#also eren is MY husband so that clears it out
novemberwasgrey · 11 months
I have a ship pattern.
I just had the mind blowing revelation that I love sweet artist x brooding black haired girl pairs and it's not just because of Wenvier.
...I ship Jeankasa and Everlark too.
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cosycafune · 5 months
a summary of the chapter: sometimes, you just wanted love and comfort. so, what wrong would it be to burrow in your husband’s arms, even if you have two children and have been married for a few years. you’re still human.
a synopsis of acts: crying, cuddling, talks of children, kissing, promises, happiness, forehead kisses and fluff.
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Loved, that’s what you are. You are loved beyond a comprehensible repair, that’s all your boyfriend, Eren, allowed you to feel. Even in moments where your heart felt void, from the troubles of the woeful world, he would artistically paint you with meaningful love. Love no over being could ever gift you.
Even now, as you linger responsibly within Eren’s arms, his gentle lips skimming upon the top of your head. The top of your head with fondness, tinting you with a love you fall incapable of not cherishing. Eren’s your everything, your soul, your heart, your very will to conquer an uncherished day.
“Are you okay, my love?” Softly accustoming to the raspiness of Eren’s beautiful tone, your heart puddles at the attentiveness of each of his given kisses.
“I’m okay, just really tired,” Informing your lover, you cast yourself into being coddled by his toned arms — holding back the entirety of your held back tears.
“You’re tearing up, so what’s up?” Eren’s gentleness exceeds your limits, leaving you to glimpse up at him with desperation. Desperation from him being capable of reading you, even if your heart is reformed by the tragedies of the world.
That’s why you love him; he’s the same.
“Navigating the world as a woman is hard, Eren,” As your wavering saying falls from your lips, you feel Eren reposition you so you are now capable of listening to his treasured heartbeat.
“Be more specific, my love,” Smearing a kiss upon your forehead, his viridian eyes tinting you, you softly bask within his homeliness.
“I hate having to work two times harder than everyone else, but at least I have you,” Beaming at knowing that he’ll forever be yours, your lips waver as Eren drifts his head lower to capture your lips.
“With me, you’ll never have to work twice as hard, and that’s a promise, my love,” Smitten with you, Eren proposes his only reform — his lips enamoured by the gentleness of your lips and your supple cheeks.
“Can we stay like this?” Speaking through subtle sounds, you feel Eren use his broad hand to clear the clustered emotions of your tears.
Eren hated when you cried; you’re his everything so your aching was also his own burden.
“Yes, and I love you more than anything, my love,” Enamoured by Eren’s peaceful declarations of gifted love, you glimpse at his starry eyes and crimson cheeks, curling further within his company and love.
“I love you more than anything in life, my galaxy,” Proposing your aged nickname for him, you observe him smile beautifully. Smile at being gifted the nickname that you had gifted to him since you were no more than youthful children, coated in ageless sand.
“We can go Hawaii if you want? I’ll spoil you for all there is,” Eren suggests to you, grinning effortlessly as you contently smile — welcoming the comfortability of him.
“Who’s going to take care of Eden and Noa?” Glimpsing at Eren with puffed out cheeks, your tension melts away the moment he smothers your forehead with relentless, love-stuffed kisses.
“My mum, as she always has,” Eren’s reassuring statement blankets you with a beautiful numbness, with not a care adorning the beauty of your cherished mind.
“Rest your beautiful mind, my love,” Softly, Eren’s voice reaches your attentive ears, “I’ll have everything sorted out because I love you and you deserve all the comfort it the world.” His promises adorn you with further tears, even if you remain no more than in a tight pencil skirt — your bra so beautifully on display for him.
“Being rich comes with its perks, but the world is still so cruel to me,” Adding to Eren’s suggested plan, you halt, “Even our little babies, I’m tired of people acting like they’re not mine because they look like you and only have my tone.” Eren continues to wipe your twinkling tears, his heart thudding at the ache you continuously carry.
“Who’s specifically making you cry, my wife, because I promise I’ll get them, my love?” The anger within Eren’s calm tone cools the moment he realises that all you yearn for is lovely, beautiful comfort. Comfort, healing and for the burden that adorns your crashing heart to rise — to be easily lifted.
“Agatha,” With your lips trembling, you plaster Eren with the truthfulness of your heart.
“I’ll have her fired by tomorrow, along with anyone who sends micro-aggressions towards my beautiful wife.” Eren eagerly informs you, smearing you with playful kisses that elicit a fond laughter from you.
He loves your laugh more than anything.
“Thank you, my love,” Extremely excited, you can’t stop beaming as Eren attacks your lips with kisses, “I’m still going to hold you to Hawaii and Germany.” Comfortable within his broad arms, you discover yourself lulled and soothed within his arms.
You’re home.
“We can get that sorted by tomorrow.” Eren implies, gifting you intimate security that not a soul could ever spare to you.
Minus your two children, and your pending one.
do not copy my work; simply enjoy it. all rights reserved, vampiified, 2024.
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peachymilkandcream · 11 months
Break Me Slowly|Part 15|Yandere Levi x Evelyn
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(A/N: It's so crazy to think that 15 parts is already here, and the amount of love and support shown to these two has been amazing! As stated before but incase anyone didn't see, NSFW and smut will not be cut out of the main story! There will still be smut scenes and the dom Levi we all know. Thank you guys so much for the support, and once this series ends I would love to do one in the same universe but it's not only Reiner's POV but a Reiner x reader because let's be honest the one-sided pining is killing us. Also you guys will be able to tell that I've been waiting to write this chapter.)
WARNINGS: noncon, dubcon, manipulation, domestic abuse, yandere themes, forced marriage, forced pregnancy, stockholm syndrome, violence, mind breaking, misogyny, etc.
Get out, get out, that's all she could think about. It was gone, everything Evelyn wanted was gone. Where even was Reiner? Was he killed too? All the people crushed by rubble, it was just like the Titans all over again. She was too late, she didn't stop whatever was supposed to happen from happening. So many dead, all because of her, and now Levi was here, he was coming to take her away. The terror gripping her is finally what made her stop, Gabi's hand slipping out hers.
"What are you doing? We're supposed to be running-"
A shake of the head clears her thoughts enough to form a stupid lie. "I-...I should go help the others- they're in danger and I have to help-!" Evelyn sprints in the opposite direction, pretending to return to the heated battle. When in reality she ducks down the nearest alleyway, forcing her head between her legs and sitting on the ground to calm her breathing, her own vomit staining the ground. She was a damn coward, countless battles she had fought in her career, a hardened veteran, one of the few who made it back, and because of one man she was shaking in fear. "Get ahold of yourself-"
"Miss? Miss are you alright? We can bring you to safety-"
Evelyn looks into the face of a Marley soldier, but all she sees in the rifle in his hand, with that she could keep Levi away. A thought comes to mind, a plan racing through her mind. "I can't get up, I think the rubble injured my leg-"
The soldier looks around before pulling a wobbly crutch from the body of a dead civilian. "Will this help?"
She nods and takes it, standing in mock pain. Now facing forward he can see the armband Reiner gave her, while it was red like the other warriors, the soldier still made a face of disgust. "Come with me Eldian."
The moment he turns, she raises the crutch as high as she can and brings it down on his head with the most force she can muster, the sickening crack on his skull ringing in her ears.
The man falls, and Evelyn uses the situation to grab the rifle and fire a shot off into his head, no witnesses, no one Levi could find and torture for the truth. Sure she was thinking a little too far ahead but she didn't doubt Levi's methods of returning her to his clutches. She takes off, running and running, not sure where else to go but away from the chaos.
But even if she did, where would she go? As long as they both lived he'd come looking for her. Every corner of the earth would be scoured until she was safe again his bed. Evelyn stopped dead in her tracks and stared down at the gun, what if...during all this Levi was killed in action by an unknown bullet? She'd be safe, she could go home..
Hope of a better life propelled her to the top of that building, there was no scope but she had a full clip of bullets. She searched for him among the screams and blood, Eren's carnage almost made her lose her nerve of being so close to the frontline. But the glimpse of her husband focused her once again.
A shot was fired, and missed, if only he would stop moving she could aim properly. Another shot and missed, and another, and another. She was desperate, not taking the time to aim as she should as the thought of returning to him filled her mind. The dreaded click of an empty chamber made her freeze, there had to be more! She couldn't be out! Not now! Evelyn threw the gun down on the roof tiles, frustrated, she had to find more.
"It's one of those dirty devil warriors." A voice from behind her said.
She turns, three soldiers close in on her, she couldn't get down now without breaking a leg, or her neck. How stupid did she have to be to not check her surroundings? Now she was vulnerable and at the mercy of gravity or the whims of angry men. Slowly Evelyn backed to the edge, she didn't have a plan, what could she do? Her feet struggled to stay on the tip of the roof, before eventually slipping, making her lose her balance and plummet rapidly towards the approaching ground.
The wind whistled in her ears as she fell, maybe finally she would die and be free of this hell. She didn't want to die, but maybe this was a sign that it's what needed to happen. The child in her stomach would perish as well, but maybe that was for the best, if she lived then she could love and nurture it, and not leave it to its cruel father. All this and more rushed through her head, her life achievements, and what little they amounted to.
She hit something, and then she was rising. If this is what the afterlife was it wasn't so bad, warmth and rising towards heaven. She felt...safe. A rare thing to feel.
It lasted until her eyes travelled up, Levi's face not focused on her, but on where they were going. He had snatched her from the paradise of life after death, selfishly wanting to keep her alive long enough to satisfy his desire.
She was set down in the floating ship, Levi taking only a moment to check her for any injury before flying off again. He didn't know, he couldn't have known that she had just tried and failed to kill him, if he did, he wouldn't act so concerned. Or maybe he had changed, but no, the thought was too ridiculous, he could never change.
Levi studied his wife as he took off his gear, the death of his Scouts and even that of Sasha's was irrelevant when it came to her. What had she been doing in Marley? Why hadn't she made contact according to Eren. What kept her so damn busy? The way she avoided eye-contact wasn't helping his suspicions either.
"Evelyn." His voice was stern as he stood beside her.
"Captain." Her voice was cold, unfeeling, like her fear had died down.
His eye twitched before his foot contacted her jaw, busting her lip open and making it bleed, her face would bruise soon. "I don't like your attitude. You're gone for this long and this is how you treat me?"
Evelyn wipes her lip, studying the blood for a moment. "Nice to see you again too honey-"
"Watch it. Keep it up and I'll have you blow me in front of everyone."
To her credit she remains quiet, not daring to push him further but eyeing him with discontent.
"Much better. Now are you hurt anywhere?"
"Just a couple scratches and bruises."
"Glad to hear it, Petra!"
Almost instantly the woman in question appears, most likely waiting for a chance to be near her Captain again. She's all smiles looking at him, but her expressions change a few times when looking at Evelyn. "You called for me Levi?"
"Make sure my wife is fed and kept warm, she's done a lot in the past month." Levi takes his long green military coat and puts it around Evelyn's shoulders. "I'll be back love." With a kiss on the forehead he exits, most likely to interrogate their new prisoner.
The two women scowl at each other, waiting for someone to make the first move.
Eventually Petra does, her arms crossed. "Hungry?"
"Well actually-"
"You know I was actually hoping to talk to you about something."
"I mean, go ahead?"
"Since you've been gone Levi's been kind of, needy- It's obvious that he never gives you a moment's peace does he?"
"I guess you could say so, why?"
"Be honest, you can barely keep up with his appetite. And, in the name of friendship, I've found a way to help get him off your back."
Evelyn is surprised, she always had a sneaking suspicion Petra didn't like her, but now she was willing to make her married life better. "Oh really? What is it?"
"Why don't you think about, opening your marriage?"
She blinks a few times to make sure she heard correctly. "Excuse me?"
"Well then he could have another outlet for his desires and you could get some rest."
"And let me guess, you want that outlet to be you?"
She blushes. "I-I'm not saying that, but I'd be open-"
Evelyn scoffs. "Of course you are, you're just looking to sleep with my husband you fucking whore."
Petra becomes visibly angry, upset that Evelyn would call her out like this. "How dare you! He should've been with me from the start, you just toy with his feelings and don't give him the love he deserves!"
"You don't know a damn thing about my marriage Petra, you don't know what kind of person he is. You don't know the things I know. You're head over heels to a man you've only scratched the surface on, I know who he is, I know what he is. And damn it he's the biggest fucking asshole known to man but I'll be damned if some bitch thinks it's fine to suck his dick when he's got a ring on his finger."
She's shocked and offended that Evelyn threw her love for Levi out the window like that. How dare she, Petra should push her right out the window and rid Levi of this bitch. Even as Evelyn steps in the opposite direction that Levi had come from minutes ago Petra can barely control the rage building up inside her. If only she knew while plotting such murderous thoughts that there was someone on the other side of the door listening in on their conversation.
The one thing Evelyn never missed about the Survey Corps was reports, meaningless hours of eye-witness details surrounding a mission. It felt like no matter how much she described Erwin and Levi were still suspicious of what had exactly gone on, however she couldn't exactly blame them, telling either of them about the pregnancy was out of the question, they couldn't know.
"And you say that Braun offered you a place to stay out of his own free will? What could have been his angle?"
This was the part she kept repeating, while the two had been equally interrogating her when it came to describing her time with Reiner, Levi was deadly quiet.
"That's correct, although I suspect the angle was to win my trust."
Levi stared at his wife, jealousy burning through him, that punk bastard had tried to seduce his wife, he knew it. Taking her in to pounce on her vulnerability. If he ever saw that asshole again he would make sure he would never see another sunrise.
He glanced up and saw a familiar shape filling the small crack in the doorway. Exhaustion had kept either from mentioning the altercation Evelyn had with Petra the night before, and much to his annoyance exhaustion had kept them from doing something else he wanted too, but that was for another time.
"Will you excuse me a minute Commander?"
Erwin nods and Levi takes his leave, quickly stepping into the hall and chasing Petra down the hall.
"Petra wait-"
She turns, sunshine and rainbows as if their last interaction had never happened. "Captain?"
He puts on a mask of embarrassment. "About last time...I'm sorry, I just, reacted. I was testy over Evelyn being gone for so long. I hope there aren't any hard feelings."
She beams. "Of course not-! I understand, I do. And it's okay, it's been rough on you."
"Tell me about it. Ever since she came back-" He sighs. "I don't know, she's not the same."
"Oh?" The lack of concern in her voice is blatant, but he chooses to ignore it.
"She's just been avoiding me, and...I don't know. This isn't the place to talk about it."
Petra boldly touches his arm. "Is there somewhere you'd like to talk about it?"
"Well...she's in for interrogation, so the house will be empty. If you'd like."
