#also Anika wasn't a bad person
samiswifey · 1 year
Just Talk To Each Other
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Pairing: Sam Carpenter x fem!reader
Warning: none
Summary: since the last ghostface attack Sam continued her therapy and met you there. As the weeks passed by you guys grew close and feeling definitely grew between you guys. However neither of you were ready to say anything in fear of losing the other.
It was six in the morning and you and Sam were both up early eating breakfast and making light conversation. Neither of you couldn't sleep for some reason, so you both decided to wake up make breakfast and just talk.
The conversation wasn't deep or super meaningful but it was calming and nice to just be around each other. You both have been through pretty similar things and it was comforting to be around somebody who understands what you've been through. Although neither you nor Sam would ever admit it really you both like that you got each other without having to say anything. It was nice.
"Your birthday is Saturday. Have any plans on what you would like to do?" Sam asked.
You shook your head as you frowned a little. "My birthday has never been celebrated. My mom was always too high or drunk to remember and my father hated my birthday because it reminds him of the day his life was ruined and refused to even celebrate it." You told her. "So I never celebrate my birthday. It comes and goes without much of a thought from me."
That made Sam extremely sad to hear and she couldn't help but feel bad for you. "If you could have your dream birthday celebration what would it be?" She asked. You thought for a moment before answering. "Dinner with friends at my favorite restaurant, ice cream at that new shop that opened up and then watching my favorite movie." You said. "I know it's not much or huge but it's what I've always wanted. A day focused on me, doing what I want."
Sam immediately kept that in her mind because she was going to make your birthday the best day ever! She was going to hopefully change it so that you now look forward to it every year. She's going to change your life.
"Don't forget I have therapy today. So I'll be back later than usual." You said.
Sam nodded but knotted her eyebrows together. "Why would I forget that?" She asked. You chuckled a little. "Because you have a million things on your plate and you tend to forget things. Also I know how you freak out when I'm not home on time." You said.
Sam wouldn't admit that you were about that but you were. However nobody can really blame her considering everything she's been through the last two years. It was understandable that she would be worried if you're not home on time.
"So how are things going with the sisters? Any attacks recently?" Beverly asked.
You frowned at her obvious dig at Sam's killer bloodline. "Sam wouldn't hurt me or anyone. Those rumors aren't true." You snapped. Beverly laughed as she narrowed her eyes at you. "Y/N I just don't get how you can trust someone like Sam who's father was a killer. If I was you I'd keep my guard up around psycho girl." She said.
You were growing increasingly angry at the girl. "Sam isn't psycho and she wouldn't hurt me. In fact she's the only person in this city that I know for a fact I can trust." You said strongly. Beverly laughed at that and quickly turned to face you.
"Y/N don't you find it strange how everyone who's been around her always winds up dead. Everywhere she goes ghostface comes back decides to going on a killing spree. Amber, Ritchie and his family all dead after they met Samantha. Anika dead after she met Sam and her sister, along with kids she used to babysit all got seriously injured because of her!" She fired. "You are next if you continue being around the daughter of a killer."
The anger in your eyes grew but immediately disappeared when you looked passed Beverly and noticed Sam standing there. "Sam."
Sam was tense as she held a paper bag in her hand and glanced between you and Beverly. "I just wanted to drop off your lunch since you forget it this morning." She spoke softly. You slowly approached her and took her hand. "Thank you Sammy. You're amazing." You said honestly. Sam relaxed when you said that and smiled a little. "We'll talk later." She said. You nodded at that. "Ok."
After Sam left you unloaded on Beverly in a very quiet but sturn way and told her to watch her mouth when it comes to Sam. That she didn't know the girl or what happened and she can't talk about things that she doesn't even know the truth about. She knows Reddit forms and the rumors, she doesn't know the truth like you do so she in less words should shut up.
Leaving the sandwich shop Sam immediately put her hands in her pockets. She was taking what Beverly said to heart right now because they girl wasn't wrong. People who come in contact with her do get hurt, they do get killed and it haunts her. She knows her father being ghostface ruins everyone's first impression of her. People don't trust her because they think she'll be just like her father, when that's never been the case. She's nothing like him and she really wished people would understand that.
Sitting alone Sam couldn't help but think about Beverly's words. They haven't left her head. However she's not trying that hard to not think of them. Everything said was true and she knew that but she tried not to believe it because she knew herself. At least she thinks she does.
"Sam what are you doing here?" Tara asked when she saw her sister.
Sam shrugged, with her hands still in her pockets. "I, uh, wanted to see you. See how your day has been." She said quickly. Tara knew it was more but didn't push her sister to tell her, so she just let it go for now. "Things are fine. I have a pretty big project due next week so I'll be spending the night at Mindy's so we can work together." She said. Sam nodded as her eyes looked all over. "Uh before that do you think you could help me?"
Tara was shaking her head as she watched Sam try (and fail) at making a cake. She didn't understand how Sam could be such a great cook but completely failed when it comes to baking. It really doesn't make any sense.
"Sam, I love you, but buy a cake!" Tara says. "You can order it today and have it ready by Saturday."
Sam pouted but agreed because that was a much easier idea then her trying to do this. "I guess you're right." She mumbles. Tara looks at her and stepped closer. "You never bake. After the cake you made for my birthday you swore off baking." She said. "So what made you change your mind now?"
Sam played with her fingers while completely avoiding eye contact with her younger sister. "I wanted to do something nice for Y/N's birthday. I wanted her to know that she's special to me." She said. "Do something for her."
Tara knew what her sister was saying without saying it. She knew because she was the same way with Amber, but unlike you, Amber didn't appreciate it.
"I haven't known Y/N long but I do think that whatever you do she'll love." She says.
Sam sighs as she continued playing with her fingers. "I know, but she told me what she wants. She told me how she wants a day about her and doing things she likes. So I'm trying to do that for her." She said. "I just want her to know that she's not ignored."
Saturday came fast then expected and you found yourself wide awake in your room just wondering what today was going to bring you. Your birthday usually never felt any different from any other day of the year, but today it did. You could feel it in your heart that today was going to be different.
"Y/N are you up? I have something for you?" Sam said through the door.
You sat up and held a pillow close to you to protect yourself, for some reason. "Yeah I'm up." You called out. The door opened slowly and Sam came in holding a stack of pancakes in her hand. "First, happy birthday! And two, I've made pancakes because I know they're your favorite." She said softly. "I hope you like it."
You smiled as you took the plate from her. "Sammy this is great. Thank you so much." You said. Sam stood off to the side as she fiddled with her nails. "So what did you want to do? What are your plans?" She asked.
You shrugged as you cut up the pancakes. "I was thinking of getting take out and watching this movie I found. Nothing big." You said. Sam nodded as she looks at you. "Any thing else?" She questions. You felt confused by her question. "What else would we do?" You asked. "I mean, yes it's my birthday, but it's still just another day. Nothing special," you added.
Sam sits down at the edge of the bed. "Well, what have you been wanting to do that you haven't done?" She asked. You thought about it for a while because there was a lot you haven't done. "I would like to go to the museum. I never have been to one because my parents wouldn't let me and I have always wanted to go." Yo said. Sam smiles "done."
Standing at the entrance of the museum you couldn't believe that you were here. You thought it was all talk until you and crew actually arrived at the museum. You wanted to pay but they wouldn't let you. In fact Tara took your card and kept it on her so you couldn't pay for anything. Today was about you and they were all treating you to everything today.
Walking inside the group split up. They all went different directions, leaving you and Sam alone together. You smiled at her and took her hand as you led her towards the art section of the museum. Since you were an art major in college you loved learning about art. It was something you enjoyed doing in your free time.
As you two looked at the art on the walls you talked to Sam about everything you had learned about certain pictures. You told her what you remembered and she lit up as you explained things to her. It made your heart go crazy over the fact that she was obviously enjoying what you were telling her. People usually didn't care what you said, so having Sam actually care made you really happy.
