#also can be reversed for wolfstar
siriuslygay1981 · 7 months
Remus- Does james make your heart beat faster?
Regulus- I don’t know. I have anxiety, everything makes my heart beat faster
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montysoup · 6 months
'Can 2 men not just be friends?'
Sure they can, infact it's rude to assume they're anything more than that if they're real-life people. Of course, just because it's rude doesn't mean your wrong but as my dad (and lots of other people I'm sure) likes to say, 'assuming makes an ass out of you and me'.
However if the 2 men in this situation are fictional then them just being friends is entirely up to interpretation.
A straight person might just see them as friends because it's content and we all like to see content that represents us -even if they already have abundances of it.
And a queer person might see them as potential lovers, both due to being more open-minded to something like that and because, as I previously said, people like to be represented.
Now I don't mean to say straight people aren't open minded because, fact is, your sexuality does not define how open you are to things. All I'm saying is a queer person is more likely to already be open-minded due to having to realise their sexuality is different from the perceived 'normal' and having to be accepting of it.
So in conclusion, yeah 2 guys can absolutely only be best pals but that might just be how only you see it, and maybe there's something you need to look deeper into if you're getting upset at people interpreting the relationship of 2 fictional guys as romantic.
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starofthesea37 · 2 months
Marauders x Batfamily Crossover
So I really want to write a marauders x bats crossover, but I am uncharacteristically lost on the mechanics of it. You see, I love coming up with random au’s for my fandoms, and I have SO MANY IDEAS about interactions between marauders era characters and the bats (specifically around sibling dynamics), and many many ideas for random plot points and scenes, but what I can’t figure out is why they end up in this situation in the first place.
The general idea is that the bats go undercover at Hogwarts during the marauders era to gather information and help with the war against Voldemort. I’m not sure WHICH of the bats it would be, and what their roles in this endeavour would be (is it Tim, Steph & Damian who go, as they’re the only ones in the age range? Or is there some sort of age reversal spell involved that allows them all to attend? Or maybe the older bats are involved, but from the outside, as members of the Order of the Phoenix or Deatheaters or Ministry workers etc., or is it Young Justice who go?), but that is something I can figure out later depending on the mechanics of how it comes about.
What I need to know first is why it’s happening. Whereas in Golden Trio era crossovers the timeline can easily be adjusted to match up, for this crossover it’s very important that the Marauders era is in the 70s, and the bats would have to be from the 2010s+ in order to realistically have the technology they do. Therefore there has to be some sort of time or dimension travel involved. Meaning that this mission has to be entirely purposeful and planned. They have to have a reason to go back in time or travel to another dimension to help with the wizard of war (which also happens to be in England, very far from Gotham and the bats territory).
I have plans for how they get magic, how they get into the school etc., but this part is what’s really bugging me. I need my AU’s to make logical sense, otherwise I drop them.
I’d also like to mention that there are literally no fics with this crossover on ao3, and therefore I, as someone who has been deeply immersed in both these fandoms for a while, feel a moral obligation to fill this tragic gap. There’s just far too much potential for character interactions and awesome plot points to pass up the opportunity.
Also I’d like to put what ships/headcanons I may be including/referencing in this, just as a disclaimer in case anyone feels strongly against them. Just because they’re on this list doesn't necessarily mean they will definitely be included, but this is just what I fuck with and will include if it works for the plot.
•Romantic Ships (Marauders): Jegulus, Wolfstar, Pandalily, Dorlene, Rosekiller.
•Romantic Ships (Bats): TimKon (possibly Timberkon), Birdflash.
•I can maybe be convinced to include others so long as they’re not incest, age gap or anything else horrifying and illegal.
•Platonic Ships/Dynamics (Marauders): Marauders (James, Peter, Sirius, Remus)(obviously), Valkyries (Lily, Mary, Marlene), Skittles (Regulus, Barty, Evan, Dorcas, Pandora), Black Brothers (Regulus & Sirius), Prongsfoot (James & Sirius), Moonwater (Regulus & Remus), Moonflower (Remus & Lily), Marlene, James & Peter as childhood besties.
•Platonic Ships/Dynamics (Bats): all the bats to varying degrees obviously, but specifically, Jason & Tim, Tim & Steph, Tim & Damian, Dick & Damian, Damian & Jason.
I’ve almost definitely forgotten some but you get the general picture. Hopefully.
I have an entire google doc dedicated to what houses I think each of the bats would be in, but my opinion on that changes literally daily. They’re confusing your honour. But mainly I think it would just be hilarious to put Jason Todd in a dorm with the marauders and watch them flounder. Oh and stick Tim in Regulus’ dorm. He’d be such a menace. And Steph in the Valkyries dorm. Someone stop me before I cause too much chaos 😭
Anyway! This crossover has been living rent free in my mind for so long and I would appreciate any and all feedback/thoughts/opinions/ideas!!!!
I’ll probably add more onto this at some point, but this is the general gist. Pleaseeeeee gimme ideas!!!
Oh also fuck jkr :)
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starrylayle · 8 months
Marauders Fandom > "There is no canon !!" and other rhetorics
Guess who's back in their marauders phase after 2-3 years of being dormant lmao?? ((spoiler its me lol)). Anyways, a lot has changed since 2021 in this fandom so I just wanted to talk about the direction i think it's going.
I remember in 2020-21 the fandom started to boom in popularity on tiktok --> esp with the rise wolfstar + atyd. I remember people were so suprised with remus' characterization as 'rougher around the edges' instead of the 'soft boi' thing, and how that influenced the new wolfstar dynamic. [Just want to add that the atyd characterisation is much more complex than this and its one of my fave fics --> I'm more talking about the fandom at large's reaction to this)
And since fandom is incapable of having two nuanced and characters who are not stark opposites,, their roles were basically reversed and now Remus is the toxic dom alpha male and sirius is the cute girlyboy twink --- which um,,, the oc-ification is so real its embarrassing but whatever (omg don't even get me started on jegulus 💀)). I just assumed these would stay as headcanons. But now we have people saying, that 'we barely know anything abt the marauders in canon' or 'isn't the whole point of fandom to make shit up?' which i have sO many issues with so let me just try and compile my thoughts into dot points for the sake of coherency.
'we barely know anything abt the marauders in canon' ---> First of all, Remus, Sirius and Severus are fully fleshed out characters in the og series -- why do you think people would care enough to create an entire fandom based on their backstories if they were 2d flat characters in canon?? Like bffr. I saw a post on here (forgot who it was by, let me know if u know!) that said, 'I didn't cry over sirius' death in OotP just for ppl to say that we know nothing abt him in canon'. Like, its just mind-boggling to me lol.
'isn't the whole point of fandom to make shit up?' --> Ok y'all. For a fandom to work, there have to be some guidelines, some kind of source material, some point of reference so people can build upon it and make content. I think we can all agree on that. One reason why HP is such a popular place for fandom is the world-building and potential plots/storylines. I see some people argue that jk rowling was a shit writer anyways so might as well contradict everything she says. Now, I don't disagree with that point in particular, Jo is a pretty mediocre writer and a terrible person. HOWEVERrr, I'd argue that it is a lot more fascinating when people expand or work on the concepts in HP. JK Rowling has a lot of great ideas but executes them terribly -- I love when fic writes do this, which prolly explain why I love atyd as it is still very much canon compliant but executes themes on class, disability and queerness that jkr could barely do in subtext. This doesn''t mean I only think canon compliant fics are valid. That's not the case! I think as long as the charcterization is consistent to the character and the particular circumstances/world they're in, its fine! In fact, I love seeing how the same character would function if in a different place! I also love seeing explorations of the magic and magic systems in aus or fix it fics (or even canon compliant ones) that still fit in with the canonnical system that we know.
I guess what I'm trying to say I wish the marauders fandom explored the world and charcterizations more deeply instead of creating shallow oc-fied version of the characters that fit into whatever's trending -- like just write your own book or smth lol -- booktok will eat it up i promise.
Also, kinda related kinda not but um,,, why are we romanticising fascists -- like babe no evan rosier is not your babygirl he canonnoically tortured multiple ppl and became a death eater soo... not saying that I wouldn't want an exploration of his character or even a relationship with barty -- (who's not some cool dairk-haired edgelord but a actually a cowardly fascist murderer with blond hair -- yes the blond hair is important) -- I'd just want them to be portrayed as the not morally good people they are. Like,, if u want to oc-ify a character like pick someone whos not a death eater or has little info on them like dirk cresswell or frank longbottom,,, or ya know,, one of the MANY female characters in the fandom ((This fandom also has a problem with women and sapphic ships in general but that's a whole other issue lol).
