#also bonus points to anyone who can find the cities/places on a map that I derived the Zenithian country names from
loveshotzz · 2 years
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There’s a place for me
Eddie Munson x Fem!reader
Chapter 1/?
Summary: On the run for wrongful murder charges, Eddie finds himself stopping in a sleepy ocean side town far enough from Hawkins where he can lay low for awhile. Running from the people that want him dead, his only hope is that his past doesn’t catch up to him. Especially when he meets the pretty eye’d waitress up the street.
Word count: 5.7k
Warnings: slow burn, angst (Eddie hates himself for running) eventual smut, strangers to lovers. My blog is 18 plus.
A/N: this concept was sent as a request by my irl friend @elthreetimes and as soon as I read it, there was no way it could just be a one shot. It needed to be a series. I feel so lucky that you trust me to bring this story to life, and I hope you enjoy this. Also I couldn’t have done this without my hellfire crew @myobmaya @boomhauer @subparwritersuperbreblogger @sweetsweetjellybean for bouncing ideas and characterizations with me. I seriously couldn’t have written this with out you guys. This is the most ambitious story I’ve ever tried, so here goes nothing. Also bonus points for anyone who guess’s who which character Ron is based off of.
*comments, likes, and reblogs would mean so much if you enjoy my work 💘
For days it felt like all Eddie did was drive, the passage of state signs was his only measurement of time. The hours blending together like the lines on the highway, tangerine skies bleeding vermillion the colors remind him of Chrissy eyes after they exploded inside her head. The beauty of it all being taken away as the image of her crumpled body replays over and over in his mind. With no destination he was driving on auto pilot, only deciding where he was going the third night in.
Hair dripping from the storm outside, his fingers feel bruised from switching out his plates for the third time. Sitting in the back of his van tucked away on the side of a dirt road somewhere in West Virginia, it was the first time in his life he was thankful his dad had taught him a thing or two about evading the law. Stripping off his wet jacket he knew he needed to find somewhere to go. He couldn’t keep driving aimlessly, he didn’t have the money for that. The only cash he had was whatever he’d gotten from his deals earlier in the week, thankful he didn’t spend it on the re up that was suppose to happen the night before everything changed.
He’d never seen the ocean, an elusive place he could only visit in his dreams. Stopped on the boarder between West Virginia and Pennsylvania he wasn’t that far from the east coast. Using his lighter to illuminate the road map he’d found stashed in a messy wad in his glove box he guessed it was maybe a 10 hour drive from the coast. Throwing the idea of sleep out the window with wet clothes making it impossible for him to get comfortable he decided to do what he’s done this whole time, drive.
Watching the early morning sun slowly seep into through the storm clouds the grey sky fades to a more comforting cerulean. Eddie drove with the kind of determination that he wish he’d used to pass high school. Maybe he wouldn’t even be in this mess if he’d just graduated when he was suppose to. Convincing himself he would have been long gone playing guitar in any city that wasn’t Hawkins, he lets himself wallow in self pity till his tires bring him to the ocean.
Finding his way into a nameless town that wasn’t even listed on his map, it made Hawkins look like New York City. A small strip set on top a broken battered road - he swerves to miss the never ending onslaught of pot holes. The few shops they had were attached to a single grocery store, the sides of the buildings eroding away from the misted wind. Snorting to himself - of course this is where he ends up, a beach side ghost town. Eddie catches the Help Wanted sign hanging in the window of the diner that lay nestled at the end. Sticking out from the rest, the way it’s lit almost makes it look like it glowing against it’s drab surroundings. It was also the only place he’d seen with any sign of human life.
The lights of The Sleepy Hill motel greet him like the four seasons, when his tired van pulls into the mostly empty lot. The flashing vacancy sign is a promise of a bed, his bones worn down and sore the weight of everything finally kicking in. When his dirty white Reebok’s hit the ground his arms reach for the sky in a kitten stretch of his whole body, eyes closing he relishes in the pops he feels in his spine.
Inhaling a deep breath the salt in the air stings his nose, the mist off the shore making his bangs stick to his forehead. Pulling a runway strand of hair from his cheek he finally takes everything in. On one side of him there was nothing but an endless expanse of tumultuous waves raging against the shore line. The storm clouds he had out run were making their way back through, the lingering bitterness of winter still hanging thick in the March air. It wasn’t like the kind of warmness he’d seen on the postcards, or the in the stories that Rick told, this wasn’t Venice Beach. The sight of a light house in the distance brings a slight feeling of comfort when he watches the strobes of light break through the purple hues of the darkness starting to set in over the horizon. Eyes lingering he lets himself sit in it for awhile watching the waves crash into the broken brick holding it up from falling into whatever laid in the water beneath it. When he turns his attention back to the town that took him less then a minute to drive through, the red “EAT HERE” sign that spun on top of the diner mocks his stomach when he realizes it had been almost a whole day with out any real food.
Slamming his car door shut, he takes quick strides to the back making a mental note to drive to the next town over at some point tomorrow to switch out his plates again, it was too risky to try to do it with any car in a town like this. Eyes darting nervously he opens his back doors with shudder that rings out over the sound of the waves. Furrowing his brows in concentration he starts digging though the blankets in the back searching for the outfit he’d found balled up a few nights ago. Forgotten about after a sleep over at Gareth’s, the memory of a time where his life wasn’t like this hurts in a way that he can’t explain. Maybe he wasn’t as miserable as he thought he was — all the little things he took for granted now at the forefront of his mind.
He hadn’t let himself think about Wayne. Maybe it was the adrenaline that kept his mind from going there, or that thing he’d heard about when your own mind blacks things out to protect you, but he hadn’t thought about what that must’ve been like for him to come home to that.
A life less mangled girl he didn’t know and a nephew that no one was going to find. Eddie just ran without a single thought as to what that would mean for him. Scowling to himself he blames the Munson blood that runs through his veins. Images of his Uncle slumped over with tired shoulders, shuffling into the trailer in the early morning hours when the sun is just peaking through the trees. Boots heavy from another double at work, walking right into the nightmare that Eddie left him with.
Eye’s burning he holds back his tears grabbing the balled up shirt and jeans giving them a sniff. They didn’t smell clean but they smelt better then what he was wearing now and that was just going to have to do. Fingers crossed the motel clerk would let him rent a room with out an ID, he was desperate for a shower. Shoving the garments into his backpack he takes another deep breath ignoring the sting this time, closing his eyes he fights away all the emotions that are ready to spill out. Clearing his throat he cracks his neck before slamming the metal doors shut.
Half way across the pavement Eddie stops in his tracks when he see’s the guy behind the counter. Not much older then him there was something oddly familiar about him, when he glances up catching Eddie in his line of sight. Shaggy brown hair parted down the middle and big teeth protruding from below his upper lip, his beady eyes squint as he tries to figure out what Eddie was doing. The sound of a distant boat horn is what makes his feet finally move again, the boy behind the counter standing up as Eddie closes the distance.
There’s a small chime when the glass door swings open, the warmth of the lobby heats him in a way he hadn’t realized he missed until its hits his skin. There’s an awkwardness that hangs thick in the air when the door closes behind him. Eddie hadn’t talked to another living soul in days besides mumbling the amount of cash and on what pump at gas stations. The man behind the desk who’s name tag said ‘Ron’ was staring at him like he was trying to pin point something familiar about the metal head, and it was making Eddie’s palms sweat. The anxiety of being caught tightening in his chest. Scratching the back of his neck he clears his throat.
“Hi — hey, man I’m uhh- I’m looking to get a room?” He tries to hide how startled he is at his own voice having not heard it in hours.
Ron’s silence doesn’t break much to his dismay as he takes in Eddie’s appearance. Dark eyes trail over his disheveled form before flicking back towards his van in the parking lot. It wasn’t just his palms that were sweating now.
“What’s your deal? You some kinda rockstar or something?” Ron finally breaks his silence, stunned it takes Eddie a minute to comprehend what exactly he’s being asked. When he finally wraps his head around the question he has to actively stop the snort that threatens to come out.
Looking down at his wrinkled hellfire shirt, the cotton is stained with a mixture of dirt and grime from the nights in his van. The whites of his Reebok’s barely visible under the dried up mud from last nights storm. Having caught a glimpse of his reflection in the glass of the door on his way in, he knew his wild mane looked like a bird had laid nest in it.
“Excuse me, what?”
Ron sucks his teeth shrugging.
“You just look like that Van Halen guy, but there’s no way you’d be here if you were actually him I’d reckon.” He says matter of factly before sitting back down in his desk. “And he wouldn’t look like he just rolled around in a pigs play pin. Or maybe he would? I don’t know the life style of a celebrity.” He adds with a wave of his hand.
Stunned and completely unsure of how to respond to the man in front of him, the conversation was not going a direction Eddie had even seen coming. Opening and closing his mouth a few times, he finally finds his voice again.
“Yeah, not Eddie Van Halen. My name is Eddie though, Eddie umm Henderson.” He winces internally when Dustin’s last name leaves his mouth.
“Eddie Henderson? That’s not very rock and roll.” Ron tuts before looking up at Eddie from his computer.
Feeling his frustration start to reach it’s tipping point, his fists clench at his sides before they release. Running a hand over his face he exhales sharply through his nose mustering up enough self control to answer politely.
“Sorry to disappoint.” Eddie pointedly looks at his name tag before adding with a curt smile. “Ron.”
Arching a brow, the man at the front desk brings his attention back to the computer screen with a hum. The awkwardness from before becomes almost suffocating in the small room. The growing silence between them lasting long enough that Eddie starts to panic.
“Look man, I’m just trying to get a room for a few nights then I’ll be out of your hair okay? I’m not some rockstar who’s gonna trash the place. I’m a nobody.”
Eyes never leaving the screen the sound of the mouse clicking is the only noise filling the space.
“Got an I.D. Eddie Henderson?” Ron’s tone is flat when finally looks up at eddie through the hood of his lashes, his own irritation clear on his blemished face.
The question he knew was coming still stiffens his body when it leaves his mouth, but the thought of another night sprawled out on the damp blankets on the metal floor of his van is enough for the burning sensation of tears to sting his tired eyes again. Shuffling on his feet, he readjusts his backpack.
“I’ve got cash, I can pay for at least two days up front.” Stepping closer to the desk his fingers drum against the counter top nervously, doe eyes pleading to show him a shred of mercy.
“No, I.D. No ro—“
Digging the 200 of the 250 he had left from his pocket, he slaps it on the desk in a crumpled lump. His survival instincts kicking in with a new level of stubbornness he didn’t know he had. He wasn’t leaving until he had keys to a bed and a shower.
“Please, man. I’m begging you.” The tears that had been threatening fall finally breach his strong hold, a single droplet landing onto his bottom lashes. He wipes it away quickly with the back of his hand, sniffing he closes his eyes collecting himself again. “I’ll keep to myself, you won’t even know I’m here.”
Ron’s eyes soften at the desperation is Eddie’s voice, despite policy there was something sincere about the mysterious stranger standing in front of him.
“200 will get you three nights.” Reaching over the counter he grabs the crumbled up bills before standing up, turning to the wall of keys behind him.
Relief floods his body as he watches Ron’s fingers skim over the glistening metal dangling from the dark blue wall. Blinking back tears the tense muscles in his shoulders release some of the stress they’d been carrying for the last 700 miles.
“Room 10, it’s at the very end. No parties rockstar.” Handing over the single key, it hung from a round burgundy keychain, a faded gold 10 stamped onto the plastic. Eddie can’t help but actually laugh this time, his mood lifted for a fleeting moment.
“Seriously, thank you. You won’t regret this I promise.” Snatching the key before he had a chance to change his mind, he clasps both hands together in front of his face bowing slightly in appreciation.
“There’s free coffee in here every morning. If you bring your key to the diner up the road you get a ten percent discount. We don’t have laundry but there’s a laundromat next to the grocery store, it’s open weird hours you’ll have to check the sign.” Ron prattles on, his voice becoming more professional now that Eddie was a paying guest.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you.” Walking backwards Eddie kicks the door open, the chill in the air sending a shiver down his spine.
“Nice to meet you Eddie Henderson.”
The walls of the motel room match the ones in the front office, the sapphire paint chipping at the edges of the ivory trim. The single bed in the middle was covered in a crimson duvet, two fluffed pillows propped against the black head board tempting him enough that he almost throws the idea of a shower and food out the window. Toeing off his shoes, the socks that should be a crisp white are the color of ash and it reminds him just how dirty he really is. Dropping his bag on the floor he starts peeling off his clothes making his way to wash off the last 72 hours.
A satisfied groan falls from between his chapped lips when the heat of the water hits his skin. Tilting his head back he lets it run through his thick tangled waves, pooling at his feet the water is tinged brown. Turning he faces the stream with closed eyes letting it wash over his face as he tries to find peace in his thoughts. The fear seeing Chrissy suspended in the air every time he closed his eyes was what prevented him from the sleep his strained body needed.
After spending longer then he should wrapped up in the warmth of the shower, he can’t ignore the growling in his stomach, remembering the discount at the diner he forces himself out.
The cheap blow dryer makes his hair frizz with more volume then he was used to, holding it down with both hands on either side of his head he sighs exasperated when he lets it go and it bounces back with more force.
Whatever, he didn’t know anyone here and he wasn’t going to be around long.
Changing into his cleaner clothes, he pats down his jeans feeling something in his back pocket. Reaching behind him his fingers come in contact with the thin plastic foiling of a crumpled half full pack of cigarettes he’d left in a drunk mess one night.
“Fuck. Yes.” He mutters to himself feeling a little more like a person rather then just a passenger in his own body for the first time in the last three days.
Grabbing his jacket off the bed nimble fingers search for his lighter once the leather is wrapped around his shoulders. Smirking when he finds it, he heads for the door grabbing his key off the off the dresser. Turning around before he leaves he takes one good look at his new home for the next few days. It wasn’t much but it was better then hiding off on the side roads begging to get caught.
The rocks crunch under his feet as he walks up the wounded asphalt towards the diner, the mist in the air taming the poof in his hair as he struggles to get the cigarette lit. The hint of tobacco on his tongue teasing him as the gust off the shore snuffs out the flame every single time.
“Jesus fucking Christ.” dangling in his lips he stops for a second to switch positions so his back was facing the direction of the wind. “You’ve got to be shitting me.” Grumbling he snatches it out of his mouth in a huff before shoving it back in his pocket. Keeping his hands dug in into his jacket his face is set in a hard glare as he hits the parking lot of the diner. The inside gleams brightly and it’s the stark contrast to the dark moody-ness of his thoughts and the outside.
There’s families gathered in the windows laughing in the warmth of the light and he does his best to ignore the pang in his chest. Shoving down the realization of just how alone he really is now, he wasn’t ready to mentally unpack that yet.
Opening the single glass door of the entrance, the sound of the oldies station plays under the low hum of everyone’s chatter. Red vinyl covering the seats, a row of booths line the outside, the white walls barely visible decorated, covering almost every inch in various collectibles. The long bar attached to the kitchen extends down the length of the restaurant lined with stools.
Unlike the booths, the bar was filled with truckers and waderers. Hunched over their food alone in their thoughts. Taking a seat where he belonged the chain of his wallet clinks loudly against the metal of the stool.
The menu was already laid out on the formica counter top, just a page long the corners of the lamination are creased after obvious years of use. His eyes strain to read the red words that pop out against the white of the paper, the sleepless nights slowly catching up to his body. He tries pulling it further from his face to get a better look completely unaware of the pair of eyes watching him.
“Need some help with the menu?” A melodious voice breaks his concentration. Looking for the owner he comes face to face with you.
Almost as if someone knocked the wind out of him the softness of your features stuns him enough that he can’t find his voice. The dress you wear as a uniform wraps tightly around your curves and he fights his eyes from wandering. Hand on the counter in front of him you lean into his space, the smell of maple syrup hits his nose — sickly sweet he wants nothing more then to close his eyes and bask in it. Your warm gaze lands on his face and it feels like he’s looking up at the bright sun on a summer day. You didn’t look like you belonged here.
Realizing he hadn’t answered you, he clears his throat trying to shake his nerves. He was never good at talking to girls, especially not girls that looked like you and definitely not under these circumstances.
“You’re new around here.” You grin eyeing the slightly disheveled boy in front of you.
“Do you have burgers?” Blurting out his question he closes his eyes embarrassed when he realizes he’s ignored your observation too caught up to think straight. “Sorry.”
Laughing sweetly you take the menu from his hands finger tips brushing against his, the connection making his cheeks blossom pink.
“Sure do, how do you want it?” Pulling out your pocket sized note book from your apron, his eyes catch the red of your nail polish and for some reason it makes his cheeks deepen to match.
“Medium is —uh, is fine.” Scratching the back of his neck he watches the way your pen swoops gracefully against the paper.
“Fries okay?” Looking up at him from under your lashes his breath hitches loud enough for you to hear, the reaction making you bite your lip in a smile.
“Yeah, fries are, fries are great.” Exhaling loudly he gives you a tight lipped smile wishing he could bury his head in the sand.
“Anything to drink?” Ripping the page you turn around slipping it through the small window of the kitchen behind you. The line cook grabs it with a curt nod before you bring the full force of your stare back to him.
“Water is fine.” The sentence is short but he gets it out with out a hitch at least. Rubbing his hands nervously on his thighs he catches the mischievous glint dance around your eyes.
A small knowing smirk plays on your lips before walking away to the drink station at the other end of the long bar.
“Real fucking smooth.” Eddie grumbles to himself catching the attention of the trucker seated next to him.
“If that makes you feel any better son, I think she thought it was cute.” The gruffness of his voice reminds him of his Uncle, the few moments with you had made him almost forget about why he was here in the first place. Guilt slowly starting to eat away at him as he tries to re focus his thoughts, the familiar sting coming back to his eyes.
Before Eddie has a chance to respond your sliding the glass in front of him, eyes never leaving his as you pull out a straw from your front pocket. This time he’s strong enough to hold your gaze even if the red on his cheeks spreads to his neck.
“It’ll be like 15 minutes, Freddy’s pretty quick.” Nodding back towards the kitchen, Eddie tries to listen to you but he’s too focused on the sheen of your lip gloss. A sharp elbow to his side snaps him out of his trance, his new friend trying to help him out.
“Oh— okay, thanks.” Dropping his eyes down he brings all of his attention to unwrapping his straw, silently scolding himself for being even less smooth then the first interaction. The only reason he knows you’ve walked away is the loss of sweetness that settles in the air in your presence.
Shoving the straw in his drink, the ice clinks loudly against the glass before taking a big gulp. When the water washes over his tongue in a wave of rejuvenation, he closes his eyes humming in satisfaction sucking more then half the glass down before pushing it away with a wipe of his mouth. He can feel what the needed hydration does for him in his finger tips, his brain function starting to sharpen.
Chocolate eyes finding you again, he watches the way you move around the restaurant with ease. Everything you were doing seemed second nature, bending down to meet the kids at eye level he watched the families stare up at you with the same adoration on their faces. It wasn’t just him you effected like that, it was every one.
Cleaning off one of the booths, he watches you bend over the table — selfishly letting his eyes wander your body in the way he’d fought off before. Expertly stacking the dirty plates in your arms, you shove the cash tip they’d left in your apron. Turning on your heel you catch his stare, stopping for a brief moment before your lips tug up in a way that makes him avert his gaze — but even he knew it was too late. He’d been caught.
Closing his eyes when you walk by he inhales deeply, chasing the comfort your scent brings. You smelt like Sunday mornings with his mom, the only childhood memories he was fond of. He watched as you disappeared through the double doors of the kitchen, loud voices greeting you once you were hidden in the back. It was obvious you’d been here for awhile. The urge to try and piece together your story is a welcoming distraction from his own.
You aren’t back there long before you push back through with a toothy grin, shaking your head in amusement. An irrational hint of jealousy settles deep in his gut at whoever was making you laugh like that. The high pitch ding of the kitchen bell brings his attention back to the small window, a burger and fries so warm he could see the steam coming off the bun sit waiting for you to collect. Brain going empty he can feel himself start to salivate, his hunger taking front and center in his mind now.
Too focused on his food he has better self control of his eyes when you go to grab it. Sliding the plate in front of him Eddie mumbles a thank you before snatching the burger, ignoring the way it heats under his finger tips.
Taking a giant bite he immediately opens his mouth at the shock of the burn, his initial reaction to spit it out is stopped when he looks up to see you watching him with crossed arms as you lean against the back counter.
“I would have told you to give it a minute, but I thought that was obvious.” Teasing him, Eddie fans his open mouth searching for reprieve only swallowing it when the pain subsides. Taste buds inflamed and seared he takes another gulp of water basking in the way it soothes his mouth.
“Sorry, I haven’t really eaten all day.” Grabbing a fry he dunks it into the small ceramic cup filled with ketchup before tossing it into his mouth. Curious eyes land on yours making him wonder what’s keeping your attention as he eats with out manners.
“So, what are you running from?” Choking on his food at your question his eyes go wide, maybe the news had made it’s way over here.
“W-what do you mean?” Swallowing loudly his appetite suddenly disappears.
“I mean, I’ve never seen you before. People either move here to run from something or they’re just passing through.” You shrug as if your question was nonchalant. “So are you a runner or a wanderer?”
“What are you?” Eddie counters back arching a brow before taking another sip of water.
The smirk you give him is almost devilish when you push yourself off the counter invading his space again. The smell he can’t get enough of swirling around him in a dizzying effect.
“I’m a runner.” There’s something hidden behind your eyes that he can’t decipher when you give him your answer unashamed. “I told you mine, it’s your turn now.”
Of course you weren’t from here, how could you be?
“Runner.” He says simply already nervous he shared too much. Averting his eyes he plops another fry in his mouth before he remembers that this 15 dollar meal was gonna put a significant hole in his remaining funds.
Looking back up from his food he sees you’re already half way down the bar walking he hasn’t even asked you about the Now Hiring sign dangling from the window.
“Hey! — I mean wait.” Eddie’s outburst catches you and half the diners attention and despite his embarrassment he doesn’t miss the way your lips curve up when you make your way back to him.
“Yes?” Raising your eyebrows in question you plant both hands on the counter top in front of him leaning forward a stance that keeps his Eddie swimming.
“I saw your help wanted sign in the window.” Clearing his throat for more confidence “How would a runner apply for said job?”
“You haven’t even told me your name, and you don’t even know what we’re hiring for.” All valid points leave your mouth and he nods with a scratch of his head.
