#also i did change his design a little from his G1 here !
devilart2199-aibi · 1 year
For Transformer requests! (If still open ah) Tracks from G1
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A very stylish bot! 🚗✨
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sleepytoycollection · 2 years
Sleepy Reviews: Deuce Gorgon (Amazon Exclusive)
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G3 Deuce Gorgon ($24.99) with his accessories
The boys of G1 Monster High have been my favorite boy dolls of any doll line ever, to the point I have gone out of my way to collect one of every single boy character that had been made. I adore them immensely, so obviously, when I had to pick one to review, I had to pick the original Manster himself, Deuce. 
He’s got a lot to live up to, so is Mr. Gorgon a worthy entry to my massive MH boy collection? Let’s find out:
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This particular Deuce Gorgon is Amazon Exclusive, but there is another version in a 2-pack with Frankie that is target exclusive, which is honestly pretty amazing considering Mattel’s seeming aversion to boy characters previously. Two Deuce dolls right out of the gate? Go off then.
Keep that energy up Mattel and you have my attention. Especially if Jackson and Holt return. Please Mattel I’ll do anything. Anything. 🥺🙏
Anyway, the box design is serviceable. I don’t love it, but it gets the job done.
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I think of lot of it is this artwork. It’s not bad, and it’s clearly trying to tie into the style of the Nickelodeon MH show, it just doesn’t grab the eye as much as I wish it did. 
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The back features more of the same art, as well as a full body image of Deuce, as well as a short profile for the character. 
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Not a lot of info, just the basics in multiple languages. It’s fine. 
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Some unique symbol art work for the edge of the box. A nice call back to the original boxes. 
Let’s get him out of the box for a closer look:
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Boom. Out of box. Magic of television. 
He’s a handsome fellow, I like the new sculpt, and it’s fun they made him green. 
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Back view for everyone. 
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I love the way his eyebrows are painted. The individual hairs and expression bring a lot for me. 
The only thing I might’ve changed is just the color of his snakes, I feel like they clash with his skin just a little. If they had more of a yellow undertone than blue, or maybe were just a shade or two darker, I think it would’ve looked a lot better. 
Not a deal breaker, but I might add a paint wash later to adjust the color and bring out the detail though. 
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I do like the actual sculpt of the scales though.
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I loved Deuce’s fainted mohawk look in G1 and I think it was a nice choice for his default here. 
Let’s move away from our boy here for a sec, and look at his accessories. Let’s start with his pet:
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Perseus returns with his own redesign. 
It’s alright, I actually loved the original MH pets, so I don’t mind them being included, but they look more like the modern Barbie pets this time around. which is hit and miss. 
Honestly I do think he’s cute, I just wish he was maybe more in scale. All the pets are the same size and general shape this time around, and with the even more cartoon-y design they end up looking less unique.
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He does still have his twin tails though! 
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All the ghouls come with iCoffins (Are they still iCoffins? Surely a few monsters have spooky-pun Androids), and Deuce is no exception.
His phone case is, of course, snake themed:
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How cute. I love snakes. 
Along with phones, everyone also comes with a snack and a drink, for some reason, totally not trying to pad out the box, but anyway:
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I tease, but actually I do think the little snacks are cute. I like his Medusa head water bottle.
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The cupcake has a snake for frosting! Frosting snake! How cute.
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Deuce also comes with a little tin of what I presume is scale wax. Gotta keep those scales shiny. 
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Like all Deuce dolls, he has a pair of sunglasses, with, one again, a snake design. It’s all snakes here folks. 
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See? Snake back back. I’d made to look like it’s made of snake skin. Which feels a little like a human carrying a bag made of hair. Hmm.
It does open though:
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I do think the color is a little... bright. Actually, it’s not even the brightness, it’s just that it clashes. Def repainting this one. 
Deuce is a barista in this generation of MH, so his doll comes with a little apron:
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It’s fine, and I’m glad his love of cooking seems to be making a comeback, but it does feel a little... idiosyncratic, but does make a good segue into...
The most important part of a fashion doll. 
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Let’s start with his jacket, because I love it. It’s made of a nice denim-esque material, it has real pockets, it’s finished nicely, and just generally looks great.
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Hope you’re not tired of snakes yet though, because we have more! 
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Snake shirt! 
Also very nicely made. 
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Snake pants! 
Construction of them is fine, but the material does feel pretty cheap. My least favorite of the fabric pieces.
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Snake shoes! 
They’re fine. I’m indifferent to them tbh.
It’s all snakes! 
It’s also the last of his outfit, so let’s look at what’s under the clothes:
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G2 MH/BTS body, G3 MH body, G1 MH body
As you can see, this body uses a different sculpt to previous Monster High boys. It’s shorter, and the thickest in the waist do far, but also has smaller hands and feet.
Honestly, I like the other two bodies better, but I don’t dislike this body either. Mostly I miss the bigger hands and feet.
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See what I mean? If you were hoping G3 shoes would fit the G1 boys, unfortunately, they do not. I wonder if this change was made so kids could use Ken shoes with the boys? 
Deuce’s body also have a few quality issues:
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That seam line is deep, and there’s a very noticeable ridge there.
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Plus he’s got a little warping from the packaging, but that can at least be fixed with hot water. 
Let’s go ahead and put our boy back together, with all his accessories:
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Is it just me or does he look a little... disjointed? I think it’s the shoes. They’re a different color in the box art, and I think they looked better there. 
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Yeah, they had more green and seemed to be a bit lighter.
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Final thoughts? 
He’s just a little hit and miss for me, unfortunately. I feel like they were trying to hard to stick to a certain out line of what each doll gets to come with, that it ended up with him coming with things I think would’ve ben better left off or exchanged with something else. 
Instead of an apron, it would’ve been cool if he could’ve had a belt, or instead of snacks, maybe an armband, earring, ect. 
I like the snacks, they’re cute. but why come with this doll? Why not save them for another?
Also, some of the color choices feel random. I’m all for unique color schemes, but we’ve got 5 different greens and four different purples. It doesn’t feel intentional, and more like an error. 
But there’s also things I do like, I like his face sculpt, his jacket is fantastic, and I think it would be very easy for me to fix what I don’t like with a restyle. 
Mind you, I’ve opened up a few other G3 dolls, and some are better than others. 
At the end of the day you have to decide what’s a deal breaker for you. For me? I’m happy with him, despite my criticisms. I’m happy to add him to my collection, and in general I’ve been enjoying G3. 
Do I think I’ll collect G3 boys with the intensity I had for G1? Eh. Bring Jackson and Holt back and then we’ll talk. 
Please Mattel I am begging. At least give us that Holt Reproduction. Please? 
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ckret2 · 1 year
omg how do you seem to pull all the niche things i love out of my brain and put them in your au?? when i was a kid growing up in the early 2000s i was unhealthily obsessed with rainbow brite even though literally no one else my own age had ever heard of it and that was my first in a line of many socially isolating media interests. this is the second time you've pulled this for me as i am also one-eyed anon, henceforth signed as 👁️🕳️.
keep up the great stories ow-
Eyyy a repeat anon, hello!
When I was a kid we lived walking distance from a video rental store (honest-to-god VIDEO rental, with VCR tapes) and they had several 80s Rainbow Brite videos I'd pester my family to check out over and over. We managed to record the movie off of TV and somehow i got ONE Rainbow Brite children's book. And that's what I had access to! I loved it. I was in love with rainbows; I was fascinated by the unexpectedly (to me) grimdark dystopian origin story they gave Wisp; and I was a unicorn kid and wholly embraced Starlite as an honorary unicorn, like he doesn't need the horn to qualify, he's THAT magnificent. I believe his hype.
One of my long term life goals is to make a Rainbow Brite cosplay, but like, one that looks like real clothing made out of quality materials rather than a costume. I'm talking "hand dying the leather for the belt," "rainbow ombré Marie sleeves," QUALITY looking. The kind of thing that makes anyone who hasn't seen the show go "what avant-garde fashion designer did you steal this next gen runway look from" and anyone who HAS seen the show go "excuse me are you literally the actual rainbow brite?" This is my dream.
I was inspired to make the post a few days ago because I've been rewatching the series on youtube this week to get into the What Kinds Of Shows Would Mabel Watch mindset. I look at Shimmery Twinkleheart and go "okay so the vibes we're shooting for here are like, Rainbow Brite, Care Bears, and G1 My Little Pony, got it." (And I've been seeing some episodes I'd never seen before! I guess the video store didn't have many season 2 episodes. Couple nights ago I was sitting on my couch, an entire adult with a job and a mortgage, going "what do you mean Murky only hates colors because of childhood trauma... what the fuck... my mind is blown... this changes everything." The seven-year-old in me who thought Rainbow & Murky should make up and be friends feels vindicated.) Probably gonna watch Star Stealer tonight and then my Rainbow Brite rewatch will be complete.
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pumpkin-bread · 2 years
Drunk Lair Review Numbr 2!!
HELLO @olissm​! I see your name here all the time and yea it’s nice! Hre comes oyur review and I hope you like it
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Oh oh even the name. Qima. THAT WAS MY FIRST BLOG NAME. I still own the URL uh. Might remake it into an art blog eventually but don’t hold me to it. ENOUGH ABURT ME THO. HRELLO GUARDIAN
She... frankly soulnds like a friend I nneed. Kind and porotective, there to lead you to a safe place. Also I always get so fucking excitd about dryad lore, even though mine is more horror based. What a beautiful, well designed dragon.
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Oh, the lore. An ancient being that tries so hard to be friends, to be kind. It hitst me in the heart. But so gently. A little kitten punch. I adore her and her shared lore with Qima. What a blessed place to have them both
/looks at next tab
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dw this one doesn’t count
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Hello, queen of the clan! Aaa I do so love spring. I love seafoam too, but less people seem to be inclined to give spring a change. chance. she is so lovely!! what a great g1 and leder
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I’m um. A little concerned by her daughter’s need for potpourri. Is Lelei actually like. Alive and ok. Also how the FUCK DID I NAIL THE SPELLING OF POTPOURRI FIRSTR TY WOW
I really like the twin boys you have from this fam too but I thougth it might be not cool to focus on wone family so ONWARD
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This lady is a good example of a well bealanced accent and apparel. PRetty. Beachy. Subtly... magic. Tha’t ls like one of my fave fest skins - I use it too! But you use it better tbh. She’s like a cross section of the shoreline. Lov her lore too
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There’s something funny about a former himbo. he lost his himbo status. his himbo card was revoked. OH NO.How will he et into the colleyball club now
/reads more of his lore
oh. TAHT’S HOW. well he can be buddies with my boy Olie of he wants. He also got all plaguefucked
nwyay I LIKE HM
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I hope you’ll foguve me for picking a dragon with no bio but I reALLY love how his apparel blends with hisaccent? Tha’ts really good!! The haori! Wwo!