I know this 'babygirlification' of death eaters doesn't mean to do this, but it also ends up watering down the themes of oppression, bigotry, etc and leaves us with not nearly as complex characters. Also one of the issues I had with the og HP world is that JK will introduce concepts like wizard racism and slavery and then just like,, not really do anything about it or just have half-arsed redemption arcs whilst not ever actually exploring the root of the issue. And now i feel like the fandom is following in those footsteps unfortunately.
Anyways, i've been rambling for too long so I'll just leave it here. Sorry if this came off as mean spirited in anyway,, I just have a lot of thoughts™ and my family is sick of hearing them lol. These opinions are not set in stone however so I'd love to hear your thoughts on this subject! At the end of the day this is fandom and we're supposed to have fun -- so yeah !! thanks for reading if you made it this far!
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cressthebest · 5 months
Crimson Rivers thoughts pt. 16
chapter 28:
1. james’ reaction to waking up from nightmares is so sad. especially cause now sirius can see from james’ perspective what seeing his freind leave the arena was like
2. 😧 shit only this far in and i’m SOBBING. wdym that james almost wished he died in the arena because he was looking forward to not having to go through the aftermath and recovery
3. istg every time the cane is brought up, i’m gonna be like ✨✨THE CANE! REPRESENTATION!!!✨✨ but also like, 😟the cane. he’s in pain. NOOOOO
4. sirius: don’t go to regulus
james: no shit, sherlock.
james: *goes straight to regulus*
5. james is being so angsty, and then in the middle of it, casually brings up his personal tutor
6. 🎶do you wanna build a snowman? elsa please i know you’re in there!🎶
7. the first thing they do when seeing each other again is sob and hug, then IMMEDIATELY go into bickering all like “YOU COULDA DIED BITCH”
8. james gets his glasses back after the interview!!!!
9. “"I don't want to be a great, big tragedy anymore," Regulus chokes out, looking at him almost desperately.”
10. 😑 they both freaking love each other so immensely, that they know they’ll never love anyone else. and reg is still like “no! 😊 i don’t want to break your heart again! take it back! stop loving me!”
11. 😀😀😀 what was that?? another fucking
12. “Regulus doesn't want to like Remus Lupin, but he likes Remus Lupin.” LMAOO story of my life
13. “"We broke up," Regulus murmurs.
"Oh," Remus repeats, still startled. "You were…together?"
Regulus frowns, gaze drifting to the side. "No."”
😭😭😭 sir that’s so funny
14. i wish so badly that regulus didn’t have fear of bathing, because i know for most people, bathing would be a comfort after escaping the arena
15. i love how reg originally planned to kill to survive, and james planned to die to help reg survive, both of them being gryffindor and slytherin, then the roles reverse, and james is willing to kill for reg and reg is willing to die for james. 💋mwah! perfection!
16. reg understanding and valuing privacy >>>>
17. (but also! background wolfstar my beloved!!)
18. i’m so mad that they have to go into the interview and pretend everything is fine. like, pissed off beyond belief
19. as sad as it is that they’re not gonna date, i’m glad they’re recognizing that they’re not ready for a relationship right now.
chapter 27:
1. DORCAS!!!! 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷
2. “"We broke up? This is news to me. I wasn't aware we were together."
"We weren't," Regulus says, heaving a weary sigh.”
😭😭😭 babes, again with the breaking up
3. the discussion that love is more than romance >>>>>>>>>>>> Top Tier
4. 😀😀 rita, it is on site
5. “Rita's days are fucking numbered.” -reg THATS WHAT IVE BEEN SAYING
6. “[Peter] betrayed them all. James would have never done that. He would have died first.” 🙂 yikes. yikes. yikes. canon callback. yikes
8. “”He and I—well, we broke up. That's what he said, in any case."
"You were together?" Sirius asks, startled as well as a little offended that he wasn't at least notified. When the fuck did this happen?
"No, not at all. This was news to me, too, don't feel bad."”
😭😭😭 this is my favorite running joke
10. “"Oh, it's my dream come true," James teases, playful, his eyes sparkling. "I mean, both Black brothers? You know—"” BWAHAHAHAHA
11. sirius thinking james is a total whore <3333
12. james giving sirius sex advice is the sweetest thing ever
13. “even just the knowledge that Sirius is probably having sex for the very first time because he wants to, because he's at a place that he's comfortable, because he trusts Remus enough to do it.”
awwww i’m so happy that sirius feels safe enough to have that intimate moment with someone
14. sirius and regulus getting to feel like brothers again is heartbreaking
15. “He's so small. He's five, he's fifteen, he's twenty-five and Sirius' little brother. Always his little brother.”
16. sirius being nervous and fumbley and so awkward about sex is the funniest thing to me. so reminiscent of my first time tbh
17. “"You shouldn't be embarrassed, you know. There's nothing embarrassing about pleasure."
"Fuck you, it's so embarrassing," Sirius counters.”
he’s so real for that 😭😭😭
18. remus lupin: be gay do crime
19. “It takes them a bit to recover, admittedly. Love tends to have that effect, especially when you're making it.”
that line is so beautiful. like, insanely beautiful
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theresthesnitch · 6 months
40 + 95 wolfstarbucks pleaseee <3
Ohhhh do you have any idea how much I love these tropes? I LOVE these tropes! This needs to be ridiculous so I don't accidently try to write it.
Play the trope mash up game with me!
40. Almost Kiss + 95. Sleep Intimacy
Following a quidditch injury, James is put on a regular medicine rotaion Unfortunately, it makes him sleep walk. Cue him waking up in (esbalished) Wolfstar's bed. The first time it happens, They wake up with james in the middle being spooned by both of them. Sirius and Remus are unaware that it's not just the two of them. Remus rolls over to kiss Sirius (and maybe start a little something) and *narrowly* misses kissing james. Profuse apologies, James thinks he just needs more sleep, goes back to bed. Sirius and Remus lock their door.
Remus has a weak overnight bladder, and he gets up to go pee. when he comes back to bed, James has crawled on top of Sirius, sprawled right across him, and Sirius is just cuddling him back, even as still-asleep James nuzzles under his chin. remus wakes him up again, puts him back to bed, and goes back to Sirius.
It doesn't happen or a few nights after that, and they assume it's just a weird coincidence. About a week later, Remus and Sirius go to bed naked after getting a little frisky before bed. When they wake up in the morning, James is sprawled completely naked in bed between them both, starfishing and pushing them both to the edge. Cue: did we do something last ngiht we don't remember? But no, they just slept, and sleepwalking james strikes again.
It's a few more nights of no incidents, then Remus wakes up to a middle of the night blowjob. "Oh, Sirius" followed by Sirius sleepily waking up next to him and "What?" Turns out that sleep walking has turned into sleep blowjobs. But what do they do now? Do they wake him up? is james going to be embarassed to find himself in this position? Is it even safe to wake someone who is sleep walking? (Don't tell them they did it the last time. they're rationalizing!)
Before they decide what they're going to do, Remus comes. (can you blame him? James does a really good blowjob!) James immediately turns and starts blowing Sirius and, well, he seems so intent on it. We can't stop him now. Can't wake him up and all that, right? And Remus really wants to watch, so... After Sirus comes, James wakes up and profusely apologizes for sleep walking again (seemingly not realizing that he's just blown both of them) and goes back to his bed. Remus and Sirius try to stop him, but james doesn't let them talk and goes to bed.
The very next night, Sirius wakes up with James cuddling him and two fingers deep into opening him up. He wakes Remus with a "what do we do?" and Remus immediately suggests that there's nothing for it but to see what James does. What else can they do? Which, inevitably, leads to Remus jerking off while Sirius is sleep-fucked by James. When James finishes, he rolls over and snores into Sirius's pillow, and well... they all go to sleep.
The next night (weird how we stopped skipping night? hmmm) and Remus wakes up the same way Sirius did--with james already two fingers deep inside him. Cue repeat of the night before, only in reverse. "What are we going to do?" "I guess you have to let him have his way with you!" "Oh noooo how terrible for meeeee"
The next night, James comes to their room and they're still awake. He stumbles into their bed, already naked, and and lands face first between them. He snuffles a bit into the pillow, and then reaches a hand back with conjured lube and starts prepping his own hole. They watch for a bit, again not sure if they should help or if that would be a bad idea (and also, like.... watching that is hot) until James says: "Are you two really just going to watch, or are you going to help out?"
(James only took the medicine for one night. He's been faking i since then. He makes it up to them by being the bottom of their eifle tower.)
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lee-bella · 5 months
HP Fest News Brief: May 13, 2024
There are many new HP fests starting up recently, not counting the ones that have been announced and will be starting soon. Here's a list of ongoing fests that have started on April 28 and onwards.
