#alpha koenig cod
callsign-bunnie · 1 year
A Dance of Hearts - Chapter 1 - Regency AU
Horangi had joined the King’s army in the Red Kingdom when he was 16. He’d been kicked out of his own kingdom for… reasons he wouldn’t share. But, he’d been an omega and so he’d lied to cover that up. He’d used an alpha’s blood that he’d killed for trying to rob him to cover his scent and then he had quickly found a potion that allowed him to hide more.
He was teased, frequently, for being a small alpha. It was fine, he could handle that. He could handle no one being able to know him, truly, because then they’d find out what he was and he would… well, the gods could only truly know what would happen to him, but he didn’t think it would be good.
As it was, it ended up being rather easy to hide. As long as he was diligent in taking the potion, which got rid of his heats as well, he would be fine. He was one of King Alejandro’s best soldiers, no one would dare question if he belonged there.
And, he had his own room, a perk of being the best. So, it would be hard for anyone to find out… Yes, everything was going quite fantastically for him, if he said so himself. Nothing could ever jeopardize his position.
This is the Korangi plotline I promised a bit back.
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Horangi stared at the giant alpha which was kneeling in front of him. His hands were bound behind his back and his face was covered. “You want me to what??”
“Well, rather, King Alejandro wants you to. He’s yours to keep.” Stiletto, another guard, and a high up one, laughed. “He knows you, with all of your impressive skill,” she was not complimenting him, “will know what to do with him.”
“What does anyone do with a random fucking alpha?!” Horangi exclaimed, unable to help his accent as it thickened. “He’s giant, where will he even fit?”
“Figure it out! It’s not my problem. He is yours to deal with.” Stiletto shrugged. “Anyway, have fun…” She chuckled and shook her head as she walked away, leaving Horangi to figure out what to do with this giant alpha.
He frowned at the bag that was over the Alpha’s head, though he was taken back by the almost striking blue from under the mask. The eyes unnerved him. A sign was hanging from the alpha’s neck. Koenig. Horangi tilted his head. “King?” He recognized the language and the word. “Not so regal, now, are you?”
The eyes didn’t change, just continuing to follow his movements. Horangi sighed. He didn’t want an alpha to take care of. This was going to fuck with his plans. Completely. Having an alpha around him… no, this wasn’t good. 
He reached for the bag, frowning when Koenig flinched away from his hand. Regardless, he still fully reached and pulled off the bag. He was met with… just an alpha. He was handsome, no doubt, but there was nothing particularly shocking about him.
Blonde hair, sharp angled features, freckles… That was it. Just an alpha. The only thing particularly striking about him was perhaps his blue eyes and even there, he’d seen plenty of striking blue eyes. 
Now, there was a muzzle over the bottom half of his face. Maybe taking that off would change his mind but he doubted it. Even still, he went behind the alpha and carefully took off the muzzle, wincing at the red indents. They looked angry and painful, uncomfortable. He tsked his tongue as he came back around, waiting for Koenig to relax his jaw before sliding the muzzle out, putting it on his nightstand. “What’s your real name?” He asked, using the common tongue.
Koenig stared at him and for a moment, Horangi worried he didn’t speak the common tongue. But, then he sighed and his eyes looked away. “Leon.”
“I prefer Koenig.” Horangi shook his head. He touched Koenig’s face, turning it from side to side, tilting it back and forth. Still… just an alpha. Nothing striking or of note about him. “I guess you shall sleep on the floor.”
Koenig did not respond, but Horangi didn’t need one. He simply pat Koenig’s face before going to his door, calling out for a servant to come. Once they had came, he ordered them to get him items for a pallet, asking for twice as many, since the alpha was so large. 
Koenig didn’t physically turn his head, but Horangi did watch him tilt just a little, clearly listening. “He is too big.” Horangi sighed at the servant. “So, bring me whatever is largest.”
“Yes, sir.” The servant nodded. 
Horangi thanked the servant and then turned back to Koenig, going to his own bed and sitting on it, watching the alpha. “I will have to tie you before you sleep.”
Koenig looked amused. “You do not trust me?” His accent was thick. Horangi almost had trouble understanding him.
“No. And only a fool would. You would tower over me if you stand.” Horangi answered, simply. Maybe he made fool’s gambles, but… this wasn’t a gamble. It was fact. 
The alpha didn’t speak again and Horangi again looked over him. Fuck, what was he even supposed to do with the man?? Well, he did note that his hair was a bit long. Not in a well kept way, either. So, he’d fix that in the morning. And he’d get him better clothes than whatever this was. Yes, Koenig may technically be his slave, but he wasn’t having him look like one.
Slave… Horangi shuddered and looked up when the servant came back, carrying two large baskets. “Does this work, Sir Horangi?”
“Yes. It does. Thank you.” Horangi went over to the servant, relieving him of the baskets and then he set to work, making a pallet and then he decided to try to figure out how best to tie Koenig. 
He turned to Koenig, who was rubbing his wrists. It took his brain a moment to catch up to the action and his eyes went wide. Koenig looked at him. “My arms hurt.”
Horangi narrowed his eyes. Fine. He would waste a faerie chain on him. Ignore that they were in short supply due to the growing discontentment between fae and humans. “Impressive.” He muttered, snarkily, and then moved to the nightstand where he got out the thin silver chain. 
Koenig watched him come over and secure the little silver chain around his wrist. Horangi then stretched it to a loop in the wall. 
The barracks were repurposed from a very old dungeon, so lots of their rooms had odd loops and divets. 
Koenig looked over the chain, his expression curious. Horangi just ignored him, going back to where he’d been, previously, sitting on his bed, reading a book. 
“You have nothing you wish to do with me?” Koenig asked. 
“I wish to be left alone. I’m going to talk to… Well, likely Lord Riley tomorrow to find out why you were given to me.” Horangi shook his head. 
Koenig was silent for a moment. “You don’t seem pleased with my presence.”
“I’m confused. Do you want to be here?” Horangi sat up and looked at him. 
Koenig shrugged. “I’m setting myself up for reasonable expectations.” His accent was thick. Almost too thick, at points, for Horangi to understand. 
Horangi sighed. “No. I don’t want you here. I don’t want to have to spend the next however long looking after another person.”
“You could neglect me.”
Horangi went silent and then rolled his eyes. “Why am I even justifying this to you?”
Koenig smiled. “I think you want to talk to someone.”
“No, I don’t.”
“Okay. Can I have that bag back now?” 
Horangi shook his head. “No. But… only because it’s disgusting. We’ll find a better way for you to cover your face.”
Koenig frowned at him. “Why do you care?”
“Because if I am stuck with you, then you’re going to look semi decent. I don’t care if you’re technically a slave.” Horangi shook his head. 
Koenig gave him an odd stare and Horangi got up, frustrated. “Stop staring at me like that. Maybe I should give you the bag so I don’t have to see the way you look at me.”
Koenig still continued to watch him. Horangi made another frustrated sound and grabbed one of his own masks out of his drawers, throwing it at Koenig. Koenig caught it and stared at it before putting it on. 
“Thank you.” Koenig nodded, slightly, and then finally he settled on the little pallet Horangi had made. 
So Horangi finally laid back down and went back to reading. 
“What do you mean they’re both out?” Horangi asked the Lady who’d told him that King Alejandro and Lord Riley were both gone for the day. And for several days. 
Lady Mactavish winced. “Prince Kyle of Drodora has gone missing. They’re both in Drodora.”
“Oh fantastic.” Horangi glared at the lady. Then, he realized he was supposed to be an alpha, not an omega, so it likely wouldn’t be taken the same way. So, he took a moment and then softened. “Alright. Can you hold onto a message for them?”
“Yes, sir, I can.”
“Good. My name is Horangi. I have been given an alpha named Koenig and I wish- I wish to know what I’m to do with him.” Horangi sighed. 
Lady Mactavish raised an eyebrow. “But you’re an alpha.”
“You think I don’t know that?”
“Well, I’m just confused on why King Alejandro would gift you an alpha.”
“Huh, you’ve reached my conundrum.” Horangi took a deep breath. “Just, please my Lady.”
“Alright. I will.” Lady Mactavish nodded. “Is there anything else I can do for you?”
“Yeah, do you want a giant alpha?” Horangi joked. 
Lady Mactavish paused. “Let me see him.”
Horangi hesitated, surprised, and then shrugged. “Fine.”
Soap, whom Lady Mactavish had asked him to call him, looked over the alpha, who was sort of just sitting on the little pallet Horangi had made.
Koenig looked up at Soap. “It’s nice to meet you.”
“Your accent is thick.” Soap commented. “I’m sorry, why were you given this alpha again?”
Horangi sighed. “I do not know. I wish I did.” 
Soap turned to Horangi. “He’s too big.”
Horangi just laughed, agreeing. “I guess you do not want him?”
“I never said that.” Soap snorted. “Does he want me?” He turned to Koenig. 
Koenig had turned a dark red color which surprised Horangi. He was so confident the night before, where had that gone? Koenig did not answer Soap. 
“I will take that as a no. So, no, I guess I don’t want him.” Soap sighed. “My apologies, sir.”
“It’s alright, my lady.” Horangi bowed his head, slightly. 
Soap bowed his head in return and then left. Horangi made an amused sound when he saw Soap give a flirty little wave to one of the other knights. Maybe the rumors of Lady Mactavish were true. Regardless, Horangi would never truly know. 
He turned to Koenig and sighed. “Alright, fine. I will go into the market and find some new clothes for you. These look ridiculous.” He gestures to the loose torn shirt. Where would Horangi even get a shirt for him?? He’d have to get one tailored, which meant Koenig would have to go with him. Grand. 
Koenig shrugged and laid back on his little pallet. “When will you be back?”
“No, when will we be back. You have to come with me.” Horangi sighed. 
Koenig sat up, surprised. “Why??”
“Because you have decided to be too fucking tall and I will have to get special shirts for you.” Horangi shook his head. 
Koenig made a face. “Will we be around people?”
“It is, in fact, a village.” Horangi nodded. “A rather large village.”
Koenig winced. “Alright.” 
Horangi sighed and watched him try to get comfortable before deciding it would be best if he slept, as well. 
Horangi awoke to a soft gasping noise and frowned, slightly. He could also smell blood. This ability had been one of the reasons he had earned his nickname of Tiger. He sat up, carefully, confused why he would be smelling blood unless…
He immediately turned to look at Koenig, seeing he was now sitting up, grasping onto his side and panting softly. A small shank of wood sat nearby, coated in blood, and Horangi sighed, looking up at the ceiling.
After a moment, Horangi got up and went to Koenig, sighing when he flinched away. “If you wanted to kill yourself, you should have chosen something faster.” He murmured, touching the wound.
He earned a growl of pain, but no other response, and so Horangi pulled his hands away from the wound. He tsked when he saw how badly Koenig had gored himself. But… Horangi would be able to heal it enough for him to survive. “Well, I cannot completely heal you, but you won’t die.”
“Let me.” Koenig shook his head. “Let me die.”
“No.” Horangi answered and went to his chest, opening it and looking around for the medicines he had made. He couldn’t risk going to the infirmary so he had made his own medicines.
When he found the ones he needed, he came back and slowly peeled up Koenig’s shirt. The muscle that was under there was a brief reminder that Horangi could pretend all he wanted, but he was still an omega. “I imagined such a great warrior to have more self preservation.”
“There is no preservation in being owned…” Koenig looked away from Horangi, but did not fight Horangi off as he started to heal him.
Horangi put a paste to prevent infection in the wound, not flinching as Koenig grred in pain and then cursed in his native tongue. “Survival is important.”
“I’d rather die than stay captured.”
“Well, you failed.” Horangi shrugged. Koenig was too big for Horangi to be able to keep working on his knees, so he just straddled Koenig and continued to apply medicines. However, he jerked back when Koenig suddenly grabbed him and pulled him close. “Do not touch me!” He hissed.
“You’re not an alpha.” Koenig frowned. Horangi froze and looked down at where he was about to wrap cloth around the wound. “Are you a beta?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Horangi lied and just continued to bandage him. “I am an alpha.”
“You’re lying.”
“No one will believe you.” Horangi simply stated. He looked up and met Koenig’s eyes. “So don’t bother telling anyone.”
“I wasn’t going to.” Koenig shook his head. He furrowed his brows and then went silent, settling back against the wall. “You’re pretty.”
“Don’t start.” Horangi glared at him, though he found himself blushing dark. It’d been a while since he was called pretty. “Just treat me like I’m an alpha.”
