#also bc im me i couldnt not bring in james
padfootastic · 1 year
Sunday Snippet
(is that a thing? idk but i literally just wrote this for FoD and it wont be posted for a few chapters--so a couple months minimum--but i just. really wanted to share it so. enjoy)
He casually points a finger at the hideous vase behind their heads, levitating it wandlessly and wordlessly. If he was around other wix, they would’ve been amazed and perhaps, slightly awed. That it was Muggles--and this particular set at that--meant they were almost vibrating out of their skin in fear. 
“Do you know,” he started with a pleasant smile, bringing the floating vase closer to them, enjoying the way Petunia’s mouth opened in a wordless scream. He didn't even have to Silence them. “they thought I could kill 12 people, just like that, with one word. Not one person, not even my closest friends, believed otherwise.”
Once upon a time that statement would’ve hurt, it had hurt him everytime he was conscious enough to think about it in Azkaban. But he’d made his peace with it now, had accepted that there was a part of him that was inherently repulsive, untrustworthy, broken. 
“There was a reason for why they did that. My brother--you know him, James--was murdered. They thought I lost my mind, and perhaps I did, a little bit.” 
Because James was the last--and only--person who’d never turned away from him. He’d taken all of Sirius’ ugliness, all those rough edges he’d tried so hard to hide, cutting himself and the world in the process, and kept those with himself. Sirius never had to worry about himself around James, because he knew he’d take care of him. Wouldn’t let him break. 
At least, that’s how it should have been. They should’ve grown old together, stuck at the hip until their hearts and their magic gave out. James shouldn’t have been buried in the ground at the age of twenty fucking one while Sirius still had to live without him, god, it was so unfair. 
It was--
He shouldn’t be living without James. He was nothing without James. 
It was that thought that sent a fresh wave of anger through his veins, anger he knew was very plainly visible on his face, reflecting in his eyes, because the moment he looked at the Dursleys, he could hear two distinctive whimpers at once. 
“So,” he said, voice rough like gravel, almost unrecognisable to even him. He knew his eyes would be closer to black than their usual grey, the Madness stirring within him, wanting out. “What do you think I’ll do to people, to vermin like you, who touched my godson?” 
His only response was a slow, trickling sound and a pungent smell filling the living room. 
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trohpi · 2 months
following this microfic i couldnt stop thinking about regulus and his relationship with the evans family so heres my little ramble
so primrose and ciarán evans are very much your middle-of-the-road white suburban irish parents. primrose is a short blonde slightly nosy pta mom and ciarán is a six foot six redheaded giant that wears kiss the cook aprons. theyre supremely embarrassing about their childrens accomplishments which, as you can imagine, is extremely baffling to regulus as a concept
(also side-note, but lily is the definition of a daddys girl and on the flip side, petunia is 100% a mommys girl. its important to me that you know this)
he first meets them the summer after first year. he befriended lily & snape at hogwarts and convinces his parents to let him visit spinners end (they only let him go bc snape is part of the prince family, and he conveniently left out the fact that lily would be there too)
quite frankly, regulus is terrified of both her parents when he first meets them, but particularly her father. ciarán is big and loud and passionate, all traits that usually mean danger for regulus. primrose unnerves him bc she is very much like his mother, but shes also her complete opposite. she has all of walburgas best traits and none of her worst (well, besides her anger issues, but unlike walburga she doesnt take it out on her children). regulus doesnt like talking to her because it feels like seeing what his mother could have been had she been more… well, motherly
the thing that brings him and ciarán together is astronomy. ciarán loves the stars, he has a borderline obsessive knowledge about astronomy and has a very expensive telescope set up on the balcony. regulus is intrigued by the muggle perspective of the field and eventually they end up having hours long conversations about the topic regularly, leaving lily and her mother to commiserate about their partners being robbed from them
with primrose and regulus, im not sure they ever reach quite the same comfortability that regulus has with her husband (likely bc both reg & ciarán are probably autistic which was an accident that i now stand by). i think he and lilys mom would be brought together by cooking, by which i mean their horrible cooking skills. sometimes they try cooking dinner together and given their strong propensity to burn water plus their equally strong perfectionism, the results are bad
when hes disowned, the only place he can think to go is lilys. as much as he loves sirius, he would rather die than live with james potter (sorry james, love u mate 😔❤️). he shows up in the middle of the night on the knight bus and is immediately welcomed with open arms. by this point, petunia has moved out and lives with vernon so he takes her old bedroom even though 90% of the time he ends up in lilys bed. her parents turn a blind eye to it knowing that he has nightmares and she brings him comfort
on an unrelated note, when effie & monty and primrose & ciarán meet they become bffs. sirius is ecstatic, regulus is tired knowing that hell now have to see three of the four marauders at every family function going forward
and the end <3
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youreonlylow · 3 years
Oooh please do tell more about this fic project of yours 👀
basically like a year and a half ago i got really into Lewis. Like i had watched it a lot growing up, having a dad who has most of morse on burned dvds, and started watching it chronologically for the first time. and thats when i first starting showing my head around the lewis tag on here. i think there has been like 5 episodes i fully hadnt seen or couldnt remember/probably fell asleep during, so lewis wasnt a new thing and hathaway was already one of my favourite tv characters
i started writing down notes in my phone as i was watching each episode and trying to create some analysis of hathaway based on canon things and just my own little queer and neurodivergent lense. (the notes is titled gay hathaway moments but quickly evovled into much more)
im not a big fic writer but lewis and especially hathaway and his elusive character has taken up so much of my brain space but im having a hard time like organising my thoughts and putting words on them other than the vague idea of who hathaway is and what i think could be his canon implied backstory. i was looking for like a big fic that had this comprehensive feeling to it and there wasnt much that fully scratched the itch though i have read and reread many great fics and im not gonna lie at first i wasn’t reading lewis/hathaway fics and that itch has been much more satisfied in that tag but i suppose it took a while for me to come around to ship them enough to read fics about them as i started out prefering thinking of what a canon queer relationship for james could look like but there are very few james/ocm or other somewhat canon male character fics. im still kinda in both trenches about what i prefer, and im still not sure what direction my fic wil go. however, my little notes on hathaway did very much include moments in the show i thought alluded to some lewis/hathaway stuff even if it was onesided so its not like i was blind. i dont know, im a little ambivelant about it i suppose.
ANYWAY sorry for the rambling i very rarely get prompted to talk about Lewis and especially hathaway lol
my fic didnt really start taking shape until very recently when i found this song and i was deep in a lewis watch at the time so immediately my brain started connecting the song to moments that fit what we have somewhat been told or canon things (eventhough idk how much of the song and the rest of the album is actually applicable the vibes are great) so i started having this story in my head i guess including how the story would unfold and this scene of james singing this song and lewis showing up (i thought about this scene a lot and it made me very unsure whether or not to write their ship in this fic like i hadnt planned it and then suddenly my brain was just like well what if)
I think the fic will be kinda heavy and im not sure if i have the skill set to fullly realise the idea that i have but im enjoying it a lot so far and even have some other hathaway centric fics in mind to satiate the need for those plots and ideas without bringing them into what i hope will be very close to the fanon and my personal interpretation of events (i can already tell its gone a little off the rails but thats okay)
(other hathaway fic i really want to write is one where he goes through psychosis following the creveceour case from lewis’ pov bc i felt like maybe it deserved its own fic and attention and im not sure i could make it work in the master fic without taking heavy liberties regarding canon)
I have written a little now but since that initial idea its just grown a lot and im super overwhelmed with how to structure it and how to include the songs and if i should just do one long fic or like a series of fics but i want to have a lot done for it before i find out what works best.
also im really bad at having a consistent or concrete idea of character or how people behave and what they think etc, which is very annoying when youre trying to write a fic that relies heavily on that basically it needs to be extremely wild for my brain to go thats out of character for x person both in real life and in fics lol
TL;DR: i have lewis brainworms and am going to hopefully write a big hathaway analysis in the form of a fic and i am very stressed but also very excited
sorry for any typos im writing on my ipad keyboard as i was actually just about to sit and watch lewis on it before i decided to check tumblr (i am on the first episode of the last season and im very emotional)
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honeyfreckled · 5 years
we have talked a few times and im sorry for this but you are the most accepting and easiest person to talk to honestly i dont have many people in my life i can tell anything real to. but the thing is ive been thinging about relapsing a lot more since i broke up with my boyfriend and i work with him so it makes work depressing and impossible to get through a day without crying sorry this is anon but i am scared ily dont hate me i am not trying to stress you out
ok wow first lemme just say: I DO NOT HATE U. EVER. 
