#also haha that quote i made up tho maybe there's a similar one out there
haecien · 11 months
literature obssessed reader × author minghao
Come see the screening.... 🎥📷
THIS IS SUCH A CUTE IDEA??? Hello oh my god
Reader would definitely be a big fan of Minghao's works, they've collected almost every series that Minghao has published. Including special limited edition books other collectors would KILL for.
I have a feeling minghao would hide his face, sure he'd attend a few interviews but the interviewer would only be able to hear his voice, this was intentional ofcourse. Minghao wanted to go out in peace, he never wants interviewers and paparazzi to swarm him whenever he stepped out of his house. It's annoying to him. He only revealed his face to trusted individuals like his publisher. Other than that almost no one has seen his face, But there are times where he has almost gotten caught due to his distinctive voice, but he just argued that he has a similar voice and swear he isn't him.
Reader and Minghao would definitely run into each other by accident, of course reader doesn't know shit and thinks is just some random person they bumped into well... " What's the rush? " Minghao asks.
" Oh! Haha there is this book sale and they're featuring one of my favorite authors LIMITED edition book! It's the last one I need and I would do anything to complete my collection... Plus I really adore the author! He's such a good writer, his poetry books are also so good. "
Minghao's raised an eyebrow, he seems intrigued. " So, What's this authors name? " he leaned down and grabbed your bag which you've dropped. " OH! His name is Xu Minghao! But, now checking the time I don't think I can make it in time... My best bets is that the book has already been grabbed.... Awh man "
Minghao was a bit shocked to hear his name mentioned, he feels a bit bad so he proposed an offer " Oh Xu Minghao? I have some extras of his limited edition collection, Which one are you missing I could lend it to you. "
You were shocked since literally people would pay THOUSANDS for this, and hes giving this for free? Jesus christ is he your lord and savior or something. You tried to refuse but minghao didn't budge, eventually you gave up. " Im the reason why you're late, this is my apology. " You were touched how he was this considerate for a stranger you just so happend to bump into. " You never told me your name by the way? Hehe but my names y/n. " Minghao stood there thinking if he should tell you... " Oh uh, my name? Its Seo myungho. "
" Seo myungho? I see, nice to meet you Myungho! " you would not suspect a thing.
You both spent a lot of time after that, half of your conversations were about Minghao... on the inside minghao is giggling whenever you mentioned him, like. His cheeks got a bit red but you didnt notice it. You were too busy rambling about minghao, but if your conversations weren't about minghao you'd genuinely enjoy talking with "myungho " it was always the highlight of your day
I mean you did find out eventually! Haha in the most embarrassing way ever tho... you and "myungho" were talking and suddenly the topic of minghao was mentioned again and he said " Oh yeah I... " I? Haha ur fucked now minghao. Your eyes widened when he said this, you just connected the dots... Bye this is so embarrassing all this time you've been ranting about minghao to minghao
Minghao eventually came clean and he did confess it but, he made it very sure that you wouldn't tell ANYONE about it, well maybe also minghao had a tiny bit of feelings for you but thats beside the point... he trusted you enough to keep this a secret and you swore you'd take this secret to the grave.
Minghaos "little crush" never left tho! He waited awhile before confessing, like maybe 5 months... you were a bit oblivious to his feelings but eventually you started to catch feelings too... the confession was so sweet tho, he took quotes from your favorite book of his. And made a little love letter, you cried on the spot and hugged him so tightly.
(This ws suppose to be a drabble but its so long LMAOAO)
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majormeilani · 2 years
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they say to ‘reach for the stars.’ but what if you reached for the sun instead ?
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vaguely-concerned · 5 years
I rewatched the mandalorian episode 8 and boy have I got feels for you
- lol gideon’s callouts to all of them though... you have ‘hey cara remember how we blew up your entire planet and killed your fellow soldiers’ and ‘hey din djarin yeah I know who you are lol the mysterious stranger thing doesn’t work on me remember how we apparently murdered a bunch of mandalorian children in one night’ (that’s how I’m taking ‘mandalorian recruits’ anyway) and then finally there’s just ‘greef karga. you’re really old enough to know better.’ 
- oh bb!din doesn’t cry at any point during the whole flashback :((( bb boy. he’s of course terrified but there are no tears. I’m guessing he’s in shock/dissociated the entire time. (probably also due to having a child actor but I think it makes a lot of sense in-universe too! to put on my trauma hat for a moment he’s always read to me as a combined freeze/flight type; he either dissociates or loses himself in work. I suppose he got started early) 
- the look on Papa Djarin’s (I mean I assume) face as tiny din reaches out for him and he knows he has to turn away and leave to save him :) exquisite burning agony
I still wonder so much what his parents did for a living. those red robes look almost like uniforms/religious garb to me or it might of course just be the fashion in this place, people in the background seem to be wearing similar things. 
- I LOVE the mando who saves him as a kid because that’s apparently the same actor who’s in the mando suit when it’s not pedro pascal or another stuntman (brendan wayne, I think it is?) so it gives this wonderful feeling that you get now where a lot of din’s body language and general bearing comes from but there’s also just enough difference that it’s clearly another person. with din there’s always this edge of reserve and a slight stiffness no matter how relaxed he is, and this guy has the same basic steadiness as him but seems a bit more open just from these few short shots. (there might be a little bit of character design in this as well -- din’s shoulder pauldrons are naturally uh ‘higher’ than this guy’s, who has smoother/flatter and more rounded shapes, giving the feeling of shoulders just slightly raised and relaxed down respectively)
it’s nice to see the mandos as a protective force even if they have the death watch symbol there to make you go ‘?!?!?!’, there wasn’t a lot of that in clone wars but it’s an ill wind and so on I guess 
- this confused jawa looking at the dead stormtroopers is everything. don’t worry you’re doing amazing sweetie
- the context for why din picks up the e-web (channeling the spirit of baze malbus, a man who also didn’t let the fact that his weapon was really meant to be mounted on a tank stop him :’) ) makes it even better: he sees that IG-11 has the baby and that he’s getting overwhelmed and he literally grabs the biggest gun he can find and goes to town to let him get away.  
- “I haven’t heard that name spoken since I was a child” ooof but also what are the logistics of that? I’m wondering if it might be the ‘Djarin’ part, if that’s his family name? maybe there hasn’t been a use for that among the mandos? surely someone has needed to call him by name somehow at some point in the last 30+ years lol
- one of the reasons gideon works so well as a villain is that he can get past the beskar. he knows exactly how to kill mandalorians because he’s done it before. he’s not only a huge threat emotionally -- he wants the baby and he’s done some fucked up shit to din’s culture -- he’s also one of the few people who can nullify the physical protection of our main boi in the helmet. and that scares me. because he’s my dad and I love him.
- I’m fairly sure din is properly unconscious for almost half a minute there. (which is very very bad. always go see a doctor if you lose consciousness after hitting your head if an IG unit with appropriate training and equipment is not on hand)   
- baby yoda passing out after doing one (admittedly spectacular) thing is a wholeass mood, #same buddy ilu 
- din is the first person to explicitly call the baby a foundling ;____;
- poor cara she’s already lost so much and her new bro is trying to convince her to let him throw himself on any sword made available to him. (I do love that neither she nor IG-11 buy mando’s bullshit for a moment here tho lol they’re openly saying they’ll take him with them anyway while he’s listening) 
- oh. oh din starting to jumble his words even as the gun remains rock steady in his hand is hitting me really hard this time. ow.
- I think the baby can sense din and IG coming (he gives a little sound right before they show up) 
- when cara checks in with him in the tunnel she touches her fingers to his chest so very lightly and he almost falls over backwards sdfaksdljhf
- well he definitely is trembling while picking up that helmet from the pile. so have fun knowing that with me 
it’s so messed up too because there’s not that many of them left; he’s all but guaranteed to have known every single one of them. 
- this image of him on his knees in front of this pile of the empty armor of the dead feels. I don’t know how to describe it but like a repeat. like he has been here before, this isn’t the first time and it’s hitting him all over again. (considering how things have been going for the mandos recently that might very well be true too. metaphorically this is essentially what’s going on in the background of the entire show, anyway. Friends I think mando Saw Some Shit during the night of a thousand tears or a similar event) 
maybe what gives me this feeling is how clearly he is in another time in some way during this part, before the armorer diagnoses him with Dad and brings him properly back. he’s trying to send them away with the baby, who’s like. basically the symbol of his will to live at this point. “I can’t leave it this way”, he can’t leave the dead behind and be alive, some part of him wants to stay with them. 
you can see this from how he talks about the baby too: in the scene where he’s hurt and trying to get them to leave he consistently calls him the child or the baby (not to mention the first foundling we get!) and focuses very specifically on keeping him safe. in this triggered state the baby briefly becomes it again and he doesn’t even mention him, he just tells them to take his ship and leave. in that moment all he wants to do is fight and probably die on behalf of those who are already gone. (I think bessel van der kolk has called PTSD ‘a profound loyalty to that which is lost’ or something like that. that rings very true to me here)  
the talk with the armorer is basically a very short debate between ol’ coping mechanism!din being like ‘hey I just remembered before all this I was doing my very best to work myself to an early and likely shallow grave, I should get back to that’ and Papa Wolf!din being like ‘except this is my son so we’re not doing that we’re gonna have to improvise something new on the fly here’. bless. 
(all of this is so subjective and probably me reading things into it that don’t really exist so don’t quote me on any of this but his anger at greef karga sounds to me like that of a younger, emotionally rawer man too, it’s so openly hurt and... active? I guess? these days when he gets angry he seems to tend more towards getting deathly quiet. then again this is one of the most genuinely upsetting things in the whole show so it could just be that)  
- hahahahahaha greef rests his hand on his gun before he follows them into the armorer’s workshop; it would seem he did not think it guaranteed either she or maybe especially mando wouldn’t try to shoot him  
- the way the armorer’s voice gains a brightness/warmth when she sees the child! the mandalorian ‘protect babies’ instinct in action haha, she’s like ‘oh this is why you did this bugfuck insane thing. perfectly reasonable, keep up the good work’.  the foundlings are the future is not just lip service it really is a central tenet of their culture even when it’s inconvenient 
there’s this sense that... in the face of his hurt she’s basically telling him to go be alive, to raise this child, to choose surviving and healing. I think she understands him very very well, I wonder how long they’ve known each other. (she had the mould for his signet ready <3)
- he sounds so crestfallen and lost when he asks if the baby is an enemy. and then she’s just fondly like ‘no it’s your son you absolute dummy’ and he’s like ‘...yeah I know’ 
- I. love that in these scenes he’s hurt (and not just physically) and other people are there to carry the baby until he can pick him up at the end fully as a father would.  
- I have talked about it before but I must restate how hilarious and endearing I find it that mando conscientiously leans the thing he tries to pry the boat loose with against the wall again while cara shoots the place up. one is never too busy to mind one’s manners. (this scene really showcases each of the characters too. greef: just keep fuckn pushing! mando: briefly kicks the thing with a growl then tries attacking the problem from a new angle. cara: GUN.) 
