#also fun fact did you know. that. the last time i drew this guy was. 6/25/2021.
rafesslxt · 8 months
Love Potion ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ | Mattheo Riddle
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summary: y/n thought she would smell something different while making Amortentia
warning: enemyxlover vibes, cursing, mattheo blushing for a second
note: shorter than usual but got this idea and had to write ( obviously there are other imagines like this so no not a new original idea i mean )
Together with my friends Harry, Ron and Hermione I walked to out next class potions. This year Professor Slughorn was teaching us and I really enjoyed what we learned so far.
Today we shared class with slytherin. Everyone got in and sat down, waiting for Professor to start.
" Good evening everyone, today you are going to learn how to make a love potion. The strongest to be exact. It is called Amortentia."
All the girl started giggling but I was distracted by a strong scent, something like mens cologne.
" Who can tell me something about it? " Professor Slughorn asked. Hermione‘s hand shot up into the air. " Yes, Miss Granger."
" Amortentia is the most powerful love potion in the world. It is distinctive for its mother-of-pearl sheen, and steam rises from the potion in spirals. Also Amortentia smells different to each person, according to what -"
" Yes yes yes Miss Granger, 10 points for gryffindor. And the rest of the students should figure the last point out by themselves, right?" Hermione nodded and looked at the example in front of her.
" All the ingredients are on your tables, you can either partner up or do the potion on your own. You have time till 10 minuten before the class ends. Have fun!" He clapped into his hands and everybody started.
Ron and Harry decided to do the potion on their own while Hermione and I decided to team up. It went really well until my nose was filled with this strong scent again. I looked around and the only person walking behind me was Riddle. I rolled my eyes at the thought of having his cologne in my nose.
" What is it with you? You seem so tense since we started class." Hermione asked while stirring the potion. " I have Riddles fucking strong cologne in my nose. This guy needs to start using less of it."
She knew about my hate towards him and everything he does. But I didn‘t started it, he did and I was never one to back down. So we tried to get on each other‘s nerves on every opportunity.
"Oops." i heard and felt a shoulder bumping into my side, almost knocking the potion over. I turned my back and saw Mattheo. " Wow, really mature. But what did I expect from you huh?" i snickered and turned back.
As everyone got ready, Professor Slughorn walked around the class and looked at eachs Amortentia.
" Very good ladys. May I take this for an example?" Hermione nodded proudly and we watched him putting it on the table in front of all of us.
" You all did a great job. Now I want you all to take a deep breath trough your nose and smell the potion in front of you." Everyone did as he said but again I couldn‘t smell anything but that stupid cologne.
"Y/n, why don‘t you tell me what you smell?" Professor Slughorn asked you smiling, pointing at the potion you and Hermione made. " I would love to professor, but I can only smell Mr. Riddle‘s cologne cause he apparently doesn‘t know when to stop spraying."
I gave Mattheo a dirty look but got confused really fast due to his confused look. What? No barking back?
" I don‘t wear any today, I rushed out of my common room cause I overslept." My eyebrows drew together, I didn‘t really understand why I would smell his cologne all class.
" Maybe If you take a step closer to the potion you can concentrate on the single ingredient you smell." Professor Slughorn suggested.
I did as he said and took a deep breath in again. " Um, I smell Sandlwood, bergamot and something like the deep ocean.. sea salt maybe."
I was in some kind of trance while smelling it. It was lovely, i felt so light and some goosebumbs formed on my body.
I looked up seeing Hermionie smiling. " What?" I whsipered. " Miss Granger, could you tell us the last fact for the Amortentia ?" Mr. Slughorn asked her.
" Amortentia smells different to each person, according to what attracts them." Attracts them? No no no..
I look at Mattheo, who‘s already smiling from head to toe. " Very good Miss Granger, now have a good day! And remember: Amortentia is a very dangerous potion! You should never underestimate it!"
We packed our stuff and left the class. " So what was that all about y/n? Smelling Mattheo? I mean do you really have a crush on that doucheba-" Ron startet but got interrupted shorty after " Yeah y/n, you have a little crush huh?“ Mattheo swung his arm around me, taking me away from my friends.
"What the fuck are you doing?" We rounded a corner and he stopped. " No playing around anymore little princess. Was that supposed to be a joke ?" I hope so too. " Because I smelled your fucking perfume the whole time too!"
" You - You did what?" I almost whispered, my hand flying onto my mouth. " I smelled you the whole time. Vanilla and something like strawberry.. fuck I wanted to devour you so bad." He came closer, pressing me against a wall, his chest against mine. "Tell me you don‘t feel the same, tell me I can go fuck myself and tell me to get my hands off of you."
I couldn‘t. He was right, I wanted to tell him to fuck off and to not touch me, but I simply couldn‘t. " Y/n.." he whsipered my name, coming closer with his face. Then it hit me, it has to be a joke.
I started laughing which he just answered with a confused look. " It is a joke right? You try to fuck with my head because I said I smelled you while smelling the potion. I smelled your cologne not you. Somebody else could wear it too."
" I‘m not joking y/n." " Prove it."
And from one second to another, my whole life changed. He took my face in his hands and pressed his lips again mine. Hard at first but the kiss got softer and passionate. I slowly kissed him back, putting my hands on his chest. He let my face go and put his hands on my hips, squeezing them a little bit.
Out of breath I broke the kiss, his lips red and swollen, smirking. "So you don‘t hate me huh?" I grinned. "Oh shut up." He smiled back at me and kissed me again.
hope you had fun reading 🫶🏻
xoxo sarah
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goomyloid · 1 month
What was your process for making the Noelle amv, if you don't mind sharing?
hii! im not sure how eloquently or clearly ill be able to explain it but i definitely have some pictures you can look at!
(the video)
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i actually got the idea while i was away on a trip with very limited wifi -- it wasn't Trust Me that i got an AMV idea for first, but instead it was one of 4syu's other songs, There's Nobody. for such a happy sounding song it really made me so sad, to the point where if i tried to sing it to myself id get choked up by the chorus LMAO. it was baddd
but basically i was rapidly trying to find both songs on spotify so i could listen to them offline, and it only took me a few loops of Trust Me and thinking about the original MV to make me go "ohhhh. how can i make this about noelle." And so i did .
i was thinking about doing a storyboard, but in the past, i've found that doing storyboards for animations/AMVs lowkey... kills my motivation altogether... SAD... but i saw the whole video so clearly in my head, and i didnt want to make the same mistake i made before... so i went right to doing quick sketches (while still on my trip...) just so i could get the ideas out of my head
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i was torn on what to do with my style at the time, whether i wanted to make it more similar to the original video, or to her canon appearance, or to MY style and how i draw her. i think it kind of ended up as an amalgamation of all three...? at the very least, her light world color palette definitely was more bland and desaturated, like i purposefully wasn't trying to do anything special with her colors.
after that point, and getting maybe a few of the actual drawings done, my motivation crashed again, and i left it all to marinate for nearly a week. it was baking, guys, it wasn't abandoned, listen to me, why are you throwing tomatoes at me,
i had up to about the "I dreamed about that again" animation done and stopped, and it wasn't until i decided to sit down and start editing it anyway that i really got in my groove again. i got all my little assets into a workable state so i could really try to sit down and make the video come to life and all
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the really fun part was honestly working on the desktop backgrounds. i really wanted to limit colorpicking from the original video as much as possible, but i decided that making look as similar as possible to the original could help with the contrast i wanted to add later.
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i drew these two backgrounds first. i was hoping i could somehow fit the bunker into the second one, but decided to do something different anyway. the second one's ui didn't actually change until later in the editing process.
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drawing THESE were fun especially, and im happy with how they came out. i think the dark world icons are really cute still. one thing i really did know i wanted to do from the beginning was to turn the soul/undertale icon into the deltarune one.
i was worried if the shift from the Windows Field Background to the dark world would be too sudden, like you would just blink and suddenly it was all different, but i think it ended up all right...?
the not so fun part was drawing all the different boxes, lmao. it go really tedious by the end, so i tried to reuse as many of the same ones as i could.
