#also i could be easily pushed into another over lapping third part
rocknrollsalad · 9 months
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☃️ characters/pairings: steddie, clarkson
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❄️ @it-gets-worse-at-night "requested" some snowed in steddie and I felt too compelled to deliver. So here's the boys going to get supplies after a few days snowed in the munson trailer
🛷 content/trigger warnings: being trapped inside, snowstorms, loads of discussions about various sexual activities, implied sex, injury discussions, couples fighting, heavily implied drug use, pov switch
😚 word count: 4660
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“Wayne practically threw you off that porch,” Steve said as he crowded into Eddie’s space. 
“That’s just how he is, you wouldn’t understand.” 
“We’ve been trapped inside your trailer with him and Scott for three days, I kind of want to push you out the door and send you on a meaningless chore.” 
Eddie stopped to look at Steve, “You don’t mean that.” 
Scrambling to a stop of his own, trying not to regret the borrowed boots, Steve gave Eddie a wide-eyed stare. “We’re all on top of each other in a tin can, Ed. There’s no power, no hot water, and we're running out of food. We can hear Wayne chew from your room. With the door closed. Where's the fun?” 
“Oh, that’s nothing new,” Eddie said with a laugh and got himself started again, carefully taking steps on what they were hoping was the road. “You’d have never survived the storm of ‘78, things were out for a week. I had to climb on the roof so many times.” 
“I was alive in ‘78,” Steve tossed back, not even trying to hide the annoyance. 
“Yeah, it was probably real tough in that castle.” 
Steve didn’t miss that Eddie wasn’t looking at him. Obviously, he’d made a misstep here and not the expected ones into a ditch or on some patch of ice. However, they had been caged up and Steve wasn’t the sort to just sit and take shit either. “If you want to know the truth, your trailer is way easier to keep warm and I didn’t pay enough attention in science class to know the fire I’d made was trying to heat the whole house.” 
“Yeah, but your parents knew.” 
“Maybe, they were in Boca. It’s sort of their thing. They don’t really like winter.” 
“And why weren’t you with them?” 
“Because I was thirteen and the last thing I wanted to do was go hang out at some resort with a bunch of grandmas. I asked to stay.” 
And like that, Steve had Eddie back. With a little jump and turn, more than he should have been trying, Eddie was walking backward. Huge grin on his face as he said, “Good to know you’re not one of those guys really into old women.” 
“I was thirteen, my tastes hadn’t formed yet,” Steve scrunched his features together, mocking Eddie. 
“So that’s why you asked Mrs. Allaway if you could get her anything while we’re out. God, I’ve got to be one epic disappointment.” 
“At this point if it were between you in this storm and the grandmas on the beach, I hate to say it…” 
Clutching his chest in a gesture that brought the disc sled they were towing up to smack him in his knees, Eddie played his part. Wounded and not walking, it would normally be amusing but Steve wished there were bushes to be seen so he could shove Eddie into them. 
Stopping just short of colliding, Steve rolled his eyes. “Mush! Let's go.” 
“You’re so cranky. Where's this guy been all my life? Like, yowza. Who needs all these layers with you making me this hot?” 
“I’m just not used to being s-so supervised,” Steve snapped. Immediately he flinched at the sound of his own voice. He hadn’t meant for that to come out but they’d been circling it enough the compliant sprouted legs. 
“Oh, alright, yeah. Let it out, man,” Eddie laughed, unbothered.
“I was supposed to take you out but Wayne said the weather was gonna turn and, whatever, yeah. Sure, he was right but, man, we should have gone to my place. They know everything we do, I can’t even kiss you without a comment.” 
Eddie pressed closer, as near as he could get without them touching. Or they might have been, they were both wrapped in enough layers that Steve couldn’t be sure. “You could now.” 
“You know what’s why they kicked us out right?” 
“Because you want to kiss me?” Eddie said through a laugh. 
“No, because they were smart enough to get the trailer to themselves. Your uncle is absolutely giving it to our old science teacher right now.” 
Gagging, Eddie stepped back. “Thanks for that image.” 
An evil grin flashed in place of laughter, poised in his growing frustration. “I'm just saying and it could have been us if someone hadn’t ruined it.” 
“Who, Scott?” Eddie asked with that innocent confusion he was too good at faking. 
“Yeah, him,” Steve deadpanned, pushing past Eddie to carry on. It was a long walk to civilization. “Definitely not you with your ‘you can borrow clothes! We’ve got enough to fit you!’ eagerness.” 
“How was I supposed to know?” 
“If it was any more obvious, Wayne and Scott would have caught on. I mean, I wouldn't have had to say anything. I mean, what? 'Why do YOU two go and we’ll stay here because I haven’t got off in four days and, well, ya know what? Really if you just check the mail the problem would be sorted' It wasn't even subtext, man.” 
Eddie covered his mouth but Steve still heard the laugh. “Look, I wanted to get out of the house.” 
“I know and you needed to, you’re climbing the walls, but also we could have used that energy in a better way than a two-hour quest through the snow or whatever you called it.” 
“We could…fool around out here.” 
Steve didn’t respond, just waved his hand over his body to present the biggest obstacle. Whether he meant all the layers or being without them, he wasn’t sure. Perhaps both. 
“Alright fine, then we do a little over-the-clothes action. It wouldn’t be the first time you’ve cum in your pants,” Eddie said with a level of pride that did things to Steve. 
He was almost willing to take him up on the offer. Again, it wouldn’t take much effort. “As much as I’d love to spend the rest of the walk to the store with my dick frozen to my leg hairs…” 
The act dropped as Eddie paused to entertain Steve’s statement. 
“I wouldn’t love that,” Steve whispered, glaring at Eddie. Shocked that needed to be said. 
“So, fine. We go back then.” 
“And say what? Mr. Munson? Mr. Clarke? I really need to fuck Eddie right now so if you could go get the groceries we were halfway to, that’d be swell.” 
“Why did you call him Mr. Munson in that scenario?” 
Steve scrubbed his hand over what stinging cold skin he still had exposed. 
“And we’re not halfway. A quarter of the way at best.” 
“Eddie, I’m going to murder you. I’m going to murder you and leave your body in the snow then I’m going to jerk off in your bed when your uncle comes out looking for you.” 
“I mean, that sounds like an amazing night.” 
“Jesus fucking Christ.” 
“Him too, huh?” 
“You know that movie where the guy goes crazy and tries to kill his wife in the tree maze?” 
“You’re so close but yes.” 
“I get it.” 
“All work and no play, huh?” 
There wasn’t anything Steve could say. He was aware of his sour mood which was because of so many things other than his ability to have a bit of fun with Eddie. Being trapped was huge but they were out walking around so maybe it wasn’t as bad as it looked.
Hearing over and over how it’s just a snowstorm and everything would be fine was also going to bring Steve to murder. Like Wayne and Scott had any clue what they’d been through, the horrors Steve knew and the way feeling helpless ate at him. Sure it wasn’t the same but the feelings were too close for Steve’s liking. 
Add to that Steve didn’t think people were meant to spend this many consecutive hours together. He was ready for his solitude back. And for the snow to leave. 
Wayne was taking care of them and well. He knew all the tricks and how to make things work, he kept the peace pretty well, and Steve likely was being as difficult as Eddie. They probably both needed to be kicked out. 
“I think I’m just gonna walk back to my place after we get you loaded up.” 
“What? Why? You’re going to make me carry everything back by myself?” 
“You have the sled.” 
“It’ll be heavy though! You have all those muscles!” 
Steve rolled his eyes but took the compliment. 
“Look, it’s not a full plan,” Eddie started. “But maybe you’re right. We can go back.” 
“If you faked hurt.” 
With a shake of his head, Steve said he didn’t understand and waited for Eddie to offer more. 
“I was thinking about it, right? You have to be the one who’s hurt because you’re a guest and my uncle can’t demand you go to the doctor since you’re not his kid. Even though I’m the better actor.” 
“You’re more dramatic, it’s not the same thing.” 
“One day we’re going to be stuck in the snow without Wayne to save u-no wait, that wouldn't be a problem wouldn’t it?” 
“Probably not.” 
“Well, being bitchy now doesn’t melt the snow or whatever so we’ve got my plan or we go to the store and return. Together.” 
“Let’s hear it,” Steve resigned. 
“You’re hurt, right? Something easy, no broken bones or anything, so you just have to have bed rest and aspirin. I get you back to the trailer in one piece since I'm obviously the hero of this story. Wayne and Scott go get supplies since we failed. Blammo! The house to ourselves.” 
“So, what? We were goofing off when we weren’t supposed to be, I got hurt, and we didn’t make it to the store.” 
“Perfect, right.” 
“More than enough for me,” Steve said, spinning on his heel and heading back the way they came. 
Getting out of the trailer wasn’t all it was cracked up to be in this sort of cold. They’d made it a considerable distance and Steve felt like that part was out of his system. Maybe he just needed to take a little walk every day like some sort of pet. However, he was nearly sprinting back to the trailer. Desperate for warmth and the promised alone time in said warm trailer. 
Eddie struggled to keep up but his snowsuit didn’t fit like it used to, he claimed. Limiting his movements. He had to shout to stop Steve before he rounded into the trailer park, they had to sell this. And Eddie was right, acting wasn’t Steve’s thing so he called upon everything he had. This rested on his performance. So he climbed onto the sled and let Eddie pull him from there.
Alerting the whole place to the problem, Eddie called out Wayne's name long before reaching the Munson home. Steve wanted to needle and make jokes about getting into Eddie’s head and what the men were up to but he’d done enough damage today. 
As expected, Wayne came scrambling out onto the front porch, nearly kicking through the snow that had piled up from the roof. Steve watched the emergency response turn into disappointment. 
“What the hell have you boys done now?” 
“If you didn’t want us to play in the snow you shouldn’t have given us a sled,” Eddie said. 
“Here I thought you were grown up enough,” Wayne mocked. He stuffed a hand into the pocket of his jacket and pulled out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. 
“Wayne,” Eddie said with so much seriousness. “It’s a sled. It’s bright green. I’m an adult but I’m still human.”
Steve shrugged a shoulder, it was a valid point. 
As Wayne exhaled the first drag, he waited for an explanation. Something people seemed to do a lot around Eddie. Steve wasn’t sure if it was annoyance or understanding they all had but it was neat that they all shared it. 
“Maybe we were goofing off a little bit, whatever. We’ve been inside for days! If I crashed into him because no one can control one of these things then that’s between me, him, and the woodland creatures. Especially the birds that all scattered at the deafening sound of his knee…” 
“Dislocating,” Steve filled in. 
Steve’s contribution stopped Wayne and he looked down at him on his pathetic sled, snow-covered and freezing. Again, he waited for more to be said. 
“My knee popped outta place. It’s happened before. I was a bit worried about it because, ya know,” Steve motioned around him to the snow, “But it popped back in so I knew it wasn’t gonna be that bad.” 
Wayne grumbled. 
“It’s not a big deal, everything kind of goes black for a minute, like,” Steve held his hands out past his head and brought them to a point.
Scott appeared over Wayne’s shoulder looking like he’d run a few laps around the trailer to get here. “Is he alright?” 
“He’s an idiot but he’ll live,” Wayne said, tapping the cigarette over the snow and having Steve oddly feel like part of the family. “Get him inside, Ed.” 
They’d pulled it off. Steve was really starting to doubt things for a second but it looked like this was working. The hardest acting of all of this was not celebrating. Talking about his knee was easy, he retold a basketball injury, but this was different. 
Not as hard, though, as having to act like he couldn’t walk. Wayne wasn’t looking at them but he was always watching. Eddie wasn’t much help. Had Steve seriously been hurt, crawling into the trailer would have been easier than this Three Stooges brand entrance into the home. 
Steve ended up moving himself up the stairs though, backward and very carefully. Eddie crashed into the walls of the trailer trying to get Steve on his feet, and a very doting Scott came and helped Steve hop to the couch. He prayed he was selling this but between the concern and the clown, his performance was overshadowed. 
The performance was worth it when Scott helped Steve get his leg up on the coffee table (with a few pillows, of course) and then instructed Eddie to “help Steve get out of some of those layers”. The overzealous “gladly” that Eddie rushed out had Scott turning several shades of red and spinning in a circle, not sure if he should chastise Eddie or leave the room. Steve wondered if now was the right time to tell him he’d skipped a button in getting dressed. Really pile on the embarrassment. 
As usual, he was saved by Wayne who showed up dressed in his winter gear. It wasn’t anything close to Eddie’s navy blue, puffy overalls but it looked as old and well-used. Mission-driven Wayne was not a man one talked to. Eddie fell back immediately, getting out of the way. 
Scott moved forward. “You’re not going out there alone!” 
“You stay and tend to the boys, I’ll be fine,” Wayne answered, not welcoming a discussion as he grabbed his scarf and gloves. 
Risking their whole plan, Eddie and Steve’s heads whipped toward each other. They hadn’t planned for this. 
“I’m a science teacher, not a nurse, there’s nothing I can do for him that Eddie can’t. I’m not having you wandering around in the snow alone.” 
“Nothing your teaching stuff could do for us out there either,” Wayne offered. 
Again, Eddie and Steve shared a look but it was sympathy for Scott. And a bit of guilt for bringing this on. 
“We’re absolutely going to pretend you didn’t say that because I doubt you mean it. Give me two minutes.” 
Wayne growled but he stopped wrapping his scarf around his neck. As Scott dashed off to find things to stay warm, Wayne turned his attention to the boys. “He alright?” 
“I dunno, I think we might have to amputate,” Eddie answered. 
Steve looked up at his boyfriend confused but it brought a laugh from Wayne. Things weren’t as bleak as they looked and somehow Eddie knew that. He deserved a bit more credit than he got sometimes. Steve probably owed him an apology or two.
“Well, I trust you know what you’re doing. Give him a belt to bite down on and remember bone is harder to cut through than you think.” 
“Yeah, I remember,” Eddie said in a way that made it sound like he’d done it a dozen times. 
Whatever was going on made the room feel lighter. Steve may not have understood but he was thankful. 
“We let a lot of the heat out getting you two inside so-” 
“Yup,” Eddie said. 
“And…sorry for before. You two were just having fun.” 
“We were being dumbasses too. We knew better.” 
“Nothing wrong with that you just, you gotta be careful. You both are more fragile than you used to be.” 
Eddie’s shoulders dropped but Steve stared at Wayne in disbelief. Was all of this because they’d gotten hurt and not because they didn’t finish the mission? The guilt started to weigh enough Steve feared an actual injury. He wasn’t hurt and they were dumbasses. Not anyone worth this much fuss.
Scott showed up looking ready to explore the Arctic, he even had goggles. He was too easy to make fun of. How this man survived middle school on a daily basis had to be a miracle. Steve knew he was at his meanest then, honing the craft if you will, and Scott begged to be mocked. 
As if reading their minds, Wayne shook his head but nodded toward the door. Moving things along in a way only he could. Giving them another look, a nod of their own, Scott followed Wayne. 
Hot on his heels, Eddie stood in the doorway as he sent the troops off to war. “We were going to spend all the money on beer and sour candy so, ya know, don’t do that. Or do. I still want some candy.” 
Steve didn’t need to see Wayne to know the eye roll the comment received. “Close the damn door, boy.” was the parting comment. 
Like that, Steve and Eddie had the place to themselves. They got out of the grunt work and they got a weird bonus of being cared for. Maybe Steve could cook dinner or something. At a minimum, he could stop complaining. He was building quite the debt for this and didn't have a clue how to pay it off and ease his conscience. 
Eddie peered through the window, fogging up the glass as his uncle stomped his way out of the trailer park. While Eddie kept watch, Steve shed some layers. Waiting for the go-ahead, the all clear. If there was going to be this much guilt, they better do what they came back for!
Scott stood on what he thought was the Munson’s driveway, looking back at the homestead he’d been lucky enough to have through this storm. Normally he weathered the snowdays alone. It was never a hardship, there were plenty of projects calling his name and even the loss of electricity didn’t stop him. Spending the days trapped inside with three other people didn’t look like the preferable choice but Scott hadn’t minded. 
At least until cabin fever started to claim everyone else. Steve was the first to go. They were twelve hours away from rash decisions or a knife fight. Wayne was next but it was hard to know if it was cabin fever or the teenagers they were crammed in the trailer with. Eddie seemed to not have an off switch and Steve was teetering on the brink. They'd drive anyone to madness.
Thankfully they had their own space but without the distraction of music, television, and the hum of general appliance usage, Scott and Wayne could hear their every conversation. To make sure they didn’t fall victim to the same, Scott and Wayne kept it light and did a lot of reading. 
Watching Wayne stomp down the steps to blow right past where Scott stood, they were either going to find a way to say even less as they walked to the store or too much was going to be said. As weird as it was, Scott hoped for the latter. Wayne wasn’t great at talking about what he felt but there was more going on here and it shouldn’t stay in. 
Scott struggled to find the boy's tracks, the wind filled in most disturbances. Soon it’d all be compacted and turned into a slushy mess. For now, it was almost majestic. The sort of stuff that made Scott wish he was better with a camera. 
He slipped a few times, the soft snow crunching down further on one side than the other and costing him his balance. Wayne would have caught him, surely, or at least laughed along but he was already in the next county. If he’d gotten any farther ahead of Scott, he’d have to take offense. The neon green sled helped Wayne stay visible at least.
Near the end of the street, Wayne turned around and closed the gap. “We shouldn’t have asked them to go, they aren’t responsible enough.” 
“Try again.” 
“They’re just kids, Scott. It’s our job to go and what’s worse, we’re fooling around like we’re the teenagers.”
There was a drastic shift in attitude from one comment to the next. Scott was pretty sure the problem here after that second addition but he stood tall and firm. “Keep going.” 
“What if something serious had happened? Eddie was in the hospital for eight months, Steve half that time. They could have done something, who knows. I mean...” 
“They could have but they didn’t," Scott said firmly. "We can’t worry about the could haves.” 
“I just saw Steve on that sled and thought they could have been hit by some idiot thinking they could drive in this and we wouldn’t have known. We’d’ve been at home complaining about how long they were taking.” 
“Okay,” Scott said, nodding and taking this in. 
He didn’t have any kids of his own, adoptive or biological. Scott had far too many opinions on raising kids but he dealt with parents choices day in and day out. Of course, there were ones he worried about sending home each day but it was nothing like this. Eddie was Wayne's responsibility, his burden. 
Wayne was an amazing parent and this showed why. Doing his best to take in the concern and not respond too coldly or calculated, Scott touched the sleeve of Wayne’s coat to let him know he was there. 
“You wanna say something ‘bout them being fine, don’t you?” 
“Is that going to change how you feel?” 
“Then it’s not helpful. At some point, you’ll have to let the boys make their own mistakes. They’re adults now and they aren’t always going to have you to come home to but that doesn’t mean you have to stop worrying.” 
Scott smiled, “Those two boys know that no matter what happens, they can call on you and that’s not something most have in life. You getting a few extra gray hairs means they know they’re loved.” 
“Well, we don’t gotta go that far.” 
“But it means you have to let them try to fly too.” 
“Y’know, I’ve never been able to stop Eddie from doing much but it really should have been me and you that did this in the first place.” 
“Aw, are you saying you didn’t have fun being the ones left behind?” 
“Now, don’t fight dirty, Mr. Clarke.” 
“I’m simply pointing out that sometimes it’s okay to let them try. Fun, even.” though it couldn’t be seen, Scott raised an eyebrow. 
It all earned a laugh from Wayne that felt like a major victory rather than a half-a-second reaction. This wasn’t going to ruin their day, it was barely going to ruin the next five minutes, so Scott walked along quietly and left Wayne to his thoughts. Enjoying the peace of mind that things weren’t going to explode any time soon. The volatile conditions weren’t going to go away but if they continued to be careful, they’d survive this.
By the walk home, Scott was tired but filled the crisp air with words. Lamenting the state of the store and how overly optimistic it’d been to think there’d be anything worthwhile left this deep into the storm. If they couldn't drive Wayne's truck through town, deliveries weren't getting in either. Which brought on other worries but it was too late for any preventative measures. 
There wasn’t a drop of liquor left in the store, not even cooking sherry, but they did get sour candies for the boys. Wayne had to suffer and get a different brand of cigarettes but Scott wasn’t about to add withdrawals to this situation so he'd put them in the cart and silenced the complaints. Just because he had more patience than the rest of them, didn’t mean it couldn’t run out. 
Back at the trailer, things were suspiciously quiet. They’d made good use of their time alone given it smelled like a family of skunks had a party under the trailer. Wayne shook his head, not a battle he wanted to (or could) fight. It was something Scott was still getting used to, especially the reflex of years spent with the expectation he would kick down doors and put a stop to recreational drug use. 
Wayne traipsed into Eddie’s room with the comfort that comes with “I pay the bills here” and gave the boys the rundown. What was out, what they got, who they’d run into. Steve was lying on the bed with his knee propped up on every spare pillow the trailer had. 
As Wayne spoke, Scott glanced from Steve to Eddie; something happened here. Nothing looked out of place and neither of them seemed different but Scott knew something was going on. For a moment he thought about asking, to point out the way things felt, but he’d spent too much time scurrying after Wayne in the snow to ruin the good mood it’d brought back. 
Instead, Scott listened to Wayne talk about some guy he knew from work. Through narrowed eyes and finally unfogged glasses, Scott watched the kids. Trying to decide if it was the weed or they’d broken grandma’s heirloom vase or whatever the Munson equivalent was. Scott waited for Wayne to make his exit. The promise of some meal that didn’t make sense to Steve or Scott came as Wayne walked out to hang his winter clothes up to dry. 
“I don’t know what you two are up to,” Scott whispered, pointing a finger from one to the other before settling it on Eddie. “But I know it’s something and your uncle is out there feeling like a failure as a parental figure because he sent you two out in the storm. Which means whatever it is stays a secret. You hear me?” 
They both nod, wide-eyed and sitting a little straighter in the bed. 
“Good. Because if he finds out–” 
“There’s nothing to find out,” Eddie said, falling so easily into that cornered cat persona. 
Meanwhile, Steve looked like he’d been stopped by the police. Caught mid-crime and coming to terms with the terrifying prospects of prison, he shifted his injured leg. Scott silently emphasized the warning before saying “Good.” 
With that, he left. He’d spent so long trying not to be Mr. Clarke and to not see those two as former students but it was the only way he knew how to do something like that. Rather than sit around and watch it implode, Scott fell back on the skills he’d honed. If he used them for good it couldn’t possibly be a problem, right? 
And the man standing in the kitchen clutching a cup of coffee like a lifeline, with its warmth and normalcy, as he assessed their haul was the best cause of them all. 
16 notes · View notes
nhaaauyen · 2 months
⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨ The Ghost of You ୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆
"This thou perceiv'st, which makes thy love more strong // To love that well which thou must leave ere long." -William Shakespeare (Sonnet 73)
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zombie apocalypse sevika x reader au!: sevika was the super soldier; a killing machine driven solely by survival. you were nomadic, constantly searching for something in whatever was left of the world—till you met her.
series masterpost: part I // part III // part IV // part V // part V
wc: 7.1k author's note: ahhh tysm to everyone reading!!! your comments literally make my day and the taglist DAMN!! seriously I'm so grateful <3 also i apologize for this chapter being so long, i tried to stfu but it still ended up being 7k
One thing you should've realized sooner was that nothing escapes Sevika's notice in Zaun. 
You were barely a week into your new routine, legs burning as you struggled through your morning run. The only sound you could hear was of blood pounding in your ear—and the addition of a rumbling engine approaching from behind.  
You whip your head back, unsure if your ears were deceiving you but there it was, a truck filled with Sevika's scavenging team catching up, with Sevika herself leaning out the passenger window.
"Pick up the pace, pantry girl!" she shouted, her voice laden with amusement. "At this rate, you'll be old and gray before you join my team!"
Her crew howled with laughter as they sped by, leaving you red-faced and fuming in a cloud of dust.
Now, weeks later, you collapse onto the grass beside Caitlyn, both of you panting heavily after finishing your lap around the neighborhood. The memory of Sevika's taunts still burns, spurring you to push yourself harder during training.
Just as you're about to ask if you should do another lap, something ice-cold presses against your neck. You yelp, jerking upright in surprise.
A dark-haired woman hovers over you, a familiar smirk playing on her lips and a frosty water bottle in her hand. "Still jumping at shadows, I see," she teases. "I'm not sure I can use someone so easily startled on my team."
You glare up at her. "That's rich, coming from you," you retort. "Your late-night victory parties make it impossible to get a good night's sleep around here."
"Feeling left out? The invitations open, you know. Just bring your own drink."
"How about an invitation to join your team instead?"  You counter.
Sevika laughs, the sound was simultaneously frustrating and oddly captivating. "Maybe focus on not tripping over your own feet first, pantry girl."
After you finish your training for the day, you take a quick shower and make your way to the pantry for your shift. But as you approach, you notice something odd - your name isn't on the schedule. Again.
"That's the third time this week," you mutter.
Caitlyn notices your confusion. "Maybe they're cutting back on hours?" she suggests, but her tone is uncertain.
With your unexpected free time, you find yourself spending more time with your makeshift family. Family dinners were something you always had, but for the first time you didn’t have to worry about where or what your next meal would be.
Powder chatters animatedly about her latest inventions, while Caitlyn asks questions that make the kid’s eyes go wild with excitement. Vi listens with a mix of amusement and pride, occasionally ruffling her sister's hair.
Vander sits at the head of the table and he interjects with the occasional piece of wisdom that makes Vi interrupt to remind him that they were too old for lectures or dad jokes, drawing laughter from the group.
As plates are cleared and the conversation winds down, Powder asks to star gaze again, which Vander wants to say no to when everyone has work tomorrow. But then he looks outside and he’s reminded that things weren’t the same, you could afford the leisure to enjoy the skies now.
So you all move to the roof, continuing your evening under the stars. Powder points out constellations, making up stories for each one. Vi playfully argues with her interpretations, while Caitlyn offers more scientific explanations. You lean back, taking in the moment, feeling truly at peace for the first time in a long while.
As the night deepens, drowsiness sets in. One by one, you bid each other goodnight and retreat to your beds.
Morning arrives sooner than you'd like and you meet Caitlyn early, both of you squinting against the bright sunlight as you make your way to the training grounds. The morning sun warms your face as you and Caitlyn wait on the grass for Grayson to arrive with your sparring partner. You're chatting idly, speculating about who it might be when you hear approaching footsteps.
Your eyes widen as you see Grayson walking towards you, but it's the figure beside her that makes your breath catch. Sevika strides across the field, her presence somehow always able to steal your attention. She's wearing dark wash jeans that hug her legs and a sleeveless, tight black tee that shows off her toned arms with her usual red shawl draping over her left side.
Grayson offers an apologetic smile as they reach you. "Sorry we're late. There was a situation to handle."
Sevika merely grunts, barely acknowledging you and Caitlyn. Your heart races—if she was here to watch you were so screwed, there was no way Sevika would let you have a match without her snarky comments. 
"Marcus was supposed to be here today," Grayson explains, "but it seems he's... incapacitated."
You and Caitlyn exchange knowing looks. It's not the first time Marcus has been too drunk to show up, and frankly, you're relieved. Even when sober, he's a total ass.
"So... who are we sparring with?" you ask, though you have a sinking feeling you already know the answer.
Grayson gestures to Sevika. "Someone owes me a favor."
Sevika rubs her head, clearly annoyed. "Can we get this over with?" she grumbles.
Grayson chuckles. "She's just grumpy because she's hungover," she explains to you, then turns to Sevika with a raised eyebrow. "Which you wouldn't be if you didn't drink like it's water."
Sevika scowls, softly as she crosses her arms. "It's my day off," she retorts. "You never come to my parties."
"I drink on my own time," Grayson replies primly, adjusting her stance.
"You're too much of a goody two shoes," Sevika snorts, rolling her eyes.
You and Caitlyn look at each other in shock, from the fact that the two captains are bickering like siblings and they’re going to be sparring with Sevika. 
"Sevika?" Caitlyn sputters. "You want us to spar Sevika?"
"It's better practice for you two - Sevika has years of fighting experience. You can learn some new techniques today,"  She reassures. "So, who's first?"
"I'll get it over with," Caitlyn acquiesced, her voice steady despite the nerves you can see in her eyes.
As Caitlyn approaches the sparring area, Sevika reaches for her shawl. In one swift motion, she removes it, and your eyes widen in shock. Where you expected to see flesh and bone, there's instead a gleaming bionic arm. 
Intricate gears and pistons are visible beneath panels of transparent material, offering glimpses of the arm's inner workings. As Sevika flexes her fingers, you can see these components whirring and sliding with precision, each movement accompanied by a soft, almost musical hum.
Sevika doesn't react to the stares, her face stony as if this reveal is inconsequential. You feel a pang of guilt for gawking, but you can't help wondering - was this a war injury, or a result of the walkers? 
Caitlyn recovers from her shock like you do, now both of you feeling more intimidated by the strength and skills of the woman before you.  You watch as Sevika easily deflects Caitlyn's first attack, countering with a move so fast you barely see it. Caitlyn hits the ground hard, she barely has any time to react when Sevika strikes again.
"Come on, cupcake," Sevika taunts, using Vi's nickname for Caitlyn. 
The use of the nickname catches both you and Caitlyn off guard and she narrowly dodges a punch.  You had no idea how much Sevika had been paying attention to your group.
"Is that all you've got?" The captain says smugly.
As the sparring continues, you find yourself studying Sevika's every move. The way she anticipates Caitlyn's attacks, the efficiency of her counterstrikes, the subtle shifts in her stance.  
But it's more than just her fighting skills that captivate you. It's the fierce concentration in her eyes, the slight smirk that plays on her lips when she lands a particularly good hit. It's the way her muscles flex as she moves, the sheen of sweat that forms on her skin under the hot sun.
You're so lost in your observations that you almost miss when Grayson calls an end to the match. Caitlyn is panting, bruised but not beaten, while Sevika looks barely winded.
"Your turn, rookie," Sevika calls out, her eyes locking with yours.
Sevika takes a menacing stance, her bionic arm whirring softly as she flexes her fingers. You try to quell your nerves, reminding yourself of all your training.
The match begins, and Sevika doesn't hold back. She lunges forward with a quick jab that you barely dodge. Her follow-up kick catches you in the side, and you stumble back.
"With those sparring skills, you'll be dead by now," Sevika taunts, circling you like a predator.
You regain your footing, countering with a series of quick strikes that force Sevika to step back. "As far as I'm concerned, I don't think any walkers would be punching me back anytime soon," you retort.
Sevika smirks, effortlessly blocking your attacks. "There are still survivors out there, some who might not be as merciful as me." she says, suddenly dropping low and sweeping your legs out from under you.
You hit the ground hard but roll quickly, narrowly avoiding Sevika's follow-up strike. "I’m only alive because you needed the meds.”
“But you’re alive regardless?” She counters.
“Urgh, you're the worst, you know that? You just like watching me suffer-"
Your words are cut off as Sevika charges forward. You manage to sidestep, grabbing her arm and using her momentum to throw her off balance. For a moment, you have the upper hand, landing a solid hit to her midsection.
Sevika grunts, a flash of surprise in her eyes. "Well, it's not a bad view," she quips, her voice slightly breathless.
You're holding your own better than you expected, your training with Grayson evident in your improved technique. You even manage to land a few solid hits, each one making you more hopeful that you could finally prove yourself to the captain.
But Sevika is still Sevika. Just when you think you might have a chance, she changes tactics. As she unleashes a flurry of lightning-fast strikes, you are able to block the first few, but the last one catches you off guard, sending you stumbling back.
Before you can recover, Sevika is on you. With a move so smooth it seems almost effortless, she sweeps your legs again and follows you down. You’re on the ground immediately, the air knocked from your lungs, and suddenly Sevika is on top of you, pinning you down.
Her face is inches from yours, her breath hot on your cheek. "There's always next time, pantry girl," she says, her voice laced with arrogance.
Fury and frustration surge through you—at the nickname, at losing, but most of all at yourself for the way your heart races at her proximity. You struggle against her hold, but it's futile—you lost and couldn’t prove you were ready. 
The days blur into a haze of relentless training after the match, your body pushed to its limits.  Yet despite your efforts, something feels off. Each time you miss a target or fumble a move, Sevika's face flashes in your mind. Your focus wavers, distracted by unnameable thoughts that surface whenever you recall her challenging gaze or the smugness in her voice. 
The sharp crack of gunfire echoes across the makeshift shooting range. You squeeze the trigger, watching as your shot goes wide, missing the target by a good margin. Expaseration bubbles up inside you for missing yet again.
Next to you, Caitlyn's sniper barks and the center of her target explodes. Again. You can't help but feel a twinge of envy at her precision.
"Excellent shot, Caitlyn," Grayson praises, her eyes gleaming with approval. "I think I’m looking at my newest sniper."
Caitlyn beams at the compliment.
Grayson turns to you, her expression apprehensive. "Something on your mind? You seem distracted today."
"No, I'm fine," you mutter, trying to focus on the target in front of you.
Grayson raises an eyebrow, clearly not buying it. "Well, if you keep shooting like you did today, you can expect another month before Sevika would even consider accepting you on her team."
At the mention of Sevika's name, you can't help but frown. Grayson catches it immediately.
"What's wrong?" she probes, her voice a mix of curiosity and concern.
You hesitate, then the words tumble out. "I just... I don't get her. I don't know how to convince her I deserve that spot on the team when she's so infuriating and stubborn."
To your surprise, Grayson laughs, a warm, rich sound. "She hasn't changed since we were deployed together, then."
Your ears perk up at this. "You were deployed with Sevika? Can you tell me about it?"
Grayson shrugs. "What is there to tell? We were in the military together for 10 years and she's a brilliant soldier."
"That's all to her?" you press, not satisfied with such a simple answer.
Grayson gives you a long, appraising look. "What is it that you really want to know about her?"
The question catches you off guard. You open your mouth to respond, then close it again. What do you want to know? But more importantly, why do you want to know? You realize you don't have an answer, and the realization unsettles you.
Seeing your confusion, Grayson's expression softens. "Sevika is not the best fighter," she says quietly.
Grayson chuckles at your expression. "Don't get me wrong, she's an advanced and skilled fighter. But she's not unbeatable." She pauses, her eyes distant as if recalling memories from long ago. "What makes her different... She is loyal and fierce. That woman fights till her very last breath. If she's going to hell, she'll drag you down with her."
Your mind whirs at this information. Who is Sevika beyond the soldier everyone knows her as? You find yourself hungry for more details, more glimpses into the woman behind the tough exterior.
Then you catch yourself, anger flaring up. Why do you care? Why does it matter who Sevika really is? She's just the leader of the scavenging team, nothing more.
You shake your head, trying to clear these thoughts. "Thanks, Grayson," you mutter, turning back to the target.
As you raise your gun again, you can feel Grayson's knowing gaze on you. You take a deep breath, trying to focus on the target. But in your mind's eye, all you can see is Sevika—her cocky grin, her ruthless determination, the mystery that surrounds her.
You squeeze the trigger, and this time, your shot flies true, hitting just off-center. Progress, but not perfection. Much like your understanding of Sevika, you realize. You're getting closer, but there's still so much more to uncover.
A slight breeze rustles the leaves as you wait by the usual tree, checking your watch. Caitlyn's late, which isn't like her.   You’ve been waiting for 20 minutes already and this was the Caitlyn, the one who’s never even been late to a shift at the pantry.  
You’re about to turn back to the house when suddenly you hear shouting from the road a few blocks away. Without thinking, you immediately sprint towards the commotion.
When you arrived, the scene before you was the last thing you would expect—Caitlyn and Vi were in each other's faces, their voices rising with each exchange. A burly guy from Sevika's crew is half-heartedly trying to separate them.
"You fucking liar!" Caitlyn screams, her face flushed with anger. "Why would you join without telling me?"  
You momentarily pause from trying to pull the fighting couple apart, in all the years you knew Caitlyn she had hardly cursed; Vi must’ve fucked up, bad.
Vi's stance is defensive, her hands raised. "It's safer for you this way!"
"Safer?" Caitlyn's laugh is bitter. "I didn't ask for a white knight, I asked for a partner that's honest!"
The guy from Sevika's crew steps between them. "Come on, ladies, this ain't the place-"
Caitlyn whirls on him. "How could you let her in Sevika’s group like this?"
He backs up, hands raised. “Listen, I had no part in this. Vi was the one who asked, and Sevika accepted her."
Caitlyn's face contorts with anger, and she lunges forward. You jump in, grabbing her arms. "Cait, stop!"
But as you hold her back, his words sink in. "Wait, WHAT?" You turn to Vi, shock evident on your face. "She accepted you to join her scavenging and not me?"
Vi looks away, guilt written across her features. Your blood boils. You release Caitlyn and round on the guy. "Where the HELL is she?"
He crosses his arms, defiant. "I don't have to answer to you."
You step closer, your voice low and dangerous. "Oh, trust me. You want to tell me."
He hesitates, then sighs. "Fine, but it's your funeral. She's in her garage."
Without another word, you turn on your heel and march away, leaving Caitlyn and Vi to their argument. You had your own annoying, lying woman to deal with.
The garage comes into view, its large door open. As you approach, you catch sight of Sevika bent over a motorcycle. Her back muscles flex as she works, visible beneath a black sports bra. Her jeans hang low on her hips, revealing the band of her boxers. For a moment, you were unable to comprehend the sight of Sevika in clothes that weren't military green. 
You take a deep breath, steadying yourself before addressing her. "Vi and Caitlyn are out there fighting. I thought you should know."
She turns, surprise briefly flickering across her features before her trademark nonchalance slides back into place. "And that concerns me... how exactly?" she questions, wiping her hand with a rag. "Last I checked, I wasn't running a relationship counseling service."
"Because of all the bullshit you gave about me not being ready? Why won't you let me on the team?" you demand, your voice cracking with desperation. "You let Vi join. What makes her so special?"
"You don't know what you're asking for."
"Then tell me!" you shout, stepping closer. "I'm sick of your cryptic bullshit, Sevika. I deserve to know!"
Something in Sevika snaps—Her composure shatters, replaced by a raw, barely contained fury. "Fine? You want to know why?" She grabs your arm, her grip tight enough to bruise. "Let's go."
She drags you out of the garage, marching through the community with large strides. You struggle to keep up, confused and a little scared by this sudden change in her demeanor.
As you reach the outskirts of the settlement, Sevika slows down. You follow her gaze and feel your blood run cold. Wooden crosses stretch out before you, maybe 20 to 25 of them, each marking a grave.
"This is why," Sevika grits.
You stand there, frozen, as Sevika turns to face you. Her eyes are blazing, but there's something else there too - something melancholic you've never seen before.
"Do you know how many empty graves we have?" she asks, gesturing to the crosses. "It's a fortune if you're able to bring a body home, or if you can spend someone's last moments together."
She walks among the graves, her fingers trailing over the rough wood of a cross. "This is the type of thing we have to deal with. Every time we go out there, we risk not coming back. And if we don't come back, this is what's left of us. A wooden cross and a memory."
"I've had to bury too many people. I've had to tell too many families that their loved ones aren't coming home. And sometimes, I couldn't even give them that closure."
She turns back to you, her eyes now hard, and gone was the brief moment of vulnerability you saw before. "This is why I won't let you on the team. Because I can't... I won't add another cross to this field."
The weight of her words hits you like a physical blow. But instead of understanding, you feel a surge of anger.
"So what?" you snap, surprising both yourself and Sevika. "You keep me locked away like I'm Rapunzel in a tower? Look around, Sevika!" You gesture wildly at the desolate landscape beyond the settlement. "There is nothing left to lose. The world is gone!"
For a moment, she's silent, and you think you might have finally gotten through to her. But then her expression hardens, a bitter smile twisting her lips.
"You can say that," she says softly, her voice barely above a whisper, "until you have the world in your hand and it's ripped away from you."
The words hang in the air between you, heavy with meaning. You see a flash of something in Sevika's eyes - a deep, soul-crushing resignation that makes your anger falter.
"There is always something to lose," she continues. "And every time you think you have nothing left to lose, life finds a way to prove you wrong."
She steps closer to you. "You think you're ready to face what's out there? You think you have nothing to lose? Trust me, pantry girl, you have no idea what loss really is."
"What are you living for if you're constantly scared of losing?" you challenge, your voice rising. "This isn't living, Sevika. It's just... existing."
Sevika's eyes flash dangerously. "You don't understand-"
"No, you don't understand!" you interrupted, shoving her back. "We're all going to die—But I'd rather die out there, trying to do something I wanted, rather than rot away in here!"
You’re angry and you know you just provoked her but you can’t help but shove her back again, frustrated at her but, even more so at yourself.  You were terrified, of fucking course you were—but who wasn’t in the world you were living in? 
With a growl, she lunges forward, shoving you hard. You stumble back, shock and anger coursing through you. Without thinking, you retaliate, pushing Sevika with all your might.
The two of you grapple, a tangle of limbs and fury. Grass and dirt kick up around you as you roll on the ground, each trying to gain the upper hand. Sevika's bionic arm hisses as she tries to pin you down, but you're quicker, fueled by frustration and pent-up emotion.
With a burst of strength, you manage to flip Sevika onto her back. You straddle her waist, pinning her arms to her sides, which fall limp immediately. Both of you are panting heavily, faces flushed and hair disheveled.
"I won," you gasp out, your chest heaving. "You promised. If I could beat you, you'd let me join."
Sevika looks up at you, her expression unreadable. "When will you learn patience?" 
The proximity is intoxicating, and for a moment, you're distracted by the feeling of Sevika beneath you, the rise and fall of her chest, the intensity in her eyes. 
"You can't expect me to live like this," you insist, your voice softer now but no less passionate. "What are you living for if you're constantly scared of losing?"
Something flickers in Sevika's eyes—pain, fear, or something else entirely. Without warning, she bucks her hips, throwing you off balance. In one smooth motion, she shoves you away and stands up.
You scramble to your feet, ready to continue the fight, but Sevika's next move stops you cold. 
"Sevika!" you call out, your voice cracking. "Don't you walk away from me!"
But she doesn't stop, doesn't even look back. 
You're left standing there, alone among silent tombstones and empty graves, watching her retreating figure disappear into the gathering dusk.
The weight of defeat settles heavily on your shoulders as you stumble into your room. You collapse onto your bed, fully clothed, as the scene replays in your mind. Sevika's face haunts you - not her usual cocky smirk or searching gaze, but that fleeting expression of raw pain you glimpsed just before she walked away.
There's something deeper, a hollowness in your chest you can't quite name. It's more than just the sting of losing an argument or watching her retreat. 
There was something else in her eyes that truly unsettled you—that flash of fear when she looked at you, as if dreading you might become another one of those wooden crosses she would have to mark.
Just as you're about to drift off, a sudden burst of loud music jolts you awake. Shouts and laughter follow, unmistakably coming from a few blocks down—right where Sevika's house is located.
You groan, pressing your pillow over your head. Of course, another one of her infamous parties. But as you lie there, listening to the distant sounds of celebration, a part of you can't help but wonder what Sevika looks like when she's relaxed, surrounded by her team. 
After an hour of futile attempts to sleep, frustration wins out.  You sit up, running a hand through your hair in annoyance. You throw on a hoodie and stomp towards the door, grabbing the nearest pair of slippers without looking.  
The cool night air does little to calm your irritation as you march down the street. You pound on the door, ready to give her a piece of your mind.