“Why? You are not one.” Koenig shrugged. 
Horangi glared at him, again. “Because it won’t change our dynamic. I won’t suddenly bow to you because I’m an omega and you’re an alpha.”
Koenig looked at him for a moment. “I never said it would.” He sighed and then settled back against the wall. “I just wanted to call you pretty.”
“Why?” Horangi shook his head. “Why? It doesn’t mean, anything. Besides, if you saw my skin, you would disagree. So, just treat me as if I am an alpha. If your massive knothead can manage that.” He rapped his knuckles against Koenig’s temple, ignoring when his hand was swatted away.
Horangi pulled away when he didn’t receive an answer, shaking his head and kicking the wooden shank away. He took Koenig’s free hand and attached it to the other, shaking his head. “So you don’t try to kill yourself, again.”
“What do you have planned for me, eh, Kätzchen?” Koenig looked up at Horangi, who frowned.
Horangi turned the word over in his mind. “Kätzchen?”
“Your name is Horangi. I recognize it. It means… tiger, yes?” Koenig asked, furrowing his brows. “So I have called you kitten.”
“Would you call me that if I was an alpha?” Horangi asked, tilting his head.
Koenig seemed to consider. “No, I suppose I wouldn’t. I do not think you are less capable because you’re an omega.”
“Yes, well everyone else here would.” Horangi decidedly did not believe him. “And, besides, I don’t have anything planned besides getting you into better clothing. This stuff is… not going to do if I have to take you out, anywhere. Which I will… likely have to.”
Koenig shook his head. “I don’t want to go out. I don’t- I-” His breathing became heavy and Horangi, at first, worried he hadn’t bandaged him correctly. But, then, he realized that Koenig was panicking. 
Horangi frowned. “Why not? It’s just a village.”
“With people.” Koenig mumbled, holding his chest with his bound hands.
A few pieces fell into place and Horangi stumbled back, surprised. “Did you… Did you try to kill yourself to avoid going to the village tomorrow?” 
Koenig avoided his eye, turning a dark shade of red. Horangi sighed and put his forehead in his hand. This alpha was… very dramatic. “You would die to avoid going into a village? You are a warrior, do you not have to regularly interact with other people?”
“That’s why I put the bag over my head.” Koenig answered. “Then… Then it’s not me. It’s just some large intimidating warrior.”
Horangi looked at the bag, which he hadn’t gotten rid of. “Well, the bag is ridiculous. You’re not wearing it. But…” He considered. “Could you settle with a mask and a hood?”
Koenig seemed to consider. “But I am not a warrior, anymore.”
“You are a slave. Trust me, people will ignore you.” Horangi snorted. “They will treat you as if you are not there.”
Koenig raised an eyebrow. “I’m a slave who’s taller than everyone in these barracks.”
“You’d be shocked what people will ignore if they are biased enough.” Horangi answered, shrugging. “You are less than a person to them.”
“Am I less than a person to you?” Koenig asked, his tone earnest. 
Horangi frowned. “No. You are not.” He answered, honestly. “I don’t… agree with slavery. I guess you were fortunate to end up with me.”
Koenig smiled. “I’m not technically a slave. I’m a war spoil.”
“Usually omegas are war spoils. I guess my mind is having a hard time wrapping around it.” Horangi sighed. He went quiet, thinking about how he’d almost ended up exactly in Koenig’s position. 
But… he hadn’t been some great warrior. He’d been considerably less than that. “I need to sleep.” He sighed, finally, and shook his head. “Sleep well. And… Don’t try to kill yourself, again.”
“Fine.” Koenig nodded.
Horangi shook his head and then settled back into bed.
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callsign-bunnie · 1 year
A Dance of Hearts - Chapter 5 - Regency AU
The ride to Drodora was short as Koenig promised, but it was also incredibly uneventful. Even between Horangi and Koenig. They ended up on opposing sleep schedules, so both were rarely awake at the same time.
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Horangi was incredibly grateful when they arrived in Antalon, because he had ran out of things to do. He’d lost his charcoal and Miriam had threatened to make him pay for the dress if he’d destroyed it. (He was praying the charcoal would wash out.)
So, when they arrived, late at night, to yet another tavern and inn, he let Koenig go up to the room before following Miriam to the tavern, ordering a plate of fried potatoes and a thing of ale before sitting with her at a table. “We will pick him up tomorrow.” Miriam nodded. 
Horangi paused. “Miriam… Why did you pick this job up? You hate Laupin.”
“3000 gold, Horangi.” Miriam laughed. “Hell, I’d fuck a fae for 3000 gold.” 
Horangi relaxed. Yeah, that was morality losing money. “1500 gold.” He chuckled, reminding. 
“Ah, ah. 1650.” Miriam snorted. “You’re not pulling a fast one on me, Horangi.”
“Damn.” Horangi laughed and feigned disappointment. “Fine. 1650.” Even that was still a decent amount of money. “And favor with the king,” he supposed. 
“Exactly.” Miriam nodded and shrugged. “You know me, Horangi, my morals are not the strongest when it comes to gold. Neither are yours for that matter.”
Horangi disagreed, but he supposed she had a point. “Everyone has a price.” He nodded. “Everyone can be bought. I think anyone would do something atrocious for the right price. Steal… Kill their lover.”
“What about you?” Miriam asked, sipping her ale. 
Horangi paused. “What about… me?”
“What would make you do something atrocious? Say… kill your lover?” Miriam shrugged. “Or, go against your biggest value?”
Horangi wasn’t sure what his biggest value was, but he found himself thinking of Koenig. What would make him kill the alpha? “I don’t know.” A few ideas ran through his mind. Revenge? Maybe. Horangi could be vengeful. “I don’t know.”
“Would you gamble him away?” Miriam tilted her head.
Horangi tensed, since that was a sore subject. When he’d come to the Red Kingdom, he’d needed money. He’d found betting his body was a sure way… Problem was, he wasn’t a good gambler. Ended up being easier to just sell the damn thing.
Then, he’d started to disguise himself as an alpha. “No.” He shook his head. Even if he knew he’d win. Not for… himself. He knew he’d never win Koenig’s trust back. No matter how addicting the game had became. He wouldn’t. “What about you?”
“Hmm…” Miriam sighed. “I don’t think hating Laupin is my biggest moral. I think… a fear of what might happen if I don’t would be good motivation. A fear of what I’d be letting loose. What I’d be… letting into the kingdom.” She sighed. “We all have fears, too, Horangi. Fear is just as decent a motivator as greed.”
Horangi frowned, unsure what she could mean by that. But, he didn’t ask, and turned to his potatoes, continuing to eat them. He missed his home kingdom’s foods, sometimes. He didn’t know how to cook any of them, and he found he’d forgotten how many of them tasted. 
Both sat in silence for a while before Horangi decided to speak again. “In Semworth… I attempted to free Koenig. I told him that he could go and he didn’t have to stay.”
“I’m guessing, since the giant alpha is still here… that he didn’t go?” Miriam nodded. “Makes sense, he seems rather enamored with you. Those eyes follow you wherever you go.”
Horangi laughed, since he could have guessed that. “I wonder if a caged bird can truly be enamored, though… He has this… anxiety around people. How do I know he is not just staying out of fear of having to leave?”
“I suppose that is a valid concern.” Miriam nodded. “I suppose you won’t. But, it is his decision to stay. Regardless of his intentions. Are you going to be okay with that?”
“I don’t know.” Horangi answered, honestly. “I really don’t.”
“Well, then I suppose you’ll have to think about it.” Miriam sighed. “I think you should learn to live with it. You’re clearly lonely and you need someone to help you loosen up.”
“I am plenty loo-” Horangi stopped, hearing Miriam snicker and he glared at her, blushing dark. “I am just fine. I am not uptight. I just… have a lot of things I need to worry about, in the day. Besides, you don’t see me around everyone else.”
It was the truth, Horangi was playful. He liked to mess around with Stiletto and Roze, and he had an eye for games. He had a dark backstory, but… he didn’t let that darken him. “Maybe I just don’t like you .” He joked.
“That’s good, because I don’t like you. ” Miriam shrugged.
Horangi laughed, not offended. Miriam was abrasive and no, he didn’t think they’d get along under other circumstances. Finally, he sighed and shook his head. “I’m exhausted, I think I’m going to sleep. Goodnight.”
“Goodnight,” Miriam smiled. “Sleep well.”
“Sure.” Horangi got up and went up to the room. Or, his room, because she’d gotten separate rooms this time. When he got there, he saw that Koenig was already asleep, barely able to fit on the bed. 
He liked being a knight, he really did but… Something about Koenig put a flash of consideration of retirement in his head. Retiring, settling down… 
Maybe he’d find a farm in the countryside. It wouldn’t be like home, but Horangi had been to the countryside of the Red Kingdom. There.. You really understood why the kingdom used to be called Aela. It was sunny and beautiful and… There would never be any people, so Koenig would be content, too. 
Horangi wouldn’t have to hide who he was. What he was. 
Ah, maybe after this war. Yeah, that sounded nice.
Horangi pulled off his outer clothes and left them draped on a chair before climbing into the bed with Koenig, hugging him from behind and tracing over a tattoo of a crown on his shoulder. He wondered why they called Koenig “King”. 
Granted, he didn’t know much about Nehelune or their customs and language. But, he knew it wouldn’t be very… accepted over in the Red Kingdom to call anyone Rey or Reina. Odd…
Horangi brushed it off. He wasn’t planning to wake Koenig to find out and he knew they’d likely be busy the next day for him to ask, then. 
He did find himself thinking of Nehelune. Because Horangi was a member of the King’s Guard, specifically, he didn’t go outside of the kingdom during battle. He was meant to stay and defend if they were attacked. Or, occasionally run missions when they weren’t. “Missions” being used lightly. King Alejandro typically didn’t have much use for them, unfortunately.
Though, maybe it’s the sign of good strategy that he didn’t. Horangi didn’t know, he wasn’t much for strategy. 
This wasn’t to say Horangi hadn’t seen his fair share of combat. He hadn’t always been in the King’s Guard. He’d been just a little Knight, once, marching into battle. But… That had been in Gaenia, which was a much smaller Kingdom, about the size of Laupin, in a little corner tucked between Drodora and the Red Kingdom.
It’d been a quick battle, more just for the inconvenience of King Alejandro even having to ask them to rejoin the empire. The King had said no when King Alejandro had asked. Which… Horangi had heard that even Nehelune and Laupin had laughed at them for that.
Gaenia had severed any goodwill with Nehelune or Laupin for being stubborn and small minded. While neither Nehelune or Laupin were considerably large, by any means, they both had had their advantages in combat. If it hadn’t have been for Artemean forces, Nehelune likely wouldn’t have lost, for sake of their size and how combat minded they are.
But Gaenia had a bit of a superiority complex, despite their main magic being plant magic. Plant magic. They can grow flowers. Horangi said this as someone who’d been there, himself. Yes, Plant magic could be rather dangerous, but most of them had spent most of their lives focusing on gardening, not combat. 
So, they’d been crushed rather easily. Horangi had barely been in combat a year before they were surrendering. Drodora hadn’t even had to send reinforcements. 
But, other than Gaenia, Horangi hadn’t been out of the Red Kingdom much, save for his travels through the continent. And most of that had been at night when not much of the kingdom could be seen. As such… He really only knew about the Red Kingdom. 
He wondered if Koenig would ever be comfortable traveling to Nehelune… Seeing it. Maybe Koenig could tell him about it. 
Horangi settled in to sleep more, yawning. He hoped. 
Horangi looked at the other omega in front of him. Prince Lucas… How they had gotten away with saying he was simply a Lord’s Son, no more than a lady, was beyond Horangi because he was definitely a Prince and he was… strikingly similar to King Alejandro.
His hair was curled in the same way, though it was kept longer, kept out of his face with clips which appeared to have flowers on them. His eyes were the same rich brown, his skin almost the exact same shade, maybe a shade or two darker because of his time in Drodora.
He had a strong nose, a sharper jawline, and his bottom lip was plump, while the top stayed thin. Though, Horangi considered them closer to what everyone liked to “War Bow’s Lips” as his top lip curled in a way most omega’s did. 
As he stared at them, while his “father” talked to Miriam, he had the same picture of perfect indifference that King Alejandro could pull up. Often while Sir O’Conor was explaining battle strategies. 
Horangi glanced at Koenig who, despite having most of his face covered, seemed to be having the same thoughts as Horangi. He moved closer to the alpha and murmured, “they would have had to have had him inside most of the time. Anyone who had seen King Alejandro would have noticed the resemblance, immediately.”
