#also can't believe I had the confidence to tag the main tumblr account for the game
Quinn is now my new comfort character!
Say hello, everyone!
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I originally wasn't going to include that last image, but Quinn greeting Julian like that was so funny I decided to keep it
From Particles of Reality (a game that is a dark, twisted otome that is very much 18+) and belongs to @arewar
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sugarcookiesandsins · 6 years
Hey. So I don't meant to come off as rude or offense, but I'm really curious. I know you're a new blog and that you're friends with Kura, but I feel like you lost a lot of originality you could've had. You basically try to mirror everything she does, which I understand it's also because you admire her and want to be like her, but you can't BE her ... Like for example,,, you use "Jae talks" when it used to be "Jae speaks" lol and now you want amm asks when that's all she's been doing. (1)
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This is going to be a long answer, but I feel it prudent to respond to this ask in particular because of the evidence this anon has brought against me in regards to my friendship with Kura ( @re-sugance ). She is free to make of these accusations what she will and whether or not she continues to be friends with me is up to her discretion and judgement. Each point that this anon has brought forward will be quoted and addressed. 
1. “…lost a lot of originality that you could’ve had…basically try to mirror every thing she does…”
    I feel that in no way I have lost any originality. I am very proud of my own ideas for my stories as well as the work I have put into making those ideas into reality through each chapter. Apart from Nymphet Garden, all my stories are independent works that are in no way related to Kura or her ideas for her own stories. As for trying to mirror everything she does, there is no way I could even if I wanted to. Like Kura, every writer on Tumblr is unique in their own way with their own quirks and interpretations for even the most common au’s that may exist.
    True, the mafia!au idea for Charmed was not mine, but then again everyone who writes and reads that genre knows that. What is mine, is my application of the idea to the boys. Their profiles, painstakingly constructed so readers could relate more to the story and to the OC, because isn’t that the goal of any ‘x reader’ or ‘reader-insert’ stories? For the reader to feel like they are that main character. Those are my ideas. So please, if you still believe that I am mirroring her, tell me where. 
2. “…because you admire her and want to be like her, but you can’t be her…”
     I will not deny that I admire Kura; she is an amazing writer with a wonderful gift. Nor will I deny, that I have imagined being able to write like that. All of her readers will agree with me that she had a nuance about her writing that blurs the line between reality and fantasy, making the stories more real to our minds than they should be. And because I understand the art in her works, I also understand that I will never be able to be her.
     I have my own writing style that differs from hers by a mile, but I am not disappointed in it. It is a style that I have created over these last 10+ years that I have been in creative writing. I have developed it through what I have read and through my influences in literature, and especially through my own personality that shows through my voice. I have my own merits in my writing, and if I want to rise in the ranks of the tumblr writing group, I will be doing it with assurance in my uniqueness and not the filched merits of others who have already achieved success. 
3. “…you use ‘Jae talks” when it used to be ‘Jae speaks’ …”
If you really looked through all the tags on my old account, you would have noticed that I alternated between the two, half out of forgetfulness for which I had used before and half out of indecisiveness. When I deleted my original blog, and recreated my second one, I decided on which one sounded better when said aloud. You have no idea how many times I felt like a maniac alternating between both, before I decided that talks sounds better than speaks. Even phonetically the ‘ae’ from Jae and ‘a’ talks have a similar vocal shape when I say both words, making them sound better suited than the transition from ‘ae’ to ‘ea’ if I say Jae speaks. 
4. “…now you want amm asks when that’s all she’s been doing…”
    Yes, her and many other authors. If you would like I can provide you with a list of authors that participate in the ‘ask my muse’ and ‘ask my character’ types of asks as they are very helpful. Personally, I saw them more as a way for me to be forced into thinking more about my characters and their backstories, further than what I have to come up with for the story. They also provide authors with the opportunity to get ideas about possible spin-off chapters or one-shots to create.
    As an author, you have read the story and chapter many times, the repetitiveness sometimes causing us to miss the smallest of details. These details are the wonderful little easter eggs that our readers discover and tell us about. This is why I started opening my inbox to ‘ask my muse’ and ‘ask my character’. 
5. “…you already have an advantage given you are collaborating with her and she has a follower base…”
    This is the most disgusting accusation I have heard. What ‘advantage’ do you think I am trying to gain? What you are insinuating here is that I am using Kura, someone who I personally call a friend, to help boost my own popularity on tumblr. I find this downright disgusting and a direct attack on my character and morals. Yes. I am collaborating her, but you best believe that I am putting my own share of work into this collaboration. I have in no way specially requested her to promote me on her website and the only promotion I have ever gotten from her is her tagging me in our collaboration and by reblogging a one-shot I co wrote with another writer. That to is on her recommendation blog and not her main one. I believe that if people follow me it is because they have read my works and enjoyed them. If you feel like I am using her, please ask her yourself. She is very strong individual who I believe is able to cut people out of her life who she feels are toxic. 
6. “Even your writing style has changed.”
     The beauty of being a writer is the ability to experiment with your writing style. Here I assume you mean that my writing style had changed in an attempt to match hers. Subconscious interference is not something to be taken lightly, and if you find evidence that my writing has changed to match hers, I am also sure that you will find evidence of stylistic qualities that will match Joseph Konrad and Jane Austen as well. As I have mentioned above, I am influenced by what I read. I read Kura’s works with just as much voracity as the works of greats. In light of that, I find it no issue that my writing style had changed; it is changing to improve and to learn. 
7. “….I don’t mean to come off as rude or offensive.” ; “Sorry if this comes off as mean but I’m just curious if you’ve noticed that you’re doing the those things as we do.” 
     I think that the first thing is your attempts at placating me regarding the crude accusations you have made regarding my intellectual property and my character. Do not try to justify your accusation of me using a friend to further my own aims or that I am losing my “originality”. If you are accusing me of such, I believe that you should own up to it. And the first step, is coming off of anonymous and facing me as yourself. Additionally, I wonder who this ‘we’ is that you speak of. This means that there is a group of you that share these ideas. I invite you all to come forward, and not just to me, to Kura as well. I believe she also has the right to see these accusations you are making as it involves her, does it not?
I have addressed every point you have brought forward regarding my ‘mirroring’ of Kura’s blog and writing. This will be the last time I will address such claims as they are demoralizing and with the intent of hurting me. I have confidence in my own writing and wonderful friends who have faith my me and my character; this is all I need.
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