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nother example of REALLY GOOD DRESSING. the combos of pastels and incrediblly dark apparel makes me think of sinking into the sea. there may be shards of glimmering metal down there, but the depths are crushing and you’re running uit of air . You know?
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Ohh she looks so sweet. I adore her. What a precious and well-loved snapper. There’s nothin I love more than that. Her guise and her mantle go SO well together. It’s really great! I see a lot fo care pullng her look together.
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YOU DRESS YOUR SNAPPIES SO WELL!!! Look how good all the green is! So balanced, accenting her eyes and amking her feel so vibrant and alive. I love your outfits!
I remember Tidepool ‘v’
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OHHHH HE;S PRETTY. His lineage is truly interesting and I’d love to learn more about him wow
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Coho is very ood. Good g1. ery salmony indeed. Makes me nostalgic. There isn’t a nice way to say he makes me think of the smell of a salmon run but he does. That means the effect is working very ver well. good g1.
I hope you liked my review!! thank you!!
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elfdragon12 · 2 years
While I think TFA does better than most Transformers shows in regards to world building and has some great character designs, I also think it's one of the weaker shows when it comes to character writing.
Besides Sari, the female characters are written worse than they would be in G1. They seem like more rounded characters, but either are constantly a Damsel in Distress, could be replaced by a Sexy Lamp, or barely exist in the story. (I say this less to praise G1, but to point out that a series that aired in 2007 did less with its female characters than a series from the mid 80s.)
Status Quo actively holds the characters back. Prowl dies from the same character flaws he had in the first episodes. Bumblebee is largely the same as he was in the beginning. It's hard to tell just how much Bulkhead changes from the beginning of episode 1 to the end of season 3. Despite everything Sentinel goes through, he's still just as much of a prick in post-series material as he is in the beginning. It's like nothing happened.
A lot of the characters are pretty flat. Like, one shouldn't get too caught up in comparing adaptations, but... For example, TFA Grimlock is solely characterized as big and stupid. And that's it. G1 Grimlock, while also being big and stupid, is shown to actually try being an encouraging leader, has a sense of humor, and caring about... At least some of the people around him. What is there to Lugnut besides being a Megatron fanatic? What is there to Starscream besides trying to overthrow Megatron? Why does Megatron want to take control of Cybertron besides the fact he's Megatron and that he originally came from it?
An extra to the previous point, some of the characterizations are just kind of insulting. Like, Rattrap would 100% shoot Rattletrap in the face. Blackarachnia, Elita-1, and Arcee--especially Arcee--weren't done much justice in their adaptations. I don't know if I should put Beachcomber here because he wasn't in the show but the hippie stoner thing is a slap in the face after him being the feature of one of the most poignant G1 episodes showing how their war destroys the world around them. And what the heck was going on with Ironhide? In his debut, we see him being a huge dick with Wasp (Bumblebee was not an easy person to be around, but removing his limbs and sticking him in a locker was major yikes), but everything after that is totally different--he becomes a doofy, literal minded meathead! Like, Swindle is fantastic, but he is an exception, not the rule here (I'm saying the TFA Swindle is excellent).
While it has a good handful of appealing human characters, most of the humans... Aren't. Sari, Prof. Sumdac, Captain Fanzone, and Meltdown are, I would say, nice additions to the character roster. Your Mileage May Vary for Porter C. Powell, Slo-Mo, and... I guess Henry Masterson (personally, my soul dies a little every time I hear him 1337 speak because I and others I knew used it around that time). Everyone else... Kinda sucks. Especially Professor Princess.
I do enjoy the show while watching it, but... It's rare for me to look at the TFA adaptations and go "yes, this is my favorite version of the character"
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putting this under a break so people won't be exposed to my doll brain rot lmao (also if you find this and don't want to be spoiled(??) for any of the new monster high stuff)
the new monster high dolls have been trickling into stores. they cute, i don't hate them like some people do.
i love Draculaura's little side glace and her thicker body (anyone who shames her for being """"fat"""" can rest in piss <3). I think the split dye hair is a really great way to modernize her look, but i'm not super sold on her outfit, i miss her pseudo-victorian look. love how she's a witch tho (Casta who? *nail painting emoji*)
congrat's Frankie on being a they/them femme. it's suck that the design team had to get rid of their green skin and neck bolts because of universal, but giving them a prosthetic leg is a cool addition. the necks on the dolls are shorter and unfortunately with Frankie it shows LMAO. outfit wise, they grew on me, i like the preppy look with bits of hot pink. and while i know making Frankie they/them is rainbow capitalism at work, i appreciate mattel/ paramount/ whoever doing the bare minimum and casting non-binary actors.
original Clawdeen was always a mixed bag for me because she had a great face but ugly outfits (the constant use of green and purple on her was a huge turn off for me, idk how people stand it). new Clawdeen seems to be leaning more into purple and yellow which i'm happy about. on the flip side, old Clawdeen's outfits used patterns better, where the new base outfit is just too busy. mattel brought back the sculpted fur from G2, which i like. a lot of people didnt like the fur on the side of her head, but as a cis woman with facial hair, it's relatable lol. she's also the most obvious example imo of MH leaning into a "cuter" look face-wise. i'm mixed because i do love the scarier/ edgier look of G1 but... G3 Clawdeen's freckles... 🥺 <3
Cleo was another G1 character that everyone loved but wasn't crazy about. in a franchise with sea monsters, skeletons, ghosts, ect, she was just.... person-looking? when her G3 counterpart showed up, i was shocked at how much i loved her face. i agree with a lot of people that her outfit and especially the boots don't do much for me, so i might wait for a version with an outfit i like but over all i'm really charmed by her.
there isn't a good image of her yet, but i'll agree with others saying how disappointing it is that Lagoona changed so drastically. apparently she was one of least popular dolls in the core group so mattel changed her from blue to pink (sigh). they seem to have dropped her webbed hands as well, but they did give her translucent legs which is cool. i'm definitely the most torn on Lagoona, because i think the pastel-piranha look is really cute, but there's so little left of G1 Lagoona that it makes me sad.
Toralei is a Sunset Shimmer rip off <3. yeah Toralei came first, but damn does her G3 version look a lot like Sunset, especially since her doll has long hair and a cocky smile. mad that she's a walmart exclusive, but if i get any doll from the new line, it will be her.
lastly is Deuce who, again, doesn't have much to go on, but looks pretty good! i rarely collect guy dolls so i don't have a G1 Deuce (regret not getting the Boo York 2-pack with him and that really lovely Cleo), but i'm tempted to get him! i like the green skin, i like the more "monster-ish" elements that he and some of the other dolls have. (Cleo's molded wraps, Clawdeen and Toralei's animal noses, ect.) here's hoping that his body is scaly.
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sepublic · 3 years
            So question- For a Bionicle rewrite meant to explain how nobody noticed their world is shaped like a person; Would it be cheating to use giant portals as a way to facilitate travel throughout the Matoran Universe, with the specific placement of matching portals designed to mess with the inhabitants’ perception of the layout of their world, in order to hide its suspiciously humanoid shape from them?
         Mapping the Matoran Universe for YaBr is quite the conundrum, because… As a rewrite of G1, I was always baffled by the canon map, which didn’t exactly fit the Great Spirit Robot- And likewise, I feel like the shifting limbs and joints should also mess with the maps of the universe. Maybe Mata Nui deliberately chose to move as little as possible, and whenever he did move his limbs around, he just as quickly moved them back into position- So that nobody would be sailing through the joints and notice things shifting and moving around, as the very layout of the tunnel leading from one dome to the next suddenly changes.
         And, I guess it makes sense… If Mata Nui only ever moved his limbs every once in a LONG while, then any stories by sailors of the tunnels ‘shifting’ or inexplicably changing would just be dismissed as madness from the long, lonely voyages. By the time there would be a formalized effort to check the dimensions of the tunnels again, Mata Nui would’ve moved his limbs and joints back into their original configuration, probably- But that doesn’t stop there from being the occasional legend and superstition.
         Still, I feel like people are bound to inevitably notice that, hey, our world sure is symmetrical? Save for a few gaps here or there that people might suspect indicate the presence of hidden domes, to complete an unmatched pair- So people would be scouring for the presumed tunnels leading to these missing, matching domes. Which, this is a rewrite of Bionicle, so I could always change the location of Artakha and Daxia… I already have for Artakha at least! If I’m going to change the placement of Zakaz, Stelt, and Xia, then why not?
         Regardless, the suspicious symmetry of the known Matoran Universe bothered me, because I feel like it’s something people would’ve noticed and picked up on… And I did consider shifting the map sideways to mess up perceptions, because any direction is technically accurate- Looking at a globe of Earth upside-down is scientifically valid, for example!
         But now I’ve considered the idea of artificial, intra-dimensional portals, cleverly disguised to look like giant gateways, as a means of travel between the domes of the universe… I never really liked how the only way to access each arm was through a presumably narrow tunnel, and that each arm consisted of a long chain of tunnels and domes, based on what could feasibly fit with the Great Spirit Robot’s anatomy. With these giant portals, I could create additional access points between the arms and central domes, so travel wouldn’t be so restricted!
         Of course, if I can use matching pairs of portals… Why not go crazy with their placement, then? Nobody is exploring the outside of the Great Spirit Robot to compare. What if the placement of portals was done to mess with how the inhabitants perceived the inside of the robot? Because as I said, the portals are disguised to look like giant gateways, so nobody knows they’re portals- And thus nobody thinks there’s any spatial shenanigans going along. If a portal to the south of the central dome leads to another dome, then people will think that dome is south of the central one- When in reality, this dome is actually in the hand of the Great Spirit Robot.
         If I do that, then I can completely mix up the layout of the domes and how they’re arranged, based on how the inhabitants perceive it- And from their literally in-universe perspective, these measurements and maps are correct, because portals mess with the concept of space and distance, relative positions and direction, etc.! If I ask what is south of the central dome, and one person said it was the pelvic dome, while another said it was a hand dome- Both answers are technically correct, such things are now multiple choice!
         But that cycles me back to my original question- Is that cheating? Because I think part of the fun of Bionicle’s central twist is seeing how the world and universe, all of these locations, fit together as part of the anatomy of a larger robot… Seeing how the island of Mata Nui is a face, Metru Nui is the brain, Karda Nui the heart, etc. Would that make the twist feel TOO out of left-field, if I have these portals deliberately skewing the perceptions of a hypothetical audience?
