#also cleopatra too i guess
ghoul-haunted · 1 year
sextus pompey-mark antony but not in a way that fixes anyone
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freuleinanna · 1 year
I'm still confused about Verna.. I thought she was a demon?? Because why would Death be going around making a bunch of deals with people? After Verna told Pym she decided to go "topside" I thought she was some kind of crossroads demon since it implies she came from below (hell)
Oh! I feel you, and I struggled with that a lot too. She does seem a lot like a demon. I'm not saying I'm 100% correct in my thinking either, but here's why I personally think she's Death. Kind of a long post, sorry. I hope I make myself clear, but feel free to follow up!
So, Verna. An anagram for Raven, that much is established. Ravens are wonderful - symmetrical even - creatures. Bringers of death in a wide understanding. Bringers of good luck in many cultures. The duality is amazing. To me, that also leans majorly into the theme of death being a concept of duality: an enemy for some, a friend for others. Each greets her differently. I'm not talking about the characters here, but people in general.
There's a proverb I came across a while ago that reads 'Death is a great leveller'. Meaning, everyone's equal before her. You have no leverage or buffer against death, and it doesn't matter if you're poor or blindly, feverishly, grotesquely rich (like our folks here). Everyone pays the last bill. For everyone, there's a day of reckoning. It's a major theme with the show, at least. Verna also says 'Buy now, pay the bill later' - although it can still read very demonic, I agree.
She's obviously ancient, and I was leaning toward the demon theory based on all of her talking. Yet - she also keeps ranting about Egypt and pyramids and Cleopatras and such. What's the one thing with Egyptians everyone knows of? They honored death. Death may have been a bigger part of their lives than life itself. The Usher Twins' obssession with all things Egyptian, antiquities, jewelry, swords and such, plays a nice parallel here too, because they're just collectors. They have no grain of honor for the real thing, for what these things are tied to. Kind of a nice thought, I guess.
Anyway, back to Verna. She says on multiple occasions how intrigued she is with us, 'adorable little things'. She saw the pyramids, the expeditions, and she wanted to see what else we do, she wanted to see what Roderick and Madeline will do (in her own words). It's all an experiment to her. She makes an offer just to see what we, people, do.
Here's where my beef with a demon theory comes in. No demonic creature I could think of, be it an actual demon, a trickster, or something else, is that sincerely intrigued. Something something death loving life something something.
Demons, in my understanding, are most interested in winning the deal. They come up with incredible challenges, they enjoy torture, emotional or physical, they never let anyone win. Verna has never once expressed this. Quite the opposite. She gives everyone a chance to step back. Even when the ink has dried and everything's decided, each Usher sibling is conditioned to make a choice: push forward, or step back. Neither of them steps back. Neither of them takes a long hard look at themselves (except Tamerlane, both literally haha and figuratively, as she's the only one to have realized how lost she was in her way - just at the end, when it didn't really matter anymore, but still). Verna is kind to those she takes (sincere pet names, regrets of having to do it this way, making sure they know it's not personal, etc). She grieves with them, just before. Grieving - 'The Raven' being about an expression of grief and trauma - ravens as synonyms for death... you get the gist. Oh! Except Freddie - cause Freddie struck a cord. Infuriated her. So he doesn't get an expressed choice. And he would've blown it like coke anyway, so meh.
And then Arthur Pym. Oh, Arthur Pym. I honestly couldn't imagine a demon kneeling and thanking someone who's refused them.
About Arthur Pym, by the way. It's the one story I hadn't reread, and I should have, it turns out! haha Anyway, a few notes about his travels:
In the story, Arthur Pym is expressedly afraid of white color (North Pole, yada yada, white being the absense of colors/life, and the absense of life is death).
Verna enumerates the moments she witnessed of his travels. Someone getting left in Sahara. Someone getting shot in the Arctic. Something bad that was done to an Inuit woman. Why would she follow Arthur so closely? She didn't know him, he wasn't her favorite. I think it's because she came to collect those deaths. If she is death, she would've been exactly there, where people died. She would have also seen Arthur not partaking.
Aaaaaaaand it makes her 'You saw me' line sound better, because he had sure seen death along his travels.
I think the part about a place of out-of-time, out-of-space creatures and hollow Earth was a bit unnecessary, BUT I can try and tie it in this way:
It showed us how Arthur might have coped with what he saw, and he 'saw a lot', even in his 70s it's difficult for him to recall, and it made him think of humanity as a virus, literally;
He might have thought up that ethereal realm simply because he was in an expedition? Exhaustive conditions for both body and spirit? Traumatic experiences? If he saw Death, he might have cloaked it in his mind to cope with it, thus came his stories;
Verna going 'topside' may just mean that she had to go take a look herself, actually be willingly present for the events - to see the brave little humans conquer the earth. 'Topside', as in, 'visible, present, participating'. If Death exists, I doubt it bothers with our boring human realm but lives downunder, among all threads that weave the world.
So that's that on Arthur Pym.
A few other references my mind is too exhausted to tie in nicely:
Death takes Lenore. THE Lenore from 'The Raven' (mostly) and 'Lenore' (secondary). That happened. Also, death talking to a child of life? Regretting having to take her? Not very demonic of dear ol' Verna, in my opinion.
Her mourning veil, her last toasts to the Ushers at the cemetery? Demons don't tend to grieve their players. Demons don't respect and love them enough, and 'what is grief, if not love persevering'?
Death is the last threshold. Before death, we look upon our legacy (major theme with the show), we remember our losses and loves (Annabel Lee!!!!! love the poem, brilliantly done), we get heavy with regrets. We face death as an enemy & fight, like Madeline did. As a friend, like Arthur did. We confess, like Roderick did. All that is too significant to me overall.
And the last thing. It's Edgar Allan Poe. The whole Death tribute is a giant, incredible, thought-through-to-the-bits hommage to his literature where Death, figuratively and literally, takes the throne.
I hope I managed to express myself alright there. Thanks if you read it through, and as I said before, feel free to follow up or elaborate on some ideas. There are oceans to discuss. <3
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marzipanandminutiae · 3 months
Not sure if you are on twitter too so I am not sure if you heard, but the Uglies movie will come to Netflix this year 13th September. God, I hope so much it is just as good as the books...
Interesting! I wonder how they're going to do some parts of it, like the fact that the characters all have to be within a specific, very narrow range of skin tones- at least, the Pretty ones who aren't allowed to be very light- or dark-skinned, but I'm willing to bet the Ugly characters shouldn't look totally one race or another either after so many years of genetic intermingling.
There's also going to be a lot of CGI involved in the Pretties, if they do it right. We're not just talking supermodel- one whole point is that it's a very specific template of beauty. I guess a few Natural Pretties who lived after photography but during the before-times are mentioned, so those could give us an idea, including Lillian Russell:
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and Rudolph Valentino:
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there's also a "Denzel" mentioned, but I have no idea who that's about. Denzel Washington hardly looks the part, IMO. maybe when he was younger, I guess?
(others, like Cleopatra and Nefertiti, seem to just be people who were famous for their beauty since nobody can really conclusively say what they looked like. it's also kind of ironic- nobody alive at that point saw Russell or Valentino in person, and they maybe don't realize- or care -that photo editing existed back then. so it's possible they weren't as Pretty as everyone thinks, IRL)
And to have the appropriate contrast after the operation, they're going to have to make the actors look very different. So I'm curious to see how that will go down.
I guess we'll see! Gods, it's so weird to be getting an adaptation of that after all this time- I remember first reading those books when I was like 11. Specials hadn't even come out yet.
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stuccobaby · 1 year
kahlopatra headcanons? 🙏
these are gonna be random a f
(college au/i aged em up)
Cleopatra runs cold, Frida runs hot. It's perfect.
yes, they both have their tickets for the Barbie movie. Cleopatra has her outfit planned out (pink pink pink everything) and Frida is very excited to be Cleo's Ken.
Frida thought she had a high tolerance for spicy food but Cleopatra is in a different league. Like she could go on Hot Ones and not even flinch.
but Cleo haaaates Tajin. Frida loves it. She puts it on fruit and Cleo couldn't believe her eyes.
