#also i just like my grim son. hes trying so hard
isaacathom · 2 years
the reason florian is my main oc at this stage is that a) he is in a weekly campaign, versus fortnightly b) he's in a smaller party (4 vs 6-9) c) he's dealing with a lot more drama on a regular basis
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yuri-is-online · 8 months
Daytime TV Dreaming (A Fyuuture Kid AU Drabble ft. Heartsabyul, Savanaclaw, and Octavinelle)
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While camping in the mountains during Camp Vargas, you encounter a monster exactly like the one you fought off with Ace and Deuce at the beginning of the year. While trying to fight it off again, a strange portal opens up in the mine and a person jumps out of it to your rescue. He says he doesn't remember much, but it's clear when you bring him to Crowley that this boy is also from your world, despite being a mage, and until the headmage can think of a better solution, he assigns "Yutu" to your dorm.
Something a certain someone has an opinion about.
notes: When I was re-working my masterlist I deleted a fic that I meant to be the start of a series where Yuu’s child travels back in time to try and prevent the destruction of Twisted Wonderland and their parent's untimely death. For some reason I wrote that child as having been born after Yuu was forced to leave Twisted Wonderland with modified memories, so he doesn't actually know that much about his dad until he gets iseakaid just like Yuu did to attend Night Raven in a much more dystopian setting. Anyway if I ever go back to that concept I'll probably re work it, but I thought it would be fun to share my notes about the guys reaction to this newcomer who gets sorted into Ramshackle Dorm. They/them used for Yuu as always but they are implied to be afab, "Yutu" is not meant to be the child's real name, and he is meant to be wearing a disguise to make his identity less obvious. Actual fic can be found on my masterlist.
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Ace- is legitimately worried about the intentions of this weird newcomer but it comes off as him being a jealous brat so no one takes him seriously. Look, something just doesn't feel right about this! Your world doesn't have any mages but now one shows up? And he's weirdly familiar with you? Cmon someone other than him start asking some questions please! Tries to have "a talk" with Yutu, who is trying really hard to understand what his parent saw in his dad and... just not getting it at all. RiP Ace you have been assigned cringe before the kid has even been born.
Deuce- only concerned with making a good impression because if this person is from Yuu's world then they might value his opinion on.... things. Also an honor student would try to win over his crush on his own merit and not by intimidating potential competition. Actually ends up befriending Yutu and really liking his vibes, which gives the boy a lot of guilt because he knows his dad would probably feel very guilty if he knew what his son's life has been like.
Trey- he is slightly worried about how Yuu will handle having to take care of an actual person and not just a monster, but he also feels like it is none of his business so he doesn't pay too much attention. But then Yuu mentions that Yutu is a pretty talented baker and that's why they haven't been bugging him for sweets as much. Well isn't that just ADORABLE??? Trey isn't upset about this at all nope, not one bit. He's extremely upset and Yutu is stirring the pot because he thinks making his dad angry is funny.
Cater- oh look, another person who won't be a part of his life eventually. He doesn't get any weird vibes from Yutu so he doesn't worry about what his appearance might mean too much, but there is something about the way the newbie insists on trying to be his friend that reminds him a lot of Yuu and isn't helping with this whole "denial of the crush" thing he is trying to do. If he didn't know any better he would think Yutu was doing it on purpose.
Riddle- immediately starts butting into Yuu's life more to give them advice about being a proper housewarden. Not that he didn't already see them as one, it's just disciplining a human student and disciplining Grim are a bit different and no he is not using this as an excuse to spy on the Prefect how dare this brat suggest his intentions are impure?!?! (Ah but you see Riddle you can't just take Yutu's head off in front of their Prefect because you want them to liiiike you and he is so going to use that against you.)
Leona- understands that something is not quite right as Yutu's explanation of who he is doesn't quite pass the sniff test. Literally, the brat smells like Yuu with his magic and since Leona was one of the people who got a good look at the portal Yutu came through he pieces things together pretty quickly. Not that he immediately goes and pulls a Vader on the kid, he just makes it clear he knows there is some time travel involved and demands to know what his goals are. He can leave the family shit for after he's secured the kid's existence.
Ruggie and Jack- while they have different opinions on the new kid, Leona's sense of smell still tells him Yutu's identity and as their dormleader he feels the need to take them aside and mention what he knows... sort of. He tells them that he's pretty sure time travel is involved and that Yutu is related to Yuu, but he neglects to mention the whole bit about who he thinks the father is... which drives them insane in completely different ways.
Ruggie thinks that since you clearly have a thing for beastmen anyway he would be stupid not to shoot his shot. He doesn't give two shits about whether or not Yutu is his kid, time isn't real so he can just rewrite it a bit.
Jack is determined to treat Yutu fairly and protect him since you are his friend and that's what friends do for each other's kids. Has a full blown panic over whether or not this might give the kid an identity crisis and takes him aside to reassure him he doesn't want to replace his real father, and that he will be happy as long as Yuu is happy. que the world's most awkward conversation
Azul- Oh? Ramshackle has a new dorm member? And he's a mysterious mage... allegedly from the same world as Yuu... something doesn't make sense here but while he is figuring that out. Capitalism ho! This is a great money making opportunity he is observing and scheming and thinking about the perfect contract to get Yutu to spill all his secrets. Unfortunately, Yutu seems to be afraid of him for some reason? Not Floyd or Jade, just him. He can't say he dislikes it... but it is a bit odd, at least it gives him something to talk about with you???
Floyd- Also saw the portal that Yutu came through and thinks something must be up with how close the guppy seems to want to be with Yuu. Starts calling him baby shrimpy as a joke because of how clingy he is to you, but he really really hates it. He can't fight baby shrimpy because that will make you not like him, and he can't scare baby shrimpy off with a deal because he's weirdly smart with those sort of things. He also seems to really look up to Floyd... like that one spiderverse meme, and Floyd hates it! he already had a hard enough time getting Yuu alone when Grim was around he doesn't need a second baby unless it's actually his >:CCC
Jade- a new mage? How delightfully unpredictable. He's probably the only one genuinely happy Yutu is around because of how funny the story of his arrival is. The only upsetting thing about this is that he wasn't able to go camping with Yuu himself. Like Azul he senses something is wrong with Yutu's story, but he doesn't intend to press him until he has the new kid's trust. He's just here to help after all, there's nothing to be afraid of so long as there is no need for him to be jealous.
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aquasarsstuff · 3 months
Valentines Day gone wrong, ft. Lilia Vanrouge x gn!reader
Author's note: I feel like there's not much Lilia fic or I literally just read all them. Anyway, content for me to satiate my simping self because he came home 3x when I pulled for him on the stitch event banner. (This more like me trying to revive my passion in writing after moving on from my cringe writing phase.
If there were any word you would use to describe Lilia Vanrouge, a 3rd year from Diasomnia, he would be close to eccentric. His reactions to things were unpredictable, though that was the reason why your troubles has lessen this past few days. He would randomly appear randomly or sometimes when chaos was about to ensue between your first year friend. While you were anxious of the tension, Lilia just smiles, amuse at the situation and doesn't even seem bothered about it. Nevertheless, before he even leaves, he gives you advices, though some of it were questionable, parts of it we're pretty helpful when it comes to handling Grim and the Adeuce duo. And here you are troubled with another thing.
You've heard of a festivity celebrated here in Twisted Wonderland while Rook was busy rambling about Vil. It was called Valentines Day. You only have a pretty limited information about it, but all you knew is it's about giving gift as a form of gratitude. You already have gifts in mind to give to your friends, and since you have gotten pretty close to Lilia, you've been thinking of also giving him a gift.
Well, this shouldn't be hard at all. You know Lilia's love for sweets so you decided to pick a box of chocolate for him from Sam's shop. It was wrap neatly in a red cloth with a golden ribbon. Holding it close to your chest, you silently recite the words you'll tell him when you give this to him, but looks like you don't need to do that.
You almost smack yourself to the ground when Lilia appeared infront of you, hanging upside-down on a branch of a tree around campus. He laughs at your reaction, as usual, though it morphs into a smirk after seeing the parcel in your hand. You gulped hard at seeing that expression, out of all the time he has to make that face, does it really have to be now. You suddenly feel embarrassment creep up your face.
"Having trouble finding someone? I can help with that," He says before jumping down and properly facing you. "Or just uncertain about the gift? I have a lot of recipes in mind-"
Your mind turned into utter horror after hearing his next words. You've already heard of his infamous reputation so you already stop him. "No. I," You sighed.
"I was looking for you."
"Ohoho? May I inquire why?"
"This is for you," You handed him the gift as calmly as you could. His eyes slightly widen. Those crimson doe eyes look at you unblinking that it was almost adorable if it weren't for the fact that his face was morphing to that one every time he starts to tease you for something.
"This is my gratitude for last week, Lilia. If it weren't for you I would probably get another earful from the Headmaster. When you are with me, It's like the world is painted in vibrant colors. Happy Valentines day, Lilia. I hope you like my gift for you." You walk away from him before he could say another word. When he was already out of sight, you ran to your next class while covering your face. When you reach your seat, your friends huddled around you like bees. Seeing your flustered face, you were bombarded with questions about being sick.
"Im fine guys, really," you said, brushing off all of their words. Your friends however didn't believe the reassurance you gave them, but stop pestering you after Trein entered the room. It was only then that you notice how strong and fast your heartbeat was. You probably shouldn't have run that long earlier, under the heat of the sun.
Later that night, Malleus came to visit and he bluntly ask about the gift you have given Lilia. Apparently, the mischievous bat has been bragging it to his sons. You sighed, before remembering that you have also prepared a gift for him. You ask Malleus to stay outside for moment. When you handed him the gift, he was silent.
Malleus: Prefect tell me, do you really understand what this day means?
You then proceed to tell him what you know. Instantly, it clicks to Malleus and he laughs whole heartedly.
Safe to say, you tried to avoid Lilia for the whole week. (keyword: tried)
I dedicate my 2nd fic to @hanafubukki. Hi, I'm a big fan of you and Lilia ehe. Okay, but no way I'm reading this again. The idea was delicious, but after writing it, my perfectionist self just decide to possess me and now its cringe. Btw to all my readers, I hope you enjoy this.
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dotster001 · 11 months
For Tuna:Blackmail End
A/N: for those who asked if I was still doing endings to "for tuna"....yes. I know it's been a while, but I'm slow and have depression! I'm sorry 😭
Part One Part Two Part Three Choose another ending
"Congratulations Leona! Don't blow this."
"It's dishonorable," Jack muttered as he listened to Grim and Leona outside the door.
"Heh, yeah," Ruggie said, not really listening. 
So you were going to end up with Leona, huh? He had his suspicions, Leona had to be one of the wealthier students at this school, but it didn't make the sting any less.
Grim was smart. Whatever story he would spin, you'd no doubt fall for.
"I gotta go," Ruggie muttered, walking away from the door.
"Ruggie," Jack called after him, but he didn't want to listen to what the goody two shoes freshman had to say.
He needed to clear his head. He'd never have been able to be with you. He didn't deserve you, and even if he did, he couldn't support you. Not when he was already supporting his granny, and all the kids in his area. You certainly were also capable of working and helping to support him and his family, but legally, you didn't exist in this world. It would be hard.
Especially if Leona rescinded his invitation to continue working for him after graduation. Which he would, if Ruggie "stole you".
Ruggie realized he had wandered himself over to the courtyard. He sat under a tree, leaning back with a groan. He rubbed his tired eyes, trying to get the image of you on Leona's arm out of his head.
Man, he must be hallucinating. You were burned in his mind, and in his ears, apparently.
He felt someone standing in front of him, and cracked open an eye. You were smiling at him excitedly.
"Can't you see I'm trying to rest?" He snickered.
You rolled your eyes. "You hang out way too often with Leona."
"Well he is my esteemed employer," he laughed. His eyes flicked over to your hands. "Whatcha got there?"
"Oh! They're dandelions. Before you come at me, they're seeding, it's too late to eat them."
"Then why are you holding them? And so gently, may I add."
You gently, slowly, handed him a seeding dandelion. Then you sat down next to him.
"Blow on it. Make a wish."
"Just trust me! This is one of the only ways we can do magic where I come from!"
He sighed, but you looked so earnest. So he made a silent wish, and blew on the dandelion, just as you did the same.
"So what did you wish for?" You asked sweetly. He opened his mouth, but you grinned wickedly. "Just kidding! You can't tell me, or it won't come true!"
He rolled his eyes. "That's not how magic works. Besides, my wish is never going to come true anyway."
"Not with that attitude!"
"Not with any attitude. It isn't going to happen."
He leaned against the tree again. You sat quietly, scrutinizing him.
"Well, I wished for a man."
Ruggie snorted at your abrupt change in attitude.
"Any particular man? Remember, if you tell me it won't come true. Shi hi hi."
"Oh hush," you snorted. "Let's see, he's kind."
So not Leona, Ruggie thought with an internal, evil snicker.
"Someone who'd help me fix the dorm, even if he's already super busy. Someone who goes out for a snack, and comes back with a dessert that tastes like sardines. Someone who accidentally started my cat son on a pointless quest to find me a wealthy bachelor so that he can earn mine and Grim's love with tuna."
Ruggie blinked a couple times, slowly mulling over the clear description of himself.
"Yeah. Huh. Still not a wish that's gonna come true?"
He bit his lip, looking off into the distance.
"It can't come true," he tried to sound calm, but he couldn't ignore the bitter tint to his words.
You stiffened. "Oh. Any particular reason why?"
"I can't support you, Y/N. You deserve the world. And I can't give it to you."
"Well, you're thinking super far ahead. I won't even graduate until a year after you. Plus, I don't need supported. I'm a big kid. I can work."
"You deserve the world," he repeated, looking over at you with palpable heartbreak in his eyes. "And my one chance to give it to you will go away once we're together."