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a lot of copy-pasting and tracing rectangles for sure.
i also had to make sure the animations didnt Suck. i brute forced those things and used every last braincell i had in order to make those pictures move bros
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fun fact. ive never animated hair like this before. or in any complex manner really. i had to use sooo much brain here... heres how it started vs. how it ended up
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had my animator gf hype me up thru the whole thing... i was having a great time based on the filenames alone
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aaaand then ummmm i edited it. i learned after effects like 1 month ago. never touched it before. i learned it for internship purposes and then used my newfound powers for evil it seems
i split the whole thing up into multiple compositions of course, but i probably could have split things up more... im sorry for having 84 layers on comp 3 its not my fault
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editing a video in 12 fps was a fun change though -- very easy for my brain to go frame-by-frame, and yet still some of the timing ended up being off... tis the goomy way
like i said before, i started editing when i barely had half the drawings done, but seeing it all start to be in motion really pushed me to finish it up. and i mean Really. like i finished the whole thing maybe 48 hours after i first started editing.
and...i think that's it? i do a lot of discord art streaming to friends lately but i kinda kept this one more under wraps compared to usual, i think i just wanted to surprise everyone... look guys i remembered how to make a video! and it's three minutes! waow
sorry if this is way more than you asked for LMAO
also, the AMV hit 5k views on youtube today! ive never had a video do well like that so quickly! thank you!!
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midnight1nk · 12 days
This week's episode...
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[spoilers below cut]
HELL YEAH another Three and Four episode!!! Time for my live reaction:
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woah we're starting out here? i seriously did not expect that. sleepy little guys :)
also don't think i didn't spot Four's cowboy hat in the corner there (yes, i know it was shown in other episodes too)
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Four, why are you busting into Three's room like that? Four?
guys, I think the "dating behind the scenes" might be true
Wait, hold up he did the same pose as Three's statue
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I know this whole back-and-forth about the statue being Three or Four. Personally, I think it's Three, just the textures (his beard) didn't apply, but the fact that Four did this pose for a split second... c'mon...
"are you ready to make magic?" "what am i doing in your bed?" [*presses the pause button*] ...am I in the right episode? ...Four you can't say these things... c'mon dude...
lawyer meggy hi!!!!! :D can we bring her back please?
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just the way that Three looks at Four's hand when Four held his shoulder is driving me insane
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"the rosemary to my bread" that is the most romantic thing I have ever heard... (well aside from "hey dud listen to me" speech from IGBP and "the sight of that man shines brilliantly in my eyes" line from AA)
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and indeed you can make bread with rosemary
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alright everyone, time to make some rosemary garlic bread
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well from the last episode, Four did have a theory on Mario being jesus/god so.....
Three: "me? :O" sorry I just love the delivery on that, also the flushed emoji image on his face. i can somehow see Three's face underneath it idk how to describe it...
Actually uh Four, why are you so eager to do a romantic episode, huh? And also imagining Three, huh? Four, you did confirm that Three has rizz from the elevator episode. You can't deny it dude, you love him.
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bro Four really is a hopeless romantic my god he's just like me fr fr
i swear they drive me insane. like you can argue that it's just luke and james having fun but i do like the idea that Four is the only other person besides Eggdog who can make Three laugh and smile. And Three being the one who can make Four laugh ever so much as memes can. it just makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside :)
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they're in love, your honor 💙💜
I too just fade into a room when i am needed
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we need to get my boyfriend back (yes Four totally said this)
oh hi Chris and Swag!!
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"And they drive off." [*the meme machine just flies straight up*]
Three: "Man.. I think... he was my dad. :("
Four [*remembers that they came out of the USBs*]: "...ok."
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Nah Four, let him COOK
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Four: "we're never doing this again" CAP
Congrats windr31 for being at the end credits!
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It's crazy that literally every SMG34 artist drew this scene, I mean how could they not. btw every one of them is so good!
Man, I really loved this episode, just some silly chaotic fun with a side of SMG34 crumbs!!
I know the SMG4 and SMG3 episodes aren't associated with the plot or anything but it's really nice to see Three keeping his promise from IGBP:
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Three: "We can make another."
And they did, multiple in fact.
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It's really sweet how much their relationship changed over time and I think it might come into play somehow in WOTFI. Until next time, my dear fellows, take care!
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shiny-jr · 5 months
So what was the process like for creating the MC's personality in damantion au? Like how similar they are to their counterparts
how close they are to the version of the characters in the film they are based on.
I assume you're asking this for each MC thus far? Since I won't reveal too much on the last two MC's yet. So, this'll probably be a long post, or not, as there isn't a lot about the MC's that hasn't already been said.
King!MC. The very first MC I developed for the damnation series. In fact, I thought of this MC before I even knew damnation would become a pretty long series. They were the first, they came before the majority of the plot and all. At that point, all I knew was I want an MC that acts like the king, and screws things up. And thus, King!MC was born. I mainly drew inspiration from the animated version of the King of Hearts, however, the fate the MC knew awaited them was inspired by what had happened to the King of Hearts in the live-action version. I would say that of the MCs thus far, they are the most like their counterpart. Although the King of Hearts is not a major character in the animated film and only appears for brief moments, those few seconds give the little guy a lot of personality, which I drew from and then some. Really, I just wanted someone kinda pathetic with Riddle.
Chief!MC. Before I even began writing for them, my main goal for them was to be the epitome of girlboss, boyboss(?), theyboss(?). Basically I wanted them to be badass, a mature figure but still with a bit of a temper or snark at certain times. Someone that could stand toe-to-toe with Leona when he's being cunning. Like the previous MC, here I had the privilege of having two sources, the animated one and the live-action version. In the animated version, Shenzi is more humorous at times but in the live-action, she's much more serious, so I used both. I thought I'd used their point of view to portray a different perspective of the Lion King story, and use Chief!MC's traits and desire to survive push the plot forward but eventually make mistakes due to being a bit rash at times.
Diviner!MC. Ah yes, the first difficult MC. For them, I had to think a while. I was stuck thinking, just where exactly I could assign their role since there was essentially no role for them. For a short time, I entertained the thought of a possible apprentice under Azul, but in the end I opted against the idea as that would make it difficult for MC to reason why they would want to leave and it would make things more complicated with the whole legs and fins, air and water, thing which was hard enough to write for. Diviner!MC is loosely inspired by Vanessa, the identity taken up by Ursula. I say loosely, because yes, while they did take over seducing the love interest, they also changed things. There were a lot of changes I had to make in order for this new role to work, such as the protagonist also being seduced. Really, it just made a whole mess and it was not fun. Ultimately, not an MC I'm proud of, but they're there. I figured someone suave and confident was needed for the role, not only to be distinct from the meek King!MC and assertive Chief!MC, but also to be on par with Azul.
Anyways, that's a lot so I'll leave that there for now. Let me know if you wanted to hear about Vassal!MC and Retainer!MC, and I'll answer that in a separate post.
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marianasue · 22 days
for sydcarmy truthers , I want to talk about Claire .
please get ready , claire story doesn´t make any sense .
like I said before , I lived a similar experience with carmen , but also there´s some differences .
so let´s see what I didn´t understand about claire :
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first thing we know :
claire grew up with the berzatto family and she knows all of them even the faks , cicero , stevie , richie , tiff , god be good she knows everybody related to carmy and she always leave a good impression on them . emmmm , and this is not a good thing , because this makes her know what kinda life carmen had , and at least she must be the one who understand him but sadly no , she didn´t understand him and she can´t and she will not , because he is a human being with heart and soul and mind and feelings , he is not just a broken muscle , that you can fix it with science ....
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claire is not carmen girlfriend .
carmen was a shy boy , I swear he didn´t make any eye contact with claire back to school , he was just crushing on her like any one of us was crushing on someone when we were young . and since he was lonely child in a big family , he was maybe close to claire and not because he drew her that makes him in love with her . the berzattos just wanted him to open up and has a girlfriends in his life but everything went wrong and claire believed herself and believed that carmen is in love with her . and she becomes his unofficial girlfriend , she becomes the berzattos girlfriend and not carm´s.
