#alpha sebastian sallow
sebastianswallows · 1 year
Hi, you might be wondering if I'm working on my fics. Sure sure, but actually no, I've been messing around with a new AI character generator thing and I made one for Hogwarts students.
Enjoy ✨
Also made a Dark Academia one if you're into that.
Here’s a few samples (included other schools than Hogwarts too):
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May the HL witches and wizards have mercy on my soul
Forgive me muggles for I have sinned
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decayandash · 1 year
Fuck it
Hogwarts Legacy characters and their Classpects as well as The Alpha and Beta kids' Hogwarts houses.
Because I have a strange mixture of interests and I think I want to make all of my followers suffer too. Classpect Descriptions from@/Homestuckexamination
Sebastian Sallow- Theif of Doom
The Thief of Doom would be one who Steals Doom for Themselves. Doom doesn’t seem to have many practical uses selfishly, which may parse the Thief of Doom as someone who suffers in behalf of others, and then uses said pain to justify their authority or that they deserve something. They may Steal through Doom as well, benefiting from something or someone’s death or pain, looting from them at their weakest, or taking advantage of people’s limitations to get away with what they want. Or perhaps they really do Steal Death and Suffering for themselves, having a more morbid or borderline masochistic behaviour.
Ominis Gaunt - Seer of Mind
The Seer of Mind is that who Knows Mind for Others. There’s little to say about this Classpect that the canon hasn’t already- Knowing when others are putting a facade, knowing where their choices will lead in the Timeline, and guiding others to not let them go down a self-destructive path, as well as knowing their own Choices and their outcomes just as well. They may also be able to read minds and see what others are thinking.
Poppy Sweeting- Sylph of Blood
The Sylph of Blood would be the one to Make Blood for Others. With Blood as Attachment, Bonds and Friendship, they would easily bring the team together, forging an Alliance and keeping conflict away from the group, to work towards a common goal. Using these bonds and hard work together to improve the team, and slowly build up to face any challenge in their way. Creating Blood and Healing Blood and Through Blood easily evokes the idea of blood transfusions and bloodletting as ways of healing, purifying the body from toxins and harmful substances, as well as closing wounds. And in the same way to protect those they care about, they won’t hesitate to Create Wounds on their enemies.
Garreth Weasley - Knight of Breath
The Knight of Breath would be one to Serve Breath to Others. Allowing others to have the Freedom they need, allowing them to move freely, and perhaps, even to detach themselves from other issues and focus on their personal goals. They’re facilitators, doing what needs to be done, and either inspiring others to do the same, or doing it so that they don’t need to do anything, either Serving a Leader, or Serving as the Leader. And in the same way, they may Wield the Wind to protect those that need their help, and Serve those struggling a Breath of Fresh Air
Natsai Onai - Maid of Hope
The Maid of Hope would similarly Create Hope, but as an Active Class, the Maid would create it for themselves. Always hopeful that things will turn out right, it would drive them forwards and, rather than directly make it for others, they may become a beacon others look up to. They may also shrug off attacks completely merely because they believe they can power through it, believing in themselves.
Leander Prewett - Page of Rage
The Page of Rage would be one to be Served Rage, or through Rage. Keeping themselves confused and unaware of the full extent of the situation they’re in, their attitude may be infuriating to those around them- And yet, their demeanor also makes it hard to keep hating them for too long. While possibly confusing or infuriating, it’s where this Rage is aimed that counts, and when they’re hurt or when they’re in a bad position, the anger easily bounces off of them, and towards that which is mistreating them. But when built up beyond this attitude, when helped be happier, they too may harbor hatred towards that which oppressed them, and usher their foes into utter chaos.
Homestuck Kids' houses based off vibes alone John Egbert - Gryffindor Rose Lalonde - Ravenclaw Dave Strider - Hufflepuff Jade Harley - Ravenclaw Jane Crocker - Slytherin Dirk Strider - Slytherin Roxy Lalonde - Gryffindor Jake Harley - Hufflepuff
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First FULL fic finished for a Weasley Wednesday Prompt!! This week was Alternate Universe...this fit it too perfectly not to try to get it out in time...plus I had some lovely peeps holding me hostage until it did.
thank you you're the best i hope i didn't disappoint lol
Pairing: Alpha!Sebastian Sallow/Omega!Garreth Weasley
Summary: Years after graduation, Garreth Weasley is unbonded and still running with a perfect record. Sebastian Sallow has never been deterred by his past failures, always learning, not one to give up so easily.
