#also I know everyone thinks he’s implying something more here but I honestly don’t believe he’s talking about the doc really
beauty-and-passion · 1 month
To the poor souls who found this post by accident: hello, now you’re trapped in my neverending analysis of Bill Cipher and TBOB. Hope you find a nice place to seat, because we’re talking about Euclydia here and there is a whole post before this one, with all the references you need HERE.
Yes, you need to read that one first, especially if you want to understand what I’m talking about when I mention Flatland or Exwhylia.
<- Previous post - Masterlist
“I liberated my dimension, Stanford, and I'm here to liberate yours.”- Bill Cipher, Weirdmageddon part 3
A flat world based on regularity
Let’s start with the Euclidean anthem/song/whatever (I’ll call it anthem for short) from thisisnotawebsitedotcom:
Euclydia is an enclosed space, with no above or below. And even if you go too far on the left, you will reappear on the right. A bit like a rolled tube, you know? So the place is flat, but also rounded the only way something 2D can: by being a tube.
And yes, the anthem makes it very clear that there is no above or below, because if you jump you will just pop up from the ground.
Now, I know Flatland is the quintessential of an oppressive world, but my god if this world doesn’t sound like a goddamn cage. You cannot run away, because you will still reappear on the other side. You cannot go higher, because you will just reappear in the same spot. I believe Bill when he said to Ford: “You think those chains are tight? Imagine living in the second dimension”. I felt chained just by reading those lines!
A world based on regularity
Let’s analyze more of this anthem:
-> “Loved ones are always near” implies that this dimension values family. But consider that Flatland values family too:
It is a Law of Nature with us that a male child shall have one more side than his father, so that each generation shall rise (as a rule) one step in the scale of development and nobility (...) But this rule applies not always to the Tradesmen (aka Equilaterals), and still less often to the Soldiers (aka Isosceles) (...)
Family is the foundation of the Flatland society. Is it the same for Euclydia? I suppose so. Even if the emphasis on how your loved ones are “always” near, also emphasizes the “cage-y” feeling I had before. But maybe it’s just me.
-> “Roles and rules always clear”: ah yes, this really sounds like Flatland. A place where everyone has a role already established at birth and should follow the same rules.
How can I be so sure? Bill himself said it:
Where I come from, everyone just followed whatever meaning was handed down to them (...) I learned from an early age that if I was going to make anything of myself, I was going to need to figure out my own meaning. (TBOB, “Meaning of life” pages)
Just like in Flatland, everyone already has a role. Bill probably had a role too already planned for him. And if this world follows the same social order as Flatland, that means Bill, by being a member of the Equilateral class, was supposed to be a Tradesman.
Honestly? I’ve always loved that. The idea that, even if Bill talks so much about making his own meaning and tries so hard to escape from his world’s mentality, something of that mentality latched onto him. And what he learned about becoming a Tradesman was never forgotten. On the contrary: it became part of who he is now. One of the few things of his dimension he still carries within.
In a way, I think it’s even more meaningful than just carrying physical elements from his dimension. Sure, that’s beautiful and heartbreaking and it makes me go wild… but the fact he kept something from that mentality too, of his own, native, forever lost culture… it’s even more impactful, isn’t it? It emphasizes even more how Bill is the lone survivor of Euclydia.
Social classes for regular shapes
We don’t have any information regarding the social structure of Euclydia, except what Bill said. And Bill was adamant about:
how oppressive his world was (“everyone followed whatever meaning was handed down to them”)
how dull his world was (“Flat minds in a flat world with flat dreams”)
how regular he is
And the last point in particular is something he even mentioned among his powers in TBOB: 
My three internal angles always add up to 180 degrees. Quit staring at my hypotenuse, you freak!
So Bill is a regular Equilateral triangle and he specifies it all the time. Also, when everyone tries to measure his hypotenuse, he gets offended, as if they’re insulting his regularity.
Sooo… well, I’m not saying that this is a proof, but it also hints that regularity was considered important in his dimension. Questioning someone’s hypotenuse sounds a bit like asking a guy to check if he has a dick or a woman for her breast size or a person in general for how tall they are.
And I know it sounds stupid for us, but let’s not forget what else Bill said about his world in the AMA on Reddit years ago:
So in a world with all these genders, I suppose that even asking something like “how long is your side” is a bit like questioning their own gender identity - and maybe, also questioning their role in the world, their social class and who knows what else.
Also: we can be sure that there were schools. Now, we don’t know if the schools were open to everyone or divided by shapes, because Bill just talks about “kids in grade school” so… were they all Triangles? Or were they of all shapes? And what did they learn? General knowledge? Knowledge related to their job/role in society?
About Irregulars
I am pretty sure there was some degree of ostracization towards Irregulars. And I have two reasons for that.
First: this passage from Bill about his past
“I wasn’t just smarter than all the dull trapezoids and rhombuses sucking up my rightful oxygen”
The grin I had, while reading this. The HUGE grin.
Maybe it’s just a huge coincidence. Maybe it’s a coincidence that Bill mentioned trapezoids and rhombuses (aka irregulars) as the shapes that suck up his oxygen. And maybe it’s a coincidence that it’s not just his oxygen, but his rightful oxygen, as if he has more rights on it compared to them.
But if you read Flatland (or the previous post), you can see the parallel being (subtly) slapped in your face.
And this makes me love EVERYTHING even more! Because Bill, for the first time, is acting exactly like a Regular shape would act, while talking about Irregulars in a world dominated by Regularity. It’s the kind of mentality only a closed, oppressive world can leave on someone.
And again, I like it, because it would be another detail of Bill’s native culture that stuck with him. Another small part of that lost world he still carries within - no matter how silly it sounds to us.
Second: a code in the fake book covers page, that is translated as IRREGULAR.
As we know from the Flatland section, Flatlanders saw Irregulars as criminals with a skewed morality. And guess who is also a criminal with a skewed morality.
I find it extremely interesting how, even if Bill talked about the Irregulars from higher ground, he still ended up acting like them (according to Flatland’s society at least). He became a Tradesman and a criminal. He adopted the mentality of his world and a skewed one too.
In other words: Bill is a Regular… but he’s also an Irregular. And it’s not just me saying it, the book itself said it, by calling him Irregular!
But maybe, he’s not just Irregular because of his behavior… maybe he’s Irregular because of his rare mutation too.
Keep that in mind, we will talk about that in the Sight section.
About colors
Euclydia has colors and we can be sure of that because:
Bill was already yellow at birth
There were other colors (like the ones in his shoes)
Euclydia’s codes are mostly in color
In art therapy, Bill draws “red and blue triangles”
So yes, Euclydia might be a bit like a cage, but at least it’s a colorful one.
Also, since Bill draws red and blue triangles, I love how the fandom almost collectively decided that the red one is Bill’s father and the blue one is Bill’s mother. It’s probably an unconscious association that led us to associate red -> anger -> lack of info about Bill’s father -> Bill’s father being a bad figure -> anger = bad -> Bill’s father is red. Understandable - and maybe even based on something true? Who knows?
But we will talk about Bill’s parents later (read: next post).
About Recognition by Sight
Since Euclydia is a flat world dominated by color, I suppose that they didn’t use Recognition by Sight like Flatland and Exwhylia, but Recognition by Color.
And not only this would make the Euclidian world a bit more advanced compared to the previous two, but may also lead to the development of some form of writing.
Sure, the 2D vision is still a line, but making something with more lines of different colors and putting them together can be considered a rudimental form of writing. Just like we humans used hieroglyphics and images, the Euclideans might’ve used different colored lines to make a language - thus the codes we see associated with it.
But back to how they see: the way Euclidians can see is probably the same Flatlanders and Exwhylians can see. That means they cannot perceive full shapes like us, but lines - and identify these lines in different ways. In Flatland and Exwhylia by checking how quickly the edges were fading, in Euclydia by checking the color.
That also means all Euclidians have their eye on the side. In order to see in a 2D world, you need an eye on a 2D level. Therefore, an eye on the side.
That means Bill’s rare mutation was a mutation indeed, because instead of having an eye on the side like his parents and all others, he has an eye on the face of his triangular shape. Which, for us, would be like having an eye on the inside of your own body.
Now imagine: you are a 2D shape, you have a son, you check his perimeter (because it’s literally the only thing you can see)... and you find no eye. Not even an eye socket.
And yet, your son says he can see. He has an eye! But where is it?
I can definitely imagine the confusion of Bill’s parents. I can definitely imagine them running to the doctor and asking to identify where the eye is. And the doctor confirms there is an eye indeed…! But it’s inside him.
Now, for Bill that means having a vision no other shape can have. He’s able to see above, a direction impossible to understand by others. He can see a whole new world - and he can only see his own with the lateral view.
His parents were probably devastated by this, but Bill found in his oddity a reason to be more prideful. To deem himself smarter and better than others.
Mmmmh, this reminds me of someone…
“I was born strange, I am attracted to the strange and the strange has always been attracted to me.” (Journal 3)
Jeez, I wonder who else deemed himself as strange because of a “birth defect” and so clever and definitely destined to do big things and to become a hero. I bet it’s not another “freak” who is different but special.
But there is still time before talking about Billford.
Aaaaand that’s all for now! This post is just about Euclydia as the whole place, in the next post we will be more specific and go deeper, by starting with the most intriguing topic: Bill’s family.
Next post ->
(How about a coffee? ☕)
📌TAGLIST: @mudpuddlenl @allmycrushesaredead @aquatedia @whatishappeningrightnow @effortiswhatmatters @bella-in-a-bag @doydoune @forever-third-wheeling @payte @hypnossanders @idontreallyknow24   @imcrushedbyarainbowoffical @patton-cake-and-crofters​  @hereissananxiousmess @purplebronzeandblue​ @cynicalandsarcastic​ @lost-in-thought-20 @andtheyreonfire @riseofthewerewolf @rosesandlove44 ​​@arya-skywalker @csi-baker-street-babes @reesiereads @dracayd-universe @starlightnyx​ @stubbornness-and-spite @averykedavra @joyrose-fandomer @mihaela-tbg @igonnatalknothing @thatoneloudowl @grayson-22 @softangryfuckingdepressed @theotherella @nevenastark @coldbookworm @boopypastaissalty @varthandiveturinn @roses-bubbles @cuter-on-the-inside @snixxxsmythe @charmingcritter @analogical-mess @emphasis-on-the-oopsie @selfdestructivecat @yangwalkerao3 @the3rddenialist
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warabidakihime · 3 months
Rules and Roses Chapter 3
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★ characters: kibutsuji muzan x reader x akaza
★ plot summary: Kibutsuji Muzan has finally decided to expand his empire, and the way he intends to do so is by running for the highest political position. With you, his darling wife, at his side, he believes he can achieve and have everything the world has to offer. He is, after all, the Phoenix of Phario.
★ fic playlist: sometimes, same day, as time stops, wolf’s song (this is also the vision board for the fic). 
★ content warnings : implied violence and abuse, profanities, toxic relationships, smut. MINORS DNI.
comments are always welcome and greatly appreciated! hearing your thoughts motivates me to write more, so please leave a comment. have fun reading!
"Hey Akaza, good morning! Sorry to message you so early, but I need to let you know I'll be meeting with Ms. Rivera at her place today before lunch. Please have the car ready by 10:30 am. Thank you!"
Akaza, huh?
Akaza stared at your message, his eyes fixed on his phone screen, but his mind wandered. Minutes passed as thoughts raced through his head. Finally, with a deep sigh, he shook off his distractions, put down his phone, and began getting ready for the day.
One thing about you: you hated delays, whether caused by you or someone else.
There was a time when Akaza accidentally overslept, and you had an early doctor's appointment. Because he was late, you drove yourself and got annoyed at him for messing up your schedule. Eventually, you calmed down and reminded him that time is something you don’t like wasting.
Since then, Akaza has never missed an alarm and has always been punctual.
However, he was confused as to why you didn’t tell your husband about what happened that day. You're usually an open book and a chatterbox with your husband, so it came as a surprise Muzan wasn’t informed of his little oopsie. 
He didn’t ask you why, though. 
First, he didn’t want to push his luck, and second, he didn’t exactly want Muzan to find out. Muzan was known to be strict and blunt with everyone except you.
You have your rules, but Muzan has his demands.
Akaza knows this well since he was Muzan’s bodyguard before being assigned to you after your marriage. This change in his role was rather unexpected, considering your... dynamic.