Walking around slowly you and Sam held hands as you looked at everything. You guys made conversation about what you saw. You liked listening to Sam talk and it made you really happy that she was enjoying something that you liked. Her joy wasn't fake or forced and that was another positive about her. She was great.
Spending most of the day at the museum was an absolute dream come true for you! It was everything you imagined and more. Even though it was a very last minute plan Sam made every moment perfect. It was great.
Leaving the museum you and Sam were still holding hands as the group walked back to the car. Today has been great and you've only done two things. It was heartwarming that Sam would do this for you and you couldn't help but think about what you'd do to make it up to her because she really deserves this.
"Sam don't forget the cake!" Mindy blurted out, but quickly covered her mouth when everyone looked at her with harsh glares.
You looked at everyone. "What cake?" You asked. Sam was glaring at Mindy through the rearview mirror before looking at you. "I had a cake made three days ago for your birthday. It was supposed to be a surprise." She said. You smiled at her and took her hand. "I really appreciate that but I would have taken a box cake." You said.
"Oh Sam can't back. That's why she ordered one." Tara said easily, which made everyone laugh.
Sam rolls her eyes but smiled at you. "So would you mind picking up the cake first before we get food?" She asked. You shook your head. "Absolutely not."
Arriving at the cake shop Sam quickly gave the name of the order and waited with you as they went to go get the order. You looked at her. "Thank you for doing this. I really, really appreciate it." You said kindly. Sam smiled at you. "Don't mention it." She says. Things were quiet as you both locked eyes together, and it slowly felt like gravity was pulling you guys together. Neither of you stopped until you met in the middle and shared a kiss. It was quick and you both pulled away before things could go forward. Nothing was said as you both stood in silence together.
With the cake in hand you and Sam left in awkward silence as you got back in the car. You still sat next to her but neither of you said anything as she drove back home. You could really cut the tension with a knife but you both didn't know what to do. How do you talk about this? What do you say?
"Can we eat cake first before eating dinner?" Tara asked.
"Yeah I really want cake right now." Mindy added.
Sam speared you a quick glance before looking at the ground. "Only if it's ok with Y/N. It is her birthday and her cake." She said. Both Tara and Mindy looked at you, begging you to eat cake first. You sighed but smiled a little. "Go ahead. Have cake." You said easily. They both thanked you before running off to cut the cake.
After the cake had been cut and the food had been served the group gathered around the tv to watch the movie that you rented. It was a small indie film that had just been released to streaming and you were excited to watch. However things with Sam were still tense and you sat wondering if she was mad at you.
As the movie went on you just couldn't focus. Your mind was else where, wondering if Sam hated you. She has really talked much since the cake shpo and you were worried that she now hated you because of what happened. She must hate you for the kiss in the shop. Feeling overwhelmed you quickly excused yourself and left. You ran to the bathroom and locked yourself inside. You had to think.
"Ok what's going on?" Chad asked.
"Yeah you and Y/N have been acting weird since the cake shop." Tara pointed out. "So spill Sam."
Sam avoided eye contact with everyone as the played with her hands. "Uh... Well... We kissed. It was quick, very quick but we kissed." She said. They all looked at her and held back the burst of excitement they wanted to yell because they could tell that Sam was sad. "Then what's wrong?" Mindy asked. Sam frowned "I... Don't know. We didn't talk but things got so tense between us and I don't know what to do." She says. Chad, Tara and Mindy looked at her. "Talk to her Sam!"
Sitting alone you were trying to think of a way to talk to Sam and move past this. You hated the tension and you wanted to go back to how you were. However before you could think there was a soft tap on the door.
"Y/N can we talk?"
Slowly opening the door you were face with brown eyes staring right at you. "What did you want to talk about?" You asked softly. Sam closed her eyes for a second before opening them. It was taking all her strength to say what she was about to say.
"I like you Y/N. I've liked you for a while now but I never knew how to tell you. I'm not good with talking about my feelings, so sometimes I'll just react on them. I did that tonight because I couldn't hold back anymore. I just really-"
You cut her off by kissing her again. This time it was longer and filled with more passion as you poured everything you felt for her into that kiss. Since the moment you met Sam you liked her. She was beautiful, strong and had a great sense of humor. When you were alone you guys grew close. She knew things about you that nobody else did. You liked Sam.
Pulling away you smiled at her. "I like you to Sam. I always have." You said. Sam smiled and hugged you. "I'm really glad to hear that." She says. You laughed as you pulled away and smiled at her. Today has been one of the most amazing days ever and it's all thanks to Sam Carpenter.
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itskattkm · 1 year
New York New Rules Pt. 7
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Warnings: Violence, Trauma, Fluff, maybe Smut, mental health, blood
Summary: Y/N meets the survivors of the last events in Woodsborrow and gets on Ghostface's list. But there is also a darkness in Y/N wich path is she going to choose
Female Y/N x Tara Carpenter
Sorry for bad writing. I'm using a translator and hope you guys can enjoy it. Also, this is going to be a slow burn
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7 Part 8
After the Woodsborrow gang left, I had the feeling that they also had taken all these emotions that I felt before with them. I was in a free fall mode and didn't know how to organize my condition. When I heard the door handle sink, I looked at it and was confronted with Kirby again. I gave her a serious gaze, she closed the blinds to my room and moved almost creeping to the end of my bed.
Worry. I recognized pain and pity in the blue of her eyes when she asked "how do you feel Y/N?"
In the meantime, I sat upright and had my head leaned back. With my eyes lowered, I looked at her "I don't know..." I started playing the course of the last 24 hours in my head and tried to filter out the way I felt. But one emotion stood out in particular "I'm mad... really mad"
Kirby's jaw tightened and she reached harder to the end of my bed.
"So... what about this 'personal' attack?" She now hacked after we were alone. I already had a rough plan in my head, and had deliberately not told Sam and Tara everything. Well... or rather, i left a small detail out. "I had the feeling that Ghostface knows exactly who I am... and for this reason he wanted to get rid of me as soon as possible" she listened attentively to me as I continued "when I asked Ghostface if he was Ethan... and for real at that moment no one else came to my mind Kirby. Ethan doesn't have my number. It's not much but at that moment it was the only thing I could hold on to" she nodded to me. Confirmed my thoughts.
"Of course, when I confronted him as Ethan, I could not perceive any emotions in his face. But his body had clearly spoken for itself. The way he had strained himself... put his head crooked and then ran towards me at a speed... he was mega pissed" Kirby sighed "so you think it's Ethan?" I shook my head and thought. My feeling told me that I had to be careful with Ethan, but I was sure it wasn't Ethan in the pizzeria.
"You trust me, don't you?" I asked her and looked at her with a look for help. Her eyes became softer and she nodded "I need your help..."
Taras POV (one hour ago)
"Of course I wasn't there and didn't know you, but I wish I had, because then I would have liked to ram a baseball bat in the face of this stupid bitch," I looked confused at Y/N but had to smile.
Somehow my heart started beating a little faster and I wasn't sure if I liked this feeling. "Sorry, I don't even have the right to call her a stupid bitch" she apologized and interrupted herself, I think I had never talked to her so much before and damn, she could really talk a lot and suddenly seemed so much more present.
Y/N was a friend of Mindy so we ran into each other here and there but we never really had an intense conversation. I actually wanted to change that at the Frat Party. After Anika asked for Y/N and Mindy said that parties were not her thing, she is generally a quiet person, I found that we had to invite her all the more. Something told me that Y/N also lived behind a protective wall and sometimes it needs some help to get out of it. Maybe I didn't want to process what happened to us in Woodsborrow like Sam, but I somehow tried to get among people to have the feeling of being present and being able to feel everything that was possible. "I think I'm high," she said and started laughing. Perplexed, I looked at her and just couldn't stop grinning as she laughed more and more, something about her laugh brought this tickling into my stomach. I just had to laugh with her, it was so contagious. She tried to hide her face in her hands, but twisted it when she was taking the pain of her hand and decided against it. Why did she want to hide her face? She didn't needed that at all, I asked myself and looked into her grinning face. She had put her head slightly to the side and slowly closed her eyes as she quietly whispered "these painkillers... are incredible."
