#also I realised that when earlier I said I didn't like my classmates
hershey-the-confused · 7 months
I've been trying to be social past few days by going to stuff and no it did NOT help instead i drained all my energy and had to sleep it off .
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luv-kakashi · 15 days
One of us is dead
chapter four | chapter six
chapter five - practise exam
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Fun facts about Akira: He has very light brown hair and hazel eyes. He looks up to his father a lot and is immensely grateful for everything his mom does to support their family. His father unfortunately passed away when he was young. He has an older brother He's also incredibly passionate about changing the shinobi world so that the future generation doesn't have to go through what he did. He kinda basically looks like Kenya from Erased hehe :) (Edit: Just realised he also looks like sakuta too lmao)
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Anyways on with the chapter!
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"Why is Shisui back at the academy? Isn't he chunin? Didn't he just serve in the war?"
"I heard that he was the only one from his team that came back?"
"I wonder if Itsuki has come back too."
"Well I heard that Shisui let Itsuki die on the front lines. I'm not surprised considering he's an Uchiha."
It had only been 5 minutes since I took my seat next to Akira, and the entire class managed to stuff the room with talks of a shinobi named Shisui Uchiha.
An Uchiha. We learned about the major shinobi clans in the Kirigakure academy. A clan known for their visual prowess allowing them to visualise chakra, mimic jutsus and induce a deep hypnosis more potent than any normal genjutsu.
In the Byakuya, we were given strict instructions to retreat if we made contact with a shinobi that the Byakuya considered to be 'blacklisted'. The name Shisui Uchiha made frequent appearances in the blacklisted books, his speed and deadly precision were legendary.
"Bakakira, who is this Shisui everyone seems to be so infatuated with?" I asked, poking his sleepy head.
"Oi will you stop that! Shisui was a classmate and a friend who graduated a few years earlier than us. He was promoted to chunin and just served in the war. Now stop bothering me." He whisper-yelled before resting his head in his arms.
"Quiet down class! Today we're having an exam to prepare you for graduation exam." Kisuke sensei said, causing groans to interrupt him. I zoned out from whatever he was saying as Akira leaned towards me.
"This is the 6th 'exam' we've had this week. I swear to Kami if it's another written test, I might just jump off the hokage stone faces and drag Kisuke sensei to the grave with me." Akira whispered to me, causing me to giggle – not so loudly- in front of the entire class.
"You find exams funny, now do you Y/N chan? Well, we'll see if you're laughing when it's your turn to spar." Kisuke sensei retorted, "Stay behind after class."
I sent a not-so sarcastic smile his way as Akira chuckled at me.
Just wait Akira, I'll get you soon.
Kisuke sensei continues with his lesson, explaining the values of taijutsu and the details of the exam.
"It's a taijutsu exam then. FYI everyone here is pretty mediocre apart from the kid at the front who no one talks to, Shisui and yours truly." Akira boasted, pointing his thumb at himself.
"I won't believe it until I see it Bakakira." I said just as the lunch bell rang, "Kisuke sensei talks too long, I'm sure we could have had 3 pairs spar by now."
"You haven't even had the worst of it. I've had him for the past three years." Akira groaned, "I'm heading to the bathroom then the tree, meet me there if you want."
"Okay, I'll see you there."
"Oh, and enjoy your scolding from sensei."
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After a ten-minute scolding from sensei about respect and patience, I finally started making my way to the tree; it was mine and Akira's favourite place out of the entire academy.
Jeez, he really talks for too long. No one gives two shits about respect and patience. Well, patience can perhaps get you somewhere in this shinobi world.
But respect is completely unheard of. It gets you nowhere, not when you're just used like a tool, discarded the moment you're no longer needed.
I hadn't even made it half way through the corridor before I slammed into something, more like someone and fell yet again on the cold hard ground.
I think Kami haunts this academy and loves to trip me up for fun. Or maybe I just have a natural affinity for floor.
"I'm sorry." I said, my face turning a bright red.
"Watch where you're going kid." A stoic voice snapped as a pair of onyx eyes glared down at me.
"I said I was sorry, jerk."
"What did you say?" He asked, raising his eyebrow. His eyes flooded with a deep red tone as he continued to stare down at me, looming many feet above my body.
The sharingan
I got up and dusted my legs and stared straight back at him. So, this must be the Shisui Uchiha everyone's talking about. And that must be his sharingan.
"You heard me. Do Uchiha's not know how to accept apologies?" I retorted as I turned my back on him. I started to make my way to the tree where I was supposed to meet Akira, but before I could a certain black-haired, onyx-eyed Uchiha tightly held my wrist, squeezing it hard and turning me to face him.
Start the water works now Y/N, Start them real quick. Can't let him suspect for even a second that I'm also a shinobi and not just a child in the academy.
"You're the one who bumped into me and now you're going to cry. Seriously? You're in the academy, training to become an elite shinobi, yet my grip has you on the verge of tears. The leaf doesn't need a cry-baby to protect them. Grow up or give up." He spat as he shoved my wrist and walked away.
Are all Uchiha rude bastards?
Lunch break sponsored by kirby itadori yuuji!
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"Alright, for the first part of the exam, I'm going to pair you up with one of your classmates and I want you to spar.
You know the rules, no weapons, no ninjutsu and avoid the groin. I can't believe I have to reiterate that.
The battle ends when one individual is unable to get back onto their feet. Understood?" sensei asked us as we all nodded in agreement before he looked back down at his clipboard.
"Great, Y/N Uzumaki and Katsumi Aikawa are up first." He said as the girl, Katsumi, and I stepped forward to the sparring spot.
"Are you two ready?" Kisuke sensei asked as we nodded in unison before starting our match, "BEGIN!"
Surely people expect a kunoichi from a shinobi clan to know some sort of taijutsu, so it must be okay for me to defend myself and even hop onto the offensive. They shouldn't suspect anything.
I charged towards Katsumi and we began throwing a barrage of jabs towards each other, all whist blocking the others hits. The longer the match went on, the more gasps filled the air. I noticed the Uchiha stare at the match in front of him, making me smirk right back at him
'Yeah, you watch Uchiha.' I said to myself as I finished off the match with a roundhouse kick, sending the poor girl to the floor.
I pounce on her back and hold two fingers near her neck as my other hand tightly pulls her left arm, pinning her to the floor.
"It looks like Y/N wins, that concludes this first match." Kisuke sensei applauded, as I made my way to Akira.
"Looks like the donkey has skills." Akira scoffed
"Haha you're funny" I said, rolling my eyes at his remark, "I'm not some helpless girl I'll have you know."
"I never said you were, donkey."
"Akira! Stop disrupting my lessons, in fact, you can go next! Your opponent is Shisui, now hurry up and get here!" Kisuke sensei barked, clearly annoyed at our little conversation.
"Well good luck, and do me a favour and knock the Uchiha off his high horse." I whispered
"Since when were you all fiesty about Shisui?"
"Ever since lunch. Stop asking and go fight him." I said, shooing him to the spot, "Good luck Bakakira."
Akira made his way to the spot and charged straight towards Shisui, going in for a kick which was soon blocked by Shisui. The entire class was captivated by the barrage of kicks and punches thrown by Akira, evident by the series of "woahs" and "wows" which followed every move.
But something was off about the match. More like something was off about Shisui.
He dodged and dived each of Akira's attacks lifelessly, swaying side to side with no vitality, refusing to even make contact with Akira. His eyes held the same, still, stoic look as he dodged each punch and kick.
A look I'm all too familiar with. A look that never disappeared from my face when I worked for The Byakuya.
A look that may look apathetic, cocky and inanimate at first, but after penetrating past its defences, you find yourself staring at a bottomless abyss which stares right back at you with one word plastered over its eyes.
Akira, being the idiot he is, grew increasingly impatient with the flow of the uneventful fight and attempted right hook at Shisui.
"Stop holding back and fight me coward! This isn't like you!" Akira yelled.
The next series of moves happened so quick; it had the entire class, including Kisuke sensei, in awe. Shisui ducked and avoided Akira hook, leaving Akira open. Shisui took this moment to kick straight at Akira's chest causing him to fly straight into our lunch tree.
"And the winner is Shisui. Akira, Shisui, come make the unison sign." Kisuke sensei asked as everyone cheered for him but me.
Akira made his way to Shisui and the two had a stare-down: one with his sharingan blaring the other refusing to blink. Before the stare-down could go any longer, Kisuke sensei interrupted them both.
"Now boys, we don't have all day."
Both boys raised their hands, the entire class expecting them to perform the unison sign but what came after was (to say the least) unexpected.
Akira and Shisui raised their fists, and not a second later, they punched each other right in the face. Noses bleeding, they stumbled back, each clutching their face in shock and pain. For a brief moment, they stood frozen, staring at one another with wide eyes, before Kiuske sensei interrupted.
"Shisui! Akira! What is the meaning of this? I thought the class honour students might be able to stick to the basic shinobi rules! Yet, the both of you can't even make the unison sign!" Kisuke sensei bellowed, "You two used to be so close, I thought that just maybe this would promote some healthy competition between you two."
"Bastard, why did you hold back?" Akira asked, disregarding everything Kisuke sensei just said as he yelled at Shisui.
"Whatever, I'm leaving right now. I have real chunin duties to do, I don't have the time to be playing around with children." Shisui said, before turning his back on the whole class and making his way out of the academy.
"Akira, stay behind. The rest of you are dismissed, now go!" Kisuke sensei said. I mouthed Akira a quick bye and took off with the rest of the class.
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Sigh. Was the only thing that came out of the Jonin's mouth as he leaned against his desk, looking at the young shinobi infront of him.
"Well, what was that all about?" He asked.
"Sorry Sensei. I didn't mean to lose my cool, but I'm sure you saw it too." Akira said, his head held between his hands, tugging at his hair in frustration
"I know."
"When he came back, he looked at me as if he didn't even know me. And that's not even the worst part. That isn't Shisui. That's not the brother I promised to protect this village with. His eyes looked so empty; it was like I was staring at nothing."
"This is the harsh reality of being a shinobi. We see and do things in the name of 'justice' but when in reality we just commit crimes to protect those in a mirage we call peace and stability." Sensei said ruffling Akira's hair, "But kid, your generation has the ability to stop these unwanted deaths and violence."
"I can't imagine what he must have seen to make him go from the humble goofy idiot we all knew to this lifeless stranger."
"Akira, you are going to go through many hardships as a shinobi and whatever's happened to Shisui may happen to you or your peers. But don't forget, shinobi are human too. I think Shisui is torn between his loyalty to being a shinobi and just being human, he's trying to lock away the very things that make him 'weak'. Talk to him, let him vent his emotions."
"Thank you, sensei. I'll bring back our Shisui." Akira smiled; determination painted across his face. He was sure to bring his brother back into the light.
.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- Looks like Y/N has some moves of her own! Just what could have possibly happened to Shisui for him to become so unrecognisable to Akira?
Sorry if Shisui seems OOC, there is an explanation! Stay tuned to find out in the next chapter! I have just finished editing Chapters 9-11 and they are long but I'm so excited for you, dearest reader, to read them!
Loving you always, Suri 🎀
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lildrabbles · 1 year
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My first fanfic on here! hope you enjoy <3
Warnings: Swearing, fluff, reader drinks coffee, but you can switch it out for a drink you like, and i think thats it? lemme know if I missed anything please and thanks!
The class of 1A had a mystery that they were determined to solve - and that was who had kept cleaning the living area of the dorms every morning. They always tried to get up real early to see who kept doing it, but they always fell asleep or got too bored of waiting. And you had always played along, acting along with the rest of your class when you woke up to go downstairs to see every pillow on the couches fluffed up; all the dishes washed; everything dust-free; all the countertops polished and shiny. But you knew who was doing it. You have always known.
It was you of course.
You were the “culprit” of the cleanliness of the living area of the dorms.
But you never told anyone. Why would you? Just to get a pat on the back? And besides, it was funny seeing and hearing all the jokes your classmates made about it.
“I bet they would be a good housewife or husband!” Denki had once said, which of course caused Bakugo to smack him in the back of the head.
Ah, Bakugo.
You and Bakugo had been friends since kindergarten. You had always scolded him for bullying Izuku, but over the years you noticed that he was starting to tolerate him, much to your relief. 
And you had also had a small crush in Bakugo too, but of course you didn't do anything about it - he was too focused on becoming number 1. You were his friend, and you cared about him - you didn't want to annoy him further or distract him.
Anyways, this morning was like any other. Get up at 4am, not bothering to get dressed yet because it was so early. You got up, stretched, and headed to the bathroom. Of course you had to go pee and you always brushed your teeth and threw on some deodorant, just in case someone did catch you. You didn't want to be smelly around other people.
When you headed downstairs, going to the kitchen to grab the cleaning supplies under the sink. Once everything was out, you grabbed your phone and earbuds, and turned on some music. Then you started cleaning.
After about an hour of cleaning, you started to hum along with “I wanna dance with somebody”, not realising you were dancing a little to the beat while you washed the dishes. You started to sing, shaking your butt along with the song. You didn't realise the pair of vermilion eyes staring at you from the kitchen doorway.
“Ohh I wanna dance with somebody… I wanna feel the heat with somebody~” You sang, turning off the tap and rinsing all the soap off your hands. You had your eyes closed, spinning around, wiping all the water off on your shirt, starting to sing louder.
