#also apologies for not being active on this blog life has been good to me lately
thotsfortherapy · 7 months
TY for sharing about your roommate. It's a tough world and building community helps us navigate it together.
so true !!! I'm glad my venting was able to help 😭 i don't remember what my last update on the situation was since tumblr's search system is hella broken but essentially what ended up happening was after I sent my giant text message calling them out for their behaviour, they basically went MIA from the house and continued avoiding me like the plague. they drifted to a different friend group (who I am also friends with) and proceeded to treat them the exact same way they treated me. they then got dropped by these friends, and then during the summer met a random 28 year old at pride and went on a roadtrip with them and then never came back. and also quit their job as the head manager of my friend's work and left the place in shambles (literally got paid for the entire summer to set up this program and then did not do anything to set it up to the point where it literally could not open part of the first semester lol).
they also blocked everyone on everything including our landlord but still pays rent every month and all their shit is still at our house. over christmas break they came back and grabbed a lot of their stuff but hid from everyone in the house (they arrived very early in the morning and only left once everyone was not in the house lol, the only reason we know they were there is cause their room was rearranged and one of the housemates heard them whispering to someone over the phone through the vents...) also them arriving super early means they must've made their parents drive them at like. 3-4am 😭 just so they could avoid running into us 😭 like bro
but tbh all of this is very best case scenario for me because I am besties with everyone they treated terribly and we are doing our grad trip together... tbh the entire fiasco was a bonding experience for everyone and I genuinely love my friend group
as for the housemate... honestly I feel bad for them because they are clearly not well.. at this point it's been long enough that I can get over my initial feelings of righteous anger and hurt and see that they are just very mentally ill. apparently they are taking a year long mental health break from school and I fully agree with that decision because damn girl wtf. does not excuse the behaviour or make up for the hurt they caused but I am very grateful they were able to recognize they were not okay when they did...
when I'm in a joking mood I like to tell people I drove them out of town with one text message... when I'm in a serious mood I tell people that our conflict was a catalyst but they were already on a downwards spiral and if I were not the one who triggered their breakdown something else would have.
ultimately I am glad I called them out and defended my people and my peace. I hope they are able to find that for themselves one day too :)
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I manifested my dream life 🥳🎊🎉
Long post incoming ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
Hi everyone. my name is Asanatu (call me sana or asa) and I just want to share my success story. Anyways, A+p, Intention, plus the void state was the method I always resonated with with. I also joined and was apart of tumblr pretty actively during the time when these were “the methods.”
I was making so much headway! I manifested money, better looks, better grades and mental health and I even mini shifted. Things were looking bright and I knew my shitty circumstances would be a memory of the past and everything would be easier. Then the switch to states, Neville Goddard,and Edward Arts happened and I was so lost. Then creators who even used the void or a+p were suddenly bullying and attacking people
for thinking thoughts create reality instead of states. They were attacking people for using the void and putting it on the pedestal even though they used it to achieve their dream life 🤡🤡 sucess stories dropped drastically, tensions were tight, and entitlement and shoving states down our throats was happening at an all time high. Honestly I gave up with the law and shifting bc I started to believe a+p truly didn’t work bc everyone was preaching that perspective out of no where even though we all started with that and people used it !!!!! Now the same is happening to non dualism…so it will be even more over complication and entitlement for the competition to be the most all knowing and debunker of the law. It will be less success stories, more tension, and paragraphs upon paragraphs on their beliefs but no success to show for it so I am most definitely leaving tumblr and for anyone who wants recourses maybe read and stick to the og creators from December for. Few posts and then dip
Expeditiously, pleaseee !!!!!
I also need to take accountability for
Myself. I’m sending this on anon mode because I have been so rude to so many bloggers and projected my newfound doubt to random, kind, helpful bloggers and I have to apologize. Most of them won’t see this because I’m blocked, but none of you guys deserved it. I would tag them but it was most Loa creators which is so embarrassing to admit, but again I apologize.
After having some self awareness I decided to stop being a loser and take accountability for my own life. I said fuck it and went back to a+p and the void state. I just affirmed robotically and used some subliminals for the void state from popular successful void blogs. After two weeks I got into the void state and manifested my dream life. After complaining and procrastinating for 6 months. As much as tumblr is toxic and the dumb entitled energy is radiating extra bright you all have to grow up and stick to what works for you. You have free will and godly powers no matter how many big headed bloggers try to intimidate you.
A summary of my manifestations from the void are: millionaire parents, 4.3 cumulative gpa, being apart of my schools honors society, dream graduation (it was yesterday) 10/10 looks, acceptance to Harvard, dream body and natural fast metabolism, being a master shifter, list of hobbies and talents, dream personality, huge mansion, cute kind rich bf, and being a desired it girl
I want to say so much more but Moral of the story is stick to what has worked you, take accountability for your journey, and ignore what doesn’t resonate with you.
I think a lot of people will relate to this. No matter what you believe in, whether that be states, non dualism, the void, a+p,etc just persist on your faith. Congrats anon and good on you for taking accountability for your own journey. I also can only speak for myself but I forgive you :)
Edit: a+p is affirm and persist
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caycanteven · 2 months
Hey hey, it’s. cay~! Wanted to give a quick update, especially for those waiting to hear from me with commission updates! Feel free to check it out under the cut below. Following this is a TLDR!
TLDR: I have suffered an art block and I needed to step away to handle my lifestyle and IRL priorities like a good lil’ adult! In doing so, commissions, content, and activity have been slow. Please know I have taken the time to take care of myself, and that has always been a priority! I’ve also have been reading again, and it has been an amazing escape and stress reliever with art being unavailable to me. I’m taking the steps to return at my own pace, and I’m very appreciative of you guys and my supporters who have been patient for me as well!!
Firstly, for my ever so patient clients…
I have not forgotten about you guys! For those who haven’t heard back from me in a hot second, please forgive my disappearance! I had to take an unexpected pause and am deeply sorry for the inconvenience! I should have been quick to be forward on such a delay but it was a difficult time and things got away from me—even Art. I found myself in a creative block and all I have been doing is work IRL.
I couldn’t find it in myself to produce a piece for even myself without the care it deserves, and you guys know how much I care to provide the best—and am super critical of it even then.