Cleopatra has a cat! (i was picturing a siamese) Frida is lowkey allergic, but she can handle it. But if you thought Cleo was snooty...wait till you meet this cat.
Cleopatra snores. Frida thought it would be cute and quiet but it's actually kinda loud. Frida is contemplating ways to bring this up and survive to see another day.
Frida is an Aquarius! Cleopatra is a Scorpio (not to get in my astrology bag but I think she's a scorpio sun, leo rising and gemini moon. venus in leo or taurus. what do yall think about it.)
I wrote a lot hehe woops.
(TW: weed) Cleopatra is like a 'smoke at parties' kinda girl, whereas Frida smokes often for funsies and as a creativity boost.
(TW: weed) They tried to do a 'take an edible and go to an aquarium' date but Cleopatra got too high and freaked out in the shark tunnel. They'll try again but with an arboretum next time.
Frida can play the guitar. Cleopatra goaded her into playing for her once and folded immediately when she started singing. (at one point, Frida looked up and Cleo was taking off her clothes)
Speaking of, Cleopatra told Frida she signed up to be a model for her art class. Frida did not know she was a nude model. Frida should have guessed. damn it was hard to focus on painting that day
Cleopatra is now Frida's personal fashion consultant. She's a (cheerleader, homecoming queen) part-time model, she has a very keen eye for fashion obvi
When it's cold, Frida wears socks to bed and they argue about it all the time. They also argue about what side of the bed to sleep on (they both want the right side smh).
Frida loves going along with Cleo on her many beauty shop appointments (nails, hair, spa, etc) but won't go into any waxing/threading shop because the technicians start getting twitchy just looking at her. She feels like if she fell asleep, she'd wake up tied to the chair with two eyebrows.
They watch a lot of movies. Cleopatra laments how expensive TVs used to be but loves that they're cheap now because a big screen TV still makes her feel rich and luxurious.
Frida will be the first one to say I love you and it will mess Cleo up a little bit. don't worry tho, they'll talk about it! she's just not used to being loved (saad)
Frida is teaching Cleo Spanish, but all she wants to learn is swear words and dirty talk. it's gonna take a while
Cleopatra is a bug killer, Frida tries to trap and release.
Harriet (Frida's roomie in this AU) was extremely suspicious of Cleo at first ("wasn't she like your nemesis?") but she came around eventually ("enemies to lovers is kinda sexy...")
Frida is currently showing Cleo so many Spongebob episodes, she was sick of her constant references going to waste.
yes, they listen to a LOT of new music together. Frida tries to go in chronological order (2004 music, 2005 music etc), so that Cleo could hear the progression of music sound. (i could go on and on about music but these r getting long already)
Cleopatra is a passenger princess, but mostly because everybody is too scared to get in a car with her at the wheel; she drives like she's playing fucking GTA. (Frida thought people were kidding, but after they went soaring over a downhill speed bump one time, Frida politely took the keys forever).
speaking of GTA, that's Cleo's favorite video game. she enjoys mowing people down, blowing things up, and getting cute new outfits. Frida thinks its a good way for her to indulge her sadistic streak.
Mario Kartin': Frida mains an Orange Yoshi, Cleo goes between Peach and Rosalina (she refuses to make a Mii she thinks they're too ugly to represent her).
They become a different couple when they play mario kart. Frida is really fucking good and Cleopatra can't stand that shit eating grin every time she wins. (cleo would be like that tik tok sound: right hand on the bible, god can strike me down if im lying, that motherfucker's cheating!)
I could write more but i wrote way too much already. y'all would have to ask for part 2. Also... may have snuck my next fic in here teehee.
if anybody wants to use these for art or what have you, go for it (but it better be gooood 😜)
tag and credit me tho so i can see it and be overjoyed
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unhelpfulfemme · 1 year
More random Captive Prince thoughts, because I feel like being a sadist to all of my mutuals these books are living rent-free in my head right now. These ones are more about the plot and the worldbuilding.
Worldbuilding-wise, I loved the attention to detail, because as far as I could tell all the little details of how a medieval-ish army functions and how you would run it and what you would do with the horses and the supplies and the roads etc. etc. were pretty accurate. I mean, these books are by no means a treatise on warfare (in fact they can be delightfully pulpy, which I liked - I grew up on The Three Musketeers and the Scarlet Pimpernell and similar swashbuckling novels, and I got some of the same feelings here!), but there were details in there that most other authors don't bother to put in or inadvertently fuck up (I love ASOIAF to death but historically accurate it is not), and most of the military stuff seemed plausible enough as well, though again not described in too much detail so you can fill it in with your own assumptions or skim over if it's not something that particularly interests you. And I also loved the architectural details and could imagine everything quite well, but again, as I said previously, this may be because the author spent some time living near where I live so we've seen a lot of the same stuff probably.
Actually when I was first reading it and thinking it was going to be bad I was reading it exclusively for the architectural details lol, I was like yeah, yeah, they're all sucking each other off, but Damen please tell me again how you feel about the tiling?
What I also particularly liked is how the... scale of the conflict I guess? was refreshingly accurate for the "historical period".
The worldbuilding is a mashup of Ancient Greece and medieval France, but what it really felt like to me is a world where the Roman Empire never really consolidated to the extent that it did in our world and Italy went on into the middle ages (because these are decidedly feudal systems) with Cisalpine Gaul having the, well, Gallic culture, while the South had a Greek one. I may be thinking this because I live in Italy and so everything reminds me of Italy, but once I thought of it I couldn't unsee it.
I guess I gotta put in a cut somewhere and now's as good of a time as any?
But anyway, back to the scale of the conflict, the actual middle ages were filled with small and mid-sized countries, and petty local conflicts with family members turning onto each other over succession and stuff, and random small territories going back and forth (well, that's just Europe in general, always, TBH), and this is how it all felt like to me. Actual medieval history has a guy who started a rebellion because his brothers threw a pisspot at him and his father did nothing about it and he felt humiliated, and the war was secretly funded by his mother, so the combination of the small scale with a random local conflict that probably literally nobody cares about outside of the region we are in + everything being so intensely driven by interpersonal drama between insane people felt really authentic to me, like the kind of weird historical moment that would get turned into a funny Tumblr post. And of course the royals did a lot more sneaking around than was probably smart, but I can forgive that for the swashbuckling vibes and also because if Cleopatra could sneak into a palace in a carpet these guys can do whatever they want in my book.
Speaking of the petty interpersonal drama, I also liked the emphasis on how in this system personal reputation and the performance of kingship are king. Usually when you have a heavily political story it's much more based on the quid-pro-quo, "rational actor" kind of politics, but medieval politics also had a lot more going on in the cultural sense (and so do modern politics actually but at least pretending to be a "rational actor" IS the modern performance of leadership), and here you had people dealing political blows through meticulous management of their own and others' political reputations, which was fun to see, especially in combination with so many manipulative bastard characters. Like, how Laurent is manipulated into going to the border just because looking like a coward will lose him more political points than he can afford, and Damen's continued wearing of the slave cuff and instistence on not being served by slaves initially deals massive blows to his reputation, because these are cultures that value heroism, of one sort or another.
(And speaking of heroism, the emphasis on the physical activity-related activities that are the centerpiece of noble life in both countries were wonderful, especially since because both Ancient Greece and the European Middle Ages were really into that in their respective ways and it makes the mashup feel really well-done and coherent in how she tied it together.)
What's notable is a lack of any kind of religion, which felt particularly glaring during the whole Kingsmeet thing - in the real world there would likely be a belief in some kinda curse from the Gods or something similar to discourage the drawing of weapons, but since I'm not really religious and tend not to personally care about religion (while ofc recognizing its anthropological importance) I really didn't care and it didn't diminish my enjoyment of the series.
Still, I do have to say that the ending of the last book felt reeeeaally rushed, and that felt really glaring exactly because the rest of the series had such amazing detail work and excellent pacing and very gradual plot development.
I didn't get the part with the doctor and the letter (why didn't he say anything earlier? how would they verify the authenticity of the letter? Did anyone even have the time to READ the thing?) but I'm gonna be honest with you here, I read book 3 under a heavy fever and it was like 2 AM when I got to that part, so I'm not sure that I haven't missed something that makes it make more sense.