🔞🔞 AU - Alpha/Omega/Beta Dynamics, Post-Graduation-Aged-Up, Bit O’ Angst, Sexual Situations, Knotting, Breeding Kink(ish) w/ MPREG mentions.
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captainsphinxart · 6 months
Call for alpha readers
Hello HL fandom! I am looking for alpha readers for my fanfic. I posted an extract of the beginning earlier. I am not planning on posting anymore until the first chapter is finished. Hence I am looking for 2 or 3 alpha readers to review my story. If you're interested contact me, if not it would be wonderful if you reshared this post. My fic is taking place 10 years after the events of the games and the main characters are my MC Amelia Grayson and Sebastian Sallow. Thank you in advance!!!
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woman-child91 · 11 months
I’m not even attracted to Sebastian Sallow. He’s good looking but, lacks dominance. Ominis is the one I want. But, I just thought it was funny how into me he is. I’m passing the game as a gorgeous Hufflepuff.
I’m standing at the gate where the word Crucio is written on the floor. He suddenly walks up beside me and gets super close to me. It looked like if we were holding hands.
“Dude! I’m not into you! Maybe, if you suddenly become all male-Alpha in Azkaban or something. But, during your time as a student? I don’t think so. I only have eyes for tsundere but, assertive/firm Ominis.”
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Naps are nature’s way of reminding you that life is nice
Melissa tries to keep Derek at ease, gives him all the updates on his and his baby’s health like it was just another check-up. But Derek cuts right through her niceties.
“It’s not what you think.”
He’s lying on his side, one arm pinned on the bed, hand cupping his underbelly, the other, the one with an IV drip dangling off it, wrapped around his baby bump as if shielding it.
“What did you think I was thinking, Derek?”
Head bent down and away from her, from the world it looks like, Derek throws the doctor a quick glance.
“Stiles gave me a choice, back when we were just starting all of this. He would have supported me either way.”
Melissa puts the patient chart away and comes closer to the omega. “It’s normal to change your mind. Especially for someone in your position.” Young, unmated, barely graduated. The omega ob-gyn has seen it one too many times.
Derek shakes his head, runs a hand over the arc of his belly, relishing the feel of it, a quiet sigh escaping his lips. “I want this baby. We wouldn’t be here if I didn’t.”
“Then why? Why didn’t you say anything?” Melissa pressed, making an effort to keep her voice light, soothing.
Raised voices ring through the air from behind the door. It sounds like Laura, Talia, John and Stiles are breaking into another argument in the hospital hallway.
Derek doesn’t even flinch or turn towards the yelling.
“They’re always like that,” he tells Melissa, speaking over the noise, tone resigned and worn. “Ever since we found out about the pregnancy, everyone’s been fighting all the time. Everyone. Always.”
Tired eyes gazing on his own hand stroking circles on his belly, Derek goes on. “My family never really liked Stiles, especially Mom and Laura. They think he isn’t good enough for me. They actually told me Stiles was bad for me and that he would ruin my future.”
“Can you imagine? With this baby...that’s the kind of family I’m trapping Stiles into, one that hates him and treats him like-”
The baby flutters inside him, and Derek reminds himself to breathe.
“Stiles said he could do it, that it didn’t matter how my family treated him, he was going to stay with me because he loves me and the baby, and that’s what matters. That’s what’s important.”
“But that can only last for so long, right?” Pained eyes turn to Melissa and the lost, confused look of them breaks her heart. “Sooner or later he’ll get tired, he’ll regret choosing me, he’ll regret keeping our baby.”
“And everyone, even the Sheriff, they’re all putting the blame on Stiles. But I was the one-” Derek’s voice breaks, he tries to swallow past the lump in his throat but for the first time in a long time someone was asking him, paying attention to him, listening to him.
For the first time in a long time, he was being heard. So he lets it all out.  
“I was the one who was careless. I was the one who missed my shot. It’s my fault.” A whimper escapes him, his bottom lip uncontrollably trembling. He runs a shaking hand down his stomach, the baby inside still alive and thriving, thankfully stronger than Derek’s own weak will.
