#also i don't believe people aren't gonna queue up somehow
tardis--dreams ยท 1 year
"No queuing is allowed in front of the entrance nor in the streets around the venue"- trinity college's concert rules are my new villain origin story
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groovyzombiellama ยท 5 years
Tempting Fate
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Title: Tempting fate
Requested? No.
Plot: You and Colson meeting for a few times by accident before going on a date, realising something along the lines of fate was pulling the two of you together.
Word count:ย 1555
You never believed in chance encounters, to you everything that happened was planned out, and there was absolutely no way that you were gonna have a cheesy meet-cute one day that will just sweep you off your feet. You spent a lot of time thinking that, until life decided it was going to prove you wrong. That Saturday was like any other. You had made a pact with your best friends in college to take every Saturday off, even for an hour or two, and just go out for a coffee together, and keep your friendship strong. You can still remember it like it was yesterday. You can even remember the exact outfit you wore on that day. It was a bit chilly out, so you had your camo leggings on, and a black t-shirt, covered with a black leather jacket, along with a pair of timberland boots on your feet. You've always tried your best to choose clothes you feel comfortable in, and also know you look good in. Your friends all told you that combo looked good, so you just grabbed the clothes out of the wardrobe, because not being a morning person, among other things, meant that you couldn't be bothered to plan out an outfit.
Yoir hair was up in a ponytail, and after grabbing your purse and phone, you were put the door, somewhat rushing. Why did you always have to be so late? You hated it the most that every time you leave even so much as five minutes earlier, you spend over ten minutes waiting for everyone, but when you give yourself the liberty and time it out to leave with just enough space left to be there on time, you always somehow end up being late. If it ends up happening today too, you were ready to start looking into the reason behind this strange occurrence. Luckily, on your way there, you got a message from your friends, saying they were running a bit late themselves, so you could just slow down your pace and enjoy the cold breeze pinching your cheeks. As you approached the coffee shop you and your friends frequented, you could notice it was a lot more crowded than usual. The biggest appeal to the coffee shop was that it wasn't way too many people constantly coming in and out. It was more a place where people came to have a quiet moment, do some work on their laptop or even read a book while they sipped on a warm beverage.
Taking a closer look, you noticed that the people who were currently populating the coffee shop weren't exactly interested in that sort of thing. They were more interested in a certain customer. You couldn't really see who it was, but you could tell how frustrating it was for the workers of the coffee shop to kindly ask them to leave. They knew you and your friends very well and when your friends arrived, about a few moments later, you could see their pleading eyes almost begging you to help. And you were going to do just that, not knowing that you would set in motion one of the weirdest and yet happiest days of your life.
"Alright everyone, I don't know what this whole fuss is about, but I have to ask you to respect the people who work here and the people who just want to enjoy their drink. Whatever it is, it can wait at least a little bit. Please."
You pushed your way towards the counter and raised your voice just enough to gain everyone's attention.
"She's absolutely right guys. We can take photos outside when I'm done, but please step away for a moment, okay? You don't have to wait outside in the cold, but if you stay here, please be respectful."
A voice you found pretty familiar agreed with you and caused you to turn your head to the side to identify the owner of that voice. And that's when you realised where you knew him from. You were mesmerised for a moment, looking in the gorgeous blue eyes of your celebrity crush Machine Gun Kelly. You somehow managed to come back to reality and smile at him, a blush creeping on your face when he sent you a wink, and you and your friends went to your usual table. You couldn't help but sneak glances at Colson's table, and your cheeks would get redder and redder every time you looked in his direction to find him looking back at you, his lips curving into a slight smirk. You could also feel a lot of cold stares from his fans, and it was all making you really self conscious. After being done with his drink, Colson got up, much to his fans delight, and after paying for his, and what you'd later fond out, yours and your friends drinks too, he was out the door, and he took a few photos with his fans and disappeared after sending you another smile.
Your friends were teasing you constantly after that, and you couldn't wait to get back home and Bury your face on your pillow and daydream about what could have happened. But your cousin ended up calling you and asking if you were up for lunch, which you gladly accepted, your cousin being like a sister to you and after you were done catching up with your friends, you were on your way to see your cousin. A similar situation awaited you in the restaurant and you couldn't help but chuckle after meeting eyes with Colson again and he smiled at you before shrugging, and you ended up shaking your head with a smile on your face, and turned to talk to your cousin. You were talking and laughing, and you could feel Colson's stare burning in the back of your neck. You felt weird meeting him here again, since your college town isn't that small that you only have several restaurants to visit. He could have chosen any other, but as if that one thing you didn't believe in at work here. Good old fate. But you still refused to accept it and regarded it as another coincidence. Even your cousin was naming fate when you told her that you'd seen him today already.
"You know, I think she's right. Even though you don't. I'm Colson, nice to meet you. Sorry I didn't introduce myself earlier and thank you for helping me calm my fans down a bit."
Colson appeared next to you as you answered to your cousin how fate doesn't exist. He smiled and reached his hand out to you when he introduced himself and you shyly took it and you shook hands. His gaze lingered on your eyes for a moment before introducing himself to your cousin too. He invited you two over to his table for dessert and your cousin had to drag your blushing self along. You spent some time talking and laughing together, before you had to part ways and you made a bet with Colson that you'd let him take you out if the two of you met for the third time before midnight. Of course you wanted to go on a date with him, but you also didn't like losing, so it was a tough call.
You asked your sibling who was going out that night to let you know if they see him, so you'd know what bar you could avoid and then pop in before midnight to let him know that you won, but you kinda maybe still wanted that date. Confusing plan, but you felt like it was sound. Oh how the tables will turn. When you and your friends arrived at your club, a good while away from the club you heard Colson was in, you got comfortable. You aren't usually a big fan of parties, but it was your friend's birthday, so you wanted to celebrate with her. Everything went swimmingly for a few hours, until you felt someone snake their arm around your waist and pull your back flush against their chest. You were ready to curse out this imbecile for even thinking he can touch you, but as you turned, you realised that it was no imbecile, but Colson. He leaned over and whispered in your ear.
"Looks like someone owes me a date."
His words made heat rise in your cheeks once again, making him chuckle at how cute you looked to him. You could say that the rest is history. You went from the first date to the second, then third, and it was then that Colson asked you to be his girlfriend. Three years have passed since then and the two of you are still going strong. It isn't always easy, but you make it work. Although Colson would never admit that he in fact searched for you that night, to make sure he doesn't lose his chance with you. Oh no, if you ask him, it was fate for the third time. And it was in a way. He searched for you, but just as he was about to give up and think you purposely stayed home, he stumbled into the very club you were in. So maybe there is such a thing as fate, who knows.
I'm trying my best to write as many requests as possible so that I'd have the ability to queue them and be able to focus on classes as well, but it's super tough for me sometimes to spend all day at college and then muster enough energy to write more than one fic. But I will give it my best, and hopefully I'll be able to post them soon ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜‰
I hope this time the app doesn't send the gif all the way to the bottom like it did the last time I posted here ๐Ÿ˜‚
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