"Dude, you're completely losing me. What the fuck are you on about?" You raised a brow.
"Leona offered me basically a lifetime gig with him after graduation. But he's as in love with you as I am. And he's not exactly the most reasonable dude on the planet."
"So you love me too?" 
He rolled his eyes. "That's what you got from that? Of course I love you! I wouldn't fix your shoddy building for free, now would I? I'm not that good a person."
"Sure you are," you said softly as you pushed a stray piece of hair off his face.
"You're missing the point! Leona-"
"The Ruggie I know wouldn't be worried about the jealous anger of a kitty cat who isn't even dating me," you said sternly, and his mouth snapped shut. Logically, you were right. But-
"The Ruggie I know, would join me as I take a trip to Savannahclaw with the intention of blackmailing his ridiculously wealthy housewarden, so he can keep his job and date his true love."
He couldn't even remember the trip, or how it got to this specific point, but damn, were you sexy snapping at Leona about this.
"And another thing!"
"Sevens, shut up, herbivore. You're hurting my head," Leona groaned tiredly. "And my heart. Do you really think I'm this cruel?"
"Huh?" You seemed just as startled as Ruggie felt.
"Sevens, you clearly love the guy. Just cause I'd definitely treat you better, doesn't mean that I'm an ass who would punish Ruggie if you both feel the same way about each other."
He gave a pointed glare at Ruggie. "Does he feel the same way about you?"
Ruggie nodded quickly.
"There. I'm not a monster. You're a good worker, it'd be stupid to lose you over something like this. Just be careful," Leona snickered, and leaned in close, his eyes predatory, his smile smug, "you slip up, I'm going to be right there."
"Fair enough, shi hi hi," Ruggie extended a hand to Leona, the both of them participating in a handshake.
"Sevens, you two are so difficult to understand," you muttered. Ruggie turned towards you with a grin.
"Now that I have my future secured, you wanna know my wish?"
"What was it?" You asked, clearly having a guess.
He stepped close to you, nuzzling his nose against yours. "You promise it'll come true?"
You hummed.
"I wished for a box of a dozen donuts."
You turned on your heel, stalking away, and he laughed after you. "Obviously I wished for you!"
"Whatever, Ruggie."
He chased after you gleefully, for once looking forward to the future.
Tag list-@shytastemakerthing @stygianoir @leonia0 @lleoll @eccedentesiast-sapphic @supertmntgirl @cxsmicdustdreams @aethermostbeloved @krystalkiller25 @asmallbean3 @theneurodivergentdummy @candlewitch-cryptic @smilingfox22-blog @phantomgaming1920 @the-dumber-scaramouche @noidonothavetimeforthis @bontensbabygirl @xxoomiii @somany-fandoms-solittle-time @bre99 @stupidsimp @sus0daddy @a-small-tyrant @imlost-sendhelp @mizukiblogs @neech @kazumify @owlisbuffering
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solar-wing · 1 year
⚣ BatBro with his BatBros 🦇
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⚣ 🦇 A/N → Ah, my first full installment of BatBro headcanons. Where does the time go? Anyway, as we progress throughout these headcanons, you can imagine the characters slowly getting older too. By, the time we get to the end, the reader is at least 18 years old making Damian anywhere between 18-19 years old, since he's a few months older.
⚣ 🦇 Summary → Going from the life of an only child, to having 4+ siblings, can't be easy. Especially when most of those siblings brothers, and those brothers come from a family a crime-stopping vigilantes. What was your mother thinking in leaving you with your dad?
REBLOGS are very appreciated! REPLIES to, I love hearing your thoughts 💛
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I find it funny that no one has ever thought to take advantage of the fact that Bruce Wayne has created a habit of popping up with a new kid like every couple of years. They could try to offer up their kids to him in hopes of cashing in on the Wayne family's wealth.
And he actively turns away all of them, even if he is tempted a couple of times. At least until he gets to you. Everything was normal until your mom decided one day she was done being a parent and just dropped you off at the front gate and left when you were 9 years old. This is also around the same time Damian ended up in Bruce's care, so you both were now dealing with the fact that you've suddenly got a father you never knew, as well as a brother. Well, brothers, since Bruce did somewhat actually have children before he had you guys. 
She left a note along with your other belongings that said “Trust me. He yours,” with nothing else. Bruce could only stare down at you with that usual grim, but pondering look he had while you just stared back at him. 
“I’d thought you be taller,” was your first sentence towards your dad. One that was vaguely familiar to the billionaire as he rolled his eyes and led you inside the manor.
Obviously, Bruce ran a DNA test and confirmed everything to be true. You were indeed his son, snarky remarks and all. You and Damian must share that quality.
Speaking of, since you and Damian were blood-related, you have a more special bond with each other. Even if he bullies the shit out of you.
Hiding your toys and games all around the manor, stabbing your favorite teddy bears and various stuffed items with his knives and daggers, and I'm just going to throw in that you have a love-hate relationship with Scooby-Doo now.
You love the cartoon, but Damian took advantage of the fact that you may not do well with scary stuff and would make his own costume versions of the villains from the show and chased you around the house with them. They were horrifying and disturbing enough to even unsettle Bruce a little, so you could imagine the early childhood trauma you endured.
People think your fear of clowns stems from the Joker. No, it's from Damian.
It’s always from Damian.
Plus, since you and Damian are around the same age, you both end up in the same grade at the same school. So he always keeps a look out for you and protects you from any bullies, while you teach him how to be more sociable and friendly towards others.
Now, if Damian's closest relationship with another brother outside of you is Dick (who you along with everyone else agree that he is basically Damian's second father), I imagine you have a close relationship with both Jason and Tim for various reasons.
You and Tim connect because you both have very intellectual and detail-oriented minds. You watch Scooby-Doo, so you obviously have an interest in mysteries as well as the Red Robin personality. Whenever he is having a hard time connecting dots to a case or a puzzle, you simply come in, take one look and somehow figure it out. Sometimes, you’ll even just make a random statement that ends up being the key to what Tim is looking for.
Tim and you both have an interest in video games, you a little bit more than him. It was because of you that he even really got into them. Before, when it was just you and your mom, you didn’t have anyone to really play with, besides whatever friends you could find online. So having someone you could play with, especially in person now made you and Tim’s bond that more special.
Also, you’ve made it your responsibility to make sure the guy gets adequate rest and sleep and doesn’t drown himself in caffeine.
“Timothy Drake! It is way past your bedtime. Off the Bat-Computer and upstairs into bed young man.” You yelled, marching downstairs with an amused Alfred towing behind.
Your father and siblings all watched from the sidelines as well, all amused at the sight of your young, tiny body, yelling at a slightly older and taller teenager as if you were his father.
“Um, I’m older than you,” Tim responded while holding on to what had to be his 5th coffee of the evening.
“Do I need to repeat myself?”
“Master Tim, with all due respect, I’d do what the young lad says. He’s already started unplugging and cutting the cords to every coffee and espresso machine in the manor.” Alfred said from behind.
Tim looked at you in horror while you stared at him the look on your face very much communicating a ‘try me if you want to’ message, and that’s when he noticed the pair of scissors in your hands.
“OKAY! I’M GOING! I’M GOING!” Tim shouted, sprinting out of his seat and up to his room. Your brothers were quietly laughing until you turned your head right to them.
“And, what are you three laughing at?! Get to bed right now.”
Now, it was their turn to question you. Cause Dick and Jason were full adults and even though Damian was only a few months older than you, well that was it. He was older than you so he bossed you around, not the other way,
“Woah, there little man. Jason and I, we’re grown. We don’t have bedtimes.” Dick said.
“Yeah, squirt.” Jason voiced right behind Dick with his arms crossed.
“Watch yourself, little brother,” Damian warned.
You raised a subtle eyebrow at them while your father and Alfred both looked at you with curiosity.
Alfred, however, had a little more amusement to his look since he already knew where this was headed.
“Dick, I will never have another brother movie night with you again, and I’ll start going to Jason for brotherly advice instead of you. Also, I’ll tell Kory you were being mean to me.” You threatened your oldest brother.
Dick was both hurt and fearful because how could you even threaten him with something that awful and quite frankly, plain rude and ridiculous. He gave way better advice than Jason! Also, he knew Kory absolutely adored you ever since Bruce brought you to the tower that one time and would not hesitate to put him on punishment as well if she even thought he was being mean to you.
Jason was holding a smug look at your threat toward Dick, that is until your eyes landed on him. “Jason, I know where you keep all of your limited edition books, especially your prized signed copy of Pride & Prejudice. We certainly don’t want that getting in the wrong hands, now do we,” You said, turning to your second oldest sibling. Jason was surprised, and slightly impressed, though also terrified. How could you know?!
You turned to your blood-related brother, who held a bit of an overconfident look as there wasn’t anything you could have over him that would have him actually following your orders. “And Damian, I’m sure you don’t want dear old Dad to know what happened at school last week, now do you?” You said, playing slightly with your fingernails while ‘innocently’ rocking back on your feet as if you weren’t blackmailing your siblings. For noble reasons, of course. They need their sleep!
Your brother was both shocked and angry at your statement. How did you even know about that? The look on his face, well, let’s just say it wasn’t friendly, not in the slightest.
But, to no one’s surprise except your dad, all your siblings silently trudged upstairs without another word.
Bruce looked at you and Alfred with a raised eyebrow as you turned back to face your brooding father, only now you could see his brooding look had a hint of questionable curiosity and amazement. 
“You too, daddio. It’s bedtime, yo.” You rhymed. Apparently, not only was everyone’s sleep tracker, but you had a bit of flow with it too. Someone should get you a record deal. 
You gave your dad a slight hug, your head barely reaching above his waist. You still had growing to do! You’d get there eventually.
Walking back toward the entrance, you also made sure to stop and give the butler a fist bump since he was your secret partner-in-crime. How else would you know where to hit to get your brothers to fall in line? with a slight hug to his side before heading back towards the entrance. 
“Thanks, Alfred,” You said!
“Anytime, Master Y/N.”
Bruce eyed you both suspiciously before he realized what was going on as he watched your small body bounce up the stairs.
“Really? You’re in cahoots with my son, Alfred?”
“Why, Master Bruce, I’m offended. I’d say it was more of a beneficial partnership. Cahoots is for the reckless.” Alfred responded jokingly.
The age-old ending to every mystery novel plays out again, the butler did it.
Though, Bruce was still impressed by how easily your brothers listened to you without a second thought. It takes him a few tries just to get a sentence through their head, and that’s if they were actually listening to him that time.
“Wow, he got Jason to listen to him? I still can’t get Jason to greet me without looking him looking like he wants to punch my lights out.” Bruce commented.
“He has your commanding tone, sir,” Alfred said before backing up the manor himself, “I wouldn’t let Master Y/N catch you back down here, though. I heard he’s got some especially dirty leverage on you.”
Bruce suddenly decided to look at the clock, “Guess it is a little late,” He muttered before rushing upstairs himself.
Speaking of Jason, your relationship with the second adopted Wayne kid had more of a special touch. The Red Hood persona was the brother you really looked up to. You liked and respected how he branched out and followed his own path. Of course, Dick technically did the same, but considering everything Jason went through, he had to be one determined fucker to return to the very life that killed him. And, even though you don't necessarily agree with his 'strategies', you were always standing in his corner.
Though, Jason didn’t take well to you at first. In fact, because Damian left such a bad taste in his mouth after they met; when you two were introduced, he literally ran upstairs and screamed at Bruce about how he was the biggest hypocrite in the world for all those lectures he gave him and Dick about using protection. Richard silently agreed, also remembering his first meeting with Damian. 
Determined to not live with a Damian 2.0, and also thinking he was saving you from a life full of trauma because, in his mind, no one deserved to be raised by someone like Bruce Wayne, Jason attempted to take you down to child protective services. 
Your father was very unhappy when he got a call from CPS later that day and he could clearly hear you sobbing on the other side of the phone just as Jason walked through the front door. He was not the least bit ashamed, at least until you came home and he saw how upset you were.
He apologized and decided to give you a chance, thinking since the whole ordeal actually had you crying, you had to somewhat have a soul, unlike Damian. After some time, you got really close with each other. 
Jason taught you how to fight and defend yourself. He’d read you stories at night from some of your favorite books as well as your own, and he’d always get Damian to back off if he decided to pull another one of his scare antics on you. 
Your second eldest brother was your get-out-of-jail card too, whenever Bruce punished you for something. Though, sometimes, it may have just been better to take the punishment than let Jason pull you into whatever shenanigans he was planning. Considering the fact you and he managed to put an entire city without power for two nights somehow.
"How did you two manage to short-circuit the entire electrical grid in New York?" Bruce asked with you two standing side by side, looking like you just finished sleeping on top of a giant summer barbeque grill.
You both looked at each other before turning back to your stern-looking father, Damian mirroring his expression with his arms crossed and tapping his feet.
"Would you believe us if we said it started over a debate of how to eat fries with ketchup?"
Bruce slapped his forehead to his palm while Damian called you idiots. Tim got that curious look on his face, and Dick couldn't stop laughing for 15 minutes.
Now, your eldest brother, he was definitely someone you could count on no matter what. Being the oldest and having the most Bruce experience out of everyone, he always helped you deal with your Brucie problems or ‘daddy issues’ as you'd like to say.
Truth be told, every kid in this family had daddy issues.
As mentioned before, Dick was your movie-watching buddy, he helped you with your homework and always assisted with any life issues you had going on. No matter how many times you may have threatened the Nightwing persona with such, you always went to him for advice, and there was never really a moment you could think of where you regretted it.
He also helped you learn how to be more agile and light on your feet with your fighting. While your second eldest brother taught you how to use brute force and strength in situations, he gave you the acrobatic style of lessons. Where Bruce and Jason were direct and serious, Dick taught and showed you how to be more of the opposite.
And, whenever Jason wasn't around to get Damian off your back, you'd go to him since he was basically his second dad.
