#also did a weird thing w the dialogue……. hope that’s not too confusing idk
petrichorium · 1 year
PLUUUVIII im such…..a big dick Trey truther. also i was thinking about how he’s SOOOOOO the childhood friend type you promise to lose your virginity to?? tell me all ur thoughts beloved <33
Ur SO correct abt Trey and his fat cock tbh and it’s so tragic bc he doesn’t even use it that much :( genuinely prefers using his mouth and hands more. V meticulous abt prep and also aftercare again he just wants to Treat You Right. And feed u cake :( probably after carrying you to the bath he ran and is letting u soak in :(
Anyway pls a virginity pact kinda thing is EXACTLY what I’m thinking abt with him,,,,,,,,,,, just like. You’re a year or two younger than him but your parents run a little deli across the street from his family’s bakery and your little siblings r the same age as his so ur families r super close and the two of you r kinda pushed together as the only two of about the same age. And it’s good! Trey is a good friend; a bit overprotective, a bit overeager to slot himself a bit too nicely into the big brother role, but you don’t particularly mind it. Admittedly you cling to him in your high school years, giddy to have an upperclassman so willing to have you under his wing.
You drift apart when he goes off to Night Raven. It’s not on purpose—in fact you try otherwise, with the infrequent text and occasional video chat to keep up—but really, NRC is rigorous, and you’re busy with your own studies. By unfortunate happenstance you miss each other on breaks and soon enough five years have gone by when you see him again at his mother’s birthday.
He looks good. He’s filled out in the shoulders and chest, grown just a bit. You watch him throw one of his teenage brothers over his shoulder and pretend it’s the wine you’ve been sipping on that makes your face feel hot. And he’s attentive to you, clearly having missed you as much as you did him. As the night goes on and other guests slowly dissipate, he lingers longer and longer at your side. Eventually he deems the party small enough to disappear with you, ducking out the window of his childhood bedroom (which seems so much smaller now, with how bulky he’s become) to the roof you both spent countless summer nights on.
You share a bottle of wine together there, taking alternating swigs directly out of it. Half a decade is quite some time to catch up on—you find yourself inching closer and closer until he has your legs over his and you’re practically curled in his lap, warmth emanating from your chest as you giggle with him.
It’s when you lament about your love life, however, that he leans close. He listens to you bitch about all the failed dates you’ve been on and your string of shitty college boyfriends, and nods sympathetically until you sigh………
And then asks if you remembered your promise. It’s joking, said with a laugh—but his smile doesn’t quite reach his eyes. It takes you a second to realize what he’s saying but when you do you reach out to smack his shoulder with a laugh of your own, because no way is he being serious.
(If he were serious he should have spoken up sooner, you mutter in a drunken fit of honesty. You’d have happily given Trey your virginity over your two-pump-chump of a first boyfriend who ended up doing it. He hadn’t managed to make you cum in the entire year and a half of dating you)
Trey stiffens. His head tilts. Did any of them? he asks. Make you cum? he adds when you ask him to clarify, and to your chagrin you realize the answer is a resounding no.
Then, he says smugly, reaching out to brush fingers softly against your arm, he thinks you can still fulfill that promise. If you’d like.
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yourlocalyorozuya · 7 years
If you could get your wish granted one day...?
Pairing: Soraru/Mafumafu
A03 Link
If you could get your wish granted one day, what price would you be willing to pay?
An Utaite fanfiction
I wish it was still April Fools.
Yes this is an April Fool's fic. "10 days late?" You're asking me?
Friend, time is an illusion, death is upon us and my uploading schedule is the real joke of this entire fic. It was actually supposed to be me uploading 2 fics in one day but this works too tbh
Anyway, if you're still here, might as well deliver!
If you could get your wish granted one day, what price would you be willing to pay?
An Utaite fanfiction
“This is terrible!” 
“Terrible!” Mafumafu says, “The title is so long, it can barely even be crammed into the post title!” 
“Don’t you mean fanfiction title?” Soraru replies, frowning, “Then again, it depends on the site where it’s posted.”
“It’s still long either way! It’s so long, we had to cut it to cram it short in both! We made it into an awkward looking question!”
“It looks like something you’d ask for Truth or Dare.” Soraru concedes, “Then again, it’s not like this fic is going to be taken seriously. It’ll probably go for 3 notes/kudos/likes, like usual.” 