Due to the delay, I’ll offer optional benefits and/or discounts as an apology, to give back for the inconvenience my absence has caused! I’ve gotten back into the flow a bit more and feel like I can draw circle, so I’ll be reaching out tomorrow afternoon to follow up with you guys and start/finish the remainder of the queue!
For my blog dwellers…
I’m still very excited to continue sharing my work and my husbones here, no doubt! Even more so, I keep seeing all the beautiful art and the FAE universe has me by the metaphorical balls. God I love it, it’s amazing. Even more so because I have a piece I plan to show in due time based on it!!
I’ve also been looking forward to showing off a new skeleboy coming from the Dustfell Universe. I won’t show his design but I will say his name is Spruce. Feel free to give your thoughts on him or what you think he may be like, because I wanna see how close someone gets hehehe.
Either way I definitely plan to start posting again as soon as I am in the swing of it again, and just need to have that time to relax and recover from the art block. Reading has been amazing as a form of therapy to my brain and has been an escape from the crazy life I had to endure lately, as why I haven’t been around much either. Though I have done good for myself, I miss you guys greatly, and can’t wait to share what I’ve been trying to work on for so long teehee.
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the-other-art-blog · 1 month
I had been debating about posting this or not, but I'm going to because this fandom is getting on my nerves even worse than in the last 2 years.
And just to be clear before anyone accuses me of anything, I invite you to spend one minute on my blog. My favorite book is AOFAG. Even when I am highly HIGHLY critical of Benedict for being an absolute jerk for about 70% of the story, Sophie Beckett is the greatest character that Julia has ever written. She's everything that's good in the world 🥹 and her strength saves this story. Benedict has awesome moments and he apologizes in the end, which is rare in JQ's books, so, he has that on his favor + an incredible love confession that Luke T will absolutely nail (I still think JQ cannot write class-difference stories but whatever) Show!Ben is everything book!Sophie deserves and is going to make the adaptation so much better. I can't wait to see that.
I need Sophie in my life.
I've also written many stories about benophie and posted a lot of love for them for the past 2 years.
And you know what I have also seen in those 2 years? Benophie stans being vile, aggressive, rude, and simply put, absolute bitches. They claim to stan Sophie because of how kind she was despite her circumstances but when the news of s3 came out, they turned into full-time haters.
Now that the antipolin blog published something about the actors they like (they even lied about Claudia Jessie!), NOW they are cutting ties with that account and publishing what seems like "PR statements" (loved how a fan called this on tw) saying that the admin of that blog does not represent them. TOO LITTLE, TOO LATE. AND FALSE. Forgive me for not believing you but that blog repeated the same lies you were all saying.
A few months ago, an account on tw posted something like "I have never seen a Benophie being hateful or attacking Polin." Obviously, Polins began replying with ss of the anti blog and other crazy stans. And I didn't see any big account of Benophie come out and admit that that was wrong or cut ties with those problematic people.
For 2 years,
You called Nic an alcoholic and lazy when she posted about Champagne Fridays.
You called Luke Newton ugly every chance you got.
You cut him out of promotional photos and bts or you put something on his face, even when the photos were shared BY HIM. You use HIS photos where Luke T appeared to throw hate at him.
You made tasteless and aggressive comments about the actors and Polin for 2 years, and whenever someone called you out for that, you claimed it to be a joke and that we lacked humor. It even happened on Benophie week 2023 by the account that organizes it!
You claimed that Nic had access to the writers' room, force s3 to be hers, and purposely took SA's screen time and promo opportunities. Nic had to come out and ask all of you to stop sending hate. The unfairness of promo/screen time for Kanthony was not something Nic or Luke did, blame production for that.
You say her activism is performative cause it would kill you to admit that she's doing something good that other actors have ignored so far.
There was not one single post made by the Bton accounts or JQ that did not contain hate toward the actors/ship on the comments, even today that Benophie season is confirmed.
Even a few months ago, I published a few posts about s3. They were positive posts about Pen's makeover and how important it was for me, and this is the kind of messages I got:
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Was it from a Benophie? I don't know, but it wouldn't surprise me. Also, this is the only one I ss, but I got at least 4 of them after this post (x).
Those very people who are crying right now that Benophies is being associated with the anti polin bitch were spreading the same rumors that she mentioned. And they never showed remorse!
Don't come now and say it's just ONE antipolin blog that spread all the hate. She's not talking to herself either, those anons are real because her posts have likes, so she definitely has an audience. I've met them. Unfortunately, every group chat or discord channel about Benophie is not a safe place for anyone who enjoys Polin.
And yes, I know there are equally disgusting people on the Polin fandom that I have also blocked cause they keep attacking Marina, they claim Pen is a saint when she made big mistakes, and they have also spread rumors and insulted fans and actors like Simone Ashley and Ruby Barker, not to mention the people who are obsessed with LukexNic and attack his gf. Like seriously people, you all need to be institutionalized. There is a big HUGE problem in that fandom too, but right now certain benophies are acting all innocent when I have been here also for 2 years witnessing their hate. No! I can't.
I also can't stand that most of them are loving Cressida because the patriarchy forced her to be an absolute bitch. But Pen is the antiChrist.
Some of them even justify Richard's neglect and abuse. "Richard couldn't leave Sophie with anyone else," "Richard truly loved Sophie." Seriously people.
I know most of them will ignore my post, block me even or come to my inbox to insult me. And I don't care. I haven't seen any other person admitting how hypocritical they are being.
If this offends you, I will assume you participated in the 2-year tantrum against Polin.
That's it. End of rant.
Sorry to be so negative but this really pissed me off. That statement! The nerve!!!! Ok ok, now I'm done.
Next, I will post much more positive, lovely Benophie stuff. These people are not going to ruin Benophie season for me.
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lullaebies · 1 year
What the differences between aegon&helaena in the book compare to what we got in the show, and why do you think that their show!portrayal isn't good? (Didn't read the books)
Let me start this ask by saying that I am a biased blog to ask this and while I try to be objective, I highly rec reading the book and forming your own opinion on the matter. I will list here what I think didn't work in the show, but this is only my opinion from my point of view. This will be a very long ask - apologies. warning as well for spoilers.