and don’t be srry i don’t have a lotta ppl irl i can tell my shit to so i get it. pls know u can always ALWAYS ALWAYS come to me, and u dont gotta be scared to come off anon. i get it and it’s ok if u prefer it that way- but pls know i dont keep it on alot bc i get hate and then i turn it off bc i gotta look out for myself and dont post all the hate bc i dont wanna bring yall down or give them the satisfaction of knowing i have given it a read and response. so u can message me or make a sideblog or idk im just saying this so if it’s off later u dont blame yrself or feel scared to come off anon. ok sorelapse is a real thing and it’s fucked and hard and addiction is fucked up and a real life struggle and we dont treat addicts w the real tenderness, respect, kindness, and acceptance they deserve. but u DO deserve it. and there are hotlines, apps, churches, groups, chatrooms/boards, and sites that are more versed in what are the appropriate things to say to u- i say this bc while i’ve been thru it w loved ones i have not myself struggled w addiction w substances. my addictions were to self harm and victimhood so those are the things i searched for help on. but if it’s alright i’d like to give u some tips or things i used and have heard work for addicts of substances
places like i said like churches, groups, chatrooms, sites, apps, hotlines the apps and hotlines are good if u cant travel or want to talk to ppl who wont share their story bc maybe u cant hear it like its not the kinda help ur looking for. hotlines are sometimes tricky bc some of those folks are not educated they are volunteers so judgment leaks thru and in that case u ask to be redirected and report that volunteer so hopefully they dont repeat that kinda mess to other vulnerable folks looking for help
make a list of things, anything. list of foods u like to order, list of things that make u clench yr teeth, what were yr fave gifts you’ve ever got, style icons of urs, hobbies u tried that annoyed u, movies u can always watch, places on yr skin u hate being touched, any list of anything it doesnt have to be the usual thing of “what to live for” bc when yr depressed those kinds of things arent easy to think of. but if u get a list going of like “best things ive ever touched” “sounds that make me laugh” “trends that were stupid af” “popular things that i didnt like n couldnt figure out why they were popular” “weirdest ppl ive met” well those things might get u on a roll of good memories or laughing or seeing that theres more to yr life than what has been occupying yr thoughts
dancing. dance in yr room in the dark. clear some space. put on some headphones. lock yr door. do it in the shower. just dance. i had to start w closing my eyes and picking songs that i was taken by emotionally. songs that made me jump and slamdance tbh and then it’s just gotten more and more something im not as ashamed w. i spent a date night w james just dancing and then we ya know ya know bc the dancing got so wild. now i make playlists of songs that set moods for diff kinds of dancing
watch shows w ppl who arent doing better than u. they dont live in fancy places, they dont do much w their lives, they dont dress better than u, they struggle, they arent eating good food u dont have access to. iasip. freaks and geeks. letterkenny. undeclared. jake and amir. tpb. the state. youtube. tiktok/vine comps. lots of these kinds of vibes on youtube
podcasts. improv comedy podcasts tbh saved my life. comedy bang! bang! has best of’s those are good ones to start w. improv4humans bc matt besser has great guests of some of the best improvisers out there and he has musical guests and they’ll play a song and the improvisers will use it as inspo for a scene
make things. moodboards. pinterest. playlists. fill a shopping cart and tell yrself “i’ll get it when i win the lotto and move away from anyone who knows me so i can be the me i wanna be w/out judgement” make tea. make a meal if u can. make yr bed. clean one thing. clean the sink. hang some clothes or go thru yr drawers and clean them out. throwing things out feels hard at first but then it’s nice bc u feel less bogged down
find something to throw yr obsession at for a bit. something that wont hurt u as bad, being obsessed in general isnt good. everything in moderation irl. too much of something is bad just as much as too less of it can be bad. but yr looking for something lower risk here and if u gotta be obsessed w a celeb or a song or a food that’s ok. yr focusing the energy on something that isnt a substance so be proud of it
give yrself a break. give yrself some credit. everyday isnt gonna be on the “best of your name here’s days” but sometimes u just live to live bc that’s what u do. u wait it out and get thru it and wait for the sun to come back out. and if u cant get outta bed. or if you hate yr job and wanna scream- that’s normal it’s more normal than always being happy ppl just dont like talking abt bc society kinda trains us to hide our fucked upness idk why but thats how it is. they dont wanna tell us to do preventative care until we’re in the pits
all in all- it comes down to (at least for me) not planning w an endgoal in mind. it’s not over til it’s over and rlly we dont know. it’s all fluctuating and not meant to be a finish line we cross and then suddenly we’re done and we dont suffer anymore and the feeling of shit is gone or the risk of relapse is gone and the depression is cleared away never to be seen again. it’s not realistic. bc it isnt real. on the real- risk is always there and the downs and ups mix and run together and depression is not curable (this isnt something to be miserable over tho) depression isnt curable, yeah ok, but it is manageable. it can be quieted down from time to time and if u keep up w yr healthy routines and coping mechanisms- depression will still find its way to u bc the real world is not something u can manage. death in the family, loss of money or job, car breaking down, sickness outta nowhere, depression grows wild when these very real life stressors come into our lives. but all that too eventually gets easier and easier at least from a “ok i have some distance now” standpoint. and then as those days get more and more btwn it u can then be like “oh wow, ive made it thru X amount of days! ive put up w it this long! whats one more day, whats one more week, hell might as well see how much prouder i can feel once ive got a year under my belt!” plus u will be more capable of handling the bullshit if u know u can still find some safe places in yr coping skills or friends or resources.
ok so this is prob a mess but bottomline know this:
I love  you and i will be here the best i can should u ever wanna come spill or if u need me to just send u pics of my dog or boring pics of knickknacks or selfies or memes or links or anything just tell me what u need and i will try my best to show u my love. i hope u can see that u reaching out is just already a HUGE major step in the right direction, give yrself credit! thats amazing! yr already doing it pumpkin look at u! it’s hard ik. but i also know if u are capable of saying u have this problem going on, u are capable of getting thru this. u are a light in the world. u offer goodness and u offer yrself and that’s enough. even if yr fucked up right now- u are contributing to the world by simply being u. there is literally NO ONE ELSE WHO IS YOU. so u are unique by definition. i hope u get something from this post and if not i hope it strikes an idea or thing u can do that will help. i hope u know im here and i hope u see this.
i am sending u all my light and love and good vibes and i can’t wait to see or hear from u again. u are never bothering me, a burden, or stressing me out. tbh it stresses me more that u might be struggling and not telling me or anyone. i dont ever want u to suffer in silence bc u feel guilt or scared or anything. u deserve to have a place to voice yr shit. im here to listen if u do wanna tell me anymore.
everyone else-if this helped or if u can think of anything that might help anon or anyone else- feel free to reblog and get some good NONJUDGMENTAL advice or tips and tricks going, but please please please remember to not come off as judgey or flood it with your drama. keep ur drama out of this post so anon or anyone else doesn’t get triggered by it. 
and dont ignore my rule and do it anyway and then say some shit like “ik u said not to but i think this will help lol sorry” like we need this post to stay on this vibe that i set in motion and not a struggle contest or dick measuring or all sad personal reminiscing. go make yr own post for that this is NOT the space.
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panelshowsource · 6 years
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of course! i love susie! here is the susie tag! i made a susie set last week!
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all the submissions i’ve ever received in the past were just pictures alongside someone’s opinions/questions... i can’t privately respond to those like i can with an ask, and they never felt quite appropriate to post. what would you want to submit? you can always tag your own content with #panelshowsource and i will see it!