“Yeah, I wanna dance with somebody.. with somebody who loves me!” You start to walk forward to the doorway, before two big, warm hands gently grab your shoulders to stop you from walking into him.
“So you're the one who's been cleaning, eh?” A rough voice says, as you jump little, opening your eyes and ripping the ear buds off out your ears.
“B-Bakugo!” You look down at the time: 5:10 am. Then you look back up at him, who has let go of you as he leans against the door frame with his arms crossed, slightly smirking. 
“What are you doing up so early?!” You ask, surprise lacing your tone.
He shrugs. “Just got up earlier than usual.”
You look down, blushing slightly from embarrassment. “So uh… I guess you know who keeps cleaning the dorms, huh?” She rubs the back of her neck sheepishly.
“Did you want it to be a secret?” Bakugo raises an eyebrow, looking down at her.
You think about it for a second, before slowly nodding. “Yeah… ”
Bakugo sighs, before walking past her and leans onto the counter. “Gotta hand it to ya, you know how to clean a place.” He looks around and he chuckles. “And a pretty good singer too, huh?”
You blush, and smack him in the arm playfully. “Shut it.”
“... Maybe I can make that a reality.” He mumbled, avoiding eye contact with you. He had a light tint of pink dusting his cheeks.
“Huh..?” You look up at him, tilting your head to the side slightly.
He groans in annoyance. “What, you fckin deaf or something?” He glances down at you, blushing. 
“Don’t be snappy at me” You scold him.
“Tch… I said, ‘maybe I can make that a reality’..” He said in a more strained, but somewhat softer tone.
“... Make what a reality?” You scratch your head sheepishly, not understanding what he's getting at.
Bakugo sighs in frustration. “You fckin dumbass! I’m talking about that damned song you were singing..”
You blush, and look down. “O-Oh...”
“So… yeah. Not right now though, ‘m fckin tired as hell..” He runs a hand down his face, before turning around to make himself a coffee. “You want a coffee?”
“Um… sure.” You told him what kind of coffee you like as you sat down in one of the stools.
After Bakugo had finished making both of your coffees, you drank in silence for a couple minutes before he broke it.
“There's supposed to be a nightclub that's opening this weekend, heard raccoon eyes talkin about it last night.” He said, glancing up at you from behind his All Might mug, before taking another sip.
You blush again, looking up at him. “You were being serious earlier?”
“The fck would I lie about that for?” He scoffs, placing his mug back down onto the counter.
You stare up at him in shock before stammering, “I-it's just… well i don't know, I didn’t expect you to want to take me dancing or a-anything! Why would you anyways..?”
Bakugo sighs and looks out the window. “I’m not good with this kind of shit, alright? Can’t ya just take the hint?” He glances at you nervously, his hand wrapping around his mug tightly.
His heart is hammering in his chest, but as always, his face has a somewhat neutral look on it. He didn’t like people to see his emotions, but he was letting some of his nervousness slip as his hands became a little more sweaty. He reached down to quickly wipe them on his pants to avoid accidentally blowing his mug up. 
“S-so…” You set your own mug down. “Is it… a date?” You glance at him.
He blushes, covering his face in an attempt to hide his blush. “Y-yeah, I guess it is, if you're okay with that…”
You smile, and stand up, walking over to him and hugs him behind. “I would love that Bakugo…”
Bakugo tenses up a little from the hug, but relaxes a little after a couple seconds.
“Good.. because it wasn’t a question.” He chuckles and smirks, looking back at you.
You laugh with him, and ruffle his hair. “Whatever, pomeranian.”
He quickly stands up, and starts to chase you around the dorm living area. “GET BACK HERE YA LITTLE SHIT--”
He manages to tackle you onto the couch, you giggling away and trying to catch your breath.
Bakugo’s eyes soften down at you as you calm down, and stares back up at him with a soft smile on her face.
“... Youre fckin lucky you’re cute.” He huffs, smiling a little.
“I could say the same for you.” You chuckle and boop his nose.
And it was in that moment you knew - you fcked up.
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theskyexists · 10 days
The golden enclaves
Ok so i like how this starts with: Orion has been unutterably stupid
Please tell me that we will find out why
This was devastating.
Also, and I say this with absolute extreme disdain, El seriously only just now realised that she has perfect combat synergy with Orion and she COULD have destroyed Patience and freed her father from the eternal torment of being digested? Like......seriously? Did Liesel not even realise this, who is the only one with any brains? (I realise that Liesel at least had different priorities)
Also I am going to explain Orion's craziness and personality change in book 2 as such: he didn't have any mals to eat and so he went mad. He decided, like the piece of shit that he is, that he'd prefer to do months of battle against mals because at least he wouldn't be hungry.
The funny thing is that book 2 ESTABLISHED that El has ZERO absolutely ZERO idea of what goes on in Orion's head. Like. She doesn't get him AT ALL. So her prevaricating on how he's so misunderstood and pushed to be what everybody sees in him - he ALREADY TOLD YOU HE JUST LOVES EATING MALS HE DOESNT CARE ABOUT ANYONE OR ANYTHING HE JUST LOVES EATING MALS EL STOP BEING AN IDIOT AND PROJECTING YOUR OWN SHIT ON THIS POOR BOY
She's literally comparing herself to him again. Look he was a hero and I was an evil witch. Everybody thought that and wanted that from us. EL HE DIDNT FUCKING CARE OK????? Worse, (and it makes sense in this moment), she somehow threads her mum's direct look at his soul into this narrative as some kind of reinforcement of it. He didn't care El. He didn't care. He's just a hungry boy.....
In fact, I cannot remember her classmates ever hating El. Because....they didn't even know she was fated to be an evil witch archetype? They just avoided her bc she wasn't an asset to their survival they thought which was so absurdly idiotic since EL IS A GODDAMN MAL EXTERMINATOR and she never told anyone because of her stupid fucking hangups she could have been a fucking prep and made everybody's lives so much better so much earlier
'because he thought it was his job to make a way out for everybody but him'
This is why I didn't like the second book so much. El is so obviously delusional about this guy.
And the weird thing is she GOT it. When she was getting his mana as he was zipping around pulverising them she was like: OH he loves this. I guess I was wrong. So why are we back here??? Or do I remember that wrong??
I've forgotten how the magic system works. Shit. Malia? Oh yeah.... There was some sort of prophecy. She was gonna bring the enclaves down and kill lots of people or soemthing. so why the fuck did they leave the payment open???
Oh yeaaaahhh the enclaves got hit
"She really did an excellent job of making it seem perfectly ludicrous for me to be living quietly in my own home instead of keeping close tabs on the latest news from international wizarding circles."
Can seriously nothing kill a mawmouth but El? How is that even POSSIBLE. How did enclaves ever work then? The moment a mawmouth gets in its over
How the fuck is Liesel THIS good at manipulating El. Oh my god.
Her saying: hey bitch, stop feeling sorry for yourself, your boyfriend being dead, no thank you by the way for saving all of ours lives, I don't care about your other problems, or that you might want a break from the horrors with your mum, also come help me out with the worst most insanely horrible creature in the world AGAIN because I know only you can do it. Bitch. Your house sucks
That worked....
She's going to London to fight another fucking Mawmouth - something her mother doesn't even KNOW SHES DONE YET - and leaves her behind without even a hug of goodbye. AFTER FOR YEARS OF TERROR. I honestly....I'm speechless. I started to suspect El was insanely dumb in book 2 but damn, she really is perhaps the dumbest protag I have ever known barring Korra
I love Liesel. Liesel saw El, FOR WHAT SHE WAS, and she CALLED HER OUT,, and said: you are such a stupid fucking idiot. In book 2. Thank god she's around. She's the only good thing out of book 2 really in my opinion. She says to El: you are insanely powerful. You could change the whole world. Now DO IT! Stop sniveling in the fucking dirt!
Ok there we go. There's my El. 'i eyed him in enormous irritation' her fucking disdain for the preps is my endless delight. Even to her enormous personal disadvantage.
Oh I see. It's like Naomi novik read my harry potter post about the wizards being the Fae.
I remember reinterpreting els prophecy into its super obvious good meaning but can't remember what it was.
How the fuck can Enclaves be based in Malia if that's not allowed (murder? But that's illegal.)
Oh what??? There's still working wizards out there working on keeping the enclave running??? Oh damn. Ok so the class hierarchy becomes explicitly about adult production.
Liesel made her angry again. Made El who she is again.
Why isn't everybody fucking fleeing dude??? Why are there still even people there? Grt the fuck out! The enclave is compromised! Get out with your damn lives you preps!
Oh my god. Go after it! It's fucking going after someone else!!! Oh my god go after it guys!!! IT WAS RUNNING AWAY FROM EL???? CAN MAWMOUTHS KNOW SUCH THINGS?
I have to say. Naomi made a deeply op protag and is now taking a more powerful hammer to the self-delusion that El mysteriously developed about her own power.
Liesel, impervious to El's natural intimidation vibes.
Oof i love all the delicate injustices and horrors in Liesel's life. Ok no. I no longer do. It's too painful
'“So it’s better to have power, and it’s stupid not to take it when you have the chance.'
Yeah. In fact. If I was Liesel I'd be beyond furious at El. Somebody so gifted, SO powerful, and she's just pissing it all away.
Jezus christ. Jezus christ! Liesel! A sensible person of intelligence????
Oh right. The prophecy. Killing thousands doom destruction. WHO IS GETTING KILLED EL COME ON THINK!!! THINK FOR ONCE IN YOUR GODSDAMNED LIFE!!!!! or tell Liesel about the stupid prophecy and she'll do it for you -_-
It was a nice thought though, letting the commuters into the garden but damn, yeah they're gonna obviously only be enthralled.
And I mean. Alfie is literally bound to El too. Wait. Is Orion actually not coming back...? Are we never getting answers? El's gonna fall for Alfie and Liesel? No....
Love how Liesel and Alfie protectively jump up and go: OUR entity. Lol
Oh ok so the compulsions off. She doesn't think he'd help her after she saved his dad, his home, oh yeah saved the whole school that he felt responsible for, and didn't even insist on keeping him as a slave.
I must admit, I did not at all expect El to be hanging out with Alfie and Liesel after all that. I thought, more like her team, but yeah they're not exactly in England. Isn't there travelling magic. Also I expect that Claire or whatever had a family member eaten by the mawmouth.
I was thinking that: won't commute from an enclave be really dangerous? So. Yes. But like. Why then even work for them. Oh ok so you could just go live in a villages with a few other wizards in a circle
Sometimes novik is not consistent about the vulnerability of adult wizards. But this description seems more apt.
Liesel coming in to say 'stop it!' to eldritch monster entity El like she isn't going over the deep end suddenly and very badly. And succeeding. And then getting Yancy to say what El wants to know. Wow they're a good team. I propose Orion/El/Liesel/Alfie super extreme power ..... Thing? Uh. Bridge structure?
El seriously is like: hm. Why is Liesel helping me now? Already turned her down....
El. You saved the whole school. You made that possible. You killed three MAWMOUTHS. You treat Liesel like a person you respect. You are a fucking entity who could do incredible things with a whole lot of help on the bits you suck so terribly at. Liesel owes you, thinks you're a good person, and is probably genuinely into you, also you need HELP. In so many damn ways. Being sensible, getting around in the world, being smart, getting it together.
Liesel has the most practical magic in the world. Wait. Holy fuck. Is Liesel like...Hermione???? Like powerful power top Hermione???
Wow. Damn. Amazing sex scene here. It makes me laugh in delight almost. Wow Liesel is an insanely stabilising influence. Literally kissing the trauma out of her head for a bit. (Edit: uh is there a fanfic version of this out there...?)
There was something so absolutely wrong with Orion and everybody kept trying to tell El and she never saw it because he became a person FOR HER. And she keeps trying to blame his family but his family probably endlessly tried to connect with him but he was just hunting mals. His father responding like this- just absolutely devastated over Orion finally having acted like a human being with somebody is enormous proof. Uh yeah and the rest of the chapter confirms this explicitly.
It really is harry potter but cooler and grittier and more horrifying and more interesting. Our dark'ness dementia ravenway.... The bit about how really witches when caught up in the witch hunt really can't get themselves out because the 'mundanes' negate it by the disbelief.... A direct reference to Rowling's note about witches making the fire tickle and going in for multiple rounds. Also the whimsical magic. But it doesn't have that magic to the magic. It's uneasy.
Man. So that's why novik repeated el's misconceptions of Orion in her time of grief. To finally disembowel them conclusively later in this book.
Yeah. The big question is. Why did Orion become a human being for El?
I love how aadhya and Chloe and Liesel are all instantly INSTANTLY like oh fuck El sees evil she's evil. They are still an extremely well oiled team
Ok but like, El could just grab new York's mana pool right. But yeah she'd become like ophelia
Lol right. By destroying so many mals ( i really didn't think the estimation had been 92 percent but ok) the enclaves lose their power. That's how El has already smashed them....
Oh wow. I forgot about that malia is stealing life force.... And mals come from Malia....
Which means.....that Ophelia is a huge maleficar and Orion is a big old mal. But she certainly is smart enough to say: we should look into reproducing what you did
Damn.ophelia is smart. She's really doing some magic economics
I really didn't know enclaves were built on malia. I think that's a retcon actually. Not just that El didn't know though also that naturally. It's to make this numbers game fit - to say - there's another numbers game beneath the numbers game - to make the mana and malia interactions fit. And well done novik for that
Because the golden enclave really does become the better solution.
