#also ghostday can be unpleasant at times so if characters who have the potential to be mean is triggering you then please don't interact
the-haunted-office · 2 years
Open Starter (please see tags before replying)
Safe to say, the Haunted Office has always been a bit of a mess. Two Narrators at the helm with very different storytelling styles and ways of being might do that to the dwelling they live in, especially when it comes to fastidiousness. While Thursday enjoys making messes, Cyrus prefers his place well-kept. A look around the control booth might say otherwise, but there is a particular method to the madness. With Thursday it’s just madness.
Therefore, while the Office itself was always a bit of a mess, it was also always surprisingly well-kept. It has a tendency to put itself back together, to fix all the things that the Narrators - and others - have broken. That is the way it has always been, since the beginning.
Except now... Now as you enter the Haunted Office, something definitely is different.
For one, the ugly orange carpet that Thursday has always complained about is marked with singed black spots, clearly all results of small-to-medium localized fires. Black marks streak up the walls from the fires that burned too closely to them. Littered among and in between all this is a menagerie of ruined office supplies - shattered mugs, ripped up reports and graphs and memos, disassembled staplers and tape dispensers, rubber bands of all sizes, calculators with all the keys ripped out, computer mice hanging from the ceiling like some kind of grim office-themed deterrent. Among many other destroyed oddities and supplies.
Coloring the walls and ceiling are bright streaks of cyan, magenta, yellow, and black. The emptied husks of where they came from lying scattered amongst all the other rubbish. Most - if not all - of the computer terminals have been made casualty to the explosion of CMYK as well.
As you look at the ceiling and see all of this, you also notice that a great deal of the lights are burned out. Not all of them, but enough that it has brought down the overall ambient lighting in the whole office to the point where pretty soon one might need to use a flashlight to make their way around, an effort no doubt made more difficult with all the mess. Odd that the light bulbs appear to be intact, though.
You are trying to comprehend how an Office once so clean could have fallen into such disarray.
And as you are standing there, taking this all in, comprehending, not comprehending, you hear... laughter. Laughter coming from at least two sources, although they sound like they could be from the same source at the same time.
This is just so odd. So out of place. So disconcerting. It has made you too curious, and so you decide to follow the sound until you reach the source of the laughter, which turned out to be coming from the meeting room.
And it is... definitely not what you expected. You aren’t sure what you were expecting, but it certainly wasn’t this.
Thursday is in there. Breaking things. Throwing the projector to the ground, smashing it, kicking it around. Tearing down the projector screen and whirling it around like a stiff cape. Upending each of the chairs and ripping off their wheels, throwing them around like everything else.
With another Thursday.
Well, sort of. One appears slightly more dead than the other in that she is semi-transparent and very clearly not of this world. She appears nearly identical to her living counterpart, with a few exceptions, the two major differences being her brightly lit, luminescent lemon yellow eyes. And her teeth. Her inhumanly sharp teeth that look like they belong more in a shark’s mouth than a human’s. And yet they are there, glistening brightly, because she is grinning.
Suddenly she turns that grin upon you, and more teeth become visible.
“Hello!” is her cheerful acknowledgement of your presence.
The other Thursday - the living one, it seems - stops what she is doing right away.
“Ahahahaha,” she laughs, perhaps a bit nervously, although it might be difficult to tell if you don’t know her well enough. “So. This looks a bit strange to you, I imagine. Two of me in here, throwing around stuff, breaking stuff. But I assure you that we are having a good time in here! A very good time. It’s all normal. Would you like to join us?”
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