“It’s Eddie, Eddie Henderson.” He said it once and now he just has to roll with it, he’ll apologize to Dustin if he ever sees him again. “I’m not picky, I’ll do anything. Just in desperate need for some cash.”
“Well Eddie Henderson, I guess that means you’re planning on staying here long enough to get work huh?” Tongue poking the side of your cheek he can tell there’s ideas bouncing around in your head.
“Yeah, for a little bit.” Eddie didn’t want to tell you that his time here was numbered in the single digits or that he needed the work so he wouldn’t become completely homeless in the next few days while he ran from the law.
Blowing out a loud breath, you drum your hands on the counter before turning around towards the white board behind you with various names and schedules scribbled on it. He wondered which was you. Grabbing an application from the stack that was pinned on the board you turn back around around pulling a pen from your pocket. Clicking it open you set it down for him to fill out.
Eddie wastes no time in scribbling out his fake information, chest swelling with excitement. He didn’t think it would be this easy and despite your stare making him nervous he could feel his own smile pull at his lips just for a moment.
“I’m just gonna need an ID to show my boss.”
The sentence leaves your mouth and Eddie wants to fucking scream, his grip on the pen becoming so hard he was close to snapping it in half. It was an issue at the motel why wouldn’t be an issue here? It’s not like he didn’t have one, it just had all of his real information on it. Information that had the potential to get him caught.
“I- I don’t have one.” It’s quiet when it leaves his mouth voice shaking and defeated. Meeting your eyes again he notices how they soften as if you could read his mind.
“You moved to a new town without any ID?” You question is gentle when it comes out watching the way his shoulders slump. The first smile you’d seen grace his handsome features slowly fading away.
“I’m afraid I can’t give this to him with out some kind of proof as to who you are.” It’s lame when it comes out of your mouth and you wish it could be different when you watch his big doe eyes glass over.
“It’s fine, I’ll figure something out. I appreciate the help none the less.” Eddie gives slight nod pushing the application away, his brain already starting to reel with no back up plan lined up. He feels fucking stupid.
Unsure how to comfort the cute mysterious stranger you shove your pen back in your pocket giving him your most apologetic look. The air shifting into something that felt like you should give him privacy— you walk away as he digs for his wallet.
Throwing a twenty on the table, he’s too embarrassed to even ask for the discount. He takes one last big bite of his burger before goes to stand up, the sudden urge to sleep becoming over powering with the hope a better idea would come to him tomorrow.
“Hey, actually.” Your honeyed voice drips through his very obvious despair.
Stopping him before he had a chance to leave, Eddie’s chestnut eyes meet yours in question.
Biting at your bottom lip, he can tell your nervous to ask him whatever was bouncing around in your head.
“Do you know anything about cars?” The thought of your late grandmothers car sitting motionless in your drive way comes to mind and how desperate you were for a pair of working wheels.
“I mean I’m no mechanic, but I can do the basics.” He offers back with a shrug.
“Good enough for me, I live by the beach not far from the motel down the road, it’s a shitty yellow house you can’t miss it. I’ve got a car you can come look at tomorrow, if you think you can fix it I’ll hire you myself.” Eddie doesn’t know why you’re being so nice to him but he’s not going to turn you down the offer. Even if he can’t fix it, he sure as shit was going to figure out how.
“Alright, sure yeah, I’ll come by.” Trying to contain his excitement the smile you’d already missed comes creeping back to his face.
“Perfect, I’ll see you around 10? I’ve gotta work at 4 so that should be plenty of time for you to come take a look yeah?” Not wanting to tease that six hours is plenty of time to do a normal check up on a car he just nods instead.
“I’ll be there at 10.” With a nod of his head and the first genuine smile on his face in days, he pushes back out into the developing storm.
Head swirling with the events of the day the cheap motel bed moans under his weight as he stares up at the water marks on the ceiling tile. The feathers of the pillows underneath him bring back the heaviness of his eyelids as all the muscles in his body finally relax. The fear of sleep slowly slipping to the back of his mind when the softness of your smile replays on a loop behind closed eyes.
Taglist: @newlips @bimbobaggins69 @munsonology @triplethreat77 @edsforehead @manda-panda-monium @emotionaldreamer @eddiesprincess86 @micheledawn1975 @lil-graveling @b-irock @munsonmunster
If I missed anyone please let me know!
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butterfly-winx · 4 years
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- Do you know about Zenith? No? I mean you own a computer so you must. I hear the whole planet is covered in one large city.
- Zenith lives up to its name, as it is regarded to be the home to the height technological development in the Magic Universe. It houses the more universities, research institutes and engineering testing fields on its tiny surface than Magics and Earth combined.
- Though it is true that the planetoid is covered with a seemingly uniform cityscape, there are patches of untended ground peeking through, mainly the polar seas.  Antitheva and Bitheva may only classify as large lakes elsewhere, but they are perfectly fit for a small planet of Zenith’s size. They even help populations of merfolk at some point in time.
- The overwhelming amount of construction covering the planet’s surface has long become its vice. With no reflective surfaces left and with machinery forced to operate day and night to fuel the latest technological advancements, the whole planet has become a singular heat trap. The seas were boiling and the air was unbreathably hot. What got research going however was the failing performance of their heavy duty machinery, screws sweating and bending out of shape, lasers blinking tired and unfocused. They devised a plan to cool down the surface of the planet by releasing agents to shield them from the thermal effects of solar rays, and achieved the impossible. Zenith’s climate has since then settled on a comfortable average of 250 K.
- The seas froze over and the merpeople disappeared - or maybe they did already during the boiling phase, out of their luck living off already dead fish. Urban development was given final approval and the last patches of earth disappeared from sight, buried under the striving for more.
- Despite its  aforementioned properties, Zenith is no monolith and it would be amiss to describe it as such. Zeniths countries and cultures are diverse, only connected by their burning need for advancement and their fight against the cold. They have a spectrum of governance forms in the different countries ranging from democracy, constitutional monarchy to representative republic and in some cases even direct democracy of people. 
- As cities cover all of the planet, it is difficult to determine where individual settlements in a country begin and end. Country borders are the only demarcations, each government shielding itself with force fields, trenches or physical walls from imagined spies and malevolence.
- Techna’s home of Haikar is in a country that still tries to honour the memory of the separate settlements that have melded together. So Haikar is not a separate town as much as it is just a borough with its own town governance, and is considered to be the capital of Transjordan.
- Other Zenith country names with capitals where applicable: Tribilisi (Kandu), Gorgan, Nuzul (Xihat), Tbaku, Navyol, Urzghar
- Most of these countries don’t get along with each other too well. As is understandable, seeing as they are very culturally diverse. Each wants to be the best though and their most bitterly fought battles are usually over patent rights and the tenure of well-respected scientists. As banal as these reasons seem, as brutal are their methods of mutual sabotage to keep the leading edge. 
- Transjordan unfortunately is quite small and has many neighbours, so their paranoia and battle readiness is markedly large even on planet. Growing up, Techna went through disaster and terror awareness training regularly, to the point where they could probably recite what to do in case you found a car bomb better than they could explain a simple recipe.
- Oh and are recipes important! As clean edged people think the inhabitants of Transjordan are, there is nothing minimalist about their food choices. They love combining spices and textures and always serve feasts with generosity rivalling Eraklyon’s. Deserts usually have some sort of fruits, nuts AND some preserve in them, the combinations endless.
- While it is true that for the most part, cultures on Zenith value a simple approach to things. If it can be done in a few words, why waste a sentence on it? Bureaucracy is usually a two-click-formula affair, their whole lives are condensed on a sigle digital display ID, shopping comes to you at home. Hell even marriages are just an affair of simple form signing. 
- But food is where they really go full ham. It is not seen as frivolous to waste 10 eggs on a cake, because what you are doing creating nutrition and enjoyment. It is simply reasonable and efficient to go to the max when you do that and create an absolute delicacy you can gorge yourself on in one slice or less.
- So if they are so into feasting and enjoying things with purpose, what gives Zenithians such a bad name? Well, it is just that. People of Transjordan for example, like to enjoy things with purpose. They don’t really care much for music or theatre, they are just activities to air your brain out. They will import off-world made products, but there isn’t a lot of room for cultural arts on Zenith because they channel their passion elsewhere.
- Yes you heard right, Zenithinas have passion galore. They just, in the Universe's most efficient move, channel that passion into the work they already do. The majority of scientific discoveries have been made because somebody cared enough to look deep into a topic and push further, because previous answers were unsatisfactory. Children are coached to find something that inspires this level of devotion in them and have extensive education and support networks to get them there.
- On the topic of children: most of them aren’t the genetic descendants of their parents, rather a random selection from the common gene pool. The public gene pool is a hotly debated topic, but a long established structure of procreation that only the very wealthy have the option to contest. (There is a way to gain approval to sire an own baby from just the genes of two people, but it is extremely costly.) 
  In some research some time ago it was determined that for the optimal survival of people on the planet, genetic relation to the parents raising the child was not only suboptimal, but actively detrimental to overall population survival. In this “more civilised” approach, parents apply for a baby who is conceived and birthed in bioreactors. This way no people who can conceive are put through undue stress and the public gene pool babies also carry less hereditary health conditions. It is supposedly a win-win situation, yet it leaves a sour taste in most people’s mouth. No wonder less and less Zenithians plan families if that is the process they have to do it by.
- As straightforward as they are, Zenithians often struggle when communicating with people from other planets and not only because of arising cultural differences. Sure any Zenithian would blush and pale when forced into a situation dealing with overly expressive Solarians, but in any other regular case, the Universal Translation Spell is not on their side either. Jordan is a very logical and to the point language and the floralitiy of other languages is impossible to be transferred to it. The UTS instead produces blocky, difficult to parse translations that often leave Techna confused to the intentions of others.
- It is of course evident that the main industry of the planet is electronics production and R&D. Companies on Zenith produce all manners of gadgets, but they are best in creating refrigeration technology (ironic, right?), astronomic instruments, self-propulsion transportation (vehicles) and medical diagnostic tools and applications. The associated application programming industry is also booming with server houses the size of smaller cities. It is no surprise that Zenith’s electricity consumption is through the roof with such a vital sector to support.
- Before their trade for electricity with Solaria, Zenithian people used static electricity discharges to harvest energy. Their planet being covered with one gigantic city didn’t leave much space for utilising the natural resources of their planet. All the mineral ore having been exhausted, no major flowing waters left and stranded with miserable and cold weather the options for energy sources were limited. What they had however was tall buildings and thunderstorms, so they used lightning harvesters for ages. 
- With the storm and snow clouds obscuring the sky most days, Zenith is quite dark. The cities illuminate themselves, kind of like year round festive ornamentation. 
- Spirituality is an interesting topic on planet that everyone you ask will have a different answer for. Major parts of Tribilisi and Urzghar for example believe in machine assisted immortality. They see machines as superior to biological matter and work towards the unfallability and omniscience of artificial intelligence in which part of their conscience will be able to rest after death. The predominant belief in Transjordan that Techna grew up with is that after death, there is nothing. Based on the theory of energy conservation, what one doesn’t use and convert into heat will be redistributed into the rest of the world. It is selfish to think one could hold on to any energy after death.
- Most people also don’t care for magic. Sure some magic users crop up among them here and there, but they most likely remain untrained. This is why Techna chose a school off planet to pursue their passion and why they weren’t claimed as a Guardian fairy of Zenith after they graduated. (Since this position doesn’t exist.)
- Almost all things on the planet are solved non-magically accordingly. Their transport systems are unparalleled with some regions using small-distance whole structure replication, aka honest to god matter teleportation. The frozen over seas are also fully utilised with air cushion containerships cruising the flat expanse. Along a certain longitude Zenith also sports a unique feature: the longitudinal crust train. A four meter wide segment of the planet, as if cut out of the surrounding cityscape, moves on straight rails around the whole circumference of the planet. It is the fastest mode of civilian transport available.
- They need all the good transportation and radio transmission they can get - by the way, the Universe Wide Web is also a Zenithian invention, who would have thought - as with their living space limited, Zenithian countries have spilled over onto nearby moons, essentially colonising and terraforming those.
- So, you see, Zenith and either of its countries aren’t by far as boring as one might think on the first glance and most of them certainly don’t shy back from showing emotion.
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NSFW Alphabet- Joe Toye
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
 Ok, so here’s the 411- Joe gives it his all when y’all are fucking. He’s flipping you around into different positions, he’s gripping whatever part of your body he can get his hands so he can reach deeper faster harder better, Joe is fully prepared to do all the work. 
That being said, the boy’s EXHAUSTED by the time he’s done with you. You’re lucky if he doesn’t collapse on you in a sweaty, sleepy mess. But after he’s had a second to regroup and rally- he’s totally down for some pillow talk. 
WARNING: it’s going to be in that sexy husky voice of his, which means round two is imminent.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
 Ok, so our Joe’s hot. Like, really hot. He is fully aware of how good he looks- sometimes to the point of arrogance. If he had to pick just one part of himself, it’d probably be his arms. He likes knowing that he can always fight his way out of a sticky situation, but what he really likes is how your hands feel when they clutch at his biceps while getting sexy. (He also really gets soft when you run your fingers up and down his arms/forearms while sitting around and talking with the guys shh shh shh)
On you? Your hands- this boy never thought of hands being sexy until he watched yours dance across a map while discussing plans of action. His eyes followed their motions like a moth follows a flame- and when they touched HIS HAND for the first time? Boner city. Population: this guy.
 C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He’s BIG into marking you, and if you gave him the ok (he always checks first) he’d gladly paint you in it (he gets very caveman when it comes to marking you as his ffs what a horndog). 
But if you aren’t into that? Not a problem. Simply seeing his cum on your hands (which we’ve established he’s super into) is enough for him. Inside of you works too, FYI. He’s very accommodating.
 D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
 He once secretly got off in class while watching you disassemble and reassemble your rifle. Your fingers moved so fast and confidently that he couldn’t help but wonder what ~other~ confident things they could do (his mind instantly pictured you fingering yourself and he’s only a little bit sorry about how depraved he is). He’d kneaded the heel of his hand against his cock under the table and to this day he has no idea how he wasn’t caught.
 E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Experienced is a good way to describe Joe, bc in cruder company he’d be called a fuckboy. He’s had more partners than the average Joe (lol sorry) but not nearly as many as someone like Tab or Nix or Liebgott have had. He just lived a full-ass life and, due to him being a stud, he’s never been wanting for company.
 F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
 Anything with him on top is his comfort zone. He likes feeling in control, and he really likes being able to see how good he’s making you feel. 
Bonus points if he can grip your neck a lil bit.
 G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
 Joe is goofy in the sense that he likes to tease you, maybe antagonize you a lil. He knows that you get off on it- that you like when he points out how good he’s making you feel, or lightly chastising you for how quickly you’re going to cum. He doesn’t mean it, and if you were ever to tell him to back off he’d be totally down.
 H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
 Dark, curly, trimmed but not ~groomed~, you know?
 I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
 Personally, He seeks to establish intimacy during the afterglow, curling around you once the sweat has cooled and your breathing has evened out. Face touches, greedy but sweet kisses? Joe Toye’s your guy.
HOWEVER!: If he thinks you could use some during the act, he’s game. If you ask for it? HE’S WHATEVER MORE THAN BEING GAME IS. Get over here, hot stuff.
 J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
 He does it whenever he feels the urge. It’s not a huge deal for him. 
He’d prefer sex with you obviously, but if you’re not feeling it or it’s not a good time then he’ll take care of himself. In a perfect world, you could both do some mutual masturbation. He absolutely thinks of you while he does it, tho.
 K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
 Choking kink. Wow wow wow. Nothing extreme- he doesn’t feel comfortable cutting off your airflow or anything, but a hand around the throat certainly adds a nice primitiveness to the experience. 
If you choke him, however: different story.
Joe finds that EXTREMELY hot. Oh my God. It plays into his weird obsession with your hands/touch. It reminds him that you’re just as into him as he is with you, and he is a big fan of you getting a lil rough with him now and again. 
Pin him down by his throat as you ride him? He’s done for.
 L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
 Any time, anywhere- as long as he can be sure that you won’t be interrupted. There are exceptions to this (see Risk). 
 M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
 Little touches from you can really get him going. Lacing your fingers with his as you both ride in a truck from location to location. Your eyes finding his as you talk business with someone else. The gentle scratch of your fingernails through the shorter hairs at the base of his skull. You also get a certain look in your eyes when you’re feeling frisky, and the moment he sees that, sexy with you is all that he can think about.
 N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
 Doing anything to you that leaves more than a bruise. Hickeys? Awesome. Speckles of bruises on your hips from where his fingertips dug into your skin a bit too hard? Hot.
Deep shadows around your throat left behind from him holding you a little too hard? NO NO NOPE THAT’S NOT OKAY.
It reminds him too much of violence, of someone trying to escape the touch of another and being denied freedom. Once, a German soldier had tried to choke you out so you wouldn’t alert anyone of his presence and Joe. Fucking. Lost it. His brass knuckles were nearly fused to his skin by the time Joe was done with them.
Tl;dr- deep marks on his girl? He’ll kick someone's ass. He’ll kick my ass. He’ll kick his own ass
 O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
 He’s a fan of both! When he’s going down on you, he’s all about results- what will get you off the quickest and hardest. Overstimulation King (but in a good way).
When you go down on him and make a point to draw the process out as long as you possibly can, he just about cries with need. He’ll beg you to give him more so he can finally cum, but secretly he’s hoping that you’ll keep edging him bc dear god you’re so beautiful and evil and wow your nails scratching down his stomach feels good.
 P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
 FAST. Like I said before, he’s all for getting you off quick and hard. He likes the feeling of his muscles trembling with exhaustion as he pistons into you with ruthless speed, likes the way it makes your body shake and bounce and sheen with sweat. He really likes being able to just fall asleep with you afterwards, so his goal is to tire out the both of you.
 Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
 Ok, so here’s the thing- before you, most of his sexual history could be considered quickies. He didn’t like the idea of lingering too long after doing the do, so a quick fuck in the closet of a bar was his bread and butter. Remember: the quicker the better.
But since you, he’s decided that he’s good with both quickies and...slowies(?). If he’s feeling frisky while you both are out or just about to go out or in any sort of time crunch, he lets you know by coming up to stand behind you and wrapping his arms around your torso, gently pulling you back until you can feel his hardening cock against your backside. 
If you rest one of your hands on his forearm and squeeze it- then you’re not feeling it rn and he backs off (or excuses himself to take care of it bc he’s practical like that). If you lean back into him or turn your head to the side so he can kiss your cheek- it’s go time. Meet him in the bathroom, bc someone’s about to get their world rocked.
 R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
 JOe is fine with public sex as long as he knows/can predict who or what could possibly figure out what the two of you are doing. And even then, it’s going to be sneaky. You sitting on his lap with his dick in your pussy? Nice. pretending to lean over and whisper something to you while sitting at a booth (but actually fingering you? Dope.
He’ll basically go as far as you let him, but his big thing is not letting the two of you get caught by someone who will hold it over your ehad. Do’t fuck with his girl.
 S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
 Two and a half rounds- he always starts with getting you off with his hands, thigh, tongue (that’s the half round), then he cranks out the next two fast and unwaveringly. Ideally, the outcome for him is two orgasms for him and three for you. Bonus points if he can wring four out of you, but he’s not going to push it.
 T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
 Probably didn’t own any of his own, but if you have a vibrator or something he’ll definitely use it on you. Would probably consider letting you use it on him, but only once he’s used it on you a couple times.
 U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
 Not very much in terms of edging teasing, but verbally he can be very antagonistic. 
 V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
 Loud and proud, but tries to keep the sounds in for as long as he can. You can always tell when he’s close by how vocal he’ll become. Huge whiner whenever you suck his cock or give him a handjob, bc you are so perfect and wicked that it literally overwhelms him.
 W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
 Has at least one copy of the Kama Sutra. Bill gave it to him as a joke gift but Joe absolutely uses it for inspiration.
 X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
 Average length but girthy. He’s pretty proud of it. 
 Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
 Pretty high, but something he can control. He knows it’s unrealistic to be able to fuck you whenever he wants (bc otherwise, you’d never leave his bed), so he’s able to channel that desire into anticipation for the next time he gets the chance to fuck you.
 Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
 SO FAST, OH MY GOD. But he doesn’t sleep long- it’s more like a power nap and then he wakes up and helps you clean up/cleans you up himself and then gets cuddly. Then he sleeps again. What a nerd.
~ ~ ~
taglist: @sunsetmando​ @ricksmorty @now-im-a-belieber​ @tvserie-s-world​ @holdingforgeneralhugs​ @mrseasycompany​ @itswormtrain​ @mrsalwayswrite​ @happyveday​ 
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mardereads19 · 3 years
Elriel Month 🌸🦇
Day 3:
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Azriel followed the carriage silently, winnowing from tree to tree, his shadows informing him Elain was in position and ready. He didn’t feel comfortable in letting her do this, but he also trusted her to do her part well. She was more than capable, more than prepared. He had trained her, after all.
Well, he hadn’t been the only one. Elain had revealed to him that she had been training in secret for a while with Nuala and Cerridwen. They’d done a good job. He made a mental note to give them a bonus come Calanmai.
Also to reprimand them for keeping secrets while being his spies.
The sun had already set and there was no moon tonight, giving Azriel the perfect cover from the males Elain had to distract and dupe into giving away what they knew.
“If these males are being controlled by Koschei, will it even make sense to kidnap them?” Feyre had asked on their meeting in Rhys’s study this afternoon. Azriel had been quietly observing and listening to the plans his High Lord had been piecing together. “At least, when Briallyn had control over Eris’s males—”
“And me,” Cassian had supplied from where he stood next to his mate, his arms crossed over his chest and face contemplative. Az had noted the way Nesta’s jaw clenched and her eyes shined silver for a second. The need to kill. The drive to eradicate the threat against her mate. Az had looked away.
Feyre had nodded. She’d looked tired, an expression that’d been mirrored in Rhys. The baby kept us awake all night. He wouldn’t stop crying, Rhys had told him earlier, but there had been light in his eyes, a quiet happiness even as he’d yawned.
Az had not seen his brother yawn in a while.
“And Cassian,” Feyre had added, a spark of anger in her eyes, “they would not talk.”
Az had agreed, “When we brought them to the Hewn City, they hadn’t given anything away.”
