#also been lazy and not in the mood to draw but now i think i'm back
skyxsy · 1 year
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Haven't drawn properly for a while and it has been almost 4 months lmao
Here is thinking Ame comparison
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bluegekk0 · 3 months
I've been in such an emotional slump lately. I fear that I upset my friends without realizing and now every interaction I feel like they're mad at me. It's like every time we chat I get the impression that they're annoyed with me, I keep thinking they're being sarcastic and trying to tell me to shut up in subtle ways, but I'm scared of asking cause what if I'm overreacting like I usually do? I just hate it so much. I feel like I'm such an exhausting person to be around and a little voice in the back of my mind keeps telling me it would be better for everyone if I distanced myself.
And I'm also fighting really hard against the idea that people in general are getting bored of me. I know engagement is not everything, I know that drawing for myself should be a priority. It makes me happy, and I draw what I love BECAUSE I love it. But it's so hard for me to not hope for validation and feedback when I've been compared to others all childhood. And it stings so much when a drawing I'm super happy with maybe doesn't perform as well as I hoped (at least compares to the number of people who follow me). I don't know if it's not reaching people here or if it's just getting too repetitive for people to care anymore. Or perhaps people see my self-reblogs as desperate and get discourages from interacting for that reason? Maybe they're right for that.
I've also been looking into and educating myself on the experiences of autistic individuals since I suspect I'm on the spectrum, and I do relate to many of them, plus every test I take indicates that I might be autistic. So in theory, self diagnosing would help, right? I could stop worrying that I'm broken somehow or a failure of an adult, and just accept that my brain simply works differently and maybe even be more kind to myself. That sounds good. But then the doubts keep creeping in. I don't remember if I showed any signs in my childhood, I barely remember anything from it. So what if I'm wrong, what if there were none, and I'm just overanalyzing symptoms or even faking them? How can I consider myself part of the community if there is a chance I shouldn't be there at all? What if I'm just lazy, what if I'm an introverted, anxious loser who put themselves in this situation by being incompetent at everything, now trying to find excuses?
I don't know. There's so many exhausting thoughts that have been dragging my mood down for the past few days. And I guess I'm just waiting for it to pass since I'm so scared of actually going out there and getting help.
Well, there goes another oversharing session. I usually feel bad talking about this with my friends cause I don't want to put them under the obligation to respond. And with how terrible I am at responding to their struggles (not that I don't care, I'm just so, so bad at responding to emotions and putting my thoughts into words that don't make me sound robotic) it often feels too one sided. So I guess this is a way for me to scream into the void and give people a choice if they want to ignore it or respond. I could just write it down in a diary or something, but part of me is hoping that maybe this experience resonates with someone and I'd feel less alone. Or maybe I'm simply just desperate for advice or validation that would feed my ego.
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in-halingstardust · 3 months
Hi! May I request an HSR match? My spice tolerance is mid 😅
She/her, Gemini, Intp, 5w4
Chaotic Good
Appearance: 164cm. Brown wavy hair, dark Brown eyes. Curvy body I guess? I'm pale with visible beauty marks like on my lips. I wear glasses/sunglasses. I've been described as cute and a tease because I always bite my lips out of habit lol. I often have a tired/annoyed expression or a smile. I wear comfy clothes and even pj outside. Or cliché villain clothes, no in between. I try to wear gloves to stop myself from bitting my nails.
I appear as cold and very sarcastic. But I can be charismatic when I want. I'm always polite unless I dislike you (you'll know it because I become passive agressive). How I act depends on how you act with me, unless I'm in a bad mood. In that case I isolate to not break hearts too much. I act flirty around my friends and is known for sometimes playing with hearts (I'm oblivious to it). I'm petty and can go very far out of spite or vengeance. I curse a lot and will call you out on your bullshit with no issue no matter who you are.
I'm moody and not a morning person AT ALL. I'm brutally honest and it affected some friendships because people sometimes won't dare to approach me. I'm also socially obvious to a lot of things. I'm very curious and have a short attention spawn.
Getting along with me is easy peasy. As long as you're not whiny or a hypocrite we will get along. Now getting to know me is....nearly impossible. No friend of mine has managed to make me spill my problems even thought they share theirs and I help them out. My trust issues and daddy issues are too important for that lol. I don't open up and bottle my feelings all the time till I shut down or explode. I isolate a lot when I have problems or I'm just thinking (I love daydreaming). I'm rebellious but also a smooth talker. My friends know I have good intentions and would never wrong an innocent person. I'm the smart but reckless friend cuz I'll always hype up bad ideas for fun. I can be a bit naive. Even thought I have morbid curiosity and shared dubious experimental ideas....morals ain't my Forte. I'm more logical than emotional. I'm ambitious and can't stand my own failure. But I'm also lazy and a procrastinator which is a terrible combo. I'm always willing to debate and learn new things because knowledge is very important to me. I'm creative and innovative, I know when to get to business. I'm very competitive and try to hide it. Yeah I have an ego, so what? if you don't have a solid argument with me, I'll destroy you.
Despite that, I joke a lot and never take anything seriously. It happens that I underestimate people (I beat them later sooo). I'm a big tease and love to rile up people and see them get angry. I subtly insult people when they piss me off.
Because of that, I get very lonely and I'm misunderstood. I don't recognize my own feelings and mask that pretty well as it fools everyone. i don't consider myself to be a good person for some reasons. I envy easily and get annoyed easily because I want to succeed above all lol. Oh and I love money. I like gifting my friends and receiving gifts.
Hobbies: Reading (mystery, thriller, fantasy), true crime, video games, manga, drawing, baking, fighting sports (sparing and shooting), learning, daydreaming. I love space and mad scientists stories. My aesthetic is definitely related to those subjects as well as the sea and stars.
I'm insecure about my weight despite not being overweight.
In a relationship, I'm the most chill person. I don't get jealous or clingy. You can do whatever you want. I'm always here to give you advices because helping you out, giving you my time and giving you gifts is my love langage. It bothered my last boyfriend because he thought I wasn't emotionally present and isolated a lot (which I did. I warned him that I accepted out of boredroom and didn't love him but he still went ahead. Then he emotionally cheated on my bd and everyone noticed but me lol. I separated from those friends cuz none told me and I value honesty a lot). I love cuddles but I'll take time to accept physical touch. I enjoy a partner that can keep up with me and be patient and honest because I value honesty. I also love receiving gifts because uh...I grew up with them validating love. I hate whiny and cowardly people. I don't fall first and don't make the first move.
I speak Arabic, French and English. I'm an only child. I study electronics and want to work in space related studies.
Thank you!
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Girl... like sincerely, if you need anything DM me. I slap your ex friends/relationship so hard for you. This may be different than usual so let me know if this isn't what you want and if I can fix it! ♡♡♡
This might be a little different, but I’m going to pair you with Blade. 
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❥ If we are talking about someone who wears his little, tiny, miniscule heart on his sleeve I’d pick Blade. I feel your relationship would thrive upon honesty through actions rather than words. No wondering about the next move, no hesitation, it will be very different to say the least.
❥ To explain it, it’s more about the will that you both possess. The drive to accomplish whether those demands are wrong or right. The similarity between objectives no matter how concluded the path may be.
❥ So when Blade asks you to be in a ‘partnership’ with him, you are quite taken aback.
❥ It’s not the most romantic ‘partnership’ such as hugs and kisses, affectionate PDA; but, for some reason, Blade is never one to ‘forget’ your favorite type of flowers. It was just on way back, don't think too much of it. Never forget the type of pencils you like for sketching, don't forget the multitude of facts you spew as you both stare at the stars in the sky. Your hand draws constellations as if you can touch them. ❥ Your ‘partnership’ slowly evolves over time to something that passersby would call romantic. Maybe it's the way he is always close to you on rainy days, holding the umbrella with your heat radiating into him. ❥ Sometimes after those cold walks you ask him to warm you up. He gives a small scowl until he lifts you onto the kitchen counter. Your legs wrapping around his waist as he pins you against the cabinet's lips finding yours. Chase kisses turn deeper and you feel your head spinning around in stars.
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puddingvalkyrie · 2 months
Reading massively improved my mental health and I want to talk about it in case it can help others!
Y'all, I think we all need to read more books.
I know I'm an author so I WOULD say that and in fact, I DO say that to children at every opportunity (my dyslexia would be a LOT worse if I hadn't read so much as a kid) but hear me out.
So back in ...March/April I was pretty miserable and it was partly because Norwegian winter will do that to an unprepared foreigner but also because it was the anniversary of The Bad Thing so I felt miserable and alone.
I had no way to really remedy the situation.
But one thing I did do was... Finally crack. See, I'd been DYING to reread my Discworld books, but they are in a different country and I can't afford to go get them or have them sent to me. I have a few paper books here though - I mainly took my fairytale collections, because what did you expect? Actually I guess hardly anyone on Tumblr knows me - Alicia does two things. Vampires. And Fairytales. Didn't bring my vampire encyclopedia, too big and heavy. Anyway.
I have a part time job with an hour on the train each way. I started taking my paper books, my fairytale collections. They were full of short things I could finish easily in a train journey.
Some info. I had managed to sour reading for myself some years previously... I mainly read for research purposes, hardly picking up anything just for the fun of it. PSA: Don't do this. Do not do this. Don't. Do NOT.
And then I reread one of the few paper fiction books I had with me. I enjoy fairytales but they do still fall under 'sort of work' for me. This did not. This was a book I am eagerly awaiting the finale to.
Anyway, I finished it quickly, reading it both on and off the train. You know. For fun. Not just fill time I was stuck somewhere.
Finishing it annoyed me. I wanted more stories. I wanted more than fairytales. And so I cracked. I bought Equal Rites as an ebook. See, I'd previously decided I would not buy anything I already owned in paperback as an ebook because... Well, waste of money, something I don't have enough of. To buy my entire discworld collection in ebook format would cost as much as getting on a plane and bringing my paper ones back.
But just ONE book would be alright, wouldn't it?
So anyway I finished the book.
Of course I'm not going to read just ONE discworld book.
So I carefully ration myself ebooks, making a condition for myself that they are mainly for the train, but I am allowed to read them at home too.