To your surprise, it's Sevika herself who answers. Her usual scowl morphs into a grimace as she recognizes you, a lit cigarette dangling from her lips. The sight of her throws you off balance—her gray wife beater clings to her frame, and her cargo pants are smeared with what you hope is just mud. Despite the mess, she looks... good. Annoyingly so.
"Do you know what time it is?" you demand, trying to focus on your anger.
Sevika takes a long drag of her cigarette and then blows the smoke out slowly. Her eyes drift downward. "I like your slippers," she remarks.
You glance down, mortification washing over you as you realize you're wearing Powder's pink bunny slippers. "Shit," you mutter, but quickly shake it off. "Why do you have to be so loud? This might come as a surprise but some people are trying to sleep!"
"Worried you won't get enough sleep to organize properly tomorrow?" Sevika taunts, leaning against the doorframe. "Make sure you don't mix up the soup and fruit cocktail cans."
Her dismissive attitude ignites your temper. "Fine, whatever. You're acting like a complete ass," you spit out.
Sevika's eyebrow raises slightly. "Is that all? Because if so, I've got a party to get back to."
You're about to retort when you catch a glimpse of the interior of her house. It's a mess—empty bottles strewn about, gear haphazardly tossed in corners. 
"What?" Sevika's voice snaps you back to reality.
"I... nothing," you stammer, taking a step back. "Just turn the music down, okay?"
Sevika studies you for a moment, her expression unreadable. Then, without a word, she turns and disappears into the house. A few seconds later, the volume of the music noticeably decreases.  Sevika.. Was being obedient? 
She reappears at the door, taking another drag of her cigarette. "Anything else?" 
You open your mouth, then close it again. What else is there to say? That her apparent disregard for what you want infuriates you? That her words about from earlier today won’t leave your mind? That despite everything, you find yourself drawn to her in a way you can't explain?
Instead, you just shake your head. "No. That's... that's all. Thanks."
As you turn to leave, Sevika's voice stops you. "Wait."
You pause, looking back at her expectantly.  You notice that there is a hesitancy to her this time, like you were fragile and if she got too close you might shatter.
"Wear proper attire tomorrow, okay?" she says, her tone businesslike. "And check in at the armory with Vi."
You blink, confused. "Vi? What does she-"
Sevika cuts you off with an exasperated sigh. "Do I really have to explain it to you, rookie?"
"Yeah, cause I don't get it," you retort.
"You're on the team."
For a moment, you just stare at her, unable to process what you've heard. Sevika refuses to meet your gaze, suddenly finding the wall very interesting.
As realization dawns, a wide grin breaks out across your face. Sevika immediately cuts in, "Don't think I'm going soft on you and giving you anything you want. This is an easy spot, but-"
You can't help the shit-eating grin that spreads even wider. "Thank you," you say, your voice sincere despite your obvious excitement.
Sevika just nods, her expression carefully neutral. "Yeah, okay. Now get out of here before I change my mind."
You nod enthusiastically. "Right. Yes. Thank you again. Good night!"
You turn and walk away, trying desperately to keep your cool. But as soon as you think Sevika has fully closed her door, you can't contain yourself anymore. You do a little excited jump right there in the street, pumping your fist in the air. Then, grinning like a fool, you take off running towards home.
What you don't see is Sevika, still standing in her doorway. She watches your celebratory dance with a mixture of disbelief and something akin to fondness. Shaking her head, she finally closes the door, a small, bemused smile playing at the corners of her lips.
The early morning sun casts a golden glow over the farm as your team arrives. The dilapidated barn looms ahead, its red paint peeling and faded. Overgrown fields stretch out to your right, while a rickety fence encloses what must have once been a thriving chicken coop.
Sevika's voice rings out across the coop.  "Alright, gather the chickens."
You blink, certain you've misheard. "Wait, what?"  
You weren’t expecting your first mission to be on a farm, much less to gather the animals. But your confusion is quickly overwhelmed by the sight of your teammates scattering, chasing after a flock of very startled, very loud chickens.  
"How do you expect us to get food?" Sevika asks, her tone matter-of-fact.
You turn to her, eyebrow raised. "Why aren't you helping?"
The air seems to still as everyone freezes, shocked by your boldness. Sevika's eyes narrow dangerously.
"I'm your captain," she states, as if that explains everything.
A reckless grin spreads across your face. "What? Afraid you can't catch a single chicken in front of your people?"
Sevika's jaw clenches, and for a moment, you wonder if you've pushed too far. Then, to everyone's surprise, she vaults over the fence and into the coop.
"You have a mouth on you," she growls, eyeing a particularly plump hen. "That's going to get you in trouble one day."
You hop in after her, heart racing at how she easily accepted your challenge. "Only if I'm caught," you quip back.
The two of you circle the hen, which clucks nervously. You lunge forward, but the bird darts away.
"You're scaring it!" Sevika snaps.
"Me?!" you retort. "You're practically harassing the thing!"
As you both scan the coop for a chicken that wasn’t running like it had its head chopped off, a voice pipes up from outside the fence. "They’re bickering like an old couple!"
In perfect unison, you and Sevika whip around, shouting, "Don't you dare say that!"
The moment the words leave your mouth, you freeze, looking at each other in shock, and then it’s replaced quickly with a scowl as the determination to capture the chicken sets back in.
Okay, so barreling at full force towards the animal was not the way to go considering everyone was already filling their cages.  You mentally devise a plan to corner the chicken, gesturing for Sevika to move to the right while you go left. But as you both rush forward, the hen squawks indignantly and darts between you in a perfect straight line.
Unable to stop your momentum, you and Sevika collide, tumbling to the ground in a tangle of limbs. You find yourself pinned beneath her, acutely aware of her weight, her warmth, the scent of her body wash and gunpowder that clings to her skin.
Sevika pushes herself up slightly, her face inches from yours. "This is dumb," she mutters. "I don't need to prove anything."
"Mhmm," you manage, your brain short-circuiting from the proximity.
She grunts, rolling off you and standing up. "There's one last chicken," she says, brushing dirt from her clothes. "We better get it."
You turn your attention back to the task at hand, scanning the coop for that last elusive hen. The last hen clucks nervously, darting between the wooden beams of the coop. You and Sevika exchange a quick nod, wordlessly agreeing on a strategy.
Sevika crouches low, her movements slow and deliberate as she inches towards the left side of the coop. You mirror her actions on the right, creating a human barrier. The hen's beady eyes dart between you, sensing the trap.  
"Easy now," Sevika murmurs, her voice barely above a whisper. 
The hen makes a break for it, but you're ready. You lunge forward, herding it back towards Sevika. She reaches out, her fingers just brushing the chicken's feathers—
A deep rumble suddenly echoes across the farm, stopping you both in your tracks. You both freeze, exchanging a brief, confused glance. In that instant, the barn door explodes outward with a deafening crash. Splinters of wood fly through the air, unleashing a horde of walkers that stumble and lurch towards you.
"Fuck! Run!" someone screams, and chaos erupts.
Your teammates scramble to grab their chicken cages, but you're transfixed by the sight of Sevika, who's inexplicably clutching the chicken she just caught to her chest with her left arm. Without thinking, you grab her right hand and bolt, pulling her along.
As you run, weaving between broken fences and overgrown crops, the absurdity of the situation hits you. Here you are, fleeing from a walkers horde, hand-in-hand with your usually stoic captain who was so dead set on capturing a single chicken she risked a few minutes just to get it. Suddenly, Sevika bursts out laughing, a rich, genuine sound you've never heard before.
"This is so fucking stupid," she gasps between chuckles.
Her laughter is infectious, and soon you're both giggling like maniacs as you sprint towards the getaway car. The wind whips through your hair, you look over at her and see her tiny ponytail bouncing, her eyes sparkling with unadulterated joy.
As you approach the car, you see one of your teammates dancing in the driver's seat, bobbing their head to music that was loud enough you could hear it from a distance.
Sevika's eyes widened in disbelief. "What is that moron doing?"
"Start the car!" you yell in unison with Sevika.
"Start the fucking car!" echoes from all directions as your team converges on the vehicle.
In a mad scramble, you and Sevika end up diving into the trunk together, barely missing from crashing into each other. The car peels out, tires kicking up dust as you make your escape. You twist around to look back, seeing the walkers crest the hill behind you, their grotesque forms looking like ants as you get further away from the farm.
As the adrenaline starts to fade, you become acutely aware that you're still clutching Sevika's hand. You both look down at your intertwined fingers and quickly release a faint blush coloring your cheeks. 
You glance at Sevika and are struck by the sight of her wide grin, revealing the charming tooth gap from the first time you met her. She looks lighter somehow, the usual weight of responsibility temporarily lifted from her shoulders.
"Maybe you should put the chicken in the cage," you suggest, nodding towards the bird still tucked under her arm.
"Right," Sevika says, quickly stuffing the bewildered chicken into a nearby cage.
Free of your feathered companion, you lean out of the trunk slightly, letting the wind rush through your hair. The music from the car's speakers drifts back to you, and you close your eyes for a moment, savoring the smell of the woods and the high from the adrenaline rush.
When you open your eyes and turn back, you catch Sevika staring at you. She's not looking at the receding farmland or checking for pursuing walkers. Her eyes are fixed solely on you, an unreadable expression on her face. In this moment, bathed in sunlight and the afterglow of survival, she looks different. Softer. There was no reminiscent of the super soldier you knew her as.
As your eyes meet, Sevika doesn't look away. Instead, her grin softens into something more intimate, more real. You feel a warmth bloom in your chest, a feeling you can't quite name but don't want to let go of.
The car hits a bump, jolting you both and breaking the moment. Sevika clears her throat and turns to secure the chicken cage, you weren’t sure if had imagined the smile or not.
As you return to Zaun, the adrenaline from your narrow escape fades into a collective sense of relief and camaraderie. The team works together to unload the chickens, and despite the close call, everyone seems to be in high spirits.
"Hey, how about another bonfire party?" someone suggests, and a chorus of agreement follows.
To your surprise, Sevika turns to you. "You should come," she says gruffly. "You’re part of the team now."
"Yeah, sure," you reply, fighting to keep the eagerness out of your voice.
As the team disperses to prepare, you notice Vi sprinting towards a certain someone waiting for her at the entrance. "Caitlyn!" Vi shouts, throwing herself into Caitlyn's arms and kissing her passionately.
You raise an eyebrow. "Well, those two made up fast," you mutter to yourself.
Later that evening, you find yourself seated on the cool ground in front of a roaring bonfire. The flames dance hypnotically, casting flickering shadows across the faces of your teammates. The air is filled with laughter, the clink of bottles, and the rich aroma of smoke and grilled food.
You're nursing a beer, listening intently as the others regale you with stories from previous hunts. Sevika sits not far from you, perched regally on a lawn chair. She's quieter than the others, but you notice her lips quirk up occasionally at particularly funny or outrageous parts of the stories.
As the night wears on, a cool breeze picks up. You shiver involuntarily, the chill seeping through your thin shirt. Out of the corner of your eye, you see Sevika glance your way. Without a word, she shrugs off her shawl and leans forward, draping it over your shoulders.
The gesture catches you off guard. You want to thank her, but something in her posture tells you she'd rather not draw attention to the act of kindness. No one else seems to have noticed, and you wonder if this is just how Sevika takes care of her team—quietly, without fuss or expectation of gratitude.
You pull the shawl tighter around you, inhaling the faint scent of cigarettes and gunpowder that clings to it. 
The conversation lulls for a moment, and then someone pipes up, "Hey, remember that time at the hospital in Piltover when we-"
"Uh," another teammate interrupts, glancing nervously at Sevika. "Sevika’s here."
All eyes turn to your captain. Sevika just grunts, taking a long swig from her bottle. You can't tell if it's approval or indifference, but the storyteller takes it as permission to continue.
The crackling fire seems to dim as the storyteller begins, his voice low and reverent. "It was before Zaun was established. Sevika, Silco, Grayson, and some of us old veterans had been cooped up in the hospital for weeks. But it was time we got out, find new people and a place to stay."
You lean in, curious, sneaking glances at Sevika, whose face remains impassive.
"The hospital was completely surrounded," the storyteller continues. "But we had weapons and vehicles. Silco had this completely badass idea to add extra defenses to the ambulance in the garage."
A chorus of whoops erupts from the group, and you see a flicker of pride in Sevika's eyes.
"The plan was to pile as many people as possible into the ambulance. But in the garage," The storyteller's voice drops. "There must've been an opening or something. Somehow, those bastards found their way in."
You find yourself holding your breath while Sevika's face is impassive, but you notice her grip tightening on her bottle.
"It happened so fast. One second Silco was up, the next he was down, a walker lunging for his throat. And Sevika," He shakes his head in awe. "She didn't hesitate. She threw herself between them."
All eyes turn to Sevika. You glance at Sevika, trying to imagine her and the emotions in that moment. 
"Go on," she says. "Finish it."
The storyteller hesitates, unsure. "We had to go back in. We cleared the area, but the walker's teeth sank into her arm instead of Silco's neck." the storyteller says softly. "Even then, she didn't stop fighting. She bashed its skull in with her free hand, then turned and took out two more, saving a few more of us.  But the bite meant she was infected…"
There's a collective intake of breath around the fire. You feel a chill that has nothing to do with the night air.
His voice trails off, and Sevika finishes for him. "So Silco ended up amputating my arm," she states.
"When I die, I'll die on my own accord.  Not because some mindless corpse decided it was my time."
The silence that follows is profound. You see a mix of awe, respect, and a hint of fear on the faces around you as Sevika's words hang in the air.
Then, as if a spell is broken, cheers erupt. "Fuck yeah, boss!" someone shouts, and others join in.
Sevika just grins as she stubs out her cigarette and stands.  “I’m calling it a night, try not to have too much fun."
You remain rooted to the spot even though you know you should go give the shawl that's still draped around your shoulders back.  
As you’re watching Sevika’s retreating form, you're struck once again by how little you truly understand her. Just when you think you've got her figured out, she does something that shatters your assumptions. Her rare, genuine smile from moments ago was like a crack in her armor, offering a glimpse of something you're not sure you were meant to see.
You recall Grayson's comment; If she's going to hell, she'll drag you down with her. But Sevika isn’t just dragging anyone down—she's fighting, clawing her way up. She’ll endure whatever comes, as long as she’s the one who gets to forge her own path.
Sevika faced death itself, and she emerged victorious.
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@mirconreadzztuff22 @lils-1979 @veoomvroom @schmoni @theacedragon0w0
@poxismind @kittykatz1227 @archangeldyke-all @abbyssgf @ivorydevil
@lez-zuha @iamastar @jellyfishrnice @anemoxlys @l0vel3tterl0ver
@lavendersgirl @h0pe-scotch @lia-winther @kittykatz1227 @dontknowwhenispawned
@sevikitty @sarahduke @raphaellearp
269 notes · View notes
tyonfs · 4 years
cat & mouse
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❝ rule number one of bro code states that sisters are completely off-limits, and, y/n, we just pushed that limit. ❞
PAIRING ▸ na jaemin x fem!reader
GENRES ▸ smut, crack, fluff, college au, friends with benefits au
WARNINGS ▸ lots of !! sexual tension !! and jaemin acting like a dick, protective big brother!jaehyun, lots of sneaking around, jaemin calls you princess a lot, teasing, fingering, alcohol consumption, hooking up, thigh riding, smut, oral sex, aftercare
SUMMARY ▸ tired of meaningless hookups and dull parties, na jaemin had always been hesitant to indulge himself. that is, of course, until he met you. however, upon realizing you’re none other than jeong jaehyun’s little sister, jaemin has to keep his relationship with you under wraps to make sure his team captain doesn’t find out. 
PLAYLIST ▸ move! by niki • playinwitme by kyle (feat. kehlani)
WORD COUNT ▸ 17713 words
TAG LIST ▸ @chubsluda​ @celestialchans​ @treasurestay​ @luvlyjaemin​ @lanadreamie​ @kylomeyon​ @taehinsano​ @jenotation​ @ovelha-colorida-v​ @hrjflrt​ @to-blessed-2-be-stressed​ @honeyju​ @chanluster​ @sweetjaemss​ @najaemsenthusiastttt​ @neovrse​ @jjikyuu​ @treasurestay​ @ahgastayzen​ @wcnderlandss​ @jaehy9ngs​ @jaemxins​ @syhznanny​ @lilminyoongles​ @bbnana​
AUTHOR’S NOTE ▸ thank you so much for all of your love and support !! it’s beyond me & i hope you guys enjoy this ! part of the dunk shot! series but it can be read separately ♡
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In the same vein, he hated basketball to an extent. It wasn’t the sport itself that he despised, it was the commitments that followed it. As a vital player on the team, he was obligated to attend every afterparty despite how much he loathed parties. Yet, what he couldn’t stand was being nagged by his teammates, so Jaemin went to the parties. He went to the parties and drank until he was numb and the party was tolerable.
He didn’t even like drinking that much, but he didn’t have much of a choice when most of the members of the basketball team were his seniors. Jaemin was pretty sure his brain cells depleted one-by-one every time he took a shot, but sometimes he got away with faking his alcohol intake when the others were too drunk to keep track. His best friend, Lee Jeno, on the other hand, lived for parties like this. Jaemin used that to his advantage; Jeno was the perfect target to hand off his unwanted shots to.
“Jaemin!” Jeong Jaehyun, the captain of the basketball team, made his presence known easily. After all, the parties were always hosted at his house. “Let’s do a love shot.”
If it were anyone else, Jaemin would’ve turned them down with some sarcastic, witty comeback. However, Jaehyun was different. Jaemin admired him since they were high schoolers on the basketball team. Jaehyun was two years older but his skills were on another level. Jaemin had always worked to see if he could surpass him but to no avail.
“Sure.” Jaemin got off of the couch, where he was aimlessly scrolling through his social media and observing the party. He followed Jaehyun to the kitchen counter. “You got tequila?”
It was a stupid question. Jaehyun was loaded; his supply of alcohol seemed endless.
“Of course,” Jaehyun replied. He took a red solo cup and measured a shot of tequila. “By the way, why don’t you talk to any of the girls here? You seem tense. You should get laid.”
It wasn’t like Jaemin intentionally avoided the girls. He just had no interest in people who wanted to blindly hook-up and forget about it the next morning. He didn’t completely ignore them either. Jaemin distinctly remembered a pretty blonde passing him her vape pen, which he politely refused. While he didn’t mind destroying his liver, he wanted to keep his lungs intact.
“There’s no one here I want to fuck,” was Jaemin’s impassive response. “Especially not when they’re drunk off their ass.”
“Is that so? How much did you drink tonight?”
“This is my third or fourth shot, I think.”
Jaehyun snorted and held out the red solo cup to him. “Well, here’s to your intact virginity.”
“I’m not a virgin.” Jaemin took the cup and swished its contents around. “Can’t we toast to something more practical? Like basketball?”
A chuckle escaped Jaehyun’s lips, bemused like a father to his son. He eyed Jaemin as he held the red solo cup to his lips. “Ready?”
Jaehyun didn’t wait for Jaemin, though. He tipped his cup up, downing the contents, and Jaemin followed suit as quickly as he could. The tequila was a smooth burn down his throat, but it made Jaemin feel slow and hazy. The fire spread across his chest, spreading to his arms, legs, and then his head. He felt fuzzy and was sure he had hit his limit for the night.
Jaemin took an unstable step forward, and Jaehyun put a firm hand on his shoulder, asking, “You good?” to which Jaemin answered with a dazed nod. With a grin, Jaehyun patted his back firmly. “See you when we’re both conscious again, man.”
The next thirty minutes were a blur. Jaemin found himself at a beer pong table and, in his drunken state, pretended he was practicing his free throws while he relished the crowd cheering him on. He felt a pair of hands on his shoulders, cheering wildly at the side until he got a headache. Eventually, the house felt too stuffy and he decided to go out to the backyard to let his buzz fade out.
Outside wasn’t any better. The cheers were louder outside and the music was still blasting. The fog in Jaemin’s head thickened and he was sure he felt hands trying to guide him to the pool, but he brushed them off. He narrowed his eyes onto a lawn chair and willed himself to walk straight towards it.
Sit, he ordered himself. Do not get in the pool and make a fool out of yourself.
After pushing past a few of his teammates and the girls hovering around them, Jaemin’s knees buckled under him as soon as he got to the lawn chair. It was damp when he sat down, but he was too drunk and dazed to care. Jaemin looked up at the sky, unfocused, and was only pulled from his thoughts when his phone went off.
annoying jeno: where tf did u go? this girl wants me to introduce her to u
It was time for another shot.
Jaemin felt heavy. He sat up, running a hand through his disheveled hair, and spotted a red solo cup on the side table to his right. He reached for it and inspected the contents, sloshing it around sluggishly until he noticed a pair of eyes boring into him.
You were isolating yourself from the rest of the party, just like him. You weren’t giving him the sex eyes like he had expected; you looked more confused. Unlike Jaemin, you looked much more sober and functional. It was painfully obvious by the way Jaemin couldn’t seem to focus on you without seeing double.
He wasn’t sure if it was because of the alcohol in his system, but Jaemin had no idea who you were, but fuck, he wanted to. He pushed it down, though. Hookups were never fulfilling, and Jaemin wasn’t here to let himself go.
“Why are you staring at me?” Jaemin asked in a low voice, trying to speak coherently without slurring his words. He wasn’t sure if it worked, but you seemed to understand.
To his surprise, you fired a question back at him. “What are you doing?”
Jaemin wasn’t sure how to answer that. He was obviously drunk off his ass, so what was he supposed to explain when it was clear as day?
“Waiting for this stupid party to be over,” Jaemin replied. He dropped his gaze back to the cup he held on his lap. “Why are you still staring? I’m not interested.”
“You’re holding my drink.”
Jaemin stilled. He looked between you and the cup for a moment before muttering a pathetic “oh.” He flushed and held the cup out to you. “Sorry.”
You took the cup gingerly and downed your shot before advising him, “You know, you shouldn’t be taking random cups and drinking from them at parties. You never know what they could be laced with.”
Jaemin’s head lolled to the side, a heavy sigh escaping his lips. He didn’t want to join the party, but he didn’t want to sit back and be scolded. He was debating making a run for the fence in Jaehyun’s backyard. His house was only a few blocks away and he was pretty sure he’d be sober enough to make it. Jeno, however, was the obstacle he was worried about. If he ran off without telling Jeno (who was going to disapprove anyway), he was sure to get an earful the next day.
“Also,” you continued, “don’t go around assuming every girl who looks in your general direction wants to fuck you.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” Jaemin grumbled, too drained to argue back. “Shouldn’t you be partying with everyone? It’s depressing over here.”
“This isn’t my party to celebrate,” you said, biting down on the rim of your cup delicately. “I’m just here for the drinks.”
Jaemin didn’t know what to say to that, so he decided to introduce himself. “I’m Na Jaemin, by the way.”
“Y/N,” you replied. “Pleasure to meet you, Na Jaemin.”
Jaemin’s eyelashes were obscuring his vision as he tried to squint to make you out. He wasn’t sure if it was the drunken stupor, but you were breathtaking. Maybe it wasn’t such a bad thing that Jaemin was currently seeing double of you. Jaemin wasn’t sure how he had ever missed you at any of the other parties (if you even showed up to those), but he was glad he snuck away to the backyard now.
Jaemin turned back to look at the scene before him, full of shrieks and shouts from partygoers as they danced off-beat to the blasting music. He almost didn’t notice the ultimate bastard, Yuta Nakamoto, walking over with his eyes set on not Jaemin, but you. Yuta only seemed to see Jaemin when he neared the two and, despite the awkward pause in the air, held his hand up to fistbump him. Jaemin lazily returned it, not really processing until seconds later when Yuta had already passed him.
It wasn’t that Yuta and Jaemin had any bad blood between them. Rather, Jaemin found the older boy quite fun to be around, and on top of that, he was a really supportive and caring teammate. However, when it came to parties, Yuta tended to be a lot more high-energy than Jaemin was.
“Hey, Y/N,” Yuta crooned deviously, standing over you with his hands shoved in his pockets. He crouched down so he was at eye-level with you, holding onto the arm of your chair. “Care to dance with me?”
“Yuta Nakamoto,” you drawled, a smile appearing on your lips. “I’m good over here, but you go have fun.”
Yuta stood up again, a cat-like grin spreading from ear-to-ear across his face as he stepped back toward the pool. “You’re gonna miss out, Y/N. You cool with that?”
The smile never left your lips as you rolled your eyes at him. Yuta turned to dive into the pool, making Jaemin’s nose scrunch as the splash was big enough to get water on his clothes. When Yuta surfaced, he smoothed his hair back and wiped the excess water from his face. He caught your eye again, winking before swimming toward Jungwoo and splashing him, leaving you shaking your head and chuckling.
“You two close?” Jaemin asked in a mumble, not quite sure where he was going with the sudden conversation.
You were shocked momentarily, but smiled when you looked over at Jaemin. “Let’s just say he wants to get in my pants but I find the age gap inappropriate.”
Jaemin snorted. “Really? How old are you?”
Jaemin rose a brow. He was just a year older than you but not so far off from Yuta. He hadn’t seen many college students be so conscious of a legal age difference of a year or two. After all, nearly everyone was an adult anyway.
“That’s not so far off from Yuta,” he told you.
You hid a smile, nearly going unnoticed under the dim light, but Jaemin had just caught it in time. “He’s like, my brother’s age,” you replied. “It’s just weird.”
Jaemin didn’t really get it, but he wasn’t sure if he was supposed to. He was an only child so he didn’t really think his opinion was valid anyway. Yet, he must have been looking at you weird because you bit your lip and shrunk under his gaze. Jaemin swallowed and turned back to look down at his feet, trying to get his head out of the clouds, but the buzz was still too strong.
He couldn’t stop himself from blurting out, “What if it was me?”
He wasn’t looking at you but he could feel your gaze boring into him. Jaemin wanted to melt into a puddle then and there. He was never the type to make a move like that, usually expecting girls to approach him, but now that he did, his skin was crawling with shame. Although, he figured it wouldn’t be too bad if he ended the night in bed with you.
Jaemin worked up the courage to turn his gaze to you. “I’m a year older than you. Would you be down if it was me?”
“Yeah,” you admitted bluntly, causing the tips of Jaemin’s ears to go red. “But I don’t know you, so…”
“Do you want to?” he asked, then clarified, “Get to know me, I mean.”
The two of you were silent for a moment, and it was far more deafening than the booming party around them. Jaemin’s gaze dropped from your face to look back at the college students wading around in the pool. Someone must have messed with the pool because it had started to fill up with bubbles, making the crowd cheer louder. Entranced, Jaemin nearly didn’t notice you when you were standing right over him. He arched a brow at you, scooting back a little out of shock.
“Do you want to get out of here then?”
You were smiling coyly and Jaemin didn’t have the willpower to resist anymore. He stood up, looking around for Jeno, before turning to you and nodding. Everyone was so consumed with the pool foaming up that it would be easy for them to escape from the backyard.
“I’m way too drunk to drive, but we can go for a walk,” Jaemin suggested, leading her out through the backyard fence. He had escaped from there countless times, only for Jeno to drag him back, but this time, Jeno was preoccupied.
Yet, something unsettled him about not informing his best friend, so he decided to shoot him a quick text.
jaemin: i’ll see u back home, i’m with a girl lol
annoying jeno: deadass? have fun
Now, at least Jaemin had one thing off his chest.
“So what’s your deal?” Jaemin asked you as he tried to focus on walking in a straight line. “You have guys like Yuta Nakamoto lining up for you and you’re passing up my boy?”
“If he’s your boy then why are you trying to make a pass at me?” you shot back, grabbing his arm to provide leverage when he stumbled.
“Touché,” Jaemin grumbled. “It’s not like he was scoring, so I might as well shoot my shot.”
“Did you score?”
The corner of Jaemin’s mouth twitched. “That’s for you to decide, isn’t it?”
Mutual attraction was such a strange feeling because the sexual tension was there and so loud. Granted, about 90% of it came from Jaemin, but something about the way you were still holding onto his arm and laughing at his stupid jokes made him feel like something was going to happen tonight.
“We should stargaze,” you offered, pointing at a grassy hill behind a park the both of you were passing by. Jaemin nodded in response, so you dragged him by the arm to the chosen location.
Stargazing meant laying down, and laying down meant not having to focus on walking in a straight line anymore, so it sounded absolutely heavenly to Jaemin right now. Somehow, he felt like such an amateur right now. No girl had ever asked him to lay down and stargaze with him; they always just skipped to the bedroom fun.
You let go of Jaemin to lay down on the grass, positioning yourself like a starfish before patting the space next to you and then moving your hands to rest on your stomach. You looked entranced with the stars above you, but the moment Jaemin laid down next to you, you turned to him, catching him off-guard. Jaemin’s eyes flickered from you to the sky above.
“The stars are beautiful,” he said weakly.
He couldn’t even see the fucking stars.
“Damn, I thought you were gonna call me beautiful for a second,” you teased, nudging his shoulder lightly.
“You wish,” Jaemin said with a light snort, swallowing thickly. “There’s no way I’m calling a girl that over my dead body.”
He was a terrible liar. It was clear when Na Jaemin was feeling lustful. His eyes would turn half-lidded and his voice would drop a few octaves. Right now, all of that was happening along with his fingers twitching at his sides. You were looking back up at the sky when he turned his head to look at you, and god, you were so pretty.
“Girls must come running for you,” you told him, “otherwise I really can’t figure out the ego.”
“That’s the problem when you’re a star basketball player and devilishly handsome.” Jaemin grinned, folding his arms behind his head. “You turn out like me.”
“How mortifying.”
“I know, right?” Jaemin turned onto his side for a brief moment to look at you. “How come I’ve never seen you around before. I’m sure I would’ve remembered…”
“Because I’m beautiful?” you offered.
Jaemin groaned, pink dusting his cheeks. “Why are you so fixed on that?”
You laughed in response while Jaemin just stared at the heartstopping curve of your lips. He felt himself grow hot, anticipation mixed with the weight of the situation. He had never been the type to feel so jittery around a girl, but here he was, a touch anxious because he was afraid of doing something wrong.
“That’s Orion’s Belt there,” you pointed out. “Can you see Betelgeuse?”
You turned to look at Jaemin to see if you had his attention, but did a double-take upon realizing that you, in fact, had his full attention. His eyes were directly on you, not the night sky above. The both of you were so painfully close, and Jaemin couldn’t resist when he reached over to brush a few strands of hair behind your ear.
“I can’t see the stars,” he mumbled, his large hand moving to cup your cheek. When your gazes were locked, he caressed your cheek with his thumb gently and leaned in to kiss you.
Well, he was about to kiss you until he felt your finger pressing against his lips.
“I’m down for whatever,” you told him sweetly, “but I don’t kiss on the first date.”
Jaemin wasn’t sure what to make of that. Sure, he found it a little weird, but he could see the reasoning behind it. You were probably one of those people who saved your kisses for something special—whatever that meant. Honestly, Jaemin didn’t really care about the significance, but he did know it would be amplified if he found “the one.”
“So this is a date now?” he asked, amused.
Jaemin huffed lightly and leaned back, letting his hand retract back to his side. “Down for whatever? Even sex?”
You raised a very attractive eyebrow at him, making Jaemin short-circuit for a split second. “If you play your cards right,” you said airily, your voice all light and fluffy.
“Down for whatever but the offer isn’t extended to anyone over the age of twenty-one.”
You punched his shoulder hard this time. “Bite me.”
“Don’t mind if I do.”
Whatever made Jaemin’s confidence swell was taking over fast. In seconds, Jaemin propped himself up with his elbow, using his free hand to brush your hair to the side and tilting your neck so he could have easier access to it.
To test the waters, Jaemin nipped at your supple skin, earning a hitch in your slowed breathing that encouraged him to do more. Jaemin left open-mouthed kisses down your neck, sucking harshly with each one. He licked his lips when he pulled away to look at your neck. You were tough to bruise but he loved a challenge. He maneuvered his body over you so he could indulge himself further, holding himself up with his forearms.
Jaemin dipped under your chin again, ravishing the side of your neck that he targeted. He littered the column of your neck with dark hickeys, smirking against your skin upon the sight. You were a squirming mess under him, tugging at his hair and bucking your hips up against his. Jaemin grunted softly, his hands pushing your hips down so you could no longer tempt him.
You wrapped your hands around him, one hand sliding up the nape of his neck to curl your fingers in his hair. Hands weren’t normally something that made Jaemin weak, but yours were driving him crazy with one in his hair and the other bunching up the fabric of his shirt.
He cupped the apex of your jeans, smug as you whined at his touch, yearning for more. Jaemin’s free hand grazed your waist before he lowered it to your hip. He pulled away from your neck to meet your gaze, biting his lip at your lustful expression.
“Can I?” he asked, pressing down slightly against your apex.
You nodded, about to say something but got cut off when Jaemin moved his hand down and palmed your clothed clit. Jaemin smirked once he heard the soft sigh falling from your lips. His breathing got heavier, mixing with yours as he started fumbling to unbutton your jeans.
You looked up at him through half-lidded eyes. “Jaemin…”
Jaemin swallowed hard and tugged your jeans down your hips a little. He felt like he was losing control with every touch. He just wanted to hold you in his arms and spend the rest of the night with you, and it was impossible to shake off that feeling when you were looking at him like that.
He playfully snapped the waistband of your panties, letting out a chuckle when your face twisted up and you pushed at his chest. Then, you drew him closer again and guided his hand down your pants. Jaemin took a shaky breath when he felt how wet you were. It filled him with pride, of course, but he had suddenly felt so nervous. He had hooked up with girls before, but this felt weird to him. Different, to an extent. They were just going through the motions, but he was struck with some strange feeling that he didn’t want to mess up or do something wrong. It was like his first time all over again when he had no idea what he was doing.
His silent cry for help was answered with rain.
“Jesus, it’s raining now?” Jaemin asked with a disapproving huff, pulling his hand out of your pants. He wondered if the people in Jaehyun’s backyard were going to move back inside or keep partying through rain and storm.
“It is?” You frowned and reached a hand over him to catch some raindrops. “You make a nice umbrella, Na Jaemin.”
“How kind of you,” Jaemin replied, a bit distracted by the rain pelting his back. “Should we make a run back to Jaehyun’s or do you want to, like…”
“Do I want to do it outside in the rain?” you asked, quirking a brow at him. “Absolutely not.”
“Worth a shot.”
Jaemin hauled himself up to his feet, holding a hand out for you so you could stand. You started patting down your clothes and fixing your fly. Jaemin did the same, making sure he looked presentable but he kept quiet about the dark hickey on the side of your neck. He squinted up at the drizzle of rain from the sky.
Cockblock, Jaemin thought bitterly.
Yet another distraction came in the form of a text message. Specifically, a text message from Lee Jeno.
annoying jeno: i’m going back to the apartment and ik ur with a girl but i left the keys at home so pls open the door
“Son of a bitch,” Jaemin grumbled to himself. He shoved his phone back in his pocket and looked at you when he noticed your questioning stare. Jaemin ran his hands down your arms, then held your waist gently. “I have to go.”
“Go?” you asked him, startled.
“Yeah,” Jaemin replied with a sigh, not wanting to divulge how idiotic his roommate was. “Can I get your number?”
This perked you right up, thankfully. Jaemin was satisfied as he watched you enter your phone number in his phone. This almost made him feel better about having to leave you alone to walk back to Jaehyun’s house in the rain.
Scratch that. He still felt like a piece of shit.
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Jaemin slept off the party rather well.
He was in a bit of a mood, however, seeming tired and cranky in the morning. He had nearly thrown his phone at Jeno’s face when his best friend tried to shake him awake in the morning. It was a miracle that he showed up on time for his lecture. Around the afternoon, he received a text from you and was far more awake and alert after that. By the time he got to basketball, though, he was in a much better mood.
That is, until Jaehyun called for a team meeting.
The basketball team members were all sitting on the bleachers, waiting for a pissed-off Jaehyun to speak. Jeno picked at his nails next to Jaemin while YangYang in front of them was fiddling with the basketball. Jaehyun was only ever serious during games, but now his anger showed in a subtle and scary way that even Taeyong was a bit shaken by the change in his mood.
“Now, I’m going to say this once and you all better listen up carefully,” Jaehyun said in a low, dangerous voice. “If anyone—and I mean anyone—lays a hand on my little sister, then I will make sure you look uglier than you already are.”
Taeyong whistled lowly, impressed.
“Yuta,” Jaehyun continued, eyes narrowing at the older boy, “this message was inspired by you.”
“Received, reflecting, and apologizing,” Yuta said, holding his hands up in surrender. “I’ll back off, Captain.”
“Good,” Jaehyun replied curtly as Yuta and Taeyong started to banter playfully over the topic.
Jaemin was unsettled. Jaehyun was upset over someone going after his younger sister? Now, Yuta was a flirt, but he recalled him pining for you last night and there was no way you were Jaehyun’s sister, right?
“Hey, Jeno.” Jaemin nudged the boy with his elbow. “Who exactly is Jaehyun’s sister?”
“Isn’t it Jeong Y/N?” he answered.
Goodbye world, was Jaemin’s first thought.
Yuta was flirting with you last night, but Jaemin straight-up nearly fingered you and—oh god, the hickey. Jaemin was at the end of his line right now, and if you said anything to Jaehyun, he was sure he was going to get his ass beat. He was starting to regret giving up his non-hookup life because of you; the only person Jaemin was flirting with now was Death.
“You good?” Jeno’s brows were knitted in concern.
“Jeno.” Jaemin swallowed down the dry lump in his throat. “Remember how I told you I was with a girl last night?”
“Yeah?” Jeno asked, searching Jaemin’s eyes for an answer. He found it rather quickly, eyes widening and voice dropping to a whisper. “Oh my god.” His gaze flickered from Jaemin to Jaehyun several times. “What are you going to do?”
“It’s fine, it’s fine,” Jaemin whispered back. “We were both drunk. I’ll just ghost her subtly and she’ll forget about me. Easy.”
Jeno raised a brow at his plan. “Is hooking up with Jaehyun’s little sister worse than breaking her heart?”
“Oh please, it was one night. Give it a day or two. She won’t give a fuck.” Even though I kind of do, he added in his head.
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The next time Jaemin saw you was after practice ended a few days later.
It had to be impossible that you could look any better than you did the last time he saw you, but here you were. It was unfair, really. Jaemin was a college student that was amped up with testosterone and hormones, and now he had no place to channel it. He was a second away from dragging you into an empty room and letting himself go with you, but then he remembered your older brother, and the horny thoughts dissolved into fear and shame.
“Ah, Jaemin,” you greeted with a cheerful smile.
Fuck, why did you have to be so cute?
Jaemin opened his mouth to reply, but quickly closed it and looked away from you. He leaned against the side of the bleachers and sighed while you were puzzled by his behavior. Although he wanted to ignore you, you were right there and the two of you were alone. Jaemin knew that the other guys wouldn’t be out of the locker rooms for another five minutes.
His gaze dropped to your hickey. It was so clear that you didn’t bother trying to cover it up, and the sight made Jaemin feel proud in some twisted way. Instinctively, he reached over and brushed his thumb over the sensitive bruise, smirking when you shivered.
“It looks good on you,” Jaemin complimented.
“Thanks.” You scoffed, then a mischievous glint shone in your eyes. “Maybe you should give me some more then.”
Jaemin stiffened, in a lot more ways than he should’ve. He gritted his teeth, willing the blood not to rush down all at once. He could not get horny at school when Jaehyun could walk out any second. And the older boy did. Jaemin backed away from you instantly, acting as if you were just some stranger passing by.
“I’ll pass,” he muttered under his breath and was sure you heard when he saw your face drop.
Great. Now he felt like an asshole.
“I gotta go,” he mumbled quickly before you could say anything else, moving past you to walk over to Jeno, high-fiving Jaehyun as he did. Jaemin didn’t have time to register your expression, but nevertheless, he felt like shit.
Jeno looked suspicious as Jaemin approached him. “Did you…”
“End it?” Jaemin finished for him. “I think so.”
“Can you just stop being a dick and talk to her?”
Ticked off, Jaemin took a deep breath. “If I talk to her, then one thing will lead to another, and Jaehyun—”
“Jaemin,” Jeno interrupted. “This isn’t about Jaehyun. This is about you and Y/N.”
Jaemin screamed out something incomprehensible and put his hands over his ears. “I can’t hear you, Lee Jeno. Can’t hear you over me getting ready to go to a party and get wasted tonight.”
“Na Jaemin, you’re my best friend but you’re an idiot.”
“I know that.” Jaemin made a face. “But it’s time for me to go and forget that.”
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Jaemin never failed to forget how much he hated parties. He was starting to regret showing up in the first place. One of his teammates, Jungwoo, had let him into his frat party. Normally, guys were selectively chosen because the frat boys wanted more girls, but Jaemin was wasting his opportunity of getting in by doing absolutely nothing.
This was why he didn’t like drinking. He wasn’t even fun when he was drunk; Jeno was a social butterfly, Yuta was a flirt, but Jaemin would just wonder if plants existed and think about you.
“You look pissed off,” Jungwoo observed, holding out a red dixie cup to him. “Are you sure you want to party?”
“Yes,” Jaemin grumbled, taking the cup from him and downing it in seconds. “I need to let go.”
Jaemin patted Jungwoo’s back firmly and moved to the kitchen to pour himself another shot. He didn’t know what he was thinking. He let himself get all worked up over some girl he barely even hooked up with. All he did was kiss your neck and here Jaemin was, looking like some cheap, heartbroken loser.
Oh, Jaemin thought out of the blue. I never told her she was pretty.
Jaemin took another shot, closing his eyes firmly as he thought of laying next to you again under the stars. Your lips looked so soft and kissable, your eyes so curious and alluring. He tried to push it away and focus on the party and getting drunk, but you kept appearing in his head like a mirage.
Let go, Jaemin, he told himself. Indulge yourself.
Jaemin leaned against the counter, bored. He sloshed the contents of his cup around, taking another shot when he felt the buzz start to wear out. A pretty brunette walked past him, flashing a coy smile.
He supposed she was one of the cheerleaders, or maybe she was a sorority girl. Either way, she was attractive and Jaemin could use the physical contact tonight. Part of him felt like it was the wrong thing to do, but all he could think about was how annoying it was to overthink every little thing he did.
Jaemin made his way over to her, tapping people’s shoulders and maneuvering his way through the cramped frat house. Everyone was clustered like schools of fish. Jaemin hated this kind of environment, but nevertheless, he put on a mask and did his best to fit in.
“Hey,” he greeted the girl once he found her. “I’m Na Jaemin.”
She smiled in that pretty way again. “I know you. You’re on the basketball team.” She looked embarrassed for a moment, flushing as she tucked loose strands of hair behind her ear. “I bet you don’t know me, though.”
“I don’t,” Jaemin admitted, “but you have a gorgeous smile.”
She beamed at this. “Hey, could you hold my cup for a second?” she asked, holding out her red dixie cup to him.
You want me to hold your cup when you can barely hold a conversation? Jaemin thought distastefully but took the cup anyway.
He leaned against the kitchen counter and waited for her patiently, and when she came back, Jaemin could tell she had left to touch-up her makeup. He could also detect the faintest spritz of perfume, but he wasn’t exactly sure, so he leaned closer to make sure.