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third point :
according to my understanding , claire didn´t see carmen for long time , more than 5 years I swear , suddnely she appears in s2 and they quickly kiss , they quickly make out , and quickly goes to carm appartement , and they did everything quickly ,like hold on guys you didn´t even be a proper boyfriend and girlfriend , even you are not an ex . just imagine you meet your childhood crush after 10 years and you make out with him out of nowhere.
the only explanation I have is :
carmy was horny at that time and he still of course ,because did you find it weird is that after seeing syd or talk to her , he goes to claire and they do their intimate things like he is projecting his hidden desires on claire :
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forth point :
claire baby , did you stayed all that period without a boyfriend in the college or in the hospital , like come on all the doctors must have a list of exs , claire did you wait for carm , didn´t she put a possibility that he may has a girlfriend .
another point :
s2 last episode : carmen didn´t say anything wrong to claire , he was describing what he feels , and at that moment we should see claire staying with him , calming him , waiting for him and support him , but instead we get how she gonna deal with him , she just left him , and she was crying and she made everyone blaming carm and she even told tiff about what happened with wrong facts.
claire has 0 understanding with carm
just watch this :
when you wake up in the morning you can prepare something for your boyfriend if you feel he is anxious
this carm and claire in the morning :
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this is carm and syd :
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you feel the difference ha.
we have carm and syd cooking together /we have carm cooking alone for claire
we have claire sitting in the table with make up and elegant clothes having fun and carmen serves her / we have syd stressing in the kitchen
and many thingssssssssssss.
fact : claire doesn´t make sense to me .
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tiredsmashbros · 1 month
I've been thinking about making a comic w ur oc, Im pretty sure his name is tsb??
basically, smg4 and him get into a fight for uh obvious reasons lmfao, the argument was gettin heated, and 4 ended up accidentally saying some hurtful shit like always, causing tsb to be like "BITCH-" and slapped em pretty hard, knocking dat meme boi to le ground, making 4 get the beeg sad 😖 (I portray 4 as being pretty sensitive to getting slapped sjrjskfjksj)
tari was watching the fight go down aaand when she saw tsb hurt 4 she was like "nahh bro that's crazy💀💀💀" and left with her meme boi leaving tsb in the room to be EXTRO DEPPRESO😔😔😔
so I was wondering if I could draw it sometime and post it!! tbh, I barely know anything about your character, but I think he has a lot of angst potential 🤭
if u don't want me to post it it's completely fine!! i jus wanted permission and maybe some more facts about tsb before I post it :)
if u haven't seen my drawings, here's a pretty good example of it!!!
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{straight-up idk why, but this ask reminded me of my film era last semester when i was a film director IOHUGIHBDCSCDSA IDK IT WAS FUNNIER AND CHARMING IN MY HEAD AAAAAAAAAAAAA now i have to draw myself with shorter hair smh sad. i also dont know if u have a sona/oc so i just drew the character/smg4 from ur profile icon iuigyuhjecdwsxiuhj AND I LOVE UR ART IT'S SO CUTEEEE UYOGIXZGUIHXZDXFCGHVJBKNLM}
if ur really worried about getting tsb down correctly or getting to know more of him, i suggest going through the #tsb tags if u haven't already!! esp art/stuff from me specifically if ur looking for something certain/canon to tsb's character. i got some asks i've been itching to get to that will be more focused on lore-drop if u're willing to wait just a bit for me to get to! if u got smth more specific in mind u can't find, pls don't be afraid to dm me !!! :DD
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rosypenguins · 5 months
💙Navy Blue💙
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Synopsis: To celebrate the last week of Summer vacation, Jake and Drew decide to go on a late night drive together.
A/N: Tried something new with this one, hope it’s alright. I love Nightly and I feel like Jake would also adore their music so I just had to kinda shove it in there. Also this one takes place just before the start of Junior year, aka just before the start of TMF. (Might go back and add more between this time period of dating Zoey and summer vacation, idk.) (Also fun fact to anyone invested I think this is the last time on this timeline Drew feels joy so-)
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Drew put the car into park, and glanced up towards the driveway to see Jake running across the pavement of meet him. He had to tilt his head slightly as Jake waved to him through the window. He didn’t need Jake seeing the stupid grin that must’ve been there.
The two had been planning this for weeks now: A late night drive, just the two of them, to celebrate the last week of summer vacation.
“Hey!” Jake greeted as he opened the car door. Drew gave a short wave, and the blonde threw himself into the passenger's seat, buckling himself in before pulling out his phone. “So- I may or may not have made a playlist for this.”
And the idea of Jake putting so much thought into this evening was enough to give Drew butterflies.
“Mind if I-”
“As long as you don’t play J-Pop or whatever the hell Henry listens to.” Drew told him, and Jake chuckled.
“No, don’t worry, I won’t.”
After a few seconds of messing around with the Bluetooth feature, Jake was able to connect his phone to Drew’s car.
“Did you ever think of where you wanted to go, by the way?” Drew asked as Jake began scrolling through his playlists. The blonde paused.
“Heh, nope.” Drew sighed. He should’ve known.
“Guess it’s up to the road, then,” He said. “You ready to go?” Jake nodded, and as Drew shifted the car into drive, Jake started the playlist.
Everywhere I look there’s only shades of you…
No matter what I do, you’re my navy blue…
“You really put a love song in this playlist?” Drew questioned, only to pause when he realized what he just said.
…Jake put a love song in our drive list?!
…Oh, he was not about to overthink this while he was driving. He shoved the thought to the back of his mind.
The sound of Jake’s sheepish laugh pulled him back to reality, and Drew tilted his head to steal a quick glance.
“I know, I know. Not really your thing. But I found these guys a little while ago, and I thought their music would be perfect for a late-night drive!” He explained. “But, you can skip it if you want, I don’t mind.” Drew nodded as he turned out of Jake’s neighborhood, yet made no efforts to switch the song.
I think about you alone in my room…
When the sun goes down…
Drew glanced over at Jake in the passenger's seat, staring out the window and admiring the sunset as he mumbled along to the lyrics of the song.
It doesn't fade when I'm on the road…
And when you're not around…
Drew took in a breath, turning his attention back to the street. He had to stay focused, despite how badly his mind wanted to wander.
Yeah, everywhere I look there's only shades of you…
No matter what I do, you're my navy blue…
And in that moment, Drew felt so, so happy. Happy to be driving with Jake by his side. Happy to be sharing his music. Happy to be alone with him, and happy to journey without a specific goal or destination.
But… there was a part of Drew that still felt unsatisfied. A part that wanted to be closer. A part that wanted more.
Drew thought he’d gotten rid of that feeling long ago. That desperation, that longing… why did it always come back to him?
He wasn’t supposed to feel this way anymore. Hell, he was in a relationship now, with a girl he thought was cute, and fun to be with. And she was popular, and she liked him…
But she never made him feel like this…
Drew swallowed, keeping his mind fixated on the road as he drove them all around Rosemeadow aimlessly, talking to Jake on occasion. Drew practically had to force himself to keep his eyes on the road when Jake rolled down his window, allowing the wind to ruffle his hair. He had to remind himself to stay focused as the sun went down, and Jake’s eyes practically sparkled in the moonlight.
When I look at you, I see navy blue…
Hours later, Drew found himself driving down an empty highway, with only his headlights to guide him. Jake had his head out the window, his caramel eyes wide as he gazed up at the sky above them.
“Hey, can we pull off for a bit?” He asked, and Drew raised an eyebrow.
“What for?” Jake didn’t answer, and instead pointed at the sky. After a moment of consideration, Drew pulled off to the side of the road, putting the car into park and following Jake outside. Drew’s eyes didn’t stray for a moment as he watched a small smile appear on Jake’s face.
“The stars are so pretty out here,” He commented, sitting down on the hood of the car. Drew settled himself beside him, and followed his gaze to the night sky. “I almost forgot what they looked like in person.”
Drew stole another glance at the blonde as he continued.
“It’s so beautiful…”
“Yeah, it is…” Drew said, allowing himself to admire Jake as he’d done so many times before. And once more, he wondered what he had done to deserve someone so wonderful.
But after a moment, he caught himself, and he redirected his attention to the sky.
He shouldn’t be having these thoughts anymore. At least, not about Jake. These kinds of thoughts should be directed towards his girlfriend, right? Not his best friend…
So why did the stars look so much prettier reflected in Jake’s eyes?
Drew didn’t understand… he couldn’t understand. And he didn’t want to understand. Because no matter the answer, it would only complicate his current relationships. And Drew couldn’t afford to lose those.
