esculentevil · 2 years
(Thorinduil ABO’verse AU) Heatwear: Dressed to the Toes
((Part 1 of Thorin discovering the specifics of Elven clothes for Omegas in Heat via Thranduil.))
“Are you... in a DRESS???”
Thranduil cants his head almost lazily as he turns his gaze from the document held between his destructively delicate digits to the incredulous dwarf below him. A thick eyebrow raises judgmentally before the Elvenking nods elegantly, “Yes.” There’s no shyness or shame in his voice, this is simply a statement; but, somewhere in his stardust eyes, there is a subtle trace of fear.
But Thorin knows it is not about the dress.
As he tries to figure it out, his own thick (although, not AS thick) brows furrowing in confusion, Thranduil scripts something on the long paper he’s still reading with a thin piece of graphite about the length of his hand (which is, Thorin notes with surprise and interest, slightly smudged from using it; he wonders, for a moment, why an elf would, then, use such an instrument [they do so hate getting dirty, after all] before realizing with a start that it’s probably easier to clean than ink--similar to their own use of chalk). He studies his scroll critiquingly for a breath before finally turning back to the Dwarfking, “It is my understanding, mell Thorin, that you are here to personally give me my quota of mithril, naed?”
Frowning at the bits of indecipherable Elvish, Thorin squints and scowls before nodding once in affirmation and attempting to approach the taller king’s throne.
He’s immediately fenced off by two elven guards and what he thinks is a butler. They form a wall that he cannot get through or passed and stare down at him like he’s some kind of vermin, disgusting and diseased, ill-fit for their king.
It enrages him, “MOVE!”
“Peace, Thorin, King Under the Mountain,” Thranduil stands, an effortless and fluid motion that causes Thorin to finally realize he’d been sitting strangely this whole time (his legs were not crossed, he thinks confusedly, but knees together and feet BOTH on the ground... because of the dress? no... it’s long so surely...), and raises a regally placating hand. He then makes his way down the stairs leading to his grand throne with a carefulness that has Thorin RESTLESS.
Why does the Elvenking seem so... delicate???
Thorin scowls and squints up at the too-tall creature that also appears too soft this visit and uncomfortably readjusts the heavy chest still in his rough hands. Hardworking hands. Calloused and weathered and not-gentle-enough hands.
Why is this bothering him???
And what is that SMELL??? Flowers? Many of them. All coming from Thranduil; which is odd because Thorin knows--from when he first stood in this throne room and first enraged the Elvenking and first got enveloped in his counterpart’s scent--that Thranduil smells of cypress, myrrh, sandalwood, and wine.
“... I am in Heat.” Again: no shyness or shame; just a simple statement.
It still sends Thorin reeling.
“That is why I am in a dress: it helps keep the smell in.” He indicates the drape, long and lengthy and THICK in its make, and then--as though to demonstrate--dares to lift the article just slightly enough that Thorin gets a blast of flowers--lavender, rose, sage, lilac, and more--right up his nose and down his pants and just a glimpse of shockingly bare and surprisingly beautiful painted toes.
As the other elves around them seem flustered and concerned, fluttering about like the butterflies Bilbo told him live up in the forest’s canopy, Thorin slowblinks up at the Elvenking with a dazed face but curiously contemplative eyes, “Pink?”
Thranduil seems to slowblink back--he also seems to smile; suddenly, and surprisingly, rather shy. “Petal Pink,” he clarifies with a soft nod and slight shift. The long cloth falls down again, cutting off vast majority of the strong scent, but leaving the painted toes on display. “I have been told it suits me.”
“It does,” Thorin admits, still rather dazed, as he suddenly realizes there’s pink everywhere on the Elfking--in his hair via flowers, on his dress via embroidery, across his face via a blus--and unthinkingly adds: “But blue’d look better.”
Thranduil raises a thick brow, again; but this time he’s amused. “Blue?”
“With silver,” Thorin expands, picturing it in his mind: a beautiful starry night sky, “No: white diamond stars--the crown of Durin on your big toe.”
Thranduil’s face is almost beet red when Thorin looks up to gauge his reaction and the Dwarfking is almost pleased when he sees delight on that ethereal face, “Careful, mell Thorin, King Under the Mountain; or I might feel you courting me.”
((Lowkey tagging @elithilanor because, well, Thranduil with pink toes. Our exchange here made me think you’d appreciate this segment [there’s more coming for anyone curious/into it] but, honestly, if Thorinduil or ABO’verse isn’t your thing just let me know and I’ll remove the tag!))
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kayoftheshire · 2 months
rip thorin oakenshield you would've loved american ninja warrior and stone cold steve austin
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Masterlist and Requests!
Requests Open!
Request Rules (please read before requesting!):
I will write headcanons or short drabbles (NOT one shots) for a specific scenario, or you can request a preference scenario for one fandom :)
(or if you feel like it just send in your ideas about a character and I'll tell you my thoughts :D)
You can also request for a polyamorous scenario with more than one character from a fandom (e.g. Fives x reader x Echo).
Pairings will be romantic unless otherwise specified.
I will write both SFW and NSFW content. All are x reader, and reader can be any gender. Anything NSFW I will write the reader as AFAB (purely because that's all I have experience with and don't want to seem disrespectful).
I won't write for non-con (dub-con is ok), incest, etc, but if you aren't sure then feel free to send me a message to check!
Below is my list of fandoms and characters :) go forth and request!
Star Wars: Obi Wan Kenobi, Commander Wolffe, Captain Rex, Fives, Echo (and perhaps more of the 501st if you ask very nicely :P), Alpha 17, Darth Maul.
Game of Thrones: Sandor Clegane, Jorah Mormont, Tormund Giantsbane, Sansa Stark, Brienne of Tarth.
The Hobbit: Thorin Oakenshield, Kili Durin, Fili Durin, Dwalin.
Lord of the Rings: Samwise Gamgee, Pippin Took, Aragorn, Legolas, Boromir, Faramir.
Hannibal (NBC): Will Graham, Hannibal Lecter.
Rick and Morty: Rick C-137, Doofus Rick (J19 Zeta 7).
Doctor Who: 9th Doctor, 10th Doctor, 11th Doctor, 12th Doctor.
Saw: Mark Hoffman, Amanda Young, Peter Strahm.
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The Hobbit: ThorinxBilbo A/B/O 2
The fish was cooked, the potatoes were crisp and Bilbo had just started putting lemon on the dish when there was a slow, hard knock at the door. Bilbo paused, and slowly stood, making his way to the door. He opened it to two rough looking dwarves. 
“Dwalin… and Balin, at your service” they said, as two younger dwarves, who looked to be siblings, came up behind them. 
