#alpha izuku midoriya x omega reader
animeomegas · 7 months
How would Izuku react to an Alpha with the quirk to duplicate themselves, would he suggest quirk play into the bed? ;)
It takes a while for Izuku to think about anything dirty with his alphas quirk.
He hyper focuses on the ways it can be used in hero work, in medicine, in business, everything. Except sex.
I think it would actually take alpha making a joke to put the idea into Izuku's head.
"You could use it for so much!! I mean, imagine the benefit of double teaming all your tasks!!"
You paused at his phrasing, a sly grin making its way onto your face. "Double teaming, eh? I can think of a few ways that would be useful."
Izuku's face went cherry red. "That's- That's not what I meant!"
And it wasn't what he meant. But it did put the idea into his head, and he finds himself not being able to get it out.
N-sfw specifics under cut
He starts imagining all sorts of naughty things.
He starts off fairly normal. He thinks about a threesome. Double penetration. All the new positions that would be possible (he likes to be held off the ground during sex, it turns him on to be manhandled lol.)
But then his thoughts start to get more and more specific.
He thinks about a good cop, bad cop, dom team. Where one of you is covering him in praise, and the other degrades him.
He thinks about cheating roleplays, where one of your finds him 'cheating' with the other.
He thinks about voyeurism and exhibitionism stuff. What if one of you 'taught' the other one how to fuck him properly. Or you could have your clone film you and him fucking from inside the wardrobe or round the crack of the door, so Midoriya can watch it back and pretend there was someone watching.
And you know what Midoriya's mind is like. Once he starts, he can't stop. So the scenarios get more and more detailed, and he becomes more and more fixated.
I like to think that he starts having dirty dreams every night, entirely pent up and distracted.
I guess it'd up to you get these fantasies out of him and make a couple of his dreams come true 😉
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mollisangelus · 1 year
Perspective Is A Fickle Thing
Dom! Alpha! Izuku x Soft! Omega! Reader
Part 1 Part 2
A/N: Izuku is super out of character right now, but bare with me, it'll get there. Everything will make sense.
TW: None!
You found yourself thinking about that day a lot. You talked so much, that you ended up going somewhere else to get dinner. It was just so easy, which you found surprising. You didn't like new people much. The best part was the way he even paid for it, the memory burning into your mind and causing blush to dance along your complexion quite quickly.
"It's a shame Ura couldn't come, but duty calls." 
You sighed and nodded, "Yeah, she just seems to always overwork herself.." 
Just then, the waiter appeared, check in hand. "I hope you both enjoyed your night, an adorable couple really. I'll be right back to grab the check." With that, he was gone before either of you could protest. Not that Izuku seemed like he was going to, his eyes on the check as he goes to grab it. 
In your flustered state, you clumsily grab your small purse and dig to grab your card. It takes you a minute or so, and Izuku is confused as to what you are doing until you pull it out. 
"I'll pay tip too, so don't worry!" With that, you go to place your card in there and write a note to split the cost, but Izuku is quick to stop you. 
"Don't be silly, I'm paying." His hands are on yours to keep you from the check, and his eyes seem to burn in your skin. You feel the spotlight and your spine tingles. It was just like earlier. It was like you were left no room to argue, but you were awkward naturally anyways.
"Oh, okay.." you mumbled, biting on your bottom lip in nervousness. 
You both ended the night with him giving you his number and driving you home, because it was much too dark and late for you to walk and take the bus. He insisted. It felt like a date, for sure, but your conversation was aimed towards business, which was obviously his goal.
It was a business date! That's right! Perfectly normal, I mean that is why you had a meeting in the first place! It just proves that it went so well! 
After coming to that conclusion, you felt so light on your feet for the next week and a half, and your enthusiasm for work seemed to triple! You had so much work to do if the number 1 hero puts his faith in you! So, as you're tinkering with one of Uraraka's sidekick's gadgets that were recently crushed one day, you get a text. It was odd, you don't talk to many people, especially outside of work. Anyone in your circle would just come to you. Your curiosity wins this time, and as the cat screams, you peer at your screen. The childish name 'green boi💚' is on the notification, with 'new message' underneath. You mentally curse yourself for the high school girl butterflies, yey you're still quick to unlock your phone and read. 
"Let's have dinner again, I'd like to talk about a proposition."
You freeze for a moment and your thoughts race. What does that mean? Proposition? You start to type your confusion till your stupidity hits you like a bus. A job, he wants to offer you a job. Your cheeks flare as you text back.
Quickly, you texted back, "Wow, I'm honored! Just send me when and where!" Anxious butterflies flutter in your stomach as you type, and you have to double back on words. It wasn't that big of a deal, even as you try to tell yourself that though, your omega and heart are soaring. Your nerves seem to be burning out as you bite at your lip, waiting for a response. 
"I'll call you." 
Then before you could make an excuse, your phone was buzzing with his contact name lighting up the screen. Shock flares through you, and you juggle your phone clumsily with your surprise.
As you struggle to keep a grip, you shakily swiped up and put the device to your ear. "H-hi..?" God, you must sound so weak right now. Not very confident business woman of you.
"Hi! I'll pick you up around 8, alright? So just send me your address. I had to call cause my hands are a bit busy at the moment." You hear movement in the background and clink of something on a table.
"O-oh, okay! You don't have to pick me up, I can walk…!" You were so quiet, so nervous. You did your best to keep the cheerful chip at the end, but your heart hammered with each stutter.
"Nonsense, I'm not making you walk in the dark." It was final.
"Are you sure?" You appreciated a gentleman, but you couldn't stand being inconvenient. Not even in the littlest ways. 
"____. I'm picking you up, send me your address, okay? I have to go, I'll see you at 8." This time it really was final, the sound of a hang up in your ear. 
You could have protested, could have insisted you walk, but you're immediately typing your address like you were told. Just who is this man?
A/N: can you believe I'm alive? I'll try to at least finish this before I lose hyperfocus.
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okeutocalma · 1 year
Ômega Izuku Midoriya [Male Alpha Reader].
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Izuku sentia as lágrimas começando a brotar em seus olhos, seu peito apertando e a respiração ficando cada vez mais difícil. 
Ele sabia o que estava acontecendo, era o início de seu cio, um cio precoce e ele não tinha ninguém para ajudá-lo. 
Infelizmente ele havia brigado com [Nome]- seu Alpha - uma semana atrás e desde então ele não havia falado mais com ele. 
A briga foi por causa de um motivo bobo, o Alpha estava com ciúmes de Shouto( e por incrível que pareça o [Nome] falou para Izuku que sentia aquele sentimento). Mas do nada começou a desandar e assim começou a briga.
Deku sabia que [Nome] era uma pessoa orgulhosa e teimosa, mas nunca imaginou que ele ficaria tanto tempo sem falar com ele.
O esverdeado soltou um grito de dor e de desejo ao sentir aquele calor infernal tomar conta do corpo dele, os feromônios ficando mais forte a cada momento.
 Ele precisava de [Nome] ao seu lado, precisava de seu alpha para ajudá-lo a passar por isso. Ele se arrependeu de ter brigado com ele, desejava poder voltar no tempo e fazer tudo diferente, garantir que nada iria atrapalhar o relacionamento dos dois.
Izuku se encolheu em sua cama, soluçando, sentindo-se sozinho e perdido. Ele nunca havia passado por isso sozinho antes, sempre teve o Alpha para ajudá-lo, mas agora, ele não tinha ninguém. Ele queria que seu parceiro voltasse, que estivesse com ele, cuidando dele, protegendo-o.
O ômega sabia que precisava fazer as pazes com [Nome], que precisava contar a ele como se sentia. Ele sabia que o Alpha também sentia falta dele, mas era muito orgulhoso para admitir. Deku apenas esperava que ele o perdoasse.
[Nome] e Katsuki estavam treinando juntos no campo de treinamento, usando seus poderes quirk para aprimorar suas habilidades de combate.
— NEH SEU DRAGÃO,DESCE AQUI. — O loiro gritou para o irmão,zuando pois a forma animaga do de fios [claros/escuros] era um dragão.
— FALOU O PINSCHER. — O Alpha estava sorrindo para o outro, logo avançado para cima em um ataque.
Eles estavam se divertindo em um duelo animado, jogando golpes e tentando superar um ao outro.
De repente, [Nome] se sentiu tonto e cambaleou, tropeçando no chão antes de cair. Ele sentiu um forte calor se espalhando por seu corpo, uma sensação pesada e sufocante que o deixou confuso. 
Ele sabia o que esse calor significava, e sinceramente ele nem lembrava, o cio do esverdeado nem era nesse dia.
O bruxo tocou a marca em seu pescoço e sentiu o pulso acelerado do coração ao confirmar suas suspeitas. O ômega estava entrando em um cio precoce.
Katsuki se aproximou rapidamente, olhando preocupado para o irmão.
— Ei mano, você está bem? — Ele perguntou estendendo uma mão para te ajudar a levantar. 
— Estou sim. — Aceitou a mão dele, se levantando rapidamente, [Nome] balançou a cabeça, tentando se recompor e garantir que Katsuki não percebesse nada mas obviamente o loiro entendeu.
 Uma nova tontura fez com que o Alpha se apoiasse no irmão, tentou respirar fundo, porém uma sensação quente e sufocante tomou conta de seu corpo.
