#also i LOVE your icon gibby
mcsiggy · 2 years
I was wondering why can’t/won’t Persephone be around zeus?
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faeriejones · 2 years
hey!!! deimos here :)
i hope you're having amazing holidays!
first of all, id like to apologize for not being so active these past weeks. they've been way busier than i expected and i wish i'd had more time to chat with you. however i do hope we'll become friends even though we didn't talk as much as i expected :)
now, about your last response to my ask:
i loved back to the future! i've watched the three films but its been a few years since i've watched them, so i cant quite remember exactly what happens. (but i do remember i liked them a lot!)
i prefer icarly mainly because i watched it more than victorious when i was a kid (i dont really know why......i just know it was easier for me to watch icarly????????). my favourite icarly episodes are any episodes where spencer has tons of screen time. i really like those where they go to japan as well! and spencer is definitely my favourite character. spencer and gibby – they are THE best!
speaking of nostalgia, i've recently started playing club penguin again. i grew up playing it, got really sad when it ended and now i'm back at it (obviously not playing the original BUT its still cool)
it really was amazing. i'm curious for what's going to be the theme for next year's presentation. i think it's going to be an even nicer experience since i'll probably feel more confident :)
yes!!!!!!! make pluto a planet again!!!!!! pluto's been a planet for so long why not just let it be a planet??? it's not harming anyone!!!
lore olympus is really lovely. i hope you enjoy reading it! i don't think deimos appears at least for the parts i've read. who knows what happened after that?
again, i hope you've had/are having lovely holidays. i loved being your secret santa and i really really wish i'd had the time and energy to talk to you more often during this. but what's done is done and i really hope we'll keep chatting (you're so nice and interesting aaaaaaah!!!!!!)
have a great day :)
- lilly
hello, lilly/deimos! it’s nice to finally meet you!!! i apologize for the late response, as i’ve been busy with work and i also have a concerning tendency to stall before responding to people. so don’t even worry about giving late responses, as i completely understand how difficult it can be at times! with that being said, i hope you’ve had a wonderful holiday!
there’s this little quirk about bttf 2, which is most notably one of the most random subplots in cinematic history, where marty suddenly gets pissed off every time someone calls him ‘chicken’. it’s absolutely hilarious when you go back and watch that scene where he turns around and says, ‘nobody calls me chicken’ with a serious tone. where did this subplot come from? why is it pertinent for the movie to establish that marty doesn’t like to be referred to as a barnyard animal? i don’t know, but it’s funny as hell lmaoooo
spencer and gibby are the backbone of icarly, to be completely honest. spencer’s niche artistic expression paired in with his genuine passion for his little sister’s show is what makes him such a great character. and gibby’s eccentricities are also what makes the show so iconic even years after its final cancellation. (although, noah munck did admit that he began to feel exhausted by how fans of the show would constantly go up to him and ask him to pull off his shirt—the whole “gibbyyy” routine) it’s a shame that gibby’s anticipated spinoff show was cancelled before an official pilot was released. it would’ve been interesting to see how that character’s life would’ve progressed post-series finale. instead, we got ‘sam and cat’ ; a decent show that contained two of the most beloved characters on nickelodeon at that point in time, but a failed emulation of its predecessors
icarly tangent aside, that’s awesome that you reconnected with club penguin again! did you play any other online games that were popular at that time like petpet park, movie star planet, poptropica, ect.? (damn.. we had so many virtual games that catered to our demographic back then :( )
okay, if you receive any hints as to what’s going to be next year’s theme for your presentation, i’d love to know! it’s great to know that you’re gradually becoming more comfortable with performing in front of others!
YOU’RE RIGHT!!! pluto has never committed a single crime (besides being too short, i guess) this is a noble cause for short kings/queens worldwide : advocate for pluto’s validity as a planet!!! and hopefully, deimos makes at least a minor appearance in the most recent issues of lore olympus. he deserves more representation, poor chap :(
as i’ve said previously, don’t fret about not having sent enough asks during this event. i wholeheartedly enjoyed exchanging messages with you and hope to become good friends as we enter the new year! you’re very kind and interesting, and you’ve introduced me to media that was unfamiliar to me before. overall, you’re really cool and i anticipate that we continue to keep in touch here on tumblr :D
have an amazing day!!!