Right on schedule she agrees, taking his arm as the two take the short walk home.
When they arrive he sets her down in the living room, choosing to sit beside her and rest his hand on her leg. "It's been a while since it was just us Petra."
Once again her cheeks colour. "Yes it has..."
"Why did we stop?"
"Well, your marriage, it didn't seem right."
He sighs. "My marriage. What a mistake."
"You really think so?"
"If I had known I would be denied my marital rights I would've gone to someone else ages ago."
"Oh you poor thing, you're needy aren't you?" She takes his head in her hands, turning him towards her.
"So needy-" His voice is husky as she brings him in towards her lips. Until suddenly he pulls away. "Wait, not like this. I want it to be special."
"It?" She asks nervously.
"The moment you've been waiting for right?"
"Well, yes-"
"Then wait right there and close your eyes."
She follows his instructions, excited to finally have the moment she's been dreaming of come true. Her, and the love of her life. They could be together and he would leave Evelyn for her. Tingles raced up and down Petra's skin as she heard his footsteps renter the room, although she silently cursed herself for not wearing sexier panties into work today.
"I'm ready for my surprise now Levi." She says, heart racing as she hears him closer, letting out a little giggle. "Aren't you going to say something? Keeping me in suspense here."
Unease fills her, he was quiet, too quiet. Just as she's about to open her eyes his soft hands come to her neck, comforting her instantly. She was so wrong to doubt him.
"Shh my love...you'll have your reward now."
Petra could melt, how could Evelyn not appreciate this sexy and thoughtful man, getting this every night would be heaven. She sighs, truly this was worth the wait.
Or it was, until Levi's belt tightened around her neck, cutting off air. Her eyes flew open, clawing at him, the leather, anything, but there was no give.
"Evelyn was right you know, there's a lot you don't know about me." His voice was still that velvety soft calm.
She fought harder, she couldn't even cry out, he was too strong, this isn't what she imagined.
"You could never have truly loved me Petra." He chuckles once. "I'm not the man I seem to be. I rape my wife every night in an attempt to get her pregnant, beat her within an inch of her life if she refuses. I've starved, hit, overstimulated, and denied Evelyn every sensation, all to break her mind and make her my perfect housewife. I forced her to marry me after blackmailing Erwin, claiming anyone else she's crazy if the truth comes out." Again he laughs. "It's kinda nice getting this all out to someone. Thank you."
Petra feels weaker with each second, her attempts to fight back less and less potent.
"When I catch her trying to escape I lock her away, she's my prisoner. And anyone who comes between us, like you, is disposed of." He increases the pressure on her throat. "I've killed twelve people in the past month alone, I guess after you I'll have to break the unlucky number."
She feels herself fading, the image of this perfect man shredded before the stars in her eyes. Her world fading to black at the hands of the man she once loved.
"You got in between us Petra, only I have a right to say those things to my wife. You've insulted her and our marriage for the last time. May the fiery pits of hell open up for you my friend."
Levi drops her limp body, pushing it from the couch to the floor, making quick work of going to the shed and returning with an axe. Swinging blow after blow as he cuts her body to ribbons. Blood splatters everywhere, but in the high of death it barely phases him, this is how far he would go for his beloved.
Evelyn opens the door to the house, she was a little surprised Levi let her walk home alone but she wasn't one to complain about a bit of freedom. It was dark and quiet, it seemed like no one was home at first, until she noticed the flicker of the fireplace in the living room.
"Levi? Are you home?"
As she steps in the room her whole body freezes, the blood, the body, all of it sinking in. She was horrified, but it didn't affect her as much as it should have. Levi's murderous rampages had become normal as of late, and she had killed a maid or two herself.
He sits on the couch in front of the body, smoking, he only did this when he had killed someone, the smoke filling the air hiding his piercing gaze.
"Come here." He motions to her without meeting her eyes.
With nothing to say she complies, sitting beside him on the couch, staring at the disfigured mess that was Petra. He was terrifying, but she knew he would protect her at whatever cost, that was oddly comforting.
Evelyn held her stomach, praying that she could find some way to tame this monster before his child was born.
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sienne-k · 9 months
how much should my longings fall like snow by Sienne
attack on titan | ereri | 1,8k chap 1/4 | fluff, winter vibes, canon compliant, set in s3
written for Ererimas event by Ereri Nation day 1, prompts used: [coming home] and ["I'm not kissing you" - "Too bad it's tradition"]
Winter is harsh this year, snow falling continuously and amassing tall enough to threaten to barricade the Survey Corps inside their quarters. Provisions need to be stocked before that happens, so Captain Levi sends himself out on a mission to Mitras. He's late coming back; Eren waits, impatient and pining. His vigil is greatly rewarded. Or rather... he rewards himself.
full text under the cut since it would get long
It was way too cold. The stone floor felt freezing, not even his military issued boots with woolen lining could save his toes slowly going numb. But it was a false numbness, since he could still feel icy needles shocking them. His face felt stiff, like a mask of frost had settled over it. Some time ago Mikasa had come and bundled his neck in a scarf, but any warmth it used to generate had long since been greedily soaked up by Eren, and now there was nothing left. Even the initial softness had gone and now it only felt scratchy; all thick and heavy from soaking up not only air moisture, but also his snot and the tears he could not stop from the biting air.
His legs were killing him. He had been standing for what must have been hours, but he could not lean on the wall. Its coldness permeated his coat too quick, and any relief to his legs was not worth getting even closer to death by freezing than he already was.
Of course, no one was keeping him there. He was free to leave at any time. In fact, anyone who had come through the foyer (and had gone just as quickly) gave him looks - like they thought he had gone insane.
But no. He could not leave. This was a self-imposed mission, and everyone knew, Eren himself included, that there was nothing that could stop him once he was determined to do something. Especially if it involved Captain Levi. So Eren was stuck in the freezing foyer, legs and back aching as he peered through the frosty window into the snowy wasteland outside, waiting enduringly like a child awaiting their parent coming back from work.
Or perhaps like a wife waiting for her husband to come back from battle.
It was a more apt description, if Eren were to be honest. He had no illusion that what he was yearning for had nothing in common with the yearning of a child, even if his desires were still vague and muddled whenever he tried to focus on them. That didn’t matter, though. Everything will return into its proper place as soon as the Captain got back home. He should hurry, though. It was cold as balls, and Eren’s own might come off if he didn’t get somewhere warm soon.
It wasn’t like Levi had gone on a dangerous mission. He had only gone to Mitras, to get some permission slips signed and their provisions secured, a courier job that was usually left to lower ranked soldiers. Unfortunately, they had already dispatched two and neither had come back, and the Survey Corps couldn’t waste any more time if they wanted to survive the winter if the expected snow fell and barricaded them all inside. So Levi had clicked his tongue and announced that he would do it himself, in case any more delicate shits got lost.
He had taken a horse, so he should have been back two days ago at the very latest, even imagining all manner of high traffic, stubborn military police, snobby nobles and adoring civilians wanting the Captain’s attention.
They should get in line, Eren thought resentfully. He might not have been there for the Captain first, but he was the priority now. Maybe not by Levi’s own wish, but the regulations were clear, and both of them were equally beholden to them.
They had also grown closer. Maybe by necessity at first, drawn together by mutual remembrance of the Special Operations Squad; finally allowed to process and grieve their loss. Eren loved Mikasa and Armin, and he enjoyed the presence of the new Squad Levi —they were all (mostly) his friends and comrades— but no one here but him and Levi understood what they were going through. They hadn’t known Petra, Auruo, Gunther and Eld, they hadn’t been in a squad together with them, bound by the promise to protect and to kill, by trust grown despite of and through instinctual fear.
Eren missed them. He was sure the Captain did too, if the way he regaled him with many stories of their past together was any indication. They laughed (well, Eren did. The Captain only huffed), they cried (well, Eren did, but he cried enough for the both of them), and they reminisced. Each moment precious, growing something new out of the hollow loss.
They were at a precipice.
And then Levi had gone, and he hadn’t come back yet. Eren resented this sudden lack of Captain Levi. He had become accustomed to always seeing him, or at the very least to feeling aware of his presence nearby. It was strange, and like he had taken it for granted. Before, any moment not spent with Levi was spent sleeping or fulfilling orders. Or being kidnapped. Now, it was none of these things. The usual activities and training had been halted due to the weather, keeping everyone inside and in close quarters, giving the soldiers ample time to relax and socialize. And Eren’s soul kept seeking what it had grown used to, unsettled by this abrupt void where once Levi’s presence had been a constant, especially in down-time.
So Eren continued his vigil, because there was nothing else he could do to make himself feel better, even as he slowly turned into an ice statue. The frosty window was difficult enough to see through, but the tears filling his eyes from the cold air made it impossible to even guess at what was outside. He didn’t need to see to know, anyway.
Just snow, and snow, and more snow.
He must have fallen asleep standing, because he startled at the sudden croak of a door opening. For a moment he was awash with desolation, sure it was someone who came to check on him or was just passing through to get the wood for the fireplace.
But then he heard that low drawl filled with annoyance and suddenly all pain disappeared like magic.
“The fuck are you doing here, Eren? Do you want to give me more paperwork to wipe my shit with when you die as an icicle and I have to report that?”
Eren could barely make out Levi’s face from his own tears and how bundled up the Captain was; the furry hood of his winter coat fell well over his forehead, and a thick scarf was wrapped around his neck, up and over his mouth and nose. He more resembled one of those ugly garden gnomes than the highly revered Humanity’s Strongest Soldier.
He was still a welcome sight for sore eyes. Eren was so elated, so overcome with joy that Captain Levi was back safely, and relief that he could stop waiting and finally give his tired, aching body some rest, that he burst into crocodile tears. His mind was still sound enough that he did not throw himself into the Captain’s arms despite the insistent urge to do so.
Thankfully, or maybe regretfully for Eren’s pride, Levi knew him well enough to not be bothered by his tears, long since used to his crybaby of a soldier. He sighed heavily and reached up to pat Eren’s bowed head. Feeling that his comforting duty was done, he lowered the hood and began unwrapping his scarf.
“Is anyone dying? No? Then shut up already, god, do I smell so badly you need to wash me with your bodily liquids?”
Eren snorted despite himself, but that only made Levi recoil away in disgust as some of the dripping snot had flown his way.
“No one’s dying. Sir. I was just…” he trailed off uncertainly. He had not thought to prepare an excuse.
“Just?” Levi raised an eyebrow, grimacing when Eren sniffled what was coming out his nose back in. He reached into his pocket to take out a familiar white cloth.
Eren took the offered handkerchief and wiped his nose properly, finding Levi’s relief showing so visibly on his face rather amusing, considering how stone faced he usually was.
“Just waiting for you to come back,” he found the courage to say, gripping the kerchief tightly.
He raised his head up to avoid Levi’s probing gaze and froze so still like he had finally become an ice statue after all these hours of waiting in the cold.
“I missed you too, brat,” the Captain said reading between the lines. His voice was deadpan and teasing, but there was also a glimmer of sincerity hiding in there.
When Eren didn’t deign to respond —very unusual but especially so when Levi was being somewhat candid and generous with his… affections— Levi scowled, stormy eyes promising pain for the slight if there was no good excuse coming, and soon.
“What’s wrong with you now,” he demanded.
“Um,” Eren answered, eyes still glued to the ceiling.
Levi’s eyes followed, and the sight of mistletoe hanging above them was explanation enough.
It didn’t change anything, though. Levi did not hesitate to kick Eren in the shin, once for being insubordinate and ignoring his superior instead of responding with effusive exclamations of being happy Levi was back and having missed him, then a second time for, yes, being insubordinate again and having impudent thoughts about his superior.
Eren need not say anything, Levi knew anyway. The sparkle in his bright, green eyes and the pink of his cheeks blooming from its pale color to a deeper hue like a most beloved rose, and clearly not from the cold, told the Captain everything anyway.
“I am not kissing you,” he informed the boy matter-of-factly.
It was preposterous that Eren even needed a warning. Levi must have grown complacent in discipline. He will rectify that tomorrow, he was sure his brats would enjoy the training after all these days of languishing they had surely indulged in during his absence.
“Too bad it’s tradition,” was all Eren said, somehow managing to sound both playful and wistful.
They stood there in silence, Levi looking at Eren and Eren still looking up at that inconvenient weed. Slowly his gaze turned from yearning to contemplative; he darted a quick look at the Captain from the corner of his eye, and before Levi could realize that the air between them had changed, grown charged and what it meant— the boy descended, giving Levi’s cheek a short peck.
It was warm, and unbearably sweet. Definitely not what he would have expected from a hormonal boy, but then again, Eren had always been full of surprises. Just the fact that he had gone for it even after being warned off was evidence enough of that.
And of his determination in pursuit of the things he wanted.
No matter how nice the kiss was, the titan menace still deserved the harsh kick in the butt he got for it, though.
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sakuraswordly · 8 months
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Armin: Well, what do you do? Why does Sasha give in to her emotions? Because of the food?
Punch: Well-------that's kind of a long short story.......
Tinkerbell: (Nope it's not.)
-----At Noon----
Jean: I can't believe you didn't listen AND YOU ATE MY omelette! Ooooo Sasha!! You're the absolute WORST!!
Sasha: WHAT????!!!! Oh like you're a good nitty little boy or something?! You didn't even care enough to help me carry Meat with my bag!!
Jean: You! Weird red ears whatever, if anyone's wrong here, it's that potato right here, right?!
Peter: Wait???!!! You asked ME????
Connie: Just go and answer them.
Peter: Umm......you shouldn't have eaten his omelette. That's not...er....very nice....
Sasha: BUT I WAS HUNGRY!! And it is in front of me! Look, I'm glad you're helping but that was low, friend. LOW.
Peter: HUH???!!! Did I cross a line or something?!
Punch: Yes, you did. *Smug face*
Peter: Don't support her answer, Punch!
Jean: Ha! Is this fun for you then? Do you like ganging up on a poor innocent girl? OOOOoooo that disgusts me!
Peter: That's not what I meant at all!!
Connie: Beside, it's pretty rich to come after me for a lump of meat when you threw away all the food on the table, Sasha.
Sasha: You're DAMN right I did! And I'd do it again! You're nothing but a hoarding slob! You also help the commander to get rid of me too right?!
Connie: WHAT?! ARE you stupid?! What the hell I help the commander anyway?!
Sasha: How about that time with Mikasa? What are you going to explain that?!
Connie: The hell I know that?!
Punch: (Actually that comes straight from Mikasa, Sasha)
Sasha: You there! Connie's in the wrong here, isn't he?!
Tinkerbell: Wait????? ME?!....umm.......honesty you three are all wrong.