My cheeks already started to sting unpleasantly from the wide grin I had put on the whole time. I shook my head and tried to relax my mouth and suddenly it was so quiet in this room. My gaze wandered over Y/N face. Confused, I looked at her, did she just fall asleep?
Carefully leaned completely against the railing of her bed and watched her silently "who are you?" I whispered unconsciously when I was thinking out loud. The last 24 hours I had gotten to know so many facets of Y/N that I couldn't assess them at all. Could we trust her? I wasn't sure. But Y/N radiated something that told me that we were on the same wavelength, the same vibes. Apart from how well she and Sam got along, it was almost scary. Okay, they weren't best friends now, but I knew Sam, and she's dealt with Y/N like no other so far.
Of course, this whole therapist thing was something that connects them both, but how far did this connection really go?
After Bailey threw her in front of the car, I was actually surprised to imagine Y/N as an aggressive person. But hey, who was I to judge about it? I didn't know her well enough and the picture I had taken of her during this time did not fit into the current one in any way. But that was good. Somehow I was happy to meet her Lin that state and I liked it.
Now the quick words of Y/N were repeated in my head. What would it have been like if we had already met in Woodsborrow? This thought made me really curious, but I knew far too little about her to be able to imagine anything... but the thought that she would have been on my side and helped us with Amber and Richie, I liked this idea.
A knock got me out of my thoughts. Sam moved her head to the side, which means "we're going" I nodded in agreement to her and looked at Y/N.
"Y/N" I whispered carefully and snapped. No reaction. I came a little closer to her and said at normal volume "Y/N" this time I snapped twice. Her head moved slightly, this time I shouted loudly "Y/N!" I snapped again, this time right in front of her face"
She opened her eyes confused and looked directly into mine. She whispered "sweet dimples" I straightened up slightly confused and couldn't resist my smile. How could you be so cute, and that even in high condition. Something in my stomach told me that Y/N was pretty much in flirt mode or did I imagine that? Just how she drove me crazy for the last few minutes here was almost too much for my limits but on the other hand I couldn't do anything about it.
"You fell asleep for a short moment but I didn't want to leave without saying goodbye first" crooked I looked at her and then she asked me "what was the last thing that happened before I was gone?"
This time I put my hand with the scar on her bandaged arm "You asked me if you were high..."
"Fuck..." she said almost disappointed and let her head fall back. Why did I like the way she constantly uttered this word?
"You like to curse... don't you?" And again this grin. I just couldn't let it go
"In a world like this? Yes, I do" We both laughed "We're all going back to the apartment... if something should happen, we'll keep you up to date, okay? And I'm pretty sure you're safe here with Kirby. I hope so at least," I said and whispered the last part. I had given her a trust bonus and after the attack I was almost 100% sure that she was not Ghostface but after Amber... I had to be more careful. I briefly looked outside to Sam and then back to Y/N.
"By the way... you have to tell me on occasion how you and Kirby know each other" I didn't want to go. I wanted and had to learn more about Y/N. I just didn't know how to assess her yet and I was curious. In addition, she apparently got along very well with Kirby and we just had to know why.
"I'd love to... I like to talk to you," she whispered exhausted and I pressed her arm slightly again. For an inexplicable reason, I had the feeling that I could talk to her about everything... so yes. I also liked to talk to her "see you soon"
Tara POV now
When I threw the last spices into the pan, I looked too chad over stirring the pot "you should leave the city" confused but with a gentle look he looked at me. My heart was beating faster than usual and I was slowly getting warmer "you know you don't have to stay here because of us" he shook his head and said calmly "I'm not going anywhere"
Suddenly there was a choking.
Chad and I turned around at the same time and our eyes met Mindy, who pretended to have to throw up as soon as she straightened the last cutlery.
"Please stop before I have to throw up. And nothing against you, my dearest brother-"
"I'm your only brother..." interrupted Chad Mindy and she continued smiling "I'd rather see Tara with someone else than you, that would be too much for me"
Chad and I didn't react to it at all and just shook our heads laughing. But when I looked too chad, I asked myself the question. Me and Chad? Could that be something? Of course we have been friends for years and after Woodsborrow we were all there for each other. Chad sometimes has comforted me, but did I want more? Of course we flirted here and there... but that was just fun, wasn't it?
Anika had laughed "definitely not my favorite ship but yes... Tara and Chad" now I went towards her with a dirty grin and leaned over the couch "oh yes? Are there already several ships here?" Anika pressed her lips together and made a gesture that told me as much as "my lips are sealed".
Chad ran past us briefly when he put the pot on the table and said "chill people, me and Tara are just joking around"
Suddenly a burden fell from my chest. Yes! Yes, we did. Thank you chad for this statement, which now made my feelings a little clearer. Mindy sighed and had sat next to Anika "we won't start this discussion again, will we?" I watched the glances they threw at each other and when she didn't say any more. I sat down on the armchair next to them "well, tell us!" Chad ran towards the kitchen and shouted "you can't tease us like that, spill the tea"
Mindy raised her hands defensively in the air "I won't say anything about it... first my brother then..." she hissed and shook her head "no... I think I already have enough problems with her"
It didn't even take me a second to understand who this was about "wait, is this about Y/N?" I couldn't resist an astonished smile. Anika laughed "maybe but it's not so obvious, but I think tat Y/N has a little, really little" Anika made a gesture with her hand "crush on Tara" my eyes widened and my mouth fell in shock. Really? Why was I suddenly so nervous?
"No, no, no... if anyone knows her, then I. And you can agree with me when I say that it is very difficult to read Y/N. And why Tara? They have hardly ever seen each other before"
In the meantime, I had caught myself again and tried to hide my smile behind my hands. However, I could justify my smile with the following reason if I were confronted now. Surprised. I'm just surprised because I can't imagine in the slightest way that Y/N would be into me... or someone at all to be honest.
"The eyes never lie..." said Anika seductively and gave Mindy a light kiss. "Wa-" Mindy and Me began at the same time, however, she nodded to me and asked me to continue "what do you mean by that?" Now Anika looked at me crookedly "in the hospital when we had waited in front of the room... by the way, what have you been talking about for so long" my face relaxed and I shrugged my shoulder. Of the corner of my eye I could see Sam who took a wine bottle from the kitchen and listened attentively "we didn't really talk so much” Chad laughed and nudged Sam "they were probably busy with the eye thing" to my surprise Sam laughed about it.
I briefly escaped an unbelievable laugh when I began to defend myself "no... we were definitely not"
The longer I thought about it, I think at least I was totally busy with the eye thing.
"A few minutes later, the painkillers showed their effect and she seemed to be a little high of it... and fell asleep briefly" I recognized a slight astonishment in the eyes of the others.
"In any case... we told her everything and I hope that nothing happens to her in the hospital. Actually, I wanted us all to stay together," said Sam and there was silence for a short time. She sighed and the short joy in her eyes disappeared when Anika drew our attention to herself "guys"
She made the TV louder, we or rather Sam was on the news and was officially named a murder suspect. She grabbed the remote control and muted the TV. She sat down at the dining table and sighed. I watched her and recognized the stress, the pain and the feelings of guilt in her whole presence. I sat down with her.
"I'm sorry for what I said yesterday... I didn't mean it that way" with gentle eyes she looked at me "it's all my fault... I should protect you and-" I took her hand in mine "it's time for me to protect you..." I said calmly.
Chad and Mindy had sat down with us
"I feel like everyone hates me," she said exhausted and was close to tears. The twins said no and chad corrected "in this room... no one hates you Sam... you protected us and without you we wouldn't be here" a smile crossed her lips. I pressed her hand more firmly "it's time that we protect you..." Mindy leaned slightly over the table "we are the core fucking four" chad literally sprayed with joy and gave Mindy a thanking high five. I couldn’t hold back my laughter "that's what I'm talking about, the Core-four" said Chad after Mindy "say it!" She shouted
I shook my hand and joked "no no im not gonna say it! I mean yes"
And then the conversation took a turn "I have something with cute boy from next door" said Sam coolly. Shortly there was a silence until we all started to cheer. I clapped my hands as I moved in the chair and shouted "I knew it!"