You and Dick together were like two chatty Cathys on drugs. One moment, you could be talking about the movie you were watching, then you’d get into a debate over onion rings vs french fries, somehow landing in politics, somehow ending up in a political debate only to end with the "Are we even real" conversation. And for whatever reason, you swore you could hear Tim itching in his seat whenever that conversation came up.
That boy goes down a lot of YouTube rabbit holes at 2 AM when he’s bored on patrol or not doing anything.
Now, one brother on their own was one thing. Two? Someone was calling the police. Three and you may have to check if your life insurance policy is still good. All four? Pray.
Since you now were officially the youngest, a title Damian was actually happy to pass on despite his warnings to Bruce, that meant you got the most of the teasing, even if it mostly came from your blood-related sibling. But his version of teasing tended to leave you with trips to your therapist so you could do without them.
However, one rule all your siblings and family stuck by, no one, and I mean NO ONE, not even in the Justice League or Titans/Young Justice teams, could mess or pick with you except them.
Everyone in the family was very protective over you. You were surprised to see even Alfred was on that list, though you learned quickly the butler was not one to be fucked with. 
You distinctly remember that one time the Batcave got invaded and Batman made you hide in one of the saferooms, you saw on one of the video monitor screens Alfred whacking the shit outta them with just a rifle.
For that reason, among others, you took a mental note to be careful with how you complimented his cooking in the future.
But seriously, if anyone messed with you, and your family found out, Hell itself would be scared of what would break loose from your home.
A bully from school started picking on you and calling you names and you didn't tell your brothers about it, wanting to handle it on your own. Besides, you could defend yourself. They taught you well.
Until the fateful day you came out as gay, bi, pan, etc., and he called you names that your father wouldn't even repeat, and that man had the title of a playboy.
Well, word spread around the school and got back to Damian, who went back and told your other brothers.
By the next day, Dick had shredded every thread of that boy's confidence. Tim hacked the school files, got his address, and framed him for changing grades in the school. Jason used said address Tim got to pay a trip to the kid's place and shot bullet holes in all his clothes when no one was home. And well, let's just say Damian almost went to jail.
Of course, Bruce was pissed when he found out and had to intervene, but when Damian admitted the reason he nearly got arrested, your father upped his allowance.
Only God could imagine the terror that would unfold the day you started dating.
Oh, and they all call you babybird which you despise.
Don't even get me started on your sisters.
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☀️ | Bat Family | ☀️
☀️ | Masterlists | ☀️
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tealfloyd · 2 years
Hello and howdy do~! Thanks so much for the Halloween Costume fic! I loved it, even though I was hoping that MC's costumes would closely resemble that of each dorm's costume theme. Nevertheless, great job!👍 For my next request, I'd like the seven dorms' reactions when MC presents each of the boys a special Christmas gift. Since Christmas doesn't exist in Twisted Wonderland, MC explains its meaning to the boys before she presents them their gifts. Thanks a bunch!
"What do you mean Night Raven College doesn't celebrate Christmas? It seems that MC has a bit more work to do~"
SUMMARY: MC decides to host a Christmas party for all her friends, giving all of them special gifts! (Everyone x Fem!Reader).
WARNINGS: Maybe some light spoilers from most of the character's background, but they're very light. Also MC's empty wallet.
CONTENT: Ortho's part is platonic. My ghost fellows having names. Me trying my best at guessing their gift history. Most of the presents have hand-made decorations on them because I love them. Maybe some characters are ooc, but I really hope not. This format has some variations, and also some of the characters have fewer lines because it's kind of hard to write for all of them equally :( WORDS: 7K+
A/N: Hello dear! I'm sorry this took so long~ I wanted to finish this earlier but got caught up with some important things and so I couldn't write for some days, so maybe this isn't as good as I expected it to be. Either way, I still hope you like it, and if not, please let me know your comments on it!
(Fact that no one asked: I spent three hours looking for gift ideas, and even after that I'm still not sure if I choose the right ones).
Now onto the fic~
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What a lovely Christmas eve; just you and your adoptive cat son, patiently waiting for your guests as you friendly interacted with each other.
“Grim! What did I told you about eating the cookies?!” You scolded, taking the tray and placing it away from him, looking at the crumbs that indicated several were now on his stomach.
As I said, a lovely Christmas eve with friendly interactions.
“Nyah~! Why would you bake cookies if I can’t eat them?!” He whined, pouting as he crossed his arms, very much resembling a child.
You sighed at his antics, crouching next to him so you could pat his head. “You know that these are for the guests; but we can enjoy cat shaped pancakes tomorrow if you want."
“You know I’m not a cat…” He muttered, and you couldn’t help but giggle at his adorableness, correcting yourself.
“I’m sorry. Do ‘Grim shaped pancakes’ sound better then?” You started to softly caress his fur, hearing him purr after a few more petting, relieved that his petty moment was over.
“What a cute bonding time," Conrad said, cooing at the wholesome scene.
“Do you mind if we join?” Asked Brawley, already approaching you two.
“You better not!” Grim said, holding your hand to keep it in its place, trying to prevent you from saying yes, which didn’t work at the end.
“Don’t listen to him, of course you can join!” You said, extending your arm.
“Wah~ MC's so nice~ I don’t understand how those boys haven’t—“ Before Arthur could finish his sentence, Conrad elbowed him, knowing what he was about to say.
“You know we promised to not talk about their crushes on her," he murmured, making you a little suspicious.
“What are you muttering about?”
“Oh, nothing! Just that I think we forgot to buy some groceries, so we have to go!” Was the last thing they said before disappearing.
You raised an eyebrow at the excuse. “But you don’t cook... Or eat…”
A knock on the door made you stood up abruptly, checking the wall clock, gasping since it was already time and you still had to finish some things.
You dusted your apron, trying to look more or less presentable while rushing to the door, instructing Grim to put on the accessories you made for him. He wanted to complain, but couldn’t when he saw you giving him the look, and so he went upstairs, muttering about how you shouldn’t treat him so unfairly.
You opened the door, greeting the Heartslabyul students. “Hello guys!” You cheerfully exclaimed, stepping aside so they could enter. “Please make yourselves at home, I will join you in a moment."
While your figure disappeared after crossing the kitchen arc, the boys were left wondering why you had neatly organised gifts and colourful decorations.
 “What’s all this?” Asked Ace, looking at the pile, curious about the contents.
“Ace, manners," corrected Riddle, afraid he will ruin it.
“That’s so cute! I need to post it right now~” Cater said, pulling out his phone to take pictures of it, trying to think of a cool caption as he scrolled down the best photos.
Deuce was also staring at the presents, thinking about why you had so many. “Can these be… MC’s secret fan’s gifts…?” He muttered, oblivious to the fact that there was one that had his name on the label.
“Do you need help?” Questioned Trey, entering the kitchen to see you checking something in the oven.
“I guess I could use some of that," you chuckled, pointing at the deserts on the countertop. “Can you help me bring those to the table in the living room?”
He complied, taking the tray while carefully moving it so he could place on top the table, making sure everything was the way you organised it.
“Finally, everything’s ready," you exhaled in relief, removing your apron and cooking gloves, leaving them in a cabinet. “You can eat if you want, we still have to wait for the others to arrive."
Just after you finished talking, you heard a knock again, listening to some of them argue behind it.
You encountered the boys, who didn’t notice you already opened the door as the discussion continued. “Am I interrupting something?” You said, softly smiling at them as they stopped dead in their tracks as they turned their heads to you.
“Of course not, Prefect”, Jade was the first one who talked. “We were just having a friendly talk."
You knew he was lying, but didn’t think much of it, smiling softly as you stepped aside. “Sure, whatever you say."
“Thank you for inviting us, Prefect”. Azul and Jamil talked at the same time, looking at each other in surprise, and you chuckled at their expressions, inviting them to enter and feel at home.
It didn’t take much for Floyd to take that too literal, yelling: "yay~!" as he plopped himself on the couch, accidentally (or maybe not) hitting Riddle in the process.
“Hey! Don’t just take all the space!” He complained, anger building up inside him as he pushed his long legs out of the couch.
“My, your dorm seems very colourful. May I ask why?” Jade asked, inspecting the green, red and white decorations that were placed around the room.
“I will explain everything once everyone’s here," you responded, organising a few details that were off, proudly nodding at the results. “In the meantime, you can eat anything you want and—"
You were interrupted by the sound of munching, looking at the first years and some of the second years who were happily eating, sensing your stare.
“Sorry, you said eat anything you want," Ace said, mouth full and with cookie crumbs all over his lips.
“It’s okay, I’m happy you liked it."
“All of this looks amazing!” Kalim exclaimed, looking at his friend with puppy eyes. “Can I eat this, Jamil? MC made it so there shouldn’t be a problem, right?”
Jamil sighs, nodding his head, trusting you fully since he knew you would never try to poison someone, or at least someone so pure like Kalim. “Sure," was all he said, also trying some food himself.
“Who else are we waiting for?" Asked Jack, curious about who else you invited.
“Just Vil, Rook, Epel, Idia, Ortho, Malleus, Lilia, Silver and Sebek."
"Just?" Ace remarked, still munching on the treats you recently prepared.
“That lizard is coming?” Complained Leona, relaxing on the couch after he figured out it wouldn’t bother you.
“Of course he’s coming," you answered, stating it as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, which it clearly was. “They should be here any minute—"
Again, the knocking on the door made you realise they were already here. “Or maybe now."
You opened it, standing in front of a very elegant looking Vil and Ortho by his side, the height comparison making you giggle.
“Hello MC. Thank you for inviting us to this lively reunion," Vil commented.
“Indeed; me and my brother were very happy when we got the invitation!” Ortho cheerfully affirmed as he pointed at Idia, who didn’t know if he wanted to go home or be there. Maybe both.
“This is certainly going to be a magnifique soirée!” Rook exclaimed, excited about what you had ready for the evening.
“I sure hope to meet your expectations” You said, inviting them inside.
“Thanks for inviting us, MC," said Epel, trying to mask his accent so Vil wouldn’t scold him in front of you, who took notice of this and decided to step in.
“Don’t worry Epel. You don’t have to hide your accent here; I will make sure Vil doesn’t reprimand you for it," you calmly reassured, making him (and every person who heard it, even Vil because he was standing right next to you) swoon over your attentiveness.
“S-sure," he stuttered, trying to hide his flushed face from you.
You also noticed Idia and Ortho were still standing outside, probably because the taller one was having an internal debate about whether he should enter or not.
“You don’t have to stay if you don’t want to."
Idia jumped at the comment, not realising that you were in front of him due to his nervousness. “I-It’s okay…" Was all he could answer, cheeks red and hair slightly pink.
“Perfect! Then we must go inside before you catch a cold, brother!" Idia didn’t had room to protest as his little brother was already dragging him inside, hoping he wouldn’t get noticed by the rest of the students there.
Fortunately, and unfortunately for him, the attention was on you, curiosity washing over them as you still didn’t explain the reasoning behind the reunion.
“I told you already, I rather do the explaining once Diasomnia is here; I really want everyone to be here once I start the activity."
“You mean giving us those presents over there?” Asked Jade, perking up everyone’s interest even more.
“PRESENTS?! FOR US?!” The majority yelled, and you covered your ears as a reflective action.
“Yeah, exactly," you said, hoping they would let you talk. “But you have to wait for me to give them to you."
“Eh~? But I want to open it now!” Floyd whined, about to hold his present, stopping when you gently grabbed his arm. “Oh? Is Shrimpy going to give it to me now~?”
You smiled again, but this time in a menacing way, warning him of your wrath if he even touched the present before you gave it to him. “Floyd, please don’t open that box; if you do, I will be mad, and we don’t want that, right?”
It was shocking for them to see this side of you, but at the same time, they would be even more surprised if you didn’t have that side in the first place. After all, you’re still a student at Night Raven College, accidental or not.
The moment was broken when the last knock was heard, and you released Floyd’s arm from your very light grasp, rushing to the door to open it. “Ah, you’re here!”
Lilia laughed, lifting his hand slightly. “We apologize for the delay. Malleus took quite some time since he was still processing your invitation."
Said man only stared at him in disbelief, coughing to dismiss his light embarrassment. “Thank you for inviting me— Us, Child of Man," he thanked, visibly calm on the outside but giggling out of joy inside.
“We truly appreciate your invitation to this reunion, human!” Sebek yelled, making you (and everyone who wasn’t ready for it) wince at the sudden noise, quickly replacing your frown with a kind smile to not hurt his feelings.
“You don’t need to yell, you know?” Commented Silver. “But indeed, we are very grateful," he added, politely bowing.
“It’s nothing, I’m glad that you arrived so please, make yourselves at home," and with that note, you finally closed the door, about to start the explanation when you noticed that someone was missing. “Wait a moment, please."
You walked upstairs, looking for your cat companion. “Grim! Why are you taking so long?”
“This thing is so stupid! I’m not going to use it!” He responded, making you sigh in discontent.
You didn’t expect him to throw a tantrum over an accessory, but it was okay; living with him has taught you quite a few ways of dealing with his childish personality.
“You can have cake for tomorrow’s breakfast."
The door creaked open, revealing him using a red and green bowtie with little snowflakes and a little handcrafted Santa hat on, also wearing a big pout
“Fine then, but you better keep your promise!” He grumpily walked down the stairs, knowing that everyone was going to stare at him.
“I would, but I don’t remember promising it." Checkmate MC, checkmate.
“Nyah!” He exclaims, trying to wriggle out from your grasp as you keep him in place, cradling him until he calms down. “Let me down! I didn’t sign for this!”
Well, neither did you and you’re not complaining for the most part.
“Grim," the cold tone you spoke with made everyone froze again, most of them remembering the earlier scene as you tried to control your child cat companion. “Are you going to behave or not?” He didn’t answer, and you repeated the question.