All of Lucas’s omega features were perfect mirrors of King Alejandro. It was almost uncanny and they could have been brothers. Uncle and Nephew definitely made sense. 
“I doubt this myth more and more.” Koenig agreed, his eyes watching Prince Lucas, who was not looking at either of them, and instead was looking at Miriam and Lord Nikolai, who bowed his head slightly at them when he noticed them looking.
Both were quick to bow back and then Horangi furrowed his brows. “How old is Prince Lucas?”
“He doesn’t look to be much older than 20…” Koenig murmured, turning to Horangi, who turned to face him back. 
“That would make him four years younger than King Alejandro. How could his family have all died the day of his birth and Prince Lucas be 20?”
“They didn’t die on the day of his birth.”
Both Horangi and Koenig yelped loudly and turned to see that Prince Lucas had moved over to him. Finally, the expression of indifference broke and he smiled brightly, his eyes almost appearing to close slightly with it. He didn’t lean back slightly as King Alejandro did when grinning, and in fact, his posture didn’t change save for him lowering his chin slightly. “I beg your pardon??” Koenig asked, holding his chest.
Horangi’s own heart was definitely skipping a few beats and he took deep breaths before relaxing. Fuck. 
Prince Lucas laughed, softly. It was sweet, like a bell, but still full and round. Horangi… was starting to question if he was completely alpha minded or if the years of being a knight and feigning attraction for omegas had gotten to him a little. Then, pointed ears poked out of his hair and Horangi and Koenig shared a look. Ahh. 
Half fae. Obviously, he wasn’t full fae because there were no wings to be seen and he didn’t look quite nearly as ethereal as the very few Horangi had seen were. He hoped Miriam didn’t know. Explained why King Alejandro’s opinions on Fae differed drastically from his father’s. In fact, he’d made no effort to either persecute them or free them. 
“I said that my family did not die on my King Tío’s birth.” Lucas repeated. “They died when I was one year old and my King Tío was 5 years old.” 
Even his accent was distinctly Aelian. Old Aelian. King Tío… like Uncle King. “Why does everyone say that they died on King Alejandro’s birth? Even Miriam said so.” Horangi asked, now quite perplexed.
“I do not know. I imagine it’s because of his reputation, they want to claim he is cursed or something.” Prince Lucas shook his head. “He is not cursed. They died of an illness that was going around. As did my Duke Tio the next month. They like to make things more fantastical than they are, do they not?”
Horangi looked at his ears poking out and shook his head, reaching up to touch the Prince’s hair so he could hide them. “Don’t let anyone see those. In fact-” He pulled the clips out of Prince Lucas’s hair, so his curls covered the ears completely. “Do not even let Miriam see them.”
“She cares that I am… half fae?” Prince Lucas glanced at Miriam and Lord Nikolai, who were still talking. They were discussing Prince Lucas’s arrangements to Horangi’s knowledge. 
Koenig snorted, softly. “Yes. Most people will.” 
Horangi slipped the hair clips into Prince Lucas’s pocket of his skirts, glad to see he was already in plain clothes, just a dress meant for traveling among commoners. It did nothing to hide just how regal Prince Lucas was. “No one is going to buy that he’s just a commoner.” Horangi turned to Koenig, who nodded in agreement. “We’ll need to stay by him. Who knows who or… what will find things to do to him.”
“I agree.” Koenig nodded. “Maybe he should cover his face?”
“Why would I do that??” Prince Lucas asked, frowning. “I thought the dress was to hide who I am.”
“You are… beautiful.” Horangi laughed, though it was more cruel sounding than he meant. “Incredibly. Absurdly. You are certainly royalty… You hold yourself like royalty.”
“Lord Nik taught me how a Prince should behave.” Prince Lucas shrugged. “He knew I should be married one day. Likely to a King or Heir… How am I to hold myself any other way?”
“Slouch!” Horangi said. “You could hold a glass of water on your head and it would not fall.” He shook his head and then got into his bag that Miriam had given him, getting out the pot of Kohl she had bought from a trader. It was becoming more and more popular in Aela. She’d decided to treat both of them with a pot. 
“Hold still.” Horangi muttered, moving to Prince Lucas, who did not look the least bit pleased. But, he didn’t protest so Horangi sloppily applied the kohl, making it look messy and like someone who was trying to imitate the ladies at court would do. 
Horangi had intended to use it to look more terrifying, but he was glad he had it, now. Prince Lucas’s eyes almost darkened with the effect of the kohl and Horangi stepped back before shaking his head and putting the pot back in his bag. “Koenig, do you still have those berries from lunch? I’ve seen you eating a few.”
“I was-” 
Horangi cut him off with a look and Koenig went silent, getting the berries out of his bag. Horangi then took one and burst it into his hand, using it to paint Prince Lucas’s lips and cheeks. “Better?” Horangi asked as he stepped back and looked.
It was… marginally better. He definitely did not look quite as regal and he looked plenty unhappy. “I doubt he’d get a second glance.” Koenig winced. “He’s still too pretty.”
“I didn’t think I’d ever be offended at being too pretty.” Prince Lucas glared at both of them. Then, he did an odd thing, sort of plopping on the floor.
Horangi shrugged. “Just continue acting like that, you’ll be fine.” The glare was deepened and Horangi shuddered, seeing another expression he’d gotten from King Alejandro. It was intense and definitely sent a chill of fear down Horangi’s spine. 
Finally, Miriam appeared to be done, coming over to them. So, Prince Lucas stood and went back to Lord Nikolai, hugging him. Miriam sighed. “We are good to take him. Lord Nikolai already brought a covered carriage around.”
Horangi nodded and sighed. “He is…”
“I know.” Miriam laughed. “Definitely Prince Lucas. Do you agree, now?” She turned to Koenig, who winced and nodded. “I told you. We should leave as soon as possible. There will be no stops, we have supplies to last us the 8 days it will take to get back to the Red Kingdom and the horses are trained for long distances like that.”
Horangi nodded. “Yes. We should go.”
Horangi watched Prince Lucas look out the window of the carriage, almost appearing to be in awe of everything. They’d been traveling for two days and he looked no less excited by the endless view of Forest. 
“Have you never been outside of your home?” Horangi asked. “What did Lord Nikolai call it… Little… Palace?”
“Malen'kiy dvorets.” Prince Lucas answered, finally sitting back. “Little Palace is correct. And no, I’ve not been outside Little Palace much.”
“Why Little Palace?” Miriam asked. Horangi had to say, he was quite surprised at her. She’d made an effort to be friendly and sweet to Prince Lucas. 
Prince Lucas blushed. “He has a… deep friendship with the King of Drodora. King Price named it. He was over there quite often, actually. Lord Nik helped him look for Prince Kyle.”
“Did Prince Kyle and Prince Garaidh know about you?” Horangi asked, remembering the two Drodorian Princes. 
Prince Lucas shook his head. “The only two people that knew who I was were Lord Nik and King Price. Well, and my King Tío of course.”
Horangi ahhed and then went quiet, watching him lean back out the window. He wondered about King Phillip… if he would be a kind husband to this omega. It wasn’t any of Horangi’s business and he couldn’t do anything even if King Phillip wouldn’t be but… he hoped he was. 
Prince Lucas appeared to be a naive omega and he seemed of sweet temperament, though it seemed to be short like his uncle. Maybe Horangi saw a bit of a younger version of himself in the omega. Beautiful and sweet and wide eyed… Naive. 
So, Horangi leaned out the window and pointed to their left. “That is where your husband rules. Way off in the distance. Have you heard anything of him?”
“I got to see a bare glance of him.” Prince Lucas nodded. “King Price had brought him, my King Tío, and Lord Riley to Little Palace while they looked for Prince Kyle. It was less than five seconds while Lord Nik introduced me but… I saw him.”
“What did you think of him? If you managed to think of him at all in that time?” Horangi asked, frowning. 
“He was beautiful. Quite handsome in the ways an alpha should be.” Prince Lucas smiled. “I suppose… at the time, I did not know we were to be engaged or I would have found myself trying to pick up more of an impression. What did you think of your husband when you first met him?”
Horangi at first paused, confused, before realizing he must have meant Koenig, who was looking out the other window silently. Lord Nikolai had given him a sword, which his hand had stayed firmly on. Horangi had gotten his own, as well, but he had it hidden under his skirts.  
Horangi glanced back at Koenig, who met his eye for just a moment and they softened before Horangi looked away. “I thought he was too tall.” He admitted, laughing softly.
Prince Lucas blushed and then giggled. “He is rather tall.” He nodded.
Miriam snorted. “Let’s stop and set up camp. Eat for a moment, get some rest. You and Prince Lucas can do whatever omegas do, together.”
Horangi rolled his eyes but Miriam snapped her fingers and the horses slowed to a stop. Koenig was the first out of the carriage and Horangi followed, helping Prince Lucas out. Miriam set up a small area for them to eat at and so Horangi pulled Prince Lucas to a patch of flowers.
They were just wild flowers, several of whom Horangi could name, but he didn’t focus on them, turning to Prince Lucas. “Are you nervous to be married to King Phillip?”
“Who wouldn’t be? I know very little about him.” Lucas sighed and shook his head. “But, this is the best for both me and the Empire.”
Horangi frowned and then nodded, since it was the truth. If what he’d heard about how King Phillip would not join the empire without a marriage alliance was true… Then this was for the best. “You know what Shadow Magic is, right?”
Prince Lucas nodded. “I do… I also know I will not see the sun much in Laupin. And… It is eternal winter there.”
As if summoned, snow started to fall around them, lightly dusting them and the ground. Prince Lucas shivered and Horangi reached forward to secure his cloak around him, tighter. He decided that when they finally returned, he would ask King Alejandro to allow him to guard Prince Lucas until he was married. “Sweet thing…” Horangi frowned. 
Prince Lucas relaxed and smiled, shyly, at Horangi. “Thank you… I… I didn’t get to say it before, but you are beautiful too… Even if I can see very little of your face.”
“You would not think so if you could see all of it.” Horangi laughed. He noticed that Miriam seemed to have finished the food so he tugged Prince Lucas over to the small camp. 
When they were done eating, Prince Lucas asked if he could sleep near Horangi, so Horangi allowed him to, letting Koenig and Miriam stay up to watch. He put his cloak over Prince Lucas for extra warmth, hugging the other omega. He hadn’t known him very long, but he already regarded him with great affection.
Maybe it was because Prince Lucas and he were so similar… Maybe it was because Horangi hadn’t gotten a chance to form a bond with another omega in so long. Maybe it was just fate. But he had already decided that nothing was going to happen to Prince Lucas under his watch. Nothing.
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@the_pluto_828 @lieutenant-storm @captainsimcoe @del79jji @bearbait-adventures @the-snarky-dragon @thegodofsleep
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callsign-bunnie · 1 year
A Dance Of Hearts - Chapter 4 - Regency AU
It would only be a week’s travel from there to the Drodorian border, then a few days in a village called Winterwick, which was on the border of Drodora. There, they would rest and refill supplies before continuing on to the town of Antalon, which was right next to the King’s Village. 
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Horangi sighed and rubbed at his shoulder as he took up the reigns, meant to take over the cart while Miriam slept in the back. He hated this bodice he was meant to wear, having ideas of ripping it off and throwing it in the river they were currently riding parallel with. 
It would only be a week’s travel from there to the Drodorian border, then a few days in a village called Winterwick, which was on the border of Drodora. There, they would rest and refill supplies before continuing on to the town of Antalon, which was right next to the King’s Village. 
That’s where they were to pick up Prince Lucas, supposedly, and then they would ride back. The travel back would be a bit longer, as they were supposed to stop more frequently, to give bandits and assassins less of a chance, though Horangi doubted they would be much of a problem.
“Kätzchen,” Koenig started, startling Horangi out of his thoughts. 
Horangi started to drive the cart, frowning. “Yes?”
“Do you… completely trust Miriam?” Koenig asked, his tone sounding hesitant. 
Horangi only frowned more. What an odd question. “No… But I don’t distrust her. Why?” He glanced at Koenig, who appeared to almost be playing with his fingers. 
Koenig sighed. “I question this… quest. She said the King does not wish to have his royal guard know, but… why? Would this not be a quest better suited for the King’s Guard? He has his own mercenaries. Why is he hiring a dressmaker to go and retrieve something as valuable as Prince Lucas?”