And it was as if all worries had disappeared. We laughed together again and lived in the moment. Danny had called, I tore the cell phone out of Sam's hand and shouted "ey, what are your intentions with my sister!?" I laughed and Sam took the cell phone out of my hand am mumbled "I'll call you back" and declined the call.
Quinn seemed to be in full swing with her Toy Boy and made us laugh all the more. The moans had been louder than usual.
Suddenly, all our cell phones vibrated at the same time. The laughter fell silent. From now on, my heartbeat began to get stronger and I could recognize the pounding firmly against my chest. Carefully I picked up my phone and saw Quinn being attacked by Ghostface.
"Ahhh!" And there was already her cry. I wanted to run to Quinn but Chad's arm passed my waist when he held me to the side and protectively. As a group, we pressed together anxiously. Our eyes are firmly on the door. It was quiet... too quiet. We were getting ready for what would await us, but could you ever be prepare for something like that? Thousands of thoughts flew through my head and I hoped Quinn had a chance.
Unfortunately, the opposite was the case. Her door was opened and Ghostface came out with Quinn. She was flooded with blood. There was so much blood. Anika's scream brought us back, but Ghostface threw Quinn's corpse at Anika and quickly made his way towards us. I wanted to run on him but chad had grabbed my hand tightly and dragged us out of the apartment. We were running. My head was empty. One staircase after another and then I realized on the third floor "Sam! She's still in there" I tore myself away from Chad and ran the few missing steps back to our apartment. Before I reached the last step and was only a few meters away from the door, another ghostface seemed to have just run down from above. He paused. I went back two steps and pressed myself against the wall. Chad was a few steps behind me and tried to reach for my hand.
Silence... like a deer standing in front of the headlights of the car, I stared at the black eyes of the Ghostface mask. Ghostface attitude was so different... but I couldn't think about it any further when suddenly Ghostface opens the door to our apartment and went in "no!" I screamed before I understood what I was doing. He had slammed the door and closed it. What the fuck?! I turned the door knob and tried to get in. "No! Sam!" I called and felt the first tears running down my cheeks. "Tara we have to go!" Chad called and reached for my hand.
"Anika, you can do it!" We called her again and again as she tried to cross the ladder and get to Danny's apartment. My eyes fell back into the room and suddenly all the body heat escaped me. "Anika don't look back, you can do it, hurry up!" Mindys crying cries crashed into my ear.
Ghostface had rammed his knife into the window sill and now grabbed the ladder. Anika looked back. Fear was written on her face more than anything. She froze, she was crying. She was in pain. Her blood dripped from the ladder and colored everything into a dark red. "Anika, come on! You have to hurry" cried Mindy despairly. I leaned further out of the window and stretched out my entire body to reach for Anika's hand. For a short moment, the ladder below us jerks and Anika freezes to death at one point. My eyes fell back on Ghostface. Confused, my gaze did not meet the one I had expected. Behind him stood another one. Crooked he looked at me and I felt a tension that was indescribable. As if he was talking to me. Was that one of my hallucinations again? No. It wasn't. Suddenly the second Ghostface hit the other one with a chair over the head and reached for the knife. He didn't pay any attention to us anymore when he got to fight with the second Ghostface. "I- I can't"
She brought me back "Anika, focus on me! Only on me! You can do it" once again I stretched my whole body and felt Danny's grips around my legs getting tighter. I touched Anika's fingertips "another little piece baby!" Mindy called. The next moment I held Anika's warm hand in mine and pulled her into the apartment with all my strength. Exhausted, we fell to the ground.
Mindy and Danny immediately looked after Anika's wounds. But my attention was focused on someone else. I looked back at the window on the other side. Why did he help us? I wondered, but there was no traces of both ghostfaces anymore.
Hope you guys like it so far :) I wish I hadn’t to translate. It makes the writing definitely difficult
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kaisacobra · 7 months
Sam and Kate??? *gasp*
I would kill for that, I would DIE for that. Teeny-tiny one shot or hcs about this please? 🥹🙏
Ok, so...
Sam Carpenter x Kate Bishop HCs (in Second Best au!)
It all started when Kate began hanging around the core four + you and Anika more often, mainly because she wanted to be sure that you'd be fine near Tara again.
Also because she became gym buddies with Chad rather quickly.
At some point, she started to notice that Sam was... really, really attractive. Kate was all for her "tough guy" persona and everytime Sam wore a tank top you swore you saw Kate sweating.
And my girl, Kate Bishop, isn't subtle at all and tbh she never wanted to be. She started flirting with Sam, spending more time around her when you guys did something together, offering to teach her a bit of martial arts and self defense. (she stopped offering when Sam beat her in an arm wrestle in less than 5 seconds, but Kate had been fairly distracted ogling Sam's biceps)
At first, Sam just didn't really cared (?). Like, she thought maybe Kate was just playing and kind of shrugged her attention off as if it was just a joke.
But Sam wasn't blind. She knew that Kate was gorgeous and she even liked her dorky self behind all of the "Rich Heir" poise. And then Sam started to notice more things, like how dedicated Kate was to her friends and her job and how she managed to balance her responsabilities and her studies.
Basically, Kate had a golden personality and seemed to be a stable and driven person. That was exactly Sam's type.
But, since nothing in sb!au is easy, of course we would have some miscommunication to spice things up.
Sam would kind of steer away from Kate because she was trying really hard to make her feelings go away.
First, because she thought Kate deserved better than someone as messed up as her. Second, because she'd seen how a bad relationship could ruin a group (cough, cough, Tara.) and she didn't want you guys to go through something like that again.
On Kate's side, she noticed Sam getting more distant and she took it as a sign to give up her attemps. She respected it, of course, but she started sulking and pouting everywhere, like a kid without her candy.
At this point, everyone else in the group could tell what was going on BUT the two of them and, as the good friends you were, you just had to intervene.
I'm not gonna give too much details but just know that alcohol, a closet and a key on Mindy's pocket was pretty much all that was needed for this mission.
Anyways, they are a cute couple with the usual sunshine x grumpy trope. Kate is big on PDA and is always holding tightly on Sam's arm even though she can handle herself just fine.
And Sam is grateful for that because, while she does love taking care of Kate, she also loves knowing that Kate could do the same for her, if needed.
Sam proposed the idea of them going to the gym together once, but Kate got so distracted with her on the first day that she missed Chad's swing when they were sparring. Sam couldn't hold back her laughter while applying ice to Kate's bruise.
Also, you and Tara actually had an improvement in your own relationship because of them, as both of you had to spend more time together (mostly talking about how sweet and disgustingly cute they were as a couple).
They complete each other very well and they have a very stable and loving relationship that all of you are very fond of. (although Anika did threatened them if they ever thought about getting married before her and Mindy.)
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lesbianwithchainsaws · 2 months
hii im the anon w/ scream rant here it is take my bullshit
The Scream franchise should have ended with Scream 4 (2011).
Character Quality
Craven knew how to write siblings or relatives of deceased characters without making it the entire personality. (I.E. Dewey in the rest of the films post-tatum death) whereas Olpin and Gilett’s characters related to prior characters (namely Sam Carpenter and her being Billy’s illegitimate daughter) had little to no personality outside of being related to those characters.
Dewey remained a likeable some-amount-of-good-dimensional character, while Sam (in movies 5 and 6) has multiple moments where she says you should “never f*ck with the daughter of a serial killer” before brutally murdering them. I will give the new directors credit, Mindy Meeks and Chad Meeks are well written characters who while having some qualities relating to Randy, they also have their own personalities.