As his mind wandered down this path, Akaza shook his head, his eyes closing in frustration.
“Don’t even think about going there,” he muttered to himself, knowing he didn’t have the patience to entertain such thoughts.
With another deep sigh, he continued getting ready. Once finished, he almost sprinted out of his room to start the car, ensuring everything was set for you to leave as soon as you were ready.
"Sign here, Ms. Rivera."
Since it was a weekday, traffic in the capital city was manageable, and you arrived at your client's home right on time.
Muzan’s busy campaign schedule meant you often had to accompany him. If he wins the election, you’ll be the first lady, a role with its own important responsibilities.
Time flew by, and since your last meeting with Ms. Rivera a month ago, you were now down to the final run-through of her wedding plans for next month.
The only thing left was for your client to pay the remaining balance for your services.
After collecting the payment and discussing final details with Ms. Rivera, your meeting ended after nearly an hour. Akaza was there in the living room with you and the client, keeping himself busy with phone games,playing silently out of respect.
As he noticed the meeting wrapping up, he excused himself to prepare the car so you could leave promptly.
"Where to?" Akaza asked as he drove off.
"Hmm... let’s eat somewhere before going home. Are you craving something?" You looked at him, and he responded with a sheepish chuckle, "Don't worry about me, madam. You choose what you want."
"Honestly, I don’t know what I want to eat. I’m hungry but can’t decide what I’m in the mood for."
Akaza navigated the highway smoothly, one hand on the wheel, the other propped on the door with his chin resting on his palm. He hummed as he thought about where to eat.
"There's this burger joint I know. It’s a bit far, but their food is good and cheap," he suggested. His tone exuded excitement, and as you listened to him, you noticed the excited tone, which for some reason made you equally excited as well.
"Sure! That sounds great. I don’t have any other plans, so we can take our time," you replied just as eagerly.
Akaza looked over to you for a minute, catching the pretty smile plastered on your face. Without his permission, his heart skipped a beat, and warmth seeped through his veins, softening his usually stoic demeanor.
Today, with the sun shining brightly and the breeze feeling wonderful against your skin, Akaza allowed himself to let his guard down just a bit and let his inhibitions win for once and just this once.
"It's decided, then."
With a fond smile, he nodded at you before stepping on the gas, determined to get you to the burger joint he enthusiastically vouched for.
The place where the remnant of your past lingered—the place where your Pandora's box awaits.
"This is so good!" you exclaimed as you took your first bite of the burger you ordered.
Akaza merely chuckled while watching you eat, his eyes filled with fondness and a little bit of pride. He was clearly pleased that you liked his suggestion when the two of you were deciding what to eat for lunch.
Through the years of serving you as your bodyguard, he learned that you were rather picky with the foods you ete. You have sensory issues, so certain food textures and scents are not to your liking.
You also don't like eating foods you hadn't tried before when you were very hungry, because what if you didn't like them? It would ruin your appetite right there and then. But this time, you had hearts in your eyes after taking your first bite of the burger.
"See? I told you it's good and mad cheap too. A little bit greasy, but we'll live," Akaza said with a chuckle.
You nodded enthusiastically in response. "Yeah, but to be honest, for some reason, the taste is familiar to me."
You looked around the burger joint, scanning every nook and cranny as you tried to gather your thoughts. "It's my first time here, yet this place feels so familiar, and the taste of their food reminds me of something, but I just can't pinpoint what it is."
Still lost in your own little world as you enjoyed your meal, a spark twinkled in Akaza's eyes as he listened to you.
"Maybe you've been here before, but you can't remember. I mean, if my schedule were as hectic and loaded as yours, I'd also forget stuff every now and then."
You hummed as you took another hearty bite, your pupils dilating at how much you loved it, making your bodyguard chuckle fondly at you. He didn't say anything more, knowing you were in the process of gathering your thoughts.
"I guess so, but I figure if I liked their food here so much, I wouldn't be able to forget this place. You know me and my obsession with food, Akaza."
Yeah, I know.
How could I ever forget?
"Most of what you make me do is either order you food or buy you iced coffee. How could I forget?" he replied with a teasing smile.
You playfully swatted him on the head.
Akaza snickered, finding absolute pleasure in teasing you.
"What? It's true! Check our chatbox—it's full of your food orders."
Rolling your eyes, you shot back, "And who’s the one who enjoys eating half of those orders with me?"
Akaza grinned, leaning back in his chair. "Well, can you blame me? You tend to overorder, and most of the time you persuade me to eat the rest of it."
"Overorder? That's rich coming from the guy who always insists on extra fries," you retorted with a smirk.
"Hey, those fries are amazing, and you know it. And I'm not one to deny free food," Akaza said defensively and quite audaciously as he is having this conversation with you, his main source of income, but over the years of working for you and spending time with you, the two of you have grown close and a lot comfortable with each other's company.
"Yeah, yeah, just admit you can't resist good food either," you teased.
"Alright, alright," Akaza conceded, laughing. "You got me. But seriously, if I didn’t help you out, you’d probably be buried under a mountain of food by now."
You couldn't help but laugh. "Okay, maybe I do get a little carried away sometimes."
"A little?" Akaza raised an eyebrow, grinning.
"Remember that time you ordered enough sushi to feed an army? I had to go buy you medicine in the middle of the night because you got a bad stomach ache."
You rolled your eyes again, your cheeks a bit red due to a slight embarrassment, but you tried to cover it with a sheepish smile.
"It was a new place, and I wanted to try everything!"
"You certainly did," Akaza said, shaking his head. "But it’s all part of the job—keeping you happy and well-fed."
"And teasing me endlessly," you added.
"Of course," Akaza said while still wearing that damn teasing smile on his face. "It's also part of my KPIs."
You couldn't help but laugh, shaking your head at his cheekiness. "Well, as long as you’re enjoying yourself."
Akaza leaned back, his expression softening. "I am. Besides, someone has to keep you grounded."
"Grounded, huh? More like keep me entertained," you retorted, smiling.
"That too," he admitted with a chuckle. "Ready to head back?"
You nodded, feeling satisfied both with the meal and the company. "Yeah, let’s go. Thanks for lunch, Akaza."
"Anytime, boss," he replied, standing up and offering you a hand.
With a shared smile, you both left the burger joint and headed back home.
Still on cloud nine from your spontaneous lunch out with Akaza, you entered the mansion, still chatting and laughing with one another. You didn't notice Muzan in the kitchen, helping himself to a glass of wine.
He had just come back from a busy day, which included attending business meetings at Obelisk Kibutsuji, participating in media interviews with his running mate Douma, and going to a fitting for an upcoming event you both would attend in about two months.
After such a hectic day, he rewarded himself with a drink to unwind.
At the sound of your melodious laugh chiming like bells in the hallway, his ears perked up, and he immediately looked up, his curiosity piqued. What could be the reason you were in such a good mood?
"Oh, hey, my love. You're home," you said lovingly as soon as you saw your husband in the kitchen.
"Yeah. The fitting ended a lot earlier, so I headed straight home," he responded with an equally loving smile.
Clearly elated to see him, you immediately sprinted with light steps towards Muzan, giving him the tightest bear hug and a smooch to match. Muzan happily reciprocated the kiss, making you giggle in between kisses.
Meanwhile, Akaza stood on one side of the room, waiting for you to either dismiss him or have him remain in his post should you have other tasks for him.
After a few more moments, you both pulled away and smiled at each other.
"How was your day, darling?" Muzan asked, still holding you in his embrace.
"It was great!" you replied.
"Oho? And may I know why?" Muzan asked again, his voice lacking the usual professional tone he used.
"My meeting with Ms. Rivera was successful, and we will be proceeding to the actual wedding preparations. And then, Akaza introduced me to this burger joint downtown, and it was so good! I need to take you there, my love. They have the best iced coffee too!"
"Oh, did he?" Muzan said, his scarlet eyes darting towards your bodyguard, who was currently wearing a polite smile as he regarded your husband with a nod and bow.
Muzan replicated his smile, although it didn't quite reach his eyes.
Turning back to you, Muzan said, "Well, when I'm not too busy or when we're in the area, let's eat there, hm?"
"It's a date," you giggled. Then you turned to Akaza and said, "You can go ahead and rest now, Akaza. Thank you so much for today."
"Yes, madam," he replied before bowing and retreating to his room at the far end of the mansion, beside Kokushibo and the maids' quarters.
Unbeknownst to you, Muzan was trailing your bodyguard's disappearing figure, and just as you were about to look up at him again, his undivided attention was back on you.
Giving your hips a good-hearted squeeze, he pointed to his half-empty wine glass and said, "Want a drink, darling?"
You nodded. "I'd love to."
The two of you walked back to the spacious kitchen. You sat on the countertop, your legs swinging merrily, as you watched your husband pour you a glass of red wine. After handing it to you, he walked over to the other side of the kitchen to look for something.
"How was your day, my love?" It was your turn to ask. Muzan smiled handsomely and replied in a relaxed manner, "Chaotic as always. To be quite honest, I think the fatigue is catching up to me."
You frowned at this. "It's because you're pushing yourself too hard. Why don't you take a day or two to rest?"
"Hmm... I might. I'll check my calendar, and if it's not too full, I will move those schedules to a later date," he replied while rummaging through a kitchen drawer.
"Want me to give you a massage later?"
Muzan finally returned to you after finding what he was looking for, a familiar smile now plastered on his face. He walked closer until your knees were against his torso, and both of his arms were securely placed on each of your sides, caging you in place.
"Just a massage? I think I'm going to need more than that, Y/N."
Already understanding what he was implying, you mirrored his smile, wrapped your arms around his neck, and invited him in between your legs. "What do you mean?"
Muzan chuckled seductively, his face only inches away from yours, the tip of his nose touching yours, his scarlet pupils mesmerizing you.
"I need you naked and moaning for me, darling. Can you do that?"
You chuckled just as seductively, already feeling aroused. You could only nod in response, much to your husband's delight.
"Hmm... it's decided then. But wait, before I get sidetracked, let's take our night supplements first."
You rolled your eyes at that. "Not you edging me before we even get started, Muzan."
Muzan let out a hearty chuckle, highly amused at your choice of words. "I'll make sure to repent later."
"You're forgiven," you replied with a chuckle, then took the pills your husband prepared for you. While you were preoccupied, a rather odd expression was plastered on Muzan's face, but it quickly reverted back to 'normal' once you're done.
"That's a new brand, by the way. Douma introduced it to me. He said it's way more effective than the one we're taking."
"Really? Hmm... I've not heard of this brand before. Is it imported?" you asked while gulping down a glass of water.
"Yeah, it's made in Italy."
You hummed in response, and in a split second, you found yourself being embraced by your husband again. In all honesty, he nearly gave you whiplash, but that's just one of Muzan's many quirks you fell in love with.
Then you felt him place a sensual kiss on your neck, immediately turning you into a puddle, even more so when you felt his teeth puncture your flesh. Afterwards, he dragged his kisses from your neck to your jaw, then finally to your lips.
"M-Muzan." You moaned as you felt his hands roam around your body, leaving chills in their wake.
"Already, darling? I'm just getting started." He didn't give you a chance to respond, as the moment you were about to, he glided his tongue between your plump lips and invited yours to a dance of tango.
The kiss left you so hazy that you didn't even notice Muzan had already discarded your pencil skirt, your undergarments dangling on your foot, and your blouse and bra fully undone by his skillful hands.
"I missed you so much, Y/N. It's been a while, huh?" Muzan asked after pulling away momentarily before diving down to one of your breasts, immediately nubbing on your nipples, making you gasp and moan out loud.
"Y-yes," you breathed out.
It was already well into the night, and usually the both of you were already in bed given that you were always busy with your respective work. But at this very moment, you'd never felt more alive and hungry for each other.
It really has been a while since you last had sex. Heck, it had also been a while since you last went on a proper date. So craving each other like rabbits in heat wouldn't surprise anyone, considering the two of you were borderline obsessed with one another.
"Ahhh," you gasped, your back arching as you felt your husband's tongue glide over your needy clit.
Muzan continued his magic in your nether region, quickly sending you over the edge. You had one hand clamped over your mouth, nervous that if you let any more lewd sounds escape, you would wake the maids and bodyguards.
"Let me hear you, darling," your husband hummed between your legs.
Unbeknownst to you, Muzan had his eyes wide open and focused on the entrance of the kitchen. Even in the dimly lit room, he could see someone's shadow.