Horangi furrowed his brows. “I don’t… I don’t know. I wish I did.” He murmured and sighed. “But, I also know that King Alejandro makes odd decisions, sometimes.”
“Miriam gave us no proof to indicate that Prince Lucas was real, either…” Koenig sighed. “I’m not accusing her of bad intentions, I am simply… suggesting that you consider all of her potential intentions.”
“Why would she lie? What would she gain? Why would Miriam care that Prince Lucas is marrying the King of Laupin?” Horangi shook his head. 
“What are her feelings on Fae?” Koenig tilted his head. “Elves?”
Horangi paused. “She despises them.” He mumbled, understanding where Koenig was going with this.
Laupin wasn’t… as Fae friendly as Artra was, but they were more sympathetic than the Red Kingdom and Artemea. Leagues more than Sylmea and Nehelune. It was known that Fae could find refuge in Laupin, though they would give them up if they were being pursued for committing crimes. 
Then, there was the myth of how they came to have shadow powers to begin with… 
It was said that Ozul, who was a great Tyrant before he became God of Darkness, was in love with Laena, a mortal in the Old Kingdom of Terth, which Ozul led. 
Laena was known to be one of Artemilia’s most loyal followers, honoring her before even honoring her own life. She was also quite beautiful and kind… The myths that Horangi had read had always made a point of saying that to simply be around her was to love her. They had even, while scorning the King, pitied Ozul, saying that it was only natural he should fall in love with her.
But, she followed the Moon God, Artemilia. Ozul had long been cursed by Artemilia for being a cruel and violent leader. 
So, he banned worship of Artemilia, so she would turn away from the God and to him, instead, and asked her to marry him and be his wife. However, she refused, claiming that even if he had banned worship of her most beloved god, she could not love a violent alpha, such as himself.
He forced her to marry him, instead, as he could since he was king. And on their wedding night, after their consummation, which was said to be so violent, it dyed the sheets red, she killed herself with poison. It was an awfully painful poison and as she was dying, while Ozul held her, she cursed his kingdom. 
He could remember the words that each myth had stated, so clearly. ‘You have scorned my beloved God, Artemilia. You have taken my love by force. You have so violently sealed our marriage. With my dying breaths, I will take myself from you by force. And with myself, I shall take the light from your kingdom. Neither moonlight nor sunlight shall pass through your kingdom, until the pain and guilt and fear should swallow you whole. You shall live your life in complete shadow.’ And so, Ozul became darkness itself. 
His Kingdom was thrown into obscurity and it was said he wandered the forest until his death, his love’s blood which she choked up still on his chest and hands.
Centuries later, the founder of Laupin, who was named… well, Laupine Camran, apparently. Horangi wasn’t sure he believed that. Anyway, Laupine Camran wanted to protect his Kingdom from the surrounding Kingdoms. This was before the Silver Empire, apparently, and as Laupin was the centermost Kingdom, they had much to fend off.
So, he sought out Ozul. Laupin was said to sit in the middle of the ruins of his kingdom. As such, he knew that if Ozul was still wandering the forests- Though now that Horangi thought about it, wouldn’t he have been long dead???
Horangi didn’t grow up with these myths. Likely someone from Laupin could tell the story better… Horangi was not this person.
Regardless, Laupine sought out Ozul and apparently he found him among the ruins of an old castle, weeping into some stones. 
Laupine begged Ozul to help him. To guide him and find a better way to protect their kingdom from the surrounding kingdoms. As such, Ozul blessed him, and gave him the shadows.
It casted Laupin into a permanent dark winter, but they were protected. And, it worked. Even now, the shadows are hard to fight… 
“Kätzchen? You’ve been silent.” Koenig spoke up and Horangi shook off his musing, noting just how dark it was around them. He’d admit, after thinking about the myths… He found himself shivering in the darkness.
Or maybe it was the light snow which had started to fall, coating the ground around them. The moon reassured him, slightly, big and full in the sky. Horangi sighed. “I was thinking… There are quite a few people who do not want Laupin to rejoin the empire…”
“There is. I imagine your friend, Miriam, might be one of them.” Koenig nodded. “There are… rumors that if King Phillip does not manage to strike a marriage alliance, he will not rejoin the empire willingly. Prince Lucas may be their last resort.”
Horangi glanced back at Miriam, who appeared to still be asleep. “I do not believe she’d do something this elaborate. As you said, she’s just a dressmaker. She travels a lot, perhaps King Alejandro thought a dressmaker might be the best cover in order to travel back? Who would suspect Prince Lucas to be traveling with a dressmaker?”
Koenig paused and then nodded. “You have a point, Kätzchen. I suppose you may be right. I hope that I am wrong.”
Horangi shook his head. So did he. He had no doubt of what would happen to Prince Lucas if Koenig was right… The only option would be death. And then, Horangi would never be able to return to the Red Kingdom. 
He’d have to run again.
But, he also knew that if Koenig was right… Someone would need to stop Miriam. “We’re going to keep riding with Miriam.” Horangi murmured. “I do not want to believe you are right. So, we shall continue to ride with her.”
Koenig was silent for a moment before nodding. “I understand, Kätzchen.” 
Horangi nodded before going silent and continuing to ride. 
Around the third day, Horangi was starting to get bored. Neither Koenig, nor Miriam, were particularly talkative on the ride. So, when he was not driving, he started to find ways to entertain himself, often sitting in the back of the cart and using a bit of charcoal he made by himself during one of their meals, and sketching on the inside of his skirts.
He hadn’t worn a dress in ages, though this one was lighter and meant to be able to be worn during combat. The last time he’d worn a skirt was his wedding night, if he remembered correctly. 
It was… a lot less pleasant than he remembered. A lot more restrictive. He liked the tunics and pants that the knights wore. Even the leather armor was slightly better. 
Right now, he was sketching a rather large tree, without leaves because it was winter time. “Horangi!” He heard his name called by Miriam, and so he climbed up into the front. 
Koenig was in the back of the cart, asleep. He’d been trying to stay awake when Horangi was, but he looked close to collapsing and so Horangi had ordered him to go to sleep. It had… worked better than Horangi had expected. 
Miriam sighed. “Take the reins. I want to check the back for something.”
Horangi nodded and did as told, taking the reins and continuing to drive. They stopped, often, for food and to let the horses rest, but other than that… it was nothing but traveling. 
He jumped when the cart suddenly jostled and then Koenig was dropping beside him. “You didn’t sleep long.” He acknowledged, though Koenig only shrugged. 
“Miriam!” Horangi called back to the alpha, who only hummed in response. “Will we be trading the cart for a carriage? I doubt the Prince may want to travel so open like this.”
Miriam simply laughed. “Yes, we will. King Alejandro has already ordered for us to have a cart when we arrive.”
“Perfect.” Horangi nodded and sighed, relaxing. He blushed when Koenig touched his leg and then Koenig was leaning down.
Koenig leaned close to his ear. “You smell good,” he murmured and then he was jerking back and laughing as Horangi whacked his ribs. “I was complimenting you!”
“I thought you had something important to say.” Horangi huffed. “You can save your compliments.”
“I thought it was important.” Koenig shrugged and chuckled. “You know, I was thinking… We may be able to shorten our trip to the border, if Miriam is fine with stopping in a different town.”
“Oh?” Horangi frowned. “How?”
“Well, when we were to march to Drodora, they told us about a pass across the river which will shorten us to arriving in Semworth,” Koenig answered, shrugging. “Which should put us only four days from Antalon.” 
Miriam leaned against the wall of the cart behind them. “I suppose that sounds alright. That would shave a few days off. The shorter our trip, the better. The less likely we are to be attacked by bandits or assassins.”
Horangi nodded and gave Koenig the reins so he could steer. He yawned, feeling a little tired, and so he just curled up to Koenig and dozed off.
When Koenig had said that he could shorten their trip, he hadn’t expected the trip to literally only be another day before they were arriving in Semworth. He was glad, though, wanting out of the cart. 
Miriam found them a room at an inn before basically abandoning them for the tavern. That was alright, because as soon as she was gone, Koenig had Horangi pressed against the wall of the room, mouthing over his neck.
“You’re so eager.” Horangi teased, though his breath hitched when he was bit, softly. “Koenig,” he warned, earning a soft breathy whine in response. 
Koenig gathered up Horangi’s skirts, using his leg to press against Horangi and making Horangi gasp, softly, before rolling his hips against his leg, moaning from the soft pleasure it caused. Already, he knew he was slick and he moaned when Koenig bit him. 
“Let me pleasure you…” Koenig murmured, pausing against Horangi’s neck. “Please?”
“What if Miriam comes back?” Horangi asked, though he was mostly teasing. He reached up, gently scratching over Koenig’s back. 
“Fuck Miriam.” Koenig growled, the sound rolling through his chest.
Horangi laughed and closed his eyes, humming before answering. “You’re so much more confident around me than anyone else…” He pushed Koenig away, slightly, so he could see his face. “Am I special?”
Koenig had gone dark red, looking away from Horangi. Horangi leaned forward and kissed him, softly, before pulling away. “No. Sadly.”
Koenig furrowed his brows. “Why not? I will… obviously respect your answer, but-”
“Because.” Horangi leaned back against the wall. He went silent, so they could hear the sounds of singing and dancing below them. “You are a big alpha. I have no doubts they will hear. I do not wish to be anyone’s dinner entertainment.”
“I have other things I could do. That they won’t hear.” Koenig got a cocky little half grin on his face and Horangi shook his head, his mind reminding him of the alpha who had tried to kill himself in order to not go outside. Koenig was an enigma. 
“Where did your mask go?” Horangi asked, glancing around the floor for it. Koenig then held it in front of his face, appearing to have bunched it in his fist. “Ah, I see… Even still, sweet boy, we must sadly refrain. We are on a quest.”
Koenig looked disappointed, but he did not protest. Instead, he leaned forward and buried his face in Horangi’s hair. “You have drawn me in so easily. You have made me addicted to you… How cruel…”
“Sweet boy…” Horangi soothed, scratching over his back, again. “Trust me, that it was not my intention.” He murmured, though his chest felt quite warm. You have made me addicted to you… This new feeling… of being craved as an omega… He knew, back in his old life, that many had likely wanted him. But, no one had been able to want him so up close before…
“I crave you, herrin…” Koenig murmured. 
Horangi paused and then he felt guilt. He wondered if Koenig would feel the same, were he not forced to be around him. “You are a caged sparrow. I suppose you would crave the hand that provides food to the birdcage.”
Koenig went silent and pulled away. “I am sorry?”
“I own you.” Horangi pushed him away and then moved away. “If the circumstances were different, you would not think much of me.”
“That’s not true…” Koenig looked almost hurt. “You do not even act as if you own me.”
“Because I do not wish to.” Horangi muttered. Then, he paused. Well, he didn’t wish to. Who would know? He could say, when he returned, that Koenig had escaped. What was he to do?? “I release you. You’re not under my ownership anymore.”
He went to the bed and sat on it. Well, one of the beds, there were two. “If you choose to leave, I’ll… tell Miriam that you left and we’ll figure it out.”
Koenig watched him and then shook his head, coming over and sitting on the floor in front of Horangi. “I do not wish to leave, Kätzchen…”
Horangi frowned and looked at him. “Why not? You were a war spoil! I am letting you be free.”
“I am choosing to stay.” Koenig shrugged. “I… want to try to build something with you and I understand that the circumstances are unconventional and odd, but… I want to. Please do not make me leave.”
Horangi looked at Koenig, watching him look down and fidget with his hands. “I do not understand… You… Wish to build something with me?”
“Yes. I do. I don’t know what, yet, but I want to build whatever I can with you…” He leaned forward and laid his head on Horangi’s lap. 
Horangi relaxed and closed his eyes, petting over Koenig’s hair. “I will not make you leave, sweet boy.” He promised. “You can stay with me.” 
“Thank you, Horangi…” Koenig nodded and looked up at him. “I like you better in your Knight’s clothes, by the way.”
“I think I’ve grown too accustomed to them.” Horangi laughed. “I prefer them, as well. This bodice hurts.”
“Let me take it off you. Please?” Koenig sat up, again, and Horangi nodded, letting him. 
So, Koenig sat up more. Then, he was reaching around and undoing the laces of Horangi’s bodice. Horangi relaxed as it loosened, letting out a breath. It wasn’t too restrictive, but it still was tight enough to be annoying. 
Then, Koenig did something that surprised him, reaching under Horangi’s blouse and scratching over where the cloth left indentations. “Oh…” He moaned and melted into Koenig, closing his eyes. It felt fantastic, almost euphoric. 