Ladies of HP Fest: Prompt challenge. There's a different theme Runs from April 28 - August 31.
Marauders Rarepair Microfics: New monthly microfic challenge for any rare pairing that involves at least one Marauders era characters. See rules for a list of ships that will not be accepted.
Marauders Sports Fest: Sign-up open till August 3; prompting open till June 1.
HP Flowers Spring Round 2024: Flower language. Runs from May 1 - May 31.
Microfic May 2024: Runs from May 1 - May 31.
Prongsfoot Reverse Big Bang: Writer sign-up open till May 30.
Tiny Shorts Reg Fest: Regulus in tiny shorts. Submit works by July 31.
The Story of Us Fest: Draco/Hermione x Taylor Swift. Claiming open till July 28.
Bellatrix Fest 2024: Claiming open till July 31.
Harmony Summertime Madness Fest: Harry/Hermione. Claiming open till July 26.
Jeg Big Bang 2024: James/Regulus. Sign-up is open for authors (till July 15), artists (till Oct 15), and beta readers.
Sapphic Scot Fest 2024: Minerva-centric femslash. Gen also welcome. Prompting open till May 15.
Unleashed Fest 2024: Draco/Harry & HP rare pairs featuring animals and magical beasts. Prompting open till May 15.
HD Hurt/Comfort Fest 2024: Draco/Harry. Angst, fluff, hurt/comfort. Claiming open till July 1. Writer sign-up capped at 60 participants. No cap for art, craft and podfic.
HP Cest Fest 2024: Incest. Claiming open till June 28.
Wolfstar Bingo 2024: Sign-up open till June 1.
HP Drizzle Fest 2024: Weather theme. Claiming open till August 17.
Rarepair Shorts Summer Wishlist (Tumblr) Open to any HP rare pair not on the banned ship list. Accepts wishlists till May 30. Dreamwidth account is not required; you can submit your wishlist anonymously.
SnarryBang! Exchange 2024 (Dreamwidth): Severus/Harry gift exchange. Sign-up open till May 26. You can choose the remix option where your gifter will create gifts based on your own works.
Captivous: A Tomarrymort Fest: Harry/Tom|Voldemort. Both ship and gen are acceptable. Works must involve someone being held captive, kidnapped, taken away against their will, etc. Claiming open till June 20.
Marauders For Sale Fest: Inspired by The Beatles. Sign-up open till May 26.
Chaotic Fest: Unexpected HP rare pairs. New prompts will be added from time to time. Deadline to be announced.
There are many other HP fests and challenges happening right now. For a more complete list, see Potterfests' HP Fest News Round-up (May 5 edition). The next edition will be posted on May 19.
As always, for more HP fest news, visit Potterfests on Dreamwidth and Livejournal. Ta-ta!
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regulusrules · 1 year
how would you feel about a red white and royal blue wolfstar au
Hey nons! Clash of fandoms, huh? Bet we could make it!
You've got me thinking so much about the idea, really. I can easily envision Alex being Sirius and Henry Remus, (since Henry and Remus are long lost twins in the multiverse), and you know what is also so cool? The reverse of their canonic backgrounds, being:
1. Henry paralleling Sirius instead for the troubled background and pureblood mania that Henry has always been trying to escape.
2. Alex paralleling Remus in their relationships with Ellen and Hope.
And I think this inverse of situations would give a much more solid grasp on their character depths and a greater ability to fluctuate between the two fandoms.
So if you're asking how I feel about the idea as a reader, I would totally pay my last two cents to read it. But as a writer, I don't think I'm at the stage of fully grasping Alex and Henry's characterizations yet. Yes I've been silently obsessing over them for two years now, but not yet enough no. If it was the reverse, a RWRB AU, then yes I'd write Remus and Sirius for sure; they are like second nature to me by now for all the years I grew up writing and introspecting over them. I'm unfortunately one of those writers who care so much about characterization that I'd never forgive myself for writing something OOC, welp!
But it's definitely an idea worth mulling over! Don't be an anon and let's further chat about it if you want :)
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wolfstarhaven · 2 years
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Operation: Toebeans
by moonymoment (28k)
Sirius comes up with the ingenious idea to give McGonagall a Marauders-esque nickname, but potentially getting kicked off the Quidditch team for the sake of mischief is just over the "not-worth-it" line. A reluctant Remus comes up with the idea of using reverse psychology to trick her into calling him Padfoot, so it's only fair they can then call her Toebeans.
Sirius thinks it's brilliant. James is crying of laughter 90% of the time, Peter has a few rare strokes of brilliance, and Lily is pretty damn sure that's not what reverse psychology is.
General theme/feelings: pranking and mischief, obliviousness, pining, fluff, no angst!
AGSJSKRBSJDBSNL SWEET AS SUGAR! Pure happiness in a fic!
I’ve been incredibly stressed out lately, and so this fic felt like a blessing from above, a soul soothing balm. This fic is not angsty or dark in any way - it is just so joyful! So, if you, like me, feel worn and tired and stressed, then this is the fic for you! This is the fic to light up your gloom✨
Also, the plot of this fic is, in itself, hilarious. I mean, the wolfstar love story is really cute, but all the mischief and pranking aimed at McGonagall is in itself a bloody great story. It is clever, funny, and so very sweet. A good parental relationship between McGonagall (*Toebeans) and Sirius melts my heart❤️‍🔥
So give this fic a go! Trust me, it’ll be worth it!
Lots of love, and remember to let yourself rest and eat enough! 🌸
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bethansfandoms · 4 years
Prompt suggestion — Remus masterminding a marauders prank (as usual) and Sirius just loves this version of his boyfriend so he's all heart eyes and he kinda stops paying attention to what he's saying and his minds starts wandering...
this prompt got a tiny bit away from me and is a little more marauders shenanigans with wolfstar on the side but anyway i hope you enjoy.
in the summer before their seventh and final year at hogwarts, remus and peter had stayed with the potters for the first two weeks rather than the last two as remus was going on holiday with his parents.
what this meant is when sirius greeted his boyfriend on the train station platform, he hadn’t seen him for four weeks and the closets he was allowed to get to fulfilling his desire to kiss him, was to embrace him in a brotherly hug which felt weird and wrong.
they’d planned to tell james and peter about them over the summer but when it transpired that remus would be away for the end of it, the beginning felt far too soon and both of them backed out.
sirius kept a hand on remus’ upper arm, squeezed, and then reluctantly let go as remus followed him onto the train. peter had claimed a carriage near the very back as the marauders needed top secrecy.
today was the day that their prank for the first day back of term would be finalised. of course, they hadn’t accounted for the fact that james potter would be made head boy. it hadn’t even been within the realms of possibility. james said he’d keep sneaking off patrolling the corridors to come and join them and him being head boy didn’t seem to deter his enthusiasm for the prank.
“hey moony, padfoot.” peter greeted. “how was france!”
remus smiled and told peter a few anecdotes as sirius listened to absolutely none of it and instead focussed on the fact that remus lupin had a tan.
remus never had a tan. during summer, he’d wear so much sun cream that his face actually got paler and the rest of his body was always concealed with clothing.
apparently remus’ freckles came out with the sun and sirius couldn’t stop thinking about the ones that smattered his nose and cheeks and how he’d quite like to kiss —
“okay, lads,” james snapped him out his daydream. “what’s the plan? quickly now because if evans notices in gone, i’m toast.”
remus grinned and pulled down a book from his trunk. “i researched it a lot. it’s entirely possible. even better, i think i found a way to choose what it says.”
a mischievous smile spread across james’ face. “you mean... when we put the spell on the sorting hat—”
“we can also add one that means it’s limited to whatever words we choose.”
james quickly stood and took out his invisibility cloak. “take this now incase i get called away. i assume you’ll be doing the spell, moony?”
the small smile that made it’s way onto remus’ face made sirius’ stomach flip. he loved remus like this. his eyes bright and excited with mischief, the dimple on his left cheek visible. sirius found himself contemplating just kissing remus right in front of them. that would probably give james and pete the message.
“sirius,” peter said, “any ideas?”
sirius blinked and looked quickly away from remus. “uh... about what?”
james laughed. “merlin, sirius, you feeling okay mate? this is the first and last prank we’re ever doing during the welcome feast and you’re a million miles away.”
remus smiled rather sheepishly at him. “any ideas as to what we should get the hat to say?”
they all went silent as they thought about it. well, the others all thought about it, sirius’ mind was still transfixed on the thought that kissing remus right here would be a pretty quick and effective way of coming out.