Still concentrating his gaze there, he spoke again.
"Come on, Y/N. Let me hear you sing. Say my name, darling. Who's making you feel good?"
As if on cue, you reached climax; your eyes shot open and then closed shut again in sheer pleasure.
"Ah, fuc—Muzan!"
Muzan smirked as he watched the shadow slowly disappear.
"Good girl."
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s1ater · 1 year
pairings. will hunting x fem!reader
about. will has a conversation with a woman that's very close in age with him and yet very different.
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warnings. swearing
ricky rocks. this movie was the first to ever make me cry. i also hate dumbass people (especially old ones) that come into my work asking me questions that have nothing to do with me. i need a raise atp.
“you’re a therapist?” you watch his face screw up and narrow as if in deep confusion, pointing before it slowly all slips away and is replaced by amusement. he laughs. he laughs in your face proudly, but the laugh doesn't seem genuine, but rather… mocking. “no fuckin’ way, you’re all pulling my leg now.”
your lips are pressed into a thin line as you watch him. you feel a distinct pull in your chest of slight humiliation, but as well sadness; for him.
“how old are you, kid?”
“i’m 22, will. how old are you?”
“22 and you’re doing this,” he shakes his head and you can’t tell if he’s impressed or still mocking you. “how’d you end up here?”
you sigh, leaning back in the chair you sat in, knowing you’d get no where from here, “i played my cards right.”
“yeah, no kidding.”
“you want to tell me how you ended up here?”
he smiled. he smiled like it was funny that he sat in the orange jumpsuit he was in and it was funny that he was screwing himself over, “i didn’t play my cards right.”
“no kidding,” you mumbled, looking at him with the most unimpressed look he had ever received from a stranger. “why?”
“what do you mean, ‘why’?”
“why’re you doing this to yourself?” you mean it. “do you not think you deserve this, that you could do better, be better?”
he doesn’t like that question.
“that’s awefully personal of you, doc. don’t you think you should take me out to dinner first?” he laughs again, but it’s not strong, it’s more nervous than anything.
“will,” you cut off the amusement in his tone, giving him a pointed look. “i’m not here to interrogate you, you know that right?”
“then what are you here for?”
“to talk.”
“about what?”
“whatever you want.”
he scoffs, “if it was whatever i wanted, we wouldn’t be talking at all.”
"what then?"
and then he smirks. his eyes rack you up and down from what he can see sitting across from you, but he keeps his mouth shut. he doesn't have to say anything for you to be able to tell what he's thinking anyways.
you look like a mother with the way annoyance just soaks you like a second skin. he almost regrets even implying such a thing with the way silence simmers uncomfortably between the two of you.
he coughs, "you like what you do?"
you inhale sharply, still staring at him carefully, thinking on how you want to reply to him. you could take one of two different routes; answering honestly, and continuing a conversation as if he was someone you had just met under normal circumstances or turning the question around on him and ultimately getting no where.
"yes, actually, I do."
"why?" he's quick.
"I like helping people."
"I knew you'd say that," he almost grumbles, like what you just said proved something to him. "everyone to ever exist with your exact career always says the same damn thing and you know what? I don't believe it."
you're taken aback, mouth slightly open, "why?"
"because people don't just like helping people out of the goodness of their heart."
"well, maybe people like you don’t."
his head tilts slightly back, you watch a slight curve form on his mouth at your retort, "what's the difference between you and me, huh? what's the little riff that separates us and makes you better than me?"
“i don’t think i’m better than you.”
“but still..? what is it?”
you stare at him, blankly, before you shrug, "well to start off you're a man and-"
"awh, cmon doc," a fake groan resonates from the back of his throat as he cuts you off, obviously fucking with you. "not this sexist shit."
"tell me I'm wrong."
he stays silent, but it's only because he wants to hear you talk.
"it's proven on multiple occasions that women are more empathic than men. it's even proven through animals that there's a seemingly large difference in empathy between genders."
"animals?" he raises a brow, "we're basing our research on animals now?"
"I mean we always have," you can't help but roll your eyes, even as he is still fucking with you, "hormones. if you want a simple basis; hormones. women's hormones are higher, so their empathy levels are higher."
"I see," will nods, but you can see there's still a pressing matter of mischief in his eyes. "you're a woman, so that's why you want to help people and I don't."
"that's not the only reason."
"what're the others then?"
"why don't you tell me?"
he narrows his look on you upon the request. you had trapped him into another question and he felt an actual drive to answer this time.
“you know this really has nothing to do with gender… but the nature we were raised in.”
oh, will hates that.
“what?” he looks relentless, like he’s given up almost, “you want me to tell you that i’ve been abandoned all my life and think our society doesn’t deserve any help? that they’re all pieces of shit and don’t deserve anything more than what they give? that your entire life has been easy, so you don't understand just exactly how fucked up people are.”
he hates how the way you look at him. the way you look content, like you had gotten exactly what you wanted, but there's sympathy; your eyes are soft, and your lips are pressed together in a half frown. that's the only thing that keeps him from not being completely on edge, the soft look of your sympathy.
"is that what you wanted to hear?"
"not necessarily," you fold your hands up on the table. "hearing anything from you would've been fine."
he scoffs, "you goddamn therapists."
"i don't think we're much different at all, actually," you glance at your hands, still folded nicely on the table between you. there's a silence then that you allow to fold up in between the two of you as you think. "life has never been easy, will. i don't think it is for anyone. everyone has their struggles, some of us just face a more... difficult horizon. in the end it only matters with how we deal with it."
he stares at you blankly as you continue to speak.
"you can wake up every day still harvesting that hate for society for whatever it has done to you, and you'll never change, because you hold that hate in your chest, because you don't let people hear you," your eyes go progressively softer, and your head slightly tilts, driving him even more insane. "i was mad for a long time at what my life was, but i became comfortable with it. you can't change what has already been done, but you can make of it what you can."
it's silent.
will thinks about your words more than he intends. having those words spoken to him by someone so similar in age to him made him feel strange, like he was a failure. you seemed to have everything in your life so figured out, as if you were so content with anything that came your way. he doesn't understand how you don't hold hate, how you just let it go as you claim.
"you happy, doc?"
you smile then, "as happy as i allow myself to be."
"you're strange," he chuckled, "you must've never been really fucked over by the world if you just let things roll off you're back."
"what would it matter?" you try to reason. "a person's dog could die and that person could take that harder than if your father were to die. your level of 'fucked' is different to everyone, but it shouldn't matter. you shouldn't feel the need to invalidate someone's feelings, just because yours were continuously. and you shouldn't feel the need to rely on the world to validate your 'fucked up things'."
he feels like he's suffocating from the large amount of empathy you shoved into his ears and down his throat. he had always heard the classic 'you deserve better' speech, but never like this. the way you laid it all out for him put it all to a different level of understanding for him, creating a feeling for guilt that was creeping around his heart for even saying anything remotely ignorant about people's struggles; for thinking he had it worse, that he felt pain more than anyone else.
will feels foolish staring at you. he feels foolish that it took this simple interaction of man sitting across from woman being what it took to make him truly understand he was in control, even his own happiness.
"we really did play our cards differently."
you smile softly, "good thing it's never too late to draw a new one from the deck."
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petrichormore · 1 year
So about 4halo “dying…”
I’m watching the clip where Forever shows Baghera the book and supposedly “friendzones” Bad because I didn’t actually see the full thing and… why did people think the ship is dead? (I know Forever apparently revived it hours later but bear with me).
Because from where I’m standing, it’s perfectly fine? It’s been more dead in the past. So let’s break the scene down:
(Scene Analysis under cut - I felt like I was watching something straight out of a romcom movie. Also the following is about the CHARACTERS)
So. Forever shows Baghera the book and Baghera asks if he feels the same way. Forever says, “There’s a problem, Baghera - I love him back. (Pause) I love him back, but as a friend.”
Baghera goes “really?” because she’s skeptical and Forever claims that his “heart can’t take it anymore.” (Obviously in reference to Philza breaking it.) He then goes on to say that “After what happened to Philza, I think [thought] I had enough of it.”
I’d like to pause here to point out that at no point in this conversation does Forever sound confident in what he’s saying - he’s uncharacteristically shaken and unsure throughout. He uses phrases like “I thought” and “I’m trying” instead of “I know” and “I am” which imply uncertainty. He phrases his statements like questions, as though he doesn’t know what’s going on in his own mind.
Anyway, Forever says he likes Bad “as a friend” but his reasoning is literally just “I’m not ready for this right now” which… makes no sense to say if the first statement is true. If you aren’t interested in someone, you probably don’t justify by claiming you aren’t ready - because it’s just a fact relating to the other person. Saying “Oh there’s a big problem - I like this person as a friend because my heart can’t take the pain of heartbreak anymore!” Like. That doesn’t really make sense, does it?
He also tries to bring up a conversation dramatrio had a while back about how friendship is better (based, btw) - but to me it honestly just sounds as though he’s trying to convince himself rather than making a statement. Again, he sounds very confused. In response, Baghera points out that “not everyone is happy” with just friendship.
Forever also seems to be just generally confused with Bad’s behavior, as he sees it as uncharacteristic (which it is) and therefore disingenuous. This actually seems to be the main source of distress for him: whether or not Bad actually loves him. He talks to Baghera about how he doesn’t even know if it’s real because it’s so unlike Bad - Baghera agrees that it’s strange coming from Bad, but she believes Richarlyson when he says the book is genuine. Forever doesn’t, and later on in the stream he apparently reveals that he doesn’t understand how Bad could love him in a romantic sense and doesn’t want to be drawn in to something that might not be real? (Maybe???) As Forever is still streaming, I can’t go over it but I will when I can. Either way, this doesn’t seem like the type of worry a person who doesn’t reciprocate any romantic feelings would have? Like cool story bro but this really shouldn’t be relevant if your only feelings are platonic?
And Baghera? Baghera literally notices this! She sees Forever’s indecisiveness and says “Okay, but if you don’t like him like that, well, it’s not a question, you know?” She calls him out on it directly.
And Forever doesn’t acknowledge it at all. He just moves on and says that if Bad had approached him when he first joined, he would’ve been delighted to add another boyfriend in alongside Philza [Specifically, he brings up a song about Snow White and the phrase ‘Why have just one when I could have seven?] This, while funny as hell, has nothing to do with the conversation and it honestly comes across as Forever trying to examine his own feelings and failing miserably.
Baghera asks “So you’re sure you don’t want anything to happen with Bebou?”
Forever responds “yeah” and then immediately follows it up with “The problem is that after what happened, I’m really…” So ‘yeah’ is not an actual answer here, just a transitional word. (And again, notice the strange justification. The problem apparently not a lack of romantic attraction?)
Baghera follows that up by asking if Forever doesn’t want a relationship with Bad because he has been hurt by his previous ‘relationship’, or because he has no romantic interest in Bad specifically. Forever… doesn’t answer. He says, “Yeah, that’s a good question because I don’t even know if he likes me like that, or if he just loves me as a friend.” Once again, ‘yeah’ is not an answer, just a transition. Congratulations, Forever, you specified exactly nothing.
And thennnnn Forever is back to being worried over whether or not Bad likes him or like-likes him (it’s like they’re all gossiping 10 year olds hehe). He’s scared to ask him directly because he doesn’t want to “hurt him” (by ‘him’, I mean BBH) but it really just sounds like he’s a goddamn coward (affectionate) and is using that as an excuse. Especially since he phrases it like a question.
Baghera decides to take pity on him and offers to sneakily question Bad about it and then report back, which Forever immediately agrees to (it’s the most enthusiastic he sounds during the entire conversation). Forever than says that he really wants to “know what is happening” and to “take care of Badboy because he’s really important to me” (?? We all know, Forever, but okay cool I guess?? /j)
He finishes by reasserting (to himself, mostly) that he doesn’t want a relationship specifically because he’s trying to focus on his career, family, and friends (and because Philza broke his heart). He never says that he has no romantic interest in Bad besides the very first “as a friend” comment, and, in fact, somehow avoids saying it even when Baghera asks him directly to his face!
He honestly gives every reason for not wanting to be in a relationship except for “I’m not interested in the other person.” Like that’s the one thing he doesn’t say.
So. Take that however you will.