“I’m going to behave…” He muttered, deflating when you placed him down on the floor, not believing he fell for your tricks again.
“I’m sorry about that," you apologized, letting out a nervous giggle. “I may now explain why I invited you here today."
“I know that most of you’re going to be out due to winter’s break, so I wanted to celebrate Christmas with you before that happens!” You happily exclaimed, your warm smile making their heart melt, only to retrace your words in their heads, highlighting an unknown word for them.
“Christmas?” Asked Azul, intrigued by this.
“What’s that?” Leona questioned, ears perking up in curiosity.
“Ah, that’s right, I forgot that you don’t have it here," you started to think of forms to explain this holiday, deciding that Occam’s razor principle will be the best approach. “In my world, Christmas is a holiday that mainly focuses on love, laughter and happiness. It’s a time where we enjoy our friends and family’s presence and just bask in their warmth and comfort, relieved that they’re in our lives for another year."
Everyone stayed quiet for a while, leaving you to wonder if you had said something wrong until you heard multiple screams (of joy) and cheering.
“That sounds so amazing! I want to celebrate Christmas back home too!” Kalim yelled, already planning on doing something similar with his family.
“That was one of the most beautiful descriptions I’ve ever heard," commented Lilia, wiping a crocodile tear, while the crocodile was, in fact, tearing up.
“As expected of notre chér Prefect! She always ends up looking and sounding more beautiful than before!” Exclaimed Rook, dramatically posing.
“There’s no need for you to compliment me, I’m just explaining what’s Christmas so you can understand." It was useless, they can’t be reasoned with after you said such a heart-moving speech.
“There’s no reason to be so humble about it," Jade added, chuckling at your attempts to calm their cheers.
“I assume the gifts have a meaning in your world too?” Asked Riddle, gazing at them with a hand on his chin, thinking of the reasoning behind it.
You nodded, happy to explain. “Indeed. Gifts are given to show gratitude and affection towards the receiver; it doesn’t differ much from my world to this one."
Your sensed told you they were going to go crazy again, so you spoke again before they could even start talking. “I think that now it’s the perfect time for gift receiving. I just wanted to let you know how I celebrated Christmas back home."
Your strategy worked as they immediately shut up, impatiently waiting until you gave them their respective present.
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A tea set with hand-drawn red roses on it.
For Riddle: Thank you for all the times you’ve helped me with my studies, you were my lifesaver for my grades, haha! And also, for letting me stay at your unbirthday parties even if I'm not a part of your dorm, I really appreciate that!
Riddle can’t remember the last time he got a present. His mother didn't actually give him some kind of reward for his achievements, instead giving him things meant for his studies. Trey and Che'nya were the only ones who didn't expect something out of the things they gifted him. He felt like crying but didn’t dare to because he was worried about what everyone would think of him, not wanting to be seen as weak over such a small detail. A detail that he would treasure forever. Lightly clutching the box next to his chest, he lets a small smile form on his lips while his cheeks turn pink.
“Thank you, MC. I certainly expect you at the following unbirthday party so we can use this intricate set you've customized."
A wooden recipe box, along with pine cooking gloves.
For Trey: Thank you for all the times you’ve helped me, which now that I think about, they were probably a lot. I hope you like this! It has some of my mother’s recipes, and although they probably exist here that doesn’t make them less delicious!
Trey has received a fair number of gifts during his life, most of them coming from his siblings and parents, meaning that he usually got hand-made gift cards and things that could be used over and over again. Because of this, he prefers gifts that he can use and/or that are hand-crafted. He inspects the small, brown box, tracing over your neat calligraphy on the front. When he opens it he finds a small number of cards, sight reading them while finding the reference drawing on the side cute. He softly closes it, silently fawning over your attentiveness.
“Thanks, MC. If you like, you can make these with me, so I know how it’s properly done."
A mini microphone and a small phone tripod.
For Cater: I got to say that I'm impressed that you were walking on fire when you hosted our mini parties, because Riddle's wrath is no joke, haha! I hope this will make you grow on your journey to be a wonderful influencer, and when that happens, take for granted that I’m going to appear in your 1M follower's video!
The majority of Cater’s gifts came from both of his sisters, and let’s just say that he wasn’t very pleased by what was given to him. He wishes that his sisters tried to understand him and see what he liked instead of what they liked, and the fact that his family was constantly moving didn’t help. He stared at the presents, unsure about what to say after receiving a gift that he liked- Actually, no, a present that he loved, and not just because it was something he could use in his social media; it was also because you thought of him. He smiles widely, letting soft giggles as he tries to contain the joy that he’s feeling.
“This is totes cute, MC! I will definitely take a video later, and of course you will be the one starring it~!”
A spinning poker weight and a hand-drawn poker deck.
For Ace: I sure hope you like this because if not, wow. Just wow. But now talking seriously, I wanted to thank you for all the times you sided with me even though I was wrong in most of those cases; it meant a lot coming from you.
Ace has had his fair number of gifts too, half from his brother and half from his parents and relatives. He doesn’t really know how to react since the only presents that he got that were hand-made were some gift cards from when he was little, so receiving something that had your utmost care and dedication was a bit… Foreign, but certainly not unwelcomed. He realises that the first one is just you messing with him, because who in their right mind would randomly play Poker? And then he remembers who: you, and it’s odd because you created such a beautiful cool deck of cards, yet you don’t know how to play? He can’t help but chuckle at this, carefully saving the box in his pocket.
“For real? Like, thanks for the gift but I thought it will be way cooler— No, you can’t take it back, it’s mine now."
A pair of blastcycling gloves.
For Deuce: Thank you for all your help here in Ramshackle. I think that one of the reasons this dorm hasn’t collapsed is because of your skills. I know you want to have a blastcycle, and although I can’t give it to you I want to cooperate by giving you these gloves. It’s not much, but I hope you like them!
The only gifts Deuce has received came from his mother and grandmother, so he doesn’t have too much experience about receiving presents from other persons, and to top it off, that person is you. He just stares at the gloves, cheeks growing redder as his mind races with possible ways to thank you, not really coming up with something coherent. In order to calm himself down, he tried them on, surprised that they were his exact size, blushing again at the thought of you thinking about him while picking the accessory.
“I, uh— Thanks for this, Prefect! I really appreciate you— I mean, the gloves! But it’s not like I don’t appreciate you for picking them—"
Help him.
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A pair of earplugs and a travel pillow.
For Leona: Thanks for the times you've help me even when you’re too sleepy to even move, and so I thought of this gift for you! You usually sleep everywhere and anywhere, so please carry this pillow so you wouldn’t end up with a strained neck and sore muscles!
Leona has received a lot of gifts since he was a child; not that much now that he's older because he’s barely home but when he does, he still has a lot of presents with his name written on it. When it comes to gifts that he keeps or uses, that’s another story. He keeps looking at the label, suddenly remembering all of Cheka’s drawings and cards that he keeps in a secret box in his room, smiling at how cute and dumb it is, but a good type of dumb.
“Worried for me, herbivore? Why would I need this pillow if I already have you?"
A Sam’s gift card for two months’ worth of food.
For Ruggie: I don't consider that paying you with donuts it's fair after all the times you've helped, and so I managed to get this gift card from Sam's (yes, you still can get donuts)! Both you and Leona are going to be thanking me for this, haha!
Ruggie had little to no gifts during his childhood; he has always prioritized every income, so presents were given around once a year. Ruggie has grown to appreciate everything that can help him, so seeing this came as a shock to him. In all honesty, he wanted to cry, because how are you be so kind and considerate? This just doesn't seem like reality! He knows you can barely feed Grim and yourself with what's given to you yet you still thought of his wellbeing. He laughs to cover his nervousness, as a small, unnoticeable tear sliding down his cheek.
“Shi shi shi~ I guess if you managed to get this card then I wouldn’t mind sharing some of its perks with you~”
A personalized exercise dice and a bottle of water.
For Jack: I cannot count all the times I relied on you, and I'm deeply grateful for that, really grateful! You mentioned that you needed to change your water bottle, so I got this one for you! I hope you like it!
Jack has also received his fair number of gifts during his childhood, mostly useful things and cards from his siblings, so, like Trey, he likes presents that are meaningful and/or useful. He’s amazed that you remembered such a small comment, cheeks slightly blushing because of this, inspecting the little wolf drawing you did on the cover. He looks at the dice and realises that all the faces have his favourite exercises, even more amazed because he didn’t even need to tell you about his preferences for you to know them, carefully saving them in the box again.
“Thanks for the gift, MC. If you’d like, you can train with me— So we can use this dice you’ve made, clearly."
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A refillable notepad with a little octopus drawing on the cover.
For Azul: I noticed you had few notebooks the last time I visited, and since you use a lot of them, I thought this refillable one would save you space and money! I also drew in some of the pages, but you can erase them if you want!
Azul stared at the notebook, realising that you drew little doodles in almost every page, and he imagined the amount of time you spent in this, blushing slightly because that time was for a gift dedicated for him. Azul's gift history wasn't the best; he only got presents from his family and sometimes from Jade and Floyd (although they were mostly trinkets), so receiving such a heartfelt present from you (friend, loyal customer and crush) made him blush even deeper, and he tried to calm the butterflies that were fluttering inside his stomach in order to thank you.
"I'm surprised you managed to find such a suitable present. I'm very grateful for this valuable gift, Prefect."
A terrarium notebook with some mushroom's stickers on it, along with a terrarium earring.
For Jade: It's no surprise you love terrariums and mushrooms, so I thought this notebook that I found at Sam's would be of your liking. I also made this earring, and although is a bit messy I still hope you like it!
Jade didn't expect to receive such a sincere gift during his stance in Night Raven College, or at least one that didn't come from his brother and maybe Azul. Instead of his practiced smile, he does a much softer one, hiding the earring from Floyd as he asked what he got. He usually doesn't mind when his brother touches his stuff (as long as he leaves it in the same place); since they're twins, they've grown accustomed to sharing, but this is not something he thinks he can share with him, rather choosing to use it after finding a safe place for it.
"I am ever grateful for this, Prefect. I will make sure to take the utmost care of this special present."
A pair of roller skate shoes.
For Floyd: I'm walking on a thin line by giving you these shoes, Floyd. They may be a bit hard to use at first, but i know that you can be able to master the act of roller walking in a few days! (Just be aware of your surroundings... And the people around you too).
Oh, MC- I mean, Shrimpy. Since Floyd is not going to be at home during winter break, you can be completely sure that both you and Grim (mostly you) are doomed to stay by his side now that he can go as twice as fast than before. His face lights up when he sees the inside of the box, thinking that you got him a new pair of cool shoes, until he reads the label. Shrimpy? You got him skate roller shoes? Are you saying that you want him to chase you faster when he spots you in the hallways? (See what I told you by saying you're doomed?).
"Woah~! These shoes are soooo cool~! I'm sure that I can be able to catch Shrimpy way faster with these on!"
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A color changing mug with a little doodle of him, Jamil, Grim and you.
For Kalim: I found this mug when I was searching for stuff at Sam's, and I first thought of you! I know it's not the most expensive or fancy gift from all, but I really hope you like it and the little drawings I made!
Coming from a wealthy family, gifts in the Asim household were something very usual for all of the family members. Even if they were expensive, they all appreciated the meaning behind it, always thanking their parents and siblings. Kalim is very fond of these types of gifts; you can give this boy a rock and he would give you a pair of gold earrings in exchange. You have to cover your eyes because the light he's emanating from reading the label and seeing the present is insane. No jokes here.
"Thanks, Prefect! I never saw something like this! I will make sure to bring you lots of things to make up for this!"
A massage roller and essential oils.
For Jamil: I really appreciate all your help, even though you still have to help Kalim and manage Scarabia's reputation. I don't want you to be worn out, so I got you these! Vil recommended me these brands, so I assure you they're completely effective!
Jamil hasn't had many gifts during his childhood, much less during his teenage years. When it came to gift receiving, the main things he would get were special meals and clothes, and if the Asim's wanted to gift him something else, his family would politely reject it until they finally accepted due to all the convincing. He's puzzled at your consideration, standing still as he gazes at the present, snapping out when you call his name for the third time.
"Ah, sorry, it's just that— It's nothing, I'm fine. Thank you for the gift, Prefect. I will be looking forward to use these."
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A phone case with a small compartment to carry makeup.
For Vil: I wanted to thank you for all the skincare and makeup advice you've given me, even though you're the one actually applying it, haha! I don't know if you already have something like this, but if not, I really hope it will come in handy for you!
Vil has received an insane number of gifts during his life, all from his parents, sponsors, agencies and his fans, keyword fans. He knows it's because they love him, but it can't get a little too much if he's being honest, and now that he's telling the truth, he doesn't end up using most of those things. This, however, is something he's definitely going to use. It's practical, it's beautiful and it was given to him by you, so even if he had one before, he would have used yours instead. He didn't even have to use a mirror to know he was blushing, thankful that he could use the weather as an excuse.
"I'm really grateful about this, MC. Although I'm a bit surprised you've chosen such a unique gift. Ah, don't worry, that is a compliment."
A forest scented candle, along with a paper which had a handwritten poem on it.
For Rook: I know how much you love poetry, and I was told that scent can inspire different feelings, and I thought that the forest concept was pretty aligned with your personality! There is also my attempt at writing a poem and a note from Neige, though I would you should hide that from Vil.
When it comes to gifts, Rook would appreciate everything that is given to him, but, if it's someone that he specially has a keen interest for, then take for granted he would praise the hell out of that person. And would you see that? His precious chérie was the one that gifted him such a heartfelt present! Is this the perfect moment for him to confess his undying love for you?
"Quelle beauté! Once again, I've been blessed by your lovely kindness, ma chérie! How I wish for you to keep showing me this side of yourself!"
Did that count as a confession?
An apple-themed shaker bottle.