BUT even if that part makes sense, I feel like the Regent was dealt with far too quickly. Like in one paragraph he is in control of everything, in the next they've already beheaded him and that's it. I can imagine in my head that a lot of the nobles were probably already sick of him and took little convincing, that they were disapproving both of his meddling in foreign politics and of his likely grave breach of cultural rules via taking an aristo kid as a pet, or that he initially rationally seemed a better choice over Laurent until Laurent proved himself to be more competent and with a more competent ally, or they already had some hints about what happened that the audience didn't and the evidence confirmed what was inconclusive before.
But I feel like in a series that spends so much time detailing the shifting alliances between the characters and the public's opinion on everyone that matters? I really needed to be sold on it a bit more. Like I really needed some discussion over what to do with the Regent, I needed them to keep him in a cell for a while as they decided whether to kill him (and have the leads scared that the Regent will turn them over as Laurent often does to people), I needed them to consider the evidence just a little bit more, I needed some post mortem with the council members where they explain what was happening on their side of the things. It needed to be MUCH longer and more detailed.
Another thing I wondered at was why the Regent was so insistent to paint Laurent's collaborations with the Akielons as a bad thing when he was... also collaborating with the Akielons? Like he is foaming at the mouth calling them barbarians and accusing Laurent of sleeping with the prince-killer but it feels more like setup for Damen's big declaration of love than an actual political strategy because my brother in Christ, you are literally in the Akielon royal palace, in the middle of Akielos to which you ran after your nephew started a rebellion, with the Akielon king sitting next to you as your equal. Why do you think that you can convince your people that YOUR Vere-Akielos alliance is somehow more morally pure than Laurent's? This was also the right moment to pull out all the patricide allegations that seemed to be going around for Damen, but IIRC he didn't use that as much as he could if at all.
Since there were some Akielons in the room as well, I was also wondering WTF was Kastor doing as the Regent was shitting on his country and calling them barbarians and making it like allying with them is a grave transgression? Why was HE allowing this humiliation? It felt like a very unpolitical thing to do from a character whose strength was in his political acumen (obviously meaning the Regent, not Kastor) and the plot just let it slide by.
I feel like a lot of this is due to this being the first time that the story had to fit within the constraints of a traditional book? So it needed a decisive traditional climax and perhaps it was getting too long for a traditional format, or the author got a bit tired of it and wanted to wind it up now that she wasn't getting regular feedback as you do with serialized publishing, or she prioritized emotional impact over plot logic.
I don't know. I still think they're great books, and the conclusion was emotionally satisfying in the sense that the psychological and interpersonal threads were wrapped up impeccably, I just wanted more detail on the political side. It's still grabbed me like nothing else did for a long time, I can take a mid ending, half of my favourite series will never have one at all because the author wrote themselves into a corner and then died lol.
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tgrailwar-zero · 23 days
Oh uh yeah so we met someone who mentioned that they felt the influence of the Void Cell on Charlemagne, basically. He recognised the feel of it. Additional knowledge adding on to that, though, we’re almost 100% certain that he’s planning a crusade to take over the Solar Cell to rule it and prevent the Heavenly Divinity from emerging. Not sure if he knows that he’s being influenced though, or he fully has context for stuff.
From what we know, he’s now mass gathering support and might be planning on using the faith of the masses to gather it? Or other ways as well. Regardless, he’s building his forces and numbers and tried to recruit us to his cause. He’s also in possession of the Spirit Origins of some servants who used to work with us during the Origin War.
In the eyes of the Red Team, what they’re doing is backed by their Lord and is thus justified and just, and they’re very much men of faith so they see themselves as the good guys in this.
Also Sigurd, not to alarm you but I do think that Red Team has plans with the nameless city, one of his proxies briefly mentioned something about the place, but we’re unsure of what exactly is going on there. It might be worth looking into.
Also I’m not sure if this is related but there was an event that completely wiped out Blue Base, and it was done at least partially by some shadowy and ominous voice and seemed just insanely sketchy and I think it mentioned watching or something? I don’t know if this is related to the Void Cell or some other party but it might be and might also be backing Red Team or something but. Yeah. That too.
Uh if possible though try not to let Red Team know we told you all that though, we haven’t been attacked on sight by them yet, so we’re trying to avoid that for as long as we can now if possible
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SIGURD: "Brynhildr said that the Allfather did research on the White Titan after it first attacked, maybe that's why the City is a point of interest…? But..."
You watched him head towards the door, his eyes narrowed in thought, his fingers lightly adjusting his glasses.
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SIGURD: "I'm returning to the City. We can talk about research another time. I have work to do."
His voice was as low and even as it usually was, but there was an underlying snarl, like a dragon's claws raking against stone. Without a proper goodbye, you watched as he marched out the door, cape billowing behind him. The Keeper waited a moment longer, scratching his beard as his brow furrowed in thought before he stood up.
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PTOLEMAIOS: "…Maxwell, you can guide them out?"
MAXWELL: "I can, but--"
PTOLEMAIOS: "Then do so, please. Him gathering territory was problematic, but we had been so preoccupied that we hadn't prioritized it. If this is something to do with the Void Cell however, then we'll have to act swiftly. After you guide them out, inform Cleopatra immediately, and we'll have to pass this along to the others as swiftly as we can. Hopefully we can catch the Slayer before she leaves to the Moon. Even if this is a false alarm, I'd rather be cautious than a fool."
MAXWELL: "And where exactly are you going?"
As the Keeper turned around to acknowledge MAXWELL, you could feel the magical energy radiating off him, the room growing warmer.
With the Keeper closer to you, and off of his pedestal, you could tell was a truly massive man he was. The beast that Setanta had transformed into was huge- and the Keeper seemed much larger than even him, casting a long shadow. Age did not seem to come with weakness from what you saw, his broad shoulders tensed and sharp, eagle-like eyes that scorched with an imperial might.
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PTOLEMAIOS: "…I am going to go see this 'Charlemagne' for myself."
…And like that, he stormed off.
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MAXWELL: "...Well... I guess I'll take you back outside. Come on."
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chickenparm · 1 year
Would you love me if I was a worm? (Satoru Gojo/gn!Reader)
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i'm so sorry. technically i guess you can thank @insult-2-injury for this one kinda.
Gojo/gn!Reader 500 Words - SFW Crack, I guess.
“You’re serious.”
“No, I’m Satoru. Just put it on.”
“It’s not going to fit-”
“It’s going to fit. It’s spandex. It will fit. And I used your measurements.”
Your eyes lift from the green fabric and squint at the sudden light reflecting back at you from the combination of blinding white teeth and perfectly smoothed bowl-cut. Is that lace front? Is yours a lace front, too? Your eyes dart to the styrofoam mannequin head holding your wig, a perfect match for his own. 
Shaking your head, you demand, “When did you get my measurements?”
“Oh, that’s easy, the night before my last trip to Kyoto. There’s a seamstress I know there that was able to get these done in a few hours.” As if to add insult to injury, Gojo rifles in the box on the table and pulls out two tubes of orange fabric, “Don’t forget these, too!”
“And the leg weights?” You ask dryly, taking the legwarmers and folding them over your arm alongside the garish green fabric. 
Gojo’s face brightens, yours falls. “I thought you’d never ask! I wanted it to be authentic, really commit to the bit. Rock Lee and Gai-sensei would never do things halfway, so-”
“I’m not calling you sensei, I’m going to just lay that one out now.”
Gojo’s shoulders slump. His teeth and bowl-cut grow dimmer as he all but whines, “But why?”
“It’s weird. You’re weird. We’re dating, why couldn’t you have picked a different couples’ outfit like Cleopatra and Caesar? I would have let you be Cleopatra.” The wig in the corner of your vision feels like a dark void threatening to suck you in. 
Gojo reaches for it. You slap his hand down. He isn’t phased, “You’re so sweet to me, honeybee. But that’s boring-”
“-you’re boring-”
“-take that back.”
“Only if we can get a different outfit. I still have last years’, we can be Barbie and Ken again.”
Gojo waves a hand as if he’s wafting away a cloud of stench, “I got blisters from the heels. Also the wig got melted, remember?” Yes, you remember. You’re not entirely sure that Megumi hadn’t handled that lighter with a purpose that night.
