Noir went their separate ways, Carapace carrying Master Fu on his back before making his way to his home.
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   Nathaniel and Alix were walking together to head to Alix’s house when a certain Chat dropped down in front of them, making both of them shout in surprise but it soon turned into relief and happiness.
   “Sweet! You got your Miraculous back!” Alix smiled brightly as Chat Noir winked.
    “The Cat is indeed back~” The feline chuckled but then hummed “How about we get you two home, hm?”
    “Wait, what about Master Fu? Is he okay?” Nathaniel asked.
    “Taken home safe and sound,” Although Chat had to wonder if Master Fu will still continue to leave or will he stay now that his past mistake is fixed?  “We should get you guys home before we get even more in trouble for being out so late…”
Alix hummed, “For you at least, Mr. Tomcat. My dad is pretty cool of me being out late as long as I don’t get hurt or worse…”
    “Mm, my family don’t notice me that much, so I’m on the same boat,” Nathaniel shrugged but then grinned a bit at Chat, “But you, on the other hand…should be heading home yourself before you’re jailed by your father,”
    “Grounded. You mean grounded, right?” Chat Noir asked but then sighed, knowing that Nathaniel had a point, “I just wanted to check on you guys. But since you’re okay, I’ll get going. See you tomorrow?”
    “Absolutely!” The two both said with smiles, waving as Chat Noir pole vaulted his way to the rooftops and started running home.
     As Nathaniel and Alix continued on their way home, they never noticed the almost fiery blue eyes watching them from above, a scarred grin appearing on the stranger’s face.
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    Master Fu waved to Carapace as the new Turtle Holder left to head home, and soon turned to see Shinso sitting at his table, looking grim.
    “I hope that Horse Hero you have chosen to take over you tonight is alright.”  Fu hummed as he was stepping towards the young man, as Shinso nodded his head.
    “He gave it back and went to continue his mission in his true alias.” Breathing out, the purple haired male was soon holding out the pocket watch of the Rabbit to him, “Thank you for lending me Fluff to use for tonight, even when I never told you what I used it for…”
      “I am sure you have your reasons. Especially since you have come to me and returned it,” Fu sat in front of the other, seeing how tired the other way. It was almost as if he had so much years on him than any teenager he’s ever met. Or anyone for that matter.
     “…I’m sorry that I seem to be keeping so many secrets,” Shinso murmured as he about to hand the watch to  the man, but was surprised when Fu pushed it back to him, “Wha—?”
    “My dear boy, everyone keeps secrets. You have witnessed just tonight that I too had secrets of my own,” Fu hummed as he then glanced at Shinso, “But I do trust you. Something about you tells me that you have good intentions, whatever it is your are trying to change or prevent.”
    Shinso froze at the tone from the Master, bowing his head. He soon was pulling the Horse Miraculous from his person, and felt Fu moving to gently take it from him. Looking back at his watch on his other hand, Shinso looked…troubled.
   He only intended to use the Rabbit one last time.
   “I believe Fluff truly belongs to you and only you, young Hitoshi. You should keep and cherish this Miraculous and it’s Kwami from this point onwards,” Fu smiled almost fatherly like, as the Horse Miraculous turned back to sunglasses, “The horse shall return to me until it’s true user shall appear.”
   “Is it…?” Shinso questioned before Fu shook his head.
    “No, I do not think so. Someone else would be well suited for Kaalki.”
     The Miraculous shined for a moment, Kaalki appearing and looking upset as they flew over to Shinso and nuzzled into his cheek.
    “It was an honour working with you, Sir Hitoshi!” The horse kwami cooed, as Shinso smiled weakly and scratching at their mane gently with a finger, closing his eyes.
    “You too. I hope whoever is your next user will treat you well.”
     Kaalki smiled before they vanished back into their Miraculous, and Fu was moving to place it back into the Miracle Box. Shinso looked down to the watch in his hand, as he tightened his grip on it.
     ‘I won’t mess up this time.’
     “I suggest you go home and rest my young friend. I would think even if your mentor is out and about now, he would want you to rest,” Fu said as he was moving his Miracle Box to it’s hiding place.
    Shinso nodded as he then tilted his head, “What are your plans now?”
     Fu turned to the young man, smiling, “I believe this apartment is not a good living space anymore…”
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    Adrien was indeed grounded for coming home after curfew, taking the fall of running away from an Akuma attack and not staying by Gorrila’s side so that the bodyguard wouldn’t get in trouble for losing him.
    But it was worth it.
    At least he was allowed to go to school still.
   Adrien looked to the news as he saw Nadja talking about the re-appearance of a Monk Temple in Tibet on his phone, smiling a little. Looks like Ladybug’s cure after defeating Feast has brought it back. Along with the people inside it.
   “Is that the Temple that Master Fu was talking about?” Nathaniel asked as he sat with Adrien in the privacy Alix’s living room , Alix skating around them idly.
     Adrien nodded, “Master Fu said that he’ll visit them in due time to explain everything. But before that, he’s preparing to move to another location to hide from Hawkmoth since he knows who Master Fu is now and what he looks like.”
     “Makes sense to lay low, but he’s not going to take your Miraculous right?” Alix asked as she stopped in front of them, “I mean, what would Paris be like without it’s heroes, ya know?”
   “Don’t worry, Master Fu assured me that there was no way he was going to take away anyone’s Miraculous. Not when Hawkmoth and Mayura are still around…” Adrien hummed but then grinned, “Also, he wanted me to tell you that he wants to see you two as soon as he settled in his new place.”
    Nathaniel and Alix looked at each other for a moment before looking back at Adrien in confusion.
    “Er, why?” Nathaniel asked slowly, as Adrien continued to look teasing.
    “Well, you are going to be future Miraculous heroes. So he’d want to train you guys as soon as possible~”
    Alix gasped out loud as she squealed, grabbing at the shocked Nathaniel’s shoulder and shaking him, “Y-you mean—?!”
    “Yeah. You guys are gonna be my teammates from now on. Although he won’t give you any Miraculous right now, but he wants to prepare you in case Ladybug and I would need the help in future battles. And of course, preparing to take down Hawkmoth and Mayura.”
     Adrien watched with amusement as Alix was pushing Nathaniel away before skating around them in excitement, cheering and woohooing while Nathaniel was lying on the ground, still taking the news in. The cat holder hummed as he remembered the talk the other night when Fu visted him once more.
    “Perhaps it is time that both You and Ladybug are to meet. Unmasked. Not now, but soon…Because I am to chose the both of you as candidates as the next Guardians of the Miraculous.”
    Adrien looked worried as he was touching at his ring.
    He had promised himself he would try and move on from his feelings of Ladybug. Be a better partner and friend this time around, meaning to take his job as a hero seriously.
    But the fact that he could possibly meet the girl behind the mask?
    It made his heart beat fast, and his stomach curl.
     If this was a few days ago before, maybe he’d be over the moon finding out who was the love of his life under the Ladybug persona.
     But now?
     He felt afraid.
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    “Train not just me, but Chat Noir as a potential Guardian?” Marinette asked as she packed the last box onto the van, looking at Master Fu in surprise, “Are…are you sure it’s the right time?”