         I guess it could be foreshadowed ahead of time in a rewrite- Like maybe people bring up how one of the gates has mysteriously been filled in with an impenetrable wall ever since the Great Cataclysm, because unbeknownst to them, the crash caused one of the portals to malfunction and deactivate? Maybe there could be a brief plot point where somebody notices that the gateways actually give off the same type of intra-dimensional energy as the Olmak, which would of course suggest that they’re actually portals…
         And if they are portals, then this could suggest that the distance between domes is completely different than what people have believed- And not just the distance, but maybe even the placement and arrangement of domes as well! Which of course then leads to the big, comprehensive reveal, where it’s explained what the actual configuration of the domes is, and how matching pairs of portals are placed at positions incongruous to the joints, in order to mix up how people think of the world’s layout. To get it across quickly, easily, and visually, a diagram of the domes as people think they’re arranged is shown, with matching pairs of gates colored accordingly, before the domes then rearrange themselves into their actual humanoid configuration!
         Ultimately, what do you guys think? Should I go through with this, or would that make the twist feel like it’s pulling the carpet out beneath the viewers, as a reveal that’s too dissatisfyingly out of left-field? Should I still incorporate the idea of the ‘shifting tunnels’ that sailors have encountered every once in a blue moon, with many skeptical of this phenomenon? Because I think that in-universe, people would get suspicious and notice how the placement of the ‘shifting tunnel’ phenomenon is rather symmetrical to one another, and in conjunction with the humanoid shape of the world… You get the idea.
         And it’s weird, because I guess a part of me is approaching this from a meta sense- Of how Bionicle could be redone as a piece of media, how future audiences could be clued in and shocked by the big reveal! And obviously this is ruined because of course people are going to bring up the original version of Bionicle, but at the same time, I don’t want to write with the idea that audiences are expecting the Great Spirit Robot twist, because they’ve already seen or heard of G1…
         I want the twist to be natural, for the story to stand entirely on its own- I want the foreshadowing to be sensible, and not require someone to look at a previous continuity, but instead be able to feasibly predict it as they read and/or watch! I want to approach the story like it’s a wholly original thing, and thus it needs to have its explanations and foreshadowing within the story accordingly, instead of expecting audiences to know how the twist occurred in G1, and thus expect it in the rewrite- Even if people are of course going to know about the twist because of G1, and less because of intricate analysis and theorizing.
         Ultimately, I think a remake shouldn’t rely on the original to foreshadow and inform the audience of its own take on a classic twist- I want it to still be sensible if you approach the remake with JUST the remake, and no prior knowledge of Bionicle altogether… In the end, I might just be overthinking it. Fretting over making things sensible in hindsight might be useless because it’s not like I’m actually gonna write this outright, would I- And certainly not as a full-fledged piece of media that outside audiences beyond the original G1 fans would consume and talk about!
        And I guess that’s arguably a central dilemma of being a Bionicle fan, now that the series has long been over… But in the end, it’s what keeps the flame going, doesn’t it? But yeah, one last time- What do you guys think, of this portal solution to facilitate easier travel throughout the Matoran Universe, while also placed in a way that would mess with the inhabitants’ perception of the world’s layout? In this scenario, there are no shifting tunnels because the domes are connected only by portals, and not by tunnels strewn throughout the joints of the robot.
         (I feel like this post could be a lot more concise and to the point, but on the other hand, I really do want to explain my thought process and why I feel the need to do things a certain way, and thus why I can’t just do THIS solution...)
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wrestlingisfake · 3 years
G1 Climax 31 preview
The G1 Climax is an annual heavyweight tournament in New Japan Pro Wrestling. It's typically one of the top events in Japanese wrestling, because the biggest stars in the biggest company try to deliver their best performances. The tournament runs from September 18 to October 21.
All 19 shows (!) will stream live and on-demand at njpwworld.com for 999 yen ($9 US) per month. Because of the billing cycle, you have to pay for 2 months to see it all as it happens, or you can wait till October 1 and try to catch up in one month. Watching all 91 tournament matches (!!!) can be kind of grueling (especially if you're trying to keep up with other wrestling at the same time), so it's not for everyone. But there are bound to be some highlights worth going out of your way to check out.
The G1 is a round-robin tournament, with 20 wrestlers separated into two blocks. Each man wrestles everyone else in his block, and the one with the best win-loss record is the block winner. The winner of A Block then meets the winner of B Block in a final match to decide the winner of the tournament. The winner of the G1 Climax receives a trophy and a contract for an IWGP world heavyweight title match at Wrestle Kingdom 16 in January 2022.
Ordinarily the G1 would be meticulously planned out to ensure the most marketable main event at Wrestle Kingdom, so only a handful of guys have any real shot at winning the tournament. However, the pandemic has thrown off a lot of New Japan's plans. Also, since Wrestle Kingdom has expanded to a multi-day event, more and more wrinkles have been added to the traditional "#2 guy wins the G1 to challenge the #1 guy for the belt" formula. So this year's G1 has a lot more potential to surprise us--whether such surprises will be good or bad remains to be seen.
A Block
Shingo Takagi - The reigning IWGP world heavyweight champion. If he wins the tournament, he'll have the right to choose his opponent for Wrestle Kingdom. If there was ever a year to book the champion to win the G1, this might be it. Amid some tumultuous booking this summer, Takagi came from out of nowhere to capture the title, and they've put a lot of effort into making him look worthy of the honor. So it might be cool for him to run through the field, and choose a challenger that couldn't be here, such as Will Ospreay. However, the smart money is on Shingo losing two or three matches to fall short of winning the block and to set up challengers for other shows.
Kota Ibushi - The winner of the last two G1 Climax tournaments, in 2019 and 2020. Few wrestlers have won the G1 three times, and no one has done three in a row. But if anyone can do it, it's Ibushi. He was crushed by losing the world title right after he unified it, and he's clearly in Shingo Takagi's sights (they'll square off on October 3). If he doesn't win the block, I expect him to get very, very close.
Tetsuya Naito - He won the tournament in 2013 and 2017. Naito started 2021 by losing the IWGP heavyweight and IWGP intercontinental titles to Ibushi, who unified them into the current world title. Since then, he's been on the back burner; if he's going to be back on top in 2022, this is where we'll find out. He's the leader of Los Ingobernables de Japon, and Takagi is a member, so their match on September 26 will be particularly interesting.
Zack Sabre Jr. - One of the IWGP heavyweight tag team champions, Dangerous Tekkers. Sabre's technical wrestling presents a challenge for any opponent in the G1, so he can easily play spoiler, but he's probably going to finish in the middle of the pack. I'm particularly looking forward to Sabre vs. Yano on October 13, because their match in last year's G1 was a fun mix of chain wrestling and dirty tricks.
Tomohiro Ishii - One of the NEVER trios champions. Ishii is never going to win the whole thing but he reliably delivers solid performances throughout the tournament. His matches with Ibushi (September 18), Ibushi (September 23), and Naito (October 9) should all be must-see for hard-hitting, what-the-fuck intensity.
KENTA - He can go, but he relies heavily on stalling and other cheap heel tactics to slow down the action, so it's hard for me to get into his matches these days. I'm sure he'll really cut loose for some of his block matches, but it's hard to guess which ones. My main interest is in seeing him go up against his Bullet Club teammates Yujiro Takahashi (September 23) and Tanga Loa (October 13).
Great-O-Khan - This is his first G1, after doing a run-in last year to help Will Ospreay and form the United Empire faction. O-Khan's got an interesting look, but his in-ring work hasn't been blowing anybody away. This should be the clearest test of his upside--if New Japan thinks he can be a serious headliner, he should pick up at least five wins, and maybe even six or seven. I'm not confident that will happen.
Toru Yano - The KOPW 2021 champion. Ordinarily Yano is the comic relief guy, whose block matches are built around silly spots so that the other participants each a get sort of a night off. However, Yano's recent feud with Chase Owens seems to have reawakened the brawler gimmick he had years ago, so it's not clear which Yano is going to show up for the tournament. Either way, I would expect Yano to pull of some key upsets to throw off everyone's predictions.
Tanga Loa - Loa is making his G1 debut. Since joining New Japan in 2016, he's been almost exclusively a tag team guy. It's not unusual for tag teams to compete in the G1, but Loa and Tama Tonga seemed determined to stay out and focus on the tag division. So his appearance here is a little surprising, and probably indicates that New Japan didn't have a lot of other options. He should do well in the ring, but some guys are going to finish 4-5 or worse, and I think he'll be one of them.
Yujiro Takahashi - Yujiro went 1-8 in last year's tournament, because somebody's gotta lose a lot, and that's his role. He's almost certainly going to to do the Bullet Club bit where either Kenta (September 23) or Loa (October 3) will talk him into laying down for the good of the team, but then he'll refuse at the last second. The most interesting thing about Yuje right now is he's a part of the "House of Torture" subgroup emerging within Bullet Club, but I don't expect that to matter much in his block matches.
B Block
Kazuchika Okada - The winner of the 2012 and 2014 tournament. Okada hasn't held a championship in nearly two years, and that's unlike him. So he's an easy pick to win this block and perhaps win the whole G1. The only problem is that he's got some stiff competition from other favorites like Hiroshi Tanahashi (September 19) and SANADA (October 4). He probably needs to win at least one of those two matches to make it to the finals--if he loses both, I'm not sure a 7-2 run is enough.
Hiroshi Tanahashi - The IWGP United States champion, and the winner of the G1 in 2007, 2014, and 2018. This will be his 20th appearance in the tournament, so he's got the decisive edge in experience. Tana is always going to be presented as a strong contender to win the block. But the only reason to have him win the whole thing would be to do an "aging legend makes one more run at the top" story, and they already did that three years ago. So look for him to have good matches, but don't count on him making it to the finals.
SANADA - He was the runner-up in last year's G1, which was a little baffling because I felt his booking that year was designed to build to a huge victory. He's felt like an afterthought since then. Will New Japan give him a lot of wins to remind everyone he's still a rising force? I'm really not sure.
EVIL - On paper, he's a big deal because he betrayed Los Ingobernables de Japon to win the IWGP heavyweight and intercontinental titles last year. But after Evil lost those belts his stock dropped. New Japan still trots him out like he's a major threat to the top champions, but he just does a bunch of low blows and then loses anyway. I think they'll protect him, because they're going somewhere with this "House of Torture" stuff. But I can't believe he'll win the block, except possibly to troll the audience.
Taichi - One of the IWGP heavyweight tag team champions, Dangerous Tekkers. I was always down on Taichi but he grabbed my attention with his weird kicking contest against Kota Ibushi last year. Since then he's been more fun to watch, although that's mainly been in tag stuff. If he's truly set aside the boring stalling tactics, then his block matches this year could be fun. But he's probably going to wind up right around that 5-4 or 4-5 range.