Undeterred, you ignore the bowl-cut destined for your cranium while laying down the pieces of your Halloween costume. “I still have the pieces for that worm costume we bought off Heidi Klum. I could put together a fisherman outfit quickly.”
“I did get to lay on the floor a lot…”
“And I fed you by hand, remember? Grapes, right off the vine.”
Gojo hesitates. His brows pinch together, eyes darting to the side. The wheels are turning in his head and you know you’ve got him on the ropes. It’s a tantalizing decision - be waited on hand-and-foot by you all night, or see you in tight spandex and a bowl-cut. 
By the time you get to the car, wig pristine and spandex rustling, you’re failing miserably at trying to ignore Gojo’s unbridled glee and wandering eyes.
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meekmedea · 28 days
re: ask game
commentary for What's In a Name?
I'm kind of weirdly emotional about Felix in that fic (well... I mean maybe that's me in general) and I remember you kind of rotating his fate in your head in the chat, but also you can talk about anything from that fic really! Whatever you want <3
oooh haha I remember that time - when I kept flipping between the one important question: should Felix live or die? 🤭
(sorry Felix 😔)
Felix's alternate fate
In a world where he lived, only Clemmie drinks the poison, but the trio still find out about her poison immunity anyways. (Her poison immunity is a whole other spiel for a different day)
(Unfortunately?) this doesn't change Coriolanus' fate, and Felix still plays a part in his death. But this time around, it's a bit more hands on.
Coriolanus' death follows nearly the same set of events as What's In A Name, except this time, it takes place at Clemmie's apartment and Felix is the one that pulls the trigger.
Sometimes I imagine Felix as the ride or die friend. Except he'll take it to the extreme. (I guess he still is in the fic too...) But Felix knows of the snake incident and this poisoning attempt gone wrong is his last straw.
He's a bit older now, and who knows maybe Cleopatra had some influence here on him... but friends that slay together, stay together.
Coriolanus is the trio's second victim. Tantalus Moss was their first. Iphigenia's half-siblings are next on the list...
Some random points that I still have hanging around:
Felix admits to pulling the trigger. Both to the press and to Max.
Max is going through it. He suspects the story, but Felix refuses to budge on it.
The press sort of eat up the whole story that's been fed to them. Damsel in distress, 'Clemmie'; the dashing hero 'Felix', the distressed friend/lover 'Nia' who is simultaneously dragging Coriolanus' name through the mud while making it nearly impossible to blame Felix for his actions.
Nobody is calling for Felix to be punished.
Kind of like Coriolanus' earlier thoughts, you can't really tell if Felix and Clemmie are super close platonically or romantically. Neither can the media. But Clemmie is still with Iphigenia, and now it's sort of hard to tell if the trio are a trio romantically or not.
The story started getting a bit more convoluted than I liked, so in the end, this storyline was scrapped...
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darkchocolatedimples · 7 months
from the vault! (speak now & 1989)
speak now
electric touch - keefe
when emma falls in love - linh
like if cleopatra grew up in a small town!
i can see you - tam
castles crumbling - fitz
its THE fitz song oh my gosh "now they're screaming at the palace front gates, used to chant my name, now they're screaming that they hate me, never wanted you to hate me"
foolish one - dex
okay don't talk to me
timeless - biana
she deserves that timeless love dude
slut - biana
say don't go - dex
now that we don't talk - fitz
i miss the old days, you didn't have to change, but i guess i don't have a say now that we don't talk. MOURNING KEEFITZ ONCE MORE
suburban legends - sophie
is it over now - keefe
you dream of my mouth before it called you a lying traitor !!!! / your new girl is my clone 🥸
you're losing me - sophie
the whole song is so perfectly her but also "how long? could we be a sad song? till we were too far gone to bring back to life. i gave you all my best mes. my endless empathy. and all i did was bleed as i tried to be the bravest soldier."
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Credit: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/67875227#big_0
Guess I have to do all of them now.
//And I will walk through it as you ramble.
Shuichi is Ritsuka Fugimaru, male protagonist of Fgo. There's also an alternative of him of course being Sherlock Holmes. Not sure why he's the simple harem protagonist but ok. Sherlock is obvious tho.
//I mean, all of the protags have incredible harem energy, Makoto especially, but Shuichi too. It's not THAT weird to me.
Kaede is Nero Claudius (damn this would put her at really bad terms with Mahiru Boudica then). Not sure why Genderbent Nero Claudius is Kaede but I guess they are both busty blonde happy proud girls that are not actually so happy and proud deep down. Tho, I need to point out this is actually super ironic cuz Nero Claudius was historically tone deaf.
//That's funny.
Kokichi is James Moriarty, the Napoleon of Crime. This fits so well. Both of them are basically asshole yet charismatic crimelords/troublemakers and are usually the cause of everyone's problems behind the scenes. Also, going with the alternative one for Shuichi as Holmes, this fits well cuz Moriarty and Holmes are actually canon rivals. Tho double suicide is obviously off the chart.
//Yeah, that fits a little too well actually.
Ryoma is Emiya Alter. Edgelord badasses with a death wish and a dark sense of justice and always suffer cuz of it. Fits the bill.
//Makes sense.
Kurumi is Emiya. Idk why at all. The non-alter version of Ryoma's. Hero of Justice who ended up hating his own dream cuz it made him constantly kill and kill and kill as the world's personal hitman. Made him question what it means to be a Hero. How the fuck does this fit Kurumi? And how does this parallel with Ryoma by Kurumi's side over there?
//That is strange to make KIRUMI of all characters Emiya. Isn't Emiya like, a big deal in this franchise? Surely that role should go to one of the protags.
Miu is Leonardo Da Vinci. Proud beauty super eccentric inventors. Makes perfect sense.
//Miu gives off big "DA VINKY!?" energy.
Gonta is Asterius/The Minotaur. Big animalistic muscular wild men with actual soft hearts and lovable personalities. Fits the bill.
//He looks cute too.
Tsumugi is Cleopatra (oh damn this would mean Twogami Julius Caesar and her are a thing). This is solely due to the meme of them looking like each other. Tsumugi is not that fabulous and proud beauty of herself. No way Tsumugi can weaponize her own beauty sparkles and glittering to make explosions.
//I disagree with this in the case of Survivor. Zetsubou Tsumugi is SO damn full of herself, it's painful. And while I wouldn't call it "weaponizing her own beauty," Tsumugi's own powers ARE related to her appearance too.
Keebo is Charles Babbage. Two robot men. Nuff said. Tho I need to ask how well Keebo is at programming compared to the actual Father of Computer Programming.
//I misread that as Charles Cabbage. Also, to answer this, the whole point of Keebo is that he's an advanced AI and fully functioning robot that's beyond the technological advancements of the state that V3's world is in. But him not being able to do anything like shoot lasers, fly around, and do super cool comic robot stuff; therefore leaving everyone disappointed despite how actually incredible he is as a creation, is the joke.
Kaito is Thomas Edison (damn this must mean Kazuichi and Kaito argue a lot). Idk why. What does Kaito have in common with a guy who invented the common lightbulb (he actually submitted it first. Someone in Russia invented the same exact lightbulb type at the same exact time as Edison but he turned in his papers the day later compared to Edison who rushed immediately to the offices) and, do not ask me why, fused with every American President from past, present, and future and with the Warner brothers Lion to be a Super President? Kaito got the short end of the draw.
//Miu said that Thomas Edison said genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration, and Kaito sure does perspire a lot.
Maki is Jack the Ripper. Loli Jack the Ripper. One of the possible Jack the Ripper's. Not really Jack the Ripper, is actually the spiritual incarnation/accumulation of all of the dead orphans/aborted children left for dead by the millions of prostitutes in London at the time. Maki is a damn good assassin and does have a strong love/hate relationship with kids, especially orphans, but this is a bit much.
//I mean, Maki being Jack The Ripper is what I expected, if we're likening her to any historical figure, but THIS iteration? The spirit of orphans stuff makes sense, but Jesussss!?
Tenko is Ushiwakamaru/Yoshitsune. Idk about this. Both of them may be dark hair sporty types but Tenko is definitely no military general and badass master swordsman (genderbent now) known for jumping across 8 ships in a row cutting everyone down. Doesn't seem to fit the bill here.
