#also i Do mean what i said about them being satisfied w his statement. if you feel thats enough thats great! i hope we can have mutural -
megahykler · 5 months
for the record, i think u can have a stance of "hes a nice person and probably didnt mean it" And "hes a public figure and needs to be aware of the implications of his actions when in a public setting, especially when said public setting is known to be highly political"
and you can recognize the strict guidelines of all the parties involed, And recognize that if one truely wanted, anyone of the artists have the power to disrupt the whole show in protest. it would have severe consequences for them yes, but no one forced them to go to eur*vision. them being there and having an opportunity of a lifetime, is at the cost of taking attention away from Rafah, which isr*el is using right now as im typing, to invade further in.
Now, we're all adults here, and we can all recognize that u can be disappointed and angry and not take that anger out on other people, both him and fandom people. You also are free to feel satisfied with his statement on IG and feel like "no war" was enough (genuinly, no sarcasm intended), but i still feel like he could do more to "counterbalance" the impact of him being there and the video. this doesent mean im against the fandom or im irrationally angry or acting out in emotion.
rant over but idk. ill stick around and see if he makes another statement and go from there
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dourpeep · 3 years
IT WAS 2AM WHEN I SENT THAT SO I HELD BACK MY SIMPING FOR COLLEGE ALBEDO A LITTLE. tried not to send all my brainrot so I didn't just send a wall of text into your inbox LOL. Some others I thought of were:
- Mona giving astrology forecasts and compatibility readings in this au and Albedo may have asked her about the two of you
- Going to botanical gardens or museums with Albedo but for some reason it feels like a date even when it didn't intent to be. You tug on his sleeve now and then when you see something he might be interested in or even when it's something that excites you, and Albedo can't help but have a soft look in his eyes that he can share this moment with you! Somehow it results in the two of you holding hands - just so neither of you stray from each other of course - and eventually, intertwined fingers. You hear someone say that the two of you seem like a cute couple and you know Albedo heard it too, but neither of you say anything. You feel his hand squeeze yours a little tighter and respond in kind. The two of you are too embarrassed to look at each other but can't help the smiles on your faces.
- Lending Albedo some of your favourite books for pleasure reading and you've left tiny tabs on lines that you like. Perhaps this is before Albedo realizes his feelings so when he reads particularly romantic lines, he wonders if this is how he feels about you. Or did you mark these pages because you feel this way about someone? His stomach is in knots to the thought that you may be intrested in someone that isn't him and he settles for it just being prose.
Tugging his hand and not letting go omg . . . you tend to just intertwine pinkies or play with his fingers absent-mindedly that Albedo becomes so accustomed to it so he starts to offer you his hands without a second thought.
WAIT. I gasped at Albedo being a cuddler. He's a little delirious when he first wakes up but you're so comfy that he hugs you a little tighter, asking if you've slept well. You try to reply while worrying about whether or not he can feel your heart thrumming in your chest.
What if Klee is staying with Albedo one night and the three of you fall asleep cuddled up together. Alice comes back early in the morning before any of you are awake and takes a picture. She sends it to Albedo later and he sets it as his phone's wallpaper.
Albedo staring at your lips winded me, thank you.
YES TO THE SWEATERS. I bet Albedo would have the softest and coziest sweaters too! Imagine it being a little cold out and you see Albedo across campus so you bound over to him and give him a hug. You nuzzle into him and mumble out a little 'hello' and say he's warm. You feel his laugh rumble through his chest while he greets you back, wrapping his arms around you
And I LOVE ALL YOUR HEADCANONS! I believe I found your blog around the time you posted Albedo's snort headcanon and it was too much for my heart!! I held tight to that headcanon and never let go lol. I also thought the science + college headcanons you had of him were really nice despite not being necessarily romantic!
Side note: I looked up that lobster fact and that's so cool!!
The Lobster Fact(tm) is my go-to ice breaker and it always fails. I'd imagine it's normally the same w/ Bedo OTL so sad...not many wish to know about potential lobster immortality.
I'm glad that you love the headcanons though!! I enjoy writing for Albedo so so much as you can tell ehe
That being said--if it makes you more comfy to send stuff in a few bursts of asks, I don't mind :DD I'll answer them as usual nodnod
"...Mona, yes?"
"Ah, I was expecting you to come around sooner or later, Kreideprinz."
Really, Albedo didn't mean to stumble upon the Astronomy major, but for some reason the thought of you has been on his mind and the campus' observatory just so happened to be on the way. With the meager hope that...maybe he'd find some sort of answer (in what, he wasn't really sure himself), there she was.
Luckily, she knew just what he was there for.
The moment that she twirls her hand with a wave, telling him that there isn't anything to worry about, the apprehension creeping within his chest at the thought of seeing you next-
It's not often that he turns to less orthodox methods, but he wouldn't lie. Knowing that--at least in Mona's opinion (which tended to be correct, anyway)--the two of you were undoubtly compatible? Something about how your constellations were intertwined...
In fact, Albedo turns a little theory around in his mind. Though based in old folktales, the idea that you gravitate towards those who are made of the very same stardust as yourself, suddenly made sense.
Or, perhaps he was just being hopeful.
Little does he know that you most definitely asked Mona about the same thing earlier that day.
Any of those kinds of places--Botanical Gardens, Art Museums, Aquariums, Zoos, Museums in general--Any place where you're able to utterly lose yourself in your surroundings and look around in awe, really, are your go-to date outing destination!
Usually, it's just the two of you, maybe with Sucrose or Timaeus if it's for a particular class, as well as the occasional Klee in tow whenever Alice is busy with work.
But in this case, fingers interlocked, it's just the two of you on a impromptu trip to the art museum downtown after seeing a promotional banner about a new exhibit. Once inside, you rush along, Albedo trailing close behind with a light squeeze of your hand. The large area used for temporary exhibits isn't far from the entrance, so it's not long until you skid to a stop.
All along the walls are incredibly detailed oil paintings, the thin layered strokes glistening in the light. Albedo takes a moment to whisper to you about how oil paint works.
Due to the thinness of the paint and it's transparency, light passes through every carefully placed stroke, allowing for a unique sort of depth that isn't achievable with other painting media. You smile, the artificial light of the art exhibit making your features glow and Albedo can't help but wonder if you are like those paintings.
So complex, so carefully created in an image perfected with time. Your eyes search his and you say his name and Albedo clears his throat when he realizes he's been staring.
"Do you like this one?"
Ah, you must've assumed he took a liking to this particular painting.
His eyes shift back to it, taking in the sight of the balance of color, the composition, then back to you. He only stares a second longer before nodding.
Whether or not you realize the view he likes is you is something that he dwells on as you both make your way to the next painting.
If you had a penny for every time that someone comments on the way you compliment each other, you'd probably be able to pay off your tuition for next semester.
Okay, perhaps not, but the idea still stands.
You're only just at the end of the art exhibit when the security guard wishes the two of you a lovely date. Something about how young love is something to be treasured, something about how the two of you already seem so natural and comfortable in each other's presence.
Before you can mumble out an explanation, Albedo just squeezes your hand, gentle as always, and smiles.
It's a compliment, right? For someone to see how close you are, even if you really are just friends, is a good thing.
Ignoring the warmth that spreads over your cheeks, you smile and turn your head away shyly. Squeezing his hand back, the thought of what it'd be like if you were together crosses your mind.
Just as you lend books to him, he lends books to you. Surprisingly, this time it just so happens to be a poetry book--something that you expressed interest in a week ago but ended up not getting.
Within, he's left colorful notes with his neat, slanted writing.
Short discussions (presumably questions to himself) of what the poet must've been thinking, different possible scenarios, are peppered throughout the book. But one just so happens to catch your eye. Rather than a question, it's a statement. Simple, short, and...sweet.
'You carry the aura of the stars.'
The little yellow sticky note pasted beneath a love poem to the night sky stands out. Suppressing a flutter in your chest, you continue reading through the poem book with a few giggles at Albedo's musings until you find a note with most of the words crossed out.
It's entirely unlike him, the way that the dark ink scribbled over the words, making them illegible.
But at the bottom was a continued attempt--one you presume he was satisfied with by the way it lay pristine on the colorful paper.
'You look. I fail to speak.
Your mind, so brilliant as it is I wish to see behind To further appreciate the one I love.
I can only hope one day you shall let me in, So for now I wait patiently by your side.'
Who could he have written this for? You can't help but stare at the poetic attempt, knowing full well that Albedo seldom does something without meaning.
The book closes and you tuck it back on the shelf to ask about later.
Even though Albedo's a grade A student and certified genius (he's adamant in his denial, shaking his head and mumbling about how he just studies hard), he's not entirely a stickler for rules.
Well, that is, Aunt Alice's suggestion that Klee goes to bed by 9.
Instead, the three of you settle in the common room of Albedo's place in a bundle of pillows and blankets at the demands of a pillow fort.
The tv blinks on accompanied by the near silent click of the remote.
"What should we watch?"
Klee always ends up picking the movie. This time, she wants Alice in Wonderland, commenting on how the bunny is like her best friend Dodoco and the blonde girl on screen is named after mommy. Albedo doesn't bother correcting her, even though he knows quite well that dear, sweet Dodoco is a chinchilla.
Between sips of juice and a few mouthfuls of popcorn, the three of you fall asleep, Klee curled up besides you and Albedo's arm draped over you both.
Even when the sun is up in the sky, you sleep peacefully.
So, naturally, Aunt Alice has a spare key just in case something like this happens.
Immediately she's met with the sweetest view--her two kids (she's practically adopted Albedo as her own at this point) and--
Hiding a cheeky smile behind her hand, Alice can't help but sneak a little closer when she spies the way that you and Albedo somehow gravitated closer, his face buried in your hair and yours resting against his collar. Wedged between you with tousled hair, Klee snoozes peacefully.
She snaps a picture, followed by another, and another, and a fourth for good measures before meandering into the kitchen to prep something for breakfast.
Might as well let her three favorite people enjoy the comfort of sleep for a little longer...
You wake up the moment that Klee wiggles her way out of the blankets, nuzzling against the warmth radiating under your cheek.
Nice and cozy. Smells nice...wait.
Eyes fluttering open, you're met with a familiar birthmark and the nearly gone scent of Albedo's cologne.
You nearly pull away until the arm, now wrapped around your waist, pulls you closer accompanied by a satisfied sigh. Ah. You shut your eyes tight when you realize that Albedo's going to be asleep for at least another thirty minutes, resigning to your fate gladly.
Of course, Alice takes the opportunity to snap a few more pictures when you've finally fallen back asleep.
Speaking of Albedo and sweaters and warm and also the just mentioned cologne. A little fun tidbit--not only are you familiar with the scent of his cologne because he wears it often, but it (in this au) is actually one that you picked out some time back. You probably were at the store together smelling some of the perfumes when you came across one that you were pleasantly surprised by.
Specifically, something that's lightly floral, a little warm but sweet with a hint of earthiness.
The pros? It fits Albedo perfectly! It also kinda sticks well and his place faintly smells of it.
The cons?? Well...you're embarrassed to say that hugging Albedo tends to drag on a little longer than anticipated because it's just such a comforting scent-
Not because you associate it with Albedo or anything-
Man I really went to town again, didn't I?? Well, I'm glad that you enjoy my headcanons :DDD Albedo just seems like such a sweet person??? Like endearing in a way that just is...him. If that makes sense.
Brain go brrrrrr
I'll admit that my favorite headcanons for Bedo are mundane and domestic ones though! Like these! Just the little moments where there's nothing really going on except for him and you and ahhhh yesyesyes
Okay that's all-
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choco-exe · 4 years
the one where tsukishima and sakusa go too far with teasing their crush
anonymous asks:  Hiiiiii I LOVE ur writing, and I was wondering if I could request the haikyuu boys (whoever u think fits best) who constantly tease (borderline insult) their crush, who one day just breaks down from their harsh words and say to them something along the lines of “why do you hate me?”, and how the the haikyuu boys react to that. If possible, end with something fluffy 🥺? (Like a confession) TYSMMM ❤️❤️
a/n: hello! aww im glad you do :D wait i just realized you said to have the boys react to their crush saying why do you hate me- fuuuuu- ahem please forgive me for not reading the ask correctly ;w; i hope you still enjoy, nevertheless! and why did i write these long-
tw: mentions of self hate, kind of toxic behavior from sakusa
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𝚝𝚜𝚞𝚔𝚒𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚖𝚊 . . .  🖉
  ☾ he’s gonna be meaner the more he likes you   ☾ like if he’s only realized he developed a crush on you, he’d treat you the same, but if it’s been weeks and you haven’t picked up the hint, he’s gonna be treating you like trash   ☾ you find him staring down at you with a dead eye stare   ☾ “what’s up, kei?” “you’re so short you look like a toddler” “..i’m the average height for a high schooler though-”   ☾ his comments about your height never got to you, but then he started to target other regions of yourself   ☾ like he’d give a rude remark about a low score you got on the quiz, or how you always look dead inside well he isn’t wrong   ☾ whenever he said something negative about you, you just shot back a counter and brushed it off   ☾ after a month of this going on, though, his words started to sting a bit   ☾ “hey kei-” “can’t you stay quiet for one second? it’s like you blab out words every chance you get”   ☾ imagine your surprise, since it was unusual of him to comment about you talking   ☾ and one of your biggest insecurities is being annoying to others; you knew you tend to ramble about things, and a nagging voice in the back of your mind was always telling you about how people around you would get fed up with it   ☾ did tsukki mean to say it like that? of course not; he was meaning to have a bit of humor in his statement   ☾ he just said it in such an annoyed tone and way that it made it seem like he was bothered by you talking   ☾ “..sorry, kei. my mind wandered for a bit..”   ☾ you figured that he just had a bad day, and you were over it after a full night of sleep i could really use that   ☾ the voice inside your head grew louder, however, and tsukishima’s comments didn’t help at all   ☾ “stop bothering me about the homework; cant you see i’m busy? ugh, fine, take my notes if you’re that stupid-”   ☾ “if you want attention, listen to this playlist. it should satisfy your longing for voices; i need to study for a test now”   ☾ it got to the point where your mind was yelling at you about being a nuisance, and the final piece you needed to break just so happened to be during a practice match..
“You did great, blocking them all, Tsukki!” You exclaimed, flashing him a grin as you pass him his water bottle and towel. In all honesty, you were forcing your smile so hard, it began to hurt your jaw. “I could’ve blocked better if someone wasn’t screaming the whole time,” the middle blocker said, wiping sweat off his forehead. You had been passing out water bottles to the other players, but you stopped dead in your tracks when his words hit your ears. “Y/N-chan..?” Shimizu asked worriedly, eyeing your expression that Tsukishima couldn’t see. The said blonde took off his goggled to switch them out with his regular glasses. “It was just a practice match; getting hyped up wasn’t exactly the brightest idea your mind conjured up.” Putting his glasses on after wiping the lenses, he looked down at you to see your tear ducts brimming with your sadness. “..huh..?” You touched your face as a tear slid down your cheek. The other club members looked at you in concern. “Ah- don’t worry, everyone..” You wave your hands frantically as Daichi and Sugawara stare disapprovingly at Tsukishima. “It’s nothing to worry about. I’m just gonna.. step outside for a bit.” You forced another smile out onto your face, then quickly scampered out of the gym. The silence was so thick, you could slice it with a sword. Four-Eyes clearly didn’t expect you to be that emotional over his statement, as his face was filled with a small mixture of concern and confusion. He ran after you, shoving his things in his hands to Yamaguchi and leaving the rest of the team shocked into standing still. You had fled to a nearby bench, where you collapsed onto and shoved your face into your hands, desperately trying to stop your tears from shedding. How stupid, you thought. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Look what you did; you made the team worry about you, and they’re all going to resent you the moment they find out the reason behind your crying. “Y/N.” Jolted out of your thoughts, you looked up to find Tsukishima staring down at you with an unreadable expression. Almost immediately, your face became flooded with streams of tears. You quickly looked down at your lap, fidgeting with your hands. “I-I’m sorry for talking so much, Tsukki, I’ll try to keep my thoughts to myself-” “Shut up, Y/N.” He interrupted. You sighed and calmed your breathing. “This is what I’m talking about, Tsukishima.” You muttered, putting your face in your hands once again. “I’m just a pest to everyone; anyone I encounter will automatically hate me-” “Stop insulting yourself, dammit.” The middle blocker clenched his fists in anger. “You aren’t a nuisance, and you most definitely aren’t one to be hated on- I know I can be a bit of an asshole sometimes, but did it really affect you that much-” You slowly took your face out of your hands to see the blonde crouching, staring up at you. “'Did it really affect you that much?’ What do you think?! God, it really seems like you don’t consider my feelings at all, Tsukishima! I’ve been suspecting that you hate me, but why-?!” Said boy quickly clasped your hands in his, surprising you greatly. His usual expressionless face was morphed into one in a slight panic. “It’s because I like you, idiot!” Taking a moment to process his words, your whole face flushed a scarlet-red. “What?” The tips of Tsukishima’s ears were dusted with a soft coral-pink hue. “You heard me. I won’t repeat myself.” He averted his eyes from yours, squeezing your hands in nervousness. “I-” You were internally melting inside; who would’ve thought the salty beanpole would like someone like you? “But you would always push me to the side! Telling me you were busy and such!” Tsukishima stared at you like you were the biggest dumbass in the world. “I gave you my notes because I knew you didn’t have the energy to take them in class, and the playlist was a collection of songs I thought would suit you. Are you that dense?” “Who are you calling dense?!” You replied hastily. “And for your information, I haven’t given you my answer yet! Let go of my hands, and I’ll tell you, okay?” The middle blocker leaned in close to your face with his dead eye gaze. “It’s an agreement or disagreement, Y/N. What is your response?” You leaned back into the bench, but Tsukishima followed with your movements. “Um- I-” Your words crossed with each other, the lack of personal space making your head spin. “Yes?” Satisfied, the lamppost removed his hands from yours and flicked your forehead. “Simple as that, shortcake. If you want to freeze to death outside, that’s fine by me.” He began to walk back to the gym. “Wha- I’m not short!” You exclaimed, running after the four-eyes. “Also, I’m not the one who’s been sweating profusely for the past hour, so speak for yourself!” Tsukishima gently smiled as he heard you rapidly firing back at his comment. Looks like she’s back to her usual self. 𝚜𝚊𝚔𝚞𝚜𝚊 . . .  🖉
  ✤ obviously he’s gonna be commenting about your hygiene 24/7   ✤ the fact that he’s developed a crush on you doesn’t help, either; it means that you should be extra clean if he were to date you   ✤ and of course he has to remind you almost every hour of the day; whether it be by text or in person   ✤ now, you didn’t mind him checking up on you every couple of days, but every hour??   ✤ you’re convinced that sakusa has had some sort of trauma in the past, fighting with germs ever since he was a child okay not really.. unless?   ✤ he doesn’t even do this to the other people he’s acquainted with; you’ve asked koromi about it, and he says sakusa just sprays him with holy water a disinfecting solution    ✤ now you’re confused as to why you’re getting special treatment from him, when you two aren’t as close as him and his cousin   ✤ so you personally went to his class to ask him about it   ✤ “hey kiyoomi, why do you remind me to be clean every hour that you’re awake?” “because you shouldn’t have a single germ on you.” “but it’s literally the same message every time; at least make it seem more interesting” “cleaning yourself should be simple, not complicated”   ✤ you got fed up with it as another week went by, which is understandable, since this clean freak was spamming your phone hour after hour without missing a single text   ✤ the fact that sakusa was willing to put effort into reminding you about your hygiene was kind of sweet, but the same message every. single. damn. time. was annoying you like hell   ✤ and when you tell him to stop and that you already know how to get rid of germs, he gave you a disgusted look   ✤ this had to be one of the most nasty expressions he had ever made, because you stood paralyzed to the floor   ✤ “i have been reminding you for your own good, y/n. why don’t you just appreciate what i do for you, instead of complain about it?”   ✤ your mouth stayed shut, your tongue feeling as though it was glued to the top of your mouth   ✤ “don’t mention anything like this again”   ✤ you meekly nodded, and he strolled out the classroom   ✤ the moment he was gone, you collapsed onto the floor out of fear, shivering as you replayed the scene again and again in your head   ✤ the main question that circled your head was: why was he acting so controlling?   ✤ the night after, you texted sakusa, and asked him to meet up with you at your favorite spot   ✤ surprisingly, he complied. and you were waiting for awhile by the time he got there..
