#also I want do to something with just alys and reader.. it’s giving Natasha and Carrie I fear
dulcewrites · 2 years
I loved the fmo djats snippets! was Quinton trying to flirt thats why aemond was defensive? 😆 do you have more thoughts on moments reader feels distant with aemond and her situation? Or how she felt when she found out and confronting aemond and everyone?
This isn’t right when she finds out (I do have snippets of that I can post if y’all want that), but this happens after the divorce is finalized. The news just leaked in the press. Y’all told me that fmo reader needs to have her revenge moment. I think it’s more likely that this reader will.
You need to go and show that you’re doing fine without him
Carmi’s words ring in your head as state at yourself at the mirror. Running your hands over the dress. Going to this gala was a last minute thing that your friend pushed you to.
“I think you look great,” you turn to see Alicent leaning against the doorframe. You had called her last minute to stay with Daella for the night while you were gone.
“This is a bad idea.”
It’s all you can think about. A dress you designed, cameras and press everywhere, him and her. This is a recipe for distaster.
“Probably,” your brows furrow further at Alicent’s truthful admission. She gives you a bashful smile. “A week after I filed for divorce from Viserys, I showed up to Helaena’s dance recital in the dress I wore when we met.”
Your brows then shoot up in surprise. From the years, you’ve known Alicent, she’s been nothing the picture of lovely and frankly… perfect. It’s hard to imagine her being that petty. Or the fact that she’s essentially giving you permission to do that to her son.
“Sometimes we have to allow ourselves to have a bad idea.”
It was all you needed to hear to get your foot out the door. The car was pulled up out front. Tyland greets you with a bright smile. As the car pulls off, he lets out a laugh when you down the champagne he gives you.
“Everything will be fine. You look amazing, we will get to network, and he probably has no idea you’re coming,” he squeezes your hand tenderly.
You and Tyland Lannister had become fast friends since you started working for his brother’s fashion house. He was refreshingly funny which led to you cracking up when you were around him. Laughter was something you needed more lately.
You nod gingerly, getting another glass to drink. Your mind is racing with so many possibilities. A deep pool of nerves sits in your stomach. You say a small prayer when you see the flicker of camera flashes outside.
Here goes nothing
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Aemond feels like he can’t breathe; he is sure the tie around his neck is too tight. He’s never been a fan of suit, or parties. So, this gala seemed like it would be his worst nightmare, and he was not wrong.
Their manager told them they should go as a group; be a united front for a good cause. Their first public appearance since… everything. Helaena, Quinton, and Aegon had been short since they all arrived. Notiably together and without him and Alys.
“Helaena, I heard about you taking classes to get your masters in entomology,” Alys tries to make conversation. “That’s incredible.”
Helaena blinks blankly. Opens her mouth, looks at her younger brother, then closes it again. She leans back in her chair before taking a deep breath. “Thanks.”
Short and to the point. How all their conversations have gone lately.
The table is silent again unless someone comes over and then they have to fake being pleasurable. Alys squeezes his hand under the table. He flashes a brief smile but it falls slowly. The whole night has felt off, even more than he expended, but Aemond can’t put his finger on why.
“Oh my god.”
Quinton’s eyes are focused on something behind Aemond. Helaena looks as if she’s a ghost. Aemond sees Alys turn around but then quicky snap her head back.
“Yeah, I need another drink,” Aegon sighs, getting up to go over to the bar.
Aemond finally turns, and bile gets stuck in his throat. He watches as a couple of people come up to greet you. Now he knows he can’t breathe.
“Did you know she was coming,” Alys pipes up when Aemond’s gaze doesn’t seem to leave you. He shakes his head slowly. Your eyes flash from the person you are talking to their table. They linger on Aemond for a moment before you turn your attention back to the woman in front of you.
Aemond finally turns around to see Helaena and Quinton glaring at him. Aegon comes back with two drinks in hand. The commotion that came in with you follows you as walk towards the tables. Aemond notices the guy following behind you, his hand on the small of your back. You pay their table no mind as you walk past it. Aemond senses Alys’ gaze on the side of his face.
He can feel a head splitting headache coming on.
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“You look nice.”
The hairs on the back of your neck standup. Aemond comes to stand next to you at the bar.
“Thanks,” you give him a once over. “You too. Though I never thought grey was your color.”
You fiddle with the stirrer in your drink.
“What are doing here,” the polite tone is dropped once the bartender goes to help someone on the opposite side of the bar.
You furrow your brows in false confusion. “It’s a fashion and arts fundraising gala. I work in fashion.”
“You know what I mean,” Aemond leans in closer. “If you are doing this to upset Alys, yo-“
A bark of laughter comes out in disbelief. You turn to look at him.
“Wow, we got divorced, you moved out, our child asks me why her father lives somewhere else now, and you’re still worried about her,” you shake your head. “Well, I glad you seem to care about someone’s feelings getting hurt.”
You turn back to the bar worried that if you keep looking at him, you’ll cry. Most of your ire is with Aemond and his choices, but you can’t help but feel that she should be the one coming to you, apologizing for what has happened.
No once cared for your feelings, why should you take hers into consideration.
Aemond sighs. “I never meant to hurt you, and especially not Daella. I just.. I just I don’t want things to be bad between all of us.”
You look over your shoulder at their table. Everyone looking at the two of you, and you’re sure they are not the only ones. You turn to him while picking up your drink.
“Your band is waiting for you.”
You can feel his eyes on your back as you walk back to your table. Tyland gives you a sympathetic look.
“Are you ok?”
Swallowing hard, you give him a watery smile.
“No, but I think I will be.”
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togrowoldinv · 1 year
Natasha Romanoff x Female Reader
Your daughter is the valedictorian of her class and the whole team and family watches her graduate
Note: I got this idea from going to so many graduations lately and of course I headcanon Nat and y/n’s kids as valedictorian level smart lol. Enjoy this fluff!
Natasha Romanoff Masterlist 1, Natasha Romanoff Masterlist 2, Main Masterlist
“Natasha?” You try your best to get her attention. She’s staring off into space as she sits next you.
Her leg shakes with nervousness. You put a soft hand on her thigh.
“She’s going to do so great, my love,” you tell her.
Finally, she acknowledges you. It’s just with the slip of her hand in yours but it’s enough to know she’s okay.
You direct your attention back to the stage where the principal calls for the valedictorian to give the commencement speech. Your daughter stands up from her seat and walks to the stage.
There are hoops and hollers from your section, especially from the Avengers.
Ali starts out speaking somewhat quietly, but she gains her confidence quickly. Especially when she sees all the smiling faces of her family. She gives the usual thanks to her classmates and teachers. Her speech is so eloquently written that no matter what she’s saying tears are in your eyes.
“Here comes the part she didn’t show us,” Nat says barely above a whisper. Ali wanted to surprise you both with an extra part to her speech. You listen carefully as she speaks.
“Lastly, I’d like to thank my moms. I love you both as my little sister would say like the moon,” she says with a laugh. “There’s no way I would be here today without you.” She speaks about you first, sharing anecdotes of all the times you made her do her homework or drove her to basketball practice. And how she loves having your eyes and your soft heart. Tears run down your face.
“And a lot of you probably know my mama as the Black Widow,” Ali says. “But I know her as the most beautiful, loving woman in the world. A person who, as she’s done before, would run into a fight to save someone she’s never even met. A person who has put her whole heart into raising me alongside the love of her life.”
You hold Natasha’s hand and she squeezes it so tightly.
Ali continues, “Me and my siblings know that the Black Widow is a superhero, but to us she’s a hero named Mama. And she’s my hero because of the courage she shows everyday. The courage to love and to be loved. That’s something I wanted to share with you all. May we all have the courage to love and be loved as life takes us on this new path. Thank you.”
The crowd erupts into cheers and she even gets a standing ovation from her classmates and the crowd.
“She did great,” Steve comments from behind you.
“That’s our girl,” Natasha says, beaming with pride. The nervousness has been shaken off and she’s nothing but proud.
Ali walks back to her seat and your whole section waves at her. She waves back subtly.
The rest of the ceremony goes by quickly and Ali definitely has the loudest cheers when her name is called, partially due to Tony breaking the no air horns rule.
When you meet up with her afterwards, you both pull her into a hug.
“We’re so proud of you!” You say with her in your embrace.
“Thanks Mom,” she says. “How was the speech?”
“The best speech I’ve ever heard,” you answer.
“Did you cry?” She asks, a mischievous grin on her face.
Natasha finally cuts in, “I cried like a baby.”
You all share a chuckle and all the other kids join you. Ali hugs each one and you love watching them being so proud of their big sister.
Steve, Sam, Tony, Peter, and Pepper all hug her as well. Wanda is trudging behind with her boys, but she also hugs Ali so tight when she sees her.
“Gang is almost all here,” Natasha says. She turns to Ali. “You’re popular.”
“Can’t help that I’m the best,” the girl shrugs. “Did you hear from Aunt Yelena?”
“Yeah. I’m sorry, baby. She’s still out on a mission,” Natasha answers.
“Is she?” You ask.
“What does that mean?” Nat asks you.
You smile and seemingly out of thin air Yelena appears next to Ali.
“So, what exactly is a valedictorian?” Yelena asks.
“Aunt Yelena!” The girl shouts and hugs her immediately. “How are you here?”
“Your mom,” Yelena gives her classic simple response.
“I made some calls,” you further explain.
“Thank you,” Natasha leans into you and says. You know she missed her sister too.
Yelena and Ali have gotten so close lately that you knew they would want to be able to celebrate this together. It wasn’t easy but you made it happen.
“I love you,” you tell Nat. You drop a kiss to her cheek and then gather everyone for photos.
The day is spent celebrating your daughter and being together as a family. It’s the perfect beginning of a new chapter and you know she’ll do great things.
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jungle-angel · 10 months
I read your post about the dead pilot and thought it was wonderful. You did a good job, I wish Tumblr had more like this one. If you want to can I request you do a post with all of the dagger squad and a reader who is physically challenged. I would really appreciate if you did. Thank You.
Babes it would be my utmost pleasure!!!! I might write a little more about Bob's older sister Aly, going down the road and if I do I'll let you know where it goes (lol). (I will also give fair warning though, there are references to losing limbs or bodyparts in combat and in accidents throughout these headcannons).
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Shortly after he had gotten back from a mission, Rooster was terrified to find out that you had been blinded in both eyes during a work accident
The doctor had said that the damage didn't call for anything drastic and that you would keep your eyes, but seeing was a really big issue
Rooster was the best pair of eyes you had but when he went away for missions, that was where the trouble had started because he couldn't always be there to be your eyes
But you were lucky when Phoenix's husband, Cole, had stepped in to help. He had worked the Navy SEAL K-9 unit and had an old dog named Piper who was getting on in years so he and the rest of the guys trained Piper to be your eyes
And my God was that dog the second best set of eyes you ever had
Shortly before a mission, Rooster had also given you a little something. It was a medical bracelet with a St. Lucy pendant, one for Hodr and another for Odin, that a friend of his made (the two Norse deities and the saint are protectors of people who are blind or partially blind, suffering from eye diseases etc.)
You wore that thing everywhere with you to keep Rooster close, even after he got back from flying a mission
Because even though you might not be able to physically see very well, you've got the best set of eyes anybody could have ever asked for
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Your hand had been burned really badly in an accident
But Natasha helped you keep it clean and changed the bandages whenever necessary
Writing was really difficult seeing as it was your dominant hand that had been burned
But Nat was still committed to helping you out
Natasha had taken calligraphy when she was in school as an extracurricular activity and even called up her old teacher to come and help
Even though the pain was excruciating at times, you were all too happy to have Nat and her teacher helping you
In time you had trained your other hand to do the work of the dominant
And some of your most beautiful artwork was created that way
Because you had two great teachers to help you out
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Jake was scared shitless when he heard you had lost a leg during a flying mission
He stayed with you at the Navy hospital for a good month and a half
And so didn't his dad. The elder Seresin had taken up physical therapy after he too had been in the Navy
It was a really long and frustrating road to recovery. Even though you were a top priority patient, Jake and his dad were frustrated beyond words that you couldn't get a prosthetic right away
But that didn't mean they wouldn't try and help you out anyways
Jake's brothers and sisters all pitched in to help build a wheelchair ramp at the house, to make it easier to get around
During the summer, Jake would wake you up in the morning to take you to the community pool or to the lake to go swimming. When you had to go to California, you guys would use the ocean
And in time you learned how to swim really, really well
During competitions you took first, second and third place more times than you could count
Jake and his family were unbelievably proud of you
And despite having lost a leg, you showed them you could do anything
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Bob was scared shitless the first time he saw you drop and have a seizure
Thank God his older brothers, Sean and Michael, were all there with you. It wasn't just a little one either, but a full blown drop-to-the-floor one
Bob watched you like a hawk every single day afterwards but was nervous as hell to leave and go to work in case something happened
Every so often he'd call one of his brothers or his oldest sister, Reagan to see if it had happened again. Every single time they said no
One day it had just so happened that Michael and his partner had busted an illegal operation and had taken a bunch of pit bulls from a place outside of town. He asked Bob if he wanted one as soon as everything had cleared with animal control and Bob agreed
Funnily enough, the blue-nose pittie you had adopted and named Stubby, could tell when you were about to have a seizure
One day, Stubby started barking and pulling on Bob's sleeve and Bob noticed right away what was about to happen. He laid you right down and went through all the steps Sean had taught him until it had passed
Ever since then, Stubby had been a lifesaver for you and Bob, especially when you would travel. But even though he serves his purpose, Stubby is still a part of your family
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After you had been injured during a mission, Mickey made it his own mission to help you get better
Being of a mechanical mind, Mickey made some modifications to the house to make sure you could get around easily
He couldn't help but make the occasional Star Wars joke and neither could you
And it was the humor that got you through some of the roughest days of your marriage
Because despite all the hurt you went through, you had Mickey and his family to help
And that's all you knew you needed
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Being totally deaf wasn't easy at all, but thank God you had Coyote
A cousin of his who lived back in Brazil was deaf and taught him ASL so he could speak it with you
Javy was the best translator ever and even taught you how to read lips as well
Getting around wasn't so difficult anymore but it still came with its ups and downs
But thanks to your husband, it was made just a little easier
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After you had lost part of your arm in an accident, it meant that Reuben had to step up to the plate
He took over any kind of heavy lifting or work at home to make things easier
And he gave you a huge self-esteem boost in the process, one that was badly needed
But that didn't mean you didn't continue to do what you loved
And when Reuben saw you dancing on stage with your dance group, he was as proud of you as ever
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buckys-black-dress · 3 years
all the signs i don't read
a/n: guys!!! I'M OFFICIALLY DONE WITH MY FIRST YEAR OF UNI! i'm sooo happy to finally be done, i can focus on writing more for you guys this summer :) here's a lil somethin' i whipped up after my last final today. enjoy! xoxo, ali <3
wc: 2.5k words
[bucky barnes x fem!reader]
read part two here!
You never thought anything of it.
You never thought anything of it when every time someone would come into the room, Bucky would act like he couldn't stand being touched by you.
It was little things, at first.
You would be in the kitchen in the morning, making coffee for him and you. He would be holding you from behind, whispering sweet nothings in your ear. And then Steve, or someone else, would walk into the room.
And he would shake off your touch, like you were poison.
It never hurt less.
But it's not like you could ever make a scene out of it, or anything. Because nobody even knew you and Bucky had been dating for the past two months.
You had no one to turn to in this situation. No one knew you two were together, and you kind of messed this up for yourself when you agreed to all of this at the beginning of your relationship. Bucky had told you he wasn't really ready for PDA, and you had told him, in a haste, that it was fine.
But after two months of extremely close calls, your patience was wearing thin, and you know it sounds bad. But you've been extremely careful with him, always asking asking him if everything was okay before going further with anything involving physical touch. You always made sure you weren't crossing any boundaries, but it was starting to get frustrating.
You couldn't understand why Bucky could get all touchy-feely with Steve and Natasha when he felt like it, but was practically gagging at your touch.