Quietly, Derek continues, “Stiles isn’t ruining my life.” He confesses, “I’m ruining his.”
Melissa looks on with growing concern as the distressed omega curls further in on himself and his belly, his body shaking with choked sobs.
In Derek’s head, the same dilemma that’s been plaguing him since revealing the pregnancy continues its vicious cycle.
I love my family. My family hates Stiles. I love Stiles. Stiles is my family now, too. He always will be. I love my family. My family hates Stiles. And on and on it went, until Derek cried himself to sleep again.
Stiles takes Derek’s cold hand in his and leans over to kiss the back of it.
He stays like that, bent over the hospital bed, watching Derek sleep with his lips still pressed on the omega’s cold skin when he catches Melissa and his Dad at his periphery.
He gives Derek’s hand one more kiss and reaches over to push away the stray hairs on his face. That face which was supposed to be glowing and happy, not sickly pale from stress and heartache.
Stiles talks to stop himself from crying again.
“When we started talking about building our own family, Derek would always be so excited about the prospect of having kids,” he can’t help but smile at the memory, Derek sated and sappy, snuggled into his arms, the pair of them cozy in their unmade bed.
“He loved the idea of it you know, of carrying a little Stilinski-Hale in there, of being spoiled rotten cause he’d always guessed we’d be the first to give Talia a grandchild, which of course would also be your first grandchild.” Stiles says, throwing a subdued smile at his dad.
“He’d tease me about how much of a horrible overprotective alpha I’d be, and how he would just laugh at me for being such an outdated stereotype.”
What an image. Derek beautifully heavy with their child, laughing carefree and light-hearted. Unburdened. Healthy. Thriving.
Stiles caressed Derek’s cheek, more hollowed out and sallow than he’s ever seen it. How didn’t I notice?
“I can’t even remember the last time I saw him smile.”
How the fuck didn’t I notice?
- The day before -
Stiles remembered coming into the room worrying about Derek sleeping through dinner. He remembered that hint of a weird, rusty smell greeting him upon opening the door, the way it made unease rise in the pit of his stomach, his instincts immediately yelling at him something’s wrong, something’s wrong, something’s wrong.
He remembered reaching out to Derek, calling the omega’s name and shaking him a little. When Derek, usually a light sleeper, remained stubbornly asleep, Stiles sat on the bed to try and wake the omega up harder.
He leaned his hand on that mattress and then...an awful, wet squelch.
Stiles remembered turning on the lights, still in denial, distracting himself with the thought that ‘Oh Derek must’ve wet the bed, he’s going to be so embarrassed but it’s going to be fine, I’ll fix the bed and it’s going to be fine.’ Then he turned around.
And there Derek was. Lying on the bed, on his side, curled away from the door, blood, so. much. blood. surrounding him from the waist down.
Stiles remembered the rest, but in a much vaguer sense.
He remembered calling out Derek’s name in shock. He remembered turning Derek’s body, and seeing the blood on Derek’s hands, on his own hands. He remembered calling for help.
“Cora!” he roared, “Call 911!”
“What?” Cora yelled back at him.
The door slammed open as he tried to pull Derek in his arms. “I said call 911!”
Cora might have screamed then. She might’ve cursed, might’ve cried. Stiles can’t really remember. All he knew was he held Derek in his arms, still trying to wake him, trying to tell him, I’ve got you. I’m here.
It’s going to be okay.
We’re going to be okay.
- A few hours before -
It was a rare moment of calm in the Hale manor, temporarily also the Hale-Stilinski warzone. Talia, Sebastian and Laura were out on a grocery run, the Sheriff was still on shift, and Peter was off god knows where.
It was just Cora and Stiles inside the house, Derek decidedly staying out of their way, choosing to sit alone in the back porch. The chill from the air was easier to deal with than the chill between his mate-to-be and his little sister.
Ever since they announced their unexpected but very much wanted pregnancy, this has been their set-up. Derek’s parents insisted that him and Stiles get mated so their child would at least not be ‘a bastard in the eyes of the law, I know you don’t care about what people say but think about the legal repercussions for your kid in the future!’
To appease his parents and to earn some much-needed brownie points with Talia, Stiles went along with it. Even with Talia’s condition that they stay in the Hale house for the duration of Derek’s pregnancy. ‘God knows what sort of food you boys eat up there. This way, we can make sure you get the right nutrition and check-ups. Besides, I’m sure Stiles would be alright with shifting to online courses.’
