#also he does not give a shit about max bffr
mioakem · 2 years
Oh this man needs to go
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wewebaggit · 1 year
i love how ur bio says safe space for hopper haters bc too many ppl in this fandom are always like “whaaaaat!? but how can u not like jopper 🥺” when he is not only a full grown man who abuses his power and was horrible to Joyce in s3 but also his character itself is literally copaganda
and it’s concerning and so weird (but also unsurprising) that jopper is like… elevated as this god tier ship, even in queer spaces, when in reality it’s pretty mid and also why would I want to ship Joyce byers with a cop
Hey booksandpaperss!
I am a safe space for ALL HATING. But specifically Jim Copper hate simply because he is shown a lot of undeserved grace by the fandom and the writers.
Since it's now in vogue to hate on s3 I'll take this opportunity to escape being called a negative nancy for once and just a hatering hater. Here goes:
My hate for Hopper is not as a result of season 3 but in fact it began with s2. (s1 a wee bit) But truly honestly deeply since season 2.
Hopper in season 2
After giving up Eleven's location in the prior season, Hopper then out of the goodness of his heart (😒) starts leaving Eggos for El in a reverse HansEl and GretEl. The feral El now has a home. But is it a home? Or just another prison? Hopper leaves her alone in the cabin with nothing but a TV. And so El spends her days mindlessly going through all the shit the idiot box has to offer. The only time she's actively interested in the TV is when she wants to use the static to get into the void. Because she has been kept away from the ONE friend she made out of the lab. And let's bffr. It's Mike. She is looking for Mike. And Mike too is the only one thinking about her. Hopper keeping her away from him and lying and being nothing but and angy aggressive cop of a dad is supposed to make the audience feel.....wait what are we supposed to feel? Mad at Hopper? Cuz the end result was people hating on El rebelling against Hopper. And it is all because El's resolution at the end of the Lost Sister episode was......that she needed to go back to Hopper and her friends. However, again it is a point in time when Hopper's at the lab and in mortal danger.
So since we love deep dives and shit and developing lore around characters, would she have been compelled to return to Hopper were he just, idk sitting in his cabin or at the station or whatever. A lot of ST is just about characters deciding to do stuff when someone is in REAL DANGER™️ But specifically with Hopper, he only steps up as dad when El's in danger. Otherwise he's treating her as a pet, something Mike was wrongfully accused of.
The whole entire (almost) year that El was with Hopper we do not see a change in her personality. Her rage has worsened. Her vocabulary is still lacking. In spite of the word of the days. There's no female presence in her life. He neither recruited Joyce nor her aunt (though that would have been sus, agreed n yet would it have been any different seeing as El managed to do it alone.) She's been held hostage for her own good.
Hopper: You put us in danger.
El: You promise. I go. I never leave. Nothing ever happens.
And then he grounds her. Like she was living it up otherwise. (S2E4)
We know it was because this was El's story of rebellion and trying to find her identity and so the story does not have Hopper do these things. But that still means that the story chose for Hopper to not do these things. He is even shown apologising (meh. half assed like his foil Mike, but that's for later) for it towards the end. And yet, that's something that's rarely discussed in fandom circles while talking about Hopper.
Hopper in Season 3
Oh he proves he's a blackhole alright. Sucked Joyce's character development. He's only marginally improved letting Mike see her but beyond that it's still mostly the same. She still is under-socialised. Speaks like that. El herself seeks out Max. Joyce is still too busy being ungrateful (I know not the intent, but the execution nonetheless) she's still not leaving the cabin much and has some curfew. Again which is, well why is it there? Cuz she's been coolly gallivanting with Max at the mall and everywhere else without a problem.
He's a proper asshole to Mike and a bully. Who tf threatens murder to a 13 year old kid? Like between having a chat and threatening homicide, he could come up with ZERO options. He needs emotional laxatives that aren't just anger and bullying.