“Sakusa, hi!” You greeted your friend with a small but warm smile. The ace frowned; it was unlike you to call him by his last name. In fact, it had been months since you’ve said his name with such coldness in your voice. “..why did you call me out here?” He questioned in a low tone. Your eyes grew dark as you thought about what to say to him. “I wanted to talk to you about what happened yesterday. I feel as though we need to.” Sakusa’s own eyes narrowed as you spoke each word. “Are you still going to complain about my reminders to you?” Shaking your head, you stared at your feet while hugging your arms to your chest. “Of course not, I heard what you told me to do. I just.. wanted to know why you got so angry, is all.” The jet-black haired boy stared down at you, furrowing his eyebrows as he tried to remember what specifically happened the day before. “I don’t know what you’re remembering, Y/N, but I wasn’t angry in the slightest. Are you sure you aren’t thinking of another memory of yours?” Your head snaps up when he said that he wasn’t angry. “Yes, I’m very sure.” You firmly say. “Maybe you don’t think you seemed angry, but you were downright furious. It was.. kind of terrifying.” “Are you saying I was out of control yesterday?” “No, just..” You subconsciously hugged your arms tighter to your body, trying to make yourself as small as possible. “..intimidating.” Sakusa tilted his head, his eyes narrowing. You found him intimidating? Just from a little conversation that happened because of you’re questioning ways? “I’m tired, and I’m sure you are, too,” you continued, not catching on that your friend was becoming annoyed with your talking. “Which is why I want to end this quickly. Sakusa, I have a life, too. As much as I appreciate what you do for me, I can take care of myself without your help-” “You’re repeating the same words you stated yesterday, just in different phrasing.” The germaphobe harshly cut in. “I said this once, but I will say it again, for your sake. I am doing this for your own good-” “-and I know what’s good for me and what isn’t, Sakusa!” You exclaimed, your arms no longer crossed. “I can make my own decisions! I’m not some dumb little kid you have to look after-” “Y/N-” “-so just drop this already! It doesn’t help anyone; it doesn’t help me, it doesn’t help you-” “Y/N.” Sakusa lost all patience. He towered over you, his hands clenched tightly into fists. You slightly shrink at his actions, your arms up in defense. The ace didn’t seem to notice your fear as he took a step forward. “You are crawling with so many germs, I can practically see them all over you. You are in no condition to be deciding on your hygiene, when you can’t even rid of the many dirt particles covering your skin.” He took another step forward, and you step back, unsure of what to do. Sakusa broke out of his anger when he heard a slight sob leave your lips. “Why do you hate me so much, Sakusa?!” You asked, pain laced into your voice. “I’m perfectly capable of not being dirty, can’t you see?! Why can’t you just leave me alone-” You used your sleeves to start wiping the tears away, although they doubled to replace the ones you removed. The ace hesitantly enveloped you in a hug, making you break down even more. “Sakusa- no- you’re gonna get germs on you-” You stammered, resisting the temptation to bury your face into his chest. “..I made you cry. I need to pay the consequences.” Said boy murmured, rubbing shapes onto your back. You continued to cry for a good 5 minutes, before slowly pushing him away. “..thank you.” You sniffled. “I know consequences has nothing to do with that. Why did you-?” “I like you, Y/N.” He cut you off, making your eyes widen. “The reason why I’d been constantly reminding you to wash up is because I thought I should date someone who was clean to the touch. That was wrong of me, so very wrong. I apologize, and it’s fine if you reject-” You shut him up with a kiss to his mask. “Are you traumatized yet?” You asked, trying to crack a smile. “That’s my revenge from yesterday.” Sakusa blinked multiple times before realizing what you did. “..I guess I deserved that. So is that a yes..?” You broke out into a beautiful, radiant smile this time, the moonlight making you glow even more than you already were. “Of course, Kiyoomi!”
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enjennie · 3 years
In The Limelight [chenle x reader]
Summary: Tutoring the CEO’s son, when you’re barely interested in business. And falling for him, when you knew nothing about love.
Genre: Fluff. Rich kid!Chenle Tutor!Reader
Warnings: None
a/n: not proofread! I’ve been in a slump lately ☹ my works haven’t been satisfying me but I hope you enjoy this! btw omg this is a reupload bc the first time... somehow, the paragraphs were jumbled up? 
 “Y/N, there are flowers on your desk,” your classmate gestures behind them to the classroom you were headed to before quickly passing by. You could only nod, a little taken aback by the sudden information you received. Flowers? As far as you know, Valentine’s had passed, so has white day and it’s definitely not your birthday.
But as you enter your classroom, the bundle of flowers catching your eyes, you knew one thing for sure was from who it was. As you approach your desk, you lift the thoughtful gift and inspect the small card attached to the string that tied it beautifully together. ZCH, it read in cursive.
 “How was your day?” Chenle’s voice can be heard from the other line, the smile on his face almost something you can hear along with it.
“It was great! Thank you for the flowers, by the way. They’re delightful,” you beamed, eyes landing at the arrangement that now sat on your vanity. Chenle chuckles, his laughter sending serotonin to run through your body.
“Not a problem, I’m glad you like them,”
“Though I’d appreciate if you gave them to me yourself,” you cheekily continued. Chenle could only smile, his face softening at your request. It was a simple request. Yet, he couldn’t do it.
When you notice the silence that follow, you immediately regret what you said. You desperately try to backtrack, sputtering out words. “Well- I mean-, It’s fine- Thank you, still! I love them,”
Chenle hums, “I know. Don’t worry. You’ll wait though… right? It won’t be long,”
You plant your feet to your carpeted floor and nod, even if he can’t see you. “Of course, Lele,”
 Zhong Chenle is the son of the most respected CEO of one of the biggest corporations in Shanghai the entire world. Chenle was the next in line to the company. After his brother had expressed how the business world didn’t interest him, the responsibility immediately fell into Chenle’s hands. And even if music was his love and calling, he had to let it go as to not disappoint his father.
Chenle had accepted it some time ago, going to school only for the degree so he could be eligible to own the business. He accepted the fact that he was going to be living the life his father made for him, not one he made for himself and it was the hardest pill to swallow. But things changed when he met you. There was more purpose to the things he does, it wasn’t just for nothing. Life had gone from monochromatic to colorful.
 “Miss, Y/N. Mr. Zhong just moved and he has to take this class to pass the semester. I trust you can fill him in with our module? Mr. Zhong, this is Miss. Y/N, she scored the highest during midterms,” your world economics professor had marched towards you after class, a tall boy following behind her. He looked just as oblivious as she did, to the sudden weight and pressure being put on you.
You merely nod and say a simple hello, not being able to say anything else. It wasn’t a question, this was a demand. Jeez if I was gonna teach your student I should get a portion of your pay. You thought bitterly. At the time, you were struggling to juggle a part-time job at a café while also maintaining your grades to keep your scholarship.
When your professor left you two, the boy kept his hands buried in his pockets. His clothes were semi-casual and his hair was styled nicely. Who the hell moves halfway through the year?
“So, Mr. Zhong-“ you take your books into your arms and lazily sling your bag over your shoulder, heading towards the door with him trailing behind you.
“Chenle-, You can call me Chenle,” he finally spoke, startling you a little with how cool and soft his voice is as opposed to his striking visual that intimidated you at first.
“Nice to meet you, Chenle,” you give him a smile.
You were gonna be around this guy for who knows how long, might as well try to be his friend. Maybe it’ll make the teaching less of a chore.
  “Wrong,” you huffed, marking his essay and adding in annotations. “Chenle, remember there is a specific way to start these essays and that’s by defining the terms you’re using,”
The boy sat opposite of you, arms crossed and back against the couch comfortably. You were in a café. The café you worked in, to be precise. Your schedule today overlapped with Chenle’s and as much as you didn’t want him to see you slaving around, you also couldn’t miss this paycheck at the café. You gave him an essay to write just to check on his phrasing and structure and left to buss some tables and serve orders. But when you came back, Chenle barely wrote anything and could care less about it.
“Can we not study today?” he whined.
You and Chenle have been meeting each other for a month now, and you’d soon learned about the type of boy he is, the life he led. In ways you didn’t expect to.
 The first time you found out about Chenle’s reputation was through the newspaper. No, not the school newspaper. Not even the local newspaper. But on the Wallstreet Journal, when you had to grab material from any recent article for a class. Chenle’s name floated along with the words ‘Young entrepreneur’ and their company’s name. You gasped so loud you had to excuse yourself from the library and leave in a hurry. That afternoon you smacked him on the shoulder with your thick world econ textbook.
“You’re from a family of business corporates and you’re learning world economics from someone who crammed the exam?” you exclaimed. He stared at you blankly, book in hand and pen in the other.
“And you don’t pay me!” you added. The fact that you’ve been tutoring someone as rich as Chenle just didn’t make sense to you. Why not go to a professional? Instead, he was here with a sleep deprived college student who sometimes mixes up business terms just because she couldn’t care any less. World Economics was a mandatory for you. You studied to pass, sadly.
“I could start paying you, name the price,” he said easily. But you shook your head.
“I didn’t mean it that way, sorry. I actually don’t care about the money,” You led him to the picnic bench with the table outside school grounds and propped your book on it along with your bag before taking out your bento box. “Just blows my mind how you won’t just pay for the classes. I don’t teach that well-” you continue.
“I like you, though,” Chenle calmly interjects. You look up at the boy, movements being halted by his bold statement.
“Pardon?” you felt the need to have him clarify what he said.  The boy leaned across the table, over your textbooks and notes. “I like you,” Chenle repeated himself, but the impact it had on you was just as powerful and hit you hard. Your heart was doing somersaults.
Chenle’s eyes grew thin as he smiled, backing away from you and sitting back down.
“So, chapter 12,” he starts flipping his book nonchalantly, leaving you out of breath with a heart hammering in your chest.
  “What do you mean not study today? You have an upcoming quiz with Mr. Byun this Friday and mind you, that man searches for wrongs, not rights,” you raised a finger at him, shaking it matter-of-factly.
“No, let me help you. Do you usually run the café on your own?” he closes the book and takes his essay from your hand. You’re left slack jawed.
“No. I- Johnny couldn’t come in today,” you explained. Suddenly, you were stammering as if explaining to your boss. At first, you were doubting if it was the same Chenle you were reading about in the articles. The boy you were tutoring didn’t come off as someone who would be running corporates and buying stocks or whatever. He was more laid back and relaxed. Aside from the way he dressed, nothing gave it away that he was indeed the CEO’s son. But there were times where you got a dominant feel from him. Times when he stood with much authority and didn’t accept no for an answer. In those moments, you realize how Chenle’s presence alone demanded respect.
Soon enough, you found yourself behind the counter with Chenle beside you tying the apron to himself. He looked cute, somehow. The way he smiled at customers and tried giving them their recommendations set butterflies run free in your stomach, you almost swooned. He didn’t get much studying done that day, but you surely did. You learned the fact that you falling slowly but surely with Zhong Chenle.
  There were two chapters you’re left to cover. In the short month and a half, you managed to teach Chenle six month’s worth of topics. Seeing him every other day made Chenle a familiar face to see around. Of course, you never actually got to see him around campus when you weren’t tutoring him. It left you wondering if you were actually teaching a ghost. But all doubts went away when the girls in your class started whispering about the cute boy waiting outside class. You quickly found out it was Chenle who they were talking about, and he was there for you. It was safe to say he wasn’t a ghost and is in fact real.
Carrying his book bag, he was stood against the wall with reading material under his arm.
“Chenle, we don’t have a schedule today,” you walk up to him, trying to avoid the dozen pairs of eyes that watched you. Chenle nodded, “Sorry, I won’t be here tomorrow. My father is bringing me on a business trip,” he states.
It wasn’t new for you to hear this coming from Chenle. Just the other week, his father brought him along to Japan for a company deal and Chenle came back with a little keychain souvenir for you. The same keychain dangled from your bag now as you both walked to the exit of the building. “Are you free?”
“Yeah, but I didn’t bring my book with me tod-“ you begin searching in your bag, even if you knew it wasn’t there. You were just trying to ignore the way his question made your heart jump.
“I mean… for dinner. Are you free for dinner?” he places a gentle hand on yours, stopping you from looking further in your bag. Chenle’s bold movements sometimes took him by surprise as well. He quickly retracts his hand, shoving it in his pockets. You let go of your bag, placing your hands on either side of you.
“Why?” you squinted at him suspiciously.
Chenle’s smile is small, but doesn’t go unnoticed by you as he turns his head towards his car then back down at you. “Listen, you don’t have to overanalyze this. I just want to treat you,”
  Chenle had thought about it a hundred times or more, before finally making a decision. Although you’ve been seeing each other in cafes and libraries for some time now, he didn’t want to consider those as dates. Sure, it gave him time to admire you up close and get to know you but he wanted you to know his true intentions. The only problem was boy, was he a wuss. And were you oh so dense!
Despite the subtle and not so subtle hints he’s given you, you remained clueless about his feelings. Unsure, confused and just downright oblivious. From the way he looked at you to how he vocally told you he liked you. You shoved everything under the rug, afraid that this boy was just toying around with you and having a laugh. He found it cute.
 It didn’t matter that you were in your school clothes, carrying about three thick books in your shoulder bag. He thought you looked stunning. You ate at a pizzeria just in town and he expressed how it tasted just like pizza from Italy. You said you wouldn’t know the difference since you’ve never been, and had a laugh about it.
The walk from his car to your apartment wasn’t that far, it’s just that he had to park a little further since there was no more space left in front. As you walked together, you noticed how the vibe and atmosphere between you two that developed as the night deepened, was different. More lax, comfortable. Like friends? You were both silent, until Chenle piped up.
“I lied, I didn’t just want to treat you,” he muttered, looking into the distance of your quiet street.
You turn your face towards him and you catch a glimpse of his face in the moonlight before looking away. He’d taken your bag from you and had it around his shoulder now. Him in his white polo shirt and brown suit jacket. He was always dressed like he was attending some kind of formal event. That’s Chenle for you. Mr. CEO’s son.
“Then?” you prompted him to continue.
Chenle averts his attention towards you as you finally reached the front of your apartment. You both stop walking, facing each other with the moon as your spotlight. You look at him from the light of the moon, it illuminated Chenle’s features perfectly. You would be able to inspect him when he studied, but each look at him made you breathless every time you had to look away. Much like right now.
“I wanted to take you out. Like, on a date,” Chenle confesses.
You could never wrap your head around how bold Chenle could be. Always leaving you flustered after saying such things, this boy was your weakness. But you didn’t give in. At least, you tried not to.
“Oh,” was your only response as you put your hands together, looking up at the tall boy. You hoped it wasn’t obvious that heat was rushing to your cheeks and ears by now. You could practically feel your blood flowing through your body, making you feel warm all over. “It was fun, I enjoyed it,” you shyly admit.
Chenle takes a step forward, raising his hand to palm your cheek gently. It’s the first time he’s ever gotten this close. “But I’m not sure you’re ready for my world yet,” his voice is lower, cool. Like wind.
You part your lips slightly, willing yourself to breathe. Your breath is unstable, shaky. This time, you take a step forward. “Are you underestimating me?” You don’t know where the surge of confidence came from, but you were thankful for it. The look of surprise is quickly melted into amusement as this was definitely the first time you ever made the second move to the dozens of times he’d left you flustered.
Chenle dips his head down close to your face. Eyes trained on each other, you tried to get yourself to breathe. He looked alluring, and you watch his eyes drop to your lips. Your head had become blank, nothing in mind. Just him. Chenle, and nothing else. His calm eyes, button nose and plump lips that you so very badly wanted to press against yours. “Are you sure?” he whispers.
You close the space between you and Chenle, lining your lips with his and connecting them together. The sensation almost sending you on your knees, you grab onto his shoulder for support and he holds you up by the waist, swiftly wrapping his strong arms around you. It felt like such a big relief, you almost sighed.
When you pulled away, Chenle’s smile comes into view as you fluttered your eyes open. He places his hand at the back of his head and scratches, suddenly becoming shy. You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.
“You’re something else,” you giggle, smacking his arm before snatching your bag from his shoulder and turning on your heel to leave. You feel his hand against yours, forcing you to stop. “I’ll see you after my trip?” he asks.
“Same time… for class,” you reply, looking back at him with a cheeky smile. Chenle lets your hand go, a smitten smile on his face and a warm feeling in his chest. Zhong Chenle wished things were simpler. He wanted to give you the world.
 “It’s just a black tie party and my dad’s forcing me to come with a date,” he fixes himself in the mirror. He looked handsome, as always. In an all-black suit that fit him perfectly. Dressed like he had someplace to be, people to meet.
You sat on your bed behind him, arms folded and face scrunched up into a frown. A date. Probably someone from a rich family, better than you, his future spouse. They’d have perfect little babies together. All these bitter thoughts were flooding in your brain. When he notices your unusual quietness, Chenle turns to face you and gives you a goofy smile.
“What’s on your mind?” he approaches the bed, placing either hands on the side of you and leaning in close. Chenle could tell when you lied and knew exactly how to make you crack. You pull your knees to yourself and don’t bother hiding the scowl forming on your face. You couldn’t do anything about it. After several talks with Chenle, he explained how much pressure he gets from the media and his family. How dating even became a hassle because of how the pressure would then be shared with his partner.
For years, it wasn’t a problem. He didn’t find anyone that sparked his interest, and only had meaningless one night stands. He was fine with it, really. But all of that changed when he met you. For once, he wanted to go after something he loved. Not let it go, unlike what he did with his own passion for the sake of his father’s dream and business.
You shook your head, ridding the thoughts in your head and throwing them out. “Nothing. I know it’s just business. Message me when you get home?” you didn’t need to ask, but you still do. Chenle always kept you updated, whether if it was how the party he’s in has a chocolate fountain or if the bathrooms have automatic toilets. It was always bizarre hearing about his stories and taking a peek of what his world is like. The world of corporates. You weren’t ready for it, and Chenle knew.
 The secrecy of your relationship didn’t last very long, soon enough it’s got media questioning who Chenle was seeing and your status. After a few run-ins with the paparazzi, you both decided it would be best if your meetups were more discreet. Luckily, the cameras hadn’t captured your face yet, but it was only a matter of time until they did.
To top it all off, the news had spread across campus. Girls left and right claiming they were the one dating Chenle, it didn’t bother you too much. You had a scholarship to keep and a job to go to. Sometimes, you’d find a single rose and a letter waiting for you in class, or at the café. Of course, you and Chenle had wrapped up the tutorial classes and he was able to pass the exam. He was one step closer to his degree, but happy wasn’t the word to describe him.
He yearned to be with you, have you in his arms and spend hours together just like you used to before things got complicated. Chenle grew lonely without your presence as months passed. Nonetheless, you hung onto the string of hope that maybe one day people wouldn’t care so much. That you could take all the criticism, the heat.
 It was around 2am when your phone rang, disturbing your slumber. It was a Friday night and you took it upon yourself to catch up on some sleep after the horrendous exam week you just faced. Chenle had said goodnight hours ago. You wondered who could be calling at such an ungodly hour.
You pick up without checking the caller ID.
“Y/N,” Chenle’s voice filled your ear. Your eyes snap open and you shot up from your bed, pulling the phone away from your ear. Sure enough, it was him. Lele, with a little heart beside the name.
“Hey, are you alright?” You ask worriedly. His voice sounded slow and there was rustling behind him.
Chenle lets out a groan, and your heartbeat picks up its pace. You knew better than to think Chenle would cheat, but it was definitely worrying hearing this without any idea what was going on. “I miss you,” he breathed, voice raspy and low. You couldn’t keep the smile from appearing on your face. In the darkness of your room, your heart swelled with joy. “I miss you too, Chenle,” you whispered back.
Distinct voices come through the line, and you make it out to be Jeno and Jaemin. They’re bickering and you hear a guitar in the mix. “We’ll leave you here, Chenle,” Jaemin calls to his friend before you hear a door close.
“Why did you call?” you ask but you were happy that he did.
“Because I can’t be there with you. Even if it’s all I want right now,” he confessed. Your smile faltered and a hint of sadness falls upon your face as he continues. He was obviously drunk, but Chenle has always been really honest because he couldn’t lie. These days however, you haven’t had the time to talk much and you knew there was a lot on his mind. It hurt to know that it’s been this, and you couldn’t do much about it. “I just want to tell everyone about us. Screw what they think, YN. You’re perfect to me,”
Hearing his words gave you a glimmer of hope. You wished he was right, you wished you could believe it.
“Chenle-“ you sighed. “I want that too,”
There was a moment of silence before his voice came through again and you thought he’d passed out drunk already. “I love you, Y/N. I’ve sacrificed so much for my father, but you’re not going to be one of them,”
His words brought the smile back to your face, tears welling up in your eyes from how happy you were to hear them. It seemed at this moment that you could battle anything, because you were with Chenle. Everything would be alright. He was here and you are too, it’s the two of you against the world.
“Tomorrow, let’s make it official,” Chenle proposed.
You bring your hand up to your lips and bite on your nails, now fully awake more than ever. “Okay,” you agreed. Chenle grins, getting up from his bed. “I’m coming over,” you can hear him walking around now, keys jangling and shoes on his wooden floor.
“You can’t drive-“ you hurriedly try to stop him, keeping in mind his state.
“I don’t drive a Tesla for nothing,” he chuckles. “I’ll be there soon,” The outgoing beeping of the call followed afterwards as he ended the call. The realization hit you a moment later.
 The next day, you and Chenle arrived in school together. He stayed the night, carrying a change of clothes in his bag. For someone who was smack drunk, he sure did pack well.
From the moment you stepped out of his car, many students were around to watch. Exchanging whispers and staring, your cheeks set aflame when Chenle pulls you by the arm, your hands connecting between you and threading together naturally. It drew the attention of many onlookers and you chewed on your bottom lip, not used to the attention.
“They’re staring,” you whisper close to him.
“Let them,” He responds. Chenle tilts your head up to meet his gaze before planting a lingering kiss on your lips, confirming people’s already forming suspicions. “You’re my girl, aren’t you?”
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lilsuzn · 4 years
MLQC Lucien - NSFW abc headcanons
Sorry I was gone for so long. I was busy doing hot girl shit.
Fandom: Mr. Love: Queen's Choice
Warnings: S.M.U.T.  (the reader is gender neutral, but I quote Lucien’s “silly girl” at one point so idk)
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
It’s probably because of this relationship you two have. One that Lucien thought he could never have.
Frankly, he didn’t really want one. Even with you.
But it was impossible to stop himself from jumping into that rabbit whole.
You are not even a human for him. You are far superior.
A goddess.
A greater being that must be worshiped. Cherished. LOVED THOROUGHLY and Lucien can't stop himself from doing all that.
He would help you clean up with so much care. Hold you like he’s about to lose you. Wisper praises and declarations of love into your ear.