Koenig laughed, softly and nuzzled his hair, again. “Feel good, Kätzchen?”
“Incredibly. Nevermind, you’re not allowed to leave.” Horangi huffed and shook his head. 
Koenig stopped scratching and he almost whined, before Koenig was looking around. “I’m starving…”
Horangi pulled the bodice completely off before nodding, not caring if anyone saw him just in a blouse. He had a giant alpha, he’d just tell Koenig to kick them, and he’d probably send them through a window. “I will go get us food. Just stay here.”
Whatever bullshit A/N I'm making
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AU @the_pluto_828 @lieutenant-storm @bearbait-adventuress @the-snarky-dragon @thegodofsleep
Omegaverse @arwenprinses
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callsign-bunnie · 1 year
A Dance of Hearts - Chapter 2 - Regency AU
As Horangi had expected, when they went to the village, Koenig was all but ignored. He did get a few glances, but everyone saw the way Horangi was guiding his faery chain, and they immediately would just look away. 
As such, Horangi had watched Koenig relax, completely, as Horangi bought a few things. He was wearing the mask and hood that Horangi had promised him. The hood was attached to a short black cloak. Correction, it went to Horangi’s knees, but it barely went to Koenig’s waist. 
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“Kätzchen,” Koenig started and Horangi threw him a look, but Koenig simply continued, “the hilt of your blade appears worn.”
“If you are suggesting it needs to be replaced, I am well aware. However, I am quite used to this blade and getting another would be too much of a hassle.” Horangi answered, looking over a collection of cloaks from a merchant. They were plain and… none of them would be large enough. 
Koenig raised an eyebrow. “And if it breaks during battle?”
Horangi shrugged. “I am willing to take that gamble.”
“Why gamble at all?” Koenig shook his head. 
Horangi frowned, supposing Koenig had a point. Why take the risk? He considered… Well, he supposed it was almost exhilarating to run that risk every fight, but Koenig was right. If his blade broke, he’d have a hell of a time trying to get through the rest of his battle. “I suppose you have a point. I will… talk to the blacksmith, today.”
Koenig nodded. “That is good.”
Horangi simply rolled his eyes at Koenig and continued to look over the cloaks. He went to the merchant. “How much to have one specially made?”
“30 gold.” The merchant replied.
Horangi stared at him. “But the regular cloaks barely cost 5!”
The merchant chuckled. “You are small. You can fit those cloaks. That one cannot. I assume it would be him who it needs to be made for.”
Horangi bristled, slightly. “You would be correct…” He muttered. He could not afford 30 gold for a fucking cloak. So, he turned away from the merchant and went back to the cloaks. He found the longest one he could and took it back to the merchant, paying for it and having Koenig carry it. Might as well make him useful for something. 
Horangi then continued on to the tailor, though he had considerably less confidence that he would be able to afford anything for the alpha. “What did your parents feed you when you were a child?” He asked Koenig, already quite frustrated. 
Koenig chuckled. “I grew up on a diet which was mostly meat.”
“So did I.” Horangi muttered. “You need to become smaller. You are expensive.”
“You could just leave me in these rags.” 
Horangi just laughed, opening the door and going into the tailor’s shop. “Miriam! “ He called. “I have a challenge for you.”
The older alpha female came out of the back of the shop, raising an eyebrow. Then, her eyes moved from Horangi to Koenig and she just sighed, shaking her head. “Fantastic. Come on.” She gestured to Koenig, who looked surprised. “Up, onto the pedestal.”
Koenig seemed hesitant as Horangi took off the faerie chain and then he went to the pedestal, seeming to test its tensile stretch. “It’s reinforced with magic. It will not break.” Miriam explained. “Go, Horangi. Come back in a few hours.”
Horangi shrugged, ignoring the way Koenig seemed to almost beg him not to leave with his eyes. “I will return. I’m going to go talk to the blacksmith.” He told Koenig, who huffed at him. He bowed and then left. 
As promised, he went to the blacksmith, allowing him to look over his blade before saying he could probably make something for him. “It won’t be very intricate.”
“I don’t need it to be. Just… make something that will save my life.” Horangi shrugged. “Beauty is a fool’s gamble.”
“Well spoken.” The blacksmith chuckled and nodded. “You will have a blade.”
“Thank you.” Horangi bowed his head, slightly. When he was done, he went around getting a few more things for Koenig that he could get without trouble, however he was realizing that he’d likely have to also take Koenig to the cobbler. This was really racking up his pockets. This was frustrating! King Alejandro had just dropped this alpha on him with no warning, no reason- 
Horangi paused. Why… him specifically?? Did King Alejandro know Horangi was an omega?? No, he couldn’t! Besides, even if he did, he had to know what a danger that was! It was fortunate Koenig seemed to be mildly pathetic. 
Unless this was some weird punishment from King Alejandro. He found out Horangi was an omega and so gave him an alpha who would likely brutalize him… No. Horangi wasn’t sure if King Alejandro would do that, but he didn’t think Queen Rodolfo would allow him. He didn’t know much about the Queen, but he knew he wouldn’t allow that. 
So.. why? Horangi likely would never know. He didn’t like not knowing. He just shook his head and turned to the tailor’s shop, going that way so he could pick Koenig back up. Then it would be to the cobbler and… He groaned. 
Look, Horangi was no stranger to losing all of his money. He had a bit of a gambling problem that he was working on, but… This just felt unnecessary. He didn’t even want the damn alpha. 
Okay, maybe… a small part of Horangi wanted the alpha. He was an omega after all. But he didn’t want to be in charge of his well being and he didn’t want to have to drag him around. Oh well… He was stuck with him for now…
Where would the alpha even go? Anyone else in the barracks would likely take enjoyment in tormenting him and… Horangi couldn’t stomach that. Koenig didn’t deserve to be tortured. 
When he made it back to the tailor’s shop, he opened the door and went inside, seeing Koenig was now sitting. Miriam was cutting fabric while a sewing machine was sewing the garments together. “You bring me a big alpha, I make him big clothes. This will cost you, Horangi.”
“Yeah, I know.” Horangi muttered. “I’m not exactly thrilled about it.”
Miriam sighed. “He’s dangerous to have around. You look less like an alpha around him.”
“Announce it to the whole town!” Horangi snarked, even more irritated. “Yeah, I’m aware!” 
Miriam had found out while making clothes for him. She’d claimed alphas weren’t built like him and then told him she’d put some kind of magic in the clothing to hide him. “Anyway, I’ll have the clothes in a few days. For now, I managed to whip something up. And I found some very old boots. They might be a little tight, but they look nicer than what he’s wearing now.”
Horangi relaxed. “Thank you.” He got out his gold, but she just snorted and waved him off. “But you said-”
“I never said money.” Miriam sighed. “I need a favor.”
Horangi glanced at Koenig, who seemed intrigued. “I’m listening.”
“I’m smuggling something in. I… I need you to play my nephew. But… You won’t be an alpha.” Miriam sighed. “You and this very large alpha will have to play mates.”
“No way.” Horangi immediately said. “Absolutely not! I’m not risking everything-”
“I’ve made disguises!” Miriam quickly said and shook her head. “No one will recognize you. You’ll simply travel with me for a few days and both of you will guard me while I smuggle this item.”
Horangi furrowed his brows. “What’s the item?” He asked, giving in.
Miriam grinned. “You’ll see. Just… come back in a few days to pick up the clothes.”
Horangi sighed and looked at Koenig. “Are you fine with this?”
Koenig blinked. “This is mercenary work.”
“Yeah, sort of.” Miriam laughed. “But, Horangi needs something and… well, I’m willing to provide.”
Horangi nodded. “Fine. We’ll be there.” He turned back to her. “Will the disguises cover my face?”
“Yes.” Miriam nodded. “Both of your faces.”
“Good. Alright.” Horangi nodded. He took the outfit she gave him, noting that it was all black, and turned to Koenig, nudging his head toward the door.
Koenig gave a polite goodbye and then headed towards the door. Miriam stopped Horangi before he could fully leave. “Take a knot, Horangi. You may loosen up.”
“Oh, get fucked.”
Horangi laid on his back, staring at the ceiling. His mind was turning Miriam’s words over and over in his head. Take a knot. Fuck her. He didn’t need to… loosen up.
He turned his head, seeing the alpha was still awake. No. Just roll over and go to sleep. Don’t open that can of worms. Koenig was just an alpha. Yeah, he was mildly attractive, but tall blonde alphas were more common than shoes and Horangi had seen many. 
But… something about Koenig had caught Horangi’s interest. Maybe it was their situation. Maybe it was that Koenig was so contradictory. He was large and imposing and terrifying and yet he had tried to kill himself to avoid going to a village. 
With a frustrated grr, he got up and went to the alpha, dropping down to his knees beside him. “I know you’re awake.” He could tell by the uneven way the alpha was breathing, though his head was turned away from him.
Koenig’s head slowly turned and those frightening blue eyes met his. “I wasn’t pretending to sleep, Kätzchen.” 
“I just wanted to inform you.” Horangi shrugged. He hesitated before reaching forward and touching Koenig’s face, watching him tense slightly. “Tell me if you want me to go back to bed. I’ll listen. I’ll get up and I’ll go back to bed and we’ll ignore this.”
Koenig furrowed his brows and then he sat up. Even with Horangi on his knees, even with Koenig just sitting up, he still slightly towered over Horangi and Horangi found a certain thrill in being so small compared to the alpha. It was a reminder that he could pretend all he wanted, he was still an omega.
Horangi had never been pretending out of some want to be an alpha. He was pretending because he needed to survive. Maybe for one night… He wanted to be reminded that he was an omega. However, he kept his expression neutral as he looked up at Koenig. “I need you to answer.”
Koenig shook his head. “I don’t want you to go back to bed, Kätzchen.” He reached and then his hands were wrapping around Horangi’s waist, lifting him up. Horangi helped by arranging himself when Koenig moved him so he was straddling him. “I meant it when I called you pretty.”
“You’re wrong.” Horangi shook his head. “You hide your face so no one notices you… I hide mine so no one sees me.”
“Can I see you?” Koenig reached up and touched the mask covering Horangi’s face. Horangi found himself tensing slightly, his mind racing back and forth between letting him and smacking his hand away. 
But, he clenched his hands into fists, closing his eyes and nodding. He wasn’t insecure… but he hated his own skin. He hated what they’d done to him. He felt the mask fall off his face and then he heard Koenig suck in a breath. “You were right. I was wrong.”
Anger flared in Horangi’s chest and his eyes flashed open. How dare Koenig so openly say that? Horangi had expected his mind to change, but for him to say as such was a special kind of cruel! “How da-”
He was cut off by lips pressing against his. Koenig’s lips were rough against his own, slightly chapped. Even still, Horangi relaxed into the kiss, his mind now confused. He wanted to be angry, but… Koenig’s arms moved around his waist and pulled him close, and Horangi hadn’t felt such affection… ever. 
“Du bist schön…” Koenig whispered when he pulled away and his fingers reached up to touch the scaring on Horangi’s face. It looked like the stripes of a tiger, another thing that contributed to Horangi’s name. 
Horangi frowned at his words. “I don’t-”
“You are beautiful.” Koenig translated, chuckling softly. “The scarring… suits you, I think. You’re a scary omega.”
Horangi frowned. He’d never been told that. Sure, he’d been called scary but… well, he’d never let anyone see the scars, to begin with. “They make me intimidating?”
“Immensely.” Koenig nodded. “I like them.”
Horangi relaxed. He didn’t feel offended by Koenig’s like for the scars, Koenig didn’t understand how he’d gotten them. Horangi felt cursed by his often too rational thinking. It didn’t help him gamble, but… it cursed him in moments like these, when he wanted to let his mind go. 
Koenig’s fingers moved to trace over Horangi’s lips and he found them parting slightly. “Why did you come to me, Kätzchen?”
“You know why I came to you.” Horangi answered, meeting his eyes again.
“I need you to answer.” Koenig chuckled, echoing his previous words. “If I’m going to give you what you want, that is…”
“I want you to fuck me, if that’s what your asking.” Horangi shrugged, puffing out his chest, slightly. 
Koenig’s face turned a dark red and he looked shocked for the briefest moment before shaking his head. “You are so bold.”
“I’ve had to learn to be.” Horangi shrugged. “It’s been a while since I’ve had sex. A long while.”
“I worry I might break you, then.” Koenig frowned, looking over him. “I don’t want to hurt you.”