Hopper in season 3 is an unfunny comic relief. A man baby. A bully who uses his cop privileges. Who treats the woman he supposedly likes like shit. He was so mad about Joyce not meeting up with him despite her telling him the reason. I mean mister you did that with Eleven too and just expected her to understand. The juvenile hUmOUr and the macho man action scenes where he's outwitting trained Russian mercenaries (lmao) is a step down from the basement he was already in. Him treating Alexei like shit when he was the only one who could have helped them. Make it make sense. (Anti-Russia/USSR pro USA copaganda and nothing else)
Also beyond all of this I simply hate Hopper for taking away valuable screentime from the kids that this show is supposedly about but hasn't really been that for some time now. He's a white male war veteran cop who's a Hawkins native and was a popular kid in school too. So he's not even an outsider in terms of being the new man in town, let alone the shit that really matters.
Hopper in Season 4
Not dead enough.
Jopper throughout the show
Mid chemistry. Joyce is already a semi-absent mother but becomes entirely absent after Hopper's message from Russia. She has ZERO clue of what her kids are going through in Cali and then has the fucking audacity to walk out on them without even letting them know that she might not return. She also leaves the only responsible person in that household with the charge as if she ever took it. She is now been relegated to being the comic relief which is neither comical and far from a relief and Hopper's girlfriend. Every season she has proven to be right on the money with her instincts and every season everyone including Hopper question her as if she's the dumb one. Hello. Do you guys clear up your memory after every season? It's annoying and one note. Hopper is a jealous manbaby all of s3 and a fucking liar. "i shOuldn't hAVe seNt yOu the LeTteR" Bitch u did. You wanted out. Dasvidaniya! El's college fund. But you'll only need it if you make it through school 🤷‍♀️. WHICH SHOULD HAVE BEEN HOMESCHOOL HELLO. Though I do commend the subversion of the found family trope where both the adults are pathetic parents. Do love one of the main couples being failparents! (is that a thing? or are they pioneers?)
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maxverstepponme · 11 months
some of my opinions on recent matters summarized and other takes because fun!
- i was very neutral about alexa for a long time but i'm starting to like her alot! as another anon said, i think just her vibe and aura itself is very pretty. she seems like a really nice girl. also charles seems to have a type for the "shy and sweet" girl, charlotte only ever seemed „confident“ online but she came across as very shy but polite in videos with fans and often seemed unsure of herself. her modelling bts videos from a few weeks ago were also screaming insecurity tbh..
- i somehow have stopped caring for kelly completely. idc anymore. i don't keep up with her grooming and immature ass, idc for what her and max do, idcccc and it's the best feeling ever besties. if max is dumb enough to still be with her--well, shit. that's on him. ofc i would still be more than ecstatic if they'd break up but yk what if not...again, on him. also on talks with dilara,, i really miss that girl! what a stunning and sweet woman. max fuuuumbled. But also Dilara? You single honey?
- for some reason rebecca herself doesn't give me that much of an ick,, like at least it's known she's an escort and being with men for money and her fifteen seconds of fame. which is also the reason why i don't get why carlos picked her exactly for a PR relationship because it's obvious for anyone who is on social media. also carlos never has chemistry with any of his girlfriends. it's so fucking bland and dry and giving noooothing. he literally has more chemistry with lando and charles at that point lol
- isa hernaez posting shady tiktoks is just funny asf to me for some reason. also. why now. but it's funny to me and tbh she's been glowing since the breakup. maybe she's still sheming with charlotte s. who is also posting some questionable stuff here and there like the happier than ever when i'm away from you video
- at the talk of cha s. i feel like she only has two types of fans left. a) the ones who are still desperatedly clinging on to charles and "chacha" and making awkward edits of them and b) those who hate charles and are all like "omg cha you're the queen" and "mother's side of the divorce always" and are saying that her new guy is hotter than charles,,, girl. bffr. i'm cackling. who are you trying to fool baby? also funny that her new guy is apparently like shitty or sumn
- also i know absolutely nothing about that erling haaland guy and his weird isabel girlfriend other than that he's kinda hot and she has crazy eyes and is shitty too, but i find it entertaining as hell lol i'm eating that drama up like munch munch munch mhm delicious food. also good to know that not only f1 has weird wags lmao
1. Agree! So far I like Alex and her vibe, so I hope she doesn’t end up going to the dark side.
2. Same. At this point nothing she does surprises me, and even though we don’t care about her that much, I still hope Max opens his eyes. He deserves better than that. Also, Dilara has a boyfriend, and his name is Max 😭
3. They’re just so weird imo. This is either a bad PR relationship or they made it public because everyone found out he cheated on Isa with Rebecca.