“we could get it to sing a song?” peter said slowly.
remus’ face lit up and sirius nearly did. kiss him for it. “pete, that’s brilliant! i don’t think i could get it to actually sing, but if we made it so every time it opened its mouth it could only say the lyrics to—”
“dancing queen?” james suggested. “i really feel like some abba.”
remus shrugged. “sounds great. peter?”
peter nodded enthusiastically, “if this works, we’re about to get the quickest detentions in hogwarts history.”
remus laughed, sirius decided his laugh was one of his favourite sounds. “sirius?”
sirius’ eyes flitted down to remus’ lips and it was mostly subconscious, however it meant that when he looked back up to remus’ eyes, he really couldn’t help himself.
sirius reasoned that they’d planned to tell james and pete at the end of summer originally and it was now the end of summer. sirius was also the one who’d requested they keep it a secret anyway and remus had always been okay with telling them. he also hadn’t kissed him for four weeks and he really needed to.
sirius cupped his face and felt remus laugh against his mouth as he kissed him. remus didn’t protest at all, instead he gripped the front of sirius’ shirt and pulled him slightly closer.
when they pulled away, james was watching them with a raised eyebrow and a grin and peter looked thoroughly surprised.
“that’s how you’re telling us about you?” james asked. “really?”
remus laughed again. “that was all sirius, i literally didn’t know he was about to do that.”
james shrugged and clapped sirius’ shoulder. “good on you. how long has it been then?”
“few months,” sirius replied, looking at remus and smirking a little.
james pouted. “weird. i only realised at the beginning of summer.”
“you knew?” sirius, remus and peter had all said it at the same time and it set them off laughing again.
“sirius, mate, you have the least discreet heart eyes known to man and this is coming from the guy who’s been pining after evans for years.”
sirius threw remus’ spell boom at him. “so you don’t mind?”
“as long as you two don’t break up and make me choose between you, i don’t mind.”
sirius gasped, “you’d choose me though, right?”
james looked to remus and hung his head. “i’m very sorry, moony, he’s my brother. you can have peter.”
“we’re not breaking up,” remus replied, rolling his eyes. sirius grinned and fought the urge to kiss him again. he quite liked the idea of being stuck with remus for the rest of his life.
+ bonus
sirius felt remus sit down next to him on the bench. they’d told the girls he was with madam pomfrey as the invisibility cloak would stay firmly on; appearing from nowhere would raise questions.
the group of shivering first years stood nervously in front of the stool, waiting. everyone else knew how this worked. the hat gave a speech, the sorting ceremony happened, they had the feast, they sung the school song.
the hat opened the the seam at the front and the hall went silent.
“you can dance, you can jive,” it’s voice rung out, “having the time of your life.”
some of the students got it immediately and burst into laughter. sirius couldn’t help but grin as well.
“see that girl, watch that scene, diggin’ the dancing queen.” remus was right, they hadn’t been able to get the hat to sing it, instead it recited the lyrics to abba’s dancing queen like profound and meaningful poetry.
mcgonagall had realised what was happening now and quickly waved her wand at the hat to stop it talking. some students booed in response.
she flicked her wand at the hat experimentally and waited for it to speak. “friday night and the lights are low.” she silenced it again.
the sorting was delayed until after the feast. they eventually managed to reverse the spell and the sorting hat gave it’s song, not one by abba, as normal.
after it was over, dumbledore announced it would be time for the school song. he flicked his wand and the lyrics appeared. everyone sung them in mismatched tempos, rhythms and pitches, just like always.
everyone aside from the marauders. they stood on the table and continued where the hat had left off. “looking out for a place to go! where they play the right music, getting in the swing, you come in to look for a king!”
the marauders, including remus as although nobody had seen him, they figured he was involved, were given detention on their first night back in the castle. mcgonagall informed them it was the quickest detention in hogwarts history and the first time gryffindor had ever been on minus house points.
to her dismay, they all seemed to see this as a grand achievement.
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thathawaiianchick · 5 years
my wolfstar fic recc
29 of my favs, plus 2 comics :)
sorted from shortest to longest, series at the bottom
i like long fics, i like raising Harry AUs, i like Lay Low at Lupin’s fics, i like marauder era “we’re 70′s trash fics”, i like angst, but i also love “everybody lives”, kind of a mix of everything but seriously a lot of raising Harry AUs because it fills a need i guess
some super popular, some relative unknowns i think
all fics that characterize wolfstar for me :) 
JKR has disappointed me supremely, but fan works will hold my love forever
 part 2 because i forgot some
1. A Day Like Any Other by dustmouth
(a comic, not really a fic, just hosted on AO3)
The one where Sirius keeps receiving unwanted mail, Remus drinks a lot of tea, Peter's out on a hot date, and James is offering unwanted make overs.
(Or the answer to the question of exactly how many cursed letters can you flush down the loo).
2. To Keep a Star by dustmouth
(a comic, not really a fic, just hosted on AO3)
Daily life in the Intergalactic Postal Service. Or the one where Sirius is a postal star and Remus lives on a spaceship.
3. in your bedroom, during the war by lupinely
There’s the bed, there’s the room, and there’s Remus. This, at least, Sirius knows for sure. (4Kish)
4. Home We’ll Go by appalachian_fireflies
"I can't, I don't know how," Remus stuttered as Molly dropped the infant into his arms, who immediately ceased crying and stared up at him with wide eyes.
"Nonsense," Molly said. "Be a dear and keep him from falling while I feed Ginny."
"Ba!" Ron giggled, and slapped Remus in the face.
Molly is the emergency contact for the Order when those listed can no longer be reached. Remus' life finds a different path. (10K)
5. A Store of Happiness by coyotesuspect
Harry spends the summer after his third year living with Sirius and Professor Lupin. (10K)
6. In The Bed by bigblackdog
Left to his own devices the summer after the prank, Sirius crafts an unusual gift to mend his relationship with Remus. (11K)
7. Vigil Strange I Kept by whitmans_kiss
Remus' lycanthropy has caused his body to seriously deteriorate over the years due to the constant stress of the transformations, and by his fifty-sixth birthday, it's certain that he won't live to finish out the year. However, a cure has recently been discovered - but what if the cure is just as bad as the disease? (11K)
8. Elucidation Practice by montparnasse
Christmas, 1978. Remus, wrestling with the mighty problems of gift-giving on a budget, contemplates life, love, London in winter, and falling off the edge of the world with Sirius Black. (21K)
9. On a Windswept Cliff by starfishstar
On the cliff top where the fearsome Lord Black once stalked, an outcast man meets a big black dog, and things are not as they seem.
Or: The Remus/Sirius gothic romance AU. (21K)
10. Lethe and Mnemosyne by montparnasse
Winter '79. Looking to get out from under the black-hole overhang of wartime, Sirius and Remus take off to play house on the Cornish moors. It goes downhill from there.  (26K)
11. Purity by FelisA 
Sirius resurrection fic. (27K) 12. Common Woodbrown by imochan
Look well into thyself; there is a source of strength which will always spring up if thou wilt always look there. In 1985, Remus Lupin realizes that Sirius Black is innocent. Now, he just has to prove it. (36K)
13. Wilde and Whimsy by chasing bluefish, obsob
In a world where Dumbledore defeated Voldemort during the first war, the wizarding community is picking up the pieces and getting back to their lives. Remus Lupin becomes a person of interest in a murder at the bookshop where he works and Sirius Black and James Potter, aurors, are sent to investigate. As they navigate the crime itself, Remus and Sirius realize that there is something to their instant chemistry. But they need to keep their newfound attraction under wraps while trying to find the killer and stop them from claiming more victims. (36K)
14. Paper Wings by Krislaughs
(not hosted on ao3)
What if Sirius Black sent a final message from Azkaban? Enter the home of the last Marauder in the days following Voldemort’s downfall. Lost and alone, Remus asks a question of the void, a question whose answer will send him around the world. Meeting puppies, Kneazles, dementors, and nomads, Remus learns more about himself and his friends than he ever thought possible. Learn the secrets of the Marauder’s map and the world’s best chocolate, how various Death Eaters occupied themselves after the fall of their lord, and why you should never leave Remembralls lying around.
15. Uncreated Night by earlybloomingparentheses
Remus can drift through whole worlds in his own mind. Sirius lives in his body, electric, ablaze. In 1979 and 1996 and 1978 and 1981 and in many other years and many different places, they search for the bridges between them and the spaces they can share. Time after time, they fight their way back together, head and heart, mind and body.
And in 1998, Remus stands before the veil, wondering if he should finally stop thinking, and just act. (41.5K)
16. Lemon Chiffon Yellow by Spklvr
An unplanned night between Remus and Tonks ends up changing their lives forever. (42K)
17. The Weather Inside by earlybloomingparentheses
Sirius rides a flying motorbike, and snogs strangers in pubs, and strikes moody poses Remus finds irritatingly attractive. But for Remus, who drinks milky tea and wears flannel pyjamas, there's a chasm cracked right down the fault line between wanting and doing.