“Yeah. I mean no! Isn’t that bad?! Shouldn’t we try to entertain as many people as possible?? Isn’t the the whole point of a story in the first place?!”
“Of a TV show, maybe. I don’t know about books...or fanfictions...in any case, the M rating should be enough to draw more than 3 readers in, right?”
“Anyway, we can’t really do that with you acting like that!”
“...? What’s wrong with how I act?” 
“You have all the enthusiasm of burnt ashes! We can’t engage the audience like this!!”
“...??? Isn’t this how I usually sound though?” 
“That’ll appeal to the Soraru fangirls for sure, but we need to bring in as many people as possible! We can only get so many ikemen fans, you know!”
“Exactly how do you want me to act then?!”
“It’d be nice if I could get an ounce of emotion in there...and hasn’t this format gotten confusing?!”
“Why? What do you mean???”
“First of all, this is entirely dialogue-based and no-one can tell who’s even talking any more!” 
“Isn’t this how fanfictions are written though?”
“It’s too confusing!! Much too confusing! It’d be easier if we did-”
Mafumafu: Something like this! 
Soraru: Eh?
Mafumafu: The ever-popular radio format!
Soraru: Are we seriously doing the radio transcripts?! Isn’t this for something like sexting fics or something? 
Mafumafu: -puts hand on heart- What kind of fanfictions have you been reading Soraru-san?!
Soraru: You’re even putting your gestures in this format now?! Why has this become Hikikomoranai Radio all of a sudden??!
Mafumafu: It’s what we’re most known for!
Soraru: This and not the songs we’ve made?!
M: Anyway, we have an April Fools fanfiction to write in!
S: Our names are already being shortened, geez. Are they that hard to write?
M: Usually, when we do April Fools’, we have one thing we turn to.
M: So naturally, we’re going to be girls again!
S: Y’know that changing our icons to girl versions of ourselves and posting as girls isn’t really crossdressing right?
M: We sung as girls though!
S: That’s entirely different from crossdressing! 
M: We’ve crossdressed before!
S: You have, I haven’t!
M: I mean, I did but that’s entirely different!
S: How exactly is that different?!
M: I never said we were crossdressing, Soraru-san!
S: You said we’d be girls though?
M: Eheheee, I did! 
M: -holds up really strange looking rock-
S: Okay, I can see that thanks, we don’t need the gesture thing!
M: But our audience does Soraru-san.
S: Mrgh.
M: And don’t interrupt, please! Now, this is a magical stone!
M: And it transforms us into our inner selves!
S: ....
S: Mafumafu-kun, I’ve always had my doubts...
M: Eh? 
S: I’ve had my doubts...ever since we did that song. But...
M: Eh??? Why are you talking in keigo all of a sudden???
S: You really are a Chuuni aren’t you? 
M: EH? 
S: I’ve had my suspicions, but really it’s come to this!! How can I ever associate with someone who actually thinks he’s a ruler of darkness and will take over the world-
M: Soraru-san??
M: Soraru-san!
S: Yes? 
M: Y-you calmed down from that rant fast. And hey, listen to me first!
S: Fine, okay.
M: Look, this stone is a magical relic...stop making faces. 
S: Okay, okay.
M: And all we have to do is touch it and we transform into magical girls!
S: And I’m lost. 
M: Eh, that was a flawless explanation!
S: You said we...transform into our inner selves! How are our inner selves magical girls?? We’re boys!
M: Inside every person is a magical girl! Even boys!
S: The hell???
M: Just trust me and touuuuch it already! 
S: Geez okay, okay already!
M: Ready? Ah, Soraru-san, put your whole palm on it, not just a couple of fingers! That’s not enough!!
S: Do you even realize how that...-sigh- Fine.
M: Okay, now we’re transforming!
M: Please feel free to imagine any kind of transformation music that you want during the transition!
S: Like from PM**. 
M: Or from Ma*io!
S: Or even from the Ga*ette. Or One OK Ro*k.
M: Soraru-san, that last one was too obvious! We won’t be able to avoid copyright! This fic wil be taken down!! And then the author will be too lazy to upload it again!!!
S: Since when did this become Gin****?
S: And hey! Don’t we have songs of our own they can use!?
M: Oh, yeah. Good point.