“Fili, and Kili, at your service” 
The rest of suppertime was a blur of many more dwarves, and of course Gandalf, emptying Bilbos pantry, blunting knifes, and singing loud songs, nearly mocking Bilbos concern for his personal possessions. Shortly after the dishes had been stacked in neat, surprisingly unbroken, piles, a harsh knock rang out, and all grew quiet. 
“He is here” Gandalf announced. 
“Gandalf… who is here?” 
“Thorin. The leader of the company. I must warn you Bilbo, you might be overwhelmed with merely his presence, as he is not only an alpha but he has the blood of kings which means being near him can become intoxicating after awhile. It affects everyone but especially omegas,” Gandalf explained, looking down to Bilbo with a soft concern. 
“Gandalf. I thought you said this place would be easy to find. I lost my way, twice. I would not have found it had it not been for the mark on the door and smell of freshly baked bread and honey tea,” he smirked staring down at Bilbo with assertive satisfaction. “So this is the hobbit. Have you done much fighting? Whats your weapon of choice?” 
“Well, I do have some skill at conkers… if you must know, but I fail to see why thats…” Bilbo trailed off. Thorin had walked a complete circle around him, just to look him up and down, taking in every inch of his body. 
“Looks more like a grocer than a burglar,” Thorin jeered, following the rest of the dwarves to the table for food. Bilbo sat on a stool for a while, letting his head clear from the smell of that tall, strong, dwarf. Trying not to let the pheremones pull his thoughts towards Thorin and his deep eyes, and his rough hands, and his cut jaw. Bilbo could not, however, clear the enveloping musk of raw earth and smoked pine. Almost automatically, he went to pour himself a cup of tea and joined the dwarves at the table. 
“-they say this quest is ours and ours alone,” Thorin finished, releasing exasperated sighs and murmurs of disappointment from the group. 
“You’re going on a quest?” 
“Aye. Oin has read the portents and the portents say it’s time,” Glóin pronounces, slapping the table with impassioned fists. The conversation went back and forth between between dwarves and wizard, about the quest, a dragon and even Biblos employment as the companys burglar. Bilbo only listened as did not know enough about said quest, or said dragon, or even about his being employed as a burglar. 
“Well, how many dragons have you killed? Go on then, give us a number,” Dori pressed at Gandalf, unleashing a wave of disagreements and side conversations. 
“Enough! If we have read these signs do you not think others have read them too? Rumours have begun to spread. The dragon smaug has not been seen for sixty years. Eyes look East to the mountain, assessing, wondering, weighing the risk. Perhaps the vast wealth of our people now lies unprotected. Do we sit back while others claim what is rightfully ours? Or do we seize this chance to take back Erebor?” Thorins voice thundered throughout the cozy room. Along with the break in his stoic and mysterious character his command sheared the rabble. His eyes wandered to everyone around the room landing finally on Bilbo, who looked down at his tea. 
“We must go about it rather carefully, thus requiring the help of a burglar,” Gandalf stated. 
“Well are you?” Óin asked, looking to Bilbo. 
“Am I what?” 
“He says he’s an expert. Hey hey,” 
“No. I’m not a burglar. I’ve never stolen a thing in my life,” 
“I’ll have to agree with Mr. Baggins. The wild is no place for those who can neither fight for fend for themselves,” Dwalin scoffed, earning a smirk from Thorin. 
“Enough! If I say that Bilbo Baggins is a burglar, then a burglar he is. Hobbits are remarkably light on their feet. In fact they can pass unseen by most, if they choose. And, while the dragon is accustomed to the smell of dwarf… the scent of hobbit is all but unknown to him… which gives us a distinct advantage. You must trust me on this,” Gandalf commanded, most of those sitting nearest to him recoiled. Thorin shrugged and handed Bilbo the contract, and after some back and forth regarding the ‘funeral arrangments’ section Bilbo signed the paper pledging his service to the company of Thorin Oakenshield. Now that the remaining paperwork was settled the dwarves settled in the living room to smoke and relax. As Durin folk they of course sing the song of that day, the day their home was taken. Thorin started. 
Far over the Misty Mountains cold. 
To dungeons deep, and caverns old. 
We must away ere break of day. 
To find our long forgotten gold. 
The pines were roaring on the height, 
the winds were moaning in the night. 
The fire was red, it flaming spread
The trees like torches blazed with light. 
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kotaka-kun · 11 months
ABOctober day 19:
prompt - arrival
Bilbo had meant to clean up before Thorin's arrival. Had meant to go to the market too, really. And get the bedroom set for two.
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deadthingposting · 1 year
Fem!Bilbo (bilba, Bella, Belle blue bell belladonna whatever the name is) is my sworn enemy, fuck off you heteronormative straightwashing piece of garbage
Fem!thorin however is my gal, she is my sweet lady wife my Queen under the mountain, my darling brooding strong queen who shall lead me to the Glory of battle I love her so much
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bagginshieldweek24 · 4 months
Tumblr media
We are only two weeks away from the beginning of Bagginshield Week 2024, fellow shippers!
So, in the meantime, short little guide and reminders:
The event consists of seven regular days with two prompts for each, plus two extra days to post to the AO3 collection, and two Alternate Prompts lists.
I will post the direct link to the AO3 collection the following Monday from this (June 17th).
All types of fanworks focused on Bagginshield are allowed, not just fanfiction and fanart, and there are no official minimums for any of them, but if you want recommendations you can find some here.
Likewise, and as I did last year, I will accept works that are more tangentially related to them. For example, last year I accepted a mood board on the prompt "Piercings & Tatoos" that explored it more in a general relation to the dwarves that appear in the films.
Because the event (and myself) are in Tumblr and AO3, the work must be posted to either or at the very least promoted in either for me to share it here. More information about posting will be given on the 17th.
Event Days & Prompts June 24: Role Reversal/The Shire Falls Instead + Bilbo is the Thain/Is a Royal June 25: Thorin in The Shire + Developing Relationship June 26: Soulmates/Soulmate Marks AU + Dwarf Culture June 27: Bookshops & Libraries + Khuzdul Language June 28: Canon Divergence (general) + Hairbeads/Beads June 29: Single Parents/Uncles AU + Gardening June 30: Gothic Horror AU + Sky/Storms
Regular Alternate Prompts: Alpha/Beta/Omega AU - Mythology AU (general) - Fire/Smoke - Enemies to Lovers, or Enemies to Allies to Lovers - Secret Relationship
Whump Alternate Prompts: "I thought I had lost you" - Gold Sickness - Hurt/Comfort - Fake Death/Believed to be Dead - Hidden Injury
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freyasigtryggrsdottir · 2 months
The Hobbit/LOTR
Taglist: @mrsdurin
- Imagines:
You are a human warrior and Thorin wants you to stay
You and Gandalf found the gravestone of Thorin
You are reborned in Middle Earth again pt. 1
You are reborned in Middle Earth again pt. 2
Thorin is helping you on a winter night
Thorin don’t know what you do
Thorin’s help
Thorin with you when you are done
The Wolf and the Princess (Thorin x reader Imagine series part 1)
Thorin is a gently alpha
Thorin is a shapeshifter
Thorin don’t believe in himself
Thorin comes back home
Thorin takes you to a lake
Thorin sees you, when you dance
You want a horse, but Thorin don’t
Thorin is too tired
Thorin thinks you bewitched him
Thorin speaks about you in your wedding
Thorin is your fiance and You're jealous
You are a fallen star part 1.