How he wants, though. How he wants. (43K)
18. the dogfather by hollimichele
“I’m not a reverse werewolf either,” says the man. “I’m your godfather.”  (47K)
19. Domestic Creatures by veeagainst
Growing up is hard to do -- but the journey is better if you take someone with you. (53K)
20. Leave the Children Behind by montparnasse
Bravery, sometimes, is the ending just as much as the beginning. Remus, Sirius, and a series of choices.
Or, a love story—backwards and forwards. (54K)
21. A Series of Sketches Done in Black Ink by  mustntgetmy
Non-magic AU. Sirius had always imagined the aftermath of falling in love would mean lightness, and an escape from all the horrors of his childhood. But the past never leaves, and even love can't stop bad memories from resurfacing.
An almost year in the life of Sirius and Remus's first year as a couple replete with art and tangled sheets, and containing the following: filled sketchbook pages from people lost and people found, terrible biscuits from an excellent therapist, mismatched music records, expensive hot chocolate, a lost brother, photographs (some invasive and some invoking terrible memories), a reckoning with the past, a promise of the future, and yet another ridiculously over the top Halloween party. (57K)
22. Alt Ed by NachoDiablo
“Remus? Who the bloody hell is Remus?” James is scrambling to straighten his chair as McGonagall glares at him from the head table.
Mary smiles innocently. “Oh, just a new friend that Lily met over the holidays. He’s homeschooled, just moved into her neighborhood it seems. She says he’s very clever. And I hear he’s quite fit, as well.”
AU where Remus and Lily become friends outside of Hogwarts, setting James and Sirius on a quest to learn more about this mysterious newcomer. (61K)
23. Indiana Lupin and the Search for the Conqueror by nekarose
Remus Lupin is an undercover archaeologist for the British Museum and is sent to Greenland to investigate a Roman shipwreck. In Greenland he meets Sirius Black, makes a real discovery and soon enough the two of them are racing through the world in search of the remains of the Library of Alexandria with Remus’ arch-enemy right at their heels. (66K)
24. Le Mot Vagabond by ironicallyinternational
(It all starts with Peter Pettigrew dying twice.
First, Peter kills Wormtail (discreetly), and then Sirius kills him (less discreetly).
Losing a friend is never easy, even amidst the ravages of war, but losing the last of your childhood alongside him is far worse.)
War is a complicated, messy thing. The Marauders have their fucked up shit to deal with, but they also have each other, and that counts for a lot. (151K)
25. The Hole in the Ground by sostrata
(5 works)  A series of fics about Sirius and Remus raising Harry in their home, The Hole in the Ground.  (18k)
26. Holding Out by bigblackbog
(works 2)
On Halloween, 1981 Sirius and Remus abscond with Harry despite their recently rocky relationship. (36K)
27. Maddest House by busaikko
(6 works)
old as hell. Another wolfstar raising Harry fic (55K)
28. Lycanthropic Studies by Eiiri
(3 works)
After the Battle of Hogwarts, Remus recognizes something familiar in Draco Malfoy and offers him sanctuary. With nowhere else to turn--his parents in prison, his home a crime scene--Draco reluctantly accepts and becomes a tolerated, if not welcome, member of his schoolyard rivals' and wartime adversaries' family of choice. As pages of the lunar calendar turn and the summer wears on,Draco and the others begin to see each other in a different light. (139K)
29. Stealing Harryverse by copperbadge
(works 12)  
On a dark night long ago, Sirius Black took a wrong turn and never found Peter Pettigrew. Instead of Azkaban, Sirius settled down in Little Whinging to keep an eye on his godson, and hired Remus Lupin to run his bookshop for him. Then one day when Harry was eight, Sirius found out how the Dursleys treated him, and stole him away.
Stealing Harry is an alternate universe version of Harry Potter's life before his time at Hogwarts. It is the story of Harry's family: Sirius and Remus, Ted and Andromeda, Nymphadora, Neville Longbottom, and even Severus Snape, all banded together against a newly powerful Peter Pettigrew who is still searching for a way to resurrect Voldemort.
Laocoon's Children follows Harry through his time at Hogwarts as he develops a very different group of friends: Hufflepuff Draco Malfoy, Ravenclaw Padma Patil, and Gryffindor Neville Longbottom, strange companions for a Harry who was sorted into Slytherin -- the house of his beloved Professor Snape.
This universe ends in Harry's third year, and is partially incomplete. As it is not likely to be finished, the last story in the series is a group of notes I made on where the story would have gone and how it would have ended. (443.3K)
30. All the Young Dudes by MsKingBean89
(4 works)
LONG fic charting the marauders' time at Hogwarts (and beyond) from Remus' PoV - diversion from canon in that Remus's father died and he was raised in a children's home, and is a bit rough around the edges. Otherwise canon-compliant. 1971 - 1995 (557K)
31. Crow Rides A Pale Horse  by tb_ll57
(4 works)
The note pinned to his collar read 'Harry J Potter - please accept'. The Dursleys had left him with nothing else but a pillow sack with half a sleeve of McVities biscuits, a mealy apple, and ten pounds. (618K)
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northoftheboundary · 4 years
I suppose I can start posting about some OCs.
Since I'm a little obsessed with Harry Potter again, let's go into that one. Warning: wolfstar x oc, self-indulgent, and half canon-divergent because I can!
Rowan MacDougall
Same year as the Marauders
Very punk
Very pansexual but doesn't really realize it until she starts hanging out with the Marauders.
Pure blood but her family members were bloodtraitors and she hates purity too.
'Were' because she's the last one left and she keeps it a secret.
Becomes Regulus's friend through studying together then Sirius's through Regulus
To the point that the marauders ask for her help on a particularly nasty full moon.
Has full on fights with James occasionally but gets along with everyone when that isn't happening.
Her magic:
Wandless. She still needs a wand on her person but has mastered directing spells without waving more than her arms around.
It's a familial talent.
Will Kamehameha you into next week.
Oddly practical?
"If curses don't work, a knife will."
Developes a curiosity surrounding animagus after seeing the Marauders dealing with Remus and follows it until she turns herself into a wolf.
This leads to the nickname, Luna.
Let's step away from canon now and talk about what I've decided is her love life and life after Hogwarts:
Absolutely takes Remus's virginity.
She's always waiting at their entrance to the castle with a blanket, bandages, and a thermos of hot cocoa every full moon.
Remus falls hard
But so does Sirius
So Remus backs off.
Until one night they're all talking and she offers to take Remus's virginity. "Oh! but Sirius asked me to be his girlfriend. Sirius, can I take Remus's virginity?"
Cue the polyamorous relationship of the century and it LASTS.
Well after Hogwarts.
Well after Rowan and Sirius get married.
Well after Sirius gets thrown in Azkaban.
Remus kinda does his own thing but everytime he comes back home, Rowan welcomes him back with warm arms and lots of kisses as long as he's still okay with it.
Of course she immediately backs off when he starts pursuing Tonks.
'Home,' by the way, is the MacDougall estate which is called Traitor's Landing as the MacDougalls have a long history of ending up on the wrong side and betraying that for the right side.
Grimmauld Place is, of course the headquarters for the Order.
Traitor's Landing has a comfy werewolf room in the basement.
Rowan still stays up every full moon with a blanket, medical supplies, and hot chocolate.
First war and beyond:
After Hogwarts, Rowan became an auror training under Mad-Eye Moody
During the war, she became an interrogation expert and that's actually how Peter lost his little finger.
She pushed for Harry to be given to her and raised at Traitor's Landing but was denied due to her relationship with Sirius.
She almost went to jail with him, the allegations were so bad.
In the end, Mad-Eye stood up for her and she was even able to keep her job after several exhaustive inquiries.
She went back part-time and began teaching at Hogwarts as an assistant DADA professor the rest of the time.
Adopts the totally orphan child of a pureblood death eater family because oof! The kid's the last of her family and it hits way too close to home.
(In some versions I actually have Rowan as the one that wipes them all out, then takes in the kid and is always honest about what happened.)
The little girl, Aeowyn, is two years below Harry but stays at the school during the school-year even before she's attending.
Begins secretly seeing him when he turns 5.
She stalks the Dursleys for about a week until she can catch Harry thoroughly unattended -usually in public- and give him something small like a few pieces of candy. (Yes, she thinks it's crazy too)
Over time, she tells him she's his aunt and explains vaguely why she wasn't allowed to take him but that's all.