Jeff Cobb - Cobb should be a big deal, but he's basically the #3 guy in the United Empire (and there are only four guys in the group), and he hasn't had a lot of chances to score big wins. By the time he got to beat Okada a couple of weeks ago, I'd kind of lost interest. This is his big chance to remind everyone he's a beast. It'd be cool as hell if he went to the finals, but I'm not holding my breath on that.
Tama Tonga - This is his first G1 in three years, and before that he always seemed to be over the whole thing, so it's kind of weird to see him back here. Even when he wasn't focused on tag team wrestling, he was always a 4-5 guy, and I don't foresee a big singles push changing that this time.
Hirooki Goto - One of the NEVER trios champions. Goto's career arguably peaked when he was the runner-up to Kenny Omega in the 2016 G1. He should have good matches with everybody in the block, but he's not a game changer, and I don't see him getting to 5-4.
YOSHI-HASHI - One of the NEVER trios champions. Yoshi has always been a loser, to the point that winning the trios title (which has always been kind of a joke) was actually a huge deal for him. Goto, Ishii, and Yoshi have managed to defend the title nine times over 400 days, so it feels like Yoshi is finally on track. But there's a big difference between that and doing well in the G1, against top guys like Okada, Tanahashi, Evil, and Sanada. He could very easily go 2-7 in the block. Just getting to 3-6 would feel like a major milestone, honestly.
Chase Owens - The self-proclaimed "Texas heavyweight champion," for some reason. Owens has been the bottom guy in Bullet Club for years. I don't know if they decided it's time to push him a little, or if they literally had no one else to put in this thing. Not that it matters, since he's in the same "lose a lot" spot as Yujiro. The difference is that Yujiro might win a match to justify putting him in next year's field. Chase might actually go 0-9. So at least it'll be kind of fun wondering when (if) he can post his first win.
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baebeyza · 4 years
Heya! ~
First of all, thank you for everyone who voted! Didn’t expect 44 people and it sure helped me in places to decide on things and being able to think of more plot :D
Lemme just go through all the questions under the cut:
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1. Big or small cast?  Big cast but only caring about few does suit me! If it were a small cast, I’d probably have gone with a plot structure similar to Beast Wars. Like this, I can make the premise more like TFA (the premise is like TFA in a lot of ways btw).
And it does suit me as well to not have to figure out an arc for too many characters, I don’t want this whole thing to be too long. 
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2. From which continuity would you like characters? This is a little hard to decipher, but suffice to say, most people want more G1 characters. Beast Wars and Japanese G1 have more votes as well! To Beast Wars: I love Beast Wars and its characters, however, I do not like to draw them. Their designs are cool and it’s not like I can’t draw them, I just prefer not to. So if I were to bring Beast Wars characters into this, I would change their designs for me to feel more comfortable drawing them. On another note, I also don’t like drawing animals (at all) so I’d probably give them a mechanic alt-mode with animal features in their robot mode (like the Breast Force in Victory)
As for Japanese G1, I do have quite a few planned! ~ As for G1 characters which never appear in another show...gotta say, most of those I don’t care for either. Some I do, but most not. Might bring them in somehow, but don’t expect them to have bigger roles. (exceptions exist, like Springer, love me the dude!)
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3. Choose a dead Prime who ruled before Optimus! Sentinel won! Did like some of the extra choices as well though, like Prowl. Also noteworthy to me, no one voted for Arcee xD Guess no one wanted her dead.
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4. Choose an Optimus Prime squad! So, for this I wanted to pick the two most voted guys and girls! And coincidentally, those happen to be the most of voted of them all! For guys, we have Jazz (not surprised by this) and Hot Rod, and for the girls, Elita and Arcee.
Guess that’ll be the squad.
Also, note here: A few people voted Ratchet as a custom answer and do not fret! He will be in this! This Optimus squad is simply a little group of Optimus and his close friends, and since I want to have a young Oppy, I want his friends to be in the same age range. On the same note, just because some characters aren’t in the friend group, doesn’t mean they won’t appear at all. Windblade and Jetfire for example are gonna be in this!
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5. Choose a Megatron squad! This is about Megatron’s generals btw - characters who aren’t in this group can still appear! (examples are Cyclonus, Megaempress and Sixshot)
And again I want to choose equal part guys and girls, so for the guys, it’s Soundwave (boy getting loved I see), Starscream and Shockwave, and for the ladies, we have Nightbird, Blackarachnia and Strika.
A little note here: Because a friend commented on this I wanna make it clear: Drift/Deadlock will be based on the Aligned version, NOT on the IDW version. I had made it clear in the poll that I don’t like IDW1. (which I guess some people didn’t read, given that Tarn was given as a custom answer)
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6. One love is story is planned, want any more?
I feel like I should have specified who the love story is about - It is about Megatron and Ultra Magnus. Big time. As for the answers, yes I can live them all! They don’t contradict each other anyway :D
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7. Any ships you wanna see in this? Okay, the tricky stuff - as I said, the main love story is Megatron x Ultra Magnus, so any ship-wish that includes Megatron or Magnus here, sorry, not happening. I mean most don’t care, but for those who do:
- Dratchet: I know it’s an IDW thing, I can still think of something with the versions I have in mind if you still want that. - Windstream: Friends of mine wanted this, and I will try my best to make something nice out of it!
- JazzWave: Gotta see, so far I wouldn’t know how to include it
- Giving Arcee love: Got something nice and sapphic planned for her!
- Optimus/Elita: Again a friend wanted this, and I too would like to see them in a truly romantic light, so I’m going to include it!
- Happy ones, for the bad guys as well: Hell yeah! - Simpatico: I do not have Percy or Brainstorm planned in this
- Hot Rod/Arcee: I had another idea for Arcee, sorry! - Anything with Jazz: Good to know, if I can’t make it work with Soundwave, I’ll try with someone else (Hot Rod perhaps)
- Strika/Lugnut: Why not? Something in the background, as I have no plans for Lugnut - Windscream: Thing is, there are people who had this ship in the “Do not want” question that follows. Personally, I am indifferent to this ship, but since more people don’t want it (and because I have plans for Windstream), I’m going to pass on this. WaveWave: Gonna see how it goes with Jazz!
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8. Anything you don’t want? Most people don’t care, which is nice, as for the things people listed: - Sparklings: Never planned them anyway, I want to go for something else to get parent/child dynamics. - Windscream, MegaStar, MegOP: See upwards, not going to happen here, same with DooP, since I wanna go with OpLita - “If functionalism exists, please don’t make the oppressed characters the villains for fighting back”: NO WORRIES, IS NOT PLANNED! Megatron’s backstory has no freedom fighter motive whatsoever. - Manipulative/abusive ships: Not planned - Bumblebee: Good luck, buddy, I didn’t have him planned either! xD - Slash: Tough luck, buddy, this will be one hell of a MagsMegs ride!
- Negativity directed at me: Thanks, pal! I do not wish for that either! :>
ALRIGHT, that would be it!
Again thanks for everyone who voted! I do hope to start with this in the near future and I hope it will be something enjoyable! <3 If there are questions about this, go ahead! <3 I’d be delighted :>
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allspark · 4 years
All paid up and ready for battle in the Allspark studio today is traitorous backstabber, Doubledealer!  Will he only be loyal to the highest bidder on your shelf or will he set up a time share so everyone can enjoy?  Tune in after the break to find out!
I was solidly in 6th grade by the time Hasbro got around to making Doubledealer.  At that time, toys were super uncool.  I remember seeing a few Transformers and really wanting them, but “toys were for little kids”, and alas, at the age of 12, I was no longer a little kid (lol).
As I grew back into the fandom as a young adult, I started to learn about some of the figures and characters I had missed.  Doubledealer always seemed like a fun, “new” take on the Autobot/Decepticon dynamic, so I really wanted to get one.  Unfortunately, my experience with vintage toys was that they were either cheap and beat up or clean and super expensive.  I was a young teacher, and my salary would not allow for such indulgence, so I never bought the G1 figure.
Cut to 2014, and we got the first Generations Doubledealer out of the Blitzwing mold.  It was beautiful, but the mold’s shoulders really bothered me, and of course, he could not really swap factions, nor did he have any Powermasters (booooooo!).  Due to those factors he ended up getting boxed during one of our moves and remains in storage to this day.  That means no comparison shots, but I doubt you’d really need them.
The new WFC-Earthrise Doubledealer hits all the stops.  He fulfills the “triple-changing, missile carrier, robot/bird” categories.  He has a chest compartment where you can place either of his two Powermaster cassette companions at any given time, and I applaud TakaraTomy and Hasbro for making sure they got as many of the details right as they could.
Robot Bird Mode
The bird mode, which looks a lot like a vulture to me, does not have a ton of articulation, but that is OK.  The wings can flap up and down at the shoulders, flare out at the mid-point of the wing, and the tips can bend downward.  The bird head also has some limited poseability, along with the feet.
The sculpt really brings this mode to life, however.  It possesses a sinister expression.  The blood-red curved beak and teeth on a face frame dark, dead eyes.  The artillery, radar, and machine gun really drive home the “avian of death” look.  I would hate to see this guy flying behind me in the desert.
Both cassettes store well here, as you can place Knok in the compartment and Skar, who is the exact same shade of purple used on Doubledealer, blends well when placed in the space between the wings.
Missile Carrier Mode
This here is a nicely on spot update of the original carrier mode.  The missile itself lays flat or can be posed in “ready to launch” mode.
Skar can be stored in the compartment while Knok mans the launch of the missile, or he can be stored on the back of the ramp if you flip it over.  I can’t think of any complaints for this mode, other than the bird wings coming so close to ground.
Robot Mode
Following the “G1 with knees” style we have all come to know and love, Doubledealer is fairly stable in robot mode. The joints on mine are little looser than I would like, but nowhere near the floppy mess many people have reported.  Bullet dodged.
He has the following articulation:
“ankle tilts”
Knee ratchets
Thigh swivels
Ratcheted hips with swivels
Waist swivel
Shoulders with swivels on two planes for forward and outward movement
Double-jointed elbows, wrist swivels
Severely limited range neck ball-joint (still a recurring design problem…*sigh*)
The rocket from the vehicle mode becomes a smaller shoulder-mounted rocket and a rifle.  His radar pod and machine gun can mount on his shoulders, and the missile pods attach to the sides of his legs.  The ramp and stabilizer legs attach to the back of the robot mode, and to change faction, there are panels connected to his shoulders that flip up and down to reveal his current allegiance.
Since my figure is better off in the QC/part variance department, I have very few issues posing my Doubledealer, and he looks great in several action stances.  That being said, the thigh swivels on my figure and the ankle tilts make a larger range of poses impossible.  If these issues are paired with other reported problems of arms so loose they cannot hold up the rifle, then I would understand the frustration I have seen by some fans online.  There is also an issue with the knees being hard to transform correctly in bird and carrier mode, only adding to the difficulty.