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nope! we do have something called "comedians of the world" which features joel dommett, mae martin, nish kumar, ellie taylor, and quite a lot of standup specials like james acaster, jimmy carr, greg davies, daniel sloss, jack whitehall etc. but with a basic internet proxy, anyone can easily swap their country’s netflix account to british netflix to stream these (x) :)
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hello! wow i watched that last year bc in the film miles jupp is married to james wilby (of maurice fame, you may well know), so of course i had to see it. miles is genuinely a talented actor, i recommend watching him in the new howards end and also journey’s end. as for chicklit, i just googled “watch chicklit” and it came right up for me x
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where is the proof
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sure! twink!john is ultimate john... the new special was a bit bleak though wasn’t it? and i can do that anon, i’m trying to make more drunk history gifs anyway :)
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can u believe??
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god made her incredible at street fighter to make up for her shit dancing. and good job, god, if i may say so
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i certainly have — the new eps are always posted to /r/panelshow, so it’s easy to keep up. it’s a pleasant enough show if you’re liberal scum like me :)
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hahahaha oh anon, how i wish i knew the exact reason. i live for frankie’s apparent disdain for james corden (which did not in fact end in 2014, because he did a joke about it in the first series of new world order)...
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...which is apparently not reciprocated...
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i’m sure there’s no real contempt on a personal level, and james, as a comedian, understands how and why he is a punchline to some people (and can take it). that said, i think his generally appearing “fake” in his personality and penchant for laughing a lot as well as not being a particularly clever or original comedic writer brings the groans from other comedians. after he started winning major awards is when it became particularly trendy not to like him *shrug*
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yes, yes, and it depends...some comics are good presenters, some are good roasters, some are good at standup, some are good at podcasts. so ! i like john mulaney, maria bamford, bo burnham, robin williams, sam morril, and i love roast battles so a lot of the greats on jeff ross presents roast battle (mike lawrence, matthew broussard, etc). but apart from mulaney i can’t think of any i religiously keep up with!
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hello everyone! yes i certainly watched it, i thought it was nice :) it was a good selection of guests and it was nice to see so many new gen panelists on one programme; i think it helped josh & james and tom & rob are such old friends, and obviously jess & james know each other at least mildly well. dynamics make panel shows. i think the format is decent but really dependent on the guests...i could tell so many of the answers were pre-planned with elaborate set ups (props) and i generally find the less obvious that is, the better, so i hope that improves as they move forward. james is also a little less weird and a little more talk show host-y, which is an odd look for him and i’m not sure how i feel about it, bc i assumed josh would be taking that role so james could fuck about a bit — but it certainly feels like the james acaster show 😂 i’ll be interested to see how it continues with different guests. i love the “how much money to do xyz” round, because i play that all the time irl and it’s hilarious making people explain themselves. but i’ll say this: like you guys i obviously really like james, but if we’re being real this is not the funniest panel show of all time aljskfhg or whatever. sometimes i think being consistently pleasant (looking at you, insert name here) can be even better than that. so that’s what i’m hoping for it!
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i don’t i’m sorry to say anon. i can see select episodes are on dailymotion but it looks to me like you’ll have to go here and politely make a request. but in the meantime, never forget.........
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is that a james acaster fan i detect? ;) x
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haha i don’t know what kind of magical powers you think i have as a lil american with 400gb on google drive and no other materials other than the interwebz to watch panel shows, but let me introduce you to a well-known resource around these parts...
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vlc is king queen! enjoy! x
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right here boo! thank you for your patience!
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of course not! imo you’re not asking enough! check out this tag, i’ve been working on it...;)
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im right here silly
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f.a.q. // tags
ps. thanks to everyone for sending in your feedback on double-giffing, meeting celebs, and more! i got all of your messages and i really enjoyed reading all of your perspectives. to keep the blog (mostly) free of drama and debate, i won’t be publishing most of them, but you can always privately message me if you want to talk more :) and sorry i couldnt do original women weds this week; i had a quick surgery yesterday and i was really tired last night. next week will be really good, promise! x sarah
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fart-gate · 4 years
Season 1 episodes 1 & 2
Notes by me 😊
- episode 1
- i just watched the movie like 2 seconds ago so im diving right in here folks lets fuckin goooooo
- poker in the SGC
- how much longer after the movie does this take place?
- nobody believes the lady. Typical
- the gate reveal when the tarp fell off🔥
- lol this is so 90s
- these guys dont work for Ra do they? The costumes are different
- woa his eyes glow like Ra. Same species? Maybe?
- welp now what. They took that poor lady
- this theme💖💖
- i dont know how I feel about different actors here
- I love RDA from MacGyver but Jack seems very stiff acting wise
- as soon as this guy mentioned "stargate" hes all ears
- he keeps saying "im retired" I dont think he knows that theres like 10 more seasons
- mention of abydos!
- this Jack is alot more sarcastic....i like him
- "Over a year" ah ok so its a year later
- "Daniel was a scientist. He sneezed alot. Basically he was a geek" LMFAO YEAH
- wait wasnt Daniel an archeologist and not a scientist
- alright you can stop busting his balls sir. Daniels alive and well on abydos so pls try not to nuke the place
- this general is an ass
- this is so funny with all these new actors
- "skaara" 💗💗
- oh damn I forgot his son died
- waiting on daniels reply. If he replies
- "thanks send more" IM SO EXCITED TO SEE YOOOUUUU
- a woman??? Oooo I feel like I'm going to love her probably. Is she the token woman of the series
- her name is Sam I already love her
- cool! The sexism from what are supposed to be her fellow soldiers is fun to watch
- this is just 8 minutes of her 'proving' that she belongs and I hate it
- Jack and Sam have future lover tropes👀👀 I have a feeling they are going to be good friends tho
- Operation Bring Back Daniel
- abydos status: still a desert
- DANIEL!!!!
-????? This guy acts exactly like james spadder are we sure hes not channeling his spirit somehow
- omg hes so cute??? The floppy hair. glasses boy. Little bean. Little muffin boy. Babey
- AHHH its skaara! Different actor? I cant tell
- share is DEFINITELY a different actress
- omg her and Daniel. So cute
- daniels reaction to sams nerd status
- sha're ??? Is so???? Into Daniel?? And u know what girl thats fair hes adorable.
- party on abydos!🥂
- LMFAO sha're letting everyone know EXACTLY who Daniel belongs to
- "captain-doctor" you can just say one Daniel its fine
- more gate symbols means more planets!
- "I knew id like you" best friends already????? Dont mind if i do
- *nerd talk*
- pls dont kill sha're and skaara I dont think i can take sad daniel
- the budget for this show is poor but they really did their best I guess
- oh its the same snake dude from the sgc
- what do you want with them ya weirdo!!
- Bossy!jack
-love the tape on daniels glasses🤓 Peak Geek
- "nothing good can come thru this gate!"
"You came thru, daniel"
Im literally sobbing
- group hug bye world
- i was right I cant take sad daniel
- woa they have a shield? "Iris" cool
- hammond is mad at Daniel for leaving in the first place. Lets see how he gets outa this one lads
-- to be continued --
- Episode 2
- Hey its the soldier lady! This probably isnt gonna be good
- they just stripped her i am so very uncomfortable
- rip soldier lady :(
- this henchmen dude looks like hes having second thoughts about his job lol
- more aliens like Ra who pose as Gods. Are they the worm things like what that lady has. Thats gross.
- everyone rolls their eyes when Daniel speaks. Is it bc hes a nerd. Nerds are usually right pls listen to him
- I'll get banger content with Daniel on the team bc hes the perfect specimen for Needs To Be Protected Because He Is Babey And Has No Combat Experience and a bitch knows thats my favorite type of character
- Jack pushing Daniel ahead of him. They have Big Brother - Little Brother vibes and I live for that
- sneezy!Daniel
- "im not afraid of you!" Thats right sha're!!! No fear!!!😤
- god poor skaara :(
- Daniel in his liddle uniform
- lmao Jack not listening to Daniel rant about symbols
- SHIT sha're was chosen. Also this henchmen dude looks like he does NOT wanna be here
- "she was a gift" not a good way to describe how you met your wife
- Hey Daniel how about dont run up to random strangers. Its episode 2 and you are already so dumb
- is he multilingual? I feel like I knew that but I dont remember
- dinner party! Good im hungry
- "I have no idea" fav Daniel line 💖
- sha're!!! Queen?