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oldmemoria · 11 months
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posting these design ideas on main because why not
working with how I want to possibly redesign cat!miguel (Reclusestar in the warriors AU), here’s a few quick headshot ideas for em :)
dunno which one I should go with, but I’ve got some notes on each
Dark blue-grey tortoiseshell with reddish brown markings meant to replicate his most recent suit design. Small, slightly curved up ears with tufts around them that I want to stay in the design regardless of the fur color. A 4 pronged star on his forehead that will also stay true to every other design (supposed to be his leader mark. Usually I like the idea of leader marks either being like.. spots or stripes or something else but a physically inflicted marking not only fits his role better but is also just more visceral and reflects the implied and not so implied cruelty of StarClan in the warrior cats series. For those who don’t know StarClan is like… a holy amalgemation of all of the cats ancestors that went from this mysterious and whymsical force in the first series to unreliable and actually manipulate due to how biased they are.)
— why is he blue
— not accurate to comic design
— more accurate to his movie design, however, I believe the blue in his suit is meant to be light bouncing off of a black suit. So still isn’t exactly accurate
+ simple, easy to replicate markings and probably easy to animate (haven’t tested it but seeing as he barely has any floating stripes or markings other than his star marking it’d be easy to do frame by frame)
+ bluestar
original but the blue is changed to black.
Classic black and orange tortoiseshell. Same other features mentioned before.
— boring. Yawn.
+ the mask markings are more prominent
+ the most accurate to the comics. Miguel has a black and red suit.
same as the last 2 but with a darker blue-black tint
— still blue :/
— his eyes blend into his face and it bothers me
+ colors are actually really nice
+ average cat Miguel design honestly this is how everyone draws him
tortie-tabby dual colored cap mask. Instead of the usual ginger ear tufts he has white, and he has a lot more white in his design than usual
— I don’t like how much white I used for this design, I don’t think it works.
— replicating the fangs in the mask was kinda difficult I didn’t know if I wanted to make it a stripe or apart of the base mask so uh
+ is a tortie-tabby
+ accentuates his jawline!! The other designs did before as well, his markings are just placed a little differently here
+ the white hair is cute
Half and half tortie with minimal white markings (I’m leaning towards using this one)
+ I really like half and half tortie designs
+ cool symmetry
+ he looks like a lil guy here.. just lil.
— jawline isn’t ver visible, especially on the dark brown side :(
Half and half with medium white markings
+ same perks as above
+ accentuates jawline better than the others
(If you’d like please rb for a better sample size for the poll below :3)
Here’s an optional poll, just to see which ones people like more (doesn’t mean I’m gonna choose that one)
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cptsd-skywalker · 2 years
After reading through your blog, I have to conclude that you think that patients with CPTSD are all ticking time bombs who are always going to be violent and abusive and cannot ever change themselves for the better. And since you have CPTSD yourself, that means you think you will never be able to improve yourself, and the people in your life who have to live with you should just get used to how you are because you’re not changing. And that sounds very lonely to me; I too have CPTSD, but ever since I started to take an active role in my own healing instead of blaming everyone around me for my condition, I’ve been much happier. I hope someday you can reach the same conclusion.
This is a very cruel ask. I almost just deleted it without answering. However I think explaining myself might be worth something.
Mental health healing is not a linear journey and one must have resources to do this. I am assuming by “taking an active role” in healing you mean going to therapy and taking medication, both of which I am doing currently. Neither you or I are going to wake up tomorrow being “totally healed” you’re being mislead by your care team if you genuinely believe there is a cure for ptsd. You can be treated and it can be managed with the right resources, but it doesn’t just “go away” one day. It’s like to you mental health is an Olympics game to win and losers are just that, worthless losers. Honestly shocked that someone who claims to be so far along in the healing process would pass this kind of judgment.
For the record, if you had bothered to really read any of my posts you would know that I do not condone any of Anakin’s crimes towards others. An explanation is not an outright excuse. Understanding why he did something doesn’t mean you think what he did was the right thing to do. Furthermore, there are more factors in peoples choices in the world than just morality. People do not make their choices in a vacuum. Referring to your comment that all survivors must be “ticking time bombs” to me, I would like to add that under the right set of circumstances just about anyone can find their humanity tested to its limits. That doesn’t mean there is no right or wrong or that the choices we make don’t matter. After all, I’d Anakin choosing to overthrow the emperor matters than his choice to hunt jedi also matters. It’s not a one to one correlation. Diagnosing Anakin with CPTSD or BPD doesn’t sweep anything under the rug so much as it acknowledges contributing factors to the whole.
Also for the record, I don’t like your undertones of “people should just live with how you are” becuase you seem to be implying that I’m an abusive person when you don’t even know me. Again the judgement is very strong here. I honestly don’t think you read any of my posts in a meaningful or thoughtful way. Just because I don’t think of Anakin as you do or through the lenses that you do doesn’t mean that I am automatically going to champion abuse in real life. That’s just ridiculous.
Anyway? I hope you don’t hardline against people in the future without any backup. If you want to take issue with something specific I’ve said then please let’s have a real discussion with sources. I have many posts deep diving into why I believe Anakin fits the criteria for CPTSD. The morality of his actions is a totally separate thing.
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mistlestripe · 2 years
Redtail’s debt (mostly) rewrite concept ideas.
Okay so I skimmed over Redtail’s debt the other day, and GOD I was just never a fan of the writing in that book. Redtail’s character is super generic and like they just chose a random “protagonist” personality for him, the pacing is strange and fucks up the timeline a LOT considering Darkstripe nor Longtail are even IMPLIED to be conceived, and that doesn't even mention the terrible straight-up MISTAKES of Ravenpaw’s behavior and Oakheart’s death. 
Honestly my biggest gripe is his and Tigerclaws dynamic though. Tigerclaw in the first series is implied to be someone that EVERYONE trusts, someone who is noble and that people believe in as a good cat to trust their clan into (considering he became deputy, and clearly had enough of a reputation to become shadowclan’s leader). I don’t like how obviously evil he behaves, and how he seems to have a track-record of being violent and unnecessarily cruel (Acoording to a windclan cat in the book) . And I especially dont like how Redtail is characterized as naïve and is so obviously taken advantage of, and how Redtail grows to become hateful and distrustful of Tigerclaw despite the whole situation of that intending to be super unexpected and shocking. IDK I just think it’d have more depth if there was no “mistrust” involved, because we know how it turns out already, it just becomes boring if the characters themselves predict it.
Though warning i briefly mention spottedleaf’s heart around the beginning. However the contents of that book are never mentioned and only really referenced in regards to timeline issues I have.
It’s RLLY long just a warning. also srry for bad grammar and typos and rambly text.
Though do tell me your opinions! Let me know anything that is weird about my idea or anything that is GOOD about my idea! I’m not an experienced writer at all so I’d appreciate critique! (I do love to just discuss about it)
First off, while I’m not opposed to Willow/Red/Spotted all being siblings, I don’t like him being younger than tigerclaw like that. It’s not THAT big a deal but he’s implied to be super respectable, and it just makes not that much sense that Bluestar would pick a younger warrior over an older warrior. and more POINTEDLY I don’t like Spottedleaf being in that same litter bec that would imply she was super old by TPB T_T.... I’d probably just remove Spottedleaf from Redtail’s debt or just make it so she’s a kit during later in the book, rather than being of same age (they can still have the same parents, maybe it can be noted that Adderfang and Swiftbreeze are old and spottedleaf’s litter is gonna be their last litter (Which I know would mess with the timeline a bit since they retire, but its not that big a change I dont think? Or at least something that cant be fixed with other changes...) Spottedpaw doesnt do much in Redtail’s debt so it’s not so much a problem in here rather than in Spottedleaf’s heart. I could put him in Leopard/Patch’s litter but I’d rather not since I dont like him being older than Bluestar either/or that much older than Tigerclaw.
I do prefer Tigerclaw being younger than Redtail though, Ik it doesnt make much sense in line with bluestars prophecy but whatever we can just pretend like thats changed (as in redtail’s litter randomly being born at some point during then before Tigerstar’s, Tigerclaw’s birth would stay the same in the same time) --- It’d also work with some Willowpelt context I have in mind but I’ll get to that later
I’d basically swap the dynamic, Redtail being an older apprentice-near warrior age at the beginning of the book, and Tigerpaw being a newer, younger apprentice. I’d give him “YS brokenpaw” syndrome (i didnt care for that being brokenpaw’s personality anyways like its not terrible but whatever) and he’s SUPER eager to train and battle and be overly enthusiastic and eager to prove himself to his bitchy mentor thistleclaw and because of that he speaks out and misbehaves a lot.
My main idea is rather than the painfully obvious storytelling in Redtail’s debt where Redtail is naive and Tigerclaw saves him and then Tigerclaw makes him do evil things (which, I do not like that TIGERCLAW is specifically bad. It fucks up the first arc where it was “unexpected” and everyone looked up to him and wanted him to be deputy. like its just so blatant like give us subtlety pls)
Anyways but like instead of that I’d make it so TIGERPAW is the one who first gets into trouble, whereas Redpaw would be the one to save him -- Tigerpaw is shocked and angry he couldn’t save himself but Tigerpaw would tell Redpaw he “owes him one” and is gonna make it up to him one day
Then in another chapter there’d be a timeskip, Redtail becoming a warrior, this chapter would be mostly “fluff” parts (or it would just be giving stuff that leads to the next “action” part) But Tigerpaw reminds Redtail that even if he’s a warrior, that Tigerpaw will still make it up to him and to not forget his promise-- Redtail brushes this off though as he sees it as Tigerpaw just being young and not serious. It could note how old his mother is and how she declined being an elder or something
But after that it would eventually lead into a cat-battle, probably Riverclan related, and there would be some action moment where Redtail worries about his old mother and struggles to find her and assure that she’s safe, Only for Tigerpaw to save him and help him save his mother (Maybe he can also help redtail by helping him carry her if shes wounded or smth idk) And it basically ends up with Redtail being proud of Tigerpaw (Who could become Tigerclaw here actually because I dont think Tigerclaw’s warrior ceremony was ever given much reason other than them two just being warrior-aged, it’d be good for Tigerclaw’s reputation context in the first arc if he actually did more “great” acts) and it basically gets to Tigerclaw being like “I told you I would pay you back one day.” And Redtail being like “Thank you Tigerclaw. Whatever debt there was between us has been repaid honorably. I’m proud to call you my clanmate.” sort of thing blah blah. 
Note: A concept idea I had is that younger-Willowpelt is characterized similarly to Rosetail’s place in BP, being boy-interested and as an apprentice stating how she’d love to have kits some day (like beyond typical degree though), I thought of maybe keeping that old “Tawnyspots is Darkstripes father” concept but the relationship would be like a Nightcloud situation where she simply dated a much younger (though adult), unrelatable Crowfeather because she wanted to have kits--- I imagined it being gossip that Tawnyspots wants to have kits before he dies ((but it wouldn’t go in depth of their relationship, I don’t imagine Tawnyspots was actually in love with her but he wasn’t distant or abusive about it. It’d just be one of those things that are like “oh that makes sense because X” that are mentioned only in passing))-- though since it happened within a timeskip Darkkit’s father could go unnamed. Moving Red/Willow’s birth to before Tigerclaws would make this work more so that Willowpelt at least gets to be a warrior before Tawnyspots dies.
But then another timeskip and Willowpelt gives birth to Darkkit, probably just being the only one of his litter because tragedy is uneeded here, and Swiftbreeze also turns out to be pregnant around the same time (which cats could gossip about how old she is ig bec warrior cats are rude) --- ((Though actually I might make it so she has kits a little later, but not by that much))
This point is a little bit more cloudy in terms of my thought process, but I imagine whether it be a battle, or kit-danger, Tigerclaw saves Willowpelt and Darkkit in another intense *redtail scared for his family* moment, which would lead up to an interaction being like (not literally this is just what im coming up with) Tigerclaw: “I’m just repaying my debt. I’ll never forget how you saved my life Redtail.”  Redtail: “Your debt has been repaid. I promise, Tigerclaw, I’ll pay you back for all the times you’ve helped me, as you’ve done for me. Let’s consider this a debt of my own.”
