#also i just used two random photos on internet for this i have no idea how to draw people play on instruments lmao
luffyvace · 4 months
I have been feed well by your small serie of saiki kusos x write reader 🤤
But may I request as saiki kusos w f!s/o who suddenly have makoto as a stalker?
(sorry if you don't understand this my first time requesting 😭😭)
that’s actually a great idea!! I’m super pumped to do this request! :)
Don’t worry I know just what ya mean!
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⚠️stalking warning,⚠️ before I start, if I may 😵‍💫
Saiki will know right away when he starts stalking you-
And ngl this is the perfect chance to get rid of him 😈🙏
just kidding! But seriously, he let go of all the times makoto’s annoyed him in the past, but now that’s he’s an issue with you? His girlfriend? The one girl he can actually tolerate, scratch that, loves??
yeah no buddy this one’s not gonna slide
unfortunately he cant punch him bc 1) Saiki’s too strong and 2) that’d draw a lot of attention to himself since Makoto is a celebrity
but what he can do?? Well, Plan A) pinch his cheeks till they hurt and threaten him, Upgraded Plan A) disguise himself then pinch his cheeks, Plan B) keep scaring the crap out of him every time he tries to follow you, Plan C) calmly talk it out with him that you two are an item, Plan D) tell Teruhashi and use her love for Saiki to his advantage, getting her to tell her parents and stop her brother, Plan E) Publicly expose that freak or Plan F) tell you you have a stalker if you haven’t noticed, and if you have, go to the police
wow! what well thought out plans! :) most of them won’t work
heres why!
upgraded plan A is better than just plan A but it will ultimately still draw attention
plan c is unlikely to work seeing as though how creepy that guy is, plus he doesn’t like Saiki
As of plan d Teruhashi can hardly stop him from being a creep to HER (😭⁉️) and i don’t know how well the parents will care, especially if he’s making them money..😟
plan e….seems like it would be successful..buuut i feel he would just use his celebrity status to will the evidence away, like speaking out about how he would “never” do that and doing charity 🙄 plus the fan girls probably won’t believe some rando who uploads that on the internet over they’re fav 😒
ngl plan F is really reasonable and has one of the highest chance of working, but yet again, the celebrity card will strike and he could pay off the police so they don’t do crap abt it 🤦‍♀️😑
therefore! Plan B it is! Seems the most likely to work + Saiki can get his revenge in a practically harmless way! :3
Thanks to his powers (for once 😭) no one is likely to believe even the Makoto when he says a flying guy dropped a pile of dog crap on him 😏🤷‍♀️
and even if they did when he tries to explain the full story he’ll have to keep lying to keep the lie of him not stalking you alive 👎
but he still will tell you if your unaware tho!
he’s likely gonna be hesitant if he knows you’ll freak about abt it but you deserve to know. And ofc he can always keep you safe (thanks magic powers, for being useful for once!) but he also would want your parents to know so if Makoto tries something they can have a lead.
so yes ultimately he tells you, likely at his house, in his room, and he tries to break it to you as gently as possible but…there’s no easy way to take that kind of info 😬😟
if you get scared or cry he’ll tell you his plan to make him leave you alone, and he tells you to tell your parents too. Essentially trying to console you
if you choose to trust him and react a bit calmer, maybe still worried, he’d ask if you still wanna go out in public knowing this, and if yes he’ll accompany whenever and wherever he can, especially since Makoto won’t wanna come up to you while he’s there, thinking Saiki’s your boyfriend
he is
Also If Makoto does anything perverted as far as taking sus pictures of you or imagining weird things with those photos he’ll rip them up and make the paper and random things fly around in his room, every time
He probably breaks his phones/cameras too, even if he buys knew ones, as punishment
onto the final battle!
let’s say your walking home from school and Makoto is following you, your boyfriend is close behind you both, monitoring the situation for a good chance to strike. First, you cross the railroad to get home, but Makoto has to fall back so you don’t see him, but when it’s his turn to go? Oh no! The trains coming! Where’d that even come from? there was no train?! CRAP!- huh? Wait..the trains gone..thank goodness?! 😭
oh wait! He needs to catch up to you! Well at least he knows where you live and what route you take through research! He needs to catch up! HOLY CRAP! What’s a mob doing here?! Did a fan see him?? How’d they find him..no way, don’t tell me they’re gonna find out what he’s doing..NO DONT COME ANY CLOSer…? They’re running past him? Well I guess he is in disguise..wait, they were running to this arch nemesis and top competition?! 😠 seriously?! That guy over him??