//Makes more sense than something like L'ouvature or whatever?
Himiko is Abigail Williams. Why the fuck would Himiko be the girl who essentially started the Salem Witch Trials by blaming everyone? Himiko would been murdered on the spot if she met historical Abigail. Sure, Fgo's version of Abigail is an absolutely precious little girl who'd you so want to protect as your daughter but also has very dark personality switch cuz she's actually connected to the actual Lovecraftian Elder God Yog Sothoth, but I need more than both of them being magical witch aesthetic little girls.
//There were many speculations going around after the end of the witch trials that Abigail Williams herself was a witch all along. So Himiko COULD fit into her shoes if she was a much nastier character.
Rantaro is motherfucking Merlin. No offense but Rantaro is not deserving of the meme king dick wizard who broke the meta more than any top tier waifu. I could explain why he's nicknamed the Dick Wizard but that's a hilarious other story.
//Yes he is. Yes. He. Is.
Korekiyo is Phantom of the Opera. Sociopath Serial Killers with obsessive behaviours towards a certain girl in their lives. Makes sense.
//Makes TOO MUCH sense.
And Angie is Xuanzang. This calls into question whether Angie has a pet horse, monkey, pig, and whatever animal that "sand demon" with a (trident?) spear was. (I'm Asian American and idolized Journey to the West and even I don't know). Regardless, both are super religious and I guess get into trouble all the damn time. I can kinda see it but it could be better.
//Yeah, kind of like what I said with Tenko. It doesn't make complete sense, but it makes more sense than most stuff.
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canirove · 1 year
Broken Hearts Football Club | Chapter 5
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"And then he completely ignored me! He called me annoying and then, goodbye. Can you believe it?"
"June, you've been talking about your encounter with Chilly for the past 15 minutes. Why don't you tell us about your date with Leah's cousin? How did that go?" Vittoria asked. 
"Oh, it was ok."
"Are you meeting again?"
"He's coming to Saturday's game and then we are going out for dinner. I just hope Chilwell isn't at that game, I don't want him to ruin the day again and… why are you laughing?" she said, looking from Vittoria to Lauren.
"Because you are back to talking about Chilly. You had a nice date with a nice guy, yet all you can talk about is the guy who supposedly is obsessed with you."
"He is obsessed with me, Lauren. Not supposedly."
"And don't you think that maybe you also are a bit obsessed with him?"
"Yes, you, June. You can't stop talking about him."
"Because he… he… urgh."
"Yes, he urgh" Lauren laughed. "Anyway, changing the topic. You guys are coming to Reece's birthday party."
"I'm not."
"June, it wasn't a question, it was an order. Besides, it's a costume party, it'll be fun."
"We could go dressed as the Power Puff Girls!"
"No" June and Lauren said at the same time.
"Boring" Vittoria replied, crossing her arms over her chest.
"I'm dressing as Lara Croft."
"Oh, cool. I'm thinking about choosing something princessy like. What about you, June?" Vittoria asked her.
"I already told you, I'm not going."
"It's gonna be a big party, you won't cross paths with Mason if that's what worries you."
"I wasn't thinking about him."
"She was thinking about the man she definitely isn't obsessed with" Vittoria giggled.
"I'm not obsessed with him!" June protested.
"Of course not, honey."
"If we stop saying it will you come to the party? Please, please, please. Do it for Reece" Lauren pouted.
"Do you promise you will stop saying I'm obsessed with Chilwell?"
"I promise. Vittoria?"
"Yeah, I promise" she said, rolling her eyes.
"Then I guess I'll attend the party" June sighed.
"Yay!" Lauren said, hugging her. 
"But only because I like Reece and I know he'll want me there."
"Only because of Reece."
"Thank you very much for coming, June. It means a lot."
"You're very welcome. And again, happy birthday."
"Thank you" Reece smiled. "Oh, I must go say goodbye to those guys. See you soon, ok?"
"See you soon" she replied before leaving his apartment. Outside it was as packed as inside, but it looked like no one else was leaving. When she walked into the lift, it was just her and another guy. 
"Going down?" he asked.
"Yep" she said while the doors closed, busy texting Lauren to tell her that she was going home. She had asked Reece to tell her, but he would definitely forget about it.
"Maxwell? Is that you?"
"Chilwell?" she said as she turned to look at the guy standing next to her. "What the fuck?"
"I could say the same thing. Where is your Julius Caesar, Cleopatra?"
"There is no Julius Caesar."
"That was fast" he chuckled. "But good for him. He realised how annoying you are and left before it was too late."
"Ha ha ha" she replied, rolling her eyes. "Where is your Sandy?"
"Making out with Spiderman."
"Your date is making out with one of your best friends?" June laughed. 
"It wasn't Mason. There was another guy dressed as Spiderman."
"I see… You don't look too gutted about it."
"Meh" he shrugged. "You don't look too gutted about Leah's cousin either."
"He couldn't come, he has to work tomorrow."
"Yes, of course" Ben smiled.
"He does, he is a teacher."
"I believe you, Maxwell. No need to explain anything" he said, still smiling.
"Whatever" she replied, crossing her arms over her chest. Though if she had known what was going to happen, she would have not done it.
The moment she did, the lift suddenly stopped, making her lose her balance and land on Ben's arms.
"Are you ok?" he asked.
"Yes, yes. Thank you" she said, quickly leaving his embrace. "What happened?"
"The lift stopped."
"No way, really?" June said, rolling her eyes. "I meant if it was you or if it was the lift on its own."
"I didn't touch anything."
"Great. So we are stuck inside a lift."
"Looks like it. Let me call for help" Ben said, pressing the emergency button. "No one is answering. That's odd."
"Let me call Reece" she offered. "Fuck."
"What is it?"
"There is no signal" she said, starting to feel her heart beating too fast.
"I'll keep calling the emergency button. There should be someone on the other side and… Maxwell, are you ok? You have gone so pale… Come, sit down" Ben said, helping her. "Better?"
"No" she said, taking deep breaths. "I feel so hot."
"Well, you aren't wearing too many clothes, I don't think we can do much about that" he chuckled. "Wait, June… Are you afraid of getting stuck inside a lift?"
"Yes" she whispered.
"Oh, ok. Ok" he said, sitting down next to her. "What can I do to help?"
"Yes, talk. About whatever you want, but just talk. That way I won't think about where I am or what is going on."
"Ok. What about your performance in yesterday's game?" 
"Anything but football" she said, giving him a murderous look.
"Anything but football. Got it. I… umm…"
"Why the guy from Grease."
"Why did you choose to get dressed as the guy from Grease? Isn't that too… basic?" June asked.
"Meghan had always dreamt about dressing as Sandy at the end of the movie, so" Ben shrugged.
"But then she changed Danny Zuko for Peter Parker" she laughed.
"Yeah, she did" he chuckled. 
"I can't remember the last time I saw you with the slick hair" June said, resting her head on the lift's wall and looking at Ben.
"I hadn't worn my hair like this since… you know" he sighed, also resting his head against the wall. 
"Bad memories."
"Yeah. When I did it earlier it felt so weird... It was like traveling back in time."
"If someone told me right now I couldn't play football anymore, I don't know what I would do, to be honest."
"Kill that someone, probably" Ben laughed.
"Yeah… it's very likely" she smiled. "I'm sorry."
"About what?"
"About what happened."
"It's in the past, don't worry. But thank you" he smiled back. 
That probably was the first time June had seen him properly smile at her. He wasn't teasing her or making fun of her, it was an honest smile. And she liked it. She liked it very much. She liked the way his eyes wrinkled, the way his upper lip curled. He had one of the most beautiful smiles she had ever seen. 
"Are you feeling better?" he asked, bringing her back to the real world.
"I don't feel as hot, so that's something. Thank you."
"Look at us, saying thank you to each other" he laughed.
"Don't get used to it, Chilwell."
"You are the one who should not get used to it, Maxwell. Once those doors open, my facts will come back" he said with a teasing smile.
"Your wrong facts, you mean."
"They are not wrong" he said, slowly leaning forward.
"They are wrong. Very wrong" June said, also moving towards him. 