- oh the absolute sweetness of how IG says “And you will live”. there’s so much emotion in his droid voice there and all of it is peaceful and affectionate. I agree with din IG don’t goooooooo don’t leave us we need an adult
I keep whispering ‘pls someone think to shield the baby’s eyes’ through my tears in this scene, he didn’t need to see that happen D:
- I really need to repeat that despite what IG-11 says, he goes ahead with his plan anyway even though mando never satisfies his ‘programming’s’ demand. droid’s got free will and a huge big heart Y___________Y anyway... droid rights in the star wars universe when (...it would be very funny if din became embroiled in that fight somehow after this, oh how the turntables) 
- another continuity error: mando puts the jetpack on, then we get a shot of cara shooting and he’s standing there with it in his hands again haha. unless he realized he put it on upside down the first time around or something that seems unlikely. (he’s also lying in slightly different positions between cuts in the scene where IG-11 heals him, but that’s so small and subtle I don’t even really count it) 
- the jetpack scene is a beautiful encapsulation of din’s fighting style. he flails and gets jerked around a lot. he nearly blows himself up. I don’t think he’s fully in control of anything that whole time. and yet he gets the job done yet again. a disaster, but a glorious disaster still standing at the end of it all. one simply must stan. 
- a) I think din remembered how to take off better than he remembered how to land haha and b) BABY’S HAPPY LITTLE FACE WATCHING HIS DAD COME BACK DOWN c) THE BABY & MANDO MUSIC PLAYING WHEN DIN NOTICES THE BABY CLUTCHING HIS LEG *elmo surrounded by flames gif* (it’s a calmer/more grounded version of the same song that plays when they have that moment of connection right before the other mandos come to the rescue in ep 3 and also a few other times)
- baby’s joyful little trilling sound when his dad turns his head to check on him 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 and he strokes the cape with such contentment because it’s a safe familiar texture because this is his dAD (officially and legally too now, mandalorian-wise :’) im so happy)
- the unsympathetic comedy stormtroopers at the beginning could conceivably have survived (if not uh happily lol). if they become a recurring duo who show up and get more and more screwed every time I wouldn’t be mad haha
- I support these jawas in everything they do, I feel a great kinship with these lil goblins 
- anyway I love this show so much and I hope season 2 is good too and knows it holds my fragile heart in its hands 
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photolover82 · 4 years
The Masked Singer Season 4 Episode 5: Last but not Least, let's (finally) meet Group C! (Commentary and Guesses)
Hey fellow Masked Singer fans! Welcome or welcome back to Ana’s Masked Singer recap, where I, Ana, recap every episode of the Masked Singer. I am so happy to be back after a short break after the World Series (thank God for the Dodgers). If you don’t know how these recaps go, first of all hi, feel free to follow me if you want to see more of these. Anyways, so how these work is that I first talk about who gets eliminated, give my thoughts, and then give my guesses and commentary for the remaining contestants and their performances. I also try to back up my guesses as much as I can by using the clues... even though I guide myself with the voice of the individual contestant. Anyways, having said that, let’s jump into it:
Warning ⚠️: If you haven’t watched the show yet, there are spoilers below, so read at your own risk.. this is your official spoiler alert warning. Don’t say I didn’t warn you...
With this episode, we met our last group of contestants, Group C, which consists of 5 masked characters, Squiggly Monster, Mushroom, Jellyfish, Lips, and Broccoli. Overall, to me, they are the weakest group vocal wise, but they were still fun to watch.
Alright, so let’s talk about the eliminated contestant, who was...
Lips 💋
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Performance: Alright, so she sang “Native New Yorker,” by Odessy.... and I really try to be as kind and constructive as I can with these recaps especially when critiquing their performances because being rude really doesn’t solve anything and I want you guys to understand why I don’t like a performance if I dislike a performance (so we can start an open dialogue you get me?) ... but I am so sorry, this lady can’t sing like at all. Oh and I knew exactly who she was (haha insert Ken’s voice into that phrase lol) the moment she opened her mouth. The thing is she is talking and she messed up in the middle by laughing/snorting in the performance, it was kind of hilarious not gonna lie... it made me laugh, which I guess is a good thing, but like yeah it’s kind of obvious why she left first, because she (I mean no offense to this.. well maybe I do because I am not a fan of the person under this mask like at all since she ain’t kind and civil like at all) blew it, like it kinda felt like she messed up on purpose or that she is actually horrible at singing, which is ok because she isn’t supposed to be a professional singer and that’s fine. All that to say Lips made me laugh and I appreciate it but I am kind of glad she was the first one to go....
Anyways, she was revealed to be (to no surprise of my own) controversial talk show host...
Wendy Williams
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Whoop whoop, I got it right (as did like everyone who knows who she is because her voice is that distinct... oh and also she spoke during the song so it was kind of obvious, but I am still claiming my victory: Gotten 3/5 correct so far and I am proud of that number)! Anyways here are the clues that pointed to her:
Shock= she says very shocking things on her show and is a pretty polarizing figure, you either love her or hate her (I am not fond of her myself but whatever I guess)
“Speak my truth”= she’s known for stating her mind and is unfiltered with her thoughts on things
West Wing= her initials WW
Fire= Hot Takes is a segment on her show and also a reference to her book Wendy’s Got The Heat
Alright, now that we have finished with her, let’s talk about our remaining 4 masked contestants:
1. Squiggly Monster 👾
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Performance: I really liked his performance of Have You Ever Seen the Rain by Creedence Clearwater Revival. He did super well, like I really liked it, I had low expectations because of the costume (it’s kind of creepy looking ngl) but I was pleasantly surprised. Having said that, the moment I heard him, because of his tone, I knew exactly who it was (again insert Ken’s voice here)...
So, for my guess, I think it is Full House actor/comedian:
Bob Saget
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Ok, so besides the voice, lemme give you why I think that clues wise (credit goes to this Screen Rant article for the details idk on my own):
Penguin visual in the package= he directed a parody nature documentary called Farce of the Penguins
Father and a scoundrel= father part due to him actually being a father to 3 girls/his role on Full House as Danny Tanner (a single father of 3 daughters which I think is wow funny) and the scoundrel part referring to his raunchy/dirty comedy
Cookie clues= nod to Michelle from Full House and her love of cookies
“Breaking News” and him on a news show kind of thing= reference to his Full House character Danny Tanner being an anchor for Good Morning San Francisco
He also was on the show as a shrimp cocktail as the friend for the Taco aka Tom Bergeron! So it makes sense for him to come back this season which I am all into
2. Mushroom 🍄
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Performance: Ok, so this is like the most confusing, is it a he or is it a she? That’s the biggest question, my money’s on a boy... so my guess is going to be male (I am gonna call Mushroom a he because of that so I apologize if I am misgendering them, I just need to narrow it down somehow and I am gendering them based on who I think it is, and I feel like he is the correct pronoun). Anyways, I love him, he’s my favorite Group C contestant, and his performance of This Woman’s Work was amazing, people said it was not good, but I really enjoyed it because I am a sucker for a good falsetto and this guy was almost all falsetto, I was feeling it. Having said that, maybe I like him so much because I feel like it is someone I adore, like if I meet him, I will faint status...
Having said that, I think it is Broadway star, heartthrob, actor, singer, adorable human...
Jordan Fisher
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Omg he is so cute... sorry I am gonna stop being 😍 for him I promise. Anyways, big clue was a video of him singing this exact song (I think it sounds so similar, but you guys can judge for yourselves), here it is: https://youtu.be/3lzRsMl8M8Q
Apart from that, here are some actual clues (with a bit of help from this Screen Rant article) that got my mind thinking it is him:
WAITTT 🤔... before we get into that, what I found interesting is that he tweeted and I quote “Seasonal tweet to let everyone know that ____ on the masked singer is once again not me 💜” and THE MASKED SINGER RETWEETED IT... but also I just checked and this is the first time he’s ever had to clear that up... soooo maybe he’s a liar (bc of an NDA ofc you cannot really spill the beans.... but let’s go with he’s a liar)... a cute liar... but he’s lying.
Ok, now onto the clues:
A lot of Hamilton clues= “a healer and a scholar,” “young, scrappy, and fun-gy,” “shroom where it happens” = he replaced Anthony Ramos as John Laurens/Philip Hamilton in the Broadway musical Hamilton (and also can reference his Broadway roots in general like being on Dear Evan Hansen)
Started at a “rat race” and Men in Black were mice= could be a reference to his start on Disney (Liv and Maddie and Teen Beach Movie)
A shot to turn a hobby into a career= reference to him streaming video games on Twitch
Stars clue with audience= he won Dancing with the Stars back in 2017 and also hosted DWTS Junior
3. Jellyfish 💚
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Performance: I really liked her performance of Big Girls Don’t Cry by Fergie even though I felt like she was holding back a bit (I can kind of say the same about Mushroom... but I still enjoyed it). I am really curious to see what she can really do, because I felt her nerves in the performance and like she can do more. This one’s killing me because I feel like I have heard that voice but I can’t put my finger on who it could be
So, with that said, I have no idea who to guess:
But I do know that it isn’t ✨Billie Elish✨
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No, but like seriously, that ain’t Billie Elish even tho a lot of people are guessing it, I am not buying it... you’ll see why in a second, here are the clues:
The Little(ish) Jellyfish title on a book
Reigned supreme in an underwater kingdom
Fans, Tiara (“princess”)
Angel Fish
Flower Crown
Missed out on normal girl stuff like parties and making friends
Billie Elish “Bad Guy” lyrics in the background= that’s way too obvious for it to be Billie Elish
4. Broccoli 🥦
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Performance: His performance of House is Rockin’/Whole Lotta Shakin Going On by Stevie Ray Vaughan/Jerry Lee Lewis was not what I expected to be honest. I thought it was going to be someone younger or a rapper, but it was an older gentlemen, and he was rockin, not gonna lie. I really liked it, not my favorite though I don’t think he is bad by any means. Anyways, I feel like I know who it is... maybe I am getting this from another person on YT’s guess who I really liked (Shoutout to them idk their user sorry)
So, for my guess for the Broccoli, I think it is legendary singer...
Paul Anka
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The reason why is because of the following clues:
Can of Soup= he won a Campell’s Soup competition and that jump started his career
Tik Tok reference= his song Put Your Head on My Shoulder went viral on Tik Tok
Also, the letterman jacket is very 60s which is his era I guess (my mom knows more ab it than I do)
Anyways, that’s it, guys! I hope you enjoyed this recap, I apologize for how long they are, it’s kind of my thing lol! Don’t forget to comment your guesses (do you agree with me? Disagree? I wanna know below... especially Jellyfish guesses bc I have no idea who she can be), like, and follow for more Masked Singer content. I’ll see you all next week for the Group C Playoffs! Bye guys! 👋🏼
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summertime-children · 5 years
WIP Challenge
Tagged by @kikithedeceiver​ (thanks~)
Tagging: @starspatter​, @cookiehoodie​ and Meli if she ever sees this bc I want a snippet of all her unwritten knkd fics (?) (and if any writer out there needs a nudge to share their WIPs, feel tagged!)
Challenge: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous.
I’ll do what what Kiki did and post titles of my WIPs with comments and short fragments of them? I’ll share here only my kagepro WIPs (so basically kidokano/Kano ones lol). A little warning before we start: it’s going to be very long lol bc I can’t finish fics to save a live and I have... lots of ideas, plus I never get to talk about them >.> Also they’re going to be getting gradually worse bc I’ll go from newest to ancient-est. (Full disclosure tho, those aren’t raw quotes from my WIPs bc some had so visible grammar errors, I just had to fix them + I always put notes in my works, like every second word lol) Here we go.
Comment: This is the freshiest one, I was writing bits of it merely the day before, and because of that I still naively believe I will finish and post it soon, so I won’t say anything more about it.
”I want you to understand. You… need to know there’s so much to love about you!”
“Haha like what?” he laughed with bitter sounding laugh, something that must had slipped as it was followed by a face she had occasion to see only a few times- a face of regret. Regret of choosing wrong words, wrong mask to put on or forgetting to put her at all.
Different ways to say it
Comment: Just a short fluff where Kano’s snarky bottomness is showing lol
“You should’ve asked ‘Can you kiss me?’ instead.”