For Epel: I'm aware I thanked you before about this, but thank you for sticking with me; I know you had to face Vil's wrath after some occasions. I don't know if this is enough, but I got this shaker bottle for you! Coach Vargas says it's a great way to start building muscle and so I picked this one! You can always remove the drawing if you don't like it, what matters it's the bottle, haha!
The majority of Epel's gifts came from his family and neighbors, which consisted of handmade presents such as clothing and wood carved objects, so receiving something like this was a bit odd for him; mostly because he didn't read the label and was super confused when he looked at the bottle. When he did read the label... He was hurt, because he thought that you perceived him as someone weak. However, that thought vanished as you asked him if you could exercise with him, understanding that you just wanted to make him happy, and you certainly succeeded.
"This is—! Huh? Oh! O-of course ya' can exercise with me, and, uh— Thanks for the gift! If I use this then I can become strong enough to protect you..."
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A Pain and Panic phone and controller holder.
For Idia: You're not going to believe this, but I found this set at the back of Sam's shop and I immediately thought that they would be perfect for when we play! I know it's not enough as a thanks since you've upgraded my phone, but at least we would have something cute to look for, haha!
Idia has to sit down after this, because he thought that this day would never come. You, of all people, gifting him something? He needs a moment to process what just happened, all while blanky staring at the note and wrapped accessories, realising something that he thought was accidental, because it had to be; 'we would have something cute to look for', as in... A family...? *Idia soul has left the chat*.
"H-huh? What happened? Huh?! I did?! W-well, it's because this caught me off guard... Why are you looking at me like that? Seriously, I can't get why you're laughing... Thanks for this though, I guess that we can level this up together when I come back... If you want to, that is!".
A deck of Cards Against Humanity, Family Edition.
For Ortho: I may not be in the board game club, but I'm pretty sure this is something they don't have there, so we both can play an exclusive version of life choices! I know you like board games so I thought this will be fun to play with, but it all depends on what you think!
Ortho remembers receiving gifts, so he knows how it feels to receive something that he enjoys. His face brightens up, realising that this can not only make you and Idia even closer, but that he can be a part of it too! He likes when you spend time with his brother, but he also likes to spend time with you, as he's grown fond of your kindness and thoughtfulness, the huge number of presents you've given so far being proof of that.
"This seems like a lot of fun to play with! Thank you, Prefect! I will be looking forward to play with you once the break is over!"
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Winged gargoyle tabletop lamp.
For Malleus: I'm very aware of your likings towards gargoyles, Tsunotarou, and also that you're not the best with technology. Hence, this is why I thought this was perfect for you! The gargoyle is named Bartholomew, and it can work with both magic and technology! I hope you take great care of my son!
Malleus coughed when he finished reading the note, surprised by what you just wrote, contemplating the fact that you named his gift and that was your platonic son. Does this mean the start of a beautiful gargoyle family? Most probably and be you can be completely sure he's not leaving that thought anytime soon. He tries the lamp, smiling at the dim light that emanates from it, looking up to meet your expectant gaze, softly giggling after seeing that he liked the present.
"I truly appreciate your present, Child of Man. But why would I need a source of light when I already have you?"
A leather mini journal with some quotes from you and the Diasomnia members.
For Lilia: There was one time you've told me that you liked to travel, and although I know you have an impeccable memory, it never hurts to write down some interesting things, like the infinite amount of quotes that we've all said.
Lilia is amused; he chuckles when going through the pages, realising that you were the one that had great memory since you were able to write all of this. He really thinks you're one of a kind; gazing at all the students that were happy with their own presents as they chatted amongst themselves, he comes to realise that no matter the situation, you still manage to bring a smile to everyone's face, him included.
"Khee hee! This is very thoughtful of you, Prefect! If you have such a great memory, then I should probably invite you to serve as my personal diary~"
A deer pocket alarm clock.
For Silver: You may be wondering why I chose this as a gift for you, or at least thinking about it. I thought that it would help you with your drowsiness, since it's portable and doesn't need to use batteries or recharge. I really hope you like this, and if not, I can still be your walking alarm clock, haha!
Silver's gift history it's not exactly the best. He has received presents from his father, Malleus and Sebek, and let's just say... Some of them weren't that great. After years of receiving Lilia's cooking, Malleus's gargoyle speeches and Sebek's drawings of Malleus, this came as quite a shock to him. There's only one thing that can connect your gift to the other ones: the intention behind it, and that's what has him smiling.
"Thanks, MC. I will try to use this... But if your offer still stands, I will be more than happy to accept it."
A bookmark that has a photo of Malleus, Lilia, Silver, Sebek and you, along with a crocodile notepad.
For Sebek: I've noticed that you have a keen interest towards reading, and while I cannot offer you a Malleus's history book, I want to give you this! Even though the result is a bit unpolished, I think that what matters the most is the photo itself, don't you think?
Due to him having a very attentive and caring father, Sebek was always surrounded with gifts, finding them and his father's actions off-putting. Despite of that, he's very appreciative of the things that both Malleus and Lilia gifted him, keeping every single one of them in peak condition so he can remember how he felt when he first got them. It's no different with you, no matter how much he denies it; he can mask his flushness (for the most part), but an action that gives him away is how careful he handles both things, unconsciously smiling as he traces the bookmark.
"Human! How can you place a young master's photo into such an ordinary object?! Huh? W-well, if it means that much to you then I suppose I can keep this... Thank you... "
After making sure everyone received their gift you exhaled in relief, grateful that all of them seemed happy with what they got.
You sat down, chatting with them for a bit until Grim threw an unexpected comment, making all of them stop the chattering almost immediately.
"I can't believe that you didn't get something for me! You spent all that money in these humans and nothing for your master?!"
"Potato," Vil started, face completely serious. "Care to tell us how many madols you spent for these presents?"
"Indeed. Even if they're handmade or bought with cheap prices, twenty-two is a big number for presents," commented Azul, calculating the total price in his head.
You started to sweat, laughing to cover your nervousness. "It's no big deal, really, I—"
Jamil took a step forward, visibly upset. "Prefect, you need to tell us how much you spent for all of this. No approximations."
You realised that there wasn't a way to revert this situation, knowing that even if you didn't say it, Azul would've guessed the total price with a few madols of difference.
"Maybe I spent four... hundred madols..." You silently added, clear enough for them to drop their jaws in horror.
"Four hundred madols?!" Cater exclaimed, too shocked to even note that he dropped his phone.
"That much?!" Asked Ruggie, eyes wide as plates.
"Why would you do that?!" Ace and Deuce screamed.
"It's no big deal, really," you started to explain. "Grim and I already have guaranteed food for these holidays, and it's not like I'm fully broke."
"Yeah, but still! Four hundred madols it's a lot of money!" Epel scolded, irritated by the sole fact that you would spend your precious money that way.
They started to complain, the majority trying to find ways to help you while the others tried to calm them down.
It was then when you decided to intervene. "Guys," you exclaimed, making all of them turn their heads to you, taking notice of your sad face. "Christmas is about happiness and joy! If anything, I only spent that much so you would be happy! You don't need to worry about us when we will be fine, so can you please stop arguing and enjoy this party?"
That's right; you only wanted them to be happy, and yet here they were, ruining the party and making you upset.
"I'm not mad," you spoke again, reading the room. "There's no reason to not continue celebrating; after all, you all leave tomorrow, don't you? Let's just enjoy our time together while we still can, please?"
They softly nodded, calming themselves down as they realised that you would be okay, embarrassed by their earlier outburst.
"Don't make those faces," you chuckled, a little amused by their golden expressions. "There's still plenty snacks and—" You were interrupted by a 'ding' that came from the kitchen. "Turkey, apparently"
While you were busy cutting the portions for them to eat, they were wondering how they got lucky enough to get a friend like you, quietly enjoying the fact that they got to call themselves your friend to begin with.
They will make sure to pay you off, both from your gifts and your kindness.
"You really couldn't have wait until everyone was gone?" You scolded, retrieving a big box from beneath the counter.
"What are you talking about—" Grim asked, still annoyed that you didn't have a gift for him, at least, not until now. "Is that—?"
"Happy Christmas, Grim," you handed him the present, chuckling at the way his eyes lighted up in enthusiasm.
He hurriedly opened it, and the remains of the package flew in the air, result of his anticipation.
When he finally got to see what was inside, he widely smiled. "And? What do you think about it?"
"I love it!" He raised the premium tuna cans, delighted that they had his face on the cover. "Of course, you had a present for me; I'm the mighty Grim, after all! Nyah ha ha ha!"
You frowned. "Was that your way of saying thanks?"
"... Thanks, henchman..." He shyly said, making you giggle.
"You're welcome, Grim."
You five (adding my dear ghost fellow) ended up having a movie night, cozily snuggling to each other as you all watched the old screen, cheerfully laughing as the rain was pouring outside.
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azandsstuff · 6 months
The lonely seat~
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Twisted Wonderland X Reader
Angst story
Summary : Both Grim and him try to make you stay after everything you had to endure because of them.
Other story that goes nice with this timeline : [X]
My list :[-]
A hand stops you from going any further. Or you may even say it was the paw that stopped you from going. You never once call him by this title but instead you always call him your 'son'. But today or even the many days that will come later you know something like 'Monster' fits him more than anything.
It's not just him that deserves that title. All of them deserve to be called and are actually a monsters. Before they always push you away. Away from them especially since you are so weak and worth nothing to them. But now they dare to stop you from going any further? How selfish are them to think they simple words can stop you from leaving?!
You know that on the other side of this portal is your home. Your real home. The one that has your real family and friends that always stay by your side no matter what. So why did you stop your feet right now to look back at them?
"Please don't go. Please stay with us. We need you. I need you..."
That monster says with a tear in his eyes. Your heart breaks a bit as you see the tears that are coming out of him. Your heart is too soft. You can't bring yourself to push them away. Not even now where it's your important choice to go. It was only because this place feels a lot more like home than you had before.
"You don't even know if that portal truly leads you to your home. So please stay with us. Stay with me."
That monster begs of you. Beg for you to stay. But do you really want to stay here? In this doomed world that always makes you miserable no matter what? No you should just go back to your world. It's the only right choice among the others.
Besides you no longer want to be a puppet. Or more correctly you no longer want to be marionette to these people. The fact that they think they can use you so easily and to think you won't notice they have been pulling your string non stop.
Your name has been called. By him. The man who you thought was your lover and the man that would keep you company for your whole life while you stay here was the second mastermind behind all of this. He stole your heart and cast it aside as if it was worth nothing. He doesn't deserve any of those feelings that you have for him anymore. In fact he shouldn't even try to make you stay. Just the thought of him already makes you mad, now the fact that he also tried to stop you from leaving was really so petty of them.
"Don't even bother. I hate you. I hate all of you. Especially you both."
You said to them as you tears up. You see both of their faces have a pity look to convince you to stay . If it were past you, you were already coming running to them and hugging them tight as you can while comforting them in any way you can. But did you really mean it when you said that?
"I hate both of you and wish that we will never ever meet again! So give it back!"
You say as you shout at them as you hold out your hand. Before that hand would hold both of them dearly but now that hand feels so rough that it may as well resemble a sharp torn if it can.
"I want all the secrets and all of the memories that we have together. You guys never once deserve any of those. You guys don't even resemble a being that I love the most. Right now the monster will always be the correct answer if anyone asks me about you two"
"You don't mean it. [Name]. Please don't mean it..."
That monster plead you. As hard as he can to even cry much harder than before. The fire in his ear that always feels warm, now feels more hot than before and definitely can burn you if they want too. But somehow those things don't burn you.
"Please, mama/papa. Please stay with Grim..."
"Don't even try to call me that! Never once you call me that! And now you want to use that?! Don't make me laugh, you monster!"
You say in an angry tone before kicking that monster away from you. Gosh, right now all you can see is red. Does all of this anger come from all the pain that you have to endure? Is thus the reason why you can't even think straight?
"Please, [Name]. Listen to us! Why do you want to leave?"
"Why do you want me to stay?!"
You say to him as you can't even look properly anymore. That monster already stands up again thanks to him who helped him. But now that monster can't no longer walk properly and yet that monster still tries to walk to you. He holds your leg as the tears begging you to stop. Why are they so desperate to keep you here? What was it that they don't have enough? Why can't they let you go in such a happy state? Why must all be tears up and sad to look at or even anger already in it?
"How many people do you want to meet? How many souls do you want to steal? You should know by now that the portal is never the right answer. If you go to that portal you may as well die if you want all of us to forget about you!"
He shouted at you as he can no longer bare it anymore. Why is he crying? And why does he feel the sadness and anger right now? He doesn't deserve that! So is that monster! So why are both of them crying and holding your body part to make your stay? And why are you crying with them and don't push them away? Why are you here and don't go into that portal already?
"Both of you don't deserve any of these tears. Both of you don't even deserve to touch me. So why do I still let you guys touch me while I shed my tears here?"
You ask them as you cry. Right now somehow all the anger you feel before feels like nothing and vanishes all of the sudden. As if all of those anger mean nothing. But now you're sure of one thing.
Even if the other side of this portal is an endless void that will do nothing but kill you slowly, you will enter it. Even if your memory got reset and you sent it back here.
"So then stay here with us, mama/papa. Stay with us and you will never forget us. And I'm sure and will help you no matter what as you help me here to move"
"Yes,[Name]. Stay with us and we make sure you get all of your happy ending with us"
Happy ending?
A happy ending is never meant for you. You thought that you deserved it once but now and how the story goes, you know that you never deserve it from the start. You push both of them away from you before removing the necklace that you wear.
You always wear that necklace the moment you get it in your hand as it is the only way you get magic. You hold that necklace so tight in your hand before shattering it to the ground before looking and smiling at them.
"Don't worry the next time we meet I'm sure it's always nice to meet with hello"
You say before leaving them alone to join the other side. You don't even let them say anything or to even let them hold you tight anymore you just leave them with nothing to remember you anymore except the shatter magic stone that is once yours.