Eren: Oh, enough! You guys are at fault! Now apologize to travellers and one another and END this ridiculous about FOOD!!
Sasha & Connie & Jean: BIG TALK FOR A ○※※△※△※○△!!
Mikasa: They're finally agreeing on something....
Armin: Don't support them, Mikasa! Woah! Eren! Are you okay?!
Punch: Did he just comatose??????
------One hour later------
Cerberus: Still not stop fighting already?!
Peter: Eren, Mikasa and Armin already left...so what are we going to do Punch? We have to clear them out or we won't sleep all night!!
Punch: Why not? It's fun to watch them arguing like this.
Cerberus: Punch, you're so mean!
Connie: Do you understand how frustrating this is?! This is EXACTY what I don't like about you, Jean!!
Jean: Fine! Hate me! I'll still a hard work unlike a lazy baby and unreasonable fooder like you!
Sasha: NOW YOU BLAME ME it's my fault now?! YOU GUYS betrayed me!
Jean & Connie: You're the reason in the first place!!
Peter: .....................................Tink....what should we do?
Tinkerbell: I have no comment on any of this...........
Punch: Say you three still haven't cleaned up or gotten dressed for dinner yet. And you all have assignments to do at night. Do you want my help then? *Prepare a comb, mirror and towel.*
Sasha & Connie & Jean: ...........................................!!!!!!!!!
Peter & Cerberus: Er.....huh?!
-----Return to the present-----
Armin: That's how they stopped figting?!
Eren: I don't know to call that genius or stupid.....
Mikasa: At least she's better than you, Eren.
Peter: Yeah, Eren you little baby you have a wwwaaaaayyyyy to go.
Eren: Oh shut it!
Mikasa: You need to be more trained.
Armin: To not pass out like that.
Peter: Or Wwwweeeeaaaakkkkk
Eren: Oh shut up, you ○△※○△※○△※○△※○△※○△※○△※!!
Peter: What did you say you ○※※△※○※○※※△※○※○※※△※○※○※※△※○※!!
Eren: You want to fight you ○※※△※○※○※※△※○※○※※△※○※○※※△※○※!!
Tinkerbell & Cerberus: Not another fight again.....
Mikasa & Armin: (Too much for swearing in one day.)
Punch: Keep fighting you two!!
Mikasa & Armin: PUNCH!!
Source: バイオハザードみたいだ!(直球)【NieR Replicant ver.1.22】#13 Play by: 牛沢
The Japanese dialogues are so funny in NieR Replicant.
The argument of Sasha, Connie and Jean reminds me of the fight of Red Bag Husband vs Wife with Rad Bag for some reason lol. (But I can't help but to miss these three in AOT)
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f4irycafe · 2 years
: ̗̀➛ 𝒔𝒖𝒃𝒔𝒑𝒂𝒄𝒆 𝒘/ 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒂𝒐𝒕 𝒃𝒐𝒚𝒔 ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
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characters: eren. jean. armin.
warnings: smut. subspace. degradation. spit. rough sex. pet names (baby, angel, sweet/pretty girl, etc.) squirting. aftercare.
notes: i saw a post on here about toji w/ a reader who falls into subspace, and i wanted to write something w/ eren cause he's my bf >:(
taglist application - PLEASE REBLOG
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i'm gonna go from best to worst in this list lmao.
he is the absolute best when it comes to dealing with you while you're in subspace.
the second you fall in hi's talking you through everything.
"you good baby," "look at my princess, my eyes, come on my love,"
his hands are cradling your face as he's shallowly pumping himself in and out of your weeping cunt.
your hands are latched onto his forearms as you're crying and babbling nonsense beneath him, but he just looks at you with a sweet little smile nd' tells you that everything gonna be okay.
i think it gets him off to know that he's the only thing in the world your mushy little brain cares abt in that moment.
when you both cum his aftercare is chefs kiss.
if you don't want to let him go he'd lull you into a calmer state with promises of being back in just a few minutes.
and he is.
he goes and gets you some mushy food that's easy to eat (applesauce, rasberies, etc) and some water and put them next to the bed.
hed grab a warm towel and wash your thighs and face off.
AFTER that's all done then he'll finally cuddle with you.
he hates to see you get all pouty when he leaves but he needs to take care of you before he can indulge you.
he'll just talk to you and give you sweet forehead kisses for as long as you need until you finally come out of subspace.
you're always thankful for the fact that he goes and gets you food and water afterwards, you always crave it.
he's just very tactical and practical about it.
10/10 mr arlert. <3
jean boy :(
let me make it clear that him and eren are TIED for second place. they both take care of you in their own sweet ways.
i feel like the first time it happened he kinda freaked out and didn't know what to do. like he kept trying to talk to you and your brain wasn't even registering what he was saying you were just so blissed out.
but now as a veteran he's so so so so gooooddddddd.
he's the type to do the little "yeah's" and "uh huhs" against your lip as your gasping and your eyes gloss over with lust.
he always smiles, watching how you can barely focus on anything other than cumming in that moment.
like armin he stays really close to your face, occasionally kissing your lips in between sayings.
afterwards he's the type to indulge you, cause of course he'll do anything his babygirl asks.
he will clean you up with a towel, but he already set is aside before you guys started so he won't have to walk up and grab it.
he'll rock you in his arms like a little baby as you place your hands on his chest, your head in the crook of his neck.
i think he'll just sit in silence with you, rocking you back and forth until you get squirmy when you start to come out of your headspace.
he's the type to like debrief after a session ykwim.
"do you want me to do anything different" "i felt like i went a little too hard that time, you sure you're okay."
screams shits and cries oh my god.
the only reason why he is second place is because it took him a while to catch on. at first he thought he was hurting you or you couldn't breath, so he'd freak out which would then cause you to freak out in your vulnerable headspace and it was just kinda a mess .
if there's one thing abt me, its that i ride for my husband ok. he's literally my man idgaf.
another second placerrrrrrrrr.
the reason why hes tied with jean is cause he also didn't handle you slipping into subspace that well at first.
he thought you were just like...being dramatic and bratty cause the dick was just that good.
so he kinda went harder and choked you a bit.
and you flipped the fuck OUT. like your brain went into panic mode and you tried to get him to stop. but he was so swept up in the moment he didn't realize when your like "wow this is so good" hits against his arm turned into "eren let go of my neck right now before i have a breakdown" hits.
you had to talk to him about it afterwards, but he learned.
he's still really condescending whenever you go into subspace, but he doesn't get any rougher than he already was being with you.
"my cock really fucking you dumb isn't it, pretty girl" "taking my cock like you were made for i, aren't you, aren't you you dumb sweet thing"
i feel like he likes to fuck you in subspace the most when his back is pressed against your back so he can whisper all these nasty things in your ear, and he loves to grab your face and force you to look at him when you cum.
you also just fall apart so much harder whenever he fucks you like that, pistoning his hips into yours at an insane speed.
your brain is still really foggy even after you cum, and you kinda just fall forward.
lol the first time that happened he didn't hold you up and you fell face forward into the pillows.
but he'll wash u ofc. and he'll put the lights on a darker setting (something he knows you like, like a dark pink or blue) and put on some really soothing music.
you guys literally worked together on a playlist that he uses specifically whenever he fucks you into subspace.
like armin he'll talk to you, but its more reassurance.
his big hands will cradle your cheeks as he looks at you.
"you did so good for me tonight, you always do" "took my cock so well, sweet girl." "good girl"
i'm actually panting rn.
after you get out of your headspace he'll go grab you whatever you want from the kitchen, plus a nice cold glass of water.
often times you're limbs are so tired that before he makes it back to the room the music has already lulled you to sleep.
he has a soft smile on his face as he sets down the food, kisses your forehead, and tucks you into bed.
tags / @sailewhoremoon @keithandlevi-ontheroof @shunkaza @marcoswhore @jeanreinersex @kailuvsme @khinaadolll
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dessa's thoughts: like ik im the one writing this shit, but it still gets me geeked as fuck. i love them. i was gonna add connie but i'm tired and i just wanna watch spy family and go to bed so i cut him from this one :(
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broken-freedom · 2 years
• Hidden surprises pt2 •
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Word count: 2K
TW: Nude pictures. Phone sex. Mutual masturbation.
You can read part 1 here
It has been 12 days since you paid your farewell to Eren and caught him jerking off to your lacy panties hours later when he got to his hotel room on the other side of the country. During these days, you made sure to grant Eren’s wish by sending him a lot of pictures and videos of the girls. Some of it with them playing in the playground, others of them making fruit sorbet and making a mess all over themselves and their clothes, and other ones where they are watching a prerecorded video of Eren himself reading a bedtime story for them for the nights that he couldn’t do it because of his flight schedule. It became a routine and a method of bonding for Eren to watch the pictures and videos of his girls and you together, and respond to them by sending pictures of him throughout the day. Bed hair picture first thing in the morning, a picture of him washing his teeth with his eyes wide open, and pilot hat on picture with him grinning and pointing at the airplane during preflight checkups. You get so many pictures of Eren every day all day regardless of what he is doing and you make sure to show them to the girls and tell them what their daddy is currently doing.
After you hung up another video call with Eren after he told a bedtime story to your daughters, and tucked them in so they can sleep, you get to your room exhausted from your long day and ready for a hot tub me-time with your book at one hand and a glass of wine on the other. You can normally read romance fiction without being affected, it never bothered you and you found it quite interesting how you can separate your own feelings and needs from what you are reading. But with your husband being away for the past 12 days, the book in your hand started to make you feel things. Things you do not normally feel unless your skin was being worshiped by Eren’s long slim fingers. You close your eyes remembering his touches on your skin, very slow but with purpose. Eren usually teases, and teases a lot making you whine and desperately begging for more. The way his hot breath would stroke your lips and his eyes would pour affection into yours tingles all of your senses. You drop the book by the bathtub side feeling your body warming up. You can see your flushed face reflecting on the mirror in front of your bathtub. Eren knew what he was doing by hanging a mirror in there. It was getting hotter and steamier inside the bathroom. Was it you? Because of the scene you just read? Or was it the water being extra warm today? The way you clenched your walls around nothing answered you not even seconds afterwards. You definitely miss Eren and his too good to be true dick. The hand that was not holding the wine glass slipped inside the water and cupped your breast trying to remember how Eren used to massage it for you, but you let it go just as quickly as you grabbed it, sighing in defeat. You stand up to drain the tub and turn on the cold water in the shower and step inside trying your best to gain composure ignoring the way your cunt is screaming at you begging for attention. 
After you wrap the towel around your body and head out to the room, you hear a notification ping. “Must be something silly Eren sent for the girls” You thought. But oh how wrong you are. This is definitely not what you expected and definitely not for the girls. You click open the sent message reading “why are you doing this to me?” and when you see the attached picture you understand what he means. He is cupping his erection through his sweatpants just to show you what that polaroid is doing to him, how hard it made him. You blink twice, feeling that heat pooling again in your core because of the very clear print. He is hard, but also hundreds of miles away from your reach. You rush to type a response to him:
You: Oh?
Cockpit ❤️ : I found the picture you hid in my sweatpants. Sent image 
You: Glad you like it ;) 
You look at the nude polaroid of yourself you hid inside the folded sweatpants when you packed his suitcase before his trip. You still cannot process how you were able to take such a picture. But actually, you took several ones like this and kept them safe and away from the curious eyes that live with you. In the picture you were sitting down on your bed with your knees folded underneath you with your back to the camera, hair swept to your side exposing your bare back with you looking back at the camera over your shoulder with nothing on but the tiny pearled thong that shone under the sunlight. You like this picture quite a lot. The angle was just right and you were dying to show it, or send it, to Eren, and the timing could not be any better with him traveling to hide it in between his clothes.
When you go silent for more than a minute you are surprised with a video call. You see Eren’s face glowing under the faint light of his phone displayed on the screen when you hit the green button, and you can already see that he is shirtless. “I love it, baby” Eren tells you with a husky voice and a smirk on his face, his eyes widening soon after he sees you wearing nothing but a towel hugging your body low enough to expose enough cleavage for Eren’s eyes to enjoy. “Only a towel, hmm? You are just making this situation worse” You giggle and purposely squish your tits, popping them even more, making Eren inhale sharply. “This is torture baby” He started staring at you in admiration through the screen. “I have been thinking about you every night. And these little surprises you hid in between my things aren't exactly helping.” He pulls the polaroid to the camera where you can see it again. “I have been thinking about you too Ren, every night” your voice comes out trembling when you suddenly recall what you were about to do not too long ago. You know what Eren’s situation is like, you know how YOU need him just as much, and you feel courged. You stand up and move to the dresser and prop your phone upwards by the mirror and take a step back. Eren looks at you all confused through the screen and his jaw drops the moment your towel hits the ground “Baby! W- what are you doing?” He attentively watches as you sit on the dresser’s chair and start to slowly spread your legs, pupils fully blown, lips parted, and breath hitched in his throat. “It has been 12 days, that’s 12 days too long Ren, I need you.” Your hands start moving like they have their own brain, one of them cupping your tit and capturing the hardening nipple in between, while the other one trails down your navel and settling in between your legs. 
You feel heat spreading in two opposite directions one covering your cheeks and ears in a bright shade of red, and the other spreading through your center signaling you to keep going when you involuntarily let out a tiny moan. Eren wants to tease, wants to make you even more embarrassed, wants to encourage you to show him more, but he is just as desperate. He props his back on the headstand of his hotel bed, one hand holding the phone while the other lazily stroking his erection through his sweats. Suddenly he pushes the sweats down to his mid thighs freeing his cocking and grasping it in between rough long fingers.. When you start to rub circles on your clit, Eren moves the screen to give you a better angle of his hand stroking his dick to the same rhythm you are maintaining. You get up and move to get the phone and lay down on your back on the bed propping the phone on a pillow in front of you while you have your legs wide open for Eren to see your movements and go back to rubbing circles. You two watch each other silently, your eyes lock for a brief moment then go back to watch each other’s movements , not knowing what to even say as this was a time of need of action and not words. You are surprised when you hear him gently telling you to insert one finger inside of your cunt, and you comply with a simple nod. You slowly rub your middle finger up and down your folds covering it with your slick then insert it inside your cunt. Your moans start to get louder when you push another one and start moving them in and out of your cunt. “Fuck, baby you look so pretty all spread out for me.” You can see the way his cock twitches in his hand, and he can see the way your cunt is swallowing your fingers knowing that the both of you are close to your release. 12 days of wanting each other, needing each other, wishing you can touch him and feel his touches. You try to move your other hand around your body the way Eren does worshiping every little detail engraved in your body. The movements of your fingers in and out of your cunt are getting more intense, filling the room with wet noises “I wish you were here Ren, I need you to touch me.” you speak to the phone, the only thing that is connecting the both of you at the moment, and what pushes you over the edge is not the aggressive movement of your two fingers on your cunt, nor the nipple pinching your other hand is performing, but the way Eren’s eyes are trained on your cunt. His hungry eyes not leaving your wet pussy for a second, not even when he fists his cock faster, thumb gliding over the head every few strokes, and when he seductively tells you to cum for him, you let go, releasing all that built up frustration with your orgasm moaning his name loudly. You can’t relax just yet, and spread your folds apart for Eren’s eyes to see the mess you just made, your white juices dripping from your pussy and into the sheets underneath was more than enough for him to start shooting ropes of white on his abs and hand with him cursing under his breath. His strokes slow down until they come to a stop. “That was hot, we should do this more often.” Eren speaks into the silence of both rooms and you just look at the screen still feeling hazy because of the aftermath of your orgasm and you smile at him “yea we should”.