So, Drew took in a slow breath, and forced himself to focus on the stars.
“You ready to be a Junior next week?” Jake asked suddenly, and Drew thought for a moment.
“Eh.” He answered. In truth, he hadn’t thought about it much.
“I’m not. Everyone always says Junior year’s the hardest. It sounds like it’ll be a lot…”
“It can’t be that bad.”
“I don’t know.”
“You know what you want to do after high school?” Jake asked, and Drew shook his head. “Yeah, me neither.” The blonde paused for a moment, before gesturing towards the sky. “You think they know?”
“…The stars?”
“Yeah. I mean, a lot of people believe in fates being written in stars and stuff.” Drew turned on his side to face him.
“Oh, don’t tell me you’re becoming one of those astrology girls. You gonna tell me about the healing properties of crystals next?”
“Hey! I’m just saying. It’s just…” He paused, and turned his head to look at Drew.
“It’s a nice thought, I guess. Knowing that at least something has everything figured out.” Drew turned back to the stars.
“I guess so.”
“I wish the sky could always look like this.”
And Drew wished the two could always be like this…
Drew opened his eyes, only to be met with the sight of his bedroom ceiling. It was hard to see anything else in the dark.
But… Drew couldn’t recall ever closing his eyes.
Swimming through the deepest oceans of my mind…
Oh… that song was still playing… He must’ve gotten lost in thought when it came on. He rolled over onto his eyes, squinting when the light of his phone hit his eyes.
When I look at you, I see navy blue…
Drew skipped the remainder of the song.
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Did you miss me? (your mum misses you)
I'm back with another Sanders Sides draw each other, this time, Patton!! And oh boy, prepare for some angst!! (personal favourite)
I wanna believe I've improved also, but I'd love to hear your comments on what I can do better.
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First we have Virgil!! Bullet point time for details:
Like a controlling parent™, Virgil has no eyeshadow!
He also has no hair in his eyes (almost, I couldn't let our boy suffer)
Honestly, if without his hoodie and the banner of his name, would you recognise him?
Not because I'm a bad artist (true), but because Patton has devoided his dark strange son of his dark strangeness.
Unthreatening Virgil for the win?
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Next we have sexy Logan.
I'm sorry!! I wanted to draw sexy Logan and I found an excuse, okay??
To be honest, Logan hasn't changed his behaviour towards Patton throughout the series.
He's always been dismissive, so why shouldh we change our logicality drawing style of him?
Kinda proud of this one, sorry for the lack of details though (I hope I can compensate with sexy Logan)
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Ah, Roman, here at last. Can you feel your eyes filled with tears yet or shall I explain? Have to do everything around here myself:
Everything about this is so *chef's kiss*
From the fact that out of all Scenes, Patton decided to draw Christmas Carol Roman.
From the fact that he drew him in a happy (almost cocky) way.
From the fact Roman is holding the folder, smiling, ignorant as ever.
Or even that Patton really likes to drill in the mistakes of others, proving he's the (morally) better side.
But eh, you could also view it as a heartwarming declaration of support from a father figure.
Up to you, I suppose. Not as fun though.
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The dark sides, everybody, have arrived. Janus! In the courtroom:
We haven't addressed that the most Patton has seen of Janus is in the svs episode.
But this man really knows how to draw him sassy
The episode was basically Patton fighting for his life (and losing??)
You may ask, omg why this one??
Plot points
Sassiness meter
You'll figure it out in the next couple drawings, you impatient buffoon
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Seconds, anyone??
You can see how Patton rushed through with this drawing (not because I'm tired and it's three in the morning)
He's terrified of him, but drew him kinda cutsy
Patton officially doesn't know how many legs an octapus has
Remus is "smiling" because never in the entire dwit episode did Remus insult or offend Patton
Surely he said some things that were very out of pocket, but he never even hurt the little guy (or the giant frog)
Really, check back, he even gave him his creative liberties!!
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Lastly but not least-ly (nailed it) Patton drawing "himself" :
I can already here the confusion (through my screen, yes)
This is indeed Janus! Patton and not the truthful representation
Why?? Hah! Naive naive fellow fander
Patton (in canon) is coming to the realisation that his moral compass is pointing south (towards hell).
Not all the time, ofc, he has some great attributes.
However he does need the help of a little sharp side
What better way to cry for help than to show the importance of cooperation/integration
Also,, moceit.
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yosajaeofficial · 3 months
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Last time, I remember saying it’ll be different and things will spice up, and I am indeed gonna provide more stuff piled into these updates because the debut comic is taking so long. I wanna make sure you all get full when consuming these updates instead of being like “oh, nothing happened lol”. I have a good chunk of shit to talk about that’s outside of the comic itself, but it’s like behind the scene stuff about it :3
With that out of the way, let’s finally get started!
The Comic
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The comic is slowly making progress, the first thing that’s changing is me showing progress of the comic itself and giving ya’ll w.i.ps in order for me to give you guys content to look over, and because I just want ya’ll to see it yk? The honest truth is that it’s moving slow because of burnout. It was huge and made me wanna give up on the comic and leave the fandom, I was struggling for a good while but my best friend told me it was best to take a break and recharge instead of pushing further. They told me to do something else so I can regain my motivation and passion for the project, and she was right, because I’ve been having fun hanging out, watching her play Stardew Valley, and letting loose without the pressure for the debut comic to come out. I have to prioritize my health and well-being before anything else, and I know the comic will be done!
Also for you all to know, the team I had disbanded, and right now I don’t have a full official one to help with the debut. I have amazing friends that have helped look over the script, one did some sketch compositions, one helped fix up grammar in the script. They helped me greatly and I’m so grateful for them and their loving support even through all of the rough patches. For the most part, I’ve been doing everything on my own, and it can get stressful easily because of how much I’ve had to change my plans and shuffle around when the team disbanded. I’ve been the one doing the scripting, sketches, lineart, color, management, and just everything. Even if I try to act like things are fine behind the scenes, I definitely got more anxious and depressed after events occurred, so this break (not hiatus) has helped me recharge after going through a bit for this comic. To end this section on a good note, I’m feeling so much better and I’m recharging absolutely greatly, I even renewed my love for Donnie after a friend drew him 🦐 Sooooo…The JMC is still in good hands.
Bonus Content: The Villain
YosaJae, what is this? This is the section that’s hella new, the place where I show you guys some cool concept art, ideas, and plots that show the origins of the JMC or even scrapped/cut content. Today we’re gonna talk about the villain of Arc 1. Fun fact, two were created at the same time but one of them was finalized to be the primary villain for Arc 1!
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(First ever concept art of Archie Gomez)
Here he is! The cat himself, ✨Archie✨ I needed some variety and needed an anthropomorphic character since Rise has lots of their mutants and yokai. Archie was a character that was a lot more serious and hella threatening but he was toned down after more arcs were created. For some reason, I included freckles because I originally thought, “Ginger people…..” then included the freckles to make him more recognizable. Let’s just say that they weren’t as rememberable as I thought because I forgot them after a while-
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Fun fact, Archie was originally gonna be a native Spanish speaker but not be able to speak English. The actual conflict was gonna be about the turtles and Archie fighting due to language miscommunication, but it was later scrapped because of the issue with translating each of his sentences and being truly accurate with his dialogue. He also at first was a one off character that would never return, but he was popular that he became the reoccurring bad for Arc 1.
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(Archie Gomez Evolution 2022-2024)
Archie had went through a good bit of design changes over the years and I changed him to be more easier to draw by giving him a more unique silhouette by drawing his head as a pentagon instead of a circle. The transition was at first a circle to triangle, but then the shape was too complicated to recreate so I had to go with a pentagon (as an accident at first too). That changed him A LOT but I was hella happy with the way he turned out because he started to look more unique and iconic. Pretty cool, eh~?
Aaaand that’s it! Thank you all for stopping by and coming in to read this update! I hope it was fun to go through and very refreshing. I wanna make my updates more like this instead of what was said above. Especially because this is taking so long, I wanna be able to go over behind the scenes with you all since ya’ll at least deserve that; I can’t keep being mysterious about the comic since it is taking years for it to be made, but it’s trial and error so I gotta do this in order for it to be worth the progress. I’m strong, I can do this! Hopefully your day/night is amazing, and take care until next time 😋🫶💜
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bitemegamer · 7 months
Log 01: A Note and Meeting Qiu and Tamarack (Long Post)
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Something about this intro... It makes my heart ache in the best way possible. It's the start, the start to a new section of a new life. It is the Fall, the air is cooling down and I can feel it hitting my nose.