And gradually... The fog lifted. Nothing much has changed besides that I'm reading books regularly again. I still have the same problems that were upsetting me in March. I was also HORRIBLY BURNED OUT until last week. But my mood is MASSIVELY improved. Like, hugely improved. And yeah, yeah, it's summer now, so the weather will have helped also. But I can pinpoint my recovery to when I started reading regularly again. And that is to say that while I was burned out, I wasn't ALSO sad.
So from now on I will be making an effort to keep reading books for fun.
It's kind of crazy that I had stopped for so long. I mean. I write books people are supposed to read for fun. Kinda hypocritical of me to like.. not do that.
I think maybe I have created this problem for myself with many of my hobbies. I tried to make drawing into a business, tried to do too much too fast, and since then I've barely drawn. I love cartoons so I watch them in Norwegian to help me learn - means I was never just relaxing while watching a cartoon for a few years. Recently started just watching cartoons in English/Japanese if I darn well feel like it.
...enough tangent, back to Why Reading Is Good.
Don't quote me on this, I am just scribbling down thoughts I've been meaning to write down for a month, therefore, am too lazy to track down any sources, but I'm pretty sure reading books is actually scientifically proven to help your brain?? I seem to remember reading your hippocampus shrinks if you don't exercise your brain enough and reading long stories does that. And a shrinking hippocampus causes depression?? I don't know anything much about brains and psychology so I must have read that somewhere.
I think a hippocampus is also like... A horse mermaid.
Again, no source, might be thinking of something from Mermaid Melody.
I'mma go read more of my current book now. It's a history book this time.
Yay books!
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mikasa-imadebiscults · 7 months
Hello! May I have a romantic adult matchups for JJK and Kny?
Chaotic Good
Appearance: 164cm. Brown wavy hair, dark Brown eyes. Curvy body I guess? I'm pale with visible beauty marks like on my lips. I wear glasses/sunglasses. I've been described as cute and a tease because I always bite my lips out of habit lol. I often have a tired/annoyed expression or a smile. I wear comfy clothes and even pj outside. Or cliché villain clothes, no in between. I try to wear gloves to stop myself from bitting my nails.
I appear as cold and very sarcastic. But I can be charismatic when I want. I'm always polite unless I dislike you (you'll know it because I become passive agressive). How I act depends on how you act with me, unless I'm in a bad mood. In that case I isolate to not break hearts too much. I act flirty around my friends and is known for sometimes playing with hearts (I'm oblivious to it). I'm petty and can go very far out of spite or vengeance. I curse a lot and will call you out on your bullshit with no issue no matter who you are.
I'm moody and not a morning person AT ALL. I'm brutally honest and it affected some friendships because people sometimes won't dare to approach me. I'm also socially obvious to a lot of things. I'm very curious and have a short attention spawn.
Getting along with me is easy peasy. As long as you're not whiny or a hypocrite we will get along. Now getting to know me is....nearly impossible. No friend of mine has managed to make me spill my problems even thought they share theirs and I help them out. My trust issues and daddy issues are too important for that lol. I don't open up and bottle my feelings all the time till I shut down or explode. I isolate a lot when I have problems or I'm just thinking (I love daydreaming). I'm rebellious but also a smooth talker. My friends know I have good intentions and would never wrong an innocent person. I'm the smart but reckless friend cuz I'll always hype up bad ideas for fun. I can be a bit naive. Even thought I have morbid curiosity and shared dubious experimental ideas....morals ain't my Forte. I'm more logical than emotional. I'm ambitious and can't stand my own failure. But I'm also lazy and a procrastinator which is a terrible combo. I'm always willing to debate and learn new things because knowledge is very important to me. I'm creative and innovative, I know when to get to business. I'm very competitive and try to hide it. Yeah I have an ego, so what? if you don't have a solid argument with me, I'll destroy you.
Despite that, I joke a lot and never take anything seriously. It happens that I underestimate people (I beat them later sooo). I'm a big tease and love to rile up people and see them get angry. I subtly insult people when they piss me off.
Because of that, I get very lonely and I'm misunderstood. I don't recognize my own feelings and mask that pretty well as it fools everyone. i don't consider myself to be a good person for some reasons. I envy easily and get annoyed easily because I want to succeed above all lol.
Hobbies: Reading (mystery, thriller, fantasy), true crime, video games, manga, drawing, baking, fighting sports (sparing and shooting), learning, daydreaming. I love space and mad scientists stories. My aesthetic is definitely related to those subjects as well as the sea and stars.
I'm insecure about my weight despite not being overweight.
In a relationship, I'm the most chill person. I don't get jealous or clingy. You can do whatever you want. I'm always here to give you advices because helping you out, giving you my time and giving you gifts is my love langage. It bothered my last boyfriend because he thought I wasn't emotionally present and isolated a lot (which I did. I warned him that I accepted out of boredroom and didn't love him but he still went ahead. Then he emotionally cheated on my bd and everyone noticed but me lol. I separated from those friends cuz none told me and I value honesty a lot). I love cuddles but I'll take time to accept physical touch. I enjoy a partner that can keep up with me and be patient and honest because I value honesty. I also love receiving gifts because uh...I grew up with them validating love. I hate whiny and cowardly people.
I speak Arabic, French and English. I'm an only child. I study electronics and want to work in space related studies.
Thank you!
(Hello there! I hope you enjoyed this and have a great day/night!)
I match you with..
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Gyomei Himejima
- He’s a very patient and honest person.
- He won’t pry about any of your problems because he doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable.
- Once you feel comfortable with physical affection, he’ll happily cuddle with you for as long as you want. He prefers to cuddle when you’re ready to go to bed, so that you can sleep in his arms.
- He helps you spar, he’s hesitant about you sparring with him because he’s afraid that he’ll hurt you really bad.
- Loves your homemade baked goods. He thinks you bake really well.
- He’s a good listener and he’ll reassure you that you can come to him anytime about your problems and he’ll do his best to help you out.
- He likes to listen to you talk about your interests. For example, you telling him about the most recent chapter you’ve read, what you drew that day, etc.
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Gojo Satoru
- No matter how hard it is to get to know you, he is determined. He’s also not scared off by your cold appearance or your brutal honesty.
- When he finds out that you love receiving gifts, the gifts will keep on coming (prepare to get spoiled)
- He also likes quality time with you, even if it’s the both of you just chilling around each other.
- Whenever you are reading next to him and he gets bored, he’ll sigh very dramatically to see if you’ll give him any attention.
- Sometimes you’ll find your glasses missing and when you go looking for them you’ll see them on him.
- It took him by surprise the first time that you flirted with him, but he instantly flirted back.
- He loves your rebellious side. The two of you get so chaotic sometimes and the others are so done with y’all’s shit lmao.
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daydreamwhumpinc · 6 days
My Favorite Whump Things in Comics/Animation (Visual) Medium
Okay, since I already posted things that I didn't enjoy in Whump I felt like I really need to balance it out with a few things that I love seeing in drawn format (might do something like this for written whump later, who knows). Enjoy and tell me what you like in the notes below😃💛 There will also be some pictures as a visual aide, so not much spoilers since I tried to choose the most obscure or out of context ones LMAO. Still, you are warned, I guess?/affectionate
No pupils/Hazy pupils eyes- You know that instance right before registering that they are hurt or right before passing out, the whumpee has these kind of glossed over eyes that are not focused on anything. Usually the pupuls become hazy (Gosh, I really need some visual aide, but I am too lazy to draw any right now 🥲😅). You instantly know what is going to happen next and I love that feeling. I guess something like this.......
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Blood splatter fake out- One of my favorite whump tropes is "taking the bullet", and, although, you can usually tell when it is going to be used I am still a sucker for everything that comes after it. I just love the horror on the other character's face as the blood of their friend/family member/lover gets splashed all around as they are hurt protecting them. Their blood is the symbol of how far they will go to protect others even if the cost is too great for them. Not sure what is going on with Gojo in this scene (I haven't been keeping up with JK for a while🥲), but it has the right mood I guess.......
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Whumpee sees their lood splatter on the floor/walls/etc- Kind of like the earlier point, but instead of a fake out, the Whumpee registers the their blood and (maybe) that they are hurt, but really can't believe it. That frame of them staring at the blood seeping out, not registering what is happening around them before collapsing to the floor. Bonus points if they see the blood and get concerned about their friends thinking that its their blood then looking down at themselves and seeing a bloody shirt.......
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Bloody Hair- Okay, let me explain. I get major whumperflies when I see the Whumpee unconscious, on the floor, with a head wound or something and tangled, bloody hair. If the hair is light, then their friends can see it tanned with blood and it automaticlly conveys the urgency of the situation. With dark hair, the blood might not be as visible, but the mattedclumps of hair are surely saturated through with blood and when they brush against something, they leave bloody streaks. So, something like this, but with more blood in the hair, an unconscious character and I'm pretty sure I'm already on some kind of watch list with the things I've been googling to find pictures for this post........
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CARETAKER CARRYING UNCONCIOUSS WHUMPEE BRIDAL STYLE- I am not normal about this. I just can't. Enjoy my world salad for this entry, because I can't. PEAK CONTENT IF THEY ARE BOTH MALE AND THE WHUMPEE IS LIKE A SIDE CHARACTER OR SOMETHING. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH MOMENT AND THE CARETAKER IS SUPER PROTECTIVE, SQUEAL!!!!!!!) Ahem, It's all about the trust and the feeling of safety. It's al about the caretaker running to the medical tent, or something, with a limp and bloody Whumpee in their arms as they are both coated in the Whumpee's blood. You know the drill by know, this example is brought to you by from my most favorite Manga/Anime- One Piece!
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Delirious/Feverish Whumpee's POV and Outsider POV- Honestly, I think fever is one of the most versatile whump tropes, because it can happen with a sickness, wound, exhausten etc, so you can add it as a bonus whump like some kind of twisted honey boba with a sprinkle of angst salted cheese (That shit is delicious, okay). I also think that there is so much ptential, visually, in how an artist/animator can represent a warped state of mind when the Whumpee is delirious and in pain. The half lidded eyes, heavy breething, vertigo........ Same thing for the Outsider POV, just looking at the Whumpee suffering and the other characters' reactions to their plight........ This one is from Komi can't Communicate (I watched the anime and it was so cute and heartwarming, might read the manga later).
