#also i forgor his scar 💀
pasteilian · 11 months
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Usagi Yoshisato lore dump in coming
Sato got those large scars on his side from the Shredder it tried killing him as a new born his mother saved him and gave his granny enough time to escape before shredder claimed her life as well
This goes into him and his grandmother being sent into the future where the shedder could no longer hunt them unfortunately, he suffers from vivid nightmares of the massacring of his clan. He has no idea why he has them as a kid just that he knows he’s scared of whatever it is that keeps hurting him in his dreams blah blah blah
He spends a good ten years with his granny before the krang came ending with his granny being killed by the krang dogs leaving him the last of his clan blah blah blah he doesn’t have much of his clan left besides the swords he finds some scrolls and a fox mask after it’s not much but the scrolls give him so idea of what happened all those years ago he his anger with the foot/hamato grow as he age’s before finally deciding to take revenge he holds hamato accountable for what happened to his clan and believes he won’t know peace until he kills the eldest son of the clan Raph blah blah could write more but I won’t lmao
Splinter is basically at death’s door by the time his revenge arc starts, he sees no reason killing him (also splinter just out classes him💀) and Raph is the head of the clan at this point killing Raph in his mind would be 10 times more impactful than killing an old head blah blah—
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eyeimagerysexy · 2 months
i know that never in my life i drew michael with any scar ( i forgor 💀 ) , but i think it's such a great idea
picture lucifer noticing michael is in the same place as him by pure coincidence , be the devildom or the human realm and doing everything to avoid or hide from him if necessary . anyone would say he does this out of dislike or maybe even hatred if we're feeling daring , and while it is true , i would like to add something else : guilt .
you'll see , michael has a scar on his eye , when it's not covered by whatever means he could think of , u can easily spot it bcs it's pretty new compared to the other ones and bigger than the rest ( also bcs it's lit on his face , u can't miss it ) , a reminder that he trusted lucifer in the great celestial war way too much .
as i said , michael covers it whenever he's in public , but the absence of it makes it worse , for lucifer , it only shows that it affected him to the point of not wanting to be seen with it , to the point of shame .
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tortillasconsal · 2 years
I thought I should share my design for Jeff the Killer since I'm done with his headcanons
Here he is
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Now my thought process:
I didn't do a lot lmao
Let's start with the biggest detail: his face. My first thought when I started Jeff was that I wanted his skin to actually look like it was lit on fire, I'm tired of fair skinned paper-white Jeff, give me scars and deformity.
His hair was the most complicated thing to figure out oddly enough. I wanted to add some bald spots but I also wanted him to keep an emo hairstyle and be true to the character, but couldn't figure out how. I'm not really upset at it because I feel like he could use it to cover up his face more for when he's in public.
I also struggled a lot with how I was going to draw it (the most accurate hairstyle is the one on the full-body drawings).
I feel like his hair would be very mistreated. It would have the texture of an old wig and a matted dog's hair, quoting the comment a friend made on my WIP post of this piece.
His eyes are now brown, because he took them from his mom let's say. I tried to stick with the blue eyes but I didn't like it, I did add like a white thing on them to keep the same effect blue eyes would have and to show the fact that he's almost blind because he almost got his eyelids burnt.
Now the clothes. So I just kept the white hoodie-black pants combo because its iconic, but I did my best to decorate it because it was very boring and it looked very flat in contrast to the hands and the head. But not too much because I don't want to have a very meow-meow scene aesthetic for my AU.
I mainly went for stitches, a patch and some wholes on his clothes to kind of show off how worn they are because I didn't want to go for too many accesories because that'd take away from the seriousness.
I wanted to add dirt and dubious spots on his hoodie but I forgor 💀
I was planning on skinny black jeans, but I didn't liked how the silhouette looked so I gave him some baggy pants. I think its better for him anyway, since some skinny jeans would probably irritate his skin a lot.