 — Tenho que ir atrás do Izuku logo. —
Bakugou observou as bochechas coradas e a voz rouca do irmão, virou o corpo grande para analisar a situação e praguejou ao visualizar o volume marcando a calça do homem.
— É o cio. — O loiro esclareceu, [Nome] estava acompanhando o cio do parceiro, entrando em sua rotina. Seria perigoso se o alfa interior tomasse conta. — Vamos logo eu te ajudo a chegar nos dormitórios.
 Ele não podia ficar longe do outro enquanto estivesse entrando no cio.
O bruxo levantou uma sobrancelha, um rosnado baixo escapou dele que fez a cabeça de Izuku se erguer para encará-lo.
 [Nome] arrancou os cobertores de cima do corpo do esverdeado e o puxou para os pés da cama. 
— Ômega. Eu quero ser doce com você, eu realmente quero. — Suas mãos pousaram nos quadris do esverdeado, que mal estavam cobertos por um par de calças de moletom do Alpha.
 — Você está tornando isso muito difícil agora. — Em resposta ao tom de sua voz, Midoriya se contorceu um pouco e soltou um pequeno gemido. — Então. Deixe-me ajudá-lo, e podemos conversar sobre nossa briga depois,okay? — [Nome] terminou. — Você vai me deixar ajudá-lo?
— Tudo bem. — O ômega sussurrou, olhando para o Alpha com seus grandes olhos esmeraldas. 
O de fios [claros/escuros] sorriu levemente, tão longe desse garoto, e se abaixou, beijando-o gentilmente. Izuku imediatamente derreteu, as costas dele arqueando ligeiramente enquanto [Nome] o puxava para seu colo. 
As pernas do esverdeado se abriram sobre as coxas do alpha, pressionadas contra ele. Midoriya gemeu alto.
 Ele lentamente rolou seus quadris para baixo enquanto o Bakugou beijava e mordia o pescoço. [Nome] alisou os lábios sobre a marca de união, pressionando um beijo suave no tecido da cicatriz levantada lá. 
O ômega, embora ainda um pouco amuado, choramingou baixinho e inclinou a cabeça um pouco para o lado.
Você enfiou o nariz contra a glândula de cheiro, um gemido baixo saíndo de seus lábios, as pontas dos dedos cavando nos lindos e esguios quadris do ômega. 
 O cheiro de Izuku era como pêssegos. E água salgada dos dias quentes de praia. É algo tão distinto.
 “Ele cheira tão bem, merda eu tinha esquecido o quão gostoso ele é."
O gemido de resposta do ômega foi lindo, o som indo direto para o seu pênis duro. Você xingou baixinho, mordendo suavemente a pele do seu parceiro, decorando aquele bela pele  com manchas vermelhas claras que logo se transformariam em hematomas escuros e florescentes e mostrariam a reivindicação.
As costas de Izuku bateram contra a parede, sua elegância sufocante enquanto se enrugava sobre sua pele, um par de mãos fortes o prendendo. 
Seu quarto estava escuro e iluminado apenas luz do por do sol que entrava pela janela. O ômega gemeu alto.
Fechando os olhos, o esverdeado gemeu outra vez. Já estava duro novamente seu pênis se esticando desconfortavelmente enquanto pulsava com a necessidade. 
— A-alpha. — 
Izuku agarrou os ombros de [Nome], enterrando o rosto em seu pescoço.
O Alpha segurou o queixo do ômega o induzindo a olhá-lo. O cheiro de Deku havia tomado conta do quarto, poderia ter a certeza que era possível senti-lo de longe.
— O que acha de usar essa boquinha? — Perguntou o de cabelos [claros/escuros] passando seus dedos nos lábios do outro,deixando sua presença forte o suficiente para afastar qualquer ser que passasse perto do dormitório.
Izuku ronrona em resposta se ajoelhado aos pés de seu parceiro o dando uma visão privilegiada, o esverdeado passa suas pequenas unhas pelo o abdômen do alpha, um sorriso manhoso toma conta dos lábios do ômega olhando com o olhar mais puro que poderia ter para [Nome], porém,sua expressão em si era de pura luxúria.
— Você ainda vai acabar comigo apenas com esse olhar, sabia?
Izuku estava sentindo seu desejo, sabia que o alpha queria tanto quanto ele.
O esverdeado lubrifica seus lábios com a língua depositando alguns beijos e mordidas sobre o membro do parceiro.
Assim o [Nome] acariciava suas bochechas mordendo de leve seus lábios.Ele ansiava por aquilo,seu lado alpha queria aquilo mais que tudo…
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queentheweeb · 2 years
Alpha Izuku Midoriya X Omega Eijiro Kirishima
Deku always had problems with Bakugo growing up, especially when he used to be quirkless. When he presented as an Alpha, Bakugo did his absolute best to make him feel less than dirt, an Alpha, and quirkless. He was useless. He didn't let it deter him from his dream of becoming a hero and when he got into U.A? Bakugo almost blew up Aldera. Too bad. Flash forward two months into the year and he and Bakugo were neck to neck with Shoto right behind him. Three Alphas fighting for the top spot in everything mostly because of Bakugo? Recipe for disaster. Now flash forward another two months and now Izuku and Bakugo were fighting for the attention of the class favorite and sweetest redhead. 
"I really don't want Kirishima to be with Bakugo," Izuku said nothing as he listened to Ochako and his other friends' banter about his conflicted feelings for the redhead. He really did like Kirishima a lot. He was kind, he was sweet, and he always had positivity to give out even if it can be seen as a little toxic to the wrong person. At first, Izuku thought it was impossible for someone to radiate the way he did but, he has been proven wrong before and this time is no different. 
"It is not up to us who Kirishima wants to be with!" Iida the always loud and smart one pointed it out. Deku would be the last person on Earth to force someone to do anything let alone be with him over someone else. If Kirishima wanted to be with Bakugo then so be it, even though he feels he can be so much better at caring for him than Bakugo ever will be. He knew Bakugo. He was a dick on a good day. 
"I think we are all aware of that Iida, especially Midoriya." Midoriya looked up in mild surprise at Shoto who was staring at him with his ever-present blank face. "It's the truth." He continued to eat his cold soba, satisfied with the silence that followed what he said. At least Iida wasn't chopping the air all robotically and being loud. 
"I agree with Ochako-Chan, I would love for Kirishima to choose you over Bakugo-kun. You would treat him better." Midoriya simply smirked at Tsu. He appreciated her honest bluntness and found it endearing how she would do anything to make Ochako happy and to get her approval. He really hopes the two of them get together soon or he would just stuff them in the closet. 
"You haven't said a word though Deku-kun." He shrugged his shoulders continuing to eat his helping of Katsudon. What was there to say that they already didn't know about him?
"I...would love to have him but...the way he hangs out with Bakugo? I'm not sure." To be honest he wouldn't put it past Bakugo that he noticed his advances and simply didn't want Izuku to be happy. He believes he doesn't even like the redhead. He just doesn't want him to be with Izuku. It was quiet before Iida, surprisingly, opened his mouth.
"I hate to be presumptuous...but, I think you have a better chance than Bakugo... Bakugo simply pretends to care whenever you have Kirishima's attention...other than that he acts like Kirishima doesn't exist." Iida was the last person he expected to be helpful.
"Thank you Iida-kun." No more was said as Midoriya's mind was on overdrive. He had plans to make.
Step 1 was to start training together. Kirishima was always with the Bakugo squad and he wanted to see if he can train with him one-on-one. He waited patiently until Kirishima had a minute to himself and that's when he made his move. 
"Mido-bro?" He smiled a bit at the nickname greeting Kirishima.
"Kiri-kun, do you want to train together?" He prayed he said yes. The redhead looked stunned before he gave him a 100-watt smile.
"I thought you'll never ask! Let's go." That went a lot smoother than he thought as the excitable Omega dragged him to somewhere with more space. He glanced behind him to see the other members of the Bakugo-squad staring at them. Perfect, the way Kiri was dragging him made it seem like it was his idea all along. Midoriya continued this strategy up until Kiri started asking him which was perfect. He really enjoyed training with him because in between each session they would talk about random things. To Midoriya's surprise one day Kirishima asked to sit with him during lunch. This started becoming a weekly routine that 1-2 times a week he would sit with him and they would just talk and bullshit. This was not part of his plan but, he would take any and all time he can have with Kirishima. 
"I'm glad to see you and Kiri getting along so well." He felt himself blush at the smirk that Ochako had on her face. He hid in his arms even though he was happy as hell. He was getting closer to Kirishima and Bakugo has been extra harsh with him to the point where his own friend group is telling him to relax without attacking him. He breaths wrong in class and he wants to blow him up 
"Bakugo, If you continue to act erratically, attacking Izuku for just breathing I will place you in Class 1-b and mandatory anger management. Do I make myself clear?" Aizawa was holding a growling Bakugo who was trying to attack Izuku for God knows what. Izuku knew. His friends knew. No one else didn't. 
 Izuku shook his head, it was a miracle that Bakugo wasn't attacking him now. He glanced up and over to see Bakugo glaring holes into him. He can see the prominent veins in his neck from here. Maybe he was thinking too soon, a little too hopeful. Katsuki's friends noticed how he was acting too
"Yo, Bakugo, what is your problem with Midoriya?" It was Sero while the rest of them were staring at him. 