(I'm toying with the idea of a reversible Obliviate-type spell that would work like hypnosis. So he wouldn't remember anything about her until she performed a certain movement or said a certain word.)
She never talks about magic until she comes with Hagrid to pick him up on his 11th birthday.
I don't remember if it's ever specified who raises Teddy after the second war but, if it isn't or if we can all agree we don't like that idea, then Rowan does.
Also definitely threatens the Malfoys and tells Draco he's always welcome at Traitor's Landing.
Offered the manor's grounds for Bill and Fleur's wedding.
Helps Hagrid tune up Sirius's motorbike while Sirius is in jail.
Totally rides her own motorcycle but is more of a sports bike kind of gal.
Rowan and Sirius absolutely curl up as canines sometimes.
Rowan took the Black name when she married Sirius so she's Professor Black.
As this is MY oc, any part of this is subject to change. I also haven't fully read the books so this may change or be added to as I learn new information.
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What's your fav fic that you wrote yourself?
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This is such a challenging question! Like asking which of my children is my favorite 😂 I could definitely tell you a few of my least favorite though lol, no prob. Some of my older stuff—oof.
Alright, so since I really can’t pick a singular fav (I currently have 101 posted works, that’s just not gonna happen) how about I give a top 10? Not exactly what you asked, but eh life is like that 😁
So, in no particular order, my top ten fav fics that I’ve written:
1. Starting with the one that’s a large presence in my mind, (No) Places of Safety. This fic is my baby right now, shaping up to be one of the biggest things I’ve ever written (already at 69k and not even close to done) which is super amazing, because I usually have a problem with sticking to things after a while. I really love the way I’ve handled Dick’s deteriorating mental state, and I love the fact that I know exactly where it’s going, and have from the very beginning (again, rare for me. Usually things come together as I’m writing, and while that’s still happening, it’s been awesome having an actual solid plan and destination). I love the universe I’ve set up here, and am so excited with every chapter to show you guys what comes next. Hell I love this universe so much that I already have the whole next fic planned out 😋
2. Next I’ll say Three Little Birds Sat On My Window. I loved writing a reverse batfam, and am so proud of the way this fic turned out. I really spent a lot of time trying to get everyone’s voices right, how different they would be considering how different their life experiences would be. Tim and Jason especially were important to get right, with Tim being the one who died instead. I always hated in reverse batfam fics when people just make Tim’s version of Red Hood exactly the same as what Jason was like, because they’re different people and would have different ways of approaching things. So even in just the little glimpses I wrote, I’m really proud of their characterizations, along with that of Damian and Dick! I’m just overall very proud of this fic, and definitely wan to write more of this AU at some point in the future.
3. Third we’ll go with An Active Imagination (and, with it, the sequel Rules of Architecture). Thinking about these fics and working on them ways makes me excited as a writer. Like I don’t really have a lot to say about these, just that I really love the way I handled Dick’s shifting mental state, going back and forth between the brainwashing and having him be not at all aware of what’s going on. I also love how super creepy Slade is lol, how unabashedly awful. Plus writing a BAMF Dick is always a blast, and the Dick in these two fics is especially badass.
4. Next up is Take My Hand Through the Flames, because writing dark!Dick was so fucking fun, and something I need to do again very soon. Dick is so messed up here, so blood-thirsty and masochistic and crazy, which is something that I’ve never been able to truly do when I mainly write Dick. So that plus building an Earth 3 universe (pulling in Joey and Rose and what Dick’s dynamic with Thomas is like) was a blast to do.
5. Hmmm then let’s go with If Night Falls in Your Heart (and am just now realizing how often I use song lyrics and quotes for my titles). Exploring the trauma of what Catalina and Mirage did to Dick was something necessary for me to write, and it helped me work through some of my own shit I was struggling with. (Writing is the best coping mechanism!) Dick desperately needs people to help him and tell him none of that was his fault, and since canon certainly isn’t going to do it, I took it upon myself lol. Plus I’ve become strangely fond Dave the Unimportant Villain 😂
6. Sixth on the list is How Arbitrary Fate Is, an AU I am extremely fond of and seriously need to come back to. Teen Titans (cartoon) ‘verse is always something I enjoy writing, and extending the apprentice arc, playing with Stockholm Syndrome, blending Dick’s loyalty to his friends with his growing loyalty to Slade, how he reaches acceptance that this is his life now—I am so proud of the way this fic turned out. I have an entire sequel planned out in my head, other things have simply taken precedent. I will come back to it, though. Lol I want to scream from the rooftops to get everyone to love this fic as much as I do 😁
7. Now I’ll say A Current of Fate, which is something I go back and forth on loving but it always draws my attention back to it. I hate that I’ve set it aside for so long, I think there’s so much fucking potential in this world I’ve set up, and I really want everyone to see the way it’s playing out in my head!! But for that I’d actually have to keep writing it lol, the horror. Sometime soon (when I have less active projects on my hands) I’ll go back to this fic and edit it a little, update it to how much more confident I’ve become in my writing, especially of DC characters. Also Chapter 4 has been half written for literally a year now and it has Black Mask in it; since beginning that chapter I’ve become far more familiar with Roman (and written a lot of him lol) so reworking that chapter in the main priority, and then I think I can really move forward with this fic. I know exactly what happens, I just have to get there!! (Coincidentally, today is the year anniversary of the last time I updated this.)
8. Leaving the DC fandom, next we’re going with The Source of Grief. My Harry Potter fics have been touch and go, I can admit that, but I’m very proud of this one. I really loved doing the outside POV, everyone observing the actions of Harry and not really knowing who he is or what his motives are. I also got to address all my feelings about Severus Snape, which was awesome. Just, fixing problems and making things better was wonderful to write, and I got to put in some subtle Wolfstar lol, and talk about how Regulus Black doesn’t get enough credit. Idk, I’m kind of rambling, but I’m proud of this fic.
9. Ninth is One of the Legion Lost (plus its sequel Want the Strange and New). They’re both my Fuck You to Infinity War lol (which I liked a lot more than I know most people do, but still it needed some help). Loki is one of my favs, and bringing him into the plot of the movie and adjusting things from there is the kind of thing I love to do—what are the repercussions if just one thing is different? Also I enjoyed exploring the magic of the infinity stones! There was so much that could be done with them, with their level of sentience that was never really expanded upon, so I liked doing that.
10. Now we have People Who Move the World. A James Bond & Sherlock crossover, where Q and Jim are brothers. I got super far in this fic! 15 chapters and 94k, it’s a real beast. I love how I wrote Q, his relationship with Jim and Bond and Sherlock, and the odd little Q/Mycroft ship that I’ve become strangely fond of considering how strange the ship is lol. Just writing a bunch of absolute geniuses BAMFs ruling the world and making things go the way they want to them. Like, Q and Jim make such an awesome team and I know it’s such a niche fic but I’m really proud of it. Sucks that a majority of the ideas dried up lol, because I’m very pleased with what I created.
+1: Honorable mention! Breathe with Confidence. First time I ever wrote anything in the Star Wars universe, and it’s absolutely something I’m gonna have to come back to. The AU has a lot of potential, and I know exactly how I’d address the future of Dick’s story. Plus some side fics of the family’s reactions to what happened, the confusion over Dick’s disappearance. And in this fic itself I liked writing Slade’s manipulations, Dick’s desires, the small amounts of background I included. Idk, I just think this world is super cool.
Well, I hope you enjoyed reading this long drawn out thing! Probably more info than you were looking for 😁😅
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bug-pasta · 5 years
for the lgbt asks, honestly i would love if you answered all of them bc i love you but i really want to know 2 and 4. thabk. also im going to steal your ask prompt
alright well you just uno reverse card-ed me on this and i guess ill answer them all lmao. just for you elvira
also none of my answers are gonna be fun or interesting cause it takes too much effort to care about things right now
What do you identify as and what are your pronouns? okie so my pronouns are she/they and i honestly just identify as queer. i occasionally enjoy the label ‘lesbian’ (so basically girls are hot and SOME other people are hot but mostly just wow girls). also gender? nah. no identifying with anything (aka probably agender)
How did you discover your sexuality, tell your story? fuck dude idk girls are just Like That (also i fell in love with sam from icarly)
Have you experienced being misgendered? What happened and how did you overcome it? okay so yes actually! currently i wear pretty feminine clothes and dont usually mind being seen as a woman and all that shit but! i do still identify as nb. but also when i was younger people would often think i was a boy and use he/him pronouns for me which actually didnt bother me either! so idk, nothing bad
Who was the first person you told, how did they react? my sister!! she was just kinda like,, yeah that makes sense. and i never really ‘came out’ about my gender. i just started using she/they pronouns online and stuff. the only irl person ive told is my gf but again, i didnt even come out, i just told her which pronouns i preferred. 