*Forgive me, I shall be using MC thoughts as that of my own and basing things off of how I would react, I shall be using first person writing
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I decided, since my MC is 10 and I was a little bit of a nut at this time, I would have him believe that it was a ghost that poked him instead of him being rational about it.
He gets greeted with this paper, and... Honestly, how WOULD your little kid thoughts (esp that of someone who did believe in ghosts) think this meant?
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*I blurred the last name for my own reasons, thank you very much*
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I really, truly wished to be Nancy Drew or one of the Hardy Boys. I spend so much time watching mysteries with my mom. Probably way too much time.
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Too bad I am going to break those rules, Mother! Muahahaha! I am a little troublemaker. Just kidding. However, it's okay. I have a way to bend the rules... Just a little bit ;)
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*Proceeds to go to the woods, which to me feels like straying even further??? tbh, knowing myself as a kid, I would have done this without thinking too deeply*
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Oh where shall I be going? On a cool quest! Off I go to the amazing and great unknown!
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WHAT??? Man... :( I know for a fact I would have been so upset, yet a little relieved. Had I gone further into the forest, I might have freaked out just a little bit.
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The ghost inhabits this building.
Also, random thought/feeling/vibe that I am feeling... This reminds me so much of when I was a little kid doing my own thing, just wandering about and feeling like the whole world was amazing and whimsical. As a kid, I would always go out of my way to have some sort of fun and adventure... Even if that meant getting lost or making something out of nothing.
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If I end up dying, let it be known that I met the end of my life with the coolest animal ever.
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I'm sure said kid feels very different about a total stranger being in their backyard climbing up their fort.
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lol, he thinks I'm quirky...
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I mean... You were the one who sent the note... Right? Right? Oh God, never mind--
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Don't look at me like that *SOB SOB* I'm trembling over here as if I am some sort of scared little grey hound!
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Nice to meet you as well, Qiu!
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OCD Autism meeting and seeing someone with ADHD for the first time be like (joking):
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I decided to be a little more nicer to him and politely just point it out to him:
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This honestly does beg the question for me... How often has Qiu lost something simply from people just not telling him that he dropped his pages.
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That's it, Bud. You. Me. We're going to be in it together. You're never going to lose something like that again while I'm around you.
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He'll listen to me, but he will have no idea what I am talking about. At least he tries.
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Making art out of trash... I see.
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Yeah... Maybe my joke about ADHD might not be as much of a joke as I thought it was.. Hm...
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Oh... OH... She's so cute, she makes me wanna cry..
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Tamarack really went: 'Wow, okay, *bye*.
Well... Since I have exceeded my image limit for this post, I do believe that I can have this a closing moment... As of now, my MC has met both of the wonderful romantic/friend interests and I think they're both so wonderful!
I know that I am currently playing the Demo at the moment, but goodness this is so cute. This reminds me so much of my days after school and spending time with my friends around this time period.
I can't wait to finish this intro out and write more about my silly little thoughts... Until then, I hope you guys have enjoyed my little comments. I love doing that when I play games.
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captain-mj · 1 year
London Fog
And this is the end! It's been fun guys!
also, my apologies about the poll, when I was writing this, one of the options was winning and I only found out later it lost :( sorry
Link to the full thing
Ghost sat on the roof of the courthouse, smoking quietly. He had the gun aimed right at Wayne’s head in case anything happened. 
Jason had easily accepted their request to agree with the police that it was a misunderstanding. Thanks to Wayne’s military status, things were quickly swept under the rug in an act that could only remind him of why he hated police as a kid. It had been tied up with a pretty little bow. No charges put down. No care about the person hurt. Luckily Jason made an extremely quick recovery. If it was because Ghost pulled a few strings with some magic people he knew, that was no one’s business. 
The fact only made Ghost more bitter than he already was. So he had the gun pointed right at Wayne. He was sitting in a coffeeshop, waiting for Soap to arrive. Wayne should be kneeling on the ground. Ready to beg and plead once met with the presence of Soap. 
What a goddamn fool. Reckless asshole. However, that was to be expected by someone who acted like him. Who’d mistreat Johnny so callously. 
It would be the last mistake he ever made. 
Soap arrived, looking flushed and so alive. Everything about him was brighter. He had purposely picked something typical of what he’d normally wear, but it was definitely different. The clothing seemed to tug differently. His beauty unmatched. Right before he went in, he gave Ghost a small smile, directed right at him. Sun incarnate. The very sea itself wrapped up in human skin. Volatile and loving and loved and ready to crush you once you went too deep. 
Johnny was very different from Soap. Still the same in all the ways that mattered, but he was just so damn good. He dragged Ghost back into bed each morning and now that he was able, he drew all the time. Ghost had never, ever liked his face but seeing it drawn with pencil and pressed onto shitty notebook paper? Maybe he could stomach it. He also worked better than whiskey. Soap had the ability to knock him out and let him sleep through the night. Either through sex or by cuddling. Something about his touch just felt right. He was perfect. 
Ghost watched them talk. Wayne was harsh. Something about his edges. Wrong. Cruel. He was talking to Soap like Captain ordering Sergeants. It set his teeth on edge. But Soap wanted to do this, so he stayed here. Watching. 
Soap looked soft. Sweet. A picture of the same mockery of a person that he was before. Ghost imagined slowly slitting Wayne’s throat for Soap. Having him watch. Tell him to slow down. To make it last. Blood starts to fill his mouth and he realized in his excitement that he bit his own tongue. 
It felt nice. The liquid getting between his teeth. Would Soap be worried if he knew? Make him wash his mouth out and tell him to be more careful? Would he tell him to sink his teeth in deeper?
Soap nodded along to what Wayne was saying. He smiled and flashed his teeth and did all the things he’s supposed to do. He’d make a lovely siren with how easily he pulled Wayne into his thrall. 
The drink he had stayed untouched on the table. It was clearly a hot drink, which Ghost found weird because Soap preferred cold. 
Wayne stood up and left, Soap trailing after him, cup in hand. Once they stepped out of the coffeeshop, Ghost stood up and made chase. He leapt from rooftop to rooftop, gun in hand, keeping them in sight every moment. 
Wayne’s voice floated up. Harsh syllables in a harsh voice. Picking Soap apart. 
“Why didn’t you tell me a man was going to be in our home?”
“I didn’t think about it. He was just supposed to run in and grab something.”
“He had your coat.”
“He knew I was a selkie. I apologize, darling, I didn’t know what he planned to do.”
Wayne whipped around, grabbing Soap easily. It rattled Ghost. How the man just… touched Soap. Did his skin not burn from doing so? 
Soap stared at him. Doe eyed. 
Wayne saw something in those depths. He let go of him. “Your coat. Who has it? Where is it?”
“Not here. I Have it.”
“I see.”
“I want to give it back to my husband.” 
Husband. The word made something in Ghost’s soul preen. He had figured out, without Soap explaining it to him, that thanks to the back and forth of the coat, they were married in Selkie eyes. 
And once Wayne was gone, Ghost would be his only husband. The only person that mattered. He grinned and readied his gun again. Letting the familiar weight guide him. One small movement and Wayne’s head splatters on the ground. 
Soap started to lead him to an alleyway. “Please. My darling. You want me back, right?”
Wayne followed. Moth to fire. A rat chewing through flesh to get to the prize. “Of course I do. You’re mine.” 
Ghost could hear their voices. The angle was getting difficult for sniping so instead he stayed poised with a knife. 
Soap smiled at him brightly. His teeth… Were they always that sharp?
They were bloodstained moments later. Ghost was only supposed to help him if he started losing, so he wouldn’t be helping. 
Military training and raw strength did nothing to help him. Soap sank his teeth deep in his throat to damage his vocal cords and grabbed him by his shoulders. He shoved him to the ground and started punching. It was less animalistic than Ghost was expecting but no less feral. No less enthralling to watch. 