Let's start with Helaena because she's a lot easier to go over. The issues with Helaena imo is not that she's better written in the books, she isn't - she has little lines and moments there too, but the problems are as such: she is described as an entirely different person in the books, and while the show is supposed to elaborate on the characters they adapt because the books describes historical figure and hence doesn't have much characterization, the additions to Helaena's character are very shallow and aren't fleshed out at all.
Helaena is not a dreamer in the book, nor does she have some evident hyperfixation on bugs or any neurodivergent traits that we know of. Now these additions would be lovely in the right hands! They even are lovely now, but the neurodivergent rep is tropey (autism comes with superpower trope), and not well done because don't give her much personality beside it. The dreamer plot is nice but overtakes her entire character because practically 95% of her lines are prophecies. We do not see her reacting to any pivotal event in a way that remotely expresses an opinion except "I feel uncomfortable" or "I feel happy."
In the books, we are told she's an active mother, we are told she has had a seat on Aegon's war councils to advocate for peace, we are told she is liked by the smallfolk to some capacity and had a happy personality overall. We are also told she is a bit plumper which is worth mentioning in this section - because everything I just wrote are things that practically erased from the show. So, people are rightfully upset - the Helaena we were described, despite being ingrained in traditional feminine roles, was an active person with her own thoughts and life, and her relatable/more admirable characteristics were erased in favor the show!personality that isn't in accordance to the text and isn't fleshed out enough in order to have her matter to the wide audience. I went on rants before about how she has been made solely a victim and nothing more but I will not get into this here.
As for Aegon, the issue lies with framing, entirely reduced screentime and lack of exploration of young!Aegon in a sympathetic way, the way they actively did not write scenes for him that are positive and have seemingly taken out the cores of his arc and made them not matter.
Aegon II is not a good person in the books, either, do not mistake it. He is not any better of a husband or a person and for his part as a father we don't really know how he was with the kids. That being said, the show has decided to make his absolute worst caricature of him, while taking away any positive quality he could have had or any relatable point to him.
Sunfyre, his dragon, is a big thing for Aegon - he loves the dragon. His sigil is made after Sunfyre. We may not know how involved Aegon was in his children's lives, but we know he raged enough at their demise he wanted to burn Dragonstone to the ground. We also know that Aegon took up the crown in order to defend his family, which is something the show neglected to say. Sunfyre and Aegon's children are two things that in Ep9 appparently Aegon is willing to leave behind to go away on a ship to Essos. It's egregious how butchered he is.
In the books as a child, he didn't get along with the Strong boys - he certainly didn't bully Aemond even if there was rivalry there. In the books, he didn't start the fight at the last supper by sexually harrassing Baela, and in fact, he was the one who got into a fistfight with Jace over the dance with Helaena. This is not about a ship moment here - but the fact the choice was made to make him seem as the instigator in every turn is not only crazy but also extremely unempathetic to him. He has reasons to be angry, you can glean them off of the text - even if it's jealousy, that makes sense - but no, in the show he's just a cunt who is the manifestation of all evil. The fact that we consistently see him naked (as a child, too!!) to portray him as a deviant is unsubtle and has no decorum about it.
He is consistently shown to be the devil in his family despite also being very much a victim in his own circumstances and the hypocrisy does not jive with me. I will not comment on the choice to make him a full on rapist because frankly that is not beyond his character in the books, but for a show that wants people to be conflicted, it was a damn bad choice, especially as other horrible actions to the smallfolk are not nearly as demonized when other characters make them.
Basically, all empathy escaped the writers when they decided to write him, it seems. Most his empathetic lines seem to come from improv by Tom Glynn Carney. They simply chose the worst possible way to go with him, took away the parts of him that made him sort of likable (using this word generously) and left him with self-depreciation that makes him so passive that he has to have his ass dragged to the throne instead of Cole or Aemond convincing him. It's just very clear the writers do not like him, basically. He has his downfalls but he is still human - he still could've had a decent arc and understandable reasons to most of what he does in better hands.
So basically, these are my thoughts. Sorry for the length again, but you did get me on a day where I needed to vent LMAO. Thank you for the ask.
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xxfangirl365xx · 2 months
little life update
since u guys r like my besties, I wanted to just let u in on something going on in my life right now.
My grandfather unexpectedly passed away last Friday night in his sleep. It's been a rough few days now and his services are in the morning so I haven't been very active recently and I apologize for that. It's been rough. I know I always try and give good advice and try and help others when it comes to mourning the loss of a loved one but really their is no right or wrong way to do it. For me right now it's just locking myself in my room for hours to avoid what's going on, and it's lead to poor self care and mental well being over the last few days, which has also lead to me neglecting my blog a little bit. But rest assured by by Sunday or Monday I'll be back at it 100% again. The last few night's post's have been planned ahead so I don't have to worry about posting. I know it's not a commitment to post every night but for me I love the MCR community so much and all my moots and followers so dearly I don't want any of you to go without some posting. Thank u all for supporting me all the time and being so amazing <3 and thank you for putting up with my lack of content recently and some random spam posting of unrelated topics.
-Em (:
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Hello everyone. I apologize for disappearing for a while. I know I promised to finish all the confessions and close them indefinitely, but with everything that has been going on in the past few months, I have just been reflecting a lot. After much consideration, I have made a decision:
On January 2, 2024, I am considering deleting this blog.
So with this said, I guess you might be wondering why, Well, I'll list the reasons. Been doing so for this long right?
I had been hesitant to admit it, but after some contemplation, I have come to the realization that this blog is becoming a negative experience for me. I've had to make confessions that I don't agree with and deal with anonymous hate for sharing confessions that I didn't even write. Trying to please everyone has also affected my own beliefs. Additionally, the lack of western magical girl shows has resulted in repetitive confessions. It's unfortunate, but my feelings about this blog may continue to fluctuate.
From then till now, I always said that not all the confessions made were by me, but I do admit that some of them were my own. I just want to be honest with all of you. I'm not proud of some of the confessions I made. Some aged like milk. Even though I know that I may still come across certain confessions that leave a bad taste in my mouth to this day, I just want to leave this part of my life behind me.
I have been a fan of several TV series, such as Miraculous Ladybug, She-Ra, Equestria Girls, My Little Pony, many others. However, some of the fans of these shows have given me negative experiences that I don't want to remember. Sometimes, reading these confessions reminds me of those bad experiences. Hence, I want to move on and forget about them. Nevertheless, I will cherish the good memories that these shows and their fandom have given me.