I'm not sure how El going in to kill patience is going to help her recover the scholomance though. I mean. Turns out El could have just cleaned the whole place up all along but yknow. I already knew that.
Why did they ever even send Orion away. They could have just unleashed him endlessly on the enclave's mals. Probably infinitely safer and more pleasant for the enclaves children.
Is El really going forward with this? His mum is a maleficer oh poor poor hero boy Orion.... He was never loved. HE LOVED THE SCHOLOMANCE FOR THE MALS EL NOT BECAUSE HIS MOM HIS AN ETHICAL EVIL MAGIC HACKER
Oh no...please tell me that isn't Chloe's only role. She came late to the team but she was fourth!
Aadhya??? WHAT is Liesel's deal? Uhhhh she ran the whole thing? She made everything possible? Do you think she did that because she's a steely selfish bitch? No.
It was a moment of both weakness and total insanity in the literal senses of the word. So maybe you can thank Liesel for sexing El back into a somewhat functional state Aad
'Liesel made an impatient dismissive gesture. “Yes! You have a hook in her yourself. And why will we yank on these hooks? To make her protect us, save our lives? She will do that for strangers, for nothing. What else? You are her ally. Have you asked her to do anything for you? To make someone give you an enclave place, or an artificer contract? Why not?Because you are also a great martyr, who does not want these things?” She snorted as Aadhya scowled at her. “No! You don’t ask because you know she would say no. I tried asking myself. But she will do nothing selfish for herself, much less anyone else. And she is not wrong,” she added, in a grudging tone of having been unwillingly persuaded. “She is too powerful. Once she started, there would be nowhere to stop. So there is only one use of our hooks: to help her stop. You had better be glad that I have one, and hold tight to yours, too.”'
I fucking love Liesel. What the fuck
Oh my god. El angry at Liesel AGAIN for....offering exactly what she needs and wants and doing so perfectly. Lolololololloll
Oh my god is this the garden in sintra with all its fun fake-magic masonry caves and structures???
IT IS!!! I LOVE THAT GARDEN!!! If you're just out to chill and stroll and tramp around lovely fake natural structures that still look cool!
Sad the characters are experiencing such frustration in such a lovely place.
Adult Disneyland....you're killing me novik. It really was a nice place. I mean I was there when there weren't many other people. It was just nice gardens with caves.
Novik describes the portalling system for the scholomance. Yes. It still doesn't make any sense.
Ok but like the gardens are closed at night. Mals can get in no problem.
What im getting from this is that i had incredible timing and normally that garden is packed with horrible tourists
So....how is it that El has a direct link to New York's mana pool THROUGH the pool right into the scholomance?? Because all the wards are down? Ok but uhhhhh it's out in the void??? That's the whole point
UHHHH actually El I don't think you felt Patience scrying for Orion you just felt Orion
How the fuck is Liesel like, exactly the sharp cold sense that El actually WANTS every time?
Ohh ok so Ophelia somehow did make Orion as he is. Somehow.
Well OBVIOUSLY the Malia source is fucking horrible if it can bring an enclave into being. Like come on. Probably produces a mawmouth or something. And you gotta feed it 50 people or whateve
Damn. They're gonna turn Liu into a mawmouth. Its a sacrifice. Uh Novik. You better not go there.
Wow they were gonna make Liu a mawmouth and make her eat her closest full grown wizard family? I think so. Lets see. Go El!
fucking hell. They're squeezing Liu into a mawmouth. Fuck.
No..her hand...
When I am very moved by a scene, i read it out, the first time. This was the scene.
Oof. Orion just ate some wizards. Surely he has less deadly weapons???? He really is a mal
Oh he actually really is a maw mouth mal? He's a fucking maw mouth? Her dads now inside fortitude inside patience inside Orion, still getting endlessly tortured. Uh...
'for all I knew' NO. DEFINITELY YOUR DAD
Well idk he's had pretty good control so far. Just unfortunate those damn Beijing council guys tried to kill El
Aadhya and Liesel going into negotiations as proxies for El who'd absolutely fuck them up lol
What a coincidence! You wanted to go to India. Now youve been invited to India! She gets angry
OH. MY. GOD. El actually learned a lesson. Asking for help. And of the right person. Liesel.
Wait a minute. She's been destroying the enclaves. By destroying the maw mouths. The maw mouths REMAIN the foundation. So those 'random' attacks. They were her destroying the enclave foundations while still on scholomance. They're lined up.
So if she kills this maw mouth - but still, why wouldn't her new foundation hold up. Oh she realises it completely too. Shit. I forgot that Salta and Bangkok simply died. She did that
Well honestly, Orion isn't such a bad solution, except the mawmouths in him don't die and also apparently he can't help himself eat people now....
Then surely there must be a foundation in the scholomance. And perhaps Orion is now carrying the mawmouth that pins it.
What the fuck do you mean this ain't a trolley problem. Just start in on propping up all the damn foundations with some real ones El. Then go on a lil maw mouth hunt
Ok but she doesn't even call her mother. Right. She can't. Forgot. She doesn't even DREAM AT HER MOTHER. Or some other magical communication. Not even about the family welcoming her after all or the true meaning of the prophecy
Actually since when is El capable of just catching others spells. And get mana from them?? Like some sort of scholomance? Oh yeah she s just so horrridly op
She's....catching bullets out of the air. And...turning people into stone temporarily with them. Fucking absolute lol
I get the sense that novik got lost in the Sintra garden... Like multiple times. Which is very hilarious because my god. It is very easy.
So weird to have fond and vague memories of this precise settting
Ok so i was right. And Naomi novik is a little bit of a genius for this. Real Orion, the realest Orion, was the Orion of book 1. The genuine hero. When there were fewer and fewer mals to eat in book 2, he became more and more maw mouth, started behaving strangely.
Oof. Better run El. He's about to start..... Eating.
Oh my god. No
She did something much more
Damn. I remember wishing el would become child guardian in the scholomance but it's true that Orion would also do very well
But he's not getting mana out ...wait. he can still extract mana out of mals he snaps into the void? Uh ok.
That book made a lot of sense. And was very very very good.
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Introductions (+ Sexuality Headcanons)
Hi, I'm Claire and I'm a huge sadist. I hope we get along well soon blah,blah,blah I'll just skip the formalities, shall we?/j
Sorry 'bout that. My name is Claire. I go by she/her pronouns and I found Mairimashita! Iruma-Kun anime while I was searching for some new anime to watch. I'll admit when I first saw this anime I thought it'll be a normal isekai anime or something.
 But ever since the first episode, I had caught an interest to the anime, I realise the more I watch, the more I had fallen in love with it. When I had finished the Harvest Festival arc, I immediately went to read the manga and oh boy, it did not dissapoint. I found one of the most relatable introvert ever, shout out to my kin character, Purson!
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The most introverted boy in Mairuma. Love him.
Purson, a guy who was invincible to his classmates but has many things to say. The feeling of wanting to voice out your opinion but doesn't want to stand out resonated in me so much. I genuinely find Purson to be a person who struggles with social communication since he had to stay silent besides his family his whole life before the Music Festival arc. He's one of the huge reasons why this arc is one of my favourite arcs in Mairuma. 
(Sorry about my rant earlier.)
I have many things to post in the future too! So please if we could, be friends with me!
Agares Picero
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He reminds me of the boys who look gorgeous af but doesn't even try-
Agares Picero likes boys.
I feel like the reason he is always uncomfortable is because he isn't interested in female. Because mostly the people who went for him are girls. I always thought he would be a huge tsundere. Like I said this is headcannons, I don't fully know if this is true or not. But based of my research it's pretty accurate. And also Gaap-kun exist so...
Wouldn't it be funny if his gay awakening was some demon kid in kindergarten? God, I just got one hell of an idea for a post, definitely doing that later. 
Also great potential to torture him with trust issues! #characterdevelopment  😜/j 
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A literal cinnamon roll
Iruma likes girls and boys.
I mean... come on? It wouldn't be fair if Iruma-kun pulls both and only loves one gender? Seriously though, I mean he wouldn't be a Bicon and BiDisaster like Eiko but I would feel like he would be okay with both genders. Plus he radiates Bi vibes and have you seen his relationship with Azz-kun and Clara? 
Lied-kun has a huge admiration for Gyari right? Like an Akudol / Evidol crush, so I have been thinking what if Iruma found his first Akudol / Evidol crush to be a male? That would be the first time he realized he wasn't straight.
 (Look, for the IruAzz shippers I would like to say I knew Iruma had a few sparks with Azz-kun but it was never way too obvious, plus Iruma-kun is very dense when it comes to love so..)
⚠️  I'm not shipping Iruma with my own OC! This is simply an idol crush, like how Lied is to Gyari !   ⚠️
(I also shall not say his sorry excuse of a parent names cause he deserves better.) 
Gaap Goemon
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A cute pansexual
Gaap seems like the type of person to like any gender as long as their allies. (I worded that wrong didn't I?). I wanted to say he likes boys because of Agares but Kuromu and Nee-san ( Elizabetta-san) exist so.. and also radiates Pan vibes. 
I honestly don't think he would react much to his first male crush (Agares), I feel like he wouldn't mind at all and would just act like it's just a normal crush.
But I think his immediate acceptance will make Agares more bothered on how easily Gaap accepts himself when he, himself can't even get other people to accept who he is much less himself. So it will cause controversy between the two.
✨So future angst✨
( Don't worry I know how to treat my characters well, there will be comfort. )
So yeah, this is my first post from this community I first plan to only do an introduction but then I felt bad that I didn't put any Mairuma content so I made 3 characters sexuality headcannons. I will make a part 2 on Mairuma Sexuality Headcannons! If you have any suggestion on what Mairuma characters I should do next, please tell me! Here is my discord in case you are interested in talking abt M!ik hcs, ships and etc with me: https://discord.gg/hsSt8sYH
~Claire has logged off~
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axoo-o · 1 year
Part One
Part Two
@tophatmaker I'm feeding you sm
Rinami Part 3!!
The two stood in the hallway. Both silent. What Rigel didn't seem to realise was that he was still holding Konami's wrist, but she did. It made her panic inside- she had no idea how to react!
"I'm assuming you want your shoes back?" Rigel asked as he looked at the girl. She nodded, looking down. She didn't dare to look him in the eyes. She was too embarrassed by earlier.
"... Let's go back to my dorm. I'll give you your shoes and you can give me my jacket back." He muttered and began walking again, pulling her along.
Konami was surprised by this- her crush was holding her wrist! And she was wearing his jacket...
She was wearing his jacket.
Her face went bright red as she kept her eyes on the floor. She didn't know what else to do. She usually got nervous within a metre of him- let alone being held by him!
This was a rather eventful day, wasn't it?
"What's between them two?"
"Did you see the way he just grabbed her hand? So romantic!"
"Wait, wasn't she also wearing a Queen Tet jacket?"
"Yeah.. And Rigel wasn't wearing his."
"Did he give her it?"
"Are they dating?"
The class already began to theorise about what happened and the pairs relationship. Soon rumours are going to be spread around...
Meanwhile Pollux sat in his seat, listening in. He was as confused as his other classmates.
The two eventually reached his dorm. Rigel picked up her shoes as she kept her eyes focused on the ground. She didn't process the fact they were back in his room.
"Summoner?" He called for her. She didn't react. She was lost in her thoughts completely. It would be hard to get her out.
"Konami?" Rigel asked. Still no response. He was starting to get frustrated with her.
Still no response.
The guy sighed and rubbed his temples. This was so stressful. He wanted his jacket back. Without giving it much thought, he put a finger under her chin to lift her head up and make her face him. It took a moment until he realised what he's actually done.
At that action, Konami was snapped back into reality. She felt his cold hands on her skin. Her cheeks went bright red as she jumped back. Shock. Surprise. Confusion. All those emotions filled her.
This was definitely a big deal, right? How would you react if your crush just suddenly came up to you and lifted your chin up to look at them while they're deep in thought.
"You weren't responding." Was all Rigel said. He didn't seem to have much of a reaction, like he wasn't bothered by what happened.
'You don't do that if someone isn't responding!! You try to shake them or yell - not do something like that!!' She was internally freaking out.
"Can I have my jacket back?" He asked, staring at Konami expectantly. She nodded and took it off, giving it back to him. She felt embarrassed by this. Very embarrassed.
"Here." He held her shoes out. She hummed and took them from him, keeping her face down. She didn't exactly want him to see her red faced.
"Thank you, Bye!" Before Rigel could say anything else, Konami bid him goodbye and left.
When she got back to her dorm, Konami put the shoes down and went to her bed. She grabbed a pillow and screamed into it, falling back onto the bed and kicking her feet.
Rigel had acknowledged her!! But she ended up embarrassing herself.. She had mixed feelings about this whole day. And it didn't seem like it was going to get any better.
She just kept freaking out and screaming into the pillow.
For a short while she had the urge to post about this on twitter, or tell her fellow summoners about what occurred.
But then again, who would believe her?
It's Rigel we're talking about. The most peaceful and down to earth man in the school. There's no way anybody would believe something like that.
Instead, Konami just decided to stick with the pillow, continuing to scream into it.
(Small Bonus!)