"I hate him. He doesn't deserve peace." Kirishima was frowning at him. Ever since he confided in him that he liked Midoriya he started acting like this. Midoriya literally doesn't do anything wrong. 
"Why Bakugo? Why do you insist on making Midoriya's life hell? What did he do to you?" Kirishima was very upset and demanded answers 
"BECAUSE HE LIKES YOU AND YOU ARE TOO DENSE TO SEE IT." What. Kirishima short-circuited and the whole table went quiet. They all were staring at Bakugo waiting for him to explain himself. "I hate that he likes you. He doesn't deserve to be happy. I don't want him happy." Kiri was disgusted with his behavior. He abruptly stood up from his table and glared at Bakugo.
"I don't know nor do I care what your issue is but, I think you should take anger management and I hope Aizawa takes you out. I don't want to look at you." He left a very angry Bakugo behind and made his way to Izuku. They needed to talk. He went up to their table, waved, and grabbed Izuku's hand. "We need to talk" Izuku simply blinked as he guided him out of the cafeteria. They sat outside under a tree with Hounddog and Aizawa patrolling due to recent villain attacks on the school. 
"U-uh, what was it-" Kiri turned to him, hands on his hips trying to be brave even though he was freaking out inside. Midoriya liked him back?
"Is it true you have a crush on me?" Izuku froze, blabbering before abruptly stopping, dropping his eyes, and nodding his head. "For how long?" Midoriya had the courage to look up at him in the face.
"For a few months...I heard Kacchan yelling at you about me, um, I'm sorry he did that-" Kirishima stopped him with a hug. The boy's mumbling stopped as he froze in the embrace
"It's fine. You did nothing wrong. I don't know your guy's history that well, I know you guys were childhood friends" He felt Midoriya tense after he said "Or whatever you guys were, but, he has no right to treat you the way he does. You're so kind, perfect, and the best choice of Alpha. You know I actually told him I had a crush on you? I should have known something was wrong when he reacted violently but, he's Bakugo that's his reaction to everything. I was just happy that someone knew and I thought he would help but, he was just trying to do the opposite." Kirishima stopped his rambling when he felt arms snake around his waist in a firm hold. It was nice. Midoriya was nice. They stood like that for a couple of minutes.
"...Now that we both know how the other feels, um, would you like to date? I don't want to rush-" Midoriya's rambling was cut short when Kirishima brushed their noses together. 
"I would love to date you Midoriya. Anyone would be glad to call you theirs but, I'm just the lucky one." Midoriya's face was as red as Kirishima's but, it was fine. Everything was going to be fine. They will be fine.
What do you guys think about this one?
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andypantsx3 · 4 months
andie's wips for gaza — ˖˚˳⊹
hi all! i'm not sure if this is something anyone would be interested in but i'm giving it a shot. i have a little capacity to contribute to fics for gaza's option to sponsor a wip. below are a couple of my wips i think i can realistically deliver all or most of before end of year, divided into current wips + a few smutty one shots i hope you might be interested in. if any more of my time clears up i can add more & let y'all know!!
i'm setting the threshold at the standard rate of $1 donation per 100 words, any extra would be sooo incredibly appreciated but obviously not at all required! notes on how this will all work below my wips.
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update 5/29 — ˖˚˳⊹
All of my WIPs have been fully funded! I am so deeply grateful to everyone who donated and/or helped spread the word. I promise to work hard and write fics that live up to just how much this means to me. If you still have capacity to donate, I encourage you to check out the other authors participating and help fund their WIPs too. Thank you so much; your generosity means the entire world to me.
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current wips — ˖˚˳⊹
something in the water : todoroki shouto x reader
As a future marine biologist, you’ve scored big on your final internship: a summer in the tropics, researching the waters off the coast of a lush, sunny island. But what you thought would be all beach days and piña coladas turns out to be the revelation of a lifetime when you haul in a handsome merprince, and discover not everything in these waters is quite as it seems. — estimated remaining wc: 3 chapters @ 3k each (9,000 total words) — donated wc: 9,000/9,000 words fully sponsored! — progress tracker: 3,800/9,000 words
ready or knot : todoroki shouto x reader
Todoroki Shouto is so unsettlingly beautiful, you’re certain he has to be an omega. That is, until a chance encounter with a pushy alpha reveals you were incredibly mistaken—and the surprises don’t stop there. Shouto's suddenly mystifying behavior adds another layer of complexity to an already confusing inter-agency investigation. It would be so much easier to figure things out—and suppress your growing feelings—if only Shouto would stop being so strangely attentive to you... — estimated remaining wc: 5 chapters @ 2.5k each (12,500 words) — donated wc: 12,600/12,500 words fully sponsored! — progress tracker: 200/12,500 words
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new wips (smutty one shots) — ˖˚˳⊹
title tbd : midoriya izuku x reader
When your pro hero boyfriend comes home to find you studying, he suddenly takes a great interest in helping out. You find his methods... questionable. contents: nsft, hysterical literature (reading out loud while sexually stimulated), pro hero deku, slight intelligence kink, gn + afab reader, cunnilingus, established relationship, fluff — estimated wc: 2,500 words — donated wc: 2,500/2,500 words fully sponsored! — progress tracker: 300/2,500 words
loads of fun : todoroki shouto x reader
After moving into your first apartment together, Shouto seems more amorous than ever. You're not sure why—but when he catches you doing a load of laundry, more than your clothes are about to get tumbled. contents: nsft, pro hero au, domesticity kink, gn + afab reader established relationship, fluff, emotional sex — estimated wc: 2,500 words — donated wc: 2,500/2,500 words fully sponsored! — progress tracker: 2,800/2,500 words completed!
filling in : bakugou katsuki x reader
A production assistant for an erotic arts studio, you think you've seen every ridiculous plot line under the sun. But not even porn tropes can compare to the absurd reality you find yourself in when the on-screen talent goes missing, and you're asked to fill in opposite the studio's number one star Bakugou Katsuki. contents: thee classic oh-no-the-porn-talent-has-gone-missing-let's-sub-a-rando-in trope, no quirks au, pornstar bakugou, soft dom bakugou, gn + afab reader, unrequited-requited crush — estimated wc: 3,000 words — donated wc: 3,000/3,000 words fully sponsored! — progress tracker: 300/3,000 words
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notes — ˖˚˳⊹
rate: $1 (USD) donation per 100 words, any extra would be sooo incredibly appreciated but obviously not at all required!
how it works (you): send me an ask with the wip you're donating towards and a screenshot of your donation to any fund from this list, a charity of your choice (please make sure it's verified), or my preferred one here! please do not send the same screenshot to multiple authors, and please make sure any personal information is scrubbed from your screenshot as i will be supplying @ficsforgaza with the proof of your donation!! i will aim to update the donated wc section of each wip in this post so there's not overlap in what people are donating for.
how it works (me): i will log my progress below each wip (the progress tracker section of each) & will commit to updating that count weekly. i will work in the rough order of donations received, by adding that number of words to each wip. this also means that for $5 i could add 500 words but not publish until the chapter or oneshot is completed, so please be aware of that!! my goal is to at least publish every single word people have donated for by end of year, but obviously things can happen & i will provide updates if anything gets in the way of that!
if you have any further questions please let me know!! i've never done something like this and it's very probable i've left something unclear lol.
lastly i'd like to thank you in advance for helping out if you can, but no worries if not! i also know times are tough and money is tight, and i'd encourage you to check out the other writers on @ficsforgaza's list of participants when published to see if you'd rather spend your money on one of their wips (or their custom requests!) before selecting mine!! the money goes towards a good cause either way.
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pinkykats-place · 1 year
Male Reader x bnha male character(s) Ⅱ
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Most contain mature content.
Gif not mine.
Note: if you read and enjoy any of these stories - please like, leave a comment and/or reblog original post!
character(s): Class 1-A and bits w/ Aizawa Shouta [platonic]
Summary: basically class 1-A w/ a rescued mutant quirk user, claimed to be used as an “nomu” experiment from authorities but is generally under UA’s hand for now due to the help of Aizawa’s quirk to prevent... accidents
Ghostly Prince
Reader x Bakugou, Midoriya, Sero
Summary: Bakugo, midoriya, and sero with a tall tattooed boyfriend with a powerful medium quirk who talks to ghost kinda like paranorman and can summon them to fight people
Dirty Thoughts for a Clean Man
Overhaul x male reader
NSFW fic
Dabi x male!Reader
Summary: Reader helps Dabi dye his hair and feelings are revealed.