S: In any case, just get on with it already!
M: Okay!
                                Magical transformation sequence!!
Mafumafu: By the power of the void, the darkest phase of the moon!
Mafu-oh: I am the lady of darkness and war! Mafuyu, the goddess of the moon at your call!
Mafuyu: ...
Mafuyu: Uwah, even my voice changed! This is so cool! Soraru-san!!
Mafuyu: ..? Soraru-san? 
Soraru-?: ...
Mafuyu: Ah, Soraru-san?! You’re a...prettier girl than I thought you would be! Wow! 
Soraru(?): ....
Mafuyu: Soraru-san? Is something wrong?
Soraru(??): ...ing.
Soraru(??): This is...embarrassing...
Mafuyu: Gasp!
Soraru(idk): ?!
Mafuyu: Even Soraru-san’s voice is cute! In fact it’s too cute! I’m almost creeped out by it!
Creep-aru: H-how cruel, Mafuyu-chan!
Mafuyu: MAFUYU-CHAN?!???? EH
Who are you and what have you done with Soraru: Please don’t make fun of me!
Mafuyu: ??!?!?!?? Soraru-san?
Nani the kuso-ru: Eh?
Mafuyu: Soraru...chan??
The f is happening-ru: What is it, Mafuyu-chan?
Mafuyu: Keigo again!? Also something really weird is happening to your name tags!!
-whistles innocently- Soraru(?): Ah..that. I-If Mafuyu-chan is having a cute name then I’d like a cute name too!
Soraru(?): Please call me Soraruko!  
Aight then, Soraruko: I’m um...i-it’s so embarrassing when I say it out loud!!
Mafuyu: Wh-
Mafuyu: Weird! Too weird!!
Soraruko: Eh?!
Soraruko: Ma-Mafuyu-chan!?
Mafuyu: Not even a tsundere!! A Deredere?! Wh-this is too much of an attitude change!
Soraruko: Mafuyu-chan, please calm down! Your chair!! You’re going to fall out of your chair!!!
Mafuyu: Ah! 
-sound of loud objects-
R.I.P nerds.
Soraruko: H-hey! Don’t kill us off just yet!!
Soraruko: You don’t want to write this that badly?! Ah!! Mafuyu-chan, are you okay?!
Mafuyu: Ah...is that you, god?
Soraruko: A-aaaaaah, Mafuyu-chan!! It’s too early to go up to heaven!! D-don’t go!
Mafuyu: Ah...are you an angel? Are they welcoming me into hell finally? 
Soraruko: Mafuyu-chan, that’s the wrong place!
Mafuyu: Eh, Soraruko? Wow...your hands are really soft?? 
Soraruko: Eh!?
Mafuyu: It’s kind..of...weird. 
Soraruko: Ma-Mafuyu-chan!
Mafuyu: See, Soraru-san would have immediately called me creepy or pushed me away! What is this?!
Soraruko: ...I-is that so?
Mafuyu: Eh?
Soraruko: I-is that your type after all, Mafuyu-chan?!
Mafuyu: EH 
Soraruko: I-I thought you were joking! Are you really a hardcore M?!
Mafuyu: I’m an S!
Soraruko: That’s the part that you take offence to?!
Mafuyu: Anyway, this is too weird! I’m going to leave and post some updates on twitter, okay?
Soraruko: W-wait, Mafuyu-chan!
-Hurried footsteps and the slam of a door-
Soraruko: Ahh, she left. I can’t do this all alone, Mafuyu-chan...
Soraruko: ....
Soraruko: So that’s her type huh...
Soraruko: If...that’s what it takes then-
You’re going to be an M? You??
Soraruko: Is that really so surprising? 
Well, yes? 
Soraruko: You’re the writer right? You should know exactly what I’m capable of. 
Soraruko: -polite smile-
So the april fools’ twist is that you’re a yandere? 
Soraruko: No, it’s this entire pointless fanfiction. 
Good point. 
Soraruko: ...You can end this now. 
Alright, alright, geez. 
well yeah that’s it man 
sorry about this i’ll resume my attempt of quality uploads after this fic so if you’re a new reader i hope the cringe didnt scare you off
well they’re all probably gone by the halfway mark eh
so yeah, if you’re still here mad props to you friend
and thanks for reading my poor attempt at humor! 
See ya! :D
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