I need assurance that I won't be able to access this blog again, in case I give in to the temptation of making confessions once more. My desire is to move on and channel my energy towards other productive activities that will benefit me in my life. This has been a long-term aspiration for me, which I didn't do entirely.
I know I've said this countless times in the past, but I'll say this for the final time. I'm dealing with personal things that are just a real ongoing struggle, and I want to focus all my time and energy on them. Running this blog has started to feel like a chore, and I believe I've gotten all the satisfaction from it that I wanted.
Also, I've thought about moving on to focus on more original projects. I don't want to completely share these ideas publicly yet, but I've been having some ideas in mind.
Lastly, I'm just tired of constantly having to explain myself. I know that I don't owe anyone an explanation and I am not obligated to keep this blog active, but I did. I did it because I genuinely cared about you all and wanted to create something fun for fans of the magical girl genre. I wanted to provide a platform for others to express their feelings and thoughts without fear of being canceled. Unfortunately, I no longer want to do this…
Sorry guys for the redundant posts lol Let's just hope that this will be the last one until this blog closes (or goes inactive indefinitely). There’s no guarantee that I will delete this blog, but I’m just saying prepare for the possibility in the future. So if there’s anything that you would like to save or archive, then now’s the time to do so. I'm not entirely sure if I'm going to finish the remaining confessions in the box or not, because there's a strong possibility that I'll delete this blog anyway.
So if anyone has any thoughts or ideas or anything, feel free to say so. I have to admit, I'm going to miss this blog, but this is probably for the best.
Thanks again guys, and as always, stay magical.
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If you wish to reach me (the mod), my main account is @misssakurapetal27
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yandere-dark-cupid · 5 months
Greetings my Manic Cupids....
It's been a while as you all may know. I've taken a unplanned hiatus from writing and I'd like to apologize for it. Because ghosting all of you was a bit unfair especially without a proper explanation. There are many reasons as to why I haven't been active, but the main reason is that my life has been taking twists and turns that has landed me on my ass and my psyche going through a very strenuous cycle in the process. Don't worry, I'm mostly fine now and I feel as though that I'm in a good spot now to pick writing back up. Since I'm picking writing back up there are definitely going to be some changes. A few of them being clearing out my inbox and drafts ( because they kind of remind me of the negative period I was stuck in.. ), might change my blog name, etc. Just things that'll not all offer more stability and order, but also comfort for me as well ( reminder, this is a hobby. So it's supposed to be fun. ). But from now I promise if I do go on a break, I'll warn y'all a head of time and will give a reason as to why I'm taking a break. Thank you all for your patience. So please, let's continue with our regular scheduled programming with a cleaner and more sturdier slate.
~ XOXO Ma'Dame Cupid 💜❤💜
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lahooozaherr · 4 months
I know I don’t have to apologize, I guess I still kind of am tho? I just wanted to post saying I appreciate getting tagged in games and stuff. I appreciate knowing y’all are thinking of me even when I’m not super active on here.
I’m kind of in a weird lull in my mental health right now. I’m not bad but I’m not great either. I’m getting through. But I’m also making many efforts to work on it. The state of the world and watching what’s happening in Gaza honestly tears my heart apart every day and I’m trying my best to do what I can and sit with the emotions and allow them to expand me. I never wish to be numb to it.
I started something called “somatic therapy” this week. I’m one session in so far and I’m already very impressed by my therapist. I think it’s the missing link in my journey, seeing as I’m sure I haven’t been “in my body” since I was 16. I’ve grown very critical of the biomedical model of mental health and for a long time I’ve felt traditional therapy no longer helps me.
I keep trying to think about my fic “I Will Always Find You” so I can create the new chapter, but inspiration hasn’t hit as much as I need. Rest assured that at this time, I still plan to continue it. This fic is a labor of love for myself (and Din lol). I occasionally have to fight back at the thoughts of “it’s not good enough” or “nobody wants to read it”. I know it’s not true, but also, I know I share my writing for myself and not solely for others to take in. Although I very much appreciate it when they do.
I have plans to write more, whether it’s fic or a blog of my musings/stream of consciousness. Bear in mind, IWAFY is the first fic I’d written after 10 years of not really writing at all, or being in fandom spaces like this. I was kinda scarred as a teen by fandom culture and how awful people used to be about self insert fic. I also had major life changes and trauma happened that made hobbies no longer feel good.
Uhh anyways, this was longer than I meant it to be. Just a long roundabout way of saying I appreciate everyone I have in this little corner I’ve carved for myself here. Imposter syndrome has been on high for a long time for me and I’m unlearning it.
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mdhwrites · 8 months
about your aventurine rant- i don’t think agreeing w/ ratio’s assessment is the best stance to go with. ratio admits himself to his personal bias and he’s shown to be a jackass to people he thinks are stupid. even if he wants to spread education, he’s still mean and rude to people who are ‘less educated’ than himself, and saying aventurine is stupid despite knowing he had no education as a kid is kind of…? and agreeing with the (again, opinionated and biased and ignorant!!!!) statements from sparkle and ratio isn’t the best. aventurine isn’t stupid, gambling requires a level of logic and maths that isn’t elementary, and if he was stupid he sure as hell wouldn’t be one of the stonehearts. we also aren’t sure WHAT ratio’s motives are or how ‘allied’ he is with aventurine. from what little we know they can literally just be allied for one small thing, ratio isn’t against the idea of working for his own goals and we don’t know if ratio would betray aventurine. caution for a gambler isn’t a dumb move.
Before I get into this, I will actually admit that I didn't provide as much evidence as I should have in the first blog for what I knew was a controversial take. Let me correct that.
Let's start first just with your supposition that Ratio isn't an ally of Aventurine's: They are LITERALLY working together. They are LITERALLY both a part of the IPC (the Intelligentsia Guild is a branch of the IPC). Ratio only tries to leave so as to tell their BOSSES that the person assigned to lead this fucked up at step one because he managed to lose all of their leverage. They are LITERALLY working together but here's the thing:
Ratio just wants to know that this gambler has a plan that has a chance to succeed. He would have worked with him if Aventurine had even TRIED to give him one.