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nerdtrash-iteration · 5 years
(Re)watching Doctor Who: series 6
Wow okay so. I already knew a fair bit of what happened in this series before watching it for the first time in 2019. I knew that River was Amy and Rory’s daughter. That she was a proto-Time Lord due to being conceived on the TARDIS. I knew that Amy somehow loses her as a baby and that she ends up being her parents’ childhood friend. Anyway, let’s get into this very mixed bag of a series.
Series 6 (Eleventh Doctor) 6.0: A Christmas Carol First of all, I adore this Christmas special, it’s become one of my favourites. I love the setting. I love the premise of the Doctor changing someone’s past to make them a better person. Love Amy and Rory having fun with costumes on their wedding night. I’m not really fond of Abigail basically being a sexy lamp, some of her story is a bit creepy if you think too much about it. But a very beautiful episode overall.
6.1 + 6.2: The Impossible Astronaut + Day of the Moon This isn’t a bad story, but I am biased against it for a few reasons. I don’t tend to like stories set in America as they often feel really out of place in Doctor Who. American TV is already so pervasive, give another location some attention. It felt alienating to have your first story of a new series be set in America, with government conspiracies and time jumps and fake deaths. It just really didn’t feel like Doctor Who. Also I know that the Silence return but I didn’t like that they were just all killed off in the second half. They were built up as such a big deal and then killing them didn’t look that hard. Would have been better as a mid-season finale I think.
6.3: The Curse of the Black Spot I found this story pretty forgettable except for the last ten minutes. The guest characters really didn’t do much for me. Story wasn’t really interesting. It all felt a bit too silly. However, those last ten minutes really did hit me hard. What was an ehh pirate adventure became a mystical poignant story about a pirate crew trapped in limbo: trapped between dimensions and between life and death. It felt like a sci-fi take on Davy Jones, I loved that. Shame it just came in at the end.
6.4: The Doctor’s Wife I heard about this story before I saw it and was worried it would be really awkward and cringe-y. No, I actually really enjoyed it. I adore the setting: a pocket universe with a disembodied antagonist that eats TARDISes. Excellent. I loved the interactions between the Doctor and TARDIS/Idris (I felt calling her “Sexy” was a bit too far, but I don’t hate it). I felt the scenes with Amy and Rory were a bit generic and predictable, with how House messed with them. But overall I really liked this episode. I love the complexity it adds to the disappearance of the Time Lords.
6.5 + 6.6: The Rebel Flesh + The Almost People This is a pretty decent story, but maybe a bit too long. I think the premise is great and really creepy. Good examination of personhood and bodily autonomy.  But I don’t think it really needed to be a two-parter. Or maybe it needed to just use its running time better. Too many scenes drag for me. And I really found the Flesh as a concept difficult to take seriously. How has this never been brought up before??? It really feels like the implications of the Flesh in human society should have been explored more. 6.7: A Good Man Goes to War I have mostly positive feelings towards this episode but it can still be a bit frustrating. I think the rescue is fairly well-paced. I really like the new characters introduced. I love the connection of “Melody Pond” with “River Song”. However there are some set-backs. I’m not really into the military Church or the headless monks. It felt like world-building for the sake of it that doesn’t actually go anywhere. I really like the Paternoster gang, but I don’t like how they are introduced. They are characters the Doctor already knows but there is very little explanation to Amy and Rory or the audience who they are. I really felt like I had missed something and didn’t enjoy that. Also the Silence’s plan feels a tad contrived. The idea of creating an assassin to kill the Doctor is interesting. But it feels way too risky of a plan. How could they guarantee their brainwashed assassin doesn’t escape and learn how to be better? Which is what happened. 