(So which is what gives the title “Redtails debt” more depth up there ^^^ Also note at this point it wouldn’t be acknowledged but Tigerclaw’s kindness is now more “building up his reputation” rather than him being a nice person. like manipulatively he’s acting super noble)  And Although after this would leave an opening for some more plot (maybe some sort of fallout scene like the original RD had, but rather than it ending with Redtail not trusting him I think I’d make it so Tigerclaw ties it up much better and Redtail still trusts him MAYBE something like there’s a sunningrocks battle and some character dies because Tigerclaw tells him not to give up/end the fight-- though it wouldn't end with Redtail not trusting Tigerclaw or hating him), But even from there it could have the timeskip to the prequel sunningrocks battle, Ravenpaw actually acts like Ravenpaw, I’d prefer to show off more of the younger apprentices then bec thats cute and iconic, and Redtail as a “death flag” moment where he reminds Tigerclaw that he’ll pay him back and never forget his debt. Redtail DOESNT kill oakheart, and as Tigerclaw kills him the last words Redtail hears from Tigerclaw is “Consider your debt repaid.”
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reconstructwriter · 1 year
Had Another Breakdown and Watched Attack of the Clones
And wow, what a B-Movie title but I’m already committed to this terrible life decision so I might as well continue. Got through the Phantom Menace so how much worse can this be?
Warning! Another long post! Also tw for Attack of the Clones shit including genocide and slavery.
The Watto scene: Not only does it double down on Watto as a Jewish stereotype – seriously, WHY?!? – but a scene where a former slave meets their enslaver after ten years of growing up and mystic training with a laser sword? I expected a lot more. Watto should’ve voided his bowels because this has to be Worst Case Scenario for a slaver! At best he was a little ‘nervous friendly’. And Anakin is already well-established as ‘man-child who Loses His Shit at the drop of a hat’. Like dude, where’s your angst and teenage fits now cause boy does this situation fit the bill! But nope, NPC fulfills their NPC duty and off they go.
Fanon Anakin vs Canon Anakin: I was introduced to the former and slowly learned what he’s really like and oh wow is he such a terrible mess of a human being no wonder Mace Windu noped his training. His Fascist statement is extra YIKES for Padme since she’s one of those Senators who’d be forced to agree. The first temper tantrum alone sounded way out of line given the relatively professional setting, let alone the creepy boundary-breaking stare. The ‘I’ve been dreaming about you for ten years’, the ‘my feelings are suffering’ speech – also taking place with him in shadow for extra broody effect. And his first genocide (I can’t believe we’re already keeping track here!) And he KNOWS BETTER is the worst thing. He admits, out loud, that he knows better and still does the thing Padme why did you say yes to this mess?
Padme being mind controlled: a fairly common fan theory to answer the above question, but in-movie Padme straight up asks Anakin if he will use a mind-trick on her (in the context of a 20 questions game so not serious). Anakin’s response is ‘mind tricks only work on the weak minded’. On the one hand, implies Padme is too strong-willed for Anakin to influence through the Force – but on the other hand this also suggests to me that he would if he could!?!?
Though Anakin was the one to suggest keeping the relationship a secret, which did surprise me so no guilting Padme about ‘wanting a marriage like a free man’ like I thought. Padme is the one who says she won’t live a lie. Good to know for future reference.
Are droids sentient or not? Dex outright says droids can’t think but I honestly don’t know if this is in-universe how droids work or if Dex is having a Cleigg-on-Tusken-People moment.
Jedi are Arrogant? Lots of people have cited Madame Nu’s confidence in her archive’s integrity as evidence the Jedi are arrogant and horrible justification of Sith crimes follows. But Obi Wan thinks there’s something more going on and Yoda encourages everyone to help find his lost planet in one of the only nods to ‘funny trickster teacher Yoda’ we get in the movie. To me this seems a hint that the Jedi are unprepared for betrayal from within. Which Dooku’s, Anakin’s and the Clones’ mind-controlled betrayals all blindside the Jedi Order.
Jango: I’ve been torn about him since I learned about him. On the one hand, understandable vengeance motive (per legends anyway), on the other hand selling his own kids into slavery and probably knowing something about the chips and genocide order because I can’t otherwise imagine the legends version assisting the Jedi.
Jango does state in-movie ‘they’ll do their job well’ in a way that sounds just a bit ominous but I don’t know if he’s being accidentally vague or deliberately giving a subtle hint he knows about the Jedi betrayal plan. If this version is just in it for Boba and the money and doesn’t have the motive of his Legends counterpart, why would the Sith ever need to tell him? Dunno, but I was surprised to not hear him say anything derogatory about his clones. I mean he’s still selling his children into slavery in a way George Lucas doesn’t grok but he doesn’t actively deride them like I’ve read in fanfic. It’s a low bar but not as low as Anakin’s.
Made for the Jedi? So the Kaminoians confirm the clone army is specifically made for the Republic but commissioned by Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas. Glad the movies cleared that up.
Scene Contrast: Kamino is Dark and Stormy with creepy sterile whiteness everywhere in complete contrast to Naboo’s sunny and lush green paradise. The clone army is grown and trained in creepy white lab while the robotic army built in a dark but organic underground hive. Obi Wan sneaks onto Geonosis through the light of day to investigate galactic concerns. Anakin on Tattooine stalks the Tusken people in the dark of night for personal stakes.
The (Other) Horribly Racist Cliché: Speaking of which, I get we’re supposed to assume Shmi was abducted but, um, Cleigg isn’t even a witness – like I initially thought – but is guessing abduction based on tracks in the desert sand and his incredibly racist bias. Are we supposed to doubt every word out of his mouth? If Shmi had been in a bed (even tied) I’d have assumed patient before prisoner.
Anakin’s Genocide: He goes off to save Shmi as ominous music plays and the suns go down, at which point he doesn’t just walk the fascist talk and do baby-Vader’s first genocide but also foreshadows his betrayal and genocide of the Jedi! Which really reinforces the Sith/Nazi and Jedi/Jewish parallel here – Hitler and the Nazis got their Holocaust ideas from White America’s treatment of our native and PoC counterparts. So too does Anakin the future Sith start his genocidal tendencies with the Native people of Tattooine.
But nobody in-universe seems to get that?!? Blorbo!Anakin authors recognize that thar was some FUCKED UP SHIT!!! (Usually by pretending it didn’t happen or re-writing the scene into something less Moral Event Horizon.) Padme’s response would fit better Anakin murdering the literally disarmed Dooku – morally wrong, against the Jedi Code but somewhat understandable but genocide? Cleigg is narratively supposed to be kind and sympathetic but he practically sent a demon after people who’s land and water he’s stealing! The person acting most realistically is the perpetrator and all Anakin admits (again) is he’s a Jedi and therefore should be better. But this still feels like he should have come back to Padme yellow-eyed and Dark Sided!
Once again, George Lucas’ racism screws up the story he’s trying to tell. Ugh. Okay, enough movie time for now. Sorry I’m a hopeless binger despite my friends and kitties’ best efforts.
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lediz-watches · 2 years
You've got a friend
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I’m liveblogging The Winchesters as a Supernatural!virgin. Please keep my lack of knowledge in mind if you continue...
In episode thoughts:
I appreciate Carlos and Lata being actual teasing friends, by the way. Also Lata being upset about her paraphernalia being hurt, that’s exactly the sort of nonsense I needed us to start with, thank you.
Oh no everyone, John’s covered in blood. He’s acting traumatised.
…how did he get away? Oh, Mum let him go. Sure. You're justified this time, Millie, but you know you're part of his problem, right?
His eyeshadow’s on point again today.
I mean… I was going to say that’s a good question, Lata, but actually thinking about it, it’s incredibly dumb. You guys are hunting the akrida. You’re the biggest threat to their plan, you’ve been successful in stopping them and proved more effective in direct combat, and John has made this easy. Why WOULDN’T they try to get at him through nefarious underhanded means?
Oh, go to hell, John. If you didn’t want them to help you would have just run. Don’t pull this "I don't want any of you involved". I hate this trope.
…that bracelet is a little useless, actually, but sure. And she didn’t tell you because The Plot Demands.
‘Your past does not define you’ in a spin-off set in the past is… kind of ironic.
Lata. Come on. In fact, both of you, honestly, you’re smarter than this. Please see my above reasoning
I am beginning to suspect Maggie didn’t tell Mary about the bracelet because she had a big secret and didn’t want it used against her.
Hey Betty. Good cop. Please follow through, even though it’s going to get you in trouble.
OH MY GOD he’s actually letting himself get arrested. This is shockingly not dumb. Not smart, of course, but surprisingly not dumb.
What are toastettes? This is going to bother me.
(I came back to this later by the way and... boxed jaffles? That sounds disgusting...)
Oh noooo Lata’s Silent Hill monster is coming for her! Nooooo! Not my strong pacifist baby!
I know I’m always a little more critical of John storylines, but again, they’re implying this relationship between Kyle and Mary was a lot stronger than it was. They hung out like three times at most and she’s acting like they were super close and not just mild acquaintances. This show has a bad habit of speeding through relationships and situations to make them bigger than they deserve.
I think the bugs have spun a very believable story here. John is definitely the jealous type and he’s violent, so I would not be surprised if he beat up a guy for looking at ‘his’ girl. Bugs are smart. But honestly, still not understanding why they give a damn about Dean.
Okay, Lata, this is where you say “hey, yeah, you know how I was super angry and hateful once, I totally killed someone and carry that guilt and yeah, I’m on a path of redemption away from anger and I live with that every day, but I need my friends to help me accept myself and move beyond it, please”.
You're Maggie, I presume?
Oh, please don’t tell me Lata’s secret is that she did something to Maggie
…my cop show would’ve been so good… Betty would be such a great rival character…
Seriously, Lata. Just, you know the way out. I know it’s hard, but come on. Backstory monster demands backstory.
I still love Millie. I think I will always love Millie. But I am much more invested in the backstory story, please, can we go back to that one?
The prison transport will not kill everyone, Akrida. Silent Hill will take it and Betty and it will be an adventure of redemption for both of them.
Yes, thank you, Carlos. Lata, listen to the boy, please. And Carlos, see if she wants a hug so she doesn’t have to look at you when she speaks. She is obviously ashamed, lower the aggressive eye contact.
Oh, honey, she’s not done. Obviously.
 BREAD. I love that box for absolutely no reason.
Yeah, Lata, that… that sounds like a lot of families I knew growing up, yeah. And… ah, right. Yeah, okay.
This is… okay, pause, because I have to think about this.
Once again, I like Lata’s story. Simple though it may be, it is absolutely the sort of thing she would carry with her, and strengthens her ability to be a pacifist and not ‘fall’ the way I expect most of these characters to be at constant risk of. And her actor played it very well – I wish we’d been able to see her face more, so we could properly watch her work, but anyway.
But I wish the emotion she’d struggled with in The Room made it through to the real world. I’m not… She was wrecked. That truth wrecked her. She should have been wrecked coming out of that, too. At least let the makeup run a little.
And I don’t mind not giving her time to breathe, because these characters not having time to grieve and breathe and deal with stuff is part of their trauma, but again… can you take five seconds to show their struggles properly please?
Basically, what I’m saying is, SLOW THE HELL DOWN, SHOW.
Anyway, moving on. We apparently need to worry about John again.
Wow, John, that was super smart. Not everyone in that room is a bug, way to make your case.
Come on, Mary. I know John makes you dumb, but there are better ways to distract a person.
Okay, so John’s a fugitive now, that’s fun.
Subtitles, come on… please. You did well for one episode, bring it back.
Betty is such a good character. I want her around more.
Aww, good Lata.
You haven’t been ‘lying for so long’. It’s history, and it matters to you, but it doesn’t matter to the moment, so you weren’t lying. And Carlos is right, it’s your story, and you don’t need to tell anyone you don’t want to, and…
While I would totally not be surprised if Mary and John were low-key jerks about it for a short period of time, so I would’ve preferred “however they feel, I will love you”, but that was still a good talk and I approve overall.
Okay, this one time I will agree that finding Dean is now important.
Seriously. These episodes need to be split in half and bulked out, because Carlos and Lata have stories that I want to explore and linger on and relish and they keep getting crowded out by frikkin John.
This series has such potential. I love these characters, I want to see more of them, I want to struggle with them, I want to know about their lives! But I absolutely, completely, cannot emphasise enough that I do not give the slightest damn about the actual main story.
It’s no slight to the actors. John’s actor is doing a great job with the role he’s in. I just don’t like the character. I don’t like the story, it’s not interesting or important to me.
And I know that’s because this is a spin-off adding to the Supernatural series, where John was a major influence. This is still that story, just adding backstory to characters. So it’s my lack of connection to the main series that makes this a problem. I’m sure fans of the show are like “LeDiz, shut up, this is our show and we don’t care about Lata and Carlos, we want more of the actual main characters” but friends, you are incorrect, because these side characters are better.