You squeeze your eyes trying to open them up. Looking at the digital clock on your nightstand you see that it is 11 am. Your eyes widen in horror not believing you overslept and the girls are probably up for at least 3 hours by themselves. When you try to shoot up, you feel something heavy holding you by the waist. “Eren!” you practically scream when you see his arm pulling you closer to his chest. “Hi baby” You feel him spreading kisses on your bare shoulder except for the thin strap of your nightgown. “The girls!” you exclaim for the second time. “I dropped them by mom’s house when I got here earlier this morning. We have the whole house to ourselves ” He shuffles until he is hovering over you and pressing your back to the bed leaning down to capture your lips in deep kiss. When he breaks the kiss lifting his head to look at you with his beautiful eyes, your hands come up to lace through his soft hair “I missed you so much Ren, but aren’t you supposed to work for two more days?” His lips form a gentle smile and he rubs his nose against yours when he speaks the words that have your head spinning “You told me you wish I was there next to you, so I came” … 
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erenoir · 3 years
driver’s education
the one where the aot boys teach you how to drive…
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genre: hot husbands telling you what to do
warnings: none just wear your seatbelts friends! safety first <3, chaotic driving, eren’s road rage, cursing
featuring: s4!connie, eren, armin, jean, levi + erwin
a/n: i’m practicing for my road test and… the thought of eren in a car with me made me want to dig a hole <3 which led me to this… so here we are with more aot husbands doing things headcanons! also a 200 follower celebration!
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connie helps you change lanes.
doesn’t like to teach you things that are too difficult.
decided changing lanes was good for you.
but for you changing lanes is um... very difficult.
“it’s easy mama, you just gotta… move over.”
okay thank you very helpful connie.
“okay now! go go go go!”
“CONNIE stop yelling at me! you’re freaking me out!”
“GO BABY this guy is gonna cut you- he cut you off.. okay! next try!”
connie moves to the back seat behind you so he can see what you see out of your side mirror.
connie doesn’t fully pay attention when you’re driving. he’s mostly taking videos of you with snapchat filters on your face.
“look mama, you’re a potato ha! shit’s golden!”
which is why he takes you driving on the highway because it’s just… straight. he doesn’t need to pay full attention. what could go wrong?
everything goes wrong.
“you’re clear mama go… you-you’re clear you can- hello?”
“i don’t wanna.”
if you didn’t want to change lanes connie wouldn’t make you.
but now you missed your exit because you’re too afraid to pull over.
you’re now in a different city.
“we should get dinner out here babe!”
“connie!” you rub your temples, “we don’t know where we are and you want to have a night out!?”
you two go out to eat.
says he’s taking you to a nice restaurant in the area.
he takes you to applebee’s…
“half price apps baby!” were his exact words.
you build up the confidence to change lanes on the way home. connie hyped you up over your second round of boneless wings.
“put your blinker on babes…”
“put it on…”
“connie it is on!”
“no it’s— oh that’s just your gas light.”
“okay do we need to stop for gas?”
“no we have enough to get home.”
you two are now stalled in the middle of the highway.
“i told you we needed gas.”
“it’s fine i have snacks in the trunk and we can make out.”
he has one of those bulk packs of assorted bags of chips.
“i-in in the middle of the highway? very romantic connie.”
you two are making out and on your third bag of doritos while waiting for a tow truck.
eren helps you drive on the highway.
eren likes to go fast.
like really fast.
and he’ll get pissed when you aren’t going fast.
“why are you only going 45?!”
“because it’s the uh… it’s the speed limit eren…”
“no one goes the speed limit anymore babe! you can do at least 60 so…”
“no one goes the speed limit anymore? or you don’t go the speed limit anymore?”
“5 over isn’t bad it’s not a big deal-
“eren you just told me to go 15 over.”
“oh did i say 15? i meant 5…”
“so you want me to go 50?”
“what? no! go 60 and don’t be cheap with it i have money for gas…”
so you go 60.
but you you haven’t learned how to regulate your speed yet so your foot gets comfortable on the gas.
so you’re actually going 70 in a 45 (a/n: plz don’t do this, exaggerated for headcanon purposes x.)
but eren thinks you’re doing absolutely amazing! his sweet little speed racer.
“you’re doing amazing ba-
“mm hm?”
“there’s a cop behind us…”
“eren! hello! what the fuck do i- is it here for us?!”
“the fuck do you mean is it here for us does it look like a fucking uber?!”
“stop screaming eren! you’re fucking making me nervous!”
“you’re screaming too!”
“okay but i’m the student driver here! you have to tell me what to do!”
“okay fucking pull over!”
the ticket was 300 dollars.
eren actually sweet talked the officer down 100 dollars, it was supposed to be 400.
he gave the officer his number and told her that you were his little sister.
“yeah i mean… she’s learning… i’ve been telling her that she’s got to slow down!
eren ruffles your hair.
“ha! yeah… my… big brother… he’s just looking out for me!” you say with gritted teeth.
you didn’t talk to him for the next two days.
armin helps you stop.
stopping is the most crucial part of driving.
you tend to stop at the very last second.
you’re also very unsure about breaking so you kinda just… bunny hop your way to the stop sign.
so armin offers to work you through your stops.
armin gives you a calm, cool and collected pep talk before you even leave the driveway of your house.
“okay honey, look at me…”
“you’re gonna do great, just take deep breaths, and remember to stay calm. a frazzled driver is a dangerous driver…”
“phew… okay, i’m ready.”
“yeah? okay now start the car…”
you start the car and push the gas to ease out of your driveway.
the car isn’t moving.
“a-armin the car isn’t-
“it’s in park darling.”
“oh! haha! okay then…”
armin faces away from you so you couldn’t see him and draws a cross over his body silently.
he believes in you though! and he wanted you to know that he has full confidence in you.
but armin takes you to a low traffic residential area so you can practice your stops.
because god knows he wouldn’t take you somewhere where you could well… die.
“okay honey, now we’re gonna come to this stop sign here… riiight… here… right here… honey ri-oh! okay you ran the stop sign! that’s okay! um… actually no it’s not but we’ll try again!”
“start breaking when you see the stop sign, don’t wait hun… start breaking now… are you breaking? i don’t feel you- ow!”
you came to a hard stop and armin hit his head on the roof of the car.
“well… look honey, you stopped!”
armin wipes the sweat on his hands off onto his pants.
you make him very nervous but he gulps all of his overreactive commentary down.
his main goal is to keep you calm.
“okay hun we’re coming up on another one, see it?”
“yes! i’m ready,” your hands tighten around the wheel.
armin makes you switch seats with him so you can watch him break.
he’s the type to say, “let me just show you once!” but now he’s been driving for an hour while you watch.
armin likes to record you driving so you can watch your mistakes later.
so he’s leaned up against his window recording you make your stops.
he holds his phone like a dad and hits the screen with his pointer finger.
when you go to watch the videos back it’s just armin hyping you up behind the camera and him accidentally recording the street instead of you driving.
jean helps you turn.
going driving with jean is a hot mess.
he’s more nervous than you are.
i mean… he doesn’t want you to mess up his car.
whenever you practice turning with jean he makes you start by turning into the driveway of your house.
he backs the car out and you turn it in.
and you’ll be doing that for about a week before he lets you take his car on the road.
you’ve knocked over the trash cans on multiple occasions.
he makes fun of you.
“wow! perfect! great! the raccoons are gonna love ya baby!
the day jean lets you drive his car on the road is a big day for the both of you.
“okay baby now ease out of the driveway nice and slow.”
“woah woah woah woah! too fast!”
you were going 5 miles per hour.
jean takes you to an empty parking lot to practice your turns.
he is such a dad.
just pure dad vibes through and through.
he stands outside the car with his hands on his hips as he watches you turn.
“okay start turning the wheel now! perfect perfect perfect… oh oh oh! hold on… okay… now straighten it back up!”
jean loves to talk to you while you’re in concentration mode.
about literally anything.
“me and the boys went to watch the game at buffalo wild wings and they were out of the parmesan garlic sauce, could you believe that baby?! it’s the best sauce!”
“yeah so babe i went to j. crew and they didn’t have that sweater in my size… you know the one with the tan side pocket? babe?”
meanwhile you’ve turned completely into the grass island.
now when jean takes you to practice your turns on busy streets well… good luck charlie.
“jean am i turning here?”
“jean am i turning here?!”
“y-yes babe! god please you’re making me nervous…”
“i’m-i’m making you nervous? i just-what?!”
jean will literally turn the wheel for you.
just completely smother your hands with his while he finishes the turn.
“just hit the gas and i’ll do it babe we’ve gotta get home…”
“jean! we’ve been out for only twenty minutes! how am i supposed to learn?!”
“baby you will learn!”
“after we practice a few more times in the driveway…”
levi helps you merge into traffic.
it’s something so chaotic and dangerous but...
in another life this man is a can opener to a giant talking gorilla so…
levi, as calm and stoic as he is, absolutely fucking hates taking you driving.
“levi! can you take me driving toda-
you sit next to him on the couch while he’s drinking his tea and watching the morning news.
he looks straight ahead and ignores you completely.
except your lips are right in his ear as you say, “take me driving, take me driving, take me driving, take me driving,” over and over again.
levi’s hand is now shaking as he grasps his teacup.
“okay! shut up and go get my keys from my jacket pocket…”
you two are now driving, congrats baby you broke the cold man >:).
“can we go on the highwa-
“levi! i seriously need to practice merging and you know that! do you want me to die?!”
no response.
you gasp, “levi?!”
he’s looking out his window while stifling a laugh.
he takes you to the highway.
truthfully he doesn’t want his baby to die because of his poor teaching.
“okay, you know we’re pulling up to the highway so slow down.”
“okay,” you hit the brakes.
“what are you doing…”
“i’m slowing down!”
“no, you’re stopping completely in the middle of a fucking merging lane.”
you look at him.
“what are you doing?! go!”
“you told me to slow down!”
levi flips that guy off.
so you speed up, you’re on a merging lane of course!
“okay, okay… okay slow down now…”
“jesus, levi which is it?!”
“no don’t slow down completely, just wait for an opening…”
“go after this red car…”
you hit the gas after the red car passes you, jerking both of you forward.
“tch, that was fucking terrible.”
“that was so scary!”
you’re now heavy breathing at your steering wheel and you’re so embarrassed at how bad you were.
levi feels bad for saying you were fucking terrible.
“it wasn’t that bad,” he mumbled into his hand.
“huh?!” you respond exasperated and not really paying attention.
“tch, god! i said you weren’t that bad… you just need to be a little more confident. just pull over into the next side road and i’ll drive us home, okay?”
erwin helps you parallel park.
erwin is so excited to teach you how to parallel park.
truthfully erwin just loves doing things with you.
he will literally go to home goods with you just so he can walk around with you and smell candles.
but when you ask him to help you parallel park well…
there are nearly tears in his eyes.
erwin wakes you up bright and early to practice when the roads are relatively empty.
he sees you’re nervous because your hands are tight around the wheel.
so he rubs your thigh softly to calm you down.
erwin loves giving a good spiel.
he might as well be a driving instructor on the side.
“so darling, when you pull up beside the car… you have to check all of your blind spots, can’t have you backing over a small child…”
he chuckles. it’s a dad joke!
but your eyes just widened in fear.
“i was just kidding darling, it would be very hard for you to run over a child at the speed you’re going okay?”
yeah okay.
so erwin stands on the curb with his hands on his hips as he guided you through your parallel park.
“okay… you got it, you got it… ah! ah! ah! ah! too close… fix yourself.”
“how do i fix myself?”
“cut your wheels to the left darling…”
you can see erwin growing a little frustrated as he rubs his temples with his middle finger and thumb.
“honey maybe we should just go home… clearly i’m not getting this-
“no! you’re gonna get it okay? let’s keep going.”
erwin is a very supportive husband.
like you told him you wanted to pick up knitting once and he bought you ten spools of yarn and three sets of knitting needles type supportive.
erwin will tell you that you suck in the nicest way possible.
“listen darling, you got it right? you’re technically parallel! you just have to cut into the curb just a little bit more… okay bunny?”
his heart is warm as you look up at him with sparkling eyes.
but you really only picked up on the words “you got it!” and “you’re parallel!”
he gives an ecstatic thumbs up as you hit the curb.
“it’s okay! doing great darling!”
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a/n: alexa play vroom vroom by charli xcx. thank you for 200!
828 notes · View notes
bukojuiice · 4 years
get you.
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ೃ pairing: (husband! executive levi ackerman x wifey! reader)
ೃ  warnings: nsfw (18+) - the rest of the tags are below the cut! c:
ೃ genre: smut
ೃ word count: 2,696 words
ೃ  my nav  →  my college au! eren x fem! reader (fluff)
ೃ song inspo: get you by daniel caesar ft. kali uchis
ೃ  please do reblog if you enjoyed!! it really helps writers and content creators on tumblr! (feel free to add tags too because i love reading them and my heart swells with happiness when people love my work!)
ೃ “visit your husband at work” day is an actual event that happens every 3rd Thursday of the month at the company Levi works in. however, after he’s become too focused on the workload for the day and you’ve grown impatient as he wasn’t paying attention to you at all, you had to find a way to grab his attention. 
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additional tags: fem dom! reader, slight bondage, sub! levi then a dramatic shift to dom! levi 
hope you enjoy reading!
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Today is the 3rd Thursday of the month.
Which meant “Visit your Husband at Work” Day.
No. Like, it was literally an actual holiday that existed in the company.
One of Levi’s fellow executives, Hange Zoe, created a whole-ass holiday just so to tease you and Levi.
Not that it was a problem though, it was always so fun to watch your husband work so sternly and seriously. Even if he ignored you most of the time, especially when you were being annoying and were asking too many questions.