Rigel stared at the open door. The door through which the girl rushed out. He was confused as to why she kept running away from him. First that morning, and then now.
He shook his head. She was a strange girl, that's for sure. He then thought back to earlier. How he lifted her chin up...
He covered the bottom half of his mouth, staring off into space.
He couldn't believe he did that- the usually calm and collected Rigel. He just sighed and shook his head, breathing slowly in an attempt to calm himself down.
He then sighed and looked at his jacket. He was about to put it on but noticed something off.
the scent.
The jacket smelled like... vanilla? It was a nice smell. Different from the usual smell of deodorant or cologne.
Rigel shook his head. She must've sprayed it with her own perfume. He could always replace the smell by spraying his own cologne.
He could.
Then why didn't he?
He just put his jacket on, as if it was nothing!
He seemed unbothered by all this. Back to his normal and neutral expression.
But I could swear that I saw a small smile on his face at that moment.
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jesseevelann · 2 years
Sorry I sound rude. Please write the au where obito purpose deidara for marriage and at the same time madei purpose deidara to become her dad ..sorry once again
It was late in the afternoon, Deidara sat boredly on the couch with the small nine year old that his classmate, Zetsu, had been tasked to look after. Deidara was there solely to work on a group project, but after a sudden turn of events, Zetsu had run out the door to get something. Leaving Deidara with Madei, the daughter of the man that owned the house.
Unbeknownst to Zetsu, Deidara was dating his housemate, and had plenty of experience with the girl from his many secret visits to see Obito. Madei had him busy, folding little stars from origami paper, and laughing when Deidara couldn't keep them in his hands.
"You're very clumsy tonight, Mister Deidara."
She giggled and Deidara glared, poking his tongue out at her. She continuted to write in a notebook, Deidara assumed it was for school, but there were a few too many hearts bordering the page. A love letter perhaps? That didn't seem like the thing she would do.
Deidara continued to painstakingly fold the stars, a comfortable silence sat between them like usual, with the exception of Deidara's feint curses when he messed up a fold or two.
"You've been dating my dad for a while now, right?" Madei asked suddenly, Deidara turned to look at her, nodding for her to continue. "I was thinking earlier, and I wanted to ask... would you like to marry my dad?"
Deidara was stunned by the question, his cheeks burning a bright red the more he thought about it.
"W-well... I mean, yeah... only if it's okay with you, though. I know how much you like Obito's attention, hm."
Madei smiled before jumping off the couch and running up the stairs, leaving Deidara alone in confusion. When she came back, she held a small box and sat it in his lap, grabbing her notebook and showing him what she had been writing.
Deidara slowly opened the box, reading the words of the note again and again, half struggling to understand the message. He glanced at his lap, finding three homemade dolls. One of him, one of Obito, and one of Madei that sat between them. A piece of paper that said "Family" sat at the dolls feet.
Deidara looked at Madei with wide eyes when he realised what it all meant. He opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out. Madei smiled, her nerves showing in the way she held the book.
"Would you... b-be my second dad?"
Tears filled Deidara's eyes, with shaky hands he put the box on the couch next to him, pulling Madei into a firm hug.
"Y... yes..."
His voice squeaked, a sob breaking out when Madei returned the hug, her own tears dropping onto his shirt.
The sound of keys unlocking the door alerted them both, but they stayed in the hug. Both not willing to let go.
"Ah... I see you asked him without me."
Obito chuckled and joined the hug, kneeling down to wrap his arms around the two of them. Madei sniffled and clung to Obito.
Deidara looked up at Obito with teary eyes.
"Would you marry me? I think it'd be fitting if you're going to be the father of my child."
Deidara broke into sobs again and nodded, unable to prevent the big smile appearing on his face.
/they got married a few months later. The end
(Also, don't be sorry. I love answering questions and writing requests ♡)
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mummybearmusing · 1 year
Realised I never really updated re the chat I had with dad bear in regards to the meeting we were called into at school.
Longgggg update alert ⚠️
So the talk happened a few weeks ago and we talked like an hour.
He didn't directly blame me for anything, when I told him how cub can be he was like I don't know why here he talks himself out of it at his.
* He thinks we were called in so they could tick boxes.
* He thinks home school link worker is saying stuff to make her seem like she's doing her job
He doesn't think teacher shares many of the same another staff member raised.
* He thinks a lot is bs.
* He is adamant cub isn't with him/isn't there/elsewhere like he is with me.
* He said he thinks someone has been putting ideas in his head/words in his mouth because that triangle v thing was so odd a thing to come out with and everyone he spoke to about it said the same.
* He defo wasn't told about theELSA, doesn't even know who she is or why he went to talk to her, it turned out it was actually cubs y4 teacher who suggested it but ELSA was seeing other children last year so it was just a wait list thing.
* He said just because he's not smiling all the time doesn't mean he's always sad either.
* He said if anyone asks anyone repeatedly they're okay maybe they're going to start questioning that maybe they aren't.
* He said cub knows how to call someone in an emergency, even me, if nanny has a fall or what not but they're getting old it's just life (when I suggested maybe he don't wanna be with her cos he's worried she could fall while he's in her care as shes very unsteady on her feet)
I suggested he told me what time he'd be back each time and I'll get him dropped for then
I suggested that I dropped him back at 8 and not 7 Fri/Sat if he DOES have to work any lates.
I also suggested when he finishes not too late he picks him up from mine instead each time, like he's done before (he did a few weeks back but I had the weeks mixed up and he was here to pick him up at half 5 but I thought I was dropping him back at 7..oops..he was in the bath..doh)
* He said nothing regarding us will be like it used to cos he's old enough to understand now and things are so different now.
* He said soon he's gonna want his own life and space and we'll both potentially be rejected within the next few years.
He also said in 10 years time for example we'll barely need to see each other or speak..probably sooner than that.
Plus side of the conversation.. he's still saying same secondary school so I think cub is mistaken about his feeling he keeps having that he wants to move them to his gfs.
Oh he also said he doesn't know what they're going on about his confidence/self esteem for or his emotional wellbeing because if he had issues with any of them
A) he'd have seen it more
B)he wouldn't be able to play rugby and volunteer himself as leader like he did earlier.
C)he wouldn't spot classmates in the park and bolt over to them
D)He wouldn't have made friendly with a random kid yesterday in at laser tag because he'd be too shy or withdrawn
I told him the friends to enemies.
I said I know it was never plausible for us to be friends but I wanted to make it clear I've never thought of him or considered him my enemy..without him I wouldn't have our cub and I bloody love that kid.
I told him about kicking off and refusing to move from the bus stop cos he didn't wanna go back and he was like he don't kick off.. I was like I know that which is why I was like wtf and suggested I drop him back either later or straight to him or he gets him from here
If he does it again I'll call dad bear.
Its been suggested by several.
He needs to hear it first hand.
(I don't think he gets the coke bottle analogy or masking)
I suggested he gets the masculine side of our cub because he's his dad bear and maybe he wants to be tough around him and I get the softer more emotional side or his feminine side because I'm mummy.
Maybe it's hormones cos he's that much older now and it could just be he's so tired where he's so busy is what he suggested..didn't suggest a break from anything though.
So big conversation.
Lots discussed and like I said..
I tried.
I put things across.
I stayed focused on our cub.
I was honest
I don't know if anything properly sank in but I definitely took what school said far more seriously.
0 notes
phenomenalgirl9 · 2 years
Wooyoung x Reader (Highschool AU): Brother-sitter
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A/n: This suddenly came to my mind when I was seeing him with Kyungmin together.
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Summary: Wooyoung's parents are going out of town for a week, as he has school and work after, his parents hire a babysitter to babysitter. But, what would happen if he'd come home to find his very crush is actually his brother-sitter?
"Be sure to return home by 8. She has to return home" his father had told him.
He looked at his watch 8:05pm and he cursed under his breath and paddled faster. If only he didn't have to do inventory he would have been on time on atleast the first day. His mother is gonna kill him if the sitter tells his parents.
When he stopped the bike in front of the house, his clock showed 8:10pm, he rushed in and entered the house to find his brother drawing sitting beside a girl, he couldn't see her face but he could swear that the figure, the style of dressing was familiar. He pushed those thoughts aside he just bowed and said "Hello! I'm so sorry for being late, I promise I'll try to be on time from tomorrow"
"Ah Wooyoung, you're back" he heard a very familiar voice, he looked up to see his classmate and crush sitting with Kyungmin now facing him, 'so thats why she seemed familiar' he thought.
"It's ok. He's a really good kid, and I know your boss is a jerk. You dont have to apologise" you said with a smile that could light up a whole room. A smile that lit up his heart and made his stomach flutter.
"Do you wanna have dinner?" He suddenly blurted out.
"I'd love to but, I haven't told my mom and it's getting late. Also, I have homework left" you said, fidgeting with you fingers.
"No, no, I get it" he said
"What about tomorrow?" You insisted.
"Yeah that could work. I get off an hour early tomorrow" he said smiling.
"Sounds like a plan then" you said smiling
Next day at school, you were busy at you locker when your jock of a best friend ran up to you suddenly and scared the day lights out of you.
"Mingi! I told you not to do that! Are you crazy!" You said putting a hand over your heart that was still beating fast due to the fright.
"You didn't tell me you were babysitting Wooyoung's brother!" He whined
"I didn't know untill I entered the drawing room and saw the photos. And after it I was busy doing homework" you saud closing your locker.
"Oh! What happened? Spill" he said.
"Nothing Mingi! I know you live for the tea but there's none in my life" you said throwing your hands "He just offered dinner tonight"
"Wow!" Mingi said awed.
"It's nothing Mingi. Its just dinner, he was just being nice" you said.
"Yeah you keep telling yourself that" he muttered
"What do you mean?" You say.
"I mean that he likes you back dummy" he said and you squinted
"Yeah right. Totally." You said and walked away. As if Wooyoung, the jock Jung Wooyoung would like you.
Even though you told yourself that you wont let Mingi's words affect your mind, it did.
You waited intently, watching cartoons with Kyungmin. Wooyoung actually came in an hour earlier and you and Kyungmin were busy with Mario Kart and he smiled to himself seeing the two of you.
Dinner that day was actually fun, you realised Wooyoung is a great cook but disasters follow him and hence you kept the disasters in check and he said he was glad that nothing broke. You loved to watch Kyungmin bickering with his brother as to why eatting the greens should be considered. Wooyoung was shocked when you spoke up and made Kyungmin to actually eat the greens willingly. He just kept glancing at you from across the table in admiration.
The next day Wooyoung came home to find you hitting your head over algebra and offered you help. You were shocked to know that Wooyoung actually had advance Calculus and he offered you some help. The two of you had become good friends over the week. Leading to him and his friends sitting with you and Mingi at Lunch and now the laughter, mockery and jokes had become a daily part of your life.
You remember how San, the guy who was in your Literature class asked Wooyoung how he knew you and he stuttered "She's my Ba-babysitter. I mean, not mine, my brother-sitter" he was fumbling for words when you intervene and say.
"I babysit his brother and we also have like 2 classes together" and on side eyes you noticed Wooyoung sight in relief.
"I told you they were good guys" Mingi said
"I never said they weren't I just felt self-conscious around them. Its getting better now" you said.
Wooyoung's mother was glad to find you as she could depend on you no matter what. Being able to hang with Wooyoung was a perk.
One day you were playing with Kyungmin when he suddenly said "Noona noona, can I ask you a question " you were quite intreagued to know what made the younger boy smile and giggle like that.
"What?" You asked.
"Do you like Hyung?" He asked.
You shrugged and said "Of course, he's my friend"
At that he tched and said "No no! Like boyfriend and girlfriend like?"
You were surprised at the question and felt heat rushing to your face. "Why would you ask that Minie?" You said
"Hyung always sighs like" gives out a lOng and dramatic sigh and continued "this when mom talks about you"
"No Minie you've got it wrong. Your brother and I are just friends okay" you said and smiled, but what you didn't know was, Wooyoung didn't have work on that day and he wanted to surprise you yet when he heard your answer, he was at the door which he just left and ran to Yunho's place.
The next few days shocked and comfused you. Wooyoung didn't stop by your locker anymore. He hardly spoke during lunch and Yeosang mentioned he didn't do well in practices.
"Mingi I think I did something to upset him" you said.
"Why do you think so?" He asked.
"Cause out of all of us, I am the only one he never makes eye contact with" you explained.
Suddenly Mingi asked "Y/n do you still like Wooyoung?"
"Yes? Of course why are you even asking this?" You said.
"Umm..." He fumbled and held your shoulders and turned you around. The sight of shocked Wooyoung left you speechless as well.
You felt tears sting your eyes, how could Mingi do this to you? Embarrass you infront of him in the presence of so many people. You turned away to run for it but, felt a grip on your wrist, before you could realise your back was pushed against a wall and you found yourself pinned between the locker and Wooyoung. The close proximity turning you redder than a tomato.
"Did you mean it?" He asked in a hushed tone.
You didn't know what else to say so you owned up "Yes, yes I like you, I have for a long while now. Even though I know you don't like me back and I dont expect that, but I still like you or may be more than that" you said looking straight into his eyes. His eyes were unreadable.
Suddenly he crashed is lips on yours and you were shocked for a moment but as soon as Wooyoung brought one of his hand to you neck and the other to your waist pulling you closer.