Kano is dumbfounded for a few seconds before he snorts.
“Right.” he begins with a playful grin “Let me fix that. Can you, Kido Tsubomi, the fierce leader of Mekakushi Dan, my girlfriend, my sun, my stars, the love of my life, the love of my thousands other lives, do me an absolute honor and light up my da-“
He didn’t even manage to finish before he felt the pair of soft lips landed on his, catching his words.
New chapter
Comment: Won’t say much about it because it’s supposed to be a gift for certain someone~ But here’s a little sneak peek 👀
That was weird. They never really talked about having any pets. They talked about having kids (as much as stating that they want to make a family together during several separate occasions counts), but the topic of having pets was never brought up and in a timespan of living together and even moreso of living alone together, they already had plenty of opportunities to get one. And yet Kano always knew that when Kido pictured their future family together there was also present a small ball of fur waving its tail and he could see it in her eyes at that moment more visibly than ever.
GrimReaper!Kido x Vampire!Kano
Comment: I was very disappointed with the knkd fanwork of that one Halloween art, so I decided to write something that would satisfy me (with no success so far rip).
The black figure that merged with the ubiquitous dark hanged up the big scythe they were holding on the wall, among the collection of similar but different in sizes scythes, proceeded to take off their shoes (but then put them quickly back on, changing their mind as soon as their feet met with the concrete) and pulled off the black hood of their cloak to reveal the long green hair, something that finally stood out in the darkness, before walking deeper into the room.
I can’t wait to fall in love with you
Comment: Inspired by well, that one sentence that is in the title and lowkey (?) by Meli’s lovely fic~ It’s the kind of fic that I myself call “(not) soulmates au”. It revolves around the idea that after so many timelines of falling in love with each other, they’re just bound to fall in love again... Even when they don’t remember their past lives...
“Oh man, I can’t wait to fall in love with you.” Kido turned her gaze towards the blond lying next to her on the couch. Her widened from being taken aback by his statement eyes met his golden, cat-like ones, tinted with the strange warm spark that she could feel she had yearn for a very long time. It lasted only a second though because soon her brows furrowed and her gaze dropped from those well-too-familiar (given the circumstances) eyes to her hands.
Two cats
Comment: Set in the sort of the au where they never died? On one winter day Kano takes stray cat to his house to take care of. It’s solely Kano fic btw.
Forgetting for a moment about his own advice (why he should had kept repeating it in his head) he looked over his shoulder to see if his stalker was still there and in that moment their gazes lock. “Crap.” He couldn’t help but think ‘curiosity killed the cat’ as a pair of similar eyes to his stared back at him.
hbd kido
Comment: Product of my procrastination. (As you may tell, I have a problem with it). One year I was slightly~ more productive and was kinda disappointed that I didn’t manage to write Christmas fic. So then I thought that I could save some time and write this fic where Kido has joint Birthday-NewYear party with Christmas decorations still lying around (including mistletoe *cough cough*) just in time for KidoKano Day killing not two, but even four birds with one stone. It’s sort of high school au btw.
“Hi.” The boy tried again. His face was embellished with wide grin and slightly flashed cheeks and in his hand she noticed a can of beer. Oh no.
“Hi, Kano.” She said with disinclination. It wasn’t like she didn’t like the guy. Even more, in the normal situation, like average day in the school, she would find a conversation with him a nice or refreshing thing. He was one of a few people that actually knew about her existence and despite her previous prejudice he turned out to be a pretty nice guy.
Christmas Event
Comment: I’m not sure what Christmas event that was for lol.
For Kano it was this time of a year when his Mother would stay home the whole day instead of going to work and she would be more kind to him. Though he wouldn’t call it exactly this way (it’s not like he felt she wasn’t kind to him normally after all), but she was definitely more forgiving.
Affectionate meme Requests
Comment: Requested for the writing meme in the year 2016. Keeps it as a reminder of how big loser I am (?) (just what this post manages to do so far lol) The prompt was “love bite” >.>
From her spot she couldn’t see him quite clear, due to the still turned off lights, so it was only up to her imagination to decide whether he recollected his mask or not. Maybe it was the second after all, because excluding two golden eyes that shone at her there were two bright spots that stood out in the dark, both marked on his skin.
Comment: It was supposed to be male!Kido x Kano fic and yeah... I’m emberassed about it tbh. Like, by the fact I wanted to write it itself. Idk now I find it rather weird to genderbend only one person from the pairing, especially in the fic and for that reason I won’t share fragment from it. Sadly it’s one of my better written pieces lol and going back to it I see I made male!Kido no differnt from the regular Kido... which makes it a good genderbend I guess, but also completely unnecessary.
Angsty Kano fic
Comment: I have no idea lol There’s almost nothing written there.
Even Greater Fear
Comment: Despite what title may suggest it’s more fluffy than angsty. KanoKido family fluff where Kano gets anxious about how happy he is now and that he might someday lose it too. Featuring my knkd fankids, Naoki and Reika.   
“Mom, dad is sad!” announced Reika with reproach. This she wasn’t expecting.
“What?” Tsubomi asked out of surprise and was followed by a low groan coming from behind the couch that could belong only to her beloved husband.  
“No, I’m not.”  She watched how the expressions of her children slowly changed from the ones of concern to the ones of disappointment and disgust.
“And he’s denying it.”
Comment: Silly engagement scenario. If I ever finish that, it'll be my comedic genius’ peak I swear (?)  
He was clearly getting more nervous, the longer the searching wasn’t bringing any results. He let go of Kido’s hand and got his another one to help him search for whatever was supposed to be in that pocket. However, after a while his movements completely stopped and with some kind of dread in the eyes he whispered under his breath, “It’s gone.”
Comment: Angsty setomary fic I wanted to write for SetoMary Spring (anyone remember that?) 
When she moved out to her new family the first thing she noticed was that time has significantly slowed down. Oddly, somehow it did accelerate at the same time. It was hard to explain and she herself couldn’t understand the feeling nor did she give it much consideration, but for the first period of living in that new world, new pace of that very activity- living- has struck her.
One in a million
Comment: An actual soulmates au (with the variation of the red thread concept). It’s way too ambitious for me lol (starting with the fact that it’s supposed to be multi-chapter story). I won’t share a fragment of it bc not much’s written and bc tbh there would be spoilers, in case I ever do post it. I could write about the concept in a seperate post though because I did a lot of world-building for it. (A lot for me, ok?)
Clear and present
Comment: Ghost AU. Baby Kano hides one time in the abandoned, partly burned mantion and that’s where he meets the ghost of (scary) green-haired teenage girl he befriends. Somehow got inspired by that anthology comic? Also I would listen to this song while attempting to write it lol. Not much was written though.
What I didn’t
Comment: This one’s rare. My only attempt at writing harutaka fanfic. (Funnily enough last safe was on kidokano day?... many years ago.)  In the manga Takane was pretty excited to give Haruka a present for his birthday, but he had an attack and was hospitalized so she didn’t and it wasn’t said (?) if she ever gave it to him later. So my idea for this fic was that she didn’t and how she was now trying to give it to him after three years. Took huge inspiration from this song: {x}
She didn’t have to wait long until there were heard slow, but at the same time hurried footsteps behind the door and soon it was followed by the sound of doors being unlocked. The doors before her opened revealing the light-brown-haired boy wearing excited smile and slightly oversized green sweater with embroidered reindeer. And one of these was just the warmest thing in this cold winter world.
Sneeze like a kitten
Comment: Inspired by one line from Gravity Falls lol It was just another thing I wanted to add to list of similarities between Kano and cats and I’m sure it would bring Kido joy too ;3 But as much as I still find this idea cute it is so awkwardly written lol. I kinda appreciate that it’s from Rin’s POV and that I tried using kinda fancier English for that reason (as fancy as I knew back then lol), but I guess first person fics will always sound weird. It’s set in a different route I guess where they sort of met before the orphanage.
Soon I noticed all her glances seemed to be directed at small boy with blond hair sitting alone on the bench, a little away from the playground. At first I was fairly surprised, not understanding why this particular boy had become her spot of interest, but giving more attentive look at the boy made me instantly realize reasons of her intent glances.
Comment: I have almost nothing written there and I barely remember it, but from what I can see it must be my original idea for the “formal event” prompt from the very first kanokido week. I... think it was sort of an au where they never died and they met at some sort of fancy party held by Kido’s parents where Kano was a waiter.
Oof that’s all (I mean all from the folder on my pc, but I won’t be getting into that). For a fair portion of it, I gotta objectively say there’s absolutely zero chance of me ever finishing them, but then (aside from the freshest ones that I still have on my mind) revisiting all those WIPs made me really want to revive some of them owo (some I would have to completely re-write tho OTL)
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survivor-guyana · 6 years
Immunity Results #3
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Meet Your Judges!
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Hi sisters, it’s Dan, king of half faced selfies, here to roast your lip syncs
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Hi sisters, it's Nehemiah, king of not winning a game he deserves to win, here to judge you guys like you never been judged before, p.s Tim stop stealing my role as the one straight black guy in the org community
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hi sisters, i’m back from the dead and ready to roast some bitches. i honestly don’t remember if i’ve played more than one main season but i was in kuang si and really that’s the only one that matters. not sorry!
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hey sisters, hope you missed me because im still not coming back.
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Hi sisters, I was forced to write this start. But entertain me
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About three things I was absolutely positive. First, Edward was a vampire. Second, there was a part of him-and I didn't know how potent that part might be-that thirsted for my blood. And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him.
Dan: 31/50
Theme: 5 - No real theme tbh, I guess the editing incorporated some nice colors and stuff. I wish y'all could have been more in sync with a theme tho. Maybe I'm just being critical.
Creativity: 5 - The editing was creative, I liked the effects and the added little bits that went along with the lyrics. I think the difference between this video and the others tho was that the others tried something new and exciting to spice up their videos. Was it more creative? Maybe? There's nothing wrong with picking a bop and lip syncing, but it's 2019 ladies, spice it up.
Effort: 7 - She may have bought that hair, but y’all yanked it right off. I think some of you really tried harder than others, but I stan when people just do their best and record where and when they can. It shows dedication and I like that shit. I think that the effort into learning the lyrics without reading them off the screen and dedication to filming in the car kind of showed y'all want this.
Composition: 7 - BITCHHHHH I’M GAGGGGGT. It’s 240p, but honestly Ariana Grande who? Whoever edited this made it seemless, but honestly the low quality needs to get clocked a few points.
Entertainment Value: 7 - The dancing, the outfits, the lip sync skills? A bitch was entertained. While the other videos tried to make things new and exciting, y'all delivered what I think of as more of a successful project.
Jess: 34/50
Theme 8/10. If I had to say the theme, I'd guess that it's "bad bitches" which you all are.
Creativity 5/10. If a 0 is 1 person playing basketball instead of lip syncing at all, and a 10 is a full out choreographed dance number done by your entire tribe, I think this falls solidly in the middle. I don't think there is a lot about this that sets it apart from past music videos I've seen, but I don't think it is bad.
Effort 8/10. It seems like most of your tribe members were at least majorly involved and tried to make this good! And you all put effort into the dancing/attitude you had, it felt like everyone tried to match their actions to the song.
Composition 6/10. I think the editing is good and it matches the timing of the music which is nice, the cuts are usually on the beats! But it did get a little repetitive after a while, like I felt as though the same thing was happening throughout the whole video and there wasn't a variety in the images/cutting style/etc. I also think it was hard to tell if the video was in sync because for some reason y'all are in 2007 and only uploaded this at 240p???? Are you guys all over the age of 45 why did you do that. Finally, the flickering glitter filter was cool at the start, but I wish you'd spiced it up and not just used that throughout the entire video, also at points it was a little distracting due to the bright colours that would pop up.