    “As you have said before, Marinette. It is time to take the noodles out of the boiling pot,” Master Fu chuckled softly, “You looked so worried before that your friends knew of you identity as you do them, and yet Chat Noir did not get the same treatment. I believe that you are right that Chat Noir does need to know everything and be more involved. I am sure you are relieved to not be keeping such a secret from your partner, hm?”
   “I am.”
    And Marinette meant that.
    After all, she had been worrying over how distant Chat Noir had been in each fight against the akumas, and she knew since the Syren incident, Chat had felt like he wasn’t trusted enough. Hiding the fact that she had a few people find out her being Ladybug and she had chosen her team without him…it had been killing her.
    Despite not feeling romantic love for him, she did love him.
    He was her best friend and partner.
    Smiling a little, she felt…excitement. She finally gets to see the boy under the mask of her first and best partner. And keep her promise of showing her true self under the Ladybug mask.
    After helping Master Fu finish packing up and move to his new place, Marinette returned home and headed inside. Once she reached to the door, she was surprised to see her parents weren’t alone. In fact, the guest they had was a man that had long unruly hair and seemed to sport a bit of a stubble, dressed in all black and wearing a scarf even though it wasn’t that cold. The adults were talking and laughing a bit until Marinette decided to interrupt.
   “Maman? Papa?”
    Tom and Sabine looked up and smiled brightly.
   “Oh, welcome home sweetheart!” Tom crowed in joy as he was soon walking over to bring his daughter in and closer to them, “We wanted you to meet your godfather~”
   “G-Godfather?” Marinette questioned before Sabine smiled softly.
   “Oh yes. He’s here for a vacation with his son and has been coming to visit the bakery lately but you’re always out and about everyday so he never gets to see you,”
    Marinette looked at the man for a moment. How…how has she never heard about this guy before?
     The man quirked a smile, chuckling a little, "I guess you wouldn't remember me. It's been a long LONG time. Last time I saw you, you were kinda tiny..." He gestured with his hands of a baby size, looking amused.
    Sabine went on to tell the story of how she knew of Shota Aizawa, Marinette sitting down with Tom on the living room couch.
   It was during her college days that the Cheng family stayed in Japan for a few years due to her parents’ being business people and wanted to create many branches, they also wanted Sabine to learn other cultures for her future in the family business. 
   “Your Aunt Shu Yin went to the same school as Shota here, the two becoming the best of friends along with three other people,” Sabine chuckled as she looked to Shota, “She has indeed changed a lot since the last time I remembered.”
  "How is she?” Aizawa asked
   "She's...a bit all over the place as I recall," Sabine looked nervous for some reason as Tom was making a face behind her, making Aizawa smile, "But have you visited her yet?"
   "Actually, I do plan on visiting," 
    "What was that nickname you liked calling her?" Sabine hummed as she was snapping her fingers as if thinking, but then gasped as she smiled, "Ebony! Wasn't that what you called her in school?"
    A chuckle escaped Aizawa as he had a fond look in his eyes, along with amusement. 
   "It's because our class could never pronounce her Chinese name right, so she ended up being nicknamed that," The shaggy haired man then looked over at Marinette, “She was a spitfire back in the day, she was popular among our peers."
   "Aunt Shu Yin? Popular?" Marinette looked at Aizawa in disbelief for a moment, "The same woman that hates cakes and cultural tours?"
    "Actually, the cake thing is true. Apparently our friend traumatised her of eating cakes," Aizawa explained, and Sabine interrupted before he could say anything else.
  “Your grandparents weren’t approving about your aunt going to the same school Shota was, so when she somehow got sponsored by someone, she packed up and left the family for good…I suppose it's why Shu Yin wasn't always missing out on family reunions and preferred to be a home-body.”
  Marinette was confused then. So how did her mom know this guy if he was much closer to an aunt that she wasn't fond of?
   “She…is going through a few things. Things she won’t tell me. I haven’t heard from her since her graduation of high school. Actually, it’s when Shota started writing to me about her and that’s how we got to know one another,” Sabine sighed, her eyes looking sad at the thought of her sister, “l-I do miss her. B-But I earned a friendship in Shota while talking about her, and would sent letters back and forth to me about everything. Actually, he was the one that encouraged me to break from the family’s traditional ways and move to Paris to pursue my dream~”
   “Your mom was passionate about cooking and making a home full of love and food, as I remember her saying,” Aizawa chuckled when Sabine playfully slapped his arm with a grin, “She even wrote to me how she had met the love her life at first sight.”
     Marinette blinked, looking to the two of them then looked to her father, then back to them in surprise.
   “Dad?” Marinette pointed to Tom, who grinned sheepishly.
   “Shota had just flat wrote to her that she should go for it because that dummy won’t make the first move.” Tom recalled, as Shota raised a brow.
   “I called you a dumba—“
   “AHHHH~ You must be hungry Marientte! Why don’t we get started on dinner and talk some more HMMM?” Tom interrupted as he gave Shota a look, who gave a lazy cheeky grin.
  Marinette just watched them interact with a frown, just overall confused. They say that they know each other and all thanks to the very aunt that she and her father does not really like. But it seems this guy does.
   So many questions.
   And why does Shota keep staring at her like he knows something she doesn’t.
   It was strange.
    Even if this guy did help bringing her parents together, it didn't answer the questions that were burning in her mind.
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  After dinner, Marinette was showing Shota around to her room, considering that Sabine wanted her daughter to give her long-time godfather a tour of her house.
   “So that’s it for the tour. My room isn’t much, but it’s a place where I think of ideas for my fashion designs. It’s my dream to one day have my own clothing line and such, you know?” Marinette concluded finally as she lets the messy haired man up into her room, the man looking around with a hum as Marinette shuts the trap door under them.
   “So…much pink,” Shota hummed, tilting his head.
   “It’s kinda my favourite color,” Marinette nodded as she then glanced over at her table, glad that Tikki was hiding now, “So, how long are you staying in Paris?”
   “Ahh for a while. I kinda have to considering my son is in school for a bit while I do some on the go work,” Shota said with a shrug as Marinette looked puzzled.
  “I thought you were here on vacation?” She questioned, but then blinked, “Wait, your son? Why isn’t your son with you?”
   “I think you might know about where my son is,” Aizawa raised a brow as he looked to the girl, “After all, you were spending time with him today. You guys share a class too,”
   It took the girl a moment before she gasped, “H-Hitoshi’s your son?!”
  Aizawa gave a large grin, chuckling a bit, “More like his mentor. But sure, I’ll go with that for now since it’s kinda the cover I’m going for,”
   Marinette felt her head spin, as she then turned away from him, “So….t-that means…?”
  “That I know that you’re the Parisian Heroine, Ladybug? Yeah I do know,” Aizawa hummed as he looked at the pictures on her wall idly, “I also know about the Guardian of the Miraculous. And the fact there are other Miraculous heroes besides you and Chat Noir—”
  He turned in time to see Marinette almost wanting to tackle him, dodging her hit easily with a raised brow.
  “How can I be sure what you’re saying is true?!” She demanded, not caring if this guy was her godfather and a family friend to her parents. What were the chances that a stranger that reveals to be her godfather actually knew of her being Ladybug? And that this man also knew Master Fu? It didn't add up to her.