You don't even say goodbye or even bye to end this tragic story of them and don't even allow them to say one more to say to you. The word you wanting to hear from one of them is...
"I wait and stay here for you for this entire eternity..."
[NAME chose to end this story with tears that no one deserves.]
[End of the story]
[To be continued with a side ending]
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gffa · 1 year
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I AM GOING SO FERAL OVER THE CHARACTER ARCS IN URBAN LEGENDS BECAUSE I LOVE THIS SO MUCH. There are two stories that are written by different authors and complement each other in ways that hit for me JUST RIGHT because it ends up showing such an interesting portrayal of how complicated relationships aren't a single straightforward line in how they act towards each other. In "A Carol of Bats", Bruce is being grim and sullen, so Tim tries to get Dick to deal with him, but Dick says he can't, he's done that over and over, it never lasts, and ultimately he started sacrificing his own future to keep Bruce from being consumed by his past, that Tim needs to be careful with this, too. But then we see Dick went ahead and called Bruce anyway, he stepped back in when he was needed, and we see Bruce stepping back from the ledge, hugging a scared, hungry man from the mob, organizing a dinner for those who are starving--but more than that he also tells Tim (who gets him a present to try to make him happy), that he's already happen, that Tim being his son makes him happy, period. Then a different arc starts up and it's such an emotional follow-up, where "The Murder Club" has Thomas and Martha Wayne coming forward in time, disapproving of what's become of their son, and Dick stomping all over the sacred ground of Bruce's feelings about his parents, to say that they'll come around, once they understand what Bruce has done for all of them, what he's done for Dick specifically. And Bruce agrees! Even having just been emotionally sucker punched by his parents, he's come far enough that a three-minute speech by Dick Grayson where he refuses to not be important to Bruce, that's enough to have him step back from the ledge. It's almost easy in comparison to previous times! Because Bruce has been working on it! The whole arc is about Bruce having a chance to literally return to the past, to live a life with his parents, to be able to choose his parents over everything he's built--and he chooses the present. He chooses his sons and father figure, he chooses Alfred, Dick, and Damian.
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And he acknowledges the burden that his trauma and poor mental health have put on them, Dick especially (though, Tim and Damian are part of this as well, and Jason had his whole arc earlier in the series):
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AND I'M JUST??? LOSING MY MIND OVER THIS CHARACTER ARC?? I have no idea how intentional it was or if it was just two writers who actually get the characters, but that it's not a smooth path to navigate dealing with a man like Bruce, that there's always forward steps and backward steps, that there'll be progress and there'll be backsliding (because THAT'S HOW SHITTY MENTAL HEALTH WORKS, that's how emotionally complicated relationships work!), but they all get up and keep trying to do better for each other and themselves. That these two stories show an arc of Bruce slowly learning to handle his breakdowns better. That he lets them in faster, he reaches out himself faster, he holds onto them faster. It's not about turning their backs on Bruce, it's about saying that they can't make him be happy at the expense of their own lives, but then we see him literally turn away from the past for them, of course they're right there, they love him, they want to be here, they show up when he's willing to meet them halfway--and Bruce does. Because that's who the character is at heart, someone who is traumatized to hell and back, that trauma is often violent and ugly, but he keeps getting up and trying again for those he loves, for those he needs to be better for. That means sometimes he missteps. He'll misstep again in the future. People will have to take a step back from him in the future. But they'll all dust themselves off and try again because he genuine makes an effort for them, not just to save their lives, but to be emotionally available even when it's hard fucking work and he can't punch his way out of it. Bruce Wayne is a character that is at his most resonant for me when sometimes he's a shitty dad who then has to work to be better, that if he never mistepped, his character wouldn't have nearly the depth he does. This Bruce Wayne means the world to me because it's so hard to do this kind of work, so much harder than punching things, and yet he keeps doing it, even when it hurts, because his family deserves him to really try for them. And he does! He'll be an asshole again in the future, but when I say "Bruce Wayne is a good dad", it's because of this, because even in the middle of that 530 different flavors of fucked up trauma brain he has, he still says his kids' emotional boundaries and overall wellbeing and happiness matters.
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pippin-katz · 3 months
Reference To Heathers In Dead Boy Detectives
I was going through some of my notebooks and journals yesterday, and I found a composition notebook I got from a concert-style performance of Heathers: The Musical. It has yellow typewriter-style stickers on it that says the very first line of the show.
"September 1st, 1989: Dear Diary..."
My brain buffered so hard I gasped out loud. Obviously, that's the same year Charles died. At first, I was like, "Oh that's a cool coincidence!"
But then my brain went deeper, because I have seen and reblogged a piece of fanart of the Dead Boys with a caption referencing a quote from the film that was turned into a musical number: "I love my dead, gay son."
For those who are confused as hell, probably cause you're unfamiliar with the film/show, this is when I started to think it might not be a coincidence, and I'll explain why!
Brad & Hunter = Ram & Kurt
Anyone who knows Heathers is probably starting to be like, "OMG that's a great comparison!" But I'm not sure if this is just a comparison, or actually a hidden reference to Heathers.
⚠️ Warning! ⚠️ Heathers is a black comedy, also referred to as a dark comedy or morbid humor, meaning it makes light of subject matter that is generally considered taboo, particularly subjects that are normally considered serious or painful to discuss. TW: suicide, murder, attempted nonconsensual sex, homophobia Short Synopsis of Heathers: Veronica tries to join a toxic clique of three girls named Heather who rule high school. A new bad boy named Jason Dean, JD for short, arrives at the school. The two of them develop a relationship that leads to the murders and coverups of several of their incredibly toxic classmates.
(For those who want more specifics, to better understand the movie, keep reading. For those who don't need or want to read it, skip down to where the text turns back to the end of the parathesis and the text goes back to normal size.
Veronica was a nobody, but is gradually being inducted into the Heathers group. There are three Heathers: Heather Chandler, Heather Duke, and Heather McNamara. Veronica is an excellent forger, able to replicate hand writing. JD is new to school and gets sought out at lunch by the two biggest jocks, Ram and Kurt. They try to intimidate him, but it backfires because he pulls out a handgun. He shoots at them with blank bullets, scaring the shit out of them.
JD is a deeply traumatized and troubled person due to his shitty father, and the fact that his mother committed suicide in front of him when he was a kid by entering a building she knew was about to be demolished by her husband's construction company. His view on humanity is skewed and grim, and he can get violent when provoked or angered. He believes in extreme action to a sociopathic level, in this case, removing the problematic people who are the root of the toxicity in order to make a happier society.
Veronica and JD get into a relationship after she fights with Heather Chandler at a party. They go over to her house in the morning to suck up to her, but it ends in her death (will be explained). To cover it up, Veronica forges a suicide note.
JD sees it as a win, because with her gone and the contents of her fake suicide note, everyone is starting to be nicer to each other and be more open about their feelings. Veronica is torn up because she accidentally killed her "best friend" and "worst enemy", and also sees JD's point.
It spirals from there, but that should be enough specifics of the plot and characters for you to understand the rest of the essay better, at least in the sense of the tone of the film.)
Heather Chandler, the first victim, was killed because Veronica accidentally gave her toxic sink cleaner JD had joked about giving her instead of the hangover cure they're concocting. They stage it as a suicide so they don't get in trouble, but Veronica is a bit shaken, obviously. It was an accident, at least for her; JD saw her pick up the wrong mug and chose not to tell her.
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The next victim, or victims, is a pair of jocks who are the coolest guys on the football team, Ram Sweeney and Kurt Kelly. They sexually assault Veronica (unsuccessfully), lie about it to the school newspaper, claiming they had a threesome to humiliate her. She's upset, JD is furious, and they are the most toxic guys in the school. JD comes up with the idea to "prank" them; they'll "shoot" them and make it look like a gay suicide pact with a note and stereotypical gay items, humiliating them when they wake up. This is the '80s, so homophobia was super common.
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Veronica thinks they're going to use fake bullets on them, but JD obviously lies and puts real bullets in the guns. They do the "prank", JD kills Ram, but Veronica misses Kurt. She's laughing because they scared the shit out of them, but JD chases him down to finish the job. She realizes Ram is not unconscious, but dead, and JD kills Kurt as well. They stage it as a gay suicide pact in order not to get caught, again.
A funeral is held for the two boys, and in the film, one of their father's goes up to the casket and tearfully declares he's not going to be homophobic anymore, ending with the line: "I love my dead, gay son."
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A line so iconic that it got an entire musical number in the musical adaptation, with the line being the title and part of the chorus. It is absolutely hilarious.
Now, let's break that down into a simplified list:
two jocks who the coolest members on their team
said jocks have a reputation of mistreating girls
said mistreatment of girls leads to their murder
said murder is covered up by making it look like something self-induced
said murder is also committed unintentionally with the goal simply to make them unconscious
The fifth episode of Dead Boy Detectives is the same thing in a different font! Brad and Hunter were to two most popular jocks, on the baseball team rather than football team. They treated girls horribly, something Ram and Kurt were also notorious for. It's because of the way they treated Maren that they end up being killed, just like Ram and Kurt's treatment of Veronica is the cause for their deaths. Both of the murders are made to look self-induced, an intentional suicide pact for Ram and Kurt, and an accidental alcohol poisoning for Brad and Hunter. Both murders are also not intended to be murders by the girls behind them; Veronica and Maren both believe that they will only be knocking them out, not killing them.
That is a lot of specific parallels!
But what makes me even more suspicious of it being intentional is the fact that Twitchy Richie literally says, "But I also heard they died in a secret gay suicide pact."
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Back in the '80s? Unfortunately somewhat common, that's why they used in Heathers. It was made in the '80s and takes place in the '80s. Veronica and JD used it because it was easy to believe, and unlikely to draw suspicion. Back then, if something looked like a suicide, complete with a forged note, props, and whatnot, they tended not to bother investigating further; that's especially believable for a gay suicide since homophobia was so high.
Now? Definitely wouldn't be one of the first explanations you would think of. If a pair of guys died in a car accident, or surfing, or an activity they are doing together, and they did not have any indicators of it being suicide and/or queer (straight dudes Brad and Hunter's alcohol poisoning), I'm pretty sure "secret gay suicide pact" would not come up in the conversation by anyone other than conspiracy theorists, or dickheads like Richie. Crystal even refers to him bringing it up and making the "giving each other hand jobs" comment as him making "gay jokes". It's not even remotely considered to be an actual theory. He said it just to be an asshole.
There's also a small correlation that the only other victim in Heathers is Heather Chandler. Of the three victims, she's the only girl, and she also "commits suicide", at least in the eyes of the public. There is a third death relating to Brad and Hunter's case: Shelby. She's the singular female victim who actually commits suicide.
That is just too many similarities and parallels for it to be a coincidence, right? This all has to be an intentional nod to Heathers, right??
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kaymarie-bell · 2 years
Diasomnia spoilers (7-3 / 7-19) but it's a mess
because the update dropped at midnight for me and and I haven't sleep much since Friday hahaha 🌻
I translated 7-1 and 7-2 fully so I'm skipping that for now
Lilia spent the previous night playing games with his online friend, he overslept and was running towards the apprenticeship orientation meeting because he was late
He scolds Silver for not waking him up, but Silver says that he did try. 3 times. But Lilia is too hard to wake up in the mornings.
Malleus and Lilia have to go to the orientation, Malleus tells Yuu that they can visit him to ask more about Maleficent. The NPCs wonder why he even bothered to attend NRC since he doesn't need it, they're afraid of him.
The Third years are all assembled to discuss their options/chosen apprenticeships
Trey: something related to agriculture
Cater: entertainment field
Vil: he's interested in alchemy, but will prioritize his acting career
Rook: something related to archeology. He wants to work at the Isle of Lamentation since he found it beautiful and wanted to discover more hidden beauties
Leona: he's already talked about it with Crowley, he wants to work with his country's mining industry (he pretends that is only because they won't expect much of the second prince, nobody believes him)
Idia: he's going to his practice/apprenticeship on his own because Ortho is an official student now. He'll be working with Olympus, but it's more like a punishment his parents gave him after the whole Chapter 6 mess (😭)
Malleus: he's also interested on the same field as Rook
Lilia: a dropout (seriously)
(first glimpse of trouble 👀) Lilia is not going to any practice because he's leaving NRC altogether. He's been losing his magic (to be continued)
Yuu finally gets to have the communal braincell and shows Mickey's picture to the rest of the first years
speedrun of this scene because I can't do it justice in this format (I love my sons, they deserve better)
The only one with a helpful idea is Ortho (shocker), he thinks the mirror at Ramshackle might be made of a special stone (?) that's normally used to capture radio frequencies. They find an example of this in a textbook: Belle's handheld mirror fron Beauty and the Beast
Ortho concludes that Mickey is not in Twisted Wonderland. He says that they might be able to find a way home for Yuu if they study the mirror further (uh oh)
We're ignoring the implications of that
Ortho asks if Yuu knows anyone from the fae folk that might be of help. Sebek is screaming again before the thought of asking Malleus is fully formed
Back to Lilia. He break the news to Sebek and Silver. He's leaving NRC and wants to move to the land of the red Long (🐉) instead of returning to the Valley of Thorns
He asks them to help him pack. Malleus says that they must respect Lilia's choice.
The three of them go away. Malleus is upset. (oh no)
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another speedrun. Lilia's room.
