#also I headcanon that yautja love giving gifts to those they are about
monstrous-munch · 2 years
Ok ok fluff to light angst to fluff yautja idea.
Being bored staying in ya’ll’s room on the ship all the time, so u decide to fill it by making a plushie for ur yautja, based of one of the creatures they have a trophy of. You surprise them one day with it, pointing to the trophy to try and communicate that it’s based off that. Your yautja however thinks that means you’ve made a play toy, like the ones pups have. It’s a little silly since he’s an adult but he decides to humour you since you put so much effort into making it.
Taking the plushie from ur hands he immediately rips the head off.
Which catches u totally off guard, did he hate it that much ? But you’d spent so much time on it and you thought yautja loved gift giving ? Now he’s confused and very worried because you’ve started crying. Immediately starts purring to try and sooth you.
You end up grabbing the two pieces of the plush you made, and go to try and fix it. At this point it clicks for him that humans could use play toy’s differently from yautja. bby now feels like a bad mate cos he ruined the thing you made to show affection. Purrs louder as he cuddles up to you, saying all the apology related human words he knows.
When you do fix it he handles the plushie likes it’s made of glass kinda funny to watch tbh.
Will bring home more materials so you can fill yall’s room with ur cute human toys <3
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yautjaamongmen · 2 years
uhm hello, i'm still not sure how this works, but can i place an order? just ignore it if you don't feel comfortable.
i wish i had some cute headcanons for a poly relationship, from a human woman to the crucified predator and the fugitive predator, i really love those two.
sorry for the english, i'm still learning. and I love your writing, you are amazing. ♡
Sure can! Thanks so much!
Poly Relationship With Crucifix and Fugitive Predator
You didnt specify what kind of poly, so we'll say they're dating the human but not each other.
I'll be honest it was..messy, at first.
Yautja often have many mates, but its never as easy as just getting like that.
It's a battle to gain a mate, trying to impress her, so when you caught both these ysutjas hearts it didn't start well.
Crucifix is older and more experienced, making him less patient with younger ones, while fugitive is young and still in his early stages.
It started out not too worrisome, they both gave you gifts trying to one up each other.
It reached a breaking point when you caught them challenging each other.
You had to get in the way, snd luckily neither wanted to hurt you.
It takes a lot of concincing but eventually they concede.
Being with two very different yautja is an experience. They are both incredibly protective. Crucifix is on the okder side, he knows he has enemies, and fugitive is..well, a fugitive.
Crucifix isn't the most physically affectionate, but he will partake in it if you show a need, he just wont be the one to reach out. He really likes doing self care with you, from having you braid his dreads to showering together. Its all very intimate.
Fugitive is more curious, but also more self concious. He was a mistake in his clan, didn't get the right genes, small. Weak. So this makes him in a constant state of trying to impress you.
Yautja aren't great with feelings, so its best to let him know hes doing well by complimenting him instead of straight facing the problem.
Crucifix' love language is gift giving, hands down. Your home is covered in skulls and bones, and if you have an interest you will be showered in jewelry he hand crafted.
You doing it in return will likely get you a big purring yautja, though he'd never admit it.
Crucifix snores, but its low and rumbly, easy to sleep to. That many battles has left him with many scars, some that affect his breathing.
Fugitive purrs in his sleep. I don't know why, but that feels right.
Both would die for you, or kill for you. No hesitation.
In fact you may have to stop them if you mention a bad situation. Yautja can be a bit trigger happy.
Also, if you have them, you will have to explain periods. Quickly. Before it starts. They will smell blood snd if you dont talk fast you'll be on crucifix' ship to be taken to a yautja doctor.
Fugitive panics a bit at it, rushing around to get you whatever you need. Yautja dont have this, so its very new. He is very warm, so thats nice.
Crucifix is much more calm about it. Will get what you ask snd softly pamped you with less panicked clicking and growls. Will press his hands anywhere you need, again, very warm. Also not afraid to do..other things you may want.
You likely won't hang out much as a group due to them having their respective duties. But they come as much as they can, humans have such short life spans.
In the end its a very different experience from both. But a lovely one none the less.
I hope this is what you wanted! If you want to know any specific scenarios with them let me know! Sorry if its a bit all over the place, first time writing head canons!