"I love you" he said looking right into your eyes.
Other Works
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aio-rya · 3 years
Silver Birthday Card — SSR Personal Story
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NRC Scholar Newspaper.
Interview with the birthday person.
~Feat. Silver~
ーCongratulations! How's today's birthday party going?
Silver: I'm so glad to see everybody likes to celebrate this way.
That's why if I fell asleep half way through, I'd feel very sorry for all the students who prepared this for me.
I got enough sleep yesterday and, just in case, I drank lots of black coffee earlier.
Now I'm sure, today I won't fall asleep.
—Do you have any memories of your birthday in your home town?
Silver: Of course... Every year, my father would have taken a commemorative photo. With Sebek and Malleus, who came to celebrate. He'd shoot it all of us, side by side.
The photo we took last year is displayed on the desk at the dorm lounge. It is a wonderful and irreplaceable birthday present.
When I became my father's apprentice, he was taller than me but, he was overtaken by me before we'd noticed.
When I realised about it, I was quite surprised.
Since then, we'd be asking for Sebek to take out the plates from the top of the cupboard.
You can actually do it with magic, but... Every time I asked for it, Sebek looked at me with a proud face.
Perhaps, I guess he likes to take things from high places. You may call it a hobby, just don't get on his way.
That's why I'll keep on asking him for it.
ー・ ⚔︎ ・ー
Part 2
Silver: Zzzz... Zzzz...
Silver: Huh... I'm sorry, I felt sleepy out of a sudden. I slept well last night but it didn't work as it should...
I'm sorry. Please, if I fell asleep again, don't hesitate on waking me up.
—Understood. How's your school life going?
Silver: I'm often surprised on how different it is. Until the day I came to school, I've lived in the depths of the forest of the Valley of Thorns.
For example, electrical appliances. It's very helpful being able to do cleaning and washing without using magic. Even after the sun goes down, I was surprised lights were shut off. Back at home, the forest at night became pitch black.
But, what surprised me the most was... That food was delicious.
Apart from making it by myself, I grew up with the taste of homemade food cooked by my father... So I was deeply moved.
—Has anything else changed since you entered school?
Silver: I did make a lot of friends. Back on the Valley of Thorns, there was only Sebek around, we were the only ones sharing the same age group. Buying something along my classmates during the breaks. That was something I have never experienced in my hometown.
When we go shopping, I often buy whetstones and the latest self-defense tools at sight. While everyone often seeks for sweets and manga.
Though, I was not familiar with fashion and entertainment. That's why Kalim has thaught me a lot and that's been very helful.
Ah! Speaking of which, Kalim sometimes invite to his dorm banquets too... Eating some fruits from the Land of Hot Sands, riding over the maginc carpet, it has all been a very valuable experience. Is interesting to make contact with things you've never seen. With everyone else, it's a completely new experience.
I'm very grateful for my friends.
ー・ ⚔︎ ・ー
Part 3
—Please, tell me about your family.
Silver: I'm an orphan. but I have a father who raised me.
When I was little, I thought he was my real father. When I think about it now, he looks completely different.
Finally, one day, I noticed my father's ears and mine had different shapes. "Why does our ears have different shapes?", I asked him. Then, he explained at me that we were from different races. And, that's how I realised we were not blood connected.
"So, you did notice it!", he laughed a bit confused. When I noticed, I was already jumping out of my house while it was raining...
Eventually, I was found by my father and he brought me back home. After that, I got a fever and fell asleep. My father told me, "I can't help it". He laughed again and took care of me.
He must have been tired of looking for me in the rain, but he didn't leave me until the fever went down.
..... I. The smile of my father that day, is something I don't think I could ever forget.
..... That's it.
That was the father who named me Silver.
When I asked him for the origin of the name, he said "Your hair color!". I got a clear answer. I guess he is that kind of person, after all.
The name given to me by me beloved father, is the one I will continue cherishing forever.
—That's a wonderful parent-child relationship.
In regard of the hair that inspired him to name you, do you have any special care on it?
Silver: I have not taken any special care. I'm not particularly worried about my hairstyle, so I always try to cut it properly. Sometimes I cut it by myself, other times I ask for my father and my friends to do it.
...... By the way, I have been questioned about my hair before by senior Vil. I told him I was not doing anything on it.
I remember being scolded.
Perhaps it was because of that that, after I helped him with the Movie Appreciation Club some time ago, he gave me a special hair care set as a thanking.There were two types of shampoo on it. It also contained some creams and oils I couldn't understand how they worked.
Senior Vil said, "Beauty must be done evercyday"... but hair care is a hassle, it takes too much time and effort.
Certainly my hair had changed, I used what I got at hand, but it seemed I wouldn't be able to continue.
Now that I have finished it,I wash myself with the same soap from head to toe when I take a shower.
—Thank you! And once again, happy birthday!
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spideyspeaches · 4 years
Gold Rush ↬ t.h
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Gif by @parkeraul :)
A/N: I'm in love with that song 🙈 also here's my super late contribution of professor!tom 😋 cause I've been procrastinating on the wandavision au (in my defence though, it's taking a lot of brainstorming 😂) anyway here you go-
Wc: 2.6k+
Warnings: lemme know if you find one :)
Summary: He taught British History and you chastise yourself for not auditing for that subject earlier.
Pairing: Professor!Tom x Student!Reader
Masterlist || Taglist
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Waking up with a start, you groan at the shrill sound of your alarm. With a sigh that was more of a grunt of annoyance, you tried to reach for your phone at the side table, hissing when you felt the corner of your elbow hit the table, pain shooting up to your shoulder. 
Great, you weren't even up yet and your day was already going shitty. You just hoped that your professor won't be grumpy about you being late for the millionth time this semester. 
You hated cultural architecture. You had nothing against the course, but You hated your professor with a passion and wished that you could burn your textbooks for all you cared, right in front of your teacher's eyes, watch him writhe in fear as you banished the very existence of your material. 
You were being dramatic, but in your defence, your professor was an old bastard who never left an opportunity to reprimand you, going as far as letting you know how uneven your margins were on your latest project. 
He wore birkenstocks with a three piece. You wouldn't trust him with your assignments. 
Getting out of your dorm room was work, hard work. But you got out, brushed your teeth and wore what you hoped were presentable clothing. 
"You look hungover." Your roommate, Stacy, commented, spitting in the sink as you scowled at her. 
She was straightforward, outspoken and somehow managed to look like one of those Victoria secrets models that you loathed, even at seven in the morning. You hated her. 
(You didn't.)
"Thanks, I hope I smell too. Want that son of a bitch- what's his name, Wilson, to suffer for giving me that C minus on my thesis." You grumbled, rubbing your hands through your hair to flat them out. 
"You really hate him, don't you." She snickered, popping off her shirt. You tried not to look, not wanting to come off as a pervert, but damn, she was fit. You contemplated her words, frowning at your own reflection. 
You looked disheveled, the dark eye bags under your eyes very apparent as you tried to mask them with foundation, setting your hair for the millionth time. Oh well, you were presentable enough. Sweatpants would have to do for your only class today, you could binge Netflix after this wretched class. 
"I do. I hope his third wife divorces him and he loses his thermos of coffee in the subway." You said, adding your look finally before wearing your shoes. 
"That's cruel, didn't know you had it in you." She snickered, patting your back and following you as you closed the door, "Well I have to go to my boring science lectures now so, see you later hun." 
"Yeah, enjoy your chemistry period with your boyfriend!" You cheered sarcastically, rolling your eyes and hugging her to tell her that you were only joking. Your relationship was this, of jokes and hugs and kisses. You considered her your best friend. 
Rushing towards the gates of your university, you hastily tightened your loosening hair tie, adjusting the straps of your bags. You were pretty sure you had broken your record of being late to your class. You may hate the professor, but you actually enjoyed the subject. 
Wheezing as you ran past the late comers, you nodded at the receptionist, hastily signing yourself in. You would blame your clumsiness for what happened next, because one second you were fixing your sande on the foot of the fountain, and next thing you knew you were crashing into a firm body, your nose hitting the random stranger’s chest.
"I’m so sorry! I’m kinda late to class and I wasn’t looking and- whoa, ow.” You rushed your words, groaning when you felt blood rush from your head to toe, nose throbbing with double vision, a reminder of your clumsiness. 
“Whoa, hey calm down, it’s okay, I wasn’t looking either.” The stranger said, his thick South Western accent snapping you out of your self pity. 
You felt blood rush to your cheeks instead, not anticipating your face in a flush this early in the morning, when you got a good look at the stranger. He was good looking, in his black high turtleneck and brown checkered pants. He had a small leather satchel clutched in his hands, face looking as flushed as you felt when you realised that you had been gawking at him.
He was probably no older than his mid twenties, making you wonder what he was doing in your university. He was too old to be a student, and too young to be a professor. But then again, you wouldn't judge him for joining college late.
"S-sorry, you um, you must be really late, you should go." He stuttered, your heart fluttering at his dimpled chin and thick accent. His eyes were gleaming in the morning sun, captivating in a way that left you in awe. 
"Um yeah, I am." You nodded, composing yourself, hoping that you didn't look too sleep deprived or disheveled, "where are you going, if you don't mind me asking."  
"Um, the architecture wing?" He said, unconsciously stepping besides you.
"Oh, I'm going that way. Is it your first time coming here? Haven't seen you around." You asked, trying not to stare at his sharp jawline and the way the morning sun hit him just right, illuminating and accentuating his curly brown hair. 
"Yeah, it's my first lecture, so um, looks like I'm late too." He smiled. It was infectious, you noticed as you mirrored his expression. 
"Oh, you're a student?" 
"Actually, I'm a professor. Just transferred from UCL." 
So you were right, he was a professor. He looks so young though. You thought, nodding at him, your thoughts interrupted by his laugh. Looking at him with confusion, you raised an eyebrow. 
"Yeah, everyone says that. I started right after finishing graduation so, I guess I'm not much older than you." He smiled, kicking the small pebbles littered around the set grassy ground. It had just rained, the smell of wet ground still fresh. 
"I said that out loud didn't I?" You smirked, ducking your head to hide. 
"You did." 
Entering the building, you realised that you hadn't asked which subject he taught, crossing your fingers and hoping that he would replace the old bastard that taught you cultural architecture. 
"I forgot to ask, which lecture do you teach?" You asked, looking for your class in the end. The hallways were empty, it was way past your first lecture and all the students were already in the auditorium. 
"Oh, uh, British History." He answered. You didn't let disappointment show too much on your face, smiling shyly before gesturing towards the class, "that's you." 
"Oh, um thank you." He smiled, pursing his thin lips together as he walked towards the class. You could hear screaming of the students as you both neared the classroom, you still standing by the door, "I didn't get your name." 
His question snapped you out of your disappointed gaze, 
"Oh, it's Y/n. Y/n L/n." You said with a smile. 
"Pleasure to meet you Y/n, I'm Thomas Holland, but you can call me Tom." He said awkwardly, before turning back to his class, who had yet to notice him.
"The pleasure's all mine Professor." 
For the first time in your college life, you didn't feel like tearing your hair off during your lecture, your thoughts wandering around. You wanted to berate yourself for not paying attention, but your thoughts kept going there. 
It was funny, how you met him not long ago and he was already taking up residence in your brain. You could not control your feelings after all. Something akin to nausea or excitement eased into your stomach when you pictured his smile, his black turtleneck that accentuated his biceps and pectorals. The little rebellious eyebrow and the tiny scar above it. 
It made your heart flutter, everything seemingly seemed to stop around you. It scared you a bit, how You had managed to envision the little details of his face in your brain after such a short duration. 
You didn't realise that you were smiling until you felt a nudge on your side, making you nearly jump on your seat. 
"What?!" You hissed, scowling at your classmate. 
"Who're you thinking about?" She asked, wiggling her eyebrows as she leaned towards you. You had known her long enough to know her name but never bothered learning, and you were too scared to ask now. 
"It's none of your business." You muttered, glancing up to see your professor scowling at a student as they stood up. 
"Well okay, but did you hear about the hot new professor? Apparently he's teaching British History, I regret not taking that as a subject now." She said, her cheeks flushed with excitement. You furrowed your brows, feeling a pang in your chest at the realisation that you were probably just another girl with a stupid crush on the hot professor, that there were already girls who would die to feel his touch. 
"How do you know about him?" You asked, raising an eyebrow as you try to act nonchalant. You weren't being subtle, apparently, because you could see her snapping her bubblegum with a smirk, leaning forward as if trading secrets. 
"You kidding right? Everyone knows about him, you got a crush on him or something?" She suggested, scooting close enough to make you squirm. 
"I literally just met him, and ew, he's a professor, why would I see him that way?" You whisper, willing your heart to stop palpitating at the thought of said professor, your gut twisting in anticipation. 
"I don't know girl, he's hot and young and so much better than this bastard." She sighed, leaning on her palm with a fake dreamy expression. 
You went back to ignoring her after that, noticing how her notebook said 'Eloise'. At least you didn't have to ask her her name now. 
Your class went surprisingly well, or maybe it was because you weren't paying attention and thinking about him again. You really needed to get a grip on yourself. 
Walking out of your class, you decided to go to the cafeteria, your stomach begging for your attention.
Setting your things on a table, you took out your phone to scroll through Instagram, before switching it off and looking around the cafeteria. You didn't know what you were expecting to see, but your stomach was gurgling with hunger and nothing made sense when you were hungry. 