Now I won't say the scene is perfect. As far as I'm concerned, Ratio seems to flip flop a bit character wise because he's willing to actively try to hurt Aventurine when later apologizing that he didn't mean to offend. The latter is much more in character for Ratio, who does judge people on merit, even if harshly. Also, the line where he calls Aventurine a Sigonian thrall is just... Not good because it's entirely without reason to be brought up. It's not an answer to Aventurine's question, it's just to point out that he was a slave. It's really bad exposition which a LOT of the stuff about him Sigonian feels like. Not character work, just exposition. This becomes even more true as not true to Ratio's character because Ratio actually does give Aventurine a lot of time despite Aventurine still not being willing to tell him his plan. If it were just that Ratio was racist and biased, he would have left when he said he would and not listened to another word out of Aventurine's mouth. He would have been looking for any reason to drop this Sigonian Thrall like a hot rock. Instead, he sticks around despite the fact that the second Aventurine walks in, the onus of trust is on HIM right now. Aventurine has already fucked up in a slight way by being late and wasting his colleagues time, but also in a major way by losing his gifts and the cornerstones and so now he needs to give Ratio a reason to believe that Aventurine can do this. To trust him as the lead on this job.
But he doesn't. Instead, after trying to point the question back at Ratio, he plays his parents being dead for pity, a manipulation to get Ratio to drop the trust thing because otherwise he has no reason to bring it up. Even in the next line, he admits that his parents DID teach him life lessons. So Ratio should trust him because his parents are dead and because this grown ass man, who has had to theoretically work with a LOT of people, doesn't understand the foundation of literally any partnership. Not because, I dunno... Anything else? Anything tangible? Like Ratio hasn't, besides the out of character racism (again, the man does judge people by their merits and someone who supposedly is against ignorance should not lean into something almost always built on ignorance), given Aventurine a reason not to trust him. To not want to work with the person who is in this room to WORK WITH HIM. But then again, Aventurine gives NO ONE a reason to trust him. Not because of his race but because he's an asshole who seems to think he can just tell people to work with him and they will. The ONLY time he actually offers someone a reason to work with him is at the end of the patch when he's talking to the trailblazer about their deal. Even Black Swan admits she has no reason to work with him besides the fact that she thinks she can trust him because he's a 'good businessman'. He doesn't give Ratio a reason though and he doesn't even TRY to give Sparkle a reason. He doesn't even resort to "Don't you want to be on the winner's side."
Speaking of the racist part: This is... Rough. I am against bigotry in all forms. In theory, I empathize with someone who has been mistreated and mischaracterized for their race. It is dangerous to bring in racism for a fictional race though because it's a very complicated topic, especially when you're using it as effectively exposition on that race. It is how we know what people think of Sigonians after all. If this is meant to be negative stereotyping though, that people are judging him for his eyes and not his actions, then these traits should appear untrue in regards to him. Then he as actually experienced racism.
So what are the traits? Especially the ones most assigned to Aventurine? For the race as a whole, they are, as described by Sparkle to literally point out how Aventurine is following the stereotype: Liars, thieves, social manipulators and wolves in sheep's clothing. So, if we want to say that Ratio and Sparkle are being unfair to Aventurine, ignoring his actions because of his race's stereotype, rather than just pointing out that he is a Sigonian for *shrug* Character exposition mostly frankly? We have to interrogate if Aventurine matches this description:
Liars: I will give him this. While he makes a couple claims he can't verify 100%, he actually hasn't appeared to lie to anyone. The closest he comes is claiming his parents didn't teach him life lessons before then, you know, saying they taught him a life lesson once Ratio drops the subject the statement was useful though. He does actually even correct someone though when it would have been useful for him to have let her be wrong as admitting you stalked someone for longer than they thought is kind of a bad look for you.
Thief: We have not seen him steal anything so this is bluntly untrue. However, he is also never accused of theft or given a chance where stealing might be useful to him and passing it up/or doing it so it's really still up in the air.
Social Manipulators: Aventurine claims that his parents died before he could be taught that trust is an important part of any human relationship. However, he literally says, no ambiguity, that they taught him, "Friends are the weapons of the Avgin." Then with Sparkle, he confirms, "I am an Avgin."
...Did... Did you literally just say that above actually working with people and being nice to others, your culture taught you to use people and see them as tools? Which mind you, IS how Aventurine treats everyone. Everything is quid pro quo. Everyone is out to backstab each other. You cannot escape his game because you're already trapped in it. He will KIDNAP you, say it was saving you, and portray others as villains (he cannot prove Acheron killed Duke Inferno. His story instead could apply to pretty much everyone here but blaming it on Acheron is the most useful here. He also only lists murderous aeons for what she could be, even though he doesn't know. Again, that paints her as dangerous and thus he is the 'safe' option) so as to make his arguments more enticing. He literally uses the death of his parents to get Ratio to drop a subject. Sparkle accuses him of being silver tongued as the only truly direct insult on his character. THIS is the trait she is using the Sigonian bloodline to interrogate and it's the one that holds up the most true for him, especially since he STALKED HER FOR FORTY FIVE MINUTES! If I were in her shoes, I'd have a pretty negative opinion about this creep too, especially because only do that sort of thing to gain information you can use on someone else because you know you don't have leverage on them if you just went and talked to them like a human being, which Aventurine isn't treating Sparkle as even before talking to her.
The ONE kindness I will give him here is that he doesn't blackmail the trailblazer with the truth he has. He promises he'll give us an option after he shows us it. That is a genuinely good moment and good for any redemptive qualities of his character. It is a moment that helps but by no means fixes the rest of these problems.
Wolf in Sheep's Clothing: Acheron saves us. As far as we can tell, he uses honeyed words and an excuse to be in our room in order to make us vulnerable so that he can better use us to his ends, like a wolf pretending to be a sheep. Then he finishes his talk by menacing us and saying that we are already a part of his game. As far as the presentation goes, it looks like he's about to grab us by the shoulders and drown us in the dream pool. It is shot like the moment before an over the top action villain murders one of his henchman with sadistic glee. So yeah, he counts for this one too in my opinion.