Gore, Gore Quality, & Gore Necessity
Screams 1-3 all had a similar gore quality that was to be expected of the time period (1996-2000), but by scream 4 (2011) we are given new gore that is a bit higher quality but still used in moderation as required by each kill scene. But by Scream 5 the gore becomes overused and excessive in each kill scene and by Scream 6 its just overall every death scene is a bloodbath. But, in my opinion the goriest scene should ALWAYS be the final scene where the ghostface/ghosfaces are revealed and murdered. A few examples of overuse of gore in Scream 5/6 are Dewey Riley, Anika Kayoko, and Wes Hicks.
Dewey was stabbed 4-5 times for his death, which normally wouldnt be too bad, BUT his death used the newer gore so the whole thing was over the top and gross. Anika was stabbed in the stomach, then as she was crawling across the ladder to escape she was tipped off the ladder, falling 2-3 floors and smashing her face on a trashcan. Which I once again wouldnt have an issue with but they showed her face right after she hit the trashcan. Wes was also stabbed but he was stabbed through one side of his neck (like through and through one spot on his skin)
Honestly you're so right about the characters. It does a lot of the times feels like there's isn't as much to them as the original Scream characters. Maybe this is on a similar note, but I also don't feel like the new characters are as close as the original survivors felt. They definitely do have their moments, especially in Scream 6 but imo it doesn't feel the same.
For the gore, I imagine a big reason for the bloodbath is because that's what Radio Silence is known for. Like Ready or Not was bloody and its what people kinda associate with them. I also think that the level of gore that is expected in a slasher movie nowadays differs a lot from what was expected when the first Scream movies came out. Personally I don't have much of a problem with more gore, but agree that the most of it should be used for Ghostface(s). The killer should always have the most impressive and memorable kill imo.
Another point I kinda wanna bring up with my dislike of the new Scream movies is that - do they even have anything to say about horror anymore?
This one is more with 6 and the maybe upcoming 7 movie, but the point of Scream has always been to poke fun at movies, especially horror ones. The first one does this brilliantly imo. I think 2 does it well too. 3 falters a bit at times imo. 4 I think once again did better at poking fun at /commentating about horror and the world at the time. Especially considering how much time had passed between 3 and 4, I think it worked well and there was more new stuff to say.
For 5 I think the commentary about the movie landscape was alright. Again, enough time had passed between 4 and 5 that there's new stuff to say. But 6 didn't really provide much new that wasn't already said in the previous movies imo, and I can't see how more sequels could do so. I think that, again, maybe in like 10 years there could more said about the movie landscape. But not this quickly. Like I genuinely cant see 7 doing well and being good, if it even does get made considering how many changes its gone through so far. I heard that apparently Sidney is coming back, but like what else is there to do? With or without her? I just don't see the point of continuing the Scream franchise right now.
I didn't like 5 very much but I could at least understand if that was the last one for a while. Making more seems like a mistake imo
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we-are-ringmaster · 2 years
4 and 7 for the ask meme (and sorry for the delay!) -Sorcerer
4. What has been your favorite d&d character you’ve played? (NPCs count for DMs)
Each one of my PCs hold a special place in my heart. However, I think there is a special something about your first character. Mine was a college of lore bard named Anika. 
She went to college to be a bard, specifically at the Winter University. Upon graduation she had a lot of student load debt, having borrowed from people that there would be high stakes if there was no repayment. Anika got a job on a trade ship that was attacked by pirates. in exchange for her life, she played a song that impressed the captain so much she offered Anika a spot on her crew. Over the next 10 years she hopped from ship to ship, crew to crew, adventuring across the seas, paying off her debts. 
For a period she was with the crew of Captain Firebeard, a particularly ruthless pirate. He demanded a “mandatory gift” from the governor of a small island who refused to back down. Anika warned the governor of Firebeard’s plans to attack, giving him time to prepare a response. While the governor and his spouse passed in the attack, they were able to get their children to safety and Firebeard’s forces took heavy casualties. 
Firebeard figured out Anika’s betrayal and left her on an abandoned island. Eventually she was picked up by a ship belonging to the Winter University and held prisoner as a pirate criminal.
“Wait, aren’t you one of our alumni?”
Anika went on trial** for a variety of her many legitimate offenses. These included the murder of the governor and his spouse, charges that were later dropped for lack of evidence, removing her from harsher punishments. Instead she was sentenced to be among the first in a criminal rehabilitation program being developed by students at the Winter University.
It was through this that Dean Ellion became aware of her and arranged for her to be a criminal guide for a group he was sending to find a stolen artifact on a pirate kingdom island. Thus began the Winter Guard’s first campaign arc together.
(** It’s /my/ criminal justice system, I can make it better than it is here)
7. How do you go about making a character or NPC?
When I make a character I usual start with an aesthetic of some sort. I love making playlists for my characters and have made major character decisions based off songs that just sorta Fit Their Vibe (specifically Honey Whisky by Nothing but Thieves). 
Specific examples include a pretty picture of a beta fish, an offhand suggestion from @amstelhavian-nights , and a name taken verbatim off a gravestone in a little, middle-of-nowhere, country cemetery. Poppy, the muse of this blog, was inspired during the first 45 seconds of The Greatest Showman (2017). 
When I make an NPC I first consider what role the character needs to fill. First, who are they and what do they do in the world? Who would reside in the location the players are in? Secondly, what necessary interactions would they provide to the players? Make those NPCs the most narratively accessable but keep all the characters present in some way. It can be tempting to make a character based around whatever the PCs are doing. However, a character who only *maybe* happens to cross paths with the PCs, someone with their own goals, is far more compelling.
*✧・゚:* Thanks feyariel/Sorcerer! *✧・゚:*
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wellflower · 7 years
anika darling, alex definitely shot himself. there was a specific scene showing him cleaning his room before he presumably did it, just like hannah did, it's a parallel see. also tyler took his picture down bc he remembered (as seen in the flashback) that alex showed him kindness/pity so he wasn't a Bad Person in tyler's eyes. that being said i'm super concerned about everyone else in the pictures and i hope that my good boy alex will be ok
You have to remember that other characters have also showed signs of suicide. I do think you could be right though. Maybe Alex was the exception to Tyler, not the target.
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itskattkm · 1 year
New York New Rules Pt. 6
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Warnings: Violence, Trauma, Fluff, maybe Smut, mental health, blood
Summary: Y/N meets the survivors of the last events in Woodsborrow and gets on Ghostface's list. But there is also a darkness in Y/N wich path is she going to choose
Female Y/N x Tara Carpenter
Sorry for bad writing. I'm using a translator and hope you guys can enjoy it. Also, this is going to be a slow burn
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6,
My body felt heavier than usual and I felt exhausted. Why was that actually the case? Shouldn't I be full of energy after sleeping?Lately I just didn't seem to be able to recover and then there was this light. I sighed and pinched my eyes. How did this tense light always get through my curtains? I had bought extra dark ones and always made sure to close them in the evening so that no light would bother me...
Suddenly I felt a touch on my right shoulder. Confused, I pinched my eyes and tried to open them slowly, but it was definitely too bright.
"Turn some lights off" I heard a female voice say, but could not arrange it. I immediately noticed the difference through my eyelids and tried again. Slowly my eyes got used to the light and I saw the person who had put her hand on my shoulder. Angry I told her "what the fuck Kirby... did you give me sedatives?! seriously?!" she briefly pressed her lips together and looked at me with a crooked smile "you had a little panic attack and if we hadn't done anything..." I shook my head and touched the place Where they rammed the syringe into my arm "that wasn't cool" Kirby tensed for a second.
Now my gaze left Kirby and I realized that I was in the hospital. I quickly scanned the room and noticed the Woodsborrow gang. When they noticed my confused look, Tara said "Kirby called us and we set off immediately"
Did they? Were they really worried about me? Did they care? I asked myself and looked thoughtfully at my bandaged arm.
That's right... there was still my half-slit hand. Fuck.