he proceeds to head over there to show the ladies who they should really be drooling over 😏 WAIT- HE CANT REVEAL HIMSELF RIGHT NOW?!- what?…where’d his wig go? THE WIND BLEW IT OFF?! HOLY- HE’S ABOUT TO GET FOUND OUT🫨 RUN 😭 🏃
aw man he’s outta breath, what are the odds the wind would blow his wig off near a mob of fans?! Now he’s gotta be extra careful following you! And it’s already late! Actually..it’s pretty darn dark….dang it! You’re probably in your house by now! Oh well…maybe you still have your window open and he can get some pictures that way! 👍
uh..is he starting to hear a second pair of footsteps..? But..no one’s around..why’s it getting louder..?! UH, it’s getting more aggressive now 😥….okay that’s it! he’s running..!
dang it! It’s chasing him! No way he can lead this creep to your house! (Ironic huh) he’s gotta take a wrong turn!
man! What time is it?! Midnight?! Has he really been running that long??? Why’s this freak still chasing him? And who is it?!?
alright! He’ll take a turn into that alley and lose ‘em! Then he’ll make a ‘U’ back to your house! Although there’s no way to be sure if your still up or not :/
hey! The footsteps are gone! Maybe think he lost him! Alright! He’ll take another turn and go back to your place!
right as he turns the corner?
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Jump scare!
he immediately calls his manager while running away, thinking he’s either a mass muderer, a demon or a stalker! 😱
and the best part is? Nobody will believe him 😊
ngl Saiki probably won’t let this slide even a couple days after he finds out Makoto’s stalking you, he’s quick to act and stop him bc no.
Super Saiki to your rescue! 🦸🤩😎
Ngl you’re beautiful so I see what Makoto sees in you but…..dude. Don’t stalk your crush.
hope you enjoyed your hcs! -Brook
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spoopdeedoop · 7 months
hi i have some disorganized thoughts/hcs abt the found family human doctor au
(one of the thoughts being i should really give it a better name. another being YES this is only the nuwho doctors atm bc that's the only series i've watched so far apologies. if i ever get around to watching classic who i will add them trust)
BEHOLD my random, not at all in-depth headcanons
nine is the only one with a car out of all of them. they all keep bugging him to drive/pick them up from places -- he has mixed feelings about being the assigned taxi driver
both twelve and eleven are teachers -- college professor and preschool teacher respectively. twelve's students love them because he will say the most stupid, hilarious shit with a straight face without even knowing and eleven's students love him because he is the only teacher at the school that will dance with them during musical chairs (he doesn't even play the game. he just dances)
i want to make one of them an actual doctor but i don't think any of them could handle it unfortunately
they all share an an apartment flat on the same level -- nine, twelve and fifteen live in one room, ten, eleven and thirteen live in the one across from them. of course there are other people in the building too but they're all used to the strange loud hyperactivity of that particular flat. i think i'm using the right terminology here. yall know what im talking about
(i'm so tempted to make some companions be their neighbors)
nine and ten are the most insomniac of all of them, so they're used to bumping each other in the dead of night on their way to raid each other's respective fridges or something. very rarely thirteen will join them and they're like "WELL FANCY SEEING YOU HERE"
twelve does sleep, but like. he's nocturnal
eleven and ten hate each other in a sibling kind of way (see: day of the doctor). they are constantly sending each other death threats or tripping each other over. everyone is sick of it
sometimes when they're out shopping you'll hear ten yell "GET OUT OF THE FROZEN FOOD YOU NUMPTY WE ARE NOT BUYING FISH FINGERS" over the aisles and you'll hear eleven whine "WHY DO YOU HATE ME SO MUCH" back
(if you're lucky you'll be able to catch fifteen mumble "why did we put them in the same apartment. are we asking for an eviction notice")
eventually eleven will pick a random stray cat off the side of the road, take her home, and name her bowtie, which is a stupid name, so everyone just defaults to calling her kitty
kitty's favourite person is twelve, to eleven's absolute despair
(my original idea for this was to initially have ten hate the idea of living with a cat, since he's stated full on in the show that he doesn't like cats, but apparently there is some very obscure doctor who comic run in which he falls into a depressive spiral and adopts a cat whom he names rose-the-cat, so he might actually like cats idk?)
anyway ten hates her until he doesn't lmao. he vents to her when there's no one else home and she will Stare at him back and it is a very nice friendship
kitty and nine watch shitty romcom together
they have a joint groupchat together -- half of it is just thirteen and fifteen assigning everyone outfits they find on pinterest and the other half is eleven asking where everyone went (he keeps getting lost when they go out)
nine doesn't know how to download pictures off the internet and so resorts to manually editing memes together to send to the groupchat and everyone's like "girl that's so much more effort........."