Warning: smut is mentioned but not explicitly written
Dabi With A Neko Boyfriend
It’s… small-
bottom!Tomura Shigaraki x top!Male!Reader
not scary at all (nsfw)
ojiro x virgin!male!reader
warnings: virgin reader, crying, slight mention of a breeding kink kinda
dumbed down (NSFW)
m!reader x denki kaminari
tw: dumbification, toys, daddy k
[ I. Midoriya x Male!Reader ]
Summary: aged up au with smut
❝ 𝙄 𝙝𝙖𝙩𝙚 𝙨𝙚𝙚𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙖𝙣𝙮𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙚𝙡𝙨𝙚 ❞
𝙄𝙯𝙪𝙠𝙪 𝙭 𝙆𝙖𝙩𝙨𝙪𝙠𝙞’𝙨 𝙤𝙡𝙙𝙚𝙧 𝙗𝙧𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧
Teaser ➤ Izuku realizes he must act to get what he wants.
been fantasizin! (nsfw)
izuku midoriya x male reader
WARNINGS: heat cycles, bunny quirk, ear-pulling, creampie (x2), toy use, overstimulation, manhandling, dacryphilia, soft dom!izuku, praise, kissing, drool/spit, body worship, dirty talk, breeding mention, use of the word “pussy” as a synonym for (ass)hole, amab reader
do it again (nsfw)
aizawa shouta x himbo!male reader
cw: mentions of creampie(s), large chest (pecs), teasing, anal, headlocks, fingerhooking, drool/spit, dumbification, veryyy minor dirty talk
Hawks x top male reader
Smut fic
aizawa shouta x male reader
WARNING: amab reader, praise, degradation, spitting, dirty talk, crybaby!reader, himbo!reader, fingering, anal, nipple play, chest mentions, use of the words ‘tits’ in a mocking manner, dumbification, mutual masterbation, sadism, humiliation, creampie
Hitoshi Shinso x Male! Reader
Smut Drabble Fic
Alpha! Male! Reader x Omega! BakuDeku [headcanons]
a healthy recovery!
bakugo, todoroki and midoriya (seperate) x m! reader
Summary: reader is recovery girl’s grandson with a healing quirk
Bnha boys reaction to their boyfriend having a Holstaur quirk
characters: bakugou, kirishima, hawks, dabi
Smut in a closet
Denki x male reader
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reneethekraken · 2 years
Read this last night and I really enjoyed it. Surprisingly because its really different than what i read, but I still gave it a chance. 18+ ONLY content! minors and empty blogs do NOT interact!! IF YOUR AGE ISNT IN YOUR BIO I WILL BLOCK YOU.
A Place Made For You
Reader x Izuku Midoriya x Shoto Todoroki x Katsuki Bakugou x Eijirou Kirishima
Word count: 73,400, complete
CONTENT WARNING ⚠️: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, omega!reader, finding a pack, Pack Dynamics, Lactation Kink, Adult Breastfeeding, Cunnilingus, AFAB reader - FreeformReader Has a Water Quirk (My Hero Academia), Service with a smile, everyone needs something different, Blow Jobs, Anal Sex, rim jobs, Nesting, Breeding Kink, Hand Feeding, the author offers no apologyget excited cause it's gonna get weird, Marriage Contracts, Arranged Marriage
You are broke and out of options. Approaching the matchmaking agency, you turn yourself in to be set into a contract with an Alpha pack to be their Omega. You will do and be whatever it is that they need. In return, you will be fed, housed, and paid. There's always the safety clause, and you can always leave. When the contract is over, you're free to go.
And that's just what you'll want to do.... right?
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loser-writings · 1 year
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Last Updated: August 8th, 2020
| Key: ✿ → SFW | ✦ → NSFW | β → Omegaverse | ⚠︎ → Dark content |
Because of the amount of content created, this had to be split into 2 Masterlists. I hope you understand!
[ Back to Nav ] | [ To Masterlist 2 ]
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✿ [HC] Dabi Dating a single Dad ✿ || Male Reader ||
✿ [HC] Quirk based on the 7 Deadly sins (Lust) ✿ || GN reader ||
⚠︎✿ [HC] Dabi having a crush on a Hero ✿⚠︎ || GN Reader ||
✿ [HC] Parenting Headcanons ✿ || GN reader ||
✿ [HC] Fandoms they were in ✿
β✿ [HC] They’re an omega ✿β || GN Reader ||
β✦ [HC] Omega Dabi Heat Headcanons ✦β || GN Reader
β✿ [HC] Going all out for a Pregnancy Announcement ✿β || GN Alpha Reader ||
⚠︎ "Tristful" || Angst ⚠︎ || GN Reader ||
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Denki Kaminari
✿ [HC] Dating them in secret ✿ || GN Reader ||
✦✿ [HC] Accidentally grabbing your chest ✿ ✦ || GN Reader ||
✿ [HC] Parenting Headcanons ✿ || GN Reader ||
✿ [HC] Fandoms they were in ✿
β✦ Omega Denki Headcanons ✦ β || GN Reader ||
β✦ “I may not go down in history, but I’ll go down on you” ✦ β || GN Alpha Reader ||
β✿ [HC] Going all out for a Pregnancy Announcement ✿β || GN Alpha Reader ||
✿ "One Month In" ✿ || GN Reader ||  Denki has a crush on you and has been there for you through your relationship, but he can’t help but make a move after you break up.
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Eijiro Kirishima
✿ [HC] Dating them in secret ✿ || GN Reader ||
✿ [HC] Having an Australian S/O ✿ || GN Reader ||
✿ [HC] Quirk based on the 7 Deadly sins (Sloth) ✿ || GN Reader ||
✿ [HC] Parenting Headcanons ✿ || GN Reader ||
✿ [HC] Fandoms they were in ✿
β✿ [HC] They're an Omega ✿β || Alpha GN Reader ||
β✿ Reader and Bakugo courting Alpha Kirishima ✿β | Poly Scenario | GN Alpha Reader ||
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Enji Todoroki
✿ [HC] Dating them in secret ✿ || GN Reader ||
✿ [HC] Quirk based on the 7 Deadly sins (Wrath)  ✿ || GN Reader ||
✿ [HC] Introducing his Male S/O to his family  ✿ || Male Reader ||
β [HC] Omega Endeavor Headcanons β
β Distressed Omega!Reader x Alpha!Endeavor β || GN Reader ||
β Alpha Endeavor with a Beta Male Reader β || Male Reader ||
✿ SFW Alphabet ✿
✿ Just For Show ✿ || GN ||[Part 1] To boost Endeavors popularity, His agency suggests he try a fake relationship to show how he has changed to be a better man. One rule though, “Don’t catch feelings.” What happens when you both seem to break the rule?
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Fumikage Tokoyami
✿ [HC] Fandoms they were in ✿
β✿ [HC] They’re an omega ✿β || GN Reader ||
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Himiko Toga
β✿ [HC] Alpha Toga x Omega Female Reader ✿β || Female Omega Reader ||
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Hitoshi Shinsou
✿ [HC] Fandoms they were in ✿
β✿ [HC] They’re an omega ✿β || GN Reader ||
β✿ [HC] More Omega Shinsou Headcanons ✿β
⚠︎ Zombie AU || Hitoshi Shinsou ⚠︎
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Hizashi Yamada (Present Mic)
✿ [HC] Dating them in secret ✿ || GN Reader ||
✿ [HC] Having an Australian S/O ✿ || GN Reader ||
✿ [HC] Parenting Headcanons ✿ || GN Reader ||
✿ [HC] Fandoms they were in ✿
β✿ [HC] Omega Mic Headcanons ✿β
β✿ [HC] Going all out for a Pregnancy Announcement ✿β || GN Alpha Reader ||
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Izuku Midoriya (Deku)
✿ [HC] Dating them in secret ✿ || GN Reader ||
✿ [HC] Quirk based on the 7 Deadly sins (Gluttony) ✿ || GN Reader ||
✿ [HC] Izuku helping a Sick S/o || GN Reader ||
✿ [HC] Izuku Dating an Alt. Styled S/O ✿ || GN Reader|
✿ [HC] Fandoms they were in ✿
β✦ Alpha Bakudeku helping Omega reader in heat ✦β || GN Omega Reader || Poly Fic ||
β✿ “The butterflies in my stomach have turned into little feet” ✿β || GN Alpha Reader ||
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Jin Bubaigawara (Twice)
✿ [HC] Parenting Headcanons ✿ || GN Reader ||
β✿ [HC] Going all out for a Pregnancy Announcement ✿β || GN Alpha Reader ||
✦ NSFW Alphabet ✦
✿ Adore you ✿ || GN Reader || You decide to ask Twice to dance with you to ease his mind
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Katsuki Bakugo
✿ [HC] Dating them in secret ✿ || GN Reader ||
✿ [HC] Having an Australian S/O ✿ || GN Reader ||
✿ [HC] Fandoms they were in ✿
✿ [HC] Reacting to their S/O having a breakdown ✿ || GN Reader ||
β✿ [HC] They're an Omega ✿β || Alpha GN Reader ||
β✿ Reader and Bakugo courting Alpha Kirishima ✿β | Poly Scenario | GN Alpha Reader ||
β✦ Alpha Bakudeku helping Omega reader in heat ✦β || GN Omega Reader || Poly Fic ||
✿ SFW Alphabet  ✿
✿ Fluff ABC’s ✿
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Kai Chisaki (Overhaul)
✿ [HC] Relationship Headcanons ✿ || GN Reader ||
β [HC] Omega Overhaul Headcanons || GN Reader || β
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Keigo Takami (Hawks)
✿ [HC] Pampering Stressed Hawks ✿ || GN Reader ||
✿ [HC] Reacting to their S/O having a breakdown ✿ || GN Reader ||
β✿ Omega! Hawks during spring ✿β || GN Alpha Reader ||
β✿ Nesting with Hawks ✿β || GN Alpha Reader ||
β✿ [HC] Going all out for a Pregnancy Announcement ✿β || GN Alpha Reader ||
β✿ [HC] Pregnant Omega Hawks ✿β || GN Alpha Reader ||
β✿ [HC] Hawks Pregnant again after having twins ✿β || GN Alpha Reader ||
β✦ “I may not go down in history, but I’ll go down on you” ✦β || GN Alpha Reader ||
β✦ Omega! Hawks in Heat ✦β || GN Alpha Reader ||
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130 notes · View notes
ripperdoc-is-daddy · 2 years
Cuddle Puddle
Adult Alpha!KiriBakuTodoDeku x Omega!reader
Reader is Afro-Arab coded. READER IS AFAB!