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Whumpee Falling Unconcious Bheind the other Characters- This one is an oldy, but a goody! Just the frame of the Whumpee crumbling to the floor (it usually happens as a cliffhanger) and everyone is screaming and rushing to them. I think this one needs no explanation.
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I'm pretty sure that I have more, but right now I can only come up with this much LOL. Enjoy!
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simplyreveries · 7 months
Congrats on your 500 😁
May I get a matchups please?
She/her, Gemini, Intp, 5w4
Chaotic Good
Appearance: 164cm. Brown wavy hair, dark Brown eyes. Curvy body I guess? I'm pale with visible beauty marks like on my lips. I wear glasses/sunglasses. I've been described as cute and a tease because I always bite my lips out of habit lol. I often have a tired/annoyed expression or a smile. I wear comfy clothes and even pj outside. Or cliché villain clothes, no in between. I try to wear gloves to stop myself from bitting my nails.
I appear as cold and very sarcastic. But I can be charismatic when I want. I'm always polite unless I dislike you (you'll know it because I become passive agressive). How I act depends on how you act with me, unless I'm in a bad mood. In that case I isolate to not break hearts too much. I act flirty around my friends and is known for sometimes playing with hearts (I'm oblivious to it). I'm petty and can go very far out of spite or vengeance. I curse a lot and will call you out on your bullshit with no issue no matter who you are.
I'm moody and not a morning person AT ALL. I'm brutally honest and it affected some friendships because people sometimes won't dare to approach me. I'm also socially obvious to a lot of things. I'm very curious and have a short attention spawn.
Getting along with me is easy peasy. As long as you're not whiny or a hypocrite we will get along. Now getting to know me is....nearly impossible. No friend of mine has managed to make me spill my problems even thought they share theirs and I help them out. My trust issues and daddy issues are too important for that lol. I don't open up and bottle my feelings all the time till I shut down or explode. I isolate a lot when I have problems or I'm just thinking (I love daydreaming). I'm rebellious but also a smooth talker. My friends know I have good intentions and would never wrong an innocent person. I'm the smart but reckless friend cuz I'll always hype up bad ideas for fun. I can be a bit naive. Even thought I have morbid curiosity and shared dubious experimental ideas....morals ain't my Forte. I'm more logical than emotional. I'm ambitious and can't stand my own failure. But I'm also lazy and a procrastinator which is a terrible combo. I'm always willing to debate and learn new things because knowledge is very important to me. I'm creative and innovative, I know when to get to business. I'm very competitive and try to hide it. Yeah I have an ego, so what? if you don't have a solid argument with me, I'll destroy you.
Despite that, I joke a lot and never take anything seriously. It happens that I underestimate people (I beat them later sooo). I'm a big tease and love to rile up people and see them get angry. I subtly insult people when they piss me off.
Because of that, I get very lonely and I'm misunderstood. I don't recognize my own feelings and mask that pretty well as it fools everyone. i don't consider myself to be a good person for some reasons. I envy easily and get annoyed easily because I want to succeed above all lol. Oh and I love money. I often give gifts to friends and like receiving them too
Hobbies: Reading (mystery, thriller, fantasy), true crime, video games, manga, drawing, baking, fighting sports (sparing and shooting), learning, daydreaming. I love space and mad scientists stories. My aesthetic is definitely related to those subjects as well as the sea and stars.
I'm insecure about my weight despite not being overweight.
In a relationship, I'm the most chill person. I don't get jealous or clingy. You can do whatever you want. I'm always here to give you advices because helping you out, giving you my time and giving you gifts is my love langage. It bothered my last boyfriend because he thought I wasn't emotionally present and isolated a lot (which I did. I warned him that I accepted out of boredroom and didn't love him but he still went ahead. Then he emotionally cheated on my bd and everyone noticed but me lol. I separated from those friends cuz none told me and I value honesty a lot). I love cuddles but I'll take time to accept physical touch. I enjoy a partner that can keep up with me and be patient and honest because I value honesty. I also love receiving gifts because uh...I grew up with them validating love. I hate whiny and cowardly people.
I speak Arabic, French and English. I'm an only child.
Thank you!
i match you with lilia vanrouge!!
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he isn't one to be put off by initially demeanors or personalities, he doesn't think much of it if you were even cold to him to begin with. but lilia was always nice, playfully and teasing, but treated you kindly whenever he was around you. and he’d love it whenever you do it right back as a joke. he likes your fire; he thinks it's a good quality to be honest.
you two more often than not are teasing and playfully bantering all the time. he likes to see you retort something back at him, he finds the whole thing to be amusing to him. seeing any kind of your attitude around others is even more entertaining to him, though he will lightly joke and warn you to be careful.
lilia is curious but he never seems to pry into getting you to open up or anything, he's content as long as you’re okay. he’s surprisingly quite patient and has no qualms waiting for when or if you're ever comfortable you be a little vulnerable with him. he just has this affect (must be from parenting ...) and this energy where it feels easy to feel a sense of security around him— in the best way. when you're fine with it too, lilia is a very affectionate person with you.
naturally, he is a gift giver himself, usually from travels he's been on. he tends to keep you in mind and make sure to remember getting a gift for you. he is completely flattered if you get him anything for him and will gush of how sweet that is of you.
thinks your habit of daydreaming often to be endearing. he’d inquire and ask sometimes what it may be about, if you’re willing to share that is. (he thinks it's funny when he pops in and asks if you’re thinking of him.. SIGH). though, he knows you probably don't want to be interrupted so he can be quiet for you believe it or not.
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lifmera · 5 months
Hello! It's for the matchups trade. I'd like Genshin and Tokyo revengers. I don't mind anyone in genshin. But tokyo revengers no baiji, chifuyu or izana (if anyone treats me like that I'd ruin his life)
Chaotic Good
Appearance: 164cm. Brown wavy hair, dark Brown eyes. Curvy body I guess? I'm pale with visible beauty marks like on my lips. I wear glasses/sunglasses. I've been described as cute and a tease because I always bite my lips out of habit lol. I often have a tired/annoyed expression or a smile. I wear comfy clothes and even pj outside. Or cliché villain clothes, no in between. I try to wear gloves to stop myself from bitting my nails.
I appear as cold and very sarcastic. But I can be charismatic when I want. I'm always polite unless I dislike you (you'll know it because I become passive agressive). How I act depends on how you act with me, unless I'm in a bad mood. In that case I isolate to not break hearts too much. I act flirty around my friends and is known for sometimes playing with hearts (I'm oblivious to it). I'm petty and can go very far out of spite or vengeance. I curse a lot and will call you out on your bullshit with no issue no matter who you are.
I'm moody and not a morning person AT ALL. I'm brutally honest and it affected some friendships because people sometimes won't dare to approach me. I'm also socially obvious to a lot of things. I'm very curious and have a short attention spawn.
Getting along with me is easy peasy. As long as you're not whiny or a hypocrite we will get along. Now getting to know me is....nearly impossible. No friend of mine has managed to make me spill my problems even thought they share theirs and I help them out. My trust issues and daddy issues are too important for that lol. I don't open up and bottle my feelings all the time till I shut down or explode. I isolate a lot when I have problems or I'm just thinking (I love daydreaming). I'm rebellious but also a smooth talker. My friends know I have good intentions and would never wrong an innocent person. I'm the smart but reckless friend cuz I'll always hype up bad ideas for fun. I can be a bit naive. Even thought I have morbid curiosity and shared dubious experimental ideas....morals ain't my Forte. I'm more logical than emotional. I'm ambitious and can't stand my own failure. But I'm also lazy and a procrastinator which is a terrible combo. I'm always willing to debate and learn new things because knowledge is very important to me. I'm creative and innovative, I know when to get to business. I'm very competitive and try to hide it. Yeah I have an ego, so what? if you don't have a solid argument with me, I'll destroy you.
Despite that, I joke a lot and never take anything seriously. It happens that I underestimate people (I beat them later sooo). I'm a big tease and love to rile up people and see them get angry. I subtly insult people when they piss me off.
Because of that, I get very lonely and I'm misunderstood. I don't recognize my own feelings and mask that pretty well as it fools everyone. i don't consider myself to be a good person for some reasons. I envy easily and get annoyed easily because I want to succeed above all lol. Oh and I love money.
I mostly kin Malleus, Floyd, Furina, Diavolo from OM, Douma and perhaps some ratio.
Hobbies: Reading (mystery, thriller, fantasy), true crime, video games, manga, drawing, baking, fighting sports (sparing and shooting), learning, daydreaming. I love space and mad scientists stories. My aesthetic is definitely related to those subjects as well as the sea and stars.
I'm insecure about my weight despite not being overweight.
In a relationship, I'm the most chill person. I don't get jealous or clingy. You can do whatever you want. I'm always here to give you advices because helping you out, giving you my time and giving you gifts is my love langage. It bothered my last boyfriend because he thought I wasn't emotionally present and isolated a lot (which I did. I warned him that I accepted out of boredroom and didn't love him but he still went ahead. Then he emotionally cheated on my bd and everyone noticed but me lol. I separated from those friends cuz none told me and I value honesty a lot). I love cuddles but I'll take time to accept physical touch. I enjoy a partner that can keep up with me and be patient and honest because I value honesty. I also love receiving gifts because uh...I grew up with them validating love. I hate whiny and cowardly people.
I speak Arabic, French and English. I'm an only child. I study electronics and want to work in space related studies. One of my childhood dream was making clones out of people and messing with DNA but it's apparently immoral which I don't understand. I mean if I agree then all should be fine no?
MATCHUP Trade w @imjustabeanie !!!
I’ve decided to pair you with….. CHILDE … & DRAKEN!!
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Let’s be honest. He’d totally be somewhat reminded of mikey- personality wise.
At first he’d probably treat you the same as mikey, take care of you n all!!
Although he wants you to talk to him about your problems, he knows when to not push.