(yes he doesn't know how to press save image to camera roll but he knows how to use a photo editor flawlessly. such is the logic of the idiocy of the doctors)
eleven and thirteen get along very well i think. they're the only two of the group to play video games and so they bond over that. they also have ridiculously similar clothing taste
sometimes they'll succeed in getting fifteen to play pokemon with them and then they'll proceed to not see him until the next day when he comes out of his room and goes "you didn't tell me plusle couldn't evolve i've been levelling it up all fucking night"
friday is assigned movie night (it's always big hero 6)
eleven is the only one to actively seek out physical affection, usually really abruptly like clinging to thirteen's back as she passes him in the hall or bapping ten with the palm of his hand until he sighs and gives him a hug. he does expect a platonic kiss on the forehead from anyone before he goes to bed and will complain if he doesn't get one
anyway thats it i'm sick in the head and really sad. if this keeps up i may be forced to actually write a fic
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carbomcoco · 3 months
I feel like we gotta start demanding people's information sources more. Unless they're the primary source of the information (like, they're sharing about something they directly experienced), they got the information from somewhere. And if I can't track down what that is, that's immediately a red flag for me. And most of the time it's just annoying little things, like people making up fake origin stories for song lyrics, but sometimes it's big things!
You may have seen a viral tweet claiming that the leader of France said that France has never invaded anyone:
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The attached image is just a picture. It's not a video of him saying this. So where did the user get this information? There's basically three options:
1) They were actually there when he said this.
2) They got the information from another source. (Hopefully a credible one, like someone who was actually definitely there when he said this, or a press release or post from Macron's team.)
3) They made it up.
It's probably not #1. This seems to be a random person. It's unlikely that they talk to the President of France very often. They don't seem to be a reporter, and if they were, there would probably be a proper record of that interaction.
It could be #2. But if you do a Google search (or whatever your preferred search provider is), there's no record of him saying this anywhere beyond just this one tweet (which, again, provides no proof that this happened as the attached media is just a photo). But if this is true, they had to get the info from somewhere. So either this random internet stranger has access to information sources that are inaccessible to the general public (i.e. you and me) or...
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They probably just straight up made it up. Shocker. And like yeah, it's great that we have "community notes" now on Twitter, but we shouldn't rely fully on them instead of doing our own research. Remember, we're more susceptible to misinformation that makes us scared or mad (Source: American Psychological Society). So if you think "holy shit, that's so bad, I can't believe that", probably a good sign that you should double-check that it's actually true. Yeah, the world sucks, it's gonna be true a lot, but you know what I mean. Make sure we're mad about stuff that actually happened.
And on that note, I think a lot of the misinfo that spreads around here just comes from people saying stuff with their full chest even though it's only a guess or they're just straight up wrong. But even if we're not lying on purpose, it still causes problems! A while back, my favorite guitarist got kicked out of his band and didn't say anything. But noticing his absence when the tour started, fans invented a narrative that he'd temporarily left to help another band and he would be back halfway through the tour, despite neither him nor the band indicating anything of the sort. Clearing all that up wasn't fun for anyone.
I've also seen lots of people claiming that "blood is thicker than water" is actually short for "the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb". There's literally no indication that this is true. The shorter one has been traced back to the 12th century, and the two books (both published after 1990, hundreds of years later) that claim the longer one is true do not cite their sources. (But also, like, it's just a proverb. It's not a law of the universe. If you disagree with it, you don't have to act like it has a secret historical meaning that a conspiracy theory has covered up. You can just be like "nah". You're allowed to disagree with the 12th century dude. It doesn't mean everyone in the world is misremembering it.)
I've even seen posts inciting outrage about a user getting banned, only to look the user up to find that their account is still there and they have no idea what people are talking about.
Anyway. Point is, we can also stop the spread of misinformation by just not making it in the first place. If you don't have proof that something is true, don't act like it is. If someone else makes a post claiming something they couldn't possibly have insider knowledge of and you don't know where they heard it, dig. If you can't figure out where the info's actually from, and they won't say, red flag.
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Okay this is my headcanon on Daniela on my modern au! I will just simply continue from my last post! By @cryst4lwitch Finally the pain is gone and I can do this finally! (Took longer to finish this because of my stupid ass website)
Honestly she's known more as a streamer/youtuber than as a supermodel
Her fans thought she fits better as an online icon than modeling but they still support her
Of course she's happy being a model as it her major job while being a internet public is just her other hobby
She has a lighter person on stage meaning her theme is more lighter compare to her sisters
But doesn't mean she won't do darker theme
Paparazzi better watch out because Cassandra taught her well
One of the nicest people in the industry
Is that one friend who will randomly give you chocolate
She actually do fan meeting where she'll be signing anything what her wants and talk to them as if they were friends and bonus if she brings her sisters with her
Everyone knows she's one of the nicest celeb with their fans
Would repost some arts or edits from her fans with proper edits of course
She loves being on the spotlight but would still prefer sitting in front of her PC and gaming all day long
Surprisingly Alcina is supportive of her streaming career seeing how much her youngest love games when she was little
People love family stream where the whole family is there and doing random things
Love posting thirst traps for her fans Personal Life:
Luxuriously life is in their vocabulary
Like her sisters, she went to the same school and have the lowest grades compare to the three but doesn't really care about academics
Have multiple accounts in Instagram and Twitter because she keeps forgetting her old accounts until she finally have at least three where it's her public account, private and 'fan account'
Her and Cassandra are partners in crime when it comes to annoying Bela 24/7
Even though she's an internet icon and share a lot, she still make sure that some things in her life is still private like her family told her to be careful with
She spend most of her free time just surfing the internet being undercover as a fan account and laughing at memes
Laughing how she can she make her fans paranoid that she has a fan account in all social medias
Her room is filled with stuff toys that even maids gave up on cleaning
"But mother! Just one more!"