Cuddle Puddle is a term that originated within the Polyam community. This is a Polyam friendly FLUFF fic!
Please Like, Reblog and follow if you enjoyed reading <3
Your friends always underestimated you. This all started because they teased you and said you couldn't make a nest for one let alone multiple people! It was an ongoing joke that greatly irritated you. One day you finally had enough and you decided to prove all of them wrong!
You don't start building your nest till the next warm, rainy day. You make it big enough for six people to cuddle or flop in comfortably. They would still be forced to touch each other though. The thought brings a smirk to your eye because who doesn't enjoy messing with an Alpha's mind every so often?  
Once everything is perfect in your den you text each man and let them know you are finished. You weren't gonna demand they show up. They were grown-ass adults with busy lives and jobs. They would show when they showed up. The first one to arrive being the loudest one to brag about being the first in your next, EVER! Naturally.   
Towards the evening you are disturbed from your book reading by your doorbell being rang incessantly and your door being knocked on so hard you think it might split. Dreading such repairs, you hop out of your nest, dart out the den, and down the hall past your living room then into the foyer. "Mooooving!" you yell loud enough as you slip on a Hawks house robe. The little wings make you smile as they bounce.  
A few giggles later and you open the door on your friends. Katsuki is mid-knock when you open the door and Shouto is just staring at you with his finger just above your ringer.  
"Wanna come in?" you ask, noticing that all four of them are here. And they come bearing gifts. Jumping back, you step aside and allow them entry into your home. Eyeballing their offerings as they pass you, remove their shoes and place on their house slippers. The men set their gifts on the table and you zerg rush yourself over and began to pull the items out their bags.   
First up is Izuku Midoriya! He brought you an extra-large bowl of Tendon and seafood pho! You cheer happily and do a lil happy wiggle. Taking the lid off the container you deeply inhale the scent of the contents. The sweet yet savory aroma has you salivating. “Thanks, Izuku!” you say beaming up at him as you move on to Shouto’s offering. Inside was a cute plushie of a D20 that you had been wanting ever since the company announced it. You chuck it at his head playfully, expecting him to catch it. Instead, it bounces off and rolls onto the ground. Your group looks down at the die as it comes to a complete halt.  
“Nat 20” Shouto announces and the rest of you swear.   
“Of course, your head would alter the dice roll. I call interference!” Katsuki barks out angrily as he snatched up the bright red and black official Sorcerers of the Peninsula die. You pop it up into the air a few times then chuck it at the Ashen Blonde’s head. It makes contact and bounces off his nose to roll on the floor. He starts to yell and you shush him pointing to the settled die on the ground. “An 11.” Izuku states as he returns from your kitchen, he had disappeared off to with a spoon and some chopsticks.   
The green-haired man busies himself setting up your pho while you cheese at a ranting Katsuki. “Aye, simma down now! It ain’t that big. You just ain’t shit, that’s all.” you taunt the Sanguine-eyed man and duck behind his best friend. “Not my fault you suck.” you continue to antagonize the ripped man while his equally as shredded, yet taller bestie held him back laughing.  
“Enough you two! Come on Bakubro, you know she is just doing this to get a rise out of you. This isn’t very manly of you. Let it roll off your shoulder.” Eijiro says with mirth as he rests his hands on the blonde's shoulder. Katsuki glares at the both of you then storms away to one of your dining chairs and plops down into it. “Whatever, hurry up and open the gifts. I want to see this amazing nest you supposedly made,” he growls out.   
You flip him off, grab the taller redhead’s basketball shorts waist and pull him with you towards the table. Not failing to miss how the other three alphas stiffen at the action. Eijiro loops an arm around your waist when you stand in front of the black walnut circular table and points to his gift. The only one actually wrapped. You hum and look up at him. The sharp-toothed ginger leans down and nuzzles your neck. Which gets him growls from the others but a happy chirp from you as you return the action and nuzzle into his cheek. “Mine next,” he says motioning with his finger towards the parcel.   
You take your hand off his elastic and bend over to grab the package. This time you failed to see how their eyes roved over your body. Taking in every curve before they would collectively swallow and send each other warning glares. You grab the parcel, none the wiser and bounce on your heels happily.   
“Aiight! Let’s see what’s in this baby! Can I shake it?” You inquire impatiently. “Do whatever you want, gorgeous,” he replies nuzzling into your Jumbo Bantu Knots. You had them done up into a mohawk crown of sorts. Little gold clasps and cowrie shells interlaced into the braids that made up the knots. The decorations were also a gift from Kirishima from a few years back.   
Wiggling your butt to-and-fro you chirp again then tear into the brown parchment paper that wrapped the inner contents. You then shriek which has every alpha in the room standing up and surveying for a threat except for the man holding your waist. “I take it you like them?” He questions rhetorically. Your head nods frantically and you can’t stop wiggling happily against his abdomen. “Yaaas! I love them! Thank you!” your turn in his arms and jump up to give him a neck hug after setting the box down.   
The other agitated alphas in the room lean over the table to see what was in the box that had you so excited. Several groans and facepalms follow. “Should have known it.” Grumbles Katsuki who is now sitting on your table with Shouto. Izuku is watching your interaction with the redhead with a strange look in his eyes. The redhead smirks at each of the other men while your back is turned and brings you in closer. Pressing you tighter against his body.   
You let go of Kirishima’s neck and pry yourself out of his grasp. You are used to tight bear hugs from the man. He releases you with a deep, throaty chuckle and you return to your gift. Several sets of waist beads in various colors. Including a solid leather and cowrie set. You hear the blonde huff and you give him a warning side-eye. Setting the box aside, you thank Eijiro again then motion for the grumpy Bakugou to give you, his gift.   
He glares daggers at you but is forced to relent after a tic. With the most dramatic sigh you have heard from the blonde since you have met him, he shoves a pretty emerald green gift bag into your chest which you barely catch. It slightly crumples with the force of his exertion and he winces. “My bad,” he says in a form of apology. That catches all of you off guard. Your head nods slowly as you reply while reaching into the bag to get at its contents. “Iz all good homie. You jus’ excited right?” You wink at him lightening the mood.   
Your hand touches several cold objects and you stare down into the bag. Vision obstructed by the purple and yellow decorative paper shoved into the bag. Your eyebrow quirks up at him and he blushes. Turning his head to the side. That was new.    
You flip the bag upside down over the table and the contents spill out. You separate each item out into its own pile and gasp. Katsuki had gotten you your favorite brand of henna cones, bangles for your wrists and ankles, armlets, necklaces, new rings for your fingers, ears, and nose as well as a very beautiful and out-of-place tasfift. You pick up the golden headpiece embedded with emeralds and rubies and look over at him. He was looking away from you but you knew he could feel the burning intensity from your stare.   
Which you held until he turned to meet your gaze.   
You were going to question him on if he knew what set this particular piece of jewelry belonged to until you saw his normally tanned skin taking a tinge of red from the blush. All the way down to his neck. Ooooh. He knows. Now that is different.  You opt to tuck your lips inward towards your mouth and bounce your head breaking eye contact whilst humming. “Thank you, Katsuki. Especially for this. I’ll be honored to wear it when time comes.” You say politely with a delicate, slow nod in his direction.  
The other men shrugged not understanding what was going on while you carefully placed each item of jewelry back into the bag and set it off to the side while you went to your noodles that Midoriya has prepared exactly the way you loved them. The men have a silent conversation between themselves while you noisily slurp your noodles. Izuku’s dark emerald eyes glittered with joy. You suspect the man probably made it himself judging his reaction.  
Your bowl is finished off and quickly replenished by the Hunter green-haired man who then exits your dining room to go to your living room. You can hear them talking quietly amongst themselves while you continue to eat and think over the thoughtfulness of each of their gifts. You would need to do something for each of them in return for their kindness. You finished up and cleaned up before you went to go join the men folk.   
Lightly padding into your living room, you sneak up behind Katsuki and poke your head in between his arms and his side. “Whatcha whisperin’ abouts?” you inquire casually. The blonde stares down at you with his eyebrows twitching. The other three are different shades of lightish red and avoid eye contact with you.   
Your throat clears and you snap your fingers to get a response from them. Which was a series of growls as they reminded you of their secondary genders. Standing up and wedging yourself against Katsuki’s side you ignore their bullshit and motion to the group. “Y’all done gossiping like biddies and ready to see my magnum opus?” You try your best to sound blasé but come off instead as mischievous. Not helped by the ass slap you give the Sanguine-eyed man. You know your forwardness would catch them all off guard and that was fine by you. This was your home and you would do whatever the fuck you want.   