Entertainment Value 7/10. Six of these points are for the girl who was in the car because she was killing it and I loved her. I took points off for a similar reason I had above -- it felt like the video was one note and I wish you guys had a little more variety throughout.
Dennis: 38/50
Theme: 6/10 Creativity: 8/10 Effort: 8/10 Composition: 8/10 Entertainment: 8/10
I know I will get alot of hate comments for this, but this in general is not really a song to lipsync too. EITHER WAY I think you did a good pretty good job with it. All of you seemed to enjoy yourself and the editing was enough to keep my attention throughout the whole video. I didn't really get the theme, but overall it was a very entertaining Lipsync!
Connor: 35/50
Ok this is good. You clearly all worked together artistically so that your individual shots were coherent. Im not crazy about the pink strobe kinda thing going on through the entire video but you were all performing and this is well done. Theme: 7 Creativity: 6 Effort: 8 Composition: 7 Entertainment Value: 7
Charlotte: 42/50
Creativity:  I feel like you could have done a little bit more with some of the lyrics but all in all I loved this video and now I'm just being picky. 7/10
Effort:  See above. I think you could have done a little but more but keeping the pink aesthetic through your editing and ALL THAT DANCING werk werk werk.   8/10
Nehe: 44/50
7 8 9 10 10
Now this is a fucking music video work bitches work
TOTAL: 224
Dan: 29/50
Theme: 7 - Annoying advertisements? Trying to show the effects of product placement on our every day life? I loved it haha I was shook.
Creativity: 6 - V creative, but was it really a music video? I guess parts were but I also was like so lost after a while. I think song choice is always important and I was so bored during the song parts. I wish you had made the song part as creative as the ad parts.
Effort: 4 - Honestly the effort was misfocused on the ads and less on the music video, was I mad about it? only like 50%. the song was boring and just kinda blah so it was interesting
Composition: 5 - Choppy, but I can’t edit so rip
Entertainment Value: 7 - Honestly this how to video taught me so much and I’m shook. THE POPCORN I LITERALLY SCREAMED. While I nodded off during the music video portion, I stanned the ads
Jess: 32/50
Theme 6/10. I think your theme was ads? I didn't really understand it but it was fun and unique.
Creativity 8/10. I have never seen anything like this that's for sure.
Effort 4/10. It seemed like everyone in your tribe was in the video I think? But most of the stuff you guys submitted was 1 take/shot and wouldn't have required a lot of editing, which is the most time consuming/effort requiring portion of the challenge so...
Composition 5/10 The editing of the commercials was pretty good, but it didn't flow as well as it should have because the audio levels were a bit all over the place. Also at one point it was in colour and out of focus but I wasn't sure why? Also a+ for doing your video in 1080p (@ other tribes take note). Since the actual music video portion was just one shot, I feel like I can't really give you a higher rating than the other tribes in this category.
Entertainment Value 9/10 First frame: a guy in a Stitch onesie with a bottle of tequila and a mug that says "ray of fucking sunshine"?? I laughed immediately. Then I was shook when later I realized it was actually a shot glass and was close to the camera and it got even better. This whole video was wild and I had no idea what was going to happen so I was pretty entertained.
Dennis: 45/50
Theme: 8/10 Creativity: 10/10 Effort: 8/10 Composition: 9/10 Entertainment: 10/10
This is probably the last kind of video which I expected in a challenge like this. I think it was really creative and connected entertainment with comedy and a nice little theme. I am very impressed good job!
Connor: 20/50
“””””Acting””””””” “””””””Edgy”””””””” Eggs?? Im vegan. What was the point of this? Was there a point? Pop corn girl gets you an extra point but this is not a music video. To quote bandersnatch, you chose the wrong path.
Theme: 3 Creativity: 6 Effort: 4 Composition: 4 Entertainment Value: 3
Charlotte: 34/50
Theme:  I've been out of the ORG world for awhile but is this what music videos are now??? I feel like the music video of your video was sorely lacking. YouTube loves ads but not that many!!!!! I did think the ads were pretty creative though so I marked up points for that below. 6/10
Creativity: See above. 9/10
Effort:  It wasn't just straight up lip syncing so I gotta reward you guys for that. 8/10
Composition: That black and white switching to color towards the end got me fucked up. 6/10
Entertainment Value:  To quote the person sitting beside me: "OMG another ad?"Cute concept, not sure it works as a music video but you tried.  5/10
Nehe: 35/50
Honestly this was something i never seen before and i enjoyed it hahaha
TOTAL: 195
Dan: 26/50
Theme: 6 - Cats? Bikes? Awkward White People Dancing? Are these the themes you went for? If so, y’all killed it haha, but it wasn't cohesive and I don't get what y'all were going for really.
Creativity: 5 - honestly, I stan an original song choice bc I haven’t seen this before, but also, a song like this needs to be sold and I don't know if y'all pulled out all the stops. I would have liked to see more passion from some of you in the props and theatrics department.
Effort: 5 - Some of you seemed to try a little harder than others, but overall y’all were feelin it
Composition: 5 - A little choppy, but I can’t edit for shit so like good job?
Entertainment Value: 5 - Okay Miss Tim with that bike balance, idk your name sis (maybe Jones) but striped sweater, pm me on skype – dan.disbrow so I can buy it ty. Other than that I don't really remember much besides a lot of cringey dancing.
Jess: 29/50
Theme 1/10. Tbh I don't really know what the theme was here, did you guys forget this category??
Creativity 4/10. Pretty much the same reason that I gave Hororo's tribe a 5, I'm giving you a 4. I am taking one point off because they at least did some stuff to make their video more unique/specific to their song whereas I think you guys could have used this editing style/dancing/etc to any song and it would have also worked, so it wasn't super unique.
Effort 9/10. Everyone who was in the video seemed really into it and did a good job having fun! But this is a 6 person tribe... one person wasn't in it and they weren't the editor?? You should vote them out if you lose.
Composition 9/10. The editing flowed well, you showed everyone on the tribe a pretty decent amount, and everyone's individual videos were pretty on point for lip sync? Usually when people film on their webcams it's not in sync, but these were all really good! You lose one point because the video quality was low and wasn't 1080p which it really should be.
Entertainment Value 6/10. I liked everyone's attitude and dancing and I loved the cats. I originally had 5 but then I remembered the cats and went back and added another point. But I wish you guys had done something unique for each mini song, like maybe divided them up amongst your tribe, or had people change outfits or something? If you had done that, I'd have given you way more points for theme and entertainment value. But because it was kind of repetitive/one note, it's hard to say I was REALLY entertained the whole time.
Dennis: 37/50
Theme: 9/10 Creativity: 7/10 Effort: 8/10 Composition: 7/10 Entertainment: 6/10
Comment: What stood out for me in your video was the theme. I assume that you wanted to mimic the fans v faves theme with a riff off and I thought that was actually quite smart. Everything else seemed to be for me what I would expect from a lipsync, but besides the theme nothing that stood out to me especially.
Connor: 27/50
The lip sinking is a little off at times (im coming back to this part, in the middle / two ish minute point-on it is not good) and I think the transitions from song to songs could have been smoother, but I think this is creative in terms of it being a mashup. I think there could have been more “music video” aspects to it. In addition to y’all singing. EXTRA POINT FOR THE CATS ( stripped sweater??? who is this??? Queen????)
Theme: 5 Creativity: 6 Effort: 6 Composition: 4 Entertainment Value: 6
Charlotte: 28/50
Theme: Was your theme Pitch Perfect? Like, I'm not sure whether or not there was anything you guys planned out but it really just seemed kind of randomly thrown together.  5/10
Creativity: I liked the cats? 6/10
Effort: See above. I feel like y'all just kind of threw this together? It was missing something for me. The person in the stripes pulled it together for you though so 7/10
Composition: Y'all really out here in 2019 not filming in the same orientation? I'm deducting 50% for that. It's a travesty. Also, if one person does a filter and no one else does, does it really make sense? IDK.  3/10
Entertainment Value: ... again, I liked the cats. Plus the stuff with the bicycle was weirdly entertaining.  7/10
Nehe: 31/50
TOTAL: 178
Thank you judges!
That means, Takama, I will be seeing you that tribal council on January 28 at 10 pm est.
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speaknowslut13 · 3 years
Dearest Lauren! ✨🌻
I’m glad to hear that the interview went well! And I hope that you’ve had some time to rest this weekend 💆‍♀️ totally understandable tho, my full name isn’t attached to any of my socials and I’ve still had students manage to find me 🙃 so definitely better safe than sorry!
What’s your favorite fancy coffee drink?? I’m a sucker for a dirty chai or an iced white chocolate americano with a splash of cream ☕️
What’s that Carrie fisher quote? Something like “I have to laugh about my life or else it’s just true and that’s unacceptable” hahaha I think it’s important to be able to laugh at situation and circumstance
Omg if you want I can add you on words with friends next week and we can play virtually 😏 I also LOVE clue, we played it so much when I was growing up, and I have a similar murder mystery game I play with my kids in class! And cards against humanity is always a classic, so much fun
I’m so proud of you for deciding to stick around 💜 and I’m so excited for you to be able to reclaim that album and have new associations with it!! I love ; tattoos, this place in my college town does donation based ones for suicide prevention day, which I think is really cool!
And something I’ve seen going around on my dash lately: if you could ask Taylor one question, what would you ask her??
A Phoenix would be gorgeous 😍 and I love the sound of chase’s dragon tattoo! I’m sorry about your pup, my family actually lost our old dog around that same time. He was 17, but it didn’t make it any easier 🥲 I love the idea of a paw print tribute!
I have 10 piercings (9 ears and a nose ring) and I want to do a double nostril. I can understand your hesitation for the double, but maybe if you had a triple on one side and a double on the other it wouldn’t be as noticeable bc of the intentional mismatch! I also have 10ish tattoos haha and they’re all in places that can be covered pretty easily. Some of them have more meaning (the matching one I have with my two cousins, the one my sister and I have together, the one I got right before I graduated college) and some are more “it was cute, so I got it 🤷‍♀️” fake piercings can be super fun though! I wore them for a long time before I was able to get them actually done haha
I will definitely send some photos when I reveal myself! I can’t believe we’re almost to the end of the month already 👀
I had a pretty good week! I worked a lot in the mornings and went hiking or swimming almost every day in the afternoons 🌞 the weather cooled down just enough that it’s tolerable to be outside lol
Ugh I hate heights so much so probably bungee jumping because at least I’m attached to something 😅 what would you choose? And what’s your favorite dessert?
Hope you’ve had a beautiful Sunday!! Xoxo 💖 Drew
My favorite coffee drink?? 😶 coffee?? Lol. I love a good dirty chai. Or white chocolate. Pumpkin Spice everything is amazing. I used to iced caramel macchiatos all the time. It was my go to for awhile. I just go for a plain old latte or coffee anymore. 🤷‍♀️ if you haven’t you should try pumpkin spice chai lattes when sad girl fall comes around. If you like pumpkin pies, it’s like drinking one. Add the espresso and it’s fxcking fantastic!
Ah clue. That’s a good one too! I also played a lot of guess who. 😂 I will most certainly play WWF with you! It sounds like a joy.
Thank you! I’m pretty glad I stuck around too. I would’ve missed out on some pretty cool things that have happened in my life.