"Draga, you have at least 100 stuff toy in your room"
Alcina also finds it difficult especially if she walks in her room she might step on one of Dani's stuff toy and trip Relationship:
Daniela have been into a lot of relationship drama that even people finds it amusing but of course Daniela is deeply hurt
People tend to use her kindness, money and popularity which honestly broke her heart especially Daniela was so happy being in the relationship
Her last relationship was only a month before she stop seeing someone for a few months until she met you at a local cafe
You didn't actually know her at all! That's why she was so interested in you
She made the first move and talk with you, she finds you pleasant and extremely nice
Purposely giving you gay panics
Gave you her number and private account
Talk all day and night until YOU ask her on a date after a month of chatting her
You still have no idea who she is
You two went on a museum date while holding hands
Daniela actually prefer dates like this can going to expensive restaurants
You've been dating for 5 months before making it official and it's where she finally opened about her work to you
You didn't honestly care and just be with be with her
Her fans never thought she would go on a low key relationship when she keeps posting faceless photos of you
She keeps posting faceless photos of you whenever she gets the chance
And if you're on her stream you would be behind the camera, out of frame or wearing a mask anything that makes sure your face is covered
If it's her youtube vlog just your favourite animal emoji will do the job for you
Daniela was finally happy being in a genuinely relationship with you and actually someone who loves her as who she is.
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aswrm · 9 months
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Norman Brannon’s essay from Negatives by Amy Fleisher Madden
Text below
By the time I moved back to New York after a three-year stint in Oakland in 2004, the gap between what we now call second and third wave emo had become truly pronounced. Texas Is the Reason -the band whose name will be seemingly affixed to mine forever-had only disbanded seven years earlier, but it was already clear that a curious mystique around who we were had developed in the interim.
The reason for this is obvious now: Our entire two-and-a-half-year existence completely predated the social internet. Which is to say that if you wanted to be a Texas Is the Reason fan in 2004, your primary source of research wasn't going to be Google, YouTube, or Wikipedia. It was going to be the physical records we released, whatever blurry (and often black-and-white) band photos we used for album artwork or press, the few dozen interviews we did for out-of-print fanzines, or maybe, if you were lucky, a fuzzy VHS concert tape transferred to DVD.
We had no choice but to be "enigmatic."
Of course, we, as humans, almost instinctively hate ambiguity. And our steadfast refusal to live with ambiguity, to truly accept it, more often than not compels us to fill in the blanks, to make up our own stories, to draw our own pictures. Some of these pictures may be "true enough." But many of the ideas we generate in the pursuit and creation of "knowing" often contain significant details that derive from the shared assumptions of a frequently centered majority. They reflect our stubborn insistence that the things we feel most connected with somehow must resemble a dominant, and there-fore, familiar image.
So I bring up 2004 because of the time I met a younger Texas Is the Reason fan through some mutual friends during that cross-country move, And I bring up the "mystique around who we were" because that random introduction actually marked the first time l'd ever considered that younger fans
of the band during that time might have no idea what we looked like. And I mention "the shared assumptions of a frequently centered majority" because a few days after that meeting, I was directed to this younger fan's Live Journal, Where, after writing up an otherwise pleasant recap of our lunch, the young man concluded, apropos of literally nothing: "I never knew Norm wasn't Caucasian.
It was kind of a shock."
"Quick-close your eyes and tell me about the first person you see when you imagine a 'punk.'
Are they Black? Queer? Female?
Before you judge, quick-close your eyes and tell me about the first person you see when you imagine a "punk." Are they Black? Queer? Female?
Gender-nonconforming? Or are they white, male, and cisgender? Don't feel bad. We all know how this exercise typically ends.
Which is why I can truly say I was not at all mad when I read my new friend's LiveJournal entry.
If anything, those two sentences, which had been composed with such matter-of-fact clarity, were something of an awakening to me. They showed me how seemingly innocuous (and yet ever-insidious) our assumptions of whiteness can be. Despite having played in hardcore bands for over ten years by that point, I was really only just beginning to wres tle with my life as a musician who is also a queer person of color, struggling to define myself outside of whiteness. And maybe for the first time, it occurred to me that in my misguided need to fulfill the more socially noble role of being "a musician who just happens to be gay and Latino"-as opposed to being a proud gay and Latino musician-/ was actively playing a part in my own erasure. Without knowing it, my new friend had simply highlighted a fact about the way in which unchecked assumptions often go on to become indelible parts of our cultural memory-and how that same cultural memory, once established, is then paradoxically deployed as "proof" for those earlier unchecked assumptions. How else could my brown skin be
"a shock" to anyone if not for a completely whitewashed conception of what emo (or hardcore, for that matter) looks like? Knowing this has changed literally everything about the way I navigate my identity in the public sphere.