Extracting yourself from his body, you skip out the room and down the hall to your den. Bounding in and jumping into your nest. Bundling yourself up into your favorite blankets and waiting for the four alphas to grow a set and venture in after you. Because right now they were staring into the room but not entering it. Looking between themselves and the wiggling mass of blankets with only a set of eyes peering out that was you in the center.   
You see them playing a short game of rock, paper, scissors that ends with Shouto as the winner. The heterochromatic-eyed man steps in cautiously and smoothly approaches your max comfort and cozy nest. He can smell the items he scented somewhere behind you and off to the side. This pleases him. Not so much the odors of the other scented items you got from the other men. He chose to ignore that and present the underside of his wrist to you and lower his head exposing his neck to you in askance to enter your nest.   
You chuck a strawberry shortcake plushie at his head as you accept his request. He chuckles at your unusual way of saying yes and creeps into your space. Stealthing his way to his section of your nest. Well, he assumes it is his since his scent is all over it but it is still your nest and only your nest until you say otherwise.   
Next up is Izuku. His section is in front of Shouto’s. He pokes at the edge and pleads with his eyes for you to let him in. Tapping the tips of his index fingers together. You nod your head and bean him with an All Might Plush he got you several years ago. Apparently, it was a rare one from his Silver Era. Whatever that meant. You weren’t an All Might stan. He cheered, picked up the plush, and went to inspect the section that smelled so strongly of him. Giving an apprehensive nod to Shouto when they made eye contact.  
Ignoring that weirdness, you waited for the next plebian. Eijiro strode up confidently and sat down but back ramrod straight smiling down at you. He winked as he presented his bare, exposed wrist to you then lowered his head so his neck was open to all. You smashed a confetti-colored octopus plush into the top of his head and growled. He grabbed your forearm and pulled you slightly out of your mass of blankets to playfully snap at you. You stick your tongue out at him and he releases you chuckling. He walks off to your side as you reburrow yourself into your warm pile. “This is amazing! You really put your all into it didn’t you?” he beams and speaks to you as he looks at his section of the nest and fawns over everything.   
That leaves one Katsuki Bakugou as the final person to ask entrance to your nest. He doesn’t look very comfortable and you can imagine why. No alpha wants to willingly share a nest with any other alpha if they can help it. You think he is going to leave with the way he is shifting his weight but he surprises you and approaches your nest. You peel the blankets off of your head and sit up to receive his request. The other three alphas also turn to watch.   
Your jaw hits the floor when Bakugou kneels and presses his forehead to the floor with his arms folded in front of him, fingertips touching in a formal submission. The other Alphas bristle and look at each other over your head and make varied gestures that you fail to catch cuz your attention and focus is solely on the man before you. This is the second overt gesture he has made towards you that has caught your attention this day. The first being the tasfift from earlier.   
Not wanting to disrespect his formal and proper ask you lean over and tap his neck with the tips of your index, middle, and ring fingers of one of your hands. Dragging them back up to rest at the top of his head above his brow. Two more taps and you retract your exposed limb and hunker back down in your blankets. Not feeling so bold as to continue that exchange in front of the other alphas in the room.  
Katsuki sits back up, nods to you then walks off to his spot behind Kirishima and across from Izuku. The men busy themselves with the inspection of their respective areas. Saying their "oo’s" and "ahh’s" at the different items you had stashed. Shocked you kept certain things and touched you had others. A few items like old hoodies you had lied about and said you lost were called into question to which you would feign an “I have no idea how that got there. Weeeird.” while they glared at you.  
Eventually, you got bored and turned on the tv that was in the room and began watching a vampire flick. It looked cheesy but that was ok. You enjoyed B movies. You are halfway through by your own assumption when Katsuki’s burnt caramel scent invades your nose and you are pulled back against his chest. Eijiro’s head finds your lap while Shouto and Izuku’s hands claim your own.  
The actions take you by surprise but you opt to not draw attention to the situation. They don’t smell agitated nor are they acting annoyed. They instead seem to be content to relax and just vibe with you while watching your “Shitty and poor taste!” movie. The label courtesy of the broody blonde whose torso was warming your back.   
At some point, you all fell asleep in one mass cuddle puddle. Everyone curled up tightly around everyone else. Arms slung around each other as the alpha men made a warm, comforting and secure circle around you. Protecting you from whatever might dare disturb or threaten y’all. You couldn’t tell who was where but the security that they provided collectively lured you deeper into your sleep and the last coherent thought you had before REM took you was that you were grateful to your alphas and loved them.   
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gojou-violin · 1 year
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✧ fanfics ✧ | perfect timing ~ poly!todobaku | deku and his toy ~ izuku midoriya | happy birthday, darling ~ keigo takami | number one fan ~ masaki mizushima (manual) | baby bunny boy ~ bunny!hybrid izuku midoriya | catch your breath ~ tamaki amajiki
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✧ headcanons ✧ | alpha!bakugo x omega!reader x alpha!shoto 1 (manga spoilers) | alpha!bakugo x omega!reader x alpha!shoto 2 | yandere!shigaraki | eating you out | shigaraki's fingers
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✧ links ✧ | kitty | training | counting | scratches | gauze | switch
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| last updated: 25 july 2023
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yandere-x-reader · 9 months
➼ Dividers done by @/cafekitsune
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Color Code: Romantic, Platonic, Either
Mezo Shoji, Koji Koda, Rikido Sato, Tenya Ida, Hanta Sero, Shoto Todoroki, Momo Yaoyorozu, Katsuki Bakugo, Eijiro Kirishima, Mashirao Ojiro, Yuga Aoyama, Denki Kaminari, Izuku Midoriya, Mina Ashido, Fumikage Tokoyami, Ochaco Uraraka, Kyoka Jiro, Toru Hagakure, Tsuyu Asui, Hitoshi Shinso, Mirio Togata, Nejire Hado, Tamaki Amajiki, Hizashi Yamada, Present Mic, Shota Aizawa/Eraserhead, Enji Todoroki/Endeavor, Keigo Takami/Hawks, Rumi Usagiyama/Mirko, Yu Takeyama/Mt. Lady, Toshinori Yagi/All Might, Kugo Sakamata/Gang Orca, Taishiro Toyomitsu/Fat Gum, Emi Fukukado/Miss Joke, Nemuri Kayama/Midnight, Sekijiro Kan/Vlad King, Nezu, Eri Aizawa
Sun, Moon, Roxy, Monty, Glamrock Freddy, Glamrock Chica, DJMM, Vannesa/Vanny, Gregory, Map Bot
Luisa, Mirable, Isabella, Delores,Camilo, Alma, Pepa, Bruno, Julieta, Felix, Agustin, Antonio
Gravity Falls ♡
Bill Chipher, Stanley, Stanford, Mable, Dipper.
OCs ♡
To be added
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Anonymous asks
I am perfectly fine with anyone using anonymous asks, I personally use them a lot. However if you use anonymous asks, please put a emoji(s) or a letter(s) as your signature. Just put it at the bottom of your ask and I'll add it to the list
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Used Emojios:
I will write
Different AU's: I can do all diffrent types! Pirate, mafia, hybrid, fantasy, royalty, mermaid, soulmates, mall workers, vampires, ghosts, ect. Or if you have your own AU and would like me to do somthing with it I can tolltally do that to.
Omegaverse: I know not everyone likes this trope but i'm a absaloute sucker for it. I can do Alpha, Beta, or Omega for charecters or Reader. I do write heats but not in a sexual way, i personally write them kinda like a human period but replace the blood with increased body tempetures.
Any Gender: I am personally genderfluid and AFAB so those are the two that I would have the most experience with. However if you want me to do somthing like a trans reader or AMAB reader than I can try my best. Don't be afraid to make it specific to you, everone is diffrent and I understand trying to look for something that fits you more than the stereotypes.
Crossovers: I don't see a lot of creators in any fandom doing crossovers a lot. I see like *Insert charecter* x reader with *insert other character* personality but not really crossovers. So feel free to request a crossover with a diffrent show.
Any skin color: I love having variety in my writing so I will do any skin colors. I can do basic skin colors, from pale peach to dark brown. I can also do exstream versions like skin that is nearly paper white from how pale it is or skin that us nearly space black from how dark it is. I can also do unnatural skin colors, like Mina!
Alterhuman Reader: Ok so I see absaloutly no alterhuman reader fanfics out there so i'm here to change that. I'm not personally a alterhuman but I do have a few freinds that are. If you want me to do a specific one instead of basic I can also do that. Like instead of a dragon kin I can do a dragon kin with space wing and starts eyes with claws that glow in the dark ect.
Body Marks: I personally have stretch marks, moles, freckles, and odd placed birthmarks so I can do any of these or others if you would like. If you are specifically extra self-conscious of your body marks than I can add extra levels of love to specific part if you would like :)
Feel free to requests anything as long as it's not in my will not write list!
I will not write
Abuse: I will not do the character inflicting pain on the reader or the reader inflicting pain on the charecter. I can do mentions of past abuse, such as a charecter or reader flinching at touch or loud noise.
Cheating: character doing it to reader or reader doing it to character is just a big no. I never understood cheating, if you don't love somone just break up with them. If you can't do it for safety reson than find a support system to protect you in dangerous situations.
Misscarage: I have lost three sibling to this and I still cry at night thinking of them, please don't ask me to do anything to do with this subject. If you do I will give you 1 warning and then I'm blocking you.