There’d been a silence for a moment. They had all, save for Nesta, witnessed Azriel’s administrations to the males of Autumn. No torture had gotten them to open their mouths, to reveal who had sent them after the mask. Feyre had pointed out how wrong it was to do that to them when they were not themselves.
Nesta had sat up straighter in her chair in the study before saying, “But what if they are being partially controlled?”
Rhys had raised his eyebrows.
Nesta had stood, Cassian reaching for her hand. Nesta let their fingers intertwine. It had brought a small pang of envy into Az’s heart. He’d pushed it away. “Bellius,” she said with disgust, “that male from the Blood Rite. He constantly mocked us, tried to rile us up. Sometimes I wonder if he gave too much away.”
Rhys had frowned. “Perhaps he wasn’t being controlled. He was only in on the plan.”
“He was being controlled,” Nesta insisted. Her gaze had been unfocused, as if lost in the memories. Cassian’s wings shifted. “He had that glassy look in his eyes that were on the Autumn Court males. I noticed it from the first time I met him. I thought he had been drunk at first.” She had blinked and, as if remembering where she was, had turned to Cass. He had pulled her closer to him, his eyes reassuring her.
Amren’s lips had twisted upwards in what might have been a smile before she turned to Rhys. “So there is a possibility that Koschei only partially controls these Fae, especially if they are far away from where he is located now. His grasp on them through his power may be less strong, perhaps allowing them the freedom to speak, like that male from the Blood Rite. What would you plan now?”
“I’m still not sure about this,” Feyre had contributed. “The Crown may not work the same way Koschei’s powers could. He could still have full influence over them.”
“Koschei is a death god,” Rhys had said, “I don’t think his power excels in controlling others more than it does in killing them. The crown’s whole purpose is to control living beings and, if it has that limit, then I’m willing to bet Koschei does, too.”
“I wouldn’t place a bet on a thought, Rhys.” It had been clear Feyre was worried. Her fingers had kept tapping on the table. Az wondered if it came as a result of being a mother, that worrying. That caring for the well-being of others. “If we brought them here, could you guarantee they’ll break?”
“I don’t think Azriel could get them to sing for us.” Rhys inhaled. His eyes roamed the map of the continent, focusing on the coast of the human territory. “If Bellius spoke to rile Nesta and her friends up, then only their own arrogant boasting will get them to talk. They have to feel like they are giving the information out of their own free will. That they’d be gaining something by it, even if it’s admiration or applause.”
Azriel had tilted his head, analyzing what Rhys was implying. “There is no one in this room that can convince those men to speak.” Feyre and Rhys were recognizable to all the Fae. Cassian and Az were Illyrian, which would raise suspicions. There was no reason for an Illyrian be on the mortal lands of the continent. And Amren and Nesta had as much chance of charming those Fae as Bryaxis had of calming people.
Mor would have been their best choice, but she was on the Fae side of the continent, too far away to reach in time for tonight.
Rhys had met Az’s gaze. There was a shine on them that often told Azriel that Rhys had an idea. Something in his gut had told him he wouldn’t like it. “No. No one in this room can do it. But I know who.”
“Stop your games and just spill it, boy. I don’t have time for this.” Amren had said, narrowing her eyes at Rhys.
Cassian had rolled his eyes, “What could possibly be more vital than this right now?”
“I have a date with Varian to taste different types of meat and I’m starving. If I stay here any longer, I might eat yours.”
Cassian had barked a laugh. “I wanna see you try, tiny ancient one.”
Azriel had kept his focus on Rhys. Waiting. Fear making his heart beat faster. He knew what was coming.
Finally, Rhys had asked, “How has Elain’s training gone?”
And now, Azriel was following the carriage to where she would be waiting for the Fae. Where she would pretend to be a victim of a robbery. A female riding a wagon on her own in the lonely road when a thief took advantage of the solitude to steal the resources she was on her way to sell in the market and make a coin. Az was to stay in the shadows. He was only allowed to be here in the case the Fae males wanted to take another type of advantage out of her.
Azriel fisted his hands. He had half a mind to destroy the males now and claim a freak accident had killed them rather than find out what they’d intend with her.
He stopped a second, telling his breathing to calm, waiting for his rage to subside. He couldn’t make decisions when his mind was violent, he needed a clear head.
He kept moving only because the carriage did, but he still wanted to spill blood.
A noise caught his attention. There, just beyond the curve of the road, was Elain kneeling on the floor crying as she held a few pieces of the wagon’s wood. Azriel fought the impulse to winnow to her, to console her, to hold her. Tell her everything was alright. That he was with her and no one would hurt her.
She’s pretending. Her cries aren’t real. She knows I’m here.
But it was difficult. His wings twitched, his shadows scattered towards her, but still hid from view. They were ready to strike at his command. Anyone who got near her.
Stand down, he said to them.
The carriage had gotten close enough to to see Elain on the road, see the mess of the wagon, and notice the horse that led it missing.
“Ho!” The rider called to his own horses while pulling on the reins. They stopped next to the wagon’s destruction. Pieces of wood lay around it and Elain. Rhys had taken care of that.
“Cover your face,” he had told Elain before sending a wave of his power to the empty wagon. Elain had covered her face, but noticed it hadn’t been necessary. Azriel had secured a dome of his own power around her. Wood struck a blue wall and jumped off harmlessly. Rhys had narrowed his eyes at him, “Disperse the wood, Azriel. Otherwise it will be weird indeed that the wood landed all around except for that clear demarcation of a dome.”
Azriel looked down. Right, there was a clear difference between where his power had encircled Elain and where it hadn’t.
She had sucked on her lower lip to hide her smile. Azriel felt hot in the face, but he didn’t care that he had made a foolish mistake to protect her. She met his gaze and he saw a promise there that he tucked away before his scent gave away the direction his mind had gone off to.
Elain turned to Rhys, her pale pink dress looking white in the dusk light. Rhys had estimated the Fae would take this road and would be here in half an hour. It was an isolated enough road, one Fae loved to use to stay hidden inside the mortal lands. It was surrounded by forest on both sides, the smell of pine was strong here, but it was a scent Azriel liked. The wagon was brought here by both males in their winnowing.
“Was it really necessary to destroy the wagon like that? Wouldn’t it have sufficed to simply break a wheel?” Elain had asked, crossing her arms over her chest. Rhys studied the mess in the road, his brow furrowed in thought. “A thief would have no need to go to all that trouble.”
“Perhaps not,” he had answered throwing her a wink, “but it just contributes to your woeful story. Make sure to cry extra loud.”
Elain had shaken with laughter and Azriel had taken a step closer to her impulsively. He wanted to lay a hand on her waist, to feel her laugh reverberate through him.
Now, he watched her shake in sobs instead. One of the males from inside the carriage stepped down and walked closer to her. He was dressed in cheap armor, dirty from use, and his brown hair was tied at his nape. The male surveyed the wagon, the destruction and lack of a horse, and finally glanced at Elain. His eyes roamed her body, but Azriel couldn’t tell if the glassy look in his eyes were from the control the male was under or for a different drive.
Azriel felt that hunger for violence stir inside him and fought with everything he could to keep still.
Stand down, Azriel repeated to the shadows when he noticed how they were risking exposure by getting closer to Elain. Hesitantly, they skittered back into the dark.
“What happened here, dear?” The male asked, though his voice didn’t drip kindness.
Elain put on a good show, sobbing and wiping her eyes with the sleeves of her simple dress. She had to look the part of a Fae in hiding, so the dress was akin to the human clothes this area donned, her hair was arranged over her ears, and the glow of her High Fae beauty had been glamoured to an acceptable degree.
“Good, Sir.” She stood and curtsied. “I was riding on the way to the market—” a sob “—when a thief came by.” Tears flowed down Elain’s cheeks so effortlessly Azriel wondered if she was hurt. Did she twist her ankle again while he was away? Perhaps with one of the wood planks he himself had dispersed.
Not real tears, one of his shadows assured him.
He didn’t relax.
“When were you attacked?”
“This afternoon.” She sniffed. “I’ve been here hours, seeing as how hidden this road is. I have no way of getting home.” Elain covered her face in her hands. “I live too far away, and I have an injury in my right leg that makes walking for long periods unbearable.” She wiped away her tears. “I stayed here hoping someone might come around and help me get to a place where I could sleep the night and hopefully rent a horse during the week.”
“Did the thief not take your coin?” The male sounded skeptical.
She nodded, “They did, of course, but I could work for a few days and make the money. I just need a ride.” Elain fidgeted with her dress, successfully looking devastated and scared.
The male gazed back at the carriage and the others, considering his options. Azriel held his breath as the male regarded Elain once more. His face revealed he felt superior, a male who knew he had control of the situation. Exactly what they needed him to think. He also looked like he wanted to impress this lovely female he happened to rescue.
He inclined his head to the side, a smile spreading over his face. “Alright, sweet face. We can take you.”
After a few teary grateful expressions from Elain, the male opened the door of the carriage for her with all the satisfaction of a savior. She climbed the first step, pretending a limp, and as she did so, she glanced over her shoulder.
To the male, she was looking back to the destroyed wagon and up to the trees in sadness. But her gaze met Azriel’s. She had know exactly where he was. He hoped she could read in his eyes what he wanted to tell her.
You’re not alone. I’m right behind you. You’re doing great, lovely fawn. You’re doing great.
Her head dipped in the smallest of nods and then she was inside and the male was closing the door behind him.
Azriel clenched his jaw.
Now the real work begun.
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clarste · 4 years
Sorry if you've been asked this explicitly before, but what are your thoughts on Penguin Logistics, specifically in comparison to the other organisations/factions in Arknights? I recently started and managed to grab everyone within a few pulls, except Sora (and I guess Mostima, unfortunately.) and I think they're easily my favourites. Would love to hear your thoughts. Cheers.
No one's ever asked me that, but they probably should have since I've gone all-in on Penguin Logistics ever since I pulled Exusiai and Croissant early on. I then proceeded to never pull any of the others, forcing me to buy Texas and Sora in the shop and much later dump all of my accumulated gacha currency getting Mostima. Anyway, my goal in life is to use the entire team and also max them all out. PL4life!
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Anyway, my initial impression of them was that they were the cast of a 90s anime like Cowboy Bebop or Bubblegum Crisis (...Tokyo 2040). Like, they're an eclectic band of hyper-competent misfits working for a small company operating at the edge of the law. “Penguin Logistics” itself sounds like a euphemism for being, like, smugglers or something. "We'll get your package where it needs to go, no questions asked." Then Code of Brawl came out and I was totally right except they are also very dumb in a funny way. Like, they accidentally got into a turf war with the mafia, but apparently that's just business as usual.
Anyway I want to talk about each of them individually now so apologies if this starts rambling.
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Texas is pretty clearly the main character of Penguin Logistics, and you can tell because she's the hub of their whole relationship wheel on the in-game chart.
She's also kinda Spike from Cowboy Bebop, although less laid-back I guess. She's a former mafia assassin on the run from her past, but her past won't leave her alone. Incidentally, "mafia" in this case refers to the various wolf families from the fantasy Italy equivalent in this setting, although they make some interesting comparisons to wolf packs in the profiles. However, Texas's family is dead, which should make her a "lone wolf" that will supposedly never have another place to belong. Except PL itself is proof that that's wrong.
Theoretically she’s just the team’s driver, but because PL is always getting into ridiculous anime fights she’s also good at that part too, using dozens of little... lightsabers(?) that she throws around willy nilly. It would probably look super-cool to see in action, except this is not that kind of game so we’ll just have to wait for the anime or whatever. It’s noted in her profile that her fighting style shows that she unconsciously sees as the only purpose of a weapon as being to kill, and heck, she’s right.
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She's cool-headed, adaptable, and the serious one you can always count on, but she's not above getting into friendly(?) brawls just to take out her frustrations out.
Her name comes from the extinct subspecies of Texas Wolf.
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Next up is Exusiai, the angel who loves nothing more than guns, god, rock and roll, and apple pie. In that order. In other words, a stereotypical American. Even though she's from the fantasy-Vatican. Basically she's a cheerful, friendly, laid-back person who never really fit in back home where people are expected to be more serious and orderly. Not enough to be, like, shunned or anything but she's always been a weirdo. All angels have guns though, that’s like standard issue. She wishes she could have more though.
She's also super religious, but interestingly never brings it upon her own. I feel like she probably realizes how uncomfortable it can make people who don't share that religion to suddenly bring up Jesus all the time in casual conversation. Like, she's not ashamed of it or anything, but she won't shove it in your face either. Personally, I find that a pretty cool characterization for a fictional religious person.
Which is also sort of a hint that beneath her goofy exterior she's a thoughtful, deliberate person who doesn’t let anyone in by accident. Texas notes that they're exact opposites in this respect. She also has an extremely interesting relationship with the next person.
Her name comes from the Greek word for the order of angels in Christianity often translated as "Powers."
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Mostima... where to start...? I guess first of all she’s a fallen angel, apparently because she pointed her gun at her own kind under MYSTERIOUS CIRCUMSTANCES. Probably related to the whole war in Kazdel thing, where many of the other MYSTERIOUS CIRCUMSTANCES in this game took place. Long story short, stuff happened in the war, she pointed her gun at another angel, Exusiai’s sister is dead under mysterious circumstances, and Mostima gave up her gun and now wanders the world delivering long-distance packages for PL. But that’s mostly an excuse for to be alone as much as humanly possible. She can also use time magic because I dunno why not. MYSTERIOUS.
She’s friendly enough, talkative even, and has a hobby of visiting new places and trying out the local food, etc, but her real defining trait is that she just doesn’t need other people. She’s explicitly aromantic, saying she has no interest in love, but she also has no need for friends or family or apparently coworkers either. Because of the way the world is, she spends most of her time driving through the endless wastelands between cities, with nothing but a truck, some packages, and her thoughts. There’s something... romantic about that (in the other sense of the word), but even she admits that the romance of watching the sun set in a desert with no one else around for hundreds of kilometers gets old after a while.
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I feel like I should note that she has a very “best friend of her big sister” relationship with Exusiai, by which I mean she’s known Exusiai since Exusiai was a kid and to her Exusiai will always be that kid. Also Exusiai only joined PL in the first place to hunt her down and get answers about her sister’s death, but Mostima just laughs it off and leaves town for another year or five. 
Her name is probably a corruption of Mastema, a rather infamous fallen angel in mythology.
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Croissant is... well, to be honest everyone past this point is more of a minor character. Which is actually a weird thing to say since none of these people are actually major characters in Arknights, but I guess these are less important people even within the group?
Croissant’s gimmick is that she’s always trying to make money by selling stuff. I guess she’s a merchant? But not, like, a formal one who runs a shop, she just gets her hands on stuff through her connections and sells it. But in like, a friendly down-to-earth way, it’s even said that she lives paycheck to paycheck. She’s a girl trying to get by with a second job, I guess is what I’m saying.
Team-wise, she’s the muscle of the group, being a minotaur and all. She lifts the heavy packages and also smashes things with her MAGNETIC HAMMER which I don’t know why I find that name so amusing. Gameplay-wise her special move can knock all the enemies around her halfway across the map and I smile every time she does it.
Her profile notes that she’s really just living her best life as a normal-ish person, and that helps make everyone around her feel normal, and that’s important in a setting where half the people around you are dying of magical cancer (no one in PL is Infected though).
Her name comes from the French word for Crescent and also a type of Pastry. Leaning more towards Pastries in my opinion.
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Sora is an idol singer. Because, to be perfectly honest, what ragtag band of misfits is complete without an idol singer? She can’t really fight, but I guess Texas must have saved her life at some point or something because she bullied both her agency and PL into letting her work there part time. And also she is obsessed with Texas. I guess saying it like that makes her sound kind of annoying, but she really isn’t, she’s just an earnest girl chasing her dreams.
There’s also this interesting thing where a lot of her basic information is censored by her agency in order to protect her privacy (”do not dox the idol”). Even including her race. She presents as a wolf, but her promoted E2 art has her as a rabbit, which raises some interesting questions that don’t really get answered.
Her name comes from the Japanese word for Sky.
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Lappland is not really part of PL, but she’s PL-adjacent enough to be worth mentioning here. Basically she’s an old acquaintance of Texas from back in their mafia days, and she’s obsessed with hunting her down and... fighting her? Killing her? But in, like, a sexual way? She’s kind of a crazy psychopathic killer. Maybe. She can also be very calm and polite when she wants to be, although with a taste for gallows humor. That just makes her scarier because you don’t know when/if she’ll snap.
There are two kind-of explanations for her being like that: A) her family is dead and she has no “pack”. As a wolf, the stress of living without a pack is supposed to be maddening. B) She’s infected with Oripathy (magic cancer) and there are crystals growing in her nervous system. Which... can’t be good. The answer is probably a combination of both.
But the most important thing about Lappland is her base skill and how it interacts with Texas. Basically, in your base there are various jobs you can assign people to and different characters get different bonuses for them. Most people in Penguin Logistics get bonuses for working the Trading Depot, for obvious reasons. Lappland gets a “bonus” where if she’s in the depot at the same time as Texas, she loses morale slower but doesn’t actually get any bonus to productivity. Meanwhile, Texas gets a bonus to productivity when Lappland is around, but loses morale way faster. In other words, Lappland is slacking off and making Texas so uncomfortable that she works twice as hard just to get the job over with so she can leave. This is their relationship as defined by game mechanics.
Texas also has another bonus where she loses morale slower if Exusiai is there, which completely cancels out the penalty she gets from Lappland. In other worlds, Exusiai being there too calms her nerves enough that she doesn’t feel the need to immediately escape.
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Oh yeah, I forgot to talk about Emperor, who’s the owner of Penguin Logistics. He’s a world-famous rapper wearing a Tupac shirt and also literally immortal.
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Alright, I pulled out my corkboard and red string again, this time in hopes of dissecting the MAG timeline to see if there is anything there to support my fan theory of:
~Could Jurgen Leitner be Martin’s Dad~
And so far, signs point to a solid "it could be possible”. So in lieu of this, I will be presenting all my evidence with exceptional bias so it better illustrates my desired outcome. Okay? Okay! Let’s get into it.
Let’s begin with 1985, when Jurgen Leitner supposedly begins renting an office in Pall Mall, central London. Presumably this is just where he sets up an office, and not the actual location of the Library, which isn’t something we get-- anyways, getting sidetracked, uhhh.
Right, we know, vaguely, that Martin was born in 1987, two years after Leitner would have set up shop in Central London; and interestingly enough, in that same year of Martin’s birth, Leitner attempted to hire some people to dig a big ol’ hole in the floor of his office to lead into the tunnels built beneath the building. And this could just be wishful thinking, but I believe it is implied that these tunnels connect to the other tunnels of Millbank Prison. Interconnected, and with many exits leading to various parts of the city. Basically, a needlessly intricate means of escape (I guess balconies and back doors just didn’t exist yet, you know) should shit get real. Anyways, the point I’m trying to make, is that it would make sense for Leitner to suddenly be very interested in having direct access to these tunnels from his main office after receiving news that he’s a father, or whatever. Or maybe it’s just because he’s always been a loser that loves vibing in tunnels.
[Obligatory readmore, because this shit gets long, and even more ramble-y. Also I’m not sorry, because y’all are more than welcome to continue scrolling past this mess]
Alright, now fast-forward to 1994, the destruction of the Library. At this point in time, Martin would have been 7. Now hold up! According to the Magnus Archives Wiki, Martin’s father abandoned the family when he was 8 or 9; so isn’t that a whole in the theory right there? No. It’s not. Because the only thing that is implied about Leitner around 1994, is that he went into hiding after the destruction of the Library. At no point is it implied that he even left the country (or even London, but like, I refuse to believe he’s that stupid; even if that alternative is hilarious). To set up my point, I’m going to shift the focus onto Martin now, and what his life might have been like when he was younger.
So, by present events (present actually referring to like, pre-season 4, actually), Martin’s mother is in a care home in Devon. Could be because care homes are cheaper there, or something, I have no idea. Honestly people in my family don’t live long enough to ever even consider this option, so I don’t know how assisted living works at all lmao. But let’s say, for simplicities sake, that Martin actually just grew up around Devon; and I’m throwing a dart at a map and declaring Plymouth as the city he grew up in. Anyways, why does this matter? Because I do in fact believe that Leitner is stupid enough to think that changing which county he lives in counts as being in hiding. And he gets maybe one (1) good summer with his family before the weight of his sins bare down on him, and he realizes that staying in one place really isn’t an option. So maybe he tries travelling around a bit; but inevitably he always ends up coming back to Plymouth. It takes him a year, maybe two, to finally realize that this won’t work forever. His habits are too predictable, and what’s this? The mother of his child is getting sick; and her condition only seems to worsen over time (you know, like how it usually works when someone is taken ill.); and Leitner gets it into his head that he could be the cause of it; so what is the safest course of action, but to completely abandon his family? Surely things will turn out for the better for them all if he were to just... disappear. To cut ties entirely, so as to make sure no one ever comes after them in an attempt to get to him.
And that worked out fucking great, didn’t it.
Bunch of unimportant stuff happens, and eventually Martin ends up dropping out of school, presumably only a year early from graduation (weird but fine); and it’s safe to assume he eventually ends up traveling to London in hopes of better job opportunities. Plus, if he’s gonna be lying on his CV, probably better to head out of county to some place where no one knows him from anywhere to begin with, right? That makes sense, and none of you can say otherwise.
And where does he find himself sliding into a new job position? Oh, that’s right; at the Magnus Institute. In the Library. I’m just saying. I am just saying, that’s a little interesting. I mean, he lied about having a degree in parapsychology on his CV; so if Bouchard really wanted to play along like he thought the CV was entirely legit, it actually would’ve made more sense to put him in Research, or even in Artefact Storage with a degree like that. But nope, Bouchard put him in the Library. Though, I guess we don’t know exactly what all might’ve been on Martin’s faked CV. But I swear to god, if we get bonus content that’s just Martin’s faked CV and it even hints at him working at a “family library/bookshop” I will spontaneously combust.
Regardless, in 2009, supposedly (according to the wiki), Martin began working at the Institute. Personally, I always thought he started working there in 2010, but that doesn’t matter. I actually like 2009 better, because then a year later, Leitner apparently begins working with Gertrude Robinson. Which I find interesting. I mean, really there’s no reason for them not to work together, I just find the timing of it interesting. Of course, Leitner (in MAG80) alludes to the fact that Gertrude was likely only working with him because there was a lack of anyone else around. But that really only explains Gertrude’s interest in Leitner. What attracted Leitner to the Magnus Institute in the first place, I wonder? Aside from the fact that it’s essentially the Library of Alexandria of research on the Entities. 