So for the stereotype of his race, especially of the one that he is actually accused of being... He just is it. They are not being bigoted towards him, they are being ACCURATE, at least with what he is most commonly doing. After all, even the talk with Himeko ends with him excited to see what his 'friends' will do for him. Now, it is still wrong for them to do. Bigotry is awful but you do have to treat it differently in a narrative where YOU decide what those stereotypes are. To write a character who leans so hard into the negative stereotypes of the race you made... is not a great way to write a character who is trying to gain sympathy because racism is happening against him, especially when he honestly comes across like he'd potentially use this to his advantage.
Final point: Him being a Stoneheart or gambler proves nothing. They are only titles. If you want to SAY it means he's smart, go ahead. Show always beats tell though. A character's actions are more important than their words or titles. Meanwhile, this dumbass rejected help from a colleague who is there to help him and work with him, who he kept waiting, in the same conversation he's talking about needing friends. He stalked someone for 45 minutes who he wants to make his 'friend' which gives her ZERO reason to want to work with him in any capacity. Then he menaces someone he wants to be his FRIEND for NO REASON. Aventurine is not good at his job.
The closest he ever gets to a win is against Himeko, who is BAFFLING in this update, because he's right. She asks for a favor for nothing in return except a title which I just called out as meaningless. He also calls this out, which is showing his hand, before accepting the soft power which... Also makes the soft power moot, meaning he actually did do exactly what Himeko wanted him to. Give him what she wants while owing him nothing. After all, the idea behind soft power is that you garner good will with someone by doing acts that have no strings attached. That people want to be around you because you are simply a good ally to have, not just because you can make a deal with them. Aventurine on the other hand explicitly makes it clear that he's doing this because he plans to call on a favor from us. Not that we HAVE to do it (you know, until the end of his conversation with us in our room which is effectively him saying we WILL help him) but that he WILL make a price for this, removing the good will that he should be trying to gain.
Aventurine having a tragic backstory and having people bring up his race does not dismiss these flaws in his character. When a villain talks about having faced adversity when he was young, that doesn't justify the cruelties he performed. When you tell a bully their abusive to others and they say their parents abused them, that doesn't make continuing the cycle of violence and horrendous treatment correct.
It just means that as a writer, you are using these real world elements to manipulate your audience rather than actually interrogating these matters. Aventurine is not some deep exploration of racism or the effects of slavery on a person. He's a dumbass with a tragic backstory who still needs to prove he's a good person, regardless of his race or upbringing, because so far he is simply not. He could improve with future updates but for the guy we are literally forced to work with in the end?
It's not exactly a good showing, for him or his people, or for the idea that him having been the victim of such injustices is going to actually be explored or have any nuance to them. In other words: It's bad writing.
I have a public Discord for any and all who want to join!
I also have an Amazon page for all of my original works in various forms of character focused romances from cute, teenage romance to erotica series of my past. I have an Ao3 for my fanfiction projects as well if that catches your fancy instead. If you want to hang out with me, I stream from time to time and love to chat with chat.
A Twitter you can follow too
And a Kofi if you like what I do and want to help out with the fact that disability doesn’t pay much.
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gcldenchild · 3 months
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man, it's been a while since i posted here properly. it's been an enlightening past two days to say the least and it's all got me reflecting not only on my time here but also the future for this blog, my lore, etc. so...
have a pretty big dump under the cut. this'll be long, i feel like i have a lot to cover. i dunno who'll even read it, but i feel it's worth getting out there anyways.
so. yeah! been a while. been a LONG fucking while. im 21 now, turning 22 soon; almost 3 years have passed since i put this blog in its weird hiatus state. prior to that i was active a lot, writing a lot - i genuinely was extremely happy. in a way, i still am - but that only came after a very, VERY involved few years of consistent therapy appointments and learning to write for myself to somehow see my ideas through instead of pushing myself to be here.
so. should probably talk about that. i wont go into mega details because it's *done* and i don't want to bring a carcass to the surface, but i *do* want to give it a gravestone.
september and october of 2021 are the two months i can easily say are up there on some of the worst of my entire life. a lot of my own personal experience with my muse - with goldie - practically *died* during that span of time as a result of the things that happened. some of you might have an *idea* of things, and if so, please - don't bring it up, don't ask me or anyone else about it. i'm making this post for me, for my OWN catharsis. if people don't like that, *don't make it my problem.*
i don't fear people knowing, i just... i don't want to constantly have things be brought back and forth. im only just now realizing that what i went through *was not a singular experience*, and that it was a pattern of behavior that i wasn't *alone* in. for the longest time, i thought i was genuinely and completely alone in the fact that no one could really attest to what i went through except for one person who helped me through all of it alongside my own personal friendgroup separate from the rpc. turns out, i'm not, and that has been incredibly validating and actually has done a lot more for my confidence in the past 48 hours than i realized it could.
i hate the month of hell. i hate everything about it. i hate how it made me feel, how i couldnt do my internship without being constantly pressured to do something else for the sake of other people, how i was constantly made out to be someone who caused the problems and couldn't compromise or apologize when that really, really wasn't the whole truth. i've spent *years* in therapy just to affirm that i wasnt crazy and that it wasn't fair to treat me - a then 19 year old - as someone who couldn't make mistakes and was expected to just KNOW things and norms despite it being known that i *didnt* get things immediately. realizing i'm autistic has been a struggle that lasted *years* and if i'd known it then, it would have made me more receptive to how badly i was being treated instead of just sitting down and taking it and BLAMING myself for it. i hate that i was talked about to other people after the fact even though i explicitly kept my struggles out of talks with rpc friends.
i hate everything about what happened that year. and i hate that it ripped ed away from me for a good while and sent me into a horrible mental state that i took a really, REALLY long time to recover from - and even then, i'm still not 100%. i still have triggers that send me right back to that year. i still have things that remind me exactly of all the shit that happened. my health issues haven't gotten better since that month exacerbated them, but they haven't gotten worse - just a way of showcasing recovery, i guess.