You were currently cuddled up on his bed, watching a movie. You were on cloud nine, basking in the warmth of your boyfriend's touch. This was one of the rare instances where he would let you get this close. It was nice, and you made sure to always take advantage of it if the situation presented.
You could feel Bucky's gaze fixed upon you as the colors of the TV screen reflected onto your skin. Your eyes dip down to his, and a warm smile graces your face as your eyes meet.
You couldn't ever put into words how happy Bucky made you. You had liked him for so long before he even asked you out, and you were over the moon the day he had brought up wanting to take you out.
It was another night of dinner with just the two of you. Everyone else was on a mission, and since you two were the only ones left, you had decided to make the decision to make food for the both of you.
"James?" Your voice resounded through the empty kitchen and dining room.
"Yeah, honey?" He answered, painting your face red in a blush.
"Do you... just- nevermind." You shake your head, looking back down at your plate.
"Hey, look at me." He says, putting his hand over yours. "I was actually tryin' to figure out how to ask you this..."
Your brows are pulled together, wondering what he was talking about.
"Whatever it is, you can tell me, James." You reassure him. You were grateful that he was such a good friend to you, and that he trusted you enough to open up to you.
"I was wonderin'... would you like to... go out on a date with me sometime?" He asks, holding your gaze.
You're sure you look like a fish out of water right now, your mouth opening and closing in shock. He wanted to ask you out?
"I just... I like spending time with you, I like how you call me James, I like how you don't judge me and how long it's taken me to get comfortable here. I like how kind you are, and how you've always asked the others to be patient with me, so... would you like to go out on a date with me?" He held such hope in his eyes.
"I... I would love to, James." You reply after a moment of silence.
"I'm so happy you said yes." He smiles warmly. "But just... don't mention it to anyone? I don't want Steve or Sam on my case. You know how they can be sometimes." He smiles, and you nod at his request.
"Of course, James. I don't ever want to make you feel uncomfortable, we can go at your pace." Your tone was soft and understanding.
"Thanks, doll. You don't understand how much it means to me." Bucky returns your soft smile, and scoots his seat closer to yours.
His gaze was fixed on you, and while you were playing over the time in your head, Bucky leans in and pecks your lips gently.
"Hm, what're ya thinkin' of, honey?" He questions, sensing your mind was elsewhere.
"I was just thinking of that night when... when you first asked me on a date. How sweet you were." You smile coyly, leaning back in for another kiss.
Your stomach fluttered at Bucky's hum of approval at your actions. He deepened the kiss, motioning for you to fully sit on his lap. Bucky gently placed each of your legs on the sides of his thighs, his hands grasping your hips.
As he stared from your eyes to your lips, back up to your eyes, you felt lightheaded. This was the most intimate the two of you have gotten so far, and you feel the butterflies fluttering in your stomach.
Soon enough, your lips are back on his, moulding onto his like you two were made for each other. Although you two loved watching movies together in each others' rooms, (to avoid prying eyes, of course) you have never been so close to him before like this.
You felt yourself getting high on his affection, and once you had it, you didn't think you could ever go without it.
As Bucky's grip on you tightens, your hands move up to his shoulders, also moving to grasp them. Your hips move with a mind of their own, grinding against his lap.
You didn't think anything of it, but Bucky freezes at the action. His hands stop their gentle strokes along your sides. His lips pause their actions, and you feel him pulling away.
Both physically and emotionally.
"James, is everything alright?" You ask wearily, truly perplexed. Everything was going so well...
"I just... I can't do this, Y/N. I- I'm so sorry... I can't do this with you." He leans back, and limply moves his hands to flop onto the bed at his sides.
"O-Oh," Your voice breaks as you process his words. He didn't want you. This has all been a joke to him. Even in private, your touch made him uncomfortable.
"I... I have to go." You slide off Bucky's lap, gathering your belongings from the end of his bed and rushing out the door.
Without even a glance behind you, the door slams, and Bucky is sat dumbfounded on his bed. Why did I do that? He thinks to himself. Why did I say that to her?
As tears filled your eyes, you just pray that no one will see you. Unfortunately, your room was on another floor, and you think the stairwell would be the best option to avoid people at this point in time.
But of course, as fate has it, Steve is taking the stairs up. You can tell he's probably just returned from his nightly run, as he's sweating through his shirt.
You quickly wipe your eyes, hoping they look too puffy. Your nose was probably red, too, but just sniffle to clear it.
At the sound of your nose, Steve's head shoots up. Your eyes meet, and you plaster on possibly the fakest smile you've ever produced.
"Steve! How was your run?" You ask enthusiastically, trying to make it seem like you were just fine.
"Yeah, it was good. Took a bit of a longer route today. What are you doing here? You never take the stairs." He asks with a raised brow.
"I uh... I was watching a movie, and I had some snacks that were sitting a little heavy on my stomach. I thought a flight of stairs or two could do me some good." You shrug, trying to look as unsuspecting as possible.
"Are you sure you're alright? Your eyes seem a little red." Steve counters. He could feel that something was off.
"Y-Yup, I was watching a sad movie, you know how I get." You give a fake laugh, turning back around. "I have to head back, but good talk, Steve. Enjoy the rest of your night!" You practically yell while walking away from him.
The door of the stairs close behind you in a haste, and you take a moment to take a deep breath. You hated lying, but it's not like you could've said anything to Steve. He had no clue about anything having to do with you and Bucky.
While you locked yourself away to your room for the rest of the night, Bucky was still trying to process the events. How in the matter of a minute, he managed to shift your entire relationship. He was kicking himself, trying to figure out how to fix this. He couldn't seek out advice from Steve like he normally would in situation like this, or ask Natasha. Usually, she was the one to help him when it came to women these days.
But now, he was on his own.
And he was fucked.
So, he had two options.
One, go to Steve. Confess everything; dating you for the past two months, admit he was an idiot and didn't want anyone to know. Realize it would've been fine if everyone knew because everyone loved you. Try to win you back.
Or two, try to get you back on his own. And let's be honest, that option was not looking too good. Clearly, Bucky was clueless in this topic.
So now, he was left to stew.
That night, you drifted into a dreamless sleep with a heavy heart and a tear-soaked pillow.
The next few days were... rough, to say the least.
You could barely drag yourself out of bed. You would leave your warm blankets and pillows around eleven each day, which was unheard of for you. Natasha and Wanda would stop you on your way to the kitchen, and try to pry the problem out of you.
Sweetie, this isn't healthy for you.
Honey, just tell us what's wrong. We're here for you.
Y/N, we're worried about you. We love you, but you look horrible.
That last on made you crack a smile, but shook your head and headed in to make yourself a coffee.
For the first time in two months, you were only making coffee for you.
And fuck, was it killing you.
You so badly wanted someone to wrap you up in a hug, rub your back, and tell you it was okay. To tell you your touch was comforting, that they wanted to be close to you.
But of course, fairytales weren't real. You were alone again, and it seemed that it would stay that way for a long time.
No matter what you did, all you could hear in your head was James' words. I'm sorry, I can't do this with you. With you. With you. With you.
And you couldn't help but wonder. What was it about you that was so repulsive to him? You were understanding from the beginning. You just thought he wasn't ready for PDA, that he just wanted his privacy, you understood.
But what you didn't get was how James could have asked you out on a date, how he could've kissed you, for fuck's sake, and yet be so ashamed to be seen with you.
So you allowed yourself to only wallow for five days. You only gave yourself these next five days to feel sorry for yourself, whatever you needed to be pathetic for a few days, but that's it. After that, no more.
You were tired of feeling like you weren't good enough for anyone, like you were a burden. You were an amazing person, and if some people couldn't see that, it wasn't your problem.
You were done.
During your five days, you hadn't seen Bucky once. And of course, as your luck would have it, day two brought you your ex-boyfriend.
All in his glory, in the kitchen.
With not one, but two mugs of coffee.
His eyes meet yours, and you see a light in his. But you made sure you were quick to put that out.
"Do you need something, Bucky?" You all but sneer, and his soft smile drops.
"I just... I was about to bring you some coffee. Just how you like it, iced and black." He tries the smile again.
"No thank you, I'd rather make it myself." You turn your stare to the coffee machine, grabbing a capsule and sticking it in the machine before sliding it shut.
Bucky just stands there, dumbfounded. Again.
This seems to be a trend with you.
"Y/N, come on. Let's just sit down and talk about this. Let's go to your room, or maybe mine-" He begins, but you couldn't be bothered with him anymore.
"You know what, Bucky? No. If you want to talk, we can do it out here, for anyone to see. What are you afraid of? Me? Scared that someone will see you with me? God forbid, someone sees that you like me, right? God fucking forbid someone actually is proud-" your voice cracks in an ugly way, and even though you don't want to seem weak in front of him, you continue, "proud to be with me. I gave myself time. Time to understand why on Earth you seemed so... so disgusted to be with me. So ashamed.
And I got over. I am not going to let you make me feel like I'm anything less of a great person, and anyone would be lucky to have me. So screw you, and your secret relationships. I'm done."
By the end of your speech, tears had definitely made it down your cheeks, and your coffee was long forgotten as you turned to move out of the kitchen.
Bucky's eyes had widened at your words, realizing the weight of his mistake. He had made you feel so small, so repulsive and you thought all those things about yourself were true.
But they couldn't have been further from it.
Bucky loved you. He had only had you for two months, but in that short time, he was so hellbent on keeping you a secret. On showing the others that he wasn't weak, that he was still a big, tough guy. That he didn't need a girl to comfort him, or to help him through the nightmares.
But you were the best thing he ever had, and now you were slipping away.
But if Bucky is anything, he's a determined man. And he's determined on getting you back.
a/n: aw shit, what's gonna happen?? don't worry, i would never leave y'all hanging like this. part 2 will be coming shortly :) in the meantime, enjoy whatever this is. love, ali <3
read part two here!
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The Pull (106/?)
Summary: The Ragnulf’s are one of the oldest lines of werewolves known. A gift from ancient times was gifted to them. Though not all of the line will experience it. There are some who will experience a Pull. This Pull leads them to their true mate, a soulmate. The problem is, just because the wolf finds their true mate does not mean that they are the same for that person.
Author: @lettersofwrittencollective
Pairing: Stiles x Hale!Cousin OC (Reader)
Word count:  2336
Warnings: i think this is just angst at this point? But also not really??
Additional A/N: If  you see *** at any point this means that there is a POV and /or location change (like a scene change in a show) and this is a thing that is going to be going on going forward, okay thanks!
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Derek had taken the group of you to the loft, letting you get cleaned up. You were grateful that he’d done so because it meant that you were able to get out of the gasoline drenched clothing .
Derek had pulled you to the side while Scott and the pack tried to decide what to do about the now apparently everywhere Deadpool and informed you that he was reaching out to Aaric and your dad. 
“And what exactly do you think that’s going to accomplish?” you growl at Derek, “You’re here, Peter’s here...Stiles’ Dad is-”
“It’s going to keep you alive!” Derek cuts you off, hissing at you,  “It’s going to keep the others alive,” Derek points out, your growling having absolutely no effect on him. “In case you hadn’t noticed, you were almost lit on fire earlier.”
You’re about to bite back at Derek that this was entirely not his call. These weren’t your family's lands to protect and for you to call in your father would be an insult that Scott might not understand now… but the rest of the supernatural world would… and eventually, so would he… This was Scott’s home but before you could say anything else, Scott’s telling all of you, “Kira found Brett,” 
“Wait, Kira’s back?” you question and he nods his head. You’re happy to hear she’s here and honestly can’t wait till you get to see her. Malia, thankfully, brings everyone back on track. “Well is he okay?”
“They’re fine,” Scott answers, “But we’ve got to go.”
Malia nods her head and immediately makes her way out of the loft. You’re about to follow but the pups voice catches your attention and makes you stop. 
“More assassins?” he’s asking and you can hear the waver in his voice. When Scott confirms that there might be a lot more, he clarifies, “and they’re different than the ones who just tried to set us on fire?”
“Pup,” you call out as you take a step towards him and Liam’s eyes turn to you. They’re glassy and worried and if the sight of them alone hadn’t been enough to break your heart, Liam’s next words do. 
With a shake of his head, he tells you, “I’m not like you guys and I don’t mean I’m not strong or I’m never gonna learn how to be in control I mean everything else. You guys… you all try to protect everyone. Have you been doing that the whole time?”
You don’t answer him because if you’re being honest, this isn’t how you were at home. It’s not that you didn’t have troubles at home… it was that you had a pack that could protect your home. There were people in your pack that were designated to take care of the kinds of problems you’d been running into since coming to Beacon Hills. What Scott… what Scott, Stiles, Lydia, Derek... and Ali… What they’ve been doing since before you met them was insane if you thought about it. 
“How are you all still alive?” the pups voice breaks you out of your thoughts. 
“Not all of are,” Scott answers, making your breath catch in your throat and you know that he’s thinking of Alli and of Aiden… and how they haven’t gotten through the last few years without losses. You haven’t gotten out without losses. 
If Aaric hadn’t been there… well things could have been worse. You turn to look at Derek who’s giving you a very pointed look and you realize that if you don’t tell your dad and Aaric and Ro… if you don’t ask for help… any more deaths are on your hands. 
Nodding your head, you hear Scott offer to take Liam home when you get a text from Lydia telling you ta call her immediately. 
“I’m completely and totally fine,” Stiles points out to Melissa as he tries to step past her.
“Uh-uh-uh.” Melissa tells him as she steps back into the doorway and puts her hands up, stopping him in his tracks, “You completely and totally have a concussion, Stiles. Lie back down. The doctor said you're not leaving without a CT scan. 
“We still haven’t paid for the last one,” he points out.
Melissa’s face scrunches in confusion and she shakes her head, “Yes you have.”
“What? No, we haven’t,” Stiles counters but before he can counter there’s another voice. One that makes his heart soar. 
“It’s been taken care of… either way you’re staying here Sti,” Natasha’s voice grumbles at him as she walks up behind Melissa. 
“But what about-”
“Your dad’s got Meredith at the station,” she tells him as Melissa moves slightly so that Tasha can step into the room, kissing him softly, his arms immediately wrapping themselves around her, before she continues, “He said it could take some time to get her to talk and Lydia has promised that as soon as she does talk, she’ll call us.”
“Well finally,” Melissa’s voice pulls his attention and he sees the woman he considers a mother smiling at the two of them with a hand on her hip and a knowing smile stretched across her lips. She turns her attention directly to Stiles and points out, “So even if I let you go, what would you do?”
He wants to argue but knows he’s not gonna get away with it. Sighing, he agrees, “Okay fine. But can you do me one little favor?” 
“Anything,” Melissa immediately answers and he asks her for a tape player. 
“Tape player?” he hears Tasha ask as Melissa clarifies, “ Like cassettes?”
“Yes. Tapes,” Stiles confirms with a nod of his head and Melissa tells him she’ll see what she can do before heading out, closing the door behind her.
“Why do you need a cassette player?” Tasha asks as he feels her hands come up on either side of his neck. Biting back a groan, he glances down and sees her face scrunched in concentration. 
“Lobita,” he groans, the nickname falling from his lips almost like second nature, and is rewarded with her sparkling lavender eyes snapping up to his, “What are you doing?”
“Making sure you’re okay,” she answers like it’s the most obvious thing in the world. 
“That I’m okay?” he clarifies and she nods her head at him. 
“Lydia said that Brunski was an ass... Apparently, he punched you?” 
“He did,” he confirms for her. 
Her hand comes up to cup the side of his face and Stiles can feel himself practically melt into her. Her thumb is trailing along his skin soothingly before he smiles and turns to kiss the inside of her palm. 
“What happened with Jax?” he asks her and he can feel her stiffen against him. He can feel himself begin to worry that maybe, just maybe, she had changed her mind but then- she had kissed him when she came in. 
Natasha pulled away from him slightly, but only her body, keeping her arms wrapped around him an he watched as she bit at her lip for a moment.