6.8: Let’s Kill Hitler I had spoiled myself a bit here, having seen many scenes from this episode closer to its time of airing. But seeing it in full really left me frustrated. I do like the reveal of their childhood friend Melody and their daughter Melody being one and the same. But I really hate how she behaves in this episode once she regenerates into her “River” body. This is the problem with telling a story in this order. We know River will become a friend to the gang. So there doesn’t feel like there’s a lot of tension here. And her “Tee hee, I’m such a psychopath, I love you and I’m here to kill you” act drove me mad. She really felt like a bad fanfiction OC here. I don’t love River overall as a character but I know she can be much better than this. Also there was barely any use mad of the historical setting. I do love Rory saying “Shut up, Hitler” and River facing off against the Nazi soldiers though. 6.9: Night Terrors This was mostly another ehhh episode to me. I do like the reveal of the dollhouse and the idea of people being turned into dolls. I enjoy the premise of the Doctor being summoned by a frightened child. Although this is another overuse of the perception filter I feel. It feels like a device to just cover up parts of your story that don’t quite click together. I also didn’t really care for the guest characters here. 6.10: The Girl Who Waited I was fairly impressed with this episode. Great setting, really interesting moral dilemma. I felt like some of the screen time could have been used more effectively, some parts of the story felt like it dragged a bit. But a very solid story. 6.11: The God Complex I was really disappointed with this episode. I knew a bit about it and was excited to see it. I really like a lot of the guest characters, especially Rita and Gibbis. Many of the character interactions are great. I love that Amy’s fear was represented by her childhood self waiting. I really like the creepy hotel being a labyrinth. But I couldn’t stand the minotaur or the plot resolution. I also had issue with their being inconsistency with the rules of the hotel. I think some characters saw their room and ended up fine. Some seemed to just be killed off without enough explanation. The whole “feeding on fear” thing was really eh to me. It was a horror story that lacked in a lot of tension. 6.12: Closing Time I was very fond of this episode. Again awkward that Gareth Roberts wrote it. I’m very fond of Craig as a character. Also the Doctor’s interactions with Alfie a.k.a Stormaggedon were very sweet. Not the best Cybermen story but not bad. Certainly better than The Next Doctor. Also it was wild to see Lynda Baron as one of the shop clerks. She was a childhood icon for me as Auntie Mabel in the education programme Come Outside.
6.13: The Wedding of River Song Give me strength, what a hot mess of an episode. I don’t loathe it like many do, but it was a really frustrating watch. This is where the Silence arc pissed me off the most. Kept dangling vague ideas in our face on why the Doctor had to die. It really felt like a repeat of “Because...reasons”. At the time of writing, I have seen the series 7 finale and The Time of the Doctor so I know it does eventually resolve. But it was a really frustrating watch at the time. I also don’t like the Doctor being suddenly like “Yo River, we need to get married now because plot”. I know it’s justified with technobabble that it will change the moment of the Doctor’s “death” but it really felt very jarring. I mostly found the Doctor and River’s relationship very frustrating as it seemed like we kept being told that she was important to him, without really seeing it. I can’t be sure of whether he actually had any romantic feelings for her, it’s hard to say. But yeah, kinda a mess of a finale. So yeah I have had this post in my drafts for a while as series 6 is hard for me to talk about. Some stories I’m quite fond of and I like the Doctor and the Ponds as a group but overall it was too dominated by an unsatisfying series arc for me to enjoy it as much as series 5.
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guitarstoriesusa · 6 years
Gibson Exits Bankruptcy - Experts & Dealers Comment on The New Gibson - Sammy Ash, Vic DaPra, Eliot Michael, Drew Berlin, Mercedes Girard & Ray Mauldin
Gibson Exits Bankruptcy Today
As Gibson emerges out of it’s bankruptcy today, November 1st, 2018, the new ownership group has announced its new CEO and other key team leaders. New CEO JC Curleigh, who previously ran Levi Strauss, will hopefully return Gibson to the iconic brand of guitars we all know and love.
What The Experts & Dealers Are Saying About Gibson
We sought the opinions of some friends of Guitar Stories USA whom we greatly respect and who are in our opinion are not only Gibson guitar experts, legendary vintage and new model guitar dealers, but have also had personal dealings with Gibson for decades.