But that was then and this is now, right? Surely the modern power of Google has eased our ambiguity blues!
"And if you believe most of the documented histories that trace emo's origins back to 1985, when the punk scene in Washington, DC, declared a 'Revolution Summer,' then why don't we ever talk about Amy Pickering from Fire Party?"
I want to tell you that so much has changed, and if it weren't for a Buzzfeed headline from June of
2020-published a full sixteen years after that Live Journal entry-maybe I could. Because when I read "Pete Wentz Is Trending on Twitter Because Many People Are Just Finding Out He's Biracial," my past suddenly became prologue.
It was kind of a shock.
Whatever rationale I used to dismiss the general lack of knowledge about Texas Is the Reason in 2004 simply did not apply to Fall Out Boy in 2020.
By then, we had already lived with fifteen years of Pete Wentz's face being plastered all over print and digital media. His band had been packing arenas and stadiums all over the world. Their music videos were ever-reliable multimillion streamers for YouTube. In fact, Fall Out Boy's undying success is perhaps one of the reasons why a book like the one you are holding is able to exist. And yet our assumptions of whiteness are still so embedded in the cultural psyche that, when it came to Wentz's experience as a biracial man, we saw people actu ally refusing to believe their own eyes and ears.
The idea of punk and emo as a white-dominant space had become so entrenched in our imaginations that a simple confirmation of one man's Blackness was enough to send Twitter into a frenzy.
I get it, Pete.
That's why, when I was asked to write something for this book, I knew almost right away that I would have to make a point about emo that most visual histories documenting this scene-and the wider punk and hardcore communities that came before it-have failed to properly capture from a collection of images alone. Because while a majority of the most popular and recognizable voices in emo and post-hardcore do in fact belong to straight, cis-gender, white men, there is and always has been a plurality of invaluable contributions to this scene from women, BIPOC, and LGBTQ+ folks. And far too often, many of these sometimes groundbreaking pioneers have been unfairly sidelined, if not redacted from the historical record.
When it comes to emo's origin story, for example, there are valid questions we need to be asking.
For one thing, could emo have even been called into existence without the arrival of Zen Arcade by Hüsker Du - the 80s melodic punk trio whose Bob Mould and Grant Hart are both queer men? And if you believe most of the documented histories that trace emo's origins back to 1985, when the punk scene in Washington, DC, declared a "Revolution Summer," then why don't we ever talk about Amy Pickering from Fire Party, the woman who literally coined that phrase and, by all accounts, worked tirelessly to galvanize that summer into being? Also, why do we seem to gloss over the fact that the entire first wave of emo that came forth from Revolution Summer was decidedly multiracial? Its extremely influential ranks included Fire Party's Nicky Thomas, Kenny Inouye from Marginal Man, Scream's Skeeter Thompson, and Shawn Brown of Dag Nasty (and later, Swiz), to name a few.
Of course, the work did not end there. Emo's second and third waves, which make up the substance of the book you are holding - and whose alumni include both Pete Wentz and myself-continued to give rise to an abundance of female, BIPOC, and LGBTO+ talent. Queer and trans musicians like Jason Gnewikow of The Promise Ring, Kaia Fischer of Rainer Maria, Steve Pedulla of Thursday, Vanessa Downing of Junction and Samuel, Pete Moffett of Burning Airlines, and the late Sarah Kirsch of Fuel and Torches to Rome have all played significant roles in defining the genre. BIPOC artists- including the majority of At the Drive-In, Victor Villarreal from Cap'n Jazz, Teppei Teranishi of Thrice, Jeremy
Gomez of Mineral, The Van Pelt's Toko Yasuda, Coheed and Cambria's Claudio Sanchez, Taking Back Sunday's Eddie Reyes, and Longineu "LP" Parsons III from Yellowcard, among others- have all stitched a diverse range of experience into the fabric of what eventually became emo's breakthrough into the mainstream. And the singular contributions from so many women of these eras simply cannot be overlooked - including celebrated artists like Caithlin De Marrais from Rainer Maria, Kim Coletta from Jawbox, Elizabeth Elmore of Sarge, Jejune's Araby Harrison, Tracy Wilson of Dahlia Seed, Pohgoh's Susie Richardson, Hayley Williams of Paramore, The Anniversary's Adrianne Verhoeven, and Shift's Samantha Maloney (who actually went on to play drums for both Hole and Mötley Crüe).