This month’s iteration of the holiday though… left much to be desired.
Your ever so busy husband promised you a lunch date at one of the swankiest restaurants in the business district, however he was so swarmed with papers, business plans, and taking calls from important clients that could he not take 1 hour out of his day just to spend time with you and keep the spirit of this “holiday” alive?
It really doesn’t make any sense. He could relay the client calls to his secretary, Eren, for an hour and a half, then once he gets back, he could go through them and call them back again.
Was it that hard to do?
Despite your many pleas of asking him to just stop working for a few minutes and eat some take out McDonald’s chicken nuggets with you, he still refuses to do so. He even remarked about how unhealthy they were, but you corrected him by telling him that it was alright to eat from time to time at least.  
The whole chicken nuggets exchange you had with him, put you into an even more sour mood.
Before he could even ask where you were about to go, you stormed out of his office, trying to get a reaction from him, so that he would try and make it up you. However, that did not happen and your romantic fantasy of Levi holding you by the wrist, whispering huskily into your ear, not wanting you to leave was not achieved.
So, you then head over to Hange’s office where they were eating lunch with their secretary, Moblit, and surprisingly, the company’s very own Erwin Smith, the CEO of Survey Corp. (get it? Because survey corps? Mwahahaah ok I’ll see myself out)
This got you even more confused, because why are both Hange and Erwin able to eat lunch so casually whilst your husband is so tense and stressed about all the paper works that he has to go through?
“AHH! Ms (Y/N)!” Hange beams at you as soon as they see you enter the room. “What brings you here? Does Levi not want to leave his office again?” They giggled. You greet the three of them back with a wave, but a sad smile present on your face. Erwin raises his eyebrow at you in worry.
“Ms (Y/N), is everything alright?” The blonde man asks worriedly, taking another sip of his afternoon tea. “Did you get into a fight with our most loved and hardworking executive?” He teases, trying to keep the atmosphere light and carefree.
“That’s the problem actually.” You laugh exasperatedly, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. “He promised me that we would go out for lunch, but he didn’t commit and told me he was caught up in a lot of business calls, and he didn’t want to miss any of them as they were very important.”
“Oh? He can just give them to Eren though. They aren’t extremely important calls. We’re not even trying to bag some huge business deal right now. I told Levi to loosen up a bit, but he continues to want to see through with everything.”
You breathe out an irritated sigh, crossing your arms in disappointment. “I’ll be going back to his office now. I’ll be talking to my husband about this and his workaholic tendencies.” You bite your lip, trying to muster a smile, waving goodbye and leaving as soon as you arrived.
“Aw. I wasn’t able to ask if she wanted some sashimi.” Hange pouts, holding a small paper bag that contained the premium dish. “Erwinnn should I go after her?”
“Nope. Don’t.” Erwin shakes his head, laughing, clearly in a very good mood.
“Huh!? Why can’t I-“
Erwin gives them a knowing look, raising his eyebrow suggestively as if referring to something.
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You arrive back at Levi’s office, your arms crossed, waiting for the raven-haired man to greet you. The man you know and love so well, was still very much engrossed with the materials and blueprints he was reading.
He looks up at you then goes back to what he was doing.
You lock the door behind you and then proceed to sit at the long velvety couch situated in the middle of Levi’s huge ass office. Your arms remain crossed, so were your legs as you begin to read a random book laying on the coffee table.
Levi steals some quick glances at you from time to time and your petty self pretends that you don’t notice him doing so.
You hear him sigh and take off his black rimmed glasses that he only wears during work. He then rubs his temples and clear his throat, to try and get your attention.
“(Y/N) love, I know you’re disappointed over the fact I didn’t push through with our lunch plans. I know that you know how much I love you but this is a very important-“
You stand up from the couch and throw the book carelessly to the table. Approaching him with a rather alluring aura surrounding you, your husband giving you a puzzled look as you arrive in front of his table.
He stands up, thinking you were about to envelop him in a hug and accept his apology until…
You grip the lapels of his suit and yank Levi hard against you.
“Prove it.”
Your lips clash with his. Kissing him with every ounce of frustration and heat in your body. But even as Levi’s arms come around you, holding you flush against him, he suddenly pulls back with a questioning look on his face.
“Maybe you might be too busy for this too Mr. Ackerman.”
You push his jacket off his shoulders before your fingers slide along the back of his neck as you guide his wet, hungry mouth back to yours.
Levi spins you around, pushing your back against the cold glass of the windowpane, the beautiful city skyline as your backdrop whilst you make love? It was perfect.
He lifts your wrists up above your head, holding it there with one hand while the other explores your body, caressing the skin he could touch even though you were still fully clothed.
You feel exposed in a way that makes your pulse race, the intensity and the heat between the two of you continue to escalate as his fingers find a strip of bare skin at your waist, then slide up beneath your clothes to trace the curve of your breast. He continues fondling it whilst his other hand slowly unbuttons your blouse, revealing the beauty that was your upper body. Levi takes in the view, breathing
You arch your back, pressing your body against him. His tongue continues to tangle  with yours, and he moans into your mouth.
“Can you even get back to work after this?”
“It depends how much you can keep me busy.”
Levi picks you up easily in his arms. You lock your legs around his waist as he carries you across the office.  He sweeps everything off his desk with a loud crash and lays you down.
Again, you were seeing a different version of him. Not only was it not typical of him to be careless and thrashing things around like this, but the way you can feel his heart beat and his emotions just by these gestures and the two of you haven’t even arrived at the good part yet.
Your head swims, going wild over the thought of what the two of you could end up doing as he unfastens your clothes and throws them across the room. Very out of character for a man who wants to be clean and organized all the time.
His lips trail kisses all over your body, pausing to skim his teeth along your side, caressing each soft spot, turning you on even more.
“I want to eat you up…” He whispers, continuing to smother you with all the love that he can give, touching you everywhere he can.
You look down your body at him, taking in the intense look in his eyes. You want him…
But you also want to make him pay for how he treated you today.
“You have to earn that privilege, Mr. Ackerman.”
You sit up from the desk, pushing him back lightly.
“You’ve been a naughty boy, Levi.” You wink at him, sucking your finger and waving it in front of him. “And you know what that means…”
“I’m going to tie you up.”
Levi, lets out a soft curse, as you hop down from the desk and motion for him to take a seat behind it. He has no choice but to follow you, albeit a bit surprised as this was something new that the two of you haven’t experience yet. He starts to move around the desk when you call out to him.
You lean in and skim your fingers over the exposed skin of his chest, then tug lightly on the open flap of his shirt.
“I don’t want to have to deal with this later.” You wink at him again, running your fingers through his abs, caressing them, and you know that something was stimulating inside of your raven-haired lover.
Levi then quickly strips out of the rest of his clothes, then takes a seat in his office chair, arms on the armrests.
You grab a spare cord from one of his desk drawers, then tie his wrist to the chair. You do the same for his other hand, letting your fingers trail along his bare body, noticing the bulging erection in his pants before you step back and admire your handiwork.
“Aren’t you a sight?” You tease him, your husband smirks and shakes his head at how you were the one showing dominance this time around.
Levi tries to reach for you but stops when he pulls against the cords. He sits back with a pout.
“This isn’t fair.” He cursed under his breath. “I want to touch you.”
“Oh… you want to talk about not fair? What have you been doing all morning then?”
You lean over the chair, careful not to touch him, to try and tease him even more. You let your breasts idle near his face… so close, you can feel his breath ghost over your skin. He visibly gulps.
“And now you’re being punished for it.”
You hop back on the desk, facing Levi. You spread your legs so he can see every inch of you, you hear him gulp again and you were loving the attention as you slip your fingers under your panties.
“Tch…” He cursed under his breath.
Your head lulls back as you let the pleasure course through your veins, trying your best to stop yourself from mewling in pleasure. You call out his name, as if imagining that you were pleasuring yourself whilst he wasn’t around. “A-ah…”
Touching yourself in front of Levi is a power trip like nothing you’ve ever experienced before. You can barely control your movements as your hips buck up. You continue to rub your clit in a circular motion. Your husband continues to watch.
Levi licks his lips as he struggles against his restraints. You slow your fingers as you consider him…
“Hmm… have you been punished enough yet?”
“No… but I can’t make it up to you properly unless you let me touch you.” He continues to breathe heavily, still trying to free himself from the restraints.
Selfishly, you know he’s right. You reach out to untie the cords, and he’s all over you, quickly pressing your body onto his, before the ropes even fall to the ground. Levi continues to kiss you deeply, pressing you back against the desk as his hands work your panties down your thighs.
“I haven’t been able to think about anything else all day. I know we could have just done this at home.”
“And now? What do you think is the point of this work holiday?”
His fingers make their way back up your bare legs, stroking you teasingly.  “And now… I can barely control myself. I want to devour you.”
You lean back and let your legs fall open as wide as they can. You fight back a blush as he hungrily takes in every inch of you. Levi bows at your feet, lowering his mouth between your thighs and working his tongue against you. He slowly licks the inside curves of your pussy, taking in every inch of you. He continues to make work of exploring your insides by a finger, pushing it in and out.
You shiver and grip the desk, reeling from the sensation.
“If you want me to make this up to you properly, then you can’t come yet.” He stops for a second, now it was his turn to tease you.
“Can you do that, Ms. Ackerman? Can you hold back until I tell you?” Levi punctuates his question with a devilish twirl of his tongue, and you gasp.
“Yes. I can.”
“I can take whatever you have to give. Don’t hold back.”
Levi smirks at you, and you know he’ll rise to the challenge. He licks his lips… then dips his head and licks you. His tongue continues to ravish you, deeply and heavily, unrelenting.
“A-ah I’m going to!“ You mewl, your hands looking for something to grasp.
“Already? I thought you said you could take it?”
Your body trembles as he sucks and nips on your nipples, leading you toward the brink. He makes his tongue rigid as it flicks against your clit. You lift your head enough to see Levi’s hand working between his legs, touching his cock in rhythm with you as he groans out your name.
“L-levi…” You gesture him to enter you, your finger pointing down as your breath continues to hitch, craving more for him.
He slowly enters as if teasing you, and you feel your juices stimulate as you become one with him. He continues to thrust in, shifting from a normal to a fast pace, still relentlessly teasing you. How the tables have turned.
Levi’s pace grows even faster and faster, it was as if his dick was enlarging inside of you too. Your moans were in sync with his and with one final thrust…
That’s all it takes. Your body clenches, and you fly over the edge, ecstasy crashing over you.
You both exchange your I love you’s, leaning in for one last kiss as you feel the last pump enter inside you.
Levi slowly holds you and helps you down from the desk. It was such a smooth release that not one drop fell onto the desk. If it did though, his clean freak tendencies would probably show by now.
“Let’s clean up. I have a meeting at 3.” He says, still catching his breath, picking up his clothes that he threw from the other side of the room.
“So… you’re telling me that we can still have our lunch date!?” Your eyes lit up; the raven-haired man offers to help you clip your bra.
“Yes. Then let’s go to the spa after.” He smiles, combing a hand through your hair, kissing your shoulder before you finish wearing your blouse again.
“Does that mean we can also do it in the spa?” You ask, suggestively.
“Aw. You’re no fun.”
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me after writing this and as i hit post now:
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573 notes · View notes
cvtqr · 4 years
pairings; eren jaeger x reader [+ jean x reader]
notes; this was also posted on my ao3, which has the same username as this one [cvtqr]
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“i never loved you y/n.” 
he slammed the door in your face. you didn't know why he was treating you this way. you've been with him every step of the road. there was no way he couldn't love you. you didn't want to leave. you didn't want to stop coming to see him. so you didn't stop. you weren't going to leave. you sunk down onto the concrete in front of his door.
on the other side eren was doing the same thing, just sitting against the door. he didn't want to see you. he didn't want to give into you. if he hurt you now he wouldn't hurt you in 365 days. but seeing your face was so hard. he never wanted to scream at you and slam the door in your face. right when you showed up the only thing he wanted to do was pull you into his arms. he wanted to feel your warmth. but he can't. he knew you were like a drug, he couldn't get enough. he also knew that he could never be with you again. no. not after 365 days. he could never give you a family, the life you deserved. his biggest mistake was falling in love with you. it was impossible to give you everything he wanted to. he never even knew when it happened. when you walked with him in the snow during training? when you saved him countless times? your soft, sweet smile? he needed you, but you didn't need him.
you ended up falling asleep on eren’s front porch, waking up the next morning from the bright sun shining directly onto your face. and the blonde boy standing in front of you.
“so he won't talk to you either hm? you should go, you don't deserve that y/n. he hasn't talked to anyone in days, im just leaving a bag for him to make sure he's taking care of himself and all.” 
you nodded and stood up, walking down the step on eren’s porch. 
“the captain wants to see you too. i think he wants you and jean doing field work today.”
“thanks” you mumbled out before going to meet up with levi. 
armin was right, you and jean were out on the field today. jean secretly cared about you and he hated seeing you like this. the bright cheerful girl, now not saying a word. you lost the glow in your eyes. as the sun set, you and jean were about done. riding your horses back to the stables, jean took a turn.
“where are you going.”
“come on, y/n.”
sighing, you turned the direction of your horse, following jean.  
he stopped over the lake, the sun setting above you two.
“i used to come here with marco all the time.”
you looked up and over at jean.
“s-sorry, lets go.”
“wait jean.- i, i miss him too.”
“do you maybe wanna get dinner in town? we haven't ate in awhile and you seem very down today.”
“i don't know jean...”
“oh come on, my treat.”
knowing you couldn't go home and cook with eren like you used to do, you accepted his offer. 
279 days
the time for you and jean to do field work all day came around again. after, you found yourself in town with him again. over the past 86 days you found yourself going to eren’s less and less. after hanging out with jean all day for the first time, you realized that you both had a lot in common. jean lost someone and even though eren was still here, you lost him. you now only go there about once a week with armin, just to leave a bag with a note on his doorstep. he completely ghosted everyone. he hasn't talked to anyone in almost 100 days. you were the last person he spoke to. 
back to today, you found your smile slowly coming back. but were you over eren? no. not at all. jean just simply made you somewhat happy. out in town the both of you decided to try food from a bunch of carts. that was until you got to a small band playing music. jean pulled you close to him and started slowly swaying the both of you together. jean knew you were probably wishing he was eren, but that was ok with him. he had you in his arms.
what you didn't know, eren was sitting on a nearby bench. from a far, he was un recognizable. his hair draped over his shoulders and he hasn't shaved in months. he looked like shit. he questioned his decision of pushing everyone away. should he have spent the 365 days with you? no. no no no no no, he made the right choice. now he would just have to watch your life with jean. even though it hurt, it hurt like hell, this is what he wanted for you.