They include:
Sammy Ash of Sam Ash Music
Vic DaPra, “Burst Believers” Author, Vintage Les Paul Expert & Gibson Dealer
Eliot Michael, Rumbleseat Music, Vintage Gibson Expert & Nashville Gibson Dealer
Drew Berlin, Vintage Gibson Dealer & Expert (Southern California)
Mercedes Girard, Guitars West, Vintage Guitar Expert and Dealer (Southern California)
Ray Mauldin, Grinning Elk Guitars & 2019 Atlanta Guitar Show Producer
What We Asked Them
We asked what they thought of the new Gibson leadership team and the direction the company may be headed. We also thought you want to know how they thought Gibson ended up in bankruptcy, what Gibson could do better and what they would like to see from the new Gibson.

Audio Interviews With Vic DaPra, Eliot Michael & Ray Mauldin
These audio interviews are about 8 or 9 minutes each and have revealing insights from some of the greatest Gibson Guitar Experts, Vintage Dealers and Gibson Dealers.
Vic DaPra, author of the Burst Believer book series on historic Gibson Les Pauls bursts with Burst Believers 4 due out soon, with forwards from Jimmy Page and Billy Gibbons.
Vic is optimistic but had some great dealer insights about Gibson and what he thinks they should focus on. SInce Vic designs custom artist guitars in limited runs, he talks about the Gibson Custom Shop and key personnel.
Listen to this great 9 minute chat with Vic who shares many insights from someone who has designed Les Paul custom shop runs…besides knowing everything about 1958-1960 Les Pauls.
Eliot Michael, besides being one of the leading experts on Gibson guitars and premium vintage dealer to the stars, is Nashville’s newest and only private Gibson Dealer.
Eliot was recently at Gibson building a guitar and also discusses the custom shop.
He shares those guitar stories here. For more information on on Eliot and Rumble Seat Music, click here or on those beautiful Les Pauls.
Ray Mauldin and his partner Lee Jackson are the resident guitar dealing Southern boys and we wanted their take on the new Gibson. Ray and I discusses the new Gibson, dealer issues and the Colonel’s secret recipe and other vital information.
Grinning Elk Music is also the Producer and Organizer of the new 2019 Atlanta Guitar Show (first in 13 years) June 8th and 9th, 2019 in Atlanta. All of the premium guitar dealers from the U.S., Canada and Germany will be at this show and we will be bringing you more information soon.
Here’s What
Sammy Ash,
Drew Berlin
Had To Say:
What Do You Think of the New CEO at Gibson?
"I have no idea, I have never met or heard of him before. He comes out of Levi’s so I am afraid we are going to play the lifestyle game again. I understand not one of the new group is from the industry very typical for Gibson. They have a long and storied history of selecting people from outside with no passion for the gear. There was an old saying…never write anyone’s name down at Gibson in pen. Use a pencil so you can change it in a few months. "  -- Sammy Ash "I haven’t met JC the new CEO, I have heard nothing but good things about him. I have met Cesar who I really like, great guy and passionate about Gibson and I feel he is dedicated to making the needed changes."  -- Drew Berlin
What do you think about the new ownership group and the future direction of Gibson?
"I don’t know that either. The Gibson Company has always let the dealer be the last one to know anything. At least they are very well funded."  -- Sammy Ash "I have also met Nat with KKR who is a guitar player and a very bright and passionate Gibson guy as well. I think the new owners understand the iconic brand they are in charge of and I feel things will state to show improvement."  -- Drew Berlin
Why did Gibson did to end up in bankruptcy?
"They took their eye off the ball of what they do best and decided that Philips would be their salvation??? We are an odd industry. Outsiders just don’t get us and we don’t get them, it’s not their fault, they are nice people but they don’t have a clue."  -- Sammy Ash "I feel the former company was more interested in a larger brand presence and less interested in the employees and the guitar product. There are many talented passionate people working at Gibson that are capable of building great guitars."  -- Drew Berlin "How much time do you have?! I believe too much of Gibson’s efforts near the “end” were wasted on lashing out at dealers of certain lines and even other builders who Gibson felt encroached on their over-reaching and sometimes vague “copyright”. Instead of working on improving their brand, their instruments, their artists-I saw way too much time spent on wagging their finger. Gibson failed because Gibson failed. "  -- Mercedes Girard
What would you most like to see happen at Gibson?