Ghost jumped down, not making a sound as he hit the pavement. He stalked around them, enjoying the sight of blood mixing with crisp morning air. 
The cup sat on the fire escape of the nearby building. How Soap managed to do that with neither himself nor Wayne noticing was beyond him. Out of curiosity, Ghost grabbed it and smelled it. 
Earl grey. Soap probably got it for him. He hated the stuff. It made his insides feel warm and fuzzy as he lifted his mask to drink it before turning back. 
Punching him must’ve not been enough after a minute, because Soap had gotten to strangling him. Blood still poured from the wound in his throat. He’d be dead in minutes anyway. But it gave Soap some satisfaction, watching the life drain from his eyes. 
He kept choking him long after he was dead. Needed to make sure. 
Ghost wrapped his arms around him and grabbed his hands. He slowly helped him uncurl his stiff fingers from the pulsing, bloody mass of his throat. “It’s done, love.”
“Mo chridhe.” Soap leaned into him, letting Ghost pull him up. “This won’t be suspicious right?”
“I’ll handle it. Nothing is ever going to happen to you.”
Soap nodded and tilted his head, kissing along Ghost’s throat. He was an image like this. Covered in blood. There was something in his eyes. Something new. 
“You’re using my first name. Must be serious.”
“I want to join the military.”
Six months. Soap did it in six months. 
Ghost tried to pull strings, speed it along, but Soap refused his help, wanting to do it on his own. 
When he was finally a big enough name though, he allowed Ghost to make sure he got on the 141 instead of a random unit.
So Price handed him the papers and Soap happily signed them. He had bulked up. Still short and not quite as big as Ghost, but definitely bigger. The tattoo on his arm was new, but Ghost had been there when he got it. He also knew that if he went further up his arm to where his collarbone was, there would be dozens of little hickeys and bites from Ghost. 
One new thing was also a scar on his chin. It was small but there. Ghost questioned if it was good idea to do this. He’d never raise those concerns to Soap though, not wanting to control his actions. Even if maybe jumping into the military was a bit… of a… choice. Yeah. It was definitely a choice.
As long as Soap was happy. And Soap did seem very very happy.
“I did it!” He grinned up at Ghost. “Now we can go on missions together and eat breakfast and sit with each other while doing paperwork and…” Soap stopped to catch his breath and Ghost kissed him. Nice and easy. 
“Yeah. Anything you want.” Ghost wrapped his wings tight around Soap who melted into him. 
“Love you, Simon.”
“Love you, Johnny.”
@the-snarky-dragon @elevencloudsofnine-blog @lukewarm-chickensoup @nervouspsychologynerd @korym @cthulhusstepmom @princess-heathen @revenge-of-the-bucket-demon @roachboy @shadowsnowberry @crazies-unanimous @shiftylookingcrow @joltom @xenomorphee3 @thedeepvoidinmyheart
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brooklynisher · 3 months
Here's a bunch of old sketchbook doodles I made y'all
Stick around bc this includes my first SPG drawings!! (Before I joined Tumblr)
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Riveting start
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I'll start off with little drawings I made of myself. And my god do you see what I'm doing with the anatomy? Do you see how tiny those joints are? That's horrific. Why did I build everyone like that? But Yugo is where I began to find my art style. Will love them forever for that. I've got to go back to simple-shaped heads one of these days and blush/eyelashes on everything
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We've got some lovely Smile For Me-related doodles. First is a Flower Kid design. Second was not smile for me specifically, but Face Love (by the same devs). And the last two were my earlier attempts at making comics and scenes. Ft. lancer for some reason.
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Here are a couple of abandoned OCs. Pretty boy (Basil) is supposed to be yellow. We've all had that OC whose only trait was being a hot person and that's what he was all about. Didn't develop him much in terms of character which is sad because I kinda like his design. He was created when I was doodling random designs in FireAlpaca. I'll have to show the other doodles in a different post (If you are interested).
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THIS GUY I WOULD LIKE TO BRING BACK! Might be kinda basic in terms of like "Weird Core" designs but I still love him. His plot keeps changing though because his design is so strange yet so simple to the point where I could put him in just about any world I wanted to had I gotten bored of the old one. Which is silly bc he's just a depressed news anchor man.
Anyway bc of that, Basil used to be his bf, but isn't anymore. He got replaced with fat peppermint man who fun fact: was inspired by the song Brass Goggles BEFORE I even got into SPG and learned what it was about! How silly is that! Peppermint boy is technically my first SPG OC!
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She was a fun one, but I abandoned her too. I think she was too influenced by Frye's character from Splatoon. She was a warrior of sorts. Sort of tribal I suppose. She spoke fast, and in her tribe's language, so many people struggled to understand her. She was very bouncy too. Jumping all over the place. If you know Frye, you'll probably notice that they're a bit too similar to each other. That's usually why I abandon my OCs. When they're too similar to another.
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Critter I doodled. Not really an OC, but I still think she's cute
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Don't ask me about the first guy. The girl was a mii that was born in Tomodachi Life! Her name is Lily. She is the child of Kris (Deltarune) and Hatsune Miku. She looks silly which is why I love her.
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I'm Picasso. Kinda vibe with this ngl. Not sure if I could ever turn this into anything though
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Here are some low-effort doodles. Enjoyed the design of the big lady more than I thought. I was practicing drawing bigger bodies at the time. Joints are still KILLING ME but it's not bad considering I had the worst anatomy method imaginable
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Here are some higher-effort doodles. Aside from the abhorrent anatomy (WHY DOES THE PIG ZOMBIE HAVE TWO DIFFERENTLY SIZED SHOULDERSS????) I quite like these critters. That mermaid girl had lore too. She could control the dead of the sea. She was lowkey evil. Never turned her into anything though. Also, you can see by that guy at the bottom of the first one, that Bunny's art was starting to take an influence on me.
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I was inspired by Bunny to make these monster-ish-looking people
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More thingies! There's the goopy robot which I initially drew as a first attempt at drawing a robot, but then I made it black and goopy bc that's what it was giving. The star guy appears and disappears a few times. I think I wanted to keep them, but the design was very similar to LightLazer so I felt a bit weird about drawing them.
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More robot shenanigans. First time drawing Rabbit and The Spine! Cannot believe that my first Spine drawing was in a dress oh my god.
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More Bunny-inspired drawings and I'm REALLY kinda digging that weird tiny robot critter. Looking at it now, it's kinda like Spring in a few ways, but it's also completely different from Spring in so many other ways. The limbs are retractable. I kinda like this thing actually. I Oughtta do something with it.
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These ones are more SPG-specific. You'll have to forgive me, most of these are from memory. Don't ask me why Rabbit looks like David Bowie in the first one.
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And finally, some Rabbit and Spine doodles! Rabbit's doing the "Hey Andy Sweetie" meme. I could totally reattempt drawing that today actually.