I am not even scratching the surface here.
No one book can do everything. But in using this space to share my story here-and in turn, telling our story to the best extent that my time and memory will allow-I hope not so much to "correct" the public record as I do to make sure that the existing record is more vivid, more rich, more complete, and ultimately, more true. Every time emo is reduced to the trope of "the sad white boy crying over a girl," countless scores of us are not only pushed to the margins, but quite literally pushed off the page.
To write these words here and now is to make sure those assumptions no longer go unchecked. It is to say, We are here. We have always been here. We will always be here.
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broke-on-books · 1 year
✒️ please!!
Send me a ✒️ and I'll pick a poem I think you'd like
After flipping through my notebooks I decided to go with my first instinct for you, which was "A Toast to the Alchemists" by Laura Gilpin. This poem hasn't been published online officially, so they're aren't a ton of sites that have it that I could find with a quick Google search. However I've attatched photos of a reddit post with it along with my version in my journal.
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I picked this poem because of its themes of time and the passage of time, as well as magic and giving emotional significance to the most mundane and clinical of things (atoms and elements). In other words, taking magic from the world around us, especially through a lens usually seen as lacking wonder or whimsy. Also vibes, I mainly did it based on vibes.
Some other poems I considered in my search/additional recommendations are listed under the cut:
If you liked the writing of this poem, and haven't read it already (or have) I definitely recommend "The Two-Headed Calf" by Laura Gilpin. It's by the same author and is her most famous poem and is fairly well known and also soooooo good. So good.
Poems with similar themes:
Poems with similar themes to "A Toast to the Alchemists" are
"Dusting" by Marilyn Nelson 💘 (literally cried to this. To be fair it was 10 minutes after I finished the HDM finale so it was mainly because of that but still. Great poem.)
"The Sciences Sing a Lullabye" by Albert Goldbarth
"Ozymandias" by Percy Bysshe Shelley (90% sure you've read this one its the time theme but inverted and it's great if you haven't)
Rejected picks/Poems that gave me Anu vibes (many for no particular reason):
Poems by Ted Kooser for some reason??? NO idea why they're very different from the ones above but some of my faves are "Selecting a Reader", "In a Country Cemetery in Iowa", "The Constellation Orion" and "Flying by Night" (I'm v much questioning this pick now but I'll keep it up here just in case)
Honestly a bunch of random unrelated stuff was popping out at me ("Listen" by Miller Williams, "Cartoon Physics, Part 1" by Nick Flynn, "Snow" by David Berman) and like a million billion more which I all got from the same anthology (Poetry 180, edited by Billy Collins) so if you want to read a bunch more poetry, based on vibes alone, I'd say look for the book, the website, or the sequel. The poems from that book aren't too similar to the one above but it's really one of two books I generally recommend people right off the bat (it was my lit teachers favorite lol) because it's meant to get young adults and teens into poetry and introduce contemporary poetry in general. Idk how much poetry you've read whatever but even if you aren't new to it it's still a good compilation of late 90s/early 00s poetry that makes you think but isn't super long/totally incomprehensible
Anyways that got WAY longer than I anticipated or anyone probably wanted but poetry is an obsession of mine and recommending poetry is much more complicated and harder that it looks, even for the people you know best in the whole world AFTER interviewing their opinions on poetry, not to mention how difficult it would be for internet friends on tumblr. But anyways there's a couple poems, I got the vibes as close as I could with the poems I had on file. (Although i do feel like I'm missing something big 🤔) Anyways thanks for the ask Anu! Hope you thought my pick was alright!
#and please for the love of god dont feel pressured to read ANYTHING on here i spend hours and hours reading poems so when i rattle off names#like that its very much me bouncing along like a frog eating skittles hopping from poem to poem to poem#based on vague vibes and feelings#also also also i already knew this when i made this ask game BUT. recommending poetry is like trying to juggle with your eyes closed because#you just KNOW you just KNOW there is a group of perfect fall in love poems out there but theres a million factors you have to take into#account to find them. like theres theme theres rhyme theres rhythm theres style theres readability/directness#and you have to try and predict someones opinions on all of that while also trying to gauge their level of patience on topics like#age of poem clarity use of standard language and spelling experimental features and line breaks#when a use of any of those they dont like can turn them off a poem entirely#like we were asoue fans together so youd probably like something with ambiguity and could tolerate a more classical look#BUT then comes in the length factor and also a bit clarity plus we have to remember theme and i cant think of any poems that fit that idea#with a theme you would like that i would feel comfortable recommending (because some poems are good but also difficult)#and i LOVE difficult poems theyre my besties but i always hate them during the first 3 reads at least and who has time for that if you dont#have poetry brain disease like i do#anyways. thats a very long way of saying. i tricked you into asking me to ramble abt poetry mwahahahahahahaha#also if anyone out there feels like theyre someone who rambles a lot about their interests to others and can at times feel a little guilty#abt that the poem “To The Sea” by Anis Mojgani talks a bit about that from an outsider pov#blah#poetry tag#answered#jacobsnicket
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thelustdevil · 2 years
No Shame | ii
Pairings: No pairing.