123 days 
wow, its been awhile since you've seen eren. you stopped going there. you didn't feel like need. its been way over 200 days. you had jean now. you were so close, yet so far to being over eren. but you didn't want to hurt jean by going to see your ex-lover. jean didn't bring up marco, you didn't bring up eren. you haven't had as much time with jean that you had with eren, but you were slowly falling in love with him.
just the little things.
4 days
letters. eren had written a letter to each and every one of his friends, but no. he only needed you to see yours. he ripped up the rest, but put yours into a plain white envelope, leaving it on his kitchen table. he needed to think about a lot of things in the next four days.
1 day 
eren took all his decorations down. all the pictures of you two that he's been looking at for the past 364 days. the only thing left was the letter, still set on his counter.
2 days after 
y/n. open in five years. i understand if you want to throw this out and forget about me, but give it a chance.
that's what you read on the envelope left on eren’s counter. 
you and close friends cleaned out eren’s house, collecting his personal belongings.  
saying the day was gloomy is being generous. the next few years were gloomy.
1825 days after
“marco kirstein! get back here right now or im getting your father.” 
you never imagined yourself chasing after a three year old toddler while your husband drank coffee on the balcony five years later. 
1826 days later
“have fun on your camping trip boys. connie loose my child when jean goes on that interview and ill kill you.”
“mommy stop worrying! uncle connie is a great babysitter!” 
6 hours later
you un crumpled the old envelope sitting in a box of belongings. 
hey sugar! so i see you didn't forget about me. if im right you have started a family? or that's what i hope at least...
those last 365 days were painful as all hell. sorry for bringing up old memories but i just want to clear things up with you. i lied the last time i saw you. i love you. i loved you so much. that's why i needed to let go. I've been watching you and jean over the past few months. you seem happy. stay that way please. i fucking cannot stand jean but please don't let go of him. if you're reading this and you did, i hope your children get/got your genes so they don't have horse faces. 
i don't even know why im writing this, i guess i just wanted to say i had to let go so you wouldn't get hurt once i died. i thought it would be less painful for you that way. im so sorry if i hurt you at first. so, so sorry. at least you had jean. someone, just like i wanted you too. 
im not sure if i regret my decision. actually scrap that i shouldn't have wrote that because i don't have an eraser. i don't regret it. but i just wanted to let you know that i loved you over those last 365 days. tell the gang i said hey.
i love you, my atlantis.
678 notes · View notes
lunaekalenda · 3 years
🌼‘s Summary for Eren and Fem!Reader request: Eren wakes up to the sounds of Y/N crying and learned that her family had to cancel their vacation plans due to the ongoing virus pandemic (Eren was also bummed out that he was unable to visit his parents, Mikasa, and Armin because of the same reasons and they urged him and Y/N to stay home just to be safe). Then, Eren wrapped Y/N in his naked body to comfort her until he hatched an idea before asking Y/N to wait in bed until he returns (part 1)
hi! of course!! i hope you like it, honey! sorry for all the waiting!! 
end of the request: (Part 2 of request) and has Y/N to listen to music or read a book in his absence. After Eren returns to Y/N, he had Y/N close her eyes while he carried her outside to the flower meadow near their home. Once they reached the meadow, Eren places a flower crown on Y/N before having her open her eyes. After Y/N opened her eyes, she sees that Eren is still naked except for the eucalyptus crown on his head and sees that Eren set up a little flower festival for the both of them along with a picnic basket of food he set down and Eren commented that the flower crown on her head matched her f/c nightgown she’s still wearing. Then Y/N began to cry with happiness and embraces him before they enjoy their little festival activities in the meadow. Finally, while watching the clouds in the sky together, Eren cradled Y/N in his arms and hummed/sang Isabellas Lullaby (I see him singing AmaLees version of the song) before falling asleep and napping on his still bare shoulder. Eren proposes Y/N to marry him before the end of the flower festival request? Could you add that part in as part of the one-shot?
eren x fem!reader
w: nudity
You put the phone in your little table again, tears falling fast from your eyes. You turn around. Eren is still sleeping, his calm breath making his chest raise quietly. You put your head on his neck crook, tears still falling silently, wanting to feel your boyfriend next to you, getting a little comfort from him. He moves a little.
“Y/N?” he asks. His voice isn’t more than a sleepy whisper and his arms are now around your waist, getting you closer to him. “Are you crying, love?” he asks. He can hear your quiet sobs, feel your irregular breathing against his body. “What happened?” his tone is still low, but the sweetness on his voice is clear.
“I can’t visit my family this summer.” you say, on a whisper. Tears are falling again. He caresses your hair with soft movements.
“They did approve the mobility law, hm?” It was just a project, but it seems like it’s now a reality. You feel Eren’s skin against yours while he attracts you closer, your face against his chest, his lips giving you sweet kisses on the top of your hair. You enjoy his proximity, one of your hands resting near your head, giving his chest some caresses. Then, he has an idea.
“Love, could you wait here for me a second?” he asks. You look at him, your eyes still swollen because of crying. You nod.
“Where are you going?” you ask while he gets up, his naked body receiving the first golden rays. He just smiles, giving you a near manga and kissing your lips before going out to the corridor.
While you read, Eren doesn’t make a sound, as if he was missing. Maybe he is on the little field you have at home. Since you bought a house on the countryside, your house has a really big parcel, where you have some flowers and plants. While he’s away, you’re able to end some manga volumes, really enjoying the story, when you hear his voice.
“Close your eyes, love.” he asks. You do so, always having that blind faith on him. He enters the room, and you feel his proximity. “I’m going to take you in my arms, okay?” he asks. You nod and feel how he sneaks a hand under your knees, the other having your back. “Don’t open them until I tell you, please” he asks. You nod, your body searching proximity with his. He leaves you on something that feels like a blanket. You can hear birds and feel the sun on your skin. A little pressure on your head, as if Eren placed something on it. “Open them.” he asks. 
You take a minute to adapt your eyes to the sudden light, analyzing where you are. You’re in the flower camp, sitting near the lilacs. His head is now adorned with an eucalyptus crown, the only thing on his body. He has his hands behind his body, hiding something. He takes a little picnic basket, putting it on the floor. Then, you see around you. A blanket under your body, with some plates and the picnic, and Eren by your side, smiling at you while he opens the basket.
“Eren, what’s this?” you ask, amazed. The sun makes his skin smoother and his eyes greener, his smile as beautiful as always.
“It’s just a little festival. Just for the two of us.” Then, you’re aware of the low music playing on the background, really calming and relaxing beats sound from his phone. He gives you a plate with fruit, looking at your head. You look at your reflection on the phone. A flower crown is on your hair.
“Eren, this is...”
“You look beautiful.” he says, simply. “And a lot more now that you’re smiling.” Your eyes became full of tears after your boyfriend’s words, and that made you jump into his arms, your head on the crook of his neck, smelling that sweet scent Eren always has. He wraps your body with his arms, putting you even closer to him. “Thanks, Eren.” you say.
“I didn’t want to see you sad because you couldn’t go to that trip. So I decided to make our vacations special.” he says. “I prepared a lot of things to do.”
And he did. From a sweet karaoke, a fun game about guessing drawings and the projection of a film on the wall of your house to teaching you how to make flower crowns. Now, he’s kissing you softly, your legs tangled while his hands explore your back. He doesn’t rush, he kisses you slowly, as if he wanted to make this moment eternal, and you’re thankful for it. He parts. It’s almost night, some stars appearing on the sky. He looks at them and you look at him. He takes something from the basket. You thought you ended the food.
“See, you’re the woman of my dreams. The only one that understands me with just a sight, the only one that makes me feel good with just a smile. I’m sure you’re the girl of my life and i will love you forever. And you don’t know how immensely happy I’ll be if you accept that love.” he takes a little ring from the picnic basket. Your eyes began to drop tears. “Would you marry me?” he asks. You nod, incapable of talking, while he slides the ring on your finger. He hugs you and you kiss him, so happy. You’re gonna marry him.
You’re gonna marry the love of your life.
You’re still between his arms, some minutes later, his lips leaving sweet kisses on your body while you caress the wrist near your chest. Eren starts to hum a song, something you know but you can’t recognize. He starts to sing quietly.
“Let me sing a lullaby
 As you close your eyes”
The song enters your ears softly and you feel Eren’s hands caressing your hair. You snuggle against him. 
 “And as you're drifting off to sleep 
How I hope that the dreams that you find are bright
 Love, can we meet again soon in the bluest of skies? 
Where a tomorrow waits for you and I 
So hold me tight one more time”
Your eyes are now closed as he feels your calm breath. He caresses you as he smiles, the ring on your finger shining with the moonlight. He feels so empty, so good and warm. He’ll be your husband. He can’t wait. 
“I’ll make you happy, y/n. I promise.”
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randomposterofstuff · 3 years
What are the chances that Levi is the husband?
So, we’ve heard about the alleged leaks regarding the additional pages of AOT’s Chapter 139. And according to Zekken, Mikasa's future husband looks like Jean Kirstein from the back.
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Screenshot taken from Twitter.
Now, Zekken has personally stated that they are not sure about the authenticity of these leaks. But for the sake of this post, I shall assume that they are confirmed and accurate.
So, going back to the main point. My biased RivaMika-shipping mind can't help but think that Levi may be Mikasa's future husband. I've already made my bias clear. Haha. Nonetheless, I’d still like to explain why I think that it’s possible:
1. Based on how Zekken phrased their statement, the face of the husband was not directly shown. In fact, Zekken merely guessed that it was Jean based on what he looks like from the back.
2. It's possible that the husband's identity is not going to be revealed and that it is going to be open to interpretation. This might be another open-ended subject matter.
3. Based on Chapter 139, it would appear that Jean has become open to the idea of seeking out women other than Mikasa.
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Image taken from Chapter 139 of the Shingeki No Kyojin manga.
4. Mikasa has more common ground with Levi than Jean.
- I know that two people can establish a stable relationship even if they don't have much in common. However, it would be easier for Mikasa to connect and relate with Levi than with Jean. The two Ackermans parallel each other in many ways. A few examples include the following:
a. They both lost their biological parents in tragic manners. Mikasa’s parents were killed by traffickers before her own eyes, while Levi witnessed his mother slowly die from a disease.
b. They both have great empathy for the vulnerable and weak because they understand what it’s like to feel that way. Mikasa was helpless, traumatized, and scared during her brief episode of captivity. As for Levi, before Kenny had found him, he was in a malnourished and weakened state ever since losing his mother.
One instance where Mikasa exhibited her empathy was during the Struggle for Torst. During this time, Reeves refused to let the defenseless citizens of Trost pass through the entrance to the safer territory until his own merchandise got there safely. Upon seeing this, Mikasa beat his guards and threatened him with violence so that he would allow the exposed inhabitants to enter first.
Levi's empathetic side was shown when he actively supported Historia in her plan of establishing an orphanage for the children of the Underground City. Having lived there for most of his life, Levi knew how difficult life was in the Underground and knew that the orphanage would give the children better lives and opportunities.
c. They both made impossibly difficult sacrifices for the sake of humanity. Mikasa made the great sacrifice of killing Eren because she knew that it was the only way to save the rest of humanity. In Levi’s case, he was left with no other choice but to slaughter his own comrades when Zeke transformed them into Titans. This was especially difficult for the squad captain because he greatly valued the lives and welfare of his fellow soldiers.
5. I also think that the foundations of Mikasa and Levi’s current relationship in the series will more likely lead to a strong and romantic connection between them. I’ve already made several analyses on the dynamics of their relationship. And if you’re interested, you can read them here:
On the Foundations of Levi and Mikasa’s Relationship
An in-depth analysis of Mikasa’s character development in relation to Eren and Levi
On the change of dynamics of Mikasa’s relationships with Eren and Levi
6. In contrast, for the better part of the series, Mikasa seemed to regard Jean only as a friend and a comrade. While she does care for him, I have not seen any profound interactions between them suggesting that Mikasa views him in a unique manner. Concerning Levi, Mikasa had great faith and trust in him. As a matter of fact, when Jean and the others expressed doubts and reservations during the Uprising Arc, Mikasa plainly told them that trusting Levi was their best option for survival.
At this juncture, I would also like to expound and emphasize more on item No. 1, as mentioned above. Haha. Now, it was said that from the back, the husband appears to be Jean. Well, let’s take a look at what Jean looks like.
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Left: Jean during the pre-Marley arcs. Right: Jean during the Marley and subsequent arcs.
During the pre-Marley Arc, Jean has short hair with an undercut. And during the Marley arc and after the war, his hair became longer, but he still maintained an undercut. But, Pieck has pointed out that Jean is concerned about how his hair looks, and he was also shown to be fussing with his long hair. So, maybe it’s possible that some time after, he would revert to his old haircut.
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Jean fussing about his hair after the war. Image taken from Chapter 139 of the Shingeki no Kyojin manga.
On this, who else do we know sports an undercut?👀
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Top image: Levi during the pre-Marley arcs. Bottom image: Levi after the war.
Now, I know that I’m just reaching and grasping at straws at this point. Hahaha. I guess I’m just really a die-hard RivaMika shipper at this point in time. If JeanKasa does become canon, I may or may not come to like or even love it with time. But as of now, Levi is the only character that I ship Mikasa with.
Final Note: These are just some speculations and thoughts on my part. Regardless of what happens, RivaMika will always be a valid and respectable ship with a lot of potential in my eyes. Anyway, that’s all for now!
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milfkasa > dilfren
Mikasa must always come first
AHAHAH THIS IS SO FUNNY 🤣🤣 she does and Eren knows it 🤣🤣 ugh imma write a Drabble bc I have to wait 2 hours in my car.
Usually it’s him that gets hit on, almost every time it never fails, always him. He heads into parent teacher interviews and they grill him, the women like hawks. Single moms who want him to be their kid’s father figure, their next husband.
Of course he deals with this like a real man every time, because he’s not scared of school moms not at all. So like any smart husband would, he hides behinds Mikasa and makes his angry wife deal with it. Usually a menacing glare is enough to scare them off.
Today is no different, since he’s been alone in the lobby while Mikasa hits the bathroom he’s been asked by three different woman which child is his, which class they’re in. Followed promptly with aww she’s such a sweet girl when he tells them Yumi is his oldest. When he follows with the fact that he has two more they put their hands on his forearms and without fail ask if Mrs. Yeager is still in the picture, hoping for divorce, an impending separation as they eye his wedding ring. Maybe he's widowed, and he always has to break their hearts, but he doesn't really mind too much, Mikasa is always worth it.
Some brunette woman is going in for the kill, she’s been scoping him out for a little while now and finally she works up the nerve to say something.
“So is your child in this class to?”