On a side note, I have almost completely formed my cop show AU now. It is no longer related to Supermassive Games. Maybe it can be a sister series with the same premise but different themes and location. This is the West Coast version. I don’t know American geography. Anyway. It’s brilliant. I love it. I want Mary and Carlos to lead, Lata to be their quirky support staff, Ada to be their long suffering boss, John to be a recurring character/problem, Betty to be the rival ‘normal’ cop who doesn’t know about the supernatural world, Tony can show up as the medical equivalent to their law nonsense, and overall, that is the show I want to watch, not this one.
But in the meantime, episode twelve (or back to chapter one if you care.)
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bisluthq · 2 months
(This is in response to that anon, not you. Letting you know here because you asked us to make it clear)
The comment about him being scared was based on people HERE usually saying that he probably would’ve been scared to break up with her based on songs like The Archer. I didn’t necessarily mean that was his whole reasoning for not ending the relationship. As for the engagement, yeah I assumed they got engaged at some point in 2020 because everyone pretty much agrees about that independently of how they feel about Taylor, Joe or the break up. I also think it’s fair to assume since she isn’t saying she’s waiting for a ring, she says she’s waiting at the altar? That to me implies an engagement had happened and she was waiting for the wedding.
As for Taylor and her work, she was going to tour less with Lover and the Eras as it is only happened when her and Joe were having issues. If they weren’t having issues, I could see her planning the tour around his projects, but for that to work he would have to agree to work less for that time. So maybe she would’ve toured Europe while he was working there, she would’ve had a break while he did a movie and he would’ve taken a break while she toured the US. I could see her doing something like that if they were married and happy.
Last but not least, YLM. That’s not something you randomly feel one night and then it goes away? Whatever was going on in their relationship built up to that, and even if they sort of fixed it (which I acknowledged when I said something made her stay), it clearly wasn’t completely fixed because she started cheating and the songs she wrote after the break up go hand in hand with YLM? They had the same problems in 2021 as they did in 2023.
I’m also a bit confused about the way you talk about “this was before the cheating” and things like that. The reason why I brought up 2021 and how he was already making her feel unloved by then is because something people love to say here is that it’s good he didn’t marry her because of this and that, and it’s always things that happened in 2022 or 2023. I was asking people to acknowledge that he was already not marrying her back in 2021, for whatever reason.
I stand by everything I said in both messages and you’re doing exactly what I was complaining about. I blamed both of them for everything and you felt the need to come defend Joe and bring up what people are saying about the break up elsewhere. I was talking about what I have seen people say here, everything I mentioned has been said by someone in this blog in the past year. I don’t check other swiftie blogs and I don’t care about what they do or do not say about Joe. I’m honestly tired of people coming here to complain about what people are saying about Joe somewhere else. I don’t follow those blogs for a reason, I’m not interested in what they have to say 🤷🏻‍♀️ If you want to believe Joe never proposed and he was the best most wonderful boyfriend and Taylor is a crazy person who got mad at him for not marrying her and then cheated, go ahead! If that’s the case, they do actually need to come and get her. But I think my take makes more sense and I stand by it
I really agreed strongly with your take. The other anon made some valid points but overall like I agree with your analysis.
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infernalantics · 3 months
top 5 akito shinonome lines go
oughhh. this is really hard 1-5 so i’ll just compile 5 i’m sorry LOLOL
“i really am.. so glad” at the end of fawo. idk. the baggage he’s carried on his shoulders— expectations bigger than the sky, the inability to let himself feel proud or satisfied for even a moment… has washed away. not all of it, of course, we’re not at bms yet, but this line really shows how . tiring i think it was to think like this all of the time. he did want to be proud but he thought he didn’t get to do that with where he was at. aughhh. the relief. the relief in the fact he can finally look back and say that he’s worked hard without immediately shaming himself for it
“in the end… that’s what’s left” uuuuuu honestly just read. bms. it’s so good. i love him
“when i surpass rad weekend, i’ll be proud— me, myself, everything i’ve ever been” yyyyyeah this one in contrast to fawo makes me insane. to the kid who couldn’t give himself the luxury of being proud because he’s aiming so much further than where he’s at and any of his teammates could’ve done better, the fact he’s here now and on the cusp of something greater, he can look back at all of his feverish hard work and say “i’m proud of everything that got me here” … yeah
"god, buddha, whatever— when this is over, you can have all of me. but just this once, please give this to me. let me sing until i burn up, with all my strength." yeahhhhh i think everyone saw this coming. now i can actually explain why it makes me so insane though! first off thags just an insane thing to say dude. um. what. but it’s not really even a negative thing it’s more of. he’s just a guy who lives every day to the fullest, and what with his whole life/death symbolism, this only Solidifies it. kashika is a cautious line between life and death, accepting the contradiction of loving something so entirely but feeling like you are never enough for it, a step into a more self-actualized person.. crazy is like a cheer and chant of “look at me, i’m alive, my heart beats loud and proud and violently” which is the whole “heart beating 95” “ready to die” lyrics . and this line only furthers it. whatever god is out there, if i died tomorrow, at least i’d die knowing i accomplished what i devoted my life to and i could be proud. also like hey man? after this you can have all of me???? just this once please give this to me???????? also i joke abt the catholicism but i think this line does kinda imply he doesn’t believe in god. which is a hilarious thing to take out of this event. yeah of course this bitch is like I DONT BELIEVE IN GOD BUT IM SURPASSINF RAD WEEKEND RN SO . oh my god i forgot to even talk about let me sing until i burn up. yeahhhvthe fire symbolism <- said puking in my mouth. he’s so. the stupid clumsy passion that’s so much it cuts himself down in the process . “eyes so far past the horizon it hurts to look at.” “ones that don’t know how to live any other way” hhhhdhdhejekfjnfssnldnldkhdjdjdjdjsjskj. he found what he loves to do and he Will take it even if he burns up in the process. puts my entire fist in my mouth.
this isn’t an akito quote but it is related to him so it counts bc i’m blanking right now it is 9 Am I am Not built for these hours. “A lot of things made Akito angry back then. To be fair, it's not like he wanted to be angry...” toya saying this abt him makes me want to puke. once again akito is generally a guy who doesn’t like showing insecurity/weakness/sadness so a lot of this pent up feeling showing up as anger is. wgghh. like do i think that akito is just generally kind of a shithead sometimes. yeah. like sorry he’s just kind of a dick sometimes he’s blunt and he’s grumpy but i think the Anger that toya is talking abt here is Different. with how passionate akito is in everything he does, for that to be diminished over and over and over by people who continue to look down upon you.. yeah. id be angry too. but toya saying how he didn’t Want to be angry. how it was a product of the environment he was raised, how his time on vivid street actuslly was, his own mindset of his emotions… his anger issues stem from a lot of things, but it’s not like he wants to be sitting with this frustration all of the time. again, looping back to the first one, to me it’s part of the reason why he’s so relieved at the end of fawo.
anyways this was very long❤️❤️❤️ unfortunately i lovr the little orange fuck 🥞🥞🥞🥞
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truckreincarnation · 1 year
Stop Going Off, Queen || Theophania || Trial 2.5 || Re: Shinjuku, Esmee, Bian || Attn: Amber
Back to back, the people who cared about Perry most responded, and neither Esmee nor Shinjuku had managed to keep their calm. Theophania expected that. They were grieving, so it was only natural to lash out. That was the rational way of looking at it, but Theophania had already felt annoyed seeing Shinjuku snap directly at Avery, and then that tipping point boiled over the edge hearing Esmee’s sanctimonious tirade.
That’s it. She had enough.
“You know, just because you’re grieving, it doesn’t give you the right to act like complete assholes and lash out at everyone who dares offer a different opinion than you.” Her rage was boiling over. A lady should keep it contained. Push it down. Don’t stoke the flames. It would only make it worse. Theophania took a deep breath to compose herself. “Truthfully, I don’t know what the answer is here. Whether it was merely an accident or if this was an act of malice, but what I do know is refusing to consider all possibilities is far stupider than daring to be optimistic by hoping we don’t have to kill another goddamn person in this evil game.”
Honestly, Theophania didn’t think that those closest to Perry were going to listen to anything that didn’t already fit what they believed about the case. They already had ideas in their head about what went down and were looking for evidence to prove it rather than considering the full picture.
“Now, to offer some counterpoints. Yes, obviously there was a label to the Shatterstone. I can’t speak for everyone, but it’s not something I noticed while looking around in there. Perhaps there are others aside from Avery who would have known of the dangers, but it also wasn’t blatant enough that anyone could walk in and immediately know to take advantage of it. Don’t make me out to be an idiot for daring to claim that wasn’t public knowledge.” Yes, that was particularly sore point for her. “Secondly, the wounds on her hands. I don’t know if Perry’s wounds were from more than the branches, but I doubt she was holding it. As Nao mentioned, some of those crystal shards went through her body. If she’d been handling the thing at any point when it exploded, those crystal shards would have gone straight through her hands.”
Now for her accusations…
“Even if Frank did have something to do with this, stop implying as though this was some premeditated act. As though he had violent thoughts about her earlier in the night and then was just lying in wait to act on them hours later. If this wasn’t an accident, then it would have had to be in the heat of the moment. Everyone was accounted for earlier in the night. It’s not as though someone was sitting there in the Craft Room waiting for their moment.” Give her damn break. No seeds were sown earlier in the night. If that were the case, then there was no way someone would’ve seen Frank peacefully working on a metal project. Not if he was brooding and seething with rage.
“Additionally, Avery has already told us that the noise made by the Shatterstone wasn’t very loud. There would be no need for Frank to make a noise to cover it up. Are you seriously suggesting that a guitar riff echoing through the hallway wouldn’t be more conspicuous?” There really wouldn’t have been enough noise that it would’ve needed to be covered.
“Now, building off the accident theory, here is my suggestion. Is it not possible that Perry lost her balance and fell down? And as she fell, she knocked down the shelf with her, with the Shatterstone hitting either her chest or the ground near her? That would explain her wounds. It would also explain that smear of blood right where the shelf was. Like it or not, she had to have grabbed onto it at some point. Additionally, Perry’s body was found right next to the shelf. If someone had thrown the Shatterstone at her, I’d imagine that level of force would have pushed her back somewhat. I don’t think there was evidence of that, but I could be mistaken. But regardless, for someone to have thrown it at her, they would’ve had to reach that shelf first. She was in front of it, so unless they’d grabbed it ahead of time, I don’t think that’s likely. Now, somebody could have thrown something at the crystal to trigger it, but we didn’t find anything at the scene that could have been thrown at it. Granted, the killer could’ve picked it back up, but neither Nao nor Frank had anything that damaged on their person, nor did we come across anything during our investigation. I mean this sincerely, if any of you have a theory on how that Shatterstone could have been triggered by another person, please share. I can’t think of anything, but that doesn’t mean I’m not opposed to hearing other theories.”
She sent a pointed glance across the room.
Now, for what Frank was making.
“I don’t know what powers a magic microphone, but the one I saw that announcer have didn’t have any gems on it. That doesn’t mean it wasn’t powered by one, but there was nothing visible. Maybe Amber could share with us and that might shed some light on this. Amber, what powers a magic microphone?”
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valleyrunearchives · 2 years
Weightless (The Leap of a Jade Rabbit)
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Fandom: Boku No Hero Academia/My Hero Academia Pairings: Aizawa Shouta/Yamada Hizashi Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence
Chapter 42/?
Midoriya Izuku stopped believing in heroes when a tragedy occurred in his life. When at the tender age of 11, he lost everything that was everything dear to him, everything that was worth living for. Yet he doesn’t give up. He can’t give up. He decides to make a choice instead. No longer will he stand around and wait for the heroes to arrive while a crime goes down. He’ll be his own hero and a hero to those who are just like him. Those waiting for help that will never arrive. In order to do that, though, he’ll have to fight to survive and lie through his teeth. It won’t be so bad!
After all, it’s not like they can bring him in for vigilantism and Illegal Quirk Usage when he doesn’t even have a quirk, right?
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“This is an excellent decision, Izuku-kun, an excellent decision indeed!” Nedzu says happily, shuffling the papers on his desk around into a different order. Izuku sits across from him tensely before relaxing a little bit at his words. It's hard to believe this child could be so nervous with him after Nedzu so loudly approved of him before. But he supposes that that's the unpredictability that comes from humans with anxiety like Izuku's. It's all just so fascinating to him, really! How the mind can work and race as it does for humans.