Walking to grab something to eat, you pick up your bag, hanging it over one of your shoulders before getting in the line. 
Just as you were about to turn with your bun and cup of coffee, you crashed into someone for the second time that day. Cursing your clumsiness, you heard a familiar British accent curse not very colourful words, making you stumble over as you tried to wipe off the hot coffee off his shirt.
"Hey, it's okay." He said, stopping your frantic gestures by holding your wrist with his to cease any movements.
"Professor Holland! I'm so sorry, it's like, I'm just clumsy. I have no excuse." You sighed in resignation, mentally facepalming at spilling your coffee at the hot professor. 
"It's okay darling, I've had much worse spilled on me." He smirked, his hand still holding on to yours. You had started walking away from the location, and yet his hand didn't let go, "You know, I used to babysit during my college days." 
"Oh, babysitting, right of course." You chuckled awkwardly, chest heaving with the sudden close proximity with the professor, dissipating the not quite PG thought that just occurred in your mind at his words.. 
"Sorry for-" You said in unison with him, chuckling. 
"You go first." He said.
"I'm sorry for spilling coffee on You, it must have hurt and I ruined your shirt and now there's a big splotch of coffee right in the middle!" You said, circling your fingers around your palm as you walked with your back to the exit as you walked out of the cafeteria, food forgotten and him following your pace. 
Before you could continue your awkward blabber, you were standing in the garden outside, leaning against a pillar with the garden in your view looking golden in the setting sun. He was standing in your view, the shadows around his jaw making it look sharp enough to cut glass. 
Taking a breath, you looked up at his smiling form with confusion when he didn't answer, instead leant onto the pillar next to you.
"You were... gonna say something?" You reminded, smiling awkwardly as you fiddled with your fingers.
"Oh? Oh! Oh yes yes, You know, I was kind of disappointed that you weren't in my class, Mister Wilson talks very highly of you." He said, folding his arms on his chest, it made his biceps bulge. 
"He does?" You looked at him with surprise, guilt panging in your chest when you remembered yourself bad mouthing the professor not long ago. 
"Yes, says you're a bright student with a bright future." He answered, leaning his head back so that his neck was exposed, Adam's Apple bobbing as he gulped, his hair falling into place perfectly against his forehead. The arch of his neck was beautiful, tracing it with your eyeballs as you imagined which other curves of his were as beautiful, immediately dismissing those thoughts, chastising yourself for thinking such a way of a professor. 
"That's… sweet of him. I've never heard him compliment me once in the two and half years I've been in his class." You chuckle, leaning your elbow on the pillar to get a better look at his side profile. 
"Hmm, he says he's hard on you because he wants you to do your best..." 
You stopped listening past that, your breath growing more erratic the more he talked, his smooth voice washing over you like warm honey with a squeeze of lemon. Swallowing a sudden lump in your throat, your heart leaping, leaving you nauseous and in a dream like trance. 
Tom noticed immediately, noticing your slouched posture as you stared at him with a small smile, the upturn of your lips so inviting that he almost dived in, wanting to know the feeling of them what they felt like against his. 
He wasn't the kind to date his students, in fact, he rarely dated after joining uni and becoming a professor. 
He strictly believed that student/teacher relationships should end in only a professional non romantic set up. That was all up until he crashed into you that morning. 
You had been in his mind all day, stirring him crazy as he imagined your smile, the way your eyes lit up when you talked about your subject of interest, the say your fingers fiddled with the ring you wore on your index finger. 
He wondered if this feeling would last forever or become a vague memory, an attraction of hearts that didn't last but felt good till it did. If he was rushing, or if you even felt the same way. 
He was smart, of course that's how he became a teacher, but he still couldn't place your feelings. 
So when he saw you staring at him, his heart leaping in his throat at your adorable smile, the only logical answer his brain gave was that you liked him too. Temporary attraction or not, he wasn't one to look a gift horse in it's mouth. 
Next thing he knew your lips were crashing onto his, your chest pressed against his firmly as your hands reached up to the base of his neck. 
Your fingers were soft, tongue swishing against his as he opened his mouth to let you enter. His hands automatically reach for your waist, holding onto firmly as he slammed you against the pillar. 
The sun was nearly down, the last of the rays hitting the garden, lighting you both up in a golden glow that left you breathless with a fire raging in your souls. 
"What do you say that I audit for British history? I'd like to learn more lessons from you, Professor Holland." You said, breathless against his chest, hiding your nose against his sternum, blood rushing to your ears as his warm hand burned against the bare skin underneath your shirt. 
"That would be great darling, anything to see your pretty smile every morning." 
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A/N: let me know what you think! :)
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allkinds-oftrash · 2 years
A/N: Okay so I thought I posted this earlier today but I'm an idiot who didn't save this post as a draft or hit post 🤡🤡 Anyways here's what I said hopefully it's kind of similar. I wrote the first version just fresh off listening to the first podcast episode and I was very emotional and it was very raw so I'm going to try to tap into that again and hopefully the same sentiments carry through:
Archetypes: Episode 1
I finally got to sit down and listen to this. Let me just say I cried I'm not going to lie to you!
It just hit extremely hard what they were talking about and how the words were used against them especially in regards to being an ambitious woman. I know I'm not a tennis Grand Slam Champion or a renowned actress/Duchess who are doing AMAZING with their platforms at the moment but I related SO deeply to what they were saying.
Getting a little personal here: It's the way I was also painted negatively in my 5 years of film school - which was very much a boys' club 🙄 - for having ambition or trying to do better for myself. It's how the words used against me to tear me down while simultaneously celebrating the exact same traits in the boys. It's the way I was shamed with words like being hysterical when I dare show any ounce of emotion while expressing myself or when the boys would talk over me and, obviously I would get pissed. Until they slowly started chipping away at my soul and who I was.
I honestly feel like I've lost a huge part of myself in the last 5 years. I'm still trying to get that old me - the ambitious person who thought I could do anything - back. I'm not sure if I want her back after growing and realising I don't really want the big dreams anymore. But that's beside the point. It's the way these assholes were able to weaponise those words against me and my other fellow femme classmates - anyone who was deemed less than and wasn't "worthy" aka straight Chinese (our majority race here aka the ones with Chinese privilege) male while they uplifted each other.
So yeah listening to this episode brought that all back and while there were sad sobs, there were happy ones too. I found comfort in knowing both these powerhouse ladies were okay, happy and safe now! I also felt less alone knowing if these heroes of mine I look up to can feel this way, then I'm not crazy for feeling this way either.
Also them talking about their families and kiddos was so so cute, definitely made me feel good after crying my heart out at the beats that cut deep. It was SUCH a brilliant first episode and I CANNOT wait to listen to the ep with Mariah Carey tonight woo hoo🥳🥳!!
I hope everyone enjoyed the first episode and happy listening to those who are gonna listen soon!
EDIT: I totally forgot to add!! So I found out there's transcripts avaliable on the Desktop version of Spotify and also I found this site that provides a transcript doc for mobile users like me! Happy reading & listening everyone :D
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hawksugarbaby · 3 years
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Kirishima x reader- Freezer burn
Quirk info: you have fire breath, you're always too warm because there's literally fire inside of our body. It also means when people are close to you they're really warm to, you're pretty much a radiator.
"Bro... (y/n) is eating a popsicle" Kaminari muttered to Kirishima who was unable to peel his eyes away from you no matter hoe hard he tried. "I know bro" is it wrong to be looking at her like this, I can't look away she was just perfect and- *crunch*
The boys watched in horror as you bit off the top of the popsicle and there was a very audible screech from the middle of the courtyard you and your classmates were in. you thought someone was hurt so you instinctively whipped your head around to see where the noise came from but instead, you saw sero and kaminari dragging Kirishima away to the door with bakugo holding the door open and signalling like a marshaller to hurry up and get him out of the courtyard. You shrugged and continued to much on your popsicle and made a mental note to ask Kirishima about it later.
Kaminari sat him on the couch and sat down next to him and handed him a water bottle. Bakugo knew something needed to be done, he wouldn't sit there and let his friend suffer, he stormed up to the boys and stood in front of them "OI, you need to fucking get it together shitty hair. You might as well just ask her to suck your dick dude" Kirishima choked on his water, most of it landing on his vest "BRO! I- I don't want that I just want her to... be my girlfriend and stuff you know" he said rubbing behind his neck in embarrassment "hey if it makes you feel better, think of how todoroki feels, midoriya's wearing leggings and I'm pretty sure he deepthroated that popsicle" he said though not really helping the conversation. "Why can't I just be normal around her?" he asked burying his head in his hands "just fucking go back outside and be yourself" bakugo reasoned, this time with some much better advice.
While this conversation went on inside the house you realised it was getting hotter, originally you had come outside in a white bodysuit and (f/c) shorts and a hoodie. to begin with, you had sandles on, but you had to take those off, your hoodie was who knows where and you were standing in the fountain as if it was a waterfall accepting the fact that you were being drenched with cold water, but you were still too hot. You had been through at least 4 popsicles so far, todoroki had already tried to help as much as he could but to no avail and as the sun climbed higher into the sky the temperature went up also.
"Fuck this" you shouted and ran back into the dorm not realising that your white bodysuit was pretty much see-through by now. You sprinted past the boys on the couch to the kitchen and there it was your lord and saviour... the freezer. You wandered round to the commons and asked, "hey who wants to help me get in the freezer?" they looked at you with confusion and 3/4 boys looked in the other direction while Kirishima turned the colour of his hair "d-do you want t-to change your t-shirt first?" he asked and you looked down realizing everyone could see what was underneath your top "oh no I'm wearing a bra how unfortunate, Kiri help me get in the freezer!" you said pulling him up from the couch and dragging him to the kitchen "(y/n), no I mean if your shirt's wet and you're in the freezer you'll get hypothermia" he pointed out, even though that certainly wasn't what he meant but he didn't want to be rude.
You stopped realizing he had a good point "then I'll just take it off?" you said and walked towards the closest bathroom "NO (Y/N) THAT'S NOT MUCH BETTER" he shouted after you making you stop again, he looked around for a better idea and suddenly a small lightbulb appeared above his head (in his mind) "here take my vest" he said pulling it over his head and handing it to you, he had no issue showing his abs off. Your face lit up red at the sight of his gorgeous body and you took the vest and sped toward the bathroom.
You came back with his vest on which covered your shorts since you were a fair bit shorter than him and... another popsicle? "Where did you even get that!" Kirishima asked questioning how you could have got a popsicle "hun I keep popsicles all over the dorms, I'm not going to suffer if it's a hot day" you said continuing to suck on the (f/f) popsicle not realising what it looked like to him. "Um (y/n), d-did you take your bra off?" he asked noticing there was no band showing at the back of the vest (y' know how you get those vests with the really deep backs?) "well yeah that was wet too so it just made sense," you said, making a good point 'okay Kirishima calm down. Your crush is wearing your vest, without a bra, and eating a popsicle... I wonder how far- NO'
The brilliant thing about the freezers in your dorm was how big and empty they were, you were teenagers, after all, you weren't going to put very much effort into making food so that freezer was never more than a quarter full. "So what's our gameplan here?" he asked looking in the freezer and putting down a blanket to make it slightly more comfortable for you "lift me up, and put me in the freezer, but leave the top open so I can breathe," you told him the plan and he nodded "okay 3, 2, 1, go," you said and clutched to your boxes of popsicles. he picked you up by the waist and placed you in the freezer and you sat down taking in the cold air, he looked over the side and smiled "care to join me kiri?" you asked patting the spot next to you, he thought for the second and his conclusion was, what's the worst that could happen? He vaulted over the side and landed like a gymnast in the freezer and sat down next to you.
You both sighed and shut your eyes letting the cool air surround you. The good part was that neither of you would absolutely freeze because you yourself were always too hot anyway, and you kept Kirishima warm also.
"why did you get dragged out of the courtyard earlier?" you asked checking off your mental note to ask about it and sitting in the freezer together seemed like the perfect time to ask about it "o-oh um there was- there was a wasp" he said lying through his pointy teeth. you unwrapped another popsicle and shook your head "the manly red riot is scared of wasps?" you asked offering him a popsicle that he pushed away, the way you said his hero name sounded so much better than the way he did "uh, yeah just. Don't like them. Too buzzy" "but you're fine with bees?" he looked at you with surprise, how did you know he liked bees? "I never said I liked bees" he pointed out and you laughed "Kiri yesterday you went out into the courtyard specifically to, and I quote 'water the flowers so the bees are happy'" you said remembering him walking around in a short-sleeved flannel with a silver watering can "how do you know what I said?"
you didn't feel like telling him you got distracted from your studying because he was taking care of the bees so instead you changed the subject slightly "it's the popsicle isn't it," you asked pointing to him with the frozen goodness in your hand "w-what gives you that idea?" he asked looking away "hm just something about how you keep looking at me when I eat one and you grimace every time I bite it?" you point out looking at him even though he wouldn't look back, no answer "if you want me to suck your dick just ask dude" "WHAT" you laughed at his response and it took you a minute to calm down "I'm kidding I'm kidding," you told him and he let out a sigh of relief.