Final Thoughts
Doubledealer gets 7.5 faction betrayals out of 10!  He is a greatly faithful update of the original and holds a significant amount of fun in the play value provided, but the issues with quality control and tolerance variance on many weight bearing parts in robot mode make him a coin toss when it comes to overall satisfaction of purchase.  While I think this is a toy you should hunt down, and it is a toy both young and adult fans will enjoy, you may have to add something to the joints post-purchase to improve articulation and really get the full value of the figure.
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  Earthrise WFC-E23 Doubledealer Gallery and Review! All paid up and ready for battle in the Allspark studio today is traitorous backstabber, Doubledealer!  Will he only be loyal to the highest bidder on your shelf or will he set up a time share so everyone can enjoy? 
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makdynasty · 5 years
Thoughts on the Future of the TF Movie Franchise.
I have to say, after watching BumbleBee and closely examining the status of the franchise, I must say... I don't really have much confidence for the franchise moving forward. These are just my thoughts on the matter though. I"ll briefly do a review of some sorts for the movie as I segway into my main topic of discussion.
Now, I'm not saying that I think the movie is bad or anything, but it was very dry and lukewarm for me. Unpopular opinion, I know. The thing is though, for a movie that is supposedly going to be a "reboot" to a movie franchise that has been standing the test of time for over a decade, it wasn't a very strong start. Pretty much the main thing that it has going for it is the whole G1 appeal that they feel the need to constantly stress along with the fact that this is not a movie directed by Micheal Bay.
Now, unlike some people who I've discussed the movie with, I'm not going to give the movie a ruff time for it's lack of action in comparison to the original 5. I understand that they wanted to tell a more calmer and down to Earth story and I like small number of Decepticons that BumbleBee faced on Earth as well as the battle back on Cybertron was sufficient enough. I also liked how the action was cleaner without too many explosions going on as well as being mostly one-take without the weird jump cuts in movies like TF 4 and TF 5. I am however going to talk about the movies large cast of dry and one note characters.
For a movie that takes pride in how it's story is supposed to be deeper then the past few movies, and how it has a substantial amount of "heart" that the previous movies lacked, apparently, it all feels pretty artificial at times. Most of the characters that are showcased in this movie (Not including the characters that made cameo appearances.) are very one note without much of anything defining them aside from: Charlie, BumbleBee, Dropkick and Shatter, and maybe Optimus. I didn't include John Cena because the dude pretty much played himself, so I'm not exactly sure how to critique his performance. This movie shouldn't even really be called BumbleBee seeing as how most of the movie is spent focusing on her struggles above the struggles of the actual main character that the movie is named after. A common complaint from people who watched the other movies that is conveniently swept under the rug this time around like most of the films flaws.
Next is the how the movie handles emotion. For a movie of it's nature, it handles the subject pretty well. Charlie is by far the best character in the movie with great development and progression making her easily one of the most developed human characters in the movieverse. However, this of course has it's fair share of flaws as well. Most of the emotional appeal is focused on her and her solely to the point where other emotional moments in the film don't feel at all important like Cliffjumper's death for instance. That along with BumbleBee's supposed death midway through. Not only that, but the movie at times feels like it's trying too hard to get a reaction out of you with how it constantly brings up Charlies dead father. I can understand the movie constantly reminding us of his death in order to emphasis that she's constantly thinking about him, but it could've been handled much better if the movie didn't feel the need to have her emotions feel so exaggerated. 
It follows in line with how many modern day t.v. shows nowadays try appeal to audiences by making them feel heavily for the characters. It may be charming at first, but over time it starts to feel disingenuous with how much the characters struggles are constantly shoved in front of our faces as if we don't realize that these characters are going through hard times. This issue is especially prevalent in the later seasons of shows like Steven Universe where the feeling has noticeably dipped down for some people because the over-exaggerated emotions eventually leave people out and end up making the characters seem whinny above all else. 
BumbleBee is a low budget live action movie and it shows in several cases. Clearly a lot of the design work went into BumbleBee and maybe even Dropkick and Shatter. The CGI while nice enough with G1 designs and realistic looking enough, is noticeably toned down, a little too fluid to the point where every movement made by the Transformers feels oddly floaty and not very grounded, and a lot less detailed than the previous films. For ancient sentient alien robots that have been fighting in a war that has been ravaging their entire planet, they look a little too clean in comparison to how they looked in some of the previous films. Aside from some casual rustware and scratches on all other Transformers that aren't BumbleBee, which you may not even notice unless you were looking hard for these details like I was, there isn't much battle damage or carnage displayed afterwards. 
The CGI effects in general seem lackluster at times. It's clear that a majority of the budget went into the Cybertron war scene, though it feels as though that's where the CGI begins to look the most cartoony. In fact, many elements of the Cybertron war scene look suspiciously animated to the point where it feels almost like an odd design choice as a homage to the G1 show and movie. Wouldn't put it past them and it would admittedly make for in interesting design choice if that were the case, yet I feel as though that sacrifices a lot of the believability of the movie for that particular scene. Prime example (No pun intended.), the scene where Ravage was ejected out of Soundwave's chest. That whole transition always look off to me. It was smooth, but very noticeably off in terms of movement. This is just a personal complaint however as I am more used to the realistic movements as well as designs and atmosphere of the previous films.
As I conclude this brief overview of the BumbleBee movie and transition into my main thoughts and feelings towards the future of the Transformers movies, I want to talk about the biggest issue I have with the direction of these new movies. Aside from the people behind these movies not at all knowing whether or not they want these movies to be a fully reboot or not, BumbleBee felt like it was meant to appeal to nobody, but G1ers, people who didn't like the previous films, or just casuals in general really. I feel like this is a big step backwards personally. What made the previous films so special was that they were a thorough rejection of all of the things that defined how Transformers are "supposed" to be. In a time where the franchise was dying out and people where constantly saying that nothing outside of G1 works, these movies came along and proved those statements wrong. In return, the changed the mythology and way we all perceived the Transformers forever. The movies were able to appeal to all forms of Transformers fans because they didn't stand for one single mythology and acted as an amalgamation of many different forms of the franchise. Had they gone with there original plans for The Last Knight, they would have even incorporated Optimus Primal somehow, and that would've in turn appealed to the Beast Wars fans. G1, as good as it is, on it's own does not appeal to everyone which is something that Hasbro doesn't seem to understand. I'm not a G1er, so aside from some semblance of odd nostalgia as well as making it easier to spot out some fan favorites, these designs just don't do much of anything for me personally.
BumbleBee was a good movie, not a great movie imo. It doesn't do anything to try and shake up the formula and feels mainly like it was just meant to cater to fanfare without any proper intentions of being the start of a new generation of Transformers movies. Budget issues aside, the movie plays itself far to safe even for what they had intended for their story to be. It isn't at all perfect and yet it could have been so much more.  
So with all that said and done, how exactly does this translate into me worrying about the future of this movie franchise???
This personally makes me feel a tad bit worried for the future of the franchise. The franchise now lacks a sense of direction because it's being seemingly forced to transition into this new form without a proper plan of action. As much as I liked what Travis Knight did with BumbleBee, I would prefer if a more experienced director took the wheel from here on out. 
As far as money goes, the franchise is also on a step decline with BumbleBee being the lowest performing movie yet. You may say that money doesn't matter in this case seeing as how the movie made back a significant amount of money, it's still considered a financial flop in comparison to the other films, and rightfully so. Transformers is a multi-billion dollar franchise and as such should be expected to make as much money with it's big projects like these. BumbleBee was expected to bring in huge numbers regardless of it's low budget, but didn't. However, because it was well received, it's getting a sequel, but the numbers have to start rising or else.
They also don't seem to know what they want to do with the sequel aside from making it a buddy movie of some sorts with Optimus Prime. At least the director recognizes the importance of staying true to the previous movies to a certain degree to go as far as to include "Bayhem" into the movies going forward. 
All in all, the future of the franchise while promising, is by no means going to be guaranteed success. It's very easy to see how they can potentially mess this up without proper direction and focus. That's all for now.
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fulltimereviewer · 5 years
Top 50 Best Transformers Fanfiction Stories 2020
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Best Transformers Fanfiction Updates That You Must Read
Since Childhood, I am watching transformers and looking forward to becoming a transformer one day, Grew up by Reading Transformers Fanfiction Stories and was always amazed by the fictions that used to pop out from such inspiring Fanfiction Lovers. Also liking the Transformer Fanfiction Crossover a lot.