Prefers to stay in bed, but wouldn’t mind to do it in a bath either.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He never really gave it much thought, but if you’d ask him, he would probably say - his neck.
Because he noticed how much attention you give it. That given a choice you would always kiss and bite on the neck.
And the unreformable tease he is - he loves your ears.
The way you twitch and squirm when he licks the or softly blows around them. The way you flush when he leans in to whisper directly to it.
All those small reactions get his blood pumping.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
A big fan of cuming onto you.
Your ass is his staple favorite, but chest, stomach, back or… basically anywhere else is not bad at all either.
If he ever comes inside you without a condom… and gets to see his seed dripping out of you… IT’S SUCH A BEAUTIFUL CHANGE OF PERSPECTIVE FOR HIM.
Nothing can beat the look of his seed spilled on your pretty butt, BUT… damn that’s a nice sight.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He doesn’t believe that some deeds can be dirty or naughty.
He's a scientist. Explorer of human's brain. He knows that every single of those is a normal, human thing.
But given that we all know what is this question all about…
Lucien really liked to draw when he was a kid and he still does it from time to time.
And what else could he sketch in his free time if not the most beautiful creation of this world? You. Naked.
He has countless amounts of those at this point. Every part of you has a separate piece. He likes to go through them from time to time.
Meaning every day when you're not around.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Lucien is not a virgin but he had never been in a real relationship before you.
He had some one night stands. A few booty call relationships, but he had never been with someone the way he is with you.
So you were still a challenge, because he could not allow himself any shortcomings when it came to you.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
That’s a spoiler for the future, but Lucien is more than willing to try everything and he doesn’t really feel any special bond with a particular position.
However he does have a particular group and if you remember what I said in C above, you know where I’m going.
From behind. Seeing your butt shake. He’s an ass man. (would love to try anal if you’d show an intrest in that)
Major bonus points if you turn your head to the side and look at him. With your lovely, beautiful face that he loves oh so much.
He instantly speeds up to the point that no man should ever reach and will happily carry you around for a day or two - you’ll need it.
Because after that there could never be only one round. Or even two or three.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
I wouldn’t call it goofy.
It’s very intense. Almost in a spiritual sense.
For Lucien sex is a metter of high importance. There’s no room for fooling around.
He needs to focus, so afterwards you’re completely spent, blissed and fucked to the point where you could never enjoy sex with any other man.
Toxic trait of this cutesy otome boy - possessiveness, and although he won’t try to control what and with who you do... 
(the man has some dignity and respect for your autonomy)
He will make sure you won’t be able to forget who makes you feel so f*in' good and being ‘goofy’ won’t make the statement.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
I think Lucien would be somewhat groomed, but not bold.
Shaving just isn’t natural and therefore necessarily good for one’s body.
Therefore, if you shave he might try to convince you to stop.
I want to touch a woman, not a girl - he would say.
Carpet matches the drapes (however I like to think that Lucien has ginger pubes dontjudgeme)
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Said first in A, now will be more specific.
With Lucien sex is some kind of a ritual of worship.
It’s a sacrifice for his goddess. His energy, his time, his most attentive care.
Love beams from his eyes even stronger than light does from the sun.
The foreplay will be elongated. You need to come at least twice before he enters you (see T).
During he roams your body with his hands. Boldly, but not aggressively… unless you’d like it.
Afterwards… well, just read A again.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He’s a very busy man, so he doesn’t get many chances, but…
When he can he’s right at it… thinking of that pretty ass of yours.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Lucien is quite kinky.
He's in for anything that doesn’t go under N conditions. Anything. 
Likes bondage. No. He loves it. On you. And blindfolds.
DOM BOY, but wouldn’t mind to go sub from time to time for you.
You want you to submit thoroughly, so he can thoroughly please you. Give you all that can be given.
Lives for roleplaying.
He also is really into body worship. He will praise you to the point of incredibility. 
See T gir. It’s really an intense game.
Lives to hear you beg for him.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
He likes to be in a private, comfortable place, when he doesn’t have to worry about any interruptions or other inconveniences.
Best in your or his place.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
First of all he really needs no convincing.
The beast is awake momentarily when you wear his clothes. Like his sweater when you're cold. Or a shirt after a passionate night.
"You make a very nice sight indeed."
Other thing is lingerie. He likes it dark and erotic. Satin and straps. Maybe some nice, sheer mesh.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
No humiliating one another.
Nothing that even comes close to making you feel like he might have attempted to disrespect you.
Also - no outsiders.
And no hiding one another's fantasies. He’s there to please and satisfy you. Don’t take it away from him.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Can you stay up all night
Fuck me till the daylight 
If you don't get it yet, it means he wants to 69 with you.
All night. Every night.
The taste of you in his mouth is heavenly.
The feeling and sight of your mouth enveloping his groin is pure ecstasy.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He doesn’t have much of a fav.
It all depends on his mood.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
It’s not like an unacceptable option, but he prefers delayed gratification.
Will agree if you insist, but won’t ever offer.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? etc.)
Why would he ever limit himself to known and obvious, when there might be something far, far superior to what both of you already know.
He enjoys erotic literature. Sometimes reads online articles about interesting positions, toys or new ways to make you come harder and faster.
Won’t shy away from many things. Just remember about what I said in N.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
This man rarely sleeps. Rarely even rests.
This man is a rabbit.
It's more likely you will pass out of exhaustion then that he will take a break from fucking you. Weather it's with his hands, dick, lips or… other things. 
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Speaking of other things.
And fucking.
Lucien invested in a nice collection for the two of you. Vibrators. Rings. Suckers.
He likes to please you in every way he can. 
While the toys take care of you, you suck onto him.
Sometimes you just embrace yourself as the toys take care of your needs. And you go like this for hours. Until you can't take it anymore.
And let's not forget the bondage equipment. Ropes, handcuffs, blindfolds, gags, whips….
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Obvi. What did you expect?
A lot.
For hours.
Until all you’re able to say is “Lucien” and “Please”.
Edging is not negotiable. Happens every time. Often to the point when you come so fast and unexpectedly he just couldn’t stop on time.
Will talk dirty to your ear in public to then “accidently” stroke your nipple or if he feels particularly bold that day - your crotch.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Not shy at all. No shame.
Will moan, groan, pant and hiss all he wants and as loudly as he wants.
Let the neighbors hear. Why would he feel ashamed of fucking you?
LOVES when you do the same.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He would love to take you for a weekend trip. In the mountains. Renting a nice cottage.
Necessarily with a fireplace. And a jacuzzi.
He would have it decorated with many, many gleaming candles. Set all around the cottage.
The soothing music would play.
His fingers would play with your sex while you soak yourselfs in the jacuzzi.
Then he would lay you on a soft carpet in front of the fireplace and make love to you. True, unmistakable love.
It would be a trip to remember for the rest of your lives.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
First off all, see this meme.
He just emanuates that massive dick energy. That’s just facts. No one in the bunch can relate. I’m sorry stans of the other 4, it’s not my fault, don’t @ me.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
High. Very high sometimes.
Okay - usually very high, sometimes extremely high.
All nighters will happen at least once a week unless one of you really has a tough week or just had one and still tries to get everything together.
Otherwise no mercy. His lover needs to have all her needs fulfilled. Lucien would never allow you to walk around hungry or cold. Why would he let you be unsatisfied in this category, silly girl?
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Not right away for sure. 
He wants to watch you fall asleep. And then see those cutest expressions you make in your slumber.
Sometimes he just grabs a book and holds your hand until you wake up.
Other times he isn't able to resist it and falls asleep. You in his arms. His world at peace.
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mxpseudonym · 4 years
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Pairing: Michael x Fem!Reader
Summary: Michael is your father’s easy to tease business parter and you are one lucky bitch. In which Michael Gray is an ass man and a thigh man who gets lost in the wap.  
Length: 2153 words (allegedly)
Warnings: Spicy, Smut, Oral Sex, Michael is a little punk as usual 
A/N: Michael won the spicy scenario contest! This was v fun to write and honestly, we love a cocky yet generous lover on this blog. Shout out to all my thick thigh thirsty bishes. 
"Are those new?" Michael asked, only shifting his eyes from the documents he was signing for a moment. You lifted your leg, showing off your new french stockings to your father's business partner. Bringing Shelby Company Ltd documents to be signed by Michael Gray himself was the only errand of your father's that you volunteered to help with. The ever serious, young businessman was easy on the eyes and easy to rile up- your two favorite things. 
"They are, Mr. Gray. I'm surprised you noticed. I didn't think country boys cared about such things, even when they become handsome company men." 
You couldn't help it. Calling Michael a "country boy" was your favorite jab as it was the one where he gave you an annoyed glare, much like he was now. He ignored you, however, and returned your documents to their folder. 
"Of course, I noticed. And did you buy them yourself?" 
"I did. I buy all of my lingerie." 
You smiled cheekily as you stood. You headed towards the door, documents in hand, when Michael stopped you by gripping your wrist. You turned and felt your back hit the wall next to the door when he took a step closer. 
"Are you wearing it now?" 
Though you'd been hoping for this moment, you still felt the heat warm your cheeks at such a question. Micheal's hand reached up, his knuckles brushing against your stomach and dragging the fabric against your skin. "Is there more under this?" 
"Yes," you finally answered softly. 
"Can I see it? Please?" 
As Michael scrunched up the fabric of your beaded dress, you thought about how devious he sounded whenever he used polite words. You'd be better off if he'd just commanded it. Michael pulled your dress up until it was above you bralette, and you shifted under his gaze. He let out a soft grunt and reached up. 
Your breath hitched in anticipation, ready for his touch. Instead, you heard the click of the lock next to you. It wasn't necessary. You strategically came after hours, and the office was empty. If anything, it was a signal to you for what was about to come. 
"Hold this."
It took a moment before you realized he wanted you to stand here, back pressed against the wall of his office, holding your skirt by the hem, so a man you hadn't even had dinner with had his way with you. Who were you to disobey?
Michael kneeled before you, still eyeing you with a look of satisfaction and renewed hunger. He found your waist, caressing up to your ribs then down to grasp your fleshy backside covered in silky, lacey delicates. 
If his touch hadn't already set your face aflame, the eager moan that left you at the feeling of Michael's unforgiving groping would have done it. 
He swore under his breath before leaning in and pressing his lips against your stomach. His hands slid from your backside down to massage your thighs as he placed open-mouthed kisses against your tummy. Every so often, he'd bite down, quick to cover the teeth marks with a hot, soothing tongue before you could complain. 
You'd slept with a few people before, but this was a different kind of act. Were you always this sensitive? Or perhaps it was the way Michael seemed to be trying to consume. Your new stockings were a bit tight on the lining, and the garters pressed into the meat of your thigh as you were still getting used to adjusting the clasps. The combination made the pudge of your thighs spill over in a way you weren't sure about, but Michael couldn't get enough of. 
His nimble fingers played with the hems of your stockings, dipping under them almost absentmindedly before letting the material snap. His fingers slipped under the straps of your garter as well, teasing you further until he moved from your stomach, now littered in love bites, to lean down and bite at your thighs. You could feel the hot dampness of his tongue through your stockings for only a moment before he moved on. 
"Michael," you gasped loudly when he shamelessly pressed a kiss to your mound through the fabric. He paused. You thought you'd upset him, but after a moment, you felt a soft vibration against your hips. He was... laughing. 
Michael looked up at you through his eyelashes, and you almost gasped at how boyish he looked in that moment, the first time he'd looked straight into your eyes since moving down your body. 
"Y/n, you can take more, can't you? I even haven't done anything yet." 
There's a wicked smugness about his words that left you pouting. "Stop that." He gives the order seriously, and you take your bottom lip between your teeth instead. "Good girl."
Your fingers clenched around the hem that was now anchored at your bust. Everything Michael was saying went straight to your core. Though he was teasing, you hoped Michael was right about you being able to take more. 
His unspoken statement of "are you this wanton already" was apparent. He'd hardly started, and you were already trembling and so close to the edge. It wasn't your fault, you decided. He was the one who was as calculated as ever, even in the way he unclasped your garters to tug your shorts down your legs. 
"Can you multitask?" He asked, arrogant as ever. You nearly slammed your legs closed around his stupid face. However, he reached up and pulled down one of your hands, guiding it to hold up your leg by the back of your knee. Your back pressed harder against the wall as you adjusted to your new balancing act. 
Gingerly, Michael leaned forward and kissed your aching pussy, making your breath hitch. He leaned back and looked up at you, the glint of his lips apparent even before he slowly licked his lips. You said his name weakly, meaning to scold him for being vulgar. He pushed all of your words away, however.
"You're so wet."
He was leaning in again, and you could only tilt your head back in delight but also disbelief that this was even happening as Michael indulged. 
Indulgence was the perfect word for it. Michael wasn't one to rush, but he'd never waste time. His nosed skimmed the soft hair on your mound as he nudged your clit. Michael moaned when his tongue laved over the length of you. He was eating you well. He was eating you for fun. 
You hadn't thought about staying quiet due to your whereabouts, and you were glad for it seeing as you would have failed. Your cries filled the air of the office, making both of you even hotter. Michael dipped between your folds, prodding your entrance with a stiff tongue and making you a bit dizzy as the heat that had rushed to your face ran between your legs.
Michael, for a moment, took inventory of the situation without stopping his efforts. Maybe something was off if he had this good of a time, not that that would have hindered him. Your thighs were warm around him, you were positively trembling, and making you cum as a way to shut you up was becoming addictive. He can hardly keep up with your bucking hips as you cum from his tongue, circling your sensitive bud. As you panted, you could feel Michael's breath against your still twitching cunt as he spoke into it, almost to himself. 
"Mm, you taste sweet. Dripping too."
Though this wasn't planned, there was a natural flow to these things. Michael had fully expected to be inside of you by now. But you looked enticing in your lingerie, and your skin was so soft he couldn't help but kiss the inside of your thighs. And you were whining for more? He could feel himself bulging against his pants, and yet he couldn't stop himself from diving back in. He needed more. 
He fired you from the job of holding your leg up and threw it over his shoulder instead. Your hand clenched his hair, earning a deep groan from the man beneath you. Your hips rocked against his mouth, and he quickly matched your rhythm, never letting you escape from the pleasure you instinctively felt was too much. 
"Ah, Micheal, please," you panted. A sudden pinch to your backside made you jump and look down at him with wide eyes. 
"I said hold it," he said, face glossy with you. You realized only then that you'd dropped your dress, and it was disrupting his progress. 
"S-sorry, Mr. Gray" 
"If you can't hold it, bite it for Christ's sake," he said, dismissive as ever. And yet, the was a glint in his eye from you saying his name that way made you realize it was a new command. Michael looked you over, your eyes teary from your dress now stuffed in your mouth like a gag and a muffled whimper coming from you when he hungrily licked his smirking lips.
Seeing you like this was more than he could ask for. Your cries were muffled but no longer held back. He looped an arm under your leg, keeping your hips still with a firm hand. The least he could do was release anything holding him back as well. 
You came again from his mouth alone, and yet you felt a stiff finger slide into you before you were even sure your waves of pleasure had subsided. Michael's tongue flattened against your bud, and your head fell back, eyes clenched shut. Having something to clench around was more than satisfying.
"Can I have you like this all the time, love?" Michael asked, watching your face as he added a second finger with ease. Your whimper at the initial feeling turned into a loud moan when he curled them inside of you. "Maybe not, though. You can barely keep it together. You should see yourself right now, y/n."
"Mm!" Even if you weren't gagged, you still would have had trouble calling his name. Every thought left your head. Only the chase of more releases and the sound of Michael's voice remained. 
"Can't help that you're addicting, y/n. I did want to have you over the couch or something, but that'll have to wait. I want to tire you out just like this. You're a tight little thing too. Squeezing the life out of me, just from a couple of fingers." 
He chuckled, and the familiar embarrassment that also made you more aroused shot through you. He pressed deep into you and massaged your walls, pushing you off the edge once again. He let you pull his hair with both hands, only groaning as his head tilted back from the force. 
Even like this, he didn't stop. Instead, he used the added wetness to add a finger. 
"Sorry, I'm greedy. Can I have one more, y/n? Just one more okay?" He said it so casually you'd think he was saying one more cigarette or one more pint. He pulled the dress from your mouth, revealing the ache in your jaw that you couldn't be bothered with yet. 
"I want to hear you." 
He pressed a hand against your stomach, holding the dress and your hips still as he leaned him and attacked your clit once more. The tightening coil in your lower belly was almost overwhelming now. 
"Oh god, too much, too deep," 
"Hm? You're not making sense, love," Michael said just as he began a steady pace of pressing the sweet spot deep in you. "It's too much?" You only responded with your eyes rolling back as you shivered. "You're this worked up from my fingers. How do you think you'll be when I actually get inside of you?" 
The thought itself made your walls flutter around him. Your body tensed and released as you cried out. Michael continued until you were calmed, merely whimpering. He freed you, and you slowly found yourself panting on your knees. 
Through hooded eyes, you watched Michael lick your cum from his fingers. How did this country boy end up this way? He pulled his handkerchief out and cleaned his hands, then his face. 
"Sorry, you didn't get a taste, love. Here." 
Michael let you slump forward into his arms, wrapping you in his warmth before kissing you. His tongue pressed past your lips before you could even think to stop it. As he intended, you could taste yourself all over him. 
Something stirred in you, but you were too spent at the moment to do much more than getting drunk off of this sinful kiss. Michael kissed you fervently until finally, they came soft and lazy. When he pulled away, he cupped your cheek. 
"That was good," you finally said. You leaned against Michael's chest and closed your eyes, allowing a small smile to grace your lips. "For a country boy." 
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closedafterdark · 4 years
If you were given a chance for a threesome in LOONA which duo would you pick heejin anf choerry or olivia hye and hyunjin?
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“You want me to do what?”
“Pick who you want to h-have a threesome with…”
Your lips crashed against your girlfriend’s, Jeon Heejin. Arms wrap around both of your bodies as your natural desires are beginning to release. Both of your movements are driven by a mixture of instinct, lust and passion.
Your tongue finds its way inside Heejin’s mouth, meeting its counterpart and engaging in a fierce duel with it. Both of you fought for control, not wanting the other to claim victory. Your hands wandered around the feel of her warm, soft body. Heejin was very fit but also possessed a certain curviness that you always found yourself discovering new signs of.
You break the kiss to dive into her neck, your girlfriend lifting her head to give you easier access. Your hand simultaneously finds its way behind her waist and grasps one of her soft butt cheeks, earning you a soft moan from her as she allows you to reacquaint yourself with her body.
It hadn’t been long since the two of you were last intimate - three days to be exact, but you have spent a large amount of that time apart in between the thighs of Choi Yerim and Son Hyejoo.
“Who did you have in mind?” you whispered softly into her ear, blowing hot air as Heejin releases lust-filled moans. Each time you have slept with her friends, it was always just you and them. But her newfound proposition to you brings a mixture of uncertainty and excitement at the thought of having another person in the bedroom.
“Y-Yerim and I…” Heejin began, her voice low and quiet. “O-Or Son Hyejoo and Hyunjin… ahh.”
The possibilities of how you would give each of them pleasure aroused you even more as you left the comfortable crevice of her pretty neck. You give Heejin a soft kiss on the lips before kissing her shoulders and turn her around. The two of you were currently on the outside balcony of your apartment. Heejin was facing the railing, grabbing onto it for support.
Heejin had no regard for being seen in public, as she was currently naked for all who wanted to see. You admired how tight she was; she lost some baby fat on her cheeks but still contained the soft squishiness you loved pinching whenever you teased her. You were never one to complain about the size of her breasts, as long as they were perky and fit in your hand, that was all you needed. She had been putting many hours in the gym - her toned biceps, a flat, slim stomach that led to the beautiful present waiting for you between her thighs.
You lifted your shirt over your head before pressing yourself against her back. As it was the only article of clothing you had left on you, the two of you enjoyed the feeling of your naked bodies pressing against each other. Your arms snaked around her wanton body - your left hand reaching upwards and cupping her breast while your right hand caresses the defined muscles of her abdomen.
“Baby…” Heejin moaned, accompanied by a sigh of satisfaction at the feeling of your hands teasing her body.
You planted soft, tender kisses against her skin, feeling her hardening nipple against your palm as she lets out a louder gasp at your intimate touch. Your hand traces a tease-filled path until it finally reaches the ultimate prize: the wonderful, warm spot in her lower body.
Your middle finger quickly dives deep, going past her thighs to the very bottom of her pussy, finding it unsurprisingly drenched. Her juices quickly soaked your finger as you slowly traced her outer lips in an upward movement until you found her clitoris. You caressed it in slow, up and down movements, relishing in the fact that your girlfriend was already so aroused.
“Baby… you’re so wet.”
“You make me wet…” Heejin replied, driving you to slowly increase the tempo of your strokes against her clit, the volume of steady moans escaping from her throat rapidly increasing. “T-The thought of you f-fucking Yerim and I sounds so yummy.”
Heejin gulps a large amount of saliva as your finger plays with her clit for several long minutes. She feels her forehead start to sweat as waves of pleasure course through her body.
By this point, Heejin is a quivering, shaky mess. She struggles to hold herself up as her legs feel like they’re turning into jelly. Her sexual frustration was at an all-time high, as Hyejoo and Yerim went into great detail about the intimate moments they shared with you.
You continued to press yourself against your girlfriend, releasing in the warmth of her lower body radiating against your shaft. Heejin moves her hand behind her and her fingers delicately grab onto your cock, pumping you up and down as slowly as she can given her current position.
You reward Heejin’s efforts with your own, your finger rubbing her clit with a consistent pressure. Your other hand massages the stiffened nipple of her breast, pinching it and earning yourself soft, breathy moans escaping from her throat. As your fingers continue to work their magic on her body, her arousal continues and increases in volume as she reaches her peak.