"After all, you are no longer one of the main suspects," Mindy said and came to my side as she supported herself on the railing of the bed. Bitter I looked at her "wow... and for that I just had to be attacked by Ghostface?" And then suddenly there was guilt in Mindy's eyes. She detached herself from the railing and straightened up slightly confused.
I could literally feel the tension of the others. It felt like energy, it was heavy and crushed the air in the hospital room. Irritated I looked at her and continued "and that's enough? To take me off the list? If I were really Ghostface... and who knows maybe it's me. Then the first thing I would do would be to hurt myself to be no longer suspected as Ghostface."
Mindy opened her mouth and didn't know what to say. Anika already put her arm under hers and pulled her to the side, whispering something I couldn't hear. Then my gaze met Sam. What did she think right now? I asked myself when I looked into her dark eyes and couldn't find anything in it. I exhaled slightly and put my head back when I briefly closed my eyes and had the black eyes of Ghostface in front of me. I was back in this dark corridor, but this time there was no light at the end of the tunnel.
"We should talk to her," Tara whispered. But I kept my eyes closed. I was now assed to catch up. I was ashamed of what happened. I couldn't help Maria.
I immediately opened my eyes and looked at Kirby in search. I grabbed her hand that was laying on the railing "Maria?!"
Kirby squeezed my hand firmly and gave me a warm smile "it's really a miracle but she made it. She is not awake and it will take her a while to recover."
Calmly, I nodded and squeezed Kirby's hand. Maria was fine, after all. However, the shame did not disappear. I was weak! How many times had I thought of such situations? And I really thought I was strong enough? I am such an idiot! How could I think I was strong when I didn't even manage to defend myself, let alone survive. I certainly wouldn't be here without Kirby.
I know exactly where I would be. I would lie in the corpse hall with counts of knife stabs and a slit hand plus I would not even have had the chance to get closer to Tara anywhere.
Tara... my attention was back and I was looking for her look. She was now on my left side and Sam at the end of the bed. Mindy, Chad and Anika had left the room.
"What happened?" Tara asked and there was this spark in her dark eyes again. Damn, I was never a fan of brown eyes, they never interested me, but since I knew Tara... I had that feeling to sink into them and there was something I liked about it.
Her voice was calm and caring. Again something completely different that I never heard from her before. From my side eye I recognized how Kirby was moving and looked at Tara and then at Sam. My brain played the whole event and I started "I had just finished the pizza and talked to Maria. She went forward and then everything happened so fast" I was so confused that I couldn't resist a short laugh. My eyebrows tightened slightly when I thought of the word "surreal" and looked at Sam "on the other hand, it felt like time had stopped when I saw Maria with the knife in her throat and then Ghostface"
"He didn't call you?" Kirby asked. Suddenly Tara's hand was on my shoulder. I exploded from the inside and was hit with nervousness, but I tried not to be noticed. I smiled and shook my head.
Why did I always have to smile about unpleasant things? I just couldn't let it go.
„Strangely not. He said that he didn't have my number and he knew about my working hours in the pizzeria, I immediately tried to find clues" I looked at Sam "to recognize who it was, but fuck these costumes make it really hard for you" she nodded to me in agreement. "the fact that he or she... didn't have my number, made me think that it was Ethan. Apart from the attack that followed, I didn't get any reaction from Ghostface..." Kirby nodded "apart from the fact that we couldn't catch him... strangely enough, he didn't leave a mask like in the other crime scenes" I looked at my hand. My whole arm was bandaged and I couldn't do anything with that at first.
"Something about this attack felt different..." I began and looked at Sam "the attack felt very personal..." thoughtfully and with serious eyes she looked at me "to what extent?" I looked at Tara and met a searching look. Several words jumped through my head as I tried to find them suitable. When I had put the sentence together to some extent, I looked at Kirby "as if I were a needle in the eye."
Sam and Tara seemed to be confused but Kirby's knew what I meant. I could virtually see the screws in her head when she processed my statement. She nodded "I'll pass on your statement to the station and be right back..." she now looked at Sam and then Tara "you should inaugurate her. If you trust me..." Kirby looked at me and she slightly raised the corners of her mouth "then you can also trust Y/N. For her, I would get a knife stab" one last time she pressed my hand and disappeared.
There was a strange feeling in my chest. Something that exceptionally felt good when Kirby said that.
Sam sighed, "Where do we start?"
"Fuck... that's really... well… shit" I said and found no suitable words. I looked upset at Tara. I couldn't interpret her feelings, but this forced smile seemed very tormented to me "I'm so sorry..." It wasn't my fault. I didn't know her so well but damn... it hurt me to know that. To know what she and Sam went through and to get through it again. How did they have to feel? If I were her, I would also be careful and would certainly not let any strangers approach me.
But what made me sadder was knowing how she had felt. Now that I was attacked, I could imagine it well and could literally hear her screams in my head. Shit, I hoped I wouldn't have to hear her scream.
Deep inside, I wish I had been there and could help her.
Y/N what kind of shit are you actually talking about? You've known Tara for 6 months and have hardly exchanged a word with her... I'm such a fucking Simp.
"I guess we got something like matching tattoos," said Tara now and had forced to smile when she raised her hand and showed me her scar. We were matching?
I looked back at my bandaged arm. Damn it... matching wounds. But hey, at least something that allied us if I want to see it positively.
Now I looked at Sam. Now I understood her monologue that she had presented to me after the taxi ride... "Loomis… so" she nodded "maybe my words have no meaning for you but... after all this ‚we have the same therapist’ thing... I don't think you're a killer... I don't know why but I feel like I can understand you and trust you… and trust me. I also have trust issues" cherished she smiled. It was a smile that reached her eyes.
"Thank you for telling me about your story... I'm completely honest. Mindy is something like my only best friend... but I haven't felt like I was part of your group so far. And if I were you... I wouldn't let anyone into it so quickly."
Tara's hand lightly squeezed my shoulder.
Wow, was her hand on my shoulder the entire time? Damn it seemed to be my lucky day today. Wait, what kind of shit am I saying? Maria and I were almost killed.
Suddenly there was a knock on the window and our eyes met that of Quinn and Ethan. I looked at the two of them skeptically. Detective Bailey could now also be seen behind Quinn. "I rule that," said Sam and left me and Tara alone. She sighed and leaned slightly over the scaffolding.
She played with her fingers and seemed to be in her thoughts. "I'm really sorry," I said again, drawing her attention to me. Peaceful That was the first word I could think of when she looked at me. "You don't have to apologize for something that happened to you" I shook my head "no I'm sorry for what happened to you..." now the peace disappeared and a slight solid was recognizable. She looked at my bandaged hand. "Of course I wasn't there and didn't know you, but I wish I had, because then I would have liked to ram a baseball bat in the face of this stupid bitch," confused, she looked at me but had to smile. "Sorry, I don't even have the right to call her a stupid bitch, I finally stopped myself and got a fast heartbeat from the smile she threw at me. "I think I'm high," I said and began to laugh. Perplexed, she looked at me but could not stop grinning when my laughter became more and more. That was the part where I wanted to hide my face in my hands, briefly I had cursed with pain as I tried to lift my arm, to hide my face and left slowly my arm back in place. Astonished, I looked at it "these painkillers... are incredible"
"Are you Sure it is?" She asked now and looked up at the morphine. Confused, I followed her gaze and saw that it was not dripping at all. "Oh..." confused, I looked around and slowly began to sweat. Suddenly there was such a strong heat in me and then these palpitations "you can’t hear my heartbeat, can you?" I asked laughing and stopped immediately when I realized that I had just asked her that loud. Tara laughed. I could imagine how empty my expression was at once. I would have laughed about it too. "No, I can't... should I?" I bit my lips and took her gaze in touch even though I tried to avoid it. "let me express it like that... I'm glad I'm not connected to any ECG"
Suddenly she leaned further over the railing. Her smile dirty and her eyes radiated something mischievous "Do I make you nervous?" I laughed. I was definitely nervous. And not ready for this intense gaze contact. Above all, I wasn't ready to hold it, but trangely I couldn't interrupt it. Was it the fear? Or did I like this situation with Tara more than I thought?