"Meh meh meh" he whispered, his face now way too close to hers.
"Idiot" she whispered back, her nose brushing against his.
"Hello? Is anyone there? Hello?"
"Holy shit!" June yelled, jumping and hitting her head against the wall. "Fuck."
"Are you ok?" Ben asked her.
"Yes, yes. Who is that?"
"Hello?" the voice said again. "Is anyone in there?"
"The emergency button" Ben said, quickly getting up. "Hello? We are stuck inside the lift."
"Oh, finally. I thought it had just stopped and there was no one inside. Are you alright?"
"We are, but we would like to get out of here the sooner the better."
"Give me a couple of minutes and you'll be free. Sorry for making you wait."
"It's ok" Ben said, looking down at June. But she wasn't listening, her mind busy repeating over and over again what had just happened.
She had almost kissed Ben fucking Chilwell.
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selfox · 5 months
I had far too much time during these 24 hours of getting home Xd but I feel so dang proud surprisingly. Even if later I'll regret it cus I barely slept. A bit yes, but not as much as I should have
The Random Tales of Drakgo by @gothicthundra
The villains retreat the ark
I was so invested in this ark I wasn't making any notes while reading hdhdhd so it's not first time reaction and more.... Of a second one ^^· So I had more time to think what I was writing and was monologuing
This is a behemoth of text
They are so husband and wife. Yhe opening scene reminded me about Mr and Mrs McAllister from Home Alone, when they already were on the plane and Mrs McAllister realized that they forgot something someone
Hoarder Drakken is an eternal mood to me.... But it also made me feel called out
“hard to mess it up” Shego, careful with words
«How could you mess this up?» ma'am.
To be honest, I would get a couples stuff and bunked with my friend, if it was a better deal. We all grown up… can't say it for sure for those two.
Ma'am 🤣 I wasn't and am still not surprised
“I'm done being mad at you” are you sure about that?
«You know how it is traveling with someone. Did he happen to tell you that it's our honeymoon?» just forge that marriage contract already.
Ngl I would want to chill in that cabin thing.
Jet lagged bby, breathe in and out. Feelings are hard
He was sleeping so soundly you didn't have a heart waking him up eh, Shego? ;3 mosquitoes are worse than evil tho
He is a man of many talents, Shego
Them getting ready for resting is making me sleepy XD so cozy
The fact that she keeps feeling insulted over how Drakken is reluctant to join her in the bed makes me laugh so hard
Maam, you are a tsundere... Well, definitely some kind of dere.
"A nice relaxing morning will kill this," sighed Shego as she curled up in her bed. - yeah *sure*
Drakken needs some undisturbed rest honestly, poor guy is so wind up.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
«Yes, can we alter orders, because I don't want to start this day having an argument about mushrooms," sighed Shego.» I love that she knows he hates mushrooms... And that they argued about them previously xD
🤣🤣🤣 I am so sorry, Shego, that must have been a holiday experience
“why are you naked?” 🤣🤣🤣
There is your answer. Hi, Cleo
The big awkward
You know, I really like those 4 in there. Even if it's just to make a huge argument.
Huh, and I guess it's a side effect of Drakken and Eddie growing up together? Cus I read them as siblings rather than cousins.
Oh boy low blows are all around.
Funny thing about rereading this one more time to make notes that I now see deeper details, that I didn't notice in my rush of the first time. Like Eddie trying to distract girls. He isn't idiot, the guy is smart, his boisterous personality does cover it a lot… which in hindsight, if he times it right can be a great distraction … it already does in some manner
Even for jabs, Eddie can read you so well Drew.
Hmm, hmm… I'm really curious what story lies behind that one
Jesus, someone get a hose
They all are hypocrites and I already forgot who started what
Have I heard before that Ed called Shego by her name? But that, does show that, he wants her to calm down.
What can I say? Villains.
Xd I still find it so funny that every villain decided to go on vacation. Feels like someone gave them this idea especially considering how the ark ended, unless it's some huge cosmic coincidence.… buuuutttt Murphy's law been following Drakken and Shego for a while.
Hellooooo~~~ Carmella. Hi, Hench
Aww, friend here! Hi Duff
Ooohhh, yeah I was reading too fast so I didn't see it Xx
Shego, your green is showing
Good candy call, but who knows.
Heh, why this family stuff makes me want to hug those two?
“Cleo? Ha, nah, she's more a casual fling. I mean, she'd go I'm sure, but you know Cleopatra. She's not exactly the ride or die type, seriously," chuckled Ed.” uhu *sips*
Miscommunication all around.
Hello, Pandora and Hermes~
Seriously (grumbles curses at Edward Bartholomew P Lipsky) how those 2 met? Another case of cosmos making foils to Drakken and Shego? Just put of all exes, just so curious.
Ouch OTL I wish there were some apologizes voiced OTL but alas
Eddie, I am still surprised that it was just 10.
PANDORA NO! Ruby… you are going to regret it!
Ok for me it's kinda cute sight of Ed putting arm around Cleo and Carmella - cus it “shows” how small they are xD But I get Drakken's and Shego's feelings too.
Pandora no OTL I have yet to read the whole thing on Tumblr, but with how it all goes in here... Man, thats brutal OTL Pandora... OTL Hermes you are a champ for putting 2 and 2 together. OTL OTL think its also the fact that she is very inebriated takes it to the atmosphere of the thing too.... Yeahhhhh villains were more hardcore back in the day OTL
I am so glad he went for her OTL ;-;
I want to pull them in a hug. OTL the issues *sigh* Drew, maybe time to be honest? You are just in love with her.
Hermes is a champ
*sigh* those two… Once again I say you need couples therapy on top of individual therapy
Hdhdhd like a child with hand in a cookie jar, but it's just dismantled kitchen appliances. Insomniac Drakken strikes back
I'll never get over how much she knows him, his little habits and reactions.
.... Hehe, Chekhov's gun.
The whole scavenger hunt heh I love every single one of those doofuses. I love seeing them all bond villainous style. And when Drakken sneakily made Shego go through it and her *knowing* what he been up to. And drakken being Indiana Jones
I guessed cooking in Lipsky family means something of a bond between significant others?
Shego, once again you are A CAT. Sidenote. I still don't understand salad with marshmallows, how's that a salad??
Wait is that a salad that Dylan B Hollis made? The diabetes one? ........ That doesn't narrow it down xD
Ah, right, Pandora.
Yeah... Chick fight alright.
Heh, like I've said. Brothers
“Ran off”? Huh 🤔
I have no words still, but ough OTL
YAAAY Eddie and Drakken are talking about feelings!
Yeah yeah, Eddie knows his cousin well.
«Ever think you'd be a little less uptight if you guys were...?» cannot believe I say it, I agree with you Ed. But there will be more feelings involved.
Ah :((
*takes a mental note*
The moment near fire pit it gives difficult combination of emotions. From melancholy, exhaustion to weirdly enough comfort and coziness. Her giving him the bottle without a question and then sharing her turmoil with him. His asking if he can do anything. Heh, even Drakken's quip about staying there or following her. I guess cus it was said in such sense of normality.
Complexity of this all. Even that complicated anger and sadness from Drakken.
OTL Shego, girl OTL
My thoughts about what animal Shego would represent is still a cat. OTL yeah... Shego tends to run away OTL not the best method of dealing with problems. Drakken would care though. And yes, birthday.
«You're not really going to ditch your best friend on his birthday...»
«Why do I trust you?»
I'm getting heart palpitations bdhdhdh
«Shego, how about some revenge for breakfast? It doesn't say you can't shoot at non-participating people. Eddie says Pandora spends a lot of time by the pool.»
I had such a stupid wide grin. That what it means best friend.
Aaah my favorite moment of this chapter! The paintball fight!
It feels me with giddiness seeing Drakken all pro during it, and that mental image of kiddies Drew and Eddie spending time at paintball.
Awwww Shego is so eager to shoot people
........... Is he angry cus they took his favorite color? Bsjxhd that question I had ever since I read it lol
Discussing strategy while having domestic dispute, such a drakgo vibe.
There!!!! There is shooting Drakken!
«Shego, now may be the time to inform you that my aunt and uncle ran a paintball arena... This was what Eddie and I did on weekends.”