    A sigh was heard from the man as Marinette kept her guard up, Shota was rubbing the side of his neck.
"It seems that you don't believe me. Which is good. Having the instinct to not trust easily is a trait that a hero should have.”
   Marinette just stared at him a moment longer before Shota chuckled.
   “Call Shinso then. Then you’ll believe me.”
     Not taking her eyes off of him, she grabbed her cellphone and dialled Shinso’s number, raising it to her ear as it rang. Once it picked up and Marinette was about to ask, Shinso was heard sighing.
   “Is Aizawa already there?”
   Marinette’s eyes widened in surprise, making the older man chuckle for a moment while giving a I told you so look. Growling, she told Shinso she’ll call him back before hanging up, looking at the man.
   “Alright, who are you really? Are you truly a friend of my parents? How do you know Master Fu?”
    “Don’t waste any time, do you?” Shota sighed but then folded his arms, but soon was looking out the window and raised a brow, “Besides, we fought side by side before~”
    “We did?” Marinette asked, unsure.
     Aizawa hummed as he was moving to pull his hair back, placing it in a familiar high ponytail as he smirked, “I named myself after my car after all…well, it’s actually a friend’s favourite but eh, beggar’s can’t be choosers,”
     Marinette tilted her head as she stared at him, but then gasped, “Mustang?!”
    “Bingo~” Aizawa hummed and let his hair fall, as he grinned, “Shinso lent it to me that night against Feast since he didn’t want two Miraculous to be lost. And by the way, using voyage on yourself is hard…”
     Shinso has a lot of explaining to do, Marinette would think, as she then sighed.
    “Looks like we do have a lot to talk about, Godfather,”
    Aizwa gave a sharp smile, nodding, “Indeed we do, Ladybug~”
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        “Well, Eraser was right…” A very large looking man in a yellow jacket with a hood was standing on the border of France, right next to a white cloaked, bare footed young man, “The leftover allies of the Shie Hassaikai have indeed succeeded into smuggling their drugs into Paris…”
    “W-what now, Fatgum?” The hooded young man next to him spoke in a quiet tone, “D-Do we report back?”
    “Not yet, Suneater,” Fatgum shook his head as he was watching the large van was going into the city, sighing, “We don’t have jurisdiction. If we report and the UN find out, it could cause an international incident. We’re gonna have to be real careful how we deal with this from now on.”
   “E-especially with the rumour that the League is on the move,” Suneater murmured darkly before he glanced back up to his mentor, “Are we sure the reports of Hawks being sighted are true?”
    “Not to sure on that one. But if he is…” Fatgum hummed, looking troubled, “Just when the Top Ten Hero Charts are gonna be announced…”
     Suneater tilted his head before he then heard movement down below them and looked down the cliff they were on to see that there were some men in dark clothing moving to the truck, “Fatgum…”
   “I see ‘em!” Fatgum grinned, turning to his sidekick, “Stealth mode, Suneater. We can’t let any government goons catch us~”
    Nodding his head, Suneater was reaching for his belt pouch, pulling out some takoyaki and placed two in his mouth, his eyes darkening. Fatgum was already pressing a button on his suit, the yellow of his jacket not turned black to blend into the night while Suneater did the same with his white cloak now turning dark as the shadows. The two moved into the darkness, following the perpetrators.
    They may not be allowed into the city, but they as sure as hell aren’t going to allow any bad guys in as well.
    As they took down the bad guys, it was a surprise that these guys were quirkless. And they weren’t Japanese either.
   So much for thinking they might’ve been part of the Yakuza. Or at least remains of what was Overhaul’s men that escaped after everyone in his faction were captured and jailed.
    Suneater watched as Fatgum was quickly subduing all of them and placing them tied to a tree for the French Authorities to find, but then noticed that the truck that had stopped thanks to the bad guys trying to rob it looked off. The young hero was walking over to the driver’s side to check on the person taking the cargo, but his eyes widened as he saw nothing. Just a lot of wet mud on the seats.
    “F-fat. We got a problem…”
     “We gotta jet!” Fatgum hissed as he appeared to Suneater’s side and grabbed for him, “The French Specialists are on the way,” And soon was running off with Suneater in his arms, already hearing the loud sirens that were coming their way.
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        Hawks frowned as he looked at the camera that showed Fatgum and Suneater leaving the scene as soon as the French forces arrived, already taking in the tied up bad guys and checking the contents of the truck. It would seem that the contents were exactly as he thought. 
   ‘Looks like me and Eraser not the only hero here after all…’ Hawks hummed with a thoughtful gaze, leaning back onto his hotel bed and observed the “specialists” were peeking inside the boxes that the truck held.
    He had to figure out where Fatgum and his sidekick are pretty soon if not to make sure that no covers are blown and cause a World War III to happen.
    Sighing, Hawks then glanced over to his phone and saw that Eraserhead’s signal was still pointed to the Dupain-Cheng Bakery.
    What business does an underground hero have in a shop full of pastries?
     Hawks smirked as he was then sitting up, speaking out loud to himself.
     “Maybe I should go there for tomorrow’s breakfast~ Who knows…I might see the little chickadee again~”
     Suddenly he heard a shuffling sound, then a knock. This made Hawks pause in his musing to look at the door. He was supposed to be alone tonight, not to be expecting visitors. But then again, this was Paris.
     Apparently weird was normal around here.
     Hawks stood up as he was pressing down at the watch that was on his wrist, making his body shimmer in a quick light as he appeared as a normal looking young man. He was walking towards his hotel door, opening it and peeking outside to see if anyone was around.
      No one.
      Hawks breathed out a sigh as he closed the door, but then jumped as he felt a presence now beside him once the door was shut. Stepping out of the way and was reaching for a long feather behind his back, he was shocked when a hand holding a blue flame in his palm appeared near his neck.
      "Nice seeing you too, Chicken Wing,"
     The villain was stepping out of the shadows as he made Hawks stepped back even more, the hero clicking at his watch to turn back to his normal self.
     "…Thought the League stay local than going into European soil. What gives?"
      "Just needed to check if you really are going to join our cause. I mean it's not everyday that a hero is interested into being part of the League's conversion to another group," Dabi hummed as he was casually walking to the couch, flopping himself onto it and looking back at Hawks, "That. And I have business here."
    "I told you that I'm totally interested in the Liberation Army~" Hawks smiled as he stood there calmly, but he knew deep down that he had to be careful on what he says.
    It wouldn't do him good if Dabi starts getting suspicious of him even more than he was now.
      "Hmm I see~" The fiery villain tilted his head, kicking his feet up onto the coffee table, "So….what brings you to Paris, Hawks? I didn't take you for a man that loved sight-seeing."
     "Can't a guy appreciate the beautiful city and it's lovely inhabitants?" Hawks said jovially, placing the air of being a cheerful hero with a chuckle, "I'm on vacation. Just being a normal guy wanting to take a break from the hero scene~"
      Dabi grunted, raising a brow before humming a bit, "A normal guy that helps little girls break and enter some rich guy's home?"
      So he has been watching him the whole time.