The ‘since he was the one who knocked you up’ unspoken but heavily implied.
It was fine, in the beginning. Stiles would just deflect and swallow down whatever thinly veiled insult Derek’s mother, sisters, or uncle had for him. Derek would apologize for them whenever they got the chance to be alone, and Stiles would just smile and brush it off, the young alpha desperate to make it work with his omega’s family.
Then one night, the Sheriff came by to have dinner with the Hales and check on his son.
John has always been a mild mannered man for as long as Derek’s known him. Usually kept to himself, made snarky jokes like his son, and was never easily triggered. But Derek guessed things, or rather people really do become different once they become parents, because the moment Talia threw in her first not-insult of the night, John was quick to call her out.
Then it all just snowballed from there. Voices were raised, words were said. Even Stiles jumped into the fray to defend his father. Ever since then, it was either World War III or the Cold War in the Hale house.
Now the Sheriff dropped by as often as he could, as in whenever he wasn’t on shift. He claimed it was just to say hi to his boys and his future grandchild, but Derek knew.  It was to make sure his son had someone on his side, someone more than a vulnerable pregnant omega.  
Derek looked out into the preserve, sighing. It’s always going to be like this, he thought to himself. The fights, the shouting, the tense silences, the outright contempt.
Derek can’t remember the last time somebody talked to him without the agenda of making the other party look bad. He can’t remember the last time he sat with his family, his entire family including Stiles and John, and they all just enjoyed each other’s company. Without him having to sit in the background, feeling helpless as he watched the people he loved yell and point at each other.
Sitting out there in the cold was the first time in a long time that Derek got a moment of peace to himself. A quiet where no one was shouting, ranting, or arguing. In that quiet, Derek could actually hear himself think.
Everyone’s going to be miserable, he contemplated, always. All because of my mistake.
This whole mess started because of him. It endured because of him. Because Stiles loves him, because his family loves him, because he loves his baby.
He looked down, ran his hand over the curve of his burgeoning belly and cradled it with a sad smile.
No one’s really happy with us here, baby. He felt flutters on the spot under his hand making him huff a quiet laugh. Yeah, everyone would be better off if we just fluttered away.
And the universe seemed to agree with him. It actually seemed to be giving Derek a hand.
“Mm-” Derek bit down on his lip as that familiar twinge on his back returned. It’s been bugging him since yesterday. With the cramps he didn’t sleep through the night before and the wetness he felt between his legs, he was pretty sure what was happening.
And he wasn’t going to stop it.  
Instead, he breathed, waiting for the ache to pass before he hauled himself up. He turned around and there, right where he was sitting down, Derek saw a spot of red on the patio armchair’s faded blue cushion.
They’d barely notice, he thought morosely.
“C’mon baby, let’s go to sleep.”
Derek passed Cora in the kitchen with no problem, his little sister too busy hunting for snacks in the fridge to pay him any mind.
It’s Stiles that catches him just before he gets to the stairs.
“Hey,” his alpha greeted while pulling him in in a loose embrace. Amber eyes look over him as Stiles brows furrow with worry, “You okay? You look a little pale.”
Derek placated him with a smile. “Yeah.” Don’t tell him. “Just a little tired.” Don’t worry him. “I think I’m gonna go for a nap.” It’s for the best.
“Alright. But call me if you need anything, okay?”
Derek nodded, he leaned over for one last kiss with his alpha- 
Then he was pulling away.
He shut the door and right on cue fire crawled from his back and wrapped all around his belly. It knocked the wind out of him, almost sending him to his knees. Derek struggled to make his way to the bed.
It’s okay, baby. He thought, trying to soothe the little one inside him, I’m right here with you, it’s okay.
He laid down on his side, held onto his belly as more cramps came. It hurt. It hurt so bad he had to turn his face to the pillow under him to muffle the whines of pain.
I’ve got you, baby.
Derek felt his body balk and tremble at the strength of the contractions taking over him. He bit his lips until he tasted blood just so he won’t make any noise to alert his alpha and sister.
On and on the pain came in waves, and Derek rode them out never making a sound.
Papa’s right here with you. Just us two.
Until the pain was gone.
Your Daddy loves you.