He wont talk about his problems, but would encourage you to talk. He doesnt want to be closed off.
Lets be honest, it’d take a lot to get Ken REALLLLYYY mad. He’d probably tease you back.
Moral wise: I think Ken would think you are still a good person. If you are human, you do bad things no matter what. If you get along with Ken, it means you are a good person 🩷
He’d probably be the best person to talk to for any problems/insecurity. He always knows what to say!! Esp growing up in a brothel.
He’d love spending time with you. Personally ken seems like he’d honestly love to give you gifts back, and whatever you give him he’d keep forever. A plushie? On his bed. A poster? Hung up on his wall. Matching bracelets? Always wearing it.
I think he’d be more happy that you aren’t clingy- just because he’s probably always busy with Mikey, or Toman.
He definitely will be the one of keep up with you. He has a great emotional maturity!! If it takes time for physical touch he’s fine with that, I think he prefers quality time and gift giving anyways!!
Speaking different languages is so cool to him!! I think he’d be so proud whenever you spoke a diff language like “THATS MINE!!!!”
Out of the two, I think he’d be less likely to let you clone him, but would nonetheless…..
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Perfect personality for this man. Lets be honest!!
If you hated him, he’d love to egg you on. He’d probably flirt with you if you hated him!
But if you LIKE him, he’d be more ecstatic. He’d approach you with your cold demeanor- but getting close to you would make him so happy!
He definitely loves how petty you can be! It gets him going.
He also makes everything in jokes. But he knows when to take something seriously. He has younger siblings, and he knows when things get taken too far.
He LOVES being competitive !!! You guys would debate constantly, even if you win a lot.
He’d enjoy whenever you would hype him up for the dumbest shit he’d do. “Do a back flip!”
Also pretty emotionally unavailable. He wouldn’t come to you for his problems.
He can be 50/50 on talking about his problems. If he’s having a really bad day he will probably be VERY cold.
But he also wont force you to talk about your problems. I feel like he’s super bad at comforting people.
Since Ajax is NEVER around, his love languages are definitely 1) physical touch and 2) gift giving.
He always buys things for his younger siblings, because he knows he isn’t able to always be there for them, and hopes he could be able to do the same with you!
Now with physical touch, I feel like it would allow him to be in the moment. He understands if you need time, but he will never decline!
I feel like he def speaks a diff language, so he’d try to learn more languages to be able to talk to you in it!!!
Now will 10000000000000% let you clone him. He’d think it’d be funny, as long as you don’t work with dottore.
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malevolantkitcheen · 6 months
Hello! May I request a male JJK match if they're still open ^^. Please no nanami or choso
She/her, Gemini, Intp, 5w4
Chaotic Good
Appearance: 164cm. Brown wavy hair, dark Brown eyes. Curvy body I guess? I'm pale with visible beauty marks like on my lips. I wear glasses/sunglasses. I've been described as cute and a tease because I always bite my lips out of habit lol. I often have a tired/annoyed expression or a smile. I wear comfy clothes and even pj outside. Or cliché villain clothes, no in between. I try to wear gloves to stop myself from bitting my nails.
I appear as cold and very sarcastic. But I can be charismatic when I want. I'm always polite unless I dislike you (you'll know it because I become passive agressive). How I act depends on how you act with me, unless I'm in a bad mood. In that case I isolate to not break hearts too much. I act flirty around my friends and is known for sometimes playing with hearts (I'm oblivious to it). I'm petty and can go very far out of spite or vengeance. I curse a lot and will call you out on your bullshit with no issue no matter who you are.
I'm moody and not a morning person AT ALL. I'm brutally honest and it affected some friendships because people sometimes won't dare to approach me. I'm also socially obvious to a lot of things. I'm very curious and have a short attention spawn.
Getting along with me is easy peasy. As long as you're not whiny or a hypocrite we will get along. Now getting to know me is....nearly impossible. No friend of mine has managed to make me spill my problems even thought they share theirs and I help them out. My trust issues and daddy issues are too important for that lol. I don't open up and bottle my feelings all the time till I shut down or explode. I isolate a lot when I have problems or I'm just thinking (I love daydreaming). I'm rebellious but also a smooth talker. My friends know I have good intentions and would never wrong an innocent person. I'm the smart but reckless friend cuz I'll always hype up bad ideas for fun. I can be a bit naive. Even thought I have morbid curiosity and shared dubious experimental ideas....morals ain't my Forte. I'm more logical than emotional. I'm ambitious and can't stand my own failure. But I'm also lazy and a procrastinator which is a terrible combo. I'm always willing to debate and learn new things because knowledge is very important to me. I'm creative and innovative, I know when to get to business. I'm very competitive and try to hide it. Yeah I have an ego, so what? if you don't have a solid argument with me, I'll destroy you.
Despite that, I joke a lot and never take anything seriously. It happens that I underestimate people (I beat them later sooo). I'm a big tease and love to rile up people and see them get angry. I subtly insult people when they piss me off.
Because of that, I get very lonely and I'm misunderstood. I don't recognize my own feelings and mask that pretty well as it fools everyone. i don't consider myself to be a good person for some reasons. I envy easily and get annoyed easily because I want to succeed above all lol. Oh and I love money. I like gifting my friends and receiving gifts.
Hobbies: Reading (mystery, thriller, fantasy), true crime, video games, manga, drawing, baking, fighting sports (sparing and shooting), learning, daydreaming. I love space and mad scientists stories. My aesthetic is definitely related to those subjects as well as the sea and stars.
I'm insecure about my weight despite not being overweight.
In a relationship, I'm the most chill person. I don't get jealous or clingy. You can do whatever you want. I'm always here to give you advices because helping you out, giving you my time and giving you gifts is my love langage. It bothered my last boyfriend because he thought I wasn't emotionally present and isolated a lot (which I did. I warned him that I accepted out of boredroom and didn't love him but he still went ahead. Then he emotionally cheated on my bd and everyone noticed but me lol. I separated from those friends cuz none told me and I value honesty a lot). I love cuddles but I'll take time to accept physical touch. I enjoy a partner that can keep up with me and be patient and honest because I value honesty. I also love receiving gifts because uh...I grew up with them validating love. I hate whiny and cowardly people. I don't fall first and don't make the first move.
I speak Arabic, French and English. I'm an only child.
Thank you!
Hiya lovely, for Jujutsu-Kaisen i match you up with…
Megumi Fushiguro
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- You and Megumi hit it off really well as friends as he was one of the very few at jujutsu tech that really understood you, especially when it came to humour. Megumi admired the fact that you stood your ground because some of his other friends were susceptible to being walked over by other people.
- It took him a while to actually come and talk to you because he thought that you were quite intimidating. He was relatively awkward when he first tried to come and talk to you but it meant a lot to you because typically people don’t go out of their way to interact with you. You were a bit skeptical of Megumi at first but it became clear very quickly that his intentions were genuine.
- You two would train together almost every day and would always head into the city afterwards to go grab lunch, which he would always beg to pay for but you would always beat him to it. This routine went on for a few months and over time Megumi started to open up more and more, causing the two of you to become inseparable. He loved just listening to you talk, as well as the way you always made sure to keep him in check and in line. You were his voice of reason.
- He would always reassure you if you seemed off, even though you would never tell him what was wrong. This meant a lot to you because he would never pressure you to tell him anything and he would never pry for information. He was just there because you meant a lot to him. Megumi understood you not wanting to talk about your issues because he was relatively reserved himself. No one had ever been like this with you before.
- After around a year, Megumi took his chances and took you out for a date. It wasn’t anything fancy, it was just a day out to the park because it was cherry blossom season. He thought that the act itself had more value than if he had spent a fortune on a meal. You still found a way of treating him and bought the both of you coffee. After returning back home, you both ended up binge watching some new true crime documentaries.
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Hi! Could I request a BG3 matchups please? Males only please, I'd prefer monogamous
Chaotic Good
Appearance: 164cm. Brown wavy hair, dark Brown eyes. Curvy body I guess? I'm pale with visible beauty marks like on my lips. I wear glasses/sunglasses. I've been described as cute and a tease because I always bite my lips out of habit lol. I often have a tired/annoyed expression or a smile. I wear comfy clothes and even pj outside. Or cliché villain clothes, no in between. I try to wear gloves to stop myself from bitting my nails.
I appear as cold and very sarcastic. But I can be charismatic when I want. I'm always polite unless I dislike you (you'll know it because I become passive agressive). How I act depends on how you act with me, unless I'm in a bad mood. In that case I isolate to not break hearts too much. I act flirty around my friends and is known for sometimes playing with hearts (I'm oblivious to it). I'm petty and can go very far out of spite or vengeance. I curse a lot and will call you out on your bullshit with no issue no matter who you are.
I'm moody and not a morning person AT ALL. I'm brutally honest and it affected some friendships because people sometimes won't dare to approach me. I'm also socially obvious to a lot of things. I'm very curious and have a short attention spawn.
Getting along with me is easy peasy. As long as you're not whiny or a hypocrite we will get along. Now getting to know me is....nearly impossible. No friend of mine has managed to make me spill my problems even thought they share theirs and I help them out. My trust issues and daddy issues are too important for that lol. I don't open up and bottle my feelings all the time till I shut down or explode. I isolate a lot when I have problems or I'm just thinking (I love daydreaming). I'm rebellious but also a smooth talker. My friends know I have good intentions and would never wrong an innocent person. I'm the smart but reckless friend cuz I'll always hype up bad ideas for fun. I can be a bit naive. Even thought I have morbid curiosity and shared dubious experimental ideas....morals ain't my Forte. I'm more logical than emotional. I'm ambitious and can't stand my own failure. But I'm also lazy and a procrastinator which is a terrible combo. I'm always willing to debate and learn new things because knowledge is very important to me. I'm creative and innovative, I know when to get to business. I'm very competitive and try to hide it. Yeah I have an ego, so what? if you don't have a solid argument with me, I'll destroy you.
Despite that, I joke a lot and never take anything seriously. It happens that I underestimate people (I beat them later sooo). I'm a big tease and love to rile up people and see them get angry. I subtly insult people when they piss me off.