"Yeah it's the popsicle," he said folding his arms across his chest "you could've just told me how you felt dummy. You know that right" you said poking his cheek with the newest popsicle stick "well (y/n)... I like you like I really like you like I want you to be my girlfriend kind of like you" he said confidently. "I like you too, and I will happily be your girlfriend," you told him and leaned your head on his shoulder "you're really hot" "why thank you" you laughed knowing that wasn't exactly what he meant but the compliment still stood.
"So how far down can you-" "KIRI!" a silence fell between you "...Full thing" and he looked at you with surprise "wanna see?" "YES"
Part 2 here
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thebrownssociety · 3 years
Hi, so I was wondering about the toons getting an education. You said that they didn't know how to read or write at the begining. First of all, when did they learn to read and write? And second of all, when they started learning those things, how did they do it? Did all of the toons go to school, you know, like kids do? Did they have classes and classmates, different subjects, different teachers? Or did they have private tutours?
So, first things first, thank you Ana for giving me one of my most complicated asks yet! That's why it's taken me so long to answer, I need to first of all sort through the strands of my brain in order to find the answer, and then translate it so it can be understood by normal people.
This headcanon is LONG, I hope you lot enjoy.
the majority of the toons [about 90 percent] are NOT created with the ability to read and write. In the olden days it was generally assumed that they didn't have the ability to learn either.
The other ten percent DID. They tended to be toons that were created to be doctors, lawyers or other professions that need the ability to read and write. Or members of royalty because the creators made the decision that royals would have been taught to read and write and so incorporated that into there designs. This is why Porky Pig is unusual, because he has the ability read and write, but he's not royalty and he doesn't have an official profession. Technically Porky is an anomality, it just happens that his anomality has helped him more than hindered him.
Moving onto the villains, it tends to follow the same rules as above. Grimhilde [wicked stepmother] has the ability to read and write because the creators assumed that as the now queen she had to be a princess before, therefore fit the rules.
Maleficent however, couldn't read or write [much to her frustration] because she was a villainous fairy and although she was [I think?] royalty of some sort within the fairy world the creators decided she didn't need the ability.
You might be getting an idea of the timeline from the movies I mentioned. I headcanon that the toon began campaigning to get an education during the 60's. They did this largely via peaceful means [mainly because one thing that has always been acknowledged by humans is that Toons are quite powerful and they aren't to keen to annoy them massively. The toons for their part don't want to cause massive distress to humans - they want to make them laugh! - so it actually works to a degree. During the 60's though the Toons decided something needed to be done.
The directors and other higher-ups had been promising to change the rights for the last decade and it hadn't happened. In 1965 the Toons decided enough was enough, they would start peacefully protesting. They adhered to the riles of there contracts to the letter. The LT's contract for instance says they have to arrive at least five minutes before filming starts, so they arrived five minutes before filming started when previously they'd been arriving half an hour so the director could run through everything with them.
They also left straight after seeing as there contract said they were free to go after the filming ended.
The LT's were also contracted to be available should WB ask them to do anything like help in the kitchens, but they only gave to do that for a set amount of hours each week. They worked those hours to the letter and went straight after. A few of the more devious toons even reasoned the contract just says they have to show up, not do any work, so they didn't. At first the studio got round that by asking toons who they knew would do the work properly, but it didn't take the toons long to figure out that was happening and then the 'good' toons wondered why they should bother when the 'bad' toons were being allowed to get off scot-free?
Eventually no toons was doing any work to help the general running of WB at all.
The above, I should mention, did not happen overnight. It took around 18 months, and it wasn't just happen at WB. Although Disney didn't have the exact same contract, they ran on the general principle of arriving at a set time and leaving straight after, so the toons just adhered to there contracted times.
18 months later and the companies decided enough was enough. They were having to go overtime to film the cartoons/movies now the toons weren't doing extra [previously unpaid] hours. [Which they did because the majority of them are perfectionist when it comes to the cartoons and wanted them to be the best they could be.] They were also having to pay the Human employees extra to cover the hours, often at extremely short notice. And unlike the toons they weren't contracted to come in just because the company wanted them to.
So anyway, the point of me detailing this is to explain the circumstances that meant that the companies were at there wits end and ended up petitioning the president to give the toons rights. Mickey Mouse also helped out enormously here as well. Walt Disney had died a few months earlier and Mickey was now running Disney. Which also meant control of the theme parks. Mickey decided that seeing as Toons clearly weren't valued enough to bother educating [despite being proven as intelligent] they shouldn't bother providing entertainment at the parks either.
The Disney toons also had it worked into there contracts that they had to make periodic appearances at Disney's parks [kinds like the people dressing up as the characters do now, except it's the actual toons] and are on a rota basis. Unless they're doing an events [like Halloween for the villains or valentines day for the princes and princesses] then each toon does at least one 12-hour day at Disney per year. It was this bit that Mickey was putting a stop to.
It had a real knock-on effect as, as well as the rides, most people went there hoping for a glimpse of there favourite toon. Without that...
As much of an absolute business-killer as this idea was, Mickey was more than happy to explain to anyone who would listen [read: most of the world news] exactly WHY he was doing it. With all this pressure it was really just a matter of time until the laws changed and the toons were able to gain an education. This was in 1968.
Now as fast as things work in Toontown, this was such a complicated area that it took a full 2 years for the various schools to be built, staffed and a curriculum drawn up (which followed the same basic guide as human education, but with some added stuff and some stuff taken out. It basically followed a 'would a toon actually need this in future life?' and went from there.
Here's were it gets slightly complicated. Because I mentioned before that toons age in a weird way. But the main thing is they go up and down in there age on a day to day basis until they are about 20. This makes educating them quite difficult, to say the least.
The studios solution to this was to bring in Human teachers to teach them at the grades human children would go through. So Kindergarten, Grade 1 ext. The thing was that a lot of the toons had learn some of th education already, like identifying shapes and coulors and things. And of course the ones who were professionals [Like Ludwig Von Drake and Gus Goose] already had a college-level of education, they just needed to prove it to the teachers.
The end result of this was that it wasn't unusual for a toon to be in a class for only a few months at a time while they did the work [don't forget, they only need 4 hours of sleep as well, so they could study for longer if they wanted]
It did eventually even up though and the toons ended up spending 9 months if the right class. For example, Porky Pig aced Kindergarten all the way up till 4th grade and then found he was struggling with 5th grade. This was a shock to him after spending 21 months in education [excluding holidays], to suddenly need help. Porky was forced to realise that he had centred a lot of his identity around being 'the one who can help his friends/family read.' and hadn't expanded his personality much beyond that.
So yeah, as an average most toons took about ten years to complete Kindergarten - end of high school.
Then a few of them took college courses, which lead to them getting degrees, which led to a couple of them getting teaching degrees. The majority of the LT's you see in Tiny Toons [excluding Foghorn, who decided he didn't want to be a teacher, and Elmer who took a undergraduate degree in law until 1992] did their teaching degrees from 1988 - 1992.
There's a couple of you who might had realised that they were filing Tiny Toons at the times and learning how to be parents at the same time. That was partly why they wanted to do it then, they realised that after Tiny Toons had finished the kid would need educating. Although the human teachers had been alright, they'd found it slightly difficult to cope and the LT's didn't want their kids to go through that particularly. Also, what's the point of building a school just to got rid of it after?
So here's the main schools: (After the toons gained teaching degrees)
Disney Elementary - Kindergarten- Grade 5.
Hanna-Barbara Middle School - Grade 6_8.
The Looniversity (the name stuck after the TV show) Grades 9-12.
So the Tiny Toons finished filming in 1992 and had it promptly explained to them that they would be attending school the next August [Tiny Toons were created in 1987, so were 6 by the end of filming.]
Toons don't do pre-school because there doesn't seem to be any point. Loads of Toons have coped without preschool for decades now, why would they start now?
So the TT's started Kindergarten at Disney Kindergarten, run by Snow White and helped out by Cinderella and Fairy Godmother. Kindergarten is the only school year where the toons have to do an entire year in it, the logic being they'll have longer to get adjusted to school if they're there for a year as opposed to three months.
Then it was decided which was the toon would go. Would they move upwards into Disney Elementary school, run by the Three Good Fairies? Or would they be taught by human professors? Or - the final option - they could be privately educated. [It's mainly royalty or the children of famous toons like Micky and Minnie that go down this option. The TT's were unusual in that all the LT's opted to send there kids to Disney Elementary with the hope it would help them make friends with other toons outside the LT bubble. Whether it did or not remains up for debate.
Anyway, they then go to Hanna-Barbera Middle School, which is then followed by the Looniversity. Now, despite what was shown in Tiny Toons, The Looniversity does not focus solely on Toon Physics and the like, the kids have to study the curriculum. They have options to take Toon Physics class if they wanted to, but they don't have to.
The Toons technically don't HAVE to finish High School, but they're strongly encouraged to. College is another matter, it's quite hard so only Toons who the adults know will stand a chance of passing are encouraged to do it.
Toontown University focuses primarily on The Performing Arts and Toon Physics. As well as those subjects, it offers Art, Physical Education, separate courses of Dance, Drama and Music and LAMDA.
If a Toon wants to study the likes of Maths, English and Science they can either be privately educated [A lot of the adult toons have ridiculous amounts of money due to there cartoons and the fact that until the 50's Toontown didn't exist and all there expenses were being covered by there respective directors/studios] or they could join one of the smaller colleges that specialised in what they want to do.
Push comes to shove, they find a Adult toon [over the actual age of 25] with a degree and try to mentor under them. This happens a lot.
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dreamsapphire28 · 3 years
Welp writing vampire Mc made want to write werewolf Mc again so here's this idea I've had for a while. This is kinda of a continuation of my last werewolf mc fanfic. This one has an implied, ahem "steamy", scene nothing is actually written in the story, but y'know it's implied that it did happen.
Man I'm in such a monster f*cker mood right now
Everyone: We're in june
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Sharing a secret can truly make two persons grow closer, Akemi and Kengo got along just fine ever since the whole affair with the Ikebukuro Berserkers was concluded, as different as they were those two just seemed to connect, there was also the detail that when they ware banishing the exceptions he had only kissed Kengo but that was secret that Akemi decided to hold onto at least for now. Kengo finding out that Akemi was werewolf had actually improved their relationship, at first he was worried Kengo would start avoiding him or be weirded out by it, but Kengo just looked at him and said 'You're still my partner nothin' can change that' Kengo might never know just how much it meant for Akemi to hear that. So Akemi thought that he might as well take the plunge and confess his feelings for Kengo, he already knew the werewolf thing so a little love confession shouldn't be too much to handle, right?. While Kengo did not turn him down it took him a few moments to process what Akemi had said before he could scramble together a response, in the end Kengo did say yes, through a lot of stuttering and a very red face, but nonetheless reciprocated the feelings, as relieved as Akemi was that Kengo did love him back he couldn't help but think that the way Kengo answered was completely adorable.
Outwardly things didn't change much between them, they still trained together, participated in guild fights, hanged out with their guildmates and classmates and of course Kengo still called Akemi partner. But there were a few note worthy changes like how they always arrived together at their classes and guild meetings, they spent a lot of time in each other's dorm rooms, how strangely easy it became for Shiro to get Kengo to study whenever he told him Akemi would be studying with them.
When it came to showing affection Kengo and Akemi where quite different, Akemi was more verbal showering Kengo with praises and compliments at every chance while also having no sense of restrain always going out of his way to say something nice to Kengo, on the other hand Kengo was more physical hugs, putting his arm around Akemi's shoulders or just quietly enjoying being close to him, he was also in the opposite end when it came to actually expressing his affection, Akemi was quite smooth when he wanted to show Kengo some appreciation while Kengo was a bit more clumsy. Knowing that Akemi was a werewolf Kengo of course helped Akemi sneak out of Shinjuku Academy every night with a full moon, even though Akemi protested that he didn't have to, but Kengo had always been stubborn like that and would't take a no for an answer, even if he had some difficulties when showing how much he cared about him when it came to making sure Akemi was safe Kengo was not willing to back down a single inch.
Spending so much more time together also made Kengo notice that Akemi's more wolfish side was present even when he wasn't turned or even close to a full moon, like how he swore he could almost see a tail wagging behind Akemi whenever they saw each other or how he got "territorial" whenever Akemi deemed someone to be a little too close to Kengo sometimes even growling sometimes, in some instances for Kengo it felt as if he had an overprotective puppy for a boyfriend. Akemi's more possessive behaviours got more intense the closer it got to the full moon while his receptiveness to Kengo's affection became smaller. The time Kengo decided to ask Akemi why he seemed like he didn't even want to be touched when the full moon got close was one of the first times Kengo got to make Akemi genuinely flustered. Akemi told Kengo that as the full moon got closer he grew restless and he got a little too easily "exited" whenever Kengo was near. Of course not saying it outright made the meaning behind the words fly completely over Kengo's head which forced Akemi to use more blunt terms, by the end of the explanation both of them were equally flustered.