     Hawks smile never fell as he stared at Dabi, "Gotta help the baby birds and chicks in need, right? Even if I'm not the Number Two Hero of Japan right now~"
     "Just don't forget that the Paranormal Liberation Front is always watching," Dabi warned as he raised a brow at Hawks, getting up from the couch, "Remember. You came to us. Don't be chicken'ing out now."
      And with that, Dabi was gone, the window open and letting the cold night air inside. Hawks just stood there with a blank face, narrowing his eyes.
      So many questions. But so little time.
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   “Monsieur Agreste. You have a call on the line.”
   “Thank you, Nathalie,” Gabriel murmured as he was pressing the side of his computer screen to accept the call, still looking at his designs to work on, “Hello?”
   “Good evening, my friend~! It has been too long, has it not?”
   Gabriel paused at touching the screen for a moment as he looked to the number that was flashing, narrowing his eyes but calmed his voice, “Yotsubashi-san. To what do I owe this pleasure?”
   “Haha, my dear business partner for years, I just wanted to check up on you after all this time. How is your son?”
    “Very well, Yotsubashi-san. But is there any other reason that you called? I am a very busy man,”
   “Yes, yes, I can tell. Considering I’ve seen the future projects that you are planning with the Tsurugi company and even getting the Bourgeois on board…did you see the news about Tibet?”
   “I did,” Gabriel murmured as he glanced at the number once more, “So…is our agreement still the same?”
    “Of course. After all, our causes are aligned~! And since you have gathered allies for the cause as well, I will keep my end of the bargain. Another shipment of butterfly larvae, yes?”
    Gabriel smiled, “Indeed. And I shall keep my end of the bargain as well.”
   “Excellent! Even when you have obstacles to face, you are still the strong man I remember. Not losing sight of your goals, Gabriel-san!”
     Gabriel was silent as he heard the man chuckle before the man spoke again.
    “By the way. I hope you are not too busy to arrange a meeting with an associate of ours. He is here in your city actually.”
    Gabriel was surprised, “What is this about?”
    There was silence on the other line, until the man on the other end chuckled darkly.
    “There has been a change of management. You’ll be meeting a real leader soon, Gabriel. I can assure you, he’s going to make /your/ plans into reality~”
    Gabriel wasn’t too sure how to feel about that.
    But…if it is for the sake of Emilie….
    “Very well. Name the time and place.”
    “You won’t regret it, my friend. Trust me~”
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  Chloe yawned as she was stepping outside of her room, totally annoyed that Jean von Cleat, wasn’t answering to her calls.
   She’ll show him what for! How dare he not answer her even if it was was three in the morning?
    Chloe was making her way to the lobby of the hotel that her Daddy owned, when she paused in her steps.
    What was her mother doing up?
    Quickly, she hid herself behind a flower vase displayed on a pillar and peeked around, seeing that Audrey Bourgeois was staring at the TV near the lounge area, watching the news about the Temple in Tibet.
   Odd, considering that kinda news shouldn’t interest someone like the Queen of Fashion. Chloe’s mother was more interested in gossip and scandals from other celebrities.
   “Keep up with the trends of other people’s lives to see who’s worthy and who’s a loser~! Ohoho~!” Her mother once told her, and Chloe supposed that’s where some her personality stemmed from.
   The blonde girl kept watching, as Audrey sighed with her arms folded, already looking to the side where Jean Van Dame was.
   “Jean Claude. Prepare my helicopter. I’ll be making a quick trip somewhere.” Audrey announced as she was pulling out her phone from her purse and dialling it.
   “As you wish Madame,” Jean bowed his head and the butler soon made his way out of there.
    Placing the phone next to her ear, Audrey’s haughty voice spoke warily, “Zion. Yes, it’s Audrey. I’m afraid I cannot house Zuri this month nor can I go to New York at the moment…what? Zoe? Was that really what we named our daughter?”
  Chloe raised a brow as she watched her mother talk, keeping quiet as Audrey continued.
    “Yes I know you have an important job to do but…I’m working things out with my husband here, Zion Lee. Yes. I shall keep my promise just as it is written in our divorce papers. Yes. Yes. Goodbye then.”
   Hanging up her phone, she looked over when Jean came back into the room.
   “Your helicopter has arrived, Madame,” The butler announced as Audrey huffed.
    “Very well. I shall be back by morning,”
    As the woman went to leave, Chloe was frowning a little.
    So…she has a sister, huh?
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   “Felix~ It’s time to prepare for our departure to the train station, my lovely~”
    A blond haired young man looked up from his reading as he heard his mother’s voice, calling back to her patiently.
   “I shall be with you momentarily, Mother!”
     The blond grabbed for his luggage and the book he carried with him, smiling a little. He may not be at all happy that he was moving to Paris with his mother just to get away from the gloomy reminder of his now dead father, but this was for his mother’s sake. That, and he had business with his “Uncle” anyways. Especially when Gabriel Agreste has the Graham de Vanily rings.
    And…maybe a good way to run away from his own problems that will be swept under the rug.
    Felix was making his way downstairs to meet with his mother, who was already making her way out the door to go into the taxi. Amelie smiled warmly over to her son, silently gesturing him to come give her a hug. Felix smiled a little, as he moved to her arms and closed his eyes, hugging her in comfort.
    “I know that moving is a big change in our lives, but as long as we’re together, we can get through anything,” Amelie breathed out gently, rubbing the back of her son’s head with her fingers brushing through his locks, “Please forgive your mother for this.”
   “Oh mother,” Felix chuckled and looked up at her with a soft fond smile, “I want to go. I think it would be nice to see Uncle and Adrien, do you not think so? Especially when tomorrow will be the day to remember Aunt Emilie and Father.”
    A sigh escaped the woman as she nodded, “You are right. Family should stick together in these times, hm?”
     Felix nodded, and soon was guiding his mother to the taxi, but stopped to look at the empty grim looking mansion that used to be the Culpa home.
    That was right.
    Felix knew that he would never take his father’s last name.
    Especially when said father wasn’t exactly a father to begin with.
    Thankfully, he liked having his mother’s last name much better.
     The young man looked to his mother as he slipped into the taxi, closing the door and the taxi driving off.
    “I hope Adrien remembers you. I know you two used to be so close.” Amelie smiled as she leaned back against her seat, Felix watching her facial expression, “Just as I was with your Aunt Emilie.”
     Felix frowned, looking out the window before he then sighed, not saying a word.
     He knew that going to Paris was going to be an interesting one, indeed.
     ‘So long London. And be prepared, Paris…’
18 notes · View notes
moldisgoodforyou · 4 years
Damn I loved jealous rafe that was so hot... could we maybe get a really really REALLY jealous Sophie?? Obviously only if ur down for that, I adore your writing but want u to take care of urself drink ur water & be happy most importantly :)
hi I really appreciated the last half of this message thank you :) I’m not quite sure this is really really REALLY jealous but it’s still a lot of jealous! 
Colin’s sister, April, was hopelessly in love with Rafe. And Rafe had no clue.