But Leitner had managed to stay out of public eye for about 16 years, why would he chose right around then to start playing peekaboo with the Beholding? Rhetorical question, of course. Y’all should already know exactly where I’m going with this line of questioning. Martin. Martin is what lead Leitner to the Institute, and to Gertrude. Dude just wanted to check up on his son, and now he’s just as trapped as everyone who works for the damn Institute because of all these weird rituals and shit. Plus maybe there was another reason why Leitner went through so much effort to help Gertrude, even putting himself on the line for it; and I think we can all agree that Leitner is a pretty selfish dude who’s only real character trait is being like a fucking cockroach. Straight up, the only way to kill a cockroach is to beat those suckers until they pop like a fucking pimple-- sorry, I’m actually getting ahead of myself, I don’t want to talk about that yet, um.
Leitner’s biggest character trait, and on some level, character flaw, is his Self-Preservation instinct. When the going gets tough, his own health and safety comes first. But maybe he gets a bit sentimental in his old age, and maybe he struck a deal with Gertrude; if he helps her stop the Unknowing, (or actually I think it would’ve been the Dark’s ritual first), she will bring his son down to the tunnels so Leitner can see how he’s grown, and maybe even talk to him. I just think that would be interesting character motivation; because at the end of the day, it’s still a pretty selfish motivation. But at this point, Gertrude’s only other option for help is a teenaged Shadow the Hedgehog wannabe; so she’d likely agree to just about anything for the extra pair of hands. And given what later happens in regards to the Dark’s ritual, which then results in Gertrude’s death; Leitner gets scared back into his hole in the ground.
But hey, I guess things actually kind of worked out for ol’ Jurgen. Because like a year later, his son* (*allegedly, according to apparently no one but me) starts living in the Archives. It’s like he’s living in his son’s basement, he can just pop up for tea and say hi whenever. Maybe complain about all the bugs that keep crawling around. Or not, because Jürgen Leitner is a coward. But I 100% would not put it past him to shuffle his old bones up into the Archives to stand creepily at the edge of wherever Martin was sleeping and angst quietly at the sight of his son. It’s creepy, funny, and sad. Basically a peak TMA scenario right there.
Then Leitner gets brutally piped by Bouchard. Actually, can I say it like that? “Piped” isn’t some kind of... new-age slang for something, is it? God, I hope not. Anyways; Leitner isn’t just beat upside the head with a length of pipe, but literally pulped by Bouchard (or at the very least implied so), in a way that makes identifying the guy difficult enough that he remains a John Doe straight up until Elias confesses to the murder. Now, obviously there are plenty of reasons for this; given that both Daisy and Basira are familiar with the name Leitner, so presumably other sectioned officers would be as well; so there was at least a slim chance that whatever officer got sent to the Institute upon the discovery of the body might just recognize Leitner immediately. But, and sorry to sidetrack here, but there was just one thing that really stood out to me about Martin. One thing that always stuck with me, that for some reason was the main thing that made me thing Leitner could’ve been his dad.
Martin looks like his father, whoever that may or may not be. It is explicitly canon, that Martin looks like whoever his dad is. So wouldn’t it be better safe than sorry for Bouchard to beat Leitner to a pulp wherein no one could easily discern any major features of him once he was found. After all, it would make things rather messy and a bit too complicated if everyone who saw the body was like, “wow! That looks just like you, Martin.” So really, it’s for the best that not only did Bouchard kill Leitner, but he thoroughly did so. 
And so, I will end this already way to long of a ramble with the one thing that solidified me on this theory, and Spoilers for Season 5 of MAG, but... In MAG181 Salesa says, “Now you mention it, you actually remind me of Jurgen a bit. In his younger days of course.” to Martin. Of course, Martin did just shoot out a snappy one-liner about books, but... it’s the clarification of Jurgen “in his younger days”, that gets me. Mikaele could just have easily said something about Martin just “sounding” like Leitner. But the way this reads, and how it’s spoken, even, it seems more like someone that might’ve been looking at Martin for awhile, squinting at him as if he’s seen that face somewhere before, and then right when Martin mentions books, it finally clicks. After all, it would’ve been almost 20 years, or possibly more, since Salesa would have left Leitner’s employ.
So yeah, I admit this theory has a much weaker backbone then my Banks/Folger post, but... I just think it’s neat. And it’s another one of those things that actually doesn’t have any affect on the major plot whatsoever. I dunno, maybe it was meant to be some sort of subplot early on that got ditched or something? Point is, that’s all for now, and with any luck, I will never post another crack theory again, and the TMA tag can be safe from my ramblings once more.
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growup-gloup · 4 years
Hello! I want to hear your advice. I'm a person that grew up with overprotective parents and this upbringing harm me very badly in adult life. I'm literally freaking out about everything I have to do by myself. I have an opportunity in my college to go for a program in another country and gain some experience there. I really want to go someday but I'm freaking out about going abroad alone, especially when I'm even too scared to go to another city by myself. (0t 1)
Like I said, I even freak out about going to another city by myself so I really wants to go but I'm freaked out at the same time. What should I do to become more independent and convince myself to go for this program? Also any advice about how to prepare for going abroad by yourself will be welcome too. I'm really scared that because of my parents, I will always missing out my whole life and I will live in misery because of I'm too scared to take opportunities. So thanks for any advice!
Hi love,
Congrats! Going abroad is a really great opportunity!
Even if you apply now, by the time you get in and the trip begins, you have tons of time you grow more confident in your independence skills. Find out what exactly is it that scares you. Is it the fear that you will get hurt, or that you don’t know what you are doing? It could even be something else, but knowing what scares you will help you overcome it.
For the time being, try to take more responsibilities for yourself in the following ways:
Travel around your city by yourself more often
Bonus points if you use public transport
Also try using an Uber at least once for a place you are comfortable going to, and then at least once to a new place
Run errands by yourself (groceries, appointments, car maintenance, etc.)
Plan a road trip, first with friends out of town, then by yourself
Here are some things to make independent travel wherever easier:
Have a portable charger for your phone that is fully charged
Scope out any place you want to visit in advance online via reviews, official sites/platforms, and from anyone you know who’s been there
Use apps like Google Maps and plot out different routes to and from your destination
Always have your ID and some cash ($20 or equivalent should be good) on hand just in case
Those are things you should be doing regardless, but here is what you can do about your actual trip abroad to make you feel more prepared:
Check out expat websites for the country, or even city of where you want to go
From there, look up things like best/cheapest places to visit, local secrets and whatnot. Follow social media accounts of people who post about local things
Talk to people who live there. If you don’t know anyone, use forums on Reddit or make a post on tumblr
Once you find out where you will be staying, spend sometime on the street view mode on Google Earth and “walk around” the neighborhood. Take notes of local stores, cafes, and resources like the closest hospital/clinic, grocery store, and bus stop/gas station, etc.
If they use a different currency, learn more about the exchange rates and what the going rate is. Tourist hotspots charge a lot more than local places do. Some places put a high price because customers there generally bargain on the price and bring it down to a reasonable amount
If they speak a different language, practice reading some basic words, especially signs and at least speaking the first 600 words of the language so you aren’t completely lost
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what's DFZ?
Okay, so, the DFZ series(es?) is kind of a catchall name for a couple of series by Rachel Aaron that take place in the same urban fantasy universe, the DFZ books and the Heartstriker books.  Urban cyberfantasy?  You could throw a lot of adjectives into that descriptor if you wanted to.
The general premise is that once upon a time Earth had magic.  A lot of magic.  Absolutely god-creating levels of magic.  And then, mysteriously, it all drained away some thousand years ago, leaving humanity to forget all about it while the creatures who needed it to live either withered away completely (spirits, gods, etc) or went into hiding and hibernation (also some spirits, dragons, etc).  And then, like a switch being flipped, it all came back at once in 2035, and suddenly humanity had a lot of magic to throw around and no idea what was going on.  That was a few decades ago at the start of the Heartstriker books, which are a couple decades before the DFZ books.
(Incidentally, I really like that choice.  It would have been very easy to write a novel about humanity getting magic back and running around like chickens with our heads cut off, and don’t get me wrong I would have read and adored that book, but setting things a little later means that magic is just Part Of The Deal and it’s so much goddamn cooler.)
Which brings us to the DFZ proper, also known as the Detroit Free Zone.  When magic came back, a lot of shit woke up really fast, chief among them A, dragons, and, B, Spirits of the Land.  Like the Lady of the Great Lakes, Algonquin, who was really, really not having it with every city in a hundred mile radius dumping pollutants into her water by the metric ton.  So she wiped most of the Great Lakes states off the map, and took over the ruins of Detroit to make the Detroit Free Zone, where the only laws worth mentioning are:
No murder
No dragons
No polluting the water
Anything else is pretty much free game.  So you can imagine that the DFZ gets to be a pretty interesting place pretty goddamn fast--the most magical city in the world, where anyone can do anything without fear of the law coming down on them, under the iron hand of a goddess who doesn’t much care for humans.
Anyway, if that sounds cool and you like any of the following, you should actually just trust me and go read these books without bothering with the rest of this post:
Immaculately well-constructed magical worldbuilding--the entire second book of the DFZ trilogy is basically “how to out-litigate a curse and the consequences of doing just that”
Humans Are Special trope, but in the “if you could all just slow down on the innovation we’d all be a lot safer” kind of way, which is a personal favorite
Dragons!  Lots and lots of dragons from all over the world!  This is an absolutely spectacular series for dragons, despite Algonquin’s best efforts!
Sentient cities!  The DFZ takes a while to get moving (magic takes time and big magic takes big time) but once she does, oh boy do I ever love her so goddamn much, get wrekt Algonquin
Magic Is Normal tropes coming out your goddamn ears, mixed with a healthy dose of Technology Is Magic (AIs can project stuff straight into your brain by hooking into your natural magical field and y’all...I’d kill for it...that’s so cool)
Really genuinely likable characters--Julius, Marci, Opal, and Nik are all completely fantastic and I would get drinks with any of them, and also the main romances actually enjoy each others’ company in non-romantic contexts, which is remarkably refreshing
Seers, and the finicky game of making the future jump the way you want it to jump while someone else who can also see the future is trying to make it jump the other way
Doesn’t that sound rad?  Yes, it does, I’m telling you that these books are amazing, the first DFZ book is called Minimum Wage Magic, and the first Heartstriker is called Nice Dragons Finish Last, go forth and read.  Either series is a great starting point, I actually liked reading the Heartstriker books after the DFZ books because I loved seeing Opal meet Julius, Main Character Boy for the Heartstrikers, as a competent and universally respected adult, and then getting insight into his brain which is just that one gif from Community with the pizza and the fire, all the time.
As per usual, more details under the cut.
So, magic comes back and Algonquin wreaks destruction and the DFZ happens.  Smash cut sixty years into the future for the Heartstriker books, starring Julius Heartstriker, the youngest and most regrettably tenderhearted dragon in the massive Heartstriker clan.  Julius’ primary problem in life is that he does not enjoy lying, scheming, manipulating, threatening, murdering, or power tripping, which means that his entire family pretty much takes carte blanche to kick him around like a soccer ball.  This comes to a head when his mother, Bethesda Heartstriker, puts a curse on him so that he can’t access his draconic form and dumps him unceremoniously into the DFZ, where dragons are executed on sight, with strict orders to find something to impress her, or else die quietly out of the way.
Julius, to his credit, throws himself into trying to become a Real Dragon as best he can, but he’s just so goddamn nice, he goes out and saves lives and makes bargains and enforced democracy instead of unilateral dynastic rule and falls in love with a human (hi Marci) and makes a name for himself as “the dragon you go to when all your other options would kill you or laugh in your face.”  It’s absolutely delightful to watch.  He’s doing such a good job.
Basically, the Heartstriker books go like this: Julius doesn’t like the way his world works!  And fuck you for telling him that he needs to be less kind in order to work in the world!  He’s not changing himself, he’s going to change the world instead, and because he’s very, very nice, he’ll even let you live there once he’s done!
Next up, the DFZ books, twenty years later, star Opal Yong-ae, who moved to the DFZ from Korea for reasons that become apparent later but mostly boil down to “freedom.”  Since Julius’ first arrival in the DFZ, a lot’s changed--Algonquin is gone, the Spirit of the DFZ is a sovereign entity who has her own motives and desires, and what was once a no-dragon zone is now a neutral territory governed by the Peacemaker, who you might remember as a twenty-four-year-old baby desperately out of his depth and is now a straight up force to be reckoned with, feared and respected around the world.  (I’m so proud of my son.)
Opal’s problems are that she’s a mage who hits like a tank when she’s desperate but can’t handle even the most basic tasks, and she’s scrambling to pay off a massive debt to her father in order to prove that she should be allowed to remain in the DFZ.  These are both old news.  The dead body she finds in an abandoned apartment that she’s been hired to clean out and get ready for renting, on the other hand, that’s a new, kicky, fresh kind of problem, especially once someone starts shooting at her about it.  
She joins up with another Cleaner named Nikola Kos, who she mostly knows as “that scary guy in black” and is an absolute tank who is also secretly very soft.  Their dynamic is so much fun, very intensely “Small Chaotic Drags Big Exhausted Into Drama” with the added bonus that Nik is a very cool cyborg fighter type.  Opal is so determined that it verges on being completely unhinged and I would read 15 books about her.  Also, the third book is out, so that brutal cliffhanger at the end of Half Price Gods is a problem for Eight Months Ago Me, rather than Present Day You.
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hyliangrace-a · 4 years
oh, i ended up spending so much time on this, but - it’s done ! it’s far from perfect but i’m pretty satisfied that there’s a visual guide to my idea of hyrule, post-seven years war. & now, god help you all, i’m gonna talk about it lmao. click here if you want to see a full-sized version of the map, but i’m also gonna put it under the cut in this post with the original map for comparison, & go on for a bit about how hyrule has, in my interpretation, changed under zelda’s rule.
( this gets long. like, really long. like, over 4,500 words long. read at your own risk. i’d say i’m sorry, but i’m really not. & fuck drawing water features forever. )
first thing’s first - the map !
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( apologies for the giant watermark underneath it all but i’ve had my shit stolen before & i’m not enthused at the idea of having it happen again. clicking it open in a new tab should make it bigger if the link above doesn’t work. )
so, it’s slightly bigger than the original map which is featured in the game, haha. here’s a comparison of the two, actually, with my map over the top of the original so you can see what’s been changed or added & where. i’ll talk about what got added & why in a bit, i want to speak just about the actual map, first.
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i did my best to keep the main locations of hyrule as specified in the game in the same place, & i think did an okay job, tbh ! my biggest nitpick was just how many dang cliffs & rockfaces there are on the original map. i know they serve a purpose in-game, which is completely fair, but they limited worldbuilding a little by making the map so small, so i took some liberties. not with every cliff, of course - i kept some in the southwest to keep the border between gerudo valley & hyrule field intact, & kept the ridge the river runs through - partly for the sake of continuity, & partly because i’ve always loved the fact that falling into the river in the valley washes you down to the lake. expanding them into a new area was fun, too, because at least then they go somewhere, rather than just locking you in to a certain place.
my main point of contention, to be honest, was the giant rockface in south hyrule field. again, i understand why it was there, but, come on ! so i ended up just doing away with it all, letting it lead a path to two new areas i’d like to work into zelda’s canon. the map just fades out in certain places, too, particularly the gerudo desert, so i ended up expanding that a little more & having it lead into the cliffs above lake hylia - the river already runs from the valley to the lake, so why not have more of the desert lead into the mainland ? the mountains, too, got their range expanded, because they just seem so ... small, in canon, when they aren’t being used specifically as dungeon locations. i’d say the only place on the map i didn’t expand in some way is that little gap between zora’s domain & the kokiri forest - the forest is so hemmed in & the domain is literally inside a mountain, hidden behind a waterfall, so i was happy to just let that be empty space. if you manage to climb over the cliffs surrounding the domain, or break through the treetops in the forest, you get a view of the ocean, & that’s that !
it was fun to look at the maps of the games that came chronologically before this one & see how the position of things in hyrule change, but i’m kind of glad that there was only the three before ocarina of time, because the mountains alone move across the map at their leisure, good god. there was a bit of freedom in it, too, because in zelda’s canon timeline, the gods are going to flood hyrule anyway, so i could make whatever changes i wanted because it’s all gonna end up underwater & unseen in the end - plus, it meant i could add in more mountains to take up empty space on the map, because the hylians have to flee somewhere to escape the flood, & i don’t think the peak of death mountain could hold them all. most of the new locations were inspired by the minish cap, more than any other, so i’m going to start at the top of the map & move down to talk about them.
i always loved royal valley & the royal crypt in the minish cap, to be honest. it was spooky & cute, & i’m surprised it, or a concept like it, hasn’t made much of a comeback in later zelda games. the royal family’s tomb being in kakariko village never bothered me much as a kid ( other than the fact their headstone gets utterly destroyed & you get assaulted by what we can only assume are the zombies of previous hylian rulers ??? & then it’s just left open for anyone to stumble in & possibly loot slash get murdered by said zombies ??? actually, y’know what, this bothers me a lot more as an adult, what the fuck - ) but kakariko was a village founded by the sheikah, originally for the sheikah, so i did always find it a little strange that at some point, a ruler of hyrule went ❛ that’s cool, you do you, but make space for us in your graveyard. ❜ i know the history between the hylian royal family & the sheikah is implied to be murky ( thank you, shadow temple ) but that’s a meta for another day, so i’m not gonna go into too much detail, but it’s still something that sticks out as strange to me. call it the sheikah continuing to guard the royal family in death or whatever, but, hm. weird. anyway !
the point is, after the seven years war ends, zelda decides that what originally belonged to the sheikah should be given back to the sheikah. kakariko village was opened up to non-sheikah by impa prior to the rise of ganondorf, & that’s her perogative & not something zelda would ever dream of interfering with, but that applies to the living, & those who die within the village deserve to be buried in the same place. it takes time to get around to the rebuilding of hyrule castle & its’ town, but when it’s time to plan for it, zelda chooses to utilize the abandoned valley which lies behind the castle as the new home for the royal crypt, but not solely for that ! she establishes & sponsors a university on behalf of the royal family, with special consideration going to the preservation of hylian history ( a lot was lost in the hyrulean civil war prior to her birth, nevermind the seven year war following that so quickly, & we can see in other zelda games, such as twilight princess & breath of the wild, historical preservation within hyrule is ... terrible, to say the least. of course, it will all be washed away when the goddesses flood hyrule, but fuck, at least she tries. ) the university also covers a range of other subjects, but history is the one zelda takes an active interest in, & she spends a lot of time with scholars who specialize in it. the royal crypt lies at the very back of the valley, the university being closer to the castle, & then ... watch this space ! i’m likely to add more things to areas around the map in the future.
hyrule castle & hyrule castle town i’ve left in the same spots, pretty much - i imagine the castle is rebuilt to be something like the one we see at the bottom of the ocean in wind waker, but i intend to put my own spin on that, too. zelda wouldn’t be focused too much on getting a castle up agaiin ( i’ve mentioned in a thread before that two years post-ganondorf, she is still sheltering at impa’s house in kakariko village, as rebuilding for the civilians is her main priority, & whilst i haven’t figured out exactly how long that lasts for, it’s a safe bet to say a good few years ) & she definitely wouldn’t want to be living anywhere especially y’know, grandiose & opulent, if her people were still struggling day to day. the castle town bounces back better than ever, expanding a little more to the left over time, but that’s a gradual thing. no real change except a distinct lack of redeads, which is always a bonus !
death mountain & its immediate surroundings, i was happy to leave as they are - it’s marginally wonky in place compared to the original map but it’s not a severe drift from canon, so lets just pretend it sits a little more to the left, shhh. it’s a volcano built into a mountain with a network of caves both inside & adjacent to it, plus a place of worship built into the heart of it, & you can’t really go wrong with that, so i focused on all that empty space beyond them left on the map. minish cap came in clutch again, because by fuck, did they have a mountain range, so i ended up dipping in to it for the names of this one. the gorons are clustered at the forefront of the mountain because everything beyond their city has been mined to the absolute death by those who came before for its resources, & abandoned by the same in turn, but they still send patrols to make sure it’s fine. 
there’s a story of how, before the gorons settled into the mountain, a man of great strength climbed the mountain alone to make his home within it - he faced eruptions from a then-hostile death mountain, fought off the creatures who called the range home & weren’t fond of sharing, & forged on to what was said to be the edge of hyrule itself. it wasn’t, not quite, but it was far enough away from the central provinces of the kingdom that the mountains became capped with snow, contrasting the temperate mountains to the west. the story goes that the adventurer decided to call the furthest reaches of the mountain home, & singlehandedly carved out what would become the beginning of the mines, in order to gather materials for his forge. it’s been disputed whether said man was hylian or goron, as the biggoron family claim lineage from him, but the mountains he once inhabited are named for him now, & are one of the places zelda hid whilst on the run & masquerading as sheik - despite the extreme temperatures playing havoc with her & nearly killing her, it’s one of the harder to reach spots in hyrule, so it provided a measure of safety that other places could not. melari’s hold lies in the northeast, but the cold spot on the mountain travels further south than would be expected, resulting in a cold spot - the ice cavern - to the north of zora’s domain.
real quick, fuck zora’s domain. there was no way to make the water feature coming from here look decent, or properly portray the types of cliffs it’s surrounded by, so please don’t judge it too harshly. at the end of ocarina of time, zora’s domain is still said to be frozen, but recovering from the curse ganondorf placed on it, which, great ! i’m gonna say, i could be completely off here in how it works, but i wanted to change things up a little, so if i am, i don’t mind that much. i like a bit of artistic license. also, if we can have literal fish people, a genderless species made of rock, children who don’t grow up in a magical forest which horrifically warps those who don’t belong, & a giant fucking overworld field where the skeletons of what look like fucking children come out to fight you at night ? i’m okay with this reckoning being off a little.