If I could ask Taylor anything, I honestly don’t know. It would probably be something about writing. Or music. Just the thought of talking to her kinda makes me freeze up. Maybe how she feels about Bo Burnham? His comedy is pretty dark and I think it’s a good marker for how sick someone’s humor is. His older stuff has not aged particularly well however Inside was 🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻 but also made me question everyone’s mental well being. I would want to know if she’s seen it or not. And what she thought.
Tattoos don’t have to have meaning. I used to think they did, but I’m more relaxed about stuff like that now. Age has tempered me. 😂
I’m excited to “meet” you! A reveal sounds great!
I definitely would rather bungee. Chase has sky dived and he said it wasn’t too bad. But the plane will have to be on fire to catch me jumping out of it. Heights don’t bother me that much but the free falling without being attached to something concerns me. At least with a bungee you’re attached to something.
Does flying bother you? Or is it enjoyable? I kinda enjoy it.
What would you ask Taylor?
0 notes
t--o--f--u-blog · 5 years
☼☼☼☼☼ also think tank a white lecturer using the n-word when quoting literature in a lecture? I think she used it once outside of quotation as well certainly not meant in a disrespectful way, just seems unnecessary
☐☐☐☐☐ better have a justification at least but if you just use it out of the blue it always seems like some attempt at provocation 'i can say this because my interests are purely academic'
☼☼☼☼☼ mmmmm we're reading uncle tom's cabin, so it's hard to avoid
☐☐☐☐☐ should only be quoted verbatim if absolutely necessary, if there's no alternative I think
☼☼☼☼☼ yeah seems like she could have avoided it pretty easily
☐☐☐☐☐ if she's making no acknowledgement of the word's relationship to her privilege, that's rly not good
☼☼☼☼☼ yeah she's older so there might just be an outdated perspective there 'I'm just quoting the text, it was anti-slavery so I'm fine' sort of mentality maybe?
☐☐☐☐☐ still she would know about the contemporary attitude to the word and she should at least mention that! ugh like it doesn't sound malicious or super super racist, but eh
☼☼☼☼☼ Yeah I feel iffffy about it
☐☐☐☐☐ should mention it!
☼☼☼☼☼ Trying to work out if I should send email and if so how to word it
☐☐☐☐☐ mm
☍☍☍☍☍ be interesting to actually properly discuss it
☐☐☐☐☐ yep
☍☍☍☍☍ heck I’d be interested to know more of a history of the word basically teach properly why its offensive
☼☼☼☼☼ Yeah, I might bring it up in the tutorial different teacher, but maybe good discussion
☐☐☐☐☐ mm that seems appropriate i'd love to hear how that goes
☍☍☍☍☍ uhhh there was someone who used it at Bar Oussou  the host reallllly should’ve said something and I normally would but just too tired for confrontation
☼☼☼☼☼ Yeah ☐☐☐☐☐ was telling me Sounded very cringe
☐☐☐☐☐ v unfortunate most disappointed in yhe host tbh
☐☐☐☐☐ he maybe had a old-worldy attitude to it and didn't mind or was too cowardly lol which do u think?
☍☍☍☍☍ I think he thought it was in the context of the poem she didn’t use it to degrade someone directly, but the word itself is degrading
☐☐☐☐☐ ugh but the poem is in the context of fuckin oussou yep ppl need to have a think before using words
☍☍☍☍☍ I just think its great to have a stage to do emotional work, but it can cross a line into normalising shitty white behaviour
☐☐☐☐☐ mm
☍☍☍☍☍ I went to a coloured school so I can’t b racist wah wah wah
☐☐☐☐☐ and you have to consider your audience if your rant is dehumanising or brushes aside/causes suffering u gotta reconsider felt pretty ashamed on behalf of bartender/various black audience members not saying that dumb white shit would be acceptable with a different audience, but her obliviousness was kinda astounding
☼☼☼☼☼ wow yeah cringefest
☍☍☍☍☍ lol spoken word scene as a whole can b so lame haha rings true to why I/we left
☐☐☐☐☐ mm so macho! that's what I liked about talkbox some sensitivity there, gentleness
☍☍☍☍☍ still, I just wish people read more lok *lol
☐☐☐☐☐ yep I wish I read more
☍☍☍☍☍ like the stylistic range is generally pretty lame
☐☐☐☐☐ I guess that's why anyone reads mmm
☍☍☍☍☍ I wish I read more too
☐☐☐☐☐ hahahaha
☼☼☼☼☼ :')
☍☍☍☍☍ don’t mean to shit on everyon, I just think the scene as a whole and the conception of poetry is lacklustre - it doesn’t seem like the time for poetry, sometimes
☐☐☐☐☐ mm
☍☍☍☍☍ ppl too distracted by netflix uwu sounds like phones but too much
☐☐☐☐☐ doesn't seem like the time for art, sometimes! hahhh
☍☍☍☍☍ its definitely a time for music
☼☼☼☼☼ I think there's a place for poetry It's just raps and memes
☍☍☍☍☍ yeh but I play dat long game there might not b a place now but I’mma fkn make one whether you like it or not lol
☼☼☼☼☼ Oh yeah fair go 4 it
☐☐☐☐☐ loll
☍☍☍☍☍ I just mean that I think 'poetry' has evolved into other forms, and now the traditional form is struggling to find a place I mean does anyone pay attention to Victorian satirical cartoons? I don’t I think it’s also tho that the low brow is more apparent in the moment, the high brow more apparent from a distance the shit sinks, basically
☼☼☼☼☼ elaborate?
☍☍☍☍☍ time brings forward higher brow material while a lot of lower brow stuff falls back or like there’s an art for getting through your days, and there’s an art for elaborate long form spiritual liberation
☼☼☼☼☼ so u don't mind about a lack of audience now if your work has staying power?
☍☍☍☍☍ different works have different digestion time and yes that is what I’m saying
☼☼☼☼☼ hmmmmmmm
☍☍☍☍☍ hmmmmmmmm?
☐☐☐☐☐ personally I don't know whether I'm prioritising the reception of my work or its value to me right now i feel poetry/art in general are useful tools for thinking about the world useful philosophical tools i guess and idk whether i'm learning for the sake of my own knowledge/making 'better' art or learning so what I put out into the world is better received I suppose the two aren't mutually exclusive but yeah - feeling fairly indifferent to the idea of creating work that will persist right now part of me feels more comfortable with being lost forever lol or at least that I should become comfortable with that, bc that is what will happen inevitably
☍☍☍☍☍ I just think in this atmosphere of complete denial of the arts as an important component of society, as well as the stigmatisation of ritual and other mystical practices that used to house what we now might describe as an artist, its important that we follow our intuition rather than give in to a system that routinely prevents us having access to basic resources like I want to be there for whoever is there when this period comes to end and those peoples are looking for anything to rudder them, whether or not I’m alive
☐☐☐☐☐ you want to add to the cultural record?
☍☍☍☍☍ I want provide a map for future generations is how I would put it
☐☐☐☐☐ mm how do you feel one can ensure the persistence of their own work? or are you just hoping it'll be around for others I suppose whether or not anything lasts is out of ur control past a certain point
☍☍☍☍☍ for one I make an effort to give away a lot of work
☐☐☐☐☐ mm
☍☍☍☍☍ I also store it all and make sure that that stockpile is kept w care but I also think there’s something to be said that I try and operate within many pre-existing canons I also it’s important to use the more meme-y, short stay work to bring attention to the slower works yeah, re: canons, like tanka and before that wakka as poetic forms stem back as far as a thousand years - perhaps more by putting myself in conversation with the ancients... idk it feels a bit like entering a cultural refrigerator haha
☐☐☐☐☐ mm
☍☍☍☍☍ sometimes I find it better to see my individual works as modules that make up a whole more prescient than its parts (Morton lolz) soo... maybe my work won’t carry the same weight until I finish, so to speak who knowsss but this how I think about it lol
☐☐☐☐☐ best to try and contribute something I spose rather than do nothing w ur resources
☍☍☍☍☍ I’m weird with this shit u don’t have to be
☐☐☐☐☐ mm it seems fairly simple to me and not that weird
☍☍☍☍☍ not everyone should spend their life tending their gravestone it’s a job for a particular type of person, and I am it
☐☐☐☐☐ but in a sense everyone does anyway everyone does things with the future in mind or without it in mind I suppose
☐☐☐☐☐ and i guess that influences what you leave when you die eheh, whether you do it consciously or unconsciously
☍☍☍☍☍ I just am particularly stubborn that I have something to offer - I think its partially a result of being denied that a lot in school, I found other ways to have social bonds that were more... non linear bonds with past peoples, and inadvertently bonds with future people
☐☐☐☐☐ mm
☍☍☍☍☍ I find it frustrating that its seen as arrogant to suggest your work should be read after you die - if anything its remarkably humble as I'm acknowledging that I will never properly see the fruits of my labour it's a ridiculously isolating position to find oneself in, where your best friends - books, music, content - have no form of human intimacy with you and completely defy all survivalistic, lizard-brain humanity plus you're just on a total different dimension from most people you meet
☐☐☐☐☐ mm you're in a very specific position here
☍☍☍☍☍ lol goodluck catching up ☼☼☼☼☼
☼☼☼☼☼ unrelated btw
(☼☼☼☼☼ posts a meme in chat)
☍☍☍☍☍ see y'all @ da rally (in reference to the meme)
☐☐☐☐☐ where and when is this? oh oops thought you meant a real one
☼☼☼☼☼ hahaha
☍☍☍☍☍ xD
☼☼☼☼☼ structurally is the meme ok ? took the photo the other day, and just added the text.
☍☍☍☍☍ yes are u going to weigh in on the conversation tho lol
☼☼☼☼☼ nah not really
☍☍☍☍☍ meme fine
☼☼☼☼☼ I have so little to add
☍☍☍☍☍ well hm why make memes? why not write novel? do memes have staying power?
☐☐☐☐☐ it's a question of what timescale is important to you at any given time maybe
☍☍☍☍☍ oh absolutely - not trying to infer a hierarchy here, I just think there are different approaches for different problems
☐☐☐☐☐ sometimes I'll say something to someone so they'll remember it for tomorrow, sometimes I'll say something to someone and hope they'll remember forever lol mm I don't think I care about staying power that much
☐☐☐☐☐ memes have such a short lifetime, they're like cultural mayflies haha
☼☼☼☼☼ Yeah defs
☍☍☍☍☍ why tho lol
☼☼☼☼☼ Because the art itself can date while still inspiring change
☍☍☍☍☍ yeah so using it pragmatically like a single use tissue
☼☼☼☼☼ If you create something short lived, it (with the help of other artists producing similar work) is able to push art and society in a specific direction The butterfly effect I guess
☍☍☍☍☍ it's true that you have more effect in the current conversation
☐☐☐☐☐ mm
☍☍☍☍☍ but that conversation draws intensively on a language formed by the ancients so the two are dependent on each other, a back and forth
☐☐☐☐☐ and that's dependent on their work's longevity?
☍☍☍☍☍ not following ur question
☐☐☐☐☐ not following your point haha hmm
☼☼☼☼☼ so you're suggesting a works longevity is crucial in that it helps reinforce and update the ancient language in which short term work of the future will be influenced by?
☐☐☐☐☐ mm also - what if of all the work you make, it's only a meme that survives the passage of time?
☍☍☍☍☍ basically... like you're just reiterating points that have been made more in depth in 'higher' brow culture - that's definitely how I feel when writing raps
☐☐☐☐☐ like Roman graffiti surviving on the walls or whatever
☍☍☍☍☍ did you a hear copy of the I Ching, the Chinese numerology classic more than a thousand years old, was found in the 70s and had a heap more sections and a different order? effectively completely changing the understanding of the I Ching gotta get those nice lead storage chambers ayyyyy ahahaha it was found buried in a coffin, obvs haha
☐☐☐☐☐ mm
☍☍☍☍☍ a lot of Chinese philosophers only exist in so much as someone else described them
☼☼☼☼☼ But what does that changing of contexts of that piece actually mean for us? Is updated Ching from the coffin helping us in any way?
