#ally's sapphicnatural fic rec list
Sapphicnatural Fic Rec List
So, I'm finally making a list of my favourite sapphic spn fanfics, so you can check them out if you're interested.
I will add more to this list as time goes on! Have fun reading. <3
Jo Daily by thereweresunflowers
→ Jo/Cassie; Rated T; 37173 Words
My favourite spn fic of all time. Read Jo's blog entries as she talks about her mum, her dead father, the Roadhouse and then, most importantly, Cassie.
2. like a song by guntherapy
→ Billie/Rowena; Rated M; 2607 Words
Billie and Rowena get to know each other after Rowena becomes the Queen of Hell.
3. the saint patron of dirt under your fingernails by sonorousangels
→ Anna/Mary; Rated T; 544 Words
Anna watches Mary and considers disobedience.
4. Faith Undone by iamfoxfire
→ Layla/Anna; Rated E; 9474 Words
Layla is dying, so she's praying for a miracle. Anna answers her prayers.
5. An Angel Bright Betwixt by depressaria
→ Anna/Ruby; Not Rated; 5228 Words
Anna and Ruby are teaming up, fighting for their lives in a world overrun by vampires.
6. Be still, my beating heart by thereweresunflowers
→ Rowena/Jo; Rated T; 1074 Words
Jo tries to kill Rowena. It doesn't go as planned. (Or the Jo stabs Rowena homoeritcally in the heart fic.)
7. We'll have our pearl by everytuesday
→ Mary/Charlie; Rated G; 2787 Words
Mary and Charlie go on a roadtrip. Charlie tries to find out if Mary is gay.
8. Your eyes were like machinery by myaimistrue
→ Anny/Mary; Rated T; 1170 Words
Anna tries to convince Mary to leave John in order to save the world. Mary doesn't want to, so Anna erases her memory and tries again and again.
9. Amidst ashes and feathers by anarchistamara
→ Amara/Mary; Rated M; 6797 Words
Mary is brought back to life by Amara. She struggles with this new life, so she confronts Amara about it.
10. The Harvelle Gospels by LaurytheLatrator
→ Anna/Jo; Rated M; 26519 Words
Jo is the Righteous Woman, raised from Hell by Anna. Now she has to prevent the Apocalypse.
11. Wolf like Me by schmevil
→ Bela/Meg; Rated T; 4084 Words
Bela is in hell; Meg shows her how to be a demon.
12. Neatly-labelled leftovers by gayliens
→ Jody/Mary; Rated E; 3177 Words
Mary constantly compares herself to Jody, who seems to be the perfect mom. That doesn't stop them from hooking up though.
13. Violet by ghost_roads
→ Jo/Cassie; Not Rated; 4573 Words
Jo and Cassie meet on a hunt.
14. Batgirl and Catwoman by lightsaroundyourvanity
→ Bela/Sarah; Rated G; 1816 Words
Sarah sees Bela at an estate sale and quickly realizes that something is off.
15. We Might Be Pretending by rubyboys
→ Anna/Ruby; Rated T; 684 Words
Anna and Ruby are on the run.
16. The Third Most Badass Wizard in the Multiverse by soullistrations
→ Charlie/Dorothy; Rated T; 1067 Words
Charlie and Dorothy travel through Oz together and share some intimate moments.
17. snowflakes and silent conversations by Anonymous
→ Jody/Mary; Rated T; 1233 Words
Jody and Mary celebrate Mary's birthday together.
18. nobody will lose their head by halfwheeze
→ Bela/Jo; Rated G; 2432 Words
Jo and Bela run away together, sort of.
19. On Begged and Borrowed Time by wartyfrogfish
→ Ellen/Mary; Rated T; 1021 Words
Ellen visits Mary who is already married to John. She tries to understand why Mary left her.
20. after the storm by puchuupoet
-> Jo/Tessa, Rated T; 1149 Words
Jo dies and she meets Tessa the reaper who wants to show her the way to the afterlife.
21. Likeness by iamfoxfire
-> Jo/Amara; Rated T; 1063 Words
Jo takes the Mark of Cain and sets Amara free.
22. Cast No Shade by thereweresunflowers
-> Mary/Jo; Rated T; 5193 Words
The lesbian cowgirl AU you never know you needed!
23. I don't know nothing (and that's fine) by halfwheeze
-> Claire/Magda; Rated G; 7319 Words
Magda moves in with Jody and the other girls and Claire starts to get to know her better.
24. welcome to your life (there's no turning back) by ElasticElla
-> Amara/Mary; Rated T; 1415 Words
Amara brings Mary back from the dead. Mary has to get used to her new life.
25. Thorns Around A Rose by HeddersTheOwl
-> Bela/Meg; Rated T; 2932 Words
Meg needs something from Bela who has made quite a name for herself in hell.
26. on sunshine by thereweresunflowers
-> Charlie/Donna; Rated M; 7250 Words
Charlie meets Donna for the first time and it's as sweet as you'd expect.
27. Pillow Talk by HeddersTheOwl
-> Jo/Mary; Rated T; 740 Words
Mary and Jo have a soft conversation in bed about whether they should exist.
Also gonna plug my own fics here hehe
Back from Hell
→ Bela/Jo; Rated G; 2270 Words
Jo meets Bela outside of the Roadhouse and they bond over their past and their scars.
Still Breathing
→ Anna/Mary; Rated E; 1083 Words
Anna wants to kill Mary. Mary tries to seduce her to changer her mind.
-> Jo/Cassie; Rated T; 1265 Words
Jo and Cassie move into an apartment together. As they want to enjoy their time as a couple, they realize they are not alone in the house.
Black Eyes
-> Jo/Ruby; Rated E; 4222 Words
Ruby meets Jo, a former hunter turned demon. Although she is skeptical at first, they quickly make a great team - and maybe even more than that.
Happy Birthday, Jo
→ Jo/Cassie, Rated G; 508 Words
It's Jo's birthday and she shares this moment with Cassie.
Lost on Earth
→ Ambriel/Anna; Rated G; 2231 Words
Ambriel lost her grace to Amara, so she's human now. She struggles to find her way in this new, confusing life but finds support and comfort in Anna.
Life Without Grace
→ Ambriel/Anna; Rated G; 710 Words
Glimpses of Anna's and Ambriel's life together aka them being human and happy and in love.
Weekend at Rufus'
-> Jo; Rated G; 2035 Words
Jo has a fight with Ellen and spends a weekend at Rufus' place where, to her surprise, she also meets Bobby. While she is staying there to calm down, she slowly gets the impression that these two are more than just hunting buddies.
A Weight Lifted
-> Jo; Rated G; 1025 Words
Jo shaves her head.
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Ally's Femslash Week: Final Thoughts
So, this was fun!! Reading one femslash fic a day (and often I read even more because I was so hooked) was great. I read about ships I already loved and some new ones I haven't even thought about. I really liked all of them (the full list is here btw) and I was so glad that I took my time to finally read them! Some of them had been in my marked for later for way too long and some of them were over 5 years old and had like three comments. So for me it was great to give these wlw fics some love because they're always, always underappreciated.
I'm gonna make a Sapphicnatural Fic Rec List with some other of my faves. Also of course thank you to @supersapphical and @roublardise for also doing this! Their lists are here and here. I also read some of their recommendations and liked them a lot!!
If you have any wlw fics you want me to read (of course also ones that you wrote!) you can always send them to me, I love discovering new ones!
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