You are a fallen star part 2.
You are a fallen star part 3
You are hurts by an orc and Thorin with you
You want Thorin
You are with Thorin before a big war
You are a human princess from far away in Erebor part 1.
You are a human princess from far away in Erebor part 2
You are a human princess from far away in Erebor part 3.
You are lonely in Erebor
Thorin writes a loveletter to you
Thorin is your father
Thorin sees you first time and he knows you are his One part 1.
Thorin sees you first time and he knows you are his One part 2.
Thorin thinks you are a flower
You are scared from noises in Erebor
Thorin is jealous
You found a dog
Kili don’t know how to babies are made (Thorin is a dad part 1)
Thorin is a dad part 2
Thorin is a dad part 3
Thorin is a viking and he have good voice
You are afraid and Thorin calms you down
You think Thorin is the King of elves
Thorin have a toothache
You want to make a surprise meal for Thorin, but you can’t cook
Thorin thinks you don’t know how to fight
Thorin promises you, he’ll never forget you part 1.
Thorin teaches you how to ride on a horse
Thorin found a sick barn owl
Your daughter wants to hear how you met with Thorin
Your parents hate you and Thorin saves you
You are happy, because you found your favorite flowers and the company don’t understand
Dwarves are wolves and Thorin is the protective alpha, because you are his one
You are the tired Queen of Erebor
You are in those days and Thorin wants to help
Thorin have a daughter and you are the mother
You want to play with Thorin
Drunken Thorin wants to dance
For the dreaming - Chapter one
Under the moonlight (Thorin x reader fanfic) 1. chapter
The king’s walls (2/1)
I See Fire chapter 1.
I see fire chapter 2
I see fire chapter 3
I See Fire chapter 4.
I See Fire chapter 5
I see Fire chapter 6
I See Fire chapter 7.
Furybaby (Elf!reader x Thorin drabble)
Home (Thorin Oakenshield x Reader really short drabble)
Drabble: Little secret
The Beauty and the Dwarf chapter 1.  (Thorin x Reader x Richard Armitage)
The Beauty and the Dwarf (Thorin x Reader x Richard Armitage) chapter 2.
The Beauty and The Dwarf chapter 3. (Thorin x Reader x Richard Armitage)
Dear Dad
About Time
When the light comes part 1.
Ghost on the barrow
Thorin’s dreamcatcher minipart 2
That Summer Love chapter 1
- Headcanons:
Thorin take care of you, because you are pregnant with his child
Your first time with Thorin
Your first date with Thorin
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esculentevil · 2 years
(Thorinduil ABO’verse AU) Heatwear: Dressed to Dine
((Part 2 of Thorin discovering the specifics of Elven clothes for Omegas in Heat via Thranduil.)) ((If you’re interested, you can read Part 1 HERE/HERE; or just head over to AO3 to read both!))
Delivering Mirkwood’s agreed upon quota of mithril went smoothly after that.
The heavy chest that was almost too large for him to carry looks near dainty laying in the forest king’s long hand, its maw wide and insides being poked and prodded by elegant and tapered fingers. They are painted petal pink, too; and, again, Thorin envisions them differently: dark, matte blue--near velvet in its look--with variously sized white diamonds (like the ones he remembers being offered the first time he stood at his grandfather’s side to welcome the elven delegation: he still has no idea why his father and the king taunted the Elfking with them; but, he is king, now, and it is his right to decide what is done with them all...) skillfully arranged to bring the sky, itself, down upon the elf’s delicate digits.
A possessive growl almost escapes him as he dares to picture it:
Him; completing the Crown of Durin on Thranduil’s thumb.
It scintillates gaily under the brilliance of his elf’s smile.
He is shown to a room shortly after that.
It is high up, which makes him uncomfortable, but crafted of solid stone (truly: not even the roots of trees can be seen as they so often are elsewhere here) with geometric detailing that--while still clearly elvish in their manner and make--feels remarkably similar to the rooms of his home. There is even no window--indeed: no access to the outdoors at all--and a square-shaped fireplace blazing brightly in the corner of the surprisingly, and sharply, rectangular room.
Thorin allows his eyebrows to lift up and his eyes to gaze around appreciatively.
There are two straight-backed and straight-lined armchairs flanking the fire with a low-laying and equally rectangular table sitting between them. A large jug and matching mug awaits him, there, and--when he approaches--he finds the first filled with water and the second filled with a humble offering of honey mead (which, if Thorin remembers correctly, is the closest the elves have to beer).
He accepts the offering as he observes the rest of the room.
This is a dayroom, Thorin realizes, as he notes the long bench along the wall farthest from the entrance which is just as straight-lined as everything else and laden with old books in Common Speech and an excessive amount of furs. They’re all folded neatly and stacked atop each other like blankets in a closet--which, at first, seemed almost laughable to the Dwarfking; but, then he thought about it and he realized it is actually a very sweet gesture: elves, Thorin knows, do not feel the cold; the outside world does not effect them and so they are pure and untouched in ways unfathomable to mere mortals like him; which means, likely, they might know that humans and dwarrows use furs and fires for warmth but not really understand how much of either they will actually need or use.
So, the elves simply provide as much as possible so he wants for nothing.
Thorin hums to himself thoughtfully as he sips the mead (a bit too sweet but hearty and heavy and hopsy) and runs a rough hand along the top book’s cover (made, interestingly, of sheep skin and entirely blank beyond a single symbol that looks like a line with a curl coming out of its left side at the low center) while reading the spine: the symbol, again, followed by yet more elegant curls. Completely unintelligible, of course, as he is a dwarf and never learned Elvish; but, sticking out of the bottom of the book is a single braid of silk in solid red surprisingly decorated with a simple bead baring the same symbol as the cover.
Deciding that it’s clearly acting as a marker of some sort, the dwarf rests his mug on the raised arm of the bench and settles himself upon the seat of it, comfortably nestling himself between the stacks of books and furs.
When he opens the offered book--noting to himself that it is literally the only one NOT translated into something he can actually READ, which he finds strange--he finds himself staring at colorful pictures--drawings, really--of delicate elves dressed in long gowns with thick fabrics and flowers on their hair and clothes and NAILS and it clicks, suddenly, what he’s looking at: Omegan Elf Fashion.