Because of that, I get very lonely and I'm misunderstood. I don't recognize my own feelings and mask that pretty well as it fools everyone. i don't consider myself to be a good person for some reasons. I envy easily and get annoyed easily because I want to succeed above all lol. Oh and I love money.
I mostly kin Malleus, Floyd, Furina, Diavolo from OM, Douma and perhaps some ratio or dottore.
Hobbies: Reading (mystery, thriller, fantasy), true crime, video games, manga, drawing, baking, fighting sports (sparing and shooting), learning, daydreaming. I love space and mad scientists stories. My aesthetic is definitely related to those subjects as well as the sea and stars.
I'm insecure about my weight despite not being overweight.
In a relationship, I'm the most chill person. I don't get jealous or clingy. You can do whatever you want. I'm always here to give you advices because helping you out, giving you my time and giving you gifts is my love langage. It bothered my last boyfriend because he thought I wasn't emotionally present and isolated a lot (which I did. I warned him that I accepted out of boredroom and didn't love him but he still went ahead. Then he emotionally cheated on my bd and everyone noticed but me lol. I separated from those friends cuz none told me and I value honesty a lot). I love cuddles but I'll take time to accept physical touch. I enjoy a partner that can keep up with me and be patient and honest because I value honesty. I also love receiving gifts because uh...I grew up with them validating love. I hate whiny and cowardly people.
A/N: Holy details Batman! Thank you so much for your detailed description. It gives me a lot to go on. For you my Gemini Anon, because you wanted a monogamous male result, I think your best match-up would be… Gale! 
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☸ Gale is a great guy for you! He’s loyal and kind, and very adept at communicating (in his own way lol). He’s equally interested in science, and very driven. He appreciates your inclination towards logic rather than emotion. 
I don’t know if I’ve said this before, but I hc Gale as a Sagittarius, which means you being a Gemini, are VERY compatible! You both crave adventure and appreciate being part of something bigger than yourself, but you both also relish the need for independence. This means when you need someone to venture on a journey with you or support you in a difficult time, the other is ready to be relied upon. At the same time,  you both value loyalty and commitment when it’s done right. The only thing you’d need to look out for is potential differences in approaching problems. As a Gemini, you see multiple sides of things, however as a Sagittarius, a lot of situations appear in black and white to Gale. You’ll need to communicate on behalf of the grey areas in between for him to see from your point of view. 
Gale thinks you’re adorable. And beautiful! “Adeautiful”?? Is that a word? He loves it when you wear glasses (it’s a secret turn-on of his, shhh! Don’t tell anybody! lol) and he thinks your changing fashions from one extreme to the next is exciting. Whether it’s a pajama day or full-on regalia day, he loves what you wear. (Although if he’s being honest, he much prefers jammy days with you. This man puts comfort > style.) 
Gale is glad you’re polite, mainly because he doesn’t think his poor heart could take it if you were rude to him. He cares for you so much and doesn’t mind that your facial expression isn’t always one of excitement of joy. He also appreciates how you’ve learned to have an edge with other people. He can be a bit of a pushover so it’s good for his partner to be able to put their foot down and call people out on their bullshit, as you said. 
Don’t worry about being socially oblivious, Gale’s right in the same boat, lol! He’s not always ignorant of the social workings around him, he just gets so caught up in magic or history that he tunes everyone else out. 
Gale would argue he has a strong moral compass and while that’s true, he also has an insatiable curiosity. Similar to how he ended up with the orb inside his chest, he’ll push boundaries if magic is his end goal. His logic and ambition can get in the way of his best interest. Given the right persuasion, especially any persuasion from you, the two of you could end up in some pretty reckless or precarious situations if you’re not careful. Thankfully, as an expert in putting his foot in his mouth, Gale’s usually quite adept at getting it back out. (And if all else fails, he can always cast fireball!)
Gale is fine with a good ribbing every once in a while, he rather appreciates back-and-forth witty banter. But he doesn’t appreciate mean-spirited jokes or insults, so do watch your tongue in your moments of anger and irritation. Gale hides his feelings as well, so you may not notice when a barb hurts him, as he doesn’t wish to let anyone know he feels vulnerable or sad. He’ll share an insightful thought or comment before brushing it off with a joke, or a pun. He doesn’t want to feel like a burden. That being said, he understands the pain of being isolated and misunderstood. He was abandoned and completely misunderstood by his own goddess, believe me, he knows the sting of abandonment better than anyone. 
Gale is so thankful you’re a woman of ambition! He has great ambition and always wants to share such glory and achievements with his partner. He’s also interested in stories about science, and mad scientists as well as astronomy, so he’s very happy to share lengthy discussions with you about such topics. 
Gale thinks you’re perfect, just the way you are, even if you don’t feel as such. He’ll remind you with little trinkets he’s picked up here and there (They may be magical, maybe not. Depending on how ‘hungry’ he was that day.) He doesn’t need flashy declarations of love to know that you’re still loyal to him, your continued presence and support is enough. 
Gale loves cuddles! He loves getting into his comfy purple camp clothes and snuggling up with you next to a roaring fire. (Tara likes it too because she enjoys the added warmth from your body heat. Also because she gets to report back to Mrs. Dekarios that a new family member may be on the way.) However slow you need to take it, Gale will respect your wishes. I see him as someone hesitant to share physical/sexual intimacy due to his past with Mystra. He needs to learn his human body again, and who better to learn it with than you?
He is incredibly kind and patient whenever you’re involved. He does his best to communicate his thoughts and emotions concerning your relationship. Any book on scientists or crazy experiments he is always so excited to gift to you. 
With you, Gale abondans his goddess. He is so grateful you’ve shown him what true love and respect are like. 
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Don’t forget to Like & REBLOG!!!
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And if you enjoyed it, feel free to Tip Me on Kofi! 
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eternalwritess · 7 months
Hi hi hi it's for the trade! Can I get Hazbin hotel rematch and helluva boss? Please no husk ^^'
Chaotic Good
Appearance: 164cm. Brown wavy hair, dark Brown eyes. Curvy body I guess? I'm pale with visible beauty marks like on my lips. I wear glasses/sunglasses. I've been described as cute and a tease because I always bite my lips out of habit lol. I often have a tired/annoyed expression or a smile. I wear comfy clothes and even pj outside. Or cliché villain clothes, no in between. I try to wear gloves to stop myself from bitting my nails.
I appear as cold and very sarcastic. But I can be charismatic when I want. I'm always polite unless I dislike you (you'll know it because I become passive agressive). How I act depends on how you act with me, unless I'm in a bad mood. In that case I isolate to not break hearts too much. I act flirty around my friends and is known for sometimes playing with hearts (I'm oblivious to it). I'm petty and can go very far out of spite or vengeance. I curse a lot and will call you out on your bullshit with no issue no matter who you are.
I'm moody and not a morning person AT ALL. I'm brutally honest and it affected some friendships because people sometimes won't dare to approach me. I'm also socially obvious to a lot of things. I'm very curious and have a short attention spawn.
Getting along with me is easy peasy. As long as you're not whiny or a hypocrite we will get along. Now getting to know me is....nearly impossible. No friend of mine has managed to make me spill my problems even thought they share theirs and I help them out. My trust issues and daddy issues are too important for that lol. I don't open up and bottle my feelings all the time till I shut down or explode. I isolate a lot when I have problems or I'm just thinking (I love daydreaming). I'm rebellious but also a smooth talker. My friends know I have good intentions and would never wrong an innocent person. I'm the smart but reckless friend cuz I'll always hype up bad ideas for fun. I can be a bit naive. Even thought I have morbid curiosity and shared dubious experimental ideas....morals ain't my Forte. I'm more logical than emotional. I'm ambitious and can't stand my own failure. But I'm also lazy and a procrastinator which is a terrible combo. I'm always willing to debate and learn new things because knowledge is very important to me. I'm creative and innovative, I know when to get to business. I'm very competitive and try to hide it. Yeah I have an ego, so what? if you don't have a solid argument with me, I'll destroy you.
Despite that, I joke a lot and never take anything seriously. It happens that I underestimate people (I beat them later sooo). I'm a big tease and love to rile up people and see them get angry. I subtly insult people when they piss me off.
Because of that, I get very lonely and I'm misunderstood. I don't recognize my own feelings and mask that pretty well as it fools everyone. i don't consider myself to be a good person for some reasons. I envy easily and get annoyed easily because I want to succeed above all lol. Oh and I love money. I often gift my friends and love receiving gifts
I mostly kin Malleus, Floyd, Furina, Diavolo from OM, Douma and perhaps some ratio or dottore.
Hobbies: Reading (mystery, thriller, fantasy), true crime, video games, manga, drawing, baking, fighting sports (sparing and shooting), learning, daydreaming. I love space and mad scientists stories. My aesthetic is definitely related to those subjects as well as the sea and stars.
I'm insecure about my weight despite not being overweight.
In a relationship, I'm the most chill person. I don't get jealous or clingy. You can do whatever you want. I'm always here to give you advices because helping you out, giving you my time and giving you gifts is my love langage. It bothered my last boyfriend because he thought I wasn't emotionally present and isolated a lot (which I did. I warned him that I accepted out of boredroom and didn't love him but he still went ahead. Then he emotionally cheated on my bd and everyone noticed but me lol. I separated from those friends cuz none told me and I value honesty a lot). I love cuddles but I'll take time to accept physical touch. I enjoy a partner that can keep up with me and be patient and honest because I value honesty. I also love receiving gifts because uh...I grew up with them validating love. I hate whiny and cowardly people. I don't fall first and don't make the first move ^^'
I speak Arabic, French and English. I'm an only child.
𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕙𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕓𝕖𝕖𝕟 𝕞𝕒𝕥𝕔𝕙𝕖𝕕 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙…
i know he's kinda in a weird thing with valentino but just hear me out...
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Long story short you two both met after he most likely had a huge fight with Valentino
It was a very brief interaction with you both barely sharing a full 'conversation' if it could even be called that but to say the least he was obsessed from the start
"Isn't it a little late for you to be out?"