The pleasure is beginning to be too much for Heejin, who lets go of her tight grip on your cock. She reaches back with her hand, grasping onto your hips as she tries to support herself up from pleasure coursing her body.
“Oppa, I can’t last much longer…” Heejin said, barely able to speak from the gasps of pleasure and lust. “I’m cumming…!”
Heejin is unable to prevent it any longer. Her body is wracked by intense spasms as the hand between her legs drives her over the edge. Her soft thighs capture your hand and wrist between them as you feel her body quiver in pleasure. You squeezed her breast a bit tighter as she savors every moment of her orgasm.
“Oppa…” she said softly, her chest heaving with heavy breaths. “I want you to fuck me.”
You take your cock and softly place it against her quivering, hot wet flesh. Both of you take delight in the feeling of your cockhead pressing against her opening, the slit pressing against her clit as it passes over it. In one soft movement, your head is lined up with her ready, inviting lips. Heejin’s mouth opens and releases a small gasp as the two of you savor the feeling of your bodies being connected. Heejin rubs her hips against yours, signaling to you that it was okay to move inside her.
You pumped slowly, a bit hesitant she wanted you to go rough even though her body wasn’t ready yet. Both of you wanted to make sure to prolong the moment, enjoying every sensation that coursed throughout your bodies.
Heejin’s constant stream of moans that came from her throat was a stark difference to Yerim and Hyejoo. Yerim was loud - often cheering you on during random moments and wanting to make as much noise as possible. Hyejoo was a bit softer, but was no stranger to being loud when hitting certain peaks of pleasure. With Heejin, she started to gasp and moan the second you entered her and would continue when you finally left her body. Her palms firmly gripped the railing as you finally began fucking her.
The sounds turned into something that could resemble words as you increased the speed and depths of your thrusts slightly. You enjoyed the feeling of Heejin’s soft ass smacking against your crotch as your cock pounds her wet tightness.
“Oppa! Oh fuck… just like that… fuck me just like that…”
It doesn’t take very long until Heejin’s next orgasm arrives.
“I’m gonna cum… oppa, I’m gonna cum!”
Heejin screams, her second orgasm not nearly as intense as her first, but the soft warmth of her pussy’s contractions as she reaches her peak are no less satisfying. The sudden wetness that floods your cock is just one of the many things you loved about her. Her body shudders softly as the waves of pleasure crash over her. And while you both are a bit saddened that it isn’t as powerful, the warmth and soothingness of it is enough for you.
“B-Baby… I’m cumming…” you said to Heejin. It was more of a statement rather than a warning. While you did want to prolong your own orgasm, Heejin knew her body would make you unable to do so. You looked down watching your hands hold onto her hips as you thrusted into her. Out of her friends, Heejin had the tightest pussy. She made sure to let them know that whenever they got together and ended up talking about you. Post-orgasm, Heejin’s pussy was almost unbearable with how tight it always becomes.
Heejin doesn’t acknowledge your statement, wanting you to thrust a few times into her body before she finally answers.
“Cum in me, baby.” she says softly as she closes her eyes and allows herself to savor the pleasure. “Fill my body with your cum. Cum in me like you did this morning to Yerim.”
Her last sentence fell on deaf ears as your orgasm takes you by surprise. You thrust into her once more, filling her all the way. Your cock spasms, sending thick, hot streaks of semen into her wanton pussy.
“Oppa…” Heejin said softly, her voice a soft whisper. “Tell Hyejoo not to drain you so much next time.”
Somehow the two of you managed to find yourselves back in bed. When you wake up, you find you are all alone. Trying to shake the haziness of sleep away, your eyes slowly begin to focus on Heejin looking at you from the entrance of the bedroom door, smiling sweetly at you with a hand on her hip.
“Hi, baby. You were knocked out pretty good there.” she said.
“W-What time is it?” you said, stretching your arms before rubbing your eyes.
“I know, it’s early. But I completely forgot Jungeun unnie and I have a museum date today. Seems like she got some inspiration from when you visited her art studio and collaborated.”
“But what about the thing you brought up last night?”
“What do you mean?” It doesn’t take long for her to realize what you meant. “Oh… that. Sorry, baby. It seems like you’ll have to enjoy being suffocated by Yerim’s thighs without me. Make sure to save some energy for me when I come back home.”
“I love you.”
Still exhausted and trying to recover from the haze of drowsiness, you were unable to see Heejin off, only hearing the sounds of the apartment door locking behind her as she exited.
You promptly went back to sleep, wanting to enjoy the feeling of sleeping in. After a relaxing warm shower and reheating the breakfast made for you that you wondered how she found the energy to do so, you were currently on the couch, flipping through various channels to find a program worth watching.
The ringtone of your doorbell plays, echoing throughout the apartment. Grumbling at the thought of your viewing experience being interrupted, the monitor comes alive and displays three women of various heights. Smiling, you press a button that unlocks the door.
The moment you approach the door it opens and you are greeted by a gust of long brown hair as you feel someone suddenly squeeze you. Choi Yerim loved giving you hugs, whether it be in the bedroom or not. She looked up at you with her beautiful, bright round eyes. The smile on her face seemed to be etched on, you never saw her without it. Even though a majority of your time with her was intimate and pleasure-seeking, you enjoyed moments like these where the two of you valued one another’s company.
“Let go of him and let us get a turn to hug him too.”
A loud sound comes from Yerim’s back as she reacts and holds you even tighter. Son Hyejoo was a quiet person, mainly using actions to get her message across. She gave you a soft smile, her triangle shaped upper lip furrowing as she shook her head at Yerim’s refusal to detach herself from you.
“Hi, Hyunjin.”
Kim Hyunjin was the last of the women to meet your gaze. The last time you were intimate with her was in the parking structure of the hotel you all were staying at in Jeju Island. The sinful act of intimacy made you two forget to buy bubble tea for the group - something that didn’t go unpunished by Heejin, especially since she specifically told you not to sleep with anyone besides her during the trip.
Like Yerim, she had big, round eyes. While Yerim’s were bright and possessed a certain glint, Hyunjin’s were beady and seemed almost robotic. All of you were used to her lack of facial expressions, seemingly able to tell what mood she was in even though she looked exactly the same to an untrained eye.
“What brings you guys over?” you asked, inviting them in as you waddled due to Yerim refusing to let go of you.
“Did Heejin tell you anything?” Hyunjin asked as she and Hyejoo sat on the couch. You sat on a different one facing them, Yerim by your side.
“She said… a threesome between her and Yerim over here, or you and Hyejoo. But that won’t be able to happen since Heejin’s not here.”
“That’s kinda why we’re here, oppa. We told Jungeun to plan a day for just the two of them weeks in advance. And when we told her we wanted to have a threesome with you, we scheduled it to happen at the same time.”
A bit stunned at what you just heard from Hyunjin, you looked to Hyejoo. She looked down and away, a simple nod as confirmation. Looking to Yerim who was clinging to your arm, she had a bright smile on her face.
“I was the one who brought it up to them. Fighting, oppa!”
“So… it’s not a threesome?”
“No. In fact… it’ll be something even better.”
“You get to have your way with all of us.”
“Right. I mean… what?” you asked.
“Heejin unnie is gone. Which means we get to have you all to ourselves.” Hyejoo said.
“I’ll take any chance I can get with you.” Hyunjin said. “Plus, it’ll be fun seeing you fuck these two.”
“I just want to spend time with you, oppa.” Yerim added. “Your hugs always keep me so warm.”
“So… who do you want first?”
Hyunjin’s words registered in your mind as Yerim and Hyejoo sat on your bed. You were thankful to have changed the sheets before they arrived, but knew it was futile since you would have to replace them afterwards.
“I have a choice?”
“Of course you do. So, who will it be?” Hyunjin’s voice was stern, and her facial expression becoming emotionless meant you knew she was serious. A chill filled the air as you had no choice but to weigh your current options. All three had delicious, mouth-watering thighs that you would love to sink your head or cock between. Hyejoo’s simple makeup and curve hugging dress made her a clear choice if you wanted stimulation from her mouth or breasts. Yerim always made sex fun - her beautiful smile as she moaned and rode your cock brought a certain element of friendship to the intimate and erotic act.
“These two have been making some bold claims, oppa.” Hyunjin said, approaching Hyejoo. She gently placed a finger underneath her chin, grazing it before lifting it up so that the two would make eye contact. “Son Hyejoo has gone on record by saying she gives you the best blowjobs… and that these tits of hers snuggle your cock and keep it warm.” Hyunjin squeezes Hyejoo’s clothed breasts, slapping them harshly two times each before leaving her.
“Choi Yerim on the other hand… says you love fucking her thighs. She’s even said Hyejoo and I are twigs compared to her.”
“Oppa, it’s true! You said you loved my thighs!”
“Enough.” Hyunjin said, yanking Yerim’s beautiful chestnut brown hair. “These sluts must be punished for their false accusations.”
“What punishment did you have in mind?” you asked, slightly nervous yet aroused at the same time.
Hyunjin folded her arms, pacing around several steps before stopping. She brings a hand to her chin, tapping her foot as she seems to be deep in thought.
“I say you start with this whore first, oppa.” Hyunjin finally answered, pointing her finger daintily at Yerim.
“Yay!” Yerim said excitedly - you shook your head. Leave it to her to find a positive out of a serious situation. You noticed it was a mixture of happiness and desire. Yerim loved sex almost as much as she loved being happy.
Hyunjin traces Yerim’s cheeks tenderly with the back of her finger, before it drifts downward towards the nape of her neck. One hand softly wraps around Yerim’s neck while the other squeezes her breast and pushes her down onto the bed.
“Are you ready for oppa, babygirl?” Hyunjin asked, every word dripping with seduction.
Yerim’s black skirt was raised up by Hyunjin revealing her pure, creamy skin inch by inch. You had a fondness for women with wide hips and nice thighs, something Yerim had plenty of. She wore a pair of sheer black panties, ones you were certain you ripped off of her yesterday.
“Surprised to see you wear underwear for once.” Hyunjin said. “You always did enjoy pretending you aren’t a slut.”
“I-I’m not a slut, unnie!” Yerim whined. “You’re the one who could never keep her legs closed before Heejin unnie and oppa got together!”
Hyunjin’s face instantly reddened with anger. “Oppa, eat this slut out. Now.”
Hyunjin had a devilish look in her eyes as you approached the bed. Yerim instinctively raised her legs and spread her thighs, giving you the perfect viewpoint to sink your head into. Mirroring yesterday’s rendezvous at the gym, you grabbed onto the hem of her cotton panties and yanked them off her body. The thin fabric proved no resistance, easily being removed from Yerim hips. You were now face to face with her beautiful pink lips, glistening wetly. It never took much in order for her to be aroused.
Unable to contain yourself any longer, you find yourself between her spread thighs. Your tongue escapes your lips, savoring the taste of Yerim’s sweet nectar. You give her hot, slick pussy long licks starting from the bottom and working your way up. You briefly take a moment to swirl the tip of your tongue around her clit each time you return to it.
“Fuck, oppa…” sharp gasps escape her mouth with each of your licks. Yerim and your sheets quickly become a mess - her hot, wet juices leak out and drip down your chin as you establish a rhythm. You give her slow, broad strokes with your tongue. Yerim’s thighs instinctively try to close themselves around your head but you prevent it, holding onto her inner creases and spreading them apart. She has become a needy, squirming mess at this point.
Yerim’s delicious thighs obstruct your view and make you almost forget Hyejoo and Hyunjin were in the room with you. All you could focus on is the woman whose legs you were in between and the thought of making her feel good. The steadily increasing volume of her moans are the only other sense you recognize besides the taste of her pussy and its juices.
“Oppa… I’m cumming… Fuck! I’m about to cum, oppa…!”
You were surprised at how fast Yerim’s orgasm arrived. Besides the fact you were pleasuring her, the thought of being watched and wanting to prove to the others just how good you were with her may have been the reason her climax triggered prematurely.
Yerim screamed loudly as you intensified your clicks on her clit, it being the final key to unlocking her orgasm. The pleasure wracked her body as it forced her thighs closed around your head, despite your insistent efforts to keep them spread open for you. Her body convulses, shaking as you feel a hot rush of tasty juices enter your mouth as she orgasms. She tasted sweet, she always did. But this time, perhaps the situation of being watched made her that much more delicious.
You savored the taste of her juices, her quivering pussy pulsing from aftershocks as Yerim struggles to come down from her euphoric high. You give her wet flesh long, slow licks. Her thighs weakening their grip on your head signals to you she is beginning to return to normal, moaning incoherently as you give her pussy a deep kiss and rise from between her legs. You lick your lips in satisfaction, using the back of your hand as a napkin.
As your senses begin to refocus, you were a bit surprised to not hear Hyunjin or Hyejoo. You turn around and see Hyunjin with her back to the wall near the entrance of your bathroom. Hyejoo is in front of her, free of her dress as Hyunjin cups the younger woman’s full, round breasts. Her beady eyes stare back at you, almost taunting you for not picking the busty vixen.
Hyejoo’s triangle lips provide little comfort for her steady stream of moans. She has been reduced to a shuddering, writhing mess in Hyunjin’s embrace. Hyunjin licks Hyejoo’s ear from bottom to top, blowing a warm breath of air softly while simultaneously her hand descends down towards her crotch.
“Oh, fuck…” Hyejoo moaned in a deep register as Hyunjin’s naughty fingers slipped past the undergarment and rub her lips.
“Oppa, this slut is drenched for you too.” Hyunjin said a frighteningly erotic smile on her face.
Yerim had been able to recover from her orgasm, closing the distance between you two as she removed the sweatpants from your body. You looked down at her and both of you smiled, Yerim biting her lip as she makes quick work of your boxers. You stroke her hair appreciatively, Yerim nuzzling her cheek against the palm of your hand satisfied she earned your approval.
You laid down on your back, Yerim snuggling close to you as your lips connected with each other. Her small hand reaches down your body and strokes your cock slowly, a calm feeling before the storm of pleasure soon arriving.
“Get on top of him, whore.” Hyunjin said, finally releasing her hold on Hyejoo. She slaps the younger woman’s ass harshly, the sound satisfying all of your ears.
Son Hyejoo climbs onto the bed, still drunk from the pleasure Hyunjin gave her but ready to have you inside of her. She straddles you quickly, her soft, muscular thighs your favorite thing to be in between. You were surprised to see a trail of clothing from her previous spot with Hyunjin, she certainly didn’t waste any time. Yerim gives you one last kiss before moving to the other side of the bed. Hyejoo grabs your hard cock, giving you two quick strokes. She was delighted to feel you strengthening in her hand, your shaft pulsing. She bites her lips, showing off her beautiful triangle upper lip before giving you a mischievous wink. Hovering above you slightly, Hyejoo aims your tip against her opening before slowly lowering herself onto you.
“Oh my god…”
Both of you closed your eyes - the feeling of your cock entering her tight walls is something you will never grow tired of. Hyejoo bit her fingertip, her body still adjusting to you being inside her. She was gorgeous, her soft features a stark contrast to the sinful curves that made up her wide hips and thighs. She was cute and adorable during the day - but in the bedroom she was captivating, a woman who was fueled by lust.
Hyejoo rides you slowly, placing her hands on your chest as she takes you in and out of her body with short movements of her hips. She quickly gains speed, riding you with a firm pace as your cock enters and exits her hot, wet pussy. You watched as a steady stream of soft gasps and moans left her full lips. Son Hyejoo’s breasts bounced with each thrust of her hips as she braced herself against your chest. They were hypnotizing in a way - you had no willpower to resist as you reached upwards and fondled her soft flesh, teasing her stiffening nipples with your thumbs. Hyejoo is bouncing up and down on your cock, her hips grinding against your own.
“Look at this slut, oppa. All of us are jealous how big these nice, soft tits are.” Hyunjin said, going behind Hyejoo as she slapped her tits. Hyejoo had the nicest bust of all the women present, using it to her advantage whenever she took your cock in between them.
Hyejoo screamed in ecstasy, her soft, pillowy asscheeks bounced against your thighs. Her warm, velvety walls wrapped around your cock as you began to fuck her harder.
Hyejoo looked at you with half-lidded, lust filled eyes. She wanted more. And so did you. You slapped her beautiful bouncing breasts, causing her to moan even louder.
“Hit me more… please.” she cried. “I want more.”
You grabbed her breasts roughly, squeezing them into your palms. Hyejoo’s soft flesh wasn’t able to fit into your hands, a testament to their large size.
“Oppa… likes Hyejoo’s tits doesn’t he? They’re so nice and bouncy just for you…”
“They don’t fit in oppa’s hand… they’re too big.” you said, slapping her jiggling breasts once more. You punish Hyejoo for having a large chest by constantly squeezing them before giving her harsh smacks, increasing in force each time. Her body reacts accordingly, the force of your slaps being felt as her butt jiggles each time. Her pussy constricts your cock even more, the absolute tightness of it a mixture of pain and pleasure.
Feeling a bit tired, you decided to hold onto Hyejoo’s hips as she rode you. Having already been stimulated by Hyunjin, it doesn’t take very long until she feels her orgasm arriving.
“Oppa… I’m cumming!”
Hearing those words you pumped upwards, timing your thrusts with her lowering her hips. With one final lowering of her body all the way to your base, Hyejoo freezes. Even though she knew it was coming, the orgasm still takes her by surprise - her pussy tightens significantly around you. You did everything in your power to resist joining her. Hyejoo’s body quivers, shaking on top of yours as she fully succumbs to the pleasure coursing through her. Her nails dig into your chest, holding onto you tightly as she savors the euphoric high.
Waiting for you on the floor below was Kim Hyunjin, spreading out your spare bed covers as a makeshift bed for the two of you. Her nice, round ass and tantalizing thighs were beckoning you to be in between them.
“Took you long enough. Now it’s time to fuck a real woman.” she confidently said.
“Fuck her, oppa. She keeps bragging about how quickly she made you cum!” Yerim whined. Son Hyejoo laid on her back, her eyes still half-lidded as her chest heaves, her soft breasts rising and falling with each staggered breath. You smiled, it always did take her some time to recover from her orgasms.
“Yerim, why don’t you go and strip your slut of an unnie for me?” you said, giving her a soft kiss on the lips to sweeten your request. Yerim giggled and reciprocated, giving you plenty of quick pecks before getting off the bed. She traces Hyunjin’s face with the back of her finger, the older girl freezing up at the sudden contact. Yerim makes a show of unbuttoning Hyunjin’s sea blue collared shirt. Reaching down and squeezing her soft ass, she unzips Hyunjin’s skirt and slides it down her long, perfect legs.
“Unnie’s not a slut, Yerim.” Hyunjin complained.
Yerim suddenly grabbed Hyunjin’s wrists and pushed her down on the bed covers. Waiting for you, she takes her place on top of her unnie’s face.
Like Heejin, Hyunjin had a perfect, model-like body. She squirmed and tried to resist, her efforts in vain as Yerim’s thick thighs held onto both sides of her head. Hyunjin loved being defiant, especially in bed. And due to her effort in making Hyejoo have an orgasm before you could truly enjoy her body, you wanted to punish her.
Hyunjin’s efforts to keep her thighs closed were met with a soft laugh from you, prompting you to use hardly any force to spread them apart. Your palms held onto each full, warm thigh. Her pussy was inviting, almost taunting you. The wet flesh glistened, ready for you to take her.
Your cock, still covered in Hyejoo’s juices was currently in your hand as you slapped her pussy with it. You were delightfully rewarded with the sounds of wet flesh against wet flesh. A soft gasp escapes Hyunjin’s lips as she is wet from you and from Yerim’s pussy mere centimeters from her face.
“I… I’m not a slut, oppa.”
“Then why are you dripping for oppa like a leaking faucet?” Yerim sneered.
Ignoring the two of them cutely bickering, you placed the head of your shaft between her soft wet lips and entered her pussy with one full stroke.
You’ve forgotten the feeling of being inside Hyunjin’s pussy, with her mainly preferring to take you between her thighs or inside her ass. She was tight - tighter than Heejin. But of the three currently in the room, Hyunjin would be in the middle; the top spot going to Choi Yerim who was currently above her face. Her pussy had a hot slickness that made her body utterly sinful to be inside.
Hyunjin gasps loudly as you are reacquainted with her pussy for the first time in months.
You grasp her full thighs and bury your cock as deep as you could before withdrawing until only the head was inside - then you begin fucking Kim Hyunjin.
“Oh my god, oppa… That feels so fucking good.”
You grabbed onto Hyujin’s neck with both of your hands and squeezed firmly. You briefly saw her eyes widen before your view was replaced with Yerim’s thighs and cute butt. You fucked her roughly, contrasting your delicate actions earlier with Hyejoo. Yerim’s soft moans were drowned out by Hyunjin’s loud, muffled ones.
Yerim held onto Hyunjin’s head, her nails digging into the older girl’s skull as she roughly pulled her hair. Yerim’s moans quickly turned into loud screams as she was being eaten out. Hyunjin’s body rocked back and forth as you fucked her even harder with each thrust. The room was soon filled with wet flesh and three people using each other for their own pleasure.
“Make me come, unnie.” Yerim said, holding onto Hyunjin’s hair. “Make me cum like the slut you are.”
“Mmhph.” Hyunjin groaned from underneath Yerim’s thighs, slurping her juices loudly.
“You like when oppa pounds your slutty pussy don’t you? I bet your ass is stretched from how many times you have let him and Heejin inside there.”
Yerim’s depreciating words fuel your inner desires, causing you to pick up the speed and fuck her violently. And while you wished she was on her knees so you could slap her jiggling ass, you relished in knowing that she was receiving twice the stimulation.