so, eventually, zora’s domain unfreezes. i personally imagine, as ganondorf’s power ebbed from hyrule, that the process started slow, until one day, it wasn’t. it’s said that zora’s fountain is the source of all water in hyrule, with the domain lying under the mountain it rests on top of, & a few secret passageways here & there, which is fine, usually - the fountain never froze, just the domain beneath it. that becomes a problem, though, when the magical freeze put in place by ganondorf wears off, & the excess water from the melt ends up flooding the domain. not a problem from those who live within it, with the zora being essentially amphibian in nature, but when that excess water begins seeping out into the fountain, through cracks in the mountain, through the entrance granted to those affiliated with the royal family ? that all goes over the fountain, down the sleepless waterfall, through the river, & that river completely bursts its banks. the water level of the river rises significantly, washing away much of the path previously taken by those who wished to go to the domain on foot, causing minor flooding in hyrule field as it travels downstream, & resulting in the waters of lake hylia rising when the overflow reaches it, hence the lake being larger in my version of the map. the rebuilding of a path to zora’s domain ends up becoming one of the earliest projects zelda undertakes as queen but it’s a bit of a logistical nightmare for a while, considering that, with princess ruto ascended as a sage, zora’s domain is now in a succession crisis. does it have much bearing on zelda’s life ? not especially, but i thought it was a nice bit of worldbuilding, so here it is.
kokiri forest, the lost woods, & everything within doesn’t change much. with the dark magic vanquished from the forest, & the great deku sprout able to thrive, the forest continues to grow, & overgrow. it’s still dangerous to outsiders to go within, still dangerous for anyone to enter the lost woods without a fairy companion to guide them & save them from a grim fate, but the children of the forest do grow somewhat braver about stepping out from their home to see the rest of hyrule. it never lasts long - not all of the kokiri are as brave as link was, after all, & hyrule is so vast compared to what they’re used to - but it sparks their curiosity & their desire to explore hyrule which eventually trickles down to the wandering koroks.
the area to the south / southwest of the kokiri forest is entirely my invention. as i said, in-game, it’s just cliffs to hem you in & prevent you from breaking the boundaries of the world, but there’s none of that in roleplaying, so i just … did away with them entirely. part of this is lake hylia not being as hemmed in by these walls as it is in-game, opening up into a new river & streams which travel through the south & southeast. crossing this river leads to three paths - take middle path, & you may find yourself in what’s known as the rito village. now, i’ll say here, i know that the rito don’t technically appear in hyrule until after the great flood, when the zoras somehow sprout wings, but nintendo’s strange decisions don’t change the fact that there are many wonderful people in the zelda rpc who play rito characters with crossover verses that let them interact with those who play characters in other parts of the timeline. in order to better facilitate interactions with these roleplayers, i decided fuck it, rito village in ocarina of time. canon can be easily bent. if, however, i’m writing with someone who wants to adhere to strict canon, then it’s just other hylians who live within the village, & rito is just the name chosen for the village, with no connection to the as-of-yet-unevolved race, just a nice little coincidence. regardless of who lives in it, though, the village & its name are fixed here in a southern woodland, with the village nestled amongst the hills within.
cross the bridge to the south & take the third branch in the path, you’ll find yourself inside the bremen woods. i honestly haven’t got much to say about the bremen woods here, but it’s not because i don’t have ideas for it - i have another headcanon brewing concerning myths, fables & fairy tales within hyrule, because … i am just that type of nerd. about eighty percent of my blogs before this one involved fairy tale characters in some way. it is, as the kids say, extremely my shit, & i’d like to tie the bremen woods into that, so i’m going to save what i have to say for that headcanon, but don’t worry. it’ll probably be a lot smaller than this one. ( thank god, i hear you say. i know, i know. i’m still not sorry. )
cross the bridge, then, & take the first branch in the path, & you better have a sword with you. the castor wilds are a lawless place, which is fitting for the corner of the world where the last remnants of ganondorf’s forces lie. any that weren’t killed during the restoration of the kingdom were beaten back to the edge of the world, & it’s not a friendly place. the last of the monsters shelter in a run-down settlement known as dragmire’s hold, the last place where those who sympathize with the king of evil can speak freely, & it’s murder to get to. the entrance to the wilds is a marshy swamp, thanks to the run-off of lake hylia, but if you manage to get through the mire, the land begins to dry out until you reach the hold, where the earth struggles to bear fruit & it seems the grass refuses to grow. it is, in a few words, fucking grim, & as a result, the go-to place for banishments within the kingdom. zelda isn’t a fan of harsh punishments, but she’s no fool, not anymore, & she won’t abide those who plot to throw the kingdom back into chaos, be it in service of ganondorf, or their own selfish natures. it’s rare that anyone actually finds themselves wandering the castor wilds, unless they actively choose to adventure there, but it is a very good threat, considering its reputation as the land where the devils live.
jumping across the map entirely, we come to the cliffs of coroa to the left of lake hylia. another spot on the map which is notorious for being hard to reach, the cliffs are an inviting challenge to those who want to boast of their climbing skills & durability. if getting up the cliffs doesn’t kill you ( & there is a very real possibility that it will, especially if you fall, ‘cause this water ain’t soft ) the journey down might do it instead, & that’s if you survive your trip at the top. there has been rumours of a great treasure hidden away in the cliffs for years, though the debate on what it might be was pretty intense, if you got into it. for a time, some thought the legendary blade rested within the cliffs, & only those who could brave the rockface would be able to lay a hand on it; others argued that it contained more mundane, but still desirable, treasures, such as a great haul from a band of thieves, left behind when they were hunted down by the crown, growing only more valuable by the minute. some, with sense, said that the only thing atop the cliffs was certain doom for the morons who tried to make their way up them. the truth ? there’s nothing up there. sometimes, cliffs are just cliffs, & those who try to scale the ones facing lake hylia truly are fools. the gerudo people, however, had the right idea of how to get to them.
again, another aspect of canon i was happy to leave as it was. the gerudo desert is a vast, harsh swathe of land, continuously assailed by sandstorms, bordered to the north by what is called ❛ the great sand sea ❜ & to the south by the haunted wasteland, & it’s not hyperbole. spirit guides appear to those who seek the temple of the goddess of the sand, but very few have ever made it through the wasteland if they enter in pursuit of something else. one of the few who did was the gerudo heroine, ashai. a well respected warrior amongst them, ashai was the younger sister to the exalted rishika, the chief of the gerudo at the time, & one of the first to vow to conquer the wasteland & see what lay beyond the storm. though her sister cautioned against it, as tales of people becoming lost in the wasteland were not uncommon, ashai was a headstrong young woman, & she could not be swayed. she took with her a party of twelve, & in time, three returned to tell their story. ashai had forged a path through the ever-shifting sands & left it well enough marked that her companions were able to find their way back. it’s said that some succumbed to madness during the journey, tormented by the ghosts of the wasteland, whilst others fell ill whilst they traveled, choking on the sand which gathered in their lungs. seven of them made it through the wasteland to the valley which lay beyond, but ashai had grown sick during the crossing, & knew she would not make it back. instead, she spent the time she had left exploring the valley, & found a way through it to the peak of the cliffs of coroa. the legend says that is there she died, watching the sun rise atop the cliffs, speaking only of her sister, & her companions laid her to rest within the valley, which her sister then named in honour of her. whilst the gerudo are happy to let those who have proven themselves attempt the journey to the desert colossus, no outsiders are permitted to walk the valley of ashai, where a shrine was built for its namesake - it is considered sacred to them, & the journey to pay respects to ashai is now part of the trial given to those who wish to become chief of the gerudo, should the bloodline of the previous chief die.
that covers just about all the main areas & landmarks of hyrule, i think, so to move on to the last thing, the various settlements, villages, hamlets you see across the map. hyrule is a big place. yes, quite a few of the races are localized to certain areas, & yes, it’s entirely plausible the hyrulean civil war could have decimated the population, with the seven years war exacerbating that problem, but hyrule field just looked so … empty, once everything else was finished. so, rather than stick to a number of locales i can count on one hand, i threw a few more settlements across the map to try & make hyrule feel more like a real kingdom. not to breath of the wild’s extent, of course, but just something a little more than what was given. all those who survived the fall of hyrule castle town apparently fled to become refugees in kakariko village, which was opened to all by impa, which is fair, but i imagine as the world returned to something close to normality, & families started growing again, the village would quickly find itself overwhelmed. as queen, zelda would make it a priority to make sure none of her subjects go homeless - she knows all too well that struggle - & so she would begin a program to make sure there was enough villages or townships for every one of her subjects. those who volunteered would be given a set amount of money & plots of land across hyrule to build a home, which zelda would then personally visit to inspect, to make sure her people were thriving.
there’s little to say in detail about them all as of right now, as i’m still fleshing them out, but i have a few basic ideas. most of the settlements were named after the first to attach themselves to the project, but the names have the potential to evolve over time. they certainly won’t retain the hamlet / settlement status, that’s for sure. the offer wasn’t restricted to hylians, either - any other race in the land was free to join, though only a small number of gerudo accepted it, the others preferring to stay in their homes & travel as they need. ciela’s settlement was the one spearheaded by the gerudo who accepted zelda’s offer, hence its proximity to the valley. a lot of young men volunteered to go to this settlement, but zelda was happy to let ciela make her own call, & many were knocked back - only those with what ciela deemed viable skills were allowed in, & still, it’s very much a female dominated settlement, but it is thriving under her leadership, & blossoms into a successful village as time goes on. lon lon ranch is, well, lon lon ranch. with funding from the crown, talon was able to take on more staff & expand it at his leisure, but it is one of the very few places in hyrule which has stayed constant over time, & he was quite content to keep it that way, & zelda content with his decision. 
to the south of lon lon ranch lies damia village, the largest of all the settlements from its inception. led by a fearless young man who gave his name to the village, it is a hub of activity which could rival hyrule castle town. with damia came many like-minded people, all eager to forge their own path in the world & prove themselves as he had, as he had been part of the group which volunteered to help beat back the remnants of ganondorf’s forces. many of the families within damia village are the families of soldiers who work at the castle & it has gained a reputation for being a village full of strong, capable, trustworthy people. arborwood, which lies further to the south in a more rural location, is an outlier in that the one who volunteered to lead in this settlement didn’t wish to put their name to it - they didn’t want glory, just a place to call home where they could finally live in peace. arborwood is an agriculturally focused village, filled with farmers & those who possess green thumbs. a lot of trade is done between arborwood & all the other villages - everyone in hyrule became proficient at growing & hunting their own food in the past thirty years, as was necessary to survive, but it’s nice to have a place to get food from which specializes in high quality meat & crops. why hunt rabbits, when arborwood can provide venison ? 
last but not least, lynna’s hamlet, which settled at lake hylia at the request of the owner of the lakeside laboratory. as he was getting on in years, he wished to find someone to continue his work, & so specifically requested that any like-minded hylians settle close to the lake so that he could impart his wisdom & let them take over. he got quite a few more people volunteering than he bargained for, be they scientifically inclined, interested in cataloguing the history of lake hylia, or just desirous of a change in scenery. the smallest of the new settlements, lynna’s hamlet never truly flourished the way others did, but the buildings were never empty - as time went on & people began to move elsewhere, it became a popular spot for those who traveled the land to rest at when they came to the lake, with a very successful inn eventually being run by the lakeside, its doors open to any who wished to visit.
it’s not a lot of worldbuilding when it all comes down to it, compared to other things, but this is something that i’ve wanted to do for a long time. as i’ve mentioned in the section regarding the bremen woods, more headcanons are likely to follow regarding places on the map & how they change & evolve as time passes during zelda’s rule, but for now, there’s this ! something which makes hyrule feel less empty than what it was before, whilst still respecting canon, somewhat which was the goal all along. if you’ve made it this far, holy shit, go outside & feel the sun on your face. it’s been eighty-four years - but i can’t thank you enough for reading ! at least next time, the headcanon won’t be so long. i hope.
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mobius-prime · 4 years
269. Sonic Universe #2
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The Shadow Saga (Part 2 of 4): Time & Again
Writer: Ian Flynn Pencils: Tracy Yardley! Colors: Jason Jensen
So, do you remember how way back when we got the single-issue incomplete "adaption" of Sonic Adventure 2, I mentioned that the events of the incident would be clarified by Ian Flynn in a later issue? Well, this is the one! Interspersed within the events of the modern story are flashbacks to what happened during Sonic Adventure 2, heavily modified to fit within the comic's world. However, I've elected to tackle the modern half of the story first, and explore Sonic Adventure 2 afterward, mostly because though Ian seems to be trying to draw parallels between the latter story and the former, they don't really… work all that well, nowhere near the level that they did in the first arc of KtE anyway.
The modern story opens with Shadow approaching the Freedom Fighters' camp not far from the Eggdome in the middle of the night, waking Sonic up to invite him along to a little bonus mission.
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I mean, while I can understand wanting to invite Sonic on a mission against Eggman, 1. he's already on one, and 2. you'd think Shadow would realize he'd need some sleep before the final battle against his arch-nemesis. What, you can't handle this alone, Shadow? Well, as it turns out he's not actually alone, as Sonic reaches the rendezvous point first (zooming off ahead of Shadow, of course), and finds Rouge waiting for him. Apparently, Eggman's been working on a sneaky plan to turn a telescope in the city into a massive laser capable of wiping the Freedom Fighters' little camp off the map, shield or no… as well as half of the rest of the city. Sonic thinks this is overkill even for someone like Eggman, but as Shadow catches up he explains that GUN doesn't quite think so.
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To be fair, Sonic, you haven't been seeing the behind-the-scenes insane ramblings of his that Snively's been subject to recently. They break into the laser control room, and Sonic and Shadow deal with the smaller security lasers while Rouge hacks into the control system, trying to disable the thing. The cannon is already moving into position to fire, and worse still, the console then fries itself, Rouge having accidentally triggered a self-destruct command. Sonic and Shadow try to destroy the cannon directly, but no amount of spindashing or Chaos Spear-ing will pierce its armor, so Rouge suggests going for the bolts holding it in place, hoping it might throw off the shot.
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Brilliant job, guys! Shadow, seeing no other choice, removes his inhibitor rings and climbs onto the top of the cannon just as it begins to fire. He uses all of his power to force the shot to misfire outwards instead of straight ahead, wrecking the barrel but saving the Freedom Fighters. This is really the only place where the parallels Ian tries to draw make sense, as then we see a flashback of him using his power a year ago to force the ARK back into orbit, and subsequently falling back into the atmosphere.
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Aww, look at 'em! As the sun begins to rise, the three walk back towards the camp, and Sonic asks if they want in on the invasion. Shadow refuses, saying that he believes this is Sonic's fight considering how long he's been fighting against Eggman. As Sonic leaves, Rouge smirks at Shadow, and remarks on how far their relationship has come from before. Shadow, of course, has to defend his ego and insists he merely respects Sonic, to which Rouge teases him even more about how of course he can't admit he's made a friend.
Now, time to take a look at what their relationship used to be like, in the very-condensed Adaption 2.0 of Sonic Adventure 2! Instead of following exactly how it's portrayed in this issue, I'm just going to explain how exactly everything went down starting from the beginning, relying on context clues from this issue and previous ones. In case you've forgotten, during the events of the incident, both Tails and Knuckles were otherwise occupied, Amy was chilling in Mercia with Rob, and basically no one was even aware of where Sonic was at the time, as he was apprehended while sneaking back into Knothole while he was still supposed to be confined there. StH#98 covered what happened leading up to his arrest and subsequent breakout, but naturally, after the GUN truck chase he was rearrested and taken to Prison Island. Meanwhile, of course, Shadow had been released from his pod by Eggman, stolen a Chaos Emerald from Station Square, and presumably explained how the ARK's Eclipse Cannon worked to Eggman. Like in the game, Rouge also showed up at this point to offer her support in procuring more Chaos Emeralds - though as you might remember, at this point in the comic's history the emeralds still hadn't been combined into their distinct seven forms yet, so the Eclipse Cannon only required seven random emeralds to fire. Conspicuously missing is the entire plot point about Rouge stealing the Master Emerald from Knuckles, and the both of them subsequently searching for its shattered remnants all over the world, but if we're being quite honest the entire story still makes perfect sense without Knuckles and the Master Emerald, which I suppose is lucky for Ian trying to make sense out of all of this.
The point at which this issue actually starts recapping prior events begins on Prison Island after Sonic had broken out of prison once again - without the help of Amy or anyone else, mind you, since once again, they were all elsewhere at time. Really, this version of events is so stripped-down precisely because half of the game cast is missing, which is why the events of the game were able to fit into a single day despite several days passing in the game itself. Sonic and Shadow had their famous "faker" exchange in the forest and began fighting each other, with Rouge's voice coming over Shadow's communicator and informing them she'd found the remaining six Chaos Emeralds they'd need. At that point, Eggman reminded Shadow the whole island was about to blow, and at the same time Rouge called for help as she'd found herself stuck inside the vault. When Sonic heard Eggman tell Shadow to leave her and that they'd come back later to "dig the emeralds out of the ashes," he was outraged and offered Shadow a truce so they could rescue Rouge together. Shadow accepted, and they raced back to the facility as the timer counted down, with Shadow Chaos Control-ing them off the island and into the desert just before the place exploded.
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See, while I understand where Ian is going with this, I really don't like his rewrite of Shadow's motivations here. For those not familiar, in the game, Shadow makes the decision to go back for Rouge entirely on his own, because the thought of her dying alone in the facility made him flash back to Maria's death. Later on, when she tries to talk to him about how he saved her, he avoids her questions, giving a similar excuse to this one, but with it being pretty obvious that that's not the case, as he hasn't stopped thinking about Maria since the mission. Here, Ian makes it seem like Shadow actually didn't care and indeed was only after the Chaos Emeralds, and he only went to the trouble of rescuing her thanks to Sonic's suggestion. However, I understand why this was kind of necessary - with his main allies elsewhere, Sonic needed someone to ally with for the next part of the plot. He ended up teaming up with Rouge, who was quite offended at Shadow's attitude, to break into the pyramid containing Eggman's base, and she piloted the space shuttle within up to the ARK. As I've pointed out before, at no point in the comic is it even slightly hinted that Eggman broke the moon in half as he does in the game - the only indication we have of such an event would be in StH#197, when Sonic recognizes Mobius from orbit by its half-destroyed moon, but in all fairness, the issue doesn't actually state the reason why the moon is broken. Remember, it's canon that Mobius has one hundred moons - that wasn't even retconned! Ian just made up a story behind it and put it in the Complete Sonic Comic Encyclopedia afterwards, but with one hundred whole-ass moons, it's entirely probable that at least one got bodied at some point in the planet's history, and Sonic just happened to recognize that particular one as he was reentering the planet's atmosphere. But anyway, once Sonic and Rouge made it up to the ARK, Sonic and Shadow quickly got into a fight on the catwalks outside the station, presumably while Eggman slotted the emeralds into their positions in the cannon.
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*sigh* One of the biggest problems I have with the preboot is its handling of Shadow's entire story. I don't think Shadow ever got an actual chance to shine from his initial appearance until StH#171, when he had his whole "This is who I am" moment after exploring Gerald's digital diary. Everything about him, his entire backstory, was horribly neglected compared to his actually very rich and deep character arc from the games. This, above, is exactly what I'm talking about. In the game, it's implied that Shadow actually wins his final fight against Sonic (though Sonic obviously doesn't die from it), and then once the Eclipse Cannon is up and running, he moves into one of the ARK's observation rooms to quietly reflect on the past and watch the station crash into the planet. He doesn't snap out of it until Amy enters the room and her subsequent words trigger a flashback of Maria's real final wish. Furthermore, he's the only person in the cast who doesn't actually see the video of Gerald's execution or read his final diary entry. In other words, in the game, he comes back to his right mind organically, by remembering what his purpose is, while in the comic he apparently just got to watch a video telling him outright why he's wrong without him actually having to do the thinking that brings him back to reality. Seeing as Shadow is my favorite character in the entire franchise, this brushing-aside of one of the most important moments in his character arc irks me a little. But then again, I will still acknowledge that Ian wasn't really left a lot to work with here, and if anything the fault lies more with Karl Bollers and Kenders carelessly brushing past Sonic Adventure 2 in favor of their ongoing story about Robotropolis getting nuked or whatever.
Anyway, in the end, Shadow and Sonic went to the ARK's internal chamber that housed the Biolizard, and when it fused with the ARK to bring it crashing down to earth anyway, he and Sonic went Super and defeated it out in space, just like in the game. The game actually doesn't give a very clear reason why Shadow fell from orbit while Sonic was fine, but in the comic, it's shown that the act of teleporting the ARK back into orbit exhausted all his energy, resulting in the loss of his Super form early. As one of the above images shows, Sonic actually reached for him but was unable to catch him in time, hence his remark of not wanting to go through that again (even though realistically a fall from a five-story cannon is hardly going to do the same damage to Shadow as a fall from orbit). And that's it! As I said, the comic's adaption is incredibly stripped-down from the events of the game, but with so much of the cast missing, it kind of had to be. While I don't agree with all of Ian's decisions on how to adapt the circumstances while still retaining the basic gist of the story, I understand his ultimate conclusions, and in the end, they do work pretty well given how different the history of the world is in the comics versus the game. And despite Shadow not having a clear history with Rouge in the comics as he does in the games, Ian's finally saw fit to bring them together as a team in this issue, and they remain as such for the rest of the comic, including through the reboot.
But - hey, speaking of which, remember another adaption that was missing a few key plot points? Say… the first Sonic Adventure? Remember how the conclusion of Gamma's entire character arc was totally forgotten about and ignored? That would seem to imply that he's still out there somewhere… I wonder what he's up to nowadays. And for that matter, with the entirety of Sonic Heroes missing from the comics' timeline, where the heck is Omega in all this? Does he even exist? Gee, I wonder if we'll ever get to see these two important robot characters in the comic - like, say, next issue?
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ranger-report · 4 years
Review: THE WITCHER (2007)
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With the recent popularity of The Witcher across mass media thanks to the Netflix series starring Henry Cavill and his arms, I finally began what I consider an epic quest to play through all three of the Witcher games and their DLC. This is, by no means, a small task, but you know I might as well sacrifice myself in the name of entertainment. So I began to play The Witcher: Enhanced Edition, a PC game released in 2007 based on the books of the same name written by Polish author Andrzej Sapkowski. Now that I’ve beaten it I have quite a few things to say about it. But, first thing’s first, and that is easily the most obvious aspect of this game:
It has not aged well. Not at all.