If it wasn't obvious he was very much attracted to your mysterious nature. He wanted to figure you out and to try and understand you and this proved to be more of a challenge than he thought
One thing that drew him in even more was most likely your villain set aesthetic/clothing. He probably wanted you to become a V in some sort of way but this most likely didn't work
Your charisma also hooked him in even further. Every other second he spent it basically thinking about you
The next time he met you it was at some event and he made sure to stick around you and talk for a while
"Fancy seeing you here"
You didn't give him much to work with and that made him frustrated and excited all at once
As the event went on you ended up calling him out and being fake and you and him got into a small argument causing him to burn up/overheat and he got embarrassed at this
He then noticed you took a liking to seeing him get angry and he instantly went even further down the rabbit hole if thats even possible
From then on out you both kept meeting like clockwork and he would try to strike up a small argument with you hoping to get a reaction. You humored him for the most part but sometimes you ignored him just having fun in seeing him throw a pissy fit
"Are you really ignoring me baby?"
One thing you both found out that you had in common was money
You both adored money and expensive type gifts so he began making small deals/arrangements with you so you would both get some sort of monetary outcome from those around you both
It wasn't an official deal so nothing soul binding but more like an unspoken agreement after a while
"How much did we get this time?"
While he may not understand your love for reading he does like coming around and playing a video game with you every now and then
Soon enough you ended up moving into the Vee's building despite (whether you're a vee or not is up to you)
Vox would totally get you a bunch of expensive gifts and such just to suck up to you because lets be honest... he's kinda pathetic-
"I got you something~"
You most likely help him quite a bit with the customers and with just running the whole place in general
He was confused a bit about the whole physical touch bit but soon got used to it
As for the cheating bit... honestly you mean everything to him right now. He has nothing for Valentino and that was only because he didn't really have anyone but now he does so he doesn't have it anymore
Vox is kinda whiny but you check him on that a lot
"I'm gonna fucking-" "I'm trynna focus here,"
As for being cowardly he's a bit on the bold side so you wouldn't have to worry about that
As for Valentino... yeah you totally beat the shit out of him when Vox isn't looking-
He doesn't mind if you're a bit emotionally distant at times but he will try and talk with you so beware of that
Over all you're both a power couple (quite literally actually) you both feed off of each others strengths and help with weakness's
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responding to multiple tags like i said i would (finally)
i've been busy (read: depressed and lazy) for a while now and decided that, before i start writing today i'd reply to the tags i got a while back :P
might be a bit of a long post due to that but uh...
alright, here we go (srry for stealing your formatting @jev-urisk)
✨️Headcanon Rating Tag✨️
Rules: use this headcanon generator to generate some headcanons for your OCs! How accurate are they?
Using the two main parties from Party of Three
Taka has an intense fear of people. 3/10: While Taka is a very nervous/anxious person, I wouldn't say he has a fear of people. He has a fear of social situations maybe, lol.
Taka is an extrovert. 0/10: Taka is a introvert. This ties into him not liking social situations where he's near a ton of random people, why he's so nervous wandering around Leln for the first time, and why he has a hard time sleeping on the carriage ride there. He's obviously far calmer/extroverted around his friends, but i'd say around strangers he's 100% a introvert, although if you approach him he might find it easier to open up and talk to you after a little bit.
Taka gets bullied on roblox. 4/10: Taka would be the one doing the bullying on ROBLOX. This is such an incredibly funny one to me, if Taka and Beriyl and Arthur had been born into this world instead, I 100% guarantee a few things. Taka is the kind of kid to play Fortnite and do the dances irl to piss off people. Beriyl would hate it and Taka would find that so funny. Secretly, Beriyl would actually like Fortnite and if Taka found out, he'd make him duo with him. Taka is also the kinda kid to go on TikTok and start repeating all the brainrot terms out of a weird ironic comedy, not actually having brainrot but thinking that pretending to would be funny. (Also because it would piss off Beriyl) Arthur would stop them from fighting like he already does.
Beriyl gets into Twitter discourse. 10/10: 100% 100% ONE-HUNDRED-PERCENT, he is the exact type of person to be easily anger-able by pretty much anything, ESPECIALLY if he's already in a bad mood, he would one HUNDRED percent have fruitless, long arguments with random internet strangers on youtube or something lol
Beriyl voted sans in the tumblr sexyman poll. 0/10: Beriyl probably would play Undertale but I don't think he'd find sans attractive. He'd probably draw some connections from sans to Taka's sense of humor (i bet Taka would vote sans cuz he'd think it'd be funny) but idk if he'd vote sans. maybe if Taka hijacked his account and voted for sans (which i could see happening, and then them fighting about it)
Beriyl is tumblr famous. 5/10: Either Beriyl would be very popular or very unpopular, but believe he deserves to be popular. He's a very vain person for a good part of the story, so his reaction to either way sorta depends on how much growth he's undergone personality-wise. Let's say that early Beriyl would believe he deserves popularity and not have it, and if he DID have it it would massively go to his head and result in a big ego trip, and if he didn't, he'd be really mad about it. Late-stage (i hesitate to say lategame but not sure how else to describe the end of book 1 chargrowth wise... latebook? XD) Beriyl probably wouldn't care either way.
Arthur can't spell resturaunt. 0/10: The headcanon website misspelled restaurant. Arthur's parents were merchants and educated him as best they could. I kinda doubt he wouldn't be able to spell restaurant. Beriyl can spell it. Taka maybe. Sometimes he has trouble writing long/"big" words. Qlul and Ecirr probably could write it. Eirairr would probably scribble all over the page and start laughing when you tell him that he didn't even write anything.
Arthur has fallen asleep at their desk while working in the middle of the night. 0/10: For the most part, i'm assuming this is an AU where they were born on Earth and not in Tamalnh, but Arthur has such a crazy work ethic I imagine he'd stay up all night to the point where this would happen. I mean, for the most part, if he has something he needs to do, he will just not sleep, to the detriment of his overall health. So for that reason, I was going to say 10/10, but Arthur is the kind of person to just refuse to sleep if he feels like he has something he needs to do (i.e protect someone) so, 0/10. Maybe 1/10, but... ok, moving on
Arthur has been canceled on Twitter. 0/10 Arthur would either not use Twitter, not understand Twitter, or have an account cuz Taka told him to sign up and barely use it. I can see him maybe having a cooking twitter or looking at Gordon Ramsay or smth, but he wouldn't be cancelled.
Qlul is oblivous to any and all romantic interest someone may show them. 4/10: The site misspelled oblivious. Anyway... I mean, he's dating Ecirr. But I can see this going two ways, him being oblivious or him knowing more than he lets on. so due to my indecisiveness, 4/10
If Qlul was presented with an intergalactic portal, they would enter it without question. 1/10: Most likely not, it depends how it "feels" to him. Is Ecirr there? What does Ecirr say about it? What are the stakes-- what does he stand to gain/lose? He's not the impulsive type-- I can't say I can see him jumping into a portal, especially not in a world where, yaknow, orbs of destruction exist. Eirairr probably would, if he "sensed" that it wouldn't kill him. Maybe. It depends lol (i doubt i'll end up calling them that, but i imagine that in dungeons things like that do exist. yes im talking about the destruction orbs from 5e)
Qlul is very willing to eat inedible things. 0/10 No. Kaardan cuisine is sorta weird, they probably use a lot of bugs, monsters and make lots of soup/stew, but... no, Qlul isn't gonna eat rocks.
Ecirr has a stuffed animal under their bed. 3/10 If he did, it'd be of the messenger ravens he and Qlul communicated with back in school, or of Qlul himself. But he'd never let anyone know-- so i'd say this is a fifty-fifty :p
Ecirr is a sleepwalker. 0/10 He's not.
Ecirr set a public school on fire and got away with it. 0/10 Ecirr would not do something like that lol, none of them would. I'm not sure "public school" even exists in my world... but anywaaayyy, on to Eirairr!
Eirairr does not know what sleep is. 10/10: This is absolutely hilarious. Eirairr has never slept before in his life. Eirairr is a full-blooded elf, and does not need to sleep. While i'm sure he knows what the concept of "sleep" is, he has never personally experienced it. With that logic, you could say he does not know sleep.
Eirairr is a cry baby. (I got the sleepwalker one again and i was like....i dont wanna do duplicates, that's boring. also he can't sleep, so no. although i can see him pretending to sleepwalk to be funny, definitely in his personality to do something like that.) 0/10: No, but Taka certainly cries a lot. Just like me.... that means i'm a crybaby D:
Eirairr is great with kids. 8/10: Honestly, if Eirairr maintained his calm personality for a extended period of time, I could see him being a great babysitter. He definitely has that childish energy. So maybe he'd destroy the house with the kid. But on the off hand he controls himself, then yeah, he'd be great for both the kid and the parent. But if he doesn't... well, let's say the parent won't be very happy when they get home and both of them are climbing all over the place.
Bonus: Villain Round!!! Vitsmunir!!!
Vitsmunir likes to eat straight coffee beans. 7/10: maybe. I could see Vitsmunir being a dark chocolate, licorice, and black coffee sort of guy... if he let himself relax and wasn't on the verge of a psychotic, murderous-rage-filled mental breakdown + panic attack every second of his life.
Vitsmunir bullies kids on roblox. 10/10: I know I said I wouldn't do duplicates but this is very funny. Yes, yes, he would. He 100% would bully people and try and feel better about himself through this. And then he'd wonder why he doesn't have any friends. :(
Vitsmunir is a simp. 0/10: I kind of feel like if he were in our world, he'd be asexual/a-romantic. And probably in prison for murder.
Okay... that was a really long one, i'm tempted to just do two posts but eh, whatever, here's the second tag thingy (again, ty jev, im stealing ur formatting XD)
✨️OC Questionnaire Tag✨️
My questions:
So you're one of those people?
Is this really where you wanted to end up?
Why can't you just.. stop?
Your questions:
Where do you see yourself in ten years?
If you could change just one thing about your current life, what would it be?
What is your favorite thing in the whole world?
I'll be answering as Beriyl Edmund Ciphre von Aschwaz from Party of Three.
For the purposes of this one, Beriyl will be his early book self. Cocky, self-indulged, and worst of all, bri'ish.