Anyway, hope you had fun. I did. Ugh this is so sillyy
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I love having to explain to people exactly how obsessed with SIX I was
like my friends will point out when it’s coming to my city and I’m like “yes honey I’ve known, I’ve known since 8 months ago and I have tickets don’t worry” and then when I mentioned six fanfiction and my friend was like “wait people write fanfiction about it?” “Yes and I’ve read so so many that I had to read wattpads fics FUCKING WATTPAD, if you read the six the musical fics on there you would know….I also know like every ship of the six and probably have read a diff of it” “PEOPLE SHIP THEM?!?!? Aren’t they like cousins?” “Yes but luckily the fandom is small enough no one ships the incest ✌️😜”
then he went on to tell me I was the person that drew Miku binder Tomas Jefferson 😭😭😭
and then when someone sends u a six meme and u have to pretend you’ve seen it for the first time (so that they keep talking abt ur intrest)
one time I was in a little six the musical thingy and the director was asking everyone abt a “little” background about the queens and one person from each group would answer, (I was in the Boylens, but like ofc bc I literally am Anne Boylen and the main character soooo) AND A KID FROM MY GROUP SHOT UP HER HAND AND THE TEACHER CALLED ON HER AND THE SHIT SHE SAID WAS “she uh grew up in France and then married the king and then flirted with 3 guys and then got beheaded” LIKE NO BITCH SHE DID NOT DONT RAISE UR HAND IF UR GUNNA LIE TO US DHFHJFJDIDISKSJSJWHUEUEUE SO THEN I RAISED MY HAND TO HELP HER PUT THERE 😭😭😭✌️😭
another time I was doing Karoke and me & my friend wanted to sing SIX and she’s like “so which song” and I’m like “I know the lines to like all of them so we can do any one”
one time my friends said “her forehead is so big it could be Library full of SIX facts” 💪
also I had(ve) no friends that were this intensely or at all obsessed with it so I would literally be fucking texting myself links to videos and stuff
Also like one time I got jumpscared bc out of the corner of my eye I saw Santa Claus and thought it was H*nry VIII
Also I have seen almost every single one of Art E’s (person who made six the kids) tumblr posts + may or may not have also gotten a virus (no fr I’m not sure) from tumblr when scrolling through six posts
whenever I couldn’t sleep or was home alone yes I would perform six and yes I would know most of the lines
the biggest album on my phone is six photos + I have separate albums for every queen and their kids
also I have seen pretty much every incorrect SIX quote and they are pretty much inside jokes with myself
when I would get really anxious I would imagine my life if I was an actor on tour playing Boylen and my friendship which each of the other random actors and also I would imagine my favorite six six (the last song) animatic
there were times where I could hardly do anything without thinking “OMG THIS IS SO JANE SEYMOUR LIKE I,AGINE IF THE QUEENS WERE HERE AND JEHFJDJWKWKWMMA” (to myself in my head I’m not annoying like that….well to anyone but G)
I wanted to make a Anne Boylen cosplay SOOOO BAD despite having no cosplay skills one time I tried to make one for a belle doll I bought at goodwill speicifically for that purpose and also one out of cardboard
I have an album with all of the bootlegs I could find that aren’t just a black screen and can send it to u
and yet although I’ve been obsessed for 2-3 years I have hardly made any art for it and just have like 50 million unfinished sketches and may or may not have unfinished fanfics and so so many mental ideas of animatics (idk how to animate) that I abandoned after a day and I own 4 pieces of merch that I didn’t make myself (7 if u include the stuff I made) ✌️😭 ✌️😖
when I was bored instead of watching a Netiflix show or listening to music like a normal person, oh no, I would rewatch H*nry VIII oversimplified I’ve seen it like 10 times honestly a banger
Also if you know these 3 songs you are SUCH a real one and I love you;
-divorced behead and died 🗣️🔥💯‼️ divorced beheaded survived 🗣️🔥💯‼️ IM H*NRY VIII IVE HAD 6 SORRY WIVES YOU COULD SAY I RUINEDTHEIR LIVES 🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥💯💯💯💯‼️‼️‼️
Also yes I censor H*nry and not fuck bc it’s funny and I like that it’s like a little with us six fans 💪 as well as Henrat
also I did a history project on Elizabeth I
also at another preppy little thing I did was think which of my friends are each of the queens bc I’m Boylen therefore we all have to be besties
And I could write something probably longer than this post abt my head canons of what I think their personality would be like au’s how I think their friendships are to each other what they would like and dislike, basically a really advanced sim and yes I have made them in the sims but sims 3 won’t let me have more than 8 so Edward had to go also Eddy is an iPad kid bc I deicided like come on Jane would so give him and iPad and be like “oh yes ofc I will pay 20 dollars so u can have new robux 😇”
also I have every single one of the queens and their kids deathdays on my calendar (Mae is not included) as well as their birthdays
also it has been 2 years and I still remeber the time and date I saw six for the first time (cried 6 times 3 when it started 3 when it ended) 💪💪💪
being a SIX fan is having no clue what to say when someone asks how many wars H*nry fought but knowing the amount of miscarriages Lina had
fun fact: Henry killed thousands more ppl than Mary ✌️😜
One time I got in like a 30 minute argument with my friends Snapchat ai about whether or not H*nry deserves decent human respect BITCH JUST BCZ IT WAS A “DIFFRENT TIME” DOESNT KAKE IT OKAY” 😤😤😤
Also fun fact Elizabeth signed everything Elizabeth R because R means Regina which means queen in Latin or something and Elisabeth could speak SOOO MANY diffrent Languages.
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enden-k · 10 months
have you considered drawing all your babygirls together? the overwatch boys (I'm so sorry I don't know their names. I like them bc you drew them but I'm not into overwatch and names take a lot of time for me) and haikavetham? idk I'd just like to seem them together again. maybe haitham and the cool robot guy outfit swap as well? or concept swap?
if you feel like it of course.
(also I think youve done it before but I've been really into outfit swaps lately and haitham in kavehs shirt lives in my mind rent free)
rama and haitham outfit swap would be so hilarious bc rama lit walks w his ramathussy out. the haithussy would destroy all of sumeru if he walked out like that for sure, cyno would arrest his ass immediately
but yeas idk maybe ill draw more niran w kaveh bc last time i did, i enjoyed it too much AHHAHA (crack ship?) but yea if i draw them both i think i might draw symweaver kavetham together for fun, no promises, just like. if i would draw them, it would be those bc symweaver is literally the kavetham of overwatch (prettiest babygirl in the world busy with projects til morning and his autistic (ex)roommate/(ex)best friend whos the opposite of him and still, they make it work etc blabla)
yes i did it before (drawing kavetham outfit swap) haitham rlly looks nice in kavehs shirt............rlly nice......rlly nice nicecneini
btw sorry for lack of genshin art or smth idk if some miss it but unfortunately im really bored of genshin lately. dunno if its the game itself and the fact that im just way too attached to sumeru that i really lose interest the more we dont see/are there again as we move on (i rlly tried moving on but its so hard, rn im just very casual and do the barest minimum hhhhhhg bring me back to sumeru pls thanku)
anw obv i still love my babies too much and im always open and free to scream about them or share my thoughts and hcs or whatever. is just bc of the genshin boredom and me moving back to old fandoms (ow2) and other fandoms (hsr), im drawing other stuff from there i enjoy. i def wont leave the game/fandom tho and ill cook up some kvthm some time dw, im just waiting for the next time i have more days off work so i have enough time to brainstorm and rlly get into it again
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pastelwhile-art · 1 year
it'd absolutely make my day too some makokuu from you (i loved that illustration of them im insane about them)
what about some domestic makokuu 👀 them spending time together at home :3 no pressure ofc
Help I know I asked for saiki k requests TWO months ago and I had a really fun idea for an illustration, but my brain is a smooth cube. so that idea stays up in the air.
For now take a really quick silly crack doodle about one of the many possibilities I think Kusuke/Makoto telling Saiki/Teruhashi would go. Spoiler alert: it’s hilariously horrible.
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(Saiki thinks they’re messing with them and Teruhashi is seething. Are they pranking them? Who knows.)
And ya know what? Beneath the cut take my redesigns of these guys and my notes for them because I made several months ago ‘cause I haven’t touched them since :(
Warning: I talk a lot.
A quick note! These designs aren’t meant to say ‘fix’ the original-they’re just for fun! Even if I think elements of mine look better, clearly the original works and are well loved. Also I’m not especially fond of these anyways JAJSJANW
Saiki doesn’t change much other than his palette is a more balanced. Also I really like designing hair, and wanted the idea that Saiki really tries to sleek it down to something very generic and unassuming, but the hairpins get stuck in the way and his hair sorta moves outwards from there. Continuing the idea that his powers make him subtly less normal. It also accidentally made him look A LOT more like his parents, oops.
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Also I drew a comparison from his canon hair to his redesign, because I didn’t think it was particularly clear until side by side.
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Also I actually gave this one a proper illustration lol.
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Teruhashi’s design was actually partly inspired by @lu-kario’s human mlp designs because they’re really good :^ She’s also pretty standard except her hair and color (which I’m not too satisfied with.)
I like the idea of the Teruhashi Siblings being a bit supernatural, so along with weird shine effects, they also get constant wind effects! Like in all the anime where they have flowing hair at just the right times even though it wasn’t windy at all before? Yeah! Except that’s more Makoto’s thing while the shine stays Kokomi’s.
Also what ethnicity are these characters now? To me they’re still Japanese, but I think people don’t ever use a range of skin tones for the same ethnicity. But really these are just fun designs I didn’t really think too hard.