"Are you sure I'm not high?" I now asked seriously and carefully placed my bandaged hand on one of her arms that she had leaned over the railing. She laughed and nodded "pretty sure..." I carefully straighten up on "good... then I'm at least with full mind" flustered were visible in her eyes when she scanned my face before she could say anything. I quickly put my other hand on her neck and pulled her to me. I had greedily put my lips on hers, but I was frozen when I realized what I had just done. Carefully I detached my lips from her, our faces were still so close that my lips brushed hers when I exhaled with relief. "I've wanted to do this for so long," I whispered. Damn, why did I say everything I thought today? Had my body also conspired against my head?! And then it happened again. Only this time completely in a different way.
I put my lips so slowly on hers to be able to save every single detail. Why did it suddenly feel so liberating? And I owe it so well. Just when I thought that was the best feeling ever, Tara convinced me of something else. Her hand slowly slid around my neck as she pulled me closer to her and returned the kiss. Her touch around my neck triggered a vibration in me as I could never have imagined. And then those lips. "Fuck..." I whispered against her lips. They felt so damn soft. It was all so new to me... and there were so many feelings at once. With each new touch and interaction, I discovered something new. "Y/N..." she whispered to me as her grip around my neck became tighter.
Our lips moved in sync with each other and I swear I could kiss Tara for hours.
"Y/N..." no whisper this time...
Then I suddenly heard a bang. I was confused. But I didn't stop kissing Tara. I had to enjoy this moment now.
Then a bang again. But was it really a bang? "Y/N" this time it was louder and again the popping could be heard... wait... that was a snap.
I opened my eyes confused and saw in Tara's bright ones, a wide smile on her lips. I whispered "sweet dimples" and straightened up confused. She laughed even more.
"You fell asleep for a short moment but I didn't want to leave without saying goodbye first" crookedly I looked at her "what was the last thing that happened before I was gone?"
Again, she put her hand on my arm. This time the hand with the matching wound. "You asked me if you were high..."
"Fuck..." I said disappointed and let my head fall back. Was it all just a dream? Why? Why are you doing this to me God? I asked.
"You like to curse... don’t you?" Tara noted with a grin.
"In a world like this? Yes, I do" we both laughed.
"We're all going back to the apartment... if something should happen, we'll keep you up to date, okay? And I'm pretty sure you're safe here with Kirby. I hope so at least," she said and whispered the last part when she looked outside.
Oh my God, did Tara just say that she hoped I'm safe? How could you be so sweet and sexy at the same time?
"By the way... you have to tell me on occasion how you and Kirby know each other" she said and looked back at me.
"I’d love to... I like to talk to you," I whispered exhausted. She squeezed my arm slightly and gave me her smile one last time "see you soon"
Y/N you fucking Simp, you survived a Ghostface attack and exchanged more words and time with Tara than you could have dreamed a few days ago. Get her. What do you have to lose?
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itskattkm · 1 year
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New York New Rules | pt. 2
Warnings: Violence, Trauma, Fluff, maybe Smut
Summary: Y/N meets the survivors of the last events in Woodsborrow and gets on Ghostface's list. But there is also a darkness in Y/N wich path is she going to choose
Female Y/N x Tara Carpenter
Sorry for bad writing. I’m using a translator and hope you guys can enjoy it. Also, this is going to be a long story
This time I changed the perspective while I wrote this if you know what I mean and yeah… sorry I think it’s going to be slow burn my dears
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
I put my hand on Anika's shoulder after Frankie pushed her aside pulled Tara up the stairs with her. She fell down, the next moment I felt a small breeze rush past me. It was Chad. He grabbed Frankie by the shoulder and threw him against the wall. Just as Frankie pulled out his fist, Chad was distracted. He had briefly seen Tara to make sure she was okay. But Mindy already took care of that. Even before Frankie's fist met Chad, I kicked Frankie so hard in the side that he fell to the ground. I couldn't feel anything. The noises around me became mute. All I could see was red. I had jumped on Frankie and punched my fists in his face. I ignored the sudden burning on my ankles. I didn't want to stop. I bit my teeth so hard that my jaw had already cramped. Every punch from me became firmer and more brutal and then I realized that Frankie was no longer conscious. He had not even been able to defend himself. I wasn't even sure if he was still alive at that moment. His face was so shattered and covered with blood that you couldn't recognize him anymore. My heart was pounding. I felt the pulse in my ears... slowly I could perceive the sounds around me again.
My breath stopped. It felt like I had 10 kilogram weights lying on my chest. Slowly I straightened up and suddenly there was a hand on my shoulder. Although I could now hear everything, it was quiet. My eyes drove around through the crowd and Mindys friends. The music was turned off. Everyone starred at me and then at Frankie. Their looks were scary, speechless and intimidated. I turned around and saw that it was Chad who had put his hand on me. After looking into my eyes, he lowered his hand and carefully took a step back. I could see uncertainty in his gaze. Now I looked at Anika, Mindy and Tara. They seemed to share this feeling with him. But unlike Anika and Mindy, Tara wasn’t looking at me, she looked at Frankie.
"All right... we should go," said a calm and gentle voice to me. She made me feel like I had done nothing wrong. A feeling that drove me crazy. The person put an arm around my shoulder and pushed me towards the exit. My legs trembled and vibrated. The adrenaline was still there, but its effect was now completely different. My eyes fell on my feet, I had to see where I was taking my steps and then I saw red... it wasn't a bright stinging red. No, it was scarlet... so deep and gloomy that it was already Maroon. I raised my hands that I hardly felt. Like my dress, they were covered in blood. At that moment I was sure that my bones were broken.
"We called an ambulance," said Anika in the distance. I tried to see back. Back to the Frat house. But my eyes met Tara's. She gave me a gentle smile. It was really so minimal that you could hardly recognize it, but I could. I would have noticed any minimal change in her facial expressions. "Everything's fine..." she whispered to me and looked at the others behind her. Then the person who helped me out of the house turned me forward again "Don't look back". Only now did I realize who had actually helped me. It was Sam, Tara's sister. But where did she come from? She wasn't at the party. Suddenly everything became louder and louder, it was as if hundreds of bees were floating around in my head. I lost the strength in my legs and fell. The others rushed to my side for help. The buzzing was getting louder and louder. In pain, I pressed my hands on my ears and pinched my eyes. The hum turned into a roar. It sounded mechanical... then a loud honking.
I opened my eyes and grabbed my blanket. My eyes were firmly on the ceiling above me. With slow breathing, I tried to calm down "just a dream"
I was just in a phase in my life that had stirred up too many things from my past. First the realization of my trauma last year and now the healing process. Never before have I felt so vulnerable. I tried to hide the whole thing, to keep it to myself but I notice how I reach my limits. I want to talk to someone about it, say things out loud in my head but I can't... I'm too scared and that of myself. I have the feeling that I don't understand myself and that makes everything more confusing. But I'm not stupid, I've been able to puzzle and analyze the individual things i noticed about myself well together so far.
Violence. Anger. These were two aspects that I was not affected by years ago. But now that my wounds had opened and I was bleeding again. I can feel her poisoning my body more and more. It feels good... but with the thought of being trapped in my head and isolated from other people... I'm not sure if I'm on the right track. First of all, these violent thoughts and dreams scared me... now I only hope to be exposed to a situation in which I can let my dark self run wild.
I think my dream says more than enough about the situation last night. Although I was there. But I wasn't present. In my mind, I was updrifted. Tried to distinguish my scenarios in my head with what really happened and to focus on acting correctly. If I hadn't thought too much yesterday, then who knows. Then I would probably really be in the hospital with broken hands and the hope that Frankie didn't survived.
The taste of warm milk with a gentle note of coffee hit my tongue when I put my lips on the coffee cup in my hand, carefully I took a sip of it. Slowly I looked at my cell phone to look at the time.