“I can only hope you will.” 
Koenig rolled his eyes, though his skin had gone an even darker shade of red. “You are too bold.”
“I think you like it.” Horangi laughed. 
Koenig seemed to consider. “Maybe. You are an intriguing omega. You can do whatever you want to me and yet you clothe me and then asked me to touch you. Not told me.”
Horangi was silent. He wasn’t ready to reveal that much of himself, yet. “Well… now I’m telling you. Touch me.” 
Koenig’s eyes seemed to darken, slightly. “Yes, my lady.” His tone wasn’t teasing, despite his words. It was reverent. 
Horangi found himself shivering, liking the power behind the statement. He felt important and he liked that. “I think you can be more creative than that.”
Koenig’s eyes darkened further. “Mistress?”
Horangi liked that. He wished Koenig spoke his language, having no doubt he’d find a word in that which was even better. “Touch me.” He commanded. 
“Yes, mistress.” Koenig responded before his hands found Horangi’s waist again, sliding over them and then up and under the loose tunic he wore to bed. 
“Undress me.” Horangi murmured, his own hand finding Koenig’s hair and slotting his fingers in it, tugging his head back lightly. 
Koenig blew out a breath and then he worked quickly, pulling Horangi’s shirt off of him and then pushing down his pants. Horangi moved so he could get them off, before standing and backing up. 
“Now undress yourself.” He nodded, smiling when Koenig did as told almost immediately. He barely managed to keep himself from reacting too much at the size of Koenig’s cock. It was proportionate. For a 6’10 alpha. 
Koenig was likely only average. For a 6’10 alpha. That meant for the average non-6’10 alpha, he was huge. 
Oh well, Horangi had never backed down from a challenge before. He moved and dropped back down to straddle Koenig again, taking Koenig’s hand and guiding it between his legs. 
Almost eagerly, Koenig pushed a finger up into him and Horangi let himself moan softly, putting his head back slightly. He rocked his hips down onto Koenig’s finger, feeling his own slick drip down his thighs. “Feel that, sweet boy? Feel what you’ve done to me?”
Koenig was staring at him the way a wild animal might and Horangi thought it was adorable, resting his hands on Koenig’s shoulders, close to his neck, and using his thumbs to push Koenig’s head back slightly. Koenig complied with the action, so Horangi pushed his head back all the way and leaned forward, biting into him. Koenig growled and then he was pushing two fingers inside Horangi.
Horangi gasped and his hips jerked. He chuckled and pulled away, tsking. “I’ll forgive that, but take it easy.”
“I’m sorry, mistress.” Koenig answered, shaking his head. He looked genuinely apologetic, so Horangi forgave him, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. He reached up and undid the faery chain before pushing Koenig’s hand away, standing and going to the bed.
Koenig followed him without needing any prompt and Horangi laid back as Koenig moved over him, closing his eyes and moaning as his fingers returned inside him. Koenig started to diligently work him open and Horangi guided him through it, though Koenig barely needed it.
For all his lack of confidence, he was clearly skilled, and Horangi appreciated it, melting into the sweet and simple pleasure. Koenig was so gentle with Horangi’s body, treating him like he was precious. Valuable. Horangi thought it was darling. 
“You can push in now.” Horangi told Koenig, when he got slightly impatient. 
Koenig frowned. “I don’t want to hurt you.”
“I can take it, come on.” Horangi opened his legs wider and then wrapped them around Koenig’s waist, pulling him close. 
Koenig seemed unsure but he nodded and lifted Horangi’s hips and then he was pushing in and- Horangi realized he’d made a particularly risky gamble, but he wasn’t backing out. He took slow and even breaths, letting Koenig bottom out. 
When Koenig had, Horangi tapped him to stop him, laying back and taking deep breaths. Koenig nuzzled over him and then he scented Horangi and Horangi was just drowning in the scent, melting into the bed as the pain subsided slightly. Lemons and… sugar, which was odd for an alpha, since most alphas didn’t tend to be sweet. 
Horangi liked the scent. He, himself, was a bit more on the sweet side, smelling like a spiced vanilla, according to… He shook his head and focused back on Koenig, looking up into his eyes. He found himself more and more used to the unsettling blue, characterizing them more as striking. He reached up and touched his bottom lip. “No omega at home that I should be feeling guilty for spiting, correct?” Horangi asked, the question having just occurred to him to ask. 
Koenig furrowed his brows. “No. Never found anyone interested.”
Horangi was not quite sure he believed that. Even still, he just ignored him. “Don’t worry about me popping out a pup, either.” As long as he had no heats, he’d never have to worry about a baby. 
Koenig frowned. “Okay.” He nodded. Horangi looked at him for a moment, mostly just noting concern in his face. He shook his head and pulled Koenig down, kissing him softly. Koenig almost seemed to just melt and his arms moved around Horangi’s waist. “Please can I fuck you… Please let me make you feel good…” He murmured, pulling back softly. His accent had thickened again, so Horangi almost had trouble making it out.
Horangi had adjusted enough so he nodded, relaxing back into the bed. Koenig almost immediately started to move and the sensation had Horangi grasping for Koenig, digging his nails into his back.
Koenig moaned and put his forehead on Horangi’s shoulder, his body contorting to make the position. “Ah… tight…”
Horangi made a pleased, proud sound. “Come on, sweet boy… You wanted to fuck me, so do it.”
Koenig grred and then he harshly thrust into Horangi, making Horangi have to slam his hand over his mouth to keep from screaming too loud. He did not need that to be the way the rest of the barracks discovered he was an omega. 
Koenig didn’t stop, starting to fuck in and out of Horangi at an almost punishing pace. He pulled back and his eyes seemed to watch Horangi, slightly changing with every move Horangi made.
Most of the moves were just arching his back, but he had a few others. He dug his right nails into Koenig as he thrust, the other hand staying firmly over his mouth because occasionally Koenig would thrust in almost too deep and Horangi would have to fight not to scream again. 
It felt amazing, but it was almost too amazing. But, Horangi still wasn’t backing down. Koenig’s hand moved to Horangi’s cock and started to stroke and that led to Horangi orgasming entirely without warning. He bit into his hand, whiting out from the pleasure. 
Koenig, thankfully, slowed to a stop and he pulled out, kissing all over Horangi’s shoulders. Horangi panted and closed his eyes, wrapping his arms around Koenig’s shoulders and petting his hair. “Go ahead and finish yourself, sweet boy…”
“I- Are you sure?”
“Yes.” Horangi nodded, not wanting to neglect the alpha. He’d done pretty well and so he wouldn’t be cruel. 
Koenig had turned a dark shade of red again but Horangi only smiled softly at him, continuing to pet his hair. He liked how shaggy it was, giving him plenty to lightly tug as he ran his fingers through it. 
Koenig pushed his face into Horangi’s chest and then Horangi felt his hand swipe up some of his slick before his arm was moving, likely from him wrapping his hand around his cock and starting to jerk off. 
“Good boy…” Horangi murmured and leaned his head, a little, kissing his hair. “Aegiya, you’re doing so well…”
Koenig moaned and seemed to almost hide in his chest. Affection and warmth bloomed in Horangi’s chest and he marveled in the new sensation. He liked this odd feeling of control through taking care of someone. “Remember how it felt inside me? Imagine that…”
He watched the alpha’s movements jerk slightly and then his arm sped up. Horangi continued to pet his hair, closing his eyes and murmuring soft assurances to the alpha. Then, something warm and sticky hit the inside of Horangi’s thigh and Koenig was finally collapsing into him, his movement stopping. “Sweet boy… How do you feel?”
Koenig didn’t answer, just nodded, but Horangi decided that was enough. “What does Aegiya mean?” Koenig asked after a moment, looking up at Horangi with hooded eyes. 
“It’s fairly close to sweetheart…” Horangi explained.
Koenig’s brain seemed to take a moment to work through that before he nodded. “Liebchen… I like Kätzchen better.”
“I think it’s growing on me.” Horangi agreed. “Though I like mistress, most.”
“Herrin…” Koenig murmured, closing his eyes. “You are more adept in the common tongue…”
“I’ve had to speak it for so long, I may as well be.” Horangi shrugged. “You are fairly adept. Sometimes your accent is hard to understand, but I work through it. I do not know if you can fit in my bed. You are rather large.”
“I will sleep on my pallet…”
“Nonsense. Come. No one will see.” Horangi moved and got up, ignoring the way his legs wobbled. He had Koenig climb into the bed, first, seeing that he just barely fit. Then, Horangi climbed up into the bed and settled on top of him, yawning. “Sleep, sweet boy…”
“I will, Kätzchen…” Koenig yawned and hugged Horangi before Horangi felt his chest slow. 
Oh, this alpha was deeply, deeply dangerous…
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callsign-bunnie · 1 year
Dance Of Hearts - Chapter 6 - Regency AU
Horangi woke to a commotion. As he sat up, he realized both that Prince Lucas was not beside him, anymore, and that there was a rather thick layer of snow on the ground. His three traveling companions were, in fact, not around him at all
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Horangi woke to a commotion. As he sat up, he realized both that Prince Lucas was not beside him, anymore, and that there was a rather thick layer of snow on the ground. His three traveling companions were, in fact, not around him at all. 
Dread settled deep into his stomach and he slowly stood, looking around himself. The dread grew as he saw a trail of something dark in the snow. When he went to pull his sword out of his skirts, he saw that the sheath was empty. 
So, he grabbed a rock, instead, and one of the burning sticks from the fire, following the trail. It was thin, but steady, dripping in a way that indicated limping. Someone large had to have made the trail, especially considering the large boot prints he picked up after a small distance.
Koenig… Horangi tried not to panic, just continuing to follow the trail until he saw light and then he broke into a sprint, going to the light. He saw Koenig, slumped over on his side, his hands tied in front of him and he went over to him, crouching down and touching Koenig’s face.
Blood covered the snow around him and he saw his face was twisted in a grimace. 
“Kätzchen…” Koenig murmured as Horangi touched his face. He did not look coherent at first, but then he seemed to realize because he was shaking his eyes, his eyes going wide. “Horangi, she has-”
“Stand up slowly.” Koenig was cut off by Miriam and Horangi felt something sharp press against his back.
He did as told, standing up slowly, and then he turned around to face her. He looked around her silhouette, vaguely able to see Prince Lucas in the back by the light of the stick he had. 
Prince Lucas appeared to be on his knees, and Horangi listened carefully, able to make out soft sobs. So, he was alive. 
“Miriam, why are you doing this?” Horangi sighed, though he was able to guess. “What does this do for you? For the empire? If he dies, you won’t be paid the 3000 gold, you’ll be a criminal.”
“If he is returned to his Uncle, he will be married to King Phillip Graves of Laupin.” Miriam laughed. “They will rejoin the empire. Do you know what that means for the Empire, for… Aela? Fae will just run through. Fae and Elven and… the gods know whatever else. It cannot stand.”
“Why?? Why do you hate Fae so much??” Horangi asked. 
Miriam was silent. “They are disgusting. They trick humans and take and take and take. They are cruel and malicious and everything else.” She went silent. “A fae omega… even tricked me. She made me love her and then… she took our child and left. Went to Artra. They are all like that. They always will be. The fact that King Alejandro lets those filthy bastards run around with no consequence is… abhorrent.”
Horangi watched her speak. All the same… Every alpha. “You hate fae because your fae mate left you?”
“It was deeper than that.” Miriam snapped.
Horangi went silent and then he dropped his shoulders. “Let me kill him. It’ll be easier. Please? I can’t let him die by someone else’s hands.”
Miriam seemed to pause before sighing. “Of course, Horangi.” She nodded. “I know you. You’re reasonable. You know that this is for the best.”
“No,” Horangi shook his head. “But, I know he’s going to die, no matter what, so I’d rather make sure it’s gentle and painless. He doesn’t deserve anything else.”
Miriam didn’t look like she agreed, but she handed Horangi the blade.
“No!” Koenig cried from behind Horangi, though his voice was weak. “Horangi! Don’t… Don’t do this… If Prince Lucas does not marry King Phillip, Laupin will ally themselves with Artra! The war will only grow ten times worse, it will be catastrophic, no one will survive!”
“Silence!” Miriam kicked Koenig and Horangi almost jerked forward and stopped her. 
Horangi ignored him, though, as he coughed and groaned in pain. He went to Prince Lucas, who was on his knees. “Por favor, no me mates…” Lucas pleaded. His wrists were tied together and he was sobbing, his face red as tears streamed down them. He looked so pitiful in the fire light and Horangi could only stare down at him. 