Although, he has no idea if it’s from Thranduil or someone else: he takes it, eagerly, as an invitation and browses the book until he’s summoned for dinner.
“I hope your rooms are to your liking,” Thranduil greets him with a gentle smile, voice soft and sweet, and lips still wet and a bit too red from all his wine sipping.
Thorin swallows and nods in affirmation, his confidence wavering just a little bit as he’s led into what appears to be a very private and personal dinning room. There is only the one table standing in the center of it, flanked by two chairs, and Thranduil is already occupying one with a bejeweled flute chalice in his hand (which, Thorin notes with a tightening of his lower belly, bares even more gray smudges of graphite than it had when he first arrived--almost as though the elf had SEEN the dwarf’s interest in the dusting and decided to ENTERTAIN it).
He sips it elegantly as he smiles, stardust eyes shining ethereally with pleasure although Thorin’s certain he could make them shine even brighter in bed togeth--as he waves one of those long, gray-dusted hands at the chair across from him.
Whether he knows what Thorin is thinking or not, the dwarf doesn’t know; but he’s certain there’s a smugness to that smile, now, as he embarrassedly sits across from the elf in the seat designed specially for one of his short stature. Their eyes meet across the table as silent elves pour in from a side door and laden the dinning table with--to Thorin’s delight and surprise--grilled salmon, various potato-based side dishes, and a very large--very sliced--roasted turkey. The dwarf gapes at the cooked bird, a bit lost, “I thought elves didn’t...?”
Thranduil, however, only smiles and accepts a few slices of the animal’s breast (cut, of course, by one of the servers), “We do not kill our fellow fauna, no; but we DO eat them when they die naturally and we have reason to use their body.”
“Use their body?” Thorin asks, eagerly accepting his own offered slices of bird. He lets the serving elves add a fish and a spoonful of each side dish, as well, before taking the proffered stein of honey mead from the elf that stoked the fire blazing in a wrought iron cage, designed like a tree stump with entwining vines to take advantage of its woodgrain-like texture, left just to the side of him; again, ensuring he wants nothing for warmth even at the cost of seeming excessive.
“We took the feathers for our potions, quills, decorations, pillows, and quilts; bones for our needlework, crochet hooks, utensils, beads, and other potions; legs and beak for yet more potions--although, sometimes for bowls and utensils, too--and, since this is a male turkey, the caruncle for our suppressants.”
Thorin pauses in his half-listening and half-eating to almost choke on breast. “Su-suppressants?!” He clears his throat and almost scowls up at Thranduil and his amused giggles (almost because, blast-it, the elf is just so CUTE like this). “W-what suppressants??? You are clearly NOT--!!!”
“I am home, mell Thorin,” Thranduil softly interjects and Thorin slams his mouth shut so fast is almost hurts, “Where I am safe and you will not likely be long; and, thus, I am not inclined to take things that will only mask what I really am: there is no shame in being Omega, no risk beyond mild distraction in my Heat, so--if I am not travelling to, say, Erebor--why bother taking suppressants?”
There’s a lump in the dwarf’s throat that dries his mouth and leaves him restless. He may not know much about Omegas--rarer, even, than the females of his kin--but he does know that look Thranduil’s giving him and the meaning of his words: TRUST.
The Elvenking TRUSTS that Thorin will not do anything to him during his Heat: Thranduil does not think he needs to be on suppressants because he TRUSTS Thorin will not succumb to its summons, enter his Rut, or take advantage of it.
This thought is silently confirmed when Thorin realizes they are entirely alone: there aren’t even GUARDS stationed within the room--though there are probably without--and Thranduil is (seemingly--one never knows with a literal war god...) entirely weaponless before him. True: the dwarfking can’t take him down alone; but, at one point, Thorin had, in fact, hated Thranduil enough to at least TRY; and this isn’t something any elf would not KNOW or FORGET, so...
“And... if I were to stay long?” the king of Erebor unsurely asks, eyes wide and dark with SOMETHING as the lump in his throat remains thick no matter what.
Thranduil’s eyes practically GLOW as they light up with joy; and, as he leans in over his food and the dining table and the lone candle Thorin only now notices, his long snow-white hair slips over his broad shoulders and brings to attention the abnormally tall and closed neck of Thranduil’s thick and pink adorned dress which does naught but send Thorin’s mind SPIRALING with wanton desire and NEED to MARK and CLAIM and OWN that hidden skin so it--and the Elvenking--is HIS; “Then, I would simply enjoy finally being able to show you my home~”
((Tagging @elithilanor again since you seem to be enjoying the ABO’verse headcanons and, well, still Duil with pink nails--tho Thorin’s got plans for those turning starry night blue soon--but, of course, just let me know if you want the tags to stop cuz I know you’re not into this ship.))
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gothicmama · 10 months
"The Hunt" Bagginshield ABO (Rough Draft)
I posted a little snippet of this, the end of it, awhile back, and since then I've been fiddling with it constantly and I'm on the verge of rewriting all two thousand something words and start over. So, I'm posting it here first, hoping for some advice/criticism/reassurance on what I should do with it. Please, help (;
Bilbo had adjusted to the cultural shock of living with Dwarves relatively quickly. The months he’d spent on the quest with the company had helped him when it came to being the only Hobbit in a mountain of them. Everything was completely different from what he was used to, from the food to the clothing, to the weather itself. Some of that had been expected and easily managed. He ate meals with everyone else plus the extra four he was used to, with whoever happened to be free at the moment keeping him company, so he didn’t eat alone. He’d even added some Hobbitish dishes to menus all over the mountain. The same was said for clothing, his closet was full of Hobbit style clothing that were decorated with the floral designs Hobbits preferred, alongside or combined with the traditional geometric patterns Dwarves favored. Dori and Nori had taken on the challenge of making his whole wardrobe and they’d outdone themselves. Several of the tailors and shops in the marketplace now offered similar items themselves. And the weather had simply been solved by finally giving in and admitting that his bare feet needed something during the winter months, especially if he wanted to go outside. As such he now had a drawerful of thick socks, also made by both Dori and Nori, that were just as decorated as the rest of his clothing.
But the one thing he was still struggling to adjust to was how different they were when it came to their secondary genders. For Hobbits, there were expectations and responsibilities for each. Alphas were expected to be the head of the family and do the more dangerous things, like being Bounders. Omegas were expected to be pregnant as often as possible, as long as it was safe to be so, and Betas were expected to fill in any gaps and be whatever was needed in whatever relationship they were in.
Despite that Hobbits were all mostly similar in certain ways regardless of whether they were Alpha, Beta, or Omega. They were, as a people, generally gentle and kind-hearted folk. Suspicious of the outside world, with good reason, and with few exceptions, they were all content to live in their smials, throw parties for any an all reasons, and drink and eat to their hearts’, and stomachs’, content. They spent their heats and ruts either at home alone or with their mates, and it was highly expected to choose a mate and marry them as young as possible. For the majority of Hobbits, regardless of their gender, they only ever touched or were touched by one person and that was the person they chose to be their mate.