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Kusuke! He was the first one I did and an absolute PAIN. He was also the reason I did this, because as much as I love Saiki K and respect the author, I just got to know what is going on with his debut clothes.
Well not like I did that much better… Kusuke is stuck with four alt palettes because I can’t decide which shade of weird yellow and purple to make his head and gown (I’ve resolved to draw his hair a different shade of yellow in every drawing.) His eyes also match Saiki with purple eyes, because I think they look better lmao.
Also, that’s his Cambridge gown he’s wearing. And fun fact-they have a great amount of rules on what color does gowns get an accent of based off what subject people are taking! I decided to not think too hard on that and just gave him a better looking gown.
And I really like the hair I gave him, the original to me just lacks a bit of anime shape style. Also his headgear is shaped like a graduation hat now lol.
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He also has a silly little doodle for what he’d look like with his lab coat. It’s not here, but I like to think he always puts a ponytail up!
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Last and also least xp, Makoto! He’s uhh about the same with the points I said with Teruhashi. Just very angular now. I swear I tried to design a better fashion for Makoto but I just ended up with the same.
I tried to style his hair how Japanese celebrities would, but I don’t know if I succeeded. His hair as I said is constantly blowing to the left lol. Also he has a hair clip now! In my head Kusuke gives him a telepathy canceller disguised as a hairclip.
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Also anyone can draw or get inspired by these designs if you wanted lol Though I don’t really like these, I still use these hairstyle for drawing them cause I think they look cool lol.
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irrealisms · 6 months
every hand is a storm liner notes
fic here if you haven't read it!
fic title is from the red ending of we know the devil; it's about lesbian desire and monstrosity and knowing that you are hurting people by Wanting and by Touching.
honestly this is. a very personal fic to me. I Have Been Both Of These People. more directly/longer/worse on the vitalasy side but i have also entered relationships i didn't want and Claimed To Want Them because i felt like i owed it to them. this is just what it's like to be 15 i think. just gonna lead off with that.
on the one hand i feel like this fic has some of my most "oh this is definitely An AU and not very accurate to their canon characters" moments but on the other hand it has significant amounts of dialogue taken directly from VODs. primary inspiration was Shining Resolve/Fake Smile but i drew from a few others as well, esp Anchor/Learning to Communicate. also the moment where vitalasy joins the server post-betrayal and zam just starts fucking Screaming and Running Away. i need you all to know i rewatched every single eclipse fed meeting for this fic guys. as well as a number of sign rooms. the conclusion i have drawn from this is that they are so fucking problems
one of the major themes/throughlines in this fic is Trust. zam trusts vitalasy (not to hurt her for having opinions); zam trusts subz (and therefore should trust vitalasy); zam trusts vitalasy (to want the right things, and therefore zam should want them too); zam talks about subz and vitalasy trusting her (with, like, specific things). the Conflation there. the way vitalasy takes zam expressing the last thing as zam believing the first thing. the way vitalasy's ending is i trusted you and part of that is "i trusted you (not to betray me)" but a larger part of that is "i trusted you (to be honest with me so that i wouldn't hurt you)". they are both constantly talking themselves into trusting each other and, uh, they shouldn't.
btw when zam's video came out and had a line about trusting vitalasy and how he Had To it was so awesome for me (working on this fic)
some fun little notes on bits of the fic: when zam is having doubts abt the plan to put mapicc and ro in bedrock prison witch labyrinth, this is related to ... zam was also on team awesome's side, yk? i haven't gotten much chance in my pmmm au fics thus far to go in much detail on the dupe war but let it be known that Team Awesome Did Very Much Kill Some Guys. when zam is like "why should we get to decide, what makes us better than them, etc" this is related to .... what makes her, specifically, better than them? she did very much also kill those guys! and of course to subz and vitalasy it is like. dude they are Stalking You. you are our teammate and they are stalking you.
another little note: zam's nightmare is not about kissing vitalasy. it is very specifically about being kissed by vitalasy. this is a fact that would both make vitalasy so so so mad and haunt her forever if she knew it.
in general theres another major Theme going thru the fic abt Physical Touch. zam is the one to initiate all the touches except two of them--the one at the very end and the one in the nightmare, which. vitalasy only kisses zam after zam has kissed her three times in a row and repeatedly reassured her that it's fine and wanted. vitalasy so badly does not want to hurt zam and is trying so, so, so hard not to hurt her. that doesn't change the fact that ... zam is in fact hurt by it. the way that vitalasy's dialogue in the ending scene is I’m not going to hurt you and you said it was okay then she touches zam and it leaves a very obvious physical wound and vitalasy didn't mean to do it but that doesn't mean it's not there. and also at the same time, like... zam did very much physically hurt vitalasy first and worse!
a fun detail that i didn't actually do on purpose but that my beta pointed out is that vitalasy is shot in the shoulder & then when she hurts zam it's by grabbing her shoulder. yayyyy parallels
i feel so incredibly bad for both of them. tbh. they are both terrified out of their minds & trying so hard & in a shitty situation and it's just....real bad but not in a way where i can find it in me to blame or be mad at either of them. im an apologist for both of them. yes they hurt each other but thats not going to stop me
both of them have ocd in this fic To Me. however theyre also both kind of justified in their fears so you can read them as not having ocd if you want. zam is checking the door for mapicc but mapicc is in fact stalking her. vitalasy is checking and double checking that zam is okay with things but zam is in fact not okay with things. this is how it goes sometimes
sorry subz fans. subz is kind of just Not Here. not even in the way he's not in my other vitalazam fics where his absence is Haunting The Fic. subz is just not relevant to this one
my initial concept for this fic had zam's opposition to ~exploits and vitalasy's whole plan and wish and so on being....a lot more relevant? some things that got changed: in the original concept, the final scene would be vitalasy touching zam and changing her outfit and powers; vitalasy's hair being similar in style/silhouette to kyubey's ears would be more emphasized; vitalasy lying to zam and zam talking to 3ht about it would have been much more of a plot point; we might actually have gotten to learn what vitalasy's wish was; vitalasy post-betrayal getting mad at zam's whole princely hero schtick; a few other things that im not successfully remembering. but instead the prison labyrinth is, like, sort of half relevant, but only insofar as it's a reflection of their relationship drama.
i did always know that i wanted zam Not Really Having Another Place To Live to be a major tension point, though-- it's the sort of thing where it immediately puts a lot of strain on her relationships due to her feeling obligated to be Endlessly Grateful in very specific ways, and back in dsmp fandom @regicidal-optimism gave me brainrot about housing insecurity in pmmm aus with the lovers, the dreamers, and me. this fic owes a lot to that one.
subz's parents are pretty absent even putting aside masquerade stuff, which is lonely for subz at times but convenient for zam. bacon's parents are much more present which is cool for bacon but sucks for zam, especially bc they are not in fact super happy abt having a random kid show up and live on their couch with no end date
tbh a lot of this fic is "i know we all like cute eclipse fed romance but can you imagine how bad that could go if zam had the same issues around it that zam has about literally everything else eclipse fed does". having a relationship with someone who feels like they Shouldn't Say No To You because they Owe You Their Life can break really bad, really fast, whether the thing you're asking for in that relationship is a kiss or a prison. do i think this is how it wouldve gone in canon? no. i think zam was more enthusiastic and had no real reason for moral dilemmas over a relationship; and i think vitalasy was not as head-over-heels in canon as in this fic. but there's a certain core problem there that was fun to mirror, you know?
the rest of this fic is "okay so vitalasy isn't a lesbian but what if.....vitalasy WAS a lesbian. due to the Projection"
they tried. both of them tried. trying wasn't enough not to hurt each other.
this fic has ART. before i even wrote it. i commissioned a pmmm!zam sketch from ctommy/idalus a couple months ago and then recently for vsz week void-chara drew all of eclipse federation in their magical girl outfits! so yeah check those out, incredibly talented artists and i fucking adore the art & am so deeply honored by it :D
i thought i wouldnt have many liner notes for this one and then i had SO MANY LINER NOTES that i had to split it into two chunks and i am NOT CONFIDENT I REMEMBERED EVERYTHING. anything after this that i think of will have been edited in. ty for reading all this lol if u read all of this i love u
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