Abortion: I don't really have a side here but I don't like the though of writing it as it makes me uncomfortable.
Rape/SA: I don't feel comfortable doing this subject. I can not do mentions of it as I have not personally experienced it and don't want to miss somthing or do something wrong.
NSFW: I may be a yandere blog but I do not wish to do anything sexual on this blog, only romantic and platonic here.
Don't worry about being cringe with me! As long as your not hurting anyone than why should I stop you from having fun? Fell free to be your authentic self and request somthing super specific if you want.
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winxanity-ii · 7 months
╰❝𝓘'𝓶 𝓷𝓸𝓽 𝓰𝓸𝓷𝓷𝓪 𝓫𝓮 𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝔀𝓸𝓻𝓽𝓱𝓵𝓮𝓼𝓼 𝓹𝓾𝓷𝓬𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓫𝓪𝓰 𝓓𝓮𝓴𝓾 𝓯𝓸𝓻𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻… 𝓘'𝓶 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓓𝓮𝓴𝓾 𝔀𝓱𝓸 𝓪𝓵𝔀𝓪𝔂𝓼 𝓭𝓸𝓮𝓼 𝓱𝓲𝓼 𝓫𝓮𝓼𝓽!❞
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🇰‌🇪‌🇾‌: 🔞 = smut | 🔥 = heated/spicy | ✿ = fluff | 🕷 = angst | ✰ = personal fav
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𝐁𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐌𝐄 | ✿ 🔥 | Omega!Midoriya x Fem!Alpha!Reader / ABO!My Hero Academia!AU
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okeutocalma · 1 year
Ômega Izuku Midoriya [ Alpha Male Reader].
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Izuku sentia as lágrimas começando a brotar em seus olhos, seu peito apertando e a respiração ficando cada vez mais difícil.
Ele sabia o que estava acontecendo, era o início de seu cio, um cio precoce e ele não tinha ninguém para ajudá-lo.
Infelizmente ele havia brigado com [Nome]- seu Alpha - uma semana atrás e desde então ele não havia falado mais com ele.
A briga foi por causa de um motivo bobo, o Alpha estava com ciúmes de Shouto( e por incrível que pareça o [Nome] falou para Izuku que sentia aquele sentimento). Mas do nada começou a desandar e assim começou a briga.
Deku sabia que [Nome] era uma pessoa orgulhosa e teimosa, mas nunca imaginou que ele ficaria tanto tempo sem falar com ele.
O esverdeado soltou um grito de dor e de desejo ao sentir aquele calor infernal tomar conta do corpo dele, os feromônios ficando mais forte a cada momento.
Ele precisava de [Nome] ao seu lado, precisava de seu alpha para ajudá-lo a passar por isso. Ele se arrependeu de ter brigado com ele, desejava poder voltar no tempo e fazer tudo diferente, garantir que nada iria atrapalhar o relacionamento dos dois.
Izuku se encolheu em sua cama, soluçando, sentindo-se sozinho e perdido. Ele nunca havia passado por isso sozinho antes, sempre teve o Alpha para ajudá-lo, mas agora, ele não tinha ninguém. Ele queria que seu parceiro voltasse, que estivesse com ele, cuidando dele, protegendo-o.
O ômega sabia que precisava fazer as pazes com [Nome], que precisava contar a ele como se sentia. Ele sabia que o Alpha também sentia falta dele, mas era muito orgulhoso para admitir. Deku apenas esperava que ele o perdoasse.
[Nome] e Katsuki estavam treinando juntos no campo de treinamento, usando seus poderes quirk para aprimorar suas habilidades de combate.
— NEH SEU DRAGÃO,DESCE AQUI. — O loiro gritou para o irmão,zuando pois a forma animaga do de fios [claros/escuros] era um dragão.
— FALOU O PINSCHER. — O Alpha estava sorrindo para o outro, logo avançado para cima em um ataque.
Eles estavam se divertindo em um duelo animado, jogando golpes e tentando superar um ao outro.
De repente, [Nome] se sentiu tonto e cambaleou, tropeçando no chão antes de cair. Ele sentiu um forte calor se espalhando por seu corpo, uma sensação pesada e sufocante que o deixou confuso.
Ele sabia o que esse calor significava, e sinceramente ele nem lembrava, o cio do esverdeado nem era nesse dia.
O bruxo tocou a marca em seu pescoço e sentiu o pulso acelerado do coração ao confirmar suas suspeitas. O ômega estava entrando em um cio precoce.
Katsuki se aproximou rapidamente, olhando preocupado para o irmão.
— Ei mano, você está bem? — Ele perguntou estendendo uma mão para te ajudar a levantar.
— Estou sim. — Aceitou a mão dele, se levantando rapidamente, [Nome] balançou a cabeça, tentando se recompor e garantir que Katsuki não percebesse nada mas obviamente o loiro entendeu.
Uma nova tontura fez com que o Alpha se apoiasse no irmão, tentou respirar fundo, porém uma sensação quente e sufocante tomou conta de seu corpo.
— Tenho que ir atrás do Izuku logo. —
Bakugou observou as bochechas coradas e a voz rouca do irmão, virou o corpo grande para analisar a situação e praguejou ao visualizar o volume marcando a calça do homem.
— É o cio. — O loiro esclareceu, [Nome] estava acompanhando o cio do parceiro, entrando em sua rotina. Seria perigoso se o alfa interior tomasse conta. — Vamos logo eu te ajudo a chegar nos dormitórios.
Ele não podia ficar longe do outro enquanto estivesse entrando no cio.
O bruxo levantou uma sobrancelha, um rosnado baixo escapou dele que fez a cabeça de Izuku se erguer para encará-lo.
[Nome] arrancou os cobertores de cima do corpo do esverdeado e o puxou para os pés da cama.
— Ômega. Eu quero ser doce com você, eu realmente quero. — Suas mãos pousaram nos quadris do esverdeado, que mal estavam cobertos por um par de calças de moletom do Alpha.
— Você está tornando isso muito difícil agora. — Em resposta ao tom de sua voz, Midoriya se contorceu um pouco e soltou um pequeno gemido. — Então. Deixe-me ajudá-lo, e podemos conversar sobre nossa briga depois,okay? — [Nome] terminou. — Você vai me deixar ajudá-lo?
— Tudo bem. — O ômega sussurrou, olhando para o Alpha com seus grandes olhos esmeraldas.
O de fios [claros/escuros] sorriu levemente, tão longe desse garoto, e se abaixou, beijando-o gentilmente. Izuku imediatamente derreteu, as costas dele arqueando ligeiramente enquanto [Nome] o puxava para seu colo.
As pernas do esverdeado se abriram sobre as coxas do alpha, pressionadas contra ele. Midoriya gemeu alto.
Ele lentamente rolou seus quadris para baixo enquanto o Bakugou beijava e mordia o pescoço. [Nome] alisou os lábios sobre a marca de união, pressionando um beijo suave no tecido da cicatriz levantada lá.
O ômega, embora ainda um pouco amuado, choramingou baixinho e inclinou a cabeça um pouco para o lado.
Você enfiou o nariz contra a glândula de cheiro, um gemido baixo saíndo de seus lábios, as pontas dos dedos cavando nos lindos e esguios quadris do ômega.
O cheiro de Izuku era como pêssegos. E água salgada dos dias quentes de praia. É algo tão distinto.
“Ele cheira tão bem, merda eu tinha esquecido o quão gostoso ele é."
O gemido de resposta do ômega foi lindo, o som indo direto para o seu pênis duro. Você xingou baixinho, mordendo suavemente a pele do seu parceiro, decorando aquele bela pele com manchas vermelhas claras que logo se transformariam em hematomas escuros e florescentes e mostrariam a reivindicação.
As costas de Izuku bateram contra a parede, sua elegância sufocante enquanto se enrugava sobre sua pele, um par de mãos fortes o prendendo.
Seu quarto estava escuro e iluminado apenas luz do por do sol que entrava pela janela. O ômega gemeu alto.
Fechando os olhos, o esverdeado gemeu outra vez. Já estava duro novamente seu pênis se esticando desconfortavelmente enquanto pulsava com a necessidade.
— A-alpha. —
Izuku agarrou os ombros de [Nome], enterrando o rosto em seu pescoço.
O Alpha segurou o queixo do ômega o induzindo a olhá-lo. O cheiro de Deku havia tomado conta do quarto, poderia ter a certeza que era possível senti-lo de longe.
— O que acha de usar essa boquinha? — Perguntou o de cabelos [claros/escuros] passando seus dedos nos lábios do outro,deixando sua presença forte o suficiente para afastar qualquer ser que passasse perto do dormitório.
Izuku ronrona em resposta se ajoelhado aos pés de seu parceiro o dando uma visão privilegiada, o esverdeado passa suas pequenas unhas pelo o abdômen do alpha, um sorriso manhoso toma conta dos lábios do ômega olhando com o olhar mais puro que poderia ter para [Nome], porém,sua expressão em si era de pura luxúria.
— Você ainda vai acabar comigo apenas com esse olhar, sabia?
Izuku estava sentindo seu desejo, sabia que o alpha queria tanto quanto ele.
O esverdeado lubrifica seus lábios com a língua depositando alguns beijos e mordidas sobre o membro do parceiro.