Dwarves on the other hand were completely different. They drew clear lines between Alphas, Betas, and Omegas, while simultaneously treating them all equally. Unlike Hobbits, Omegas weren’t expected to have children. He knew and had met several Omegas who had dedicated their lives to their crafts instead of relationships or were in a relationship and simply didn’t want children. Also, Omegas weren’t looked at differently or whispered about for doing dangerous work. Neither were Alphas sneered at for doing what would be considered delicate work, such as embroidering or knitting. No, for Dwarves, they wore their genders proudly in their braids, but it made no difference to how they were treated by others.
And for Bilbo, a Hobbit who had for many years been the local oddity due to being an unmated Omega who was head of his family and the family business, it was both a pleasant and a jarring change.
He’d thought he’d grown used to the way things were, he’d even started letting Fili and Kili put an Omega braid in his hair. Something that still seemed to unsettle Thorin, so much so that for the first few times he had quickly excused himself before running from the room. Bilbo had yet to get an explanation for that, so he’d simply chalked it up to some Dwarf thing he didn’t know about. And then, he’d found out about the Hunt.
“I’m sorry, could you explain it to me again please?” Bilbo was sure he’d heard Balin wrong. There was no way Dwarves actually did that.
Balin chuckled and looked up from the scroll he was writing on. “Any unmated Alphas, Betas, and Omegas may participate in the Hunt. It’s two weeks of eating, sleeping, and preparing. It is called the Hunt because at the end of the two weeks, some are hunted, while the others are the hunters.”
Bilbo swallowed heavily before he hesitantly asked, “Hunted for what?”
Balin set down the scroll completely and looked at the Hobbit over his glasses. His eyes stared into Bilbo’s as he answered, “For mating.”
“Mating?” Bilbo squeaked out. His face was already burning but his curiosity was stronger than his embarrassment. He knew what mating was, understood it on a purely physical, educational level, but he’d never experienced it. And even if he had, Hobbits didn’t do anything like what Balin was describing.
“Yes. On the final night, the hunted run, and the hunters chase, and almost everyone finds a mate, if not more than one,” Balin explained. “It is a night for us to give in to our primal urges, to experience a heat or rut in a different way.”
“Isn’t that, well, dangerous?” Bilbo asked. The thought of alphas and omegas running loose, lost in their heats and ruts, sounded terrifying to him.
“It can be, yes,” Balin agreed. “But even in our most primal, animalistic states, we are not cruel or vicious. Fighting is to be expected, but most know when they’re beaten and will yield. Likewise, most know when they’ve won, and they’ll let the loser go. It’s not unheard of for people to die, for fights to get out of control or for someone to take it too far, but it is uncommon.”
“I see. But, what if you,” Bilbo paused to think over his words. “What if someone is interested in another, but they aren’t interested in return?”
“It’s even rarer for forced mating to happen, but it has happened in the past,” Balin regretfully admitted. “It’s a risk one takes to be a part of the hunt. But most are more interested in finding willing partners than wasting time and energy forcing themselves on another.”
Unsure of how to respond to his reassurance, Bilbo simply nodded. Balin smiled kindly at him and explained, “There are risks, yes, but that is why it is optional. It is for those who are without mates, who wish to have a little fun. Everyone gets to show off in the days leading up to the hunt, by decorating themselves with paint and jewels or showing off their prowess in fights. And on the final night, they run wild and free in ways that they don’t usually get to experience. Though, some do go into it with other motivations.”
Bilbo leaned back in his chair, his head swimming. This took culture shock to an entirely new level. He cleared his throat several times and fiddled with the buttons on his waistcoat, before he stammered, “Other motivations?”
“Oh yes.” Ignoring the worrying expression on Bilbo’s face, Balin got comfortable and leaned back in his chair. “Some who enter are looking for a mate, and they will have their token with them. It’s an unspoken rule that tokens are not to be touched, stolen, or damaged in any way. Even in our most primal of states, that’s instinctual. If someone finds another that they like they may present the token to them. In the heat of the moment, it’s easy to get lost in the intense feelings and lose track of people, especially if you have multiple partners during the night.”
Bilbo’s head spun again just from that sentence. Multiple partners? He wasn’t touching that right then, probably never would because it didn’t concern him. He shook his head slightly and tuned back into Balin’s explanation. “The tokens make it easier for people to find their chosen afterwards. Assuming of course their chosen accepts. Rejecting a token is allowed, and encouraged if the feelings aren’t mutual.”
“I see,” Bilbo replied faintly. He clasped his hands on the desk in front of him to stop them from fidgeting. “You said motivations, plural. What else is there?”
“Children.” Balin chuckled when Bilbo gasped in shock, his eyes bulging. “There are some who wish to have children, without having to go through the trouble of finding a suitable donor or partner. They simply wish to mate with as many people as possible to give them the best chance of being impregnated. Or they only wish to mate with someone they find acceptable, such as the strongest hunter of the group, to ensure their child is also strong.”
“That makes sense.” That was all Bilbo could say through his disbelief. That was entirely unheard of among Hobbits. If someone had children, it was because they were mated and married and had usually planned them. No one just had children on their own, with the rare exception of an Omega who’d been widowed during pregnancy. But even then, they would often take another mate to help with raising the child, they didn’t do it all on their own. Bilbo cleared his throat and offered an apologetic smile. “Forgive me for my surprise, please. This is very different from how we Hobbits do it.”
“Oh, no worries, laddie, I thought as much.” Balin waved away his apology with his hand. “I don’t think anyone else but us Dwarves do it, not the men nor the elves. It’s why we don’t talk about it much.”
“Ah, yes, one of your many secrets.” They both chuckled at Bilbo’s teasing, then he turned serious again. Now that his mind was working through this new information, the surprise and embarrassment were completely replaced by his curiosity. Questions were popping into his head fast, but one stuck out amongst the lot. “How do you ensure children occur? After all, if the Hunt is a once a year, scheduled event, most of the participants won’t be in heat or rut when it occurs.”
Balin winked at Bilbo and gave him a smirk. “We’re back to the secrets again, laddie. We’re not as good as Hobbits when it comes to gardens and vegetables, but our healers know their herbs. Part of the Hunt is taking the right ones. Everyone eats or drinks, whichever they prefer, an herb that sends them into heat or rut. For Betas, they’re given something different that simulates whichever they choose.”
Balin entwined his fingers over his beard as he continued, “Everyone who enters is given just enough herbs based on their size and how fast they burn through medicines. No one is given too much, and what they are given is given in small amounts over the course of the two weeks, so it builds in their systems, and they have time to adjust. This also gives them a chance to change their mind or for them to see a healer if something does go wrong.”