"Concentrate on the quality control especially at the higher end where instruments should be flawless. Quite often these are not when comparable brands in both acoustic and electric are. It’s easy to do I guess since several manufacturers already manage to make the grade. I don’t expect the corporate culture to change very much and that’s not a good thing. My highest rate of returns in my Guitars of Distinction collection are Gibson."  -- Sammy Ash "I would like to see less versions of historic models and more defined vintage inspired craftsmanship being appalled on each guitar. I feel the builders are more excited and are focused on a better future."  -- Drew Berlin "As a woman in the industry, as a fan of a good Gibby, and as a recovering Gibson dealer, I hope Gibson can make a concerted effort to repair the damage done by Henry Juszkiewicz when he decided the industry was failing large in part due to women not being comfortable going into music stores."  -- Mercedes Girard
What advice would you give the new CEO of Gibson?
"Listen to your dealers, that would be a nice for a change."  -- Sammy Ash "As far as giving advice to the new CEO ? I don’t feel he needs advice. He wouldn’t be the CEO if he wasn’t ready for the challenge"  -- Drew Berlin
So the sentiment is generally positive that Gibson Guitars will regain its legendary footing as the iconic brand of guitars that players have known and loved for well over a century.
Time will tell but it sounds like Gibson may restore its good reputation with the guitar buying public if they listen to a few of the suggestions our panel of experts and dealers have expressed.
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imi-ike · 8 years
tagged by @bisexualpattytolan in a ton of stuff so here is Too Much Information about me
Rules: tag 9 people you want to know better
How old are you? 26
What’s your current job? pharmacy technician
What are you talented at? crocheting, photoshop, dancing
What is a big goal you are working toward (or have already achieved)? i am working on getting ready to move to new york city sometime this year. it’s been a long time goal of mine. can’t wait to finally be Home, ya know?
What’s your aesthetic? stumbling your way through a messy room to get to a perfectly organized bookshelf, a desk full of empty teacups, odd numbers, the ugliest item of clothing on the rack, walking fast on a city street, mustard yellow pea coats, high-waisted jeans and leg warmers, handmade hats and store-bought scarves, like if a kate spade bag were a person...only messy
Do you collect anything? i guess playbills?
What’s a topic you always talk about? pretty little liars, broadway, feminism, ghostbusters, astrology
What’s a pet peeve of yours? people who just spit on the ground for no reason ew please stop ALSO OKAY SERIOUSLY smokers who are smoking until the literal last second before they walk in the door and then they exhale that final puff of smoke right into the room like excuse me my buddy my guy let me tell you about the main fucking reason you have to smoke outside it’s bc people are trying to breathe clean air in here my man
Good advice to give? guilty pleasures are bullshit if you like a thing just like it literally no one cares
What are three songs you’d recommend? find me - sigma feat. birdy, flux and flow - lights, she’s out of her mind - blink 182
Rules: Copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in yours, and when you are done tag up to 10 people and also tag the person who tagged you… and most importantly, have fun!
a - age: 26 b - biggest fear: sharks c - current time: 10:11pm d - drink you last had: iced tea e - every day starts with: ghostbusters theme song alarm f - favorite song: whyyawannabringmedown - kelly clarkson g - ghosts, are they real: too much eerie shit has been reported for me to not think they are h - hometown: philadelphia i - in love with: not a damn person j - jealous of: people with great skin and practically hairless bodies k - killed someone: not that i can recall l - last time you cried: randomly yesterday while i was listening to defying gravity idk why fam i was going through it m - middle name: don’t have one n - number of siblings: one o - one wish: to be free of student loan debt p - person you last called/texted: my friend gibby. she wanted to ask if i thought she had a chance of ever dating kristen stewart. q - questions you’re always asked: how do you spell your name? you mean you never want to have kids? are you going to [event] BY YOURSELF? r - reasons to smile: when they play kelly clarkson on the radio, when your friends say things that reaffirm how much you love them and how proud you are of them as people in general but also for the open-minded brilliant caring feminist girl gang they’ve become, cute fanfictions, discount broadway tickets s - song last sang: candy store - heathers t - time you woke up: 7:27am u - underwear color: like a coral/peach color v - vacation destination: usually wildwood, nj w - worst habit: procrastination. or dermatillomania (not sure if i can consider that a “habit”) x - x-rays you’ve had: got a cervical spine xray and a chest xray y - your favorite food: mushrooms z - zodiac sign: leo
★ Nickname: neen, jay, my dad calls me deedee
★ Star sign: leo
★ Height: 5′0″ish
★ Time right now: 11:31pm
★ Favorite music artist(s): kelly clarkson, evanescence, sara bareilles, halsey, icon for hire
★ Last movie I watched: fast five
★ Last TV show watched: fringe
★ What are you wearing right now?: gray pajama pants, black kathy’s school of dance tshirt (shoutout)
★ When did you make your blog?: 2009???