Sebek and Silver are helping him pack, and they go through all the weird stuff Lilia has. Silver finds a box with a ring in it. He thinks is kind of familiar (hint: looks like Aurora's crown) and suddenly feels very sleepy
Lilia confesses that the ring actually does belong to Silver. He had it on him when he was found as a baby. He wanted to give it to him once he became an adult
(the math is mathing fellas)
we also ignore the implications of that (for now) because Sebek found a really cool and legendary weapon. Silver isn't impressed because Lilia uses it to chop wood (😭)
Back to Ramshackle. The first years are staying with Yuu to perform a seance to see if they can contact Mickey
ADeuce convinced Riddle to let them stay by telling him it was a group study session (like I used to do with my mom)
Grim: he can't punish me if I don't study, I'm not from Heartslabyul
Deuce: he made personalized study plans for everyone here (note: not actual lines, just the vibes). The exam season is near
Grim finally starts to ask what Yuu leaving would mean for him. Would he even be allowed to take exams? Would he be alone at Ramshackle? (😭😭😭)
Ace: let's ignore the implications of that
They go to sleep, but it starts snowing and Yuu goes outside
It's Malleus, it's snowing because he's upset
*sad childhood flashbacks feat. Long Haired Lilia silhouette*
Yeah Malleus is definitely going to overblot due to abandonment issues
Yuu breaks the news of the possibility of going back to their world
Malleus *definitely having a mental breakdown internally* :) do you want me to help with the mirror?
Yuu leaves after saying goodbye
Malleus thinks about the Chapter 6 conversation with Lilia
Malleus:...someone to invite me...there is no one left...
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tar-maitime · 3 months
with their heart still intact
Rating: T Characters: Maedhros | Maitimo, Fingon } Findekano Additional: modern AU, character injury, recovery WC: 1k
For @russingonweek Day 6 - AU Prompt: Canon divergence and fix-its
There was no clock in the hospital waiting room, and Maedhros never wore a watch, and her phone battery was low enough that she’d forsworn checking it every other minute to see what time it was now. She’d been reduced to staring at the other people camped out here to try and distract herself from the thoughts that threatened to spiral. They’d told her Fingon was still alive when she got here, that they were “working on him”, but that was well over two hours ago, and she hadn’t heard anything since.
“Thalion?” a nurse called out, and the woman Maedhros had been watching, dark-haired and grim-faced with two small children in tow and a third clearly on the way, rose and walked stiffly where she was directed, holding her children’s hands tightly.
Then it was just Maedhros and a short, stocky bearded man and a willowy girl, near tears, left in the waiting room. She’d made calls to Fingon’s parents and siblings when she’d first arrived, but none of them had made it here yet - Fingolfin and Anaire had been at a political dinner across the state, Turgon was frantically trying to find childcare for his daughter and also Aredhel’s son whom he’d been watching, Aredhel herself was somewhere with no cell reception, and Argon was out of state at college. 
Maedhros thanked anyone listening, fervently, that she’d been as close as she had. As bad as it was waiting here, she was sure she would’ve had gone spare if she’d been stuck somewhere else, unable to even do this much.
“Vanyaran?” somebody said, and she startled, scrambling to her feet. 
“It’s Noldoran,” she told the nurse reflexively, “but Fingon Vanyaran is my husband. How is he? Is he going to be all right? Is he --”
The nurse gave her a sympathetic look. “He’s going to be fine,” she assured, gesturing for Maedhros to follow her back. “He’s got some pretty bad burns, and a nasty concussion on top of that - not quite a skull fracture though, thank goodness - so he doesn’t look his best, but he’ll pull through.”
Maedhros felt like she could breathe for the first time in hours. “Thank you,” she murmured shakily. “That’s good. Thank you. Can I...?”
“He wa sawake last I checked,” the nurse said, turning a corner and gesturing Maedhros toward a door. “He’s right through there. I’ll let you have some time before you have to stick to visiting hours. But if he’s asleep, let him sleep, he needs it.”
“Of course,” Maedhros promised, and then she was through the door without waiting another moment.
The hospital room was small, just big enough for the bed and medical equipment and some cupboards. The walls were a sickly pale yellow with wainscoted wallpaper patterned with badly drawn mauve flowers, but the room had Fingon in it, and that was more than enough for her.
He was lying still, his eyes closed and a saline drop going into one heavily bandaged arm - all of him was heavily bandaged. His braids were gone, Maedhros noted distantly as she dropped into the hard plastic chair beside him, burned or cut off she couldn’t tell.
He shifted as she sat down, and then opened his bloodshot eyes to look at her. “Russe,” he murmured, “you’re here.”
“Yes,” she choked out, barely holding back tears now that she knew everything was relatively all right. “I came right away. They just let me in. Ho are you feeling?”
Fingon appeared to assess himself for a moment, and winced. “Everything hurts,” he informed her. “I was a little bit on fire. Not anymore, though. And I think they’ve got me on painkillers, ‘cause the hurting is kinda...far away.”
“That’s okay,” Maedhros said, and reached her hand out for his bandaged one on instinct. He took it before she could think better of it. “You’re going to be okay, Finno, I was so worried, but they said you’ll make it no problem. You’ll just have to rest and heal for a while.”
Fingon hummed and nodded slightly. Then, “Is Gil okay? Where is he? Is he - what did you tell him?”
“He’s fine, he’s with Atar and Curufin, they were closest,” Maedhros assured. “He and Tyelpe are probably having a lovely time. He knows you got hurt and that i had to come see you without him, but that’s it. Nothing scary.”
“That’s good.” Fingon let out a sigh. “Sorry I worried you, Russe.”
“Don’t be sorry, it’s not like you asked to get in a wreck.” She sniffed hard, still determined not to cry. “I’m just glad you’re still here. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“Fall to the dark side,” Fingon said, slurring slightly, echoing an old joke of theirs, “and then where would Gil be?”
“Exactly.” Maedhros just barely stopped herself from squeezing his hand, not wanting to hurt him. “So rest up and get better, okay? I’ll come as often as they’ll let me, and I’ll bring Gil, too, now that --” Now that she knew Fingon wasn’t about to die. “-- I’ll bring him.”
The nurse was back, knocking lightly on the doorframe, and Fingon’s eyelids were starting to flutter with sleepiness, so Maedhros stood and brused a kiss over his forehead, just barely not making contact. “I love you, Finnonya. Sleep well.”
Then she had to leave, ushered out, but the awful thing constricting her chest when she arrived had gone away now. Fingon was alive. He’d get well. Everything else, she could handle, as long as he was still there.
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amxrany · 1 year
Summary of the First Update (Part 3):
On the way to Deuce's home, the group learns that the Mother and Son live close to "Clock Town Museum". It's the apartment looking building next to the White Rabbit's House (which got that rook bowl cut 💀)
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Ortho was sad at first since he couldn't wear a costume just like the rest, but he can make his own using a 3D printer. Deuce tells him it's possible since there's a workshop next to the apartment (yey)
We then get a costume reveal, Silver wears the Drummer March Rabbit, Epel and Ortho are in the Aristocrat Rabbit costume (with some gear parts for Ortho) and Grim gets a new ribbon. Yuu feels embarrassed wearing the Rabbit costume at first, but Silver reassures them saying that they look great in the costume (another awww for the crowd). For this event Ortho actually chooses to stay on the ground and not float to be on par with the theme
We can't forget the star of this event, Deuce was still feeling embarrassed about the whole thing that he was just hiding the corner (no bby don't be shy). But his mom told him to not be embarrassed and everyone else supported Deuce. Deuce also tells Yuu to not feel shy and asks them to join the festival together with the others
Deuce's costume actually belonged to his mother (and similar to an older costume i think?), which was given to her by a colleague since they didn't have enough to buy a new one. Deuce felt sorry for trying to decline the request before, but she was fine about it. Dilah also brings up that back when Deuce was still a child he always wanted to wear the costumes and never change out of it (WHAT A CUTIE)
Now they're doing the group photo, Yuu can choose between the heart or the fist (i don't get the fist help 😭). But if Yuu chooses the heart then they complete the heart pose with Ortho and Ortho said that it's something that idols do (which is actually true btw)
Turns out, Dilah isn't that familiar with technology and/or machinery like Deuce. So when she tried to take a picture using Deuce's phone, she had a hard time cuz it was different from her phone (it's ok dilah my mom is also like that)
Once everyone is done, Deuce's mom gets back to work. She tells Deuce to just have fun and enjoy the festival, he understood but still feels uncomfy about the costume
Previous: Part 2 Next: Part 4
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quietbluejay · 17 days
Solar War 2
I'm here for Layak stalking Abaddon, this is beautiful
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layak pulls a "we're not so different" and needles abaddon about killing the loyalist sons of horus at isstvan iii
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and layak pulls a batman lmao on the one hand, he's an incredibly irritating coworker on the other hand, i think it would be funny to stick these two in the pear wiggler together, and i think canon will give me what I want there i'm really hoping the people reading this are familiar with that meme otherwise I sound like a lunatic Boreas is dying one of Sigismund's comrades in his fight
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yeah he's kind of…haunted by that
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Mersadie is kind of grim, lol
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depressing lol but she's had a bleak seven years
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honestly i kinda…want to drop this book this is just…it's like trying to bite a windshield there isn't anything in here that really compels me to see what happens next
does my bestie andromeda show up more search says no boo!!!!
ok im giving it another shot Mersadie's subplot is at least somewhat gripping and now, over to the Emperor and Malcador there's a planetary conjunction and the time is at the turning of the year which has significance but like, the winter solstice is when things start getting lighter
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also i can't believe there's been so much about wolves and winter in a book where I'm pretty sure Russ never shows up
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IGNIS HES HERE and Menkaura is slowly transforming into what we see him as in the Ahriman series
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okay i guess i am a bit curious as to where this is going and also how French writes pre-Rubric Ahriman man Mersadie is picking up a whole group I'm really hoping the kids survive this I thought they were dead for sure
i…what what
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are you serious
So just…lock them all in a room???
I'm going to leave bite marks on every stone in your walls
things are not going so well on earth
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FINALLY we're getting a human face on things (got to see this guy's nightmare of his undead mother) ah time for malcador to go hard men doing hard things (loken's mad at him)
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he's going after Mersadie
aah Forrix POV even Space Marrines get fatigued after a while hm
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ominous forrix also really doesn't think highly of the EC and the NL which is especially funny for the NL
man, no matter what, French always writes Ahriman as a sad wet beast, a poor little meow meow i mean okay i guess McNeill did it too this bit was a little funny to me
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like Ahriman of all people thinking something is ridiculously pretentious ah tension between the WB and the TS
there have been some shreds of what could have been an actually good book buried in here I'm sorry I haven't really been doing a detailed breakdown lol
that one review was right (about a different John French novel, lol) "John French takes an overly verbose axe to anything resembling a cohesive plot in this book."
I'm not sure how I'd fix this one aside from getting rid of half the descriptions lol I know 40k as a setting is about armies and not individuals but this is a book I swear a good chunk of this stuff read a lot like it was taken from campaign fluff not sure that's the correct term I finally got around to reading most of the TGS fluff and it clarified a lot of things for me in terms of wtf Thorpe was doing and why his writing was so weird in Ghost Warrior
hm I think I'd cut all the stuff that happens on Terra, it belongs in a different book or do it as a short story
I'm not sure about the Mersadie subplot tbh but honestly I think that one deserved to be a novella it's one of the best parts of this book ah Mersadie and Loken are reunited!
French, seeing my aggravation, immediately decided to attack my weak points
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that's what this book is trying to be about, isn't it it's not doing a great job but the parts that hit, do it well ah classic ahriman
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yeah this whole thing has been a word bearers teamup which has been…interesting, for ahriman, lol
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Mersadie accomplished something!
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oh yeah she also has a lot of flashbacks and at this point I'm wondering if it's not just the trauma oh ok the memories didn't actually happen yeah I'm worrying about something spooky
visual representation of the traitor command centre before the battle
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hah it's actually really funny, I was reading about this recently and thinking about it w.r.t. to what Haley was trying to pull off with Wolfsbane
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so the traitor forces were only doing all this to get this planetary alignment
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you know things have finally been picking up …starting at the 70% mark
im also sitting on my hands to not quote TS Eliot's Four Quartets, I know I overquote it agh I'm weak, I give in
Garlic and sapphires in the mud Clot the bedded axle-tree. The trilling wire in the blood Sings below inveterate scars Appeasing long forgotten wars. The dance along the artery The circulation of the lymph Are figured in the drift of stars Ascend to summer in the tree We move above the moving tree In light upon the figured leaf And hear upon the sodden floor Below, the boarhound and the boar Pursue their pattern as before But reconciled among the stars.
At the still point of the turning world. Neither flesh nor fleshless; Neither from nor towards; at the still point, there the dance is, But neither arrest nor movement. And do not call it fixity, Where past and future are gathered. Neither movement from nor towards, Neither ascent nor decline. Except for the point, the still point, There would be no dance, and there is only the dance. I can only say, there we have been: but I cannot say where. And I cannot say, how long, for that is to place it in time. The inner freedom from the practical desire, The release from action and suffering, release from the inner And the outer compulsion, yet surrounded By a grace of sense, a white light still and moving, Erhebung without motion, concentration Without elimination, both a new world And the old made explicit, understood In the completion of its partial ecstasy, The resolution of its partial horror. Yet the enchainment of past and future Woven in the weakness of the changing body, Protects mankind from heaven and damnation Which flesh cannot endure.
back to book
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(i thought dorn had lighter eyes lol)
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anyways i guess i should actually finish Flight of the Eisenstein at some point it can't be more tedious than 75% of this book ugh samus is here ah so that's the twist in the mersadie plot
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i know she's being controlled or possessed or something but that's a fun image so the "keeler" in the visions was…Samus I think
so back on the vengeful spirit maloghurst did a sorcery to turn Mersadie into a sleeper agent uh huh [press x to doubt] Mersadie left right before Isstvan III!!!!! unless this is trying to tell me that idk Erebus was secretly tutoring Mal in dark magic, something that makes absolutely zero sense in the time frame we're looking at i can't believe it yeah okay some of the elements in here are fun horror stuff but I can't focus on that because I'm too irritated to quote that one reviewer "Samus is here and I wish he wasn't"
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thelazyhermits · 11 months
Gonna talk about ADeuce and my Yuu underneath the cut
So y'all know how I once said in a fic A/N that I couldn't really see my Yuu ending up with any of the first years except for possibly Jack or Sebek?