“That’s why the preparation is so long,” Bilbo assumed. It made perfect sense to him, and it sounded as though the Dwarves had it planned out perfectly. The thought of the Hunt, while still jarring to him as a Hobbit, sounded less like a uncontrollable thing where people went crazy and did awful things to each other, and more like a large, planned party where everyone was there to go wild and have fun together. As a Hobbit who loved parties, he appreciated the logistics that went into this. And as an Omega who’d never so much as been kissed, the thought of having this chance to see what he’d been missing without fear of hurt feelings, or an arranged marriage, was beginning to sound appealing.
Bilbo shoved that thought away. He absolutely wasn’t going to do it, no matter what fantasies went on in his own head. He cleared his throat and continued with his questions. His purely academic questions. “For those who don’t want children?”
“Preventative herbs are available before and after the hunt, and we’ve worked out many options that are safe to take with the stimulant herbs,” Balin replied matter-of-factly.
Bilbo nodded slowly, taking a moment of silence to process all the information he’d just been given. When he felt like he had a good handle on everything, he smiled at Balin. “It certainly sounds like you all know what you’re doing. When will the Hunt take place, then?”
Balin tapped his chin thoughtfully before answering him. “We’ve been preparing for it for weeks now, but now that Thorin is completely healed and it’s safe for him to participate, we can finish the last few things up. It should only take another two weeks before we can get started.”
The Hobbit froze and for the second time in just five minutes he was sure he’d heard incorrectly. “Thorin? He’s going to?”
“Oh, yes, laddie, as an unmated king, it’s one of his responsibilities.” Balin barely held back a laugh at Bilbo’s surprised expression. “It is in the hopes that he might meet someone, but also to prove his raw prowess and strength against other Alphas. That’s why it’s only for unmated kings unless they wish to do the Hunt together as a couple. Most don’t though, there’s always the chance that things can go wrong in such a situation.”
“I understand that, yes.” Bilbo swallowed. He hid his hands under the desk and nervously wrung them together. “So, he will for sure be a hunter, as you called it?”
“Oh yes. We use the terms hunter and hunted, because those terms are not used solely for Alphas and Omegas respectively, but yes, Thorin, as an Alpha, will be a hunter.” Balin’s eyes twinkled over his glasses as he suddenly asked, “Will you be joining the Hunt, too, Bilbo?”
“Yes.” The answer popped out before Bilbo could even think about it.
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sotwk · 9 months
The idea of Thranduil getting jealous of Lindir and Durin 3 is so funny to me I know I'll love it. The idea of Lindir getting unwittingly dragged into Maereth's romantic life is hilarious and I would love meet Durin, dwarven kings (and dwarves in general) are always a win!
I know, right?? Thank you for sharing in my joy of this small, very slightly crack fic-y story idea!
It's so much fun when a proud, supremely confident Alpha Male gets thrown off by the emergence of (perceived) competition from the most unexpected of sources!
Sweet, anxious, unassuming, "ready-to-serve" Lindir.
And... a DWARF. (Even though it's a KING of the greatest clan of Dwarves!) Still a DWARF!
Speaking of Durin III, I am so very eager to finally bring him into the SotWK AU too! Although I am still several chapters away from it, he is set to play a significant role in "Sins of Our Fathers" (the story of Thranduil and Maereth's first meeting and early years of acquaintance).
Have I mentioned yet that my Durin III fancast is Hugh Jackman?
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The choice is greatly influenced by my headcanon that Durin III greatly resembles (inside and out) his descendant, Thorin Oakenshield. (You might remember this being referenced in Maereth's conversation with Thorin in "A Broken Shield".) Hugh and Richard happen to look similar to me, so I love it!
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The Hobbit: ThorinxBilbo A/B/O 4
Bilbo woke up and as promised Thorin still lay right beside him, asleep. His eyes were closed revealing his dark eyelashes, his arms were crossed showing off the toned forearm muscle. His long thick salt and pepper, but mostly pepper, hair hung forward framing his face. Biblo had is head laid on Thorins shoulder and on his head was Thorins. Biblo shifted under Thorins coat that acted as a blanket for the both of them.
“Don’t leave yet. I don’t want to get cold, and you’re so warm,” Thorin murmured, stretching his arm around Biblo and pulling him to his chest. The only other members of the company that were awake were Fili, Kili and Gandalf, who was smoking his pipe. Fili and Kili looked over when their uncle said that in his sleep. They grinned, looked at each other, looked at Bilbo, then snickered a bit. Bilbo felt his face flush slightly, but didn’t pull away from Thorin. They laid there breathing deeply in tandem. Thunder growled and Thorin flinched, unsheathing his sword that was under Bilbo.
“Ah,” Biblo inhaled, a thin ribbon of blood appearing on his skin. He looked up at Thorin, who looked around before seeing Bilbos arm. He said nothing but grabbed Bilbos wrist with one hand and his elbow with the other, to bring
Bilbos arm closer to him. He examined the wound before cleaning it and tearing off a part of his shirt to wrap it with.
Bilbo, whimpering with pain, and Thorin feeling responsible, both lost control of their pheromones. The smell of smoked, baked bread, and pine tea with honey surrounded the two of them. Filling Bilbos mind with what might lie under Thorins armor, and what Thorin might do to him if he were to take it off. Thorin, however, was letting his eyes wander from Bilbos arm to his soft neck to his exposed shoulders. Thorin gently slid his hand up Bilbos arm and up his neck to the side of his face. Bilbo gasped, slightly, looking up to meet Thorins eyes.
“We should probably wake the others, get a move on,” Filli and Killi called, getting Thorin and Bilbos attention. They broke out of the moment and began gathering their respective things. The thunder and lightning quickly turned into a heavy downpour. The company got on the move again without another word spoken between Thorin and Bilbo, and although they said nothing, they didn’t stray too far from one another within the group as they rode.
“Mr. Gandalf. Can’t you do something about this deluge?” Dori asked.
“It is raining master dwarf, and it will continue to rain until the rain is done. If you wish to change the weather of the world, you should find yourself another wizard,” Gandalf responded.
“Are there any? Other wizards?” Bilbo asked, earning an amused glance from Thorin who was listening in.
“There are five of us. The greatest of our order is Saruman, The White. Then there are the two blue wizards. Do you know, I’ve quite forgotten their names. And there is Radagast, The Brown,”
“Is he a great wizard, or is he… more like you?” Bilbo asked, oblivious in his insult. Thorin tried to hide a laugh, but still earned a glare from Gandalf.
“Well, I think he’s a very great wizard, in his own way. He’s a gentle soul who prefers the company of animals to others. He keeps a watchful eye over the vast forestlands to the East, and a good thing too, for always evil will look to find a foothold in this world,” he explained, and on the company went. As they rode, the rain died down and the day wore on.