“Alright, good news is that Jax gets it,  apparently he expected it,” she begins and Stiles is about to ask why she seems so worried but she moves a hand to his lips, “But I have to tell you something.”
You tell him about
Lydia’s at the station waiting for Noah to finish the interview with Meredith. She’s not entirely sure what she expects to happen or how she expects the evening to go but the reality is that they need answers. 
Biting at her nails, she begins to do the math. 
Really, they’re a bunch of kids that are going up a bunch of assassins. She wonders if, perhaps, she should talk to Natasha about reaching out to her dad. Surely the Ragnulf’s would be willing to help them… right?
She see’s Noah walking out of his office and immediately makes her way over, “What did she say?”
“Hard to tell…” he answers, “There were words. I’m not sure there were actual sentences.”
“Nothing…” Lydia sighs in frustration .
“I think we need a psychologist,” he hears Sheriff mutters, “Or a medium.”
Lydia’s tempted to laugh because really, what has her world become? Instead, she just scoffs,  “Is she even competent enough to be charged with anything?”
“Hey!” she hears Noah scold her, “If Meredith is The Benefactor, then that means she was competent enough to trick Kate into opening the Hale Vault, competent enough to blackmail Brunski into helping her, and competent enough to create a hit list and pay out money for it’s completion - demanding proof. Girls practically a criminal mastermind.”
Pulling her phone out, she calls Natasha who answers pretty instantly, “Whats up Lyds?”
“Nothing… she’s.. She’s not talking,” Lydia answers the brunette. 
“She’s not giving you anything? Not even a reason?” Natasha’s voice comes through the phone. 
Stiles’ chuckle comes through the phone before he speaks up, “Dad’s only gonna be interested in the ‘why’ if it tells him the ‘how.’”
“You mean how to stop it?” Lydia clarifies and she watches Sheriff nod his head. 
He must realize that Natasha and Stiles can’t see him because he points out, “Exactly and after what happened to Tasha, Scott and the others… this thing’s still going. The payments could be automatic. And as long as the killers are getting paid, and paid very well, that list is gonna keep getting smaller.”
“So we don’t need to just stop the Dead Pool…” Natasha begins before Stiles finishes, “We gotta stop the money.”
Scott parks his bike before he jumps off and is rushing in to the clinic. Kira must hear him because a moment later she’s at the reception area. 
Scott can feel the relief at having her in front of him, safe. Pulling her into his arms he kisses her for all that he’s worth. Pulling away from her, he cups her face and moves a stray piece of hair behind her ear, “Is your mom…”
“Safe,” she answers, instantly, “Healing.”
“What about you?” he asks and Kira gives him a questioning look, confusion evident in her face and her scent so he clarifies, “Are you okay?”
“Right now? Very…” Kira replies before she’s pressing her lips to his again and Scotts grateful to have her here.  To have her in his arms but a moment later, he remembers why he’s here and he forces himself to focus on that, “Did you find him? Did you find Brett?”
“Actually… I think I found all of them,” she tells him as she leads him to teh back of the office. As they near it, she calls out, “Satomi, this is who I was telling you about.”
“I know who Scott McCall is,” Satomi answers as he and Kira enter the back room. The other Alpha’s eyes heavy on him. 
For the first time since he’s been faced with another Alpha, he feels liek the hairs on the back of his neck want to stand up and he feels like a part of him is somehow… more alert.
“Are we safe here?” a voice asks and Scott glances around, realizing that he’s actually surrounded by a multitude of other wolves. Most of the beta’s from the scent of it. Somehow he knows that none of them are warriors. 
“We’re gonna need help,” he realizes, “A lot of help”
Throwing the guardsman into the door, they wait for half a beat before stepping into the old shipping house. 
Argents got his gun ready and when he feels a body behind him he hits them with the butt of his gun, by the sound of it he connects with the head which means they’ll be out cold. 
He hears Alarics low growl before the man beside him has moved to a wall. The man seems to be inspectiing it for half a second before he slams hsi hand through it, effectively smashing the wall and pulling out two more men. 
He’s grabbed each of the men by their necks and is lifting them so that their feet are dangling in the air as they seem to scratch atAlaric’s hands. 
“Alaric,” Chris calls out as he sees the older man moving his arms apart. He can hear the other man scoff as he slames the two bodies into each other, knocking them both out. 
“They’ll be fine,” Alaric points out, “A headache like a bitch but they’re not dead.” 
Chuckling softly, Argent shakes his head before making his way over to one of the doors.
Getting here had been a bitch in and of itself, the place was damn near impenetrable. At least it would have been if it hadn’t been for Alaric’s skills and his combined.  They had gotten in and now they just had to find the damn thing, 
Opening the sliding door, he nodded his head, “Found it.”
Row and row upon different plans lined the place. Most of it was wolfsbane but there was also Lilies, Sago Palm, Narcissus Bulbs, Azalea, Oleander, Cyclamen, Yew, Amaryllis and many others that he knew could be used to harm supernatural creatures
“Some of these are lethal,” Alarics voice spoke up and Argent nodded his head. 
“You know if we get rid of this, “ Argent points out, “More’ll just pop up. Security will be tighter.”
“Don’t matter,” Alaric answers him with an affirmative humm, “We’ll take those out too. The Albini haven’t scared us before and we won’t start now. Grab the wolfsbane.”
Argent makes his way towards the plant. 
The Ragnulfs had a plan. Apparently there was an idea for possibly using the plant to find a way to either innoculate against it or engineer some kind of… some kind of way to fight it. 
Grabbing the yellow plant he tucks it away so they can get it back to the Ragnulf compound. 
He’s going to ask to hold onto some… there are, after all, even some wolves the Ragnulfs will hunt down and he’s sure they won't deny him fault him for it. 
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The Pull Taglist: @stiles-o-dylan24  @teen--marvel  @kiwihoee @thegirlwhoimagined @bolaurel @missindecision @stixnstripesworld​
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avengerscompound · 5 years
Legacy - Chapter 9
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Legacy: A Hawkeye Fanfic
Series Masterlist PREVIOUS //
Buy me a ☕ Character Pairing:  Clint Barton x  F!Reader
Word Count:  2185
Rating:  E
Square filled:   @clintbartonbingo - Free Space
Warnings:  Pregnancy, domestic abuse, post-endgame, angst, developing-relationship, hurt/comfort, smut, Laura and Clint have broken up.  Comic Clint/MCU Clint mix.
Synopsis: Nothing is the same after the events of Endgame.  When Clint has trouble returning to a life where his family hasn’t changed but he has lost everything, he moves back to the city and tries to move on as a single parent. When Nate finds you bruised and pregnant in the stairwell of his building, he decides that there might be another way that he can make Nat’s sacrifice worth something.
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Chapter 9
You had fallen asleep not long after you’d been moved to your maternity room.  It was a nice room.  Clint putting you on his health insurance meant you got the best.  No point risking your life all the time if there weren’t some perks.  It had a queen-sized bed.  A proper bed too.  Not just one of those uncomfortable hospital ones with the wheels.  There was a comfortable chair specially designed for breastfeeding.  A couch for visitors.  A big screen tv.  There was a private bathroom that even had a spa, though Clint didn’t quite understand who would want to actually stew in a pool of still water after they’d given birth.
After they’d brought you back to the room you’d fretted about the baby for a while and then passed out exhausted.  He’d napped with you, curled around you protectively.  It had been a long day and he was exhausted after everything.
He didn’t sleep deeply and woke just a few hours later.  He wasn’t sure what exactly was keeping him awake.  Perhaps he was just worried about you and wanted to be awake to take care of you if he needed it.  Maybe it was that the baby wasn’t in the room with you both.  When Laura had given birth Nate he’d just been left with them.  Now he had a new baby and they just weren't here.
He got up and went to the hall.  It was busier out there with nursing staff moving around, babies crying, people taking little walks, flowers and teddy bears being delivered, and visitors coming to take a look at the new member of their family.  Clint made a few phone calls.  He called Laura first to check she made it to the kids okay and to let her know the baby was here. He spoke to the kids and told them about their new sister.  Then he called Kate to let her know too.  Finally, he rang Pepper.  You technically weren’t supposed to start your maternity leave for another week and while Pepper was way, way up the chain for who would actually be affected by you not showing up, he thought she might like to hear about the new baby Avenger.  He then texted some of the others to let them know too.  As soon as he did his phone began to buzz with congratulations.
It was touching that they cared really.  That even though the new baby wasn’t technically his, they were all on board with the idea that this baby was his.  That after all the death in the world they’d had to mourn, now they had a new life to celebrate.
After he’d made the calls he went for a short walk.  First to check on the baby.  She was so tiny and fragile looking as she slept in her incubator.  With what he knew about the Universe he hoped he was strong enough to protector her.  Or at least strong enough to know that sometimes you couldn’t and she’d have to live her own life too.  He ran his hand down her back and felt the small rise and fall of her chest as she breathed.
“You get big and strong, little one.  We want to take you home as soon as we can.”  He whispered.
After visiting with her he went for a walk to the cafeteria, grabbing himself a coffee and a danish.  He wanted to bring you back something too but was worried you might not be allowed to drink coffee yet and he also didn’t want to wake you.  So he grabbed a bottle of Snapple and a danish for you too before heading back upstairs.
There was a large edible arrangement sitting at the door with a big pink plush duck sitting on top.  He looked at the card and saw it was from Pepper.  He was glad that he’d organized those few playdates with Pepper.  It was good seeing Morgan and Nate playing together and he wanted to keep that bond with Pepper now that Tony was gone.  It was too easy to put those things off until the people in your life you considered your family were just a bunch of strangers you tell people are your friends.  They’d all been through too much and lost too much to let that happen.  He and Pepper had lost more than anyone.
He scooped it up and carried it inside the room, finding you sitting up in bed looking at your phone.  “There you are.  I was about to text you.”  You said.
“Sorry,”  Clint said sheepishly.  “Didn’t mean to worry you.  Just thought I’d check on the baby.”
“Who’s that from?”  You asked indicating to the bouquet made from chocolates.
“Pepper sent it.  Cool, huh?”  He said putting it on the ledge behind the bed.  “Got you a drink and a danish too.”  He added plopping both in your lap and kissing you on the top of your head.
“It’s awesome.”  You said.  “How’s bubs?”
“She seems fine.  Tiny but some of the babies in there are hooked up to a bunch of things, she’s not.  So I take that as a good sign.”  He said.
You smiled and took a swig from the bottle before dragging over a pile of paperwork.  “Nurse dropped this off while you were gone. It’s the birth certificate stuff.  You sure you want to go on this.  I can keep the name blank.”
“Will you stop that?”  Clint said.  “I don’t want her to think my involvement in her life comes with conditions.  Okay?  I’m her dad.”
You curled into his side and grabbed a pen, writing in Clinton Francis Barton under father.  You let out a breath when you did and turned your head up to look at him.  He leaned in and kissed you deeply, his thumb caressing your neck as his lips moved with yours.
You pulled back and tapped your pen on the form.  “So just the name then.”
“You didn’t have any names you’d talked about before?”  He asked.
“I never talked to Richard about them.  When I was a kid I guess I had some favorites.”  You said.  “I just… is it weird that I want to pay tribute to your friends?  Natasha particularly.  It feels like she’s the reason why we’re together.”
Clint let out a soft breath, tears pricking his eyes.  “Nat was always setting me up with people.”  He said.  “Still doing it, huh?”
You smiled and nuzzled into him.  “Feels that way.”  You said.  “The problem is having a Nat and a Nate would be a little confusing.”
“Her middle name was Alianova,”  Clint said.  “Maybe we could do something with that?”
You pulled out your phone and started typing into it.  “Huh.  This says that means her dad’s name was Alian.”
Clint furrowed his brow.  “That’s weird.  Red Skull said it was Ivan.”  He shook his head like he was trying to clear it.  He hated thinking about that moment.  Where he’d gone from being excited about flying an actual spaceship with his best friend, on his way to get his kids back to having to watch her die.  It didn’t matter what her father’s name was anyway.  She never knew who it was.
“Ali could be nice.”  You said.
“That’s normally short for something though.  What would it be short for?”  He said.
“It doesn’t have to be.  There’s a kid in New Zealand named ‘Number 16 Bus Shelter’.  I don’t think there’s anything stopping us from just calling her just Ali.”  You said.
Clint choked.  “That can’t be true.”
“It is!  So… what do you think?”   You said.
“About the name ‘Number 16 Bus Shelter’?  It’s a bit long.”  Clint teased.
You laughed and elbowed him.  “No.”
“If we’re just gonna give her a shortened name, why not Tasha?”  Clint said.
You looked back up at him and smiled.  “Tasha is good.  Works better with Antonia as a middle name too.”
Clint pulled you tight and kissed you again, holding you close.  He pulled back and looked down at you.  “I love you so fucking much, you know?”
“I love you too.”  You said, resting your head on his shoulder.  “So that’s what it is?  Tasha Antonia Barton?”
“Barton too?”  He said.
You pulled back from him pulling the papers closer.  “Shit.  Sorry.  I went too far, didn’t I?  It can be my name.”
Clint put his hand on yours.  It was scary really, but for some reason, he wasn’t second-guessing this at all.  “No.  I’d love for her to be a Barton.”
You kissed his cheek and filled in the name.  “Alright, you just gotta sign it and then we send it off.  Then that’s it.  She’ll have her name and you’re officially her dad.”
“Good,”  Clint said.  “We should do that right away then.”
There was a knock at the door and Laura peeked her head in.  “You up for visitors?”
“Sure.”  You said and she pushed the door open more letting in Cooper, Lila and Nate.
“We just finished naming her,”  Clint said as Nate climbed up into his lap.
“What did you choose?”  Lila asked as she put the large bouquet of sunflowers next to the edible one from Pepper.
“Tasha Antonia Barton,”  Clint said.  He noticed a look from Laura but he wasn’t quite sure what it was.  Surprise maybe.  She didn’t say anything though and he didn’t want to chase it.
“Where is she, daddy?”  Nate asked.
“She is very little and needs a bit of extra care so the doctors have her in a special room.  Do you want to go see her?”   Clint asked.
“Yes please, dad,”  Lila said.
Clint got up, lifting Nate onto his hip and pulling Lila into a headlock and kissing the top of her head.  “Alright, come on.  Are you coming to, hun?”
You got up out of the bed and pulled a robe on.  “Yes.  I might see if I can feed her.”
Your little group made your way down to the NICU.  When you got there the kids were looked over by a nurse, made to wash their hands and you were all led in.  “Here’s your little sister, Tasha,”  Clint said when they got to the incubator.
“What’s the fings for, daddy?”  Nate asked pointing at the wires that were attached to her.
“Just keeping track of her heart because she’s so small,”  Clint said.
“She’s really beautiful.  Congratulations.”  Laura said giving you a rub on the back.
“Thank you, Laura.”  You replied.
“Can we touch her?”  Lila asked.
“Yes, but gently just on her back,”  Clint said.
Each of the kids took turns putting a hand on her back and then Clint, Laura, and the kids were led out while you stayed behind and they put her against your chest to attempt breastfeeding.
Clint and Laura stood watching from the viewing window as you had Tasha tucked in under your shirt.  Laura sent the kids down to the vending machine in an attempt to stop them from getting bored.
“Did I tell you how proud I am of you?”  Laura said putting his arm around Clint’s waist.
Clint put his arm around her shoulder and she tucked herself into his side.  Something she had done a million times before.  “Yeah?”  He said.
“Yeah.  You've really stepped up.  You've always been such a good dad.  This is gonna be no different.”  She said.  “Nat would be proud of you too.”
“I hope so.”  He said, keeping his eyes trained on you.
“When Damien was killed, I didn't think I'd ever fall in love again.  Especially not with another SHIELD agent.  Then Nat pushed you at me, and you were such a huge dork but so good.  Not perfect but good.  You never pushed me faster than I could go.  You were always worried about us getting hurt.  Not just me, but the kids too.  I fell in love with you, and the kids did too in their own way.  When they asked if you'd adopt them you didn't even hesitate when you said yes.”  Laura said, wiping her eyes.