☍☍☍☍☍ I think for me finding the I Ching and looking over it is like a person in a thousand years finding a functional iPhone it gives great insight into human impulses regardless of time and offers a way of writing the past a new, which in turn presents a new future (thinking of the cowboy article you sent me) reconceptualizing the past IS the future look at 'Make America Great Again' or calls to restore the caliphate both are founded on histories that have more to do with our current state than the actual happenings of the past
☼☼☼☼☼ I do see where you're coming from I like the idea that it's important to preserve our work for understand the past better And I hope that someone in the future will have a clearer understanding of our time through your well preserved works But what fucking future is it
☍☍☍☍☍ haha but like looking back we see people been asking that for a veeery long time I get it seems on a new scale but we're on a new scale too
☼☼☼☼☼ It does seem that yes Also if we do survive and keep on teching on
☍☍☍☍☍ I'm for an integration of the human/natural binary where we properly acknowledge our mutual codependency, the earth and humanity that is
☼☼☼☼☼ Are we even going to be translatable? Is the functioning iPhone found by the future person going to even be able to be translated? Or will it be meaningless because everyone is already part of the grid
☍☍☍☍☍ where artificially effecting the climate for the benefit of 'nature' isn't seen as strange but completely akin to Aboriginal burn back practices
☐☐☐☐☐ i guess it's productive to hope that it will be translatable
☍☍☍☍☍ we've always interfered in the running of nature
☐☐☐☐☐ mm
☍☍☍☍☍ ehhh idk we translated fucking hieroglyphics
☼☼☼☼☼ Or future tech can look into the past and someone is watching our lives as we type this now, constantly being understood through our context in a way we can't comprehend through our recording processes shrugs
☍☍☍☍☍ I mean yeah, imagine if the internet was even vaguely archived
☼☼☼☼☼ You probably have a better understanding of how the future will pan out than I do tho
☍☍☍☍☍ even if 0.1 % was kept, it would be a massive resource
☼☼☼☼☼ No sass intended there, I'm sincere
☍☍☍☍☍ lol idk I just try to see a bigger picture and it keeps me calm remember me old saying? we survived the plague and nukes lol
☼☼☼☼☼ I just don't see the issue with creating short term work, especially if it is preserved
☍☍☍☍☍ oh neither do I
☼☼☼☼☼ Like a meme may have more impact than a novel rn
☐☐☐☐☐ well it could be argued that we're yet to survive nukes but I see your point impact on various timescales
☼☼☼☼☼ I've heard the plague make be thinking of making a comeback too haha
☐☐☐☐☐ mm
☍☍☍☍☍ oh duh peasantry is fully hip rn
☐☐☐☐☐ but like
☍☍☍☍☍ bring back the boils, they look great with my Balenciaga sneakers
☐☐☐☐☐ lol bubonic chic
☼☼☼☼☼ Pretty close to heroin chic tbh haha
☍☍☍☍☍ not jking that was tb
☐☐☐☐☐ but like, I don't find a huge amount of solace in the fact that we survived the plague
☍☍☍☍☍ "The Victorians romanticized the disease and the effects it caused in the gradual build to death. For decades, many beauty standards emulated or highlighted these effects. And as scientists gained greater understanding of the disease and how it was spread, the disease continued to keep its hold on fashion. and the severity of the corsets was known to harm the lungs in such a way that would increase the likelihood of transmission LOOOL
☐☐☐☐☐ mm Balenciaga look out idk it's a question of what capacity we survive in
☼☼☼☼☼ lollllll
☐☐☐☐☐ quite depressing to think about
☍☍☍☍☍ eating disorders have a pretense
☐☐☐☐☐ what if ecocide leaves a few insular eco fascist regimes who gradually diminish over centuries always engaged in pointless wars of attrition with one another lol
☍☍☍☍☍ I mean you could probably say the same thing of colonial regimes now
☐☐☐☐☐ just because we can survive, doesn't mean my outlook should b at all rosy :((
☍☍☍☍☍ point is its a big ol' world that has plenty of room for pain AND love any future pain you think is imminent probably already is happening, and nonetheless breakfast tasted good this morning
☼☼☼☼☼ 'The hipster middle class would dress with raggedy beards and large jackets and refuse to use deodorant, perhaps to reflect the look of people suffering from homelessness at the time. It is suspected that this made them less likely to be hired, and therefore more likely to become homeless themselves.'  ☍☍☍☍☍ ahahaha
☐☐☐☐☐ mm that's true hahhh
☼☼☼☼☼ Planning on making this into a full essay. Might not be popular now, but I think it has staying power? Soz for shitposting haha
☍☍☍☍☍ I was talking with ☲☲☲☲☲ a while back, and something struck me - she said, "I never thought this age would have its own fleet of particular medical conditions." (or something like that lol, translated via my nerd brain)
☼☼☼☼☼ Yeah that didn't quite sound like her But that sentiment is great
☍☍☍☍☍ 'fleet'
☼☼☼☼☼ In that ofc there is, but also wow yeah ofc!
☐☐☐☐☐ mmm hahh these conversations should be recorded so we can all think about em without scrolling up endlessly
☼☼☼☼☼ I do like the idea of people reading these works in the future tho
☐☐☐☐☐ and also so that they can be preserved for 10,000+ years of course
☼☼☼☼☼ In the same way we read the letters sent between dead artists now
☐☐☐☐☐ mm very true
☍☍☍☍☍ mmm
☐☐☐☐☐ messenger is not a particularly stable storage medium and also is more vulnerable to third party scrutiny although the fact we're reading artists letters now means that medium is also pretty fucking vulnerable to scrutiny lol
☍☍☍☍☍ I fucking found the word! (sorry was searching for it so hard) Neurasthenia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neurasthenia
☼☼☼☼☼ Americanitis lol
☍☍☍☍☍ uhh the page doesn't rly talk about this, but its like a condition of over-working effectively, and people would try and get prescribed the pills to treat it as a way of signalling they were a dedicated worker its total hokey
☐☐☐☐☐ wow yeah you mentioned this a while back
☼☼☼☼☼ oh I've heard a similar thing in Japan were workers will pretend to fall asleep at their desks to show how hard they're working No idea the trust behind it tho
☍☍☍☍☍ to this day, "In Japan, shinkei-suijaku is treated with Morita therapy involving mandatory rest and isolation, followed by progressively more difficult work, and a resumption of a previous social role. The diagnosis is sometimes used as a disguise for serious mental illnesses such as schizophrenia and mood disorders." a dignified mental illness uwu none of that lower class shit I'm a classy fuck with money, I don't get the same mental conditions as the poor lolol reminds me of now: I don't have shitty parents, I just have adhd (not to deligitimise all uses of adhd, just over diagnosed)
☼☼☼☼☼ mmmmm i feel u yes this has been a wild ride
☍☍☍☍☍ yes I’m leaving to get late lunch uwu have a good day in this cosmic spider web lololol
☼☼☼☼☼ :')
☍☍☍☍☍ Like the burning of this charcoal fire, our years too will soon expire Kobayashi Issa listening to Krista Tippet talk with Maria Popova, this particular phrase resonated with our conversation: we live in a world where disruption over-fetishised; we need cultural stewardship to help along new waves of disruption
☼☼☼☼☼ How would u define cultural stewardship in a practical sense?
☍☍☍☍☍ caring for the legacy of those past as a means of refreshing their insight for a new age a very straightforward example would b the importance of new translations, in this regard - as our understanding and depth of connection to Japanese society has deepened, so too have our translations dusting off the books so to speak in some sense I see that in our music too or reappropriating to a new context
☼☼☼☼☼ Well remasters are a time terry literal example Fuck
☍☍☍☍☍ time terry
☼☼☼☼☼ Pretty* not time terry lol
☼☼☼☼☼ lime berry yeah exactly
☼☼☼☼☼ Slime Jerry
☍☍☍☍☍ I mean rereleasing is an obvs example mhm but more abstract examples are how I’ve exported into both your brains Bridle/Steyerl/Haraway via conversation and art lolol I’m helping it move from one place to another same w Zappa lol
☐☐☐☐☐ also - looking after artist friends being generous I feel these are acts of pre-emptive cultural stewardship
☍☍☍☍☍ haha yeah definitely different time scales it could function on
☐☐☐☐☐ looking after and maintain communities
☍☍☍☍☍ hosting open mics lol helping teach ppl poetry lollll
☐☐☐☐☐ not allowing hate speech to creep into open mics lol
☼☼☼☼☼ Truuuuu Or anywhere for that matter
☐☐☐☐☐ not becoming so dusty that you actually have a detrimental impact on cultural progression
☍☍☍☍☍ I think religions only exist in so far as they have active practitioners
☐☐☐☐☐ mm
☼☼☼☼☼ Tru
☍☍☍☍☍ I think my sense is, in religion, this same argument plays out with orthodoxy versus mysticism Maintenance of buildings is in there too for religion People being assigned paid positions as the keepers and givers of religious knowledge oh yeah thinking a lot here of Shanzai, ☐☐☐☐☐, and the idea of an object as a lived practice
☐☐☐☐☐ when home I'm gonna do my best to archive this conversation mmm
☍☍☍☍☍ you’re going to steward our conversation bout stewardship ...
☐☐☐☐☐ this is all going in
☍☍☍☍☍ ...the tv where I am says “The comedian getting behind ‘Know Thy Nuts’” and there are big walnuts on the screen
☐☐☐☐☐ ???????
☍☍☍☍☍ “I didn’t realise chemotherapy would be such great comedic material!”
☐☐☐☐☐ ¿¿¿¿¿¿
☼☼☼☼☼ Huhhhh
☍☍☍☍☍ lol highly recommend https://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/on-being-with-krista-tippett/id150892556?mt=2&i=1000429408054https://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/on-being-with-krista-tippett/id150892556?mt=2&i=1000429408054
0 notes
faceoffdoodles · 8 years
NOTICE: I had many more pictures of this episode, especially at the end of my reactions, but for some reason Tumblr failed me and wouldn’t save the post NOR save it as a draft, so I had to refresh everything and, at the moment of pasting what I hadn’t saved, the pictures didn’t make it, so the bottom half of this post doesn’t have many pictures to show what I react to, so it may be a little confusing, just a heads up.
It’s that time of the year again where I react to the latest Face Off episodes! First I tried doing reviews but those took some time, and I often forgot important points I wanted to add so I found it more fun to react to what was happening and write it all down, and it feels alot more genuine to me and hopefully to you too! 
It’s the All Stars now so it should be GREAAAAT!
 There was no one on the thumbail so no one is eliminated? Hopefully, I don’t want them leaving so soon..
Wait... they’re all in pairs already? Aren’t they supposed to like meet individually
Did they choose them?? How was that?
These makeups looks cool AG 
They will be the most entertaining duo of all time holy shit, I can’t believe this
Ben & Evan and Cat & Niko are back, cool!
I like Niko & Cat’s team more, they are really cute
Ben and Evan are alright, I jsut wish it was Ben and Jordan and they would’ve been UNSTOPPABLE
LOGAN AND ADAM, I like that their names end similary
SO is this season all teams or what???
Gage & Rachel seem lik ethe most random matchup yet, what the hell
So maybe they’re perfect
Team “I shaved my head on both sides”
Really digging the Rachel haircut tho, loooove it
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McKenzie: “Welcome to Face Off: The Amazing Race edition!”