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blackcatfromthevoid · 3 years
Hi, I'm new to your blog and really love it!
Could you with a headcanon about a predator trying to court a S/O that is trying to court them as well? Like he gives her a skull and she makes him food?
Hi! And thank you so much! I'll try my best with these headcannons
(Sorry this took so long I had to get my creative juices flowing)
You courting your Yautja and them courting you at the same time:
Confusion- At first the both of you are aware of your feelings however neither of you are entirely aware of the others courting methods
At first things started off small. Your Yautja friend would hunt game animals from earth and gift them to you. It wasn't uncommon for you to see the polished skulls of deer, moose, etc, placed nicely as a centerpiece in your living room. You were uncertain as to why they started to give you such gifts. You knew it ment something important in Yautja culture though. Little did you know, they were trying to court you.
You knew how you felt about them so eventually you return affections in your own way. You couldn't hunt like they could but there was perhaps something else you could do? You settle on the idea of fixing meals for them. I mean they were a big alien warrior and they have to eat, right? So everytime when they returned to your home you always had something nice and hot for them to eat. You were happy they always accepted the meals you made.
Your Yautja friend enjoyed these meals and was thankful for them of course. They were confused as too why you started feeding them though as they usually found their own food. This made them wonder, was this a form of human courting? The thought made them very excited and determined to bring you only the best trophies.
Things went on like this for a while. More trophies appeared around your home and more meals were being made. Things naturally escalated. The trophies and meals got more elaborate and grand. Soon it was like you were becoming a chef and your yautja was making a museum out of your home.
The both of you realize what was going on rather quickly after things picked up. One day the both of you confess that each other needs to have a talk. So the both of you take a seat in the living room ready for the big discussion.
Your Yautja friend speaks first. They explain very directly that all those trophies was because they wanted you as a mate. They got all those various different skulls and such to impress you of course. Only the best for who they're courting. Since you didn't reject their gifts they just kept on giving. They do admit to being unsure whether you felt the same way or not.
You confess that you suspected that might the reason why they'd started but wasn't entirely sure. But you also admit all those delicious meals you prepared for them was your own way of flirting back. You were aware receiving these kind of gifts from a Yautja was very important so you wanted to give back you said. But you had no idea what to give so you defaulted to something everything needs, food.
There was a brief moment of silence after you both confessed. The air was awkward until it was broken up by your Yautja friend laughing. You were pretty surprised since you've never heard or seen them laugh, so you just sat there stunned.
After they stopped laughing they explained that the both of you were courting the other but neither was totally sure. They compared this to one of those "movies" you told them about. You began to laugh too.
It was funny the both of you tried courting the other without words. Both of you picked up on the others actions and both of you had uncertainty about each other. But now that you've both chatted about it, the air was clear. Now you both had that nagging question in mind. Will you be my mate?
You blurted out the question. You ask, "So are we going to be lovers now or..." It was pretty frank but both you were dying to know. It doesn't take long for your friend to reply with a trilling yes.
Ecstatic, you jump up and hug your now mate. At first they're a little surprised at first but they wrap their big strong arms around you too. You both share a long warm embrace, with deep purrs bellowing from your mate.
After you both let go, your mate asks what that if that's a common way for humans to show affection. You say yes, you're curious as well so you ask how do Yautja commonly show affection. They simply say, "Like this." Next thing you know your small face is being cupped in their giant hands. They lean in and gently rest the crest of their head upon your forehead. You lean your head towards theirs too. After a while you both pull away from each other.
"Wanna know one more common form of affection? " you ask them. They're eager to learn so they quickly say yes. "Lean a little closer to me," you tell them. They do that and you put you hands on their broad shoulders. Despite them leaning over for you they're still super tall. Standing on your tippy toes you manage to place a kiss on their crest. They look a bit confused by this at first. But it quickly turns into enjoyment.
"What is this action called?" Your mate questions. "A kiss," you reply. "I like this kiss gesture...will you give me another?" They say. "Of course! As my mate you are granted with infinite kisses!" You say going in to smooch them again.
Hope you enjoyed reading this!
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wind0wg0blin · 6 years
I sent this to @randomnightlord a while ago and id Love to read your take on that too! Congrats on your followers!