To begin with, the graphics of the game are very 2007. A product of seventh generation graphical technology to be sure, it doesn’t help that it’s running on BioWare’s Aurora engine, which was notoriously difficult to use outside BioWare’s own house. There’s all kinds of graphical glitches, people pass through objects, character models and textures are fuzzy and sometimes plasticine, facial animations are sometimes downright frightening. There’s also the fact that the game reuses the same character model for multiple characters, both important and unimportant, leading me to confusion sometimes as I swore I just saw that goddamn priest I just killed wandering around the city. Except now there’s two of him. And all the merchants look the same, too! This being the enhanced edition there’s a number of upgrades and clarity that’s been added in to the experience, but it’s still dated for better or worse. What has aged well is the use of impressionistic paintings for the purpose of certain cutscenes, adding an extra dose of epic quality to some of the goings-ons. This also includes more “intimate endeavors” Geralt can engage in. Long story short, there’s a lot of women in this game who are willing to throw themselves at Geralt, and if you play the cards right you can get down to business pretty quickly. Sometimes too quickly; one time I brought a woman a loaf of bread and she had sex with Geralt. It was confusing and out of left field. But each encounter comes with a brief piece of tasteful nude artwork of the lady in question as blurred models bump and grind in the background. And, to be completely honest, the artwork is really well done. Although it is very jarring to play a game where sex workers are clearly labeled “whores” and “hookers,” most of the women have a good amount of agency in the proceedings, particularly the two primary romance options, Triss and Shani. Geralt can actually romance these two women to the point of committed relationship, which is refreshing to see that sex is not just a reward for “romancing” a character in a game, but something the characters enjoy, while the romance comes from genuinely caring about someone.
Despite the graphical despondency, main characters fare slightly better, as anyone who needs to be easily recognizable is, and are crafted with much more detail and fine tuning than regular NPCs. While this is fine, sometimes finding these characters is a chore and a half. The Witcher has a day/night cycle, and characters follow this, but when my map is telling me I need to be in one place to meet up with someone, I can’t count that they will actually be there depending on the time of day. And I can’t artificially move the time of day forward unless I have a campfire to meditate at. Meditation is an interesting mechanic, btw, as it basically acts as Geralt “sleeping” and also functions as your chance to level up and distribute talents. On paper, I’m okay with that. In reality, campfires and places to sleep are few and far between, unless you’re close to an inn or someone who doesn’t mind you crashing at their place. And oftentimes you’re running back and forth in linear paths across deceptively open areas, back and forth and back and forth in what can only best be described as tedium when you’ll approach the quest marker on your map, only to find no one there, and need to hoof it back to a fireplace to change the time again. This can also lead to extra consternation if the game crashes, which it did a handful of times during my fifty hours of gametime. Save often.
And, finally, there’s the combat. For better or worse, it’s an exercise in clicking on people to attack them, then clicking again at the right time when your icon changes in order to string together combos. That’s fine. Combat is also divided into three styles between two swords: strong, fast, and group style, with steel blade and silver blade. Strong and fast styles speak for themselves; group style is for when you’re surrounded and need to attack everyone around you. Steel blade is for humans, silver blade for monsters. Sounds simple right? It is -- too simple. Clicking on people is as easy as that, with little interaction otherwise. Sure, you have to figure out which style to use on which enemies, and you can couple in Signs (magic spells) to make your life easier, but repeatedly clicking on people to whack away is bland at best, frustrating at worst. Later on when you can level up your sword styles to include more powerful/deadly moves it becomes more challenging, but even then it remains a strange exercise in an odd hybrid of real time/tactical combat.  Finding oneself surrounded can lead to death quickly, so if you’re not paying attention, you can go from overpowered madman to witcher meat in seconds. Literally seconds: enemies I would have no problem with one-on-one, or even two-on-one, suddenly escalate to an unstoppable force the moment that three or more come in for an attack. The game has a way of forcing Geralt into combat situations without warning as well, making it easy to be thoroughly unprepared for a deadly gangbang around a corner and a cutscene. The game also doesn’t have much of an autosave system, meaning that if you haven’t been hitting that quicksave button very often, there’s a deep chance you could get your ass handed to you and reload a ways back from where you were. Easily the biggest frustration for me in terms of playing the game. Enemies will stack status effects to clobber you; Geralt will attack and get hit; sometimes you can stagger enemies and one-hit kill them, but enemies can still attack while Geralt goes through the slow kill animation. I don’t know how many times I cursed the game in anguish as I was forced to reload yet again after a fourth monster swept in out of nowhere, or the one monster I was fighting decided to get in a Stun attack, then proceed to own my ass. Pausing the game at any time using the space bar can help to get bearings, but you can’t execute commands while paused. Saving in combat isn’t allowed either, so if a big fight starts and you realize you haven’t saved in a while, you’re screwed. Couple this frustration with the intensely boring act of clicking on monsters over and over again to fight them, and here we have the biggest weakness of the whole product.
That being said -- is the game worth playing in 2020? Despite being 13 years of age and regarded as the least accessible game in the franchise, what it brings to the table is a surprisingly effective storyline that involves subject matter which is shockingly relevant. Racial tension. Class war. Plague. Quarantine. Riots. Gray morals. Strange creatures. Frustration. Difficulty spikes. Blurred lines between human and monster. If that sounds hauntingly familiar, it’s probably because that sums up the first half of the year 2020. To say that I was expecting a 13-year-old game to reflect the state of current events would be a massive lie; in fact, at the outset of the game, I was struggling to maintain interest at all. However, as time goes, the story and the choices made are what end up being the game’s biggest strength, and ultimately its salvation.
The story opens up simply enough: Geralt of Rivia, our titular witcher, has been found in a near-death state and nursed back to health by his fellow witchers and former lover, the sorceress Triss Merigold. Coming back from the dead has cost him his memories, however, and the amnesiac Geralt is quickly plunged into conflict as a group of mercenaries called Salamandra attack the witchers’s base to steal the secrets of their mutations. Swords clash, magic flies back and forth, and Geralt is tasked with giving chase in order to retrieve the mutagenic formulae so they can’t be used for harm.
A great conceit in this is that Geralt having no memory of his past allows anyone unfamiliar with the world to gently ease in and learn about the world as he does. The game is set after the events of the books, so this gives an added bonus to readers already knowledgable of events. And as the player learns more about Geralt and his world, a variety of choices come into play. Most RPGs have this option to allow player freedom in telling a story, but unforseen consequences follow every decision; whether they come into play immediately or further down the road remains to be seen, but there’s a ripple effect that goes above and beyond the usual Choose Your Own Adventure details which essentially craft your character into a good guy or a bad guy. What’s brilliant about this is that the game never hints at this; it isn’t until the game breaks away into a cutscene with monologue does Geralt realize how his choices crafted this specific moment. For example, in the Salamandra attack, Geralt can choose to fight off a horrific monster or help Triss defend the witcher laboratory. Depending on that choice, some characters may live or die, and the game will let you know that when it wants to....usually to hammer home a point.
What works to this being the strength of the game even further is the deep narrative, which is often times complex to the point of frustration. But the story develops at a natural pace, and never presents any choice as being right or wrong, black or white, good or bad. The main gist is that the human city of Vizima is under quarantine, fighting off a vicious plague, but also defending itself from the rise of nonhuman freedom fighters comprised of elves and dwarves. The city is divided on this, particularly in class division, with any nonhuman residents living in the slum quarter, while the affluent humans live exclusively in the market quarter. There are humans in the slums too, make no mistake, but it’s very apparent who is allowed to live where. However, the game makes no stance on this whatsoever; Geralt is presented with a series of choices based on the information at hand, and as the game goes on, comes closer and closer to choosing a side between the freedom fighters or the humans as tensions comes to a head with violence. Every action has a consequence, positive or negative, but also depending on who the consequences affect. Questions of moral arise; what truly defines a monster? Is it appearance, or is it action? It’s difficult to really spell it out further without diving into spoilers, as the story should be experienced first hand without any warning. That being said, it’s refreshing to play through a game in which the character is clearly defined as being the hero, but then forces the player to ask if their actions are truly heroic or actually damaging in the quest to destroy the greater evil.
In closing, The Witcher is a mixed bag. Narratively, it’s a stellar effort that swings for the fences and sticks the landing. From a gameplay perspective, it’s a dated game that’s sometimes a chore to play through, even to the point of dire frustration. But it’s one that I can cautiously recommend. While it certainly took me six or so hours to finally believe that I had the hang of it -- I didn’t -- struggling through the first quarter of the game can yield beautiful results, especially once it rolls into the final, jaw-dropping conclusion. What I will say is that it really beats you over the head with your choices, even the ones you didn’t know you were making, and holds up a mirror to ask if your decisions were really for the greater good or not. Outstanding work in that regard. I’m looking forward to playing The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings now that I’ve beaten this, and someday I’ll even come back to see the paths I could have taken. Just with tempered expectations this time around.
Final score: 7/10
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writingonjorvik · 5 years
Can We Discuss A New Housing System?
Ok, so if you remember playing SSO around the launch of Jorvik City, you know we’ve been teased for a proper housing system for a while now. Some of you may still have some furniture (arguable) in your inventories and closets like myself. It’s also one of the most popular feature requests right now from players, as least in my polls. But what would an SSO housing system even look like? And how could it be blended into the existing story.
So, obviously, I have some ideas on that, and I going to try blending it into the story, because I think having a “home instance” house kinda situation could be a good way to deliver background story information (like retcons to characters and just passive character building). However, there are a lot of mechanics involved too, so I’ll strive to write about all parts of this equally. And also, this is a HUGE suggestion, but I figure I’d write it out in its fullest so I can get more feedback on the idea too.
I have, however, had some thoughts on the actual questline for this, so I’m going to dabble with writing those as well. They’ll be indented quotes to keep it clear. But I want to have the story itself lead, so I’ll start with quotes and expand after into the individual ideas as they show up. So here we go.
I imagine you’d get a general quest notification for this to start, just on your map. I’m going to put it at level 18 unlock, or after the service at Doyle’s Abbey. I think this makes a good late game initiative, and a project to work on while waiting on quests, since you do also have your current home stable as a temporary housing space.
Baroness: Player, I have a task for you of the utmost importance. 
Quest Accept
Good! I expected nothing less from you. Now, to the matter at hand. I own a small piece of land that recently has...seen less use. Have you heard of Horse Island? It’s a lovely place. Originally it had been opened to help local stables in Jorvik keep their horses active during the off-seasons when many of our campers go home.
However, when talented craftsmen John started to move to Jorvik, many stableowners hired him to update their own barns. You may have as well. While I certainly appreciate his work with my stables here, I have to admit that his arrival was effectively the closure of Horse Island.
And that’s the problem. I can’t leave the island alone as is. There are a number of structures there and I would like to reopen it as a park. Or I have another offer for you.
Quest End.
Baroness: Would you like to hear my offer, Player?
Quest Accept
My family and I owe a great deal to you. You’ve been beyond helpful here at my vineyard and with my son’s stables, you’ve been...discrete about my ex-husband, and you brought my grandson home. Some might even consider these deeds exemplary. My title as a Baroness may be more formal than my ancestors, but I can recognize a hero of Jorvik when I see one. 
It’s not an easy gift, but I would like to gift Horse Island to you. However, if you accept this gift, then there are some requirements you’ll have to meet to live there, much less your horses. Like I said, the island has been all but abandoned and will need some serious repairs before anyone can live there safely.
Quest End.
Baroness: Are you interested?
Quest Accept
Wonderful. Then the deed is yours. I have a ferry chartered for you and an associate to head to Horse Island to begin repairs. You’ll find them in New Hillcrest.
Quest End.
(Item Get: Island Deed)
Now, this doesn’t mean you’ve unlocked Horse Island as a home stable yet, but you do own it. This would unlock a first stage of the housing process, where it’s pretty much unusable outside of building it. Your current home stable would still be your home stable until it reaches “Stage Two” so to speak, but you have access to to Horse Island moving forward as a visitable and intractable map.
I’ve made up an NPC for this for fun, but they’re basically going to become your bookkeeper for the island, and the hub for updates, info boards, and quests on expanding it. Their name is Aiden (more or less a nod to Aideen and there’s good reason once we get into later stages), a fem-butch presenting young person who kinda doubles as an Isabelle for your island and a construction worker until you bring on John (if you want to). They have a Clydesdale (I like the dapple rose grey for them) named Amber.
Upon arriving in New Hillcrest:
Aiden: Oh, you must be Player. The Baroness told me you were coming. Me? I’m Aiden. I’ll be helping you get Horse Island back on its hooves.
Player 1: Nice to meet you. What do you know about Horse Island?
Player 2: Huh, you’re a little young for contractor.
Aiden: You won’t meet anyone who knows Horse Island better than me. It’s why the Baroness asked me to help. My parents used to work there, taking care of horses. Grew up on the island myself. I learned everything I know from them, plus a double major in college. If anyone can help you get this island back to a living condition, it’s me.
You ready to get going?
Quest Accept
Aiden: Good, let’s get a move on.
Quest End.
At this point, you actually reach the island. It’ll start with the original island design, a tropical/Hawaii style island (can we discuss Jorvik’s biodiversity later, actually), though this is ideally something that you’ll be able to change. If it doesn’t start with this design, I think it should be an optional biome as a reference for long term players from when Horse Island was around before.
At release of it, I’d think Horse Island should just be one island, but eventually I think adding additional smaller islands would be a good way to continue expanding the island and adding options to its development, while still keeping the theme of the overall island.
The main island has three parts: a small village kinda area with a broken down barn and buildings, three big paddocks, and a trail area. If this carries over functionality from the current home stable system, then this would be a great way to have private trail rides/races you could make, with each biome having a slightly different layout of the three main areas, but we haven’t gotten to that yet.
After you arrive, there’s a ferry point you can unlock that will rotate to South Hoof and New Hillcrest (really like the ferry system and I think it should be expanded), as well as a trailer/boat to transport back to Jorvik. On arrival, there’s not a lot you can do outside of explore, though it should be incredibly difficult since the island is incredibly damaged and hasn’t been maintained.
After arrival, Aiden will wait for you by the ferry to continue the quests.
Aiden: Aideen, the place has seen better days. Sad to see it like this. But, no time like the present. We’d better get to work. Well, Player, you’re in charge here. Want to scout out the damage?
Quest Accept
Aiden: Alright, follow me.
Aiden leads on a loop around the island to the major points. Following dialogue should be overlayed as you reach each location to keep the ride going.
Aiden: The beaches used to pretty open. There are other islands around here too. Maybe once we get things set up, I can look into some boats to visit other islands. Long ways off though.
Ah, this forest used to be so fun to ride through. I remember having friends over and building races through the woods together. Maybe we can get it cleaned up and open it again for you and your friends.
These paddocks need a lot of work. Don’t worry though. Once we can get them patched back up, they can hold, ten, twenty horses at a time. We can start small and build them out.
This place used to be filled with life. My parents and I used to live over there. Might be a good idea to get some cabins set up first. I’m fine camping until we do though. Supposing you’re fine headed back to mainland for some food.
With just you here, I don’t think we’d need a lot of shops. Same time, I’d like to see folks living here again. Maybe a few shops, open the place for tourists. That is, if you don’t mind people in your backyard.
That’s the biggest building on the island. I know it’s not mansion, but it should be a comfortable lodge once we finish with it. Nice place to hang your hat at least.
Last stop. This barn is going to need a lot of work. Come on, let’s clear out a stall for Amber and Player’s Horse.”
Quest End.
At this point, the farm opens up a lot of quests Rescue Ranch style, where you can pick up to-do’s from Aiden and then go do them like dailies. Some should be limited to make it feel like you’re making progress over a few days, but until you get to Stage Two of the island, I definitely think you should be able to grind through some smaller quests to make the island livable relatively easily.
I do also really like the idea of adding a Harvest Moon-esque gifting system for foods. I think this could be a good way to test a potential trading system while also delivering on more character development and a use for food. It’ll work on the same kind of system as Harvest Moon, where NPCs have favorite foods and hated foods, but it’ll mark in your journal as you go which is which. Giving Aiden food they like will reset daily tasks for the island as well as build your relationship with them. Eventually once the island is in a later stage, other NPCs can come visit and you can gift them foods too to get bonus dialogue and quests.
The first to-do you get is to go into the stable and clear out two stalls. Aiden will idle around the stable, but each time you interact with something in the stable, they’ll move to the next location and work on hammering walls or sweeping as you go until the to-do is done. Finishing this will also open a caring location on the island.
Aiden: That’s already better. Don’t have to sleep in the rain anymore. Now, there’s a lot to do, so let’s talk about a few of the more important projects.
Quest Accept
Well, to start we need to get some houses built. One for you, one for me. I don’t mind camping, but this is Jorvik. Weather can be all over the place. Next, we need to make a space for any other horses you want to have on the island. The barn should be our next goal. I think those are two good projects to start. Come talk to me and I’ll let you know what you can do to help.
Quest End.
This is Stage One of the island. It’s about building the most basic of necessities; your house, Aiden’s house, and the barn. I think dailies should add big chunks to the progress bars, but there should also be smaller to-dos to speed up the process if you want to grind through it. There’s already going to be a lot of money sink into this island, so Stage One to-dos are either clearing spaces, repairing walls, or gathering wood from the forest (this won’t clear it). There’s no shillings or SC required, though once you’re halfway through this stage, Aiden will let you know that they’ve gotten in touch with a suppler that you can order supplies from, much like the shop for building the bridge to the Harvest Counties, to speed up construction.
At the end of Stage One, you’ll get another quest from Aiden.
Aiden: Now this is starting to feel a little more settled. It’s definitely not the island I remember. Don’t think Horse Island fits it anymore. How about giving it a new name?
Quest Accept
Prompt: Name the island using a naming thing like club naming system. If you don’t want to name it, it’ll either stay as Horse Island or as your Player’s name’s Island (i.e. Amelie Eveningstorm’s Island).
Aiden: Hm? Island Name? Yeah, I think that’ll do. Alright Player, Island Name it is. I think it’s time you can call this place home.
Quest End.
After this, you’ll get a prompt offering for you to set your home stable at your island. Once you do, it becomes your home stable permanently and all other home stables become closed (this would be cool if the stables got a small redesign after for you, but that’s minute). This ends Stage One. The island is a functional home stable. You can go in your barn, which will reflect whatever home stable upgrades you had before hand and work like the home stable does now, though the invite a friend will temporarily disabled. On your island, Aiden will offer to upgrade your stable instead of John unless you hire him later.
So, by the end of Stage One, these are the features you have unlocked:
Caring station
New home stable
Supplies shop
Ferry to South Hoof and New Hill Crest
Trailer point
Ability to rename the island
Inn/hotel (Aiden’s house)
Your house (single room)
Barn customization
House customization
Like I said, this release would mean a lot of new features. I think at least with releasing it in stages, the first/second stages can be released, and then later stages can be released to continue expanding the island. However, no small part of those features should be customization. Stage One unlocks basic customization. We’re not to biome changing yet. Right now you can update the appearance of your barn on the outside, maybe some things on the inside, the exterior of your and Aiden’s house, and the inside of your house with basic furniture. I don’t think your house should ever be that big, maybe like three rooms total, or like start with the size of Herman’s interior, then Dr. Hayden’s interior, and then move up to a two story cabin with a big first floor and a smaller room upstairs. But we’re not there yet either, just the first basic house.
Starting Stage Two:
Aiden: Alright, we’ve got the basics all here, Player. Now we need to start on getting the rest of the island open. This is going to be a lot more work, and there are some permits that we’ll need to pick up, so you may want to pick up a day job while we’re at it. And dinner too. Ready to hear the damage?
Quest Accept
There are three big areas on the island. The village here needs to be restored. I’ll let you decide what buildings you want to put up, but I think opening a few shops and having some private classes eventually might be a good start from going in the black on running this place. Yeah, you’re going to need to pay me eventually to keep working you know. I’m kidding. I’ve got room and board. But why don’t we start with some shops here. Could get some tack sold for your horses, clothes with your name all over it, and food for the horses.
Next is the forest area. There are plenty of good trails in the area, we just need to get them opened up again. After that, I can build some jumps for you and we can set up courses to train the horses. Good idea to keep them active. I’m no professional like yourself, but I could probably lend a hand there. Or you can use the trails we make to ride with rides. Your call, after we finish.
Then there are the paddocks. We have a small one here in the village, but I’d like to have that for training. No, I want to fix up the bigger ones down the path a bit. Good place to let the horses have some time outside. Like I said, let’s start small and get all of the paddocks fixed up enough to have ten or so horses in there first, then we can talk about expanding them for more.
There are a few other odds and ends that could use some work. The beach could use some cleaning up. If you do, we can expand the docks for more tourists to come visit, or to come practice their riding here if you still want to do lessons. Need to hire someone for that. You’ll also be able to visit some of our island neighbors if you like. Might be a good change of pace, or you’ll get some inspirations.
Oh, and I have some ideas on how to expand your house. Let me know if you want to make it bigger.
Quest End.
At which point, Stage Two starts and all of these dailies and to-dos become options to start working on. Now, it should be important to say that I think the shilling limit should be removed because any projects moving forward need a “permit” to start. It’s basically a shilling sink to give more purpose to collecting them in game (still with Star Coin options, but definitely with shilling options too), though they would start low (1,000 shillings for the food stall as an example) and build up to higher prices based on the benefits. So things like the food stall and expanding the docks to make your island visitable will be relatively cheap, but things where you can make money, like from the training options and stores, will be a little more because you get a return on them. After you buy a permit, you’ll get dailies and to-dos to actually build it, ranging from a day to a week to build without buying extra supplies.
Now, let’s dive into some of these features. Shops I think should sell very basic tack and clothing, but I do think a basic icon system would be great where you can generate an icon (pick a background, foreground, and a symbol with your island name beneath it from a list of presets). Other players should be able to come to your island and buy these too, which is one of the ways you can make money back, as any part of the shillings, and even Star Coins, you make from people buying on your stores should come back to you. I think this balances out with how many players there are playing SSO, but it could always use fine-tuning to decide what that ratio is.
The island would also have some basic customization, like preset locations where you could slot in different styles of buildings, benches, plants, so on. I don’t think a full drag and drop system would work with SSO on a large scale, maybe just in your house, but I do think there should be some options you can put in places to make it feel customized, or on a basic grid system.
Aiden will train your horses (a max of five a day, randomly selected from non-maxed horses) for about a 1000 exp a day once you restore the forest area. Additionally, you’ll unlock a race that you can build. I think this should be pretty simple, with preset slots where you can put in jumps and turns along an existing course and set of pathways. The more jumps you buy, either in quantity or quality, and put in, the more exp you get from the race. Additionally, other players visiting your island can pay shillings to get that exp themselves for their horses. Another way to make money. The race would also be open for free to just go on the leaderboards, where you could optionally put in a sum of money every day for the winner for people who pay to enter.