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If I Start Giving my Opinions about Transformers Fanfiction Lemon and Transformers Crossover fanfiction, I don't think so that I won't end the topic of Transformers Fanfiction Stories even in 24 hours. Lukas Schimik Agreed ! Don't know why everybody hates it, I think it's still my number 1 TF movie! Optimus new look, Lockdown & Galvatron, KsI (bots), Dinobots, cast ( HATED this Sam & Mikeala ) and the TF/human conflict. Still love it. Miguel GC Gamer Age of Extinction is the only film that entertains that I don't skip any parts of the movie and I like all the characters in this film and the transformers designs are great, dino bots are Awsome. Vincent H well....bad taste is also bad taste at the end of the day. I know you younger kids think that everyone is supposed to have an opinion and everything is subjective blah blah blah but if you're a cinephile than the Transformers are objectively bad films. They are cynical cash grabs made to make money in China. Bay and the producers have said as much. I mean you can like whatever you want. If you wanna listen to Teletubbies soundtrack all day that's your right....but that does mean you have shitty taste. It's okay. Not everyone has good taste. urtpro 2 I'm not hating I'm genuinely curious. I certainly like it more than Last Knight but barely lol. I'm curious the reasons why AOE fans consider it one of the better Transformers movies. I will say it was nice to switch up the protagonist and all that since Sam Witwicky had worn out his welcome by the third film. And the actress who played Wahlberg's daughter was smoking hot, so that was a plus too. Oliver Parker I thought the premise of the world hating and hunting the Transformers(regardless of Faction), cuz of what happened in Chicago(in DOTM), was kool, MW was a refreshing Main Hero over Shia tbh, and Lockdown was Badass! Honestly kinda just laughed off the whole Romeo and Juliette law thing as being just a bad movie joke! I’m mean honestly I know there’s no such law, and as such it didn’t really bother me! Just rather thought it was somewhat silly! Yann Labeille Well Lockdown was a pretty good villain for once in the movies. However Galvatron went nowhere after this. Anthony That isn't true. I saw Bumblebee yesterday and I find it Like watching E.T., the movie is just on Charlie, not really much on Bee. The only g1 part is the first 5 minutes of the movie. Too much 80s references. Sometimes is even boring for me. It Was a cute movie but absolutely not my favourite. I still prefere the first one. Aron T-900 I'd rather get vibes from ET and Iron Giant instead of witnessing stupid humor, unnecessary hot shots, dogs humping each other, unrealistic explosions, parents acting like they belong in a cartoon, patriotism and confusing slo-mo action sequences. Cam Rich I preferred the first and third ones as they have so much more action in them making the films actually entertaining, when most of bumblebee is almost like a compilation of ‘cute’ little clips of bumblebee and that annoying girl taking up almost the entirety of the movie. Max Ramirez Personally prefer the 2007 movie because it's just overall more entertaining to me. Also, you can pretty much tell Bumblebee was a movie that was directed towards kids so 2007 wins for me So Sit back and enjoy reading my favorite transformers fanfiction lemon and Transformers fanfiction Crossovers Collection. That I have collected for you guys. I Hope You Guys liked our collection of the best transformers fanfiction stories and updates that we have presented above for all fanfiction lovers out here. Transformers Fanfiction Crossover Stories 2020(Updated) Transformers is America based  Franchise that was first seen in the 1980s globally. So the first five transformers Films was directed by Michael Bay. I really believe that this was the boost up for the Transformers Fanfiction Crossover stories that I really liked about among the whole and sole of the transformers fanfiction stories including the lemon version of the franchise. Minaya Rojas Tony: We have a Hulk! Optimus: We have a Grimlock! Porg King VII Bee is here what would Optimus want with that what would he take her hostage IT SOUNDS LIKE HE HAS BEEN BRAIN WASHED BY DESEPTAGONS Siidimus Prime! Except they transform their aliens they have Real blasters Different Voices blood Etc. arfhanisbest The interesting thing is that transformers would actually make for good marvel villains. dave tasca The original transformers comics were made by marvel and marvel had to do with the original transformers tv show so they really should try to get the rights back jovinprime Poop soc This would've been more awesome if gi joe, rom the spaceknight, M.A.S.K., micronauts and the other properties interfere with the whole marvel universe and the transformers both. That would be, not only a big, giant, massive crossover event, but a... gigantic, space-involving, multiversal collusion as well Darkknight329 yes megatron hack the armor with Soundwave and turn it off then they all just step on them but they will throw hulk to cybertron and leave him to the toxic oxygen Dr. Nobody Celz On they are robots what is a snap gonna do I know buckys arm was turned to dust but still they have weapons that can make thanos cheese agnas yes because they’re alive. They go to the allspark when they die, they are alive just like us, just made of metal. Bee is here Tony: We have thanos Optimus: We have your mom Tony:0_0 ok you win now give me my mom Hoping that you guys liked our collection of the topmost fanfics about the transformers fanfiction crossover flavors that we have published above this. 
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Transformers Fanfiction Lemon Version 2020 Funny Part of the Franchise is that the transformer's movies, on one hand, was loved by the fans and on the other hand there were critics about the direction "Worst Director of all Time". Still, there are some dirty minded people who are always in search of the Transformers Fanfiction Lemon and some people also call it Transformers lemon Fanfiction. Night light I really want to be apart of one of micheal bays movie of transformers Flo Parsons see this is why I love transformers, because the actors ACTUALLY seem like they are having fun, and they are such fun films to watch obert Delgad Even though the movie sequels are not that great, but you have to give Michael Bay a lot of Credit for what he does. fake lol Bay is a genius I mean, I wouldn't be able to figure out the scale of you know the explosions Like the layout nig*a LOL, lol or as you typed if, Lol: an acronym for laugh(ing) out loud or lots of laughs, some say it is Lots of love, is a popular element of Internet slang. It was first used almost exclusively on Usenet, but has since become widespread in other forms of computer-mediated communication and even face-to-face communication. Alex Bruh Bumblebee knows how to pick up ladies more than Sam 😂 lala I remember being a kid and having the biggest crush for Megan. Good lord she was so hot Michael ceasar Back than I thought Sam was looking at her belly and so was I saying "Hot belly I guess." hotman 280 Michael Bay while directing: Yeah Megan arch your back, perfect perfect. Get a good shot of her sweat glistening tanned bronze body. Yeah just like that. chief ada Yeah right. That engine is a big block. Fuel injected side draft 8 barrel carburetors. Hell even the headers are up and over side mount. And the damn engine is worth more then the car. As he only paid $4500.00 That damn engine alone cost $20,000.00! Leave the critics aside all I want to know is: How did you people find our transformers fanfiction lemon version? comment down below if you guys liked this collection on some of the best lemon flavors of transformers fanfiction stories. Transformers fanfiction Bumblebee Stories Updated The best part of the Transformers franchise is that bumblebee is the only character that got most of the positive reviews. This can be a reason that people Love Transformers Fanfiction Bumblebee Version a lot. No worries because we have provided some of the best Bumblebee fanfiction stories that you will enjoy reading. Master Yoda "Wasp", "Stinger" or "Hornet" would be appropriate Decepticon sounding names as "Bumble Bee" sounds too friendly. ron 1j2j barricade is a ford mustang and bee is a Chevrolet camero trust me they will not be friends pro gmer yes i do lol they killed ironhide and ratchet and jazz and sideswipe is already missing dnt know if hes alive but hes my favorite hari bhaskar I'm Bumblebee was a Decepticon he'd be dead like the other Decepticons, because boi they sure kill Decepticons like it's nothing. mighty raju Blackout had skills. Shockwave had skills. The Fallen had skills. Yet they all died like they're nothing. Why? Cause they're Decepticons lol. It's simple rlly, they kill off Decepticons like they're nothing that's just how it is lol. habob What about “what if sentinel prime didn’t betray the autobots” I think age of extinction and beyond wouldn’t have happened since sentinel basically destroyed N.E.S.T. And also Rachet and Ironhide wouldn’t have died so the Autobots would have had a great advantage, and then Sam would still be with the autobots since he disappears after DOTMBasically, I’m saying that the Transformers franchise would have dramatically changed if Sentinel didn’t betray the Autobots. ShyGuy 15 In the movies, technically Megatron is an anti-hero. The first movie makes an acception bc he was using the allspark for pure evil, also in Aoe no reason told us what he was trying to accomplish other than detonating the seed. So 2, 3, and 5, he has reasons to his doing Rotf: using the pyramid to kill the sun and repopulate cybertron. Dotm: rebuild cybertron. TLK: kill unicron using cybertron. This is all in my own mind, not sure if anyone else agrees with me Simon Tyson I forget what it was called, but there was a comic book series where Megatron was an Autobot. It basically swapped all the characters so that Optimus, Bumblebee, Iron Hide, etc. were bad guys. Megatron, Starscream, etc. were good guys Dank Starscream If Bayformer Megatron's history is similar to the IDW comics Megatron's history...then that would mean the Autobot government was not all that good, and would be directly responsible for why Megatron turned out the way he did. Because he was a slave to their functionalist system of control, and he would have remained a slave worker miner if he didn't rise up from the lifestyle forced on him and formed the Decepticon faction... Though it seems to me that if this were the case, Bayformers Megatron would still have become a gladiator before forming the Decepticons...and then eventually he found his way into more of the politics of Cybertron after one day meeting with Optimus Prime (Orion Pax at the time) and then they became brothers/friends. In that sense...it would be similar to how the history of the two were from the show TF Prime. They could still keep the part with the whole Optimus being a knight too, somehow... So in short...Megatron really did not start out as a bad guy at all, it was the way in which he reacted to everything that made him turn out a 'bad guy'. She-Venom What if Megatron is a good guy in the movies? Simple answer is right here becuse Optimus accepted become a Prime if he didnt accept Optimus and Megatron wouldnt fight each other and best brothers it was Optimus fault he started the war i think Megatron is a good guy Hoping that you guys liked our collection of the topmost fanfics about the transformers fanfiction crossover flavors that we have published above this. People Love Bumblebee! i love him/her because bumblebee is cool, let me know why do you love Bumblebee and more importantly why do you guys love Transformers fanfiction on Bumblebee. Transformers Fanfiction OC Version  Earning a total amount of $4.3 Billion, transformers became the 13th highest-grossing film series in the world. The Transformers Fanfiction Fans Should be happy to know that the Transformers franchise grossed a total of $1 Billion each from two superhit blockbuster movies. Comment Down the names of those movies if you know them. Jack R I think the first one was more epic just cause the fight scenes were cool and it was the first time we saw something like that. But the writing and characters were absolutely horrific. Bumblebee had much better writing and characters especially the character relationship between Bumblebee and the girl which is much better than the relationship between Sam and bumblebee. Dotm Shockwave Yeah I dont know how he put tlk over revenge and extinction. The last knight is incredibly boring and the only remaining aspect left to enjoy (the action) is incredibly dull in it compared to all the other films. There are no good fight scenes. Which is likely why it bombed so hard Ur mom Gai Ok imo the last knight is my fave AND I ONLY like TF5 is cuz bumblebee new form looks good as hell and Optimus prime vs bumblebee AND there is explosions. EVERYWHERE Boss  I definitely didn't think it was my favorite. It depends on what you are looking for in a movie. If you like character relationships and a girl and her problems trying to find her way, then you'll like it. If you like transformers actions and interactions, you may not like it as much. Even though the Bay movie didn't focus enough on the transformers, this one did even less The Burden of Bordem I'm a decepticon fan and none of the main decepticons were even given a name in the movie. They were just there to be bad. The Burden of Bordem For me I think this film would have worked much better if they just had Starscream as the main villain, and maybe Barricade hunting bumblebee and give them a more personal relation ship as enemies. But like I said, it end up being a movie about a girl and her relation ship with Bumblebee and enemies getting in their way. bandwon he main character is more fleshed out than the others, Bumblebee I guess is as well, but he can't talk so it isn't by much, the story is standard E.T./Iron Giant, the acting is fine, the directing is probably better than the others, the action is good when it happens, but there is far less than the others, and non of the action reached the peak of the Bay movies. and if it wasn't for the fact there were transformers in it I probably wouldn't have really liked it, but it's enough to get you invested and entertained imo. luke jack You really think anyone's gonna take you serious after you typed "Bumble" Haha the 2007 film and DotM were pretty decent films and satisfying in the end. lisa Speaking as a male, it always annoys me, as a child, that certain plot-line of every terribly written sci-fi (mainly Transformers): "main character is a dick=likable guy" "he has 'relatable' problems, that are only explored in the first 15 minutes of the film" "He start having an abusive/creepy relationship (because that's how well written romance works, right...), with the love interest (they barely explore her name)." "1+ hour action scenes" "world is gonna explode (not really)" "Main Character and Love Interest hook up". People always call me "a pussy", because i want equal rights, and then they go make a video about "how everything is now pandering to women, and everything is Woke"... By your perfect logic... most movies are "pandering to males, and straight people only" imo  not like super duper mad, but kinda upset. It was actually kinda funny. But dude, I love what you said about Man of Steel in your DC ranking video. I love that you love Man of Steel. Not many do, and it's seriously awesome! IMO I hope You Guys Like our Collection of the best Transformers fanfiction stories along with transformers fanfiction lemon and transformers fanfiction crossover collection. We know that people will like the Transformers Crossover fanfiction and transformers fanfiction bumblebee version stories.  If you like These Transformers Fanfiction Stories make sure you share this on various social media, and you can also give credits to our website. Thank You  Also, read  Star Wars fanfiction Updates 2020 Read the full article
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starscream7799 · 6 years
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My Top 5 In order:
G1 Starscream- The sassiest, saltiest, most bratty, but intelligent of all Starscreams. A personal top fav forever. He was so legit. Had the BEST voice imo for any Starscream, Chris Latta was a boss, I love his unique voice for SS. This Starscream got shit done! After he was banished from the Decepticons, he washed up on a deserted island and fucking made his own combiner after stealing their chips from a prison on Cybertron, and then proceeded to beat up Megatron successfully with said combiner. And then later after the G1 Movie, after everyone else had died, Starscream fucking came back as a ghost and tricked Unicron!! !! ! - Even further, he appeared after the series ended and had an entire Beast Wars episode dedicated to this version of Starscream. He was like a lovable cockroach. 