“Do I taste good, unnie?” Yerim asked, pulling Hyunjin’s head around in a circular motion. “Oppa likes my juices. He says they’re sweeter than yours.”
You ran your fingers up and down the creases of Hyunjin’s thighs, her body spasming as you continued fucking her. All she could feel was Yerim’s pussy and beautiful ass on top of her. Her unique cherry scent still lingering even though all three of you were sweating and perfumed the air with the unique smell of sex. She felt her tight, wet pussy’s walls wrapping around your cock as you thrust your hips inside her.
Hyunjin teased Yerim by kissing the inner creases of her thighs before burying her tongue as deep as she could go. Yerim’s moans filled the room as she pushed her pussy deeper into Hyunjin’s mouth. The three of you worked in sync to make each other cum.
“Unnie… I’m cumming. I’m going to cum on your face… oh my god…!”
Yerim’s nails dug deeper into Hyunjin’s head as she continued slurping her clit between her lips. Although you couldn’t see her face, you knew Yerim’s eyes were half-lidded with pleasure as the pressure building up inside her was about to release.
“Fuck… unnie! I’m about to cum!”
Yerim screamed as her thighs pressed deep against Hyunjin’s face. Clamping onto both sides of her head, Choi Yerim’s juices gushed all over. Hyunjin’s face became a mess, you saw juices trailing down her chin and neck as both women’s toes curled as they lost all control.
A simultaneous feeling was happening on Hyunjin’s lower body as you thrusted inside her. Yerim kept Hyunjin’s face buried between her thighs long after her climax had subsided, wanting to savor the feeling of her unnie’s tongue. Each thrust of your cock inside her made her pussy drip onto your shaft as her walls clenched you tightly. Unable to give you any warning, you hear Hyunjin’s muffled scream as her orgasm finally arrives.
Her tight, velvety walls squeezed the life out of your cock as juices freely flowed out of her pussy and drenched both of your thighs. Hyunjin’s body was a quivering mess as she tried her best to not lose control of herself. You held onto her exhausted hips, giving her several short, shallow thrusts before removing yourself inch by inch until you were no longer inside her comfortable cavern.
Hyunjin’s body was completely drenched in sweat. Her freshly fucked pussy glistened with her juices, leaking onto the bed covers below. She and Yerim were unable to speak, the pleasure having taken over their bodies. As the both of them laid sprawled on the ground half-lidded and drifting in and out of consciousness, Son Hyejoo kisses on you on the lips before bringing you back on the bed with her.
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Immediately you feel the walls of Hyejoo’s mouth massage your cock as she takes you fully inside. She looked at you straight in the eyes, her saliva leaking out the sides of her lips. Having learned to breathe through her nose from the amount of times she has given you a blowjob, more drool continued flowing out of her mouth. You held onto her face and began bobbing her head up and down, feeling her divine soft lips and tongue against your cock. Hyejoo’s head remained between your thighs for as long as you wanted - or at least she tried to, slapping them when she began to run out of air. You regretfully release your hold on her head, causing her to withdraw your cock from her mouth.
“Did that feel good, oppa?”
“Holy fuck… Hyejoo…”
Hyejoo smiled before moving her body upwards slightly and stuck out her tongue, allowing saliva to drip onto your cock and her breasts. She held the soft flesh tightly, wrapping your cock in a wonderfully warm pillow before she began to move her body up and down slowly. They were incredibly soft and plentiful, like a comfortable sweater made just for your shaft.
She stuck two fingers inside her mouth, her breasts sliding up and down your cock as a fresh supply of her spit came out of her mouth and dripped onto the both of you. Each motion of her soft flesh allowed her saliva to coat you evenly.
“Fuck, oppa… Your cock feels so good between my tits.”
Soft moans exited Son Hyejoo’s mouth as she squeezed her voluptuous breasts around your cock. It was an incredible sensation that you wished you had easier access to whenever you wanted. Part of you wished Hyejoo’s bra was still on, you enjoyed seeing your cockhead appear and disappear between her cleavage. Her breasts were so full and round - a perfect vehicle to surround every possible surface of your shaft. Interlocking her hands in front of her breasts, she squeezed you so tightly that it almost became painful.
“Oppa… does this feel good? It’s making me so wet…”
You opened your mouth but were unable to speak, Hyejoo’s breasts taking your breath away. She squeezed you even harder, the base of your cock repeatedly being hit by her lubricated flesh.
“H-Hyejoo, I’m cumming…” you managed to say.
“Cum…” Hyejoo replied, removing your cock from the warmth of her chest as she helped you get up and got on her knees in front of you. She wrapped her lips around your cock, sucking you roughly while massaging your balls before giving them a firm squeeze.
Not one did Hyejoo break eye contact with you, her eyes begging for your cum as you ran your fingers through her dark black hair.
“I’m cumming!” you yelled.
You tilted Hyejoo’s head upwards before holding her in place as you erupted all over her angelic face. It felt endless, a steady stream of lust, sin and desire you had built up in you from each of your sexual adventures with these women. Hyejoo just so happened to be the lucky recipient as you sprayed hot, thick semen all over their mouths as you watched it slowly drip down her body, painting her creamy smooth skin.
“Thank you, oppa.” Hyejoo said, saliva, sweat and cum dripping down her face as she smiles at you.
You climbed back onto the bed with Hyejoo, both of your energies thoroughly depleted. She traced her fingers onto her face, consuming as much of your cum as she could. She brushed your hair, staring at you lovingly before giving you a deep passionate kiss. You lowered your body, resting your head on her soft, cloudlike breasts.
“I want round 2 when you wake up, oppa.”
And while she wasn’t there to experience what just occurred, you were happy that Heejin prepared such a special event for you.
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cupidlakes · 4 years
What's your favorite and least favorite thing about gogy?
idk why this isn’t framed like an ask like it looks like i just typed the above stuff out omg i don’t know what you did op but sure i’ll answer this!
edit: anon i’m so sorry and i didn’t realise you said “thing” and this is very lengthy
i’ll start with my least favourite, george can be really stubborn sometimes and when he won’t easily give into something it’ll kind of ruin the mood/make others really frustrated and it can be tense to watch
it’s like sometimes he knows when to concede and back down and other times he’ll just argue for ages and want it his way it’s usually over very silly stuff related to minecraft, then again it also doesn’t ruin entire streams because him and his friends are quick to get over stuff it’s just something he does which can be awkward to watch in the moment
on a more serious note george being aggressively apolitical is also not my favourite thing i get it and i largely appreciate how he tries to stay unproblematic and he has a good track record but his radio silence sometimes on things is not a good look and it’s something that can personally bother me
but also it’s not like i can or want people to force him to make statements on stuff he doesn’t know enough about but a little allyship couldn’t hurt when it’s a cause everyone is rallying behind and most of the time it’s only ever george who hasn’t said anything even sapnap and dream have had things they stood for or at least when it mattered and george just hasn’t, ever
it’s worth it to note i don’t think he’s secretly a bad person or has really awful views i just think he doesn’t get/care about politics and it’s okay to admit that comes from a place of privilege no one is above this
my favourite george things include (because i cant pick just one):
how he instantly vibes with people he sometimes straight up doesn’t know there’s so many examples of this and i always love watching his mcc povs because it’s nice to see people instantly warm to him, he just has that effect and it means i never fear him being in calls with people he doesn’t talk to/know that well because it’s never awkward he’s always pleasant and he’ll match their energy and it’s a really nice time! bbh was right yesterday about george having a bright personality that people are drawn to
his non-competitiveness and ability to not take stuff toxically seriously is really nice and refreshing like again, it’s why i’ll always pick stuff like his mcc pov to watch because he’s just there for the ride and to have fun and be entertaining for his viewers and obviously he’ll try his best and if he wins it’s so exciting but if he doesn’t it was still a really really good time and the vibes would always be good regardless
i love his respect for his own privacy unironically i think it’s cool that he doesn’t want to share every detail about his life and he shouldn’t have to i like that he clearly separates the content and his online persona from his real life some stuff is just personal to him and he should be allowed his things that he doesn’t want to share with the world but i like when he does and it always feels special when he wants to :)
i like that he’s kind to his viewers and always wants to make us happy and it’s in the little things he does, like i was rewatching an old stream and someone asked him to turn on the subtitles in minecraft because they were hard of hearing and he did it immediately he also writes down peoples names to check out what they’ve sent to him and seems to make an effort to check
i’ve mentioned this before but he tells off people for spending too much money on him genuinely and it’s funny i remember him once saying something along the lines of “it’s not reverse psychology when i tell you to stop like i seriously don’t want you spending that much on me” and it was just nice to hear and he always wants to satisfy his viewers and make us happy and give us the best content he can offer and i really appreciate it
i also love how he genuinely engages with people he’ll do it by pointing out peoples funny twitch names and expands on their donos when he wouldn’t have to and starts discussions w his chat and i just like that when someone says something to him he takes it in considers it and replies honestly and starts talking about it generally i don’t know how to explain it but george doesn’t brush off donos the same way i see a lot of other people do he genuinely thinks about his answers and what he’ll say back
would it be silly to mention how i love how he interacts with his pets/animals he seems to melt down into a softer version of himself whispering and being really gentle it’s a nice side of him to get to see sometimes he seems like genuinely such a kind person
and my god this is getting so long but the last thing i’ll point out and i talk about this a lot so i’m sorry but it’s how i love when george has these little moments where you can see he really pays attention to and appreciates the smallest details in life whether it’s him fawning over dogs in minecraft or simplistically describing the frogs he’d catch as a kid as “slimy” or appreciating a good sunset it’s like, i just like how he looks at things and decides he likes them and wants to be happy over them, this world is so chaotic and busy there’s smth beautiful to me in someone who can stop and appreciate the simple wonders in it for a moment and it’s weirdly grounding
alright i’m so sorry this was an essay long response i’m so bad at condensing my george feelings but i hope this came across well if you’re still here thanks for reading
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goldens0422 · 4 years
Far Too Many Coincidences - Anidala Fanfic
It all started when she went to that fertility clinic, and she was able to choose which sperm donor she wanted to have as the biological father of her baby. The name Anakin Skywalker on one of them felt familiar, and not long after choosing him, she soon remembered that kid that she met on Tatooine when she still lived there, a nice coincidence. He had the biggest crush on her back then. Now, they’ve both grown up: At 27 years old, Anakin Skywalker owned a tech company and was a millionaire well on his way to becoming a billionaire, and at the other end of the spectrum, at 31 years old, Padmé Amidala owned a well-known law firm in the same state as Anakin ended up moving himself.
She met him soon enough by accident, the both of them meeting in a Starbucks which they were both coincidentally in at the same time as Padmé moved from one favorite coffee shop to another. They both knew at least a bit about how the other fared at life since media kept tabs on them as was the norm, and Padmé soon told him about her pregnancy and how she got pregnant, something only her immediate family knew back then, though she didn’t tell him he was the biological father just yet as he was conflicted in that category. The two then exchanged numbers in order to be able to further keep up with one another.
Coincidentally, the two only lived a few blocks away, with both of them residing in townhouses because Padmé was still rather frugal and Anakin wasn’t interested in sleeping in his headquarters nor buying a larger house before it really felt time to do so. Padmé also started working less, and this led Anakin to start visiting a lot to check on how things were going. She tells him often that he doesn’t need to worry so much, but at some point, she gave up, knowing he would still come back either way. Then again, she shouldn’t have tried getting him to leave anyway. She was comforted by his presence.
She would usually say to herself that she didn’t know why he kept coming back, but she knew. She knew it for the longest time. She swears it was already obvious since Day 1, and she had a feeling her reciprocation of his feelings were equally obvious.
She soon found out she was having twins, a boy and a girl, and coincidentally, Anakin came by the next day. The first person she broke the news to was him. Something tells her that propelled Anakin to come by even more often because that’s exactly what he did.
She even discussed the baby names with Anakin, even though he wasn’t even going to be the acting father (something struck in Padmé when she thought of that). They eventually came up with calling the boy Luke and the girl Leia.
She was deep into her pregnancy now, and she knew having twins (or having multiple babies for that matter) were likely to break her water earlier than expected. She was also very tempted to tell Anakin who the father really is.
They were finishing watching a romcom which Anakin recommended, and she loved it. In fact, she loved all the movies she and Anakin watched together, though she vaguely remembers spending a lot of the time looking at Anakin.
“So, did you like it?”, Anakin asked almost nervously.
“I did,” she smiled up at him. “Loved it.”
He narrowed his eyes as he held in a smile, “I don’t know, really. You didn’t cry while watching, so…”
She laughed, “Yeah, I guess I didn’t, but then again, maybe I am holding back all the crying for the big day.”
Anakin laughed himself, “I guess you are.”
She slowly nodded awkwardly, and there was a bit of silence.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Sure, go ahead.”
“You did say you got the two through a fertility clinic, right?”
“Yes,” she confirmed.
“Now, not that it matters so much, but may I just ask who the father is?”
Oh, wow, what a coincidence.
She turned to her bedside table and pulled open the drawer. The folder including a copy of information of the sperm donor was inside, and she pulled it out. There was a logo of the fertility clinic embossed on it. She handed it over to Anakin.
“Open it for yourself,” Padmé said.
Anakin opened it, and she could tell the exact moment he realized it.
There was a baby picture of him there along with a picture of him probably taken around 6 years ago, and basic information on him was provided.
He turned to her, suddenly treating this as a lot more important than he first stated, “M-me? I-I’m the donor you chose?”
“Y-y-yeah, you,” Padmé replied shyly, her cheeks warming up. “I just thought the baby pictures were cute, and I would’ve wanted my kids to look like that. You have…pretty good hair, too, and I want my kids to have good hair.”
Anakin blushed and rubbed the back of his head, his hand running through his thick, fluffy chocolate brown hair, “Thank you.”
Padmé smiled for a bit before she noticed something.
Yet another coincidence, she supposed.
“My water broke.”
Anakin rushed Padmé to the hospital, and it wasn’t long before she was rushed to a room to eventually give birth.
Anakin was sat down next to her the entire time, and Padmé occasionally took a look at him, and as much as he wasn’t going to be one of those taking care of the children, he looked like a husband so nervous as he watched his wife push. It was almost as if he wanted to go through the pain himself so she didn’t have to go through it.
Eventually, the first baby came out, and it was the boy. A great many minutes later, the girl came out as well. By that point, she noticed Anakin was crying as well, though it was tears of joy. Padmé’s tears were tears of joy as well soon enough.
Anakin held the boy, and Padmé held the other.
“Any names yet?”, the doctor asked.
Padmé shook her head, “Not yet, could you give us a bit? We’re still kind of arguing over it.”
The doctor laughed before leaving them space, “Of course, well, I’ll be back in a bit.”
Anakin turned to her, confused, “I thought we decided on Luke and Leia?”
Padmé smiled once he said we. She had something in mind. It was profoundly stupid, but it was what she wanted, and it wouldn’t be any harder than raising twins alone, would it?
“Well, we didn’t have second names yet.”
“Oh,” Anakin slowly nodded. “Yeah, good point.”
“Any ideas?”
“Would Shmi for Leia and Jinn for Luke work? Those names are pretty important to me, so that’s why. I mean, they don’t matter so much because I’m not really going to be their acting dad. Well, that is unless you’d be willing to give me visitation rights, which still really isn’t that.”
She brushed off his last statements.
“Shmi and Jinn would work, yeah,” Padmé gave him a small smile.
Anakin smiled with a satisfied look on his face.
“Luke Jinn Amidala. Leia Shmi Amidala.”
Padmé shook her head, “Luke Jinn Amidala-Skywalker. Leia Shmi Amidala-Skywalker.”
His eyes widened, “W-what? B-but, I’m not their dad.”
“You are.”
“Well, biologically, yes, but I’m not gonna raise them.”
“That won’t be the case if you want to,” Padmé pursed her lips. “I-I-I know this is very stupid, but-but I-I love you, Anakin. In fact, I’m in love with you, and if you want to raise our babies with me, that would make me more than happy. It’ll be pretty tough at first, yes, but it honestly won’t be any harder than raising twins alone.”
She knew Anakin considered it. Without a doubt, it would be hard, especially in the early. After all, the two didn’t even live together, but as time would pass, it would become a whole lot easier, and she knew it. She also knew it would be very sudden. As much as Anakin had been acting like her twins’ dad throughout her entire pregnancy, she knew he didn’t consider legitimately being the dad.
Anakin eventually nodded, smiled, and kissed her, “I love you, too, and I’d love to be their dad. I can’t say I started the day thinking I’d even come close to being a dad nor come close to finding someone who loves me as I do her, but I also can’t say I’d say no to it.”
And, as Padmé Amidala-Skywalker looked at her now-family of 7 wonderful people, her and Anakin having 3 more kids after Luke and Leia, she couldn’t help but thank God for giving her the courage to make that stupid decision.
Though she still had to wonder how many coincidences it took to get there.
My Masterlist
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reidgraygubler · 4 years
Could I possibly get a head cannon for tickling Spencer and it turns smutty? I’m exposing my tickling fetish for Spencer Reid and Spencer Reid only.
ngl i had to do some research bc i didn’t know this was a kink... granted anything and everything can be a kink at this point in life. hope this satisfies you :) (this is also long. im still new to hcs so i don’t know how long they’re supposed to be. i also made it be spencer tickling reader...
Having a playful tickle fight w/ Spencer and he ends up fucking you
The act of one being turned on by being tickled
A tickle kink…
You didn’t know that it had an actual name. And, you didn’t know that tickling could be a kink.
That was until you met Spencer Reid 
You were a little shy at first, telling him you really liked being tickled…
Whether that was a playful way, or in a sexual way.
So… You waited a little while before you told him… A little while being 8 months into you two dating.
There was no plan of telling him tonight though...
You two were having a nice night in, watching a movie, and having snacks.
You were sitting curled up in his side, his arm wrapped around your body and your head resting on his chest, right by his chin.
Spencer’s lips were close to you and his breathing tickled your skin. 
You were squirming in your seat, trying to stay as still as possible, and trying to stay as quiet as possible.
Until the softest moan fell from your lips.
You played it off like it was nothing, really hoping that Spencer didn’t notice. Because you were about to be more than embarrassed. 
Spencer paused the movie, alerting you that he definitely noticed. 
“Did you just… moan?”
“I, uh…” You swallowed roughly and sat up, feeling a familiar blaze burn your cheeks. 
There was no way you were going to be able to hide this… not anymore…
“I’m really sorry,” you whispered as you rubbed your hands over your face. “I can’t even begin to explain what happened.” 
You tried laughing as if you were joking, but he knew there was no joking with this.
Spencer reached out and rested a hand on your knee.
You looked over at him and swallowed roughly, again.
“I really liked…” 
True to your words, you literally couldn’t even find the words to explain what had just happened.
“I really like being tickled, in like a… could be a sexual way... And the way you breathed on me felt sooooo good.” 
Your words came out fast and so quiet, you weren’t even sure you said them.
“You like being…”
Spencer looked at you with a raised eyebrow, you could see the confusion on his face. But it definitely intrigued him.
“Wh-what does that…”
“I don’t know… I just know that behind the ear, behind my knees, my sides, tops of my feet, my… my wrists, even, are so… ticklish,” 
Your voice was shaky and slightly breathy just thinking about the light-sensitive touches that could cause so much pleasure for an unknown reason.
“Like, sure it’s… a weird, childish, playful thing. But, you do it right and it,” you ended your statement with a whistle.
Spencer looked at you with a small smile, he was very amused with everything you were saying… 
Then he asked what your favorite objects to be tickled with.
“Feathers, like the kind you would use for, like… arts and crafts,” you whispered as you looked at Spencer.
Spencer nodded before standing up, leaving the living room. 
Assuming Spencer was just getting more food and drink, you stayed sitting on the couch, keeping your head low and your eyes on your phone. 
That was until you felt a soft feather brush across the back of your neck and ever so slightly behind your ear. 
You gasped and arched your back slightly. 
Your gasp turned into a soft giggle.
Spencer came around to sit beside you on the couch, a light purple feather between his fingertips and a sly smile on his lips.
“You mean, like this?” 
He asked, twisting the petite feather in his fingers.
You licked your lips and nodded. 
Spencer's smile grew as he grasped your wrist before dragging the feather down the backside of your wrist.
Another moan fell from your lips, though this one was intended and wanted by Spencer. 
The sensation of the feather on your skin spread all throughout your body. You squeezed your legs together when you felt a familiar feeling grow.
“Knismolagnia. The act of one being aroused by being tickled.” 
Spencer pulled the feather away from you, causing you to pout. 
“Why don’t you go into the bedroom and get ready for me?” he whispered as he leaned close to your ear.
That was the first of many tickling sexy times. And it most certainly wasn’t the last.
A lot of the times they were planned nights. The nights you both looked forward to when he’d come home after being gone for a week (almost two weeks)
You’d be sitting at home, on the bed, waiting for him after hearing they landed from their trip. Shaking from anticipation.
The door clicked open and Spencer would step in. He looked tired from working, but he looked… amazing as he undid his tie and looked at you.
There weren’t many words exchanged between the two of you as he pushed his shoes off and walked over to you.
You looked up at him when he placed a finger under your chin. 
A smile grew on your lips as he bent to press his lips to yours. 
When you parted, Spencer pressed his hand to the center of your chest before pushing you down.
He’d straddle your waist and grab both your wrists and hold them above your head with one hand while the other one lightly dragged up your sides.
You’d gasp and arch your back up at Spencer as his touch.
His fingers going up your sides, across your stomach, up and down your arms. The light touches leaving goosebumps in their wake. 