Describe what it was like coming out, what did you feel? akjfbsd i was like,, 12 years old? and i was soo scared the first few times. but then i realised it wasnt a big deal (except a few less good situations idk)
If you’re out, how did your parents/guardians/friends react? my parents are super chill about it! they said some not great things at first because they didnt know better and they still arent the best about nb things but! theyre learning and i appreciate that
What is one question you hate people asking about your sexuality? idk uh i guess i dont like when people ask for a specific label
Describe the style of clothing that you most often wear. goth (its not that simple but eh)
Who are your favourite lgbt+ ships? see okay this is gonna take like 8 hours if i dont limit myself sO gallavich, ineffable husbands, snowbaz, reddie, johnlock, wolfstar, jenny/vastra, hannigram, natsby, boreo
What does makeup mean to you? Do you wear any? i dont usually wear makeup but i do enjoy some intense goth shit every once in a while. idk ive been in the goth community for so long, makeup isnt a specifically feminine thing here. 
Do you experience dysphoria? If so, how does that affect you? yeah,, not usually too bad though. makes me feel uncomfortable
What is the stupidest thing you’ve heard said about the lgbt+ community? gosh idk man
What’s your favourite thing about the lgbt+ community? uhh dude idk im out of answers. i like when people actually give a fuck about the history of the community and respect the people who’ve done everything
What’s your least favourite thing about the lgbt+ community? anyone that thinks maps belong here
Have you ever been to your cities pride event? Why or why not? yeah! its decent. gets a bit bigger each year, not bad for a small town. 
Who is your favourite lgbt+ Icon/Advocate/Celebrity? EZRA MILLER
Have you been in a relationship and how did you meet? yesyesyes im extrememly in love with my girlfriend. we met because she was in the same school as my sister. 
What is your favourite lgbt+ book? (im also gonna say carry on)
Have you ever faced discrimination? What happened? not really? i dont think so
Your Favorite lgbt+ movie or show? friCK maybe the imitation game or pride
Who are some of your favourite lgbt+ bloggers? theres bloggers??? @official-lucifers-child 💚💚💚
Which lgbt+ slur do you want to reclaim? idk i use queer alot
Have you ever gone to a gay bar, or a drag show, how was it? nope! im underage but i dont think i wanna go to one anyway
How do you self-identify your gender, and what does that mean to you? idk i usually just go with ‘no’
Are you interested in having children? Why or why not? no! i dont think ill want to have children anytime soon, if ever. and i will definitely not be getting pregnant. i could see myself adopting/fostering when im older but maybe not. im good with having a bunch of animals instead
What identity advice would you give your younger self? the words you use to describe yourself dont have to actually matter that much
What do you think of gender roles in relationships? i mean i cant really say they’re bad if it works for some people? but i think they mostly pretty shitty tbh
Anything else you want to share about your experience with gender? What is something you wish people know about being lgbt+? i,, have nothing left to say
Why are proud to be lgbt+? fuckin,, it can be hard you know. people have dealt with so much shit to get here and even now, theres horrible shit that happens. idk
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Circuits (Part Two)
Summary: Diego finally goes out with his childhood crush. But at two different points in their lives, is it sustainable?
WARNINGS: Language
Word Count: 2,531
Paring: Diego x Female Reader 
Part One
A/N: So I kinda have another idea of where this can go.... Would y’all want another part? Should I make it a series? Should I stop avoiding the one post y’all followed me for in the first goddamn place? lmk
 As always, feel free to hit me up with requests. Sometimes I’m a little slow but I love writing For The People. I’m also willing to write for HP, Mauraders (omg Wolfstar is my JAM), GoT.... If I post about it, I’m pretty much down. Holla at your girl.
Diego stared at himself in the mirror. This was happening. He was finally going to get to know the beautiful, brilliant girl he had liked since he was a kid. It wasn’t a date, there was no reason to be so nervous. Oh, fuck, he was nervous. 
After digging through the clothes he had at the Academy, he found a black button down shirt. He was going to lunch with The [Y/N] [L/N], the brilliant and kinda rich and gorgeous [Y/N]; he didn’t want to embarrass her if they were seen together. Diego rolled up the sleeves to his elbows, leaving it untucked with a pair of jeans. He took another quick look at himself in the mirror before leaving his room to find [Y/N] downstairs. 
Diego smiled when he heard her talking to his mom, knocking lightly on the door before letting himself in. 
“Oh, Diego!” Grace said cheerfully as she continued to do the little diagnostic tests. “[Y/N] told me you’re going out to lunch! I hope you have fun!” 
Diego smiled a bit, nodding at his mom. “She looks good,” he complimented [Y/N].
It was like she was pulled out of her trance when he complimented her work. She looked up with wide eyes, smiling when she fully processed what he said. “Thanks! It looks like you’re all set, Miss Grace!” 
Grace let out a pleased sound, cupping [Y/N]’s cheek fondly. “You’re always so sweet. I wish you were one of my children.” 
[Y/N]’s smile was so kind and loving, Diego wanted nothing more for it to be directed at him. “I wish I was your daughter too.” 
Grace removed her hand as she turned to leave, kissing Diego’s cheek as she went by. “Have fun, darling.” 
Diego sighed softly as he tried to gather his thoughts, not wanting to think too much about how gorgeous [Y/N] looked when she smiled like that. He turned back, smiling a bit at her. “Ready?” 
“Give me a second to clean up!” She nodded, starting to reload the things she brought into her bag. “How have you been?” she asked as she started to shut down her computer. 
“Uh... I’ve been... Good. Yeah, good. Just a lot of family drama,” Diego answered awkwardly, leaning against a workbench. 
[Y/N] snorted at that. “Five told me about the end of the world. Thanks for saving us all.” 
Diego recoiled at that bit of information, shaking his head as he tried to comprehend. “You talked to Five?” 
“He broke into my office. Does spatial jumping into someone’s office count as breaking in, technically?” 
Diego and [Y/N] shared a laugh, shaking his head as he imagined his brother appearing in this woman’s office on a calm day. 
“But it’s not like he and I had a nice chat,” she continued, zipping her bag up. “He was very, ‘How much do you know about time travel?’ and ‘Can you reverse engineer this time travelling briefcase for me?’ So...” She chuckled, motioning for Diego to lead the way. “Where do you wanna go for lunch?” 
Diego considered that for a moment. He was a broke vigilante who mopped floors and got a cut of bets on him during his fights. She was a world renowned scientist with a penthouse in Manhattan. Their ideas of nice places to go for lunch were probably very different. “You pick,” he decided. 
She hummed as she considered that, thinking of all the places in the city she knew. “Do you have any allergies or diet restrictions?” 
Diego raised an eyebrow. “No...” 
“Perfect! Then I know the perfect place. I’m never on this side of town so I never get to go. Let me toss my bag in my car and we can actually walk.” Diego nodded, following [Y/N] out of the Academy to her car. 
“A Tesla?” Diego asked with raised eyebrows. 
She rolled her eyes, using the key to pop the trunk. “A bribe from El. It didn’t work but how do you ask for a car back when you made such a spectacle out of giving it?” That mischievous smirk returned and Diego felt a jolt of electricity course through him. 
“You call one of the most famous billionaires of our lives ‘El’?” 
[Y/N] just laughed as she shut the trunk. “He really hates it when I call him Ellie.” 
Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Oh, Diego was quickly falling in deep. Not only was she cute and kind and smart, she was funny and sassy. He silently wished he had broke into her office when he wanted to. Maybe he would already be kissing her in the back of her Tesla... 
Diego snapped out of his day dream when he heard a car horn honk as they walked down the street together. She probably wasn’t even interested, there was no point in imagining what they could do in the back of her fancy car that cost more than his entire life. He quickly traded places with [Y/N] so he was on the side of the road, an old habit he was taught young. 
“So what did you end up doing for work?” she asked, glancing over at Diego. There was an appreciative look in her eyes when they switched places and he was glad she wasn’t offended. 
“Uh, I currently work at a boxing gym. S-sometimes I train kids, sometimes I box, usually just clean,” he answered nervously, thankful there was only a slight slip up. 
“I’d love to see you fight sometime.” 
Diego felt a blush rise up his neck, nodding a bit. “Y-yeah, that would be cool.” 
“You can’t tell me that’s all you do,” she prodded, bumping her shoulder into Diego’s. “You don’t wear that leather harness and throw knives just to clean a gym.” 
Diego scratched the back of his neck. “I may offer my... Expertise and talents to the police when it is needed.” There was that beautiful, heartwarming laugh again. “What?” 
“I just like how you phrased, ‘I’m basically the non-blind version of Dare Devil’. It’s cute,” she answered, scrunching her nose in her amusement. 