- sha're said YEET and chucked Daniel across the room
- Daniel and skaara hug!
- this fuckin henchmen guy
- apophis is the bad guys name
- what the fuck is a goauld
- "Jack help me please" I'm crying in the club
- the henchmen guy nodded?? At Jack??? And Jack nodded back??? What is this
- "something of the host must survive?" The desperation.....
- oh shit not skaara
- Jack bonked by Big Stick
- "I can save these people! Help me" oh my goodddddd
- daniels glasses askew
- Jack just full on adopted this henchmen
- his name is Tealc!!!! You are now an O'Niell congrats
- hes a 'Jaffa'
- "infant goauld" what the fuck
- he cant take it out so its always with him.......he is pregnant 😌
- I already love him???? Alien man ready to murder the people who enslaved him??? Like FAV trope writers good job
- these effects for the fire fight are actually really good
- Kowalski to the rescue!
- skaara :(
- when Daniel finds the symbols in his little book and hes like oh there they are haha and the rest of them are like DIAL IT ALREADY
- "come on!!!" Impatient!Sam
- at least they got all those people out
- I couldnt be happier with daniels status as Smol Babey of sg1 ✨ its really making my day
- tealc came with them!!! Hes gonna stay right? RiGHT
- group hug for the team!
- Jack found a new best friend in Pregnant Worm Guy
- he wants him to be on the team!!!!! Shut up this is awesome!!!
- a cute shot of the new team in front of the gate💖
- what an episode! A good start to what I'm sure will be an amazing series
Whump under the cut
Daniel jackson whump: shot by Big Stick thing, thrown across room, weak, unconcious, crying, coughing
Jack Oniell whump: hit in face by Bi Stick thing, thrown on ground by hand weapon thing, worried
0 notes
zoenightstars · 7 years
pjo musical: the rundown
so i went to see the lightning thief with @angelicomma yesterday and um. oKAY GUYS GALS AND NONBINARY PALS LEMME TELL U ABOUT THIS MOTHER!FUCKIN! SHOW!!!! because it was SO GOOD this is just like. the short list of what i loved about it because oh my god 
prepare for the longest post ever 
the set was such an aesthetic? it was all very metallic like there was scaffolding and greek columns with graffiti on them? it was very chb and very nyc and overall a Blessing 
every time they needed to show a different location they’d do it with the lights so like there were these lights lining the scaffolding that would change color ?? in the underworld they’d flash red, yellow and orange and were made to look like fire and near the ocean theyd be blue and if they were talking about trees itd be green and! if they wanted u to focus on a certain part of the scaffolding it’d be a different light color than any of the other parts which was rad af
the overhead lights were used really well too like when percy was singing about being the son of poseidon or when there was water the lights would be blue and when they were in the forest theyd be green
there is an entire song about how they hate new jersey and how they refuse to die in the garden state. know this
the show was very low budget like oh my god it was great
they didnt make some of their own props so sally walked in once with a trader joe’s bag and also the most important bag in the world (containing the master bolt) was a fucking jansport 
their representation of water was just to attach toilet paper rolls to leaf blowers and turn the overhead lights blue like what even
they covered the first 4 rows in toilet paper at one point 
also they fuckin deca-casted everyone except for percy (chris mccarrell, the light of my life actually he was so good) 
jonathan raviv played chiron, auntie em, random chb girl in a bike helmet and braids (?), random tractor guy (?), a bus driver, a train conductor, hades, and poseidon and im probably missing someone. he had very distinctive characters for all of them not to mention horse puns 
“the gods are kind of dicks”
medusa’s eyes were just light up swim goggles
sarah beth pfeifer, who probably has the best comic timing ive seen ever, played clarisse, katie gardner, a fucking squirrel?, mrs. dodds, lotus casino girl, random camper assistant to mr. d, and thalia 
*chases annabeth down a flight of stairs with a sword while screaming* 
“for their sixteenth birthdays my friends all got cars. I got a fern and a mason jar!” 
they had the most roles and they were GREAT 
george salazar was such a wonderful grover and mr d oh man 
mr d’s whole gag was he’d kick a chair when he got pissed which was hysterical bc the camper assistant would start pouting every time and he also wanted to turn percy into a dolphin 
“grover, are you ever going to wear pants again?” “NOPE!” 
his solo song was about thalia and how he couldnt save her talk about EMOTIONAL he cried
dam jokes
“we might have more drachmas if you didnt spend them on those DAM SNACKS” “HEY! IT WAS THE HOOVER DAM” 
let me talk about. carrie compere for like multiple hot seconds bc GODDAMN GIRL CAN SANG 
she was such a good sally. can she be my mom. she sang a song abt percy being special and wonderful and i got a lil teary 
“you saved my life, percy. It’s time i learned how to live it.” cryin g 
her silena was really funny? like very whiny but very funny.
 “every time i bring a boy home, my mom’s there in her nightie [...] she steals my mascara and all my dates!” 
she also played sort of charon? underworld guide in this awesome gold dress (she looked SO GOOD) who smacked grover’s goat ass (?????) 
“you know, bringing people to the underworld isn’t my only job. I also have a band. wanna hear a demo?” “not really?” “sorry, i can’t hear you over this SWEET ASS RIFF” 
“We got everyone! we got kurt kobain, we got beethoven. any requests?” “um, do you have josh groban?” “we will.” 
“being a good kid gets you nowhere at all” bruh 
they couldn’t have a scorpion onstage so luke just. fucking stabs percy in the back??? 
He was also a really funny ares and gabe!! 
ok and my gal KRISTIN STOKES 
fun fact abt me and kristin stokes ..... so we were walking in the same direction after stage door and so me and @angelicomma just walked with her....to the train.... she gave us dessert recs...... and talked about the show (she’s so salty about how rangey her big solo is but trust me she was so good on that song) and also waitress with us.... it was the best experience of all time she is so nice and cool and was wearing jurassic park leggings how rad is she oh my god
her annabeth? was awesome? she was witty and tough and aggressive and i was ABOUT IT 
she called out sexism all the damn time 
“annabeth, i get it. do you know how many schools i’ve been kicked out of?” “yeah, percy, but when boys mess up they get a second chance.” 
“hey, annabeth, who’s your dad?” “he’s a history professor.” “i thought everyone’s dad was-” “a god? that’s my mom. sexist.” 
longest yeah boi ever 
the moment where she betrayed luke at the end??? YES GIRL
chris mccarrell was such a perfect percy i am elated 
“Tartarus? LIKE THE FISH SAUCE???!!!?!?!” 
*swings riptide like a lightsaber while making lightsaber noises* 
*packages medusa’s head* “To Mount Olympus. Signed, Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase.” “the gods will think we’re impertinent!” “*winning smile* we are impertinent.” 
*pouts* “i know how to hold a sword! like this!” annabeth corrects him and he swings it “oh wow actually that’s a lot easier” 
in good kid he was like? running around the stage and climbing the scaffolding and shit? and i cried??? the no mom line was the WORST i wanted to actually scream and his voice is so pretty 
and he was so shook by his own powers oh man 
he was just. so good at the twelve year old thing it was fantastic he was all fidgety and Dramatic (tm) god bless
he loves sally so much!!! all the demigods were salty af abt their parents and he was just quietly singing like “my mom loves hugs and scary movies” and i just. screamed quietly
there were rlly cute percabeth moments too. 
 percy’s knocked tf out the first time annabeth meets him (she infiltrates his dream a lil) and he sings a lil song abt how she’s beautiful and stuff and he wakes up and she’s all “YOU DROOL IN YOUR SLEEP” shook 
she shows up at capture the flag (percy hasnt officially met her yet) and he points at her and was just “gasps YOURE MY DREAM GIRL!” and annabeth side-eyes him hardcore and he goes “UM. THE GIRL. FROM MY DREAM.” 