“We’ll camp here for the night. Fili, Kili, look after the ponies make sure you stay with them. Oin, Gloin, get a fire going,” Thorin instructed, dismounting his pony. Bilbo managed to dismount with a little help from Gandalf. Bilbo shivered, and Gandalf quirked a brow at him.
“A farmer and his family used to live here. I think it would be wiser to move on. We could make for the hidden valley. The elves could help us, we could get food, rest, advice,” Gandalf said, rather privately to Thorin.
“I do not need their advice. You ask me to seek out the very people who betrayed my grandfather, my father,” Thorin hissed back.
“You are neither of them. I did not give you that map and key for you to hold onto the past!”
“I did not know they were yours to keep!”
“Everything alright? Gandalf where are you going?” Bilbo called after the wizard.
“To seek the company of the only one around here whose got any sense,”
“And who’s that?”
“Myself, mister Baggins. I’ve had enough of dwarves for one day!” and with that the wizard rode off.
“Come on Bombur, we’re hungry,” Thorin called. Bilbo rubbed his eyes, everything looked fuzzier, brighter. Soon it was dark and after his belly was full Bilbo was sent off to bring supper to Fili and Kili.
“We’re supposed to be looking after the ponies. Only we’ve encountered a problem. We had sixteen, and now we have fourteen,” Fili and Kili told Bilbo, as they spotted a light through the trees. The three of them followed the light until the came upon a clearing with three large trolls sitting around a fire cooking something that could barely be considered food. Fili and Kili took their bowls from Bilbo and nearly pushed him towards the trolls in some attempt of encouragement. Bilbo tried to burgle one of the trolls’ knifes but unfortunately ended up covered in the snot from that troll. In short the dwarves tried to save him but the trolls have Bilbo by the arms and legs… at least the ponies escaped.
“Lay down your arms… or we’ll rip his off!” one of the trolls shouted. Thorin looked up at Bilbo and promptly threw his sword down, the rest of the dwarves followed suit. Before they knew it, most of them were in sacks and those that weren’t were being turned over a fire. The trolls were debating how to cook dwarf until one mentioning dawn not being far away gave Bilbo an idea.
“Wait! You are making a terrible mistake. With the seasoning, I mean have you smelt them? Your going to need something a lot stronger than sage before you plate this lot up!” Bilbo called over to them.
“What a load of rubbish! Nothing wrong with a bit of raw dwarf!” one of the trolls said, picking up Bombur.
“Uh no! Not that one! He’s infected. In fact they’re all infected. They’ve got worms in their tubes. They’re infested with parasites, its a terrible business, I wouldn’t risk it, I really wouldn’t,” Bilbo reasoned, and grossing-out the rather grotesque trolls. The dwarves began protesting until Thorin nudged them.
“I’ve got parasites as big as my arm!” Oin and the rest of the dwarves broke out into protests of who had the biggest, nastiest parasites. The trolls approached the group having figured out Bilbos plan.
“The dawn will take you all!” Gandalf shouted from over the trees, cracking the rock under him to let sunlight hit the trolls, turning all three to stone. Once they were statues and the company was let out of the sacks that restrained them, Thorin took to questioning Gandalfs rather sudden appearance.
“Where did you go?”
“To look ahead,”
“And what brought you back?”
“Looking behind. Nasty business, still they’re all in one piece,”
“No thanks to your burglar,” Thorin huffed, straightening his clothes.
“Despite his condition, he had the nous to play for time. None of the rest of you thought of that. They must’ve come from the Ettenmoors,” Gandalf reasoned, looking around.
“Since when do the mountain trolls venture this far South?”
“Oh, not for an age. Not since a darker power ruled these lands… they could not have moved in daylight,” Gandalf returned Thorins alarmed look.
“There must be a cave nearby,” Thorin responded, gathering the company to scour for the den entrance.
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sunnyrosewritesstuff · 4 months
Poll 3- Past Teases
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This poll is for which fic you want to see updated on July 15th as part of my 7 day birthday gifts to the fans! If you are unfamiliar with my works or need a reminder, check out the links and summaries below the “read more” before you vote. Other poll information for this week can be found here.
And any fics that don’t win but still collect a substantial amount of votes are eligible for a Redemption Vote on June 6th! Otherwise, thank you for your participation! 😍😁
For the Love of My Husband- Conman Bilbo; Bilbo is a thief and a conman who has tricked Thorin, Crown Prince of Erebor, to marry him as an escape from a tight spot. He thought their marriage was happily enough, but Thorin feels a disconnect from the hobbit he’s married. To appease his family and strengthen their bond, Thorin asks Bilbo to take the Trial of Souls with him. Problem is, Bilbo doesn’t want Thorin to know anything about him because they are most assuredly not Ones. And if Thorin learns the truth, Bilbo will find himself back in the streets or worse…
I Married an Assassin- True Lies AU; Twelve years ago, Bilbo fell for a charming man who saved his life in his university library. While he loves his husband and their son, he finds his life to be a bit…dull. So when he comes across the adventure of a lifetime, he has to take it! Only this particular adventure has the potential to crash his life around him considering his boring accountant husband might actually be an assassin who’s been doing his best to keep him out of the eyes of a terrorist organization due to a clue left behind by his mother.
Outdated Version
Erebor’s Monster- Merman AU; Bilbo is investigating ‘Erebor’s Monster’ in secret trying to discovery the nature of all the mysterious disappearances the town has suffered. However, Bilbo soon finds himself on a discovery that will shake his core belief system completely if he is to help Mayor Thorin Oakenshield recover that which was lost and defeat an ancient evil for good.
Heart of the Mountain- Evil Arkenstone AU; What if Thror wasn’t mad like everyone thought? What if the Arkenstone was truly at fault? Questions Bilbo and Thorin will have to answer together after Bilbo is swallowed by the gem. Bilbo and Thorin must work together to conquer the magic of the Arkenstone while Bilbo is invisible and forgotten by the others without making Thorin look as insane as his grandfather. Also, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to maybe work out why exactly the Arkenstone considered Bilbo, Thorin’s heart as well.
Bedding Burglars and Chasing Dragons- Mafia/Detective AU; When Thorin Oakenshield transferred to Ered Luin PD, there was really only one thing on his mind: finally catch the monster that destroyed his family. However, he quickly learns Ered Luin lives under the rule of the local mafia and figures the only way to catch Smaug is to pretend to be a dirty cop and make nice with the supposed crime boss known only as “The Burglar”.