Warnings: villainy! Angst, mentions of hurt/death, minor swearing.
Word Count: 910
Notes: second part! Secret pov again, I can’t tell which part I love more. But this version of this character is my favorite kind of au tbh.
He loved the way they called out to him. It used to terrify him in high school. Random people coming up to him, asking for a photo, an autograph, even just to say hello. It was all too much, too many people coming to talk to him and his friends. But now? It thrilled him. He was a junkie for the attention.
If you were to ask Izuku when this change had happened, he couldn’t give you answer. He’s sure it was a gradual change, once All Might passed he was left as the New Symbol. His younger self slowly came to terms with the popularity of being the leader of a new wave of Pro Heroes.
Along with that, It was only natural to become accustomed, even to expect, the attention of fans, in his opinion. In fact, sometimes he even went out just to see how many people would call his name. Everyone from young kids, to middle aged mom’s, hell even grandparents, would call out to him.
“Deku! Deku!” “Over here!” “You’re my favorite hero, Deku!”
They loved him. They needed him.
He made sure of that.
In his years growing, he figured out ways to save more people. Even if it meant putting them in danger first. They didn’t know that of course. Izuku himself never put them in danger. Rather the low-life criminals he paid did. Izuku’s job was to swoop in and save the day. Beat up the bad guy, make sure everyone gets home. He knew he could. And so he did. But that’s why they loved him.
But it still wasn’t enough.
Uraraka was the first to notice. He wasn’t surprised. She always paid so much attention to him. He enjoyed it at UA, when he was unsure and still afraid of anything female. But now? Now he was unsure.
Don’t get him wrong, Ochako was a wonderful girl. Smart, attractive, a great hero. But she didn’t give him the same feeling they did. The fans, the media, the followers. It wasn’t her fault. He needed more, more than anyone could give him really, but he didn’t understand that yet.
She came to him one day, after patrol was over and he was settling down to go home. He could tell she needed to talk and he wasn’t in the mood. He knew denying her would just cause more suspicion. So, he let her in, listened to her like he would in high school, held her hand and nodded at all the right parts.
Ochako listed off her worries, her concerns. So many PR events, you’re barely home, tons of fights and villians, always seeing new photos of you crop up around Japan. The best part? She thought he was overworking himself. Like that would ever happen.
“You’re not the only hero in Japan, Izuku.” She scolded him gently.
Yeah, but I am Number One. There’s a reason for that. He wanted to be blunt with her, just lay it all out. But instead he looked down, letting her think she was getting to him.
Izuku doesn’t mean to be an asshole, he knows he’s powerful but he also knows his limits. And he knows he’s barely reaching them. But of course he didn’t say such a thing to her. A blaise answer would surely upset her. So he reassured her and agreed to come to her if he ever needed help.
“We wouldn’t want your fans to worry!” She laughed on her way out. “I’m sure the internet would explode if they did!” She mimed a small explosion with her hands. “Anyways, goodnight Izuku.”
He gave her a smile and a soft goodnight in return. This smile was genuine, she had given him an idea.
It took two months, six meetings with some unsavory characters, and more money than he’d liked to have spent but Izuku was finally ready to put his plan into motion.
The amount of secrets he had to keep, lies he had to tell, they all boil down to this. His defining moment, this symbol will never truly fall.
It was simple, really. But genius all the same. An orchestrated fight against a villain that left Japan’s Number One Hero, in a coma. Fans all over would pour onto the internet, onto the streets. They would write letters, send gifts, all in the name of wanting to see him get better.
And Izuku? Well he would be sitting back and enjoying the show. Obviously. This would skyrocket him, everyone would be talking about him. How could they not? Japan’s beloved hero, in need of love and support to heal him.
If he even makes it.
Of course there were other heroes who could potentially heal him, but it turns out some doctors are easier to pay off than most villains. Being Number One really had it’s perks.
Regardless, he would reign tall at the end of all of this. Plus Ultra and all that bullshit.
The small nudge of One For All grabbed his attention. He brushed it off with a shake of his shoulders. Izuku learned to tune them out long ago, what did they know? They were dead. No one was screaming their names anymore. Anyone who ever did was dead too.
“Deku! Let’s go! There’s a villain rampaging up the freeway nearby.” Shoto stuck his head into the office. Izuku moved to follow, straightening his shoulders as he did.
They would remember his name.
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jodilin65 · 4 months
I hate being in the mood to write but not having much to write about, so I'll have to think of whatever little things I can. I do have an appointment on the 13th, so I might not blog for a day or two before that to have things to write about on the road.