[Okay Imma little rusty as I havent written anything for a few days so please forgive the incoming word vomit. Also Im using wolf for this cause im too brain dead to make up a name lol]
[Okay this is got long fast i apologize]
You were seen as an oddity to the rest of your town. You did not fear the Yautja as the other humans did as you never found any reason to be. You cared little for what the others thought about you as you could easily lose yourself in your work no matter the task often day dreaming of a handsome guy coming and stealing you away from this boring life. 
Humming quietly to yourself one morning you sat at the rivers edge smiling at the tiny tadpoles swimming in the soft ripples. You brushed through your hair as you sang falling into the rhythm of the nature surrounding you. 
Wolf was walking through the woods desperate to find some place away from the bustle of obnoxious humans who got in his way whenever he walked. Lost in his thoughts he at first didn’t hear the quiet singing that floated through the air. Enticed and entranced by the melody he followed it to the river bank where across the way sat the most beautiful creature he had ever laid eyes on. 
He didnt dare step from the cover of the woods as he didn’t want to startle you knowing you would run if you got scared. As he observed you from afar he only became more interested in you. You weren’t like the others in more sense than one. Not only did you carry yourself differently than the other humans but you physically appeared different allowing your hair to flow freely around you like cascading sunlight. 
Wolf felt his heart rattle as you flipped a stray piece of hair away it catching in the like for a moment appearing golden in the suns rays. He knew he was infatuated with you your unique personality had all but tamed his wild heart. 
You were oblivious to the yautja’s pinning affections as you stood to leave with a sigh. Though just as you made to spin on your heel you saw him standing there across the way. There was no mistaking that he was looking right at you as you began to walk along the rocky shore hopping from one rock to the other. As you began to take lead thinking it was just a fluke incident that the yautja had found you, you glanced back to see him following you easily striding along the rocky shore. Nervously you vanished into the woods unsure if he would follow you or not. You greatly hoped he wouldnt as you were afraid of the consequences for ignoring one of them. 
Stepping into your house and locking the door behind you was a great weight off your shoulders. If only you had realized that wolf was not one to give up so easily as he now commited the location of your house to memory as he thought of a way to court you with earths limited options. 
For the following week you would wake up to find various gifts had been left at your door step. Ranging from fresh bread and cheese to expensive clothes and jewelry. 
It was sunday when there was a loud rasp on your door. You were still in bed so you groggily opened the door and stood there not realizing there was a seven foot tall yautja looking down at you trying so hard not to awe at how cute you looked when you were sleepy. 
once the initial shock of oh my god its the fucking river dude was over you invited him in and he revealed a basket of pastries he had hidden behind his back. Over breakfast he explained, to the best of his abilities, that he cared for you and greatly wished to see where things between you went. Not about to turn down the guy who had bought you a necklace that costs more than your house you excepted. 
You two grew close quickly as he spent all of his spare time with you. He made sure you were well accommodated especially if he had to leave for some time. Though the days were you would hold onto his arm as you both went for a walk garnering the attention of all those who thought of you as nothing more than the next sacrifice. You were more than a little smug about this pressing your cheek into Wolf’s arm as you lock eyes with one woman who was particularly rude. 
Wolf makes sure that you are treated like the queen you are. About a month into your relationship he has you move in with him. Wolf takes this bonus time with you to make sure he shows you how much he loves you. 
I like to imagine there was some big festival and you get all dressed up and look like a literal goddess and wolf is like crying cause he loves you so much and your just so beautiful. Meanwhile the entire town is like How in the fuck did the crazy one get with the Yautja??? 
I like to imagine the two of them would have a very wholesome relationship cause they actually love each other and memeing on the town is just a bonus. If wolf ever had to return to yautja prime he would take you with him as he is like genuinely 100% committed to you as your his mate and he wont take anyone after you. 
This would als explain his personality in AVPR too 0.0
[OKAY THIS GOT REAL TANGENT-Y AND IM SO SORRY BUT I CANT NOT WRITE AN ENTIRE NOVEL OKAY. Hope you enjoyed anyways if this wasnt satisfactory just resend the ask and Ill do it correctly lolol]
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