Clint felt his heart stutter a little and guilt start to creep in, guilt for everything that went wrong that meant he was not the man that could hold that together anymore.  His arm tightened around her shoulders.  She patted his stomach reassuringly and looked up at him.  “No one predicted the blip.  It's not your fault we couldn't last it.  I'm really happy you've found love again though.  You deserve it.  It gives me hope too, that I might get it again too.  Things can be found after what happened.”
Clint turned and looked at her, frowning slightly.  “Of course you can.  You're amazing, Laur.  You'll get someone who deserves you.  Someone who will actually be around.”
“I hope so.”  She said and leaned up and kissed him. “Congratulations, Clint.  She's beautiful.  You are going to be really happy”
Clint looked back in at you, and for the first time in a long time, he didn't doubt that at all.
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sahibookworm · 5 years
Release Date: January 7, 2020
Genre: YA Non Fiction
Publisher: Inkyard Press
Purchase Links: IndieBound || Harlequin || Amazon || B&N || Chapters
A timely and heartfelt collection of essays inspired by the #MeToo movement, edited by acclaimed young adult and middle-grade author Janet Gurtler. Featuring Beth Revis, Mackenzi Lee, Ellen Hopkins, Saundra Mitchell, Jennifer Brown, Cheryl Rainfield and many more. When #MeToo went viral, Janet Gurtler was among the millions of people who began to reflect on her past experiences. Things she had reluctantly accepted—male classmates groping her at recess, harassment at work—came back to her in startling clarity. She needed teens to know what she had not: that no young person should be subject to sexual assault, or made to feel unsafe, less than or degraded. You Too? was born out of that need. By turns thoughtful and explosive, these personal stories encompass a wide range of experiences and will resonate with every reader who has wondered, “Why is this happening to me?” or secretly felt that their own mistreatment or abuse is somehow their fault—it’s not. Candid and empowering, You Too? is written for teens, but also an essential resource for the adults in their lives—an urgent, compassionate call to listen and create change.
Trigger Warnings: As a book about the #meToo movement, this deals with themes from catcalling or verbal abuse to rape and incest and everything in between. So, please take care and decide if you are in the right headspace to handle this book.
I’ve read quite a few books in past couple months that dealt with sexual harassment in the workplace and the rise of the #meToo movement. So, when I saw the announcement of this book in which many YA authors are sharing their own stories and letting young women know that they aren’t alone, I was very excited to read this book. And I really am honored to be a part of this blog tour.
This is a painful and difficult read, partly because of the experiences of the authors and how they are still common after all these years, partly also because they brought up many of my own memories which I may have tried to forget. It’s also a very diverse collection of experiences and each author talks about their own way of dealing with their trauma, and that’s definitely an important message for young women that there is no single right way to react or respond.
It took me a while to read it completely because I could only handle it in small doses, but nevertheless, it’s a very important book and I would love to give this to any young woman I know. But I also think it’s important for adult readers like me to read because we all have had these experiences and it’s good to know we are not alone.
I’m not going to rate any of the individual stories, just share my thoughts on each of them below:
It’s our Secret by Patty Blount
As a survivor of child molestation, the author asks a very timely question – when her parents asked her to keep it a secret about what happened to her, were they sparing her the ordeal of being dismissed, or were they just sparing themselves?
Wishing on Silver Dollars by Jennifer Brown
This was painful to read because it’s so relatable and common. The author delves into all the ways girls are sexualized since puberty (which is worse for the curvy girls) and how we are so used to verbal comments and leering and groping that by the time we are ready to start our careers, we just consider this harassment part of our lives. But what hit me most was the author talking about how we feel shame for being harassed when it’s the other person’s fault. This is definitely a lesson that young woman needs to be told – it’s not your fault.
This is How it Ends by Tiffany Brownlee
As a young black girl with a sheltered upbringing, the author experienced both racial and sexual harassment and I really felt for her because she too concluded at that young age that it must be her fault. But as an educator currently, she emphasizes that such harassing conduct arises from ignorance or lack of empathy, and it’s necessary to teach kids to respect themselves and others, and exercise self-control.
Sugar, Spice and Not so Nice by Jess Capelle
The author’s harassment experiences and the way they are dismissed by the adults through the years are all too familiar, and she stresses that despite being taught from childhood that we girls should keep quiet and not make waves and just be nice, we really shouldn’t do that. We have a voice and we should use it to stand up for ourselves and not let anyone get away with harassing us.
Bus Stop Witchcraft by Kenna Clifford
As a young bisexual woman, the author talks about being a bit luckier to be able to grow up in the generation where #meToo movement is prominent and atleast some women are able to speak about their experiences. And she also talks about the need to speak our stories and make our voices heard.
Young but Not Powerless by Eva Darrows
The author talks about her experiences with harassment in school from teachers and how much worse it is than if the perpetrators were boys her own age, because these teachers had power over the students. And her mentioning that many girls knew about it and just warned younger girls to be safe, rather than reporting the issues just underlines the harsh reality that sometimes it’s easier to keep ourselves safe than try to get a harasser punished.
It Was Me Too by Dana L. Davis
As a survivor of childhood sexual assault, the author talks about how she internalized the shame that it was all her fault, and how it completely changed her as a person well into adulthood, how she learnt to just be aloof and hide and never put herself in a vulnerable position. This is another reality for so many women and it was heartbreaking to read about.
Anything but Ordinary by Ronni Davis
The author talks about the shame in wondering what she might have done and how her not acting her “color” had contributed to her being assaulted, and later on feeling anger and shame for all the instances when she didn’t speak up. There is also the feeling that she can’t use #meToo because what happened to her wasn’t too bad. But ultimately it’s about the fact that every single instance matters and we are not alone.
Not that Kind of Girl by Natasha Deen
The author talks about boundaries and emotional violence in her teenage years, and how traumatic it can feel when the whole school judges you for something you haven’t done. But she is also very graceful in her message that sometimes restraint is important, we should speak up for ourselves but never say anything in anger that we wouldn’t say in normal situations.
How do I look ? By Nicolas DiDomizio
As a young gay man in the closet, the author talks about how his shame about his body and weight made him accept the things that were done to him even when he knew they were wrong. And he makes a great point that self worth doesn’t and shouldn’t depend on how you look and I think it’s something we can all keep in mind.
Gray Lines by Namina Forna
As an African immigrant and also a child survivor of war, the author talks about not understanding the concept of personal space and just not making a fuss when a teacher violated it because she didn’t want to be a problem. But I’m glad that she was quick to recognize grooming and make herself safe after that, so I completely agree with her message that make a fuss and say no whenever anyone disrespects your personal boundaries, and do whatever you need to keep yourself safe.
No, Not Me! By Jenna Glass
This was definitely an eye opening read because the author talks about how we normalize so many harassing behaviors like flashing or groping or unwanted touching, never realizing that these are also forms of sexual assault. She talks about the importance of talking about these issues and not letting anyone get away with these kinds of actions without consequences.
Before Starbucks or Cell Phones by Janet Gurtler
The author’s experience was tough to read about, but I was also glad that she had atleast one teacher who listened. But the common theme of shame still comes through, with young girls always wondering if they did something that made the boys or men behave so badly. And I think that’s why the author’s message is important that we shouldn’t keep these things to ourselves, we should talk to and support each other, so that we may one day get to a world where a girl can say it has never happened to me.
The One we don’t Talk about by Teri Hall
This was absolutely horrific to read about and I don’t have words to describe the strength it must have taken for the author as a young girl to finally tell someone about all the abuse that was happening in her house. As the author says, believe in yourself and never let your abuser convince you that you don’t matter because you do.
A Long Overdue Confession by Ellen Hopkins
This is mostly the author introspecting her decisions when she was eighteen to have an affair with a married man and how she was taken advantage of due to her naïveté. She also wants to share the story to prevent if possible other younger girls from succumbing to older men’s attention and flattery, particularly those girls who already have body image issues.
Bathsheba by Mackenzi Lee
Through the Bible story of David and Bathsheba, the author tries to make the point that despite what we’ve been told since childhood, we are not responsible for making men comfortable or for their violent actions; none of our dressing or talking or anything is a reason for men to violate us and we should always remember that.
Burn by Saundra Mitchell
The author lists instances after instances where she was violated but couldn’t do anything because she felt trapped but her realization after she turned seventeen is something we can all hope for – to start believing in ourselves and finding our voice and never stopping ourselves from expressing our anger.
Just Smile by Ali Novak
The author’s story highlights the fact that even if we haven’t been physically assaulted, words flung against us can cause equal emotional trauma, and that’s why we should use our own words to tell our stories and never minimize what we’ve been through.
Boys Will be Boys By Eve Porinchak
Another experience where the boys’ actions are blamed on the girl’s clothes, but I was very glad to know the author had a supportive family and learnt to stand up for herself at a very young age. We all definitely need that conviction.
There is Strength in our Voices by Cheryl Rainfield
I can’t even begin to understand the strength it must have taken for the author to run away and survive her whole childhood where she was part of a cult and her own family raped and tortured her, but I tip my hat off to her for finding the resilience and the queer community that helped her. And that’s why she insists that it’s important to listen and talk to other survivors, so that we may help others while also helping ourselves and not feeling we’re alone in our ordeal.
Pretty Enough by Beth Revis
This is a story of the author’s realization that how wrong it was of her to internalize the feelings that only beautiful girls got harassed and because she wasn’t, it meant she wasn’t worth it. She talks about how harmful this divide is and basing self worth on looks is, and asks us all to understand that there is only one side – all of us women who have to stick up for each other and not let anyone else make us feel powerless with their words or actions.
My Oklahoma History by Andrea L. Rogers
As a Cherokee citizen from Oklahoma, the author uses her tribe’s history as a parallel to how indigenous women are treated – both have a right to their sovereignty but it’s always threatened. And she makes a wonderful point that women don’t need to forgive anyone for the purpose of moving on – forgiveness can be a consideration if someone is making amends but it means nothing if the violator has no regrets.
Class Valedictorian by Lulabel Seitz
As a young Asian woman who was assaulted by a rich white classmate in high school, the author talks about the ways in which she was silenced and disbelieved by those in power because they didn’t want to discomfort the perpetrator. When she says that money and holding onto old white power structures matter more, I don’t see anything wrong about it because that’s still the world we live in. But I admire her for speaking up even when she was forced not to, and trying to keep doing it for other people even at such a young age.
No Right Way to be Wronged by Mischa Thrace
This is a different take on all the above experiences but it’s not wrong in anyway. The author talks about how no one is owed our secrets or the details of what happened to us, and it’s totally our choice. It’s ok to not want to be a spokesperson for the cause or tweet about our issues. After her own assault, the author found it easier to deal with it by expressing her anger through learning Muay Thai and just like her, everyone has the right to find their own way of dealing with the trauma, even if it is silence.
Notes on Girlhood by Amy Zhang
The author talks about all the overwhelming feelings that one is bombarded with after a sexual assault happens, because we aren’t sure how to process the trauma; and navigating it becomes a big part of our life. She talks about being fortunate enough to have a friend group as well as a therapist who helped her untangle all her feelings and feel like herself again a little bit, and that it’s enough for now.
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We are giving away two copies of YOU TOO?, signed by each author. Entries are automatically entered with a donation to RAINN (the nation’s largest anti-sexual violence organization) on our YOUTOO Fundraising Page. 
About the Editor 
Janet Gurtler’s young adult books have been chosen for the JUNIOR LIBRARY GUILD SELECTION and as BEST BOOKS FOR TEENS from the Canadian Children’s Book Center. Janet lives in Alberta, Canada with her husband, son, a chubby black Chihuahua named Bruce and a Golden Retriever named Betty White.
Connect With Janet
Website: http://www.janet-gurtler.com
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4147574.Janet_Gurtler
Twitter: https://twitter.com/janetgurtler
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/janet.gurtler
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[Blog Tour] ARC Review: You Too? Edited by Janet Gurtler Release Date: January 7, 2020 Genre: YA Non Fiction Publisher: Inkyard Press Purchase Links: IndieBound || …
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bern33chaser · 6 years
How to Write Dialogue
Dialogue refreshes. Seeing quotation marks on a page has been proven to increase readability, which means that readers find the page more interesting. And you want your readers to stay interested. Dialogue breaks up “gray text” and gives your eyes a break too.
Dialogue uses basic rules for punctuating and formatting:
When the speaker changes, hit Return and start a new line (which Maeve Maddox demonstrates in Formatting Dialogue.)
Put punctuation, such as the closing comma, inside the quotation marks.
A colon can be used in a script, but in other forms of writing, you don’t routinely punctuate dialogue with a colon.
TOM POLHAUS: Heavy. What is it? SAM SPADE: The, uh, stuff that dreams are made of.
Here are some suggestions for more effective dialogue:
Do something, don’t just talk. Conflict creates action out of dialogue. If everything is dialogue, it’s a play. In real life, people do things while they talk, and they don’t talk all the time.
Don’t be yourself. New writers need to “find their voice,” but when you write dialogue, it’s not your voice now, but another’s. If they all sound like you, they all sound the same. Figure out what makes your characters different from you – perhaps age, life experiences, or social status – and how those differences affect their speech.
Who’s speaking, please? If it’s hard to tell the characters apart, your reader will be confused, bored or frustrated. Ali Hale gives several solutions in Dialogue Writing Tips. For example, you can have each character speak at his or her own rate, fast or slow, terse or wordy, big words or little words, long sentences or short, rude or polite. Vocabulary can also distinguish characters. They may express agreement in different ways: “Aye,” “Yup,” “Ja,” “Okey dokey,” “Absolutely,” “For sure, dude!” “Indubitably.”
Limit extreme dialect. In the 1800s, authors would represent a regional or cultural group by phonetically spelling their pronunciations, leaving out dropped endings, and so forth: “Och, dat wuz fright’nin’ an’ no dou’t!.” Unfortunately, deliberately adding misspellings and apostrophes makes your writing harder to read. Maeve Maddox and Kate Evans provide a better way in Showing Dialect in Dialogue and Writing Dialogue In Accents and Dialect.
You don’t have them with “Hello.” In fact, start your dialogue after the greeting. Leave out the fluff, pleasantries, and repetition. Real speech can be so repetitious that professional transcriptionists have special keys to avoid typing words such as “Okay” and “Fine.” Some people can have an entire conversation using only the word “Fine.” But don’t put it in your novel. Skip past the boring details. Really, it’s not the details that are boring, but the vague parts.
“How are you doing? Fine? Glad to hear it. How is your family? Fine?”
If a dialogue doesn’t advance the plot or expand the character, omit it. People all over the world say “Looks like rain” every day – everyone can agree on the weather – but you don’t need to do it in your story unless the rain would ruin an important action or object.
You don’t have to use complete or grammatical sentences. Real-life dialogue isn’t like that. People interrupt themselves, pause, change their minds, and so on.
Show their motivation. Or at least, show they have motivation, even if what it is remains a mystery. They may not be telling the truth or telling everything, but they have reasons for saying what they do.
Don’t have the maid tell the butler what he already knows. Yes, dialogue is a great way to feed details to your reader, but it needs to reflect what your characters would have actually asked.
“Is Heathcliffe Manor dark and dismal?” “Yes, as you remember from working here for the past thirty years, the previous owner had most of the windows painted over.”
Try it out, out loud. Reading your writing audibly to yourself (or someone else) helps you decide whether your dialogue is natural. It may cause you to shorten parts of it by showing you that you need to breathe.
Avoid the info-dump. Sometimes at the beginning and the end of a detective novel, someone says:
“First, tell me everything you know about the murder.” “Tell me, how in the world did you figure out that the butler did it?”
But an info-dump isn’t as much fun as revealing information naturally.
“This gold mirror must be four feet wide! How will we get it downstairs?”
From this one piece of dialogue, we can surmise that strangers are moving rich people out of a multi-story house.