“the god is my mom. sexist.” “NO NO I LOVE GIRLS!” annabeth is shook yet again and percy panics and is like “I MEAN UM THEYRE VERY NICE” 
percy gets serious side eye from luke
it’s great  
when percy gets stabbed they almost kiss and then grover RUNS ONSTAGE “HEY! here’s your ambrosia percy” goddamn it was DRAMATIC
im definitely missing shit but oh boy it was so so good
i’d kill a man for that soundtrack  
if you have the chance (and the money) it’s just. such an Experience and everything i could have ever dreamed of. the cast is great (and theyre all so freakin NICE s/o to kristin especially). 
i’d highly recommend it!!! A+ 1000/10
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park-seonghwa · 5 years
Yes, I do. However, I decided to do an online university instead of just a regular uni, but I hope it's gonna be nice. And thank you so much, it means a lot to hear this, really💖I hope you know how amazing and strong YOU are.💞 for the questions: 1, 3, 4, 6, 11, 13, 18, 19, 20 (I'm so sorry it's so many, I'd have loved to just ask you all of them bc they're so good😭)
now lets go, its q&a time hehe!
1. Which 3 members of Ateez would you get on well with the most, and why?
im almost 100% sure id get on well the most with hongjoong. i think its because we’re both scorpios and i get on well with every scorpio i know (im not an astrology expert tho lol). imo hes a very opinionated and thoughtful person, so we’d have a lot of deep talks, which we’d both enjoy. also i think our humor might be kinda similar, so we’d always laugh at our own jokes even if no one else understood. oH and we’d be able to comfort each other in the best possible ways, since we’d always sort of know, how the other one is feeling. next one is yeosang. (again, i get on well with geminis irl hehe!!) i think we would enjoy each other’s presence a lot, even if we were just silently sitting next to each other. i have the feeling that he’d always be there for me and he’d never get angry at me if i behaved like an ass. and the third one that im gonna mention is mingi. i feel like he would always make me smile without even trying, and thats something i adore. he’d be my happy pill and i would be the one who would bring him down to earth.
3. What genre of movie would you watch with each member?
wow thats an interesting question!! i’d watch some psychological thriller/drama with hongjoong, bc i feel like we’d love to discuss our thoughts abt the movie afterwards. 
i’d like to watch some romantic comedy with seonghwa,, akdjkjw he’d blush so hard during the romantic scenes ajkaskhd
CARTOON WITH YUNHO omg thats a dream!! i think he’d get soft and it’d be fun to watch him being all cute and such hehe. or any harry potter movie omg
i think watching some fantasy or sci-fi movie with yeosang would be rly nice. or maybe a comedy because his laugh has healing abilities hehe
as for san, probably a sci-fi movie with superheroes and stuff!! i think he’d be so excited 
horror movie with mingi is a bIG YES hehehe i bet i’d die looking at him shitting his pants bc he’d be so scared lol and same goes for wooyoung, but i think he might be the one laughing at me being a scaredy cat lol
hmmm maybe an action movie with jongho, for example something like james bond!! i think it’d be fun to watch a comedy with him too!!
4. Which Ateez member do you personally relate to?
seonghwa because of his iconic “smiling through the pain” smile and hongjoong!!
6. Do you have any similarities you share with any member?
i really love dancing just like yunho, its a big passion for both of us. and i feel like im the quiet type like yeosang . ohhh and im in love with ear piercings just like hongjoong, i already have 5 of them and planning to get more!!
11. What fruit do you associate the members with? (lol this made me luagh)
i think we can all agree that jongho is an apple, theres no other way anyone could answer this lmao hongjoong is a mango, seonghwa is a blueberry, yunho is a strawberry, yeosang is grapes, san is an ananas, mingi is a banana and wooyoung is an orange!! (it just the way i feel, idek lol)
13. Is there a (not ateez) song that makes you think of a member?
whenever i listen to ‘press play and escape’ by teflon sega, ‘im the one’ by bloo and ‘sinking down with you’ by vinxen i think of hongjoong
‘if i get high’ by nothing but thieves. ‘killing me slowly’ and ‘goodnight’ by eden remind me of yunho
and i always think of seonghwa when i hear ‘baby shark’ lol
18. Rank your bias’ looks throughout all Ateez eras.
ughh yunho looks gOOD all the time but if i rly had to choose id say 1. zero to one era 2. one to all era 3. all to zero
19. Who do you think has the best eyebrows in Ateez?
:DDDD i dont think ive ever focused on their eyebrows lol i had to check them out before answering this ajhdjwg nd like they all have nice eyebrows?? hmm maybe yeosang i cant decide hehe
20. What job do you think would suit each member if they weren’t idols?
hongjoong would be a good artist, or a fashion designer. seonghwa maybe a lawyer?? (idk it was hard to think of anything else:o) im sure yunho would be an amazing dance choreographer/teacher!! yeosang....hmm a botanist or barista. san uhh probably an actor....? mingi’s a PRESIDENT for sure whos with me on this lmao wooyoung mayhaps a kindergarten teacher hehe and jongho would make a good fitness coach!! 
im sorry for making this so long i couldnt hold myself back hehe it was so fun!! thank you for asking my angel 💖💖💖
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tofuisms · 6 years
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ADRIAN TREVOR, our TOM HARDY fc is looking for a ARMY SQUAD / THREE TO FOUR PEOPLE connection who look like JON HAMM, MATT DAVIS, EVANGELINE LILLY, RASHIDA JONES / UP TO PLAYER who are 30+ YEARS OLD. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( adrian was in the british army from ages seventeen to twenty six, when a serious injury brought his honorable career to a sudden end. he was the only survivor of a landmine related explosion, and a few of his friends died that day - but some of the people he was closest to survived, and i’d love for him to have their friendship, even now. they would have known him at his happiest and most put together, and have been witness to just how badly he fell apart when it was all said and done, and there’s just.. something really lovely to me in the idea of him clinging to their friendship more than he clings to any sort of relationship like that. ) ( vidar björk-thorson / 2-3 more )
ADRIAN & THEORA TREVOR, our TOM HARDY & KATE SIEGEL fcs are looking for their OLDER SIBLING who looks like BRADLEY COOPER, SKEET ULRICH, JONATHAN RHYS MEYERS, ALEXANDER SKARSGARD, AMY ACKER, WINONA RYDER, JENNIFER GARNER / ANY FC and is OVER 37. you DON'T have to contact prior to applying, though you CAN if you'd like at FIIDELIS or WVTCHFUL. ( the firstborn ! the way we see it, there's two ways to play it, and both are probably just as fun! option one is, they're only a few years older than the twins. after steve returned to life - john mulaney vc hooray! - he settled down for the quiet life, and diana continued to do her hero thing. somewhere in between of life, they had their own small family, and this would be their firstborn. they grew up alongside the twins in london, and probably had to deal with.... a lot, like the stage their little sister went thru where she stanned mom EXTRA HARD, and the time that their little bro went to the english equivalent of juvie. once they were in the latter teen years / had aged up to adult, all the kids kinda went their own ways - following their various dreams and whatnot until all roads led to here. but they were all VERY close growing up - understandably - and depending on how things have played out for them, they still stand a shot of being now! option two, while less fleshed out, could be that the eldest kid is actually from the first shot that steve and diana had at their relationship - conceived before steve died prior to the end of world war one, and still alive now because of inherited amazonian powers. they'd be... much older than adrian and theora in that case, but depending on how it's played, they could still totally have been close! maybe they spent an extended period in london w them, both to get close to steve and to know their sibs! maybe they just tried to make that a priority! who's ! to ! say! 