After a minute of stroking your torso and arms, he moved down your body. Going down your legs. Starting at the tops of your feet (not daring to touch the bottoms of your feet), then going to your knees, before finally going between your thighs.
He sat for a moment, watching your reactions to the way he just lightly touched and tickled your skin. The smallest gasps leaving your lips turning into the lightest moans, and your face twitching the slightest bit as he moves his hands closer to your center.
You could feel yourself get more and more aroused, causing you to wiggle and press your hips into the mattress under you.
“P-please, Spencer,” 
“Please what, Princess?” 
You let out an aggravated sigh as you looked down at him. 
The sly grin on his lips driving you insane as he moves your panties aside as he begins fingering you. 
You press your head into the pillow, letting out a whine as he did his hand-i work. 
Spencer was back over you, while his hand kept between your legs. 
He would press his lips to your neck, attacking the flesh there, before kissing your lips.
His other hand trailed up and down your sides, causing you to gasp and moan against his lips.
And after a moment you came. 
You caught your breath as Spencer climbed off the bed to un-dress. Which gave you time to take your undergarments off.
Nights like that were your favorite, and you weren’t afraid to admit that to Spencer. Not that he didn’t already know.
(im so sorry if this isn’t what you wanted. im still new with hcs and haven’t done a smutty hc... so, apologies if this sucks and isn’t what you wanted)
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fumiko-matsubara · 3 years
November 2014 ー 07:34
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Ryuunosuke woke up with a grunt when he felt something, or rather someone, shaking him fairly strongly for the past few seconds.
He then shielded his eyes with his right arm when lights suddenly flashed before him. Whoever woke him up probably opened the curtain too. Ugh.
"Nii-chan, everyone already had breakfast," he barely heard one of his sisters telling him. Based on how he was addressed, it was likely Kohaku. "And you woke up very late."
With that last remark, Ryuunosuke quickly sat up and bent down, rubbing his eyes with both of his hands in an attempt to wake himself up even more. He brushed his hair away from his face and then looked ahead, only to meet Kohaku's brown eyes staring down at him, clearly waiting for him.
After some blinking and a final squint, Ryuunosuke soon noticed his younger sister's hair being loose, very unlike how she usually wears it. "You want me to do your hair?" He gently asked.
Kohaku raised an eyebrow at him, clearly not expecting that to be the first thing he would say. "Get dressed up first, nii-chan. You're gonna be late," she sighed before walking towards his door.
It was after Kohaku closed the door shut that Ryuunosuke belatedly realized that it was a school day today. So he went to reach out for his phone that was on the shelf above his bed, which had been awfully silent throughout his whole slumber.
And felt like slapping himself when he found out it was because he forgot to unmute his phone last night, again.
At this point, he really should just stop muting his phone altogether.
Ryuunosuke's eyes widened when he finally looked at the time. He quickly went towards his desk, plugged the charger in his phone, and then hurried towards the bathroom to get ready.
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Less than 30 minutes later when Ryuunosuke arrived at the kitchen, only Kohaku was present at the dining table. He heard the running water after, assuming that it was their mom washing the dishes.
"Papa had to leave early for work and nee-chan and Yuko-chan already left for school. Mama only has to work this afternoon and our class' first period is cancelled today," Kohaku briefly explained to him when he sat down in front of her. She was half-way done with her meal and considering it had been over 30 minutes since she went down the stairs, Ryuunosuke assumed that she slowed down her eating to wait for him.
The thought made him a little happy if he had to be honest.
"That's good to hear," he replied softly, taking in the meal before him. Their mom knew him too well that she had just prepared him a light breakfast today as he had barely have enough time to eat. When he picked up the chopsticks, Ryuunosuke glanced at his sister once more with a small smirk. "You seemed to be waiting for me huh, Kohaku?"
Kohaku shrugged in response, matching his grin almost uncannily. "You know the drill, nii-chan."
"Of course, of course," and with that, they both proceeded to eat their breakfast or in Kohaku's case, finish hers.
After a few minutes of silence between them as they ate, Kohaku decided to speak up again.
"Kinda weird seeing you in your uniform with your hair like that, nii-chan," she casually pointed out. "Are you planning to fix it later or..?"
Ryuunosuke chewed his food in silence, contemplating her question. His hair was still lightly damped from the quick shower he had earlier, but unlike the usual fashion where he flattens down his fringes over his eyes, today he was currently wearing it loose and even had it slightly parted in the middle.
"Takes too much time," he firstly answered after a swallow then quickly drank from his glass of water. "I think I'm just gonna keep it like this."
Kohaku's eyes widened in surprise, clearly wasn't expecting his answer. "That's... new," she commented.
Ryuunosuke shrugged in response, picking up a slice of scrambled egg. "I just thought that I should start... getting used to wearing it like this," he paused midway from eating just to add that. "Well, outside..."
Kohaku hummed at his words, her eyes not leaving him since his first answer. There was only one bite left in her meal anyways, so she can waste some few minutes. "I think that's a great idea, nii-chan," she suddenly grinned cheekily. "I can finally brag to my friends that I have a handsome brother with proof~"
Ryuunosuke nearly choked in laughter at the remark, hurriedly saving himself by drinking water. "Hey now..."
Kohaku's grin widened even more.
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Ryuunosuke was occupied with tightly braiding Kohaku's hair into twin dutch braids when his mom approached them, seemingly done with washing the dishes.
"Ohh that looks very clean," he heard her praise which brought a small smile to his face. Although his eyes are fixated towards his work before him, Ryuunosuke felt their mom sitting on the couch next to him.
Feeling that their mom will just quietly watch until he's done, Ryuunosuke proceeded to diligently work on the second, lightly combing out the knotted strands with his fingers and carefully making the twists. Braiding Kohaku's hair into tight dutch braids had always been a daily routine for Ryuunosuke, as his sister usually requests for them, that doing so became such a light work that it only took him around two minutes to finish a neat dutch braid.
Another two minutes it is then.
Ryuunosuke was already half way through the braid when he felt his mom shift in her seat. If she was trying to find the moment to talk to him, he felt that he knew what it was about.
"You woke up late today," she started, more of a statement rather than a question. "That's rare."
Ryuunosuke bit down the urge to nervously laugh in response and just hummed lowly. "I forgot to unmute my phone."
As his eyes were still on the braid he's working on, Ryuunosuke couldn't see his mother's expression but since she hasn't given any signs of response yet, he suddenly felt the pressure to explain himself further. "Our class' group chat was really active last night and I couldn't focus on doing my homework... so I muted my phone."
"I think you should stop doing that," Ryuunosuke bit down another nervous laugh when his mom told him that so straightforwardly. "I mean, it's good that you wanted to focus on your studies and such. But it's concerning to have Miki-chan dial our house number plenty of times only because she couldn't reach your phone," she added, followed by a mildly tired sigh. "And every call makes me nervous because I thought it would be from your or your sisters' schools."
"Ahh I'm sorry about that..."
"Don't be," his mom reassured softly, watching him finish braiding the rest of Kohaku's hair with ease. "I'm driving Kohaku to her school, by the way. So you don't have to walk with her."
Ryuunosuke nodded in response, proceeding to carefully tie the remaining braid. "Your classes start at 10 today, Kohaku?"
"More like 10:30," his sister replied, standing when he finally gave the signal that he was done. Kohaku then ran her palms on her head to feel the tight braid and smiled in satisfaction, already happy with the result despite not actually seeing it yet. "Feels nice."
"Really?" Ryuunosuke stood up from the couch, lightly patting away the slight wrinkles on his blazer. "Not too tight?"
Kohaku carefully pressed some of her fingers onto her hairline to check, then shook her head. "Nope, not at all. Doesn't even hurt a bit, thanks nii-chan."
"Good," Ryuunosuke softly returned the smile before walking towards the end of the couch to fetch his school bag. He then went to the kitchen to fetch his lunch, which was already nicely packed by his mom. 
After carefully stashing it inside his bag, Ryuunosuke then proceeded towards the shoe rack near the doorway, where his school loafers are. He barely had less than an hour left, so he better start hurrying up if he doesn't want to be late. Especially since his house is fairly a distance away from school.
"You're going to school with your hair like that, Ryuunosuke?"
He turned back to the living room to see his mother curiously looking at him with her fairly sharp russet eyes wide in surprise.
"My hair..?" Ryuunosuke quirked an eyebrow before turning to the framed picture by the wall next to him, trying to get a proper view of his own reflection through the glass. "Oh." He saw how the slight parting was a little messy and so combed his fingers through his hair in an attempt to fix it.
Satisfied, he then went to pick up his loafers from the show rack and quickly wore them. He then saw his mom slowly walking towards him. "So you're really going to wear it like that today?"
Ryuunosuke nodded in response, giving her a soft and reassuring smile. "I can comfortably run to the station like this then, especially since most of my schoolmates should be in school by now, so I wouldn't be seen anyways."
"But what about your classmates?"
Ryuunosuke then shifted his weight onto his other leg, scratching the back of his head rather awkwardly as sharp maroon eyes darted away from the ones before him. "They know, actually..." He confessed.
Fairly sharp russet eyes widened in surprise once more at the revelation. "Since when?"
"Since summer, at the same time they also found out about the band," He truthfully answered, although he still couldn't bring himself to make eye contact with his mother. "And I forgot to tell you about it... I'm sorry."
His mother just let out a mildly tired sigh in response. "I shouldn't be surprised considering you once randomly told me one day that you actually had a girlfriend..."
Ryuunosuke let out a sheepish laugh at that, feeling his cheek heat up in embarrassment at the blatant call out.
"Speaking of, tell her I said hi when you see her at school, okay?" Ryuunosuke then felt the sudden urge to roll his eyes at the cheeky smile that was gracing his mother's face as she said that. "Well, I can't keep you here for too long. Just take care."
Ryuunosuke gave her a final nod before walking outside through the entrance door.
"I'm off."
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It was difficult.
In the end, Ryuunosuke wasn't able to bring himself to tell his mother what he opened up to Kohaku.
Which really left him on a more bitter note as this was something that his mother was affected by the most after himself. 
Ryuunosuke sighed once again as he walked away from the station. It's not like his mother would be mad or anything if he had told her the truth. In fact, it would actually be the opposite. She would actually be delighted and relieved at knowing about the mild changes Ryuunosuke had slowly but surely been making over the months. 
But there was an improvement, right? He did manage to finally tell her that he had shown his face to his classmates... even if it did take him nearly 4 months to do so.
All he really needed to do was to tell her that he wanted to do this, that it was purely his own choice. Even if he still had yet to get used to it. He just had to stop beating around the bush and only telling half-truths whenever he tried to be honest with her.
Because the last thing he'd want to happen was to take him until he's in high school before he could finally spill.
Ryuunosuke slowed down his steps when he was nearing the waiting bus across the street.
Well, that's just one problem he had yet to overcome. Another one was something he still had yet to find a way out of, as irritating as that actually sounded to him.
He took a peek inside the vehicle and sighed in relief when he didn't see a single Kunugigaoka student present.
It's either during the school festival or after their final exams that he could make his decision for that other problem he's having.
He entered the nearly deserted bus and took a seat at the very back by one of the windows. He then took his earbuds out from his pocket, thinking that it would take a bit before the bus started moving so he might as well listen to some music as he waited. Feeling a little less exposed now with just the very few people inside the vehicle, Ryuunosuke felt comfortable enough to completely brush his hair away from his face.
He had to be honest, with the way he had been wearing his hair up more often these days than he used to, his bangs are starting to annoy him at this point.
Shouldn't it be a good thing then? Well, partially it is very much a good thing. A great thing even, actually. Ryuunosuke himself is happy at the fact that he was hardly scared to show himself anymore after being countlessly reassured that there wouldn't be a repeat of what happened to him when he was seven.
He was actually happy at the fact that he can finally ditch this hairstyle whenever he's ready... especially since one of his classmates gave him such a mortifying codename from it.
Oh god he fucking hated that codename.
Whoever wrote that chosen suggestion better brace themselves the moment he finds out who they are.
Anyways, as much as Ryuunosuke could have wanted to permanently change his hairstyle much earlier... he couldn't really.
Especially since he does use his bangs as a makeshift crosshair when aiming to shoot accurately when not using a scope. And with the little time they have left before March, he couldn't just get rid of his bangs anytime soon and waste time relearning to aim and match his admittedly current high level of skill.
So he just had to suck it up until the next 4 months.
Feeling a glare breaking out, which he rather not show because he doesn't want to accidentally scare anyone first thing in the morning, Ryuunosuke closed his eyes and sighed deeply. 
High school debut it is then, huh.
All of a sudden, Ryuunosuke felt someone taking the seat next to him and tensed. Last time he had his eyes opened, which was just a few seconds ago, there were hardly any people inside the bus.
So who in the world would willingly sit next to him-?
Ryuunosuke cracked an eye open to peek at the person next to him and found himself about to smile at the sight of familiar voluminous black hair.
His smile widened even more when he noticed a familiar dainty hand slowly hovering over his opened palm placed on his lap.
Letting out a chuckle, Ryuunosuke decided to reach the hovered hand and locked fingers with them. He then leaned his head onto their shoulders and mildly nuzzled into them. "Good morning~" He greeted softly.
"Good morning Ryuu," Kaho greeted back as she tried to relax at his touch. 
Ryuunosuke then pulled away, not wanting to be excessive with the public display of affection, although he still had his fingers locked with hers. "Also woke up late today?"
"Yeah... My phone ran out of battery overnight," as she said that, Ryuunosuke took notice of the portable charger on her lap that was connected to her phone with a cord.
So that explains why she hasn't once replied to him when he messaged her earlier his morning.
"You're probably tired from the train ride," he said, relaxing onto his seat once more. "I don't think the bus will move anytime soon, so might as well take a short nap then..."
"You too," Kaho giggled softly. "I saw you running through the station earlier and nearly ran onto one of the pillars."
"No you didn't," Ryuunosuke immediately denied, his face slowly heating up.
Kaho leaned onto his shoulder with a teasing smirk. "Sure I didn't..."
"Just go to sleep."
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sparrowwritings · 3 years
Day Four: Fruit
Day Three -- Masterpost -- Day Five
Takes place sometime after Leaves
Lara knew from the start that being in a relationship with Darsus was going to have weird moments. That was just the consequence of dating, not just because he was an alien. Misunderstandings would end up happening and one side or the other would have to go into detail regarding where the misunderstanding happened. No big deal, usually.
Today’s weirdness was...a little much.
She looked around the kitchen, taking in the paper and plastic bags strewn about the counters and dining table. Fruits of various shapes and sizes could be seen from where they were stored. A few of the rounder varieties had even fallen to the floor. Darsus, having the guiltiest expression that she’d ever seen on him, was crouched in front of the fridge. He was frozen in place from his desperate attempt to stuff some of the more perishable berries into the already full appliance. All around his hooves were the splattered remains of the fruit that hadn’t made it. 
When her eyes settled on him, he attempted to smile. It made him look like he was in the process of swallowing nails. “H-hey...Lara…” Darsus cleared his throat and tried to close the door of the fridge. Juice started to drip onto the floor, joining the pulp that was already there. “I was just…um. Doing...things...” His voice trailed off as his singular red eye avoided her gaze. 
Lara closed her eyes,  took a breath, then held it for a few seconds before slowly letting it out. She repeated this process a few times while she thought. Oh she was definitely upset. Even a little angry. The kitchen was shared by the both of them, but it was primarily her space and Darsus had created an absolute disaster inside of it. However. She also knew that there must be some sort of explanation for it. Some reason why her boyfriend felt it was necessary to bring home a huge supply of fruit.
At the very least she hoped there was one, otherwise Lara might actually have to give him the cold shoulder for a little while.
“I just…want to know why.” Her eyes opened to watch Darsus’ reaction. “Just...why.”
“W-well…” He carefully stood up from his crouch. The refrigerator door still hadn’t been closed all the way, so he kept a three-fingered hand against it. Probably to keep it from swinging open. Dar gestured with his other one, pointing at a half-made pyramid of oranges. “I went to get stuff from the market that we needed, but I was hungry so I picked those up.” His finger moved to several large watermelons that had made their home on the floor. “Then a merchant shouted about a two-for-one sale on those and so I got those too, plus some apples and those round tan things that are orange inside.” 
It took Lara a moment to realize what he meant. “Cantaloupe?” She guessed.
“Yeah, that. But then another one asked if I’d tried honeydew before and I hadn’t so he gave me a deal on those.” He indicated the other set of round fruits that had green rinds this time. 
She could see where this was going, but she still nodded and responded. “Right…”
Darsus hesitated, then gestured at the fridge. “And while I was carrying the stuff back, there was this one lady who hadn’t sold anything all day and I felt bad so I bought up some of all of her berries. And uh.” He tried a smile again and this time managed to land a sheepish expression instead of looking sick to his stomach. “F-forgot. To uh. See if we had room for any of them.” He waited for a beat before he continued, “I’m sorry. I’ll help clean up.”
She took another couple of measured breaths. Dar looked about ready to fully retreat into his hood. Making sure her tone was even and stern, she said, “I think we’ve talked about how you really shouldn’t go to the market hungry, Dar.”
The gulp he made was very audible. “Y-yeah. We did. I uh, forgot. I’m sorry.”
With a deep sigh through her nose, Lara turned away from him. She sensed more than saw him flinch, and she spoke up before he could worry too much. “I’m just going to put on something I won’t mind getting juice stains all over.”
“Really?” His voice nearly squeaked with his palpable relief.
“Yes, really.” She turned her head to cast a squinty-eyed frown at him. “I’m not happy that you made a huge mess of my kitchen,” Dar’s shoulders, which had relaxed a little, shot back up to where his ears would be if he were human. “BUT...you promised to help me clean up and I know you meant it so I’m less mad than I could be. I accept your apology.” 
The tension in his body left all at once. “Okay...okay. I get that. Yeah.” This time, Darsus’ smile was genuine. “Thank you.”
Lara felt a flutter of affection stir in her chest before she turned away to head to the bedroom. “You don’t need to thank me every time I accept your apology! It’s implied!”
She just barely caught the words he mumbled to himself as she went to change. “But I do, though. You forgive me for my faults so easily.”
With no way to know how to react to that statement, Lara acted like she hadn’t heard him as she walked away. Still, warm affection mixed with concern while she rummaged through her clothes. How can I prove that I love him for the whole package and not just for his good side? She thought as she examined a paint-stained t-shirt. Sure it can get annoying to try to deal with how distracted he can get, but he always means well. There must be something I can do…
The answer came to her as she pulled out a bakery themed skirt from the bottom of one of her drawers. It had seen better days, with the hem being worn out and the body having a couple of holes, but the pattern was still very clear. It was a pattern of static images of a shop front with baked goods followed by various other dishes that looked yummy despite the pattern clearly having come from a drawing. Lara stared at the fruit tarts in particular as a smile spread across her face.
Darsus was the only one who could help work on his self-esteem…but delicious food would at least help with his mood. Satisfied, she put on the shirt and the skirt and made her way back to the kitchen. “I think I have an idea for what we’re going to be doing with all this fruit, Dar!”
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oceansmelodysblog · 4 years
'Until my last breath'
Zelink reversed roles AU fanfiction
Chapter 2
“The laws don’t allow us to take people inside the castle to give them refuge but we can definitely find work inside the castle for Nebb’s family members. Is there anything else I could do for you? ” James and Zelda stood in front of the bridge to the castle as they discussed about her conditions to work with him.
Meanwhile, Ragnar and Link hunted down the aggressor who threatened her life. The people of the festival enjoyed their time and danced light heartedly to the music.
Yet, in the dark corners of an abandoned street, Link pushed the man against an old façade.
“Do you work for someone?!” Link grabbed the man’s throat and lifted him from his feet with one arm.
“No, Sir. I am alone! Please let me down, “ the man could barely speak.
“Link, we better check his body for any evidences. He won’t tell the truth even if you threatened him.”
Link turned his head aside and thought about it. Ragnar had his cold sinister look in his eyes and Link knew he had an idea in his mind.
He threw the thief roughly to the ground and Ragnar ripped off the thief’s clothes. He never hesitated to rush into action.
Ragnar grabbed the man’s arm and pulled him to his feet. He trembled because of the cold but he also trembled out of fear, he knew of their ruthless reputation.
“Like I thought, this filthy rat is one of them. He wears their mark on his back like a farm animal. He’s just an underling but they came far too close to the castle for my taste. I would like to kill him but then we might lose a chance to track them down., ” in front of Ragnar’s face hot steam from his mouth surrounded him and gave his ice blue iris a mystical feeling. Thoughtfully he crossed his arms in front of broad chest, leaving the man freezing next to him.
“Yes, I agree brother. Though it’s not likely of them to attack healers. He must be an abandoned one and furthermore has to thief for his own survival. It may just be an inconvenience, but I believe he needed the rupees to redeem himself in the Yiga clan.” Link had his cold calculating look in his eyes and analysed every inch this man’s face for any reaction. He saw how nervous he became as Link spoke.
Link’s eyes sparkled immediately as his sharp mind saw an opportunity.
“Makes sense to me too, sharp senses as always. I guess we can’t kill him yet.”
“Y-yes! Yes! Y-you’re… right! P-p-please don’t kill me!” The man was trembling as his body felt frozen. He tried to warm himself up by wrapping his arms around his chest. He didn’t dare to try to escape them, too great was the fear to be killed.
Ragnar abruptly turned his head to him and pierced his eyes into the thief’s soul
“Shut your mouth, you filthy rat. No body told you to speak, unless you tell us anything you know about the Yiga. Until then, you will freeze your arse off. “
“L-l-look, I-I-I c-can’t even i-i-if I w-want-t-ted t-t-to.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Link had a feeling that behind his statement lay some truth. It wouldn’t surprise him if the Yiga cast a spell on their henchmen to secure their secrets.