I dig any shade of blue Keaghlan dyes her hair on
I hadn’t even noticed BEN AND EVAN’S AMTCHING SHIRTS
Yeah yeah you always say that McKenzie, nothings gonna cha-
ALL TEAM? Both of them go home??
I’,m not sure how I feel about this format, I
Why CAN’T They
Ughh I’m frustrated at the uncalled change but, alright, I’ll deal with it
Are there even going to be individual immunity challenges?? I loved those!!
Niko’s haircut is taller than ever
Jasmine: “Butt”
Thank you, Jazz
McKenzie looks so cute on that suit, God
That sounds so COOL
This changes everything holy shit
Man, Emily & Tyler are both young, very talented dudes, they’re going to kick ass if they don’t falter.
EMily is basically a child prodigy of makeup, it’s amazing how much she can do.
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JK i’d love it if they both won
I like octopuses and I think those who got octopus will have the best chance of making it safe at least
I absolutely love Emily’s style
Evan & Ben’s intro was so cheesy, jesus christ
Their idea screams failure, I like the ambition but if I didn’t know Neville any better, he’s gonna hate it so much
Sassy Stella and Juicy Jasmine, both are really amazing with a distinctive style so I’m expecting a lot
Their creature idea looks pretty cool as well, looks a bit like a jellyfish creature, WHICH I’D LOVE
They totally paired Keaghlan and Melissa because of the blue hair
I’m watching you Keaghlan, I’mma see the things I couldn’t see on S7
I still think the green screen is one of the best ideas of the show
Okay but, is the winner of All Stars individual or as a team? That’s my biggest question, I hope they separate by mid season
Fun Fact: I wrote “Jason Funnypants” before I wrote George, for some reason I keep thinking George’s name is Jason.
I love George’s funny side, Cig is surprisingly normal right now
“I’m happy if you’re happy!” That’s sweet and all with Cat n Niko but one of them’s gotta make decisions
HOLY SMOKES GEORGE’S BELLY is the roundest belly I’ve seen, I didn’t think he was that fat
The way Gage delivers confessionals is really funny to me
“We gotta..” *GASPS” “...pull this off.”
Oh snap the clay just SMACKED against the floor, bad news for Evan (and Ben)
MICHAEL WESTMORE!! I missed you, it’s been a lonely year!
Emily n’ Tyler look like they’re doing something really cool
I actually don’t recall if Cat had that arm tattoo. I think not. Also is Cig’s iconic captain hat gold yellow now??
“I just want to start fabricating..” “I just wanna give you kisses” GOD they’re so sweet
Cat’s face after that is hilarious btw
(George thought it also applied to him)
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Jasmine’s tentacles don’t look toog ood tbh
The short shots are BACK! All I ever needed, George n Cig are the most perfect team.
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EVEN CIG IS HURRYING GEORGE’S ANTICS NOW, but I understand they’re on a hurry haha
Now that I think of it, their idea is pretty similar to Ben and Evan’s idea, just with smaller legs
It’s MOLDING TIME and you KNOW what that means
Adam confessional! I forgot he and Logan are a team here, it’s weird
yes, someone had COWL PROBLEMS, this time it’s Niko n’ Cat and it actually looks like it’ll be bad
It’s great hearing Niko’s accent again <3
THEY OPENED IT... with force
Polyfoam Run of Shame it is!
God knows Tyler is the best at “really creepy thin arms”
their creature looks cool af tho
RAGE’s team looks like it’s doing a shrimp Predator
the transparent claw idea ROCKS tho, love the creativity on this one
Emily’s tie dye shirt gives me life
“Possibly the first makeup on Face Off to completely disappear”! OOH I want to see this
I would Love to be a Face Off model
Logan looks like my uncle
I feel like I’ve seen Stella n Jasmine’s alien before
I really ought to start giving these teams some nicknames
Bluehair team’s alien looks really cool so far, Keaghlan is focusing on a GREAT paintjob so I know it’ll be great
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Hello darkness my old friend
There’s so much green on the screen *ba dum tss*
Something tells me the Love Team (Cat and Niko) are going to be on bottom
The Benevan (Ben  & Evan) team are also shooting for down there
Team RAGE (Rachel & Gage) look promising though,
Team Love’s glowing blue eyes are amazing
Team Funny (Cig & George)’s creature looks creepy but AMAZING
“I guess it’s finished” - Evan making me laugh, good start
Glenn, Ve Neill and Neville at work and thank god, their wits seem like they are untouched.
I’m waiting for the great Neville quote of the season <3
Okey, Team Talent (Emily & Tyler)’s creature looks fantastic, very smooth with rocky texture and shards coming out of the shoulders, I love it!! tHE TINY ARMS ARE AMAZING
TEAM BENEVAN’S DADDY LEGS MAKE ME LAUGH, it has nothing to do with the head
Also Ben can really pull off a Steve Jobs cosplay
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One thing I don’t like is that contestants are aware that they are in a non elimination challenge, I dunno, I guess it can affect how they do the makeups
Blue Hair team did a floaty alien, like it has no legs but I dig it
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Nice hair on chest look, too
Their creature looks pretty good as well, it’s what Benevan’s creature should have been
They really pulled it off a LOT better
Ugh, Team Sassy (Stella & Jasmine) looks so plastic
“I’m hoping the judges will just overlook it”, oh NO they WON’T
I’m guessing that will be 1st place
Hmm, Team Ladam (Logan & Adam) looks sillt, it’s like a bird without skin, it’s like they skinned the bird hunter  makeup from Season 10
Ok, Team Love seemes rushed but I LOVE THE TENTACLE SKIRT, it looks fantastic and shiny, so, props to Cat for That.
Although I wish they hadn’t put the eyeballs and just let it have glowing blue eyes
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I still  tand the green screen idea is one of the best things they’ve ever come up with, why hadn’t they thought of it before??
“He looks like a mexican wrestler” - Ve Neill, OH MY GOD IT DOES I HADN’T SEEN IT THAT WAY
In a closer look, Team Funny’s makeup looks like a rat with a testicle hunchback
It’s just ewww but well done, so I can’t copmplain.
Remember kids, Neville loves his shapes 
I’m surprised Glenn loves Team Love’s paintjob, so they might be safe
Well, technically, everyone is safe here, I know no one’s going to be eliminated
But at least it doesn’t put em on bottom
They know they fucked up, I don’t like seeing their disappointed faces ;(
The legs are coming out of the shoulders?? I’m no Neville but I also don’t see the sense in that
Ben “Steve Jobs” Ploughman is in danger
As expected, everyone loves the transparent scorpion, I too, love it.
 Nice to see Gage n’ Rachel back in form after a long absence.
I love how the model still tries to sell the makeup, must be Megan.
Okay, on clearer view, Team SAssy’s creature is a mess, it looks like a paper ball with tentacles
.I don’t like how the red head sticks out either, nothing is cohesive in this
Also the model’s arms are passing through the tentacles, this is what Jasmine hoped the judges would overlook.
Team Blue is on top as well! 
Their creature is pretty but not quite “transparent scorpion” level
Glenn loves the head
Bitchin’ counter: 1
“Not even a side of garlic would make it better” HOLY SHIT NEVILLE
Maybe it was because it was better scultped
So yeah I understand it
No one eliminated, McKenzie warns them to step it up
Ben and Evan are ready for a comeback
And they seem in real trouble next episode, so WE’LL SEE ON TUESDAY Conclusion: Great episode, great premiere, great, great challenge idea! I love this green screen challenge and I hope they make a comeback soon, even in this same season. Hopefully it’ll replace focus challenges, but I don’t think so. I still am unsure about the team format or how it’s going to work out in the finale, are we going to see 3 teams or 2? 6 people in a finale seems like a lot so I’m leaning towards too, but even then, will the winner be individually rewardd or do they alsp win the competition as a team? Because if it was going to be teams I’d prefer for them to bring 20 people back and ahve a higher number. Anyways, the creatures were cool, the judges are back with the sass that I missed so much and, I forgot to react to this but the friendliness is back too! When Niko was trying to open the mold, almost everyone was there to help him, there were like 6 people trying to help them, I’m glad to see it’s still so sweet and drama-free. I love art guys, thank you for it! See ya next week! On with the drawing! Also, sorry it’s late but I’ve been sick and busy with social life and school life and what not. It doesn’t help that the internet took down my favorite page for watching the show hours after it premiers so I have to wait days for it to get shown so I can screencap scenes from the show so >:(
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hellotvv · 8 years
I've read a quote a while back, and it went something like, "We assume others show love the same way we do — and if they don’t, we worry it’s not there." I slowly realized that this quote is honestly pretty true, especially after casually talking to friends about their relationships. I guess everyone shows their love in different ways. Some people show it through words, maybe through gifts/buying things, maybe through food, and many other ways. I think Asian parents or at least my dad generally shows it through food or giving $$ or idk. I recall being younger and was upset at my dad for idk yelling at me or punishing me or something, and he was genuinely in the wrong. But maybe since pride or to maintain respect by never admitting he'sw rong (?) or who knows what the reason might be, but he would never say sorry or apologize. I'd be upset at him, and then he would offer to get me food or ask me if I wanted to eat. I recall some other grown Vietnamese adult telling me that my dad is prob showing his love/shows that he cares that way by offering me food. Honestly I thought it was dumb at the time, since I guess I much rather get an apology. But I realized later on that man people do show their love in different ways and want to feel loved in certain ways, so when we don't get it in that way, we feel neglected/not loved/is sad. My housemate Kai, her bf kinda just shows his love in his own ways probably. He pays for all their meals, pays for groceries, drive her everywhere, and idk what else he does specifically, but that's most likely how he shows that he cares. As for Kai, she kinda wants to hear ilys, have a nice Valentine's dad planned by him, and etc. When Valentine's Day was coming up, she asked what he was gonna do, since he didn't really tell her anything. She figured he's been planning things/etc, but then he reveals oh he didn't think of anything and legit didn't think of anything. She asked if he would get her anything, and he replied oh he'll prob go pick up something when he's downtown. I guess to her, it kinda made her feel like he didn't really care that much or wasn't even putting in that much thought about the gift. Since to her, it seemed like oh casually going to a grocery store and getting something they you think looks nice. Rather than idk memorizing what they say and trying to think of/plan a really nice gift that would make them happy. So she was a bit sad that it seemed like he didn't care too much about Valentine's Day, wasn't really planning anything, and didn't seem to be putting too much effort into the gift. Since that's probably how she wanted to feel loved/etc, while he probably doesn't think about showing his love in that type of way or didn't see the significance in it. But nevertheless, things did work out, uh he probably got a stern talking to or something. Then he got her a bunch of roses, took her to a nice expensive dinner, and idk if he got her a nice gift or not but maybe? Since she was uhh very upset and distant with him for a couple days after what he said about just going downtown and picking up a gift/wasn't really planning anything haha.
Anyways, I guess I just personally realize that the quote is fairly true. People do show their love in different ways. I suppose I try to show it in a variety of ways? But maybe that's just the way it seems to me. I try to give a lot of idk reassurance and compliments. I try to say ily often, compliments, try to flirt a bit, and etc etc. But I try to show that I care by showing that they mean more to me than money or whatnot, and go out of my way to treat my SO to things/groceries/drive long distances and never ask for gas money/pay expensive parking/etc. Idk, I also try to memorize things they say about what they like, and show that hey I care and pay attention and remember what you said, and then surprise with a random gift of something they might possibly like. I try to give nice gifts ;-; since idk to me, I like gifts, and think it's sweet when it's random like oh wow you thought of me. So I guess that's why I try to do random gifts or give really nice gifts for special events. And I guess I personally care about life milestones like valentine's day, bdays, anniversary, monthaversaries (at least the 1st and 6th month), and etc. so I try to put in effort for those and show that hey I care about us and glad we've made it this far, and we should celebrate since I'm happy that we made it this far. I try to show that they really matter to me as well, so I try to do so by being willing to make sacrifices for them, and willing to put their personal happiness over mine sometimes and not be selfish as much as possible (obv impossible to always be selfless). I also try to show that I only really want them, only look at them, and that they mean the world to me. Since to me, I think it's super sweet that damn this person legit only looks at me and only loves me and only wants me, and it makes me feel special. So naturally, I try to do that for my SOs. Idk, I guess that's how I think I show my love at least?