2021, for better or for worse, broke me. it stole away my love for writing and my ability to do art for a while. i finally picked up the pieces and now they're melted back together, but there's nothing that'll change how badly it effected me and jeopardized one of my deepest mun-muse connections i'd ever had because i was accused of not being able to separate mun vs muse.
but i'm getting better. i'm being better. slowly but surely, i'm building my own personal safe space filled with people who will actually confront me for the things i do wrong *without* being afraid to even TALK to me. that wasn't easy, not by a longshot - but i'm happier like this. i'm thriving like this. because of the safe space i've built, i've been able to write *thousands* of words for fics for this very lore and all the things that came from it. i've been living my best life on my artblog, @aubodied , because i decided i was GOING to enjoy things without all of this bitterness being attached to it, because i'll probably *never* get accountability for what happened to me. i'm learning to live life without looking back on all of it.
it's been a wild ride. and now i don't feel like i have to isolate myself anymore now that i KNOW i'm not alone. so someday - i don't know if it will be soon or not, but SOMEDAY - i'll come back here. i'll start writing again with other people, actively. until then, i'm always open to be reached out to to talk or other things. i want to reconnect, and even though that'll be a long process, i WANT to restore the feeling of home i made for myself in this rpc.
so... hi. i'm evy. i also go by vee. i use he/they/she pronouns (strongly preferring he at the moment), and i'm proudly autistic and navigating the world with those lenses. i love videogames and i stream sometimes alongside doing personal art for my obsession with edling as a ship. i'd be happy to be your writing partner someday. i'd be happy just to make rpc friends again someday. 2021 was awful for me, but i've finally moved on without fear of being able to talk about this - now i want to thrive.
so thank you for listening to me, if you read this. i hope we can talk again soon. and remember - i'm always here if someone wants to reach out.
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iceiclehorned · 28 days
Hello! I have some positivity mail for you, here's what they wanted to say:
"Thank you for all the effort you've been putting in all your current threads! It might be a bit presumptuous for one message to try and speak for everyone you've been in contact with, but I truly believe that the amount of attention and effort you've been putting forward as of late, towards everyone you're currently writing with, is incredible and should be highlighted, and celebrated, whenever possible.
So! On behalf of everyone who has not yet had the opportunity to say it, we'd like to thank you very much, wish you the absolute best, and hope that you're able to feel happy and proud of the writing work you have been putting out there, because personally, I find it amazing! We also urge you to take good care of yourself in the meantime, and hope you're enjoying the act of writing at least just as much as we enjoy reading it!"
Have a lovely day!
OOC Post ;;
When I received this message in my inbox, I was instantly floored at the admiration stemming from a certain somebody. You know who you are, and before I ramble on, I'd like to say that I freaking love you! You've made yourself a little home in my heart, and you are so appreciated. Getting to know you has been one of the greatest experiences of my entire life, and I hope to be able to articulate that well. Opening up to you has been such a soft experience and a first for me, so thank you so, so much, my love! Platonically by the way hufhefiwd i rambled too much before the rambling.
Onto the rambling!
I remember when I started out, I felt like like a fish out of water, so to speak. I was pretty disorganised, even throughout my many, many hiatus' (sorry guys dyuefh). This period, where I have been active the most, is probably the longest I have been here without disappearing, and I could not be more grateful for the people I have come across from start to finish.
Even if there comes a time where communication is lost, I hold an immense love for everybody I have had the chance to become friends with. I do also owe those people who have been there since the beginning an apology for always being so flakey, and I am so thankful that you remained by my side throughout the years. You're wonderful, compassionate people, and I hope to keep doing this a bit longer with you all.
I am also appreciative of every mutual I have, even if we do not interact (ic or ooc). You're working so hard, I hope your blogs continue to flourish beautifully.
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readychilledwine · 11 months
About CoParents:
Warning- Long post, and my thoughts are a little jumbled
I got accused of racism today over my Co Parents drabble featuring Eris and Cassian. I was also accused of alienating Cassian from his daughter, forcing her to grow up in a place known for racism and prejudice, ect.
And I just need to talk about it.
To address the alienation- I based the relationship between Cassian, Eris, and babygirl off of one I see in my everyday life between my partner's brother, his daughter, her momma and her significant other.
In my real life- Momma has primary custody of their daughter, and she has been with her significant other since their daughter was about 7 months old. She is 4 and views both of them as daddy. She gets sad when she leaves her "home dad" and mom. But that sadness is quickly gone as soon as she is with bio daddy (partner's brother.)
I based the communications and exchange on what I've watched between the two men in my life. The babygirl in my life is happy, healthy, loves both of her daddies equally, but like all Littles who have adult feelings, but do not know how to express them, she gets a little sad because she knows she'll miss mom and dad, even if she's super excited to also see biodaddy, and she cries leaving biodaddy to go back home. We've ALL worked our asses off ensuring she has healthy home lives, support from all of us, and she knows how loved, wanted, and supported she is (and she does.) I do not see a few little tears during an exchange as a sign of alienating a parent.
I also tried to make it clear she sees Cassian. The updates Eris gave him are SMALL. (She likes hot chocolate before bed now. Potty issues a lot of littles struggle with.) Eris calls Cassian her dad, which is NOT something people alienating a parent does. Eris told Cassian he had no doubts Cassian would take good care of her over the next 2 weeks, which is a sign of Eris supporting Cassian as a father. I had planned on doing the exchange back with Cassian in Autumn, returning babygirl to the reader, and meeting the babe.
But now we head into the racism part.
Being accused of being racist is a lingering ick, and I can't shake it.
I am active in organizations that work with BIPOC on educating people on racism, discrimination, and privilege. I work with law enforcement, medical, and fire teams regarding race sensitivity education. I am the dispatcher who also handles empathy training in our department. I pride myself on being sensitive, empathic, and educated on signs of racism and microaggressions.
I want to apologize if Co Parents came off that way to someone else, though. I want to apologize to anyone who may have been offended. It was not my intent at all as the writer, and genuinely, if I hurt you, I am sorry.
I'm debating on deleting Co Parents and being done with writing acotar characters as parents, especially in Coparenting situations and blended houses. I never want to feel as icky as I do right now, I will not be writing a follow-up to it if it does stay up, and I'm going to be done with the dynamic to prevent this from happening again.
I do also want to add-
I am fine with discussing and taking criticism for my writing. If it turns into a debate, though, and "let's agree to disagree," has been said by both of us, but it still turns into more digging and backhanded attacks, I make no promises I won't block you.. I want my blog to be a safe haven for myself and my followers. I won't allow someone to attack any of you or me here. I don't appreciate that at all. I was going to allow the comments to sit, but there's a line, and I felt it was crossed in this situation.
I don't know, friends. Feeling pretty icky.