Limit the cast. The more characters there are, the more confusing the conversation can be. If it’s hard to distinguish character voices spread through the story, it’s even harder to distinguish them when they’re all talking at once.
About dialogue tags
A dialogue tag tells you who is speaking. Writers and teachers disagree about what else it should do.
“Call a taxi,” she said. “Taxi!” he shouted. “Where you wanna go?” the driver said gruffly.
Some teachers want their students to choose from the hundreds of alternatives to said, telling them, “Said is dead.”:
“Stop the presses,” he bellowed. “Everything will be fine,” Kate reassured them. “Y’all need to meet my grandson,” she gushed. “Only the Shadow knows,” he whispered.
J.K. Rowling is notorious for her adverbial dialogue tags, which she usually places in the middle of a dialogue. Three examples from a single page of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone:
“Oh yes, everyone’s celebrating all right,” she said impatiently. “You can’t blame them,” said Dumbledore gently. “I know that,” said Professor McGonagall irritably.
On the other hand, Stephen King advises writers to avoid adverbs and use nothing but said: “While to write adverbs is human, to write ‘he said’ or ‘she said’ is divine.” He also says, “I believe the road to hell is paved with adverbs.”
Journalists are taught to use only two verbs in dialogue tags: said and asked. Adding adverbs or using more colorful verbs compromise their objectivity.
I agree with Stephen King. The word said doesn’t distract from the dialogue itself. It is unnoticed and unobtrusive. Dialogue is a character talking. A dialogue tag is you talking. The writer’s rule is “show, don’t tell,” and when you add an adverb to a dialogue tag, you are “telling.” You are also drawing attention to yourself.
When it comes to verbs, I distinguish between active verbs such as croaked or whispered and descriptive verbs such as threatened or urged. Saying “he croaked” shows your reader the sound of the speaker’s voice, something which they wouldn’t otherwise know. Saying “he threatened” is a crutch – the reader should be able to see the threat in the dialogue itself.
I never say ‘She says softly.’ If it’s not already soft, you know, I have to leave a lot of space around it so that a reader can hear that it’s soft.” – Toni Morrison
More suggestions for dialogue tags:
Don’t use impossible verbs. Several commonly used dialogue tags represent actions that can’t really be performed while speaking.
“That’s not necessary,” laughed Bob.
If this could happen in real life, this would sound more like:
“That’s (ha ha) not (ha) necessary (ha ha),” said Bob.
Laughing and talking simultaneously is not possible.
Avoid Tom Swifties. The authors of the Tom Swift adventures of a century ago didn’t limit themselves to said because they believed in elegant variation. As a result, dialogue tags with obtrusive verbs and adverbs have been parodied in a class of puns called “Tom Swifties.”
“Someone has let the soup boil over!” Tom said hotly. “It’s pouring rain outside,” Tom stormed. “I’ll hold the flashlight for you,” Tom beamed. “I prefer pancakes,” said Tom flatly.
Don’t be like Tom.
Is this dialogue tag necessary? Sometimes you don’t need one. In a conversation between two characters, the reader can assume that alternate lines are spoken by the same character. Here’s an example from Leo Tolstoy’s War and Peace with some of the dialogue tags removed:
“Forgive me!” Natasha said in a whisper. “Forgive me!” “I love you,” said Prince Andrei. “Forgive…” “Forgive what?” “Forgive me for what I di…did.”
Can you use an action tag instead of a dialogue tag? You don’t need a dialogue tag if you have just identified the speaker in a different way.
The detective abruptly snuffed out his cigarette. “How about you and me working together?”
In this case, he reader understands that the detective is speaking.
Dialogue is not just for fiction. Try including dialogue in everything you write, even scholarly papers and business memos. Seeing quotation marks brightens the eyes of an academician as much as anyone else. Instead of formally summarizing what your employers said to you, why not quote them word-for-word?
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Original post: How to Write Dialogue from Daily Writing Tips https://www.dailywritingtips.com/how-to-write-dialogue/
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togrowoldinv · 2 years
Mini Poser Calls for Backup
Natasha Romanoff x Female Reader
Yelena babysits for you and Nat. When there’s some drama with your oldest child, Yelena calls in backup.
Note: Mini poser is back! With a special guest! I hope y’all enjoy it! Other mini poser fics can be found on my Nat masterlist. Also, this is my 100th Natasha fic! 🥳
Natasha Romanoff Masterlist, Main Masterlist
You and Natasha are enjoying a long overdue date night. Your wife reaches across the table and takes your hand in hers.
“This is nice,” you say.
“It is. But I do have a small confession,” Natasha says. She leans forward and you mirror her in anticipation.
“You miss the kids, don’t you?” You ask her.
“So much, yeah,” she says.
You both share a laugh.
“I miss them too. But they’re good with Yelena, baby.”
“I hope they aren’t giving her any trouble,” Natasha says.
“Oh, I’m sure Belle is attached to her side and begging for mac and cheese. And the older two are probably complaining about mac and cheese,” you predict exactly what your kids are doing.
“You’re probably right,” Nat laughs out.
“Let’s try to enjoy tonight, yeah?”
“Yeah, let’s do it detka.”
Across town, Yelena is on the couch with your kids watching a movie.
“Alright, kiddos. Moms are out having fun, so what shall we do for dinner?” Yelena asks your three children.
“I want mac and cheese,” your youngest daughter says.
“We can’t always have mac and cheese,” Ali, your oldest, says.
“But I want mac and cheese,” Belle pouts. Her eyes begin to tear up, but Yelena steps in just in time. She picks the three year old up and walks towards the kitchen.
“Aw don’t cry, Belle. I’ll make you mac and cheese,” Yelena says. She’s met with a huge smile. “And I’ll order the rest of us pizza. How’s that sound kids that are too cool for mac and cheese?”
“Sounds great, Aunt Yelena,” your son Ivan says.
“Al?” Yelena gets the preteen’s attention. “Is pizza cool with you?”
“Yeah,” Ali mumbles, and then corrects herself when she realizes it was slightly rude. “Yes, that sounds good.”
“Awesome,” Yelena responds. She goes into the kitchen with Belle still on her hip.
After the pizza is delivered and the mac and cheese is ready, the four of them settle around the kitchen table.
“So, how is school going?” Yelena asks the oldest two kids.
“It’s good,” Ivan offers. He’s not a talker and that makes Yelena grin.
“Good is good. What about you Ali?”
“It’s fine,” she says.
“Fine? Fine isn’t so good. Is something-” Yelena begins, but Ali is up out of her seat and in her room before she can even finish the question.
“Do you know what’s going on?” Yelena asks Ivan.
“She’s been like this for weeks. She won’t tell anyone what’s happening.”
After dinner, she knocks on Ali’s door, but gets no more than a yes she’s okay. Yelena feels stumped. She didn’t exactly have a normal childhood, and she worries she can’t help Ali without relating to her.
Yelena decides to call someone who may have a better chance at relating to the young girl. She’s at the front door not even twenty minutes later.
“Hey Kate, thank you for coming,” Yelena says. Kate enters the house.
“You guys are in a crisis. I’m on my way,” Kate says. If Yelena understands the reference, she doesn’t comment on it.
“So you can help?” Yelena asks.
“Yeah, for sure. Where is she?” Kate asks.
“Her room. We really don’t know what we’re dealing with heer. Preteen drama it seems?”
“I can handle that,” Kate says with a smirk. She walks to Ali’s door and knocks on it.
“Hey, it’s Kate. You know the super cool archer friend of your Aunt Yelena? Can you open the door for me, Ali?”
She doesn’t hear a response, but she is met with the young girl opening the door a moment later.
“Aunt Yelena called you?”
“Yep. Is it cool if we chat?”
“I guess so,” Ali replies. Secretly, she’s kind of excited to be talking to Kate.
“Sweet. We’ll just be a little bit,” Kate tells Yelena as she shuts the door behind her.
About 30 minutes later, the girls emerge from the room and Ali has a smile on her face.
“How did you do that?” Yelena asks Kate as she pulls her into the kitchen.
“Magic,” Kate wittily says. Yelena sighs. “Nah, but really I just talked to her. I think it helped that I wasn’t her mom or aunt or anything. More of as a friend.”
"Thank you, truly,” Yelena says and she means it.
“Anytime,” Kate says. “You can repay me in some ice cream?”
“Ha, let’s see what Nat and y/n have in that department,” Yelena says.
Yelena makes bowls of ice cream for everyone and Kate socializes with the kids. They sit on the couch and Kate offers to take a photo of everyone to send to you and Nat.
You’re getting into Nat’s car when your phone dings.
“Oh my god, look at this,” you show the picture Natasha who left her phone at home.
“Is she? Is Belle really putting her hand on her forehead in an L shape?” Natasha asks.
“She totally is.”
“I love her,” Natasha replies. “But how did she learn that?”
“My bet is Kate Bishop,” you say.
“Or Yelena,” Natasha says.
“They probably tag teamed it,” you joke.
Natasha puts the car in drive and you head back home to your family. You can’t wait to see them again.
Tag List: @gracebutnotgraceful @i-wished-for-you-too @wandasbb @be-missed @likefirenrain @hehehehannahthings @mythosphere-x @readings-stuff @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @madamevirgo @milfloverslut @yelenabelovaisthebettersister @mrswidowjohansson @alotofpockets @wandassitcom @ggrangerdanger @marvelwomen-simp @maia-lightwoood @mortallytremendoussandwich @xxromanoffxx @peanutbutterprincess @karmasgxrl @picnicmic @wandaslittlewhore @exhaustedfangirl @when-wolves-howl @natashalovers @marie45019 @inluvwithfictionalwomen @sammi1642 @jujuu23 @the-night-owl-blr @strangegardentaco @avatarsnips @romanoffswoman @natashasilverfox @imthenatynat @sayah13 @harleysincairo @rach2602 @cordyandbilliehavemyheart @lovelyy-moonlight @huitzilinthebudgie3 @juicyy444 @natblackwidow2 @youralphawolf72 @btay3115 @red1culous @lenam07 @randomwriter1021
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togrowoldinv · 2 years
Family of Four
Natasha Romanoff x Female Reader
A couple of soft moments with Natasha and your daughter after the birth of your son.
Note: This includes the family I’ve created that I hope y’all love as much as I do! I hope you enjoy it!
Natasha Romanoff Masterlist 1, Natasha Romanoff Masterlist 2, Main Masterlist
“Knock knock,” a voice draws yours and Natasha’s attention to the door.
“Come on in,” Natasha says softly. Your newborn son is resting in her arms, so she speaks quietly.
“Hey Wanda,” you say.
“Hi, I brought Ali. She’s so excited to meet her baby brother,” Wanda says. Ali trudges in behind Wanda with a bag of snacks and a smile on her face.
Wanda also smiles at the sight of you and Natasha in the hospital bed with your baby.
“Come here, baby,” Natasha says to Ali.
Ali crosses the room and Nat hands your son to you, so she can lift your daughter onto the bed. Ali looks at him in awe as she settles between her moms.
“Ali, meet your little brother Ivan,” you say.
“He’s really cute,” she says.
“Do you want to hold him?” Nat asks her.
“I can?” She asks in surprise.
“Of course, sweetheart. Sit against Mama and I’ll hand him to you,” you instruct her.
Her little arms hold her brother gently and you and Natasha share a sweet look.
“Well, what do you think Ali?”
“I love him!” she says excitedly.
Everyone laughs and Wanda asks you four to pose for a photo.
“Wow, Ali is right he is really cute,” Wanda says as she finally gets a good look at him.
“Do you want to hold him, Wands?” Nat asks her.
“Absolutely,” Wanda replies. She goes to the sink to wash her hands before she takes him in her arms.
“Hey buddy, I’m your Aunt Wanda,” she says.
After a few minutes, Ivan starts to cry and Wanda tries to settle him. She’s not successful, and you take him back from her.
“What’s wrong, baby?“ you ask him as you try your best to soothe him. “I just don’t know.”
“Let me see him, detka,” Natasha says.
“Okay, but if you hold him and he’s immediately fine then I’m calling magic or something because it always worked with Ali and it’s unfair,” you say and Nat smirks.
She takes her son into her arms and he almost automatically stops crying.
“Unbelievable,” you mumble.
“Don’t hate me cause I’m great,” Nat jokes. She kisses your cheek. You rest your head on her shoulder and admire your newest child and your daughter.
“I’ll give you four some time together. I know the rest of the team wants to come by, so just text me if you feel like company?”
“Thanks Wanda. Love you,” you say.
“Love you too. All of you,” she replies as she walks out.
“How are you feeling?” Natasha asks you.
“I feel great actually. I’ve got my whole world right here with me,” you say. Natasha kisses your head.
“How are you feeling, my love?” You ask her.
“I’ve never been better. I promise I’m always going to take care of you three,” she says with a certain seriousness to her tone. You shift to look at her face. She’s flushed and you know she means what she says.
“I know, Natasha. You already take care of us.”
“I love you so much,” Natasha says.
“I love you too. I love our family.”
“Me too, baby.”
Tag List: @gracebutnotgraceful @i-wished-for-you-too @wandasbb @be-missed @likefirenrain @hehehehannahthings @mythosphere-x @readings-stuff @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @madamevirgo @milfloverslut @mrswidowjohansson @alotofpockets @wandassitcom @ggrangerdanger @marvelwomen-simp @maia-lightwoood @mortallytremendoussandwich @xxromanoffxx @peanutbutterprincess @karmasgxrl @picnicmic @wandaslittlewhore @exhaustedfangirl @when-wolves-howl @natashalovers @marie45019 @inluvwithfictionalwomen @sammi1642 @jujuu23 @the-night-owl-blr @strangegardentaco @avatarsnips @romanoffswoman @natashasilverfox @imthenatynat @sayah13 @harleysincairo @rach2602 @cordyandbilliehavemyheart @lovelyy-moonlight @huitzilinthebudgie3 @juicyy444 @natblackwidow2 @youralphawolf72 @btay3115 @red1culous @lenam07 @randomwriter1021
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buckys-black-dress · 4 years
a/n: here she is!!! while i work on afl, here is my crackfic on tattoo artist bucky!! if u haven’t caught on yet, most of my writing is au’s because of all the possibilites in terms of scenarios and storylines. anyways, i hope you enjoy, lovies!!! xoxo, ali <3
wc: 2.8k 
[tattoo artist!bucky x fem!reader]
Tumblr media
It was like an addiction. 
Your first tattoo you got was simple. It was a dainty, small one on your wrist.
But now, it was slowly developing into a sleeve.
Not that you minded, though. Your forearm was slowly becoming filled with designs that you kept going back and getting here and there.
And at the tattoo parlor near your apartment in Brooklyn, you had become a regular at this point.
It was called B&R Tattoo Shop, and it was run by two of the kindest, but most attractive men you’ve ever met. 
You’ve come to find out after getting to know the owners, that they opened the shop a bit after they returned from their second tour in the army and wanted to settle back in their hometown.  
Steve and James were hospitable to you, especially when they first met you. Steve was the one to meet you and speak with you at first, but he handed you off to James, or Bucky as he asked you to call him, because he was the artist at their shop that specialized in more of what you were looking for in terms of style. 
As far as first tattoo conversations go, you and Bucky got to know each other pretty well in one session. The tattoo itself took less than an hour, but it felt like Bucky was... prolonging it in a way, like he wanted to keep you there longer.
As you swung open the door of the shop, you were greeted by their piercer, Natasha. 
“Hey, back for another already?” She smirks from her spot behind the desk. While she wasn’t piercing, she usually worked the front if there was no one else free.
Your first tattoo had been done by Bucky, and you instantly fell in love.
With the tattoo. 
Well, Bucky too. Just a little bit.
He was extremely soothing and eased you into the process of tattooing you. He told you when something was going to happen, and as soon as you got used to the feeling of the needle against your skin. 
The more he talked to you, the less pain you felt. It was already not that painful, but you almost forgot about it with him talking to you. When he looked up to you as he finished, you looked like a confused puppy.