Additionally, once you get the forest restored, Aiden will also offer to restore the paddock in town to make dressage, jumping, or western events which can be set up much the same way. You can buy extra course boards to swap out all three tracks and make them available like the cross-country tracks as well, or maybe build another paddock for it.
The horse paddocks are really just for a fan-favorite request, having open paddocks to see all your horses. There are three paddocks on the island to start, and once they’re repaired you can have ten horses in each, and then twenty once you expand them. I imagine that there could be a number of pathing loops you could set your horses on, and they’ll just walk around or stand in the paddocks on those preset tracks to make it look a little more active. It would be cool too if any horses not in your stables would be rotated into the paddocks at random every day. 
Beach repair is small and should be pretty quick. It opens up letting people visit you and you to visit other islands with another dock. That’s about it. I’m debating whether you should be able to see other people on your island if it’s a random person visiting you, but eh. Guess that’s up in the air. It may have to be mandatory because of systems.
And making the house bigger I already covered, so I’ll skip it for now.
So, by the end of Stage Two, you should have these features:
Caring station
New home stable
Supplies shop
Ferry to South Hoof and New Hill Crest
Trailer point
Ability to rename the island
Inn/hotel (Aiden’s house)
Your house (double room)
Barn customization
House customization
Village customization
Race maker
Horse food stand
Tack shop
Clothing shop
Training paddock
Expanded docks
Horse paddocks
Horse trainer (Aiden)
It’s also at this point that some NPCs will start to come visit you and that gifting system will open up further.
Now, Stage Three:
Aiden: This place has really come back to life. Can’t believe how much it’s changed. Thanks, Player, for letting me be a part of it. Means a lot.
From here on out, the projects I got for you are just to make Island Name better. Add some ease of access for you and our guests. Let me know when you want to discuss the details.
Quest Accept.
Great! Well, we could use a vet for starters. No one’s hurt, but hate to see something happen and not be able to handle it. Also, with you working all day, it would be nice to have another hand taking care of the horses. I know Maya’s offered to help. Maybe make it more permanent than what she does now. Oh, and someone to train the horses better. I don’t mind working a few every day, but I’m not a professional. Might be able to run things faster if we had someone here.
If you don’t mind, I’d like to build a space for myself. I know it’s not my island, but I’d appreciate a space. I can’t be here running the place all the time, so a garden or something to unwind would be nice. What do you mean that’s still work?
Oh, I saw this spot on the back end of the island. Might be a good training spot for your druid business. Yeah, I know about that. Don’t worry, stays on the island.
I got another blueprint for your house too, so let me know if you want to add anything else.
Let me know when you’re ready to get started.
Quest End.
Stage Three is about building convenient functionality on the island. Most of these are straight forward. You get a vet, an upgraded version of Stable Care (either cheaper, bigger blocks of time, or you can buy with shillings, if not just permanently hire Maya), and there’s a secret area only you and people in your party can enter, more or less to be used for a training area with druid magic, supposing something like a mastery system was added, but it could also just be used to expand existing druid training. There could be some other easy additions like a notary for changing horse names, access to the Lifetime store, and a riding club point.
There was some discussion in the WOJ Discord about changing the daily care system so that instead of constantly having to care for your horses, you build bond with your horse while leveling them, and it’s permanently at max after that as a meter of how close you are instead of health. If that’s the case, I think Maya could still be there to increase bond for you, supposing you could hire a trainer separately to skip levels, maybe bond is related to caring for the horse, which Maya would handle? I dunno. This system is designed around the system as is.
The build for Aiden is just to be nice. There’s no bonus for it, it just builds an area of Aiden.
At the end of Stage Three, you’ll have:
Caring station
New home stable
Supplies shop
Ferry to South Hoof and New Hill Crest
Trailer point
Ability to rename the island
Inn/hotel (Aiden’s house)
Your house (second story)
Barn customization
House customization
Village customization
Race maker
Horse food stand
Tack shop
Clothing shop
Training paddock
Expanded docks
Horse paddocks
Horse trainer (Aiden & regular trainer)
Updated Stable Care
New area for Aiden
Secret druid space
Access to Lifetime store
Riding Club Master
Stage Four is kinda my last full stage idea and it focused on opening the island up to future expansions easily by adding magic options. I think crafting would go hand in hand with SSO, and particularly this entire system. Further stages could be able adding functionality to that kind of system, like opening gardens to farming supplies for crafting, but for now, I’ll leave that up in the air and focus on just this last stage with what we have in game right now.
Aiden: This is turning into a real destination, isn’t it, Player? Almost magic to see how much this place has changed since we started on it. Hey, speaking of magic, I have an idea.
Quest Accept
Aiden: Listen, I know you and your friends are, uh, magical. I mean, this whole island gives you away, if you ask me, but I’ve also seen your friends around. And I know about the druids. Not going to tell or anything, but I want to help if I can with that business. Seems important.
Now, what if we brought some of that here to Island Name. Might help set us apart. I can cover up any of it that matters to our guests, like that secret space we have already, but maybe we could expand it a little for your friends. Use it to change up the island, add some more space. Up to you. Let me know if you want to get started.
Quest End.
Stage Four adds a lot of magic to the island, and it also is the ground work for future updates. It’s finally at Stage Four we get that biome changer I talked about, as well as the option to form more islands, which you can add more functions to later. I think a lot of druid things can be added at this point, like portals to the Secret Stonering and Pandoria, as well as a magic race mode to the cross-country race like what we have in the Cloud Kingdom.
It also would be cool at this point if you could have a library you could build to reference lore material we’ve collected, which would probably be pretty useful for quests moving forward.
It feels like Evergray, Avalon, or Rhiannon should step in for this stage, if not all of them for different features to help with the magic parts. Personally, and if it’s not obvious by the podcast, I really like these three characters for building the druids out as an order, and I think this would be a good way to develop some of the druids’ recovery stage, as well as our powers as the PC.
In total, the features Stage Four would end with are:
Caring station
New home stable
Supplies shop
Ferry to South Hoof and New Hill Crest
Trailer point
Ability to rename the island
Inn/hotel (Aiden’s house)
Your house (second story)
Barn customization
House customization
Village customization
Race maker
Horse food stand
Tack shop
Clothing shop
Training paddock
Expanded docks
Horse paddocks
Horse trainer (Aiden & regular trainer)
Updated Stable Care
New area for Aiden
Secret druid space
Access to Lifetime store
Riding Club Master
Biome changer
Island additions
Magic race mode
Connections to main story (optional)
And that’s...everything for now, I think? That’s a lot, but this feature would be massive and I wanted to go really in depth with it even if I couldn’t make graphics this time around like with the masteries. I think it’s still really important that SSO is combating price bloat in the game, and this might be a good way to change that up by giving shillings more of a use. Generally, I wanted to design it around the ideas of end game content for players looking for a reason to get on SSO more, and also to create more player made content to continue that idea.
So, yeah. What are y’all’s thoughts on a system like this?
18 notes · View notes
vfdbaudelairefile13 · 5 years
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                                     Chapter Twenty-Eight:
                               The One With The New Chief of Police
“So who fucked up my plan?” Olaf hissed as he slowed his speed. He was out of the city, finally. What was the point of speeding if no one was following him. He was racing down the Hinterlands to meet up with one of his associates in hopes of finding exactly where Violet Snicket and Klaus Baudelaire were going next.
His henchpeople looked around the cramped car nervously. No one willing to give him an answer. The only person who wasn’t intimidated by the cruel man was the person who sat happily in the passenger seat of the runaway vehicle, Esme Squalor. She merely rolled her eyes and gazed irritatedly at her long manicured nails. “Obviously, it was the two brats,” she said.
“But how?!” He hissed angrily. “You pushed them down an elevator shaft...how the fuck did they get out of the net?” He glanced at the rearview mirror. “Did you idiots not put it high enough,”
“We put it higher than we thought we could,” the bald man explained nervously.
“Then how did they get out of the net?”
“Magic,” one white-faced woman replied.
“Luck,” the other replied with a shrug of her shoulders.
The vicious kidnapper growled angrily. “Those brats don’t have luck,”
“Well, honestly,” the henchperson of indeterminate gender replied. “I’d argue that those brats are very lucky. They’ve been able to escape your clutches in the last minute quite a few times.”
“ Not all of them,” Olaf replied angrily, pointing at the rope that held the scarlet fish statue to the roof of his car. “And the only reason those bratty Baudelaires survived me prior to Prufrock Prep was because of Snicket. ” His voice was thick with bitterness and venom as he spoke the name.
“Speaking of Snicket,” Esme interjected. “What are we going to do about Jacques?”
“I swear Snickets were only put on this planet to piss me off,” Olaf muttered. “There’s no need to worry about him either, I’ll deal with him in the same way that I dealt with his precious brother. Snickets are not fireproof.,” He snickered to himself.
“Can I point out that not all Snickets piss you off,” Esme retorted bitterly.
“Stop mentioning her!” Olaf yelled.
“Who?” The Hook-Handed Man asked. “Violet?”
“No, not the fucking orphan….” Olaf rolled his eyes. “A different Snicket,”
“There’s a fourth Snicket?” the Bald man asked.
“Well technically if we’re going by birth order, that would make Violet the fourth Snicket,” The Henchperson of Indeterminate Gender explained.
Olaf looked ready to kill somebody. “Can we just stop mentioning the fucking name Snicket!” he barked. “It’s bad enough that my plans were thwarted by Lemony and now...they’re being thwarted by his mangy daughter.”
“I think it’s quite remarkable,” The Henchperson of Indeterminate Gender replied.
Olaf, no longer caring about the safety of anyone in his car, not that he did in the first place. “What was that you said?” he asked angrily, glaring his henchperson in the eyes.
His henchperson went quiet. Knowing better than to repeat what they had said. Olaf growled. “Once we find those brats again...we need a plan...a plan that can’t fail,” he muttered. “We have to make sure that there’s no way for her to maneuver her way out of our clutches. I’m getting really tired of chasing these brats,”
“Well we have two out of three fortunes,” Esme pointed out. “We really don’t need the last one and if you think about it. The Snicket fortune won’t be anything really. Think about it. With Lemony’s siblings both alive. Surely they have their own portions of the money.”
“It’s not only about the money,” Olaf replied annoyed. “And we have to keep chasing them. We have babylaire. Meaning the bookworm could cash in on my fortune a whole decade or so faster than us! With him dead, we won’t have to worry about that and there might be an added bonus to having little Miss Snicket in our clutches. She could give us both fortunes .”  A vicious smile was plastered on the man’s face.
Esme rolled her eyes, folding her arms across her chest in annoyance. “I’m already insanely rich. I don’t see why we need to keep any of them honestly.”
“You’re just grumpy because I haven’t agreed to let you keep the boy twin,”
“You don’t get to decide that,” Esme hissed. “Also, I just don’t see the reason to keep them for their money…I also don’t see why we  need to keep any that are related to that bitch,”
Olaf rolled his eyes.
“She looks like that bitch,” she whined. “Do you know how hard it was to not tear that little brat’s face from her skull?”
Olaf shrugged his shoulders. “Trust me, I am surprised you didn’t fuck up that part of the plan either.”
“I didn’t fuck up any part of your overcomplicated plan,”
“I know that little Snicket bitch did,” Olaf said angrily. “But...soon...we will have her in our clutches and we will show no mercy,”
He continued to drive as he began laughing. Esme joined in on this laughter and soon the whole car erupted in wicked villainous laughter.
“Isn’t it marvelous?” Esme asked after a minute. “There’s nothing like a trip in a getaway car. I needed a getaway from that dirty, grimy city and all the people after me there.”
Olaf glanced up at the rearview mirror and he noticed something in the distance. “Don’t look now,” he instructed. “But it looks like someone’s following us,”
Instantly everyone in the car looked back to see what Olaf was talking about. Olaf sighed and rolled his eyes. “I said don’t look,” he muttered. “Oh, nevermind.”
“Oh, no,” Esme said happily. “Is it the paparazzi? Or the press?” she gasped. “Or my husband...his lawyers have been calling.”
“It’s a taxi about a mile back. He’s been behind us an interminably long time,” the Hook-Handed man explained.
Olaf glared at this henchman. “You didn’t think to mention someone is following us!?” He asked angrily.
The man shrugged in response. ‘I wanted it to be a surprise?”
“Is it the police?” The bald man asked.
“Why would the police take a taxi?” Esme asked.
“Whoever the fuck it is, they seem to be obeying the speed limit,” the bald man responded.
Olaf grumbled. “There’s only one taxi driver I know who cares about obeying the law,” he says. “There used to be two...but…” he smirked. “I took care of that pesky asshole,” he pushed his foot on the pedal harshly. “There’s a shortcut up here someplace. Let’s see Snicket try to follow us now,”
He jolted the car quickly to the left causing everyone to shift to the side. Olaf continued to gradually pick up speed.
“He just made a left-hand turn without signaling,” Olivia noted as Jacques sighed.
“That man’s villainy knows no bounds,” Jacques explained. “But we’ll catch up soon,”
“Do you think following him is the best plan here?” Olivia asked.
“What else can we do?”
“Do you think we can figure out where he’s going and get ahead?”
Jacques thought about it. “There’s not much down this road. The Hinterlands has a few VFD locations but I know he wouldn’t dare step foot in our mountainside headquarters.”
“Mountainside headquarters?” Olivia repeated.
“Yeah,” Jacques replied. “My...apprentice created an easy to read map. It’s there in the glove compartment.”
“Yeah, a fellow volunteer.”
“Where are they?”
“I had to leave them...my niece was...more important,” He felt guilty saying it but it was true. Nothing against the young man who was his apprentice. “I will head back for him...eventually.”
Olivia looked towards Jacques. “What?” he asked.
“You’re hiding something,”
“I’m not hiding anything,” he lied.
Olivia reached into the glove compartment pulling out the map. She studied it for a minute. “I’m lost,”
Jacques laughed. “So much to learn Olivia Caliban,”
Olivia rolled her eyes. “Where’s the headquarters?”
“Do you see the coffee stain?”
“Yeah...it’s in the Valley of Four Drafts,”
Olivia gasped. “A secret way to mark…”
“A secret organization,” Jacques finished. “Exactly. But he’d never go there. It’s most definitely populated by members of our side of the schism,”
“Then where would he be heading?” she asked.
“Well, there’s a village, a hospital, and a carnival before the headquarters. The carnival is the only truly VFD associate stop. I mean the hospital has the Library of Records and the village is named VFD...but not the same VFD.”
“Like the doilies?” Olivia said.
“That clever bastard...he knew everyone involved would be focused on the box labeled VFD.” Jacques hissed. “And we all missed the literal red herring…but...he’s not going to outsmart us anymore.”
“Well let’s head toward the carnival,” Olivia suggested.
Jacques merely shook his head. “I think I know where my niece might be headed…” he said. “We’ll just have to call Jacquelyn and figure all the details out.”
Olivia frowned. “Are you sure about this?”
Jacques only nodded. He continued to drive with a face of pure determination. He had to stop Olaf and Esme Squalor from harming any of these orphans more than he already has.
Hours had passed by, Olaf was unpleased about having to double back but this is where his associate claimed Violet and Klaus would end up eventually. As he had parked his car behind the dusty old saloon. He sighed as he entered through the backdoor. He remembered his ‘glory days’ back when he was still in VFD. The missions he had gone on with the Snicket brothers. Speaking of Snicket he was glad to have lost him only a few moments after being told that he was following. He glanced around the bottom floor of the old saloon. It seemed like no one had been in this place for years.
Esme followed him behind gazing around. “This saloon is the perfect place to hide out while we hunt the bratty orphans,” Olaf commented.
Esme merely nodded until her eyes fixed on a fire pole. “OOh! There’s a pole!” she said happily grabbing onto it. “Are you sure this isn’t more of a club?” she asked excitedly.
“That’s a fire pole, love.  This saloon was a firehouse until it was shut down under mysterious and complicated circumstances.” He glanced around. “I see they haven’t changed the decor a bit. Barkeep!”
His group of vile henchmen came in from the front door carrying a large trunk of costumes and a disguise kit.
All seven people turned when they heard a loud coughing approaching.
“That sounds like that unstylish banker,” Esme whispered.
Olaf’s eyes widened a bit. “That’s because it is,” he hissed back as the seven villainous people ran towards the bar to hide behind it.
“Hello?” the voice called out as it stopped coughing. Olaf quickly grabbed a hat that was hooked on the wall just behind the bar as Esme handed him the first fake beard she could grab out of their disguise kit. He quickly put the scraggly, red beard on his face as one of his associated handed him a fake pair of glasses.
“Anybody here/’ Mr. Poe called out in between more coughs.
“Howdy!” Olaf called out in a stereotypical southern accent. “What can I get you, total stranger who I’ve never seen before?”
“I would like your coldest and strongest sarsaparilla,”
“One sarsaparilla coming up!’ Olaf replied as he reached his hand down towards the bar. Within seconds someone had handed him a sarsaparilla. “Here you go,” Olaf said to Mr. Poe as teh man began to look at him suspiciously.
“So, tell me, traveler,” Olaf began still using the fake voice. “What brings you to our parts? How was the road? Did you bring any childrens?”
“I am delighted to tell you that Lilac Snicket and Klaus Baudelaire are now yours,”
Olaf smiled towards Mr. Poe in disbelief. “Well, that was easy,” he muttered using his real voice. Then his face turned to one of confusion. “Wait...Lilac? Isn’t her name Violet?” he asked as he felt someone hit him in the leg.
He growled and once he had seen Poe’s confused face he realized he had misspoken. “I mean...what do you mean?” he asked after a rather anxiety-inducing moment of silence. He wondered what Mr. Poe was about to say. Had he fucked up and been too obvious even to the world’s most incompetent banker?
Mr. Poe smiled. “They are yours and everyone else’s. I’ve delivered them to this town’s aphorism-based guardianship program, It Takes a Village.”
Olaf couldn’t help but smile. He didn’t know how but his associate who resided further into the Hinterlands was correct again about where his prey would end up. He wiped his smile off his face quickly, though. Playing up the sad story. He sighed. “I always wanted orphans,” he said as Poe began to drink his sarsaparilla. He began to over-dramatically fake cry. “This morning, I thought I was just a lonely, single bartender and now I have a fortune of childrens, or whatever a word is for a large number of ‘em.” He said as he continued to fake cry.
Mr. Poe may have looked at him suspiciously but he didn’t question the bartender further. He finished his sarsaparilla, paid Olaf, and went on his day. Once he was sure the nuisance banker was gone, Olaf ripped the fake beard from his face. A wicked smile appeared upon his face. “The remaining two brats are here. They’ve been placed under the care of the entire village.”
“We know, darling,” Esme reminded him. “We heard. We were next to you, behind this dusty bar.”
He pointed at the bald man and the hook-handed man. “You, bring me the red herring.” He glanced at the two white-faced women. “you two, bring me all of my trunk wine!”
His henchpeople quickly scrambled. The Henchperson of Indeterminate Gender following the bald man and the Hook-Handed man to go grab the red herring. Olaf glanced around. This hideout will have to do. He thought as he began plotting a scheme. He needed a scheme that would help him get the upper hand permanently on the two brats who keep evaded his clutches. He also needs this scheme to have room for last-minute changes in case Snicket returned to mess up his plans.
The three henchpeople returned, carefully placing the red herring to the ground. “That fish weighs as much as three kidnapped children,” the Hook-Handed Man said, he and the other two were currently out of breath.
Esme and Olaf smirked as they glanced at one another. “It certainly does,” Olaf snarled.
“They’re awfully quiet still,” the Henchperson of Indeterminate Gender noted. “Should we have added more air holes?”
“Ugh, they’re fine,” Olaf said dismissively.
“It might have been a high dosage,” Esme noted.
“Not enough to kill them,” Olaf agreed.
“Well I didn’t really measure the baby’s,” Esme explained shrugging her shoulders.
“Eh, she’s replaceable,” he dismissed. He turned to his henchpeople, “Now, Snicket may still be following us, we'll need to stash them somewhere less conspicuous,”
“Less conspicuous than a bright red statue of a fish?” The Hook-Handed Man replied confused. “That shouldn’t be too hard,”
Olaf's eyes lit up. “I have just the place.” He smiled. “Now, while we’re here, we can’t risk being recognized by the authorities.” He turned to Esme. “Darling you’re up.”
“Costumes! Costumes everyone!” Esme cheered as she opened the large trunk tossing costumes at each of the henchmen. Pulling out one for herself. ‘We’ll work on yours later darling. You may want to lay low,”
He nodded. “Now this is a small town filled with regular folk. We need to blend in with plain, normal, upstanding, heartfelt, decent, simple, dependable, respectable people.” He noted.
As he spoke, two figures on the second story of the saloon were hiding and listening in on everything Olaf and his gang were saying. One was slightly worried but the other looked determined and fed up. Both looked at one another, agreeing with their eyes to wait until the coast is clear to exit the saloon.
Violet led Klaus down a small hallway until she found a door that read Town Hall. She knocked her fist on the door.
‘Come in!” called a very grand voice called out. Violet took Klaus’ hand and the two half-siblings walked into a large room with a  very high ceiling, a very shiny floor, and several rows of benches. There were very detailed portraits of crows hanging on the walls. In front of the rows of benches, there was a wooden platform. Perched in front of the platform were three vastly older persons, two women and one man. The two children noticed that they all wore a truly strange hat. At first glance, it looked like a few crows had flown in from the streets and roosted on the bench sitters’ heads, but as the two children looked more closely, they saw that the crows did not blink their eyes, or flutter their wings or move at all in any way.  The children realized that they were taxidermied crows that perch on their heads. It was a strange kind of hat to be wearing that the children found themselves staring for quite a few moments without noticing anything else.
“The Council of Elders calls this special town meeting to order. Hello, my dears,” the first one called out as Violet and Klaus walked closer to them as the townpeople glared at them.
“We’re pleased you made it,” the second old woman called.
“Step onto the platform so your Elders can get a good look at you,” the man explained.
Violet and Klaus looked at one another before stepping onto the platform. “Hello, I’m Violet Snicket and this is my younger brother…”
“Silence!” one elder yelled, slamming her gavel down.
