#also don't make your first model with Cool Textures you will regret it
agwic · 2 years
i have played through pokemon scarlet up until just after obtaining koraidon. below are my opinions, in the order in which i developed them:
the character customization is so good! my only complaint is that the closest hair style to my hair style is the hairstyle of a certain very spoilery umineko character, so when i look at my player character, i think "oh thats (umineko character)" instead of "oh thats me". this is partially due to the fact that i have a similar hairstyle to that umineko character(messy brown medium-long wavy hair) it's just that mine is longer.
the graphics are good actually! I mean they're also terrible. let me explain. the animations, textures, and models of the pokemon are all great. the textures and models of the landscape are marginally better than pokemon: legends arceus, which is damning with faint praise. but still, the game overall looks amazing. there are occasionally lag spikes and clipping, and scene transitions are kinda awkward, but that's pretty easy to ignore.
i can't tell if nemona is supposed to come off as unhinged but she very much does come off as unhinged and i love her for it. like it could just be bad writing, but im just gonna say she's canonically autistic and move on with my life. also, in a similar vein, penny is canonically trans, though i have not been introduced to her in-game yet.
speaking of nemona, they've done a great job of fixing gen 7/8's cutscene bloat. I played some pokemon: legends arceus earlier the same day, and i can confirm scarlet has no scenes where character says something, there's a two second pause, they make a facial expression, there's another two second pause, and then the conversation continues, multiple times per cutscene. additionally, making nemona very fast helps prevent the hau situation from gen 7. i haven't played sword/shield so idk if they fixed it too, but given that pla has the same issue i doubt it.
they didn't abandon the tree theme, clavell is named after cloves. sure he doesn't have the title of professor but he introduces you to the world of pokemon and gives you your starter, so he fills the role of professor
all the new pokemon designs are so good! this comes mostly from my experience with showdown and stuff, but sprigatito is in fact the cutest first-stage starter so that's a plus, and the final evolution isn't bad, im sure it'll grow on me. maybe ill regret not picking fire crocodile, its final evolution looks like a pseudo-legendary and is awesome. but besides the starters, this generation also has maushold, who has instantly become one of my favorite pokemon, dudunsparce, the dunsparce evolution we didn't want, but that we deserved, and the past paradox forms, which caused me to choose the game with the worse regional exclusives just due to how cool they are. like seriously after gen 8's best pokemon design was the regional bird i was afraid, but this generation has the best designs of any generation ever.
it's really funny how the game has really immersive sound effects for everything, and then no voice acting. it does have lip syncing. just no voice to go along with it. it's funnier than it is jarring, but still, don't take my massive amount of praise as proof this game isn't horribly unfinished.
saving the best for last, my favorite thing about this game is that you can just spin whenever you want. speeeeeeeeeeeeeen.
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Colour theory video
Today in class we where given a video to watch and take notes
Notes from the video - Joanna Kustra: Secrets of Colour Grading
Joanna Kustra is a polish photographer & image editor who specialises in Fashion beauty and commercial.
Her View “is that colour has an immense meaning”
Points covered in the video
Colour Harmonies
The psychology behind colour
The importance of preparation before a shoot
Colour theories
It’s important to invest in a high quality monitor - to see the colours in the image more accurately: Calibration is a Must
Colour Psychology
Johan Wolfgang von Goete wrote a book on colour theory. The book details that colours affect people, their emotions - it is from our own culture and experiences that our psychology is based upon.
Different colours offer different moods and emotions
Primary Colours
Secondary colours
Black is a strong colour
In some cultures:
Elegant(some cultures associate black with elegant)
Moods that some colours pallets create
Pastels - calmness
Saturated palettes - Dynamics, passion
Colour can also be divided in to Warm & Cold
Hue and saturation affects emotional perception - view of an image
Colour Harmonies
Colour harmonies are colour combinations that are
- easy to pick up
- nice to look at
- that work well together
- catch the viewers eye
Tumblr media
Monochromatic Harmony
This harmony is when the colours contain different tones, shades and tints of the same hue( this is a very cohesive look - used in cinematography
Analogous Harmony
This is colours that sit next to each other on the colour Wheel(that compliment each other) like green and yellow( pleasing, relaxed)
They are not
They don't stand out from one another
This colour scheme is good for family portraits as it focuses on portraying emotions
Analogous Complementary or Accented analogous Scheme
This is when related Hues are laying across the colour wheel adding a hue opposite called Accented Analogous Scheme because your adding an accent
This is used to put warm colours with cool colours
Complementary Harmony
Two colours opposite on the colour wheel - creates a vibrant look
Split Complementary
This is a variation of the previous Scheme. In addition to the basic colours, it uses two colours next to it commentary colour
It has the same visual contrast as the previous scheme but less tension
Uses three colours that are Evenly space on the colour wheel - vibrant
Double Split Complementary
Two sets of complementary colours forming an X on the colour wheel eg. Blue - orange or yellowish green - purple
Provides a lot of contrast but still blends/works together used in fashion
Two colours close to each other on the colour wheel separated by one or two hues
General advice on colour harmonies
When beginning to work with colour theory less is better.
To have a certain harmony, it doesn't need to be very saturated or have bright colours
Colour weight
Optical weight of colour - every harmony should have a dominant colour
What determines colour weight?
Dyad - Complementary
70% - main colour
25% - other colour
Analogous - split complementary - triadic
Analogous Complementary - Double complementary
40% - main
20% - rest of Hues
Colour wheel
Adobe colour
Palette. com
Photoshop pop up
H - Hue: pure colours
S - saturation: the richness of colours
L - luminosity: brightness or lightnesss
Tone = Hue + Grey
Tint = Hue + White
Shade = Hue + Black
HSL is created for artists to think about colour in terms of Hue & saturation instead of additive or subtractive colour
Colour profiles
RGB - Additive
Made up of
Are added together to produce millions of different colours
Adobe RGB
CMYK- used in colour printing: subtractive
Made up of
CIE- Lab
It's scope “gamut” is larger than RGB or CMYK - experts say we can distinguish at least 10 million colours
Gamut mean Scope available in a certain colour space
Each of these colour spaces has its own gamut and limitations
Colour management
It is how colours are represented across various devices
Colour checkers allow you to determine a basic output and starting point
Calibrate your screen to Adobe RGB - Allows stronger saturation of greens and reds
Keep photos a preserve embedded profiles - if printing work with a bigger colour space : allows you to see more colours
SRGB is used for converting your images to web ready
Colour relativity
Colour changes depending on what it’s next to
(Orange is lighter when next to yellow but when it’s next to blue it looks darker)
There is not a right Hue for skin it depends on the surrounding colours
Domonient & receding colours
Red is dominant- warm colours advance
Green is receding- cool colour recede and affect depth
Equiluminant Colour
Colour can be measured by luminance as well as hue
Equilament colour differ in Hue but not brightness
Apparently our brains process luminosity first
Colour Inspirations
Art galleries/ museums
Other photographers
Newspapers and articles
Library books
10 tips to do before shooting
Make a plan - mood board
Improvise wisely
Mix different light temperatures
Use colour gels
Enhance the models features
Choose the right time of day(for the type of light you want to achieve)
indoors - add colour to a basic background
Add textures
Try bold unusual make up
Keep it simple
Colour Correction & colour grading
Colour correction
It's adjusting
White & black levels
White balance
These give an image of unprocessed seeming colours. They create visual consistency for a series of photographs
Colour grading is a creative process - it adds mood, atmosphere and emotion to your image
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