“Motor Ed I can see..." Shego raised a brow as Eddie almost got hit and ducked behind a barrel. "Or not."
"Shego," said Drakken. There was a devious smirk forming on his face. "I made it a point not to lose to my little cousin. I'm not about to start now."
"Noted," said Shego. She felt the smirk tug onto her lips.»
Thats... Doing something for me... *cough* same Shego *cough*
«We've been played into a trap," said Drakken. Shego glanced to see him grinning. "Nice."
"I don't see..." Shego readied her gun, but Drakken tackled her just as shots were fired.
"What was that!" yelled Carmella as she was covered in purple along with Cleopatra, while Anubis and DNAmy had been saturated in pink.
"We won, that's what that was," smirked Drakken above Shego as he gloated at the four who grumbled and skulked off.
"Hah, classic accidental team fire, didn't think it would work.»
Standing ovation to Drakken!
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) hehe
They are so husband and wife without realizing it. And yes, Shego, you are a gold digger 🤣
I am so very curious what the hell happened between Drakken and Ed in the past so it so sour rn. Idk... Like yeah I understand what happened within the fic is also a major factor, but there feels something more. Especially when other chapters kinda indicated that they were close. And Eddie before idolized his cousin.
Well... Eddie you kinda were a dick
Well Shego… cus you *leans closer conspiraciously* maybe wanted him to pin you?
Kinda jealous of her ability to lounge like that.
F microwave
I've been making such a peculiar face at this back and forth.
Keeping your hamnds busy for sure, it's like heh a fidget toy for him. He probably needs many of those
Heheh oh the tense moment is coming
Morning, Sleeping Prince.
Why I love them shit talking others?
Ah hi there, Dr. Botox.
Ah, it's showtime
I've seen the illustration and it's amazing. Love Ed's and Dementor's shirts
Under table banter.
Eddie you have no idea. Tho... Maybe you have.
Drakken surely would have loved to hit both of them.
“blond mullet king” I am squinting at Demetor.
Ngl thats pleasant to hear correction from Shego dhdhdh :')
It maybe a wishful thinking on my part, but did Shego instinctively went for Drakken's comfort? Nevertheless it is heartwarming and him comforting her
«You're one to talk, you were double-crossing all of us just because you had some point to prove to yourself that you could work alone," said Cleopatra.» she got you there Shego. That's exactly what happened.
*sigh* Ed.
Hmm.... Yes a set up for sure, but was it from the very beginning of the vacation with that mass deal or something else🤔 it could have been a call from someone… Carmella? Maybe someone else hmm 🤔 thing is Botox from seeing Shego's shoes must have understood that descendants of Leviathan fam should be around cus how else Shego got those shoes?
I love this intense fight so much. From Ed and Demeter back to back, to Duff on the table and even guys were are out but they were still battling. And Drakken with his fast thinking.
Scary how Botox ... I assume Dollmaker helped them, modified henchwomen to get boost from Shego, it definitely shows that *she* is the target.
Villain solidarity!
OTL the moment when Shego got his was genuinely unexpected and scary.
I assume the scream was from Drakken hitting Botox's arm with toothpick gun. Which was badass as fuck especially considering... Well he went for blood for Shego.
I think... This specific character is one of my personal favorites. Especially the absurdity Xd but I guess after one maddening night of fighting for their lives and almost getting caught … they all need chill time.
Dr D you had the biggest instinct to protect.
Hench for the win!
Heh, Dr D. I think this mishap helped them all honesty.
And Hench is a very smart cookie. Props to him indicating to wait up in case of eavesdropping and ordering candles himself and getting them too.
Also yeah Duff was in between rock and a hard place for sure.
There was a scene in Transformers movie (the 2007 one) and villains being cramped in the kitchenette reminded of it. It was and still is hilarious. Both of those scenes djdhjd
DUFF DUFF OMFG you are a mad lad and suicidal at that
And still that question who tipped them....
I just love their stories so much.
Cleo, I might have done the same thing xD fuck that guy.
Dementor's sorry is honestly adorable, but ending is sad 😔
«Right... I once rebuilt the entire school staff's vehicles on the roof «
of the school building because I was bored," said Ed smugly. Drakken glared.
"Excuse me, I did that," said Drakken with a scoff. "It was four cars and I only asked you to help because you kept talking and it kept you quiet."
"Yeah, but I did it... And I was talking because I was bored, seriously, chill," said Ed with an eye-roll. "Why do you always have to have the attention?"
"Seriously?" asked Drakken.
"Seriously... It's like you need constant validation," said Ed. Cleopatra snorted and nearly choked on her drink.
"What's that supposed to mean?" he asked, his brow furrowed."I think she snorted because it's funny how you're telling Drakken he acts like he needs validation, when you're the one taking credit for his story," said Hermes.»
Sorry but this whole moment sent me in such giggling feat, I couldn't breathe for a bit
Epic save with booze~
Strip poker scene is .... Delightful in my books xD
After this whole ark I kinda like this mentor relationship between Camille and Dementor. It's just so sweet... Thank you, Shego, I think I got that one from her.
This is a party :3
OTL you'll see soon Shego
Another moment where I had to wipe my eyes XD Dick jokes and puns
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Shego
I'm so glad she finally started to notice that she likes him... More than a friend.
Hello green Shego
She had hit the nail on the head with such accuracy Shego, go Adrena...... Omg no Xd well now yes, but still omg.
And now crucial moments between those two
*Sigh* Shego, just listen to what he has to say, please?
Drakken the badass, knight in the shining blue armor that is his labcoat.... Unfortunately not on him rn dhhdhd
I love those two, I really do.
The story time. Dollmaker. I don't knkw who is the creepiest still. But this guy ... Yeah in Shego words “Creep”. OTL poor Shego
;-; wiping away tears. Hug you two. Or kiss. You both want that. But probably, ngl it isn't right time. Some you... Even both, hadn't realized something important. And there is a hug. Slept together on one another's shoulder ; 0;
*Sigh*... I sometimes wish that she realized sooner how much Drakken was holding himself with not to act (to the point of it being unhealthy in the future) *sigh*
And now back home, you two
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thepmmmwitchproject · 9 months
Predictions for Magia Record 2024
A new year is coming up, and f4samurai is showing us some promising things for Magia Record. Here is my prediction on the schedule for the year. January
First half, Kyoko (Haregi ver.): they always do a new years unit, considering they wouldn't do two Mami units in one month, I think Kyoko is the second best contender. Possible alternatives would be Felicia or Sana. Second half, Mami (Scene Zero ver.): The next scene zero update is in January, so its pretty much confirmed we'll get her this month.
First half, new Valentine's unit: Perhaps a Leila/Seika unit (with their doppel uncaps) maybe a new welfare unit too. Also, some more Doppel Syndrome doppels from the anime as battles? Second half, first possible ending to Scene Zero: At this point, the entire holy quintet will be featured in Scene Zero, so I personally am wishing for Mabayu's uncap with a doppel, and the proper reveal of Different Story's Minotaur Witch's lore. If not, then maybe a Scene Zero version of Nagisa utilizing her new recolor.
First half, second possible ending to Scene Zero Second half, Yu and Shi: It's confirmed to be happening in March, my guess is late March, after Scene Zero, its closer to summer (the introduction point of the original event)
April Fool's: A new Magia Report unit, I personally want to see Degarashi Mana, Iroha-chan's VTuber persona. It'd be really fun if Degarashi had a different witch form from Iroha. Also confirmed at some point this year, we're getting a bunch of magireco girl's true witch forms. It'd be fun if they also do the opposite, and reveal the human forms of the established witches, such as Zenobia, Teresa, and Lucy.
Also, maybe the start of Arc 3 at some point? Possibly? Who knows.
Personal Predictions:
These are characters and witches I would love to see debut in Magia Record in the upcoming year in the other two thirds of the year: Human forms of any pre-established witch
The 5 girls Madoka saved in episode 12 (The tibetan girl, savannah girl, viking girl, volcano girl, and bear girl)
Cleopatra & Himiko
Portable witches (Itzli and Quitterie)
Mobage content, any member of the Mobage quartet (Elise, Claire, Hiyori, and Komachi), or the witches.