Outdated Version 1 | Outdated Version 2 (chances are I’ll still use the scenes but role reverse between Bilbo and Thorin)
Bonded- Hobbits are Dragon Herders AU; The Naming Ceremony where a hobbit bonds with his dragon for the first time is supposed to be a blessing, Bilbo’s came as more of a curse when he was chosen as the Alpha-Bond. Bilbo and Smaug have never gotten along, but after a Naming Ceremony goes wrong and Smaug is fleeing the Shire, Bilbo knows he will stop at nothing until he sees their Alpha safely home.
From the Seed of a Sunflower- Thumbelina AU; Thorin assures Bilbo he will be fine on his mission to return the Arkenstone to the heart of the mountain, but Bilbo still worries for his Raven Rider. When Frerin is attacked before Bilbo's very eyes, Bilbo takes up the stone and joins the others on a journey where he will discover he is more than just a boy born from a sunflower seed.
A Storm is Coming- Time Travel AU; Bilbo made a wish on the Arkenstone to spare Thorin's life. Later Thorin makes a careless wish in return, and Bilbo ends up in a different time with the memories of before.
Oakenshield's Fourteen- Heist AU; After being framed and imprisoned for embezzlement, Thorin is out for revenge. He's going to need a crew if he's going to pull off this heist though, and he's not so sure about Gandalf's fourteenth man.
Other- Is there another fic I’ve teased that you are nuts about? Choose other and put it in the tags or in a comment!
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ally-holmes · 2 years
My fanfic Masterlist | Multifandom
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Criminal Minds
Aaron Hotchner x Reader
"Volunteer" -- Complete
ER (1994)
John Carter x Reader
"Unseen" -- Ongoing (sporadic updates)
Good Omens
Crowley x Aziraphale
"May I?" -- Complete
IT (movies)
"Scars" -- Complete
Richie Tozier x Stanley Uris
"It started with a kiss" +18 -- Complete
Richie Tozier x Stanley Uris x Eddie Kaspbrak
"Richie's an alpha, Stanley's an omega, and Eddie's a hot mess" +18 -- Ongoing (hiatus)
Jeeves and Wooster
"What-ho!" -- Complete
"Jeeves' absence" -- Complete
"Bertie and the secret friend" +18 -- Complete
"Bertie makes a mess" -- Complete
Stranger Things
Steve Harrington x Reader
"Regular Customer" -- Complete
"Nancy's Wedding" -- Complete
The Almighty Johnsons
"Bamboozle" -- Complete
Anders Johnson x Reader
"Bragi's Weakness" -- Complete
"Beware of the dragon" -- Tumblr | AO3 -- Complete
"Use your words" +18 -- Tumblr | AO3 -- Complete
Anders Johnson x OFC
"A deal with Hades" -- Tumblr | AO3 -- Complete
The Hobbit
Bilbo Baggins x Thorin Oakenshield
"Confounded" -- Complete
"I thought you were dead" -- Complete
"The aftermath" -- Tumblr | AO3 -- Complete
"Battle scars" -- Tumblr | AO3 -- Complete
Fili x OFC
"Lion and fire" -- Tumblr | AO3 -- Complete
Wanted (2016)
Wilson Johnson x Reader
"Screw bad days" -- Tumblr | AO3 -- Complete
Young Hercules
"Time travel to Terra Mítica" -- Tumblr | AO3 -- Complete
More to come...
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bagginshieldweek24 · 8 months
Welcome to Bagginshield Week 2024! DATES & PROMPTS
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First things first, sorry for the slight delay!
All of the elements of this event (dates, extra posting days, prompts) have been voted for by participant or people interested in it, with the sole exception of one of the prompts for Day 7, and the specific dates of the week (the vote fell on the side of "second half of June").
Event Dates & Prompts June 24: Role Reversal/The Shire Falls Instead + Bilbo is the Thain/Is a Royal June 25: Thorin in The Shire + Developping Relationship June 26: Soulmates/Soulmate Marks AU + Dwarf Culture June 27: Bookshops & Libraries + Khuzdul Language June 28: Canon Divergence (gen.) + Hairbeads/Beads in general June 29: Single Parents/Uncles AU + Gardening June 30: Gothic Horror AU + Sky/Storms
Regular Alternate Prompts: Alpha/Beta/Omega AU - Mythology AU (gen.) - Fire/Smoke - Enemies to Lovers, or Enemies to Allies to Lovers - Secret Relationship
Whump Alternate Prompts: "I thought I had lost you" - Gold Sickness - Hurt/Comfort - Fake Death/Believed to be Dead - Hidden Injury
The event consists of seven regular posting days, for which there are be two distinct but easily relatable prompts per day, and two sets of alternate prompts with five prompts each (one is for regular prompts and the other is for "whump" tropes). On top of that there will be two extra days for you to post your works right at the end of the week (you can post the very first chapter of your work on either day and then finish it some other time, no problem!). You can also mix and otherwise use prompts however way you want: maybe you want to go about it the traditional way and pick one prompt for each day, or close to it and only switch one of them for an alternate; or you can take a Day 5 prompt, a regular alternate, and cap it off with a whump trope and post that for Day 1. Pick your poison!
Have a great time, and see you around!
P.S.: friendly reminder I'll be reblogging/posting things like references from here until the event takes place! Let me know if there's anything you might be looking for and I'll try t help <3
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ao3feed-samfro · 4 months
The Table's Gift
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/rVUhCGg by sunnivaixchel Twenty-five years after Erebor was reclaimed, Fíli and Kíli arrive unannounced at Bag End once again, this time to invite Bilbo to a special anniversary celebration. What they find is Bilbo and his 24-year-old son, Frodo. A son that absolutely no one knew about with black hair, blue eyes, and who shaves every morning. This results in old secrets and traumas being brought to light, and will only end when both Bilbo and Thorin come to terms with their actions and choices and how those actions and choices have affected one another, and ultimately, Frodo. Words: 5710, Chapters: 1/14, Language: English Fandoms: The Hobbit - All Media Types, The Hobbit (Jackson Movies), The Hobbit - J. R. R. Tolkien Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Bilbo Baggins, Frodo Baggins, Thorin Oakenshield, Kíli (Tolkien), Fíli (Tolkien) Relationships: Bilbo Baggins/Thorin Oakenshield, Frodo Baggins/Sam Gamgee, Kíli (Tolkien)/Tauriel (Hobbit Movies) Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Reconciliation, Future Fic, Past Mpreg, Past DubCon, Flashbacks, Parenting A Teenager, Parenthood, Parent-Child Relationship, Trauma, Past Attempted Rape/Non-Con, (not bagginshield), Frodo is 24 which I'm saying is the equivalent of 15, child of two worlds, Dwobbits | Dwarf-Hobbits (Tolkien), Apologies, Hobbits in Erebor, Hate Crimes, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Bittersweet Ending, BAGGINSHIELD GET A HAPPY ENDING OKAY, surprise! we have a son and I've been avoiding you for 25 years read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/rVUhCGg
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