“Okay, all done, doll.” Bucky looked up at you, moving to turn off his machine.
“Oh... that was fast.” You furrowed your brows.
“Well, yeah, we moved pretty fast since it was a pretty small piece.” He explains, grabbing a paper towel and the anti-bacterial spray.
“Do you mind if I take a quick picture of it? I usually do, for my portfolio.” Bucky asks, inspecting the tattoo closely once again.
“Oh, yeah, that’s fine.” You wait for him to pull out his camera, take the picture, and he comes back with a piece of plastic film in his hand.
“Okay, so this saniderm has to stay on for about three days. This is how it’ll heal, and when you take it off just wash it up with a gentle soap and use a cream without any fragrance or any of that crap. I can give you a little of that spray if you wanna use it to clean it up if you ever feel like it’s dirty.” Bucky explains, giving you a mini bottle of the antibacterial spray.
“Thank you,” you say, moving to sit up in the chair. “How much do I owe you?”
“Uh, just about $40.” Bucky says without eye contact, heading to the computer at the front counter.
“$40? That’s it? When I signed the waiver it said the shop minimum was $75...?” You wonder out loud.
“Let’s just say you get a special discount, doll.” He smirks, typing something into the computer and only sparing you a glance.
“O-Oh. Alright.” You say sheepishly, handing him your credit card.
“Okay, you’re all set. Hopefully I’ll see you again soon.” He tells you with a gentle smile. It really contrasted his aura; a big, beefy guy with a metal prosthetic arm, covered in probably hundreds of tattoos. But here he was, smiling like sunshine.
“I think I will be. Have a nice day, Bucky.” 
“You too, sweetheart.” He gives you that smirk again, making you feel like you might actually pass out. And not because you just had a needle jabbed into your skin for almost an hour.
“Uh, I already talked to Bucky for my session today. I know I’m a bit early, I can wait if he’s still working on someone else.” You tell Natasha with a smile.
“Sure, let me get you your waiver.” She says, and you plop down into one of the chairs at the front and pulling out your book to pass time after filling out the form.
After a few minutes, Bucky emerges with a girl from his little tattooing corner.
You hear his voice first, looking up from the book while he talks to her.
“Okay, since this was your first piece and pretty small, I’ll only charge ya $55 for it, doll.” Bucky tells the girl with a smile, and you immediately feel a pang in your chest.
You didn’t want to say you were jealous, but goddamn it, your breathing became just a little more shallow at the sight you were currently witnessing.
Even Natasha and Steve turned their heads to him, confused looks on both of their faces.
“Oh! Y/N, you’re here! C’mon back, I’m sure Nat already set you up with your waiver.” You nod, not saying a word as you follow him to the familiar chair.
“So, are we still doing what we discussed on the phone?” Bucky asks, setting up his area to tattoo you.
“Actually, I was thinking something different.” You say sharply.
“Different?” The shock is evident on his features. 
“Yeah. Different. Just want a little something on my collarbone.” You say, sitting down. 
“O-Okay... what were you thinking of?” He asks, pulling out his sketchbook.
“I want an olive branch, going from here to here.” You show him where you want it to start and end. It was a bit of a stretch right across the left side of your chest. “Something simple and minimal. I’ve been thinking of starting the top of my sleeve, this might be a good way to transition into it.” You say nonchalantly.
“Uhm... alright. How does this look?” Bucky asks, showing you his sketch. “I would, of course, add more detail to your liking, just let me know.” 
“Yeah, I want some more shading, please.” You say shortly. You honestly weren’t trying to be mean, but you were irritated.
But in the end, you really had no right to be. 
After almost ten sessions with Bucky, he hasn’t made any indication that he likes you the way you like him.
Sure, he calls you pet names, but he does that to everyone. Even discounts. You weren’t special. He was just being nice and doing his job.
So honestly, you had to cut the act here.
“Are you sure this is what you want? Are you saving the other design for our next session?” Bucky asks, growing more and more concerned with your odd behavior. Usually you would talk to him about your day, how work was, really anything. 
“I don’t know. I think I might ask Steve to do that one instead.” You say out of spite, more than anything. You would never take a design that Bucky made specially for you to another person to tattoo on you, even if it was his own business partner.
“Wha- Why? Did I do something? You’ve been acting really weird today...” Bucky questions you carefully. “Talk to me, doll. Did you have a bad day at work?”
But that, that right there, was your breaking point. Doll. 
“No, I’m fine. Let’s just get this done.” You huff, laying down after nodding to the sketch that Bucky drew out. 
Bucky’s brows furrowed even further, but didn’t ask any more questions. He laid down the stencil and asked if the placement was alright. You looked in the mirror he handed you and nodded briefly. 
The entire time Bucky had the machine in his hand, neither of you spoke a word. He tried to make brief conversation, but you only responded with a hum or nod. 
When he finally finished up, you got up and headed to the counter without a word after looking at the finished tattoo in the mirror. 
Your face was blank, emotionless, and Bucky was truly lost. 
After you paid the full price of your piece, you walked out of the shop, not even sparing anyone a glance. 
Once you left, the shop was dead silent. Everyone either just finished up with a client or didn’t have any at the moment, and the shop was blanketed in an extremely uncomfortable silence.
“What the hell was that, man?” Sam’s voice broke the silence, making Bucky’s head snap towards him. 
“I-I... I have no idea. She was acting so...so weird today.” Bucky looked more confused than ever.
“You’re an idiot, you know that?” Natasha’s voice cuts through the palpable silence.
“Wh- What the hell did I do? I asked her too, and she didn’t give me an answer...” Bucky mumbles.
“Do you like her?” She fires back with a fire in her eyes.
“W-Well, yeah. She’s a regular.” Bucky answers, looking at his fiddling hands.
“Not like that, you dunce. You know what I mean, don’t act dumb.” Natasha rolls her eyes.
Bucky sighs, not making eye contact yet again.
“I-... I do like her.” He says. “But I don’t think she feels the same.” 
“Jesus fucking Christ... You really are a dumbass.” Sam sighs out.
Steve snorts at his words, nodding in agreement.
“Buck, she got jealous.” He explains, shaking his head at his best friend’s obliviousness.
“J-Jealous? Of what?” Bucky scoffs in shock.
“That girl you had right before her. Gave her a discount, called her pet names. The whole shabang.” Natasha points out to him. “Also, you gotta stop giving out discounts like that. You’ll lose more money than you’re makin’.” Natasha scoffs. 
“Wh- But... She never said anything...?” Bucky thinks back to all the times you’ve sat in his chair. You never made any indication that you were outwardly interested in him.
“I think she said enough today without actually saying much.” Steve laughs. His friend was a real idiot.
“I... But, why didn’t she say anything before?” Bucky asked.
“Buck, you never said anything either. I guess that when she heard you talk to that girl like that, she thought you really didn’t like her like that at all. You treated that girl the same way you treat her.” Natasha explains to Bucky, who had a look of realization on his face.
“But... I was just... being nice...” He says with his head in his hands. 
“Well, now she thinks you do that with all you clients, so...” Sam says, making the brunet’s head shoot up.
“Fuck. Fuck. I fucked up everything!” He exclaims. “I-I do like her!” 
“Well, don’t tell us that, tell her!” Sam shouts back to him, and before Bucky can process, he’s pulling out his phone and dialing your phone number.
“C’mon, pick up, pick up,” He mumbles repeatedly, but the call goes to voicemail. “Fuck.”
“Not pickin’ up?” Steve questions, coming to the front and picking up the shop phone. “Gimme her number, she’s doesn’t have to shop saved to her phone, right?” 
“No, I don’t think she does.” Bucky says, watching as Steve dials your number.
“Hello?” Your voice sounds annoyed as it filters through the phone. “Who’s this?” 
“Uh, Y/N! Hi!” Steve speaks, looking at Bucky in a panic, his facial expression screaming, ‘talk to her!’ 
“Steve? What’s up?” You ask, wondering what he needed. 
“You uhh... you forgot your book here!” He blurts out, trying to find an excuse, but quickly found one upon seeing your book resting on the seat where you were waiting. 
“O-Oh... I guess I’ll just turn around. I’ll be there in a few. Thanks, Steve.” You say, ready to hang up.
“O-Okay. Bye, Y/N.” He clears his throat, hanging up. “You have like, ten minutes to get your shit together and talk to her when she gets here. Good luck.” Steve pats Bucky on the shoulder, ready to haul Natasha and Sam to the back to give you two some privacy.
Bucky thought that this was the longest ten minutes of his life, and he was trying to conjure up a speech in his head to confess to you.
Finally, when you did appear through the doors, you looked lost. You only saw Bucky, which made you even more aggravated from the fact that you had to turn back around.
You were ready to head home and wallow in peace, but alas, you wanted your book. 
Bucky just watched as you picked up the book from his grasp across the desk, your eyes not meeting his while he kept his gaze on you very intently. 
Just as you turned around to leave, Bucky’s voice cut through the unbearable silence.
“Y/N?” He simply asks, and you feel like the wind’s been knocked out of your lungs at the sound of his small voice. This wasn’t the Bucky you knew and... loved.
“Yes, James?” You simply respond, and Bucky cringes at the sound of his first name being used. 
“Can I talk to you for a second?”
“...Why? Is everything alright?” And although your voice didn’t give it away, you felt your heart drop to your stomach. Any possible scenario popped into your head. He has a girlfriend. He’s gonna tell you he doesn’t wanna see you anymore. He-
“E-Everything’s fine, doll. Just wanted to tell you that... That I...” Bucky’s voice sounded strained, like there was something caught in his throat.
“Bucky, just spit it out.” You say, wanting to leave already.
“It’s just- I like you. A lot. And I’m so sorry for earlier with that other client. I was just trying to be nice, but I realized how that looked to you, and I never thought anything of it because I didn’t know if you liked me back or-” Bucky was rambling, and your eyes were wide as saucers.
“Bucky, Bucky stop. Let me talk before you drive your own head in with conclusions,” you say, resting your hand on top of his on the desk.
“I like you a lot, too. I didn’t think you like me either because of that girl before me. You just- you treated her the same way you treated me, and I got jealous. I know I didn’t have the right to be, but it just made me think that... that you didn’t feel the same way about me, that I was just another client to you. I’m sorry for jumping to conclusions, and also for being kind of a bitch to you...” Now you were the one rambling, your hands flying all over the place in explanation.
“D-Doll, I never wanted to make you feel that way. I’m sorry, too. I should’ve told you before, before I almost blew everything with you that we’ve been building these past months.” He says placing one large tattooed hand and one metal hand on the sides of your face. “But I’m not gonna miss my chance again. Y/N, would you like to go on a date with me?”
“I-I would love to, Bucky. Took you long enough to ask me.” You giggle, holding onto the hands on your face.
“Yeah, well, I’m kind of an idiot, if you haven’t already noticed.” He laughs, gazing into your eyes with a look that almost turned you to mush in his hands. 
“Do... do ya wanna go now?” You ask, nodding your head to the door.
“Sure, let me go grab my jacket from the back.” He tells you, and you nod, watching as he keeps his eyes on you until he disappears to the back.
“My man, who would’ve thought you’d finally man up?” Sam ridicules him as soon as Bucky appears.
“Dude, shut up. I got a date to get to, see you losers later.” He rolls his eyes, moving back out where you’re smiling at him.
“Ready, angel?” Bucky asks, slipping his hand into yours.
“Ready, handsome.” You reply, and as soon as you step out into the fall air, you plant a kiss on his cheek. “Where to, lover boy?”
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buckys-black-dress · 4 years
campus - bucky barnes x fem!reader (college au)
a/n: hey y’all! so. this is my first ever fic being posted here! i’m super excited to be sharing my work on here :) that being said, thank you for reading! please feel free to share/reblog/leave comments, but please do not repost my work! this lil one shot was inspired by the song campus by vampire weekend. enjoy! - ali
wc: 3.4k
You worked in the evenings at your coffee shop on campus during the week. Being that you went to school in a major metropolitan city, there were endless amounts of students bustling in and out of the shop daily. Day in and day out, it was pretty repetitive. The same kids, stressed, ordering a coffee and snack, and then sitting at a desk or in the upstairs attached library for hours on end, cramming or stressing about some test that was probably the following day. 
But there was one part that always made your day brighter, no matter how horrible your day had been thus far. 
His dark, long brown hair that looked soft to the touch, his large physique that had you melting in seconds, and his voice. 
He was always kind when he spoke to you, never short or rude. He always took his time to ask you how your day was going, took the time to learn your name, and even sat with you in between customers at the counter. 
Today, it was him sitting through the lunch rush, and while you whirled around the coffee machines and mugs, he watched you and made conversation while you steamed milk for the next latte that was ordered. 
“So, what are your plans for the winter break? Seeing any family?” He questioned, looking down into his own mug of dark brew. 
“Yeah, usually I go up to Canada to see my family there. I miss them a lot around this time of year, can’t wait to see them.” You shrugged your shoulders with a smile. “How about you, Bucky?”
Bucky hummed, wrapping a large hand around the body of the mug and pulled it up to his lips. 
“Yeah, not as far as you, though. Can’t wait to see my ma and sister. Miss ‘em to death.” He matched your grin. 
“Aw, how is she? Doing better now?” 
You recalled one day where Bucky came into the cafe, head hung low. You immediately poured him a cup and sat with him as he talked.
“She’s doing great now, thank God. Would’ve had to take off from school to stay with her if she didn’t, and she’s still so young. No one deserves to be bound to a hospital bed when they’re a kid.” He spoke brightly, glad he could say Rebecca was out of the hospital.
“That’s amazing, Buck! Glad to hear it.” You grinned even brighter than you had before, and Bucky couldn’t help but to stare at the sparkle in your eyes. 
You were a shy girl, and Bucky had initially first seen you in your sophomore art class. For you, it was a core requirement, but Bucky was taking courses aimlessly, trying to figure out what he wanted to do. He was at school on a football scholarship, and almost everyone knew him and his teammates. But as soon as he spotted you in that class, he knew he had to get to know you. It was hard at first, he’ll admit. You weren’t quite as responsive to him as he’d hoped, but over time when he would see you more often, he would make more conversation and you eventually warmed up to him.
You never knew what to do with Bucky. At first, you thought he was pranking you when he tried to talk to you. But over time, you let your guard down. You often fantasize about him and what it would be like to be with him. You fell for the side of him that was kind and caring, the soft side. Others saw the big, brawny football player, but that couldn’t be further from who he actually was. 
“You know, you should come to our party tonight.”
You scoffed at that. 
“And why, Bucky, would I do that?” Your tone was incredulous.
“Because, sweetheart, I want you to meet my friends?” The nickname made your heart flutter, beating wildly against your chest.
“I’ve already met Steve and Sam, and as far as I know, no one else is relevant.” You countered.
“I- Well, you’re right, but I want to have fun with you! I never see you outside of work or school.” Bucky’s eyes shone with pleading, basically begging you.
“I… Fine, maybe I’ll drop by after work…” You compromised, but Bucky’s smirk grew. 
“Yes! I’ll see ya at eight, doll, but I gotta head out and help set up.” He tapped the counter and stood up from his stool, flashing you one last smile before heading out the door, the bell ringing above it.
And fuck, you couldn’t wipe that damn smile off your face. 
Eight o’clock couldn’t roll around fast enough, and as soon you clocked out of work you practically ran to your apartment. Your roommates were out, so you picked out the best outfit you could put together in half an hour. 
The walk to Bucky’s fraternity house was jittery, your hands shaking uncontrollably, and it wasn’t just because of the frigid November air. 
It was exactly eight. Music was booming, you could literally feel it from the front porch. Not a minute late or early, and you were wondering why you were so nervous. Of course, it was because of Bucky, but also about the prospect of a party. You don’t go to many at all, and to go to a college party was more or less social suicide. You didn’t want to embarrass yourself, let alone in front of Bucky.
You lifted your hand to knock and after a minute or so, the door pulled open. 
And that was definitely not Bucky. 