I did gave him a classic belt to keep the whole emo style around because I think that could show how he's still a young man who's into sad music and whatever emos like. To show some personality. There's also a chain to add balance to the belt and add depth to the pants.
I also wanted to give him a bandana (a paliacate) because I feel like it would be more usefull and also link him to his mexican background. I didn't add it because I forgot about it, but I do want to say that he would also use a bandana.
I wanted his gloves to have fingers because carrying gloves just makes more sense in order to protect his hands with all the killing, forest environment, carrying knives and guns and his sensitive skin. They didn't look good with fingers, because I didn't feel like putting effort on the hands so it just looked like a weird black thing that fused with the pants so I had to switch it up to fingerless gloves.
It makes sense with his emo style anyway.
I gave him a rosary to link him to his mexican and catholic background, I've seen a lot of alt people use them so I though it would be a nice accesory to give depth to his black tee's.
The rosary also has a deeper meaning, but it would be too long to add in this post so I'll probably do another one purely focused on it since it also involves Liu's backstory and relationship with Jeff.
Yeah, so this is the Jeff or my AU 🤙
I was originally planning on sharing this on the Headcanons post, but it got too long so I decided to share this on a separate post. And also to have something while I work on the other requests.
I might do the same for those characters as well, though it will take me more time since uni is giving me more and more homework.
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gimblegamble · 4 months
Gim gimgingim my broski my buddy my boo I literally love the nickname plannonthayssisido that’s so cute oml WOOOOO :DDD
Yes ur walls r great btw I got like snacks n here n shit im lirking in ur shadows I’m sending u invisible appreciation im appreciating u so hard u don’t even no it literally /pos
Oh il ur x desfgin by the way he has such cool hair like if sm1 had fisgety hands imaging if they give it a lil brush u no or a lil tug or put sm cute flowers in it n stuff thatd be cute !!!! he’s a pretty boyi u nko kno u kko yhyhyhyhyh
Also I forgor if I respondede to this yet but ur so correct acc about the new hermits getting thei own crushes on Mumbo too HC stands for Hermits CrushingOnMumboJumbo acctuallye u r so correct n try 💀<<<<333333
…………. Def not m havin thoughts aboy the diff between ppl resctong to gem vs Skizz if they were to find out they gained a hot crush on Mumbo too….. like…. Bro imagine……..
Ppl going to gen like awwww that’s cute bestie we lov that frfr gem welcome to the club bestie n shes so sweet w mumbo n it’s all good n she might be deadly enough to casully take out a sword n death glare any competitors sometime if they’re tryna crash in any dedidcated Mumbo time (COYGHCOUGCVOUGH Grian COUGHCOIYHCIIHJ) but it’s all good ukno all cute :))))))
But like Skizz. And here’s the thing Skizz is such a huge teddy bear o a guy. Fav angel dude fr. But like. I’m lookin at how ZIT already had like a whol competition bet thing going on w seducing Mumbo Outta his sexy pristine normal asssuit pants. I’m looking at the hints of possessivendsc that like Z n I n T all had at times b4 w dear ol mumby boy. I’m lookinh at thr bond ZITS hav going on n how Skizz could b having a gay ol time w mumbo n maybe flirting just a tad (a lot lol) n maybe he throws Mumbo over his arm cus he cute like that n S catches one of the others eye just for a second n motherfucker would SMIRK. LMAO ‘look bitches I got ur man now he’s my man what u gonna do bout it <3’ like iys probs not on the level of Doc n Grian (n X n Scar n probs Keralis lol) petty aaaa possessiveness rivalry becaus ZITS r still a lol goofy w it y’know ykno but like
Hffhhffhhffygufhghvvhvjjvjvjvvjjbbj ty gim happy pride btw rip I’m a fruity little plannon today <3
- 🌱 Anon
Plannon it is then! ^^ lmao always a pleasure to receive a message from you. Feels like I have a penpal in the world somewhere. Apparently in my walls though so I hope you're still comfortable in there with how cold its getting again??? (last week we were at the >20C?? Now we're back at single digits???? What happened?????).