And as the thought shaped into a deduction, Link exchanged a meaningful gaze with Ragnar.
“I-i-i-it m-m-means th-th-that we can’t be-be-ca-use th-they...use... I c-can’t s-say...use...u-use... SEAL!”
He screamed out the last words while his whole body shivered with the cold.  But as soon as had he said it, his head twitched spasticity, his pupils twisted and rattling noises came from his throat. He cried out his last breath and collapsed right after.
 Link and Ragnar watched helplessly and in shock as the thief lied motionless on the ground.
 Link and Ragnar knelt in front of the man and exchanged regretful looks, thinking about the cruelty of the Yiga.
„At least in death he is a free man.  Come on Ragnar, we’ll get him a decent burial. ”, said Link.
 He wrapped his cloak around the bare body and heaved it onto his shoulder.
„When we’re done with his funeral, we must report to Father immediately.“  Link marched through the deep snow under his boots, far away from the castle walls.  It cracked in the snow as he had to raise his knees more and more to get through the high snowpack.  Sweat ran down his back, his breath became heavier, and his muscles burned.  Ragnar noticed the thick vapor from Link’s breath, an indication of the immense strength that he had to mobilize at the moment.  Without a word, he lifted the body from his shoulder and carried it the rest of the way.
 Hours later, the brothers reached Lake Kolomo near the Forest of Time and buried the corpse among the trees.
 “Link, I’ve thought about it and I think we should only tell father about the Yiga once we have found out more.  He is never satisfied with half-finished business.“
 Their hands were flushed and stiff from the snow they laid over the grave.  It was time to return to the warmth, so the two broke up and left the man in the grave alone, but under the protection of the forest.
“Your royal highness, thank you for everything. I do have some other requests too, regarding my master and my father. I am in depth for my education since I tried to pay it all on my own but the payment wasn’t high enough, not to mention I often didn’t even receive it, to pay off my loans. If I work at the royal castle I want to be payed with a suitable salary for my hard work. I want to help people around Hyrule, that’s why I will need the salary to buy better equipment, medics and explore new methods to heal. I also want the freedom to leave the castle whenever I see the need to gather herbs, ingredients, make new flora analyses or look out for unhealthy people. In the matter of my father, I do not want my father to know that I would work in the castle. That’s all of my conditions, your royal highness.”
James thought about it while scratching his beard, not knowing if it was possible to give her the freedom she wanted as his father controlled everything and everyone.  For better or worse, she had to go to the king and speak to him. about it if he decided to be interested enough.  Anything that didn’t matter to him wasn’t worth his time.
“May I ask who your father is, gracious healer?”
“Yes of course you may. He’s the commander of the third legion of the royal army, Rhoam Dejardin. Your royal highness.”
James‘eyes widened as he drew in a sharp breath.  ‘Now I understand why she doesn’t want to have contact with her father, he’s just like my father!‘ James thoughts flashed back and forth in his head as he put the pieces together.
“I see! I guess we both have awful fathers then. Don’t worry I will make sure that you can stay away from your father. And about your loan, as the prince I am able to pay it for you, just say a word. But if you still want to pay it on your own, we will pay you even more than the royal healer gets. Because we need a healer that is independent and solely serves for the people and not the King’s moods. Please accept my offer to be a healer for the purpose of science.”
Zelda smiled at the speech of James. But she immediately realized that he was sweet-talking the other conditions while ignoring the most important one. Her freedom.
“Your royal highness I am pleased to hear all that. But I won’t accept the offer until All of my conditions are fulfilled. Please enjoy the rest of the evening, I have to go back to my stall. ”
She walked away without looking back, into the direction of her stall. James tried to hold her off by reaching an arm to her but she was already too far away. For now he would have to deal with his father. He sighed in defeat, he didn’t like it at all. He wanted to keep her in secret, out of the range of the eyes of his father but sooner or later his father would have know about her. It was better to ask him to work as an independent healer. Hyrule needs her desperately.
James had seen so much suffer in his travels and explorations, the defeated knights who weren’t able to fight anymore, the despair and illness in the corners of the kingdom, all of them needed a healer who would only serve the people and not the King.
‘But how am I supposed to tell that to my father? I probably should ask Ecberht about this.’
-       -  -
 The Festival of Lights ended with the first rays of the sun and Zelda was busy dismantling the stand alone during the coldest hour of the day.  She had sent little Nebb home just before midnight and shared her salary with him again.  The old doctor was long gone and left the rest to her. She cursed inwardly for not accepting the offer, but her principles had to come first.  Otherwise she  would  approve of being exploited again.  Gritting her teeth together, she went to the remaining instruments and bandages that were lying around.  Her hands were already icy burns and were stiff from the cold when she noticed a shadow out of the corner of her eye and the next moment she felt warm hands on hers.  When she looked up, sea blue eyes stared into her eyes.  She quickly pulled her hands out of his and put some space between them.
„Your royal highness, it is a pleasure to see you again.”
“Please don’t be so formal with me when nobody is around. I thought we would have become closer after the dance. And now you’re greeting me like a foreigner.” Link wasn’t sure if she was interested in him at all. She had something special that made him drive to her, but he couldn’t tell what it was. He wanted to protect her, be at her side and watch over her.
“I accepted your hand because I would lose my face if I didn’t. If we normal folks ever deny a request of a royal family, we get abandoned by society.” Now her eyes were as cold as the freezing temperatures, staring up into his own eyes.
She couldn’t afford to be called a concubine of a prince while trying to be accepted in the world of the healers.
Link didn’t know all of the circumstances despite interacting with people outside the castle. ‘I definitely have to change that!’
 “Please don’t interact with me furthermore I don’t want to be called a concubine of yours. Even though they have a far better reputation than a female healer from the streets, I don’t want to be seen as that. I work hard and try to help the suffering people. Please, your royal highness if you look for a girl to have fun with, I beg you to look elsewhere.”
With that said she grabbed the last remaining and walked away. Her heart raced and her body trembled, but she wouldn’t let him know that. She couldn’t even explain it for herself why she reacted that way towards him but decided to not give it much attention.
Link looked after her until she disappeared in the dark street.
“Brother are you alright?”  Ragnar had helped his knight comrades to secure the area as they arrived and now was approaching him with his arms full of food, left behind from the festival. 
“It’s nothing, I am just tired and exhausted. Come, let us go home.” Ragnar pressed a baked apple into his hand and Link smiled in return. A good old apple would be a good distraction of his pity thoughts.
 - - - - - -
The next day arise and the brothers Ragnar and Link woke up with pain in their backs and legs. Link looked around and realized they fell asleep in the study room, they were so tired that they weren’t able to reach their bedrooms. Link must have been fallen asleep while he studied about the Yiga clan, his back hurt from the sitting position and even his neck felt stiff. He heard his brother snoring from the ground and slowly stood up to look for him. Ragnar fell with his stool to the ground, his arms wide open spread while one of his legs hovered on the stool while the other rested on the ground angled. Link smiled at this view, it was funny to see his younger brother, who looked always scary and insane, now like a clumsy big teddy bear. Link walked around the table and kicked the tip of his toe against his brother’s rips.
“Hey! Wake up dumbass!”
“Mmh…fuck off and lemme sleep…”
“It is past midday, wake up!”
“nah, try to wake me up in an hour or two.”
Ragnar muttered more unintelligible words while Link slowly lost patience.  It was unusual for his brother to sleep so much. Link decided it was his job to get him back on his feet.  Link breathed in and out deeply and rammed his elbow with full force into the abdomen of his brother, who cried out in pain and threw up shortly afterwards.
"You ate too much before you fell asleep, am I right?“
"Thanks, I needed that.“ Ragnar gasped from the exertion he felt from the gag reflex.
“Now get up, we still have a lot to do.  Do you remember?  The Yiga clan?  Provide evidence for our father?  Get up you looser, we going  hunt for Yiga.“
After they freshened up, they visited their brother James, who was in the middle of a conversation with their eldest brother Ecberht. While Link and Ragnar wore a basic Hylian armour, today Ecberht wore a ruby red royal suit with sapphire blue and golden accents, which meant he would go on a diplomatic business sooner or later. James wore nor royal suit but instead dark trousers and a brown coat with golden buttons and white silk scarf, his favourite outfit when he worked on his natural sciences.
“Good afternoon brothers.” Link said politely while approaching them.
Both immediately interrupted their discussion and turned their heads to them. While James looked confused, Ecberht had a devaluating look in his eyes.
“Where have you been all day?  Both of you were no where to be found.” James reached for the arm of Link and then Ragnar to greet them.
“We’ve been doing researches about a case we want to learn more about and therefore stayed up all night. What have you two been discussing about?”
“What kind of case do you talk about?” asked Ecberht suspiciously, “I hope for the sake of your lives, you’re not doing anything reckless again, without the permission of the King.” Link and Ragnar exchanged meaningful looks, they knew they had to be cautious around Ecberht.
Then, Ragnar clears his throat and sweet talked his eldest brother, “Don’t worry, we don’t want to bother father with our case as long as it’s nothing to bother for.”
Ecberht raised an eyebrow and looked suspicious between them, he knew they were up to something dangerous and therefore would need to watch over their moves. He decided to remain silent and ask one of the Sheikah to spy on them.
James felt the tension between his brothers and cleared his throat.
“Well apparently, the woman you danced with yesterday is an exceptional healer and the daughter of commander Rhoam Dejardin but refuses to depend on his reputation and military rank. “
Link and Ragnar widened their eyes. They couldn’t believe what their ears just heard because nobody knew commander Rhoam had a daughter, let alone even a child. Link was confused why he would never mention her. 
“She refuses also to serve for the royal family if it means to desert the people in need. That’s why we need her even more. For the sake of Hyrule, we need a selfless healer in our ranks. I would be glad if we had another genius for our science section as well.”
Link was glad that his brothers saw the same potential in her he did, but it disturbed him that he found out about her background through his brother who just met her and immediately wanted to claim her. Link frowned and tried to clear his mind. Then, a big question appeared in his head as he tried to understand why she wasn’t here yet.
“There must be something off if she isn’t here yet. What is it?”
“Well…she wanted the freedom to leave the castle whenever she saw the need of her help or for doing researches on new herbs… She wanted to work with me only under strict conditions…”
“What are her conditions? Except roaming freely around,” asked Link truly curious.
But then, Ecberht had enough and busted out. “I already told you James! This is not going to happen! The audacity to demand such thing is unbelievable! Not even the own sons of the King can do whatever we want, and this woman thinks she was exceptional? No way I am going to allow her to do that. You give the conditions not her. Who does she think she is? Goddess of Hyrule? By Hylia! I am surrounded by idiots!”
Ecberht was about to leave but surprisingly Ragnar hold him off and squeezed his arm. “If James and Link believe in her abilities, I am going to do the same, as you will do the same as well.  Understood?!” Ragnar had his insane look in the eyes again which made Ecberht shiver. He never realised how terrifying his younger brother had become.
Ecberht freed his arm from the tight grip of his brother and felt the pain still roaming in his muscles. “Alright then, I will help you to get her on board. But mark my words, no ones except us, the royal family, is allowed to make conditions.”
James and Link barked in laugher as they already knew how determined Zelda can be.
“You idiots stop laughing! What’s so funny!? “
“You will see for yourself, when you meet her.” Link said and winked at James who couldn’t stop laughing at the imagination of Zelda and Ecberht discussing.
“Hmpf. I will talk to the King and ask him for permission than she may come. See you in two hours in the Throne halls.”
 - - - - - - -
Zelda was nervous to meet the King. It was her first time and she only knew him through stories. While escorts guided her through the castle she looked at the surroundings to distract her from her useless thoughts. After a while she felt exhausted by the walk through the halls of the castle which were strategically formed like a labyrinth. But then her heart flattered seeing a familiar face. It was prince Link who waited for her in front of the throne halls. He smiled at her generously despite her harsh behaviour before. The escorts left her side and let her alone with the Prince after he told them to dismiss. She was happy to see him but didn’t want to show it, by politely greeting him. “Your royal highness. “ she said bluntly.
“It’s good to see you again, gracious healer.” Link flustered at her sight, even though she wore a similar dress like on the festival of lights, this sand coloured dress let her shine brighter as the sun. She smiled at him trying not to look in his eyes for too long. Link realised he stared at her. He cleared his throat and lend her his hand. The memory of the festival flashed in their minds as Link hold her hand the same way back then. Both smiled at each other at the memory and immediately put the stoic mask on as the huge hallway doors opened.
Zelda let out a breath she didn’t knew she was holding and walked along the hallway. The three brothers of Link were standing next to Throne facing each other while Link escorted Zelda to the King. Zelda gulped as she saw the king in full sight. Several feets away from the throne Link stood still and left her side, joining the side of his brother Ecberht.
Now she was all alone facing the terrifying king in front of her. His clothes weren’t as glamorous as expected, in fact the King looked more like a commander who was about to lead a whole army. His almond shaped eyes pierced through her eyes into her soul, looking for the darkest memories of hers. She reminded her to avoid a direct eye contact and lowered her gaze. But then King Selim raised to his feet and approached her.
Link looked nervously as his father stood directly in front of her looking down on her.
“I demand you to look in my eyes. I heard of your request and want you to tell that in to my face.”
Zelda looked up and met the gaze of the King. The colour of his eyes reminded her of honey, changing the colour with different angles of incidence of light. His hair was black as the feathers of ravens, his facial heather grey and his skin tanned from all the cruel battles fought for Hyrule.
“Yes, Your Majesty. I want my masters servant to be able to work in Castle to let him gain more salary to provide his suffering family. I want to be payed for a suitable price for my works for the royal family. I want to be acknowledged as an independent individual and not as the daughter of a commander. And most importantly, I want to be able to leave the castle whenever I need to gather herbs, explore better methods or see the need of my help of all folks in need. No matter the rank or the race, I decide through the rank of the emergency.”
King Selim stayed silent and didn’t lower his gaze from her forest green eyes. But Zelda bravely encountered his terrifying glare and lifted her chin.
But then, all of a sudden King Selim began to smile.
The brothers who remained silent all were shocked by this view, seeing their father smile for the first time in their lives.
“Miss Zelda Dejardin, I declare you the title of a royal healer with the ability to serve the people of Hyrule, independent of your heritage and the crone.”
All brothers widened their eyes and Ecberht gasped for air. Link and James looked more than satisfied, while Ragnar looked amused at his eldest brother.
“Therefore I shall allow you to bring your masters servant as your own servant, while both of you will be privileged with everything you need.”
The King’s smile became wider and heartily as he spoke and signalled with a finger to the servant to bring him his contract.
Meanwhile Ecberht threw his hands above his head  in unbelieve about what his eyes just observed. His brothers clapped their hands as a sign of respect and honour.
With the unique Tughra on his ring he pressed the top of it into the melted candle wax. A bright smile decorated her face as he handed over her the certificate which he placed in her hands with both of his.
“This certificate shall give you permission to enter every small corner of Hyrule and gives you security in wars. Keep it close to you, miss gracious royal healer.”
With that said Zelda bowed politely to the King and walked away from, only turning her back to him as she reached the doors.
Link followed her with her eyes even when she already disappeared, he glared at the closed doors and smiled brightly.
While Ecberht couldn’t still believe what just happened, his mind could find the answer, therefore he bursted out and asked their father the important question everyone in the hall was eager to know the answer.
“Your Majesty, please tell us what made you give her so much privileges?”
King Selim approached his oldest son, putting his hands behind his back, looking down on him with a sly smile. Ecberht saw the small sparkle in his eyes and had a good idea of what was going on his father’s mind.
“In her eyes lies the sun that will guide this rotten land out of the darkness.”
The King walked away from him , back to his throne as he dismissed them.
For the first time in his life, Ecberht didn't know what to say.
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jamesbi-canonbarnes · 3 years
I'm having trouble connecting the emotional through line between episodes 2 and 3. In the therapy session Sam tells Bucky they can just finish the mission and then they're done with each other, after that it seems like things have cooled a bit and Bucky even starts to say, "I feel awful" before they get interrupted by Walker. Then in 3 things seems relatively fine between and they even (especially Sam) show some concern for the other?? And Bucky totally still not trying to understand Sam's POV
Ok ok mood. I’m not an expert on writing, but I do have lots of thoughts on this, so lemme talk this through w you (long post ahead). Some of these thoughts are going to be theorizing super hard about what’s going to happen in future eps so for sure take that with a grain of salt.
IMO for a show where the most interesting thing is literally just the emotional states of these two men and how they relate to each other through those emotions, their emotional arcs are not nearly pointed enough for my taste...I suspect that’s partly because we’re pulled back and forth between the more lighthearted banter and the more heartfelt expressions of their internal lives. But also bc, I think, the whole thing is that these two CANT communicate because if they DO, their emotional states will reach RESOLUTION too quickly.
And IMO, I actually think it’s the therapy scene alone that is throwing the balance off leading up to 3. I didn’t feel like threatening not to ever see each other again was earned, or at least it wasn’t clear to me where it’s coming from writing-wise. (Not that I wouldn’t support Sam cutting himself off from the toxicity of someone else’s unfair expectations, if this were real life and not a function of a written story). It just feels too far a swing of the pendulum compared to directly before and after. Sam just saved Bucky, and yes he never got to finish railing Bucky over Isaiah, but *because* that argument didn’t hit its crux, I don’t think it’s enough for most viewers to explain the kind of statement Sam makes in the therapy scene. Yes Sam does keep shutting Bucky down in a lot of ways, but we also know that before Bucky confronted him in episode 2, he was doing the opposite and trying to reach out to Bucky. So it feels a bit confusing to me. I don’t know what Sam wants, besides to be left alone, and that itself feels neither genuine nor like good enough motivation on a character level for this story. So. In lieu of any other story reason, I guess I think Sam’s reaction in the therapy scene is a way to artificially raise the emotional stakes so that the eventual resolution is more satisfying. That’s the only thing I can think, although if that’s the case, they started building back up extremely quickly.
Bc you’re absolutely correct, immediately after that therapy scene, Bucky is upset but clearly wants to communicate that to Sam, contrary to any agreement to squash it and move on. And though there’s no time for dialogue then, they approach walker/Hoskins essentially a united (though frustrated) front. And then after that and all through ep 3, though they are functionally on opposite sides of the entire zemo argument in every way, Sam basically rolls over repeatedly throughout and actually ends up expressing more care for Bucky than we’ve previously seen and also opens up to him more... and IMO bucky breaking zemo out of prison without asking and with clear premeditation was a major violation of trust, for which Sam was not afforded the opportunity to express proportional ire. (For me Bucky’s speech there asking Sam to do it for him did not hit as reasonable motivation for sam). You would think after the level of ire sam expressed to bucky’s genuine (though self centered) vulnerability in the therapy session, the level of ire to bucky’s lies and even “betrayal” (as I see it) would be notable. It should be at least above essentially saying “you’re dead to me once your usefulness runs out” which I think is the dark but fair implication of “let’s just finish this and never speak again” or whatever he said in the therapy scene. Instead he says a reluctant version of “ok, I’ll do exactly what I just explicitly said I didn’t want to do, just because you asked.”
The thing is, clearly neither of them actually hate each other. They have both repeatedly shown genuine care for the other. So why is the animosity even happening?
The emotional throughlines should help us figure that out, and vice versa. So what I’m thinking is, a throughline has to have a beginning and an end, and figuring out those can help you figure out what the points in the middle should be. Here the beginning of Bucky’s emotional throughline w Sam is clearly from a starting point of straight up misplacing his grief and aggression onto Sam, bc he’s projecting Sam as the distant figurehead of stability to replace Steve. His not understanding Sam on a personal level is the primary obstacle to his realizing and resolving that entire emotional throughline, thus the end point of the throughline necessarily requires passing through Bucky understanding Sam’s POV and empathizing with Sam. In my prediction, that empathy leads to self actualization through purposefully accessing his own feelings (rather than letting his blocked emotions break through and then ignoring both the cause and consequences of them). Then he can start down a path of true restitution leading to his own healing through healing his relationships.
IMO bucky has never hated Sam. He has always fully just been jealous of him. Jealous of how happy he is, how few problems he pretends to have, and his relationship with Steve, if you want to go there.
So because Bucky does not hate Sam, there isn’t really anywhere to go after hitting the mark of seeing Sam’s POV... besides, essentially, restitution as resolution. Bc it’s through that realization>restitution that Bucky’s going to have to face the actual issue, of who he actually hates. Only then can he heal. He doesn’t have to forgive Sam. He has to forgive himself. So that he can restore himself, which he can only do after restoring Sam.
(And, if they’re really going to go there, he has to forgive Steve. I’m unsure if that’s going to be directly drawn for us or not)
I think that bucky’s throughline will resolve itself relatively quickly after Sam gets what he needs from Bucky, hence why he can’t have it yet. So in the meantime, Bucky comes off as frankly a bad friend who is self absorbed/entitled and unwilling to unlearn white supremacy bc it requires uncomfortable empathy with a Black man.
Sam’s emotional throughline as filtered through how he relates to Bucky is a little harder for me to grasp, I’ll be honest. Obviously the end point the emotional throughline has to underline is accepting the mantle of captain America (accepting himself?) So maybe that is woven among the throughline of his journey to accepting Bucky as an ally??, but I’m not sure what the starting point even is to be honest.