Until Derek was at ease in the silence.
Papa’s right here with you.
- The present -
Derek opens his eyes, and there Stiles is, his beautiful, doe-eyed, mole-dotted alpha holding his hand, kissing the inside of his wrist, whispering sweet nothings to his skin.
Derek moves a finger, and those big amber eyes focus on him.
Melissa’s words echo in Stiles’ head as he stares at Derek, now awake. The doctor said things like depression, hormones, high cortisol levels, complications, and, perhaps Stiles’ favorite, “End this stupid family feud before you kill my patients, or so help me god.”
Looking at Derek looking back at him, seeing those hazel eyes, really seeing them for the first time in a long time, recognising the hesitance in them, the fear, it dawns on Stiles just how much he absolutely cannot disregard Melissa’s words at all.
Tightening his hold on Derek’s hand, the young alpha chooses his next few words wisely.
He could say a million things to Derek. He could ask the omega why. He could ask him what did he do wrong as an alpha to make Derek try to leave him like that. He could tell Derek how much it hurt him, absolutely terrified him to his core seeing Derek bathed in his own blood, in their baby’s blood. He could tell Derek how that image will be giving him nightmares ‘til the day he dies. He could tell Derek he’s sorry.
But Stiles has been selfish enough. Stiles has lost track of what’s really important for long enough. What they need in that moment isn’t guilt tripping or tear-filled yelling.
They need a fresh start.
And fresh starts began with the most asinine thing. So Stiles goes with that.
He tightens his hold on Derek’s hand, gathers every ounce of strength left in his body, and smiles. There are dark circles under his eyes, Derek’s dried blood still caked under his fingernails, and his hair was a knotted, twisted mess, but he’s smiling at Derek and he means it.
He takes a deep breath and says, “Hey. “
“Hey,” Derek answers back, voice small, shaky, his own tentative smile in place. Stiles blinks and Derek’s smile drops. Suddenly those hazel eyes are darting away. “I’m sorry,” Derek begins to say, but Stiles cuts him off.
“No,” he emphasises, his other hand delicately cupping Derek’s cheek, getting Derek to keep looking at him, “You do not apologize, okay?”
Derek bites his lip and says nothing, but his eyes convey confusion and shame. Stiles shakes his head that.
“No, Derek. Don’t. We were the dumbasses, okay?” Stiles gaze softens, turns beseeching. “Don’t put this on you.”
“I should have just said something,” Derek insists. Stiles shakes his head at that.
“This is on us, okay? We were the ones who got stuck so far up our asses, we forgot about the two people that brought us all together in the first place. So this is completely on us, okay?”  
Derek doesn’t say anything, but Stiles can read that silence. Distrust. Disbelief.
“We’re going to change, though,” the omega turns a skeptical brow at that. “We are! Your mom and my dad are actually talking like decent, civil adults right now, outside. Talia agreed that maybe it’s best if you lived with us for awhile, less people in the house, less stress. In exchange, Dad begrudgingly agreed to having Talia send someone over to child proof every nook and cranny of le Casa de Stilinski.”
Derek snorts, an indelicate sound that gives Stiles so much joy. “How’d that conversation go?” the omega wonders.
Stiles smirks, remembering the negotiation between the two older alphas. “Like pulling teeth,” he admits.
They both chuckle at that, picturing their parents having something close to a Mexican standoff in a hospital hallway.  
After a moment, the laughter dies down, and the two young men are left looking at each other. They both look exhausted, like they need a thousand years sleep, but there’s a soft smile now on Derek’s face, one that Stiles feels painted on his own.
Stiles strokes the back of his finger to Derek’s cheek. “We’re gonna be okay.”
Derek breathes a sigh of relief. “Yeah.”
The omega takes his alpha’s hand, the one still holding his, and places it on the side of his belly, where the flutters are. “Somebody’s awake.”
“She’s moving?!” Stiles exclaims, excited.
Derek’s smile only grows, “Just little flutters, like bubbles in my belly. And it might still be a boy, you know.”
Stiles then proceeds to babble at his stomach, telling the baby all the reasons why it’d be more awesome if they were a girl. And then proceeding to babble how much Stiles would love a boy, just as well.
Yeah, Derek thought, watching his alpha croon sweetly at his belly, They’re going to be just perfect.
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