Jaemin wasn’t sure how they ended up making out in one of the empty bedrooms upstairs, but by the time she was taking off her bra, he wanted to leave. He did his best not to look as bored as he felt throughout the heavy petting and removal of clothing, but his biggest fuck-up was worse than he had expected.
Even Jaemin himself felt mortified by what had just escaped his lips. By the disgusted look in the girl’s eyes, he was fairly confident this was going to spread around the school. As Jaemin was trying to conjure up some excuse for his actions, the girl stood up and started gathering her clothes.
“I’m not Y/N,” she muttered and left him alone in the room.
“Well, shit,” Jaemin grumbled, running a hand through his tousled hair after she left. “Should’ve told me your name then.”
Jaemin laid back on the bed, putting his hands over his face. He was royally screwed at this point and wondered if he had a shot at redemption. The fact that you were still on his mind was messing with him. Even now, after totally embarrassing himself, he was still stuck on you. To avoid further embarrassment, he pulled out his phone to deflect whatever impulsive action was creeping up his limbs.
jaemin: ok jeno im texting u instead of drunk texting y/n and confessing how badly i wanna kiss her
y/n: hi this is y/n
Jaemin wondered what sin he committed in his past life to get this unlucky.
jaemin: shit
jaemin: don’t talk to me i’m drunk at a party
y/n: jaemin you texted me first
jaemin: ugh i wanna see u so bad
jaemin: wanna make it up to u
y/n: oh my
y/n: you’re a little too drunk for that
y/n: but send me the address. i’ll come over and take you home
Jaemin was 98.75% sure that this was, by far, the stupidest thing he could do. Nevertheless, he shared his address with you and waited for you to come to get him. He hung out with Jungwoo in the meantime, slinging an arm around the older boy’s shoulder and confessing his embarrassing hookup while Jungwoo was high as a kite.
When you texted Jaemin that you were outside the frat house, he opened the door almost instantly. Jaemin couldn’t help the wide grin that spread across his face when you were standing right in front of him. You opened your mouth to say something, but Jaemin cut you off.
“I might have… might have called out your name during a hookup,” he confessed, slurring his words while he tried to speak coherently.
You looked like you were deciding whether to think it was funny or be suspicious over the fact that he tried to hook up with someone and then texted you afterward. Eventually, you ended up laughing at his story, tutting at his actions. Jaemin walked by your side, hands shoved deep in his pockets. He closed his eyes in an attempt to come back to his senses, only to be dragged back onto the sidewalk by you because he was apparently straying into the road.
“How much did you drink?” was your first question and one that Jaemin wasn’t sure he had an answer for.
“Six? Seven shots?” Jaemin counted but lost track after he held up five fingers. “I haven’t gotten this hammered in a while.”
“You’ve been flighty,” you told him. “I thought I wasn’t going to hear from you again.”
Jaemin rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. “That was the plan.”
End it now, Jaemin, the devious half of his mind instructed. Break it off before it’s too late.
“I don’t exactly do hookups anymore, Y/N,” he said, which wasn’t exactly a lie, but you happened to break that streak for him. But then came the lie. “I’m not looking for anything serious now either, and I’m sure you aren’t.”
They walked in silence onto the campus grounds, turning into the street where the student apartments were. You looked down at your feet, a little more disappointed than Jaemin had expected. More than that, it looked as though you were embarrassed.
Cue Na Jaemin feeling like a douchebag, which he was.
“Aren’t you the one who asked if I wanted to get to know you?” you asked him, brow arched.
Jaemin panicked, his words trapped in his throat for a second. Well, you got him there. He didn’t have a good excuse that made him sound less of a dick. Although, he was already probably about to be blacklisted from your life pretty soon, so it didn’t really matter.
“I was drunk,” Jaemin said as his brain was trying to throw random words at him. “I didn’t know what I was thinking.”
They made it to Jaemin’s apartment, which was thankfully on the first floor because he didn’t think he could stand an awkward elevator ride with you. You didn’t look at Jaemin once, but it didn’t seem as though you were angry. Rather, you looked confused, but Jaemin swallowed down his guilt and took a step back once they were at his door.
“Besides,” he continued shamelessly to deliver the final blow, “you always have Yuta.”
You rolled your eyes at him and stormed off at once after those words. Jaemin was left alone, still looking down at his feet. He let out a long, dragged-out sigh, hitting his head back against the solid wood of his door.
“Idiot,” he scolded himself.
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It took Jaemin a whole week and a half to get over you.
Even then, he didn’t really get over what happened. He just stopped blaming himself for it in front of Jeno and internalized everything else. Talking to Jeno didn’t really help, anyway, because Jaemin would just be hit with the “I told you so” and then be silently judged by his best friend.
Jeno had gone home for the long weekend, though, so Jaemin could finally mope about his apartment without Jeno smacking him upside the head and calling him a loser. Although Jaemin agreed with that, he was tired of remembering how shitty of a person and it was a constant reminder of how he treated you.
Although, he didn’t expect that reminder to physically manifest when he saw you in the hallway of his apartment on Friday night.
“Y/N?” he blurted out impulsively.
Jaemin had just decided to get something from the vending machine, not expecting to see you when he was standing in front of his doorway in his grey sweatpants and lack of shirt. His hair was bedraggled from staying in bed all day after his morning lecture ended. In short, he wasn’t exactly presentable and this wasn’t the look he wanted you to see.
“Jaemin,” you said softly, looking a bit startled. “I was just leaving my friend’s place.”
“It’s fine, Jaemin.” You managed a small smile for him. “There’s no hard feelings, okay? Water under the bridge.”
“Yeah,” you said, biting your lip afterward. “I just hope you’re not one of those guys who ghosts the girl if they don’t get sex out of it.”
Jaemin could feel the ice in your tone but brushed it off. “Honestly, I don’t care about sex that much.”
“Then what do you care about?”
Jaemin fixed his gaze on you, narrowing his eyes. He should have been grateful that you didn’t take it too personally and had forgiven him, but something was off. He didn’t doubt your reasons for being here, but an undercurrent of desire was definitely still there.
His morals were bouncing around his skull, warring with each other. Jaehyun was yelling at him to stop, but you were also there, and so fucking pretty. You wanted him, and he wanted you—it was almost perfect if it weren’t for your overprotective older brother who Jaemin respected too much. Then again, Jaemin had been shouldering too much guilt over the past week. He was sure he could handle some more.
What Jaehyun didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him, right?
The hallway was empty, doused with lingering sleep. The world was dark outside but under the dim, flickering hallway light was you. And Jaemin was at his limit; he couldn’t get enough of you.
“Jaemin?” you asked, and something inside him snapped.
He grabbed your hands first before pushing you up against the wall and sealing his lips over yours. Your face morphed into a shocked expression, only making Jaemin amused as he pinned your hands up and over your head. Your lips were so warm and soft, molding against Jaemin’s lips perfectly. He felt your hands wrap around his neck to draw him closer, inciting a soft groan from the back of his throat. It was kind of pathetic that he was already hard, and he was sure you were aware of it by how he was pressed up against your lower body.
Jaemin picked you up effortlessly, scooping you into his arms by your thighs. You let out a little shriek and grabbed onto his shoulders, wrapping your legs around his torso at his encouragement. Jaemin took you into his room, kicking the door closed with his foot before heading to his room and dropping you on his bed.
He had never actually let a girl into his room, so this was a first. Somehow, seeing you on his own bed was so arousing, and he had half a mind to just take you then and there. Jaemin made you sit at the edge of the bed while he stood between your legs, hands on your thighs. You looked confused for a moment, but let Jaemin run his hands up and down your thighs.
You and Jaemin should not be in bed together. Under no circumstances should the two of you even be acquainted in the slightest. The fact that you two met was all one big, cosmic coincidence, but sometimes the stars loved fucking around with human affairs.
“I told you I had to make it up to you,” Jaemin said in a low voice, running his thumb across your bottom lip. “You don’t have to forgive me but I can’t keep being a coward.”
“A coward? More like a douchebag,” you told him, holding his wrist so you could bite the tip of his finger as you looked up at him through your lashes. “But glad you came to your senses.”
“So you forgive me then?”
You smiled, all innocent and pure, unlike your words. “Not unless you make it up to me.”
Jaemin dropped his gaze down to your shorts, eyeing them for a moment before he started tugging them down. You raised your hips to help him take your shorts off, followed by your panties. Jaemin nearly sighed at the sight of you; you were so gorgeous and so ready for him. He wanted to completely blow your mind.
Then, the nerves got to Jaemin again.
“Y/N,” he started, “we don’t have to do this if you don’t want to. We can just cuddle or something.”
“Na Jaemin, if you don’t make me cum, I will scream,” you warned.
“Yeah?” Jaemin chuckled at your reaction. “I think you’re going to scream either way, though.”
“Shut up.”
Jaemin laughed, brushing your hair out of your face. He caressed your cheek, rubbing slow circles with his thumb before he dragged it down to your jawline. A small pout appeared on your lips and he ran his thumb over your bottom lip again as if he could wipe your pout away.
“Tell me if you want to stop,” Jaemin said.
Before you could open your mouth to say something, Jaemin plunged his finger in you, thumb quickly finding purchase on your clit and rubbing in slow, languid circles. He wasn’t very satisfied by your shell-shocked silence, so he added a second finger to get you moaning and squirming at his actions.
You gasped when Jaemin curled his fingers, and he relished the dazed expression on your face. He watched your eyelashes flutter and eyelids droop as he scissored his fingers in you, earning him blissful moans from your pretty lips. One of your hands was gripping the sheets at your side while the other was gripping Jaemin’s shoulder tightly. He knew he was doing a good job by the way your walls clenched around his fingers, and it made him swell with pride.
“You’re such an asshole,” you whimpered out, moaning again as he curled his fingers in you.
“Then why do you still want me?” Jaemin hissed. “You should have just hated me. I would have been fine if you weren’t so fucking perfect.”
You cried out as he plunged another finger in you. “Shit, you’re just—oh god.” Jaemin could tell you were at your peak, so he pulled his fingers out of you immediately, smirking at how distressed you looked.
Jaemin popped his fingers in his mouth, sucking off your juices. “You taste so good, princess.”
You scowled at him. “F-finish me off, at least,” you pleaded.
Jaemin gripped your thighs. “Oh, trust me, I will.”
Jaemin lowered himself and met your eyes before he leaned forward and sealed his lips over your clit, sucking harshly on the ball of nerves. You were so sweet and so wet, but what made Jaemin go crazy was the way the both of you locked eyes while he was between your legs. He let out a groan that vibrated against you.
He licked a strip along your slit, pleased with his reward of pants and moans from you. Your thighs squirmed around him so he gripped them harder and moved his hands up to your hips so he could eat you out with more vigor.
Jaemin snaked his tongue along your folds and you were gone. Already edged from being fingered, you were at your peak already. Back arching off the bed and hips squirming, Jaemin tongued your clit as he coaxed you into your orgasm. By the sound of your moans and cries, he felt like he was going to cum in his pants any second if you didn’t stop. You released over his tongue so easily, and Jaemin lapped it up as you made an effort to catch your breath.
At first, Jaemin was over the moon. He hooked up with you and wanted more. You were so enticing and Jaemin couldn’t get enough of you. Then came the crushing guilt. It registered a bit late, but it was all the more painful. He had just eaten out his friend’s little sister and couldn’t help the fact that he wanted her so badly.
“Not bad, Jaemin,” you breathed out, fixing your hair as your thighs still stiffened and twitched every now and then. “Is this the part where you push me away and ghost me for another week?”
Jaemin ran a hand through his hair, battling frustration and shame. “Look,” he started, “the reason I pushed you away was because you didn’t tell me your brother is Jeong Jaehyun!”
“Oh.” You blinked at him. “Yeah, he’s my brother. Is that a problem?” Jaemin let out a heavy sigh and you raised a brow at him. “You got a crush on him or something?”
Jaemin’s expression soured. “No! He’s my friend and teammate, Y/N. There’s an unspoken bro code between us men.”
You rolled your eyes. “Here we go.”
“Rule number one of bro code states that sisters are completely off-limits,” Jaemin said. “And, Y/N, we just pushed that limit.”
“You know, in girl code, we ask the friend for permission,” you offered.
“Jaehyun rounded us up at practice and told us that if anyone lays a hand on his little sister, he’s going to kill them,” Jaemin said. “I’m too young to die.”
You stood up to push Jaemin down by his shoulders, sitting him on the edge of the bed. Jaemin’s breath got caught in his throat when you sat on his lap, right where his bulge was painfully tented beneath his sweatpants. You traced his v-cut abs, making Jaemin shiver in response. He held your hips and swallowed thickly. He was pretty sure he knew where this was going. If you were about to ride him, he was sure he could die a happy man.
“Jaemin, my brother doesn’t control my life, so he’s not killing you over anything, okay?” you reassured him, then leaned in closer, nibbling on his earlobe. Jaemin shivered at the contact, tightening his grip on you. “But, if you’re so worried about it, then we could sneak around.”
A guttural groan escaped Jaemin when you rolled your hips against his. Were you teasing him? Because it was hard for him to think and this distraction wasn’t helping. Either way, all he could think about was making you cum again and seeing that delicate look on your face as you crumbled in front of him.
“Sneak—sneak around?” Jaemin stammered, mouth going dry when you started taking off your shirt, and fuck, you weren’t wearing a bra. “Huh?”
“Jaemin,” you said slowly, smirking as you traced a finger along his jawline. “If you don’t want Jaehyun to catch us, we can just meet up secretly.”
If this was a game of cat and mouse, there was a clear power difference right now; Jaemin felt more like the mouse while you were the cat.
Jaemin’s eyes darkened a bit. “Fuck yeah,” he mumbled, hand grazing your bare skin. His eyes devoured the way you looked, and you wanted to squirm at the hungry look on his face. It was kind of embarrassing how badly Jaemin wanted to skip this whole conversation and fuck you into oblivion.
“Jaemin,” you called again, noting how his eyes flitted from your lips to your eyes.
He gave up. “I’ll be honest. I have no idea what we’re talking about but if we’re keeping this going between us, I’m all for it.”
“Good answer,” you hummed and pressed your lips to his.
You were a damn good kisser, Jaemin observed. He didn’t notice it before, but you had on some sort of fruity chapstick on that was making his head go fuzzy. The taste was addicting, and thank god you bit down on his lower lip because he wasn’t sure if he could handle another second without his tongue in your mouth.
He pulled away for a moment so he could push you down onto the bed, getting over you. Jaemin sighed deeply as you skimmed your hands down his bare chest, fingers tugging at the waistband of his sweatpants.
“You know, I lied that night,” you told Jaemin, wrapping your arms around his neck. “I’m not usually down for whatever, but I wanted to try my chance with you.”
Jaemin tutted at you, circling a finger around your nipple. “You shouldn’t have lied, Y/N,” he said, making you whimper when he pinched your hard nipple. “Could’ve stroked my ego a little more.”
“Sorry, but I’m not here to stroke your ego, Jaemin,” you simpered, choking over your words when Jaemin pressed open-mouthed kisses to your chest, eventually snaking his hot tongue across your nipple.
“You already are,” Jaemin murmured against your skin, littering hickeys as he kissed your chest. “Your reactions are so cute.”
Jaemin sucked on his fingers for a brief moment to provide some extra lubrication, not that you really needed it. He used his pointer and middle finger to rub against your slit, your whines growing needier as you became more and more aroused. After one more needy mewl from your lips, Jaemin had enough. He tugged his sweatpants and boxers down in one go, his hard cock slapping against his stomach once it was free.
“Oh fuck,” you moaned brokenly, eyeing the length of his cock.
“Such a good girl,” he crooned down at you, teasing his cock against your slit until you were a gasping, moaning mess under him. Then, Jaemin pulled away, clicking his tongue and grinning while you narrowed your eyes at him. “Condom,” he remembered.
Jaemin got off the bed to retrieve the silver packet from his nightstand, tearing it open with his teeth in one go. He caught you staring at how incredibly hung he was, smirking proudly as he slid the condom onto his shaft. He pumped it once for good measure and moved back onto the bed with you.
He stayed on his knees, angling your hips up so that they were positioned with his cock. You looked confused by the awkward position, but Jaemin melted away your worries with a powerful thrust into you. He groaned at how tight you were with your warm, wet walls clenching around him rhythmically.
Jaemin could tell he was hitting all the right spots by the broken moans that were escaping you when he pounded in you. His own growls were low and grating, relishing the way you felt around him. You were clutching his sheets so tight and bucking your hips so often that Jaemin had to use a hand to push your lower abdomen down, smirking as he felt his cock move in and out of you.
“You’re so big,” you gasped out, looking visibly frustrated at how you couldn’t hold onto him.
“Princess, I regret not doing this earlier,” Jaemin admitted with another rough thrust into you, making you sob out some distorted version of his name. “You feel so fucking good.”
“I’m close,” you choked out, and Jaemin kindly aided you by rubbing your clit as he brutally fucked you into the mattress.
You tucked your head into your shoulder, biting back your cries, so Jaemin grabbed your hair in a fistful and tilted it back so he could see your face. A shudder ran down his spine. Your expression was so perfect, so fucked in and glazed over.
“Shit,” he growled, voice raspy from arousal as you came undone in front of him.
His nimble fingers continued to work on your clit as you fell apart, moans ringing in his ears like a song. He followed you into your bliss, unable to hold back. He leaned over you and continued fucking you through your orgasm, holding you and groaning as he, too, released.
Jaemin stopped when he was done and spent. His arms buckled as they struggled to keep himself over you, and he could only pull out and collapse by your side. He muttered out a few curses, struggling to find the right words to say as he stared up at the ceiling. That felt good? No, too dry. I’m the only one who gets to fuck you like that? No, too possessive.
He settled with “you’re amazing” as his chest rose and fell in tune with yours.
“Likewise,” you breathed out and looked over at him. “I have to go home soon.”
Jaemin didn’t know what came over him, but he rolled over and wrapped his arms around you tightly. Normally, he wasn’t one for cuddling or aftercare, but he didn’t want you to go so soon. You relaxed under his touch as Jaemin drew you closer to his body, pulling the sheets over you both.
“Don’t go,” Jaemin whispered, tucking some hair behind your ear.
You turned to look at him, running your finger along his cheek tenderly. “Jaehyun’s gonna ask.”
Jaemin threw the sheets off of you and stood up quickly. “Have a safe trip back.”
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It was the very next day when Jaemin hooked up with you again.
You had sent him a rather suggestive text, stating that you found it strenuous to walk after the previous night. In some sick and twisted way, Jaemin found this extremely hot and invited you over that night. Needless to say, you found it even more difficult to walk afterward.
The next day was the last day of the long weekend, so you spent nearly the entire day at Jaemin’s place before Jeno came home. Sure, you had sex once or twice then, but Jaemin really liked having you around. Even when you both weren’t exactly doing anything, your mere presence was comforting to him. In past hookups with other girls, he would always just get up and leave after the deed was done. However, with you, he was suddenly a sucker for aftercare.
Jaemin still felt like shit for going behind Jaehyun’s back and he was starting to question his stealth when Jeno came back home and discovered your bra on the couch.
“Oh, that’s where it was,” Jaemin said blankly, taking the bra from Jeno. “By the way, how was visiting your family?”
Jeno was still stuck on the bra, however. “Hold on,” he started, “whose bra is that?”
“You wear bras?”
“What? No.” Jaemin made a face. “The fuck?”
“Na Jaemin, did you sleep with a random girl on our couch?”
“First of all, it wasn’t a random girl. It was Y/N,” Jaemin defended. “And secondly, we did it against the wall, actually. The couch was just a poor observer.”
“I don’t know if I should be impressed or disgusted,” Jeno replied, pondering over his best friend’s words. He glanced back at the wall and inched away from it. “Did you figure out what you’re going to do about Jaehyun?”
Jaemin grinned sheepishly. “I mean, what Jaehyun doesn’t know won’t hurt him, right?”
“What happened to the Jaemin who was trying to ghost his sister?”
“He got laid.”
“This is so gonna backfire on you,” Jeno replied, shaking his head. “But I kind of want to watch it happen.”
“Dude,” Jaemin whined, rubbing his chin with his hand. “I broke the bro code so hard, but honestly, the sex is too good.”
“Jaemin, I don’t want to hear about your sexcapades, thanks.”
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The next time Jaemin hooked up with you was almost an absolute disaster.
Keyword: almost.
“Jeno,” Jaemin warbled in a desperate cry, “I’m fucked. I’m absolutely fucked.”
“What’s up?” came the disinterested voice of his best friend who was sprawled out on the couch, flipping listlessly through a textbook.
“I need you to help me out,” Jaemin begged. “Y/N wants me to go over to her place but Jaehyun’s home.”
That was how Jaemin ended up behind your house, trying to hoist himself up onto a tree that was close to your window. Jeno was on the phone, keeping a lookout from his car that was parked on the street. This was, quite honestly, probably one of the stupidest things Jaemin had ever done because not only did he have a fear of heights, but he was risking his life just for his friend not to see him walking in the house.
There was something about hanging onto the branch of a tree for dear life that made a man question his pride.
“All this for some pussy,” Jeno tutted through his AirPods.
“Shut up, Jeno,” Jaemin muttered, a flush of heat rising to his cheeks. Truth be told, he just really wanted to see you, not that he would admit that.
He hauled himself onto one of the thicker branches that led to your window and inched his way along it to reach the windowsill. A frown crossed his lips as he reached out to knock on the glass. You told him you’d keep the window open for him, so why was it closed?
The answer was obvious, but it didn’t sink in until Jaehyun opened the window to see Jaemin dangling from a tree branch.
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, was all that was running through his mind. His head felt like it was going a thousand miles per second but the rest of his body was short-circuiting.
“Jaemin, what are you doing outside my window?” Jaehyun asked, looking absolutely perturbed.
“I’m, uh…” Jaemin paused to think while he could hear Jeno laughing at him through his AirPods. “Jeno and I wanted to prank you.”
“Jeno? Prank?” Jaehyun questioned. “Are you not here for a study session with Y/N?”
Jaemin stilled. He wasn’t sure he had any classes with you, but surely you must have made up this excuse to Jaehyun so that Jaemin could be in your house freely. Jeno’s laughing intensified as Jaemin blinked at his team captain.
“Right, well—”
“Jaemin, what are you doing there?” your sweet, innocent voice rang from Jaehyun’s door.
There was a mischievous glint in your eyes despite how concerned you tried to look. Jaemin saw right through you, though, and grimaced.
“Just… hanging out,” Jaemin grunted out as he tried to crawl in through Jaehyun’s window.
Jaehyun reached his hand out to help Jaemin and dragged him through the window with ease, so smooth that Jaemin pretended he didn’t hit his head against the side of the frame of the window as he was pulled inside. The tree branch bounced back to its original position, its leaves rustling wildly once Jaemin’s weight was off of them. Jaehyun helped Jaemin dust himself off and grabbed one of his shoulders firmly, using his free hand to pat his back.
“Jaemin,” Jaehyun said slowly, “use the door next time.”
“Got it,” Jaemin croaked out.
“We can go to my room and study, Jaemin,” you piped up, turning on your heel to head back to your room as soon as you were sure you had his attention.
“Right, um… see you, man,” Jaemin told Jaehyun, awkwardly following after you after Jaehyun returned the goodbye.
Jaemin had been to Jaehyun’s house for parties, but being there in the daytime was unnerving. He ended the call with Jeno, quickly texting him that he was safe before stuffing his phone and AirPods in his pockets. Jaemin turned the corner to see you sitting cross-legged on the floor of your room. A loud sigh escaped his lips before he made his way in, closing the door behind him.
“You’re paying for that,” he warned.
“Oh yeah?” you asked, a laugh falling from your lips just before Jaemin strode over, pushing you down onto the floor and hovering over you. You parted your lips to speak but whatever you were going to say died on your tongue as Jaemin swooped in and kissed you.
This is a terrible place to be doing this, the rational side of Jaemin’s brain provided, but then he was kissing you and it didn’t matter anymore.
Jaemin lost himself in the kiss as soon as he was tasting your fruity chapstick. He cupped your jaw, intoxicated by the way your lips felt against his. He was so dazed that he hardly noticed you unzipping his pants, tugging them down by his belt loops.
“Aren’t we studying?” Jaemin teased, brushing his nose against yours. He glanced over at the mess of books and papers at your table.
“Mm, do you want to study instead?” you asked, drawing him closer to you. “Pass up on this and read up on some cell division?”
“Fuck no.” Jaemin scoffed, dragging his nails up your thigh. “Spread those legs for me, angel.”
A mewl escaped your lips when you spread your legs because Jaemin immediately started palming your apex without missing a beat. The burst of pride that followed made him a little braver, a little less worrisome over your older brother.
“Take off your pants,” you breathed out, tugging once more at his waistband.
“No.” Jaemin moved off of you and hauled himself up to sit on your bed. “I want you to ride my thigh.” His eyes practically devoured the way you looked. “And keep the skirt on.”
You stood up, biting your lip as you moved to straddle his right thigh. Jaemin’s hands ran up and down your thighs, moving up to your hips eventually to rub slow circles with his thumb. His lips were attached to your neck almost immediately, pressing hot, open-mouthed kisses along the column.
You let a whimper slip from your lips and Jaemin started bouncing his leg steadily, his muscular thigh rubbing against your clit. He guided your movements with his hands as you rolled your hips against him. Jaemin flexed his thigh every once in a while and made sure to pull you down on him whenever he could make use of the friction.
Another moan from you and Jaemin sneered. “You’re getting off so well on my thigh, Y/N. Such a fucking tease but you react so easily.” You whined again and Jaemin shushed you. “Be quiet, princess. We don’t want to be walked in on, right?”
And, because the world hated Jaemin, Jaehyun decided to walk in.
“Y/N, can I come in for a second?” he called from outside the door.
In an instant, you practically flew off of Jaemin’s lap, scrambling back to your table and burying your nose in your biology textbook. There were a few long seconds of Jaemin silently communicating with you out of frustration. You had escaped just fine, but Jaemin just had to get a hard-on, and now that you were off his lap, it was far too obvious through his pants.
But you already told Jaehyun he could come in, so Jaemin put both hands over his crotch in a valiant (but stupid) effort to hide his boner while the door opened.
“I’m going to the store,” Jaehyun said, looking between you and Jaemin from the doorway. “Want anything?”
“No, we’re good,” you replied, but Jaehyun’s eyes were fixed on Jaemin, narrowing slightly.
“I’ll get going then, but are you good?” Jaehyun asked, gesturing at the awkward position Jaemin was in. “The bathroom’s across the hall if you need to go.”
Jaemin’s eyes flitted to yours to see an amused look on your face, and he could practically hear your voice bouncing in his skull: This is fun.
This wasn’t exactly Jaemin’s textbook dictionary definition of fun, however.
“Thanks,” Jaemin croaked out, looking down at his lap in shame. A flush of red crossed his cheeks and you barked out a laugh as soon as Jaehyun was gone. “Not funny,” he grumbled out.
An impish grin crossed your face as you asked, “Need me to take care of your problem?”
“Please,” Jaemin almost begged.
The moment you stood up, Jaemin was quickly trying to tug his pants down, hooking his fingers in the waistband of his boxers to take them off with his pants. This was awful in the absolutely best way possible because Jaemin’s hands felt clammy but then you were kneeling down in front of him, helping him take his pants off. You looked up at Jaemin when his hard cock curved up against his stomach. A breath escaped his lips like it had been punched out of him and he wondered if his eyes were as comically wide as they felt.
When the sound of Jaehyun closing the front door echoed, you grasped Jaemin’s painfully hard cock in your soft hands. Jaemin’s tongue felt like lead in his mouth. He couldn’t even ask you to do anything with all his bravado from earlier suddenly vanishing. So, he curled a hand in your hair, more for his own leverage.
Jaemin’s stomach rearranged itself to feel like some crazed etch-a-sketch rather than the human anatomy when he felt your lips wrap around his cock.
“Shit, that’s it,” he growled when you went down on him. He flushed all over, clear in the way his cock twitched in your mouth, and it made him feel like some silly, lovesick teenager. “Oh god, you feel so good with your mouth wrapped around my cock, princess.”
A sound of approval came from your throat, vibrating against the throbbing vein along Jaemin’s shaft and making him go crazy. You bobbed your head up and down, teasing him by going so slow to the point that it was nearly unbearable for Jaemin. He felt like a coil of fire was tightly woven inside him, ready to snap at any given moment.
“Fuck… don’t tease me—wait, are you asleep?”
Jaemin looked down to see you half-asleep on his cock, lips brushing against the vein along the side. Your eyes weren’t hooded but fluttered shut, head lolling to the side and your tongue grazing the underside of his head. A hiss escaped Jaemin’s lips at your teasing, but he felt more incredulous than turned on.
“I’m tired,” you said, “and you didn’t finish me off, so why should I finish you off?”
“Well, this is just unfair,” Jaemin replied with a frustrated huff as you pulled off of him. His gaze softened when he saw you rub your eyes, though. He fumbled for a moment, pulling his boxers and pants back up and tucking away the frustration of not getting his release. “You’re actually tired?”
“Kind of,” you admitted. “I’ve been studying my ass off all week for midterms.”
“Okay, well…” Jaemin faltered before scooting back on your bed until he was against the wall. “Let’s take a nap then.”
“Nap? Oh, so we—oh, okay,” you mumbled and Jaemin’s heart skipped a few beats when he saw you suck in your lower lip nervously.
You crawled into your bed and laid down, pulling the covers over them after Jaemin moved so he was right next to you. Jaemin had never exactly slept with a girl like this, but with you, his chest felt warm. It felt right. Without a word, he pulled you to his chest so you wouldn’t have to see how nervous you were making him feel, praying you couldn’t hear his heart pounding in his chest.
“You’re warm,” you mumbled to him.
And, because Jaemin was a loser who feared rejection and the reality that he was an actual human who felt real emotions, he pressed his lips to your head and whispered into your hair, “I like you.”
If you heard him or noticed, Jaemin wouldn’t have known because falling asleep was so much easier with you in his arms.
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“You slept with her? Like, without sex?” Jeno asked Jaemin that night, to which he nodded. “You didn’t hook up with her at all?”
“Jaehyun walked in the first time and the second time… let’s not get into that,” Jaemin replied. “The point is, we fucking cuddled, Jeno.”
“That’s kinda weird.”
“Right?” Jaemin tugged a hand through his hair, letting out an aggravated groan. “Maybe I shouldn’t go to Jaehyun’s place on Friday.”
Parties were one thing, but at least once a month, the basketball team would hold bonding events for everyone to unwind and chill. Jaemin usually attended every event since he was close with all of the members, but Jaehyun’s house became dangerous territory now because of you. However, Jaemin was expected to take the place of team captain when Jaehyun graduated, so he knew it would be bad if he didn’t attend all the socials the basketball team held.
“Why? Can’t keep it in your pants?” Jeno teased.
Jaemin threw a pillow at him. “Fuck off.”
“It’s been postponed to the end of the month, anyway,” Jeno assured. “Jaehyun said he had a date this Friday or something.”
“Then I’m safe for now.”
It got silent for a moment before Jeno asked, “Are you catching feelings?”
Did Jaemin like you? Sure, he mumbled it for himself to hear when he was holding you, which was pretty suspicious of him to do that if he didn’t actually have any feelings toward you. He perfectly understood the feeling at an intellectual level, but absorbing it emotionally was beyond his realm of understanding. Plus, there was no point in having feelings for someone if they didn’t reciprocate.
Jaemin only had a few crushes before, and the feelings were so surface-level that he started to wonder how many aspects of life he had missed out on because of his inability to grow close to people. That was why he had confined himself to the hookup culture because the “no strings attached” aspect was so appealing to him, but now it was backfiring because of you. It was so fucked up because Jaemin didn’t even want to fuck around with you anymore. Scratch that. He did, but he also wanted to hold your hand, go on dates, and kiss you until your fruity chapstick made him dizzy again.
You were great in bed, but what got Jaemin’s heart racing was the way you laughed when he made a lame joke and you couldn’t get over how terrible it was; the way you told stories with your hands, and your face would light up because you would get so excited; the way the food you made looked absolutely nauseating but, for whatever reason, it tasted amazing, and Jaemin could go on, but he was afraid he’d start melting in front of Jeno.
“No way,” Jaemin lied. “It’s just for the sex, that’s all.”
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It wasn’t fair that you always showed up at the one place Jaemin was most vulnerable: basketball practice.
Truth be told, you were causing Jaemin problems well before you even arrived. Hell, you had been causing problems for the past three weeks. Not that Jaemin hated it, but he couldn’t keep it in his pants every time you dragged him to a blind spot or invited him to your place. There were also times where Jaemin would just simply walk with you, or talk about your day in bed, or just hold your hand and stroke your hair until you fell asleep.
Pretty weird for fuckbuddies.
Earlier in the day, Jaemin had run into you while he was walking to his biology lecture, and after some light conversation, he had you pinned up against the back of a building. He ended up getting a very noticeable hickey on his neck from you that he didn’t know existed until Jaehyun pointed it out during practice.
“Jaemin.” Jaehyun let out a low whistle and gestured to his neck. “Finally got over your weird celibacy phase?”
“What are you—”
“Nice hickey,” Yuta complimented while he was passing by, “finally got laid, huh?”
Only then did Jaemin realize that you had marked up his neck, and did so proudly. You knew people would see but you still went ahead and did it. Jaemin would’ve been mad but somehow, the thought of showing off something you caused turned him on.
Thankfully, you showed up when practice had ended and the others were heading into the locker room, all sweaty and tired. Absorbed in their own conversations, the rest of Jaemin’s teammates were focused on talking about their last play and looking forward to a cold shower. Jaemin, however, did a double-take when he saw you, nudging Jeno to keep going while he stayed back.
You really had no good reason coming to the basketball courts. It wasn’t like you or your big brother actually wanted to walk home together.
“I’m starting to think you come here to see me,” Jaemin said smugly, making his way over to you.
“Not even,” you replied, although your fazed look said otherwise. “But I appreciate the eye candy.”
Jaemin reached out to take your hands in his and pulled you toward him. You looked down at your feet, right foot circling around one of the stray basketballs that had been left behind during practice. Jaemin, however, had his eyes focused on you. He couldn’t get tired of looking at you, especially when you were wearing that cozy purple sweater that made him want to pull you into his arms.
Jaemin noticed your foot on the basketball and held your hands a little tighter as you put your weight on it to get your other foot on. You were shakily balancing on it, grabbing Jaemin’s hands tightly as a grin slowly spread across your face.
You’re too cute, was what Jaemin wanted to say.
“You’re still shorter than me even when you’re standing on a basketball,” he teased instead, one hand slipping around your waist to keep you steady.
You pouted. “I’m basically the same height as you now.”
“Really?” Jaemin smirked at your expression, moving closer so that his lips were at your forehead. He moved his hands so they were both holding your waist, keeping you planted on the basketball. “I think I still have an inch or two on you.”
“That’s not fair,” you whispered, but Jaemin was tilting your chin up and smiling at how you were visibly growing shy. “Jaemin, my brother might walk out any second.”
“Fuck your brother,” Jaemin murmured and kissed you.
People threw around the term “time slowed down” so casually, that Jaemin believed it was a silly hoax; however, he was starting to understand it. Each kiss he shared with you before felt so rushed, but now, everything around him didn’t matter anymore. It was like every fear, every concern he had was lost as he was lost in the taste of your lips.
Your hands cupped his face, deepening the kiss and making Jaemin nearly forget that you were barely balancing on a basketball. He tightened his hold around you when you pulled a hand away to run through his hair and god, he relished that feeling. When he desperately needed air again, Jaemin pulled away, nipping at your bottom lip cheekily as he did so.
He didn’t want to see your reaction, though, so he pulled you down from the basketball and hugged you, burying his face into the crook of your neck. You were visually overwhelming, anyway, and Jaemin wasn’t too keen on seeing your reaction to his tenderness. Jaemin felt like such a melt for being this affected over a simple kiss, but all he wanted at the moment was to be closer to you.
“Jaemin?” you asked, shocked by his sudden intimacy.
“Shut up,” he murmured into your neck, “I just want to hold you right now.”
Jaemin didn’t process the fact that a third person was in the gym until it registered that the masculine voice couldn’t have been coming from you. On the bright side, the voice came from the one person who knew about whatever was going on between you and Jaemin. He then wondered why he was starting to become an optimist.
You and Jaemin both pulled away quickly like repelling magnets. There was a flicker of panic in your eyes, seeming to cool down when you noticed that Jaemin wasn’t freaking out. It was quite devastating for Jaemin to come to realize that he was the standard for what to worry over.
Jaemin, not sparing you a glance, walked over to where his best friend was standing and shoved him, not straying from his direct route to the locker room.
“You have some explaining to do,” Jeno muttered before Jaemin passed him.
“Fuck off, Jeno.”
Jeno flashed a sheepish grin at you before turning back to follow Jaemin, patting him firmly on the back to tease him. Jaemin, however, was unsettled. Whatever he felt for you was moving past sexual attraction to something much deeper, and he wasn’t sure if he could suppress it any longer.
You truly were the cat, and although Jaemin refused to believe it, you had already caught him.
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Jeno somehow managed to stay quiet about what had happened between you and Jaemin until after they reached their apartment. Jaemin almost believed he was going to pretend like he didn’t see anything, but it would be laughable to think that Lee Jeno wouldn’t mock him about it.
“That’s the thing with fuckbuddies,” Jeno explained as he shrugged off his coat, “someone’s gonna catch feelings eventually.”
“Thanks, Jeno,” Jaemin spat, tone laced with sarcasm. “You never cease to make me feel like shit.”
“So you admit that you caught feelings?”
It was like an arrow through a bullseye, not that Jaemin was going to admit to that, but the thought of him potentially catching feelings for you was terrifying. It was even more frightening because he probably already did. This was supposed to be the time where Jaemin blanched and would become shockingly avoidant around you, but he was waiting for those instincts to kick in rather than the desperate urge to run over and kiss you.
But, moreover, screw Lee Jeno for majoring in neuroscience. His best friend studying the human brain and its cognition was the worst thing that could have ever happened to Jaemin.
Jaemin paused, hesitating before he spoke, “No… I’m just worried that one of us will.”
Jeno raised a brow at him. “Whatever you two were doing was not normal for fuckbuddies.”
“It’s called hugging, Jeno. It’s not my fault you have the emotional range of a teaspoon.”
Jaemin moved to sit on the couch, turning his back to Jeno and hugging a pillow as he shrunk back into the cushion. But Jeno knew that Jaemin always listened to what he had to say. It was a natural instinct by now. Although Jaemin would rather die than say it aloud, his best friend always gave the best advice even though it was probably not what Jaemin wanted to hear.
“Are you okay?” Jeno asked instead.
Jaemin froze. He was never any good at expressing himself. He presented himself as a simple man on the outside, but he was really just layers of multitudes. But, sometimes, your mere attention was like uncut cocaine to him, and then Jaemin would wonder if he really was simple.
“I’m fine,” Jaemin muttered back.
“You’re good at being fine, aren’t you?”
Jeno fastidiously fixed his hair before he retreated to his room. Jaemin was surprised by how he cut the advice session this time and left Jaemin to his own thoughts.
Exhausted, Jaemin stared at his lock screen. It was a picture of you and him at a park. Ducks in the pond. You caught off-guard with hair in your mouth. Jaemin with a smile brighter than the sun. Who the fuck took selfies with girls they fucked on the down-low? And who the fuck set them as their wallpapers? Apparently, Jaemin did.
He was sick.
Maybe Jeno was right, but Jaemin refused to accept that possibility because that would make him even more disgusted with himself.
He could only think of one thing and it was how he was in love with you.
Sex was one thing, but love? The number one rule of best friendship was probably don’t fucking fall in love with your best friend’s sister.
Furthermore, Jaemin didn’t know how to act around you now. In the conspectus of Things That Could Go Wrong in his brain, he hadn’t anticipated actually falling for you. He should’ve taken your godsent looks and heavenly laugh as a red flag that first night because now he was addicted.
It wasn’t like Jaemin had absolutely zero experience with girls, but usually, he just went with it. Being the one chasing after you was mentally taxing and the thought of you possibly not wanting him back was unthinkable. Then again, it was pretty clear that it was mutual between the two of you, but Jaemin was confident that you were a breath away from snapping at him for his inconsistency.
He was the one that pushed you away, after all. A sudden transition from resisting to wanting you completely was sure to freak you out, so Jaemin was stuck at a crossroads.
After a few Google searches of asking the internet if he caught feelings and an episode of self-denial and self-loathing, Jaemin decided it was high time for him to call you and tell you how he felt. That, or he was going to panic and break things off before he got emotionally invested.
Before he could do either, Jeno walked back to the living room, putting his coat back on. He looked dressed up as if he was going out somewhere, and Jaemin’s suspicions were confirmed when he went to get his shoes.
“What’re you all dressed up for?” Jaemin asked, sitting up straight again.
“Jaehyun’s house.” Jeno raised a brow at him. “It’s Friday.”
God, if you’re out there, Jaemin thought, defeated. Screw you and your son. Amen.
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Jaemin had to psych himself into the proper state of mind for tonight.
That all went to shit, however, when he saw you sitting in the living room, laughing at something Yuta had said.
“Oh my god,” Jeno said in a low voice when he saw Jaemin frozen in the doorway. “Tell me you’re not jealous right now.”
“Piss off,” Jaemin spat, kicking off his shoes at the entrance. “It’s nothing like that.”
Except that it was exactly like that. Jaemin wasn’t the jealous type, but right now, his blood was roiling in his gut. Deep inside, he knew it was probably nothing to worry about, but the way you smiled around Yuta was pissing him off. Then, he realized that he had no relationship with you that gave him any right to stop Yuta from flirting with you.
And then, you turned to see Jaemin in the doorway and smiled at him.
Oh no, Jaemin thought in complete devastation. She’s pretty.
“Y/N, tonight’s for the basketball team,” Jaehyun told you from the living room, making a motion with his hands to signal you to leave. “Go to your room.”
“You’re such a nosy older brother,” YangYang chimed in, nudging a chuckle out of Jaehyun. “But yeah, Y/N, Friday nights are for the boys.”
“I know, I know,” you said with a laugh. “I’ll go now. I was just grabbing some water.”
Jaemin was still frozen stiff at the doorway as you grabbed a half-empty bottle of water from the kitchen counter (despite Jeno’s several attempts to get him to move) and then walked to the staircase to Jaemin’s left. But then you grabbed Jaemin by the front of his shirt and started dragging him upstairs with you. He barely registered it all happening in the span of a few seconds, but he was able to catch Jeno saying he’d tell the others that Jaemin was running late.
“Y/N? What are you doing?” Jaemin whispered harshly, although he still followed you into your room and let you lock the door.
This was far too risky. Not only was Jaehyun home, but the entire basketball team was downstairs.
You started tying your hair up and Jaemin gulped, realizing where this was going. “Do you want me to suck you off or not?” you asked, smiling.
“Say no more,” Jaemin breathed out, unzipping his pants hastily.
He sat down on your bed, letting you tug his boxers down, your eyes full of mirth. Jaemin felt so pathetic when his cock twitched as soon as you wrapped a hand around its girth, but he was ready to put his pride to the side for once.
Jaemin was about to rasp out something but then you took his head in your mouth and a sudden wave of heat punched him in the gut. But then you pulled away, lips against the underside of his head, and Jaemin was a second away from just crying.