“You here for the party?” The guy said, a brunet just a bit taller than you, but you could tell he was older than you.
“Uh- yeah-” You barely got out before he pulled you in by the arm. 
“Great, uh, I don’t have too much time for formalities or anything, but drinks are there,” he said, pointing to the kitchen, “and if ya gotta yak, please, for the love of God, do it in a toilet.” He said, leaving you in the middle of the hallway with people stumbling around you, mumbling apologies as you bumped into countless people. 
You felt like looking for Bucky was hopeless, so you stayed by the drinks for a bit, seeing if he’d come by, and after a few minutes, he turned up.
But of course, not alone.
“Y/N! You made it, I was wondering if you bailed on me!” He was basically yelling over the music.
“Oh! Yeah, I made it, I guess.” You tightly smiled, giving a fake laugh.
“Where are my manners! This is Nat, ot Natasha. We’re in the same Human Sexuality course. ‘ve known her since freshman year, can always count on her.” Bucky announced, pulling the interest of the redhead that he walked in with. 
She extended her hand with a smile as you shook her hand.
She’s fucking gorgeous. Of course Bucky’s here with her. Fuck. Why did you think he would hang out with you tonight? 
“So, Y/N, what’s your major?” Natasha asked you, her soft voice pulling you out of your intrusive thoughts.
“I uh, I’m an English Lit major with a minor in Cognitive Psych.” You responded, wanting to be done with this conversation. Done with this whole party, actually, at this point. 
“Oh shit, that’s so cool! I’m just a boring Criminal Justice major,” she answered, taking a sip from her drink.
Suddenly, her eyes lit up, looking at you in shock.
“Buck! Get this girl a drink! She’s just been standing here empty handed!” She slapped his arm, causing him to curse.
“Fuck, Y/N, let me get you something. Any preferences?” Bucky asked, already turning to the counter. 
“Uhm, not really, just no beer. Tastes like shit.” You huffed out a laugh, looking down at your hands until Bucky handed you a cup that was almost full.
“Vodka lemonade, doll, sweet enough where all you taste is the burn.” He smiled a wide smile that made you realize something. Bucky was drunk. 
“Thanks, Bucky.” You smiled and took a sip. He was right, it wasn’t strong at all, but by the time you looked up, Natasha was pulling him back to the dance floor, throwing her arms around his neck and swaying to the beat. His hands almost immediately found her hips, moving at the same pace.
Somewhere deep in your chest, you felt a pang. You knew that of course, you had no claim over Bucky. But you thought that after really getting to know him that there was something between you two.
But seeing his gaze never waver from Natasha, you guess you’d thought wrong. 
Setting your cup down on the counter, you felt a hand land on top of yours, and he spoke before you could.
“Hey, another rule I forgot to mention. Never leave your cup unattended. We try to keep a clean act here, but some assholes always slip through.” It was the same brunet from earlier.
“Oh… I was actually just about to go…” You mumbled.
“Leaving so early? You make me feel like a horrible host!” He yelled dramatically, placing a hand on his chest. “Oh God, you don’t even know me, do you?” He questioned.
“I… I’m sorry, I don’t.” You responded, fiddling with the hem of your shirt.
“Well, nice to meet you. I’m Tony, but I prefer ‘Greek God’ or ‘Ruler of the Universe,’ up to ya.” He smirked.
“Well, it’s nice to meet you, Tony. I’m Y/N.” You shook his hand, looking around. You just wanted to go home at this point.
“So why do you look like someone just killed your cat, Y/N?” He asked, leaning back onto the counter.
“I just… don’t really think this is my scene, I guess.” You shrugged. It was the truth, this wasn’t where you wanted to be on a Friday night. But you came for Bucky, and right now he’s dancing with a gorgeous redhead on the dance floor, while you stand in the kitchen talking to a stranger. 
“I see… have you come to one of our parties before?” He asks, scanning the crowd.
“Uh, just a few with my old roommates, but not too many, but Bucky invited me…” Your words trailed off, spotting him in the crowd, head thrown back laughing at something Steve or Natasha had said. 
“Ah, I see. Bucky.” Tony smirked. “You like him, don’t you?” He questioned.
“What?” You paled, “No! He’s just a friend, we’ve had a few classes together, that’s all.” Your face turned beet red as you looked down at your feet. 
“Listen, Y/N, I don’t know you very well, but I can tell you’re not dumb. If you like him, tell him that. I almost waited too long to tell Pep, but now we’ve been together a whole year and I can’t imagine my life without her. What’s the worst that could happen?” Tony proclaimed, bounding away and pulling a strawberry blonde girl, who you’re assuming is ‘Pep.’
And although Tony’s word instilled an unusual wave of confidence in you, what you were met with when you turned your head towards Bucky made it disappear into thin air.
There he was, in all his long-haired, muscly glory, kissing Natasha. 
Your mind was blank, and before you knew it you were out of the house and running back to your apartment, ignoring your roommates calling you from the couch as you held back tears. 
Of course Bucky would never go for someone like you. 
Waking up and having to go to class on Monday was a feat on its own. But going to work?
You had been avoiding going on campus all weekend, although you had to go in for a studio hour. But all in all, you managed to avoid Bucky. Thank God you didn’t have to work on weekends. 
But alas, Monday came, and Monday meant work. 
And work meant Bucky.
You took your time clocking in and pulling on your apron in the back and as you emerged, you were met with tons of customers waiting in line.
No Bucky yet. 
An hour into your shift, you’re whirling around behind the counter, completing orders, when he walked in. Bucky quietly sat himself down at the countertop and waited for you to greet him with a mug of hot coffee and a smile.
All you could manage was a tight, rushed smile while placing the mug in front of him haphazardly. 
Bucky’s brows furrowed as you kept up your work, not even stopping to speak a word to him. He waited and waited, but you kept to yourself and served the countless students that walked into the cafe. 
Needless to say, Bucky was confused. 
“Hey, Y/N?” He finally piped up after almost two hours of watching you. 
“Oh, yeah, need something James?” You asked, focused on pouring the right amount of milk into a cup. 
You never called him James.
“Uh, no. Just wanted to ask you if everything was alright?” Bucky inquired, hoping you’d give him something. 
“Yeah, just working.” You replied shortly. 
“Oh. Alright, doll.” Bucky took the hint, you thought. 
But he still sat there until you got off your shift, which is exactly what you did not want. 
While walking out of the cafe, you didn’t even look in Bucky’s direction. You walked right out, and by the time he saw you leaving he was sprinting out of his seat, but you had disappeared into the crowd of people walking about. 
The next day was more of the same. Bucky sitting and waiting, and you sneaking out to avoid him.
On Thursday night after work, you waited for the elevator in your apartment building, and just as the doors were about to close, a tall, burly blond slid his way in.
“Oh, hey Y/N.” He nodded down at you.
“Hi, Steve.” You muttered, looking down at your shoes.
“How ya been? Haven’t seen you around that much lately.” He asks.
“Oh, just busy with work and school, finals and stuff are coming up.” You answered, pursing your lips. 
“Yeah, Bucky’s been mentioning that he hasn’t spent time with you in a while. You should talk to him.” He looked at you. 
“Steve, are you here on behalf of Bucky?” You asked, anger raising inside you.
“Well, no, not really. My girlfriend Peggy lives on the 13th floor, so I gotta head out, but just… talk to him, Y/N? He misses you, I think.” Steve punctuates his sentence with the elevator doors sliding shut and leaving you with your thoughts.
Of course, you didn’t follow Steve’s advice. You didn’t know how to really act around him now, but you didn’t want to completely cut him off. 
So the following week had been a bit of the same, but Wednesday came, and that’s when it all blew up in your face. 
After work, you snuck out from the back, but the alleyway that was usually empty had one single person there, waiting for you.
“Hey doll, can we talk?” 
“Uh, yeah, sure what’s up?” You asked, standing a mere distance from him. 
“It’s just… why have you been avoiding me?” Bucky sounded unsure, like he was crazy.
“Bucky, I’ve just been busy, I’m sorry-” You started, but he wasn’t having any of it.
“Y/N, please. It’s been almost two weeks and you haven’t said more than five words to me. Did something happen? Did I upset you somehow?” He sounded desperate, like he was really trying. 
But all your mind could think of is him that night. His arms around Natasha, his lips attached to hers. 
And then it went to all of the moments you two shared. Hours of conversations, pet names, talking about everything under the sun.
“Bucky, I just… I don’t understand.”
“What, what don’t you understand, doll?” He was pleading with you here. 
“That party… why did you invite me?” You carefully asked.
Bucky looked confused now. “Because I wanted to hang out with you and have fun?”
You shuffled your feet against the gravel, scoffing at yourself.
“So why did you spend the whole night making out with Natasha?” You asked, pretty boldly if you would admit it to yourself. You were never one for confrontation, but Bucky had put you in a corner. 
“I… doll… I’m sorry, ya gotta believe, it was never my intention to make you feel unimportant,” Bucky’s eyes flashed with realization at what he’d done, “I was drunk out of my damn mind because Tony was pregaming and… I’m sorry, Y/N.” Bucky bowed his head in shame. 
“Just… was I all a game to you? Someone who was just there to comfort you when you needed it? Did I… ever mean anything more to you?” Your voice was meek.
“Y/N, please, look at me.” Bucky’s hand found your cheek, tilting your head up. “You are the sweetest, kindest, most intelligent person I’ve met in my entire life. There is no one else like you.” He spoke passionately. 
“Then… why can’t I be enough?” Tears pooled in your eyes. “Why can’t I be the one you hold when you dance?” Why can’t I be the one who gets the guy?
“You have to believe me, I was drunk, Y/N. I know that’s no excuse, but I’m so, so, so sorry. I was just afraid. You’re always so quiet, I never know how you’re feeling, so I just assumed you weren’t interested in me the way I was interested in you. I thought I was chasing a dead end.” He confessed.
By now, fat tears were running down your face, being gently wiped away by Bucky's large thumbs. 
“I just- I know I don’t talk much, but I always talk to you. It was so hard for me to open up to you and when I saw you with Natasha I just… I thought I had driven you away. I thought you’d found someone better because I wasn’t enough for you.”  You barely choked out the words.
“Sweetheart, you are more than enough for me. I come and sit with you at work for hours just to hear you talk. I just didn’t know how to tell you without freaking you out.”
By now, the both of you were crying, trying to understand how you got here.
“I’m sorry, Buck. You’re just so different. I never thought someone like you could like someone like me.” 
“Doll, please. I wouldn’t shut up about you to Steve, he was going insane.” Bucky cracked a smile, thumbing at your cheek still.
You giggled at that, sniffling. 
“Look at us. Two big idiots, huh?” You laughed.
“The biggest idiots. But I think I’ll be an even bigger idiot if i don't do this.” He  mumbled.
“Do what?”
Before the question could leave your lips, his mouth was on yours, capturing it in a sweet kiss that you didn’t even know you were longing for. 
After coming out of your daze, your eyes fluttered open when Bucky pulled away.
“What was that for?” You breathily asked, bringing your fingers up to your lips. 
“It was to show you how sorry I am. I wanna take you out and show you off, Y/N. I wanna make you my girl. Whaddaya say?” Bucky was smiling, but you could tell he was nervous.
“Sure, Buck. I’ll be your girl. But you gotta take me out for dinner first.” You smirked, clutching Bucky’s face in your hands. 
“I’ll take ya wherever ya wanna go, sweetheart. I’d take you to the moon if you wanted.” 
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The Pull (39/?)
Summary: The Ragnulf’s are one of the oldest lines of werewolves known. A gift from ancient times was given to the line. Though not all of the line will experience it. There are some who will experience a Pull. This Pull leads them to their true mate, a soulmate. The problem is, just because the wolf finds their true mate does not mean that they are the same for that person.
Author: @lettersofwrittencollective
Pairing: Stiles x Hale!Cousin OC (Reader)
Word count: 4540
Warnings: Angst, mentions of violence, mentions of sex
A/N: Please don’t murder me!
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“Aiden and Ethan are on their way,” Lydia says as she comes back into the room.
Whatever had been planned was going to need everyone. Everyone but you.  Aaric and Ro and managed to convince your friends that you needed to sit this one out. So you were trying to figure out some way to be helpful through all of this. 
Making your way to the kitchen you prepare some chamomile to try and calm your nerves. Scott comes in not too long after and you motion towards the heating water, “Would you like some?”
He nods his head and you go about making the tea. 
Scotts clearing his throat, “I- uh… I’m sorry about the other day.” 
You chuckle as you pour the water into each mug, “It’s not your fault. None of us knew that the Oni had Emerald Wolfsbane
“No, that’s not it-” Scott says with a shake of his head, “I uh... I should have known that…”
“You’re right, you should have known,” comes Aaric's voice and you groan. 
“Aaric,” you warn. 
“Nah kid, Stiles is his pack. He should have known things were off.”
Scott goes to say something but you cut him off, “Aaric, she knew something was off but it was kind of a hectic day and I didn’t listen to her. These are Scotts lands, this is his home, don’t you think that he’d be a bit more distracted than I was?”
“He’s an Alpha,” your brother challenges you
“Right cause you’ve never made a bad call,” you challenge back.
“Guys!” Scott interrupts you and you turn to him, “I screwed up alright. I should have known but I didn’t and I’m sorry you got hurt Natasha.”
You offer him a small smile and Aaric nods before he moves about the kitchen. 
You hand Scott the finished tea and are sipping on your own when he asks, “So- How you holding up?”
You can feel the tension roll off your brother and you softly shake your head. He’s going to be a bit of an ass for the foreseeable future it would seem. Scott must notice it too because you can see him visibly stiffen and you reach out to touch his arm, “I’ll be okay.” 
He returns the smile and covers your hand with his before giving you a comforting squeeze, “I am still sorry.”
“Hands off her pretty boy,” your brother growls softly and Scott looks at you, eyebrow raised. 
Sheepishly, you pull your hand from him and shake your head, “Don’t mind Aaric, he’s just being an ass.”
“Right because your mate is going to so appreciate you smelling like another male,” Aaric snaps at you and you growl at him.
“Don’t give me that Ylfa, you’ve been foolish enough as it is,” your brother scolds you and you notice that he sounds more scared than mad in that moment. 
Immediately, you calm down and make your way towards him, reaching out you call his name. He pulls you into a tight hug and you allow him to just hold you for a moment before pulling back, “I didn’t mean to scare you..” you whisper. 
He scoffs before kissing your forehead, “Then don’t go around threatening people’s mates.”
Making his way to the showers Stiles walks in and turns on a faucet. He’s throwing water on his face and reminding himself that all he has to do is stay awake when movement in the mirror catches his attention. 
He looks over his shoulder and does, in fact, see  Malia in the showers. Quickly turning back to the mirror in front of him he looks down and tries to focus on something else. Thinking back, he’s sure he walked into the boy's room… didn’t he?
“Don’t worry Stiles,” Malia’s saying, “You didn’t just accidentally walk into the girl's room.”
“Thank God,” he clears his throat and looks at the floor as he moves towards the door but his curiosity gets the better of him and he asks her, “Okay… so what… what’re you doing in the boy's room?”
“Showering,” she replies as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world.
“I can see that,” Stiles responds before he realizes how that comes across. “Well I mean I saw that,” he tries to recover and it just sounds, “Well actually, I didn’t see anything really… I just.” he’s frazzled and completely out of his element, “there was too much steam to uh… not that I would prefer there to be less steam…”
“Stiles I don’t care,” Malia calls out and he is so grateful that he’s allowing er she’s giving him an out and keeping him from sticking is foot father in his mouth. 
“In the woods, there was no boys and girls room,” she continues, “And if you really need to know they keep the water temperature in the girl's room too low. It’s much hotter in here, ever since I turned back to a human I just can’t seem to get warm.” 
God help him he has no idea why he doesn’t leave but instead, he continues the conversation as he places his hands on his hips, “Maybe you just have a- a low core temp,” he offers. “You know you might be sick or-”
“I used to have a fur coat,” she snaps at him as he tries to offer other alternatives but she’s right. 