TFA Starscream- This was a tie between IDW, and I’ll explain why in a sec. But this Starscream is great, he’s got that ambition that he had in G1, the guts to stand up, that hint of self preservation most Starscreams have, and he has a great voice to match. He was salty and sarcastic as well as incredibly sneaky. His relationship in Megatron wasn’t even as bad in this series as it usually was. He and Megatron argued with each other equally, and since this Megatron was actually competent, Starscream was made to be just as sly to match.
IDW Starscream- I really loved this Starscream back during the earlier IDW comics and the Windblade comics. That’s just about where it ends though. But let me start with the good things here. I really love his frame design in the Windblade comics, 117/10, god tier, good job Sarah Stone. After he becomes ruler of Cybertron, he actually is competent enough to pick up some of the pieces Megatron and Optimus left behind on their broken planet. Starscream, as deceitful as he can be, was actually trying to restore Cybertron back to something better than it was (Even if it was just to make himself look good, you can’t say he didn’t actually do anything good for Cybertron, he absolutely did). And then we follow this character through the whole Windblade comics and watch him and Windblade herself try to keep Cybertron together and reach out to other colonies. They work together, despite hating one another, and they even get so far as to be able to tolerate each other on occasion. Starscream grows and learns from mistakes and for once Cybertron actually isn’t so bad. Starscream literally was left to fix what ages of war had destroyed, and he did an okay job at it. I’m proud of him. - The bad things about this Starscream and why I prefer TFA over him? How they handled him in Till All Are One. I loved TAAO at first, I drew fanart for it, wrote fics, and roleplayed this Starscream. But after more time passed and the comic began to come to a close, I realized that things were going backwards? The writer, as great a job she did portraying Starscream in the Windblade comics, was regressing his character in TAAO, and that made me upset. The whole ending ruined this Starscream for me, and not just because his “True Form” was ugly as fuck lol. It was because the Starscream who was changing for the better, who was depressed, had been psychologically damaged, and was tormented with PTSD, was thrown back down into hell all over again. In the comic, they put Starscream in prison. I could argue so many other mechs who deserve to be in prison than Starscream, but it happened anyway. It was so disappointing to me to see this, as if everything Starscream actually went through in the comics was disregarded and thrown in the trash. Anyway that’s my little rant about IDW SS.
TFP Starscream- My first impressions of this Starscream were.... meh. But then I started watching more of the show and I loved him. I definitely had to get used to his voice change, from screechy to chain smoker. However, I am sad to see just how much physical abuse is used with this Starscream, as always. The fandom presents him as a huge coward, but like if you knew how abuse could affect someone, you’d realize just why Starscream acted “Cowardly” the way he did. He was also pretty small too, so I don’t blame him for not wanting to face literally anyone but small TFs like Arcee or KnockOut or whatever lol. I honestly do love this Starscream, he’s a little funky and different from the other incarnations of him, but I still like him for this show.
Armada Starscream- This Starscream was always interesting to me because he sorta began like the other Starscreams and had that ambitious nature to him, but then later on we see that he’s not very similar to the other Starscreams. He’s very noble in this show, but also plays the game to win. And this was the first time we really saw a Decepticon befriend a human or really did anything decently kind at all.  - This Starscream started off wanting Megatron’s praise and would do what his leader said, but then he realized just how shitty Megatron is! I like the wiki’s definition of this, “Starscream may have once been compassionate, he may once have known what true friendship is, but all that has been replaced, scab for scab, with the lessons of Megatron's abuse. Unwittingly, Megatron may have created a monster even he cannot ultimately control.” And I love that. He definitely can’t be controlled, but he’s also kinda lost throughout the series, switching sides. - Ultimately in the end, he sacrificed himself to save both sides. And wow, that definitely made me tear up when I first watched it. _______ Anyway, that’s the list of my top 5 favorite Starscreams and why. I know I wasn’t asked why, but I wrote it anyway. And I may be rusty on my information, because honestly I haven’t watched any of these shows or read the stuff in ages djhfgjhf
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monstrosibee · 6 years
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as a disclaimer this is all personal observation and i dont claim to be an expert, but i wanted to examine rodimus’ design in mtmte and ll because even between artists it changes so drastically. theres a lot that can be said just from how the helm and face shapes differ. not all of the artists are up here, but i used the ones that were personally most relevant and left the biggest impact on me.
so i think having these side by side as some of my personally most memorable rods really highlight the differences between the styles but also what they bring to the table. milne did do a good job introducing rodimus as the protagonist of this particular series in the comics, with a much more mature aura and longer thinner face to sort of emphasize the fact that this is little hot rod all grown up! hes still fun and exciting but now he can captain a ship and lead properly! and there’s nothing wrong with wanting to take a character in a different direction, but i personally feel that maybe jumping straight into raw boned and angular wasn’t the exact step that made the most sense for his character in particular, especially since we’re working with a style that is very much brighter and more stylized with what transformers had in phase 1.
obviously, everyone really likes the elasticity and cartoonish appeal that comes with jack lawrences character art in general but i definitely think its nudge backwards towards g1 rodimus’ helm feels really welcome as well. here, not only is his face shape a little squarer and close to a youthful hot rod or g1′s rodimus, it also rounds the top and back of the helm design out again, AND it replaces one of my favorite things that milne removed, his cute little ear phone looking round audials! its a fun balance between milnes porcupine rodimus and a g1 clunky rodimus
cahill didnt get a lot of time on ll or mtmte only because he wasnt a main artist but i LOVE his particular rodimus because it reminds me SO MUCH of g1 hot rod. even though the colors dont quite match (id love to see a magenta mtmte/ll rod one day...) and the helm doesnt cover the corners of his jaw, he draws on the same face lines and almost identical helm design to really make this rodimus look younger. at the same time, i think leaving more of his lower jaw and face exposed really draws out the vulnerability, as well as the youthful vibe that the hot rod version of this character usually has, in order to draw more parallels between Rodimus Prime The Ship Captain and Hot Rod The Hot Headed Autobot Soldier
coller on the other hand, goes with a face that draws much more on g1 rodimus’ face rather than his hot rod one. even though cahill and coller both use those face edges from g1 moreso than milne or lawrence do, coller goes more the g1 rodimus route and uses them to make rodimus look more chunky and square, instead of softer and faceted like cahill. its important to note too, that coller’s rodimus body design is bulkier as well, forgoing the slim hourglass racer figure that milne uses or the top heavy but pretty much ass-less frame that lawrence draws. despite the chunkier look though, he goes back to covering a lot of the lower jawline with the helm spikes, although he still uses the more rounded helm and more obvious audials that lawrence and cahill uses.
i think in the end the design milne with did what it needed to do and it wasnt bad, but i think he would have benefited from nudging it closer to something like lawrences or cahill. we see throughout rodimus’ development as a captain that while he is a mature and battle tested warrior, he still has a lot of insecurity of his hot rod days, and that unlike the g1 cartoon, the matrix didnt carry any implicit personality change. 
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optimusphillip · 5 years
OptimusPhillip Reviews 16-A: Transformers: Generations Soundwave Spy Patrol (WFC: Siege)
So like I did with Firedrive, I decided to cover the first (and currently only) pack of Siege cassettes in a sort of mini follow-up to my Soundwave review. This set consists of Laserbeak and Ravage, who are sold together at the Micromaster price point.
“Shield” Modes
Yes, because children today are uncultured swines, Laserbeak and Ravage can’t be sold as cassettes. As a result, they officially transform into shields designed to work with the COMBAT system. That said, it’s still a flat rectangle, so it comes off more like Shockwave’s “spaceship mode” than any actual rebranding.
In his shield mode, Laserbeak is, of course, black, red and silver. Sadly, however, it’s pretty sparse in terms of unique detail. Most everything is intended for bird mode. Still, it manages to make for a passable Laserbeak alt mode.
Ravage is a similar story, though he’s a bit less clean in comparison. Everything fits within the same rectangular volume, but it’s less of a uniform shape here. In particular, there are large triangular gaps on the sides, with the only thing filling them out being the exposed jaguar feet, but even then they don’t fill it completely.
In terms of function, Laserbeak fits snugly into Soundwave’s chest, but the door still opens smoothly. Ravage, however, fits a little more snugly, and can sometimes impede it. Both also feature a flip-out COMBAT peg on the back of the “shield” mode, allowing them to peg into place on a figure’s arms, or anywhere else with a corresponding port. It works. It’s not the most visually interesting shield, but it still looks like it could deflect damage. My only real nitpick is that Ravage’s peg is off-center from Laserbeak’s, so trying to have a figure dual-wield them can look a little unbalanced.
Laserbeak’s conversion process is pretty similar to his G1 self. The wings have only one joint, and the jetpack is a built-in, non-removable part, but aside from that nothing much is changed. Ravage, on the other hand, does a lot of cool things to make a more three-dimensional jaguar mode, essentially unfolding himself and refolding into a different shape. It’s really fun to mess around with, though it can be finnicky the first time.