“You have nice hands,” you complimented with a mischievous smile as Jaemin held the back of your head eagerly. He felt like he was going crazy with the way you were mouthing your words against his cock.
“You have nice lips,” he returned through gritted teeth. “But please shut the fuck up and get to it already.”
Your lips curled slowly. “So impatient,” you cooed, tongue dragging along the underside of his cock. Jaemin bucked his hips forward, trying to chase the sensation, but you were teasing him.
“God, you’re gonna be the death of me, Y/N.”
You smirked up at him, moving your head to lick against the slit before taking his cock in your mouth again. A few laborious seconds passed with Jaemin biting his lip so that he didn’t make any noise, and then you finally started sucking him off. He fought the urge not to groan when your tongue rolled along the vein down his shaft.
You showed Jaemin no mercy, however. It was almost like you wanted everyone downstairs to hear. He gritted his teeth when your teeth grazed his cock, and he wanted more. He gripped your hair for anchorage and fucked into your mouth. The smallest whimper escaped you when Jaemin’s cock hit the back of your throat.
Jaemin let out a strangled groan. “I’m close.”
You took this as your cue to suck him off even harsher, and Jaemin was on the brink of sweet release. A tear escaped your eyes as he fucked into your throat, and Jaemin wiped it with his thumb, drinking in the wrecked sight of you that was bringing him over the edge. You let a broken moan vibrate against Jaemin’s shaft, and he was done for.
Jaemin couldn’t recall being able to cum this fast because of someone’s mouth before, but here he was, groaning as his hot seed shot down your throat. You obediently swallowed it, eyes hazy and tear-soaked from the size of him.
A few moments of silence passed before Jaemin leaned down and pecked your lips, heart fluttering a bit in his chest as he did so. “Good girl.”
He swore he saw you lifting a finger to scratch your cheek lightly, which was a nervous quirk of yours that Jaemin had picked up on, but you turned away quickly to fix your hair while Jaemin was pulling his pants back up. The tension that followed made Jaemin unsure of whether to leave or take you against the wall. He decided against the latter, knowing that Jeno couldn’t stall forever.
“Leaving already?” you asked, reaching for Jaemin’s hand, which he gladly entwined with yours.
“I’m already on thin ice,” Jaemin explained. “I have to go back down there and hope they don’t question me.” You moved closer to him, hands moving down to graze past his waistband. Jaemin hissed slightly under his breath and diverted by rubbing the back of his neck. “Uh, so you and Yuta…”
“You’re still on that?” you asked, pulling your hands back. “I can’t laugh around another guy now?”
“No, no!” Jaemin groaned, tugging a hand through his hair out of frustration. “Nevermind, it’s nothing.”
“Is it not obvious, Jaemin?” you asked him, an edge of desperation to your voice. “You really can’t tell how I feel?”
Jaemin sighed, looking down at his feet. “You can’t tell how I feel either?”
“We’ll talk later. I have to go.”
He turned to go back downstairs, but you grabbed his wrist, saying, “Jaemin, remember that you’re the one who didn’t want anything more out of this.”
Jaemin gave you a puzzled look but before he could ask for clarification, you had pulled away from him and gestured for him to leave. He mumbled a pathetic excuse, spitting out a string of words for a moment before he gave up and snuck downstairs as quietly as he could.
He hated that you were right. Even though you had suggested sneaking around, Jaemin was the one who tried to draw the boundary. He did this to himself.
“Yo, Jaemin,” Yuta called, “when did you get here?”
“Just now,” Jaemin answered, rubbing the back of his neck as he walked into the living room where all the basketball team members were sprawled over the couch. “What’re we watching?”
“Pulp Fiction,” Taeyong answered. “Can you get the ice cream from the kitchen?”
“Sure.” Jaemin opened Jaehyun’s freezer to see two tubs of ice cream nestled in the corner. While he was pondering over whether to grab chocolate or vanilla, he felt a presence behind him and looked over his shoulder. “Did you need—oh my god, go to your room,” he whispered harshly at the sight of you.
“Are you my mom?” You raised a brow at him and reached for an ice cream tub. “Let me help you open them.”
“Fine,” he mumbled, voice fracturing at the end. He watched you move to the kitchen’s island and, carefully eyeing his teammates in the living room, letting his hand graze your thigh and whispering, “Hey, I’m sorry for earlier.”
You stiffened at his touch. “It’s fine,” you whispered back, opening the tubs of ice cream. “You’ve just been acting weird lately.”
“Weird?” Jaemin asked as he opened his tub. The ice cream dripped off the lid and onto Jaemin’s finger. “Ugh. Do you have napkins?”
“You’re so messy, Jaemin.”
“Shut up.”
“Let me help,” you insisted, grabbing his wrist and taking his fingers in your mouth.
Jaemin’s eyes widened by a fraction as your hot tongue circled around his fingers. He fought down the urge to take it further and bit his lip as he watched you. Before he could do anything, however, an awkward laugh and wolf-whistle from the living room made him freeze.
Jaemin’s head shot up to see his teammates staring at him, shell-shocked. Some looked absolutely confused while others looked more proud and impressed. Jaemin wondered if you had no shame because, despite all the eyes on them, you didn’t let go of his hand, your pretty lips still wrapped around his fingers.
“I don’t know why she’s doing that,” Jaemin rambled quickly, and his tone was so frazzled that Jeno had to hide his laugh behind his fist. “Come on, Y/N,” he urged, voice dropping for you to hear. “Let go of my hand.”
It would have been sexy if Jaemin wasn’t absolutely terrified.
Only when Jaemin caught sight of Jaehyun’s expression did you let go, saying, “Thanks for the ice cream.” With a playful smile, you looked up at Jaemin expectantly.
“What the fuck did we just witness?” Jungwoo asked, lit up silly like he had just witnessed the biggest scandal.
“We’re friends,” Jaemin croaked out. “Right, Y/N? Jaehyun? Jeno?”
Jeno ducked his head and Jaemin could tell what exactly he was thinking: I can’t help you out of this one, Jaem.
Jaemin couldn’t exactly read Jaehyun’s expression. It was a mix of emotions so varied that they didn’t make sense to him. He couldn’t even pick out any distinguishable one, but maybe it was better he didn’t know what the captain was feeling.
“I swear, it's not what it looks like,” Jaemin defended.
“So Y/N wasn’t sucking on your fingers?” Taeyong asked, a ghost of a laugh on his lips.
“Okay, so it’s exactly what it looks like,” Jaemin muttered and pursed his lips together. “But it’s—it’s nothing,” he reasoned, and at this point, it seemed like he was trying to convince himself more than them.
Either way, it wasn’t working.
Who was he kidding, anyway? They weren’t stupid, and it was clear as day that Jaemin couldn’t get enough of you. For heaven's sake, he even got jealous over Yuta making you laugh. Before, one would have to pry open the cold, hard jaws of his corpse to get a word out about how he felt, but now Jaemin felt like you had broken down his last line of defense.
Jaemin could already see the consequences that would follow, but he still blurted out, “Fine. You got me. Jaehyun, I’m in love with your sister.”
Jaemin’s neurons were tearing themselves over the fact that Jaemin had just professed his love to you and was now experiencing a state of total humiliation. He was confident he wouldn’t ever live this moment down.
The room went silent. Not only were the boys shocked, but you were, too. Jaemin himself couldn’t believe he let that slip, but there was no going back now. Jeno sat there with his jaw hung open and Jaemin couldn’t blame him. He didn’t even know he was going to drop the love bomb like that out of nowhere. Taeyong looked like he had just witnessed a murder as his eyes kept darting between Jaemin and Jaehyun, Jungwoo looked a little too proud, and Yuta was just washed over with realization.
“Oh.” Jaehyun blinked. “Cool, I guess. Does that mean you’re not joining us for movie night then?”
Jaemin wasn’t sure how obvious the shock showed on his face, but this felt too easy. For a little over a month, Jaemin had been skirting around his relationship with you because of your big brother, and now he was acting scarily nonchalant.
“You’re not mad?” Jaemin asked, wide-eyed.
Jaehyun laughed. “I mean, it’s kinda weird that you’re dating my little sister, but why would I be mad?”
“Maybe it’s because you said ‘if anyone lays a hand on my little sister, then I will make sure you look uglier than you already are,’” Yuta reminded him with Jaemin nodding along at his words. “And that was verbatim.”
“That’s for people hitting on my sister to get laid, not people dating my sister,” Jaehyun corrected. “I don’t control her decisions.”
Jaemin smiled through the internal pain of realizing he did exactly that. If Jaehyun found out he wasn’t dating you, then Jaemin was in for an earful. Thankfully, you were too dazed over Jaemin’s earlier confession to decide to start shit.
“Plus,” Jaehyun continued, “I knew you guys had a thing.”
“What?” Jaemin spluttered, blinking wildly. His tongue was performing acrobatics to formulate words but it wasn’t working.
“I had a suspicion when you climbed up my tree to get into the house,” Jaehyun said. “When I walked into the room later, that just confirmed my suspicions because, you know…”
Jaemin’s cheeks went hot when he realized that Jaehyun had probably caught onto the fact that he had a boner back then. Without a word, you rushed out of the kitchen, gaze averted which was what Jaemin supposed was embarrassment. Jaemin heard the front door open and close. He turned to follow after you, but swallowed thickly and froze in place.
“Go, Jaemin,” Jeno urged him, a tone of seriousness taking over.
“Yeah, don’t sweat it,” YangYang said cooly. “It’s just movie night.”
Jaemin clenched his jaw and nodded, thinking about how shitty it would be if he did all of that just to be rejected. Jaehyun’s house was a warzone and he knew better than to come tonight, but he still did, and he still fucked everything up. If things went wrong with you—
“Jaemin,” Jaehyun cut into his thoughts, “just so you know, I’m cool with you dating my sister.”
It was funny how a few words could make someone’s day, but Jaemin was surprised at the weight those words took off of his shoulders. He contained the joy to a half-smile and left the kitchen and walked out of your house to find you.
You hadn’t gone far at all. You were pacing along the sidewalk looking frazzled, hands lacing together and eyes cast down. Jaemin walked over to you and tried to take your hand but you pulled away.
“Did you mean what you said?” you asked, overcome with raw emotion.
“Yeah,” Jaemin replied, shoving his hands in his pockets. “I know I’m the one who didn’t want to start anything, and I lied about not wanting anything, but… this is how I feel, I guess.”
“You guess?”
“I’m not exactly expressive if you haven’t noticed.”
“Oh, trust me, I’ve noticed,” you replied incredulously, lower lip starting to quiver. “I just—I don’t know—I thought I was just going to be an afterthought to you.”
Jaemin froze when he saw tears start to gloss your eyes. He never knew how to deal with people crying, especially when they were girls. He took your face in his hands and wiped your stray tears away with his thumbs, sighing softly.
“Let’s go to my place.”
“What? Why?”
“I need to show you how much I love you,” he replied firmly, taking your hand in his and walking in the direction of his apartment. “It’s kind of funny that you thought that because you’ve been all I could think about for the past month.”
More tears were starting to well up in your eyes, but you blinked them away.
Stay calm, Jaemin’s brain instructed him. Cupid can sense your fear.
“I love you,” he continued. “Should I say it again? I love you, I love you, I love—”
“Alright, Jaemin!” Your face beamed like a Christmas tree but you were still a flustered mess. “God, stop looking at me like that.”
“No,” he said, stopping in his tracks. “I’m going to keep saying it because I don’t think you get it.”
“Jaemin, we’re in the middle of the sidewalk,” you squeaked out as he kissed your cheek.
“I love you.” Kiss. “I love you.” Kiss. “I love you.” Kiss.
“J-Jaemin, I get it,” you whined out, scrunching your nose up at his affection. Jaemin continued, though, and you happened to reach your limit. You gripped his shoulders and held him away from you. “God, Jaemin, I love you, okay? You have to give me a chance to say it back at least.”
This time, Jaemin was the one to get shy. “Huh? You like me back?”
“Jaemin, you idiot, you’re so slow,” you mused, “I’ve liked you this entire time.”
He took your hand, his gaze never leaving yours, and rubbed your palm in circles with his thumb. “I know I’ve been a dick… on multiple occasions,” he admitted, “but I want to be with you.”
“Will you be my girlfriend?” he asked.
Jaemin wondered how many seconds passed after, but it felt like centuries to him. He didn’t budge, however, because he wanted you more than ever.
“Yes,” you finally confessed, which, in essence, was a fever dream in itself.
Jaemin expected his reaction to be different, but instead, his eyes wandered off, lost in thought. He looked toward the moon overlooking that hill where he nearly hooked up with you on the night of the party. That felt like eons ago despite being not that long ago, but it carried a comforting wave of nostalgia.
“You know, on second thought, we’re gonna stargaze.”
You looked at Jaemin like he was some undiscovered specimen, but you still followed him. He laid on his back, scrunching up his nose when the grass tickled his face, and he held his hand out to you. You took it, crouching down to lay down next to him. This time, Jaemin spread his arm out so that you could lay against his chest.
You cuddled up against his chest and Jaemin thought he could die a happy man.
He looked over at you, heart hammering against his ribcage like he was hopped up on ten energy drinks. The glow of the moon illuminated the gentle curves of your face and Jaemin didn’t realize he was kissing you until he realized he had tilted your face toward him and cupped your soft cheek. His whole body felt fuzzy when your hands rested on his chest, when he could taste your fruity chapstick.
It was kind of embarrassing how nervous Jaemin was getting. His hands were starting to sweat and he was feeling kiss-dazed, smiling like an idiot because your soft lips were everything. When he pulled away, he pecked your lips one last time, his eyes unable to leave your face.
He threw his pride to the wind and confessed, “You’re so beautiful.”
Your expression was priceless. Jaemin indulged in watching you become a stuttering, faltering mess in front of him, struggling for words that could come out coherently.
“I thought you said you wouldn’t call anyone beautiful over your dead body,” you managed.
“Well, you’re not anyone, are you?” Jaemin raised a brow “You’re Y/N.”
“You’re such a smooth talker sometimes,” you acknowledged, “you know, when you’re not completely malfunctioning.”
“Shh.” Jaemin pulled you closer. “Let me enjoy this.”
“Fine, but you’re making it up to me later for playing cat and mouse for a month.”
Jaemin scoffed. “Please, I was the mouse most of the time.”
A bubble of a laugh escaped your lips and you wrapped your arms around your boyfriend. “I’m really happy, you know?” you mumbled into his chest.
Jaemin kissed the top of your head, whispering a “yeah” into your hair. Maybe one day he’d admit that he was just as over-the-moon as you were, and maybe it would be coerced out of him hours later, but right now, under the starry night sky, he could only think about how lucky he was. It was funny, though, because now he could see the stars.
And they were so beautiful.
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needybabytrashbeans · 3 years
Their Little Moth || Moondrop x Reader
Not safe for minors, 18+
AFAB reader, gender neutral terms, unclassified genitals, big fat tentacle dick 😈
Edit: Since nothing much is happening on this account I guess I'll just start posting my oneshots here. Don't expect extra parts automatically, I'll update whenever. Don't forget this is a commission account, I'll just start putting stuff here in hope that it brings in more people but also cause I like to write.
Pants filled the stuffy little room that you and your fellow coworker, Moon, had stumbled into. It was for privacy reasons of course, what they planned on doing to you couldn't be done just anywhere. If the two of you were to be caught there'd be far too many risks!
It was fine, neither of you minded, plus Moon found himself enjoying the way you looked in the dimly lit room. How he could still see how red your cheeks were even in the darkness.
Your legs trembled, shaking violently as you gasped and shot your hands out to push on that large chest of his. Whether to pull him closer in or away you didn't know. He chuckled. It was cute seeing you shake like that, seeing you twist and turn in overwhelming pleasure because of him. Him of all beings. How lucky he was.
What a treat you were. So broken now, how many orgasms had he pushed you through? You could hardly remember but it was fine, he had surely been counting.
"Already at seven~ how cute.. naughty little thing. You can hardly keep yourself together and it's only been my fingers~" he rasped in a low and gravely tone. The rumble of it made you arch desperately against him as his fingers slid over your heat again.
You were breathless, your naked skin soaked in sweat as he towered over you and watched closely, mesmerized by the gift that laid helplessly in his lap. You were so small, so fragile, and yet the need to reduce you to nothing but a pile of useless goop pulled the animatronic in even more. He wanted to see how far you could go, how far he could go before you collapsed.
His bright red eyes trailed down to look at the space between your legs. So wet, sloppy, filthy.
Something squirmed under the fabric of his pants but oh you were too distracted to notice. The being leaned in closer, cooing at the sound of your little whimpers as he kept moving his fingers inside of you. They were so long, thick.. pushing deep into your heat and rubbing lewdly at that soft, sensitive spot inside of you, watching as you helplessly rolled your hips. What a cute and needy little thing.
A cry fell from your lips and Moon shushed you with a kiss, hurriedly pressing functioning lips against your own as he rather greedily swallowed up the sounds you let out. There was one kiss, then another, then a third until he slid the tip of his tongue out to lick you. The cool metal dripped with artificial saliva as he easily slid his tongue inside your hot mouth.
Your hands shot up some more, wrapping around his shoulders. Well at least one had, the other trailed down his back as you dug your nails in a little and sobbed as another orgasm had been pulled from you. It was so hot, your entrance twitched and spasmed around his digits as your fluids dripped out.
"Moon! Moony!” you choked out as he pulled away from your lips to watch that gorgeous body of your contort. His fingers kept going, overstimulating you as they sunk in deep, slid out just a bit, and plunged deep inside once more.
"So warm my little moth, so wet.. your squeezing them so hard, sucking them in deeper. What a little dirty thing you are, begging for me so desperately like that~" he spoke again over you as your head swam with nothing but nonsenses. You were pulsing around him, slick dripped from you and finally his digits slowly slid out leaving you gaping.
He took his time obviously, humming like the smug asshole he was as he freed your abused entrance from his scarily talented fingers but not without pressing in one more time just to hear you whimper his name once more.
"Filthy.. filthy..filthy~" came his response to seeing his fingers covered with slick all the way down to his knuckles. The fiery blush on your cheeks only grew worse at the tone as you tried to collect yourself. Your heavily lidded and lustful eyes looking up to him only for him to be returning such gaze. You shouldn't, you really shouldn't allow him another round but he was so hot. So alluring. Sure he could be a gremlin at times but in moments like these he could really take whatever he wanted from you and you'd hardly argue. In moments like these you'd be happy to give them everything.
The image of his tongue sliding out his mouth once more greeted you and you watched as he slid the long tongue over those fingers. Tasting you.
He kept at it, sliding his tongue between the digits, over them, around them until they were spotless and not once had his gaze left your cute little face which must have been even brighter than the sun itself by now. You gulped, a little louder than you'd personally like to admit, as he lowered the hand to slowly run it up your thigh. He playfully walked the wet digits up your skin like that of a spider stalking prey before sliding it under your knee and hoisting your leg up his hip.
Immediately something wet and heavy landed between your thighs and with a little gasp you turned your gaze from those bright eyes of his down to where the two of you met and there to greet you was a long and squirming tentacle. Scratch that, the more you looked at it squirming the easier it was to see that this wasn't just one tentacle but three that had been wrapped around each other. (He had managed to get his pants down while you were recovering.) They were large, incredibly so, and warm between your thighs as they curiously ran over skin inch by inch.
It was hard to look away, the scene was so strange but mesmerizing. From here you could see the slits on them too which were dripping with a milky blue substance and you had to be honest you would have happily sucked him off if he asked you to.
Suddenly they separated and before you had noticed they slid over your entrance. Not yet pushing in but toying with it as if they had a mind of their own. One curled around your left thigh and another found itself slithering under your right ass cheek. The final decided to play at your entrance giving it a lick before smearing it's juices over you. It crossed and poked at your leaking hole and your pants grew heavy at the scene.
You weren't the only one though. Moon groaned, a low growl leaving him as he continued to hold your leg up leaving you so exposed, so open for his greedy eyes and even greedier little friends.
"I.. I don't think that's going to fit.." you whisper under him and yet he still registers what was said. It was embarrassing to admit, to say the least. They were big, huge in fact. They could easily stuff you to the brim.. Fill you so much that you bulged even. A shudder raced down your whole body, letting out a startled moan as a wide tip nuzzled your hot cavern, pushing in but only the tip and by the gods was it thick.
You fell back resting your head against the various pillows and blankets on the floor, something you all decided would be rather handy for situations like this. As quickly as the tentacle dipped it it had dipped right back out, toying with your already hot and oversensitive body. Moon grinned almost wickedly above you as you struggled beneath him; watching as your chest rose and fell, as your hole twitched, as you moved your hands down his firm chest. He could hardly contain himself, oh he's never felt the need to.. to hold something down so badly before. To slam right in and listen to those lustful cries of yours. It was taking everything in him not to actually rush right now, yes he wanted to watch you fall apart but he also didn't want to hurt you. Such a fragile thing you were, he couldn't hurt his beloved.
"Gentle.." he hissed. "I'll be gentle, I promise.." he spoke and you could hear the hunger behind those words, the beast that spoke them. He had been so careful so far, had wrung orgasm after orgasm out of you while he was at it. You'd feel bad if you at least didn't try to return the favor.
Your legs spread a bit more and Moon paused for a moment as one of your hands fell. From there you gave quite the show of running your hand over one of your hard nipples, squeezing it since you knew how much he loved them before moving your hand lower which was soon joined by the other. As you glided your soft and warm fingers over your thighs they soon faced the tentacles and curiously you slid a digit over one and immediately Moon groaned again which twitching all over.
You panted simply out of excitement as you looked up at him once more as your fingers curled around the main tentacle and gave it a nice squeeze which resulted in a louder moan from the animatronic before you as he thrusted his hips searching for relief. Milky precum squirting into your hand and over your fingers. You tugged on the phallus and by this point you were sure he'd be the one to fall apart soon.
"You'll be gentle. Good boys are-" you started only for him to growl which made you briefly shut up and close your eyes as you rub his tentacle against your heated entrance, egging for it to go in, rubbing it against your overly sensitive nub. A little something to ease the tension between the two of you.
"Good boys are gentle~ Gentle.. I'll be good. I promise to be careful little dove." He promised eagerly. And with that the tip eased it's way into you. As it slowly slid in your mouth fell open.
”Oh..oh god.." came your weak words as your hands moved away again to slide along his hips smearing your juices over them as you held him, almost as if gauging how far he could go. He was so thick, the stretch you felt had been like none other you've ever felt before. The other two tentacles seemed to have been keeping you in place, holding you open and close as this one sunk it. By the time it was fully in you had been twitching, eyes rolling back a little before you shakily looked down between your thighs seeing where the two of you connected, slick ran down the crack of your ass and landed on the softness underneath you.
Moon's hands had moved to each side of you, caging you in as his hulking size settled over you. It was hard, so hard not to just ram you but as you heavily panted, clinging on to everything you could in order not to pass out, he waited like the good boy he was. The tentacle was warm, twitching happily now that it was surrounded on all sides by your wet tunnel. As the two of you took your time your eyes left the spot between your thighs only to look back up to him and find him already staring at you.
Moon was so patient, so careful for you. He could never hurt you, couldn't even think about it. Your lips were so soft, so sweet, something he found himself craving almost every hour of the goddamn day. He leaned down again, grinning as he sunk in deeper and you sobbed under him.
"My little stargazer, my sweet doll.." he cooed lovingly against you as your lips met in another series of kisses. The two of you were flushed together now, one of his hands moved down and he pressed his thumb over your poor and abused nub. A harsh shock rushed through you, being so full and touched so recklessly made you jolt.
"Baby..baby please.." you whined now eagerly tugging at him to start thrusting, you couldn't possibly wait any longer. He giggled at your neediness, at how reckless it was of you to be begging him like that. He wanted to press deep into you, so deep he'd mark you. Who else could get you off like them? No one and he and Sun were not opposed to showing you how factual that statement actually was.
"Slutty little thing.. begging me like that.." Moon hums. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't happy to start, he was sure if you cock warmed him for any longer he'd simply blow right into you right here right now. You moaned at his language but as you pleaded he finally reeled his hips back before carefully sinking back in. You both shuddered, drool ran down your chin as your head rolled back against the pillows again and Moon bit his lip at the view of you.
Your face was so brilliantly red and those cute nipples of yours stood at full attention. You neck had a few kiss marks and bites but he was tempted to place some more, lay claim on you because you were theirs. And oh the view of you practically bouncing on his cock as he guided you, holding you open so he could see everything, left him reving. Those puffy lips looked awfully damn good wrapped around his cock as well, so wet.. so warm!
Clawed hands moved to your hips, gripping them and squeezing the skin. He kept his pace, drawing back only to firm press forward with each thrust until you couldn't take it anymore and it seemed like he couldn't either.
"Harder.. Harder Moony, I can handle it, you won't break me.. I promise I can take it." You begged, wiggling your hips for him to prove it as your thighs began to shake. He attempted to say something upon watching you do such a thing though whatever it had been had been covered up by his voice box. Whatever it had been had also been husky, dark but promising in nature. You didn't get to think much on it as you wrapped your legs around him and as a response he thrusted into you again but this time harder. Smashing directly into the sweet bundle of nerves deep inside you sending shocks all throughout your body.
The noise you had let out went from a loud gasp when soon fell into a raw and throaty moan. Your toes curled and your hands scrambled to hold onto him as he completely drunk you up.
He held you tight and even if he didn't need to breathe or produce air of any kind you could hear him over you, panting like a dog in heat as he filled you. Each thrust was hard, sinfully wet, and diabolical. The sound and scent of sex filled your sense leaving you already foggy mind just a bit foggier. You felt so good! So full! He was so warm, holding you just right against him as he snapped his hips back and forth as juices collected between you two leaving strands of slick connecting him to you each time he reeled his hips back. It was too lewd, you couldn't keep your noises down though with every pathetic cry and broken sob he kissed your throat, continuing where he left off when it came to marking you. Everyone needed to know who you belonged to after all.
”Sexy little thing, what a good pet you are. It fits just nicely don't you think?~" he purred only to grunt as he continued to ravish you. He was growing close as well, a heavy and pushing feeling to just burst inside you and fill you to the brim with his cum. He had to see it for himself though so with one last bite he pulled away once more and simply watched as he seemed to disappear and reappear between your meaty thighs.
"Are you going to cum? It's okay, I got you. You can cum. Let me see you burst moonbeam~" he spoke in that low, gravelly voice of his and as if you were a pet made to follow his orders you came immediately upon him saying so. Your vision burst into a series of colors as your eyes shot open and you weakly pushed and clawed at his chest as he kept going. The orgasm was so rough that you simply could not stay still and oh those beautiful cries that fell from your lips only grew louder and louder as he pushed you through it. He praised you through it, telling you how good you were, how cute you looked, promising to take the most care of you even and then he was coming after you. Letting out a snarl in the process that shook you to your very core.
It was hot, searing hot as the artificial cum flooded your sloppy love tunnel. So much had filled you that once no more could fit it started to run out and collect on your thighs and ass. His nails dug into your hips in the heat of the moment as he growled and the mixture of pleasure mixed with just a bit of that pain had you shaking violently by the time he was done with you, slowing down his reckless thrust into softer ones until he stopped all together to look down at your absolutely ruined face.
To put it in simpler terms your had been throughly fucked, your whole face had softened as sweat ran down your whole body and you weakly held onto him wishing to keep him inside even if you physically couldn't go anymore rounds. He chuckled once more at you as his sensors slowly but surely started to cool in the afterglow.
"Good. Very good. You took me so well my love.." he hummed, leaning down to kiss those soft lips of yours once more before he carefully moved his hands under your body and lifted you a bit in order to reposition the two of you. He soon found himself to be the one laying on the bottom and along the pillows and blankets while you laid on top of him struggling to even stay awake at this point as you took comfort in how warm he was. If was cute, everything about you was cute though. He got comfy below you and let out a lovesick sigh as you unconsciously nuzzled closer to him. Though, shouldn't he help you clean up? He hummed a little at that before stirring a little as it to get up.
"Don't move..we can clean up when I get up.." you tiredly mumbled into his chest before giving the surface a pet or two to show that you were serious even if he doubted that in the current state you were in you'd be able to do anything even if he did get up. Though he guessed it could wait, you needed to rest.
"Fine fine, let's clean up when you're up again. Sunny will help." He gently spoke in that calm and low voice of his which was probably one of the last things you heard before sleep overcame you. That and him quietly wishing you a good night's sleep, one with only the sweetest dreams as he moved one hand to pull a blanket over the two of you while rubbing soothing circles in your back until you completely fell out.
And you slept like a fucking baby. That's for sure.
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raggaraddy · 3 years
Request from @dramaclub-thin: Mafia BTS where the reader is shot for/because of them.
A/N: Another long one. This one doesn't have so much of the worried reaction, cause I wrote it to fit the Mafia! Jungkook character. It's still fun though ^-^ Thanks again for the request. 💜💜💜
If anyone else wants to request, you can here.
Other parts:
Summary: When a loose end breaks into Jungkooks house with guns drawn, you get a first-hand lesson that maybe Jungkook isn't as invulnerable as you had thought.
Trigger Warnings: Graphic violence, gun usage, blood, murder.
Mafia! Jungkook
Fighting to get free, you're kicking your legs. Squirming. Squealing as you shove your hands against Jungkook's chest, pushing him back as hard as you can. Tears starting to fill your eye line.
"Stop, stop, stop," you shout, with no effect. Struggling harder.
"Admit it!" He yells back, a smile on his face.
"Never," You scream. Not able to hold it back anymore. Your screech morphs into forceful laughter as Jungkook continues to tickle you. Your cheeks aching from how widely you're smiling. Your sides hurting as you keep thrashing for release.
"Admit I could beat up the Hulk, and I'll let you go." He insists again, pressing you down with a massive grin.
"Okay, okay!" You squeal, finally conceding. Groaning in relief, when his fingers stop tickling your stomach. Your limbs dropping down to rest. "You could totally kick the Hulk's ass." You chuckle, rolling your eyes.
"Damn right I could!" He bursts into laughter also. Easing back with a sigh now that he no longer has to hold you still. Neither of you phased by the movie that started the debate still blaring in the background.
Roughly you punch your fist into his chest, intentionally knocking the air out of him. Taking advantage while he is caught off guard to push him flat onto the carpet beside you. Straddling his lap, you lean over him pinning his arms to the floor before he has a chance to argue. Not that you think he would. The fun-filled smile doesn't leave his face for a moment. Completely amused by you, while you try your best to put on an intimidating act. Trying to stop yourself from smiling again.
"Jeon Jungkook. You cheated." You playfully scold, "And if you can't have a grown-up discussion, then you can't do other grown-up things either." You accentuate your point by grinding down. Feeling his hips push up as you tease him. Lifting up right away, shaking your head as you remove the contact. "Nah uh. Cheaters don't get that." You smirk.
"Don't be mean just cause I won." He runs his tongue inside his cheek. His gaze showing desire and a want for you to continue. But you're not done toying with him.
"You didn't win." You poke your tongue out, rocking your hips a single time more, "Confessions under duress are not admissible anyway."
"No, but it's good leverage to have." He answers a little too honestly and without thinking. Not entirely talking about your play fight anymore.
Chuckling awkwardly, you shake off the train of thought that wants to evaluate what he just said. Not wanting to let your mind remember that part of him right now. Trying instead, to return to your spirited banter. But he gets in before you.
"Nope," He easily breaks out and overpowers your hold wrapping his arm around your waist, carrying you as he stands up. "you admitted I'm stronger than the Hulk, and I'm never gonna let that go." Bending down, he throws you over his shoulder, slapping your ass to tease you back.
His shoulder digging into your gut stops you from taking a full breath or making a snippy comeback. So you slap his ass in retaliation instead.
"Come on Kitten, you have to give me a prize for winning." He purs suggestively, carrying you out of the living room into the foyer.
He's going to take you upstairs, but you don't make it to them before both of your heads snap towards the entrance. A flurry of gunshots exploding just beyond the front door. The commotion silencing as quickly as it started.
Jungkook slings you off his shoulder. Becoming another person in an instant. Purely focused. Opening the coat closet, he pulls a Glock from his jacket.
"Get upstairs, now." He barks.
You don't have to be asked twice, running to the stairs. Gasping as the garage door next to the steps opens, two hooded men storming in with guns drawn. Jungkook reacts quickly, firing past you. Shooting one of them, missing the second who ducks instead of firing back.
At the same time, blowing open to the left of you, the front door is kicked in. Swinging wide, four more masked men rush the house. Firing rapidly and wildly. Scarcely missing Jungkook who is moving preemptively and is 3 steps ahead. Running forward he shoots the second man in front of you. Grabbing your arm, dragging you over their dead bodies into the garage with him.
Shutting you in just as bullets explode through the wood door at your back.
Jungkook forces you to keep up, throwing you behind the car. The automatic shots continuing to decimate. The four-wheel-drive being the only thing that keeps either of you from getting shot.
Panting and on the verge of tears, you're crouched beside Jungkook. Watching him, waiting to react to anything he says. Knowing he is all that stands between you and death. But also knowing that with him in this mindset he could do just as much damage to you as one of those other men might.
The gunfire stops. Distorted voices shouting behind the door's remains. Jungkook cautiously raises up, leaning over the hood. He lines up a shot as the door opens warily, taking down another of them. Slouching behind the car as a new wave of bullets comes in response.
In front of you, the shelves covered in storage boxes and the workbench full of tools is ripped to shreds. Things erupting in every direction. Covering you in debris.
Pulling his phone from his pocket he shoves it in your lap.
"Call the first number!"
Your brain is stalling, your hands are shaking, but you follow the order as best as you can. The way your fingers are vibrating making it so much harder.
"What's up Boss?" You can hear the faint sound of his first lieutenant, as the firing ceasing again. Jungkook snatches the phone, speaking lowly and calmly.
"My house is breached and we're under fire. At least 3 guys. Semi-autos. We're held up in the garage and I've got maybe 15 rounds left." He passes the information over precisely. Remaining organized and in control.
"We're 10 out," the first confirms back, yelling orders to people on his end of the phone.
Your head jolts towards the garage door as it heavily clunks, starting to lift along the tracks. Exposing you on two sides.
"Fuck," Jungkook exclaims. "We don't have 10 minutes."
He stands, staying low. Opening the car door, tossing the phone in, followed by you. Your limbs hitting everything as you try to keep up with his pace. Making it onto the seat in an awkward heap.
"Stay down," he growls, slamming it, sealing you in. You're ahead of him this time, already kneeling under the steering wheel. Pressing your chest and head into the seat as flat as possible.
Inside the car, you can only hear the sounds of blasts for a few moments. Heavy things being thrown in every direction amid tense silences.
Outside the car, Jungkook fires off 3 shots, aiming for the legs he sees as the garage opens. The angle is wrong, and he doesn't hit them. Having to retreat back. Throwing the workbench down, using it as a meagre form of barricade. Blocking himself into the corner, hunched behind it. It's barely wide enough to protect him at the front and on the side. The height of the desk only just covering his head. He aims over the bench, hoping to keep the front two from coming in with suppression fire.
However, his attempt is unsuccessful. As he raises up, a bullet wings his right arm. Involuntarily dropping his gun, he shouts in pain. The Glock falling on the wrong side of the table.
It only takes him a second to compose himself, lunging over to pick up the weapon. But it's a second too late.
One of the men charges from inside the house. Booting the table into Jungkook, throwing him off balance. Holding him at gunpoint as he hits the floor.
Briefly, you see the other two men through the window as they pass the car. You're too terrified to move. Your hand cupped over your mouth, muffling the panicked breathes and whimpers that you can't hold in.
Working as a unit, one of the men clears the table out of the way, another picks up Jungkook's gun, while the third ushers him out of the corner and onto his feet, keeping the sights tightly fixed on him.
Getting in his face, the lead man removes his balaclava. Seething hate filling his expression. "You remember me?"
While he isn't going to give him the satisfaction of a reaction, Jungkook is certainly perturbed by the reveal.
It was nearly 5 months ago that he had ordered this man and his family killed. It drew far too much attention when he refused a deal Jungkook made him. So an example has to be set. The man's wife, two children and his visiting brother were murdered in the gruesome display. And Jungkook was told that the man standing in front of him now was also killed. But it seems the men charged with the hit got complacent. They didn't confirm the kill.
Mentally, Jungkook was already recalling the four men on task. If he made it out of this they were going to suffer greatly for their mistake.
Seeming infuriated by Jungkook's lack of fear and stoic glowering, the unmasked man slams his fist into the Mafia King's face. Shouting as he does.
Methodically, the three intruders begin to tear Jungkook apart. He put's up a fight as best as he can, but the men are trained and three against one isn't fair odds in this situation. Knocking him between them, they strike with their knees, fists, feet, hurting him in any way they can manage. Beating him into the ground. Pulling him back onto his knees whenever he drops back or falls forward.
Biting your palm you're trying to stop yourself from crying out as you sob into your hand. You can hear the hits. The thumps from him being tossed around. His groans of pain. The slough of abuse they spit at him while they work him over. Cursing him. Mocking him.
Suddenly, the car door jerks open. One of the masked men dragging you out by your hair. Making you produce an ear-shattering scream. One he silences with a fist to the face. Your body collapsing, slapping into the concrete.
Groaning in pain, your sobs can no longer be restrained. Loudly bawling, tear stream your face, hardly able to breathe as you panic.
Your heart aching as you see Jungkook across from you. Hunched over on his knees, he's gushing blood. It's running down his face. Matting his hair to his forehead with the sheer volume of it. He's splitting it up, his mouth dripping with it. His shirt soaked in it. Flowing down his arm from the bullet wound also.
You'd never have thought you would see your Boyfriend in such a state. You've witnessed first-hand the power he has when he's the one responsible for this kind of damage. In your mind, you saw him as invincible. Unbeatable. A cruel monster driven by hubris that could never be stopped.
The times you'd seen him beat people like this, the times he hit you like this, you had privately desired for him to suffer the same fate one day. For karma to return everything he had dished out.
But now that he was, now that he was the one being treated without mercy, even with it being justified, you can't feel anything but fear and sadness. Regretting ever having wished this upon him.
"Jungkook," you gently call.
He's disoriented. Too many headshots having made him dizzy and unfocused. But your soft voice cuts through all of that. Looking up from the ground to you, his eyes go wide seeing you in harm's way again.
"Y/-" he starts to get up, only to be interrupted and held down. The unmasked man's hand coming down on his shoulder. The barrel of Jungkook's own gun being aimed at his chest as the man hovers over him.
"You know, your guys didn't kill my wife right away." He digs the gun tip into the bullet wound on his arm. Twisting and stabbing into the raw flesh making him grit his teeth to bear the pain. "They shot her where he knew it wouldn't kill her. Then they let her bleed out. While I could only watch. While my kids watched." The pure rage in the man's voice is finally softened. Instead, sounding horribly grieved and agonized over the memory. "Someone like you, you're probably not capable of love," he spits, pushing off Jungkook to stand straight. "But whether you love her or not, I still want you to watch her die."
The words register, but you can't absorb them. You can't react.
"Wait. Wait!" Jungkook yells after him.
Your body is throbbing in terror. Watching him advance on you. Watching him raise the gun at you.
The shot hits you in the stomach.
"No!" Jungkook howls. The two men punting him back down as he climbs to his feet. Extending the barrage of hits to impress upon him that he shouldn't try to get up again.
In shock, you delicately dab at the hole in your side. Blood pulsing out of you. The pain is more than you could have imagined. You can't pull in a full breath. Short gasps are all you can manage. Doubling over onto your hands and knees, you weakly shriek unable to deliver a solid scream.
They drag you by your arm, hurling you at Jungkook, your torso landing in his lap. He clings to you, drawing you in tight. His face twisted in anger.
"Y/n." He growls. "Don't you dare-" he can't bring himself to finish that thought.
"Don't worry darling. It won't take long." The leader says above you, sounding genuinely sympathetic. "You though," he redirects, snarling at Jungkook. "you're gonna die slow."
Not able to breathe and the blood loss is making your head light. The room feels like it's spinning. Your eyes rolling back as they close. The reprieve of rest calling you into unconsciousness. And you can't resist.
With his hand held to your heart and his chest tight, Jungkook feels for a beat. The irregular rhythm assuring him you're still alive at least.
"I hope you really did love her. Like how I loved my girl and my boy. My wife. I hope you can feel that type of pain."
Jungkook is shaking. Unfiltered loathing ravaging his thoughts. A murderous expression concealing his heartache as he feels your pulse gradually start to slow.
Moving begrudgingly like it's his duty, the leader pulls one of the few remaining tools from its place on the wall. Wringing the handle of a large Philips Head screwdriver.
Working together, the three of them rip your unconscious body apart from Jungkook. His efforts to keep you close having little impact. Numerous injuries having sapped his strength.
Stretching him out, holding him down, they pin him with their weight. One of them securing his legs. Another holding his arm and torso, the majority of his heft used to force Jungkook's face into the cement. The leader kneeling all of his weight on his left arm to keep it flat.
As the tip of the screwdriver is pressed into his palm, Jungkook grapples to keep his hand closed to no avail. The shank piercing the meat of his palm. Screaming as the length is stabbed in and yanked out. Hissing through his teeth while the sharp point trails up. Reaching about halfway up his forearm it digs into the muscle. The blade slowly forcing its way into the skin, causing him to roar again.
All at once, a shot rings out. One of the intruders taking a bullet in the back. An assault of gunfire spreading across the height of the garage, sending the other two into a panic. Scrambling for their guns. Releasing Jungkook in the frenzy, who cradles his wounded hand for a moment before jumping on the attack. Finally having sufficient reinforcement to fight back.
Picking up the screwdriver with his good hand, he lunges at the surviving masked man. Dragging him off balance. Straddling his side. Stabbing down and around to drive the tool into his chest over and over. Burying the metal in the man's throat as a final strike. His damaged hand slamming down on the top of the screwdriver, forcing it through the other side of the man's neck.
Some of Jungkook's rage having been vented, he falls away panting watching the man, satisfied as he quickly bleeds to death.
The leader of the assailants, the source of all of this woe, is completely unmatched by the dozen men who suddenly surround him. They don't grant him the opportunity to even raise his weapon, shooting him in the shoulder, knocking him down. Incapacitating him and restraining him swiftly as he tries desperately to get loose.
There are a few seconds when the dust settles, where everything is quiet again. Only the sounds of wheezed breathing and footsteps taking any space.
Apart from the few men busy with securing the house and the area, all of them are at attention looking to assist their battered leader. Wanting to help. Waiting on an order.
"Her," he signals in your direction. "Get her to a hospital."
"You too, Boss." His second lieutenant leans down, helping Jungkook stand. Getting him to solid footing.
"I'm not dying in the next 20 minutes. Let's wrap this shit up first." He dismisses the gesture. Shirking off the pain at risk of appearing weak.
"And this one?" His first aims a gun at the intruders head.
"Patch him up. He's gonna die slowly," Jungkook's voice deepens as he repeats the man's own threat back at him.
His eyes following as he gets picked up and thrown into the trunk of one of the cars. The Mafia leader in him already, concocting ruthless plans in specific detail over all the ways he is going to torture him. And how he's going to silence any doubts about his strength that this attack may have caused.
Carried in another man's arms, you're taken to the back seat of a car. The movement string you awake. The pain keeping you immobilized and dazed.
Jungkook limping slightly follows after you. He presses his hand to your chest again, relieved as he feels your heart still beating, as he sees your eyes fluttering.