“Really?” The child asks him, “You don’t think I’m wasting my chance or not taking opportunities when I should?” 
“Of course not!” The smile he gives him might seem sharp but it holds nothing but genuine happiness and delight in it. He tucks all the papers away into Izuku’s file to be put away later. “Choosing to do something that’s best for your mental health and well being is not a bad thing. Not at all. You deserve the chance to fully settle into your new life. And enjoy the youth you have left before you become an adult. Honestly, I had hoped you would want to put your high school education on hold until you were the same age as your friends. I never want you to feel alienated in any situation regarding a school institution. I think Aldera did enough of that for everyone in the whole world!” Nedzu cackles at his cruel joke towards that awful, now former, school. 
“What if I had insisted on the opposite? If I had wanted to go into high school early? What then? Since you hoped I would choose the option of waiting, would you have tried to change my mind?” 
Nedzu folds his hands and thinks his response over carefully. He doesn’t want the boy to be overwhelmed and also wants the boy to trust him. He hopes to make him his apprentice when he gets into high school officially but doesn’t want to frighten him away from that prospect. “Izuku-kun,” He starts gently, “If that had truly been your decision, I wouldn’t have fought you on it if that’s what you’re implying. Simply asked if you were sure that’s the path you wanted to travel. I would have warned you that it wouldn’t have been an easy one and likely would’ve had many more obstacles you would’ve had to face; More than likely by yourself.
Choosing this path, however, means that you are able to face your obstacles with friends by your side as well as your family. And hopefully myself as well. I don’t know if you’ve picked up on it but Shouta-kun and I are quite the pair of friends. The unlikeliest of them. I hope you will join that ranking as well! I would be honored to consider you a friend and be considered as a friend by you.” 
Izuku is silent for a very long moment at that. His eyes aren’t wide nor teary so Nedzu isn’t sure what to think entirely. He believes Izuku is just processing what he’s said and trying to put it in a way that he can mentally understand it. When he does, he smiles very slightly, “That’s very nice of you Nedzu-san. Thank you.” 
“Of course! My absolute pleasure!” The chimera runs his tongue over his teeth before his tail sways a bit, “Although, I do wish to ask you for a bit of a favor in our friendship.”
“A favor? What is it?” The pre-teen’s head tips a bit to the side with the question. 
Appeal to him, Nedzu’s brain whispers. “Your ability with quirks and their keepers is a truly incredible thing. It can be used in so many ways beyond just your vigilantism.” 
“Ways beyond it? How so?” He takes the bait.
Draw him in. Get him curious, it mutters next. “You see… After many observations over their records and publications, I have reasons to believe that the Hero Public Safety Commission is hiding things from the public right under everyone’s noses. The two just don’t match up like they should. The problem is no one, not even I, can figure out what it is or how they’re doing it. But it has to be big if they’re trying to hide it. ” 
Izuku leans in, brows furrowed. Hook. “I’ve attempted to send spies and bugs in to find what the discrepancy is but they’ve all come back unsuccessful. You can imagine my frustration over it. Especially since these were hand picked by me to begin with and I've still made no progress! “
The boy’s head tilts. Line.
“But with an analytical mind like yours and access to the heroes directly under the HPSC through Fat Gum-san, I believe you might have what it takes to find what I’m looking for. Your mind and eyes as well as your experiences will be able to spot any kind of trauma or abuse or blackmail occurring in the heroes standing right in front of you!” 
Izuku’s eyes widened at that. It’s intrigue that swims in his eyes. Nedzu knows he’s got him. Sinker. “What do I need to do?” Izuku asks quietly. 
Nedzu smirks to himself. He’ll make a hero out of this brilliant light in the world yet. “Start with the HPSC’s most treasured hero. Ask Fat Gum-san to introduce to Hawks. Speak to him and try to pull out what he knows using your observation skills and knowledge about the laws pertaining to hero society. And perhaps… Don’t mention this favor of mine to Shouta-kun or Hizashi-kun. I don't imagine they would allow you to help me with this if they knew about it. They're picky that way.” 
If he happens to take down the corruption milling about in the biggest player of their society with this child’s amazing mind? Well, that’s just a bonus for him and the rest of the country. Shouta and Hizashi won’t be happy about it for sure. But they’ll thank him later.
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petrovna-zamo · 2 years
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Scott Thompson was in the audience to see Trixie & Katya! — The comedian from this story:
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zgvlt · 2 years
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twst & tsumtsum collab scenarios part 2, ft. riddle, jack, floyd x reader (separate)
read part 1, ft. leona, cater, epel, sebek here
author’s note: Based on the JP TWST Event. Wrote this while sleepy so I might have missed some grammar mistakes, sorry about that, will fix asap if any :>
general tags: gender neutral reader, sfw, attempt at humor, not beta read
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Riddle’s tsum is, funnily enough, stricter than Riddle himself when it comes to enforcing the Queen’s Rules. However, isn’t the tsum seemingly biased? (or, Riddle and Riddle Tsum don’t always agree when it comes to interpretations of the Rules, but they do agree on one thing—you can get away with some rules more than others)
wc: 620+ words
specific tags: Reader is a Heartslabyul student ; Food mention
Riddle Tsum has one peculiar hobby—tackling people, specifically offenders of the Queen’s Rules. That was not to say tackling was unique to Riddle Tsum, it was an activity that he had seen all the tsums do at least once, but his tsum was particularly… tackle-happy, he would say. 
While he appreciated the thought behind the action, it is fascinating to know there’s a creature out there who upholds the rules just as much as him, Riddle didn’t exactly agree with all of the creatures interpretations and, quite honestly, methods. 
A small and light tap as a warning would do! Tackling the students suddenly could result in further messes that would need to be dealt with. 
The tsum did not agree. Well, that was how the Heartslabyul Dorm Leader interpreted it—it was a little difficult trying to figure out what specifically the tsum didn’t agree with considering it couldn’t speak, which also meant he could not properly discuss a compromise. 
He preferred warnings, it preferred tackling.
Thus, it surprised Riddle when you, just about to break Rule 89—Never eat a tart without the Queen's permission—did not get tackled by the tsum. 
That was not to say it just let you be. No, it certainly still approached you, just far more gently than he was expecting. All it did was climb atop your lap, and then nudge your arm as if to tell you off… or perhaps direct your attention from the tart to it instead. 
Whatever it was, it worked. 
“The Dorm Leader’s tsum! Do you need something?”
“Ah, I believe the tsum is trying to warn you.” Riddle walked closer, his voice, combined with the sound of his footsteps, making his presence known to you. “If you eat that tart without my permission, you’ll be breaking Rule 89.”
“Oh! No wonder it’s been prodding at me,” you said, not sounding even the least bit annoyed or exasperated. Instead, you pet the plush creature with your free hand, careful to not mess up the crown on its head. “You were just trying to be helpful, weren’t you? What a sweet and considerate tsum.”
Sweet? Considerate? That tsum? Riddle wanted to laugh—were you unaware of the wild nature of the tsum? Sure, you have never been tackled before, but surely you must have heard from everyone else?
Also… were you implying something? The tsum was helping you? What, did you perhaps think he would get mad at you for (not yet) breaking Rule 89?
“For your information,” Riddle said, coughing into his fist, “I give you permission to eat that tart. Just… make sure to ask me next time… or, no, that’s quite inconvenient. I don’t want you to go through the hassle of having to look for me… I know how difficult it can be to chase after someone… or something.”
He could tell you to simply send him a message on his, now mostly defunct, MagiCam, but he didn’t exactly check his phone often enough. What if the notification never came, and he kept you waiting for several hours?
Well, there was always that, but… he should be fair and just when it comes to enforcing the rules, shouldn’t he? There should be no outliers, no exceptions, no playing favorites.
Riddle looked at Riddle Tsum for an answer, and with one blink he was hit with clarity, as if having read its mind, and thus coming to an agreement. 
“Or… I can simply give you permission… Yes, that works.. I give you permission to eat any and all tarts, from now up until the future wherein I am the dorm leader,” Riddle proclaimed, and the tsum nodded its head in approval. “However, let’s try to keep that between the three of us, shall we?”
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Jack Tsum has always been particularly energetic. Sure, it’s good exercise, but he does not want to spend his whole afternoon chasing after the Tsum (or, Jack runs a marathon to go after a Tsum, gets to spend his afternoon with you instead)
wc: 1.0k+ words
specific tags: ramshackle prefect! reader, established relationship
People might have said that the tsum—the one that somewhat looked like him—acted exactly like him as well, but he would have to disagree… for the most part. Aside from the hair color and clothes, he won’t deny one similarity, that being a certain love for exercise and physical fitness.
Not that Jack knew what physical fitness actually meant and did to a tsum—did jumping up and down, rolling across the lawn, and zooming like a trackstar count as exercise for it? If so, did it exercise just to feel good or was there any actual benefit?
Whatever was the case, he could admire the dedication at the very least—even though it was taking time off of his schedule—but what he can’t exactly admire is the endless energy the tsum seemed to have, almost like it was running on 8 hours of sleep and caffeine. 
Sure, he himself had a substantial amount of stamina, but he preferred to take the time to slow down as opposed to using it all up. The small creature clearly had some semblance of manners—it knew how to knock on doors, it greeted his seniors politely—so why was the tsum always causing trouble for him? Couldn’t it always be, perhaps, behaved?
“Where did it roll off to now?” Jack muttered to himself, already having run a marathon all over the place—across the hallways, rooms he had attended classes in hours before, the cafeteria, his own dormitory—all just to look for the tsum. Sure it was small, many things happened to be significantly smaller than him, but that alone shouldn’t have made it so difficult to find.
He wasn’t a kid anymore. He shouldn’t have to play hide and seek with anyone, except perhaps his siblings back home.
If it was nowhere in his dormitory, and nowhere in public areas on campus… the other dormitories then. 
Tsums couldn’t talk, as far as he knew, but they socialized with each other one way or another just like other animals did, with signals and movements. Maybe, as odd as it was to think about, the tsum was friends with the other tsums it came here with?
He thought about messaging Epel and Sebek privately—the two of them did have tsums to look after as well, so maybe his tsum went to look for theirs—but after taking some time to think about it, he eventually settled on sending a message to the groupchat containing some other first years. 
Maybe the rogue creature was in Ignihyde, of which Ortho would be able to capture it easily, or even in Heartslabyul, where it could be attending some unbirthday party, maybe even getting into trouble with Riddle’s tsum. If he could narrow it down, then he wouldn’t have to waste time checking everywhere.
Unsurprisingly, the chat slowly began to flood with messages—Ace with his harmless jabs, Deuce with his unfortunately not too helpful suggestings, Epel and Sebek sharing their complaints as well (they were acting as if just yesterday they hadn’t sent pictures of their own tsums the way you liked to send pictures of Grim being Grim).
Basically, nothing concrete out of the four, other than stating the tsum was nowhere to be seen in their dormitories, or around other tsums. No, he should have known it would be Ortho, once more proving himself to be way more capable than the rest of them combined, who would locate where the tsum was at.
The Ramshackle Dormitory, Ortho replied, and everyone else decided to respond to the group chat with variations of ‘Of course, I should have guessed’ and ‘Obviously Jack’s tsum is trailing after our prefect like a puppy’ and a few other statements he preferred to simply ignore as opposed to shutting down. 
They were acting like he was incredibly attached and clingy to you, and that by association his tsum would be as well. 
Not that he was any of those in the first place. He didn’t know about the tsum, but not him. That was some wild misconception, considering he was only sufficiently and moderately attached to you—he was your boyfriend after all, so of course he watched over you here and there. 
They catch him being protective over you once (just once, and a justified circumstance) and that’s all it takes for their brains to go haywire. He doesn’t get them.
Still, even though he does spend more time with you compared to his other friends, and regardless of whatever their teasing and muses seemed to imply, the two of you spent a healthy amount of time apart as well.
Alhough… it has been a while. 
He shoots you a text, asking if he can come over. You hadn’t seen any of the messages in the group chat, obviously preoccupied with Grim or the tsum, or perhaps even both, so he hopes you send out your reply before his footsteps take him to Ramshackle.
Just so he can tell himself he’s been polite enough to get permission instead of just busting down your doors… like you’re probably already used to.
His phone beeps, and before he knows it he’s already smiling at how you’ve chosen to reply to him. 
Ofc! <3 Also, come look at the lil guy!