10:15 am
I still had 15 minutes until my appointment with the therapist would begin. But just as I turned the street and saw Dr. Stone's house, I stopped abruptly. The entrance gate of his practice was closed with blocking tape and several police officers stood on the side of the road. As soon as one of the policemen had noticed me, he approached me with a strict attitude. His eyes true darkness but in the light of the sun I could see green speckles in it. "Are you y/n l/n?" I nodded to him and looked past his shoulder. Two people with black bomber jackets on whose forensic was written on it went under the barrier tape. My eyes widened, but before I could say anything, the policeman interrupted me.
"You have been a patient of Dr. Stone, we have to ask you to come to the station with us and make a statement" I immediately agreed with him, I didn't feel like starting a discussion with him here.
When I reached the station, the policeman led me directly to one of the interrogation rooms, but I didn't seem to be alone there. My look hit Tara's then Sam's. Confused, I looked at her, both rails sharing this feeling with me. Although I could also see some trouble in Sam's dark eyes. "l/n please sit down..." said the slightly older detective who sat opposite the two. The only free seat was next to Tara, so I sat down to her without a word. I literally felt the eyes of the three following each of my movements.
I only briefly saw the pictures on the table. Crime scene pictures... two students from my film course... my professor and my therapist. What the hell was going on here? And why were Sam and Tara here? Unconsciously, my hands began to sweat. I put down my backpack and now took a closer look at the pictures, now I noticed the Ghostface mask. I tightened my eyebrows and looked at the detective.
"Y/N... I can call you that, can I?" The detective asked me. I gave him an annoyed look, I didn't like this situation at all. "In any case, you are a patient of Dr. Christopher Stone, is that true?" Tensed I crossed my arms and nodded silently. I noticed a surprised look from Sam. "Is it true that you regularly visit him because of your violence?" What the hell comes to his mind?! Did he just release my private patient data in front of two complete strangers? My pulse grew. I slowly pressed my nails into my arms and tried to keep myself calm. "You're kidding me, aren't you? You just release the data of my patients' files?" If eyes could kill, then it would have happened to him. There was no reaction from him. I looked speechless at Tara and Sam... finally I explained "seriously why don't you talk to me alone instead of addressing that in front of the two... already heard of data protection? Legally, you shouldn't do that" the detective didn't pay any attention to me and interrupted eye contact with me, he pushed a file in my direction and continued "through your past, your patient file and the events of yesterday you are one of our first suspects" Now Sam spoke in between "we don't have to listen to this... let's go" she wanted to get up but the detective gave her a strict look. "is it true that you were together last night?" Confused, Tara said "we were all at the party, yes... after that situation in the park our paths separated" the next moment the detective held a cell phone in our face. On it you can see Sam, who was irritated by the students and I stood with Anika in the background.
The detective exhaled far and said "what I want to say, Y/N you are just one of our suspects and you Carpenters, can't go anywhere you have witnessed the murder in the Bordega”.
I sighed and looked at him crooked "could someone tell me what the hell is going on here? Instead of exposing my mental health and suspecting myself for something I don't know about yet!" Suddenly I felt a little warmth on my elbow. Tara had striped me with her finger. Probably an attempt to calm me down. I thought very attentively of her, but I was so in rage mode that I couldn't enjoy this little gesture.
"Sam and Tara got a call from Ghostface, a few seconds later they were chased on the street by Ghostface and attacked there-" I interrupted him and looked worriedly at Tara, then at Sam "oh my God are you okay? The corners of Sam's mouth lifted slightly. I came to my senses and said excitedly "stupid question otherwise you guys wouldn’t be here..." Tara escaped a smile and I felt how she briefly pressed my arm "in any case Miss L/n" the detective began strictly and gave me a cool look "the two students from your course probably had their own plan and killed your professor... but who killed the boys? We are sure that another Ghostface has taken over the game and so the question remains who could that be? You y/n attend the same course... are close to the circle of friends of the Carpenters and, according to the statements, went home alone after the situation in the park. This morning you were at the crime scene of Dr. Stone... I doubt it's a coincidence" I shook my head "you know… i don’t give a fuck, apart from how bad and unprofessional you did your job, I will leave the interrogation now. And no, you can't force me without an official notice from the judge... I'm going" I didn't hesitate long when I took my backpack and stormed the door out followed by Sam and Tara. Before I reached the exit of the police station, a woman with short blond hair came to meet me. Suddenly my anger was pale. A broad grin formed on my lips, I had torn my eyes open in surprise when I closed the person directly into my arms "Kirby, what are you doing here?" She pressed me gently and went back. A warm smile was visible when she stroked my shoulder "Ghostface... I got the case directly when I heard about it"
"Kirby?" echoed from behind. We both looked back and met Sam's surprised face. The detective asked confusedly, "Do you know each other?" Sam nodded "we were together at the woodsborrow high, she was a senior and I was a freshmen." Now Kirby breathed out stressed "as much as I'm happy to see you, but the circumstances couldn't be worse" Sam shook her head and grabbed Tara's hand "not now... we're going" and then she stormed past me, Tara gave me a look at the said come immediately I followed them and when we crossed the doors of the police station we were surrounded by paparazzi "Tara, you feel safe near your sister?!" One called. We were just pushing ourselves through the crowd. I wanted to part from the two again, but Tara grabbed my hand and showed me that I should go with them. We were lucky that a taxi was ready for departure. But then a loud and energy-charged voice sounded behind us "Gale Weathers channel 4"
And then this tension was there. But she didn't come from me. She came from Sam and Tara. Slowly, Tara's grip around my hand became lighter until her hand no longer held mine.
„Do you ladies think, you’re the reason the Ghostface killer came to big Apple?“
Sam sighed and took the next moment to the blow. The paparazzi crowd escaped an "oh!" But Gale skillfully wiped out Sam's blow and smiled at her broadly.
„Nice try sweetie but I’ve done this dance before”
And then the punch came out of nowhere. He hit her hard. I didn't know if I should laugh or be shocked. Tara had punched Gale fucking Weathers in the face! Damn and I was there live! Again, an "oh!" escaped the crowd. Shocked, Gale held her cheek firmly on which she had hit Tara. There was this aggressive presence that Tara radiated when she leaned forward and said "stay away from us" and ran towards the taxi.
Gale followed us "are you still mad at me?" Sam abruptly turned around "you said you wouldn't write a book about what happened! And then you wrote a book about what happened"
Gale sighed and moved her head to the side without understanding. "Aw come'on someone was going to write about it. It's what I do!"
Tara said coolly "I heard you signed movie rights" Gale stuttered briefly, then continued "it's all about true crimes and limited series these days"
"After everything we went through together" began Sam and said with a disappointed tone "what would Dewey think?" You could see the moment of Realisation in Gales eyes but she said "that's a low blow"
"What's a low blow? You called me unstable and a born killer" Gale pulled up her shoulders "that's taken out of context"
„That’s literally a quote!“
Then Tara seemed to say something about it, but to be honest, I didn't understand what she was saying. And not because it was too loud, because I was still impressed by the punch to Gales face. If the crowd filmed that... then I would watch it again and again. Whatever Tara said, it made us run again but Gale followed us "I talked to Sidney" both Carpenters quickly turned around, Tara took a step towards Gale and said "she's not coming aren't she?"
Gale shook her head "no, she send her love but she's taking mark and the kids some safe place. She deserves to have her happy ending"
Sam was mumbling something I couldn’t hear this time. She turned around and said to me „you coming with us, get in the car“ While Gale called after her "hey i Wanne catch that fucker as much as you do!"
Tara turned around, her hand on the door of the taxi „maybe or maybe your just afraid without Ghostface in your life you gonna fade away”
She got into the taxi and we drove off. My feelings were totally confused. At first I was angry, then amused and now slightly turned on by Tara. This punch was probably the best I had seen today and I still had to struggle not to laugh. But now I had to suppress my desire, there wasn't a more inappropriate moment like this... but damn that was so hot.
Hope you guys could enjoy :) I’m trying my best with the translator ✌🏻💕
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