4. Yes yes and yes!
5. The “I’m a child of divorce” narrative is so cringe to me. Like people need a lesson on relationships and that many can end 💀
6. I also agree with you on this. She has the crazy eyes and everything that has come out about her creeps me out. Her mom stalking other women had me shook. These men need to stop going for psycho and insecure women 😭
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an-inbetween-place · 2 years
14. ? I don't know
4:03 PM
First of all... WELL WELL WELL LOOK WHO HAS A NEW EDITOR... it's still such a tiny box though, I don't know how big of a difference this makes.
Ok brief interlude to wrap up work...
6:09 PM
We're feeling better today -- almost a little dramatic and embarrassed about yesterday (crying in the park whilst on the phone? god bless). Sleep and food do a world of wonder.
We are going to be okay and we are going to be able to make the hard decisions.
It's weird -- I've never thought of myself as someone who cries often but I've genuinely cried so many times over this man. Just spontaneously! Just out of the blue! Just sitting at my desk whilst thinking about it or talking about it!
That's not a negative, that's just a point.
We don't really know where we're going to go from here but we're determined to make some steps.
Baby steps!
I feel like I'm a constant jumble of emotion so let's at least do what we promised DK we would do.
Con List:
He literally does not want the same thing that I do (and is not the type of guy that I can convince into something... not that I should be doing any convincing).
He's broke (sorry that it has to be on the list but it does!!! A bich likes to go out and do nice things)
He has crippling anxiety/depression - to the point where he cannot follow through with plans and can't get out of bed.
He does not prioritize seeing me/making time for me.
He has no job and at this rate will not be finding a good internship. -- Expanding on this, he cannot get his shit together in order to find a good internship.
He doesn't do things that I have expressed interest in us doing together -- i.e.: apple picking, hiking, etc.
I am a 10.. he is a 6 max. This is purely to boost my ego cause I'm insecure, and that's fine.
He doesn't take care of himself -- he doesn't work out, he doesn't eat right, he doesn't clean his space, he doesn't sleep ... he simply doesn't have his shit together.
The sex is ... it's pretty bad. It's really not great most of the time and it's only good once in a while. He can't even keep it up! It also hurts my self esteem.
What's sad about all of this is that even typing this out doesn't even make that much of an impact on me. Like, I would willingly take on all these negatives if it meant that he wanted to give us a shot. I would nurture and heal him and make sure there was always food on the table.
Ain't that sad.
It's ironic because I definitely said to him "don't say that we can't see each other anymore" on Tuesday. And now, I'm the one that's saying it to him.
I know he's just going to accept it. I know he's going to say 'okay, if that's what's best for you". And all I want is for him to fight for me. To say "no, let's hang out and figure it out together". To say "please don't do this, we'll make it through".
I feel like he really got me wilding because I'm really out here considering "maybe I can just continue casually dating him?". "Maybe the label isn't that important to me?"
Like BFFR bich... how insecure do you feel in your "relationship" with him because he hasn't made you his girlfriend? How many times have you felt like you were overstepping or that your needs weren't being met?
I am definitely writing this right now to convince myself and make myself double down.
I mean, I really don't like the fact that he's on tinder. I don't like the fact that he keeps me at a arms length distance and doesn't give me time.
Okay I think we need another list...
Needs that he has not met:
We don't see each other that often - like once every other week now and that's a MAYBE. Sure, we talk on the phone but that's not the same.
We definitely don't have as much sex as I'd like. Sorry????
He's not loyal. He wants to talk to other girls, see other girls, keep his options open.
He doesn't want to build a relationship together.
He's honestly just not adding anything to my life -- like sure, I enjoy spending time with him and talking to him but at the end of the day, I'm always going to want more. I'm going to want commitment and he's made it clear that he cannot provide that.
He's creating a lot of stress and sadness in my life. At the end of the day, it shouldn't be that hard to make things work.
I'm honestly so tired of thinking about this and talking about this and just ... just being in it.
Undoubtedly, more updates to come.
6:40 PM
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