At the moment it was late at night Kengo was laying on his back with his hands behind his head on Akemi's bed looking at the ceiling with Akemi sitting beside him, who was reading a book he had opened on his lap "Partner do we really have to to spend the whole night studying" Kengo groaned "We? as far as I know I'm the only one studying, besides I'm not keeping you here you can go do something else if you want" Akemi retorted "But I want to do something with you" Kengo admitted quietly, Akemi chuckled when he heard that "Cute, but I'm about to lose an entire night worth of study in a few days and we have a test coming up" Akemi noted "Sure you can spare one or two nights" Kengo offered "With how unpredictable things are around me? I have no idea when will be the next time I can sit down to review the class material" Akemi pointed out. Even though the idea of going out and doing practically anything else than what he was doing right now sounded tempting to Akemi, with the full moon a mere days away he found himself with a lot of energy to burn it was taking a lot of his willpower to keep himself seated just going through his notes and Kengo being there trying to convince him to do otherwise was certainly not helping him. Kengo could tell that Akemi wanted to leave just as badly as him, Kengo might not be the brightest person out there but he had gotten pretty good at noticing things about Akemi, so he wanted to goad him into doing something that he would enjoy a bit more, Kengo just needed a way to distract Akemi and he had, what he thought to be, the perfect plan. Kengo only had to rile him up enough that Akemi would just agree go do something more fun. Brilliant right?
Kengo sat up and wrapped his arm around Akemi's shoulder pulling the shorter male close to him " C'mon partner don't be such a Shiro" Kengo goaded "Kengo stop that" Akemi whined "We both know you want to stay here as much as I want to, so let's just cut loose for a while" Kengo was sure Akemi was about to cave in, he used his other hand to pet Akemi for good measure, it always helped get Akemi in a good mood when he was in wolf form. Kengo was about to continue to convince Akemi but the words died in his throat when he heard a deep growl coming from Akemi, within the next seconds Akemi had pounced on Kengo pinning him to the bed by the shoulders, Kengo just stared at Akemi in surprise, Akemi looked down at him, lips pulled back in a snarl revealing sharp fangs. Akemi was deceptively strong specially considering the difference in height and build between them, feeling sharp claws pressing down on his shoulders Kengo realised that he had not been dealing with a puppy, he was dealing with a wolf, a predator, one that had been far too lenient on him. As Akemi's now golden eyes bore into him, Kengo tried to speak to calm down Akemi but was again silenced by another growl, now he could only brace himself for what was about to happen.
The next morning Kengo woke up still in Akemi's feeling completely spent, he was also tucked in he couldn't remember ever putting the sheets over him, but to be fair after a certain point the memories of the past night just blurred together, Kengo could also feel someone hugging him from behind, most certainly Akemi. The scene was almost comical Akemi, who was both shorter and had a smaller frame than Kengo was the big spoon, or at least trying his best. After a few seconds Kengo decided to remove the covers and the sight that greeted him was unexpected to say the least his body was littered with claw marks all over his torso, arms and he could only assume his back did not fare any better there were even a few bite marks on his inner thighs, shoulders and neck, at first glance it seemed like Akemi might have let himself go a bit too much, even then as frenzied as he was Akemi apparently took enough care to not be excessively rough since none of the cuts were particularly deep or painful at the moment.
Later at first period in classroom B-2
"Is there something on my face Ryota?" Kengo asked somewhat annoyed with Ryota's constant staring "N-no it's just that you're wearing the uniform jacket" Ryota sputtered out "So what's the deal?" Kengo asked "That you never wear it" Ryota answered hesitantly "He's right Kengo, why would you wear it now of all times" Shiro interjected. Of course Kengo was wearing the academy uniform jacket because he wanted to hide the marks that Akemi leaved all over him, as Kengo had put it earlier when talking to Akemi he looked like he had a wrestle match with a wild animal and loss, though if half the things he could remember of last night did happen he could hardly feel like a looser, he stopped himself before saying that last part out loud in front of Akemi. "It's kinda cold that's why" Kengo lied it wasn't uncommon for Kengo to have scars on him, but the amount he had now would surely raise some alarm, besides there was a very noticeable bite mark on the nape of his neck that Kengo was very intent on hiding "It is, in fact, not cold right now Kengo" Shiro stated matter of factly "You don't have to lie if you just don't want to tell us" Shiro concluded "Awww but I want to know why you suddenly decided to wear it Kengo" Akemi insisted having a very smug expression on his face "Not that it doesn't look good on you, but I kinda like how you look without it" Akemi added teasingly, never before had Kengo wanted to punch a smirk out of someone's face so badly, and that was saying a lot already, Akemi knew precisely why he was wearing the jacket, moreover he had insisted for Kengo to not wear it, Akemi was apparently very proud about leaving all those scars on Kengo, if the the almost five minutes he spent after waking up kissing the bite mark on Kengo's right shoulder and the scratches on his upper back or the way Akemi sneaked glances at the scars he left on Kengo while grinning were hinting at anything. Kengo was about to tell Akemi where he could stick it when Mr. Mononobe announced the start of the class.
Shiro had called for a guild meeting the day before, so now that the classes were dismissed for the day Kengo and Akemi found themselves walking together to the safe house "You're can be a jerk you know that?" Kengo said annoyed "I only gave you my opinion on how I thought you'd look better, I don't see anything wrong with that" Akemi answered with a barely contained snicker "You're the worst" Kengo grumbled "Hey!, i'd be careful if I were you, the full moon is still coming up, you might get a few more scratches if you keep that up" Akemi joked, making Kengo blush "What's the matter, afraid of a good time?" Akemi teased almost giggling "Shut up" Kengo mumbled "Come on I'm just playing with you" Akemi said latching himself to Kengo's arm "I'm very grateful that you wanted to help me, I thought I made that abundantly clear this morning. So even if I'm the worst you should know that you're the best boyfriend ever" Akemi concluded. Even being this embarrassed Kengo could clearly see that Akemi was in a very cheery mood normally this close to a full moon he'd be skittish, borderline irritable and most of all he'd refuse to touch him all together, so in the end his plan to help Akemi unwind had worked, besides Kengo ended up enjoying himself quite a bit too, in the back of his mind Kengo found himself considering the idea of asking Akemi if they should make this a regular occurrence.
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Lily fell first
Sometimes i like to think Lily liked James first.
Ao3 link yk bc i have to
Cw; a bit of swearing
First or second year;
She should of hated him, she knew that. They were compete opposites
She was a the nerdy redheaded girl with only 1 friend, she was a traitor to her house because her only friend was a slytherin, she was a muggle born and didn't know anything about The wizard world, and her family was working class.
While he was popolar and cool and rich, he wore the house colors on his cheeks while she often times wished she was in slytherin, everyone seemed to like him, of course they did cause he was so very sweet, and he was a pureblood and apperently everyone in the wizarding world knew his family, and he loved quidditch, she could barely get a broom off The ground.
Severus hated him, James hated Sev. She should hate James Potter just based on that fact alone, but he was never mean to anyone else. And when he flashed his Smile or when he sent a wink her way and she felt butterflies erupt in her stomach. Stupid James Potter with his perfect teeth
In third year it stopped being her stupid little crush. Now it was just embarrasing.
The first time he *tried* to flirt with her, her stomach did backflips and she could feel her cheeks glow red. But then soon it stopped being fun as he continued. The stupid flirting was now everything from compliments to pickup lines to asking for a date to hogsmeade. She'd never felt so embarassed esecially when his stupid friends stood behind him trying not to laugh, or when Severus was beside her and she could feel his anger bubblig up. Her stupid crush was suppost to be her little secret but now. He most of known.
"Lily, do you want to go to hogsmeade with me tomorrow?" James Potter stood before her. This time his friends was not to be seen, and The rest of her classmates was slipping away until it was just the two of them in the hallway. They'd just come from a charms lesson.
"Potter it's not funny anymore okay, you can stop i get it, you know about that but stop"
"Lily what do you men 'about that?'"
"Oh very funny Potter really, don't think i'm gonna say it for your entretainment let's just move on, it's not funny"
"Lily i geniuently don't know what you're talking about, i'm not asking you to hogsmeade as a joke im geniuently asking you"
Yeah sure, she thought. As if Someone like James Potter would like someone like her
"Shove off Potter"
Lily Evans did not hate James Potter. She just hated that he kept tormenting her about her old Crush.
In fourth year he stops asking her out and she feels Great. No more of his joking around no more, no more embarassment. No more feeling guilty whenever she catches herself staring at the boy for a second too long. Finally her crush can be left alone.
That's until fifth year starts. And it starts all over again, The flirting the asking for dates. But she's older now, she doesn't feel the need to be nice to him like she did when she was 13. She's 15 now, and she tells him to fuck off, and she tells him to his face she'd rather marry the squid in the lake. She even starts dating someone else. Yeah fuck you James Potter for being an asshole fuck you for breaking my young heart.
But then sixth year rolls around and so much is happening at once, Suddenly she's friends with not only James but all of the marauders. Slowly she starts to think that maybe James hadn't been taunting her those years. He's so nice and perfect and how would those eyes ever be able to be mean. She's 17 and she asks him about their earlier years.
"James?" It's only the two of them in the common room
"Yeah?" He sitting on the ground in front of the sofa she's sitting on, leaning his back against it.
"Why did start asking me out in third year?" He turned his head to look at her. This was a dangerous subject. To close to all secrets
"What do you mean? Why do you think i started asking you out?" James asks looking at her so sincerly she feels like she might break under his stare
"It came so sudden i thought you had found out about- well i don't know" Her cheeks was red, she didn't dare looking down at James but she knew he was staring at her.
"You though i knew what? -" When he doesn't get a respond and her eyes won't even look down at him he sighs before he continues
"I'm not sure Lily i just, i guess i just looked at you and realised you- well you were so goddamn cool, and you didn't care what anyone said about you and you were beautiful nontheless. So you know thirteen year old James thought he'd have a chance," He was smiling now looking far away", And well me having Sirius Black as a friend didn't help you anything after you rejected me. He said i just had to keep trying because, and I qoute ,,You're the sexiest mf i've ever laid my eyes on Jamie boy and if she can say no to you then she's the problem,, he gave me a weird hug afterwards. Then you said no again and well they all decided my crush on you was their favourite thing to bully me on" He had a nostalic smile on his lips again. She wanted to kiss it.
"I ehm, i thought you were making fun of me"
"Making fun of you? Why" His eyebrows were scrunched together
"Well i had been having this huge crush on you since first year," Lily was pretty sure she heard James breathing in sharply, she could of been wrong though based on all blood running through her ears. ", and then you just out of nowhere started giving me compliments and a random tuesday morning you asked me out, and I had to say no because Snape was right beside me. But then you never stopped and I just assumed you knew and were making fun of me" She looked down embarassed. She already regretted her choices.
"You liked me?" He looked baffelled
"Well yeah" They looked at each other before James started laughing. 
"I can't believe you thought i was making fun of you" He threw his head back into the sofa. She started laughing too
"Well yeah you were this cool looking boy with your friends Who all laughed everytime you asked me out and I was just nerdy little me" 
"They laughed at me because i kept getting rejected" He quite down 
"We're idiots" She said before they burst out laughing again
God if his laugh wasn't the most beautiful thing she'd ever heard
"Yeah we are" His eyes had a glint of mischief in them and she couldn't help but wonder why
"When did you stop liking me James?" Suddenly his features got overtaken with panic 
"well i ehm... Lils" His voice was quiet and unceartain. 
"James?" He looked down embarrased. 
Her heart was Hammering inside her chest. This was dangerous. 
"James" For probably the first time ever his head didn't turn around at the sound of her voice. She lerned forward so her head was on the same level as his hos. She let her hand rest on his jaw 
"James" This time his head turned. His eyes was soft, his cheeks was flustered and his lips slightly parted. She learned forward to greet his lips. He took in another sharo breath. Their lips met and the world exploded into fireworks. Oh how her eleven year old self, who had been staring at James for a whole 30 seconds before answering his greeting when he walked into her train compartment, would be jealous of her now. Just you wait eleven year old Lily, in six years you'll get to kiss him. And it will be nothing like you Imagined. Becasue kissing James Potter is everything she'd ever dream of but it's also like nothing she's Imagined. His lips are soft like she Imagined, he's *trying* to cup he jaw. He's still sitting on the ground so he has to turn his arms around to reaach her. Kissing James Potter is also not at all like in her imagination. In her imagination his kisses are nothing of the ordinary. He kisses just like her exes, she knows nothing else. But kissing James Potter is everything but ordinary. 
"Lily-Lils-Evans" He pulled away from her and she's quickly taken by panic 
"Oh my god i'm sorry James I didn't think-i thought you-" she was rambling
"What? OH No. No no Lily i just, well i was sitting on the ground and I don't know you felt so far away i kinda just wanted to sat myself on the couch you know if we're gonna kiss... Did i make it akward now?" He gave an akward Smile and ran a hand through his hair. Typical James behaviour. He'd managed to sat himself on the sofa. 
"Idiot" The Word was spoken softly without any harsh meaning behind it. 
She smiled before jumping onto him making him fall back against the couch.They were both laughing and kissing at the same time. His arms going around her waist and hers going for his hair. 
"How did it takes us this long Evans?" James was smiling like The love sick idiot he was.
"Shut up we're here now aren't we?"
"Guess we are. Hold on does this mean? Lily Evan do you wanna go out with me?"
"Yeah i do"
It's seventh year. She's 17 now, has been for a while, seventeen means she's an adult in The wizard world. Eighteen is next which means she's an adult in The muggle world. . Her last year on hogwarts. Suddenly the world seems all too big and she feels all to small, but James is with her and if liking the same guy for six years without dating him was a bit pathetic, then she was a bit pathetic. But they were dating now so it was okay. She knew they would be okay. 
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