“It- it could be… it might be that. It’s probably that,” he offers and hears her turn off the water. 
His eyes flick over to her as he watches her grab the towel before he snaps them away but shes noticed. 
‘Now you’re staring,” she points out and he shakes his head.
“No, I’m not,” he points out and 
He can see her move out of his periphery and he tries not to focus on her skin, as she walks up to him, “Then what are you doing?”
She’s wrapped a towel around herself and he sighs in relief, before turning to her, “I was kind of wondering why you punched me…”
He watches as she raises an eyebrow and scoffs “Did you think I was gonna thank you?”
That had been exactly what he’d thought but she seemed like that was the last thing she wanted to do, “No…” he starts off then shakes his head, “Maybe? We did kind of save your life.”
“You’re right Stiles,” She says and he can tell she doesn’t actually mean it. She continues, “Thank you. Thanks for invading my home. For putting me on the run. For turning me back to human so that I could look at my father every day and try to figure out how to explain to him that the reason my sister and mother are dead is because I almost ate them on a full moon. Thank you so very much.”
With each statement, Stiles feels smaller and smaller and by the end, he feels no worse than a cockroach. He hadn’t thought of it that way, none of them had.
“We were just trying to help,” he whispers apologetically. 
“You wanna help me? Find a way to change me back,” she demands of him. 
There’s a conviction in her voice that he doesn’t understand so he tries to clarify, “You want to go back? To being a coyote?”
There’s something at the edge of his mind that seems to think it’s actually quite possible and he can actually help Malia with this. He’s trying to follow the thought when Malia grabs him and demands what he knows. 
It’s a whispered voice but it makes sense. Isaac had told Scott about her spending time in fur… perhaps she knew how to actually transform into the wolf part… Licking his lips, he looks at Malia, “I might know someone who could teach you how to change.”
Malia looks like she’s grateful and nods her head, “Okay, what do you want?”
He’s not even sure that Natasha can help but maybe she can… Besides he needs to know what’s in that basement… he has to try, right? So he tells her, “I need to get into the basement. Which means  I need to get the keys off that orderly, the big one.” 
“Brusnki,” she confirms. 
“You help me and I’ll help you.”
You look at your group of friends and your family as they got about making plans. Everyone seems to have different ideas. Ally and Lydia seem to think it’s better to get a GPS tracker on the truck and Ro and your brother want to try Kira’s idea and get the truck while it’s still at the station. 
They’re going back and forth, bickering over who has the best idea when you’ve had enough, “Guys! Why not put it to a vote?” 
They look at you for a moment before nodding. They put it to a vote and it’s tied-  Lydia, Ally, Aiden and Scott on one side against Aaric, Ro, Ethan and Kira on the other. 
You’re the tiebreaker…sighing you look at both. Both ideas have their merits but both are also pretty bad. The problem is there’s not enough time to plan anything good. There’s not enough time to recon the way that things work out here.
“What if we did a mix of both?” Ro asks them before you can make a choice. 
Looking around you see the confusion on their faces At the same time you see what Ro was talking about. He picks up the toy car and tells them, “The biggest problem is that we have no idea what roads the truck will take and while yes, the GPS can get us that, there’s no guarantee we’ll be able to block them off. We need to split up, have Allison and one or two of us go to the station. One creates a distraction while Allison and another try to get into the truck. If the distraction isn’t long enough then Ally can throw a tracker on it.”
You nod your head and point out, “You’ll need to have groups of two or three stationed throughout the city,” you point out a couple different spots that could work. “Pay attention to the GPS and be ready to move to stage an accident or go help stage one.” 
“Exactly,” Ro agrees and you all look at the group. 
No one says anything for a moment but then Aly nods her head. “Guys this’ll work. This is going to work- We’re losing Stiles. My dads in jail for murder…” 
“Derek’s in there with him…” Aaric reminds them as well.
“We can do this…” Ally repeats. She sounds more like she’s trying to convince herself in your opinion but it seems to be enough for the group, “we need to do this…”
Malia’s managed to start a fight with Oliver as a part of a distraction. There was a risk that Brunski would put her in the closed ward but she seemed to think that he wouldn’t just yet. 
Oliver has her pinned on the floor and is screaming, “You’re lying!  You’re a liar!”
Some of the other patients are surrounding them but no one seems to be willing to get between them or help either one of them. A few of the orderlies run over demanding to know what’s going on. 
“Get this nut job off of me!” Malia groans as the orderlies pull Oliver off of her. 
Oliver continues to scream “NO! She said that they drill holes in your head! She said they’re gonna put a hole in my head!” 
The orderlies manage to get Oliver off Malia and Stiles has moved so that he’s in the perfect place to help her up. As he helps her up he feels her pass the keys she’d managed to lift off of Brunski to him. They both look over and see Oliver smile at them for a second before the orderlies take him and he continues, “No! Please don’t! Come on, please don’t drill a hole in my head, I swear I’ll behave!”
Outside the station, Alexander watched as Araya walked out into the parking lot. She stopped and looked in his direction, the two of them met eye before she nodded her head once in acknowledgment. 
“You have less than a month before my men come for her,” she said from her spot but he heard her. He merely nodded his head in response. Clara would be taken care of by then.
Araya merely got in her car and was driven off by one of her “men.” There was no love lost between the two of them or their families. She was probably the only one that realized that hunters were their own brand of supernatural beings. Though he suspected she said nothing considering the fact that they were all still alive. Human in the most basic sense of the word but each and every one of them felt a pull to their jobs.
They needed to be able to lie to themselves to convince themselves they were something else. Each one of them hunted his kind and other supernatural creatures, not because they thought them a problem but because they needed it deep down.
Walking into the building, he was able to get an audience with Argent, claiming to work for the FBI. 
Argent sat across from him and the tension in the air made his wolf's hackles rise. Deciding not to let this man bother him he merely stated, “You need to protect him.”
“The boy… Stiles.”
“I’m trying. But why’s it matter to you? He’s just some teenage kid you don’t know. If it weren’t for your daughter you -” Argents face looks like he’s pieced something together and Alexander knows that it’s only a matter of time.
“So it’s true then?” Argent asked him. 
Of all the hunters in the world, only the Calavera’s knew about his family’s history and why they were the way they were. Interestingly enough, they hadn’t told the rest of the hunters from what he could gather. One of them had either told Argent or he’d gotten his hands on enough notes about his family to be able to piece it together on his own. 
“You owe me, Argent,” Alexander growls out. “Do this - keep him alive and we’ll forget about it.”
He watches as his host walks through the hallways. He’s vigilant looking around as he makes his way towards the door but he seems to think he’s gotten away with this little attempt of his and drops it has he tries the keys.  
Perhaps he has gotten away with it but he has a suspicion that the key his host is looking for isn’t actually there. He watches as Stiles tires key after key to no avail.
“Come on,” he hears his host and it seems he’s becoming more and more frustrated. It seems he remembers that he’s supposed to be being careful as he watches him glance over his shoulder before turning back to the door. He’s looked back a moment too soon and missed the burly man turning the corner.
“I thought this guy had the key to everything.”
Brunski grabs his host and turns him around, “I do.”
His host gives the keys up much too easily and Void wonders if that’s something he should address when he gets him back while the older male tells him, “Nobody has a key to that room.”
He’s taking his host down the hall and Void wonders if they’ll sedate him or just put him in solitary. He follows them and is happy to find that his host will be alone. 
“Into the Quiet Room, little man,” they tell him as they force him into a bare cell. The man finds something, on his host and asks where he got them.
“A vending machine,” he responds. It would seem the woman was trying to help keep him away. 
No matter, she won’t be alive much longer anyway. 
“Give him five of the Haldol,” he hears Brusnki tell some of the others and Void watches as his host struggles against them. 
“I can’t - I can’t go to sleep,” he’s saying but the Haldol has already done its job and he’s reaching for the nurse, “You don’t understand- I gotta..” he’s saying but the words are becoming slower, slurred as it seems the sedative takes effect, “You don’t get it. I gotta stay awake.”
Void watches as his host closes his eyes and loses consciousness. Void wastes no time in diving in. 
Kira’s with Scott as they’re getting ready to go meet up with Allison at the station. She looks at Scott and frowns, “My mom tried to kill her you know…”
“No,” Scott denies with a shake of his head, “I’m sure whatever that was… was just some kind of misunderstanding.”
“It doesn’t feel like that. I mean sure, she says she threatened my mom but what kind of person is my mom to…” she trails off, uncomfortable with the thought that her mother had tried to kill her friend. Scott doesn’t respond and he and Kira finish getting ready before heading out. 
Eyes snapping open, Stiles finds himself standing in a locker, he tries to open the door but finds he's been locked in. 
“No… no…” he murmurs frantically and begins to pound against the door.
“Hey… Hey..”He calls out and his voice carries, “Let me out!” he screams and can hear his voice echoing through the room. 
“Let me out!” He continues to scream, hoping that someone, anyone, will hear him and help him. 
Through the slits of locker, he sees the bandages. Pushing his back against the wall, Stils watches as the body seems to move amongst the lockers. 
“Let me in,” comes the haunting voice. 
Stiles moves so that he can see the creature move, “What… what do you mean?” he asks with a shaky voice. 
“You know,” Voids voice echoes, sending shivers down his spine. 
Stiles shakes his head and leans back against the locker, “Screw you and your stupid riddles.” 
There’s a banging sound as the locker he’s in shakes and Stiles can feel his body being jerked around.
“No riddle this time, Stiles,” Voids saying, “You know what it means.” 
He’s 90%c sure he knows what Void means but he’s not gonna give him control. He’s already hurt someone he cares about and he’s not about to let this asshole hurt anyone else. He can feel tears in his eyes and has to take a breath to try to keep them at bay. 
“Let me out… Just let me out,” Stiles pleads as he bangs his fist against the locker and begs again until he’s screaming,  his voice cracking through the air, “Let me out... Just let me out!!!” 
He watches as Voids bandaged body moves impossibly fast and there are silver teeth screaming at him in a demonic voice, “Let me in!” 
Jerking awake, it takes him a moment to realize that he’s no longer in the locker and that Malia is there. There’s something warm about her.. Something that was unexpectedly calming that he didn’t expect. Forcing himself to breathe, he waited until his breathing was steady before he asked her, “How did you get in here?”
“I broke the lock,” she explained as she checked the door before turning back to him, “If I concentrate I can be pretty strong. Get up,” she tells him as she pulls him to his feet. Once he’s steady, she informs him that there’s another way through the basement, they just have to make it through the closed unit.
Theo’s back and you’ve never been so grateful to have him around. Regardless of what your past and future are, Theo became one of your closest friends when the two of you were together. He’d told you that there were some interesting things about Eichen House that he wants to cross-reference but that it doesn’t seem too dangerous. 
“Theo… that’s not all that inspiring… you do know that right?” you question him and he nods his head. 
You glance at the clock, wondering if they’ve been able to get things figured out when you hear Theo ask, “Do you want to go out there?”
Eyes flicking back to his, you scoff, “I can’t do anything. Ro and Aaric would have a fit.” 
“Then don’t do anything,” he says as he leans back on the sofa, “Just sit here and drive yourself insane. Or,” he tells you with that mischievous smirk you know is going to get you exactly what you want without breaking the rules, “Just go watch. We don’t have to do anything but observe and if something happens then I can step in and you can hang back that way you don’t get into trouble,”
You both know that if you go and there is trouble, there’s no way that you’re just going to hang back and let others get hurt. 
Stiles follows Malia into the basement and it’s exactly as he had seen it in his vision. His gaze falls on the kanji and he knows what it means. Voids already given him the information to that one. Swallowing past the lump in his throat, he makes his way towards the kanji when Malia asks, So, what are we looking for?”
“Something to do with that,” he says as he points out the etching to her. 
The two of them make their way over to it and Malia runs her hands across the symbol. She turns to look up at him, “What does it mean?”
“Self,” he says with a scoff. How exactly that’s supposed to mean anything to him he has no idea but he tells her anyway. 
“Maybe you should tell me more?” she questions. It sounds like she genuinely wants to help but if she knows the whole story, “you won’t like me very much.”
She reminds him that she’s a werecoyote who murdered her own family and that she won’t judge him. It’s a strange relief to hear that and so he nods his head. 
Sighing, he runs through his hands through his hair before he starts. He tells her about the sacrifices, the nightmares that were only too real, about the missing time, the hospital, Coach, the bus, the station and about how he’d stabbed her... how he was sure that if she did live, she would never want anything to do with him ever again.
You and Theo pull up to the sheriff's station and can hear the sounds of a fight in the alleyway. You see a large, slightly terrifying man, throwing Scott around like a rag doll. He’s leaning over Scott and you go to try and run after him when you feel Theo’s arms across your waist, “Cariña, you cannot take him on. He will literally tear you apart.”
You’re about to respond to Theo when the sound of four roars catches your attention. Looking around, you see that the twins and your brothers have arrived to help apparently. They’re going after the large man and somehow the twins and Ro are knocked down. It leaves just Aaric and the large man fighting. 
Aaric is able to get the man on his knees and is about to claw out his throat when Scott and Lydia yell for him to stop. He keeps his hand in the air but you can hear him bite out to Scott, “If you let him live, he will come after you. His friends will come after you. He’s Yakuza by the looks of him, they’re dangerous.”
“So are we,” Scott tells your brother and Aaric just scoffs. 
“Not nearly as dangerous as you think,” he moves to kill the man but is interrupted when Scott grabs his arm. 
“He’s in my territory, under my protection.”
Aaric looks at Scott and then back at the man before throwing him down. 
“Make no mistake Scott McCall, any blood this man sheds is on your hands,” Aaric criticized him. 
Scott moved passed your brother and pulled something out of the man's shirt pocket. Lifting something in the air, you figure they got what they needed. 
“Yakuza… I told Isaac it wouldn’t end well…” you pointed out before turning to look at Theo. There’s a silent communication between the two of you, a silent understanding that things will be fixed and he will be the one to see to it. 
“We need to go,” you tell him and he nods, Getting back in his truck, you make your way back towards Derek's loft when she tells you, Eichen House… You tell Theo who doesn’t look happy about it but takes you anyways. 
You’re looking at the building and something tells you that you need to be here for now. Somethings happening… 
You have no idea what use you could be when you can’t even get into the building but you and Theo both shift into your canine forms and move to the hedges where you and your brothers had been the day before. 
Stiles and Malia haven’t found a damn thing yet. They’ve gone through boxes upon boxes and while they were able to find out this place used to use some very questionable, methods to get things done, there was nothing that could help them with Void. 
Throwing the papers he has in his hand down, he asks Malia to check the figure on his back and she informs him that the lines are almost gone.  He stiffens and feels dread rush through his body. 
“I’m guessing that’s bad,” Malia says as she apparently catches on to it. 
He nods his head and when her fingers touch his skin he jumps at the iciness. 
“Sorry…” she apologizes as she moves her hands away, “I told you, I’m always cold.”
After the warmth she’d brought him, he doesn’t like the idea of her being cold and reach out for her hands, “Here.” Taking both her hands in his, he realizes that she really is freezing and tells her as much. They share a chuckle and a silence falls amongst them. 
He turns to her and before he realizes it, her lips are pressed against his. 
You’re not sure how long you and Theo are out there but there’s a comfortable silence between the two of you. You’d sifted through the different scents you could make out until you could kind of make out Stiles. 
Trying to pay attention to him, you’d noticed the frustration he must have been feeling and wondered what exactly it was that was frustrating him. Suddenly, the scent changed to lust and you tried to force a sneeze to clear your nose. 
Standing up, you made your way closer to the gates and took a deeper breath, a whine escaped you at the scent you found. 
Moving back across the street you looked at  Theo who’s face only showed confusion and sorrow. Sitting next to him,  you motioned to his truck and he nodded his head. Shifting back to your human form, you threw on his leather jacket and allowed the scent to fill your nose, chasing the scent of lust and orgasm away. 
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