Assim o [Nome] acariciava suas bochechas mordendo de leve seus lábios.Ele ansiava por aquilo,seu lado alpha queria aquilo mais que tudo…
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queentheweeb · 1 year
MHA Masterlist
Started: 06/04/2023 or 04/06/2023
Edited: 06/19/2023 or 19/06/2023
Male Readers:
Izuku Midoriya X Quirkless Autistic Male Reader
Denki Kaminari X Shy Male Reader
Katsuki Bakugo X Shy Autistic Male Reader
Shota Aizawa X Male Reader X Hizashi Pt 1
Shota Aizawa X Male Reader X Hizashi Pt 2
Denki Kaminari X Male Reader
Ejiro Kirishima X Autistic Male Reader
Fumikage Tokoyami X Shy Male Reader
Tamaki Amajiki X Male Reader
Shota Aizawa X Quirkless Autistic Male Reader
Hanta Sero X Trans FtM Reader
Hitoshi Shinso x Autistic Neko Male Reader
Correctional Officer Izuku X Male Prisoner Reader
Hawks X Autistic Male Reader
Female Readers:
Shota Aizawa X Autistic Female Reader
Mirko X Female Reader
Bully Midoriya X Female Reader X Victim Bakugo
Hound Dog X Female Reader
Flirty Izuku X POC Mid-sized Female Reader
Hanta Sero X Shy American Female Reader
Izuku X POC Female Reader (Xmas Edition)
Midnight X Female Reader
Villain Izuku X Shy Female Reader
Tenya Iida X Shy Female Reader
Mashirao Ojiro X Tenya's Sister Reader
Bakugo X Skinny Dysphoric Fem Reader X Shoto
Mezo Shoji X Female Mutant Type Reader Pt. 1
Mezo Shoji X Female Mutant Type Reader Pt. 2
Ejiro Kirishima X Shy Female Reader
Yandere Overhaul X Female Reader
Overhaul X Female Reader X Chronostasis
Tomura Shigaraki X Villain Female Reader
Kirishima X Mute Female Reader X Bakugo
Shoto Todoroki X Autistic Female Reader
All Might X Quirkless Autistic Female Reader
Monoma X Blind, Deaf Female Reader X Shinso
Gang Orca X Fem Reader Pt. 1, Pt 2, Pt 3, Pt. 4, Pt. 5, Finale
GN Readers:
Yandere Edgeshot X GN Reader
Best Jeanist X GN Reader
Jiro X GN Reader X Momo
Mezo Shoji X GN Little Reader X Ojiro
Bakugo X Non-binary Reader X Izuku
Asui Tsuyu X Non-binary Reader
Tenya Iida X Non-binary Tourette's Reader
Mina X GN Reader X Ochako Uraraka
Shoto Todoroki X GN Reader
Shouta Aizawa x GN Pro Hero Reader
Character X Character
Alpha Izuku Midoriya X Omega Ejiro Kirishima
Alpha Denki Kaminari X Omega Mezo Shoji
Alpha Hitoshi Shinso X Omega Denki Kaminari
Alpha Denki Kaminari X Omega Koji Koda
Alpha Shoto Todoroki X Omega Hanta Sero
Alpha Ejiro Kirishima X Omega Hitoshi Shinso
Alpha Koji Koda X Omega Mezo Shoji
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ao3feed-leopika · 3 months
Femdom oneshots | Multifandom
Femdom oneshots | Multifandom Link to fic: https://ift.tt/r2emIAY by skreamqueen Kinks and warnings will be listed before each chapter. A multiship collection of femdom smut. This will include a variety of fandoms and kinks. I'll write most Character/Character and Character/Reader pairings, but I prefer to write the ones already tagged. I'll add more tags as I go, but the tags currently listed are for chapters I'm working on. Words: 231, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Hunter X Hunter, 崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game), 原神 | Genshin Impact (Video Game), The Umbrella Academy (TV), Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, 僕のヒー���ーアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga), Miraculous Ladybug, Overwatch (Video Game), Stranger Things (TV 2016), The Umbrella Academy (Comics) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M Characters: Hisoka (Hunter X Hunter), Machi (Hunter X Hunter), Illumi Zoldyck, Kurapika (Hunter X Hunter), Leorio Paladiknight, Pokkle (Hunter X Hunter), Ponzu (Hunter X Hunter), Shalnark (Hunter X Hunter), Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, Kaminari Denki, Jirou Kyouka, Kirishima Eijirou, Gepard (Honkai: Star Rail), Sampo (Honkai: Star Rail), Stelle (Honkai: Star Rail), Caelus (Honkai: Star Rail), Dan Heng (Honkai: Star Rail), March 7th (Honkai: Star Rail), Asta (Honkai: Star Rail), Widowmaker | Amélie Lacroix, Angela "Mercy" Ziegler Relationships: Hisoka (Hunter X Hunter)/Reader, Illumi Zoldyck/Reader, Kurapika/Leorio Paladiknight, Kurapika/Reader, Leorio Paladiknight/Reader, Shalnark (Hunter X Hunter)/Reader, Hisoka/Machi (Hunter X Hunter), Klaus Hargreeves/Reader, number five/reader, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Reader, Gepard/Serval (Honkai: Star Rail), Pokkle/Ponzu (Hunter X Hunter), Reader/Everyone Additional Tags: kink details in each chapter, Degradation, Masochism, Sadism, Dacryphilia, Pegging, Femdom, submissive men, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Female, Public Sex, Vibrators, Sex Toys, Bondage, Choking, Cockwarming, Dirty Talk, Toxic Relationships, Bad BDSM Etiquette, Dubious Consent, Extremely Dubious Consent, Mommy Kink, Strap-Ons, Blowjobs, Face-Fucking, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering via AO3 works tagged 'Kurapika/Leorio Paladiknight' https://ift.tt/51IFGKy July 12, 2024 at 03:39AM
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andypantsx3 · 2 years
so yesterday when you posted about Class 1-A vs The Curse of Rule 34 i immediately read it and i loved it and so i read a few of their other fics and loved them and so i was wondering if you have any more fic recs that you’d like to share? it could be reader insert, oc or neither tbh i just trust your judgement in fics so i’m sure anything you recommend will be great! (also i love your writing so much i stumbled upon it multiple times in a03 and then tumblr just to realize it was yours before i decided to follow you (i tend to be really picky on who i follow idk why) because i went through your masterlist an read everything and then re-read everything)
Ahhh hello my love, I am honored by your follow!! You're literally so sweet and I can't tell you how much it means to me that I made the cut lol. Please don't feel pressure though, I'm always happy with just an occasional visit too!!
I definitely recommend anything in my fic recs tag - the fics I recommend here on tumblr are generally character x reader or character x OC and they range from smutty to fluffy lol.
My guilty pleasure though, and the majority of my fave fics are gen or ship fics!! I actually hardly ever read x reader fic--absolutely no idea why I am this way--but if you're up for some gen or ship fic, I'm happy to rec a couple others.
I'm not sure what you're into at the moment but I will give you some of my faves!!
Don't Ask Don't Tell by Ms_Chunks Bakugou/Uraraka. I probably don’t even need to describe this one since this is the flagship Kacchako fic lol. But Bakugou and Uraraka explore the compatibility of their quirks and create a pair combat style, and fall in love along the way. I fucking love the way the author uses the chemistry of their quirks to parallel the compatibility of their personalities, and Uraraka is such a bad ass in this one ughghgh I love it.
who lives, who dies, who tells your story by aloneintherain Todoroki/Midoriya, though mostly gen. Examines Toshinori’s life post-retirement and the exploits of class 1-A post-graduation, through narrative and social media blurbs. I’ve never read anything that manages to be so bittersweet, so hopeful, and so funny all at once.
Thanks for Saving Me by Esselle Todoroki/Midoriya. This is a pro hero Shouto/quirkless science nerd Deku fic that is one of my all time faves. This is the type of shit my fics wish they were doing. This author is out here peddling the slightly-sugar-daddy-but-also-slightly-a-little-bit-of-a-shit Shouto agenda and it is absolute perfection. I routinely reread for comfort.
Slow to Start (But Quick to Burn) by mousapelli Kirishima/Bakugou. It's an ABO AU where omega Bakugou slowly figures out how to manage his relationship to alpha Kirishima, while Kirishima is predictably kind, patient, and understanding. This fic is totally stuffed full of domesticity--lounging around doing laundry and homework together, baking together, and napping together. Actually my all-time fave comfort fic, I have read this probably a million times.
journey to the past by aloneintherain Gen fic. A time travel fic where the members of Class 1-A go back in time to protect Izuku during the various stages of his life, as villains with a time travel quirk attempt to target the future number one hero while he's still a kid. It's so good and sweet and heartfelt and lovely and the author does an amazing job exploring Izuku's relationship with several of the major characters.
And probably a fic rec closest to the Rule 34 rec would be:
A Demolition Boy & his Cryptid BF by kewltie Bakugou/Midoriya. This is a social media fic similar in style to Class 1-A vs The Curse of Rule 34--it’s a youtuber AU where bkdk are youtubers in different genres, and the internet has a conspiracy theory that they’re together. Another really good send up of fandom and fandom culture, and another one of my faves.
I hope at least one of these is something you're in the mood for!! And please send some of your faves my way!! I'm a slow reader but literally always open to more recs!! 💕💕💕
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