Klaus jumped in shock. “Rule number 902 states that no one may talk while on the platform,”
The three turned to focus mainly on Klaus. “Klaus Baudelaire, we know your story well. The tragic death of your parents. The tragic kidnapping of your baby sister. The unfortunate loss of numerous guardians. How you have been pursued relentlessly by a wicked count out to steal your fortune.” They turned to Violet. “And Violet Snicket, we heard about the tragic loss of your father and how you have also been pursued relentlessly by a wicked count out to steal your fortune. But your troubles end here.”
Violet and Klaus looked at one another doubtfully. “We recently made up a new rule to solve all your problems,” the elder man explained.
Violet gave an incredulously look. While Klaus still looked at the three elders with heavy doubt in his eyes.
“We recently made up a new rule to solve all your problems,” one of the women explained. “Rule number 9,833 states no villains will be allowed within the city limits.”
“You’re safe at last children,” the man noted.
“Council of elders…” Violet began.
“Silence!” they yelled.
“I don’t think…” Klaus began.
“Silence!” they yelled again.
“But Count Olaf…” Klaus tried again as Violet looked annoyed.
“Silence!” they yelled again.
“Now the next order of business. When children have guardians, guardians make them do chores. We are all your guardians now,” one of the women began.
“So it follows that you two will be doing all of our chores,” the man explained.
“For the entire village,” the other woman finished.
“What?” Violet asked.
The two children looked at one another miserably, and they could hear the town behind them cheering.
“Any questions,” one elder asked.
“I beg your pardon, but,” violet tried.
“Silence!” they yelled. “For the fifth time!”
“How many times do we have to tell you about rule number 902?”
“What we meant was, are there any questions from the town?”
A few hands shot up. “Mrs. Morrow?”
“Thank you,” Mrs. Morrow asked. “I am all in favor of the ‘It Takes a Village’ program and others doing my chores. But these children are the same children involved in that kidnapping scandal. I don’t want trouble like that in my town.”
“That wasn’t a question,” Klaus explained.
“It was more of a statement,” Mrs. Morrow replied glaring at the young boy.
“Me, me,” a man called out raising his hand.
“Man in plaid pants?”
“Yes, I have an actual question,” he said standing up. “Where are these children going to live? It may take a village to raise a child, but I don’t want noisy children cluttering up my home, eh?” He looked around the townspeople. “Am I right?”
The town murmured in agreement and they all began to wonder where Violet and Klaus would be placed.
“Silence!” the elders yelled at the crowd. “Now there’s no need to fuss. The orphans will live with our handyman, Hector.”
“Isn’t that right, Hector?” the elder man asked.
A tall, skinny man in rumpled overalls stood up from his seat. He kept his eyes on the ground. He began to stutter in response. “I...uh,”
Hector responded to the Council of Elders by fainting. Violet and Klaus looked at each other worriedly. But no one else seemed alarmed by Hector’s fainting spell.
“The Council of Elders takes Hector’s latest fainting spell to mean Hector will feed them and clothe them and teach them our rules, so they won’t do any other terrible things like talking on the platform! Isn’t that right, Hector?”
Violet and Klaus looked back to see that Hector was once again standing up. He continued to look to the ground and he stuttered again. “I...uh...I…” He said before fainting again.
“The Council hears no objections,”
“The next item of business, a report from our new chief of police.”
Everyone turned to look towards the door that the two orphans had entered not ten minutes ago. Violet and Klaus glanced back and when the woman behind the door pushed both doors roughly open, Klaus could feel his heart sink in his chest.
“Already?” he asked Violet.
“He’s here?” Violet whispered.
A very tall woman wearing big black boots, a blue coat with a shiny badge, and a motorcycle helmet with the visor pulled down to cover her eyes. Her mouth was painted in bright red lipstick. “Ciao!” she yelled as she walked down the same pathway the two children had. “Hello! I’m here,” she said happily.
The woman had the entire crowd fooled but she didn’t have either orphan fooled. Violet gently pushed Klaus behind her. Both children watched as Esme Squalor reached the platform. She smiled at both children viciously.
“How wonderful to see you, children,” she hissed lowly as the crowd’s cheers drowned her voice out. She pushed Klaus out of her way as she stepped upon the platform. He grunted in response. Violet glared at the woman. Esme turned towards the two orphans. “Oh how my boyfriend and I have missed you,” she hissed.
Violet and Klaus looked at one another as Esme turned to the crowd. “Greetings VFD. My name is Officer Sabrina Pepper Anastasia Marigold. But you may call me Officer Luciana,” she turned to the children. “The new chief of police.”
She smirked viciously at the two children who looked at one another worriedly. Both having the same thought. If Esme was right here in front of them...dressed up as a policewoman. Where were the Quagmires and Sunny? And what in the world was Olaf planning?
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NCT 127 on a Road Trip
No reader | more crack than anything else | Bullet point
Word Count: 1.5k
Summary: What NCT 127 would be like on a road trip
A/N: Firstly I’d like to apologize (once more) to Johnny and Doyoung. Secondly, I did put Winwin in here because there’s been no official announcement on his status with NCT 127 (and I needed someone to be with Yuta)
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Yes the gif doesn’t match the tone of the fic but I couldn’t find anything else with all 10 members
OK, so like
They plan a trip across the US/Canada
mainly because I feel like if you were anywhere else you can get around quicker by taking the train or the bus but everyone knows there’s no way you’ll be able to do that there
Driving down all the classic scenic roads
Stopping at all the classic places
And they aren’t all in one car to go there
No, they’re in multiple
(Except for Jaehyun, but we’ll get to him later)
Taeil and Taeyong (the two wriggly grandpas!!) chill in a lowrider
Taeil’s driving because he just has that vibe
He’s pretty good, but speeds excessively
Windows down, sunglasses on, sometimes going twenty (km) over the limit
Manage to consistently turn off at the wrong exit
But it’s ok, because normally you can keep driving straight and get back on the freeway
The type to not stop at Rest Areas
Because they’re Kool Kids
for those who don’t know what rest areas (I believe they’re sometimes called rest stops too) are, they’re these parking lots off the side of the freeway/highway that you can stop at (trucks and trailers stop there too), where there are washrooms and sometimes tourist desks, wifi. there’s also a lot of greenery and plenty of people get out of their cars and walk around. they’re mainly used by people going on long distance trips and I’ve mainly seen families there
Only stop for gas and food
And they’re probably not stopping at McDonald’s for food either
You better believe they’re driving into town to find a nice place to eat
Taeyong keeps up with all the others
Calls them and makes sure they’re all on schedule
Passes (essentially feeds) Taeil food so that he can concentrate on driving
Either the car most ahead, or in second place
Moving on
this boy doesn’t have his license yet, but let’s pretend he does
I kinda see him riding a motorcycle
it might just be all of the promotions give me more biker vibes than anything else…
But not a Harley
Something quieter most likely
Only makes scenic stops
Is on this journey mainly for the introspective peaceful times
Could have joined Taeyong and Taeil, but decided not to
Can’t carry a lot of stuff so he left his luggage in the back of Johnny’s car (just wait until we get to him)
If he did drive a car I’d expect something posh and sleek
Not like those cars THOSE guys drive
y’know the ones with the super loud engines, bad music pouring out of the windows with the trashy college boy sitting behind the wheel who slams on his accelerator the second the light turns green
am i making general assumptions about a certain car? yes, i am.
He’ll probably plan his own route, but always makes sure to end up at the same hotel as the other guys
Usually arrives first, then has time to explore the city/region they’re in
If it’s a big city he’s gonna head for the street with the most shops/things to do
If it’s a more rural place (like near a national park or something) he might see if he can go on a hike, or might just go to the nearest place with cell service to figure out the next route he’ll be taking
(oh boy I’ve been waiting for this)
before i start, I’d like to apologize to Johnny
This man drives a minivan.
Yes, you read that right, a minivan.
Like one of those soccer mom ones? With the 7 people seating and the foldable third row and the sliding 2 row doors? The cup holders always filled with some sort of garbage? That one
Idk there’s just something very dad like about Johnny and while I don’t think he’d willingly rent out a minivan I imagine him buying one
And of course, sitting passenger side is Doyoung
And in the back there’s Donghyuck, Mark and Jungwoo
He’s (Johnny) always asking if everyone wore their sunscreen, if anyone needs to pee, asking Hyuck to stop provoking Mark…
Blasts the air con even when it’s like 12 degrees (Celsius)
Takes every opportunity to make a dad joke or turn something into a learning experience
When I was your age…
Definitely pulls out a weathered map when they stop at Rest Areas and plunks it on the hood of the car, making a big deal of examining it
Even though Doyoung just rolls his eyes and takes out our trusty friend Google Maps to figure out where to go to next
He’s wearing those khaki shorts, and white socks up to mid-calf (bonus points if he’s also got sandals on)
this is why i wanted to apologize to johnny
Stays completely calm and collected when he misses an exit
Meanwhile Doyoung freaks out
Manages to stop a MarkHyuck argument from escalating
(Mark had to trade spots with Jungwoo to stop himself from throttling Hyuck)
A smooth driver, doesn’t go too fast or too slow
Doyoung is in charge of the music
He’s got a great road trip playlist
Trades out with Johnny every once in a while
Is chill until the children start fighting
Then he drives like my mom
sorry mom
Big movements, brakes frequently and quickly, accelerates like a madman, very aggressive, probably yelling and cursing in korean, shoulder checks aggressively, scowls at all the other drivers, in a state of pure instinct
Then claims that driving aggressively makes him feel more safe
Also makes snarky comments of how “you must always be prepared while driving” and to “think ahead”
(This is when Johnny asks him to pull over and switches with him)
i would also like to apologize to doyoung for this
he doesn’t deserve it
Regardless, he can’t stand any major noise distractions while he’s driving
Gets a bit nervous on those large turns, or going around mountains
Takes a selfie at all the places they stop at
Also at the places they visit together
Jungwoo takes the right seat, Mark is in the middle, and Hyuck gets the left side (him and Jungwoo switch so that he’s behind Johnny because Jungwoo can’t fit and Mark already lost rock paper scissors and got the shitty middle seat)
i will fight people on this the middle seat is the absolute worst seat
They play cards and car spotting games
Mark sings along to all the music
Hyuck sometimes puts his headphones in and stares out the window
They’ve downloaded some movies onto and iPad
And yell out spoilers while Johnny and Doyoung are driving
Mark backseat drives a lot
It annoys the shit out of Doyoung
Jungwoo films a lot
He also mercilessly teases Taeyong and Taeil when they turn up two hours late to the hotel that one time
They all make Johnny stop at McDonald’s (more than once)
Or Tim’s when they’re in Canada
Can’t sit still in the beginning
But four days in and they can’t keep their eyes open in the car for longer than thirty minutes
Their seats don’t recline fully because the luggage in the trunk is in the way
But it’s ok because Hyuck leans on Mark, who leans on Jungwoo when they sleep
Yuta and Sicheng
They’re cool af
Always the last ones
(Because they’re fashionably late, as one should be)
Drive that one car we see in EXO’s Love Shot
Yuta’s sunglasses are low on his nose
Honestly them and wrigglygrandpa!line have similar cars
So Yuta provoked them a bit
(But Taeyong threatened to no longer cook for him so he stopped)
Find secluded places to stop the car
And eat a homemade lunch or snack while in the car
Feet up on the dash
Only when the car is stopped though
The instant it starts to rain they freak out
Run out trying to pull the foldable roof out (because their car is a relic)
Also always seem to have flat tires
Have become the experts of fixing flat tires
Sicheng drives
Yuta’s ok but he seems to be the one the flat tires happen to…
When they stop at the gas station Sicheng fills up with fuel while Yuta runs to go buy some snacks
Sicheng has considered a couple of times of just picking Yuta up and throwing him out of the car when the latter makes bad pick up jokes
Or expresses his love for Sicheng too loudly
Sicheng’s the type of driver to stop at all the pedestrian crosswalks because he’s a nice guy and lets those people cross
Is very courteous and polite
We all like this driver
Yuta’s also fairly good at driving
He just needs to work on… his positivity
Always exclaims that they’re gonna be late or that they aren’t going to make it
Sicheng has to reassure him each and every single time
When they finally get there they always get the worst rooms
It’s ok though
That one time Taeyong and Taeil arrived late they arrived first and got the most luxurious rooms and charged it to 2Tae’s cards :)
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elddansurin · 5 years
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Third iteration of the supercontinent map, and I still have no name for said continent. I have, however, decided that it’d have a landmass of approximately Europe and Australia combined. Aphelion overall is smaller than earth, so considering the context, it really is a supercontinent.
Biggest change here is moving Uir to be much closer to Grenvel. Ironically, this was more or less the position I had in my original map, but this time rather than placing it arbitrarily, I needed to way to justify how the nokai got there despite knowing fuck all about boats. Answer: you can sail from north Grenvel to south Uir in less than a day.
I also renamed like half of the countries because it brought joy to my heart to do so.
more nerdery below:
Fast facts about all of the countries!!
-Grenvel has long been the center of trade among the Vesian world. They have centuries-long alliances with Uir, Ypsilan, and Amasa and have frequently gone to war to defend their trade interests and their respective sovereignty. The native iroth have the largest population of the six races and are the most common immigrant race throughout the continent. As for the land itself, it contains the Jaws of Aphelion, the largest and highest mountain range in the world. Grenvel is also the largest forested landmass, being mostly covered in temperate rainforest.
-Uir has no central government and no form of military. They are completely undefended and ultimately a comparitively “primitive” society. They have also never been involved in a single war. Uir’s relationship with Grenvel has always been civil, as the iroth decided they didn’t want to invade a glacial shithole. Grenvel’s enormous navy has historically put a lot of effort into obliterating anyone who tries to invade Uir. Despite being remote and kind of a shithole, Uir has the most massive deposits of arcane minerals in the world, so it is the most important port of trade in the world (via Grenvel, of course).
-Ypsilan is almost entirely desert, and is one of the most inhospitable regions on the planet. Life here is highly specialized to deal with extreme heat and lack of water, including the native kurai. South mainland Ypsilan has the largest aquifer in the world, and thus the largest oasis. However, the entire body of water is just chock full of dissolved cyanide salts. The plants, animals and people living over the Bitter Aquifer have adapted to be completely immune to cyanide and are likewise highly toxic themselves. Despite sharing an emormous border with Valbara, the Bitter South has never been successfully invaded due to invaders dying of cyanide poisoning.
-Amasa is a densely tropical and swampy region, with the majority of the native sephid population living in the eastern archipelago. While Grenvel has the world’s largest navy, Amasa had both the first and most dangerous navy, being the first race to invent (and perfect) water craft. They are also the exclusive keepers of the knowledge of sea fire, a liquid incendiary that cannot be extinguished with water. Historically they would shoot capsules of the liquid onto enemy ships via slings, then they would spear the burning sailors who leapt into the sea. In the modern era, they turned to firing sea fire grenades out of cannons, and they still harpoon everyone who abandons ship. That said, they have virtually no land-based military and have repeatedly been invaded by Kenor through the northern plains.
-Kenor, particularily the jungles of northern and central Kenor, is the birthplace of the original ves. The central rainforest is tens of millions of years old, and the heart of the rainforest has gargantuan trees that grow several stories high and dense enough that the forest floor exists in almost complete darkness, complete with bioluminescent fungus as tall as regular trees. The native mirken, most visually similar to the common ancestor of all ves, live in highly populous cities that blend seamlessly into the rainforest. Historically, Kenor has been very fixated on invading and/or colonizing Amasa for access to resources, particularily because Amasa has no interest in trade, as Kenor really has nothing that cannot also be found in Amasa. They also have long running antagonistic interactions with Valbara, and most of their wars have been on the northern border.
-Valbara is the largest country, shares the most borders with other countries, and has antagonized every single one of them. At one point, Valbara manages to sweep up most of the continent in a loose and very tenuous empire, but that falls apart in about a century. They are very prone to invading their neighbors, and have a strange focus on expanding their borders rather than pillaging resources, hence why they continually attempt to find more efficient ways of invading Ypsilan, known shithole. Their longest running political beef is with the Grenvellan kingdom of Itas, the only part of Grenvel on the mainland. They have been, more often than not, unsuccessful in taking over that particular piece of land.
BONUS: my naming inspiration.
Valbara, Kenor (previously Kenorlan), and Uir were named after supercontinents. Ypsilan was previously Kalahar, from Kalahari (waterless place). That was too on the nose, so I went with what my brain misremembered “epsilon” as. No significance. Amasa, likewise, is a sound my brain made that I liked. Grenvel was named after the Grenville Orogeny, which I spent some time studying. Plus the geologically significant name seemed very appropriate for a geologically-minded people. 
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shadowsong26fic · 5 years
Coming Attractions!
New month! I’m a couple days late but things have been Busy…
Usual updates behind the cut (along with a Prompt Call because why not!)
So, I didn’t get as much done as I would’ve liked over the past month--mostly because I really ended up in crunch time with my SWBB over the first week or so, and then needed a break, and then work got slammed. (Which I knew was coming, technically, I just didn’t know it was going to be this bad, since it wasn’t last year…)
Anyway. So I didn’t get any origfic done last month, like I hoped I would, or much of anything on Precipice. But I did finish my BB project! I’ll be editing it/etc. over the next few weeks and posting on May the Fourth. Should be fun! (It, uh, still needs a title, but I have like a month to come up with one, lol…)
Other things I hope to get out this month:
Next Precipice chapter at last--I do have it about half-written, I just need to sit down and finish it (and also probably map out a little better what some of the others are going to be up to for the first section of this arc).
(Hopefully two or three chapters over the course of the month, but at the very least this next one.)
(I have been doing some Plotting/planning/etc., but most of that has been related to some things that happen towards the end of this arc, or even later. Like, uh, arc nine or ten.)
(…yeah, uh, occasionally I talk about this fic as if I have Everything Planned Out and while it is true that I’ve done a lot more in the way of outlining/plotting than I usually do, there are still some pretty big gaps. There’s a couple arcs that are like “plot points A, B, C, and F happen here” but I’m less sure of what characters who are not directly involved in said plot points might or might not be up to…which is the situation with Arc Seven at the moment, lol.)
AU outline. Probably the next installment of Ventress, but maybe something New. Or Let’s Go Steal a Crossover.
Get some origfic writing done.
I’m also hoping to get out some other fanfic content of some kind, whether that’s as a bonus fic or additional content for one of my established AUs, as a new project (i.e., our faces like a mirror; which I’ve done teasers/draft bits before but not gotten to a Proper Postable State) or as a standalone piece of some kind, but we’ll see.
…on that note, impromptu/informal prompt call? Anything in particular you’d like to see me write? Request as many things as you want, for any fandom I’ve talked about on this blog or referenced in my index post. I will do my best to fill at least one prompt per person.
…and, since this is really short…here’s a couple teasers for upcoming content! As with all teasers, these are not in final form and are subject to change/editing before they get posted.
“We’re not going to liberate it. We’re going to keep our heads down as much as possible.”
“Right,” she said. “So, we’re Maia and Joren Retak again?”
“Nope,” he said. “Obi-Wan and I set up some new IDs, just for this trip. Ones that, if we get caught, can’t possibly trace back to your mom and Luke.”
Leia nodded. “So, are we meeting a contact there, or something?”
“Not exactly,” he said. “We’re going to land, make our way into the center of the city, and break into the Temple there.”
She blinked. “The Temple? …wait--”
“I have something for you,” he said, opening one of the false panels under his seat and pulling out a little box and passing it over to her.
She opened it, very carefully, clearly trying to demonstrate her self-control and patience even as she was all but vibrating with excitement.
Inside was some metal tubing, a power cell, assorted wires…everything she needed, except for the one key component that was hardest to source, for her to...
She looked up at him. “I’m going to build a lightsaber,” she said.
“Yes,” he said. “And for that, you need a crystal. So we’re going to Jedha.”
our faces like a mirror
“Take me with you?”
I wanted to. Stars above, I needed to. Korkie was my son, he had been from the moment he was born and my sister had placed him in my arms. There were times when he felt like the only good thing in my life, especially as things between Satine and I got more and more tense.
But I couldn’t.
Korkie was only eight, and while he might make a fine warrior someday…
I didn’t bring children to war. I wouldn’t. Not for such a selfish reason, at least.
I shook my head.
“Where I’m going, ad’ika, is no place for children,” I said.
He was quiet for a moment, then asked, in a very small voice, “Will you be safe?”
“I…” Have I ever been?
But that was not something I could say to my eight-year-old child. He deserved some measure of innocence. I had always believed that.
“I will fight to make myself safe,” I said instead. “To make all of us safe.”
“Where will you go?” he asked. “I can find you, later, when I’m grown—”
I squeezed his hands. “Someday, maybe,” I said. “I don’t know exactly where I’ll be, but…if you think it’s right, you’ll find me.” If that’s what you think is right, let it be a test. If you want to walk my road, ad’ika, you’ll need to prove yourself.
And maybe he would for Satine’s, too. A different kind of fight, a different kind of test.
Jedi of Valdemar:
He turned to see a man leaning in the doorway, wearing worn and weathered Whites, watching him with a closed expression. The stranger was a few years older than Kallus himself, perhaps forty, clean-shaven, with light brown hair, almost blond, just long enough to tie back.
He was also missing his right arm, which had been amputated just above the elbow.
Kallus felt his spine stiffen almost on instinct. Despite Zeb’s assurances, he felt like he’d been caught out of bounds somehow. He steeled himself for trouble, preparing the best way to explain himself without getting his partner or anyone else in trouble, when--
“You know,” the stranger said, pushing himself away from the doorway and padding into the center of the room with easy grace. “In my experience, practice tends to go better if you have someone to bout with. I have some time, if you’re interested.”
He considered him for a moment, more concerned about why he was being extended this offer than anything else.
A lesser operative might have taken in this stranger, his age, his injury, and underestimated him. It was possible that he assumed Kallus would do the same, and planned to put him in his place accordingly.
But Kallus was very, very good at what he did. And he didn’t get the impression that that was the stranger’s goal. To test him, yes, absolutely, but...not for that.
And he did have a point, that Kallus could use someone new to bout with.
He inclined his head. “Sir,” he said--as good as his command of Valdemaran was, he preferred to speak as little as possible, mindful of the attention his accent and occasional pauses to search for the correct word or grammar drew.
The stranger grinned at him, then selected a hand-and-a-half longsword from the weapons rack, settling into a guard stance as if it was the most natural thing in the world. “Then let’s have some fun.”
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