Your head laying on the seat, he leans over resting his forehead upside down on yours. "I'm so sorry baby." He whispers. His hands bunch tightly around your arms, pulling at your skin. The war of both sides of him crashing together. His eyes going cold, his breath becoming ragged.
Struggling to remain conscious, your eyes close again. Jungkook's bloody hand slapping down on your face, shocking your eyes back open. Tears instantly returning to your cheeks.
"Don't you dare die!" He hisses. His hand curls around your jaw, his fingers digging into your cheeks. "I'm not going to let other people think they can come at me. Take my things. Try to hurt me." He growls, speaking just loud enough for only you and him. "So you're gonna keep living Y/n. Cause until I give you permission, you don't have the right to die."
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honeytae · 3 years
Let me put you to sleep.
hello my loves, happy wednesday! here’s some yoongi filth because….it’s good for the soul :) also looking back on my masterlist it’s just been way too long lol <3 hope you all enjoy this smutty piece of “f*** you back to sleep” filth :))))
tags: @ahgasearmyfan, @hoseokayy, @the1921-monsters
genre: smut
warnings: sleepy grinding, dirty talk, hand and blowjobs occur, mouth fucking???, cum swallowing, fingering, there’s lots of marking, nipple play, sex does eventually occur i promise
word count: 3.3k
Yoongi, for the life of him, could not fall asleep. It’d been hours now of nearly constant tossing and turning, leaving you to readjust every time he moved behind you, the man mumbling a quiet apology in case he’d woken you up. Which he had. Several times.
“Yoongi,” you mumbled, “put the heating pad on if your back is bothering you.” You reminded him, as he was fresh off of a world tour and still dealing with the repercussions that come with it. 
“It’s okay, angel. My back is okay.” He soothed into your neck, the lack of sleepiness in his tone causing you to frown. 
“Just can’t sleep?” You inquired, the man humming before he puffed a breath out through his nose. 
“Time zones.” He explained simply, you nodding in understanding as your hand automatically reached up to the crown of his head, scratching your fingernails against his scalp in an attempt to soothe him a bit in his journey to slumber. 
“Missed you. Missed this.” He mumbled in reference to your position, kissing your shoulder softly as you hummed in response.
“Me too.” You agreed, tilting your head backward to look at the man’s wide awake eyes in the dark.
You watched as he leaned up off of his pillow to press his lips to yours, closing his eyes in bliss at the simple connection he had craved for so long while overseas.
Slowly your lips melded together, a low hum coming from the back of Yoongi’s throat as he leaned further into you, deepening the kiss with a stroke of his tongue along your lip. 
“Hm, I can tire you out. Be happy to, actually.” You said against his lips, smirking a bit at the way he clutched your hip tighter at your tone. 
Your chest swelled with pride at the broken gasp coming from his mouth when you pushed your ass back on him, his hand locking your hip in place with all the willpower he possibly could.
“I don’t want to keep you up, babe.” He protested weakly, you chuckling before pressing a chaste kiss to his pout. 
“You sure about that?” You raised your eyebrows knowingly, Yoongi smirking at your persistence before gasping when you wiggled your ass against him again. 
This time, his hand cupped your ass cheek and fondled the soft tissue there instead of locking your movements down, rolling it in his palm before sneakily sticking his pinky finger underneath the hem of your shorts to slip between your pantie-covered folds. 
You gasped as his fingertip nudged your clit over the fabric, the man purposefully wiggling his digit around to add stimulation to the bud. 
“Is that a yes?” You breathed out, Yoongi chuckling at his affect on you as he swiftly nodded. 
“Yeah, baby.” He verbally confirmed, chuckling to himself as you suddenly shifted up on your knees and flipped your body over to straddle his lap, Yoongi’s eyes shining up at you in the dark. 
His hands traveled every inch of you as you dipped your head down to kiss at his neck, a deep hum of approval vibrating his adam’s apple when you opened your mouth against the skin. 
“Fuck, I love when you’re on top.” He groaned, his hands cementing on your hips to roll you down against his growing bulge. 
Despite loving you on top of him, he loved still holding the control, his hands on your hips and feet planted on the mattress ready to buck up against you at any moment. 
“I know.” You chuckled, Yoongi swatting at your hip at your cockiness as you lifted your hips from his lap. 
Tucking your fingers underneath the waistband of his shorts and boxers, you swiftly pulled them down his thighs, Yoongi raising his hips to aid you with a slanted grin. 
Leaning down to grasp his half-hard length, you dutifully pumped your hand up and down his shaft, pace slow as you watched in awe of him beginning to get more worked up.
His bottom lip was sucked into his mouth, eyelids shutting on their own accord as a sharp inhale stuttered in his throat when your thumb swiped over his sensitive tip.
“What do you want, hm?” You asked, the man making a grumbling noise from the back of his throat as he bucked his hips up into your hand. 
“I’d take anything right now, honestly.” He admitted, making you laugh a bit at the desperation in his tone he didn’t even attempt to hide. 
Leaving one last kiss to his pout, you shuffled down his torso, hearing the man’s breath catch as he noticed the all too familiar rhythm in which you fumbled down so that your face hovered above his cock. 
Your hand continued it’s motions on his ever hardening dick, the moans and quiet whimpers falling to your ears causing heat to flush down between your legs as you sat between his own. 
With a twist of your hand on his base, his fingers gripped the sheets with white knuckles, stretching his neck as he tilted his head back in bliss. 
Dipping down to place your mouth on him, you chuckled when your boyfriend immediately gasped at the feeling of your wet mouth on his hot cock, rolling his head to the side when you traced your tongue along the bulging veins running down it. 
Yoongi clutched at the sheets as you suckled on his tip, tracing the underside of the leaking head with your tongue and making his eyes roll back into his head. 
“F-fuuuuck.” He breathed out as you took him farther into your mouth, eyes squinted open to watch as you began to bob your head up and down on him. 
His hands moved from the bed to your hair, gripping handfuls of your strands and controlling your pace on him as he mumbled praises into the air. 
Sucking and slobbering over his length, you took him deep until your throat gave out, letting him thrust into your mouth as he pleased with a grunt above you. 
“Babe, I’m gonna cum.” He warned, you encouraging him with a flick of your tongue against his tip, making his mouth gape open as he shot his heavy load down your throat. 
As his length softened a bit in your mouth, you let it easily slip off your tongue, sitting up to swipe at your mouth with the back of your hand before shuffling back up Yoongi’s body. 
“Oh my god.” He sighed, smiling a bit as you giggled atop him at his state.
His hair was only slightly damp with sweat, face flushed and eyes hazy yet ablaze with desire. The sheets below him were rumpled from where he’d been gripping them, his hair distressed because of all his writhing around on the pillow below him. All because of your mouth. 
“I fucking love your mouth.” He verbally confirmed, making you chuckle again before leaning into his all too tempting pout.
When you felt his hand pushing at the hem of your shorts, you reached down to grip his wrist, guiding it away with a slight smile as he pulled back to pull his brows at you. 
“Tonight’s about you, baby. Let me put you to sleep.” You chuckled, Yoongi rolling his eyes as he moved his hand back to slip underneath your shorts. 
“I’m not buying that shit. I wanna feel you.” He mumbled, your mouth parting against his as he slipped his finger between your folds, guiding it up to concentrate on your clit. 
“Y-yoon, you don’t have t-to- fuck,” you bit down onto your lip when his finger moved down to meet your entrance, throbbing with need and want for the man as he felt around between your legs. 
“Fuck, you’re so wet.” He commented, his tone laced with astoundment as he traced your leaking, clenching entrance. 
Letting a choked gasp escape you when he sunk not one but two fingers into you, you whined his name as he suckled lightly on your jaw, surely marking the area as moans of his name echoed around the bedroom. 
Lacing your fingers through Yoongi’s hair, you lost yourself in the pleasure he provided you, grinding your hips down onto his two pointed fingers and groaning when he added a third. 
You threw your head back as Yoongi continued dutifully pumping into your entrance, curling his fingers to brush against all the right spots as well as running his other hand under your shirt and up your stomach to fondle your bare breasts. 
Your whimpers let him know to up his antics, attempting to suck at your nipple before groaning in frustration at the fabric blocking him from doing so.
Wordlessly, he gripped the hem of your shirt and ripped it up over your head, tossing it across the room and leaning forward to suck on your peaked bud. Hard.
“Oh my god, Yoongi.” 
“Mm,” he hummed in reply, vibration creating an electric hum in your nipple before the sensation was intensified by him biting down a bit to close his teeth around the hardened bud. 
With a gasp, you clenched around his fingers at the unexpected action, causing Yoongi to groan as he picked up the pace of his thrusting appendages up into your entrance. 
You shivered as his thumb reached back to circle over your clit, whining his name in warning as you leaned your forehead down onto his shoulder. 
“I’m gonna-” 
“Do it.” The man ordered, coaxing your orgasm out of you by slowly circling his finger over your swelling clit, your release coating his hand as he slowly pumped his fingers into you, carefully riding your high out with you. 
Neither of you spoke as you waited for your breaths to even out, Yoongi occupying himself by slipping his fingers out of you and bringing them up into his mouth to suck your juices from. 
Once you had caught your breath, you lifted your head from Yoongi’s skin, breathing out another sigh as his eyes twinkled back at you.
Although it was dark in there, you could still feel every touch of him on your body, including the hand stationed at your thigh and the other reaching up to pinch your chin between his thumb and pointer finger to guide your mouth back to his. 
Both sets of hands were messily pushing your shorts and underwear off your legs, his fingers aiding you in lifting off his hips to toss the garments somewhere off the edge of the mattress as you never disconnected from his lips. 
Following his slight shifting movements across the mattress as he reached into the drawer in the nightstand, you giggled against his lips as he cursed at the drawer being so far away, the sounds increasing as he rolled the both of you over so that he was closer to the little table. 
“Thought you loved when I was on top.” You raised your eyebrows in amusement, the man chuckling with a nod as he reached his arm back behind him, tugging the drawer open and letting his fingers scramble around the interior for a condom packet. 
“Oh I do, I really do,” he smiled, “but stay just like this, baby.” He directed, making you hum before doing as you were told, confused as you were facing away from Yoongi, rolled onto your side as if you were spooning to go back to sleep. 
You couldn’t help but rub your thighs together as your heart pounded in anticipation, the sounds of the foil packet ripping open and the barrier being rolled onto Yoongi’s cock increasing your excitement as you eagerly pushed your ass back against him. 
“Please.” You exhaled, your boyfriend quickly catching your plea with another kiss to your shoulder, tracing his hand down your thigh to grip at it. 
Yoongi smiled as you stretched your leg out behind you, aiding him in propping your thigh atop his hip bone so that he could easily access the throbbing area between your legs.
You let a moan slip past your lips as he nudged his head through your entrance, pushing himself farther into you with a buck of his hips as he let out a groan into your skin. 
“F-fuck.” He stuttered as you pushed your hips down onto him, effectively grinding him farther inside of you as you let a pleasured sigh past your lips.
He started off relatively slow, the calm air in the room causing him to want to savor the moment. 
Savor all the times he couldn’t do this over the past seven months, all the times he had to rely on Skype calls to get him through the ache of missing you. All the times he couldn’t simply reach over and hold you, let alone be so intimate with you. 
“Yoon,” you turned your head back to him, “kiss me.” You breathed, the man immediately responding by leaning up on his elbow, cupping your jaw to bring your face closer to him in your position. 
With your lips on his, he finally felt like he was home. 
“Harder.” You whimpered against his plush pout, making him growl a bit in his throat at your tone before thrusting into you at a faster pace than before. 
His hips continued jolting into yours, the sound of skin slapping skin all to be heard in the room except for your own individual little noises either muffled into each other’s skin or the pillows below your heads. 
Moaning when you began rocking your hips along with his movements, he clutched you a bit tighter to him, arms wrapped around your torso holding you close and making sure he hit all the right spots inside of you. 
“Fuck, yeah. Grind on me, baby.” He rasped, his tone displaying how worked up he was getting at your movements, causing you to circle back on him faster as you felt his cock twitch inside of you. 
“Y-yoongi. I w-want- uhnn,” 
You gripped the duvet tighter as Yoongi wrapped his arm around you to draw dizzying circles over your swollen bud, chest stuttering at the sensation before you whined his name again. 
“Wanna see you cum.” You barely got out through your breathy moans, the man groaning at the lewdness of your words before gently pulling his cock out of you. 
The movement created a wet squelch to resonate beneath the sheets, your boyfriend cursing around your name at the noise. 
Quickly shifting up off your side to a seated position, you nudged Yoongi’s shoulder with tired fingers, pushing him flat down onto the mattress in order to clamber atop his waist.
Dipping down to press your lips to his chapped pout, you traced your hand along his length, touching his tip to his abdomen to hold his erection linear beneath your pussy. 
His moans vibrated your lips as you began rocking over him, your juices soaking his cock further as he gasped, muttering something about how filthy you were before inserting his tongue into your mouth. 
In return, Yoongi’s fingers came up to twist and pull at your nipples, stalling your actions momentarily as you clenched your eyes shut at the combination of his attention to your breast and the way your clit continually rubbed over every vein and ridge of his dick. 
“Stop that, baby. I need to feel you.” Yoongi breathed, urging you to lift up as he took control of his throbbing cock and lined himself up with your entrance, you nearly sinking down on him before you paused. 
“What?” Yoongi asked at your sudden slowed pace, concern laced in his singular word as he knit his eyebrows up at you. 
“Back on top.” You grinned, the man smiling back at you before pinching at the flesh of your hip. 
“I thought something was wrong, you dummy.” He tutted, you giggling in response before placing your lips back on his, the covered tip of Yoongi’s cock prodding at your entrance as you let a content sigh out onto his bottom lip. 
“I promise you, everything is so fucking right.” You said, echoing your boyfriend’s moan as he thrusted up into you, planting his feet flat on the mattress for a stronger push into your cavern. 
“I missed you.” He repeated his earlier words through a grunt, hands tightening on your hips with each of his movements up into your pussy. 
The slaps of skin were what punctuated his thrusts up into you, along with his small whimpering exhales of breath accompanying them. 
“I know,” you chuckled breathlessly, “I know you did.”
It was evident by the twitching of his cock inside of you, his balls raising up beneath your ass to spill his incoming second load as he bit down on his lip below you. 
At his wrecked facial expression, you clamped tighter around him, leaving the poor man breathless and choking for air as your walls put him in a vice grip. 
“Oh my god, I’m gonna cum.” He gritted his teeth, his breaths emptying out onto the shell of your ear as you chased your own impending release as well. 
“Yoon,” you cried out, feeling the tension in the pit of your stomach explode once again as he fastened his pace, his tip bumping against your sensitive walls as he held your hip bone for support.
With a moan of your name, Yoongi released into the condom, stalling inside of your pussy before continuing at a steady pace to ensure your release. 
“Cum for me, baby, come on.” He breathed, opening his mouth on your pulse point and tipping you over the edge when you felt his hand come up to your chest to tweak at your nipple. 
Opening your mouth in a silent scream, you felt your second orgasm come on, left breathless as Yoongi bit down on his lip at your walls squeezing his cock. 
You could barely keep your eyes open as you felt your boyfriend pull out, letting your slightly sore legs give out with a pat pat to your thigh. 
You giggled slightly at the action, briefly feeling Yoongi shift you over to lay beside him. The feeling of his weight shifting off the bed had you peeking your bleary eyes open, watching as his pale skin moved across the room along with a rolling plastic sound, as well as a shuffling in the bag lining the garbage bin across the room.
Eyes following his naked body as he crawled back onto the mattress, you smiled sleepily at him, the man returning the look as he traced his hand over your hair. 
“I brought your shirt back in case you get cold, okay? I’ll put it on your table.” He said, planting a kiss to your forehead before tossing the clothing item in his other hand onto the table beside you. 
“Mm, thank you.” You mumbled tiredly, pursing your lips out to prompt him to press another kiss to your pout. 
Tracing your palm over his forehead to slide his hair back from his damp skin, you studied his sleepy eyes, much less wide awake than before your escapades. 
“Did I tire you out?” You chuckled softly, the man smirking a bit as he nodded in answer to you. 
“Absolutely.” He mumbled, laying his arm out for you to crawl into his side, resting your head on his chest as he dropped a kiss to your slightly sweaty scalp. 
“Good. Thas’ my job.” You spoke into his skin, the haziness that your brain was feeling becoming apparent as Yoongi chuckled at you. 
“Love you.” He said, rubbing at your shoulder as your fingers sifted through the hair above his ears. 
“I love you, too. Goodnight, Yoon.” You soothed, the man letting another exhale escape his nose before speaking his last words of the night before he at last fell into slumber. 
“Goodnight, angel.”
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lovethoery · 3 years
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pairing: nonidol!jeno + fem!reader
word count: 2.4k
warnings: smut! please read at your own risk ♡ also just very soft n fluffy for the most part. it gets a little mean at the end but it’s all consensual and discussed before hand!!! promise.
kinks: slight puppy play, mentions of pegging and strap-ons, dominant reader, submissive jeno, mommy kink, vaginal sex, established relationship, no protection (pls b safe!!), dirty talk, fingering, ♡ big dick jeno ♡, breeding (the reader says not to, but i promise they’ve talked it over and it’s actually okay), mention of pussy eating, name calling?, tummy bulging, drooling.
a/n: i have not been able to stop thinking abt subby puppy jeno... he’s just so good... im not a dom, but for jeno (and mark)? i’ll do anything. this is very much self-indulgent. no i’m not sorry.
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jeno’s hips can’t help the way they fuck into your hand, eyes fluttering shut from the feeling. it’s just so good, and he hasn’t gotten his dick wet in months.
“and whose fault is that?” you coo, leaning forward to get in the boy’s face. jeno’s ears are a bright pink, chest and neck beginning to adopt the same hue. he gulps, looking down to where your fingers are wrapping around his length, working him up and down.
“m-mine...” he whispers, mouth parting open as his eyes flutter shut.
“unh-unh. eyes on me, mutt,” you order. jeno’s nothing if not obedient, though, and he opens his eyes quickly, whimpering. “do you wanna fuck mommy?” you can’t miss the way jeno’s eyes light up; it’d be impossible to miss it.
he’s pressed up against the headboard of your shared bed, shirt tossed in a corner somewhere. his jeans are unbuttoned and shoved down messily, boxers still confining most of your boyfriend’s cock. jeno looks an absolute wreck, and you can see the way the thought of being inside your pussy causes him to sink deeper into his fucked out state.
raising a hand, you brush the hair out of his face gently, jeno’s tongue brushing past his lips to wet them. your fingers itch to push past those pretty pillows and make him gag, but you figure you’d save it for later.
“yes or no, angel?”
jeno’s mouth opens wider, then closes. he looks around as if you’re baiting him, but then he speaks softly. “yes...”
“yes what, pup?” your eyes bore into his, daring him to look away when you’re practically dangling a bone in his face—something so sweet and savory. a chance he doesn’t get often.
“yes, mommy,” jeno breathes, eyes wide and borderline innocent. borderline only because you know what he’s really like—desperate, needy, trying everything in his power to keep from breaking any rules you may have set forth tonight. “please let me fuck you...”
the boy beneath you is practically vibrating from the prospect of being inside you once again. he hasn’t been allowed to fuck you as of late due to poor... technique.
“mmm...” you hum, straightening your back to sit up, taller than him; looking down on him like the mutt he is. “do you think you can do a good job? surely with how much mommy’s fucked you, you must’ve learned something, right, puppy?”
jeno whimpers, loud and high in his throat, head moving forward to rest his face in your chest. the boy mouths at your shirt, nuzzling into you. you can’t help but bring your hands to card through his hair, petting him gently. jeno is your most precious boy, after all. “oh, puppy... okay, okay... you can fuck mommy.”
moving off of his lap, you begin to pull your clothes from your body, only to be stopped by jeno. “let me, please...” always such a good boy, you think.
jeno’s fingers tremble when he brings them to the drawstring on your shorts, despite how deft and nimble they typically are. it makes you giggle, laying on your back to allow him to pull the shorts from your legs. he moves slowly, almost like he’s still unsure about it all. you coo, reaching for his wrist. you thumb over the protruding bone, reassuring in your gentle movements. he nods in understanding, spreading your your legs wide to play with your pussy, admiring the way it glistens with your essence.
a sigh slips from the both of you when jeno sinks in his middle finger, and you giggle again. jeno’s eyes snap towards you, making sure he’s doing alright before he’s wiggling the digit carefully. his thumb moves to hook onto your clit, drawing gentle circles. he’s working you up, just like you’d taught him to when you first started having sex.
you moan softly, jeno’s middle finger beginning to crook, searching for your g-spot. your back arches when he finds it, toes curling and the boy between your legs can’t help the way his tongue starts to loll out of his mouth, practically salivating at the display before him. he’s never seen something so beautiful in his entire life, and his cock throbs from where it sits half-way out of his underwear. a blurt of pre-cum spills from the tip and you grin lazily.
“and here i thought i was the only one who was wet... but you’re dripping over there, baby,” you breathe. your voice is pitched up just a little, head tilting back. you miss the way jeno’s eyes flutter shut at your words, embarrassment flooding his bones.
“can i add another finger?”
you nod at his question, praising him for being so good, remembering to ask before doing. you’ve taught him so well, how to be the best boy be can be, and jeno beams under it. he takes the permission granted to him and slips his ringer finger in next, scissoring them wide.
a whine falls from your lips, legs spreading wider as you clench around the digits. “fuck, that’s so good,” you moan, eyes moving to lock on jeno’s. you grin again, teeth on display and jeno whimpers, kissing your bent knee. moving your foot, you press it up against jeno’s cock, biting your lip in satisfaction when jeno’s hips jolt.
“hurry up, puppy. get mommy ready for your big cock so you can fuck her nice and good.”
jeno doesn’t need to be told twice, fingers beginning to speed up after adding a third, pumping in and out of you. you moan louder, head falling back against the mattress. the coil in your abdomen tightens, spring loaded and ready to snap when jeno’s thumb speeds up its circles on your bud. your hips buck up, whines falling from your mouth as you get closer and closer, falling from the edge when jeno takes initiative and gives you that fourth finger, cupping your pussy as he stretches you wide and makes you cum.
it’s with soft whines and pretty cries that you cum, back arched taut like a bowstring and jeno thinks he could cum untouched, just from the sight alone. he has, if he remembers correctly. but not right now. right now, jeno needs to be inside you.
without even thinking, jeno’s quick to pull his hands away, shoving his pants and briefs down enough for his cock to fall out, heavy and thick between his legs.
your eyes are hazy as you look up at him, still coming around from your orgasm when jeno shoves his length into you. your eyes widen, mouth falling open as he starts to thrust, eyes watering from the stretch. “f-fuck!” you cry, back arching again. it burns, but you’re too preoccupied with the pleasure that builds behind your belly button again.
four fingers are never enough when it comes to stretching you out, another reason why you prefer to fuck him, and not the other way around. that, and every time jeno gets his cock in you, it goes like this.
the boy between your legs is practically jackhammering into you, hips moving like a piston into you over and over again. his eyes are closed and his tongue hangs from his mouth, drool coating his chin. his eyes open and close, looking down at you. jeno’s so far into his own headspace, there’s nothing in his eyes but desire and a need to breed you.
“j-jen... puppy, you’ve gotta slow d-down—oh, my god...” you try, hand moving to press against his tummy. it’s damp with sweat, tensing over and over from a mix of exertion and undying pleasure. jeno, despite your pleas, shows no sign of slowing. it feels like he begins to move even faster, balls slapping against against you.
the room is filled with the sound of skin against skin, your pussy squelching loudly as it tries to adjust to jeno’s width.
he stops for a moment, moving the two of you around. jeno moves with your legs tossed over his forearms, pulling you closer and up into his lap. with your feet up in the air, you feel a little burn of shame, not used to being manhandled in this way, though you know in the back of your mind you could easily take back control if needed.
jeno seems to only get rougher, pushing back into with a one-track mind. you know that look when he looks at you again. he wants to cum inside you.
“no,” you warn, hand tangling into his hair and pulling roughly.
jeno leans forward with a cry, face burying itself in your chest, knees pressing to your chest. you groan with the stretch in your thighs and waist, but shake it off, pushing it to the back of your head when you feel soft lips pressing against the base of your throat. teeth scrape across your skin, biting down.
with your legs locked up between your bodies, you have no way of pushing jeno away. it’s not that you don’t want him to cum inside, you do. it’s just... he doesn’t deserve it for the way he broke your rules.
“m-mommy!” jeno’s voice is high pitched, breaking on the end as his thrusts slow, but grow rougher. you can feel the slick between your legs, spilling down over your ass and onto the blankets beneath you. “so g-good... wanna breed you...”
your mouth opens when jeno readjusts, cock pressing up against your walls in the best way possible, pressing up against your sweet spot every single time. your toes curl where they’re propped up in the air, your boyfriend’s body preventing you from lowering them. a cramp starts to pull somewhere in your left thigh, and you contemplate telling jeno as much but when he cries out into your chest, you don’t have it in you to stop him.
“you better pull out, mutt!” you warn him, fingers wrapping around broad shoulders and digging into his skin. pretty crescent moon shapes litter his back, deep, red scratching lining his tanned skin.
your words seem to only spur jeno on, hips picking up pace as he becomes focused on only his pleasure.
“stupid dog,” is all you’re able to get out before jeno’s hips are stuttering, cock bottoming out. the tip kisses your cervix, cum painting your walls, and your own body convulses at the feeling. you moan into the air of your bedroom, pulling jeno even closer. your tummy bulges with his cock, and jeno just has to press a clammy hand against it.
jeno stays buried deep inside you for a moment, catching his breath. he’s hiccupping a little as he tries to come back to earth from whatever pleasure-induced cloud he’d been on. your fingers move to bring jeno’s face to yours, lips pressing against one another. jeno’s tongue finds refuge against your own, and you moan into his mouth. it’s sloppy and messy, the total opposite of the jeno everyone else gets to see and it makes you clench around his softening cock.
when he pulls away, you hum, taking in the sight before you. jeno’s eyes are wide, pupils blown as he regards you like you’re the only source of water for miles and he hasn’t had a drop in days. his tongue hangs out of his mouth, panting like a dog, and his chin is covered in drool. your fingers work to clean his face, wiping against the bedsheets once you’ve done your best to work the spit away.
you gasp as jeno’s cock slips free, soft between his legs.
“hi, baby,” you whisper, a grin on your lips as you work him back to you. “can you speak yet?”
jeno swallows, eyes blinking slowly as his mouth works to form words.
“shh... you don’t have to try if you can’t. just nod if you’re feeling good enough to keep going.”
the boy between your legs keens softly, nodding a soft yes. you card your fingers through sweat-dampened hair, cooing gently, trying to show as much affection to the boy as you can before you’re yanking on the strands, growling under your breath.
jeno whines in pain, but you can feel his dick twitching against your ass.
“stupid fucking dog. you can’t listen, can you?” your voice is biting, though you mean no malice. “first, you think of only yourself when i so graciously let you fuck me. remember last time, mutt? remember why mommy hasn’t let you fuck her in months? because you do shit like this.” with another tug, jeno’s groaning, mouth opening again. your free fingers work into his pretty, swollen mouth, pressing down on his tongue. your thumb hooks under his jaw, in the divot behind his chin. forcing his mouth open, you maneuver his head so he’s unable to look anywhere but you. “and then, to make it worse, mommy told you not to cum inside her. but what do you do? you cum inside her like a stupid mutt. do you know what will happen if mommy gets pregnant?”
jeno’s eyes are filling with tears, and for a moment you become worried, but you know jeno’s smart enough to use his safe word. he has before, even when he’s gone so far into his puppy space that he’s gotten nonverbal.
“if mommy gets pregnant with your puppies,” you whisper, bringing him in close. he swallows as best as he can around your fingers. “then mommy can’t fuck you like the stupid bitch you are. and you will never get to come close to my pussy. do you understand me, mutt?”
the boy trapped between your legs nods quickly, drool spilling from around your fingers once more. you hum, digging a heel into jeno’s lower back before releasing him. jeno slumps against your chest once your legs are free as well, and your fingers move from his mouth to pet through his locks again.
“you’re lucky you’re so cute, nono.” your voice is breathy, a soft giggle in it somewhere as jeno rests his chin on your chest, looking up at you with big eyes. “god, i can’t even be mad at you.” you’re pouting down at him, moving to adjust your position. turning around, you rest up against the headboard, legs spread wide. jeno’s cum drips from your fluttering walls, between your cheek, and onto the bed sheet beneath you.
“if you wanna make it up to me, you’ll come over here and use that pretty mouth of yours to make me cum.”
jeno’s eyes light up once more and he’s immediately crawling between your legs, ready to give you the world and then some.
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felilly · 3 years
the mark(s).
pairing: leeknow x reader | best friend to lovers au, childhoodfriend!leeknow, neighbor!leeknow, nerd!leeknow
word count: 2.488 words
tw: nsfw content — humiliation, marking, thigh riding, pet names, breast playing, vaginal sex, unprotected sex (pls play safe dont do it), a lot of praising.
note: english is not my first language, this story might have some grammar errors.
"Argh I can't do it anymore!" you slam your head to the table and throw away the pen you held before. It's been 2 hours since you asked Minho to jump to your room from his window bedroom because you just remembered you have a quiz tomorrow. You're suck at math, hopeless even. So you decided to wake your childhood friend who is also your neighbor Minho to come teach you math.
Ruffling his hair, Minho threw his head to the sofa "I should be the one saying that! It's been 2 hours and you can't even solve 5 questions with the same formula. What the heck y/n!" Minho takes off his glasses, massages his knitted brows while you lay your head on the table with your hair covering your face.
"But it's so boring and you can't expect me to remember the whole formulas when I have no fun trying to learn it" You finally lift your head and now place it on the sofa. Minho is sitting on the sofa while you're on the floor, so your head is now positioned beside his thigh. You turn your head towards his direction and stare at his exposed thigh. It still surprises you whenever you see his thigh, because how can your nerd childhood friend have this thick and toned sexy thigh when all he does is study in his bedroom every night?
"So you're blaming me because my teaching method is boring?" Minho asked, surprising you from your thoughts and making you lift your head to meet his eyes.
"And you're saying you can learn easily if you have fun?"
"Then let's have some fun."
He straightens his back and pulls you into his lap from the back, resting his hands on your hips. "Minho what the fuck? P-put me down!" You squirm trying to get back to your spot before, but Minho's grip on your waist is too strong. He pulls you closer, making your back fall on his chest, then puts his lips close to your ear and whispers "I'm gonna give you a point for each correct answer and you can exchange every 10 marks for a special prize." Then proceed to nip your ear gently. You whine and suddenly feel weak as you questioned "a-and if I got it wrong.. W-what will you do?" You whimper as his one hand slowly travels from your hip to your inner thigh.
"If you got it wrong.." Minho gives it a gentle squeeze then suddenly, he slaps your ass with another hand harshly. You let out a surprised moan, almost screaming, but immediately put your hands together on your mouth to muffle your voice. "I will give you punishment for each wrong answer" You swear you could feel him smirking from his tone when he's answering you, and ofcourse you have to curse him inside your head for that.
"Now, now, kitten. How could you answer those questions without holding your pen?" Minho gently removes both your hands from your mouth and gives you the pen you threw earlier. "Oh and I hope you can lower your voice. Don't forget your parents are sleeping downstairs" He tells you while pushing your upper body towards the coffee table gently where your books and notes are scattered.
Here you are now, sitting on Minho's lap with your upper body on the coffee table not so far while doing some math problems, trying to get the correct answer. Not so comfortable.
You couldn't get the first three questions correct, so Minho makes you arch your back a little to make your ass lift up a bit and smack it three times. You feel aroused by the pain on your ass and the way he made you arch your back, making your clit rub against his bare thigh, but you try your best to concentrate and finish this humiliating study session asap.
After eight more slaps on your ass and another 55 minutes, you finally solved 10 math problems correctly. Your panties are drenched, your forehead is sweating, now you lay down your head and upper body helpless on the table. The sight Minho sees of you sitting on his laps with noticeable wet panties, messy hair, and sweat making his dick hardening. He smirks and then slowly lifts your upper body back on his chest.
"Good girl, you did very amazing y/n. I hope you remember everything I taught and do well tomorrow" Minho says gently while patting your head and parting the sticking hair on your forehead, tucking it behind your ear. "Now for your reward.." He slips down your spaghetti strap tank top, moves your hair into one side and you can feel his lips touching your skin.
"10 points for 10 correct answers."
Suddenly, Minho slammed his lips on your right neck and sucked it hard. You screamed because of the sudden contact and quickly put your hands on your mouth again to stop your own voice. Your scream slowly becomes a whimper, then a moan as Minho's hands travel your body everywhere and pull your top down to your stomach, exposing your bare chest.
Suddenly you hear a knock on your door.
"Y/n is everything okay?" Both you and Minho freeze when you hear your mother's voice calling you from the other side of the door. "I heard you scream. Did something happen?" You are slightly panicking because you don't want your mother to open the door only to see her daughter sitting on her childhood friend's lap with naked top.
Minho takes a look at your face and smirks "Go on, answer your mother before she comes in." He whispers in your ears
"Because I won't stop." He attacks your shoulder with another bite and sucks it. You hold another muffled moan and try to collect your voice "Y-yeah I'm okay. Just.. a-ah a little bit frustrated from studying!" You lied, trying your best to sound as normal as possible while Minho's hand kneading your left breast.
"Okay don't stay up too late." You heard your mom reply and walked away from your room.
Just when you're about to let out a sigh of relief, Minho abruptly pinches your nipple and gives you the third mark under your jaw. You gasp and unconsciously rock your hips against his thigh, making him clenches his thigh and help you rocking your hips. "Fuck.. Kitten you're drenching all over my thigh.." Minho growls, as a wet spot of your slick makes his thigh soaked. You moan as you feel your clit is satisfied by the contact with his thick thigh.
"Mi-Minho.. Ah- shit… Minho-" You whimper when he places the 4th mark on the back of your neck, paints it purple while kneading your breast and moving your hips with the other hand. "Shush.. Be a good girl and wait patiently for your prize. I haven't finished putting the remaining mark on you" Minho whispers as he slips his hands off your breast to your other hip. Your mind is clouded. All you could do now is only nod and moan louder as he picks up pace a bit more.
Your muffled moan and soaked pussy turn him on even more. He pulls your body even closer to his and leaves two more marks on your back. You could feel his boner on your ass and you automatically grind on that. "F-fuck" Minho hiss at the sensation. He flipped your body so now you are sitting on his lap facing him. He lost it when he see your erotic expression breathing hard, covering in sweat, with hickeys all over your neck. Without warning, he uses one hand to grab your ass harshly, pulling you closer and connecting his lips to yours. His kiss is like heaven, you feel like your head is light when he sucks on your lower lips and inserts his tongue to explore your mouth. His tongue teases yours before swirling it together and pushes inside your mouth even deeper.
You pull apart when you're out of breath, creating a saliva string between you two. But Minho didn't give you time to process and immediately put his lips on your collarbone to leave the 7th mark. He trailed a kiss from your collarbone to your nipple and sucked it like a baby. You throw your head back because of the sensation and run your fingers on his soft locks. Minho sucks the skin on each of your side boobs and leaves 2 other marks then back to swirl his tongue on your other nipple. With his mouth sucking your niple, one hand groping your ass and the other kneading your breast, you feel overwhelmed and grip his hair even tighter.
"M-Minho.. Please..!" You whine with teary eyes and grind your clit on his hard on. He growls when your pussy grinds his boner and your pretty voice begging for him. He puts his last mark on your throat, sucking it harshly. His mouth and hands slip off you and push you away to take a better look at your body.
You have purple marks all over your body. He places it on your neck, throat, shoulders, back, under your jaw, collarbone, and breast. It's everywhere. He admires you like you're one of his canvas filled with his artwork. He pulls you back closer to his body, his erection brushed against your clothed pussy as he kissed you again. His hands squeezed your ass, earning a whimper from you. He barely gave you a chance to breathe.
He carries you to your bed with lips still connecting to yours then puts you gently on the bed, his body hovering over you. "My pretty kitten has been a really good girl.. I think it's time to reward her now, right?" Minho whispers sensually next to your ear, his one hand dangerously close to your throbbing pussy. You nod and moan louder when he slides a finger to draw a line on your wet slick. "Yes… F-ahh.. fuckㅡ Yes Minho p-please.." You moan, lingering your hands around his neck to pull him closer.
"Tell me what you want princess and that will be your prize for being such a good girl today." Minho praises you while traveling a kiss from your ear to your neck.
"Y-you.. I want you Minho" you whine softly, pressing his head on your neck to feel him harder.
Minho chuckled darkly "But dont you already have me here? Tell me what you want me to do." He rolled his tongue on your nipple making you arch your back.
"I.. Ahㅡ I want you to f-fuck me! P-please.. Bury your dick deep inside me and make me feel good..!" You moan and look at him with teary eyes full of lust. At that moment, something inside him snapped.
His hands pulled your pajama shorts and panties in one move, he threw the fabric carelessly, revealing your wet glistening pussy. Minho groans at the sight, he then runs a hand on your thigh while sucking on your thigh skin. He peels off his t-shirt and shorts, throws it somewhere in your room, revealing his toned body and his hard on dick leaked with precum and angry red tip. Your face turns red when you see what he's been hiding all this time behind his nerdy look. He can't help but chuckle at your cute expression. He positioned himself back to you. His chest pressed against yours as he pushed you down on the mattress.
Minho gave you a peck on your lips before positioning his dick on your entrance. "You ready?" he asked. You put your arms back around his neck again and nod, whimpering a small yes. He slowly enters your throbbing pussy as you clench at his size, earning a growl from him. "Y/n.. S-stop clenching- fuck.." Minho tries to push even deeper, searching for your deepest part. "S-shit sorry.. I ahㅡ I can't, y-you're too.. big…" You can't help but dig your nails on his back, leaving some crescent moon that will not fade till tomorrow. You can feel his dick fill you perfectly. He lets you adjust him for a moment before pulling his dick out slightly before pushing in again. You moan his name like a prayer, pulling his body closer till there is not even a tiny space left between you two. His thrust becomes even harder, Minho's hand sneaks to your hips, holding them in a bruising grip as he pin you down and pound you hard on his dick, his hips move faster to ram your tiny hole with incredible speed.
"M-Minho!" you gasped "F-feels good.. ah fuck-!"
You moan when his thumb comes in contact with your clit, gently rubbing the sensitive button. Pleasure built in you like you're in euphoria. He fucked you like you're the most precious, beautiful, ethereal person in this world. With his last thrust, you cried out his name, burying your face in his neck as your orgasm hit you like a brick wall, making your whole body shaking in pleasure. Your pussy clamped down around Minho's dick, you let your juice flow out around him with every pulse of pleasure that slammed into you.
"Fuck.. So good baby, you feel so good for me" Minho grunted, thrusting up into you a few more times before he found his own release, moaning your name as his cum shot up into you and filled you inside.
He plopped down his body on you, dick still connecting with you slowly softening. He lifts his body a bit and brushes some hair sticking on your face. Minho patted your head a few times until he saw you breathing more calmly, then pulled his dick out slowly making you flinch because of the overstimulation.
"Never thought I could finally fuck my childhood crush." Minho said, making you look at him. "Wait, you had a crush on me?" You asked him, can't believe what you just heard. "Still do. I would refuse you for ruining my beauty sleep if I didn't"
You give him an unbelievable look, then smile and close the distance between you two and kiss him on the lips. "Idiot. You should have tell me sooner so we could fuck sooner too." You giggle.
Minho looks at you and blink his eyes a few times, confused. He then chuckled and patted your head "Oh well, we're a couple now. We can fuck anytime you want." He said hugging you tight.
"You did great today, I hope you still remember the things I taught you after I fucked your brain out" Minho smirks while playing with your hair.
You punch him playfully "Thanks for today, asshole" You mumble, hiding your happy smile.
"Thanks for the lesson? Or thanks for the good fuck?" He teases you, making you push his body off you and fall from the bed.
"You're so annoying!"
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marginalmadness · 4 years
Summer Nights 4/4
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Pairing: Rabbit!Hybrid Jungkook x Y/N
Rating: Explicit
Genre: Hybrid!Fantasy, Romance, Fluff, Slowburn
Synopsis: A freak weather anomaly leads to a chance encounter with a rabbit-hybrid, and your kind nature results in you gaining a small, fluffy lodger, who questions your taste in television shows. It’s won’t be for long…will it?
Warnings/Tags: Heat/Mating cycles, Light Dom/Sub dynamics as part of JK’s heat, Marking, needy/possessive behaviour, edging, sex, oral (female receiving), an almost obscene amount of cum in this chapter, cumplay, biting, breeding talk, 
Author’s Note: And finally we get to the good-good. This chapter grew in the editing, much like Endymion did by like 1/3rd, so there’s extra porn in here from what I originally wrote lol. I’m always afraid it’s going to get boring or repetitive but @johobi​ loved it and that’s good enough for me, and I hope you all enjoy it too! Thank you for coming on this journey with me, and for your patience and understanding as I blue-balled you for three weeks  💜 I also quote one of my favourite TV shows in this chapter, first one to find it gets a free commission!
Previous Chapters: Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
Tags: @kookiebunny97​ @mintyrae​ @skswriting​ @jjkgumdxop @unicornbabylover​
Word Count: 7K
Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction for entertainment purposes only. The events depicted here are entirely of my own imagining, and have no basis on actual people or events.
Summer Nights: Chapter Four
“I—w-want… you—” you stutter, and his hand slips from your hair to grip your chin between his thumb and forefinger.
“Say it,” he growls.
“Inside me.”
Your chest heaves. Your walls clench around nothing as you imagine how good he’s going to feel thrusting into you. It’s hard to ignore the wetness sliding from you.
“Good girl.” Jungkook smiles, letting go of your chin.
He sits back on his haunches, grabbing you by the knee and sliding one arm under the small of your back to pull you onto his lap as he moves. You shudder as he wraps your legs around his slim, sculpted waist. His firm, warm hand slides up your thigh towards your entrance, thumb stroking over your clit once—twice—before he takes himself in hand and presses the head of his cock into your heat.
You lean up on your elbows, threading your fingers into his hair to pull him down into a demanding kiss. You tease his lips with the tip of your tongue, licking your way inside and he more than happily opens up for you. You slide your lithe tongue against his, both of you smiling into the kiss before you pull back, pecking his nose and rubbing it with your own. “I want you inside me,” you whisper, forehead pressed to his, eyes tightly screwed closed.
“Baby, look at me.” Jungkook’s voice is soft but gruff; it’s a command. You force your eyes to open, blinking up into the dark, tumultuous depths that peer back at you. His eyes are alight with passion and lust, and something underneath it all that takes your breath away.
“I want you inside of me, Koo.” You nod, trying to express all the affection, longing and trust you feel for him in one gaze.
Jungkook slides into you easily, yet torturously slow. You gasp at the intrusion, wet enough that there’s no resistance or pain. It’s just sweet pleasure as he stretches you, pressing and pulsing against your walls.
“Oh my go—” you gasp, falling backwards and clawing at his forearms. “You’re so—” His cock feels amazing; not too long, but the girth—holy shit, the girth. He’s perfect. A flushed, bulbous head tops a thick shaft that thickens even further towards the base. The deeper he pushes into you, the more he stretches you. His large hand struggles to wrap around its root, and now it’s buried deep, deep inside you. Jungkook stretches you enough that you feel every vein, every throb, every press of his thick tip against that spot inside you.