)ADRIAN & THEORA TREVOR, our TOM HARDY & KATE SIEGEL fcs are looking for their YOUNGER SIBLING who looks like MANDY MOORE, RACHEL BILSON, SERINDA SWAN, TYE SHERIDAN, MAX IRONS, DANIEL SHARMAN / ANY FC and ANY AGE / PREFERABLY OVER 25. ( okay! this connect is for the youngest of the bunch, and boy oh boy... what freedom there is. the only thing ENTIRELY set is that, like the twins and the elder sib - if option one of that connect is followed thru - they were born and raised in london, where steve settled down to have the wholesome fam life while diana continued hero-ing. like ALL the sibs, in their later teen years / adulthood, they went their own way and did their own thing - totally up to YOU where that brought them and what was going on in their life - but... all roads lead, x2, and here they are. we totally can't speak for the yet unpicked up older sib, but adrian and theora are both... wildly loyal individuals who care about and love their fam more than absolutely anything, so while they got the younger sib treatment from their older sib, they gave it, x2, when it came to this one. they would have been so, so loved - and honestly? very close, at least up until a certain point. everyone in the family eventually drifted, but that doesn't mean that the love has ever waned, or that the twins' over protectiveness of them has ever stopped. cos it hasn't. they love them more than words can say, and would probably be THRILLED to have them here. in fairness its probably the first time they've all been together with no end point in sight in years, the sum of their conversations probably over way too many skype calls and text messages up until now. we'd love to have them! small explanation for the 'preferably over 25'. steve and diana are kinda?? the perfect family for chars on the 'older' end of the spectrum, and we kinda love the idea of all the kids being actual adults™ at this stage, especially since the rest of the siblings are all in their mid thirties plus. )
GRÁINNE CASSIDY, our SOPHIE RUNDLE fc is looking for her SIBLINGS / TWO OLDER, TWO YOUNGER who look like FINN COLE, OLIVIA COOKE, CILLIAN MURPHY, EMILY BROWNING, DOUGLAS BOOTH / ANY FACE CLAIM who are anything from 20-40 YEARS OLD. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( do u want to play a member of a crime fam, but ur not sure which to pick? do u want to play an irish char, but dont know what to do? if the answer is yes to the first and no to the second, but ur ok with settling, then boy o boy do i have the crime fam for you ! mutant on their fathers side and mobster on their mothers, the cassidy-sullivan’s are honestly… p hot, if i say so myself. their matriarch was left the only member of the fam after they were wiped out in gotham about ten years ago, and now they’re all getting older, the kids are restarting that specific fam business. i love the idea of them all having like… conflicting ideals, conflicting ideas for their fam, conflicting LIVES. gráinne fancies herself the head of the family right now, and at least for the minute is continuing their loyalty to the falcone’s. her sibs could want to challenge her… could be happy working alongside her… could mayb not even wanna be apart of the family - it’s honestly up to YOU ! )
MAKENA THURMAN, our ZOE KRAVITZ fc is looking for her ADOPTIVE SISTER / HOPE SUMMERS connection who looks like KIMIKO GLENN, ALISON SUDOL, RILEY KEOGH, DEMET OZDEMIR / ANY FC who is 26+ YEARS OLD. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( i also play hope’s “grandmother”, jean, but i mostly just !! really want kena’s fave and most badass big sis !! )
NIKKI BARTON, our PHOEBE TONKIN fc is looking for her ALMOST FOSTER PARENT / CANON OR OTHERWISE who looks like PLAYERS CHOICE and is  PARENT AGED. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( right after her mom died and before her dad TECHNICALLY kidnapped her, nikki bounced from foster home to foster home a lot over a period of about three years. they most all ended badly, but there was one - the one right at the end, the one she left when her dad came back - that stuck with her, because a part of her was… sort of hoping they would want to keep her forever. they brought a softness to her that she had been pretty quickly losing, supported her when needed, were strict when they had to be, and have always been a pretty big what if in her life - making the idea of them reappearing and nikki encountering them at this point in her messy life… really interesting to me. )
NORA LANCE-QUEEN, our JOSEFINE FRIDA PETTERSEN fc is looking for her MOTHER / DINAH LAUREL LANCE who looks like ( SARAH MICHELLE GELLAR, CHRISTINA HENDRICKS, ADRIANNA PALICKI, DIANE KRUGER, MICHELLE PFEIFFER / ANY FC ) who is  MOM YEARS OLD. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( nora is embarking on a new char arc that’s basically.. going to lead into her becoming a vigilante, smth she never rly wanted before now, and def like.. laying groundwork for her to Someday, whenever dinah steps down, mayhaps taking on the black canary mantle. she loves her dad, but she STANS her mom, so..pls )
NORA LANCE-QUEEN, our JOSEFINE FRIDA PETTERSEN fc is looking for her  FATHER / OLIVER QUEEN who looks like NIKOLAJ COSTER WALDAU, CHARLIE HUNNAM, MATT CZURCHY, RYAN GOSLING / ANY FC  who is DAD YEARS OLD. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( oliver queen may have his - many - faults, but nora was honestly… always sort of a daddy’s girl, and that’s an unfortunate trait she may never rly lose. pls bring green arrow dad. i can’t offer much, but i can give u all the angst u could want. )
NORA LANCE-QUEEN, our JOSEFINE FRIDA PETTERSEN fc is looking for her TWO OLDER SIBLINGS who look like  BRIE LARSON, TOBY REGBO, CANDICE ACCOLA, DANIEL SHARMAN / ANY FC  who is 25+ YEARS OLD . you DON’T  have to contact prior to applying. ( it is honestly… one of my many dreams for nora to have a couple older sibs that she’s actually, like. u know. pretty close to! im not saying it couldnt go the other way bc ofc that’s just as interesting to explore, but im.. big hoe for the idea of three sibs standing shoulder to shoulder against the world and everything it may throw at them. )
RAMONA DARKHOLME, our MADCHEN AMICK fc is looking for her ELDEST CHILD ( MUST HAVE NAME BEGINNING WITH R ) connection who looks like WILLIAM MOSELEY, LILY JAMES, TOBY REGBO, WILLA FITZGERALD, DOUGLAS BOOTH, IMOGEN POOTS / ANY FC who is 30-35 YEARS OLD. you DO have to contact prior to applying at OFDARKHOLMES or DISCORD ( jean grey rail me challenge#5427 ). ( ok … hear me out. mayb im wrong. mayb im right. but i think… that romy having a kid that’s on the older end of the spectrum could b pretty fun, and i have … a whole sort of. concept for them. so. back in the early years of her relationship with her baby daddy ( he is an npc named abe ), and back when she was… very young, and VERY committed to the brotherhood cause - there came to be an accident. one that was loved, don’t get me wrong, but an accident nonetheless. at that point, romy… couldn’t care for a kid. she just wasn’t prepared for one, and it kind of parralells what happened roughly ten years later, in my mind - one child she knew she wasn’t prepped for and gave up for that very reason, and two that she could have given the world to but had to give up because the world said no. but here’s the CONCEPT ; i’d love if they could have been raised by raven, and if romy… was still in their life, as they grew. moreso than that, i’d love if they were past the awkward stage of “oh, so, i’m ur mom”, or at least… both on the same page about that, and think it could be a super neat dynamic if they had kind of gone from… mother / child to older sister / younger sister cookie cutout relationships to something more friendly. i’m essentially flying by the seat of my pants, here, and i can be talked into ANYTHING ( ask my friends, they’ll tell you ), but i’d love to have… a cute lil romy darkholme / darkholme extended fam , ok. pls. allow this to b a thing. ur grandmom / mayb adoptive mom is raven and ur grandfather is logan FOR CRYING OUT LOUD )
TRIXIE ESPINOZA, our CHRISTIAN SERRATOS fc is looking for her FATHERS / DAN ESPINOZA & LUCIFER MORNINGSTAR who look like JAY HERNANDEZ, ALFONSO HERRERA, GABRIEL LUNA, ANY MEXICAN FC ( DAN ) / DIEGO LUNA, RICKY WHITTLE, TOM ELLIS, ANY FC ( LUCIFER ) who are 40+ ( DAN ) & 1000+ ( LUCIFER ) YEARS OLD. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( healthy coparents, unite !! chloe and dan are two of lapd’s best and brightest, and trix loves her parents so much - but she ALSO loves her stepfather, lucifer, and he’s 100% on the same level in her mind as her birth parents. )
TRIXIE ESPINOZA, our CHRISTIAN SERRATOS fc is looking for her MOTHER / CHLOE DECKER who looks like LAUREN GERMAN, VERA FARMIGA, WINONA RYDER, SARAH MICHELLE GELLAR, AMY ACKER, PLAYERS CHOICE who is  40+ YEARS OLD. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( if u have seen lucifer, then u already have a pretty good idea of trixie’s dynamic with her mom! her dad is great and all, but… chloe was the one who was REALLY there for her, ya know? i kinda had it hced that chloe is now with lucifer cause that’s how the show was heading to and i didn’t imagine anyone snagging anymore lucifer chars, but i’m! definitely open to changing that! just gimme her mom pls! )