As for my Xisuma, maybe no tugging since he has some very sensitive hair roots but flowers are always welcome! (I still think he needs a haircut though)
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I agree on your interpretation of the true meaning of HC and shall immediately add it to my dictionary lmao.
Actually I haven't really thought about Skizz all that much so I'm pretty interested in some headcanons about them. I don't really see much of Skizz in general I suppose.
I say that but for some reason I had no trouble hearing this sentence (‘look bitches I got ur man now he’s my man what u gonna do bout it <3’) in his voice so.. lol.
Happy pride as well plannon! go and be your fruity little self and have fun.
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roxyteal · 5 months
Intro: Who da hell is denied anyways??????
I think I will start by answering this question. Let's go!!!
So Denied Cellar (or just Denied) is the Baldi replacement in a very, VERY old Baldi retexture-type mod (or fangame, as I like to refer to those), simply called Denied's Basics. Basics in what? Idk. What I do know is that Denied is based on a friend, DeniedCellarTV.
So, the game. It released on July 10th, 2018, by some guy named Le Billy (or Billter nowadays, who doesn't associate with Baldi anymore). Just over one month after BBC v1.3 released! Denied is predated ONLY by Advanced Education With Viktor Strobovski (AEWVS). And since it's being said to not refer to the latter as a fangame (or Baldi-related), this then makes Denied the currently OLDEST fangame to exist! ISN'T THAT FUCKING COOL OR WHAT-
(If there is such a game that predates him, let me know)
Pre-release 2
Pre-release 5
Unofficial 1.4.3 Port
Unofficial Remaster (early access)
Anyway, our boy looks like this:
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As you can see, he is very blue. Are there any other Baldi bozos who're this blue??? I think NOT!!!
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And GOD look at this bio. It's so funny I can't. "denied Cell". "perfect bastard catching skills". "YOU'RE DEAD". The demonic updates go even crazier, though, one of his eyes even explodes!!!
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Guess the scar is canon? Could be. Also is he a demon too? Or possessed by one? WHO??? No answers, only questions......
Due to his skin (or general color scheme), many have taken to interpreting him as some kind of sea creachure, myself included. Usually in the form of a fishman hybrid (though personally I think he's a merman >:) ).
So when he chases you, he slaps his arm around. Apparently it's a very strong attack! Some have interpreted this into a blade, which I think is even more deadly. As for me, good ol' claws will do.
He also apparently talks like a pirate? But only when he's angy? I don't get it, his game isn't very pirate-y at all. If you ignore the YTP messages you would've never known.
So anyways, collect your seven things, admire the lamps, and get outta Dodge.
He also has buddies and stuff but some appear in Billy's later and others are, uh. They exist. That's all I know. Sorry. This is about Denied.
I don't know what else to add so GOODBYE
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mao-likes-2-draw · 2 years
Parker headcanons because he's the skrunkly (and Taylor is too)
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drawing I did of him.
• Bi guy
• makes good pasta and is really great at cooking, he also makes soup and they bring it to his friends when they are sick or sad :)
• not as reckless as Charlotte but is also reckless but only when he's out with friends
• has a lot of scrapes, cuts n small scars. I have a headcanon that the spelunking group all have an injury of some sort because cave exploring is bound to get you hurt some way. (I used to do it)
• has a black jacket he likes to wear when he's with people but I forgor to draw it 💀
• has a garden and makes salad with it
• wants to forgive Charlotte so so bad
• when he isn't doing Parker things he's working at the same restaurant joint as Bryce
• in human au he's blasian
• himbo
• his dad taught him how to ride a motorcycle
• dead mom (is this offensive?)
• brought a gallon bottle to bring your own cup day at 7/11
• super protective and cares about his friends. he wants what's best for them, and that means giving Charlotte a reality check cuz she's a narcissist if I've ever seen one (I have)
please send me asks guys I wanna interact with people
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