I do think that what is clearer (at least to me, and maybe this is only applicable to me?) about Sam is that we as the informed audience already know an important part of why he gave up the shield. It’s very much about race. Sam has not expressed that to Bucky, but we know it. Bucky has no idea that this is about race—or more accurately, that’s it’s about trauma regarding race. He hasn’t connected Sam’s ultimate motivation to Sam’s statements and experience re: race. Sam has certainly expressed anger and hurt, but he hasn’t connected them to race and then to the symbol of captain America for Bucky, whereas they’re already connected for many viewers. I’m not going to give Bucky a pass for not connecting them because that type of ignorance is not neutral. But he clearly does not know, and he DOES keep asking. He has asked multiple times in words why Sam gave up the shield. But instead of giving a direct answer, Sam continues to shut him down, each time literally by refusing to speak and walking away. Now I tend to agree with Sam that it’s none of his business. Sam shouldn’t have to bare his trauma to explain something to Bucky just because Bucky wants him to. Especially when Bucky has not indicated that he’s willing or able to empathize with the reason. And on top of that, it being something sam knows Bucky cannot fully understand? I mean, I’m on Sam’s side here.
But the thing is, the show is setting it up so that Sam has to open up. He has to let Torres touch his machinery (metaphorically) he has to let Bucky get close to him (metaphorically). Sam has to let others in and he has to do it for himself, for his own healing. But I’m not yet sure why that’s so important for his journey, besides the obvious being this is a story about how to heal from trauma from every side.
So right now I think we’re just seeing Sam continue to drop hints both about what his trauma is and about the fact that he cares for Bucky, bc those are the important things for his resolution. This is continuing despite the therapy scene and not because of it, which I find odd, from a writing perspective. And we’re seeing Bucky miss a lot of those hints, bc he’s too busy being defensive to take them as genuine expressions of what they are, of exactly what he’s asking of Sam. That *does* make sense to me from a writing perspective. Because once he understands Sam’s POV, the throughline has to move forward toward resolution.
Idk. I just am not sure that I’m really getting Sam’s arc yet. That’s not to say that it’s not emotionally hitting, necessarily, bc I am firmly finding myself behind Sam.
And allllll of that is just to say: I agree that the emotional throughline feels a bit wobbly here, and I don’t have a way to reconcile it. I will take further suggestions if anyone has them.
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mywonuderful · 4 years
Not So Cold-Hearted Pt.19
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Summary: Y/N, a member of a popular newly debut girl group and Wonwoo has what some may call a relationship with emotional ambivalent. Will their relationship remain cold-blooded or will they finally come to an agreement and become something more?
Pairing: Jeon Wonwoo x Reader
A/N: Sorry but this will be a shorter update than normal. Anyways, I know I may be a little late to start this but upon request, I’ll be making a taglist for this series! (I’ll be adding it onto the previous parts as well) if anyone is interested in being added into the taglist for this series, please feel free to send in a ask or message me!
“W-What?” You shuttered out. “There’s no way. She looks so young and flirtatious with you.” You pointed out as Wonwoo lets out a chuckle, making you even more messed up.
“She looks young. She’s actually almost 20 years older than me.” Wonwoo explained as you took a step back, shocked. “How about we go back to the restaurant and I’ll explain everything properly?” He takes a step forward as you stuck your hand out, feeling your face flush in embarrassment.
“Wait... Let me just... process this thoroughly” you whispered as you tried adding the pieces up of what he just explained. Wonwoo crossed his arms looks at you with a small smirk on his face, looking amused at your state.
“Wonwoo baby you’re back already? You’ve never shown that much love before.” his aunt brought out the dishes, smiling lovingly at him before glancing at you.
“I told her everything already so you can cut it with your act.” Wonwoo picked up his cutlery and started eating. You looked up at her as she pouted.
“Aww, why’d you always have to take away the fun?” She whined as she took a seat beside Wonwoo. You slowly started eating, staring down at your food to avoid any eye contact but you could see her resting her elbow on the table, her chin on top of her palm, observing you.
“Since you ruined all the fun, I guess i should properly introduce myself. I’m Wonwoo’s aunt, Seri.” You looked up at her, nodding as you smiled awkwardly, not knowing how to act in this situation.
“Nice to meet you Miss Seri-”
“That makes me sound old! Just call me “Seri unnie!” She brightly smiled at you. Somehow, you drawn to her bright personality.
“But you are old, Seri.” Wonwoo state matter-of-factly as she nudged his shoulder, glaring at him. “I already told her your age-”
“YAH! But I look a lot much younger than my age don’t I?” She leans in towards you, making you almost choke on your food.
“When I first met you, I thought you were around the same age as us.” You confessed as she lets out a satisfied chuckled.
“And I bet that when you first met me, you also thought that I was his girlfriend as well. Am I not wrong?” She raised an eyebrow with a smirk, as Wonwoo stops eating. You met his eyes for a second before looking away, letting out a weak chuckle.
“I think you got it wrong.” You tried to remain as confident with your words. Seri looks at you with a smug look before giving you a wink, as you looked down on your plate, feeling your cheeks redden.
Once the you were finished with your food, Seri started chit chatting with you as Wonwoo quietly scrolls through his phone, join in the conversations here and there.
“You know what’s weird is that Wonwoo told me that I was his ideal type.” She  spoke. “Even though I’m his aunt, it definitely feels weird hearing it from him. Maybe he’s into older woman?”
“I can totally see it.” You thoughtlessly spoke while taking a bite of out the melon she brought out. Wonwoo and Seri froze as they looks at you before you realized you spoke out loud.
“You can totally see it?” Wonwoo questioned, taking his eyes off his phone for once.
“Uh... I recall hearing it in one of your interviews... I think? Haha, must be a mistake.” You nervously laughed trying to cover it up.
“What a stalker.:
“It’s not my problem it was the first thing I saw when I turn on the TV” You lied
“It’s not my problem Seventeen is popular. Or in this case, I’m popular.”
“You? Popular? My ass.”
“You should see how many DMs I get. I can’t help but to be that breathtaking.”
“Yeah wait until I tell them that your ideal type is your aunt, let’s see how that goes about.”
“Alright alright alright. And hey, I’ll say that I’m a pretty hot aunt.” She cuts between the two of you bickering. “How interesting. I’ve never seen Wonwoo fuss with someone this much. Or even talk this much. Especially towards a female.” You crossed your arms, sitting back on the chair as you looked away, feeling annoyed.
“I don’t understand why either. It’s not like he’s winning or anything.” You mumbled.
“...Don’t tell me you guys are acting like kids, fussing around when you secretly have a crush on each other.” She narrowed her eyes, moving her head to you then Wonwoo.
“I’m going to use the washroom.” Wonwoo stands up and left without another word, leaving you and Seri alone.
“This is my chance.” Seri smiled and rushed over to you, telling you scoot over to the next seat.
“Yes?” You asked with confusion.
“Wonwoo and I hold a very special relationship. I know he doesn’t have a lot to say but trust me, when he’s around someone he’s comfortable with, he can surely speak a lot. Now, I’ve been seeing him grow up as a baby and he has never brought over a girl, or even mention a girl. Until you.”
“Until me?”
“Wonwoo mentioned your name. He’s been acting quite weird lately. He came to be the other day, expressing how he’s feeling some pain in his chest and that his mind can’t stop wandering. Next thing you know, he just blurted out your name. I tried asking why but he was just so confusion in his feelings.” Seri explained.
“That’s weird... I’ve been going through something similar as well.” You thought out loud, deeply trying to figure out why when you heard Seri let out a chuckle.
“Then it all makes sense.” You tilted your head, brows furrowed in confusion. “The both of you are in love with each other.” 
“What? No. I don’t see how any of this makes sense.” You scoffed at her nonsense.
“It does. You or Wonwoo just won’t admit it. Your heart is telling you to accept it but you keep on rejecting it. Which is why you’re messed up in your feelings.” You looked at her, trying to not believe in her words. “Y/N, I’m not saying this because I’m his aunt. I know Wonwoo comes off a little cold but he is honestly the sweetest person ever. He’s a little emotionless, especially around females only because he doesn’t know how to act and that he’s nervous. But if he cares for someone, he becomes really attached to that person and slowly loosens up. And I think Wonwoo is feeling a little something towards you. Even if it doesn’t look like it.” 
“I don’t think so. There’s no way.” you rejected, not allowing your thoughts to consider it.
“That’s just you saying that. Maybe if you give a chance and listen to your heart, you’ll feel something else. Both of you have fragile hearts and I know both of you are a little puzzled and scared.” You heard the inner doors of the washroom opening, signalling that Wonwoo is coming out. “But at the end of the day, both need each other.” She patted your head.
“What are you two taking about?” Wonwoo approached the table as Seri stood up, smiling. You couldn’t help but to stare at Wonwoo after what she said.
“Nothing. She was just sharing some secrets on how I can still even more youthful.” Seri patted her face, letting out a giggle.
“What, Is there something on my face?” Wonwoo touched his face, snapping you back to reality.
“N-No.” You looked away, gazing over at Seri who was behind soft smiling.
“Well, as much as I want to keep you guys here. I’m sure the both of you are tried with the awards show coming up.” She clasped her hands together as you took this as a signal for you to leave. She walked the two of you out the door nagging at Wonwoo to take care of himself.
“Bye, Seri. Thanks for the meal again.” Wonwoo waved and started walking with you behind. You quickly turned around, mouthing a ‘thank you’ for the chat from earlier. She nodded her head, understanding what you meant as she gave you two fists as a ‘good luck.’ Though you haven’t come to a conclusion to your feelings, you definitely found something new about Wonwoo. As you walked behind Wonwoo, you observed his broad built shoulders, his tall height and his... eyes?
“Why are you looking at me like that. If there’s something in my face just tell me.” He was facing you. Your eyes widen, as you didn’t even realize when he turned aorund.
“There’s nothing in your face. It’s perfectly fine.”
“I know it’s perfectly fine. I am perfect after al-”
"Okay okay, I get it. You win. I’m too tired to even finishing hearing your useless statements.” You flapped your hand while letting out a small yawn.
“So you’re full of energy before you eat but all tried after a meal? That’s a bit odd.” He spoke as you rubbed your eyes.
“What do you mean?”
“Back at the park. You were going on and on blabbering about your assumptions of my aunt, cutting me off, not listening to what I have to-”
“I don’t know what do to me back there. Sorry.” You quickly spoke, confused at yourself on why you acted that way as well as you mumbled the apology.
“Right. Why were you acting that way? Does Y/N.... Have something to say to me?” Wonwoo suddenly leaned down towards you face. Your eyes widen from his sudden movements as you stepped back, almost falling. “I’m just joking.” 
“Taking advantage of me because of my exhausted state, huh?” You nervously laughed while your felt your heat beating extremely fast. He hummed as the two of you quietly walked back, beside by beside, speaking in short conversations here and there.
“Thanks. You didn’t have to walk me home.” You thanked him as you approached your dormitory.
“It’s not like I have much of a choice. I live a few houses down anyways so I kind of have to pass your house to get home.” He rolled his eyes you gave him a glare.
“I was only trying to be nice, for a change.” You mumbled
“I know. But it takes more than that for me to consider that as nice.” He teased
“Fine, I’ll wait for you to walk to your dorm then. Since you always wait for me to head in first.” You crossed your arms, almost challenging him. He eyes gazed over your head before looking down on you with his blank expression. “What? You don’t have to feel like a princess for once?”
“No. But I don’t think your members will let either of us live if we wait for one of us to leave.” He gives a small wave as you turned your heel and noticed all your members crowded on the living room window that looks out to the front of the building. You could already hear their voices of their conversations in your head. You let out a sigh as you turned back to face him as he lightly shrugs his shoulder.
“But I mean, I don’t mind feel like a princ-”
“Forget it, bye.” You turned and started walking as you heard him chuckle, followed by his light footsteps. You had a sudden urge to turn and look back but you pushed the feeling away and unlocked the door, hearing your members run down the stairs like animals.
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eatfishies · 4 years
i’m good at goodbyes
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summary: Without even realizing, you and Tendou had both grown apart just like the wilting leaves in autumn.
note: Slight spoiler from the manga since it features time skip! Tendou. Borders signifies time skip but no exact date specified. fem! reader. she/her pronouns. word count: 1,911 words warnings: none genre: angst arthie’s note: i tried to capture that feeling of being in the autumn season so i googled a lot of metaphors related to it but idk if it makes sense (╥_╥) also this fic literally makes my chest hurt from writing it lolol. i got rlly sad writing this.. also idk if i’m quite satisfied with it.. felt like i could do better but my friend liked it and i’m kinda lazy to fix it. anyways i hope all of you enjoy it nevertheless ~ ↳ back to main masterlist ⋆﹥━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━﹤⋆ “I like you, Tendou-san!” She confessed, staring at the ground instead of looking into the taller boy’s gaze. He smirked, “Oh? How long have you been liking me then?” The playful tone caught her off guard as she looked up at him. Her brows furrowed in confusion, “W— what?” “How long did you like me before deciding to confess to me, hm? Answer it and maybe you’ll get a surprise answer from me too!” He exclaimed, grinning. Biting her lip while nervousness bubbles in the pit of her stomach. Her mind racing back and forth to find the right words to say. He hums, “Don’t make me wait for too long or else I’ll get bored and leave you alone.”
With hesitation, she utters out. “I— I like you for 4 months now, Tendou-san.” The wind blows, making the leaves from the trees stumbling to the ground, whiff of autumn fronds easing her anxiousness as she anticipates the answer. He giggles, grabbing a hold of her hands. “Then let’s date!” She lets out a startled gasp, “I’m s— sorry, what?!” He sways her hands back and forth, “Do you not hear me? I said let’s date.” Blinking up at him as bewilderment settles on her face. “Tendou-san... do you like me?” Crimson eyes bore into hers, “You silly girl. Of course, I like you! If not i wouldn’t have asked you out to date, aren’t I?” Chuckling at her frivolous question. She beams at him, “Okay! I’ll date you!” The grip on her hands tightens as he flashes back a smile of his own. The chilly breeze wafting through them as the trees shakes, maple colored leaves falling, warmth pooling in their stomachs. ⋆﹥━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━﹤⋆ Exhaling, Tendou leans back on the chair after exhaustion wears him down from kneading the dough and letting it rest aside, sweat dripping down his face as he rubs it away with a towel. The front door clicks open as she entered the house, “I’m home!” Announcing as the shoes slips off of her. “Y/n! You’re finally home!” He rushes to greet her and welcome her in his embrace however upon seeing her tiresome expression, he frowns. “What’s wrong?” He asks worriedly, checking her temperature. A small smile etched on her lips, “Nothing, it’s just work.” She reaches out and envelopes him in a hug.  Rubbing her back as an attempt to soothe her worries, “Don’t think about that at home. I’ll cheer you up! I’m making sourdough right now!”  She chuckles at his chirpy mood, “Okay. I’ll look forward to tasting it.” They fall into their normal routine, him making a mess in the kitchen while she goes to clean herself and unwind from the stress at work. “So how does it taste?” His eyes glinting with anticipation. She hums, relishing the soft bread in her mouth. “It’s so good! Babe, you’ve done such a great job!” She praises as she takes another nibble of the bread. He grins happily, “I’m glad you like it! It makes my heart warm seeing you happy!” ⋆﹥━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━﹤⋆ Days turns into weeks turns into months of their routines. However the blazing spark of devotion is no longer apparent in both of their glares nor their hearts. Growing distance as they both get consumed by ambition and the drive to strive for a better future. I love yous evaporated into short glances that turned into radio silence when one of them returns home or when they both fall asleep in their shared bed. No more lingering caresses leaving one’s fingers nor tenderness words that makes their heart beats rapidly with affection. With Tendou insisting that he should stay over at Ushijima’s place because it’s nearby the bakery that he works at. The house is left all alone to her possession except for the occasional visit from Shirabu and Semi or her mother. It went by quickly and they both haven’t realized that they managed to not say a word to one another— not even through text messages or phone calls. It was as if they weren’t in a committed relationship to even begin with. Too much work tasks to focus on and not enough time to think about their significant other. However one day, she forgot her house keys and is currently stuck outside, mentally slapping herself for not checking properly before leaving for work. Oh, Satori is at home! She thought suddenly but the thought diminished as she realizes he hasn’t come home nor talk to her for months. Sighing, she sent a text asking if he has the spare key and much to her luck, he still has it. Now, they’re both standing in the park as autumn leaves breezes through the wind. The grip on her bag tightened as she stared at the man whom she no longer feels familiar with. “Hey Y/n... long time no see, huh?” A loop-sided smile plastered on his face as his scarlet gaze holds little to no emotion. “Hi.. Satori.” She mutters out, seeming to become aware of the distance they’ve both put up. Her stomach wasn’t filled with butterflies of excitement from seeing him or being in his presence. Her heart isn’t pounding at a fast pace nor does she get giggly around him anymore. It dissipated into an oblivion. With just a mere glance at him, she could tell those eyes held no infatuation towards her either. “I got the spare key here.” His palm revealed the item he mentioned with the keychain of chocolate ice cream attached to it. Inhaling, she takes the key out of his grasp. “Thank you.” Observing the key, it seems untouched and rustic due to neglect however it might work just fine. Silence washes over them as they both stood in front of each other, their words diminished from their tongues; forgetting what it’s like to communicate with each other. He speaks up, “So... I guess this is it?” She searches his eyes for a sign or something but found nothing. It’s all empty. The warm gaze she cherished is long gone. It’s too late to fix the burgeoning space between them no matter how hard she tries. The mutual feeling ceased to exist. Although that doesn’t mean it hurts less, “Yeah, I guess this is it.” He nodded solemnly, “Goodbye Y/n.” A sharp intake of breath and she lets out a quiet mutter, “Goodbye Satori.” His eyes lingers on her one last time before turning around and walking to his destination. Tears ran down her cheeks as she finally grasped upon the idea of not being able to see him again. This is really over. They’re both too busy chasing their dreams that they didn’t realize that their relationship was instantaneously falling apart. Leaves tumbling from the fallen trees as the skies grew darker and the gust of air becomes colder; just like the love they once had. ⋆﹥━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━﹤⋆ “Attention all passengers, flight PS16 is about to board in 10 minutes. Please check in at gate D64 before boarding the flight.” He smiles at his stoic best friend, sadness gleamed in his harsh stare. “Don’t be sad, Wakatoshi-kun. We’ll see each other again when you have a match in Paris!” He pats Ushijima’s back, reassuring him. “Why didn’t you tell Y/n?” He asked promptly, surprising the red-headed man. He raises his brows, “Ah... I don’t want to upset her any further. Even though we are no longer together, I’ll always have a spot for her.” He admitted, recalling the memories of their last encounter. “Attention passengers, flight PS16 is now boarding. I repeat, flight PS16 is now boarding. Please check in at gate D64 before boarding the flight.” Tendou gave one last smile at his best friend, “I have to go now, Wakatoshi-kun. I’ll see you later. Send my farewell to Y/n.” He waves as he walks away from Ushijima. ⋆﹥━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━﹤⋆ The birds chirps in the early morning, she came to a halt, panting heavily from the jog. “I really suck at exercising...” She mumbles to herself, sitting on the bench nearby. Wiping her sweat away with a handkerchief, she saw a tall figure approaching her. Feeling apprehensive, she prepares herself to defend from the stranger. “Y/n.” She stares up in shock at the person standing in front of her. “U— Ushijima-san?” She croaks out, blinking rapidly. Shaking her head, “What are you doing here?” “I was on a jog but I saw you here which is why I came up to you.” She restrained herself from giggling at his nonchalant statement. Before she could make any small talk, he interrupts her. “Tendou sends his farewell to you.” “Huh?” She furrowed her brows in confusion, “What do you mean?” “He has moved to Paris and decided to pursue a career as a chocolatier.” “Oh.” Averting her gaze to her fiddling fingers, so he left for good... she wondered idly. Fluttering her eyes closed, she utters. “Thank you for telling me, Ushijima-san.” When she opens her eyes, he remained in the same position as previously, watching her intently. “Don’t be sad. Tendou said you’ll always have a spot in his life.” He states monotonously. She gave a small smile to him, “Thanks but I think our relationship had ended way before we both realize it, unfortunately.” The skies getting brighter, crows latching off the crumbs of food on the ground as people rush to their destination. “I don’t particularly understand what you two meant when you both said that but I will be leaving now. Have a nice day, Y/n.” He continues jogging off before she could bid him goodbye. Traces of his touch lingers on her skin like a ghost possessing a mortal’s mind. The orange leaves falls in a swift motion, flying among the whiff of air. She wanted to cry but all of her tears have ran dry from the persistent thoughts of him. The love was no longer reciprocated by both parties and all that’s left is the wilted warmth of what used to spark their hearts. ⋆﹥━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━﹤⋆ Somewhere in Paris, he observes the scenery before him. A void in his chest— it was as if he left his heart somewhere in Japan and never got it back. Recollection of her heartbroken sobs ingrained in his mind, replaying over and over continuously without stopping. Tears built up in his eyes as he furiously blinks them away from threatening to spill. Never would’ve imagined that the dreadful day of departing from her would become so unbearable with pain. Pain of losing someone whom are fully aware that they could never return the flame of infatuation back to you and realizing that you are also unable to repay what’s last bit of adoration you’ve once had for that person. It’s too far gone— wavering into the wind, carrying all of the sorrows from the past into an oblivion. The maple leaves sheds to the soil with graceful sweep, fleeing from their home. With a shuddered sigh, he lets the tears stream down his face, ignoring the curious pedestrians stares. Just like the petal slipping from the tree’s grasp, he would have to eventually accept that they both have to move on to grow as an individual— even if that means leaving their yearning for each other. Smiling to himself, he thought carelessly. Autumn does not bring me comfort nor warmth anymore. It no longer feels like home— safe and tender when all it feels like now is melancholy and devoid.
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