VICTORIA CREED, our STELLA MAEVE fc is looking for a “HALF-SIBLING” / COUSIN connection who looks like DJ COTRONA, JASON RALPH, KATIE CASSIDY, TINASHE, ANTHONY RAMOS, PLAYERS CHOICE who is ANY AGE / PREFERABLY 26+. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( so. yall best know yall can do what yall WANT, its just.. originally when i played vicki i had a wc for a “half-brother”, and i was thinking about it recently and think it could be… kinda fun. SO. this is for a kid of victor creed - either.. biologically, or another one that he just kinda . stole - that vicki actually knew during certain points of her life, because for the most part, she was pretty isolated. for whatever reason - maybe he just wanted someone to keep an eye on his investment or whatever - victor allowed these two to interact a bit more, and depending on how they were to one another, i feel that a certain loyalty definitely could have developed between them. vicki got fucked over a couple times and left in, like, japan for 9 months and a yemen prison for another six and incidents like that have dotted her life, but im kinda thinking this “half-sibling” could have been the one who.. helped her out, or was stuck there alongside her. gimme! )
ZIVA MIZRAHI, our INBAR LAVI fc is looking for her HALF BROTHER connection who looks like SHILOH FERNANDEZ, JUSTIN BALDONI, JULIAN MORRIS, JUSSIE SMOLLETT, XAVIER DOLAN / UP TO PLAYER ( tho the named are preferred ) who is 30+. you DO have to contact prior to applying at SICVIITAEST or DISCORD ( jean grey rail me challenge#5427 ). ( things to know: they were both born in tel aviv, israel, and they share the same father - an oc named joseph, who is now dead. neither of ziva’s birth parents were good people, but what his mother was like and what happened to her is up to you. they were raised together, however briefly, before they were separated - ziva was seven, and he was either a small bit younger or older. both of them were experimented upon, though like prev, it’s really up to you whether or not that resulted in any sort of enhancements. she became a ward of shield, and where he ended up is completely up to you - just like his personality and whatnot, though i’ll admit straight up that the main reason i’m looking for him and the main reason i waNT him is cause i would love… for him to b a drumroll, please - villain. w her being raised to be a hero and him being raised the opposite it would create a rly [ forgive my choice of phrase ] hot contrast, and make them.. two sides of a literally same coin. it would also b. pretty fun to explore both of their feelings, and both of their motivations - would ziva want to try and see him better? would he want her to join him/think more on his side of things? would it instead take the turn of her wanting to b the one to take him down, or vice versa, and would either b capable of that? it’s fun to imagine so ! do the thing ! )
ADRIAN TREVOR, our TOM HARDY fc is looking for an EX-FLING / MOTHER OF HIS CHILD connection who looks like EVA GREEN, MILA KUNIS, EVA LONGORIA, HOLLY MARIE COMBS who is 30+ YEARS OLD. you DO have to contact prior to applying at FIIDELIS. ( so! i won’t go into everything about this one here cause i wanna try keep it short, but basically… they were on and off and never really an official item for years - way back to when he was still in the army, meeting up and having relations whenever he was home / free for a while - and were… complete opposites. on the surface, it seemed as if she was the sweet and innocent angel, and he was this rough geezer. in actuality, SHE’S kinda cold hearted - in the best of ways - and he’s the softie, but… not many people rly knew that truth. anyway, they came to an end right around the time he got into his short lived relationship + marriage, and he always thought of her as a big “what if”… right up to last year when he discovered that after they had ended, she had moved to the states and had his son. the kid is seven now, and she never told him for obvious reasons, but he’s here only to try and make something work - he never WANTED to have a kid, but he’s not going to deny him now he knows. we can talk out p much everything, but ! yeah ! )
RAMONA DARKHOLME, our MADCHEN AMICK fc is looking for her EX-FLINGS / MAX. FOUR who look like WINONA RYDER, SOFIA VERGARA, PEDRO PASCAL, HUGH DANCY / UP TO PLAYER and are 35+ YEARS OLD. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( romy might have lost the love of her life, but she did not lose her sex drive. i’m sure there’s a better way i could have worded that, but… whatever. over the years since her fiance passed, romy has tried many times to move on - and that means she has quite a few exes scattered about the place, all of whom she has a different dynamic with. like any ex / current fling connect, i’m most interested in discussing how it started and all with people who want to do it, cause i think that’s the best way of making unique dynamics! )
ADRIAN TREVOR, our TOM HARDY fc is looking for a NEW BOSS / ANYONE WHO WORKS connection who looks like UP TO PLAYER and is 30+ YEARS OLD. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( right now, adrian’s main job is pouring coffee for millennials at starbucks. he’s ex-army and current gang, and he’s really not got that much going for him - but it’d be nice, if there was someone out there in a better place, job wise, willing to give him a shot. he needs to get that bread! )
ADRIAN TREVOR, our TOM HARDY fc is looking for a NEW BOSS x2 / ANY PRESS ADJACENT CHARACTER WHO WORKS connection who looks like UP TO PLAYER who is 30+ YEARS OLD. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( can you tell that i literally… do not know what to refer to this connection as? lmao. anyway he’s an independent journalist - who writes things on like… avocado recipes and shit for whoever will hire him at a time - and i’m not sure on the newspaper / general press situation here, but i’d love for someone to read his writing and take him on as some sort of regular reporter. i imagine it would remain secondary to his “main” job if only because he really needs to keep himself afloat here, but over time, i’d love to see him succeed and actually become the journalist who writes about relevant things that he’s always dreamt of being. )
EMMA FROST, our AMBER HEARD fc is looking for her HELLFIRE CLUB INNER CIRCLE / MAX. FIVE who look like ANY FC and are 30+ YEARS OLD. you DO have to contact prior to applying at WHIITEQUEENS or DISCORD. ( out with the old, in with the new. after emma’s hellfire club takeover, the old inner circle was removed, and she’s now formed her own out of members she trusts. they’d have neat titles all sourced from a chess board, and that, plus how they met / what their connection to emma would be because they would def have one is mostly why i’m making it a contact thing cos ! i’d like for us to smooth those details out! )
EMMA FROST, our AMBER HEARD fc is looking for her SECRETARY & PERSONAL ASSISTANT’S / MAX. TWO who look like ANY FC and are 25+ YEARS OLD. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( emma runs frost international, a multi-billion dollar company that deals mostly in transportation, but has started to branch out into electronics. its a full time thing and she actually… doesn’t spend all her time on it, because she’s also dedicated to remaining an active professor and is splitting time between everything. she does it quite well i’d like to imagine, but she definitely needs the added help, and that would be these chars! bonus points if they’re mutants! )
GRÁINNE CASSIDY, our SOPHIE RUNDLE fc is looking for the FAMILY OF HER DECEASED SPOUSE connection who look like ANY FACE CLAIMS and are ANY AGE. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( gráinne married at twenty six to the self professed love of her young life - someone who was better than her, who may or may not have known the full extent of the cassidy-sullivan crime families activities, but who loved her back, regardless of all else. theirs was a whirlwind romance - they had known each other before, surely, but had gotten ahead of themselves quickly once together - begun in spring and married in winter ; and when the leaves began to turn once more, and new life began to bloom, gráinne’s love was taken from her. it was her fault. whether they died for her or died because of her, details can be smoothed out, but the blame rests on only one woman’s shoulders, and their family surely KNOWS. give her people who resent that she exists. people who can’t understand why a light of their lives was extinguished, while gráinne cassidy gets to continue. give her people who can fuel her own feelings of responsibility. )
MAKENA THURMAN, our ZOE KRAVITZ fc is looking for a BOSS connection who look like JASON MOMOA and is 30+ YEARS OLD. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( kena works at the karma klub as an accountant and booking agent, and i’d ! love for her manager / owner of the klub / honestly… whatever tf / to be a jason momoa face, just because… their pics are supes cute and i think it’d be really sweet if kena had this older guy in her life who’s almost, like… someone guiding her? they’re in the scene longer than her, they can provide some tips and tricks, and just past the job aspect.. neither of her parents are here, so it would be nice for her to have someone who can sort of step into that role and be someone who she has learnt to be able to go to and confide in, when needed. )