She was a freshman and a film major, so Colin introduced the two so Rafe could give her advice on classes. She texted him at least once a week, usually more. After Colin brought her to their tailgate in November and Rafe was nice enough to make her a few (watered-down) drinks, then drop her off at her dorm, she was convinced Rafe felt the same way toward her.
The texts became constant enough for Sophie to notice, always seeing April’s name popping up on Rafe’s phone. April had taken the liberty of saving her phone contact for Rafe, as April 💛. Sophie didn’t want to be the jealous, imposing girlfriend straight away, so she did her best to ignore it.
As Rafe and Sophie were hanging out on the couches at Delt, she saw three texts pop up on his phone in a quick succession, and he swiped them away just as fast as they had came in.
Sophie leaned over, curious. “What’s my name saved as? In your phone?”
“Uh.” He took a moment to think, then scrolled through his contacts and showed her. “Just this.” She tried not to visibly react when she saw it, just saved as Sophie Flint. “That’s it?”
“Well, yeah, I just kept it from when you saved it at the bar for me, remember? Does it matter?”
“No, uh, it doesn’t. Never mind.” She forced a smile and settled into his side and he returned to absent-mindedly playing with her hair.
“Why, what’s mine saved as?” He asked, reaching for her phone. She held it out of his reach. “Just Rafe.”
He grinned. “Not love of my life, Rafe Cameron?” She scowled and grabbed his hand, moving it back to her hair. “Definitely not.”
The next time April was brought up, Sophie was watching a movie with Rafe in his room, both of them sprawled out on the couch.
“Hey, dude. Me and April are gonna go grab dinner, you wanna come?” Colin asked, grabbing his wallet from the dresser. He gave Sophie a friendly smile. “Oh yeah, you can come too if you want, Sophie.”  
“Nah, we have plans to go meet up with Soph’s roommates. Tell her hi though.” Rafe declined. Sophie stayed uncharacteristically quiet, tucking into Rafe’s side. “Will do. She’ll miss seeing you.” Colin waved and headed out.
Rafe glanced down at Sophie, rubbing her arm. “You good, Soph?”
“Sure you don’t want to go hang out with her?”  
He looked confused. “No. Thought we made plans to grab pizza with Allie and Julia, was I wrong?” She scowled, just slightly. “No, we have plans. Never mind.”
“Okay...” He didn’t press the issue further, just turning up the TV volume a little more. After a while, she turned in her seat, sitting further away from him. “This movie’s kind of terrible, isn’t it?” He frowned. “But it’s Anna Karenina, I thought you liked Keira Knightley.”
“She cheats on her husband.” Sophie shifted again, putting even more distance between them. Rafe reached out and tugged at her ankle, trying to bring her closer. “Hey. You said you liked this movie.” She shook her head. “Never said that. Maybe you’re thinking of someone else.”
“Fine, maybe.” He slid his hand up her leg, but she flinched away, drawing her knees up to her chest. “Soph, what’s the deal?” He pulled his hand back.
“Nothing, what’s your deal?”
“My deal? I don’t have a deal. You’re acting weird.”
She crossed her arms. “I’m not.”
“Sophie.” He frowned more. “Baby, come on.”
“Don’t call me that. You know, I’m gonna just go to dinner with the girls alone. You can go with April.” It was a test, and he didn’t know it. She paused before getting up, glancing over his body language.
He shrugged. “Okay, been meaning to catch up with her anyways.”
Sophie huffed. “Fine.” She grabbed her phone and stood, not giving him a second glance as she left.
The next time, Sophie was lying with Rafe on his bed, James in his. This was a fairly common occurrence, with Sophie comfortable hanging around his friends.
“Bro, did you see what April was wearing last week?” James asked, tossing a  tennis ball from his bed toward Rafe. He caught it one-handed, sitting up a little to toss it back to James. “No, was she at our party?”
“Yeah. Can’t believe she wore that dress, some guy was hanging all over her.” He frowned, shutting up the second Colin came in. Sophie raised her eyebrows. “What’s so wrong with the dress?”
Colin cocked his head. “What dress?”
“None of your business.” James snapped back, shooting Sophie a dirty look. She frowned, confused and a little hurt. “Don’t be rude.”
“Hey, knock it off, you two.” Rafe admonished, loosely curling his arm around her shoulders. She shrugged him off, annoyed, and swung her legs off the bed. “I’m gonna go, need to study.”
Rafe frowned and took her hand. “Thought we were going to study together?”
“Yeah, well, you thought wrong.” She replied, a little more snippy than she needed to be. “Soph, come on.” She ignored him as she gathered her things and left and James whistled, shaking his head. “What’s all that about?”
Rafe threw the tennis ball hard at him, nailing his leg. “You were being an asshole.” James yelped, tossing it hard back at him but Rafe ducked away. “She was - you know!” He argued, gesturing at Colin. “Still not cool, man! Text her and apologize.” Rafe shot back.
“What the hell am I missing?” Colin glanced between the two of them, thoroughly confused. “Shouldn’t you go after her?”
“Nah, she doesn’t like being followed after a fight.”
“Have you two fought since getting together? Like you used to?” James asked.
“Well...no.” Rafe paused. “But this isn’t about us, this is your fault.” He glanced at Colin for backup. “Right?”  
“I still have no fucking clue what you’re on about.” Colin replied.
“Doesn’t matter.” James dismissed it, sending Rafe a glare and effectively ending the conversation.
Sophie tried distancing herself from Rafe, somewhat, as jealousy built up inside of her. She had him come over before they had plans to go out while she got  ready. His attention went back and forth between her and his phone the whole time and Sophie was already regretting inviting him over as she saw April’s name popping up on his screen.
“Rafe, which one?” She turned to him in just her bra and jeans, holding up two tops. One blue, one yellow.
He didn’t glance up from his phone. “Uh...the black. You always wear that one.”
Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment and anger as she ditched both, opting for a sweatshirt instead and flopped onto her bed. He swiveled around in her desk chair, confused as he eyed over her messy bun and flat iron still plugged in on the counter. “You’re wearing that to go out?”  
“Why, is this not good enough for you?”
“No, it’s fine. I just thought...” At her glare, he raised his hands in defense. “Never mind. You ready to go then? Colin is seeing one of the bartenders and said she could snag us free drinks if we showed early.”  
Sophie sat up quickly, looking like she was about to cry. “You don’t want to go hang out with the girl blowing up your phone?”
“Huh? Soph, what are you talking about?”
“April?” She bit her lip, avoiding his gaze.
He laughed, loud. “April? You’re serious?”
“Oh, good, laugh at me, that feels great. I feel like you’re cheating on me and you’re fucking laughing.”
It took him a few moments to process before he crossed the room in two big strides and grabbed both her hands, squeezing them. “I’m not cheating on you, Sophie, I would never.” When she glanced up, he continued. “April is Colin’s freshman little sister, she texts me for film school advice. That’s it.”  
“...Oh.” She breathed out, wanting to shrink back into herself and disappear. “So when James was talking about what she was wearing...” 
“She’s practically like our little sister now too, James is just protective.” Rafe clarified, reaching up and swiping his thumbs over her cheeks to get rid of a couple stray tears. “Don’t cry, Soph, it’s okay.” 