Cute. [Y/N] thought he was cute. He forced himself to not get too excited, taking a deep breath hidden behind the sound of a large truck passing by. 
“Here we are.” 
Diego looked up at the restaurant, raising his eyebrow. It was a little greasy spoon diner that he often found Klaus in when he was high out of his mind. 
“You coming Hargreeves?”
Diego’s attention was brought back down to [Y/N], nodding a bit as he followed her inside. 
“This place has the best fries,” she gushed as she slid into the booth. “What? Why are you looking at me like that?” 
Diego just shook his head as he looked at the woman across from him. She was as complex as the circuits in Grace and all he wanted to do was learn every bit that he could. “I just thought you’d pick somewhere even further uptown,” he admitted, grabbing the laminated menu from behind the napkin holder. 
“I go to the little bistros and pretentious restaurants enough for business. I like these little places.” [Y/N] shrugged, grabbing a menu herself even though she knew what she was going to order. “Unless you were expecting-” 
“No! N-no, this is great,” Diego assured with a smile, nodding a bit before looking down at the menu. 
The waitress came a few moments later to take their orders and left glasses of water behind, leaving the two to their own devices for a bit. 
“Can I be honest?” she asked softly, swirling the slice of lemon in her water with the straw. “I’ve had a huge crush on you since... Probably that day you were being creepy in the hall.” [Y/N] chuckled as a blush rose to her cheeks, using her other hand to cover her face. “It’s so embarrassing. I had a picture of you from one of those teeny-bopper magazines on my wall when I was like... thirteen. Next to Jonathan Taylor Thomas and the Backstreet Boys.” 
Diego stared in disbelief before laughing at the absurdity of it all. “I had a crush on you too,” he admitted. Shaking his head, he looked around the diner, imagining what would’ve happened if Reginald hadn’t caught him in the room when they were fifteen. “You were the first girl I had seen that wasn’t my sister and I thought you were ridiculously pretty.” Diego’s smile brightened when the pink in her cheeks darkened a bit. “I still think that.” 
“Diego Hargreeves, you’re going to get me in trouble, aren’t you?” 
“Depends on the kind of trouble you’re looking for.” 
Diego couldn’t stop smiling after that sort-of date with [Y/N]. They exchanged phone numbers after he walked her back to her car with promises to catch up to each other again. She left him with the lingering feeling of her lips on his cheek and he wasn’t sure if anything made him feel like that. 
It had been two weeks since Diego saw her. Trying to date an accomplished scientist who constantly had meetings with other accomplished and brilliant people was almost impossible. But the flirty texts reassured him that she was actually interested, just busy as hell. 
“Not to add to that giant ego of yours, but you got this in the bag,” Al assured as Diego bounced from foot to foot. “Shaw always favors his left side. Use that to your advantage.” 
Diego just nodded, trying to focus on the sound of the crowd as the announcer began. He smirked when the locals loudly displayed their dissatisfaction with the interloper. Al clapped him on the shoulder and he began his walkout, keeping his head high to add to his cocky persona. Diego scanned the crowd as he climbed into the ring, his eyes locking with a familiar pair of curious eyes. He was definitely surprised to see [Y/N], remembering that she had some sort of benefit dinner or something and couldn’t come out to see him fight. Diego gave her a wink as the ref started his spiel about a fair, clean fight. 
The fight went on longer than Diego expected, Shaw even managing to get a few decent hits in. Diego sighed as he collapsed onto the stool, rolling his eyes as Al chastised him for not keeping his guard up. 
“If I have to get that girl out of here-”
Diego took one last drink of water, glaring at Al as his mouth guard was pushed back in. He nodded toward the ref as he stood back up, tapping gloves with Shaw again. Diego spared a glance at [Y/N], silently deciding he wanted this fight over with so he could get dinner with her. 
It was over within a minute, Shaw knocked out cold on the mat. Diego huffed as his arm was raised as the winner, smiling a bit when he could make out [Y/N]’s cheering. He climbed out of the ring, mumbling his thanks as Al helped him out of his gloves. Diego’s head whipped around when he felt a hand on his back, a smile forming on his face when he saw who it was. 
“You were great!” [Y/N] was grinning so wide Diego’s heart sped up again. “I started to get nervous before that last round but I should’ve known better.” 
Diego slowly realized one of her hands was still on his hip, the other was gently wiping blood off his brow. Maybe it was the adrenaline or some repressed fantasy from when he was fifteen, but suddenly Diego leaned down to crash his lips against [Y/N]’s. Once his mind caught up to the rest of his body, he quickly realized what he did. He started to pull away but that was when she started to kiss back, the hand that was on his face moving to grasp the back of his neck. Diego wrapped his arms around [Y/N]’s waist to pull her close, the moment falling apart by her hands pushing on his chest. 
“You’re sweaty!” she complained, laughing as she continued to wiggle out of his grasp. Diego chuckled once he processed that she was only pushing away because he was sweaty and not because she wasn’t happy. “Go take a shower!” 
“You could join me,” he suggested with a smirk, a bit of pride swelling his chest when it looked like the woman seemed to consider it for a second. 
“Go! Get! I’ll patch you up when you’re done.” 
Diego did as he was told, taking a few steps backward to get one last look before turning all the way around to get to the locker room. 
He made his way back to the boiler room once he was done with his shower, raising an eyebrow when he saw [Y/N] playing with one of his knives. “Don’t sue me if you cut yourself,” he warned, running the towel over his hair again as he descended the stairs. 
“You really think that little of me?” she questioned from where she was perched on the little table in the middle of the room. 
Diego walked over with a smirk, gently pushing her knees apart so he could stand between them. “Of course not,” he promised, leaning foward to rest his hands on either side of her thighs. Diego’s heart thudded hard in his chest when she set the knife down to wrap her arms around his neck. 
“I like your place,” she whispered, her eyes starting into his own like she was breaking him down to his core like she did with gadgets. 
“I bet it’s no where near nice as yours,” Diego replied, his heart dropping into his stomach for a completely different reason now. 
“I don’t know. You’re here, that’s a big plus.” 
Diego shook his head, standing up straight again. “I’m not...” He felt his mouth go dry, it was only a matter of time before his tongue got heavy. “I c-c-can’t k-” Diego groaned. “I c-can’t k-k-ke-keep up.” 
“Diego.” [Y/N]’s voice was soft and reassuring, but Diego didn’t want her pity. “Look at me,” she said forcefully, causing the vigilante to do so. “I’ve had a crush on you since I was a little girl. And now, you’re... A giant dork but I really like you.” Her smile was hard to ignore, his feelings of doubt starting to subside. “And you look like this.” Her eyes trailed over his still naked torso, shaking her head in disbelief. “None of the men in my field look like this that’s for sure.” [Y/N] reached out to take Diego’s hand to pull him back to the position they were previously in, wrapping her arms around his neck once more. “We might not work out, but it sure as hell isn’t going to be because you live in the gym you work at. I want to give this a try, if that’s okay?” 
Diego wasn’t sure if the words would come so he just pressed his lips against hers as a silent acceptance. He felt the tension release from his shoulders when she kissed back. 
Maybe they wouldn’t work out, but they definitely wouldn’t if he didn’t let himself try. 
@reblogserpent @knifeboydiego
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olivieblake · 6 years
hi again! so i really hope this doesn't come off as rude but i'm just wondering why wolfstar? i never really considered it before i started reading your stuff and i'm open to the idea i'm just wondering what your personal reasons are for shipping them (mostly so i can become slave to yet another rare pair). also THANK YOU FOR PRIMO ???? that was so beautiful and unexpected and elegant and high quality? i've told many that we do not, in fact, deserve you
okay, so
I was planning to write a one shot detailing the wolfstar relationship 
I had this idea where sirius would tell their story in reverse as he’s falling through the veil while remus would tell it from the beginning which would end with the moment the curse strikes him during the battle of hogwarts and tbh it is Devastating 
but I think that would be the only way for me to explain it with the level of urgency that I would want you to have in order to ship it, so
hm hm hmm
I mean it’s not exactly a rare pair, loads of people ship wolfstar and I’m hardly a preeminent writer of the pairing (especially since I secretly or not so secretly ship james and remus a little bit which, do not ask me to explain that, I don’t know what happened but they do a LOT of wordless eye contact/lingering looks in Youth and caring about remus’ situation redeems james in a lot of ways and oh my g o d do not @ me) but like
I think I need to write it to explain it?? which I’m willing to do if you can wait. though if you haven’t read Beast I think that one is a particularly fun wolfstar and also maybe these short drabbles
oh and also you’re great and I love you, you’re very welcome
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