Well, since writing for Twst Halloween, I've been thinking more about the ADeuYuu dynamic, which is making me reconsider what I had first said.
Up until that point, because of my Jack & Sebek bias, I hadn't really been giving a lot of thought to ADeuce, even though I love them and their relationship with Yuu. There's just no competing my love for Jack and Sebek lol 😂
But, despite my strong bias, I have been thinking more about ADeuce as of late, and I've come to a realization:
There are probably no boys that are more smitten with Yuu than Ace and Deuce lol
Like, I'm not saying they're in love with her, but at the same time, I'm not saying they're not in love with her either.
The more time I spend thinking about them and writing scenes with them, I'm just like, "Damn, these two are crazy about Yuu." lol 😂
It makes sense though, especially in Ace's case, since there's plenty of game content that supports his attachment to Yuu. Hell, the newest Halloween event is like a AceYuu date at one point lol
In the case of my Yuu, Ace wasn't too fond of her at first cause it pissed him off that this magicless kid got involved in the entrance ceremony and is allowed on campus despite how hard he worked to get into the school. (Which is apparently how he feels about Yuu according to what I've seen of the first light novel.)
However, after the incident at the Dwarfs' Mine, Ace becomes more interested in her since there's clearly more than meets the eye to her, although there was some reluctancy on his end cause of what happened with his ex-girlfriend which had made him originally plan on avoiding dealing with girls so he could just hang out with guy friends instead.
His curiosity won out in the end, though, cause it bugged him that he couldn't get a good, solid read on Yuu.
Plus, Yuu, albeit somewhat reluctantly, agrees to help Ace with the situation with Riddle that happens soon after the Prologue, so the events of Book 1 lead to him warming up to her and that's why he gets angry enough to punch Riddle on her behalf like what happens in canon.
If asked about his relationship with Yuu and the others, Ace would make the excuse that Yuu and the others are always following him around, and he's got no other choice but to put up with them since they're all in the same class, but that's a total lie lol
Ace, like Deuce, sticks with Yuu because he wants to. At first, it was to satisfy his curiosity about her, but it didn't take long for the main reason to be because he got genuinely attached to her.
He likes that it's never boring with Yuu and that she can give as good as she gets whenever he messes with her. He loves getting her riled up.
But rather than just cause he finds her reactions funny, it's mostly cause he likes having her undivided attention.
Ace was totally the kid that pulled the pigtails of girls that he liked when he was younger lol 😂
While I've said before that Deuce is one of the most overprotective of Yuu's sons, Ace is one of the most possessive, along with Grim lol
That's why Ace will get all sulky/annoyed if Yuu gives too much of her attention to anyone else. He's like a cat in that he'll make sure his displeasure is known and if he wants attention he'll make sure to get it, much to Yuu's exasperation/amusement.
That said, Ace doesn't mind if his time spent with Yuu is shared with Deuce, although Ace doesn't necessarily hate sharing his time with Yuu with her other sons. He's just less likely to complain if it's Deuce who's with them since they're both on the same wavelength when it comes to Yuu.
Moving onto Deuce, he quickly becomes attached to Yuu after he finds out that she also got into a lot of fights in the past and is trying to turn over a new leaf at NRC, like him.
While Ace became smitten with Yuu over time, Deuce got smitten early on since she really won him over when she comforted him during that shopping trip and assured him that his mother would be proud of the man he's becoming. His feelings just got stronger the closer he became to Yuu since she's always so supportive of him.
Deuce has no idea just how smitten he is. He just thinks this is normal for best friends lol
He's the biggest sweetheart when Yuu is concerned. In direct contrast to Ace, Deuce is always trying to be helpful to her since she's always supporting him, and he's pretty much always the first person who jumps to her defense.
Deuce thinks really highly of Yuu cause of how hard she works at school and with her part-time jobs and how she's able to earn the respect of the most powerful students at NRC.
He thinks it's amazing how patient she is with him when they do homework together and admires how smart she is.
Honestly, if any one person is considered a Yuu simp, it's probably Deuce 😂
Of course, Deuce will still get upset with Yuu for being reckless, like what happens at the end of Book 6 when everyone gets back from Styx, cause he cares so much about her and doesn't want anything to happen to her.
But Deuce could never get seriously mad at her and lose his temper cause he'd be worried about scaring her if he went full delinquent mode on her. (He has nothing to worry about. Yuu could never be scared of Deuce.)
The ADeuYuu dynamic is so good since these boys are crazy about Yuu and would drop everything for her, and Yuu equally adores them since these are her best friends, two of the first friends she ever made, and they've been with her since the beginning and have never left her side, which means a lot to a girl who, in the past, was always alone.
So just expect more of that in my writing since, while I still love Jack and Sebek the most, ADeuce have successfully wormed their way into the spotlight, so I intend to make sure to give them more love haha
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freelanceexorcist · 4 months
I watched the EC chapters 7 & 8 and of course I have thoughts. Of course I do.
*cracks knuckles*
Spoilers under the cut.
-It was really good! The drama and the resolution hit the spot. And Baby Seph's story will continue!
-So I guess Seven Seconds Til the End is officially Baby Seph's leitmotif. Interesting that it is also the leitmotif of the wingless version of him that's chilling in the Edge of Creation. I guess Ore Sephiroth hasn't been memory holed after all.
-Man, they really put Young Master Seph through the wringer, didn't they? Woof. Poor kid.
-They really went there with Rosen, didn't they? And making Sephiroth kill him? I reiterate: woof. I didn't think they'd really do it, but those who predicted that nailed it. They pulled it off very well, too.
-He just wanted to save him and give him a chance. Seeing his face go from sadness and near tears to grim resolve was a pretty emotional moment. We see him learn on the spot that you can't save someone who doesn't want to be saved. Rosen was never going to go with him to safety. He made the choice he thought was best, but the act haunted Sephiroth for a long time. I'll bet it's why he was so compelled to try and save everyone later in life. It was essentially a mercy kill to the folks watching at home, but to Sephiroth, it was a life-altering decision that stuck to his heels for years after.
-But he got Refu to safety! He carried him. "I couldn't save Rosen, but at least I can save his dog." I'm glad to see Refu with Glenn.
-But when the TFS trio thought Sephiroth just straight up murdered Rosen for no reason. Ouch. And it looked that way from the trio's perspective, too. It made the recollection from Sephiroth's POV hurt even more.
-The only complaint I have is the bit with the locket. You mean the thing literally drops out of the sky just to give Glenn his Kick the Dog moment? They really could have found a less clunky and contrived way to make that moment happen.
-But apparently there's no hard feelings anymore. I'm glad. The way he looked at Sephiroth while the troops were cheering for him was pure "that's my son right there." Good to hear that Matt and Lucia are still alive, at least as of the Crisis Core era.
-And good lord, he really does dislike the attention he gets. But he powered through it because he knew they looked up to him. Still, when the paparazzi security officer was done snapping pics his body language screamed "*sigh* Not this shit again."
-That glitching, though. Just like Cloud.
-They're really going hard on what a good person he was well into adulthood. "If I save everyone, it could make up for Rosen. If I save everyone, maybe I can start living up to the reputation that was built for me. If I save everyone, I'll have value. I can break the cycle. Right, Glenn?"
-This character development he's getting is just *chef's kiss*. Divine. And not the kind of development a generic doomsday villain tends to get. I'm not saying a redemption arc is coming. I mean, that would be great if they don't whiff it like they did with Genesis. They're making him a big part of the story, far beyond "bad guy you have to beat in the end so you can win." They're making him even more sympathetic. They're making him likeable, and not just in a "yay, villains are awesome!" way.
-And holy shit, when the flashback happened and we find out that this was Edge of Creation Sephiroth reminiscing the whole time! Now that's one I did NOT see coming. I thought it was a CC/Wutai era scene for sure. I actually gasped when I saw where he was, because damn. I thought they had memory holed Ore Sephiroth but looks like they may run with that ball after all. It also gives a LOT of credence to the speculation that Jenovaroth the Big Bad and Ore Sephiroth at the Edge of Creation are two separate people. Or maybe Ore Sephiroth is the memories, identity and humanity that Jenovaroth shed. Yeah, EC made a HUGE case is favor of that and I'm going to be absolutely obnoxious about it. And yes, I know according Case of the Lifestream: Black he shed these memories after his defeat in the OG, but 1) Retrilogy is an adaptation and that timeline could be changed without negative impact on the core plot points, 2) do we even know how time works in the Lifestream? and 3) There. Is. A. Multiverse. Now. Things are going to be different from what they were in the OG.
Bonus teaser trailer thoughts:
-This means Genesis is probably back too, though. *sigh* I just hope they do better by that character than how they handled him in Crisis Core. Maybe this is an area where paying a little attention to fanon and incorporating it will do some good, because fan interpretations of him make him so much more likeable.
-Damn it, Hojo. That's all.
-And they're going to make young Hojo hot, aren't they? It won't work on me, Squeenix. He'll always make my skin crawl right off my body no matter what.
That's all for now. We ate good today. If you've stuck around this far, thank you for reading.
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shrimplymoray · 6 months
ok I’ll get into actual details.. ermm could u pls make a lil fic on Lilia basically DYING still after everyone wakes up and Malleus is out of his OB form?? :33 And also make Malleus feel pretty guilty too for extra angst!! :3333 Actually MAKE ALL LILIA’S SONS GUILTY IF YA CAN 🙏🙏 I just need angst dude .. AND PLS MAKE LILIA ACTUALLY DIE AT THE END!! /NF!!
EHEHEHHEHE. I'm so sorry for putting off on my Requests, I've been doing a bunch of stuff, and I've barely been able to keep my head on my shoulders and think straight. HOWEVER i'm trying to get back to writing slowly.
PS: as it was not requested, this is not a pairing. Also GN Yuu's POV.
TW: BOOK 7 SPOILERS, Main Character's Death, Angst with no Comfort, Vague death description, Grief (and a lot on that)
Diasomnia Angst - Death of a Hero
It all seemed well. The thorns that involved the island had retreated into the ground, as soon as Malleus fell unconscious after his Overblot. The battle was exhaustive, everyone barely keeping up, but we won. That's what matters, right? Everyone is here, fine and well. Me, Grim, Ace, Deuce... We are all well. The Diasomnia Students, much like all students, don't have life-threatening wounds, as it seems. So why... Why is the smell of blood lingering in the air? It took a while for all of us to notice it, at first. As we all know by now, Lilia is great at hiding his hurt through a boyish smile. And that is what everyone saw, the boyish comforting smile of the man who knows no end to his pain. It took him way too long to show his miseries of the past, but this one, oh, this one came crawling up way quicker.
Silver was there to catch him when he fell unconscious, Lilia had a deep, horrible gash on his abdomen. It revealed past scars, but the way the blood fell around his limp body, it showed us what we did not want to know and hear. It was me, Sebek, and Silver who took both Malleus and Lilia to the infirmary. They knew the procedure for Malleus' case, although his overblot was tougher than any other. But Lilia... The Nurse and Professor Crewel said - no, they didn't say, they promised us- they would do whatever they could to keep him alive.
It took 2 days. Two days for the news to break. I wasn't there when they told them, but I heard what happened from another Diasomnia student in my class: Silver's head dipped down, and he broke crying, while Sebek yelled they didn't do enough. That they could've done something and they didn't. That they lied to them. Malleus was already back on his feet by that time, and at that, he didn't say anything but wished that the body was sent to the castle at Briar Valley. That day, when I found Sebek, I hugged him. I never clung so hard to someone in my life, like how I did with Sebek. And I said how sorry I was, and how I wished I could've done more. Sebek stood still before he muttered meaningless apologies. He said, "I'm sorry for failing Master Lilia.", "I'm sorry that I wasn't stronger to help Silver and Master Lilia" and even "I'm sorry, it's all my fault." Professor Crewel saw us and said we would have the day off. Sebek and I went to the Diasomnia Dorm that afternoon and started packing Lilia's things with Silver. Silver usually stayed calm and collected around others, and was a voice of reason among the three of us, but at that moment, I didn't see him as the retained or Malleus, or as one of the heroes of the Sage Island. No, I saw him as a boy. A Boy who just lost his father.
That night, I waited patiently for Hornton to visit my dorm. He usually wasn't late, but that night, it seemed like thousands of days passed before he arrived. When I saw him, he looked oddly calm. He sat down on the porch by my side and told me the stories he lived with Lilia or the ones he heard from him. It was like a child. I could do nothing but hug him, and at that moment, he said how sorry he was, that the only thing he wanted was to keep everyone safe with him, and how he failed. He said "I know that if he heard me like this, he would giggle and brush it off as if it was nothing. He would tell me to not get stuck on what I failed to do but to focus on what I must proceed doing afterwards. But... I can't. I can't remember and think this without knowing what I did." Malleus seemed to feel the weight of the world on his shoulders and yet... He opened up to me, nothing but a human from another world. "Please," he said " I beg of you, to not forgive me for the crimes I did. I am not worthy of forgiveness if I wasn't able to save the one that raised me before anyone else." I couldn't do anything but Hug him harder, and try muttering how much it mattered that he deserved forgiveness. I think we stayed out there for way longer than usual because Sebek, Silver, and Grim came to meet us. Malleus only managed to look at Sebek and Silver before he kneeled down and said the same he did to me. Sebek and Silver looked at each other, and we all hugged Malleus, crying. Even Grim joined.
I know it will take a while for everyone to be able to go back to normal if we even do that. But I hope somewhere, in the Underworld, Lilia will think and protect us. The Ghosts of the dorm said that if we got lucky, Lilia's ghost could visit us. I don't think that was what we needed to hear, but... it is a start.
Hope you enjoy this! It was very different from what I usually write, but I worked hard on it.
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