The other Different Story Witches, the earwig witch, the postman witch, the moth witch, and the bee witch.
The two unnamed sisters who also appeared in Different Story who became the pin and pincushion witches.
Literally any Oriko Magica character
The remaining members of the Pleiades Saints (Saki, Niko, Satomi, and Mirai)
Villains from Kazumi Magica, such as Souju, both versions of Yuuri, and Kanna
The original Michiru Kazusa
Kagari and Ichika Kasumi from Suzune Magica(Maybe Kanami too)
Fleche and Lame from Tart Magica (Also maybe Fauchard too)
Riz's former partners (Machete, Frusta, and the Falce sisters)
Some of the witches from Tart Magica, maybe some of the background witches from the war against Isabeau?
Minor magi from the game (Aneka, Yumi Yuuki, Suwe Mikoshiba, Hatsu Tokime, Manatsu, and Ruri Mizuna)
The doppel used by Ikumi as a White Feather.
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myfanfictiongarden · 7 months
You ever start to watch something that is advertised and praised as being “historically accurate”, even is so in many parts, but then one thing is just so insanely wrong that you sit there blank faced thinking WTH?
Well, I started watching Rome (because I’m a sucker for history and because Bruno Heller worked on it) and seven episodes in I’m mostly enjoying it, a lot of things are great, the actors, characters, sets, costumes, historic context,… but then I go check out on Wikipedia what is known about Octavian’s mother Atia- a character thats delightful to hate so far- and guess my shock when discovering she was the absolute opposite of what is presented in the show. 
Freaking why? Why change a historic character to be the complete opposite of how it was? Next you gonna tell me Mussolini had nothing to do with the Fascist movement and wanted actually to be a classical painter in Verona. Yes, this may be an extreme example, but if HBO is allowed the spread bs why shouldn’t I be too?
Wanna know what the official reasoning was? They wanted to “draw significant influences from other Roman women from the same time period, such as the infamous Clodia, and Marc Antony’s wife, Fulvia.”
Came me crazy, but why not just feature Fulvia then? She was alive and married to Marc Antony at the time the show takes place, why not have her involved? Watching the show you really wonder how Octavian and his sister achieved such noble greatness with a mother like that and then you read some facts and realise that the actual Atia would have brought up such great characters.
Here’s what they should have done:
Instead of having Servilia of the Junii (mother of the famous Brutus) as a recurring character, have Fulvia take that role more prominently and switch her “villainous” role with Atia, who now would become the quiet, well educated & mannered woman she was. Fulvia, as wife of Marc Antony, would often spend her days in Atia´s house- given that Atia is a niece of Caesar and the whole family is in favour of him. Caesar and Marc Antony may be best-buddies right now, but given that Antony is not always the brightest and the fact that Atia is also in good favour with supporters of the Republic makes it important for Fulvia to be on good terms with her. Fulvia would then be the one who would comment that Octavian reads too much and is getting too much of an “feminine aura” because of it, she would volunteer to hire Titus as a tutor for Octavian to teach what makes a “real man”. Because she would play her cards as much as she could she would try to catch Caesar’s eye on the party Atia was throwing in his hour, only to be ignored for Servillia (with whom we would see him spend the night with) and angered about that it would be Fulvia who would give in work those tasteless graffiti, wishing to cut away all outside influents from the most powerful man in Rome. In this case it would also have been Fulvia´s personal slave who would have witnessed Caesar’s seasure and seeing Octavian and Caesar “together” brought those news right back to her mistress who immediately would have tried to use that to her advantage only to be disappointed that it wasn’t like that, but suddenly inspired that- if she can’t seduce Caesar- she’ll seduce young Octavian- Caesar’s favourite & adopted son.
Meanwhile we would have still seen Marc Antony enjoy his time with other women, yet always come back to his wife because she was so cunning and ambitious- it would have played perfectly into the fact that he later fell in love with Cleopatra, for while Fulvia knew how to play the game Cleopatra knew it better. 
Fulvia would also have been the one to pursue Atia to make Octavia divorce her husband because with the politic situation it wouldn’t have been “good for the family” to be associated with him- and to that extend for her.
See? We could have gotten an ambitious, cunning, strong female character and still have it historically accurate!
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dreamerwitches · 2 years
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I was literally thinking the other day ‘wow, i want new magireco news’ and low and behold, here it comes, in an avalanche-! (sorry for spam but... I’m excited!)
This is a preview of upcoming girls (could’ve finished the existing girls doppels first but... whatever... -_- )
The first two are Tsuyu and Chizuru. It’s looking like some of them are some girls we know already but... none of the outfits seem to match up so far...
I’m guessing the fuchsia one to be Cleopatra or an egyptian girl because of her headpiece. The horned girl, not so sure.. maybe another traditional Japanese girl with an oni theme? I feel like we’ve gone over that already so... she isn’t so interesting... (even though I love oni...)
The light blue girl definitely makes me think of the viking girl (the colours are quite a match too). Maybe they changed her design since vikings never actually wore horned helmets into battle. I get a valkyrie feel from her though. Another colour match is the himalayan girl with the green one but other than her low bunches, that’s my only match here
The yellow girl I’m a bit more certain may be Himiko. She has the telltale sleeves and the ring behind her has the rising sun motif. The last is another guess but the colour leads me to the Grecian girl. Their skirts also are similar
But here’s the thing you’re probably all thinking... ‘if these are those girls (specifically the non famous girls), then their outfits don’t match at all’ and yeah... i thought that too... If they are the same... I really dont want them to change their outfits... I’m worried they’re going to change them to fit with the current, much more detailed style of magireco. I DO want my beloved episode 12 girls to arrive... but I don’t want them to be changed beyond recognising them... -_-
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randomdeinonychus · 3 months
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So last night @chimericaloutlier and I finished watching the SyFy Channel show Vagrant Queen, based on a comic book neither of us have read, which I had been wanting to watch for a while now. The show only got one season back in 2020, so I knew not to get too attached.
What I didn't anticipate was that I was going to agree with a lot of the users on the IMDb. This show is very, very bad.
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It's kind of a perfect example of what people mean when they say that we don't just want representation but that we want GOOD representation. Because here is a show led by a queer woman of color (playing an alien) who gets to have an onscreen romance with another woman (also an alien), but that's all in service of a show that reminded both my wife and I of nothing so much as Cleopatra 2525.
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Mind you, at first that cheap cheesiness was part of the charm. But as the show wore on, the "syndicated adventure show from the late 90s vibes" became a lot less charming. Worse, like a lot of these kinds of shows the politics ended up being astonishingly bad.
As the title implies, our heroine is a deposed child queen who has been living in exile, hiding from the revolutionaries who overthrew her monarchy. And the revolutionaries are portrayed as Very Bad Guys, while every time we learn ANYTHING about the monarchy we begin to realize the Villains Were Absolutely Right. By the time the show ends on a cliffhanger centered on the remaining monarchists doing something evil it is clearly less of a "heel turn" and way more of an inevitable outcome of their true nature.
The season also hinges on a totally inconsistent MacGuffin that causes me no end of irritation to think about; every episode contains one "bullet-time freezeframe" that I think is meant to imitate a comic book splash panel but just looks dumb every time; the constant location subtitle "Another Galaxy. Not Yours" is not even funny the first time and they use it EVERY TIME they do establishing shots; and one filler episode is just an extended homage to Clue: The Movie that just shows that if you don't have the right cast and crew to handle screwball comedy you should not attempt it.
Also, it just made me wish I was actually watching Clue instead.
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It's a real shame, too, because Adriyan Rae as the titular queen, Elida, is so great. She's an absolutely stunning human being, for one thing, but she's also charismatic and instantly sympathetic--even when the show lets her down. It's definitely not her fault that you start really rooting for the "Bad Guys" by the 50th time she casually murders a generic storm trooper.
And, again, she is a gorgeous human being. I need to emphasize that.
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I guess it's kind of unfair to heap criticism on a show that fizzled out back in 2020--which was somehow 4 freaking years ago--but I think I should still express disappointment even when nobody could possibly care any longer.
I also suppose it is good that the show that only got one season was not some amazing lost classic, but the missed potential still hurts.
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