Eren is about to answer, about to go through the whole spiel all over again when he spots his lovely wife coming to save him. Only she’s not alone.
There is a very attractive man with her, and Eren can only assume it’s Mr. Smith, his one and only competition. The one he’s heard everyone fawning over at after-school pickup. At first he'd honestly been a little offended that the PTA moms were cheating on him with another crush, but then he'd thought about Mikasa hearing him say that allowed and decided to purge it from his brain.
Eren’s gaze turns murderous when he sees just how chummy this jackass is being with his wife. That’s HIS wife Damn it!
Mikasa is laughing to, what the fuck??
But Eren will admit Mr. Smith is very attractive, black hair almost as nice as Mikasa’s and blue eyes he can see from here. Standing together with his wife they make a striking pair, Mikasa obviously outshining Mr. Smith obviously.
She’s wearing a little sweater dress to torture him with, exposing her pretty legs, those well-curved calves and the deep V of the sweater showing more than enough of her cleavage. It clearly has Mr.Smith’s attention, his eyes are practically glued to it.
Eren ignored brunette trying to talk to him and chooses to make his stand, Mikasa always does it for him. It’s really the least he can do.
Also he is insanely possessive and Mr. Smith just patted her shoulder when she laughed, unacceptable.
Before he can stop himself and consider Mikasa’s wrath for claiming her like a dog he does it. Eren stands, shocking the brunette and makes it to Mikasa in 3 short strides, arms finding her waist and chin resting on her head.
She stiffens for just a moment, before she relaxes, realizing it’s him.
“Watcha doin baby I think it’s almost our turn?”
It’s not almost their turn but he doesn’t want her talking to this attractive man it’s not fair.
“Eren,” Mikasa smiles tightly and he knows he’s in trouble for claiming her like a caveman but she’s his! He tightens his arms around her slightly, tucking her into his chest more.
“Hi, I’m Eren Mikasa’s husband.” Eren is very clear when he introduces himself to Mr. Smith and the man visibly pales.
“Nice to meet you, Mikasa was just telling me Yumi is in the same class as my son, thought it might be nice to organize a play date.”
“Maybe.” Eren tells him, smiling the whole time while he silently wars with Mikasa to keep her in his hold.
Their children will never be hanging out together, over his dead fucking body.
Mr. Smith looks unsure how to continue and Eren takes the opportunity to tug his wife away, “Well we should be getting back now, wouldn’t want to miss our names.”
“Bye Mikasa,” Mr. Smith tells his wife and Eren doesn’t give her a chance to say anything more dragging her away.
“Eren!” Mikasa explodes as soon as they’re alone and back in their half of the hallway in front of Yumi’s classroom.
He’s in big trouble.
“He was touching you!” He defends weakly.
“He rubbed my shoulder once!”
“Doesn’t matter only im allowed to rub your shoulders.”
They’re arguing in the middle of the hall and he thanks god everyone else is busy.
“Oh my god Eren we’re married! We have children!”
He pouts, sitting himself down on a nearby bench while she lectures him.
“I deal with shit like that all the time with you! I don’t do THAT.”
He looks away sullenly, he refuses to apologize.
She glares at him, arms crossed and tapping her foot, just like she does when she's upset with Yumi, disciplining their daughter, her's in big trouble. However, unlike Yumi, Eren has ways of dealing with his wife and they usually include kisses and bribery.
He grabs her by the waist as she’s about to launch into another tirade, causing her to help as she falls forward into his arms.
“Don’t care, you’re MY wife Mikasa and I’ll let everyone know.”
She scowls, “You don’t have to be such a caveman about it, you might as well have peed on me.”
He showers her in kisses, one on her nose, some to her eyelids, the apples of her cheeks.
“My Mikasa.”
She groans, “Yeah you stupid caveman your Mikasa.”
He smirks, holding her in his lap nice and close.
“You know I think I saw an empty janitors closet down the hall.”
She pauses, looking mock horrified as she considers his proposition, smacking him.
“Eren!” She chastises, but just like he expects she squirms a bit in his arms before leaning in, “I’ll race you.”
Then she abruptly takes off down the hall and Eren follows her at top speed.
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sleeperswakewriting · 3 years
Prompt from: velokomi
So, how about Petra giving wayyy too much attention to Eren, Hanji ,Oulo and Erwin and Levi gets jealous for all them?
Rating: G
Word count: 1.4k
He’s just a kid, is the first thing that came to Levi’s mind when he first saw Petra doting on him. The ruffling of the hair, the way she would go out of her way to make him a cup of tea in the evening and how they would chat by the fireplace--it was so characteristically Petra that Levi knew he had nothing to be upset about. After all, she had a reputation for taking new recruits under her wing, making them feel welcome and at home, and even though the boy they had in front of them was a literal monster, that wasn’t stopping Petra.
Except he was jealous because evening tea times were meant for the two of them, in his office, filling out paperwork or merely going over the drills they ran that day.
But, he supposed he owed the kid some slack, after all, he lost his mother and with Petra being the only female member of their team, he wasn’t surprised Eren was drawn to her.
He decided to let it go, keeping his thoughts to himself because he knew what Petra would say if he brought it up--Captain, you’re being so silly! And throw him the soft smile she always did when it was just the two of them.
“Sorry Captain, Hange asked me to help them out with some experiments later! I’ll see you tomorrow for breakfast?” Petra chirped, knowing that Levi’s request to see her later was not strictly professional and she was under no obligation to abide by him. However, the rejection still stung, and Petra didn’t even notice as she gave him a quick salute as she left the mess hall, leaving Levi alone, staring idly into his shitty soup for the night.
Don’t be that guy, he chastised himself, but his legs followed the motions before he could help himself as he cleaned his tray and followed Petra to Hange’s lab. I’ll just say I needed four-eyes for something.
The door to Hange’s lab was cracked an inch open, and before Levi was about to barge in, he heard giggling from Petra.
“I’m so glad we’re spending some one on one time, sometimes it gets stifling with the guys all the time! What do you think of this color?”
Levi knew when to take a cue when he heard one, and he dejectedly walked away from the room, back to his office.
Imitation is the highest form of flattery is something Erwin once told him, and Levi had to fucking disagree with that. On most days, he just ignored Oluo’s strange antics and pretended not to throw the man off by saying something off handed like an apple a day keeps the titans away just to see him eat as many apples as he could the following morning, but today was different.
As Levi descended the steps, he could have sworn he felt a vein pop when he walked down to their common room and spied Petra tying Oluo’s cravat for him and clucking at him like a mother hen.
“Can you sit still, Oluo?!” She barked, nearly choking him in the process as Oluo bit his tongue, but they both froze as they saw their Captain in the hallway. And if Levi didn’t know any better which he did, Petra was turning a light shade of red as she quickly unraveled the cravat.
“Oh hi Captain! You’re up early.”
Levi looked between them, glaring daggers and he nonchalantly shrugged. “I’m hungry.”
It wasn’t often Levi went into town, he usually took a twice a month trip to replenish on his favorite teas and pick up some cleaning supplies that were out of the Scouts’ budget. Today was one of those days, and the chilly winter air was in its full force as he entered the general store. A couple of other scouts could be seen, some murmuring and buzzing from the Christmas excitement around the corner, and Levi sighed, hoping that nothing he wanted was out of stock since he didn’t fancy another trip into town.
The general store was large, mostly due to being located by one of the Scout outposts and Levi weaved his way between the crowds, making his way for the tea section at the back of the shop.
As soon as he arrived in the back room, Levi immediately halted in his steps and growled out a what the hell as he noticed a familiar tall blond and ginger standing side by side, holding jars of tea between them. They spoke between hushed voices, and Levi felt a hot fury wash over him as Petra cutely crinkled her nose as she sniffed one jar and handed it to Erwin.
“What the fuck is going on?” He finally spat, not being able to contain himself, and Petra jumped, eyes going wide while Erwin merely looked up in amusement.
“Hi Levi,” he acknowledged, screwing the cap of the jar back on. “I ran into Petra, we were just talking about you.”
Levi quirked an eyebrow, knowing when Erwin was bullshitting because it was clear that between the two of them that Erwin was holding Petra’s shopping bag, a simple burlap one but noticeably hers by her initials stitched into the handles.
Petra’s face was glowing red and she immediately took her bag from Erwin and whispered something into his ear, with the taller man having to lean over to hear her. Levi clenched his fist, wondering when Petra and the commander got so chummy they went on outings together, but Petra sidled up next to Levi as she took her hand in his.
“The commander has to go back now, is it okay if I join you?” She asked sweetly, thumbing his wedding band between their interlocked fingers.
Levi grunted and pulled her closer, but as he disappeared into the adjacent room, he couldn’t help but notice the shit eating grin Erwin had plastered onto his face.
It was Christmas morning, and while Levi was never the one for much sleep, he found himself rudely awoken to a poking in his side as Petra climbed over him in the bed. It was barely dawn in their room and he mumbled why she was getting up so early. It was cold from the lack of fire in the shared hearth, and Petra planted a kiss to his forehead as she padded out of the room. Levi paid no mind as he rolled onto his stomach, savoring the heat Petra left but soon found himself awoken again as a weight sat on his back.
“Happy Birthday, Levi!” Petra sang, pulling the covers off of him and peppered kisses across his face.
His eyes opened in realization, forgetting that it was Christmas and also his birthday, and he remembered that they were making a trip into town to see Petra’s parents for the holiday.
“Mmmpfh,” he muttered, running a hand through his hair and noted the medium sized box Petra placed on their bed. It was wrapped in red and green with a large golden bow, and a soft smile came to his lips at the decadence.
“You didn’t have to get me anything,” he said, already undoing the bow and carefully unlatching the tape that held the patterned paper together.
“Of course I did,” Petra replied, sitting next to him and watched with nervous excitement as he undid the box.
A neatly folded green cravat sat in the box, followed by three samples of tea bags, and Levi felt his throat tighten. This was their first gift exchange as husband and wife, and the thoughtfulness that exuded from it made his head spin.
“Oluo helped me with the cravat length, I think it’s a bit fancier than the ones you wear every day, and Hange picked out the color. And the commander helped me with the tea since I wanted to get you something you haven’t tried before. Eren had the idea to wrap it nicely, like nobles do, so we went into town to find something special.” She paused, playing with her hands in her lap. “Do you like it? I know it’s different but I wanted today to be special since we’re also seeing my parents--”
Levi set the gift down and pulled Petra in for a hungry kiss, his hands wrapping around her waist in a tender hug.
“I love it,” he said softly. And then with more confidence, he whispered into her ear, “I love you.”
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hamliet · 3 years
I keep hearing about new aot leaks and I’m confused since I thought it ended. What’s up with these new leaks?
*clears throat* I’m going to take a moment to rant (not at you!)
So, what's up is bad faith Jaegerist leakers taking things so far out of context it’s as if they pulled them from their own ass. Sorry to be crude (but not sorry enough not to say it). (To be clear: if the spoilers were indeed taken as first reported, which I doubted, they would be horrible, and not everyone who dislikes the ending and thus dislikes these leaks is like this! But I’m talking about the specific subset here who are trying to upset people.) 
A summary: Isayama planned to add eight more pages to the final volume. These pages could not be added in the final chapter not because they were not complete or part of the chapter, but because they did not fit the allotted length. They do not contradict the ending, but are parts seen as non essential even if nice to see.
Let me summarize what I’ve heard and how leakers reported it. 
Firstly, leakers said Paradis was actually destroyed and titans still exist! Which, you know, would uproot the entire ending, so people were saying Isayama was showing what he really wanted the ending to be: nihilistic Jaegerism, and he’s trashing it on purpose! Except, the context of the actual leaks is that Eren showed Armin in their dream world an AU where he didn’t do the rumbling what Eren feared would have happened: titans still existing and Paradis being destroyed. Like, yeah? We knew that. It’s not surprising he showed Armin this, but it’s also not utterly necessary, so I see why it wasn’t in the initial magazine chapter. 
There is another scene of Ymir and Mikasa talking briefly. Mikasa tells Ymir her (Ymir’s) love was a long nightmare, and tells her to rest in peace. Ymir reveals that she did not stop the spear from killing King Fritz; that was a lie. Instead, what presumably happened (though I don’t think it’s clarified?) is that she made her daughters eat their father (royal blood). But either what who ate whom and what doesn’t matter lol--it’s interesting, but not ultimately important. 
There is a scene of the 104th with Historia and baby girl; it is largely lighthearted and hence nonessential. 
Lastly, there is a scene flashing forward into the future. I am not sure if this is a scene Eren showed Mikasa in the paths/memories or if it is actually an epilogue to the epilogue. It shows that Mikasa visits Eren’s grave with her children and her husband; and shows her children, grandchild, and an elderly Mikasa visiting as well. The husband’s face is not shown, but it is pretty clearly (hairstyle, height, etc) Jean, which... was kind of the obvious ending. Like I’ve been predicting this forever despite not shipping it, though I get why people would have preferred Yams to leave Jeankasa ambiguous. This is also nonessential as it confirms what was already heavily implied in the ending, but should silence people thinking Mikasa would live her life miserable forever. 
People are also reporting (the Jaegerists, that is) that Mikasa says she doesn’t romantically love Eren when she visits with her family, but again, this was never mentioned to me and my assumption based on how outright ludicrous these reports were is that this is so far out of context it’s not the case. His tombstone still reads my most beloved, my dear, so people saying Isayama just trashed it and undid things is... no. Like, you don’t have to like it, but at least be intellectually honest for goodness sake. 
Finally, there is a funny high school AU omake. 
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mendespideys · 4 years
in need of saving | e.y.
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pairing: eren yeager x reader 
warnings: mentions of fighting, swearing, blood, etc. it’s angsty
summary: eren’s emotions get the best of him and you’re his last hope. based on the line “you’ve been talking with your fists” from when you love someone by james tw.
a/n: this is my first ever drabble/fic/one-shot (whatever you wanna call it) of aot. my husband made me watch it, i became obsessed and now i am here putting my obsession into my writing lol. hope you guys like it. enjoy! 
also, to the people following me for marvel/sm content - i’m sorry lol
gif credit 
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it was no secret that eren jaeger was slowly but surely losing it. maybe not losing it, but definitely losing his cool. and a lot more frequently than what everyone had deemed normal for him.
because it was also no secret that eren was known for losing it time and time again. everyone in the 104th cadet corps had seen the green-eyed boy pick a fight more than once - especially with jean. the two of them seemed to bubble with anger just at the sight of one another and no one really knew the real reason why. 
whether it was jean using what was definitely eren’s least favorite nickname he had ever gotten (suicidal maniac) or eren making a comment about the redhead being a coward - the two of them could barely get along on a good day. 
but, lately, everyone seemed to be getting on eren’s bad side. horse-face was no longer the only insult coming from him and it certainly was not the most cruel one that had slipped past his lips either. eren’s anger - or whatever it was - was no longer only focused jean. he seemed to be taking his feelings out on everyone. everyone except you. 
even the captain and the commander had been getting their fair share of snarky comments and attitudes from the titan shifter. while they were undoubtedly unable to hold their ground, eren was definitely crossing lines he shouldn’t have. 
and, so, you were forced into your current situation. 