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sickknotdoom · 3 months
also want to add that doctors being forced to do all of that murderous shit and being immediately apologized by everyone is such a limp move. Funfi literally DEAFED barry and MUTILATED miley, but we can't hate him/her/them??? Yes Doom afraid to leave hospital because Mood won't, but if you try to say that Doom is bad you would be shreddered by entire fandom (people's favorite character). HE STILL KILLS PEOPLE. NO, BEING FORCED DIDN'T ERASE THAT FACT.
In real life not all people are coward pricks, not every people would MURDER for saving their live or live of their loved ones.
1. Hospital is a LEGALIZED criminal facility, but instead of hiring someone who would carelessly doing that job Cuddles hires literally randoms. At this point only Funfi were (officially) studied medicine science.
2. Cuddles has enough power and recourses to hush up the matter with Charles (old cat from V1), he also provides other hospitals sabotaged equipment and he has SNIPERS IN HOSPITAL HELLO??? (in the V1 and V3 is a sign on the gate 'trespassers would be shot)
Kitty's said that V5 would going outside of the hospital and more about rebels so i hope to see it connecting in one big image lmao
(srry for longposting every slight criticism in this fd = hate = kill that person NOW)
ok you type EXACTLY like a specific somebody thats been hatefully obsessed with me all year (too much caps, constantly angry, english definitely a second language) .... but im posting this anyway. deliberately waited five months to answer this though because i didnt wanna give said person any satisfaction from getting a notif.
if you dont know someones pronouns just use they/them until stated otherwise. funfetti use she/he/they last time i checked (meaning you can pick any of those & stick with the one you chose) & i honestly forgot funfetti was even in the mutilation scene because thats how unimportant theyve been so far. i genuinely thought doom was the one who cut barrys ear off. but doom was still an active participant in that + many other mutilations & murders so we shouldnt really ship him with barry.
i actually personally resonate with dooms backstory. however, i can acknowledge that explanation does not equate to justification & nobody is obligated to forgive or even like doom or any of the other staff members, ESPECIALLY not the patients.
so yeah anon youre kinda based, but again i feel like i recognize you & that youre prolly just using this to lead into why you think barrunis the only good ship in the whole series so you can check out now if youre even still following this blog
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pridepoisoned · 2 years
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(ooc. Good morning!! If you're reading this, I've officially turned 29!! Happy birthday to me. 🥳
Today is extra meaningful for me because it also marks my 10th year RPing on this site! Recently, I've been taking the time to look back at my old blogs, threads and posts, and it's been a very bittersweet, reflective experience. So much has changed [both on and offline] since I timidly applied to my first closed group in 2013, and again when I took a chance and jumped blindly into the indie scene in early 2020. So many inactive/deactivated blogs and sadly unfinished threads, but--at the same time--so many great writing memories to revisit, and it's always awesome to see returning friends/muses!
This is going to sound weird coming from this blog specifically, but if I've written with or for you, or even if we have yet to interact but you've read my writing while scrolling through the dash, I hope you've enjoyed it! I know I tend to move at a slower pace and write a lot (like this lol), and I also really apologize for being so hard to reach via IM or DIscord at times--sometimes I just burn out because of my schedule, and I'll admit that I'm still trying to get over some lingering nervousness caused by a particularly toxic ooc interaction years ago...but I truly appreciate every message, have enjoyed every convo, and I feel like I'm slowly coming out of my shell again and finding balance. Thanks so much as always to the thread partners and others who have shown interest in my muses--if you're reading this, know that I am always down to interact or spin a story together on any of them! Let's do it!
It's Year 29/10, and I can't promise more activity here--life is changing too fast--but I can say that I'll continue to stay true in writing my unapologetically good and evil muses, while being as supportive/positive as I can OOC. Good vibes, and let's keep growing together--I can't wait to see what fresh adventures are around the corner ✌️)
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neonscandal · 7 months
So agree with your posts about Gojo. Yes, he's not perfect but that what made him what he is. And clearly from that anon ask, the blogger is anti-gojo, and even if it's painful for me, I also agree with that blogger about Gojo's characters.
But it's thanks to you Neon that I understand more about Gojo and Geto's characters and you made me into SatoSugu shipper....All the best wishes for you 🌻🌷💐
I'm surprised that BNHA not entered your fav media. (Because at first I know you from your BNHA posts)...
Hello again, friend. 🌻💛
Buried wayyyy, way at the end of the post, the blogger from before admitted that Gojo has good characterization, that they enjoy it. I think the anti-sentiments at the beginning made it hard to concede when they make good points. So tone likely made the difference there, especially with a character that has inspired real life shrines and heart ache for fans 😅
In the interest of adding some additional perspective ✨ consider the fact that Gojo, who's been in like... MAYBE a fourth of the overall story (I'm likely being generous here), is marked by such complexity that he can be so polarizing. I find it a little entertaining that he is received in fandom largely as he's received in universe (and sometimes with the same level of misunderstanding). He can be a fan favorite and still shoulder the burden of everyone's criticism or disdain. Meanwhile, in the shadows, Mei Mei is an active child predator and opportunist but I don't see nearly enough slander out there on her. Gojo's flaws aren't unique within the parameter of the story but he'll still be the one to suffer the diatribes.
I talk a lot about how characters should be as messy as real people. Just as jagged, mercurial and evolving. The texture of a rich characterization is what gives fan artists and fanfic writers something to grab onto and gives a character life beyond the source material. So, honestly? All this makes me like him even more. 😉 I hope it does the same for you. As always, I'm glad you're here and apologize for the persisting angst of being a SatoSugu shipper hahaha And remember, my words nor anyone else's need to sway how you feel about your faves. Totally fine to consider other viewpoints, especially when trying to find nuance in the story, but what you like is what you like and that's perfectly fine.
Regarding the last ask about favorites, I tend to be a bit capricious when it comes to nailing down faves but I tried to diversify my picks! JJK and BNHA are not the same story by a long shot. Lately, I've been considering some themes or elements that cross over, sure, but aside from occupying similar real estate in my head, the comparison ends there. I only wanted to include one since anyone who's seen my blog can just... tell. ✨ I settled on JJK because I feel like we can somewhat see what the reasonable end might look like for BNHA but I am still regularly thrilled and stumped by what'll happen next in JJK.
Don't worry, anon, the love and brain rot are still there. 🧡💚
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