Imagine him speaking as a posh British noble, with a hint of uh... flamboyance? He's a very dramatic person. Anyway, on with the questions...
1. So you're one of those people?
What the hells do you mean by that? One of those people? If you mean, beautiful, wonderful, and much better than you, then yes! I am Beriyl Edmund Ciphre von Aschwaz, after all! So glad you noticed. Of course I'm better than a worthless commoner like yourself! Hmph.
2. Is this really where you wanted to end up?
Wh- I must say, what is it with you and all these rude questions?! What does that even mean?! I- *he pauses* ... Crossing his arms, he peers outwardly at you. Are you speaking of Taka? No, I must say... I did not wish to end up stuck in a party with a commoner like him, nor a brute like Arthur. Gods, they're so unrefined. They're so imbecilic! Hmph... yes, that is quite the apt descriptor for them. Well, I suppose, put any of lowly birth next to one of such high status like myself and they'd appear a fool next to a saint, or some such... Saint Beriyl, I do like the ring of that! Are you-?! Why are you scoffing at me?! How dare you!! I am Beriyl Edmund Ciphre von Aschwaz, and I-
3. Why can't you just.. stop?
Stop, stop what?! This entire conversation has been one of the most unpleasant I've had since I met that damnable fool, Taka! Are you as stupid as he is, or are you just trying to get on my nerves?! Hah! If anything, you should stop! Stop breathing, that is! Yes, hmm! Stop breathing near me, commoner! I, Beriyl Edmund Ciphre von Aschwaz, refuse to breathe in your disgusting commoner air! Away, away from me! Thank you!
welp, there ya go jev. told you you'd piss off Beriyl with questions like that :sob: Hope you had fun reading all that :D I certainly had fun writing it. Feel free to tag me in more of your stuff, I love answering them. It's a lot of fun, and a nice writing exercise/warm up.
Have a good day everyone :)
(For those who enjoy reading the weekly posts, i will try and have the third... or was it the fourth, out soonish.... soonTM, okay? :p)
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Hey Raven! 👋🏻 I just went through your #my art, and i wanted to tell you that i really really really like your artworks of Miss Raven and Co. You truly put a lot of effort into your artwork, and it shows! With each new drawing, you seem to be getting better! ✏️💕
As i mentioned earlier, i really liked your Miss Raven drawings! they're so cute! especially when you drew Miss Raven in alternative clothing. I also like how much detail you put in your designs for Miss Raven, like the ones for the Fairy Gala or Masquerade Ball are so beautiful 🥺 and still fit her character!
The one you did with her wearing different dorm uniforms from each dorm was such a cool idea! it was interesting to see how she may have appeared if Miss Raven was transferred to said dorms! call me biased, but i liked the octavinelle design the most 😂 but poor Miss Raven. If she had to work part-time in Mostro lounge, she'll have to avoid two predatory Eels 😭 One wants to tease her while the other either wants to squeeze her or dump all his work on her cuz he isn't feeling it today, then there's Azul who takes advantaged of the fact that Miss Raven is close to headmaster Crowley and makes profit 📈 Run Miss Raven Run!!!
Anyway, I think i'm going to steal her away and fight off a certain dangerous and manipulate Eel, a Skilful Hunter, a Lazy Lion, and a dude with the power of christ (idk is Rollo x Raven even a thing?!).
I always look forward to seeing a new artwork of yours truly~
[Referencing this tag!]
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Wehhh 😭 I’m glad you find enjoyment in my silly little doodles! Art is definitely an area I’m less comfortable with, but I do like dabbling in it when the mood strikes.
There’s something therapeutic in designing a new look for your OC! You take the time to consider their individual style, the overall theme, and how you can marry the two to create a cute outfit~ I’m really happy with how Raven’s Fairy Gala Couture came out; it’s definitely one of my favorite looks for her. The Masquerade outfit was also fun for me to assemble, but it seems a lot less cohesive in hindsight (probably because I didn’t line + color it, so it’s harder to distinguish individual elements??).
The NRC dorm uniforms (+ the sequel with RSA and NBC uniforms) was another cool project! I think my favorites from those are the Heartslabyul look (just because I’m a sucker for the Alice in Wonderland aesthetic + Raven is twisted from the raven in its infamous riddle), the Diasomnia look (it gives “fairy tale princess turned knight” energy), and the Noble Bell look (because the extra fabric is nice and flowy). You can see how the environment and the personality of each school/dorm influences her, right? ^^ It’s also interesting to think about how differently Raven might have turned out if each of these places had more of an influence on her life.
Bruh 💀 I think she’d die if she worked at the Mostro Lounge, dealing with customers and shady coworkers and employer… though that’s not to say that any of the other dorms would necessarily be better! Miss Raven would have gripes with or rivals in each of them somehow. It’s the Night Raven College way, I guess??
One of these things is not like the other… Looking back on it, 3 out of 4 of those are basically predatory-prey dynamics there there’s a type developing and I don’t know if I like it/j 😂 I’d say Jade’s the “main” love interest, while Rook’s the “oh, he’s cute” one… L*ona kind of started as a crack ship but now I think it’s more of a one-sided thing?? Like, Miss Raven still sees L*ona as sort of a rival, whereas he’s grown a little fond of her but knows he can’t do much to sway her… It’s the eternally “second place” syndrome… 😔
Rollo has the most complex relationship with her (sure, call it a ship if you want 😂), built primarily on a strange savior complex. He did some heinous stuff and dislikes her because she’s very pro-magic—but I think there’s a part of him that feels like she’s a lost lamb that’s been led astray by Draconia and therefore he needs to “save” and “correct” her. Problem is, he’s bad at Emotions so his anger gets redirected at Miss Raven herself. Meanwhile, Miss Raven realizes the similarities between herself and Rollo, so she wants to be a friend to him. She sort of forces him to be her pen pal (thinking that writing down how he feels will help him cope with what happened). So weirdly enough, Raven wants to “save” Rollo and Rollo wants to “save” Raven (but both suck at communicating well).
Who knows, we’ll see how things play out from here Nd when the whim to draw strikes next 📝
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am-i-interrupting · 7 months
Hi! Can I request a hazbin hotel matchups if they're open? Please no husk or the Vs
She/her, Gemini, Intp, 5w4
Chaotic Good
Appearance: 164cm. Brown wavy hair, dark Brown eyes. Curvy body I guess? I'm pale with visible beauty marks like on my lips. I wear glasses/sunglasses. I've been described as cute and a tease because I always bite my lips out of habit lol. I often have a tired/annoyed expression or a smile. I wear comfy clothes and even pj outside. Or cliché villain clothes, no in between. I try to wear gloves to stop myself from bitting my nails.
I appear as cold and very sarcastic. But I can be charismatic when I want. I'm always polite unless I dislike you (you'll know it because I become passive agressive). How I act depends on how you act with me, unless I'm in a bad mood. In that case I isolate to not break hearts too much. I act flirty around my friends and is known for sometimes playing with hearts (I'm oblivious to it). But concerning feelings none is more obvious or naive than me lmao. I'm petty and can go very far out of spite or vengeance. I curse a lot and will call you out on your bullshit with no issue no matter who you are.
I'm moody and not a morning person AT ALL. I'm brutally honest and it affected some friendships because people sometimes won't dare to approach me. I'm also socially obvious to a lot of things. I'm very curious and have a short attention spawn.
Getting along with me is easy peasy. As long as you're not whiny or a hypocrite we will get along. Now getting to know me is....nearly impossible. No friend of mine has managed to make me spill my problems even thought they share theirs and I help them out. My trust issues and daddy issues are too important for that lol. I don't open up and bottle my feelings all the time till I shut down or explode. I isolate a lot when I have problems or I'm just thinking (I love daydreaming). I'm rebellious but also a smooth talker. My friends know I have good intentions and would never wrong an innocent person. I'm the smart but reckless friend cuz I'll always hype up bad ideas for fun. I can be a bit naive. Even thought I have morbid curiosity and shared dubious experimental ideas....morals ain't my Forte. I'm more logical than emotional. I'm ambitious and can't stand my own failure. But I'm also lazy and a procrastinator which is a terrible combo. I'm always willing to debate and learn new things because knowledge is very important to me. I'm creative and innovative, I know when to get to business. I'm very competitive and try to hide it. Yeah I have an ego, so what? if you don't have a solid argument with me, I'll destroy you.
Despite that, I joke a lot and never take anything seriously. It happens that I underestimate people (I beat them later sooo). I'm a big tease and love to rile up people and see them get angry. I subtly insult people when they piss me off.
Because of that, I get very lonely and I'm misunderstood. I don't recognize my own feelings and mask that pretty well as it fools everyone. i don't consider myself to be a good person for some reasons. I envy easily and get annoyed easily because I want to succeed above all lol. Oh and I love money. I like gifting my friends and receiving gifts.
Hobbies: Reading (mystery, thriller, fantasy), true crime, video games, manga, drawing, baking, fighting sports (sparing and shooting), learning, daydreaming. I love space and mad scientists stories. My aesthetic is definitely related to those subjects as well as the sea and stars.
I'm insecure about my weight despite not being overweight.
In a relationship, I'm the most chill person. I don't get jealous or clingy. You can do whatever you want. I'm always here to give you advices because helping you out, giving you my time and giving you gifts is my love langage. It bothered my last boyfriend because he thought I wasn't emotionally present and isolated a lot (which I did. I warned him that I accepted out of boredroom and didn't love him but he still went ahead. Then he emotionally cheated on my bd and everyone noticed but me lol. I separated from those friends cuz none told me and I value honesty a lot). I love cuddles but I'll take time to accept physical touch. I enjoy a partner that can keep up with me and be patient and honest because I value honesty. I also love receiving gifts because uh...I grew up with them validating love. I hate whiny and cowardly people. I don't fall first and don't make the first move.
I speak Arabic, French and English. I'm an only child.
Your Match Up Is. . .
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You met him before his seven year vacay (as Vox so eloquently put it).
Somehow, someway you caught his attention.
Maybe it’d been because you encouraged a friend’s reckless behavior, maybe it’s because he saw you while visited Cannibal Town, just one way or another you met and he didn’t just brush you off.