“Fuck, Rafe, I’m so sorry.” She laughed softly, a little shaky. “She was just texting you all the time - and the heart next to her name in your phone, I just -” 
“Ah, shit. Yeah, I see what you mean.” He pressed a kiss to her forehead, then over both her cheeks, then the tip of her nose, making her giggle. “I’ll change it, promise. Look, I’ll introduce you two tonight, you’ll see.” He tugged at the hem of her sweatshirt. “Still want to wear this?” 
She shook her head and reached up, giving him a short kiss.  “No, I’ll go change. I’m sorry. Again. I should have just asked.” She paused. “In my defense, it didn’t help seeing a text saying ‘thanks for last night’ with the kissy face emoji. Especially when I knew you were out with the guys the night before.”  
“I dropped her off after she got trashed at one of our tailgates.” Rafe replied, shaking his head. “But you know what, I see where you’re coming from.” 
Once they made to the bar, Sophie followed him in and over to his group of friends all crowded in a corner. April, who looked extraordinarily similar to Colin, grinned when she saw Rafe and threw his arms around him, leaning up to kiss his cheek. “Rafey, hi!”  
He turned red, leaning away from her kiss but gave her a short hug back. Sophie raised her eyebrows at him and held back a smile and an I told you so, but he could tell anyways. He wrapped his arm around Sophie’s waist. “Hey, April, this is my girlfriend, Sophie.” 
“Girlfriend?” April repeated with a hint of disdain. “Rafe, you didn’t tell me you had a girlfriend.” 
James snorted into his drink watching the exchange. 
“It’s only been official for a little bit.” Sophie clarified, placing her hand possessively on Rafe’s chest. 
“Oh, so it’s nothing serious.” April brightened. “Rafe and I have known each other for months now, we’re pretty close.” She told Sophie, leaning over the table to give Rafe an eyeful of her chest. Colin tugged her up by the back of her shirt right away and Rafe dug his fingers into Sophie’s side a little, painfully aware of the situation now. 
“I’ve known him since high school, but thanks.” Sophie shot back a sweet smile. “You might have more luck hitting on someone your own age, by the way.” 
April turned bright red and took a long sip from her drink. “I’m not - I wasn’t -”  She stammered. 
“It’s fine. I can see where you’re coming from.” Sophie raised her eyebrows and gave Rafe a kiss on the cheek. “I’m going to get another one, anyone else?” At no response, she turned on her heel and left. 
“You’ve been hitting on Rafe?” Colin questioned April, disgusted. She just scowled and left the group to go find her friends, thoroughly embarrassed. James elbowed Rafe with a grin. “She’s possessive, huh?” 
“Yeah, shut up.” He grinned back, ears turning red. 
121 notes · View notes
xxisxxisxxis · 4 years
Gateway Drug | Part Ninety
Words: 4k
Warning(s): explicit language, mentions of violence, mentions of drug abuse
Tag List: @unknownoblivion  @edwardtriggerhandzz  @haileynicoleseavey17  @cierrasixx19  @oskea93  @mgkobsessed  @sharon6713  @itsametaphorbriansblog  @miriampraez  @allie-mcginn @xpoisonousrosesx  @rebeccaphillips14  @nicholeh7 @lilmou5ie  @emariehorror  @divaanya  @6ixx6ixx  @ratedrkohardychick91  @floregrohlssard  @oldschoolimagineblog  @abaldboi  @liith-ium  @jd-johndeacon-or-jackdaniels  @ytwahsog  @scarecrowmax  @random-internet-user-4471  @solohqrry  @sparxx27  @kaitieskidmore1  @cruecifymesixx    @meetthesixxter    @arianareirg  @gingerspicetalks
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"Hey, Viv, it's Tansy...I got your flowers and was calling to let you know I'm getting out of the hospital today, and I'm heading to the same place the guys are at, Nikki said it doesn't suck as bad as the other places they've tested out, um…" Tansy's sweet voice sounds over my answering machine. "...I'm really sorry for not calling earlier. I'm just now getting off methadone, so I've kicked smack successfully. I just wanted you to know I'm doing okay and getting some help, and Nikki called and told me you two were working things out." She adds. "Come visit me, soon, okay? We have a lot of shit to talk through, and I know we do, I just don't know where to start but I love you. I'll see you later." 
She hangs up and I smile a little bit, rubbing my lips together.
I haven't heard anything on her since Steven told me she was in the hospital back in New York after her overdose not long after Nikki's. I sent flowers when he told me she had to undergo emergency surgery to cut a part of her liver out that was turning necrotic. 
I hope we can get through things like me and Nikki are trying to do, I think Amber's going to try to bring Vince and Tommy in to talk about our relationships as a whole the session after this next one Nikki and I have...maybe Tansy and I can sit down a few times and hash things out, too. 
I head to get a bath, but it's not long before my peace is soon disturbed. 
This is the fifth time the phone has rung in the past two minutes, and I roll my eyes and pull myself out of the bathtub, grabbing my towel and stepping to the living room. 
I already see my message machine blinking from unheard voice-mails, and I pick the phone up and answer it. 
Before I can even say, "hello," Sharise starts in. 
"Vivian, what is going on, why didn't you say anything about it, why--"
"Sharise, slow down," I'm bombarded with a million questions, paranoia making my chest tighten. 
"Vivian, you're pregnant, apparently, that's what's going on." She clarifies, and I feel the color drain from my face. 
"Did Vince hear that from Nikki and tell you or--"
"--You're actually pregnant?!"
"You didn't hear it from Vince?" 
"No, Vivian, it's all over MTV!" She says next, not sounding angry at me, just shocked. 
Just as soon as she says it, there's a sharp beep from the phone, indicating someone's trying to call. 
"Gimme a second and I'll call you back." I assure her. 
"Fuck that, I'm coming over." She tells me before hanging up and I take the next call while turning the TV on to MTV. 
I just see a picture of Nikki and I on the screen as I hear, "again, congratulations to Nikki and Vivian Sixx on the news of their…"
"Hello?" I answer the call that has interrupted Sharise and I. 
"Why the fuck is Page Six running a story about you being knocked up with Duff fucking McKagan's kid?!" Doc yells and I nearly fall out, starting to panic.
"Because I am, but I have no idea how the hell anybody other than Nikki and Duff know about it, Doc, I haven't even told any of my friends or family yet, I swear." I promise and I hear him curse and throw stuff around on the other end for a good two minutes before calmly saying, "this isn't good, Viv." 
"No, shit, Sherlock." I reply. 
"I'm going to talk to Sixx, you just stay at home--don't do anything irrational, we'll take care of this." He states, hanging up. 
My phone is ringing again as soon as he hangs up. 
My phone starts ringing off the hook within three minutes and I have to step outside to the back yard with Whisky to get away from it.
I'm sitting on the edge of the pool when Sharise gets here, this look of disbelief on her face. 
"I had to drop Sky by my mom's, what the hell, Viv?" She asks me, sitting beside me. 
"I was gonna tell you and everybody once I got past the first trimester, Sharise, I promise." I say, honestly. 
"I'm not mad that you didn't, I'm just...I didn't realize you and Nikki were sleeping together again." 
