#also Bill Fagerbakke voiceclaim
scarlettaagni · 1 year
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Glam was a Dragg-Reven shepherd on Vrykola who fled after Vilgax's invasion and eventually joined the Space Plumbers.
A happy-go-lucky, silly big teddy bear guy who loves animals, just coming in and out of the background of episodes...
unless they ever arrested Psyphon and held him at his station.
See, the thing is, Vilgax invaded Vrykola and Psyphon went turncoat and assisted him in destroying it. And proceeded to sully their reputation with further invasions on other worlds. Ergo, it is absolutely on-sight if any Vrykolan is within his vicinity and aware of his general location.
Once arrested, Psyphon himself would probably suggest that if they have any Vrykolan officers, to relocate them and not tell them why, because they can and will try to assassinate him. He's not volunteering this info out of self-preservation, because they can only try to kill him even if he's in handcuffs, but out of a general "hey, this might be a complete headache for everyone, so as a heads-up..." Gets ignored because why would anyone take his advice.
Glam would use his authority and arsenal, and put everything on the line to ensure his opportunity to take out the person who betrayed their homeworld. He wasn't pretending to be who he was up 'til now, but joining for this express purpose of being part of the forces who fight Vilgax (and consequentially Psyphon) and deciding to take this route when he finally gets the chance, having never really expected to get this close to him. Glam loves what the Plumbers have done for him, but not enough to abide by their rules when that means not getting back at Psyphon.
Psyphon would just be goading him the whole time, A) fully expecting his advice on dismissing Vrykolan Plumbers to be ignored, B) this not being the first nor the last attempt on his life, C) finding anyone defending Vrykola and its leaders' honor to be idiots, and D) knowing he can kick most anyone's ass even handcuffed. So he's not taking it very seriously. Been there, done that. He has very little respect for a fit pitched in order to bootlick an already-fallen moldy-ass oligarchy who wouldn't give a shit about Glam either, or the planet they maintained where his life was absolutely miserable until it fell apart.
a lot of "the Exequiance aren't gonna fuck you!" "do their boots taste like real leather?"
Glam: [actively shooting] my house was destroyed! Psyphon: [in handcuffs, on floor] aw, well, I wouldn't know know how that feels, I NEVER HAD ONE Ben: [literally shielding Psyphon] you are making it SO hard to defend your life
And to top it all off, while Psyphon feels that Vilgax is the one true authority that everyone should swear fealty to (and he interprets everyone fighting against that as not accepting reality), he cannot respect Glam betraying the Plumbers by trying to kill him, after all they've done for him AND Glam making a pledge to them. He's just asking for some damn consistency, and he can't find jack.
again, he's over assassination attempts and has for a while been critiquing their motives and avenues of attack. Glam's is the messiest.
and Psyphon's not saying all that cause he doesn't want to get assassinated. As an intensely loyal person himself, he finds Glam's conduct to be a very insult to the concept of loyalty itself, and an insult towards the Plumbers who did a lot for Glam (even if Psyphon doesn't actually care about AND has issues with them).
He'd call Glam a faithless worm, and say that Vrykola, the corrupted hellhole it was for him, had birthed three monsters. Himself, Ragnarok, and now Glam.
When the dust settles, after breaking a shit-ton of laws, Glam goes on the run as a renegade Plumber (still in the uniform though probably worse for wear), biding time until another chance to clash with Psyphon.
Ehh,,, that's the general story idea.
If you're wondering how he gets that helmet on, the white and black parts snap off around the root of his horns.
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