It would take a long time before anything happened between you. Not just months, not just years, probably decades.
You sort of orbited around each other’s circles for a while and became tentative friends.
Then, one random day, you were doing something completely mundane when Alastor asked you, without looking up from his paper, if he could court you. Thus began your relationship.
Honestly, not much would change except Alastor would be in your life more.
Some mornings you would wake up to him having made breakfast, having welcomed himself into your home.
The biggest way he’d try to woo you would be to take you dancing and wow is he hard to keep up with.
You would be welcome to touch him eventually.
The most PDA you would get would be looping arms, his hand on your waist or back, your hand on his shoulder, and perhaps a kiss on the hand.
In private he’d be more receptive. He wouldn’t exactly reciprocate but he’d allow it. He wouldn’t search for it but you could.
After a seven year disappearance, he knew to give you space.
Then, if you forgive him for leaving without a trace, things would go back to normal.
You’d encourage some bad behaviors at the Hotel like nothing ever happened.
Alastor would introduce you to everyone, not be immune to showing you off and smile a genuine smile when everyone was surprised he had a partner before they realized, no it made sense actually.
Vaggie can be very hostile. Charlie tries to be welcoming. Everyone else is a little scared.
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silly-sirenz · 7 months
Howdy! May i get a romantic hazbin hotel matchups please?
Chaotic Good
Appearance: 164cm. Brown wavy hair, dark Brown eyes. Curvy body I guess? I'm pale with visible beauty marks like on my lips. I wear glasses/sunglasses. I've been described as cute and a tease because I always bite my lips out of habit lol. I often have a tired/annoyed expression or a smile. I wear comfy clothes and even pj outside. Or cliché villain clothes, no in between. I try to wear gloves to stop myself from bitting my nails.
I appear as cold and very sarcastic. But I can be charismatic when I want. I'm always polite unless I dislike you (you'll know it because I become passive agressive). How I act depends on how you act with me, unless I'm in a bad mood. In that case I isolate to not break hearts too much. I act flirty around my friends and is known for sometimes playing with hearts (I'm oblivious to it). I'm petty and can go very far out of spite or vengeance. I curse a lot and will call you out on your bullshit with no issue no matter who you are.
I'm moody and not a morning person AT ALL. I'm brutally honest and it affected some friendships because people sometimes won't dare to approach me. I'm also socially obvious to a lot of things. I'm very curious and have a short attention spawn.
Getting along with me is easy peasy. As long as you're not whiny or a hypocrite we will get along. Now getting to know me is....nearly impossible. No friend of mine has managed to make me spill my problems even thought they share theirs and I help them out. My trust issues and daddy issues are too important for that lol. I don't open up and bottle my feelings all the time till I shut down or explode. I isolate a lot when I have problems or I'm just thinking (I love daydreaming). I'm rebellious but also a smooth talker. My friends know I have good intentions and would never wrong an innocent person. I'm the smart but reckless friend cuz I'll always hype up bad ideas for fun. I can be a bit naive. Even thought I have morbid curiosity and shared dubious experimental ideas....morals ain't my Forte. I'm more logical than emotional. I'm ambitious and can't stand my own failure. But I'm also lazy and a procrastinator which is a terrible combo. I'm always willing to debate and learn new things because knowledge is very important to me. I'm creative and innovative, I know when to get to business. I'm very competitive and try to hide it. Yeah I have an ego, so what? if you don't have a solid argument with me, I'll destroy you.
Despite that, I joke a lot and never take anything seriously. It happens that I underestimate people (I beat them later sooo). I'm a big tease and love to rile up people and see them get angry. I subtly insult people when they piss me off.
Because of that, I get very lonely and I'm misunderstood. I don't recognize my own feelings and mask that pretty well as it fools everyone. i don't consider myself to be a good person for some reasons. I envy easily and get annoyed easily because I want to succeed above all lol. Oh and I love money.
I mostly kin Malleus, Floyd, Furina, Diavolo from OM, Douma and perhaps some ratio or dottore.
Hobbies: Reading (mystery, thriller, fantasy), true crime, video games, manga, drawing, baking, fighting sports (sparing and shooting), learning, daydreaming. I love space and mad scientists stories. My aesthetic is definitely related to those subjects as well as the sea and stars.
I'm insecure about my weight despite not being overweight.
In a relationship, I'm the most chill person. I don't get jealous or clingy. You can do whatever you want. I'm always here to give you advices because helping you out, giving you my time and giving you gifts is my love langage. It bothered my last boyfriend because he thought I wasn't emotionally present and isolated a lot (which I did. I warned him that I accepted out of boredroom and didn't love him but he still went ahead. Then he emotionally cheated on my bd and everyone noticed but me lol. I separated from those friends cuz none told me and I value honesty a lot). I love cuddles but I'll take time to accept physical touch. I enjoy a partner that can keep up with me and be patient and honest because I value honesty. I also love receiving gifts because uh...I grew up with them validating love. I hate whiny and cowardly people.
I speak Arabic, French and English. I'm an only chil.
Thank you!
Thank you for asking. I hope I did an okay job. 🖤
It was so interesting to read your request. I think I'm going to match you up with...
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● You were originally on one of the guest panels for one of his late night talk shows.
● You always had quick, witty and honest responses, which made you by far the most interesting thing about that episode to him.
●Afterwards he invites you out for drinks. You don't think much of it. It's probably a pleasantry he does with most of his guests.
●You have a few rounds, just the two of you and end up flirting a bit. Nothing much comes of it but by the end of the night you have his number.
●When he's free from business you often talk on the phone.
● You both can complain about the whiny people you put up with on a daily basis. However, this often ends with you two teasing each other.
● As big as his ego is, he secretly loves that you challenge him. He thinks two can play at that game.
● You'll often have banter and insult eachother in non serious arguments.
● Whilst doing this, he'll often switch between the languages in his settings to see if you can keep up. You haven't been fooled yet. But he's certain one day he will catch you out.
● Brutally honest, logical, and fiercely independent, you both know how to cherish your alone time.
● That doesn't stop Vox from taking you out on extravagant dates, though. Tables for two at Hell's most exclusive restaurants. He has the money for it. Why shouldn't he flaunt and spoil the person he's spending his time with?
● Along with this comes the gifts,
"See anything you like, doll? It's yours. Only the best for you.'
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togetherhearted · 7 months
Hi! May I also get a match please? For twst, Reverse and HSR
Chaotic Good
Appearance: 164cm. Brown wavy hair, dark Brown eyes. Curvy body I guess? I'm pale with visible beauty marks like on my lips. I wear glasses/sunglasses. I've been described as cute and a tease because I always bite my lips out of habit lol. I often have a tired/annoyed expression or a smile. I wear comfy clothes and even pj outside. Or cliché villain clothes, no in between. I try to wear gloves to stop myself from bitting my nails.
I appear as cold and very sarcastic. But I can be charismatic when I want. I'm always polite unless I dislike you (you'll know it because I become passive agressive). How I act depends on how you act with me, unless I'm in a bad mood. In that case I isolate to not break hearts too much. I act flirty around my friends and is known for sometimes playing with hearts (I'm oblivious to it). I'm petty and can go very far out of spite or vengeance. I curse a lot and will call you out on your bullshit with no issue no matter who you are.
I'm moody and not a morning person AT ALL. I'm brutally honest and it affected some friendships because people sometimes won't dare to approach me. I'm also socially obvious to a lot of things. I'm very curious and have a short attention spawn.
Getting along with me is easy peasy. As long as you're not whiny or a hypocrite we will get along. Now getting to know me is....nearly impossible. No friend of mine has managed to make me spill my problems even thought they share theirs and I help them out. My trust issues and daddy issues are too important for that lol. I don't open up and bottle my feelings all the time till I shut down or explode. I isolate a lot when I have problems or I'm just thinking (I love daydreaming). I'm rebellious but also a smooth talker. My friends know I have good intentions and would never wrong an innocent person. I'm the smart but reckless friend cuz I'll always hype up bad ideas for fun. I can be a bit naive. Even thought I have morbid curiosity and shared dubious experimental ideas....morals ain't my Forte. I'm more logical than emotional. I'm ambitious and can't stand my own failure. But I'm also lazy and a procrastinator which is a terrible combo. I'm always willing to debate and learn new things because knowledge is very important to me. I'm creative and innovative, I know when to get to business. I'm very competitive and try to hide it. Yeah I have an ego, so what? if you don't have a solid argument with me, I'll destroy you.
Despite that, I joke a lot and never take anything seriously. It happens that I underestimate people (I beat them later sooo). I'm a big tease and love to rile up people and see them get angry. I subtly insult people when they piss me off.
Because of that, I get very lonely and I'm misunderstood. I don't recognize my own feelings and mask that pretty well as it fools everyone. i don't consider myself to be a good person for some reasons. I envy easily and get annoyed easily because I want to succeed above all lol. Oh and I love money. I like giving and receiving gifts
Hobbies: Reading (mystery, thriller, fantasy), true crime, video games, manga, drawing, baking, fighting sports (sparing and shooting), learning, daydreaming. I love space and mad scientists stories. My aesthetic is definitely related to those subjects as well as the sea and stars. I like physics too
I'm insecure about my weight despite not being overweight.
In a relationship, I'm the most chill person. I don't get jealous or clingy. You can do whatever you want. I'm always here to give you advices because helping you out, giving you my time and giving you gifts is my love langage. It bothered my last boyfriend because he thought I wasn't emotionally present and isolated a lot (which I did. I warned him that I accepted out of boredroom and didn't love him but he still went ahead. Then he emotionally cheated on my bd and everyone noticed but me lol. I separated from those friends cuz none told me and I value honesty a lot). I love cuddles but I'll take time to accept physical touch. I enjoy a partner that can keep up with me and be patient and honest because I value honesty. I also love receiving gifts because uh...I grew up with them validating love. I hate whiny and cowardly people.
I speak Arabic, French and English. I'm an only child. I study electronics and want to work in space related studies.
Of course you may!
Always a pleasure to see peolle jumpjng on this silly game of mine.
That said,I hope my intuition guided me to the right path as I matched you with these lovely guys.
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