You always did like to send videos of Grim, so he’s not surprised you’re sending one of the tsum now, rolling around, jumping up and down as high as it can, and even doing sit-ups for you. 
It’s doing its best to flex its abilities for you. While Jack has never done so (so blatantly), he admired the determination it seemed to have when it came to showing off.
Alright. I’ll be there in a bit.
It was a little funny, thought Jack, that he hadn’t spent much time with you, other than in passing and in groups of people, due to his having to deal with the tsum, and yet it was the tsum itself leading him to come visit you. Perhaps he should be thankful for the excuse?
He supposed he was, but it wasn’t going to stop him from trying to tell the tsum to at least give him a signal if it wanted to come see you. Next time, the both of them could come hang out with you together.
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Floyd really liked the little guy, until the Tsum started taking up too much of your attention (or, you pay more attention to the Tsum than your boyfriend playing basketball and he is not happy about it)
wc: 740+ words specific tags: floyd-typical threats of violence (to the tsum), established relationship
See, Floyd really liked the little creature that happened to look like him. It was easily the best entertainment he’s gotten in a while, so he’s super thankful that of all the tsums that fell from the sky, there was one that looked like him. His tsum was easily the best of the bunch, always excitable and ready to go along with whatever he did, and follow wherever he went. 
All the tsums were fun one way or another, but his was a whole other level of fun reactions, ones he just could not get tired of!
The problem was… someone else seemed to agree. You thought the tsum was incredibly fun, too, so much so that you could not take your eyes off of it. 
It was yesterday, wasn’t it? He went to take a nap, and since the tsum didn’t look like it wanted to join him, he gave you the responsibility of looking after it, making sure it didn’t destroy more of his stuff.
During that time, it was as if you had bonded with the tsum because all of a sudden he wakes up and it’s all over you, somehow even more excited than before. It was so annoying having to get it away from you and back to his room—what was that about? He gets that you’re super fun to be around, but didn’t it follow him around so easily before? Did it prefer hanging around you now?
Yes, last night, he had been more jealous of the tsum liking you more than him, like a pet you bought deciding they liked your siblings or parents more than you, or like a toy you wanted being given to a different kid instead. It was like he got betrayed! Should he give the tsum a bath in the tub or something? 
Cats and dogs usually don’t like being wet, so maybe it’ll be the same for a tsum? It would be fun to see just how much mer a tsum really could be, wouldn’t it?
But that was last night. This afternoon was an entirely different thing—meaning, he had something entirely new to be angry about.
You almost always (note: when you can, when Ace convinces you to watch for the sake of the club) watch him play basketball during club time, or at least alternate between doing your homework and watching him. He gets the homework thing, that’s whatever! 
As long as you immediately looked at him when he shouted your name, he was perfectly happy with having your presence just be there. It was you telling him that even though you’re super duper busy, you’re there to be his cheerleader!
But you’re not there to be his cheerleader right now. You’re there to babysit the tsum again, but wasn’t it more like you were too busy playing with the tsum rather than simply watching over it to make sure it wouldn’t meddle with practice? And didn’t that mean that you preferred to play with the tsum than actually watch him?
Floyd stalks off the court in the middle of a timed practice match, much to the despair of Ace, who is trying to call him back, and Jamil, who hastily pauses the timer. Honestly, he’s really not in the mood to play—he was trying to show off, but if you’re not going to pay attention, then what’s the point?
“Shrimpy~” Floyd Leech may sound completely fine at the surface. He’s speaking in that usual tone of his, all playful and teasing, but he’s really quite pissed. At you? A little bit, more upset really, a feeling you can very easily fix once you give him some more of your attention… but the tsum.
“Shrimpy, can you give me the tsum? I want to do something fuuun!”
He would have taken the tsum anyway even if you had hesitated, but thankfully there was no need, not with you simply handing it to him. At least that means you’re not that attached to the tsum after all!
“Mm, do you wanna know something, tsum? You’re usually so interesting and cute~, so fun to play with, but…” he walked to the middle of the court, still grasping onto the tsum tightly, “I really hate it when my shrimpy’s attention isn’t on me. Let me teach you a lesson, kaaay?~”
And then, flexing his knees and extending his arms, he jumped, propelling the surprised tsum upwards and into the hoop.
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writing-the-stars · 2 years
Maternal Instincts
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Pairing: Kol Mikaelson x Fem!Reader (I believe the reader could also be read as gender neutral)
Summary: Late at night, you have a surprise visitor who is in desperate need of your comfort
Warnings: 1950s AU, Angst (It’s How I Survive), Fluff, Implied Domestic Abuse, Injuries, 1950s Slang, Reverse Comfort. Let Me Know If I Forgot Something
Word Count: 1.6k
A/N: Hi everyone! This is honestly one of my favorite one-shots I have written. It’s set in the 1950s with the greaser/soc dynamic because I’m a sucker for it. I think this fic is so cute and comforting, but you guys let me know what you think!  Please feel free to leave a comment or send in an ask, I love interacting with you all! Thank you so much for reading and have a wonderful day!!!
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A sudden, incessant tapping bounces around your bedroom, startling you awake. Motivated by your confused curiosity, you rise from your bed in search of the source of the taps against your second-story window, wrapping your silk robe around yourself to preserve your modesty. 
As you approach the window, another tap resounds with the collision of a small pebble against the glass before it bounces off the pane and disappears into the dark night. Swiftly closing the distance between you and the window, you peer out the glass, gasping when you recognize the silhouette of the culprit behind the flying pebbles. “Kol! What are you doing here?” you whisper out to the shadowy figure standing in your yard. He bestows you with his signature smirk, dropping the remaining pebbles in his hands to the plush grass below his feet.
“Finally, darling. I thought you were never going to wake up.”
You scoff, rolling your eyes at the complaint as you step away from the window, watching as your secret boyfriend scales the side of your house. “If my daddy catches you in here, he will murder you and send me away,” you tell the brunet as he climbs through your open window. “Well then, we better not get caught,” he responds— his voice alight with mischief as he saunters into your bedroom with that smirk that makes you weak in the knees. You shake your head in disapproval at your boyfriend. He is always such a risk-taker— always living on the edge. It frightens you to no end, but simultaneously excites you, pulling you deeper into the enigma that is Kol Mikaelson. 
“Kol, what are you doing here?” you repeat your question from before, walking over to your nightstand to turn on the lamp. “I missed you, darling. Is that a crime?” the brunet inquires, only partially lying about the reason behind his late-night visit. 
The light shatters the darkness that previously encompassed your bedroom, illuminating every aspect of your boyfriend he was hoping to conceal from you. A horrified gasp escapes your lips as you take in Kol’s appearance. A cut tears through the skin of his left cheek— discolored by the bruise forming underneath his left eye. His lip is bloodied and swollen and, by the look in his eyes, you can tell he has been crying. Your heart aches at the sight of him, wanting nothing more than to pull him into your arms and kiss away his injuries. 
“Jiminy Crickets! Kol Mikaelson, what happened to you?”
He winces at the use of his full name, something that’s foreign to your lips and tends to mean he’s found himself in hot water. “Don’t flip your lid. It’s not as bad as it looks,” the Mikaelson tries to reassure you with a shrug of his shoulders. Of course, his words do nothing to calm your worries, but you know that’s the most of an explanation you’re going to pull from your boyfriend so you drop the matter with a despondent sigh. Reaching out, you enclasp Kol’s large, calloused hand in your soft one, leading him to your hallway bathroom where the medical supplies are kept. You set him down on the ceramic toilet seat before digging through the under-the-sink cabinet for the first aid kit. 
“Have I ever told you how good you look with so little clothing on?” Kol asks you, attempting to lighten the somber mood you have fallen into. You gasp at the crude statement, jerking forward as you clutch your robe tighter to your body. 
“Kol!” you scold the brunet for making such a salacious statement. 
“It’s true, darling. You’re a knockout,” he chuckles before a wave of pain produces a wince, contorting his features. 
A worried frown tugs on your lips— the sight of his pain drawing out your maternal instincts. You place a hand on Kol’s chin, holding him in place as you dab at the dried blood on his lips— careful not to touch the cut. Your soothing touch on his skin was such a strong juxtaposition to the sadistic one that damaged it hours before and a comforting warmth spreads through the Mikaelson, raising goosebumps on his skin as you clean his face with attentive care. His eyes flutter shut, reveling in the serenity your gentle caresses bring him. He is unaccustomed to having someone touch him so delicately and he has already developed a hunger for it. He never thought he would be able to experience a touch like this— something so loving and tender. He never believed he was worthy of such intimacy, especially from someone like you. Someone so angelic and magnanimous. You were too good for him, he knew. And yet, by some miracle, you chose him to love, forsaking everything you were raised to believe just to be with him. 
“Okay, this is going sting a little, but I need to disinfect your cuts,” you announce to the Mikaelson, pulling him from his reverie. He nods, but no amount of bracing could prepare him for the burn of the rubbing alcohol connecting with his open wounds. He flinches away from the cloth— a profanity slipping from his lips and you profusely apologize. 
“It’s okay, darling. Keep going,” Kol encourages you and you reluctantly return the alcohol-soaked material to his face. He grips the ceramic of the toilet seat below as you continue to disinfect his cuts, not minding the pain so much as long as you are touching him. 
You shake your head with a sigh, unable to ignore the nagging feeling gnawing at your insides. “Kol, are you going to tell me what happened?” you pleadingly ask your boyfriend although you know the probability of him indulging you is slim. Your voice is gentle, loving, and filled with so much care— something Kol does not receive a lot of at home. Just the simple thought of you caring for him is enough to make him cry, but he doesn’t want to appear weak, in front of you of all people. So, he shuts his eyes, leaning his head back to keep the tears from spilling over. When he's confident the tears won't fall, he returns his deep chocolate eyes to your worried-filled ones. "There are just some things you don't need to know about, darling," the brunet tells you— a sad smile adorning his handsome features. 
As tough as the Mikaelson loves to act, deep down he really is frightened. One of the things that terrify him the most is the thought of you leaving him. He knows it's bound to happen one day, but he wants to hold on to you for as long as possible. You are the light in his dark world, the hope he clings to that one day it will get better. Your innocence reminds him of all the good things in the world— it keeps him sane. Kol needs you more than you'll ever know, more than he'll ever let on. It’s why he hides the reality of his life from you. He's terrified that if he reveals the skeletons in his closet, he'll scare you off and that's a loss he can't handle. He wouldn’t survive. So, he toughens up and puts on his best face around you, but you are not as naive as your boyfriend believes you to be. You see through the cracks in his facade and you wish he would let you in, let you be there for him. You love him so much and you can’t bear to see him in this torment, especially when there is nothing you can do about it. 
But you’re scared to push too hard and end up pushing him away, so you do the next best thing. You pull him into your loving embrace, letting him know that you are there for him whenever he is ready. You squeeze him tight, letting him know you aren't going anywhere and that you'll always be by his side. You kiss his neck softly, letting him know just how much you love him, and you swear you can feel a few teardrops hit your shoulder lightly. 
“Can I stay the night?” he asks timidly, scared you’ll reject his request, “I promise I’ll be gone by morning.”
You nod, a soft smile pulling at your lips, “Of course, you can, Kol.” 
Leaving a quick peck on his swollen lips, you pull the brunet up from his seat and quietly lead him back down the hall to your bedroom. He begins stripping himself of his clothing— your eyes following each article as he is reduced to nothing more than his boxers. You stare in awe of your boyfriend’s beauty. Even with the bruises forming on his face, he still manages to be effortlessly gorgeous. 
“You see something you like?” Kol teases you, enjoying the feeling of your eyes roaming his body. Heat rises to your cheeks as you pull your bottom lip in between your teeth, having been caught ogling the man before you. “You’re really beautiful, Kol,” you speak softly, confessing your thoughts to him. He turns his face from you, blushing at your compliment, and you giggle at how soft you can make the tough Kol Mikaelson. 
With a contented smile draped across your lips, you walk to your nightstand, turning off the lamp and settling back under your covers. Shortly afterward, Kol crawls into bed beside you— the two of you facing each other as you admiringly stare at the other. A few moments of silence pass over you and you feel yourself beginning to drift off.
“Hey, Y/N?”
You hum your response to the soft whisper beside you. 
“Thank you.”
You smile, a warmth filling you as you finally fall into a peaceful slumber. And just as he promised, when you woke up in the morning, Kol was long gone.
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