AS for how I want to be loved... Hmhm, I guess it's probably similar to how I show love. I really like verbal reassurance. I like being complimented or hearing how much I matter or that I'm loved or flirted with. I guess I do like receiving random small gifts or shown random acts of kindness. I could probably live without that, but maybe at least for special life milestones, they matter a lot to me. So it'd be nice if they're fun and special and shown that hey this is really special and it means a lot to them too. Idk, there's probably other things that I like. I like it when ppl make an effort to talk to me or call me, I like having plans made with me in mind and shown that I'm thought about, it'd be cool if I'm treated to things or randomly find out that they've been saving up $$ to spoil me on like my bday or a special life event, and idk I just wanna feel loved. I guess that's a bit generic, since like I said, everyone shows their love in different ways tho haha. Idk, love can be pretty complicated at times! But I guess those are my thoughts on kinda loving someone. Everyone loves in their own ways, but I think it's important to sometimes accomodate to your SO. Since if you do love them in your own way, but they don't feel loved at all, then wouldn't you naturally want to make them feel loved? Obviously it's hard to do some things when it doesn't come naturally. But I guess that's why relationships requires work/effort to become successful. So I guess it's an important reminder to maybe ask my SO in the future, what makes them feel loved or how can I make them feel loved? Since I naturally just want my SO to be happy, so I'd try my best to accomodate~ I guess just a lesson to remember that someone may love you, but they just show it differently, so it's not very obvious. I guess communication is required to figure out how one person thinks they're showing their love, and then maybe make adjustments afterwards to accomodate to partner. That way everyone feels loved, special, and hopefully happy haha.
Hopefully I'll remember to do this in future o.o!
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hellotvv · 8 years
You know, it’s kinda crazy to think about... But one of the sites that I use the least nowadays is genuinely one of the sites that had the biggest impact in my life. I use instagram a lot nowadays, since it’s platform allowed me to meet and connect with new people. Maybe one day, it’ll even surpass tumblr’s impact on my life. Idk just random late night thoughts, but damn I never really took the time to appreciate this website LOL. 
I guess how I got into tumblr should be a starting point. My first gf basically Kristy was very into tumblr. I was not dating her at the time, just best friends. I had a childhood friend named Cynthia that actively used tumblr and had a pretty high following count. Honestly only nowadays do I think that I finally surpassed her in follower count LOL. She had like 15k-ish, back when I first started using this website in junior year. So Cynthia highly recommended that I start using tumblr. I initially used tumblr as a way of kinda bonding with her and later my future 1st gf (having stuff in common helps lolol). At first, I just posted selfies and looked up dumb stuff that I like, so HIMYM/pizza/food/funny stuff was all I posted in the beginning. I never really found the appeal to it tbh at first. Like I guess I post stuff I like, so I can show ppl my blog and they’ll know more about me. But uhh idk? I guess what kinda made me get more into it, is Cynthia had a high followers count and she legit wouldn’t tell me her blog, unless I had 200+ followers. I was like WTF, how do I even get 200 followers!? So I tried to grow in followers by idk reblogging some cool stuff I saw on a very popular blog. The blog is gone nowadays, but it was basically vertical pics idk. It had  landscape, which is basically what my blog is today. But it was like home stuff idk tumblr-esque vertical pics of home, roses, animals, landscapes, and stuff. I just reblogged stuff like that and uh did f4f until I hit like 1k LOL, then I started to join tumblr networks since Cynthia told me that tumblr networks are lit to make friends/grow. Tumblr networks did help me grow, but honestly it was orionfalls that made me get to like 20k followers today. Honestly I still queue up posts whenever I’m extremely bored once a month, so that my tumblr is still active. It’s crazy how uh strong my habits can be? I legit have always had posts queued up from 3rd year of HS to 3rd year of college and I only had a couple days, where I legit had 0 posts on kawaiitheo. The thing is, I never really took advantage of my high follower count. Like idk, if I posted something that is not a vertical landscape, it gets like 3-6 notes. I’ve noticed personal accounts with far far less followers than me have way better interaction... My landscape posts still get a decent amount of notes to this day. But it’s surprising how bad my interactions are ahhh. Like idk, I kinda always wanted a really high followers count with followers that wanted to be friends/get to know me/ask questions/etc... But I guess I should have tried to get popular in uh not landscapes LOL. But srsly, I have uploads that hit 100k+ notes... Also I legitly have 20k followers. I legit never did those promo4promos bs or anything after like 1k followers. All my followers found my blog and legitimately followed based on my content. I admit that orionfalls by queuing up my posts, I gain like 30ish folloewrs each time. But you’d have to go to my blog, see I have similar content to orionfalls, enjoy my content, and follow right? So I do have good notes on my landscape posts, but damn are ppl disinterested in me as a person :( Maybe I should have done more idk quotes reblogs/random text posts to make myself more than just a landscape posting robot LOL. Oh well... maybe if I’m really bored one day, I’ll try that.
Anyways, I’m getting super far off topic. Uhh, so Kristy had a tumblr, I made a personal tumblr since she didn’t really care for my landscape posts LOL. She did end up having a landscape blog and ended up following me again tho. She had a popular league of legends tumblr and tumblr was a cool activity/hobby that we both had. We’d share each other posts from tumblr and I got her into reddit, which she uses to this day. I think she stopped using tumblr tho. But tumblr was a cool hobby I had with her. I made my first every uh diary/journal like this, because of Kristy actually. She had kristyhere, which was her secret journal back then. She told me before we started dating when she had a crush on me and I was her best friend, that she had a private journal of thoughts that she liked to write on. She sometimes for whatever reason shared it with best friends that really knew her and who she didn’t mind knowing about her thoughts/feelings/secrets I guess. I was like woah o.o and read that blog religiously and apparently I was the first person to actually continuously check up on the private tumblr (pw protected, so can’t follow have to manually check). But yeah, fast forward started dating. I decided to make my own private secret blog and it somehow became my way of communicating with her, similar to what I later did with Stefanie actually... Unfortunately, I deleted the blog I had with Kristy after we broke up, so a lot of our idk history and my thoughts back then are gone. I do regret it a bit, so I don’t delete my blogs to this day. Since I figured it’ll be fun to look back many years from now to see my thoughts back then. But uhh, yeah used tumblr as a medium to communicate with my first gf, and it helped us idk bond and express feelings in a unique way. Since in these journals, you can have a conversation where you’re basically uninterrupted. You legit could type pages of your thoughts and the reader/SO just has to take all the thoughts in at once without being able to idk interrupt. It has it’s pros and cons definitely. But it was a way for her to idk complain about me haha and ofc randomly confess love for me. I guess the coolest thing about them nowadays is, I could always re-read her old blog posts about me and see how uh she fell for me, some really big highlight moments between us, and ofc uh dark times. I see my past dumb dumb dumb first relationship mistakes and idk silliness back then. But I also do remember sometimes she super misunderstood me based on her blog post, then after talking to her, she realizes oh haha my b. I guess I have a problem keeping this post consistent in topic. But yeah, tumblr had a huge impact on my life, since it was a way to I guess bond with my best friend, which later helped turn her into my gf. Also it was a cool hobby that we got to share together and a medium that we both used to communicate with each other occasionally.
Later on, it surprisingly led to me meeting basically the love of my life. I know I recently wrote a lot about idk Kristy and orionfalls (who I befriended through mutual interest in League, he has like 300k folloewrs crazy). Like I casually was browsing instagram and saw those kawaii battles, because linda chen? or whatever on ig was posting them. I saw Stefanie and thought oh wow what a cute girl LOL. I clicked on her instagram and then she had a tumblr~ I was still an active user of tumblr despite not being with Kristy anymore for like months at that time. I saw from her about she had a ridiculous amount in common with me and she lived in SoCal like wowow~ I didn’t think anything would come from it, but I just wanted to send her a compliment through her ask. Surprisingly she sent very wordy cute responses and we had back in forth conversations, before we transition over to kik. Then I think we had skype call together once, so I could hear her voice for the first time. Lol it’s crazy to think that I onced was kinda excited just to hear what she sounds like on Skype, and to think I was later in a position where I was sharing the same bed with her in her college dorm... Damn life is crazy. Then I found out her fb and slowly just started to message her from there. Only really talking to her later at night, since she had guard practice and no phone for a while LOL. Anyways, I had a crush on her, since she just typed really really cute and was just fun to talk to + was pretty. Idk I just really liked her personality :O and it was so nice and sweet, it’s like bro how can anyone hate this girl? Eventually I think it wasn’t until I started college that I started to talk to her again. December we had our first date and it was crazy! Eventually somehow began a real life relationship.. It became a relationship that kind of changed me, taught me more about relationships, made me really experience life (holy never drove in rain to LA before for a 1st date, never had that many sleepovers in general, never drove hours to LA, pulling all nighters for a girl, Valentine’s Day, driving on a random Thursday just to visit her since she was lonely, and etc etc). Like I guess in the process of idk trying to have a successful relationship with her, damn did I really experience life that I wouldn’t have experienced otherwise. Like idk I could write a bunch of what I learned like carrying conversations, having to plan the day even when I visit her in LA/her city, started to actively look for cool things to do like escape rooms or new places to go to, and idk improve as a person more for her + learn more about myself/relationships. But yeah, I’d say ig showed me Setefanie, but tumblr is obv where the relationship kinda all started. It brought to me a relationship + friendship that lasted from my senior year of HS all the way to before my 3rd year of college began. Crazy! From her junior year to 2nd year of college~ That’s some key years in a person’s life yo! I never really appreciated tumblr that much now that I think about it. But damn, it connected me with someone who undoubtedly had a huge impact on my life. So I guess I gotta appreciate this site more sometimes, even though I don’t really use it as much as in the past... It even has an archive of kinda my thoughts and feelings for years now from these journals/blogs, and on my personal blog of stuff I like, it sort of shows a shift on how I am at certain points of times and maybe slightly my interests idk. Also I similarly used tumblr personal blogs/journals as a way of communicate with Stefanie during the relationship too, so tumblr also get extra points for that. I guess I’m being really repetitive, but man do I take this site for granted in some ways. Like I don’t really use it that much, since idk not too popular and kinda boring nowadays, and it doesn’t really hold too close of a place in my heart. But it honestly should considering without it, oh man my life would be pretty different haha. 
SO yeah, I guess kinda just random thoughts about tumblr. Who knows when the day will come that I truly quit this site. But now that I reflected a bit, it’ll have a small small place in my heart. I still try to post on my personal account and reblog random stuff that I like every day, since idk habit. I don’t queue that much on kawaiitheo, but legit the queue count is 200+ so I don’t really have to queue for like 2 months prob lol. I even post on my fashion blog every couple days at least like 1 post... As for this blog and my personal secret blog, I kinda slowly am trying to let this blog die out. But sometimes I just come up with posts that just fits this a lot more. So idk soon? one day? Who knows.. Random late night reflections yo.. Damn have this site oddly had a huge impact in my life.
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