“Robot” Modes
Lot of air quotes on the mode titles here, huh? Oh well, Laserbeak and Ravage both look really nice in robot mode, though Ravage is a bit more of a chonk in this version... did I seriously just say “chonk”? He’s more bulky than I’m used to, is what I’m saying. At the very least, both are well detailed. Ravage has a lot of silver on his shoulders, hips, and back, to help break up the black. He even has little blasters molded into his hips, replicating his classic weapons. Laserbeak, meanwhile, seems to favor sculpted detail, with lots of exposed circuitry in his wings. That’s not to say he’s lacking in paint, however. That circuitry detail is picked out in silver and red, and his orange visor, lifted straight from his appearance in the pilot, is hard to miss. The backpack is also fully painted: it even has a tiny Decepticon symbol.
In terms of posability, Laserbeak is the more limited of the two. He has a double jointed neck, and some play in the wings from transformation, but nothing else. Ravage, on the other hand, has several points of articulation: up and down neck, forward and back shoulders and hips, and hinges at the elbow and knee, though the latter can be loose at times. He’s not super posable, but you do get a good bit of play.
One last little thing: Soundwave has grooves in his arms, which are designed to fit Laserbeak’s talons, so he can perch. But unless my copy of Laserbeak is mismolded, it provides no grip at all, and almost makes me question the point of including them. Fortunately, Laserbeak’s shield mode peg is still accessible, and you can actually peg him into the COMBAT port on his forearm. You need to fold up the legs, but I think it still works way better.
Final Thoughts
If you have Siege Soundwave, you definitely need these two to round out the set. But even without that nagging completionism, they’re still fun little toys considering how inexpensive they are. That said, they really are meant as partner figures, and there’s nothing really wrong with that. Overall, I’d give this set and Soundwave a strong recommendation.
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geek-gem · 6 years
Transformers Dark Of The Moon
I've finally seen the movie again after these years. Let me warn you, spoilers and I have a lot to say.
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Their is really a lot to say about this movie. But I'm glad I finally got my to do list of watching the first three Bayformers now.
Another thing I'll be honest about I was gonna play the Dark Of The Moon game on PS3 but it requires more MB's to clear out but I decided fuck it I don't care. Especially it's a short game but I'm not doing that shit. I just wanna watch this film especially remembering this is a long film.
But back to the movie. I'll be honest and I'm not critic and my opinion may be invalid because lots of people hate Bayformers. We have a new continuity with the Bumblebee movie which I think is the best decision this franchise has done.
To me this movie while I like the first film from 2007.
After watching this and I'm still having some feelings after being it. But I feel this is my favorite out of the Bayformers saga. This is basically where it should of ended and should of let the Bayformers end with dignity. Or at least until a new director came along like Travis Knight or others.
Especially like I remember a movie guy named Cure4 on DeviantArt but he's gone from that shit. I agree with him and I'm thinking this is the sequel the 2007 film should of had.
I'm pissed and I hate that Age Of Extinction was the follow up to this film. Despite how people feel about this film, my God Bay tried to redeem himself after Revenge Of The Fallen a film that is like some sort of weird parody there the video game tie in's I see as the best version especially the PS3/Xbox 360/PC versions and even the Wii/PS2 versions.
Another thing I wanna reveal when I saw this film for the first time in theaters I actually used this.
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I seriously wore that and it worked and it was awesome. It was a experience despite I felt nervous. I was young but what the hell it's gonna be 8 years since the movie was released. Especially the 3D was awesome when I saw it in theaters.
But back to the movie again I'm sorry. I'm not gonna make this a full review I don't wanna waste anyone's time.
When I think about it Sam is a lot better in this film. While I do feel some moments could be worked on. He should of apologized to Bee after he meets him I know Sam's angry. Especially this development of Sam wants to matter. This is much better then what we had in Revenge Of The Fallen.
Carly I honestly find more likable then Mikaela. Seriously I do especially that moment where she literally tells Megatron that he will basically be Sentinel's bitch if he doesn't do anything. She basically treats Sam with a bit more respect and well I like the relationship more then what Sam and Mikaela had.
Lennox and Epps were always great. Especially Epps during the scenes in Chicago. Simmons is seriously entertaining in this and Dutch is a blessing.
Let me just talk about Dylan Gould. This guy he's been on my mind. I made two joke posts him deleted the first one of he's been waiting for that betrayal towards Sam.
Patrick Dempsey honestly and his portrayal of Dylan is a performance that left an impression on me. Because I was actually surprised by his reveal of who he actually was. But seriously this man is a dick and in a way I like him. Despite seeing in the film him talking about making tough choices and him being on the winning side. Yet over the course of the film he starts to take it a bit personal.
While I kept thinking before seeing the film he was enjoying it maybe. But my view on it changed. I just think Patrick Dempsey kind of owns the role.
Yes we should talk about the robots and let me be honest. What I love about this film it's basically the Decepticons strike back. They are basically winning in this film. I love the Chicago invasion scene.
I do feel like the entire Bayformers series yes their should of been more Transformers screen time. Especially the Decepticons in this case. While I feel in Revenge Of The Fallen I can tell Starscream feels like he's a little snarky in some parts. While I know he's kissing up to Megatron to cover his ass. I would of liked some what....I don't know more snarky shit or something Starscream would say or do. Maybe even during his confrontation with Sam he mentioning after the Decepticons win that he would overthrow Megatron and become the winner.
I remember when I was young when I saw this for the first time. For Starscream I had hoped he would betray Megatron yet that would be so much for one film. Because that's Starscream from G1, Animated, and other continuities. At least one last hurrah before he dies.
Especially I remember when I was young I wanted Skids and Mudflap, along with Leo to come back....I was young and I enjoyed Revenge Of The Fallen a lot more okay. Wouldn't mind Leo but their seems to be a bit much but what the hell I wanted Dinobots in this film.(well it's said Skids and Mudflap are shown as cars but they were supposed to die....they did die by Sentinel in the movie comic)
I dig Soundwave in this film. Even Laserbeak these guys are douches but would of liked to seen more Soundwave. Especially I like this little dynamic between Dylan and Soundwave I know that's weird of me to say. Would of liked to seen more.
Shockwave in this film seriously I was hyped for him when I was young and playing the prequel game. I feel it's stupid he's not as important. He should of had more lines and more interactions. I even agree with a comment on YouTube he should of been in the Africa scene.
While he is badass it's stupid how he goes out but give him a better send off and a fight with Optimus Prime. I wanted to see more Shockwave and I think it would of been better if he was voiced by Mark Ryan. Frank Welker didn't do a bad job and he actually had two lines spoken in English.
At least his driller creature is cool. But seriously after all the hype and I want to just put some promotional stuff.
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Whatever if this one is official or not. It's just in Shockwave's own words......logical. Or my own words fucking logical.
The reason I'm saying Mark Ryan because of his English accent and I want to be reminded of Corey Burton. Sorry for sounding weird.
Let me say I feel Sentinel Prime is probably the best antagonist actually we've had in a Transformers live action film especially in the Bayformers. Characters like Shatter and Dropkick are great. Even Lockdown was nice. But I liked Sentinel. I'll be honest I was actually surprised when I witnessed his betrayal when I was young. I thought the Decepticons were gonna force him to use the Pillars maybe even Shockwave but what we got was something else.
Also I really liked the scenes with Optimus and Sentinel. I do feel we should of gotten more and had them be longer. Especially I like Optimus in this. I do see their was this father and son or brother like relationship that Bay talked about. But would of liked to seen more.
The other Autobots are alright cool. I do feel the whole Que/Wheeljack thing was just seriously stupid. Especially now before Bumblebee a Wheeljack design that was more accurate. Tragic about the way he died.
Looking back at the film theirs not a lot of Cybertronian scenes but they leave an impact.
Also I really wanna talk about the ending with Optimus, Sentinel, and Megatron. We should of gotten more Megatron I agree.
But the scene where leading up to Optimus killing Sentinel seeing it in action after going through the movie. It is awkward in a way.
Yet I'll be honest Sentinel basically deserved it. In fact of the Decepticons, and Dylan fucking deserved what they got. Because after everything they did their to me was not a way shit would end peacefully or something. Including your hearing this from a Steven Universe fan a show that deals with pacifism and other shit.
I do feel and I've talked about this before but I might delete it now because I'm gonna mention it here. But I feel if the scene went like it was Megatron who kills Sentinel or this dark idea of Sentinel killing himself or even himself dying from wounds. Especially giving Megatron and Optimus more of a fight even with Optimus haven't one arm.
Or hell seriously Bay should of gone with the original that was kept in the novel that Megatron teamed up with Optimus to kill Sentinel and Megatron would stop what he's doing. Also hearing that it would of explored Megatron more. That ending would have his look in The Last Knight make sense that he went to Cybertron after Dark Of The Moon and over time he decided to go back leading the Decepticons. Instead they had to kill him off and the whole Galvatron thing. Even though Megatron got what was coming to him.
Gonna be honest the Starscream death while I like the idea of Sam having the courage to take on Starscream and even killing him. But I do feel Starscream should of died a more I guess epic death.
Especially I weirdly wanted Sam to be all Cade Yeager shooting Decepticons and some how killing them. I mean you Sam jumping on cars and even sliding under them.
Gonna say before seeing the movie I kept thinking Dylan in his fight with Sam should of died a more brutal death. Such as Sam telling him to shut up after the messager comment and beating him to death. But Dylan's death is perfect. Seriously he gets hit in the face with some sort of pole thing and dies by the pillar.
Listen I'm sorry for rambling a lot. This became more of some review or reaction. The action was seriously nice and the special effects, score was always excellent.
Gonna be honest while I wasn't emotional much throughout the movie. Did feel emotional over the, "The fight will be your own" scene and felt a little at the, "No Prisoners Only Trophies" scene....that should of had more weight. I'll be honest when I was young I was expecting Sam for some reason come out of hiding yelling no in slow motion, surprising everyone then the Decepticon drop ship gets hijacked.
Gonna say did enjoy Wheelie and Brains I like them. Glad they we're still around in later films.
I think I've talked too much. Basically I think this is the best Bayformers sequel, this is what we should got gotten as a sequel to the 2007 film. It's better then Revenge Of The Fallen, Age Of Extinction, and The Last Knight.
My only weird complaint that isn't towards the movie.....Dinobots could of been in this some how.....during the battle of Chicago. We should of gotten Dinobots vs the Driller. Grimlock voiced by Vin Diesel or whatever I've had that weird casting idea I think for years. Or even Devastator in this because it's a huge open battle with so many opportunities. While I understand Michael Bay didn't wanna go larger like he did with Revenge Of The Fallen. I'm just disappointed that the next film we got after this was Age Of Extinction.
Tags dealt with sorry that got wrong, their was a lot to talk about. Glad I could talk about this and again I finished my to do list of rewatching the original trilogy. Bring on the new cinematic universe in the Knightverse that started out with Travis Knight's Bumblebee I'm ready for more excellent films.
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