"We're not." I state. "And Doc said that Page Six already knows it's Duff's and has it plastered everywhere so somebody said something to somebody." 
"Duff?! Holy shit, Vivian." She breathes out, her eyes wide. 
"This is bad." I squeeze my eyes shut, rubbing my face. "This is so, so bad, Sharise." 
"What're you gonna do?" She asks me. "I mean...when did you two even start…you know?" 
"September." I tell her. 
"Are you gonna admit it's Duff's or just play it off as Nikki's publicly and then privately it's gonna know Duff is really it's dad or does he even want anything to do with it?" 
"Yeah, he does, and Nikki's managing." I inform her, and she nods slowly. "It's nobody's business. It's not. So I shouldn't have to explain myself to anybody but I know everybody will want an explanation and we'll just admit it's Duff's and ignore the bullshit people are gonna throw at us...I just don't want to lose any friends over this…"
"If you lose friends over this, they're not your real friends, because everybody you're close with knows exactly what kind of marriage you and Nikki have been having the past year and you've both been struggling with different things and his affair with Vanity and so I think everybody should be pretty understanding of the situation." She tells me. 
"They should be. Doesn't mean they will." 
"Well, the ones who matter right now will." She reassures me. "And from what I've been gathering the last six months, that doesn't include Tommy and Vince right now because I already know they're probably gonna be on Nikki's side completely." 
"Yeah, so will all of the fans." I mumble. 
"Well, if you're gonna confirm it's Duff's, is he gonna come out and say that he actually did have an affair with Vanity or are you just gonna be the sacrificial lamb in all this?" 
"I have no idea, Sharise." I admit.
"I think he should." She states. "Because it's not gonna be fair for people to think you just went to another man and 'cheated' on Nikki out of nowhere." 
"It doesn't matter what Nikki says about the Vanity thing, he's just gonna be a God and I'm gonna be a whore." I argue, sighing out. 
"You really think that?" 
"I know that." I state, matter of fact. 
And, boy, was I right.
"Did you two talk about the relationship you have with your mother?" Amber asks Nikki. 
"I haven't had time to because we've been dealing with a lot of shit right now." He states. 
"Okay," she nods in understanding, because there's no way she hasn't heard what we're dealing with, now. "Do you want to talk about it now, then?" She asks. 
"Yeah, I can." He agrees. 
"Okay, go ahead." She leans back, letting him have the chance to talk to me.
He just stares at me, sighing out, looking as if he's struggling with talking to me about it. 
"Nikki, if you don't tell her, she can't understand." She adds and he rubs the back of his neck, looking at her to help him a little bit. 
"Start with dad," she suggests. 
"He left when I was little." He says to me. 
"And mom…" 
"...And mom started spiraling when he left." He explains. "She and whatever boyfriend she'd have at the time, would drop me off with Nona and Tom for months at a time, then when she'd come get me she'd be with a different man--sometimes married to them." He continues. "And, me being the smartass I am, when I get old enough to want to voice my opinion, I'd bump heads a lot with some of the dudes she brought around and things would get physical." He says next. "But, of course, she wouldn't feel like dealing with it because I was always ruining her partying anyway, so she'd send me off, again…things got really messy when I was, like, thirteen. Me and her got into it pretty bad and she started in on me and I told her I just wanted her to fuck off--I was just tired of it, so I hurt myself and called the cops and told them she attacked me, and she was arrested and I was sent back to Idaho to be with my grandparents." His voice shakes a little and I feel my heart hurt in my chest. 
I remember Nona telling me he and his mom had a lot of issues with each other, but I didn't think it was to that extent. 
"Have you talked to your dad at all?" I ask him, furrowing my brows a little and he rubs his chin, shaking his head a little. 
"I tried, like, ten years ago, and he told me he didn't have a son." He states. "Mom's always said I ran him off, but I was only two, so I know that's bullshit." He adds. 
"When I talked to you about all of this, it was very clear that you felt discarded, inadequate, and abandoned, because you have spent a good part of your childhood yearning for your mother's approval." Amber says. "Do you think that's true?" 
"Yeah." He nods. 
"Jumping through hoops at times to get it, but still being ditched with your grandparents while she went on and pretended she didn't have a little boy she needed to be responsible for."
He agrees, again, and she gives him a smile. 
"A woman is who her mother makes her to be and who her father says she is. A man is who his father makes him to be and who his mother says he is." She tells us. "And you didn't have a father around to make you, and all your mother told you was that you weren't appreciated, you weren't approved of, you weren't worthy of the love and attention you deserved." She states. "And you married a woman whose mother made her to strive for this unattainable level of perfection and have a complete come apart when it can't be reached, and a father who told her she wasn't worth the trouble it took to protect her." She tells us."I want to know--because it is so evident that you two carry so much resentment toward one another--what is one reason--out of many-- that it's there."  
"She's always looked down on me." Nikki says it. 
"Because I don't live like she does." 
"Explain what that means." 
"She believes in God, I don't. She's spent our relationship sober, I haven't. She's more modest and conservative, I'm not."
"I don't resent you for not believing in a God and not being modest and conservative--those are a few of the things I respect about you, Nikki." I argue. 
"--No, no, no cursing. Take a breath." Amber reassures him, calmly. 
"She hasn't let me do what I want to do. If I do what I want to do, she's on my throat over it or guilt tripping me or attacking me over it." He states. 
"Because all you've wanted to do the past three years is drugs, Nikki." I mumble. 
"Go back to guilt tripping." Amber tells him. "Does she put you on a guilt trip, or are you guilty after you do something you know she would not like for you to do and you beat yourself up for it?" She asks. 
"She just shuts down." 
"She shuts down?" 
She looks at me. 
"Why do you shut down when he does something you don't like?" 
"Because it's always drugs or something mean he does when he's on drugs, and I don't want to be around it, but most times I can't get away from it so I just go somewhere else, mentally." I admit. 
"And you see when she does that, and it makes you feel bad." Amber says to him. 
"That's not guilt tripping you, Nikki, that's her protecting herself because you won't." She points out. "Vivian, what's one of the reasons you carry resentment for him?"
"I'm not a priority." I tell her. 
"The amount of money I've spent on you since we got together, and you're not a priority?!" He asks me, pissed and shocked I have the audacity to say that. 
"Buying me a house and a new car and getting me nice things isn't showing me I'm a priority, Nikki, it's just you feeling bad for the shit you've done and buying me things to make yourself feel better for it. I'm grateful that you've made sure I've been taken care of in the sense that I've never gone hungry, I've never been out on the street, I've never had to go without utilities and hot water and things like that, and I've lived a spoiled life in terms of finances and the car I drive and the house we've lived in. You're a great provider--you just…we wouldn't be in this position if you didn't choose drugs over me." I say to him. 
"I haven't." He argues. 
"You blew off our wedding night to go to a party with Tommy." I remind him and Amber raises her brows. "Then you got in that accident on your way back home and hurt your shoulder and started smoking heroin to get through the pain so you could finish the album." I add and he rolls his jaw. "I love everything about you, except your drug abuse. And I've been so angry because there is no line with you. You just keep getting worse and worse and then turn around and convince yourself that I'm ungrateful and I don't approve of who you are because I'm perpetually bitter about the marriage I've been in--and it's all my fault in your eyes. Everything bad that's happened is all my fault." 