MAKENA THURMAN, our ZOE KRAVITZ fc is looking for her EX HOUSEMATE connection who looks like PIPPA SOO, ALFIE ENOCH, HAYLEY LAW, JOHN BOYEGA / UTP who is 25+. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( in the years before her daughter was born, makena wasn’t always the most stable of people. she’s also never exactly been the WORST, but… she’s always had a lot of issues with keeping her emotions in check, and she used to be horribly selfish and petty, at the worst of times. after becoming friends in college, she and this character decided to get an apartment together and split the costs - but after a few months of this, shit hit the fan, and kena fucked up in a way that she couldn’t go back from, resulting in them kicking her out. they’ve barely spoken since, and she harbors.. a lot of resentment, for that fateful event. )
NIKKI BARTON, our PHOEBE TONKIN fc is looking for a EX-CLIENTS connection who looks like UP TO PLAYER who is ANY AGE you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( i’m gonna keep this one a little vague, cause.. i wanna leave it open to multiple people, and i think every single one of those could have a different sort of dynamic with her. nikki used to work as a drugrunner for a major dealer named callum. he was, for want of a better description - an abusive piece of shit, and he continued to be that right up until nikki killed him in self defense. HOWEVER, before he died and she got carted off to jail, nikki used to do a lot of jobs for him, and they led her across states. she would have rubbed shoulders with a lot of not so great people, but also some kinda ok ones. some might have heard what happened, others won’t and might be kinda confused about what the FUCK happened to their supply, but either way.. i want. also. callum coulda had some other helpers. idk. i just want it ALL. ) ( bea zsasz & others )
RAMONA DARKHOLME & ABRAHAM MUELLER, our MADCHEN AMICK fc is looking for their EX-BROTHERHOOD GROUP MEMBERS connection who look like WINONA RYDER, PEDRO PASCAL, JADA PINKETT SMITH, ANGELA BASSETT, HALLY BERRY, NORMAN REEDUS, KEANU REEVES / PLAYERS CHOICE, MUST BE 40+ THO who are 45+ YEARS OLD. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( any of them can maybe be kids of canons, depending ON the canon?? anyway. all of them - preferably about.. five, ig - are surviving members of the brotherhood group that romy ran, some nineteen years ago. they all worked together for YEARS, moving around europe a lot but spending some time settled in rural germany, which was ultimately where their particular crusade seemed to come to an end. intolerant humans attacked them, most were killed, and those that ran were assumed dead / assumed they were the only survivors, pretty much ‘til now. romy back means they’re probably gonna maybe want to restart what they were doing before, and this connection could rly go.. any way. maybe romy - ran into one of them at some point in the past, and relieved they were alive, kept in contact to call them someday, leading to their reunion now. maybe they’ve seen a familiar name in the paper, or on the paragon website. maybe this is just where the wind has blown them. i lov the idea of this squad, ‘kay, cos.. they spent a chunk of their time together, and for romy, they were less friends more #fam ) 
TRIXIE ESPINOZA, our CHRISTIAN SERRATOS fc is looking for LUCIFER CANONS / MAZIKEEN, AMENADIEL, LINDA MARTIN, ELLA LOPEZ, CHARLOTTE RICHARDS who look like LESLEY-ANN BRANDT ( MAZE ) / DB WOODSIDE, IDRIS ELBA, ANY BLACK MALE ( AMENADIEL ) / RACHAEL HARRIS, RACHAEL TAYLOR, KRISTEN BELL, ANY FC ( LINDA ) / AIMEE GARCIA, MARIA LAAS, EVA LONGORIA, ANY MEXICAN OR PUERTO RICAN FC ( ELLA ) / TRICIA HELFER, JAMEELA JAMIL, CONSTANCE WU, ANY FC ( CHARLOTTE ) who are ANY AGE. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( considering just how interlocked everyone has become on the show, between… maze and linda and amenadiel, ella working with everyone, charlotte being with dan, etc - i like to kinda imagine… they’re all a huge, vaguely blessed family. it would b nice not to b the only lucifer canon rocking around the place ! )
TRIXIE ESPINOZA, our CHRISTIAN SERRATOS fc is looking for ILLEGAL PATIENTS who look like UP TO PLAYER and are ANY AGE. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( trix is a med student, and she does a lot of work at the local hospital - but i also imagine that over the last few years, she’s sort of made a name for herself in the lowkey sense as someone who’s willing to treat patients out of hours / out of the hospital / etc on the downlow. if your character is a vigilante / hero / villain / etc, who sometimes gets themselves fuckt up and doesn’t want to make the big deal it could be by getting treated officially… hit her up ! she’ll fix you up for free, and she’ll do it discreetly. )
TRIXIE ESPINOZA, our CHRISTIAN SERRATOS fc is looking for MORTUARY COWORKERS who look like UP TO PLAYER and are ANY AGE. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( so !! trixie currently works at the local morgue, and as of right now… i think she’s the only one who does? and i’d love for her to have some coworkers there, cause it’s obviously such a heavy job, and i think… while it doesn’t phase trix, it would still be nice for her to have people who can relate to how TOUGH it can be sometimes, and who she can kind of have developed a little something something with. )
VICTORIA CREED, our STELLA MAEVE fc is looking for VICTIMS who look like UP TO PLAYER and are ANY AGE. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( twenty six years spent being little more than another weapon in victor creed’s hands means that victoria has… a lot of blood on her hands. i dare say that none of it is blood she wanted to spill, but the fact remains that she never really knew enough torefuse. she’s done a lot of things she’s not proud of, and she’s hurt a lot of people - meaning she’s going to be spending a great deal of her very long life trying, in vain, to make amends in some way. i want for her to encounter people who she’s hurt. either directly, or that… she hurt their family or distant family before alongside victor, and either she recognizes them and seeks them out, or they recognize her and seek her out. give her people who shout and scream about what she’s done, and people who can’t believe she’s being allowed walk around and keep on living. give her people who know she was just another victim of a psychopath, who could maybe give her something she’s never had before - forgiveness - and make her feel a way she’s also… never felt before. give her all sorts of connections under this heading bc i think it’s unrealistic if she has none. )
ZIVA MIZRAHI, our INBAR LAVI fc is looking for her SENIOR AGENTS SHE SPENT TIME WITH GROWING UP / LIMITLESS connection who look like UTP and who are 28+ YEARS OLD. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( ziva basically lived at headquarters from the time she was brought in - age six - to now, and while nick and natasha were her primary caregivers, she was often shuttled between different agents during down periods or whatnot. basically, if she for some reason couldn’t stay at shield itself, or there was a holiday - like thanksgiving, christmas, easter, her birthday - coming up, she’d be taken in briefly by a senior agent or their family and given a place to stay for a bit before such a time as she returned. )
ZIVA MIZRAHI, our INBAR LAVI fc is looking for her PERSON SELLING SHIELD INTEL connection who looks like UTP and who is ANY AGE. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( they would be a shield agent, but what separates them from most is for whatever reason - be it nefarious or something closer in line with money troubles - they’ve been selling information on shield to the highest bidder. five years ago, ziva was sent on a mission with a handful of agents she had never really worked with before, and because of information that they gave - and the fact that they, or another, heavily implied that because of her shield upbringing ziva would be the one with the most intel on that team - the mission was compromised from the get go, and while ziva was captured, everyone else was wiped out. she suffered over a year at the hands of her captors and meanwhile, everyone back home fully believed that she was dead. what they did could weigh on them, or it might not. if it’s a case of something more innocent whereby they’ve needed the money gained from selling secrets, it could even be that they didn’t realize that the info they were giving was going to lead that particular buyer where it did. again, if not, it could be because they have a grudge against ziva for some reason we can talk out or smth. i’m v much into the idea of this and ! would love for it to b taken ! so pls ! do the thing ! )
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