He pulls out just as slowly, the only sound in the room the laboured sound of your breathing and the slick sounds of him moving within you. Jungkook holds the tip of himself inside you, waiting for something, and as soon as your eyes flick up to his, he thrusts. Hard.
Again and again and again and again, all you can do is hold on, nails digging into his skin. You suddenly have a full appreciation for the phrase fucking like bunnies, because he is pounding into you so hard and fast you can feel your juices being forced out by his cock. Can feel them coating Jungkook’s thighs, making them slick and sticky, but he doesn’t seem to care. Your orgasm builds rapidly, liquid warmth spreading outward from your core, down your legs, up your spine. The hairs at the nape of your neck tingle; you’re so close. 
And suddenly your pussy is being filled.
“Darling—ah—!” Jungkook cries as scorching hot liquid coats your walls. He collapses to your chest, huffing and growling against it as he continues to roll his hips, emptying himself deep inside you. You frown, upset at another missed orgasm, when Jungkook delicately moves you onto the mattress.
He looms over you, breathing heavily, the same predatory look in his eyes as before. You glance down to where you’re still connected, legs still wrapped around his waist, and you realise he’s still hard despite the fact he just came.
“Oh,” you whisper, eyes wide. You glance back up at him. As soon as you do, Jungkook is kissing you. A bruising kiss, biting and nibbling his way into your mouth, teeth tugging at your lower lip until you gasp and his tongue slides in.
It distracts you enough that you don’t notice the way he manipulates your legs, hooking them over his elbows until you’re exposed and spread wide before him. Jungkook pulls out, only to slam back into you with no time to adjust. The room fills with wet, obscene sounds. When you realise he’s fucking you through his own cum, heat rushes to your face. Your pussy must be an absolute mess. The depravity of it makes you lift your arms to conceal your blush.
“Don’t do that. I want to see,” Jungkook demands, settling back on his knees and repositioning your legs over his shoulders. He pulls your arms away from your face so he can lace your fingers together. The warmth of him helps you feel grounded. “Don’t hide yourself from me.” He squeezes your hands as he slams into you again, his dark eyes trained on your face. “Don’t ever hide yourself from me, please.”
“O-okay,” you gasp breathlessly as Jungkook pounds into you. “I pr-promise.” The grip on your hands gives him leverage to pull you into his thrusts, the angle and subtle curve of his cock perfect for hammering your g-spot. Each thrust makes you spasm, makes you lose control of the muscles in your thighs. You whine incessantly. Jungkook laughs as you lose yourself to pleasure, laying kisses and gentle nibbles on your ankle. Within minutes he’s coming again, grunting as he spills into you. Your cunt is starting to feel too full. A strange feeling indeed. You’re still yet to have an orgasm and you’re so damn close, so sensitive, that tears prickle your eyes.
Jungkook leans forward, staying inside you, staying hard. He tugs your legs around his waist and starts up a punishing, rolling grind, at odds with the gentleness with which he kisses the tears gathering on your lashes.
Finally, finally, finally.
The pressure against your clit, the thickness of his cock against your walls as his hips undulate; it’s too much. You cling to him as you explode around him, digging your nails into his muscled back.
“Jungkookie, I’m gonna—” you mewl, burying your face in his neck as you shake apart. Every muscle in your body trembles and twitches as electricity runs through it, crackling under your skin. You’ve been edged for so long, kept on the knifepoint of desperation, and now you’re free-falling. Your cunt tightens violently around Jungkook’s cock, grasping it, milking it until he’s growling. He gives you one last slam before emptying himself inside you for the third time. His cock pulses endlessly, coating your walls with ropes of sticky hot seed.
Cautiously, Jungkook slides out of you, cock finally flaccid. The heat in his eyes has diminished to an affectionate glow. Your sweet baby Koo is back for now. Your pussy feels overfull, like it’s ready to burst. You reach down to stroke your stomach and you swear you can feel his abundant cum bulging inside you, even though you know you can’t. Jungkook’s hand covers yours and he hums, flopping happily beside you. His fingers slide lower, over your mound and around your vulva, cupping it delicately. As though to keep everything inside.
“You’re so good for me,” Jungkook mumbles into your hair. “Taking me so well. Gonna breed you so good.” His tone is somewhere between a sigh and a growl and it makes you shiver in pleasure to hear him so possessive of you. “You’d look so beautiful, full and round with my kits.” He lays soft kisses against your temple, rubbing it with his nose.
You snuggle close to him, hands trailing up his chest to carefully cup his face and pull him down to you, demanding a proper kiss. You pull apart and he nudges you with his nose. “You feeling okay?” Jungkook asks softly. 
You nod, sucking his bottom lip into your mouth again. “I feel really full,” you whisper against his chin shyly before nipping it with your teeth.
“Full?” Jungkook asks, amused, and you continue to nod as your teeth work their way up his jaw.
“Full of you. I could—” You bite your lip, burying your face in his chest, hiding though your face burns.
“Could what?” His voice deepens. “I asked you not to do that.” There’s a rumble in his chest. And then his fingers are threading into your hair, pulling your head backwards so he can look at you as you speak. You can’t defy him. Don’t want to defy him.
“I could feel you filling me up, then pushing it out,” you whisper, your cheeks flushing in shame. Or arousal. Maybe both. “I could feel how slick and sticky it was as it spilled out of me and down my thighs and over yours. It felt messy.” 
Jungkook’s breath grows heavier, coming out in heavy pants. “Fuck,” he swears. “Fuck, I need to look.” He moves, shuffling around the nest until he’s kneeling between your legs, pushing them apart and spreading you open to him. “It’s everywhere.” His eyes roam over your core, the backs of your thighs. “Oh, shit. You smell amazing, love.” Jungkook falls forward, nuzzling his face into the juncture of your thigh and sniffing deeply. His voice grows rough. “Like both of us and sex and I’m getting hard again just from the scent. Fuck. Let me clean you up. Hold your legs for me, baby.” He shuffles even further back, getting into that comfortable loaf shape he loves so much. You grab your legs just behind the knees and whimper softly as he starts laying soft kisses and licks across the backs of your thighs. Nipping and sucking red marks into them. You watch the top of his head work between your legs, breath catching with the occasional glimpse of eye contact, as he intently watches your reaction.
When Jungkook is satisfied with the job he’s made of your thighs and you’re a squirming, whimpering mess, he hones in on your pussy. It pulses and contracts around nothing in its arousal, begging to be filled, his cum trickling toward the cleft of your ass. He separates your folds with his thumbs, exposing your deepest parts to him and giving you one last, heated look before he’s teasing your opening with his tongue. He pushes it in as deep as it will go, digging his seed out of you and swallowing it with a growl of satisfaction. With the flat of his tongue, he gives you a long, firm lick, dragging it over the flushed and swollen area. You flinch and cry out.
“What’s wrong?” Jungkook asks, eyes wide in panic.
“It’s too much… hurts,” you whine, wiggling your hips. “S-sensitive after you being so rough and filling me up.”
“I’m sorry,” he pouts.  His lips, shiny with both your juices, stretch into a wide grin. “You sounded like you were enjoying it at the time.” Jungkook quirks an eyebrow at you. “I’ll be gentle, I promise.” He pecks a kiss to the top of your pubic bone, trailing down to lay more at the soft crease of your thigh. His lips are soft and sticky, and so is his tongue when it arrives at your abused pussy. Jungkook dutifully cleans the mess created from your previous rounds, taking his time as though the act were some holy sacrament and it was his duty to carry it out. He alternates from side to side, between kisses and nose rubs, licks and gentle sucks against your skin. Jungkook performs this ritual thoroughly along your thighs and core, until there’s only one thing left. The thing he wanted all along.
The time Jungkook spends worshiping your pussy makes you feral. When he finally, gently dips his tongue into your cunt - just the tip - to tease you, you mewl, clutching at his head. Your fingers tangle into his soft brunette locks as he tongues at his reservoir of cum.
“P-please, Bun. Please don’t tease me,” you cry as your hips wind against the sheets. Jungkook swallows and growls against your open core, immediately diving back in, gentleness forgotten. He attacks your pussy like a man starved, his agile tongue probing and lapping, dragging his seed from you for consumption. Jungkook moans into your cunt like you are the finest delicacy he’s ever sampled. The vibrations send you spiraling, and before you know it you’re coming again. This time in his mouth. “Oh, God!”
Your hips buck wildly, your hands as fists in his hair. You grind your core against his face until your combined juices are flooding his mouth. Jungkook holds you steady, strong as he is, arms wrapped tightly around your waist, holding you in place so all you can do is arch your back and strain against the mattress. Your hips fight against Jungkook’s hold to rise of their own accord.
You come harder than you’ve ever come before and yet Jungkook’s tongue continues to lave against you, lips sucking with abandon. He’s like a wild animal; taking everything you have and demanding more. Every muscle in your body is taut and your slick paints his mouth and chin. But Jungkook is still not done. He licks and sucks, licks and sucks, pulling pleasured pain from you, dark eyes watching you smugly as you shatter on his tongue. You tremble, twitch in ways that are beyond your control as aftershocks run through you. You desperately seek respite but Jungkook is entranced by your messy cunt. 
“Mmmm. So beautiful, so sweet,” he murmurs, his licks becoming softer, if just as agonising. The flat of his tongue laps a broad stripe up your slit, only to flick your clit with the tip. You fight to push him off, no words available to you, no air in your lungs. Tears run down your face at the intensity of your orgasm and once you realise you’re not strong enough to push him off, you change tactics, pulling him towards you instead of away.
“Jungkooooooook, nonononono, it’s too much. Bun, please,” you cry, shudder and shake. You tug desperately on his hair.
It works.
Jungkook growls and stalks up your body, every inch of him thrumming with erotic purpose. Your fingers never leave his hair, pulling him to you, guiding him to where you want him.
The lower half of his face is shiny with your juices.
You want to taste him.
You want to taste yourself on him.
As soon as he’s level with you, he drops to his forearms and kisses you. Forces his tongue between your lips, demanding entrance, which you willingly give. Immediately your mouth is flooded with bitter, salty-sweet liquid. He pushes it into your mouth, sharing your mixed essences and you moan as his tongue fights with yours, your mouths full of each other on a carnal, intimate level. You enjoy the taste of both of you to an embarrassing level; it feels so forbidden, so taboo, and your cheeks burn with equal shame and arousal. You swallow everything he gives you, moving your lips to lick and suck at his chin, cleaning him of your own slick. The sound he makes is almost a purr as your clean-up progresses to the underside of his jaw. You’re so focused on pulling happy noises from him you don’t even notice when he wraps your legs around his hips. 
Until he slams into you in one, forceful thrust.
“Urgh, love, you’re so perfect. Taking me so easily,” Jungkook grunts. “I’m going to fill you u-up again.” Your hands move from his hair to hook under his arms, clinging to his shoulders, nails clawing into his back as the intensity overtakes you. You’re wrapped around him as much as you possibly can be, whimpering and shuddering in pleasure. Your poor, swollen pussy clenches around his thick girth, trying to cling to him, keep him inside you, claim him as he pounds into you mercilessly.
His pace is ruthless. The sound of skin on skin echoes in the room, drowning out your harsh panting. You feel your skin prickling, heating up with every slap of his hips as they hit the back of your thighs. Jungkook watches you as he fucks you, his gaze more intense than it’s been all night. All you can do is hold onto him, mouth open wordlessly, unable to vocalise much beyond unintelligible moans. It’s a struggle to breathe when he’s fucking you so, his cock stretching you deliciously, making you lose your mind.
Jungkook huffs out a small laugh. “Breathe, darling.” His long, floppy ears hang about his face, brushing your cheeks as he thrusts. 
It’s then that you recall something he previously said. 
Deviously, you trail a hand from his shoulders to his back, dragging your nails down his flawless, golden skin; just hard enough to leave gentle, red trails. Jungkook shudders, arching his back as he fucks you. Your real prize is the fluffy tail. The one he told you not to touch unless you were in the nest. Your fingers dig into the soft tuft of fur at the base of his spine, scratching gently like you would his ears.
The effect is immediate.
“Fuck,” Jungkook hisses from between his teeth, hips stuttering in their movements. He’s coming inside you again, sudden and unexpectedly. You giggle and continue playing, trailing your fingers through his tail, swirling the soft fur around your knuckles. You smile up at him as he practically vibrates. He comes for an obscenely long time, shuddering all the while.
“Found your weak spot, Bun,” you whisper. Like it’s some big secret.
Jungkook leans down, kissing you roughly, all swollen lips and nipping teeth. “You taste so fucking good with my cum in you. I want to eat you all day, all night. Breakfast, lunch and dinner. I’ll tie you to the bed. My tongue belongs in your pussy.” A hand finds its way into your hair, tightening its grip, pulling your head back. Exposing your neck to him. “The only thing you’re ever going to ride again is my face. Understand?” His voice is a deep, rumbling growl. You squeak out your agreement as his mouth attacks your throat. 
Your ambiguous consent isn’t good enough for Jungkook. 
You have no idea how, but he starts fucking you harder, piling more force behind each thrust, tilting his hips just right to hit that spot inside you as he pistons in and out. “I said, ‘Do. You. Understand?’”
“Ooh—uh—fuh—Kookie—!”  you wail helplessly, your throat raw as you struggle to drag enough air into your lungs. Pleasure builds threateningly between your legs. That's when he strikes. Jungkook thrusts, deep and hard, angling himself to grind against your clit as he winds his hips in a slow, sinuous roll, like waves on the ocean. His mouth attaches to your neck, teeth sinking in deep. He bites and licks and sucks; marking you. The pain is sweet, sends electricity surging to your pussy, making it explode. You can feel yourself tighten around him and Jungkook growls against your neck, pulsing inside you as he comes again.
“You’re so perfect,” he groans, lips never leaving your skin as he shudders through his milking. Your orgasm lasts longer than any you’ve had before. You tremble against him for what seems like hours, his arms holding you steady as he continues to languidly fuck into you. He goes slow and deep, his cock never softening as he moves his mouth to a different part of your neck. You whimper when he switches sides, latching onto a patch of skin just below your ear that would be incredibly difficult to hide.
You feel like you’re having an out of body experience. As Jungkook rolls his hips into you, you continue to ride the high of your orgasm, your entire body weightless. Where he touches you, static electricity dances across your skin; everywhere his hands skim, everywhere his lips touch. He never lets up on your neck, sucking and licking and biting. You’re perfect, you’re perfect, you’re perfect he chants against your skin, working his way down your chest and leaving blooming bruises in his wake. Pleasure continues to wash over you, needlelike in intensity. Tears spill from your eyes; you want to cry out, to yell, but you can’t. Your mouth opens in a silent scream as you thrash against the bed, hands reaching out to grab at anything to ground you. Vaguely, you feel heat flood you again as Jungkook pumps you full of his seed once more.
“Ah!” he cries, somewhere between a sob and a sigh.
He shifts until he has you by the hips and resumes his thrusting without so much as a pause. You can scarcely believe it. His nose trails your midriff to your navel, bunny teeth nibbling the skin around your belly-button. A meandering flower path of vibrant bruises marks you from your neck downwards. Jungkook sits back, muscles rippling, pulling you flush to him. The feeling of floating finally abandons you, your entire body tingles and shivers like it’s been doused in ice water. All sensation rushes down to one singular place; between your legs. Jungkook slams his hips into you, hard and fast, hard and fast. He wraps an arm around your lower back, lifting you, suspending you in the air as he continues to fuck into you with a fury. Again and again. Unrelenting. Your arms flail, desperate for something to hold on to.
“I need to fill you. I need to breed you and you’re going to take everything I give you,” Jungkook grinds out, teeth gritted.
“Yes,” you gasp, forcing the words out. “Fill me. Breed me. I want it, want you,” you sob, covering your face. But Jungkook moves your arm, pinning it above your head, forcing the angle deeper. He stares at you as he fucks your cunt, challenging you. You’re desperate to look away, but you can’t. The intensity of his eyes, the set of his jaw, the sweat dripping down his face. All framed by long ears and damp curls.
It’s impossible to look away from him.
You reach up to pull him into a kiss. It’s open and messy; he’s using most of his focus to fuck you.
“Up, up, I want to be up,” you demand. The hand pinning your wrist to the mattress slides downward and secures your shoulders, lifting you onto his lap with ease. You wrap your arms around him, nuzzling his ears as he readjusts his hold on you to fuck up into you. The change in position provides constant friction to your clit. Your poor, engorged clit that’s been subjected to so much tonight. The curve of Jungkook's cock rubs against your front wall, caressing your similarly sensitive g-spot. His stunning display of strength to hold you up while fucking you makes your pussy clench and gush around his length. You know he’s fit; know he’s stronger than he lets on, but the fact he can lift you and throw you around like it’s nothing has you weak for him; makes you shudder in his arms. You kiss his ears which twitch and flick, and he returns in kind by nibbling along your shoulders, moaning thanks to your endeavours. You score his back with your nails, leaving more marks. Jungkook lifts his head and nudges you with his nose, biting at your bottom lip.
“Mark me,” he growls between thrusts.
“What?” you gasp, frowning in confusion. He can’t be serious. Marking is an incredibly personal thing. You understand Jungkook does it because he has urges; urges he can’t control. But you don’t. 
He’s choosing this.
“Do it properly, don’t tease.” Jungkook smirks, kissing you. “Mark me.” He tilts his head to the side, flicking his ear and hair out of the way. You look down, momentarily distracted by the way his abs contract and roll as he fucks you. But then your eyes travel up to land on his taut, sweat-covered neck. Leaning forward, you kiss it, licking and sucking something fierce. Jungkook starts to huff, sending hot puffs of air over your shoulder. His noises change, dwindle into more of a whimper, his hips stuttering the harder you press your teeth into his skin and hum. As you worship his neck with your tongue and teeth, you drag your nails up and down his back, leaving scratches in your wake, rather than just red marks.
Jungkook whines and grunts under your rough treatment; you can feel his cock throbbing inside you as he prepares to empty himself into you once again. You place your teeth against his neck and reach down around his waist to play with his cute, fluffy bunny tail. You twirl the fur around your fingers as you hum, the vibrations from your teeth travelling directly to Jungkook’s neck. And then you go for the kill. You dig in your nails and scratch, scratch, scratch as you bite down harder.
Jungkook malfunctions.
His body stops, going tense, every muscle taut and straining, trembling almost imperceptibly. You feel him release inside you, hot thick spurts of seed that fill you to the brim; that squash and spill out of you as he fucks you. His tremors become a violent shake, an internal quake that starts in his lower back and travels up through his arms. They clamp around you like tempered steel. The shuddering throws off his thrusts and ruins his rhythm until he can’t maintain it anymore. Jungkook convulses erratically, his cock dancing inside you in very interesting ways. The tremors travel down his legs, reaching his knees and making them weak.
“Gghh—haaah!” He cries out, half way between a groan and a yelp. As he falls backwards to the bed, he takes you with him.
Jungkook lays under you, quivering, his eyes closed and nose twitching. Long, floppy ears flutter against your face as he whimpers softly. You can feel his fingers flexing, twitching spontaneously against your back as his hold on you loosens. You hold your weight in your forearms  so as not to crush him in his vulnerable state. You lean over him, not knowing what to do. Jungkook just lays there, unmoving, nothing but involuntarily spasms. Did you break him?
“Bun?” you ask quietly, but he’s unresponsive, “Kookie? Jungkook?” You push yourself up into a sitting position as best you can with your legs trapped under him. His arms fall limply to his sides. 
You gasp when you realise he’s still hard inside of you.
Your eyes dart around. You bite your lip. Is this normal? Maybe you should have researched rabbit hybrid heats before you shared Jungkook’s. But just as you consider moving, his eyes slowly blink open until he’s looking at you from under heavy lids. Slowly he lifts his hands to skim over your thighs, and you shudder. Even after everything his hands feel incredible against your skin; you never want him to stop touching you.
Jungkook’s strength returns to him, his fingers digging into the flesh of your hips to hold you tightly. And then he’s rolling his hips, thrusting into you with renewed determination. Slowly at first, picking up speed, picking up force until he’s pounding up into your pussy at a pace so punishing he’s lifting you off the bed. You can feel how sticky, messy and wet your cunt is; can hear it over the heavy breathing in the room. You lean forward, placing your hands on his chest to steady yourself.
“Please Jungkookie, I need to cum. I need it. I need you,” you sob, nails digging into his chest as pleasure wracks through you.
His face doesn’t change, but his soft, kiss-swollen lips part slightly as he pants in effort. You bite your bottom lip as you watch him, your orgasm building, liquid heat accumulating in your core once again. Your fingers, slippery with sweat, catch on his nipple when you try to readjust your grip. Jungkook whines so you do it again experimentally, digging a nail into his nipple until his hips falter. You drag it across the stiff peak, catching on it and pulling hard. His breath comes in pants as his thrusts become more forceful, more erratic. It’s only seconds before heat explodes out around you, white noise ringing in your head as you come hard and fast. You bend forward, your mouth latching onto his nipple, the sudden touch of teeth pushing Jungkook over the edge. He releases into you again, so forcefully it pushes the previous offering out of your over-stuffed cunt. Cum seeps out around the base of his throbbing cock.
You lick and kiss the abused nipple as an apology. And as if by some miracle, Jungkook finally softens and slips out of you.
“Holy shit,” you sigh, resting your cheek against his chest, a finger idly wandering around the spit-slicked, peaked flesh. Jungkook giggles somewhat hysterically.
He flips you onto your back, pulling a pillow from the nest wall and pushing it under your hips to raise them. Noticing your shuddering, Jungkook grabs a blanket and throws it over you.  It’s a sweet gesture, but you’re not shivering because you’re cold. You’re shivering because he just fucked your brains out and you feel like a human water balloon while this full of cum. He curls up beside you, throwing an arm over your chest and reaching up to stroke your hair. His nose finds your ear to nuzzle. He hums happily throughout your afterglow, caressing your hair, nosing your jaw, chin, cheek and temple to scent you. Gentle, reassuring words of you’re so good and such a good mama for my kits filter through your ears. 
And in the comfort of his arms, utterly exhausted, you drift off to sleep.
_ _ _
You slowly wake from your doze when you feel something cold and damp on your legs. You sit yourself up with a shake of your head, trying to clear it. Jungkook kneels between your legs in his pajama bottoms, wiping you down with a damp cloth.
“Sorry, didn’t want to wake you,” he says, smiling shyly and wrinkling his nose.
“It’s’kay,” you groan, sitting up. Everywhere aches. “How are you feeling?” you ask.
“Better. There may be another wave later, but the worst should be over.” Jungkook looks around the room awkwardly. “I should—I mean…” he trails off, playing with his ears. “I said some things. I should explain myself.”
“Don’t worry, I know it was just your heat talking,” you reassure him with a smile, even if part of you wished he meant it. Jungkook stares at you, eyes large and round, mouth falling open into a perfect ‘o’. 
He nods. “Yeah, I—I just didn’t want to make you uncomfortable,” Bun mumbles, nibbling his bottom lip. He resumes the process of cleaning you and avoids your eyes.
“You didn’t. I don’t know if you noticed, but I played along.” You’re not sure what possesses you to say it, but you immediately regret it when his hand stills.
“I noticed,” Jungkook says with a glance at you, his neck flushing red. He coughs awkwardly before resuming his cleaning. “I made food; just a simple omelette,” he diverts, reaching out of the nest to grab the plate. A forkful of omelette is extended to you, to feed you. You smile fondly at him as you gladly accept the offering. You try not to read too much into it; he’s just taking care of you because it’s his heat and you’re his partner right now. You’re in his nest, too, and in his nest, it’s his instinct to take care of you.
You carefully watch his face, entranced by his focus. Entranced by how much care he takes in everything he does. Jungkook looks up and catches you staring. You burst into laughter, as does he.
“Why are you staring at me?” He chuckles, feeding you more omelette.
“You’re very handsome,” you tease easily. “I’d be an idiot not to.” Jungkook scoffs and you grab his face, looking at him seriously. “You’re the most handsome person I’ve ever seen.” 
“Even with the ears?” he asks derisively.
“Especially with the ears.” You smile, reaching up to scratch one. His leg twitches and kicks out. Jungkook grabs your wrist, pulling it away from his ear with a giggle.
“Stop it!” He’s smiling, eyes full of stars again and you lean forward to kiss him softly. He’s hesitant at first, but soon gets lost in it. “Is this still okay?” Jungkook whispers against your lips, pecking you tenderly.
“Jungkook, I—” You swallow. “I didn’t do this just because it was your heat. I helped you because—because I want you. I’ve wanted you for a while, I was just scared to admit it. Scared I’d be taking advantage of you.” Your heart is pounding; you’re pretty sure Jungkook can hear it, but the look on his face is nothing but shock, eyes wide as he stares at you.
“Really?” he asks when he finally finds his voice. “It wasn’t just—you took me in when you found me in the rain, looked after me. You’ve looked after me ever since. Are you saying this wasn’t just you taking care of me again?” His voice is quiet, unsure.
You shake your head, running your fingers through his hair. “No, not at all. You’re so— you’ve been so…” You mull the words over. “Yes you’re handsome and the sex was good—” Jungkook quirks an eyebrow, then pouts. “GREAT!” you correct, and Jungkook snorts and ducks his head. “But I also want you. I want you singing in the kitchen in the morning, dancing in it at night as you make dinner. I want to keep arguing with you about what we watch on TV. I really love coming home to you at the end of a long work day so I can argue with you about what to watch on TV.” You laugh. “I want to take care of you, like you take care of me. I want to know about you, your past, where you’re from. I want your good days and your bad. I want to talk about your day, I want to talk about the future—” You stop and lick your lips, moving your hands to cup his face. “I just wanna talk because I like the sound of your voice.”
Jungkook smiles wide, leaning in to kiss you before pulling back and leaning his forehead against yours. “Then I think I should tell you everything,” he sighs.
You pull back slightly, your thumbs coming to caress his soft cheeks and you lean in to kiss him again. “If you’re ready, I’m listening,” you whisper against his lips.
“You’re going to think I’m crazy,” he says, staring deep into your eyes.
“Crazier than someone who finds a stray hybrid on the street and adopts it?” you ask with a nudge. Jungkook chuckles giddily. “Maybe we’re the right kind of crazy for each other?” Something about the question makes him sober and he takes a deep, shuddering breath before he starts talking.
“I live in one of the villages on the outskirts of the city, almost everyone there is a rabbit-hybrid. A few other hybrids, a few mundanes, but not many,” Jungkook explains, shuffling so he can pull your back to his bare chest and wrap his arms around your waist. He rests his chin on your shoulder and continues. “Everyone my age, everyone I grew up with - they’re settling down, thinking about starting families if they haven’t already...” he trails off.
“Everyone? You seem awfully young to be worried about something like that.”
You feel him shrug, burying his face in the crook of your neck to hide a blush you can’t even see. “We like to mate early.” Something warm and dangerous blooms in your chest. “Anyway, everyone was finding their mate; all my friends had either found one or found someone they were planning to mate with and I couldn’t—there was no one I… I couldn’t find—” Jungkook stutters, breath coming out in little gasps against your shoulder. You turn in his hold, finding him staring at you, eyes wide. You lift a hand to gently thumb the soft fur of his long, floppy ear. “I’d shared a couple of my heats with others, but other than that I was alone. I was watching all my friends fall in love and be happy and I wanted that more than anything. But I couldn’t find anyone. I even spent my heat before this one alone. There was no one in my village I wanted to spend it with.”
“I’m sorry you felt so alone,” you say, wrapping your arms around him and hugging him tightly.
“I wished upon a shooting star.” Jungkook ducks his head, hiding his eyes from you. “I wanted to find my mate. I didn’t want to be alone anymore.”
“What?” you ask, pulling back to look at him. He glances up at you, hiding behind his ears.
“I told you I’d sound crazy.” Jungkook smiles coyly. “I was sitting on a hilltop near my village. I liked sitting out there at night; it’s far enough away from the city that you can see more stars. I liked to imagine what it would be like to sit out there with my mate someday. Then there was a bright streak across the sky, and I closed my eyes and wished—wished I was with my mate. I must have fallen asleep after that, because the next thing I knew I was waking up in my rabbit form, cold and wet and under a bush. I ran out of it and there you were.” Jungkook lifts his head to look at you now, eyes sparkling as they dance around your face, trying to interpret your reaction. But all you feel is shock.
“How did you get there?” you ask, confused.
“I have no idea, I just woke up and found myself unable to change back.” He shrugs, arms tightening around you.
“So you were stuck in your rabbit form?” 
Jungkook nods in confirmation. “At first. The first few weeks. I didn’t know what was wrong, and when you picked me up I froze; it’s rabbit instinct. I hoped I could run later, but then I realised it was for real - you were caring for me. I thought, maybe—” Jungkook swallows, licking his lips, a large, warm hand reaching up to cup your cheek. “Maybe my wish had been granted. The longer I stayed, the more scared I became that you’d make me leave if you knew I could transform back. I only did it once to contact my family, to let my brothers know I was okay. The storm really did scare me back in my sleep,though, and I thought you were going to send me away. When you let me stay—” Jungkook leans forward and brushes his lips against yours. “I was so happy. So, so happy.” He lets out a shaky breath.
“Wow,” you whisper, turning back around to melt into his embrace.
“Are you mad? Do you think I’m crazy?” Bun asks, a waver in his voice as he presses his lips to your shoulder.
“I—I don’t know. I’m conflicted,” you answer honestly. His arms tighten around your middle as he tries to keep his breathing steady.
“About?” It’s a whisper, his lips grazing your skin like he’s too scared to ask. Too scared to hear the answer.
“I know I should be mad that you chose to stay here when you could have left at any time. I mean, you basically lied to me. But I can also understand why you did it.” You cover his arms with yours. “You were desperately lonely, and something strange happened. You thought this—this miracle happened. You’d be crazy not to take advantage of it.” You turn in his hold, delicately brushing his hair out of his face. “It’s kind of endearing to find out the hybrid I’ve grown so fond of is actually a big, sappy romantic.” Jungkook buries his nose in the nape of your neck and if the sigh he lets out sounds more like a sob of relief, you don’t mention it. “You really think I could be your mate?” you ask, sliding your hand along his toned forearm and entwining your fingers with his.
“I think I made that wish on the hilltop and woke to find someone who is kind, intelligent, beautiful and funny.” You hear the smile in his voice as his lips make their way across your shoulder. “I love how you wear sweaters three sizes too big. Cry at horror movies. Smile when you think I’m not looking.” Jungkook punctuates each point with a kiss. “I keep imagining you in my clothes. I love how you sing and dance when you’re doing chores.”
“You like my singing?” you laugh. You’ve never been accused of being a good singer, and when you look over your shoulder at him, you realise you’re still not.
“I love your enthusiasm when you sing and dance,” Jungkook states diplomatically, eyes filled with mischief. He dips his head to kiss your shoulder.
“You have a beautiful enough voice for both of us,” you say with a smile, slumping so you’re looking up at him and he’s looking down at you.
“I could have met a million different people in the city, but out of everyone, I meet you. Someone I want to make my mate,” he says cautiously, and you squeeze his hand. “You’ll let me stay?”
“You can stay for as long as you like,” you whisper softly, running your fingers over his.
“What if I never want to leave?” Jungkook teases with a smile, and you smile back up at him. 
“Then I guess you should make yourself at home,” you say softly. “Take me to that hilltop one night?”
Jungkook leans down and kisses you; a kiss that tastes like love and feels like a promise. “Try and stop me,” he whispers, smiling. 
And making himself at home is exactly what he did.
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gotnofucks · 4 years
Chemical Romance
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Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader
Summary: Chris won’t have you running away from him. You’re his. He owns your heart, and now he’ll own all of you.
Words: 4.5k
Warnings: RPF, smut, slight dubcon(ish), jealous and possessive Chris, toxic relationship, recording without permission, forced marriage
A/N: I wrote this months ago and pulled it out to share it with my bestie @donutloverxo​ . Berry finally convinced me to post this and helped me beta this. Babe, I love you!
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You were way past your teenage years, and yet you had the urge to giggle like one. If you licked your lips, you could still taste the trace of wine that had stained his lips. The memory of them pressing against you, brushing gently until they tangled in a mix of tongue and teeth had a delicious heat burning in your face. This was a good date, the third good date with a good man you met, and you were excited for more.
Looking over your shoulder you saw the lights of his car disappearing in the dark of night and you sighed contently, shutting your door behind you and dropping your keys in the bowl by the door. All of a sudden, your body broke into goosepimples, a chill settling over you and it took you a moment to understand why. Your body was recognizing the dark presence before your mind could.
“Good evening sweetheart. Had a good date?”                                                      
The door was right behind you, you could easily grab your car keys right now and run away. And yet all you could do was hold onto the wall as your knees trembled. You’d never been good at running away from him anyway.
Chris was lounging on your sofa, watching you with those arresting blue eyes that you knew changed shades with his mood. His beard was thicker than the last you’d seen him, and his lips were pulled into a sardonic smirk, eyes glinting furiously.
“How?” You sputtered, still rooted to your spot. You could run, you should run, but you knew you wouldn’t go far. He let you go only so far to give you a false sense of achievement, a mere taste of relief and freedom until he snatched you back to himself.
“I always think that every time you leave, it would be the last. You’ll realize that its futile, you’ll realize that we’re meant to be together.” Chris said, “But never did I imagine you to be stupid enough to be with another man.”
His voice had been described as dreamy by many, even by yourself, but right now it only rang of danger and anger. Softness was Chris’s weapon, to deliver the meanest words with a smile that was poison sweet. One time, you had loved to taste that poison yourself. Did it still run in your veins and taint you?
Looking at you from under his lashes, he spread his legs and beckoned you to him. You gulped before following, not daring to look away from him until you were before him.
“Kneel” He ordered softly. You knees hit the ground, the rug digging into your skin. He watched you watch him, eyes locked in a dialog of their own until his rough hand caressed the skin of your cheek. You leaned into his touch, hating yourself for being a slave to him and your desire. Even on your knees, the familiar feeling of peace flooded your senses. Nothing made you feel as alive as worshiping him. And nothing killed you as much as loving him.
“Please” You begged, pressing a kiss into his palm. “Don’t do this to me.”
Chris regarded you with a look that was almost tender, his blue eyes staring into your own as if unearthing every secret you had ever kept from him. He pulled you closer, close enough to have you raise up and hold his shoulders while his lips brushed gently against yours.
“For as long as I live, you are mine. You know that. Why must you fight it?”
It had been a couple months since you last saw him, since the pads of his fingers had glided over the curves of your body and claimed you as his. You melted, you melted like the butter in a hot pan, sizzling with the heat of his ardor. One taste of him and you were ready to forget why you had left him, why you had packed up and left his house when he was out. Chris Evans didn’t just play your body, he also played your heart. He loved you so hard that it hurt.
You wondered if you should fight, if you should scream or cry. But you knew it the moment you walked inside your house tonight: you were going nowhere but to him. He held you as you captured his lips in yours, a hand fisting his hair and tugging. He pulled until you were on his lap, his beard scratching your skin and reminding you of all the ways he had marked you before.
Panting, you pulled away when he breathily whispered your name, eyes liquid and feral and kind. He was a man of many layers and you had unveiled the darkest of them. He no longer hid the rawest parts of him, and you never knew if it was a good thing or not.
“Pack up, I’m taking you back home.” He said, hands settling on your waist. “I am not spending one more night in a bed without you.”
You nodded, stealing another kiss until you surrendered to his demands. Again.
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Dodger ran to you, whining and wagging his tail as you sat down to give him better access. You’d missed your furry companion, his coat soft on your cheek when you nuzzled into him. Chris chuckled, rolling your bags into his room while you and Dodger had your little reunion.
“I am so sorry Bubba” You cooed to him, scratching behind his ears. “I missed you so much. Did you miss me, hmm?”
Dodger barked, rubbing his body against you. You laughed, cuddling your little boy. You’d missed waking upto him snuggled by your feet and the soft pattering of his feet as he followed you around.
“He didn’t eat right for a week after you left. You were being a bad mommy.” Chris said coming behind you. He petted Dodger before pulling you up by your arm, your chest flushed to his. You loved how he smelled of coffee and beer and cinnamon. He tasted of them too, bitter and addictive.
Your fingers traced a path in his beard, lips pressing into the hollow of his throat. It scared you how much power he had over you. You’d promised yourself you’ll break away from his hold when you found him snooping in your phone again. His possessiveness knew no bounds. If Chris had it his way, he’d hide you in a castle made only for his eyes. But right now, in the heaven of his arms, you couldn’t remember why you left him in the first place.
“I am sorry.” You whispered, hugging him tight. His arms came around you, holding you so possessively close that even death couldn’t rip you apart. Chemical romance, that’s how Scott had explained your relationship once. Your friends had stopped complaining, had stopped warning after losing count over how often you broke up and got back together.
“I am so pissed at you.” He said in your ear, breath warm on your skin. “I want to erase every lingering trace of that man’s touch from your body. But more than that, I need to remind you who you belong to.”
You refused to look at him, burying your head in his chest even as you held him tighter.
“I belong to you. I know it baby, I made a mistake.” You said, voice muffled. Chris tutted, pushing your face away firmly as he forced you to meet his intense gaze.
“Here I am, feeling guilty for even touching other women during a scene that is supposed to be my job. And my girl goes around fucking other men because we had an argument?” He hissed, a nerve throbbing in his temple. You pouted, bottom lip wobbling as you tried not to cry. You were raised to be a strong woman, someone who could speak for herself. How was it so easy for this man to reduce you to a sniveling woman for something that wasn’t even your fault.
“I didn’t fuck him.” You countered and Chris’s eyes flashed. You stared at each other until Chris practically growled and dragged you towards the bedroom. Dodger trailed behind you, stopping once Chris ordered him to stay put.
His bedroom, a space you had shared and abandoned all too many times was the same as always. It reeked of his aftershave and cologne, the stars winking at you from the window that overlooked the ground. Chris shut the door, rounding on you and pushing you towards the bed.
“You didn’t fuck him?” He spat, ticked off. “You let him touch you, you let him put his hands on what belongs to me.”
You shivered as your back met the cold sheets, bouncing slightly on the mattress. His anger was scary, but more than that it was exciting. It was you who had brought this strong, powerful man to this animalistic side. You, who could make him scowl and shout and get his heart pumping enough to bring blood to his face. You, who made him primitive as he held you down and fucked you into submission.
“We only kissed.” You said, knowing how to provoke him. That kiss was nice, it was sweet. But your body craved rough and hard, it craved to be possessed and used and worshiped. It craved Chris who left his handprints on your butt and his spent in your cunt. It craved Chris who kissed you until you were out of breath, who whispered the filthiest things to you as he buried himself in your warmth over and over until you were too hoarse to even cry.
He knew it, he read that in your eyes and in your touch that seared through the layers of clothes on his body. He knew you were getting under his skin on purpose, hurting him the way he hurt you so many times. Neither of you held back.
You tore away at his clothes, bucking your hips frantically in a bid to get closer. Chris cursed, squeezing your ass in his large hands and grounding his hardness on your thigh.
“You are testing me” He warned, naked flesh touching yours and hands entwining. You ignored him, the wetness dripping down your core begging his attention.
“Eat me” You cried, wiggling under him. He held fast, rubbing his cock on your abdomen, groaning softly. He nuzzled your neck, kissing softly on the spot he knew drove you wild. His weight prevented you from moving too much, not allowing you to do anything for yourself.
“You don’t tell me what to do baby. Not after letting another man touch you. Not after you walked out on me again.” He said angrily, forcing his gentle touch on your body that craved his roughness. You sobbed against his mouth, getting drunk on his lazy kisses and feather soft caresses. You knew what he was doing, you knew he wanted you to break and beg. And you had no dignity.
“Please” You begged, pathetically with tears in your eyes. “Give me what I want Chris. I’ll be good to you, I promise.”
He smirked, sucking a pert nipple in his mouth and rolling it between his tongue. You moaned, struggling to move more. It wasn’t enough to have you under him. He needed more than your compliance. He needed your surrender, he needed you to love him with a hunger as great as his. He was greedy.
“Even when you beg, you look like a goddess. You’re my angel, but I’m not gonna let you go to heaven. We’ll sin together in hell.”
He dove in, tongue swiping away your juice in a practiced move as you howled at the suddenness of his attack. Your thighs held his head captive between their plump flesh, mewls spilling from your mouth without restraint as he finally gave you what you wanted. You pulled on his hair, steering him closer to your core that was flaming under his mouth and flooding with pleasure.
“Oh Chris!” You moaned, writhing and trembling. You had missed his beard scratching the sensitive flesh of your inner thighs, missed his nails digging in your flesh to keep you steady, missed his tongue poking inside your warm cavern to taste your sweet nectar. Chris never worshiped you like a devotee to the lord. He worshipped you like a man summoning the devil, by spilling blood and leaving marks that stain the soul.
“Look at you go darling, so beautiful” He praised, easing a finger inside you and curling it. You threw your head back, shattering with an orgasm that took your breath away. Pleasure was a feeling you were familiar with, but combined with Chris’s love and anger, it formed the most intoxicating mix that got you dizzy.
He kissed the swollen head of your clit, gently easing you down from your high with praises whispered directly to your leaking cunt. He cupped your pussy, grinding his heels against you as your eyes met.
“Nobody else will touch you here. Or anywhere else for that matter.” He ordered and you nodded, still desperate for him. His cock was red and angry, warm drops of precum leaking over your stomach and you tugged at him, asking to fill you up.
“Chris, I need you inside me. Please.”
He crawled up and laid beside you, jerking you on top of him. Your hands found his chest, lightly playing with his nipples and the spattering of hair there before moving down to cup his hardness and his balls. He jerked at the first contact, closing his eyes as his breath hitched and you smiled at your own effect over him. You could reduce him to a mess just as well he could to you.
Pumping his length, you licked it slowly, lathering it with your saliva. You remembered the day you’d named it Cumstopher Rogers and he’d slapped you with it, making you choke on him until you had to apologize.
“Put me inside you now because if I have to take over, I’ll choose which hole it goes in and you probably won’t like it.” He growled in impatience. You clenched, his threats going straight to your core.
You positioned yourself over him, sinking slowly and gently, feeling every part of him against your spongy walls. With your thighs flush to his, you stopped to just let the feeling of fullness last a little longer. No matter how many times you’d been with each other, the feeling of Chris being so deep inside you never got old. If you could, you’d never be empty.
“All my holes like your cock Mr. Evans. And I? I love it and your butt and your chest and arms and face and everything else.”
You moved at a slow pace, bouncing gently while holding onto his thighs. Taking his hand in yours, you placed it on your chest, asking him to play with your nipples as you rode him.
“You feeling powerful, baby? You feeling good bouncing on my dick?” He asked, pinching a nipple almost to the point of pain. You nodded, leaning down to kiss him as he started thrusting up a little, hitting your cervix when he went too deep. You rolled your belly, clenching your muscles around his length so that his eyes flew open and hands dug into the softness of your butt.
“Oh Chris, I missed this.” You told him, tasting the sweat on his temple. He nodded, his huge arms wrapping around you and pulling you intimately close.
“I missed you too, which is why I will make sure you never leave me. This is not your power move, this is mine.” He darkly murmured and your eyes met his in confusion. He looked at the side and you followed his gaze, mouth dropping open at the camera that blinked at you with a red light on.