"I don't think that, I just put blame on you where it's due, you just refuse to see that you're a problem in all of this, too." He explains. 
"If you weren't on smack, we wouldn't have problems, Nikki." 
"Vivian." He says it as if saying, "you know that's bullshit." 
"The amount of times me or somebody would tell you to take your medication and you'd blow us off and just let yourself get more--"
"--You can't compare depression to drug addiction. Depression didn't turn me into a completely different person. You shot me, Nikki. You shot me. And that still didn't make you realize you needed to get sober." 
"You've physically assaulted me and other people, Vivian, in a frenzy, and still didn't see the issue with your mental state." 
"You've put your hands on me before, too, so don't make me sound like--"
"--I've grabbed you a few times and that's been when you were trying to beat me. So don't start that shit." He snaps. "The times I physically hurt you, I was doped up and wasn't thinking straight. The times you've physically hurt me and other people, you were sober, you just weren't taking your medicine. So you can keep saying that I chose drugs over you, but the amount of times you've chosen your pride and, 'I don't need to be on medicine,' over me is just as bad." He says. "If you weren't so damn angry all the time over tiny shit."
"No, no, it's not just her being angry over tiny things. It's you getting with a seventeen year old girl, and placing the responsibilities of a forty-one year old mother on her." She adds and he breathes out. "Your wife has been raising you the past seven years. She's your wife. She's not your mama. And you have been punishing her like she is. Her not wanting you to destroy yourself with drugs doesn't equate to the times your mother wouldn't let you dress the way you wanted to dress, or do the artistically productive things you wanted to do that she couldn't understand that you'd fight about. This woman was seventeen years old. You had no business being twenty-two and seeing a seventeen year old, let alone putting that much weight and expectation on her shoulders and getting angry and saying she didn't appreciate you because she didn't know how to handle it all while every year you'd push further and further." She goes on. "Years of anger and resentment and bitterness towards your mother, all turned loose on a girl who didn't cause any of it, just because she didn't want you running yourself into a grave." She adds, pointedly. "When me and you first started working together to get to the bottom of all of this, you told me that she went from worshipping the ground you walked on, to being an evil demon from hell--do you remember saying that?" 
He hesitantly replies, quietly, "yes." 
"Do you realize that you have done everything in your power to verbally, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually beat the hell out of the very girl who saw you as her God before she was even old enough to really know who God was?" She asks him. "All because the woman who made you feel like you weren't worth the trouble it took to stay around and raise you, was never there to answer for her actions so you started chopping at the next one in line."
"Okay, I get it, I'm fucked up, I fucked her up, I've ruined our marriage, it's all my fault, and she's the innocent angel who was seduced by me and dragged to hell, I get." He stands up. 
"Nikki," Amber starts. 
"Nikki," I say as he steps to the door, "we can't fix this if you--"
"--Yeah, fix this." He flicks me off before slamming the door. 
I grind my teeth and stomp after him, ignoring Amber's warning against it. 
"You are such an asshole!" I bark at him, following him. 
"Wow, I've never heard that one before!" He laughs humorlessly. 
"Nikki, seriously, she got all over me for being mad at you for sleeping with two-hundred girls, you can take her pointing out that you hate me because I remind you--"
"--I don't hate you, Vivian, alright?" He stops, turning to face me. 
"Well, you're really acting like it." I cross my arms. 
"I don't. I'm just pissed that you refuse to accept that I'm not the only problem in this shit show and if you wanna work on us you need to realize that you'r--"
"--Baby," I breathe out, grabbing at his hand and he rubs his forehead, "I know it's my fault, too, but it's just…" I blink back tears, looking away from him. 
"...Just what?" He asks. 
"Embarrassing." I wipe my eyes, sniffling. "It's embarrassing having to sit there, pregnant with another dude's baby, and tell a stranger about how I've abused my husband and people around me." 
"You think it's not embarrassing for me to sort through shooting you and strangling you and still not walking away from drugs?" He asks. "Don't even get me started on having to tell you I've cheated that many fucking times and even had a mistress?" He adds…"I think I've embarrassed myself, and you, more than you've embarrassed yourself and me." 
"I'm pregnant. And it's gone public. And it's not yours. And it's gone public. I think I've won with which one of us has embarrassed the other the most." I mumble. 
"Well, I'm not embarrassed. Those people don't know shit." He tells me, furrowing his brows. 
"I am." I say, trying not to cry again. 
I'm taken back a little when he hugs me, tightly…"Why didn't you tell me about your mom?" I him, my face in his chest, tears rolling down my cheeks. 
"Because I didn't want to bother you with it." He says. 
"I wouldn't have been bothered by it, Nikki." I sniffle, looking up at him. 
He blinks a couple times and breathes out. 
"There's a basket on the closet shelf at home with several of my journals in it." He explains. "Filled with things I didn't want to bother you with." He adds. "I really think if you feel too embarrassed or ashamed, reading those will prove my point that I've been worse than you have." He admits. 
"I'm pregnant--"
"--I know you are." He grabs the sides of my face, looking me in the eyes. "Just read them if you want to, but I say a lot of shit in there I wrote when I was high, so there's your warning." He adds. 
"Are you sure you want me to read them?" I ask. 
***I wish he would've said, "no," because I screwed myself over while reading them.***
I turned into a senseless moron the second she got ahold of my hand, looked at me with watery, pretty eyes, and said, "baby." 
I would've let a train hit me if I knew it would've made her feel less embarrassed and ashamed. I didn't think reading my journals would've made her feel better--just help her gain an understanding that she's the smart one out of the two of us…
If this was one year ago, I'd have her face down on a mattress, making up for our argument. 
But obviously that isn't much of a solution...so I just pull away and smile with my teeth at her the best I can, feeling better when her thumbs graze over my dimples and she smiles, too. 
"I'm sorry I was rude in there." She tells me, next. 
"I'm sorry for being an asshole." I reply, honestly…
"Do you really think I look down on you because you don't believe the same things I do?" 
"Sometimes, I guess." I admit to her. 
"I don't." She tells me. "I never really have." She adds. "I just don't like when you make fun of it or mock it." 
"...Yeah, 'Wild Side' was kinda a dick move…" I tell her and she looks at me. 
"A catchy dick move." She says. "And I like the song, I just wish you wouldn't have made it simply to spite me for the most part." 
"I'll try not to use my powers for evil against you again." I assure her…"But you gotta quit using sex to try to get out of stuff, and I will, too." I say next. "This shit's so hard because we don't talk about stuff, and we never have, and it's just better to go ahead and embarrass ourselves and talk about it instead of trying to fix it with something we can obviously go get from other people--and have gone and gotten from other people."
"And we can't blow up on each other when we do try to talk and work things out." She adds. "So no screaming at each other." 
"And no hitting." I say. 
"Ever." She agrees.
I hold my pinkie out to her and she smiles softly, taking it with hers before I kiss her cheek and pull her to me again.
I didn't know, a week from then, I'd be screaming up a storm from learning about seven fucking miscarriages from '83 to '87 that she didn't tell me about.
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