“tch,” captain levi pushed himself off the table he had been leaning on. “the brat is out of control. while i have no problem beating the living shit out of him, i doubt more fighting is what he needs.”
hange nodded. “it seems he’s either too tired to heal himself or he chooses not to. his injuries are taking longer and longer to disappear. we have to do something before it’s too late.” 
before it’s too late. 
you shuddered. the thought of something happening to eren sent a shiver down your spine. worrying about him was like second nature to you and the only one who appeared to understand you was mikasa. 
“with all due respect, commander,” armin spoke up, his bright blue eyes studying the room before continuing. “we have all tried. he doesn’t want to listen to any of us. it’s pointless.”
a sigh fell from his lips, as a subconscious hand rubbed his bandaged shoulder. poor armin. even the innocent, genius best friend had been unlucky enough to experience eren’s wrath. 
“everyone but y/n.”
your eyes darted toward the mention of your name and you met captain levi’s steady gaze. you cowered under his intense stare, feeling other eyes on you as well. you cleared your throat, feeling a weird sense of pressure in the pit of your stomach. 
“i’ve tried, too,” you swallowed thickly, refusing to remember all the times you had tried to talk him. “i- he doesn’t want to listen.” 
“you haven’t really tried,” levi remarked. “the brat’s picking fights left and right. every little thing seems to set him off and you are the only one who can get him to stop. y/n, we all see the way he looks at you. eren might be humanity’s last hope, but right now, you’re his.” 
your heart was thumping in your chest. you had noticed the difference in eren’s actions toward you as well. the touches that lingered a little bit longer than normal, the longing stares he thought you never noticed, the way his anger practically melted away when his name left your lips... 
but to hear someone else confirm it aloud felt weird. foreign. because you had pushed those observations to the back of your mind, desperate not to over-analyze any of them. the two of you were just friends. 
a knock on the door startled you out of your messy web of thoughts. the door opened before either one of the superiors could give permission to do so, revealing a timid yet determined sasha. she addressed the whole room, but her brown eyes were on you. 
“um, sir, sorry to interrupt, but eren and jean are back at it again and i’m afraid neither one of them is stopping, sir.” 
no one seemed to notice the half-eaten potato clutched in her hand - or if they did, they chose not to mention it - as she saluted the captain and commander. you were already practically out of your seat before she could finish and the look from sasha that went unnoticed by everyone else certainly did not go unnoticed by you. 
you followed hot on her heels, your gaze fixated on her bobbing ponytail as she scurried through the hallways but your mind totally elsewhere. there was an uneasy feeling bubbling deep inside you and no matter what you told yourself, you couldn’t shake it. 
while eren did lack the ability to take control of his emotions and strategically plan out his next moves, his brute strength and impeccable hand-to-hand combat techniques made up for it. therefore, you were more worried about jean than eren, to say the least. 
so, to say you were surprised when you entered the field and laid eyes on the two was an understatement. the sight you had imagined and prepared yourself for was nowhere to be seen. instead, the one eren was injuring was himself. by the look of it, there definitely had been a fight between him and jean, but the latter was merely watching connie’s attempts at stopping the brunette. 
you came to a halt immediately, unsure of how to process the scene playing out in front of you. a trembling hand mutes a sob, which is now nothing more than a pained whimper as your eyes traveled up and down eren’s body, mentally assessing his injuries. 
his nose was definitely bleeding. this wasn’t an unusual sight as it tended to happened a lot during his early experiment stages with hange. but you weren’t prepared for the bruising that was already forming and there was no doubt in your mind that his nose was broken. 
his forehead was stained red as well, strands of his growing hair sticking to the sides of his face. it was impossible for you to appraise the extent of the damage as you were unable to determine the origin of the crimson liquid. 
everything seemed to happen in slow motion and too fast all at once. at the sight of the your group, connie’s attempts were replaced by captain levi’s with mikasa not far behind. hange made a beeline for jean, who was muttering frustrated nothings while rubbing his jaw. 
so eren had gotten a few hits in. 
a gentle nudge brought you back, once again, from the dark chaos within your mind. you met armin’s blue orbs, attempting to ignore the pure worry swimming within them. his eyebrows arched as a silent plea and you followed his gaze to where eren was wildly trashing against the captain. 
in any other situation, you would have laughed at the ridiculousness of it all. the captain’s height was a frequent talking point among your group and there was no denying how small he looked compared to eren’s towering frame. in any other situation, you also would not have bothered hiding how impressed you were with the captain’s ability to overpower the younger boy. 
“y/n-” levi warned, voice strained, as the bloodied boy continued to attempt resisting him. 
with a nod (to convince yourself or as a response to levi, you were unsure), your unsteady legs carried you toward the two of them. eren’s eyes were wild with determination, his nostrils flaring with anger. but you quickly realized when walking closer that there were a dozen other emotions pooling within his emerald orbs. 
“eren,” his name fell from your mouth with ease. skillfully, you maneuvered your hand around his flailing limbs, placing your palm on his swollen cheek. “eren, it’s okay. hey - stop, it’s okay, i’m here.” 
it was as if a boulder had fallen off his shoulders. his actions halted immediately and his entire body relaxed at the sound of your voice. you wouldn’t have believed the effect you had on him if you hadn’t just witnessed it. levi reluctantly let go of eren, still on stand-by in case the boy would try anything.
“y/n,” your name fell from his lips just as easily, his voice nothing more than a whisper. 
and just like that, he crumbled underneath your touch. you fell to the ground with him, ignoring the pain as your knees came in contact with the hardened dirt beneath you. bringing your other hand up as well, you trapped his face, forcing him to meet your gaze. 
he didn’t try to look anywhere else. he couldn’t. the pained look he was giving you was almost too much and you resisted the urge to look away. his bottom lip was trembling, the slit in it leaking blood with every movement. you found yourself having to withstand the yearning to kiss the pain away. 
“eren, what’s going on with you?” you tried to maintain a steady voice but there was no doubt that everybody could pick up on the worry behind every word. “this is- you can’t keep doing this. you have done nothing but talk with your fists and you need to stop. you can’t go picking fights with everybody over the smallest things.”
eren didn’t respond. the mixture of dirt and blood - both dried and fresh - and the threat of nightfall made it hard to see, but the violent jerks of his body made it obvious: he was crying. your own tears fell as well as sob after sob raked through his body. 
“i can’t help you if you don’t tell me what’s wrong,” you swallowed down your own cries, your mind focused on nothing but helping the heartbroken boy in your arms. “eren, i need you to talk to me. please?”
“w-why? you shouldn’t- i’m a monster. a stupid good-for-nothing bastard. you- why do you want to help me?”
anger coursed through your veins. you wanted to beat the living shit out of whoever had made him feel this way about himself. they had absolutely no right. eren’s cries echoed in the twilight. you didn’t check if your comrades were still an audience. frankly, you didn’t care. 
“you want to know why? because you’re human. because you have the abilities you have. because i truly believe you’re one of humanity’s last hopes. because you deserve to have someone believe in you the way you believe in saving all of us,” you inhaled deeply, overcome with emotion. “because i love you.” 
eren’s sobs stopped just like that; as if they had an off button that you just pushed. the momentary silence - which felt way longer than you would ever admit - was broken by a sound somewhere between a shaky sigh and a surprised gasp coming from eren. 
you couldn’t bring yourself to regret your confession. you didn’t feel an ounce of remorse and definitely not any embarrassment. maybe it was due to eren also showing vulnerability or maybe it was because you had practiced said confession more than once. 
you didn’t care. he knew. he knew now and that was all that mattered. 
his eyes searched your face. you weren’t sure for what, but you assumed for a sign of wether or not you were speaking the truth. your features held nothing but earnest as you returned his analyzing stare and it seemed to satisfy his silent investigation. 
“i feel- it’s too much. too much pressure. i don’t know what i’m doing anymore. i’m not- there has to be someone else. i-i can’t do it... so many people. they’re all dead because of me. i’m not strong enough to-” 
the last drops of self-control you had were eliminated by his proclamation. while it might have been difficult to comprehend for some, you had understood every word and with each broken sentence, your heart ached more and more. 
eren’s disjointed admissions were halted by your lips on his. you didn’t know where your newfound confidence had come from but you were grateful for its presence. his lips molded against yours almost instantly - so effortlessly. 
you ignored the taste of iron just as eren ignored the stinging from the cut on his lip. while the kiss was nowhere near being sexual, it was definitely more than just a peck. your lips moved together in pain and understand and love and relief. 
unwillingly, you pulled away. suddenly aware that you more than likely still had an audience, the fresh evening air felt good against your flushed cheeks. the two of you remained silent, attempting to revert your breathing patterns back to normal. 
eren rested his forehead against yours. you were sure sasha could practically hear the way your heart was stammering in your chest. and if not, eren definitely could. with each thump, your chest tightened and you were sure that if human bodies had not been designed with rib cages, your heart would have been long gone. 
your thumb caressed his cheek, his fresh tears smearing with the dried crimson in the process. a gust of wind took ahold of the few pieces of hair framing your face. eren gingerly grabbed the loose strands, tucking them behind your ear. he had done so countless times before, but something just felt different this time around. 
“i love you, too,” he whispered, the previous insecurities long gone from his voice. he had never spoken truer words. 
you smiled. “let’s get you cleaned up, yeah? and i think you might owe someone an apology.” 
eren’s limbs ached and although he didn’t want to admit to that, his body betrayed him. he had just barely stood back up when his trembling legs buckled. he prepared to meet the cold ground and the pain that would ensue, but a pair of hands caught him before it happened. 
you were just as surprised as eren appeared to be as levi attempted to steady him. it seemed the captain hadn’t ventured far. hyper aware that he probably had heard every word shared between you and eren, you didn’t dare meet his eyes. 
you sprung into action immediately, moving to eren’s other side. he winced as you navigated his arm around your shoulders, causing you to sputter out apologies while doing so. captain levi’s amusement didn’t go unnoticed by you or eren, but neither of you decided to comment on it. 
with you and captain levi both being significantly shorter than eren, supporting his weight was easier said than done. after some trial and error, though, the three of you were able to move almost seamlessly. 
eren’s strength was wavering by the second, you could tell, but he had enough left to come to a halt when you neared his most recent victim. you met jean’s eyes, hoping he could sense how apologetic you were. he confirmed with a nod then turned his attention to the boy who seemed to be getting heavier and heavier in your arms. 
“i’m sorry, jean, i-i honestly don’t even know... i’m sorry.”
“what? no ‘horse-face’?” the redhead chuckled, almost sadly. you realized that they had already cleaned him up. “don’t worry about it, eren. you did more damage to yourself than me anyway.” 
jean placed a hand on eren’s arm that was thrown over your shoulder. the interaction was brief but seemed to mean a lot to the both of them. then, they nodded and jean walked back toward the remainder of the group. sasha and connie were both saying words to him that you couldn't hear. 
you could feel the distressed stares that armin and mikasa were both sending in your direction. you gave them a nod, promising that their childhood friend was okay. he would be, at least. you had already made it your mission to ensure it. 
as you and captain levi hauled eren toward his dorm, the severity of the situation began feeling heavy on your shoulders. eren had definitely broken more than a few rules and you were sure captain levi would make sure he was punished for his insubordination. 
you weren’t entirely sure you would be off the hook either. sure, you hadn’t broken rules or gone against direct orders, but you hadn’t exactly abided either. captain levi could easily find a reason for why you should receive punishment as well and no one would even question it. 
captain levi’s steel eyes followed your every move as you opened the door to eren’s room, you could feel it. it didn’t feel like his typical burning glare but you couldn’t quite place your finger on the emotion behind the action either. 
as if sensing your thoughts that were now moving a hundred miles a minute, a groan came from eren. you watched them both quietly as captain levi managed to plop eren down on the chair you had placed next to the bath. another groan escaped the green-eyed boy and you could tell he was exhausted and in pain.
“captain, i’m-”
“tch. save it, brat. we have all been there and if they haven’t, they will. i’m surprised it took you this long. you’re a lot stronger than you give yourself credit for, kid,” levi interrupted, turning his attention toward you. “y/n, i trust you’ll take good care of humanity’s last hope. i’ll see the both of you at breakfast tomorrow morning.”
“i- yes, sir.” 
captain levi left without another word, leaving you and eren alone for the first time all day. you suddenly felt hesitant, unsure of what to do next. eren’s grunts of frustration filled the silent room as he began - well, tried to anyway - removing his tunic. 
you swatted his hands away gently, removing the article of clothing with ease. you had seen eren’s bare body before but you were still just as awestruck. this time, though, his skin was littered with scrapes, cuts and bruises of almost every color imaginable. you swallowed the urge to yell at him. 
the silence continued as you washed his body ever-so-gently. once you had been able to get him into the tub, that is. more than once, you had to momentarily stop your actions to check if eren had either fallen asleep or passed out. 
every time, his eyelids would flutter open instinctively, as if missing the warmth of your touch the second it disappeared. his green eyes would widen until they landed on you and he would relax, his lids falling shut once again. 
the silence wasn’t uncomfortable; it was filled with unspoken words of gratitude and affection. the two of you enjoyed it to the fullest - maybe even a little too much. reluctantly, you stopped running your fingers through his brown locks that never seemed to stop growing. 
eren didn’t protest when you told him it was time to get out despite how much he wanted to. he also didn’t protest and tried his best to help when you began putting a change of clothes on him. he didn’t protest when you whispered it was time for bed, either. 
he did protest when you attempted to take your leave, however. 
“stay,” it was a soft plea that pulled on your heartstrings. “please?”
and, so, you climbed into bed with him without hesitation. he nuzzled into the crook of your neck so quickly that it seemed like second-nature to him and was asleep within minutes, his soft snores the only sound within range. 
well, you had definitely broken rules now. but you decided that eren sleeping next to you was more than worth whatever form of discipline captain levi could ever devise. you would handle whatever it was with pride if it meant you could stay like this forever. 
/ / / / / 
ok, um, this didn’t exactly go where i had envisioned it to but i’m not really mad? idk. i had to put some levi x eren in there bc i live for their mentor/mentee relationship. if you made it this far, please send me some asks and let me know what you thought 🥺
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