“What the fuck, Chris?” You shout, trying to move away when he rolled you over and under him, thrusting in hard.
“Oh yes, what the fuck baby” He said, holding your wrists as he picked up his pace. “You think it’s okay to pack a bag and leave me every time? You think it’s okay to date other men, to kiss other men? You are mine. And if anyone needs proof of that, now I can show it to them.”
You cried out as he went harder, a pressure building deep inside your belly. Tears escaped your eyes, gazing into blue ones that you loved and hated with a passion. You could have asked him to stop now, you could shout that you don’t want him and he’s sick. But you didn’t. You knew he would stop if you really wanted him to, and as much as your heart broke and your chest tightened with hurt, you loved him. You loved his twisted ways to keep you with him. You loved it when he went above and beyond, got crazy in his desire for you. You were wanted. You were cherished.
“Fuck you.” You cursed, meeting every thrust of his with a raise of your hips. Your eyes closed, sweat dripping down your body as you let the animalistic part of you take over, screaming and tearing and fucking each other like two people whose only goal in life was to be embedded in the other’s heart and psyche.
“I’d like to see you try to walk out tomorrow after tonight.” Chris said, delivering punishing strokes that were agonizing and titillating, that were fire and ice. You held onto him, leaving crescent shaped scars to join the numerous tattoos across his body. He took you apart, fucked you so good all you could do was say him name and fall in a glittery haze of his presence. He came inside you, filling you to the brim and crushing your body with his weight.
You weren’t leaving, that much was obvious.
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Throwing in your clothes haphazardly in the bag, you promised yourself this would be the last time you did this. You will not come back to this house and this bed. Chris and you were done for good. The past few months had followed the same pattern. You both rekindling the dying flame of your relationship, mending the broken hearts and trust until it went back to hell.
There were too many arguments, too much shouting and angry sex. Every time you sat down to talk, it ended with your legs in the air. Your mother was right. He wasn’t right for you. Chris wanted to be your hero and your villain. He wanted you to think of nobody but him. Any friends and family that warned you against him had to be cut off. He’ll dismiss every article the paparazzi published about him but would throw a fit if you so much as smiled at the cashier in the grocery store. He kept you close like a dog on a leash, feeling jealous at the very sight of you talking to any man. You’d wanted to give this relationship a chance, but as of twenty minutes ago, Chris had made sure it was over.
You wondered about taking your pictures, but it was better to stay away from any temptations. This was happening, and as much as it broke your heart, you will not come back to him. Zipping up your bag, you straightened just as Chris stormed inside the room, jaw clenched in anger.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” He barked, “Put your stuff back. I’ll be damned if I let you leave me again.”
You scowled at him, wiping the stray tears from your eyes. He had no right to ask anything of you, not after what he had just done.
“Fuck off Chris. I am leaving, and you can’t stop me.” You shouldered past him, sadly looking at Dodger who was whining softly as he watched you move. He had seen this happen enough times to know that you’re not coming home.
Chris marched behind you, snatching your wrist and pulling you back to himself. The blue in his eyes was darker, like the sky covered in thunder clouds. You squirmed, pushing against him.
“You. Are. Not. Leaving.” He hissed, looking scary and mad.
“How dare you? After what you did today?” You sobbed, hitting your fists on his chest. He held your jaw, bringing your face closer to him so he could peer into your watery eyes.
“I proposed! I got down on one knee. What the fuck is your problem?” He shouted, spittle flying from his mouth.
You shook your head, looking at him with an expression of disbelief. Is he that oblivious?
“Marriage is permanent Chris” You said, voice suddenly soft. “Marriage is living your life devoted to your partner. We can’t break up and leave and come back again. It’s a responsibility. You and I, we haven’t been able to keep a stable relationship. How the hell will we keep a happy marriage?”
Chris frowned, not liking what you said. He pushed you against the wall, caging you in with his huge arms on either side. You could smell the chocolate and wine on his breath from dinner, his hair all messed up from when he ran his hands through it. On his neck still hung the necklace you’d got him.
“Look at me” He said, pressing his forehead to yours. You breathed deeply, finding it difficult to maintain an eye contact as charged with anger and passion as this one. “You love me, you still love me. It’s all in your eyes. Why won’t you marry me?”
You wanted to curl into a ball and cry. Why did loving him have to be so difficult? Was love worth the fights, the tears and pain and loss of independence? Was loving him enough to keep you going? You were so tired of this back and forth with him. You’d never even talked about marriage before, having been too busy trying to keep any sort of relationship alive. Why would he do this to you?
As your limbs got heavier, you leaned forward and hugged him. You held him to yourself, soaking in his warmth and smell inside you for what would be the last time. You could not give up so much of yourself to sustain this love. Soon enough, there would be nothing more to give and the love would be dead.
“You need to let me go Christopher” You said to him, lips close to his ear. “You need to understand that love is only the beginning. I can’t keep doing this anymore. Please, just let me go.”
Chris hugged you tighter, his head resting over yours and heart beating strong beneath your hand. He was your night, full of twinkling stars and dark mysteries. But dawn was approaching fast, and you needed to bid goodbye to the moon to greet the sun that awaited you.
“Never.” He promised, “You are never leaving me again. I’ll fucking make sure of it.”
He picked you up suddenly, ignoring your protests as he carried you back into the bedroom. Kicking your bag aside, he dropped you on the bed, raising a finger to stop you. He took out the ring from his pocket, the very one you had refused this evening and held it to you.
“Put this on.” He ordered and you rubbed your eyes in exasperation.
You both glared at each other, adrenaline coursing through your veins. Fighting with Chris had always been a thrill, more often than not ending with wild sex on any and all surfaces in sight. But today you were determined to end it. You’d not let yourself become weak at the sight of his cock.
“Okay then, you’ve left me no choice.” Chris said. He picked up his phone and tapped away on it, doing god knows what. You sighed, getting up and putting your stuff together again, ignoring his presence behind you. Chris threw his phone on the bed, looking stoically at you work. You were just folding the last of your clothes when your phone started buzzing. You ignored it for a minute, but it kept up, almost falling off the table with its vibrations.
“What the fuck” You gasped, looking at the hundreds of notifications pouring in as more followed. You quickly opened your Instagram to see you’d been tagged by Chris.
And she said YES!
Below that caption was a picture of the both of you from a couple months ago, cuddled up and smiling at each other.
Comments and likes from everyone were popping in, and soon enough, you saw your mother’s call. You stared at Chris, utterly in disbelief. What had he done?
“Try saying no now. You’d be the bitch who broke Chris Evans’s heart, the bitch who played him. Try walking in public between people who’d see you only as a slut and nothing more.”
Your world came crashing down. You were not some hotshot celebrity like Chris. You were just a girl trying to live her life the best way she knew how to, and how it ended up entangled with this man you’d never understand. Even if you shouted from the rooftops the truth of today, no one would believe you. Chris’s fans would tear you to shreds, destroy your life with their mean comments and attacks. And your family would not be spared either. They’ll be exposed to a celebrity scandal, dragged through the mud along with your good name.
“Oh god Chris, what have you done?” You choked out, falling to your knees. He came before you, gently caressing your head before kneeling in front of you. Cupping your face, he kissed you deep and hard, countering your hate with his love that hit you like your own kryptonite.
“I told you. I told you I’ll never let you leave.” He breathed against your mouth, pulling you closer. You dug your nails in his arms, hurting him with the hurt he just caused you, but he didn’t even flinch.
“You’re a monster” You said, chest heaving with emotions.
“Yes, I am. But you know what darling?” He said sweetly, “Even after this, you still love me. I am a monster, but I am a monster you created and one you love.”
You ended up on the bed, sprawled underneath him again. Even with icy hate in your eyes, your heart burned with love for him. It was unnatural, it was chemical and wrong. And yet, it was your reality. He was yours, no matter what he did. And you were his, regardless of every protest that you ever made.
“Now, I’ll ask this one more time. Will you marry me?” He asked softly, looking at you like you were all he ever saw.
“Yes” You breathed, watching silently as he slipped the ring on your finger and kissed it. Meeting your eyes, he settled over your body, his arousal pulsing over your thigh. Sealing the deal with a kiss, Chris went to remove your shirt.
“Then let’s celebrate. After we’re done, we can call our families with the good news.”
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queenshelby · 3 years
The Last Semester - Part Three
Pairing: Cillian Murphy x Reader
Warning: Smut
Words: 3,345
Original Blog:
Previous Parts: Part One; Part Two
The Blind Date
It was 7 o’clock when you walked into the local Irish pub, looking for your date Patrick in a crowded room. Luckily, Emma had shown you Patrick’s Facebook profile and he certainly was handsome and easily recognisable.
Unsurprisingly, when you saw him standing at the bar with a pint of Guinness, he had already caught the waitresses’ attention and she tried her best to flirt with him until you approached.
‘Hi, Patrick?’ you asked and he nodded before shaking your hand and suggesting that you find somewhere else to sit.
Eventually, you located one of the high-top tables on the other side of the pub and sat down with your beers and began talking.
Patrick was a doctor at the university campus who had graduated medical school as little as two years ago. But, whilst he clearly was smart, you quickly realised that he was somewhat arrogant and lacked a good sense of humour.
Regardless, you tried to make the most of the night until, eventually, Patrick sought some reassurance from you that you would be going home with him that night. According to him, he didn’t like wasting his time if there was nothing in it for him.
His comments caught you by surprise and you quickly advised him that you were not that kind of woman and you certainly wouldn’t go home with someone you barely knew.
Patrick was disappointed and the conversation escalated quickly when he called you a prude and referred to you as being a woman who simply uses men to get free drinks.
You were speechless and, at half time, you put $10 pounds onto the table for your drinks and excused yourself quickly, grabbing your bag and headed for the bathroom.
There was no way you would be putting up with a man like this and you couldn’t believe that Emma thought that you would like him. Did she really think as little of you, you wondered?
Later that Evening
‘Cillian, hey’ you said as, after spending ten minutes in the bathroom collecting your thoughts, you walked out towards the entrance of the pub.
‘Are you alright Y/N?’ Cillian asked as he immediately noticed your red and somewhat teary eyes.
‘Well, let’s just say that my roommate set me up on a blind date with a total wanker’ you laughed but, really, you weren’t sure whether you should laugh or cry after what he had said to you. It certainly didn’t help your self-esteem and that was something you struggled with.
What you were, however, sure about was that you were ready to leave even if that meant that you would miss the second part of the game.
‘Do you want to get out of here?’ Cillian asked, his hand resting on your shoulder and his eyes giving you a concerning but yet reassuring look.
You quickly nodded and Cillian responded with a simple ‘common then’ before dumping his half full pint of beer and walking outside with you.
Once you made it out of the door unnoticed, you inhaled deeply. ‘Damn and I really wanted to see the game. Ireland is so close this time’ you pouted slightly disappointed.
‘I am going to watch the rest at my place. You are welcome to come along’ Cillian offered and you took a moment to think about his offer. You knew that your flatmates were having a party and the game was only available on pay tv and you would much rather sit on the lounge with Cillian and watch the Ireland beat France than clean up vomit and empty bottles of booze at home.
‘Uhm yes, why not. Thanks’ you said shyly and followed Cillian to his apartment which was only a five-minute stroll from the pub.
Finally some Privacy
‘Wine or beer?’ Cillian asked after you took off your shoes and sat down on the lounge in his living room.
‘Whatever you are having’ you responded and Cillian was quick to open a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon.
‘Thank you’ you said as he handed you a glass and sat down next to you. You really weren’t much of a red wine drinker but pretended to enjoy it.
There was an awkward silence between you as you watched the second half of the game but you enjoyed it nonetheless.
You struggled paying attention to the commentators as your mind focused on the man sitting next to you instead. The smell of his aftershave mixed with detergence he had used to wash his clothes drove you absolutely crazy. And then there were his hands, which you watched every time he reached for his glass of wine.
But it wasn’t just you watching Cillian. He watched you as well and often gazed over to you, focusing on your soft facial features.
Eventually, after about twenty minutes into the second half, you couldn’t bare the silence any longer and started a conversation.
‘So, you wanted to ask me something yesterday when I came to your office. But then you didn’t. I am curious though. What was it?’ you said shyly, slightly encouraged by the wine in your system.
‘I was actually going to ask you whether you wanted to watch the game tonight’ Cillian murmured, looking somewhat embarrassed when he looked over to you.
‘So why didn’t you?’ you went on to ask, causing Cillian to chuckle.
‘Because I realised how inappropriate that would have been’ he admitted and you smiled, cheeks flushing red.
‘Well, here we are’ you said nervously, looking into Cillian’s deep blue eyes for a moment before trying to look away shyly.
But, Cillian wouldn’t let you, reaching for your face with one of his hands.
‘Hey’ he said quietly as his thumb ran over your chin gently. ‘I like when you look at me’ he then went on to say and, just like that, you leaned forward and pressed your lips onto his once again.
The kiss you shared was gentle and tentative, not rushed and not forced in any way. It was a simple kiss, brief but exciting.
‘I am sorry’ you said after your lips drifted apart, but this time, you didn’t look away and your eyes got lost in his.
Cillian shook his head briefly before drawing your face closer towards his again for yet another kiss. Again, it was tentative but, this time, you parted your lips slightly, allowing his tongue to enter your mouth and explore.
‘I shouldn’t be pursuing this Y/N’ Cillian said quietly as, eventually your lips drifted apart. ‘It’s not right on so many levels’ he went on to say but you quietened his lips with a third kiss, a passionate kiss which drew your body even closer towards his until you found your way onto his lap, facing him, pressing your body against his as your tongues moved with each other in sync.
‘I am a grown woman Cillian. I can’t see anything wrong with this and I certainly don’t want you to stop kissing me’ you said as your lips drifted apart again, a shy smile escaping you as you did.
‘I am also twenty years older than you and supervising your drama project’ he then went on to say somewhat concerned.
‘I don’t care about the difference in age and, technically, you aren’t my supervisor anymore, Aidan is’ you reassured Cillian, smirking at him as you did.
‘Still, not a good look getting involved with one of the students from the project’ Cillian said reluctantly but without making any attempt to push you away.
‘Well, I could leave now and you can ask me out again in three weeks when you finish up your volunteering position’ you then suggested all while you started to grind against him, feeling his erection strain against his jeans beneath you.
Your suggestion fell on deaf ears as Cillian already struggled to contain his emotions and needs with you on top of him and, just as you finished your sentence, he affirmed what he wanted with another passionate kiss.
The kiss you were sharing soon became heated and desperate and Cillian’s hands started to roam over your warm skin beneath your thin jumper.
His touch instantly sent shivers over you skin and down your spine and sent you into overdrive when his hands began to cup your small breasts.
You moaned into his mouth and, just after you did, you pulled back slightly, allowing him to pull your jumper over your head.
As he did, you suddenly felt a little nervous and self-conscious but it was obvious. He wanted you and his lips soon met yours again.
‘Cill…’ you said in between kisses and he looked at you, responding with a quiet ‘hmm’ as his eyes were questioning what you wanted to say.
‘It’s been two years since I have been with anyone and I don’t really do one night stands’ you murmured quietly and Cillian simply smiled, caressing your face with one of his hands before responding to your comment.
‘Good’ he said before giving you a quick peck. ‘Neither do I’ he reassured you without telling you that it had been six months for him too, which is when he broke up with his last long term girlfriend Nadine.  
After another minute or two of more passionate kisses, Cillian picked you up and, before you could really prepare yourself for what was about to happen, you were in his bed.
Nervously but eager at the same time, you looked up at him with what you hoped were bedroom eyes.
He got the message and hoovered over you, kissing you gently before continuing to undress you, gentle but a little hurried.
You had already lost your jumper in the living room earlier and now he was pulling on your jeans, getting rid of them in a haste and leaving you exposed in your grey cotton underwear.
‘I didn’t quite plan for this’ you said nervously as you weren’t really dressed to impressed, your underwear simple and not sexy at all.
‘You look beautiful just the way you are Y/N’ Cillian reassured you before leaving a trail of kisses on your warm skin.
The anticipation was already killing you. With each passing second, his lips trailing over your bare shoulders and up your neck, you felt yourself shiver, the heat traveling right down to the taut muscles inside you, right between your legs. It was slick there, the result of your growing arousal.
It wasn’t long until Cillian unclipped your bra, exposing your small and perky breasts. You were impressed that he had immediately noticed the clasp of the bra at the front. He certainly paid attention to detail.
By now, your nervousness had sat in and your cheeks began to flush as his eyes gazed over your body.
Cillian noticed and simply responded with a warm smile before nudging your nose with his.
‘We can stop if you want to’ Cillian began to say but you immediately interrupted him.
‘I want you Cillian, please’ you whispered and he responded with a gentle nod.
‘Relax’ he then whispered before kissing you again and you took a deep breath and closed your eyes.
‘Cillian’ you eventually moaned as he nipped your throat with his teeth before sitting back.
You opened your eyes again and watched as Cillian grabbed his shirt from the back, and pulled it down over his head. Next off were his jeans, and then his briefs.
You couldn’t help but stare at him. His body was perfect, his chest was only lightly covered with some hair and his skin was covered in freckles.
But, when you lowered your eyes, your sense of shyness returned and seeing him completely naked in front of you caused you to flush.
He was clearly aroused by you, hard and ready, even though you only just started.
As you nervously looked at him, Cillian leaned forward and began to gently run his hands over your stomach, leaning down to kiss it, before hooking his index fingers into the hem of your panties and pulling them down your legs.
You inhaled sharply, almost forgetting to breath out again as he exposed your soaking wet mound.
What now, you wondered? Like the two men you’ve been with in the past, would he proceed directly to the main event?
‘You are so sexy, you know that?’ Cillian went on to say and you couldn’t help but chuckle.
‘Sure’ you said nervously as he spread your legs before bending down and pressing his hot mouth right against your sopping wet slit.
You didn’t expect that and immediately let out a sharp gasp.
‘Oh god’ you moaned in pleasure as you put one of your hands in his hair and gripped the sheets beneath you with the other.
Cillian’s tongue ran through your slit several times before it swirled around over your clit gently.
‘Fuck’ you cried out, throwing your head back as he began to eat you out, his tongue working wonders on your sex-deprived pussy.
His hands were on your thighs, pushing them farther apart, fingers digging into your skin.
‘Please’ you eventually said, not even sure what you were pleading for. You just knew that he couldn't stop or you would scream.
Your pussy was sensitive, and it had been so long since you had sex and even then, you never quite experienced any sensation like this.
‘Cillian, oh god’ you moaned even louder as he sped up the movements of his tongue.  
Within bare seconds, you came with a cry and a shudder. Unable to hold back, you let go, shutting your eyes to ride out your orgasm.
Involuntarily, you were grinding up on him, your hips lifting off the bed, toes curling.
‘That was quick’ Cillian chuckled after you came down from your high and before giving your inner thigh another quick kiss.
‘I am sorry, I don’t know what just happened’ you said somewhat embarrassed as you never had orgasmed before when being with someone else. In fact, you never even gotten close to climaxing when someone else pleasured you orally.
‘Don’t ever be sorry’ Cillian said, kissing you gently before sitting back again and reaching for the bedside table draw to his right.
You couldn’t wait to feel him inside of you and, shamelessly but also somewhat nervously, you watched him pull out a silver condom wrapper from the draw.
You bit your lip in anticipation was you watched him open the wrapper with his teeth before rolling the condom onto his hard shaft.
Cillian then leaned forward again, spreading your legs further apart with a nudge from his knees. He looked powerful above you, his body trained, stomach flat, waist trim, looking at you with such lust that you forgot for a moment that, just days ago, you were trying to forget all about him. He leaned down, kissing you, tasting you, making the heat spread all over your body as he slipped two of his fingers inside of you, curving inward.
‘Still so sensitive’ he chuckled while you gasped at the sensation.
‘Cillian, please’ you begged. But he didn't seem to hear you and put pressure down, jerking his hand and thrusting his fingers right against your previously unexplored g-spot.
‘Oh my fucking god, no no no’ you cried out, bucking your hips again almost instantly, this time squirting right into his hand. Tears slipped from the corners of your eyes, your pussy still clenching on his fingers, desperate and needy.
‘Cillian, oh fuck’ you whimpered, not realising that you left a wet puddle on the sheets.
‘Wow’ Cillian grinned. He looked pretty pleased with himself as you sat up somewhat shocked, which is when you noticed what had just happened.
‘Oh my god. This is so fucking embarrassing’ you said when you noticed that you squirted for the first time.
‘Shh, it's okay’ Cillian murmured, calming you down and kissing you.
‘In fact, I think its fucking sexy and I hope I can make you do this again’ he smirked before guiding your back onto the mattress again.
‘I think you might’ you chuckled as you held out your arms and he melted into them, supporting himself with his arms.
‘I want to feel you so badly Cillian’ you moaned as his cock finally slid between your legs, making you squirm and buck your hips.
‘Patience’ Cillian said softly, and planted a kiss on the tip of your nose.
‘How can you restrain yourself?’ you asked, surprising you both.
Cillian raised an eyebrow, impossibly amused.
‘I’ve been restraining myself from wanting this for weeks’ Cillian said, and pressed his lips to your neck, kissing, nipping, biting and sucking. You closed your eyes, toes curling again, and gave into the pleasure. You did your best to wrap your legs around him, and he began to grind his cock down between your legs, right along the slit of your wet pussy.
When he finally entered you, you both let out a hiss of satisfaction, clutching at one another. The friction slow, drawn out, was enough to numb your mind. Your fingers dug into his back, his hands gripped the sheets, and he made love to you, driving inside of you with careful, deliberate movements.
‘Cillian’ you moaned as you felt him thrust in and out of you over and over again. But, hearing his groans and moans was exciting you just as much as the pleasure he gave you with his cock.
Cillian and you adjusted, getting familiar with one another, your bodies moving in slow grinds as he snapped his hips, making you shift yours off the bed. His pace quickened, and so did your breathing, and in one swift motion, you were a shuddering mess, feeling his cock hit that spot again, making you shatter.
At this point, Cillian was relentless, pounding into you, making you cry out in pleasure. You gripped his shoulders, fingernails leaving crescent marks behind, little slivers of moons, leaving your mark. He was yours and you were his.
You writhed under him, your pussy clenching around his thickness. His hands visibly shook, his breath wild as he moved in you, kissing you almost roughly, smashing his lips against yours, and in seconds, his tongue was sliding against yours as you tasted each other.
You anticipated each movement, feeling the bulge of his cock hard inside of you, filling you. Just when you thought you would come again, he withdrew and helped you to your knees, and when he entered you from behind, it was a whole other experience. He was deeper, and you seemed to drift together. You could smell his spicy aftershave, could smell your coupling in the air, thick and hazy, making you dizzy with desire.
Your bones seemed to ache from the feeling of his stomach muscles clenching hard against your back as he rutted into you. You pushed your ass back against his cock, and you found your rhythm, bodies slapping, panting and grunting in the dim light of his bedroom.
He was thrusting into you and with each passing second, you came closer and closer. You were whimpering, your entire body a mess of tightened muscles. An all-encompassing moan left your lips as his fingers found your clit, and as he rubbed, circling it, you came again, hard and fast.
Blinding gratification. Earth-shattering spasms. A delicious high, an overdose of emotions your body began to shake and your walls began to contract tightly around his thrusting cock.
‘Fuck Y/N’ Cillian groaned into your ear as he reached his high shortly after you did and you could feel his cock jerking inside of you.
His name was on your lips, but you couldn't say it; you couldn't say anything. You could feel every pulse inside of you, could feel every grunt and groan slip underneath your skin, could feel his taut muscles flush against your body. This wasn't just sex. It was heaven.
Just as you both finally came down from your high and while Cillian was kissing the back of your neck gently, he carefully pulled out of you and, just as he did, you could hear him swear.
‘Fuck’ he said in a trance as he pulled back, away from your body.
‘What is it?’ you asked and turned around immediately, looking down, noticing his cum leaking from you and down your inner thigh.
Tag List (Cillian):
@lilymurphy03 @deefigs @theflamecrystal @desperate-and-broken @weepingstudentfishhorse @livinginfantaxy @rosey1981 @atomicsoulcollecto @peakyboyslover @nerdy4itall @elenavampire21 @hanster1998 @mariapaiva13 @fairypitou @harry-is-my-sunflower @zozeebo @lauren-raines-x @kasaikawa @littlewierdalien @sad-huffle-nerd @theflamecrystal @peakymalfoyscullymulder @themissthang @0ghostwriter0 @stylescanbeatmyback @1-800-peakyblinders @datewithgianni @momoneymolife @ntmynouis @lilymurphy03 @mcntsee@cloudofdisney @missymurphy1985 @peakymalfoyscullymulder @otterly-fey @janelongxox @uchihacumdump @basiclassy @being-worthy @chaotic-bean-of-smolness @margoo0 @chocolatehalo​ @vhscillian​ @ysmmsy​ @littlewierdalien @crazymar15  ​
Cannot Tag (please check your settings):
@l0tsofpennies @trolleydolly @avonlady1985 @chrisevanshoeee @daydreamingnymph @fookingshelby
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keewriting · 3 years
Cove x MC - One Shot #5 (request)
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[Read on google docs to insert your MC's name]
You blinked your eyes open and adjusted to the blearly blue scenery. Your eyes stung, but weeks of practice made the pain bearable. A fish the size of your head swam past you swiftly. You recognized it as Gerald, the parrotfish that you became well acquainted with these past few weeks. Your coworkers helped you come up with the name after realizing how attached he was to the divers. He had a rough scar across his forehead that helped distinguish him from the other fish.
Gerald was one of many fish that lived in the mermaid performance tank. A dimly lit room with space for 60 audience members held the massive circular tank. Cove Holden would stand among those 60 people during the show this afternoon. His presence in the audience induced a mixture of nerves and excitement within you. Three years ago you admitted your feelings to each other but there was still an air of uncertain awkwardness between you two. Despite that, you invited Cove to watch your first live performance today.
You looked at the waterproof stopwatch on your wrist. One minutes and 37 seconds. Your breath-holding record was almost five minutes. Growing up by the ocean gave you years of experience underwater, but the divers at the aquarium taught you techniques to extend your lung capacity. It was enough time to last through the entire four-minute performance.
You swam around the tank, propelled by your finned feet. The tank decorations made it feel like you were exploring the ocean floor. Schools of bright tropical fish populated the coral structures. A variety of colorful aquatic plants shot up from the sand. The previous part-time job you had couldn’t compare to this one. You felt at peace in the water, and more connected to Cove, who you still suspected was a real mermaid.
The pressure in your head increased and you knew it was time to surface for a breath. You checked the stopwatch as you ascended. Four minutes and 49 seconds. A new record. The air filled your lungs desperately when you broke the surface. You had plenty of time to continue practicing before the performance in four hours.
Four hours later
The chatter of a crowd filling the room triggered your nerves. The secret entrance to the mermaid tank hovered above the auditorium out of the audience’s sight. You stood between your two fellow mermaids, gripping the railing to maintain balance on finned feet. You took a deep breath and focused on the ethereal notes of the ocean lullaby.
The show’s director held up a hand to count down from three. Two. One. You followed the lead mermaid into the tank with a graceful dive. The splash of the third diver behind you was your cue to open your eyes. Once again, your sight adjusted underwater. You thrust downward with your fin and pulled up into a full loop. The guidelines for your performance were lax— as long as you executed the main tricks the show would be a success.
Finding Cove in the audience became your first goal. The visibility was low in the tank, but you couldn’t miss his seafoam green locks. He was also the tallest figure standing among a sea of small children. You swam towards his side of the tank, flapping your tail teasingly. As you drew nearer, the features on his face became discernable. The refracting light from the tank reflected beautifully on his ocean eyes. He stared at you adoringly, his mouth hung open.
You winked at him and swam swiftly to the center of the tank to avoid lingering in one spot. One of your mermaid companions held out her hands to you. In unison you held each other’s hands and pressed forward. Your faces met inches apart. She smiled at you sweetly as her long mane drifted around you. The intimacy made you blush, but your mind still drifted to Cove. You both pushed apart from each other into a smooth underwater backflip.
You swam a lap around the tank, waving to everyone in the crowd. The glowing amazement on the children’s faces filled you with warmth. Your pace slowed as you approached Cove. He stepped forward and pressed his hands against the glass. His red cheeks were unmistakable and he looked as captivated as the children on either side of him.
You thrust yourself backwards with your arms pointed above your head. Your core tightened as you performed the drill spin. The spiralling motion made you dizzy, but you recovered and stabilized. You couldn’t resist stealing another glance at Cove. His smile was wide, the childlike wonder apparent in his expression.
The final act on your list was the beloved mermaid kiss. You steadied yourself in front of Cove with your arms outstretched. His eyes widened and he moved his face closer, nose nearly touching the glass. You placed your palms on either side of your mouth and moved them into the shape of a heart while blowing air outward. The burst of bubbles formed into a heart that traveled to the glass in front of Cove. You could hear the faint sound of children squealing, but your eyes focused on Cove’s reaction. His blush deepened and he beamed at you.
Cove's expression sent butterflies to your stomach. His admiration was addicting, but the pressure felt unbearable. Your lungs needed air. You gave one final wave to the crowd and swam upwards to the dock. Your mermaid companions followed suit. The diving assistants helped the mermaids out of the water and into the locker rooms. Too focused on breathing, you all remained silent.
Your mind was racing with thoughts on how you performed and Cove’s perception of you as a mermaid. Earlier this morning you asked him to meet you outside the employee locker rooms after the show. You couldn't wait to hear his thoughts.
After the assistants helped you out of the tail you toweled off and changed into casual clothes. Your hair was still damp, but meeting with Cove was more important than looking presentable.
You bounded out of the locker room offering a quick farewell to your coworkers. The hallway stretched onward with no sign of Cove. You walked forward, hoping that he didn’t forget your plan to meet. As you turned the corner, an out of breath Cove halted in front of you.
Cove: Y/N!
You jumped backward, startled by his enthusiasm.
Cove: Oh my God, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.
Y/N: It’s okay! I thought you forgot…
Your eyes lowered from Cove’s face to his hands. He was holding a colorful faux coral figurine and a dolphin balloon. You met his gaze again, one eyebrow raised quizzically. He sighed and offered the treasures to you.
Cove: People usually give bouquets of flowers after a performance, but the gift shop didn’t have any.
You didn’t speak, stunned by his thoughtfulness, but accepted the gifts. Your heart was pounding. Cove continued nervously.
Cove: I know coral isn’t a flower, or even a plant, but it’s pretty, and your performance was pretty. It made sense in my head. I hope it’s not stupid.
You wanted Cove to continue rambling, but he stopped and waited for your reaction. He clenched his fists at his sides. You couldn’t hold back a smile any longer. Relief washed over Cove’s reddened face.
Y/N: You’re seriously cute. Thank you for this.
Cove: It’s nothing, really.
His eyes darted away from you. With the coral in one hand and balloon in the other, you wrapped your arms around Cove. He gasped, but wiggled his arms out from your embrace and returned the hug. You nuzzled your face into his comforting chest. Your damp hair soaked into his t-shirt. When you pulled away you grimaced apologetically at the wet spot.
Y/N: Sorry about that.
Cove: No worries, a hug from a mermaid is always welcome.
He spoke with a hint of flirtation in his voice. You appreciated that Cove was trying.
Y/N: Soooo, what did you think? Spare no details.
Cove: Uh— I think I’ll spare some details.
He looked surprised by his own words, but continued speaking.
Cove: Anyway, I enjoyed it. The tank looked awesome, and the music was nice.
You stared intently at Cove, waiting for him to mention you specifically.
Cove: I thought Gerald did a great job. He almost stole the show.
That got a booming laugh from you. You told many stories to Cove about Gerald the fish and how he lingered near you during practice.
Y/N: I’m impressed you recognized him. Almost stole the show, you say?
You raised your eyebrows at Cove, who appeared like a deer in headlights.
Cove: It was hard to keep my eyes off you.
Cove paused, forming his next sentence carefully.
Cove: Your movement was fluid and mesmerizing, like a real mermaid.
You chuckled abruptly.
Y/N: A real mermaid? You mean like you?
Cove rolled his eyes and crossed his arms conclusively, not willing to speak anymore. You weren’t letting him off the hook this easily.
Y/N: I’d like to hear more of your thoughts. What was your favorite part?
Cove: Oh, hm.
He tapped his finger on his chin, pretending to think hard about the question. His words were a soft mumble.
Cove: The bubble kiss…
Y/N: Speak louder, Cove.
Cove huffed and hugged his arms around his body tighter.
Cove: I know you heard me, Y/N.
He groaned and hung his head. You stepped closer to him, the tips of your feet touching his. You whispered.
Y/N: Did you like seeing me as a mermaid?
Cove’s radiant eyes snapped upward. You stared into them intensely. Cove powered through your scrutiny.
Cove: Of course I did!
You burst out laughing.
Y/N: I tease you too much, don't I?
Cove: Uh-huh…
You squinted at him and stuck out your tongue.
Y/N: Or maybe not enough.
Cove: Is the interrogation finished?
You feigned indignation with an exaggerated scoff.
Y/N: Well if that’s how you see it!
You grinned mischievously and bopped his nose with your finger before stepping backward.
Y/N: If you’re lucky you might get another mermaid kiss someday.
Cove bit his lip, unable to hide that he wasn't unphased by your words.
Cove: I am proud of you. I know how hard you’ve been working.
Your expression softened.
Y/N: I appreciate that, Cove.
A wave of bashfulness consumed you for a moment. Cove’s sincerity wasn’t unusual, but it felt different this time.
Y/N: I’m glad you came to watch. Even though you were kind of a distraction.
Cove looked appalled.
Cove: What?
Y/N: To be honest, it was also hard for me to look away from you.
Cove: I wasn’t doing anything, Y/N.
Y/N: You don’t have to do anything to be a distraction.
Cove was silently pensive. You decided to be explicit for the sake of his brain.
Y/N: I like you, Cove.
His mouth fell open. You refused to believe that this was a shock to him
Y/N: But you already knew that.
Cove: You— agh. Can I take you somewhere for dinner?
The subject change caught you off guard, but you didn’t want to push Cove.
Y/N: Yes.
You hooked your arm into his.
Y/N: Lead the way, landlubber!
Cove chuckled and walked with you out of the aquarium. You felt proud of your performance, and thrilled about Cove's reaction. It was fitting that the way to his heart was through a mythical sea creature. You hoped Cove would be willing to continue the conversation about your feelings during dinner.
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theweasleysredhair · 4 years
Intoxicated [G.W.]
Character: George Weasley
Word Count: 1484
Requested?: Yes/No
Summary: George and Y/n have a cheeky snog in the Gryffindor common room during a party after a Quidditch game.
Tags: @dreamer821 @gracemayhateyou @criminalyetminimal @firewhisky-kisses @obsessedwithrandomthings @angelinathebook @iprobablyshipit91 @potterverseimagine @slytherineheir @kpopgirlbtssvt @tinylumpiaa @locke-writes @wand3ringr0s3 @ickle-ronniekins @sehunasbitch @cryingforcrystalpepsi | message or send an ask to be added/removed!
Disclaimer: Gif isn't mine, credit to whoever made it
A/n: i know my next fic was supposed to be one of the fics on that list i posted and i promise i’ll write them but i ended up being motivated to finish this one i’m sorry! but also enjoy some drunk fluff with my main man george (warning: mentions of alcohol and drinking)
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+ + + + +
“He keeps staring at you,” Alicia spoke, shooting a sly smile at you as she lifted her firewhisky to her lips.
You glanced around the busy Gryffindor common room, frowning a little in confusion as you wondered who she was talking about, your eyes flickering through the faces of a few Hufflepuffs, a group of Ravenclaws and a couple of Slytherins who were stood in the opposite corner, “Who?”
Alicia’s reply came instantly as she let out an amused scoff, “Who do you think? George, of course!”
And suddenly you felt like you were on fire, your nerves being set alight just from the mere mention of his name, your heart pounding at the idea of the ginger boy noticing you. You instinctively gripped your cup a little tighter, tipping the cool liquid down your throat - your third, possibly fourth, drink so far of the night.
“He’s not staring at me,” you mumbled, chewing on your lip as you played with a strand of your hair, staring down into the half-empty cup, your eyes slightly unfocused.
“How would you know? You’re not facing his direction,” Katie, who had been listening to the conversation, pointed out, nodding her head to somewhere behind you.
You so badly wanted to turn around but decided against it, not wanting to bring more attention to yourself, “I just know. Why would he be staring at me?”
“Because he very clearly fancies you,” Alicia rolled her eyes playfully, “Plus you’re hot, there’s a lot of guys interested in you, I just know you have your eye on the particular redhead sat on the couch over there.”
You wished George fancied you. Why wouldn’t you? He was tall, fit, funny. Freckles dotted across his skin, messy ginger hair that made your heart race.
At the thought of him, you turned in his direction casually, as if you were observing the room, but you didn’t fail to notice the way he was looking you up and down.
“Let’s go get another drink,” Alicia suggested, placing her empty cup to one side. You nodded, walking with her and Katie towards the drinks table, joking about something before Alicia suddenly looked at you, biting her lip.
“Please don’t hate me for this,” she grinned mischievously. “Hate you for what?” You asked, confused.
And before you knew what was happening, Alicia gently bumped into you, the force just strong enough to make you lose your balance in your tipsy daze and fall onto someone’s lap.
You were vaguely aware of Alicia and Katie running off just as strong hands gripped your waist, steadying you on the lap as your eyes widened, your head whipping up to set your gaze upon no other than George Weasley’s shocked yet happily surprised face.
“I’m gonna tell her,” George announced determinedly as he stared over in your direction, allowing his eyes to wander down your body, appreciating the outfit you had chosen to wear for the party that evening.
“You’re not gonna tell her,” Fred grinned, downing the last of his drink and dumping the cup on the nearest table. George glanced over at him and crossed his arms over his chest indignantly, “I am!”
“Then here, you’ll need this,” Lee joked as he pushed a full drink into George’s hands. George stared at the clear liquid for a moment before shrugging and downing it in a few seconds, before handing the empty cup back to Lee.
“Right, I’m gonna talk to her,” George said, eyes finding you in the crowd again and admiring the sight of you laughing, his lips curling up into a smile. Fred and Lee looked at each other, waiting for him to stand up or even move, however after a couple of seconds, Fred waved a hand in front of his twin’s face, “Do you think you’re already moving right now or..?”
Receiving no response, Lee prodded George’s shoulder and asked, “What’s wrong?” George looked over to Lee and suddenly grabbed another drink from the table before finishing it off too.
“Right I’m gonna-“
And suddenly, George was interrupted as he felt someone fall onto his lap, his hands moving easily to catch whoever it was, before he realised with a jolt of his heart that it was you on his lap right now.
Later on, he’d remember to comment on how cute your scared face was, and thank Fred and Lee for excusing themselves from the couch, however right in that moment, all he could focus on was the way your body was pressed against his, your face literally inches from his and he couldn’t believe his luck.
”Hello there love, fancy seeing you here,” George grinned at you, squeezing your waist.
“Oh Merlin, I-I’m so sorry George! It was Alicia, she-“ you spluttered out, stuttering slightly over your words.
“Don’t be daft, darling, no need to be sorry. Not everyday a beautiful girl falls literally straight into my lap,” George replied cheekily, pulling you further onto his lap as he sat up slightly. You felt your cheeks warm as you smiled, ducking your head down before looking back up at him, “So um...”
“So, what brings you to my part of the common room?”
“Well, I was supposed to be getting another drink but I guess I fell into a cute guy’s lap before I made it to the table,” you replied, before your eyes widened as you realised what you’d said.
“Cute, huh?” George grinned wide, his eyes glinting mischievously. “Um well I didn’t mean- I mean you’re not exactly not cute I suppose...” You stuttered, trying to cover up what you had just admitted to him.
“Don’t go backtracking now, darling! I want to know more about how cute you find me. How dashing, how devastatingly handsome,” he smirked, squeezing your waist again.
“Don’t put words into my mouth,” you pouted playfully. “I am devastatingly handsome though,” he boasted, dramatically flicking a hand through his hair.
You rolled your eyes at him, a smile tugging at your lips. “You played really well in the match today,” you changed the subject before he could tease you any more.
George grinned again, “Oh you noticed?”
“Kinda hard not to notice, considering you and Fred stole the show with how many times you hit those bludgers away,” you replied, tucking your hair behind your ear as you shifted slightly in his lap.
“Seems like you were very focused on me,” he said confidently, wiggling his eyebrows at you. You scoffed out a laugh, “I said you and Fred, don’t get cocky!”
“We all know you just mean me though. Wonder what it was like for you, watching me and my rippling biceps working hard. Bet you enjoyed the view, right?” He teased, his eyes flickering back and forth between your eyes and your lips.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you shook your head but couldn’t help smiling as your hands absent-mindedly fell to rest on said rippling biceps.
“That wasn’t a no,” George commented and suddenly he was slowly closing the tiny gap between you, his lips just barely brushing against yours a couple of times before he moved away slightly, resting his forehead against yours, “I um- I want our first kiss to be somewhere romantic, you know? Maybe with candles, or in Hogsmeade after I finally got the courage to ask you out. I have it all planned out.”
Despite his words, you noticed his head tilting up, his lips inching towards yours, his eyes flickering again back from looking into yours and down to your lips. His tongue darted out to glide across his bottom lip as his hands moved from your waist down to grip your hips.
“You sure we can’t just kiss right here? Because... you kinda look like you wanna kiss me,” you whispered into his ear, your chest pressing against his as you leant forward.
George shifted, his breath catching in his throat as he caught the mischievous glint in your eye. The corner of his mouth curled up into a half smirk.
“Fuck it,” he breathed out.
He pressed his lips to yours properly, kissing you like it was the last thing he’d ever do. His hands ran up your back, holding you close to his chest as he licked into your mouth, your own hands running through his hair, tugging gently at the strands at the back of his neck, making him let out a small groan.
He cupped your jaw, deepening the kiss as he pulled you further onto him, your thighs now straddling his waist as he trailed kisses down towards your neck.
“I reckon you’re glad you fell for me then, right?” George’s breaths hit your neck as he moved to look up into your eyes. You smiled at him, lips swollen and hair messy from his hands raking through it,
“I guess you could say that.”
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ncitygirls · 3 years
mine (yours pt 2) - jaemin x f reader
fluff, angst?, suggestive, f2l, yours pt 1
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a stifling dread has been following you all week long. it’s hard to describe. it feels a lot like drowning: a hot thick uncertainty flooding your lungs, tightening your chest. it’s hard because not once have you ever dreaded seeing jaemin, your- well, that’s the thing. what is jaemin?
he’s your friend, that much you know. from as early as you can remember, jaemin’s light has painted every one of your best memories. he has long been one third of your perfect trio. his calmer, more nurturing demeanour a perfect match to your tough exterior and mark’s more naive disposition. his kind eyes and warm smile stain every dream you’ve had, brightened every dark fear and warmed every cold word. jaemin’s presence alone has remedied every single ache and pain. jaemin is your friend.
but he is also your best friend. so you doubt what you’re feeling is dread but rather that same uncertainty, a fear of the unknown. mark keeps assuring you that this feeling is normal, says it’s part and parcel with trying to navigate this new terrain you’re both entering. that anyone would feel what you’re feeling, that it isn’t unique to you. yet you asked what jaemin had felt, he had said nothing. he shut his smiling lips with a pop. one full of shame and insurmountable pity. because jaemin was nothing if not sure. he was nothing if not certain. jaemin know what he was. which brings you to what you’re not yet ready to call jaemin, what mark has already taken to calling jaemin, and what jaemin has taken to calling himself-
“hey,” your boyfriend sings from his spot where he stands tall at your front door step, his hands clasped behind his back. the pose doesn’t last long, his arm extending forward to reveal a slim bouquet, lilacs dotted between pink camellias. he slips them into your hand as you gaze up at him, your eyes squinting suspiciously. “what?”