★ What kind of stuff do you post: almost entirely fandom-related things, ghostbusters, kristen stewart, pretty little liars, teen wolf, ace text posts
★ Do you have any other blogs?: i used to have a bunch but i’ve gotten rid of them i am a very lazy blog owner
★ Do you get asks regularly?: not really
★ Why did you choose your URL?: because paige mccullers is literally everything to me. every single thing.
★ Gender: female
★ Hogwarts house: ravenclaw
★ Pokemon team: instinct
★ Favorite color: yellow
★ Average hours of sleep: max is 8, but lbr it’s usually more like 5
★ Lucky numbers: 7, 13, 713
★ Favorite characters: paige mccullers, meg masters, alice cullen, mickey milkovich, malia tate
★ How many blankets do you sleep with?: usually 2 throw blankets
★ Dream job: ugh i have such a hard time answering this question, i can be happy doing anything if the situation is right
10 characters, 10 fandoms
paige mccullers, pretty little liars
meg masters, supernatural
erica reyes, teen wolf
faith lehane, btvs
mickey milkovich, shameless
patty tolan, ghostbusters
alice cullen, twilight
elphaba thropp, wicked
emily gilmore, gilmore girls
logan echolls, veronica mars
tagged by @imjadedbutohsolovely for this last one! :)
rules: list 10 good things that happened in 2016 and then tag 10 friends
1. ghostbusters existed and it was wonderful and i love the toltzmann fandom
2. saw halsey in concert at madison square garden on my birthday
3. flew to chicago to see my best friend
4. flew to vegas for a work trip but also had so much fun and finally met @sex-hair-clarkson
5. figured out and accepted my (a)sexuality and let me tell you fam i feel fucking fantastic about it like...not knowing was so exhausting
6. got my first tattoo
7. finally got netflix
8. saw evanescence in concert for the first time amy is so amazing live i have been dreaming about seeing her since i was like 12 and it was perfect
9. paige mccullers came back to pretty little liars and i connected with a bunch of people over it and those people saved me and my mental health (i was not okay i was basically not eating bc i was so stressed) i would not have made it through the season or this upcoming season without them
10. the election was a clusterfuck but i got to vote for a woman to be president of the united fucking states and it was a fucking MOMENT and no one will take that from me
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scorpio-hotch · 3 years
Tagged by @softhairedhotch and @goobzoop
1. why did you choose your url?
Because I love Aaron Hotchner and he is a Scorpio :))
2. any side blogs?
This is technically a side blog
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
I've had my main account (which I'm not active on) for about 3 and a half years, but I've had this blog for like 3 months
4. do you have a queue tag?
I don't queue posts
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
I spent a really long time lurking on Tumblr, but for some reason I got really into sending anon asks (mainly to Cas) and I realized I probably should just start my own blog
6. why did you choose your icon?
I love Tommy Gibby with glasses (and I have little pride flags for June)
7. why did you choose your header?
I searched 'astrology' on Pinterest and found a picture that went with my aesthetic (also has pride flags rn)
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
My fic Secret Softie :))
9. how many mutuals do you have?
Like 10 maybe?
10. how many followers do you have?
60 :)
11. how many people are you following?
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
Yes, I love my shitpost memes
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
A few hours probably
14. did you have an argument with another blog once?
15. how do you feel about “you really need to reblog this” posts?
I don't really like them, I guess I understand if someone is trying to spread helpful information, but I don't usually reblog
16. do you like tag games?
Yeah, they're fun
17. do you like ask games?
Yeah, but I don't do them often
18. which of your tumblr mutuals do you think is famous?
@softhairedhotch <33
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