“Shh…” Horangi finally managed, crouching down. “What’s your favorite flower?” He asked.
Prince Lucas managed to finally stop crying and he used his bound hands to wipe his face, though more tears quickly replaced what he’d wiped. “I- I… Roses…”
“I like those.” Horangi nodded. “Do you know what mine are?” His voice rose as he spoke. 
Lucas shook his head, almost looking afraid to answer. He hiccuped and then another sob escaped his chest. Horangi noticed that his dress appeared torn and he moved the fire closer, seeing bite marks over his shoulder. I’d fuck a fae for 3000 gold.  
All the same. 
Horangi smiled and stood again, grasping the blade tighter and with more purpose. He noticed Lucas eye it, more tears filling his eyes. “Cinderblooms. They look like roses, but they release a milk that burns the skin. Their petals can be used as a poison, too. It makes everything they get put in smell burnt, but it’s hard to pick up unless you know them. They were only grown in my kingdom.”
He turned to Miriam. “I watched him. My new husband. I watched him choke to death on his own blood. I will admit, I liked the sight. He was disgusting and… cruel and violent and he smelled awful.”
Miriam was staring at him, clearly confused. “Horangi…” She warned.
“I thought to myself… Surely this meant I was free. That they were coming to rescue me from being this evil bastard’s consort.” Horangi looked down at the blade in his hand and used it to look at his reflection. For a moment, he almost saw himself as he was. Freshly scarred skin, flowers in his hair, wedding makeup… “But then I lifted my cup and when I smelled it… The wine smelled burnt…”
He looked at Miriam, again, and Horangi took in a heavy breath. Miriam watched him and then moved forward, carefully. “This is the way things have to be, Horangi. This is for the best. For Aela. Those things cannot be allowed to run free.” She gestured to Prince Lucas and rage flared in Horangi’s chest. 
Horangi just continued to stare at her. “All the same.”
“They are.” She nodded. “Every single one of them.” She put her hand on Horangi’s shoulder. “This is the way things have to be.”
Horangi didn’t hesitate to plunge the blade into her stomach. “You’re all the same…” He grabbed her waist and pulled her closer so the blade went all the way through and she choked, staring at him with wide eyes. “The omega dies for the alpha’s crimes.”
Slowly, he pulled the blade out, watching her eyes roll back in her head and then she was coughing up blood onto Horangi’s face and chest, slumping into him as he fully removed the blade. 
He let her body drop to the ground and ignored Prince Lucas behind him and went over to Koenig, who looked up at him with shock. “Horangi…” Koenig shook his head as Horangi neared.
Horangi didn’t say anything, just cut the rope on his hands, and then he finally went back to Prince Lucas, dropping the blade and gently untying him. “Let’s get you to your Uncle, okay?” He murmured.
Prince Lucas fell into Horangi, sobbing into his chest and clinging to him. “Thank you! Thank you for sparing my life!” 
Horangi softened and then helped Prince Lucas up. “I need to bandage Koenig.” He murmured as he pulled him over to the alpha. “So just sit here while I do that. Okay?”
Prince Lucas nodded and so Horangi had him sit in the snow while he pushed Koenig onto his back. He used snow to clean the wound and then shredded his skirt. Koenig wheezed as Horangi worked. “She fucking stabbed me before I even got a chance to do anything… I didn’t even know what was going on.”
“Miriam is smart. Calculated.” Horangi muttered, shaking his head as he started to bandage Koenig. “Can you walk on your own?”
“I can try.” Koenig started to get up, but he didn’t end up succeeding before collapsing again.
“So no.” Horangi sighed and shook his head. Instead, he helped Koenig up, having Prince Lucas follow them back to the carriage as they took slow careful steps. “You were right.”
“I’m sorry for it.” Koenig nodded. “I wish I hadn’t have been.”
“Me too.” Horangi murmured.
On the way back to the Red Kingdom and the King’s Village, they told Prince Lucas the truth. How Horangi was a King’s Guard and that Koenig was a war spoil that Horangi owned. They told Prince Lucas about how Miriam had made them agree to the quest in exchange for clothing for Koenig.
Prince Lucas appeared to mostly be glad to be alive instead of feeling deceived. “You are Gato, now.” Lucas had said after curling up to Horangi. 
Koenig was in the driver’s seat of the carriage, driving the horses. 
Horangi softened and smiled, watching the younger omegas eyes droop with sleepiness. “Gato? That means cat, right? Horangi means tiger.”
“I like that…” Prince Lucas nodded. “You lie in wait so you can pounce.”
“That’s not the only reason I am called Tiger.” Horangi wouldn’t show Prince Lucas everything, but he did lift his sleeve and show the tiger stripe scarring on his arm. 
“El Tigre…” Prince Lucas rubbed his eyes and then he was touching the scars. At first, Horangi flinched away but then he allowed Prince Lucas to touch them more. “Fierce and strong… Maybe you should lean into it. Get fae modifications for ears and fangs.”
“Maybe.” Horangi laughed. Lean into being a freak. Maybe. “You should sleep. You are clearly fighting it.”
“No I’m not.” Prince Lucas shook his head, though his eyes closed slightly. Horangi laughed, softly, earning a whine of protest from the other. “I’m not!”
“I don’t believe you. Sleep, wangjanim…” He murmured and reached up, petting Prince Lucas’s hair.
“What does that mean?” Prince Lucas asked as his eyes closed. 
Horangi shook his head. “It means Prince.” He translated. “I’ll be here when you wake up, you’ll be safe.”
“I do, wangjanim… I promise.” Horangi nodded and then he watched Prince Lucas fall asleep, relaxing. Poor boy… He remembered how betrayed he felt when he discovered the poison in his cup.
Burnt wine… The sinking feeling in his stomach, the stinging tears in his eyes. He’d just sort of left in the chaos of finding who had poisoned the King. He’d cried for weeks afterwards, just begging the gods to know what he had done to deserve that. Then his heart had hardened.
He didn’t want that for Prince Lucas. Sweet omegas deserved to stay sweet. Kind. They deserved to consider the world as full of beauty and awe. Horangi relaxed and pet Prince Lucas’s hair, listening to him breathe as he slept. He wouldn’t be able to follow Prince Lucas to Laupin, he knew that, nor did he have any desire to. But, until he was safe with his husband, Horangi would make sure he was okay. He’d keep him safe.
Horangi groaned as he knocked on the door to the castle. He was tired, his spine was in pain, his body was aching, his legs were cramped. If he never had to look at another bodice, it’d be too soon.
Thankfully, they’d stopped by the barracks and Horangi had changed into his knight clothes, having to sneak in. Lucas had promised to keep his secret, since he’d saved his life.
They were surprised to be greeted with Lord Riley. “Lord Riley?” Horangi asked. “I thought you were taking a trip through Drodora and Artemea.”
Lord Riley sighed and shook his head. “I suppose you wouldn’t have heard on your travels. The Queen has miscarried. Why have you come in the middle of the night?” He didn’t look happy.
Horangi frowned at the news and winced. “We… need to speak to King Alejandro. Please, it is urgent.”
Lord Riley narrowed his eyes at him. “What about?”
Horangi glanced back at Prince Lucas, who had his hood up so no one could see him. “I can’t say. Please. It’s urgent.”
Lord Riley looked over and up at Koenig, who almost appeared to shrink back under his stare. Horangi didn’t blame him, but he had a purpose.
“No. It is too late. Come back in the morning-”
“Ghost, honestly.”
They all startled at a voice behind Lord Riley and Horangi immediately bowed, recognizing the Queen behind him. Koenig appeared to do the same and Horangi blushed dark as he stood. “Queen Rodolfo.”
Queen Rodolfo came to the door, pushing around Lord Riley. “You are Horangi, correct? I remember you from the Festival of The First Snow… You can come in.” He smiled a little and Horangi relaxed. “My husband is in his office, so you can speak to him.”
“Queen Rodolfo-” Lord Riley appeared to try, though even he stopped when Queen Rodolfo glared at him. “Alejandro will not be pleased-”
“I don’t care if he’s pleased or not.” Queen Rodolfo shook his head and then gestured all three inside. “Gods, you’re tall.” He exclaimed to Koenig, who blushed dark. 
Horangi could only laugh softly and he gestured for Prince Lucas to follow them, gently taking his arm. He followed Queen Rodolfo, seeing Lord Riley shake his head out of the corner of his eye.
Queen Rodolfo was silent as he led them down the hallway and Horangi debated if asking about his miscarriage would be appropriate or not. Probably not. He needed to interact with more omegas…
Queen Rodolfo didn’t even knock before pushing open the door to King Alejandro’s office (Horangi had been in it before) and then he was just waltzing in.
“Mi Reina,” King Alejandro looked up from the papers on the desk. “You came to-”
“No, you have guests.” Queen Rodolfo shook his head.
King Alejandro looked almost disappointed before looking at Horangi and the other two. “Oh, Sir Horangi-” He stopped as Queen Rodolfo left the room and Horangi winced, wondering if something was wrong between them. “Forgive the Queen, he’s not in the best temper. Why have you come this late?” He stood.
“We’re… delivering something.” Horangi sighed and then nudged Prince Lucas forward.
Prince Lucas uncovered his head and then smiled. “King Tío! I have arrived!”
“You’re early- Wait, I hired a mercenary to pick you up, I did not send a Kingsguard.”
“Yeah, about that…” Horangi winced. “Miriam tricked me into coming with her as a bodyguard. She… Flew into a rage on the way back and attacked me so I had to kill her before coming back. Prince Lucas explained everything so the only thing on my mind was getting him back safely.”
“I… I cannot thank you enough for that.” King Alejandro finally rounded the desk and then he hugged Prince Lucas. “Are you alright?”
Prince Lucas nodded and smiled. “Horangi and Koenig kept me safe. I… I wish to have him as my guard while I am here.”
King Alejandro frowned and looked at Horangi before shrugging. “We can make arrangements. Thank you, Horangi. We can discuss rewards, tomorrow.”
“No need.” Horangi bowed his head. “I know what I want. Clothes for Koenig. As you can see, he’s very large and it’s hard to find a good seamstress for him.” 
King Alejandro laughed and Koenig blushed dark and glared at Horangi. “We’ll figure it out. Thank you.” He nodded and Horangi recognized that as being dismissed. 
He paused and debated saying goodbye to Prince Lucas, but instead he just bowed his head and then left with Koenig.
Horangi laid his head on Koenig’s chest, sleeping on the floor with him. “After the war… I was thinking of looking into buying a farm. Settling down. It’d be remote, with no people around. What would you think of that?” He looked up at Koenig.
Koenig blinked and then smiled. “I think I would like that. No people sounds very nice.”
“I agree.” Horangi sighed and relaxed. “After the war, though.”
“After the war.” Koenig agreed.
This is the wrap up to this storyline
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callsign-bunnie · 1 year
Dance Of Hearts - Chapter 3 - Regency AU
It ended up being a few weeks before Miriam needed them. They were dreadfully dull. Koenig had been rather silent, only speaking to offer counsel on a few things here and there, which Horangi found himself increasingly grateful over. After all, Koenig was the same as him, a warrior.
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Horangi did tell Stiletto that he wished to take a leave and she’d only laughed and told him that that should be fine. “I am curious, Horangi,” she started, “you never take leaves. You’ve dedicated yourself to being a knight… Why now?”
He’d paused and tried to find some excuse. “A woman, another alpha, that I am close to has asked me for a favor, which she has never done before. I can only imagine it is of great importance.”
“Well, King Alejandro has returned. I will ask that you inform Sir O’Conor of your wish to take leave.” Stiletto sighed. “But I should see no reason why he should not allow you. You know how he likes to pretend while he’s around. Must appear on top of things.”
Horangi sighed, since he did know. “Alright.” He nodded and then turned and left, going to the strategy room of the barracks, where Sir O’Conor was known to frequent. As expected, the man was there, looking over a map. “Sir O’Conor,” he bowed as he entered. “I wish to take leave for a few weeks. Possibly longer.”
Sir O’Conor looked up from the map and then sighed. “Can I ask why, Horangi?”
Horangi gave the same reason he gave Stiletto and then sighed. “I have never asked for leave, before.”
“No, no you have not.” Sir O’Conor nodded. “Fine. I suppose I cannot deny the first time you ask leave.” He then waved Horangi out.
Horangi bowed, again, before shaking his head and leaving. Never one to dawdle, he supposed. 