“nothing.” you lower your head, in part to inhale their samey scent, but in larger part to hide the smile he already knows you’re wearing. you step aside as he steps forward, making way for him to enter, but he doesn’t. “changed your mind? you not coming in?” you laugh, waving your free hand into your hallway, but he doesn’t budge, a soft smirk stealing his lips. “what?”
“nothing,” he sings, grinning as he mocks you. you glare playfully as he raises his hand, his fingers gently pinching your chin before he leans in. he closes his lips around yours ever so slightly, pressing ever so softly. he huffs as you kiss back, your fingers loosening around the small arrangement. when he pulls away, you whine before shying away from his glowing face. “can i come in?”
“i just said to-”
“i just said to,” jaemin, who has pushed past you, ducks out the way of your flying fist, as he mocks you once again. you shut the door with your hip before following him to the living room. he’s already made himself at home in the small space, his sneakers slipped off by the hallway rug, his jacket hanging off the back of your desk chair. you move to pass him on the couch, only to fall backwards, your back meeting his chest as he tugs you into his lap. “where you running off to?” he asks, holding you firmly in place. “i missed you.”
“to the kitchen,” gulping quickly, you pray the small swallow would somehow soothe your beating heart. you let your head fall to his shoulder, leaning further into him as his fingers glide along your sides. “and how can you miss me, we hung out yesterday,” you sigh, relaxing into the press of his lips to your temple.
“mhm,” he’s removing your apron, eliminating any and all things that might aid in your departure. “i know that, i was there,” you feel his smirk on your skin, paired with a squeeze to your hips. “i could have seen you an hour ago and still miss you now.”
“simp.” the insult falls easily from your lips, though you curse yourself a bit for it. for with it comes the long, drawn out laughter you think has you falling further and further in love with na jaemin. your best friend. your boyfriend.
it all started at mark’s wedding. or so you had thought. for you it had been watching jaemin charm the older members of your family, or entice the younger ones, even aggravate a few in between. there was something about that night that made you see jaemin as more than what he was. whether it be your friend, ready to spin you every which way on the dance floor just to keep you company. or your best friend, ready to do the same, just to keep you from bludgeoning your family to death. or maybe more, ready to do the same, just to make you happy. jaemin was prepared to do any and everything it took to make you feel even an ounce of how you did him. to burn your skin by touch alone, arouse your senses, bring you to the brink of all feeling and emotion, make you fall. for you, this all started then. for jaemin? the start had been gradual, yet all at once.
it was a slow ascent of feelings that never once plateaued. feelings that only grew and grew, that just kept intensifying beyond what one would ever think possible. how can anybody love someone this much? to the point days turned to weeks in their absence, sweetest dreams incomparable to moments spent in their company, their heart swelling till it bulged out the gaps between their ribs. how can jaemin love you so much words quickly lost value, to the point even actions aren’t enough? jaemin can spend hours pouring every emotion he could verbalise into you, before pounding the very same emotions into you. with soft spoken gasps, with languid rolls of his hips. jaemin utilised everything he could to show you he loved you. and yet still, nothing was enough to show you he was yours.
he sees your fears in how you quickly run from his safe embrace, schooling yourself as quickly as you’d let yourself slip. his fingers had finally laid waste to your apron, his nails dragging slowly over your andomen. he hugged as you gasped, your hips pressing into his lap, his lips puckering over the the soft skin of your neck, sucking ever so slightly. “jaem,” you whine, fingers gripping tighter on his thighs, nails curving into his skin through the rips. he just grunts in your ear, one hand grinding you further into his crotch, the other snaking up your blouse to your erect nipple. something about it snaps you back to reality. his hands on you, milking pleasure from you as easily as he’d done at the wedding. “the food.” you rush, pushing yourself off his lap and heading straight for your kitchenette.
jaemin just watches you go, panting as you disappear behind the adjacent pillar, leaving him all flustered. if he’d been a betting man, he’d have just made a fortune. jaemin foresaw your departure before he’d ever pulled you in, his heart yearning to hold you firm between his palms. but he just has to laugh, watching you flit back and forth over the counter tops. he prides himself in knowing you so well, knowing your tells, your habits, your peeves. jaemin knows this is a lot for you, it always kind of has been. it took getting used to, all his attention, but now his sudden overt affection was proving laborious. you reject it firmly in public, but let him have his way in private. or so he thought. because since mark’s wedding, you’ve not let jaemin get further than some light petting and humping. which he can’t fault you for. you’d wanted things to go slow, and he’d give it to you. jaemin would give you anything you wanted if it means one day being yours.
but how long did you expect him to ignore the red raw love he has brewing more and more for you each waking hour? because another second without you feels like an hour, and jaemin is starving.
“here you go-” you place a bowl of plain rice before him, grinning as he squeezes your wrist in thanks. “let me get the chilli.”
“okay,” he breathes, relinquishing you with a soft kiss to the inside of your wrist. it’s then jaemin sees nothing of his minor affection has changed, if anything you seem to cling to it, prefer it even. “it smells delicious.”
“thank you,” you sing, serving him two heaped spoon fulls before running for cheese and wine. “i made it special.” he points towards himself, a silent ‘for me?’ in his gaze. “mhm.” jaemin sprints through the meal without a word, his palm laid gently over the skin of your knee as he wolfed down the entire bowl. “damn, don’t choke, jaem.”
“you know i have to finish my food hot.” he laughs, waiting patiently for you to finish before he pushes your shoulder back down when you rise to clear the table. “i’ve got it,” he mumbles against the skin of your cheek, dragging his lip to the shell of your ear. “more wine?”
words escape you when he’s so close, your head bobbing as you hand your glass to him, squeezing his arm. it’s a lot to get used to. a version of jaemin you’s never imagined seeing, a level of affection you hadn’t ever prepared for. it’s overwhelming in the best ways. he has this hypnotic allure. it drenches every word he speaks, every move he makes. his every action warrants an overthought reaction. a kiss to your palm, something you once ignore, even laughed at is now stored in the depths of your heart, stowed away from times in his absence, then jaemin was busy, when his time wasn’t yours. jaemin’s seemingly sudden confession has pushes you so far toward the brink of madness, you wonder whether this has been his plan all along.
especially as you sit perched on his lap, straddled over his thick thighs. he listens carefully as you recount your day, his eyes flickering over the short hairs of your lash, probably counting, taking in the various flecks in your eyes. “and then i had to put her in timeout.”
“no,” he gasps, the perfect amount of shock in his tone. “lina? but she’s your favourite.”
“not anymore,” you grumble, eyes dropped to where your fingers fiddle with the hem of his shirt. “she didn’t talk to me for the rest of the day.”
“really?” as in love with you as he is, as he has always been, jaemin does sometime wonder how it got so bad. because if it was anyone else, he’d be hysterical, tears pouring and he laughed off the worry they put into a classroom argument between two four year olds. but it’s not just anyone. it’s you. your classroom. your four year olds. so, instead of laughing, he let’s himself sigh, his eyes locked on the small tremor in your pouted lip. because it’s not just anyone’s problem, it’s yours. and if it’s yours, then it’s his. so he moves your hand from his shirt, wraps his hands around your closed fists and pulls them up around his neck. he hates himself for enjoying your skin on his. he can’t even cringe as your wet cheek meets his neck, your sniffles more his concern. “it’ll be okay.”
“no, it won’t,” you cry, arms winding around his neck as you breathe in his scent. “she’s a really smart girl, she won’t forget. she’ll never forgive me.”
“yes, she will,” he hums, his hands gliding up and down your back. “kids change like the weather,” he reminds, enjoying how you feel pressed to his chest. “and you’re her favourite too.”
“probably not anymore.”
“well you’re mine,” he admits. well, it’s hard to admit something everyone knows. it’s also hard to ignore the feeling it incites, his words like a warm repellant forcing your body up straight. he grins when you glare at him, your tear stained cheeks drawing his thumbs to your cheek. he only speaks as he drugs the same thumb over your still pouting lip. “what?”
“you’re enjoying this.”
“a little,” he pulls you back to his chest, rocking you side to side. “it’s hard to get you like this anymore.” he slows when you stiffen, your head craning up to meet his blank stare. he sees the question in your eyes, a soft glare he’s seen before but the meaning entirely changed. “it’s just been a while since we’ve been like this.”
“well, that’s your fault,” you breathe, only seeing your mistake as he straightens. it’s never easy hiding from jaemin, because he never makes it easy. before you can avoid his gaze, it’s piercing you. his fingers clasp behind your neck, his thumbs slid under your jaw, anchoring you with his gaze.
“what’s my fault?” he asks, an unsettling peace coating his words, a soft click sounding under his tongue. “what’s my fault, y/n?”
“this! the fact we aren’t the same anymore.”
“what changed?”
“you-” it sticks in your throat as he gazes down at you, watching the realisation his you in an oddly comedic fashion. jaemin hadn’t changed. nothing about him had changed. jaemin gave you all of him, yes, but he always had. jaemin gave you every bit of himself you just didn’t know you had. he was always yours. so what had changed? “me,” you breathe, watching him soften as your eyes gleam up at him. “i-i’ve changed. haven’t i?”
he shrugs softly, his smile even softer. “a bit.”
“a bit?” you cry, eyes wide as he grins dumbly at you. “oh my god, jaem. it’s me.”
“no it isn’t-”
“no, it is! it’s me!” he holds you tighter when you try retreat, your body repelling his affection, feeling so undeserving. “jaem it’s me, i just-i just miss you so much, all the time. and-and i don’t know why. and it’s not like you’ve gone anywhere. you’re here. but you’re not you anymore, and i’m not me. we’re this, we-we’re different now. and-and i don’t know what it means for us. i don’t get what we are.”
“we’re whatever we want to be,” he laughs when you scoff. “what’s wrong with that?”
“you make it sound so easy.”
“it could be,” he shrugs, pressing his forehead to yours as he keeps cradling your warm face in his cool hands. “tell me what you want.”
“i want you.” he swells with pride at your firmness, the words warming him before you add, “i want us. i want us to be how we always were. i want my best friend jaemin,” you watch him nod, the light leaving his eyes before you add again, “but that’s because you’re mine. i mean, you were always mine right? i guess i’m just trying to figure out what that all means.”
“it means,” he mumbles against your forehead, smoothing the skin with a kiss. “we’re exactly the same. i’m still jaemin. you’re still y/n,” he assures you, watching the crease in your brow melt away as he rubs along your jaw. “it’s just, instead of being jaemin and y/n, we’re jaemin and y/n.”
“right,” you nod, barely following, but you nod all the same. “but that’s how we always were.”
“exactly. so there’s nothing to be scared of.”
“i guess,” you agree, sighing softly as he kisses your forehead, “except now i’m yours too.”
“yeah?” he breathes, eyes shining “you’re mine?”
“mhm,” you affirm, shying away from his watery gaze. “i think that’s what’s changed. it’s kind of a lot of pressure.”
“if it helps,” he whispers, lips dragging to the skin beneath your ear. “i’m not taking anyone else for the role. ever.”
“you sure?” his lips pucker at the skin there, sucking softly when you sigh.
“i’m sure.” well, not exactly. he’s yours.
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duskholland · 4 years
Cuddle Buddies | Peter Parker
summary ↠ you’re touch-starved, Peter’s your best friend, and there’s a whole lot of unresolved romantic tension between you; friends to lovers.
word count ↠ 3.4k
warnings ↠ uh oh.... there’s only one bed..? additionally maybe two swear words? also copious amounts of fluff lmao
a/n ↠ so apparently I really wanna cuddle Peter Parker. wbk. this is very cute and made me so soft when I wrote it. I hope you enjoy it! please let me know if you have any thoughts :D
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“God damn, MJ, I think I’m actually going to die if I don’t get a hug soon.”
You’re rambling, your voice full of heavy frustration. Your hair is unkempt and messy from all the times you’ve run your fingers through it, and you stare at Michelle with a wild look in your eyes that makes her press a hand to her hips and laugh lightly.
“Has anyone told you that you’re really good at being dramatic, Y/N?” She replies casually, causing you to mock an outraged gasp. You sit down at the lunch table together, setting down your trays in front of you.
You manage a glare at your friend. “You’re so mean to me,” you whine. “You don’t understand how desperate I am.”
MJ narrows her eyes. “I don’t think it’s possible to die from lack of human contact,” she chimes.
“Who’s dying?”
You startle as a third, familiar voice joins the conversation, and crane your neck to see Peter slipping into the open seat beside you. He gives you an easy smile that stretches all the way to his soft, lovely brown eyes, and you feel your heart ache.
“No one’s dying,” Michelle replies. When Peter shoots her an inquisitive look, she adds, “Y/N thinks she’s going to perish if she doesn’t find someone to hug.”
You scowl at MJ, biting the inside of your cheek as you try not to let the embarrassment show on your face. It’s one thing to have this conversation with MJ - your close friend and number one confidant - but Peter? It’s an entirely different story. He may be your best friend, but your feelings are far more than simply platonic when it comes to him.
“Oh…” Peter looks at you curiously, his eager eyes darting over your face. He leans his elbows on the table and rests his chin in his hands, looking utterly adorable with his face pulled into a cute smile. His grin widens as you meet his gaze, and he nods knowingly. “Hugs are nice.”
You nod in appreciative agreement. “Exactly!”
MJ just rolls her eyes. “You guys are so weird.”
Ned joins the table and begins talking to MJ about a chemistry project, and Peter turns to you properly.
“Hey, so, are we still on for that study session later?” He asks you, his teeth briefly gliding across his lower lip. You try not to focus too much on the curve of his mouth, but it’s very difficult.
“Um, yeah,” you squeak, feeling your cheeks heat up a little as you remember the arrangement you’d made with Peter earlier in the week. “Mine or yours?”
“Yours?” Peter suggests.
“Okay. My parents are still away on business, so it’ll just be us. Is that okay?”
Your friend nods his head, his fluffy brown curls shifting around his face. “Sounds great.” Peter gives you a nervous smile, and it sets your heart racing. “I can’t wait.”
Peter turns up a little after 7pm, a box of pizza in his hands. You spend a while chatting and watching Star Wars, and then eventually pull yourselves around to studying. You opt for your bedroom, with its very comfortable fluffy carpet, and you spread out all of your notebooks and pens around you before lying on your stomach and lazily flicking through your notes. But you can’t quite focus because something is amiss.
Peter is acting very oddly tonight. And he’s normally a little hyperactive, but it’s as if he’s on another level entirely. He keeps glancing up to you, then looking away the moment you bring your eyes up to meet his, and he hasn’t stopped drumming his fingers over the front of his maths textbook all night. You’re already nervous enough being around him, alone and within such close proximity to him, and his antics aren’t helping you at all.
You might have a teeny tiny crush on Peter Parker. Possibly. But you’d never tell him that.
“Pete,” you say, reaching breaking point when you catch him staring at your face for the fifth time in one minute. You sit up and turn to look at him, meeting his guilty, rose-tinted face. “What’s going on? You seem so unsettled. Are you okay?”
Peter opens and closes his mouth a few times, his eyes meeting yours nervously. His voice is more a squeak than anything else as he says, suddenly, “Do you want to cuddle me?”
You blink, totally blindsided by the change in topic.
“Uh, cuddle you?”
“Um, I mean, sorry, that’s such a weird thing to just come out and say, I- I just remembered earlier, with MJ, what she was saying, and I was wondering if you’d want to hug me, if you- if you want a hug so badly.” Peter breaks off, a disgruntled groan coming up his throat as he buries his flushed face in his hands. “I’m sorry, Y/N, shit, that was such a weird thing to ask. Can we just pretend I never said anything?”
You chuckle, your lips pulling into a wide smile. “You would let me hug you?” You ask gently. Peter parts his fingers and looks at you through the gaps, nodding slightly. “I’d like that, Peter.”
He looks so shocked by your statement that it brings another quiet laugh from your mouth. “O-Okay.” Peter clumsily opens his arms. “Um, here?”
It’s painfully awkward at first. He’s sitting at the foot of your bed, his back resting up against the mattress, so you have to do a weird sort of crawl over to him, feeling his wide, anxious eyes pressing onto your figure the whole way. It doesn’t help that you’re practically shaking from nerves now.
You’ve known Peter since the start of high school, but you’ve not really hugged him before. The most you’ve shared is a brief celebratory high-five after acing a biology presentation together, and even that contact had lingered in your mind for days after. The concept of crawling up to and hugging your crush makes your palms sweaty and your mind a numb anxious mess, but you do it, because it’s Peter, and the opportunity to cuddle up next to him is so enticing you think you’d do anything just to feel his arms around your body.
The angle is difficult, but Peter spreads his legs out across the carpet and pats his thighs, and you realise he wants you to straddle his lap, so you clamber into his hold gently. He’s sturdy beneath you, with a pair of dark denim jeans stretched over his firm thighs, and he’s quick to wrap his arms around your waist and pull you in. You let your hands find his sides, and then you settle into a very close, very intimate hug with your best friend.
It’s lovely.
He smells of soft bubbles and peppermint, and you bury your face in the crook of his neck, partly because it’s comfortable, but mostly because you don’t want him to see the massive, embarrassing grin fixed to your mouth. Your heartbeat’s going crazy - you can feel it pressing against your ribs almost painfully, and it only doubles in speed as Peter’s hands move slowly across your back, rubbing large, soothing circles over your hoodie. You savour the moment, your eyes closed as you enjoy just being held by your best friend.
“Is this okay?” Peter asks, after a few moments.
You hum against his neck, squeezing his torso softly. He’s wearing one of Midtown’s navy hoodies, and it feels particularly soft against your forehead. “Thanks, Pete,” you mumble, enjoying the moment entirely too much. “You’re really good at hugs, you know that?”
“You’re also a very nice hugger,” Peter replies. You swallow deeply as you feel him tighten his grip on your sides and pull you even closer.
“Sometimes it’s just nice to be held,” you find yourself saying. You’re starting to feel really comfortable now, and find yourself relaxing and shifting further into him.
“Definitely.” His voice is still ringing at a higher pitch than you’re used to, but you put it down to the late evening hour. “Um, Y/N?”
“If you, uh, ever need another hug, you can always text me.”
You’re so glad you have your face buried in Peter’s warm neck because the grin latched to your lips is so large you think you’d die from embarrassment if your friend could see how giddy his words make you feel.
“Okay,” you say. “Thanks, Pete.” You pause for a moment, and take stock of the way he seems to be clinging to you just as tightly as you are to him. “You can always text me too, if you ever want a hug. Or anything, really.” You manage to collapse your smile so it’s more of a weak grin, and you pull back to look at Peter. His hands fall down to loosely grasp at your hips, and you find him looking at you with warm, attentive eyes and a wide smile hanging from his pink lips.
He looks so cute, and relaxed, and perfect, and you really can’t believe your luck that you’re sitting holed up in his arms just now.
“Thanks, Y/N,” he mumbles shyly, eyes flittering across every part of your face. “You’re a great friend.”
You deserve an Oscar for maintaining the smile on your face, despite the way his words stab painfully at your heart.
“You too, Pete,” you mutter. “The best friend ever.”
The air between you holds just a little too much tension, so you shift and push your face back into his shoulder, hugging him again. Peter’s arms tighten around your waist, and you sigh softly, revelling in rare the feeling of him so close to you, even if it isn’t under the circumstances you crave. You’d take anything Peter could offer you, even if it makes your heart ache.
It easily becomes a habit.
Soon enough, it’s been three months, and you’re spending almost every evening with Peter. The more you meet up, the more natural folding into his arms becomes, and soon you find that your favourite parts of the day are the moments you share curled up together.
Sharing affection with Peter is easy, but it comes at a cost - it ties your heart up in knots to spend so much time pressed up against his chest, acting so intimately with him, but then to pull back and go back about your day like nothing really happened. Every second you spend hugging him hurts you because your heart yearns so deeply to have more, but you just can’t bring yourself to tell him how you feel. You value your friendship with Peter too much to risk ruining it all because of a stupid crush, and you’re not ready to stop your evening shenanigans, so you decide to just put up with it and suffer in silence.
A few months into your arrangement, you find yourself at Peter’s when the power across the city goes out in the middle of a thunderstorm.
“Holy shit,” you mutter, shivering as you glance outside and see a flash of sharp lightning cut across the city. The rain pelts down against the pavements so loudly that you can hear it through the gap in the window. You turn and look at Peter, wide-eyed. “Bet you’re glad the Stark internship let you leave earlier than usual today. I’m not looking forward to walking back in that later.”
“Y/N, you can’t go home in the middle of a thunderstorm, especially if the power is out,” Peter tells you firmly, his arms crossing over his chest. He looks so cute with his eyebrows scrunched into a caring scowl that you can’t stop yourself from smiling. “Stay here tonight. May’s out of town, but I can sleep on the sofa. I don’t want you to go across the city by yourself at the moment.”
You bite your lower lip, eyeing the slants of rain that pour over Queens. “It does look pretty horrible out there,” you admit. Your expression shifts into guilt as you eye Peter closely. “You can’t sleep on the sofa, though. I will.”
“No, I’ll sleep on the sofa.”
“Peter, it’s your apartment, I’m not about to kick you out of your own bed.”
“Then join me.”
“In your bed? With you?”
“Yes.” Peter’s face is a bright red as he flusters, “Um, only if you’re comfortable with that though, Y/N. You don’t have to. I just thought that- because, y’know, we’re kinda… close now, you might want to. But you don’t-”
“I want to,” you say, the words tumbling out before you can think them through properly. You’re rendered utterly incapable of sensible thought, because Peter’s looking at you so intently that it whips the breath straight out of your lungs. “Really, Pete, that would be nice, if you’re sure you don’t mind..?”
“No! I want to,” he replies. Peter runs his delicate fingers through his brown waves, pushing his strands away from his face easily. His smile is gentle, and it grows as you return it shyly. “I’ll go get you some clothes.”
You make light conversation as you both get ready for bed together. Peter even finds you a spare toothbrush in the cabinet beneath the sink, and you pull faces at him in the mirror as you brush your teeth together side by side. It feels so domestic, but also incredibly comfortable and normal, and you decide that you feel more at home by Peter’s side than you do anywhere else in the world. You realise that maybe you’d just been deluding yourself each time you’d dismissed your feelings for him as simply a crush. Maybe, your feelings run a lot deeper for your friend - far deeper than you’d ever intended for them to grow. Because you realise, as Peter laughs loudly when you pull a face at him in the mirror, that your feelings for the boy have taken firm root in your heart, and you’re absolutely fucking in love with him.
“So, um, I normally sleep on the left side, but I can swap if you want that side,” Peter tells you. The power has finally come back on and the weather has cleared up, but neither of you comment on it as he closes his bedroom door behind you and gestures at his nice, gingham-patterned bedspread.
“I can go on the right side,” you offer.
Peter turns off the light and you both shuffle to your respective sides of his bed. You’ve been in his room a thousand times before, but you’ve never ventured beneath his lovely soft covers, and you find yourself sighing slightly as you shuffle beneath the duvet. His pillows are light and feathery, and your head sinks into them easily.
He seems intent to stay as far away from you as possible, and he clings to the far edge of the mattress. It brings a frown to your mouth, but you let him be; if that’s where he has to be in order to feel comfortable, then you’ll let him stay there. Just because you feel something else fluttering about in your heart for him, does not mean he feels the same way - even if you were sure he’d been hugging you a little closer, recently, and staring at your lips more than he used to. But maybe that was all in your head.
“Do you need anything?” Peter asks slowly. You stare up at his ceiling, your eyes taking in the dark curves of his smooth roof.
“No,” you reply. “Your bed is very comfortable.”
You hear the sheets ruffle as Peter slowly turns over. You fold over onto your side and find yourself facing him, his bright eyes twinkling slightly beneath the light that streams in from the city outside. He looks very cute, with the duvet bunched up beneath his chin and his fluffy hair all messy and waved out across his forehead, and it makes you happy to see him so relaxed and free. Sometimes it feels as though Peter carries the weight of the world on his shoulders, and you’d give anything to see him gentle and carefree like this. It makes you feel a surge of pride to know you can give him just a little bit of peace.
“Yeah, I dunno where May got the mattress but it’s amazing.” Peter breaks off, shifting around a little, and you freeze up when you feel his hand brush against yours beneath the covers. “Oh, uh, sorry,” he mutters, immediately jerking his hand back. You can just about make out the dark flush of his cheeks.
“‘S okay,” you murmur, biting your lower lip. A beat passes, and then you add, “We hug all the time, Peter. You can touch me, y’know.”
He takes it as an invitation, and he tenderly reaches out. His warm hand finds the curve of your waist, and you stay remarkably still as he slowly shuffles a little closer.
“Is this okay?” Peter whispers into the air.
Finally you unstick, your heart beating rapidly in your chest. You shift towards him, as if magnetised, and your hand goes up to rest on his side, too. His t-shirt feels soft beneath your hold, and you find your mind reeling as you take in his warmth, his scent, his touch.
Peter’s face is very near you now. Your legs are tangled together. Your head shifts onto his pillow, and suddenly he’s holding you flush against him, your noses almost touching.
“Y/N,” he says slowly. His eyes are wide and nervous, and they keep dipping down to settle on the curve of your lips.
“Pete,” you respond, your voice fragile. You can hardly keep still, for how nervous you’re feeling now. He’s pulled you right against him, and for the first time, you question whether your feelings are actually one sided. His warm fingers burn against your side, tracing delicate circles over the material of your borrowed shirt. “You’re really close.”
“Do you want me to move?” You’ve never heard him like this before: all warm, and gentle, and inviting. It ignites a whirlwind of butterflies inside your chest, and you really can’t stop yourself from saying, quietly,
“I want you to kiss me.”
Peter’s lips are on yours before you know it. Soft, at first, and a little bit bumpy and awkward. But he loosens up as you reach up and wrap your fingers around his hair, and you kiss him back with all that you have. Peter pulls you closer as you kiss him deeply, savouring the feeling of his warm, pillowy lips and enjoying the way your heart blooms in your chest as your best friend kisses you back. He releases a small noise of enjoyment into your mouth as you nibble over his bottom lip, and then he’s pushing his tongue into your mouth, and you’re making out, your figures lazily intertwined.
It feels so right to be kissing Peter that you briefly wonder why you’ve never tried this out before.
“I, um, I really like you, Y/N,” Peter whispers against you, when you finally pull back. Your lips tingle as you giggle into the air, your fingertips trailing through the soft strands of his chestnut hair. “In fact, I… I’ve been in love with you for months.”
Your mouth runs dry, and all you can really do to stop the tears of relief from slipping out of your eyes is lean in and kiss him again, hard. You kiss him like you’ve been dreaming about for months: slowly, passionately and lovingly - growing in tempo as you fervently try to convey everything you’ve kept hidden away inside your heart.
When you break away, you keep your lips nuzzled against his and breathe out a deep, “I love you too, Peter.”
You giggle together, and you feel so overcome with adoration for the boy that you simply have to kiss him again.
“D’you want to go on a date with me?” Peter asks gently, between gaps in your soft kisses. You finally move away from his lips and settle nearer, your forehead finding his chest as his arms encircle your waist and he holds you close in a warm, consuming cuddle.
“I would love to go on a date with you, Peter,” you mumble against his front. You smile softly as you feel his lips trail across your forehead, and your heart stirs happily in your chest.
“Okay,” he says, sounding immediately relieved. “I’m excited.”
You hum sleepily into his chest, your fingers curling around his strong back. “Me too,” you mumble.
“Night night, Y/N,” he says, his voice already being carried away as you drift further into dreamland. “I love you.”
“Love you too, Pete,” you reply. You know nothing else will compare to the feeling of being holed up in your best friends arms, with his lips scattering a dusting of kisses across your forehead, and you try to cling desperately to every single moment and sensation. “Sweet dreams.”
Peter leaves a final kiss on your forehead, and then you drift off to sleep with him, your figures entangled, and, for the first time, your hearts beating together as one.
any feedback?
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indiee19 · 3 years
In My Room
Alex Turner x reader
Summary: You meet (TAOTU!) Alex at a pub in Berlin, and he takes you back to his hotel room.
warnings: smut, fingering, hint of oral sex (f! receiving)
word count: 3330
A/n: part 2, anyone?
✿✼:*゚:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・⭑ ✿✼:*゚:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・⭑
The bartender gave you your third drink of the night, taking away the empty beer bottle that was in front of you. You were by no means drunk, knowing how to control your alcohol, but you were slightly tipsy, a faint buzz would be how you would describe it.
You didn't come to the pub to get drunk anyways, just wanted a break from everything that was going on in your life at the moment.
"Excuse me, but ... is this seat taken?" a man asked. You turned around to answer him. You were about to tell him yes, that the seat was taken, even though it wasn't, but you didn't. Instead you answered, "No, it's not."
Earlier on in the night, you'd been asked that question a lot, and every time you said that it was taken, but there was something about the boy that had asked you. He was calm, polite, and most importantly, he didn't call you random names unlike the other guys that asked you earlier. And apart from all that, he was cute and you couldn't deny that.
"I'm ... I'm Alex, by the way," he said, holding out his hand for you to shake. You took his hand and introduced yourself. He repeated your name, the sound of him saying it music to your ears. "That's a really pretty name," Alex stated.
You blushed at his compliment. "Thank you, Alex," you said.
"You're welcome, love," Alex said. He ordered his drink, taking it slowly. In the back of your mind you knew that you recognized him, but couldn't quite put your finger on where you knew him from.
"So, what do you do for a living?" you questioned, slowly drinking your beer just like Alex was, in the back of your mind you wanted to go home with him so you didn't want to be drunk, though you kept telling yourself that it wouldn't happen.
"I'm in a band. Well, two actually," he answered, taking a swig of his drink. Then, it hit you. You knew him from Arctic Monkeys, he was the lead singer and you realized that you also knew him from The Last Shadow Puppets and knew that they were touring here in Berlin for their album The Age Of The Understatement.
"Wait, you're Alex Turner, from Arctic Monkeys and The Last Shadow Puppets, right?" you asked. Alex nodded in response and you screamed internally. The lead singer of your favourite band was making conversation with you. And knowing that he sang only made him seem more cute to you than before.
"Not to be one of those pesky fan girls, but I just wanted to say that I love your music," you said. He put down his drink. "Thank you. I'm glad you like it," he replied, turning towards you and smiled.
Your face flushed and you looked away, looking down at your drink. All of a sudden, you felt someone tap on your shoulder and turned around. When you turned around, there was a clearly very drunk man.
"You here alone?" the man slurred, leaning on the counter. You tried to think of an excuse to say, but every time you tried to speak, you just stumbled over your words.
"No, she's not. She's here with me," Alex said, wrapping an arm around you, pretending like you were together.
"O-okay. Let me know if you want to ditch him though," the man said and walked away. You turned to Alex.
"Thank you, Alex. You have no idea how much it means to me," you thanked him, finishing off your drink.
"It's alright, love," he said, finishing off his drink as well, except his was a lot more full than yours was. "Do you ... do you want to come back to me 'otel room and chat there?"
"Y-yeah, sure. I'd love to," you said. He smiled and the both of you got up from your seats at the bar. You reached into your bag for your wallet, about to pay off your tab, then Alex stopped you from paying.
"I got it, love," Alex said and got out his wallet, paying for you and him. Alex payed and put his hand on the small of your back, leading you out of the pub.
He flagged down a taxi cab and opened the door for you, getting in after you and he told the driver where his hotel was.
The ride was mostly quiet, the silence leaving when you asked Alex a question. "Why'd you pay my tab for me?" you asked after a few minutes of silence, fiddling with your fingers.
"Well, I payed your tab because-" he stopped when the driver stopped the car at Alex's hotel. He got out and waited for you to exit the cab before talking to the driver.
"Danke, dass du uns abgesetzt hast. Wie viel schulde ich dir?" Alex asked, speaking perfect German.
"Vierzig Euro," the driver said. Alex got out his wallet and paid the driver. He drove off and Alex walked to the door where you were.
"I didn't know you could speak German," you said.
"Not many people do. I learned it from me mum," he replied, placing his hand on the small of your back, leading you inside.
He walked you to the elevator, pressing the call button. Once the doors opened, he let you get inside first, walking in after you and pressing the fifth floor button. You both stood there in silence, like it was in the taxi, not awkward silence, but silence, like you didn't know what to say.
The elevator dinged and the doors opened. You both walked out and Alex led you to his room. You were almost there when someone stopped you. You immediately recognized him. It was Miles Kane.
"Hey, Al," Miles said, hugging Alex. "Who's this beauty that you've got with you?"
You smiled and introduced yourself. Miles took your hand and gave it a light kiss, making you laugh. Alex looked at you and smiled to himself, his face lighting up and his heart fluttering when he saw you laugh. He felt as if the heavens were humming a stun gun lullaby.
"What a charmer you are, Miles," you laughed. 
"Oh, please, call me Mi," he said.
"Okay. What a charmer you are, Mi," you repeated. You all chatted for a bit, talked about about things. Like how long they were going to be on tour, how they met, and if they had plans to release another album. As you talked, they kept goofing around. Sometimes Miles would put Alex in a headlock, or Alex would play with Miles's hair. It wasn't in a weird way, it was more in a brotherly way and you found that adorable.
You thought that you three would chat for the entire night in the hallway and you wouldn't mind that but Miles unfortunately had to leave. 
"Alright, I won't keep you two for any longer," Miles said, hugging you and Alex goodbye, lightly kissing your cheek. "I hope to see you again, love."
You returned the statement and and said the same thing back to him. You started walking down the hall, stopping and turning around when Alex didn't catch up to you. You saw Miles whispering something in his ear and slipping something into the pocket of his pants.
Alex looked down at the ground and said something back to him. You tried to read their lips and got something along the lines of, "Mi, you and I both know that won't happen, even as much as I want it to," from Alex, though you couldn't be sure since you weren't very good at it and they were quite a few feet away.
Miles winked at Alex and walked away, Alex walked towards you. 
"Sorry about that, love," he said, leading you to his hotel room. Room 521. He pulled his keycard out of his wallet and unlocked the door, allowing you to go in first. 
The room was beautiful. Wine in a bucket full of ice, a small lounge off to the side and a large bed in the center of the main room, the bathroom across the lounge.
"Make yourself comfortable," Alex said, putting his wallet down on the small table by the door, grabbing his pack of cigarettes and his lighter, walking out to the balcony and you followed after putting your handbag down beside his wallet.
He opened the pack, taking out a cigarettes and lighting it. "You want one?" he asked. You shook your head and Alex nodded, closing the pack and putting it and the lighter down on the small table. He took a long drag from it, taking the cigarette in between two of his fingers, blowing the smoke out of his mouth away from you.
You walked back inside and sat down on the bed, looking around the room. It was a few minutes before Alex came back inside the room, taking his time with his smoke, thinking. He eventually finished his smoke and flicked it off the balcony, grabbing his lighter and putting it in the pack of cigarettes, walking back in and putting the pack on the table with his wallet and your bag.
Alex came and sat down beside you, turning on the lamp beside the bed.
"You want anything to drink?" he asked. 
"No thanks, Alex," you replied. He nodded. Alex was about to say something but stopped himself. He got up and went to the small fridge in the corner of the main room. He got out a small bottle of whiskey and opened it, pouring it in a small shotglass. He downed the whole thing in one swig, putting the whiskey back in the fridge and putting the shotglass down.
He didn't do it to show off, he did it regain some of the confidence that he had earlier when he asked you to come back to his hotel room. He walked back over to the bed, sitting back down beside you.
You went to say something but before you could Alex kissed you deeply, using the whiskey he'd just downed as confidence. Though, he pulled away when you didn't kiss back.
"I-I'm sorry, love. I shouldn't 'ave, should I?" he said. You smiled and kissed him before he could say anything else. You kissing him took Alex back for a second, but he quickly kissed you back. He bit your bottom lip teasingly, demanding for entrance into your mouth and you complied, his tongue easily fighting yours into submission. 
His tongue explored your mouth, he tasted like the whiskey he had, the beer had drank at the pub, and a cigarette that he'd smoked just a few minutes ago. He cupped your face with his hands, your arms going around his neck.
Alex pulled you over to him, situating you in his lap. You pulled away to breath, pushing a small piece of hair out of Alex's  face. "Thought I had made a mistake there," he laughed, his hands rubbing up your thighs.
"Well, I promise that you didn't. It just took me by surprise," you said. He smiled and kissed you again, working his way down to your jaw. He flipped you so that he was on top and you were on bottom. He kissed down your neck, settling on your sweet spot. 
He pulled away tugging on your shirt, you sat up a little, Alex helping you pull your shirt over your head. Alex pulled your bra down so that your tits spilled over it, dipping his head down, wasting no time to suck one of your nipples into his mouth, one of his hands fondling your other breast.
Alex took his time with his kisses, switching over to your other breast when he saw fit. He started to kiss down your chest, stopping just before your jeans. He looked up at you. "Can I take these off, love?"
You nodded eagerly, watching him smirk and begin to undo your jeans. You lifted you hips so that Alex could pull them off of you, throwing them to the floor as well as removing your panties.
Alex kissed up the insides of your thighs, stopping below your dripping wet heat, sucking on a spot on your thighs below your core. "Alex, please," you said, locking eyes with him once he looked up. 
"As you wish," he smirked, pushed your legs apart and pluton eon your legs over his shoulder, immediately dipping his head down to your core. His tongue lapped at your folds, coming into contact with your clit, pressing down on it. Your hands moved to his hair, tugging on it. His fingers went to your entrance, circling it, spreading your arousal around.
He pushed two of his fingers inside your dripping wet cunt, curling and twisting them. You moaned loudly in response, pulling on his hair harder, a moan falling from his lips which sent vibrations up your body.
Alex sat up, using his free and to wipe his face that was now slick with your arousal. He started to pump his fingers in and out of you at a pace of his own liking, watching the expressions on your face that was caused by the pleasure that he was giving you.
You started rolling your hips onto his hand, desperate for more friction, the slow, teasing pace he had set not nearly enough for you. Alex's thumb coming in contact with your clit, rubbing slow, torturous circles on it.
You kept rolling your hips, trying to get his fingers to pump in and out of you at a faster pace.
"Yes, baby, make yourself feel good on me fingers," he hissed, stopping the movements of his fingers, letting you grind your hips on him, allowing you to set a pace of your liking.
You rolled your hips faster, your moans filling the room. Alex moved to be sat over you, kissing your neck again, sucking on your sweet spot.
You felt yourself getting closer to your orgasm, hands finding their way back into Alex's hair, pulling on it more.
Alex pressed his thumb down on your clit harshly, curling his fingers deep inside you, sending you spiraling. You pulled on his hair as the waves of pleasure washed over you. You felt as if you were on cloud nine.
You came down from your high, ceasing the movements of your hips, whimpering when Alex removed his fingers from you. Alex sat up and removed his shirt, standing up to take off his pants and boxers. He reached into the pocket if his pants, pulling out a condom. He climbed back over you, straddling your hips. 
He ripped open the silver packet and rolled the condom onto his length, giving his cock a few pumps, positioning his cock at your entrance, his tip teasing your folds, his cock being coated with your arousal.
"Alex, please, I need you," you whined. He smirked and jolted his hips forward, sinking inside you in one swift push. He gave you very little time to adjust to his size before he started to move. He moved slowly, going at the same pace his fingers were before.
You rolled your hips onto him again, the small amount of friction that he was giving you not nearly enough.
"Look at you, trying fuck yourself on me," he laughed, grabbing your hips  to keep them still and began to speed his thrusts up and your eyes shut automatically. He leaned down, his arms holding him up above you. Alex delivered a particularly hard thrust and then stop, your eyes opening, searching for his.
"I want you to look at me, okay," he said and you nodded, he started his thrusts again, the pace gradually increasing. You already found it hard to keep your eyes open even though he had just started to begin thrusting into  you again.
You grabbed Alex's biceps, moaning louder and louder with each thrust. You couldn't remember the last time you felt this good, and you didn't think that someone had ever made you feel this good before now.
Alex thrusted hard into you, his cock hitting that spongey spot that made you see stars. "Do that again, Alex," you said, your voice trailing off into a moan when Alex repeated the motion.
"That?" he teased, stilling for a moment. You nodded eagerly, moaning loudly once again when he repeated the motion for a third time.
You felt a knot grow in the pit of your stomach, your orgasm approaching quickly. One of Alex's hands left from beside your head to go to your clit, rubbing on it in sync with with his thrusts.
"God, Alex, I-I'm so close," you whimpered, bringing your hands into his hair. Alex's head fell on your shoulder, kissing your neck, sucking on your  sweet spot, starting a hickey. Alex delivered a very hard thrust and simultaneously pressed down on your clit which tipped you over the edge. 
You pulled on his hair, eyes rolling back into your head, back arching off the bed into Alex. The feeling of your walls contracting around Alex's cock was enough to trigger Alex's own orgasm. His hot release coating the inside of the condom, biting down on your neck.
Alex kept moving his hips, riding out both of your orgasms. Alex stilled his movements after you both came down from your highs. You let go of his hair, smoothing it down.
"Wow," you panted.
"Yeah, wow," Alex said, raising his head from your neck and kissing you lightly. He used his remaining strength to pull out of you and walk to the bathroom, disposing the condom. While he was gone you gathered yourself and began to grab your clothes. You fixed your bra and then Alex came back out of the bathroom.
"What're you doing?" he asked, getting a pair of boxers out of his bag and putting them on, starting to pick up his clothes and throwing them by his bag.
"I was ... I was just getting dressed so I could leave," you said.
"Y-you don't have to leave. I-I mean, if you don't want to," he said, his voice cracking mid sentence. He seemed much more shy now, the alcohol that fueled his confidence wearing off.
"Are you sure because I can leave-" he cut you off by kissing you deeply, much like before. He pulled away after a minute to speak.
"Stay, please, unless you really want to leave," he said, cupping your cheeks. "Okay," you replied, putting your clothes down. He smiled and your heart melted. He was so adorable.
He pulled back the duvet and sheets on the bed and you got in, Alex followed and you cuddled up to him. You raised your leg to go over his, whining a little when his skin rubbed up against your clit, still sensitive to even the smallest contact.
"You want a pair of me boxers to sleep in?" he asked, raising up  slightly.
"Yes, please. If you don't mind," you replied. He got up and went to his bag, getting out a pair of his grey boxers, walking back to you, handing you them.
"Thank you, Alex," you said, moving the duvet back, sliding the boxers on. He climbed back into bed and kissed you. You nuzzled into his chest and he kissed the top of your head.
"Alex," you said. He looked at you and asked, "What is it, love?"
You looked back up at him, locking eyes with him. "What were you and Miles talking about?" you asked.
"He said that I'm very lucky to 'ave you and said that he hopes that I 'get some' tonight and gave me the condom," he laughed. You laughed as well and he turned off the lamp, kissing the top of your head.
He fell asleep first, his little snores lulling you to sleep a few minutes after him.
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