The next day, they were supposed to meet Miriam at her shop, where she would explain how they were to behave and exactly where they were going. He was nervous but also found himself slightly excited. He’d never done mercenary work before, and he was intrigued to see how it would go. 
He walked back to his room and went in, seeing that Koenig was resting on the floor, reading one of Horangi’s books. It appeared to be one in the common tongue, which he supposed made sense.
Until he noticed that Koenig’s eyes were not moving at all, simply staring at the page. Horangi shook his head. “You act like you cannot read.” He joked, going to where his bag rested on his bed, putting his various medicines and remedies in it.
He was surprised not to get a snarky comment back and turned to Koenig, seeing he was dark red. “You can read… right?” 
Koenig huffed. “Many warriors were not taught the ability-”
“It’s nothing to be embarrassed about.” Horangi rolled his eyes. “You are correct, though King Alejandro insists his knights are educated. Many Drodorian and Artemean knights cannot read.”
“I can read… a little. This one is hard to.” Koenig finally admitted and so Horangi went over to him, dropping down and taking the book from it.
Horangi inspected over it before sighing and shaking his head. “Because you have chosen one which was written in too small of lettering. Likely the spell caster chose to be pretentious and difficult on purpose.”
“Spell… caster?” Koenig looked at Horangi. 
Horangi smiled. “Have you seen how books are made?”
Koenig shook his head, his expression earnest. So, Horangi sighed and got up,  getting his blank journal and a quill. “This is how we write in journals, correct?”
Koenig nodded and Horangi smiled. “Book makers use enchanted quills that write for them. So, while they are writing, the quills will write in several copies of the book to make many books at once. However, some use scrolls and enchanted magnifying glasses so they do not also have to write the book. When they cast the spell needed to write the book, they may have made the lettering small. It is seen as… educated to be able to read such small print. I have many books with larger print.”
He got into his book chest and got out a book which was much thicker with a larger print. “Better for beginners.” He came over and sat back down, holding out the book to Koenig.
Koenig watched him and then took the book. “Where I am from, reading is an omega’s hobby. You also perform the math of the household.”
Horangi shook his head, amused. “Education is important. Though, I suppose omegas may be more suited for budgeting. If they spend most of their day in the house, they would know how to run it. Now that I think about it, the budget should be the Queen’s duty, here, but I think it’s not customary for him to take it over until a year into his marriage. In case he dies in childbirth.”
“And yet my kingdom is considered barbaric towards omegas.” Koenig made a face.
“I have heard of your Kingdom.” Horangi shook his head. “You treat omegas as if they are less than.”
“Neither omega, nor alpha is less than.” Koenig shook his head. “Neither are more. We just… see omegas and alphas as separate. Different. You bare children, does it not make sense for you to raise them. We are naturally bigger, stronger, surely we belong in the fields, working?”
“ You may be bigger.” Horangi laughed. “But… I do not wish to entertain such arguments. I come from a traditional Kingdom, as well…” He sighed and shook his head. “Deeply traditional. Perhaps more traditional than your Kingdom of Nehelune.”
Koenig watched him. “So you enjoy being in the King’s Guard?”
“I do not hate it. At times… yes, I suppose I would say that I enjoy it.” Horangi nodded, smiling. “I like fighting and my part is more meant for defense rather than offense so I am rarely busy.”
“That does sound enjoyable.” Koenig admitted. He was silent for a moment. “Can I hear more about your life before the King’s guard? I do not think you’ve said a word about it.”
“Yes and I may not ever.” Horangi huffed, slightly, and shook his head. “No you may not.” He stood and returned to putting things in his bag, angry at Koenig for even asking. He did not wish to speak of it.
“Kätzchen…” Koenig’s tone was gentle, soft… It only enraged Horangi more and he quickly turned around, glaring deeply at Koenig. “I meant no offense when I asked.”
“And yet you managed it all the same.” Horangi sat on his bed and then looked at his hands. “My past is behind me.”
“And that means you cannot remember it?” Koenig asked, not even flinching at the glare Horangi gave him. “What could be so bad that you do not want to remember?”
“You have a very sheltered view.” Horangi shook his head, trying not to be more irritated at the shrug Koenig gave him in response. He sighed and considered. Maybe he could… tell Koenig. Who could Koenig tell, anyway? None of the other Knight’s even acknowledged his presence. “It is a horrid story. Not happy.”
“I don’t think people refuse to tell happy stories.”
“I have half a mind to knock your head off.” Horangi huffed. He hesitated before moving back down to the floor, next to Koenig. “Fine. I will tell you. But only so you will not ask again.”
Koenig laughed, softly. “Only.”
“Fine, I will not tell you.” Horangi went to move away but he was stopped by Koenig.
“I am sorry, Kätzchen. Please tell me.” Koenig shook his head, touching his arm. “I would like to hear.”
Horangi sighed and relaxed. “Alright. To start, my father was a lord. Not… a particularly great Lord but he was a Lord. In fact, he was lord over a border village, so we never wanted for money. My mother died in childbirth of my younger sibling, who died when he was two years old. So, my father was very protective of me.”
Koenig frowned. “You had a very tragic beginning.”
“And a tragic middle. I pray I do not have a tragic end.” Horangi murmured. “However, I became well known as quite the beauty… I was slender and supposedly had curious eyes, like a cat. As such, I was often called cat in my language… Several variations. My real name is Kim Hong-Jin, but… I’ve never been called that, even by my people.
I was kind, too, or… I tried to be. My mother asked me to be kind before she died and I… I did my best to be kind. To everyone. When… my kingdom fell into war and the warriors came to the village, I was kind to them, even when they said horrible things about me. But, then soldiers from our neighboring kingdom came…
It happened barely in one night. I hardly spoke their language, but we were dragged from our beds in the night. I remember them laughing as my maid cried for me, ‘Kitty,’ she cried, ‘you must flee…’ 
They had blinded her, so she didn’t see that I was already in one of their grasps. They took us out to our courtyard, even the staff, and they… did horrible things. Things I’m not willing to even speak of… to our staff. 
Then they took my father and they stripped him of his clothing and beat him to death in front of me. The one who was in charge… I’ll never forget his face, even if I do not know his name… He had dark features, and a scar across his right eye. I see it, in my dreams, when I would rather not remember. 
He planned to beat me to death, too, but… They decided that I was more valuable than that. So, they took me as a war spoil. But, only after taking his blade and slicing me while taunting me. Horangi, they called me, when they were done. 
I was brought before their king after being forced to travel by foot, being dragged behind their horses. He made me a consort, a third wife. Or, tried to. The King of my Kingdom had him put to death the night of our wedding. 
I expected to be freed and rescued but… there was poison in my own cup as well. I fled, traveling north until I made it to this continent and then traveled even further north until I made it to Aela. I was… 14.”
Horangi sighed and then furrowed his brows. It was odd, to put the story out there. To have someone know. He looked over, seeing Koenig was watching him. He didn’t like the intensity in his eyes. “Do not stare at me in that way.”
“How else am I supposed to stare at you?” Koenig frowned. “I do not think you wish to be perceived.”
“Perhaps not.” Horangi huffed. “Not when you stare at me with pity.”
“It is not pity, Kätzchen, I promise.” Koenig shook his head. “It is awe. You truly are a terrifying omega. You went through that and you survived.”
Horangi snorted. “You do what is necessary to survive.” He murmured and looked down at his hands. “If I ever see him again, I will give him a slow and painful death.”
“As is your right.” Koenig nodded. “If I am with you, I will help you.”
Horangi smiled. “Thank you.” He chuckled and then sighed. “We should sleep soon. We will have a long day tomorrow.”
Koenig nodded. “You are right.” He murmured and sighed. “Sleep well, Kätzchen…”
“I will do my best,” Horangi murmured as he stood and went to his bed, finishing packing their bags before setting them down and laying, doing his best to fall asleep.
They met with Miriam the next afternoon after a quick lunch. She was already preparing an open cart and Horangi put their bags into the back. “Where are we going?” He asked when he went to her, ignoring Koenig immediately going to the horses and talking to them.
Miriam did not ignore it, raising an eyebrow, but she turned to Horangi and sighed. “Well, our plans have changed, slightly. We’re going to… Drodora. To pick up someone.”
Horangi furrowed his brows. “Who?”
“Someone important to the king. But… he doesn’t wish for his guards to know.” Miriam shook her head. “They’re a secret.”
Horangi blinked and then rolled his eyes. “We’re transporting his mistress?”
“Sort of.” Miriam laughed. “No. Even more important than that. We’re transporting his nephew.”
“Prince Lucas?!” Koenig exclaimed, coming over. “No, no. Prince Lucas is a myth. He died with the rest of his family to the illness.”
“You… know of this nephew?” Horangi frowned and furrowed his brows. He had not heard of this myth. Though, he had not grown up in this kingdom.
Miriam sighed. “He’s not a myth. And he’s going to be married to the King of Laupin. Quietly. King Alejandro wants him transported from Drodora to the Red Kingdom, but he wants it done silently or… Well, there are worries that the Prince will be assassinated.”
“Can you please explain this myth to me?!” Horangi exclaimed, irritated. He didn’t like feeling left out. “I didn’t even know King Alejandro had living relatives.”
“He’s not supposed to.” Koenig’s voice was closer to a growl. “Prince Lucas is a myth. You’re having us transport a myth.”
“Maybe. But, that myth is paying us 3000 gold.” Miriam sighed. “Would you like to explain this myth to Horangi? Since you know so much about it.”
Koenig shook his head. “King Alejandro had two older brothers. Marcus and Damian. However, he also had a twin brother, Mateo. No one knows why, but the night the twins were born, his oldest brother Heir Marcus and his entire family was said to die of an illness. On King Alejandro’s first birthday, Duke Damian died as well of the same illness. No one but the twins’ parents and the twins were said to survive this illness. Except…”
“Heir Marcus’s oldest son.” Miriam continued. “He was said to be raised with King Alejandro, but he presented as an omega, so Alejandro took the throne.”
“And what about Mateo?” Horangi frowned, raising an eyebrow. “Why did he not inherit the throne?”
“Aela… blessed King Alejandro. Not Mateo. In this case, he cannot inherit the throne unless every member of the bloodline is dead.” Miriam explained and sighed. “That’s…”
“This Prince Lucas?” Horangi guessed. “So, if Prince Lucas is dead, then all Mateo has to do is kill King Alejandro. But, wait- Queen Rodolfo is with child?”
“That’s why King Alejandro is taking the risk and allowing Prince Lucas to be married off.” Miriam nodded. “To King Phillip of Laupin. It will also put Prince Lucas out of harm’s way because then Prince Lucas can never be Queen, due to our laws.”
“This is assuming Prince Lucas is real, that is.” Koenig shook his head. “That is the myth that he’s alive. He’s never been seen-”
“You’re from Nehelune, correct?” Miriam asked, sighing when Koenig nodded. “Then, with all due respect, you wouldn’t know. He’s been hidden in Drodora, disguised as a Lord’s son and close to King John Price. We’re going to pick him up and bring him back. Once we have him, he will pretend to be my other nephew, meant to be married in the Red Kingdom. You are his brother… You’ve both been adopted. And Koenig is your husband.”
“Wonderful.” Horangi sighed. “Wait, did you say 3000 gold?”
“Yes. I was thinking of paying you 900 gold.” Miriam shrugged and Horangi laughed, loudly.
“Oh, fuck no!” Horangi shook his head. “1500.”
Miriam laughed back. “Half?? No. You’re a glorified body guard.”
“Well, Koenig, I suppose we will be finding a new tailor.” Horangi gestured for Koenig and himself to leave, shaking his head. Koenig seemed to hesitate before nodding, moving closer to him.
“Fine! 1000.” Miriam huffed. “You greedy bastard.”
“No. 1400.” Horangi crossed his arms, snorting softly. Poor Koenig looked confused, glancing between them.
“1250 and I’ll pay for everything on the trip.” Miriam glared at him, her glare deeper than Horangi remembered his own father being capable of.
“1350 and I won’t tell King Alejandro that you’re telling one of his knights about the plan.” Horangi shrugged before glaring back just as hard.
Miriam continued to glare at him, going silent. Koenig spoke up, sounding very hesitant. “Am I still getting clothes out of this?”
Miriam sighed and her shoulders dropped. “Fine. 1350. You’ll still get the clothes and I’ll still pay for everything on this trip.” She shook her head. “Only because I’m desperate.”
“Perfect! Let’s get on the road.” Horangi laughed, grinning.
Yeah, I know this is out of order, sue me
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