I know I already said this, but I can't wait for my new VR lenses because everything has gotten so blurry I can barely make out street signs when I'm on the road. I've lost track of all the towns I've been through, but I'm heading for Syracuse. My rank is now up to 105 and under 200 on LJ, interestingly enough. I can't really tell my visitors because I don't think I have that blog coded right now.
My-diary is another place I can be reached anonymously (if you create an account in a bogus name) since I have no means of tracking there. Just thought I would throw that out there.
I've always been big on being honest, real, and blunt, and I still am, but I realize that on the Internet, you can be anyone you want to be, and sometimes that really is okay. It's been quite a while, but even I’ve made bogus PB accounts in the past to throw stories on to get an unbiased audience's feedback, being as curious as I am. So I think it's okay to a degree, as long as people don't take it too far. I get the need for unbiased interactions at times, but at the same time, people want to see the real you. So I think it's good to have a healthy, reasonable mix of anonymity and transparency. I even once considered “starting fresh” and befriending Aly from a bogus account.
Twitter has totally gone to hell since Musk took over. I only keep the account because it makes a good photo dump, and it's my only connection to Aly other than our old WhatsApp and Skype chats. To be honest, I'm curious to see how long her account sticks around. I noticed that if I find an interesting picture on Facebook I want to share in an email, I can't copy and paste it directly from Facebook to an email, so I drop it on Twitter and then I can copy and paste from there. Otherwise, it really sucks because you can no longer complain to support about the things that annoy you—not that it did any good in the past, but at least you still had a way to do it. Now you don't.
Someone recently asked themselves why their brain makes up stories, and I can ask myself the same thing. It's mostly when I'm lying down relaxing or unwinding for bed. Sometimes I'll imagine myself in scenarios that I’d either like to see happen or that are totally off the wall and I can't ever imagine them happening. Or sometimes they'll involve people I've seen or don't know at all who are completely random and fictitious people at times. I guess that's just the creative imagination in me. It's where I often get story ideas, along with dreams.
Now that I'm not so focused on editing anymore, I'm going to try to get my creative juices flowing again and resume working on the last story I was working on. I know I could go back and improve old stuff, but I think I'd rather start with fresh stuff or at least stuff that's a lot newer. I don't know that I'll write stories as much as I used to, but I'm going to go over my manuscript soon. I also don't know if I’ll share it or not. I'm mostly writing it for me. If I do share, I understand that the mystery/suspense genre isn't for everyone, so no one's obligated to read it.
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katherinejblackwell · 8 months
Katherine's Tea Party 3 - Reading Resolutions
Also read on my website!
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Photo by Dzenina Lukac
Now that we're settling into 2024 and coming out of both the chaos and coma of the holiday season, it feels appropriate to add my own list of resolutions to the ever-present pile that exists on the internet. My resolutions in recent years have been a little more vague, usually just one or two goals that cover a broad idea I want to embody, but this year I have a more focused list of things I want to accomplish and, conveniently, many of them are book-related and perfect to share here in my little corner.
1 - Read Consistently
I was originally going to say "read more" but that's not quite what I'm going for. I think making an effort to read consistently will end up lending itself to me reading more overall, but when I think specifically "read more," I think burning through two or more novels a month (or scrambling to read a bunch of short books to hit my Goodreads goal), which isn't realistic for me. What is realistic, and what I would like to make a habit, is reading consistently. Even if it's just a page (or less) each day, I want to read that one page. I've noticed that I always feel more fulfilled, productive, clear-headed, and overall just better when I'm reading consistently. I think there are two reasons behind this. One, simply that reading is something I'm passionate about, so consistently interacting with books makes me feel happier. Two, staring at my phone for hours always makes me feel a little foggy. Sometimes it's nice, or even necessary, to just shut my brain off and scroll in bed, but when I have the energy for it, I often feel much better after an hour of reading than I do after an hour of scrolling. So, my main resolution for the year is to read more consistently. Ideally, I'd like to carve out decent blocks of time for my reading every day, but I again know that's not quite realistic, so really I'd just love to read for at least ten minutes a few times a week.
2 - Collect Better Bookmarks
My bookmark collection is outdated to say the least. The few good ones I currently own are gifts I've received recently and the rest are either older bookmarks that I've outgrown or random bits of ephemera that aren't really bookmarks but that do the job. I'd like to update my collection with some bookmarks that really spark joy and that I look forward to using. To me, it feels similar to how you want your bedroom or your workspace to be well-decorated and inviting. It makes you want to use the space and makes your use of it more enjoyable. I want to make my mental reading space even more pleasant and cozy by having a pretty bookmark to use instead of some slip of paper I've been hanging on to since the seventh grade. I think both my books and I deserve it. :P
3 - Make More Use of the Library
I've already started on this since it's easy to place holds and pick them up while I'm at work, but, until very recently, I rarely used the library to check out books. In fact, I've only had a library card for the past year or so, despite being an avid reader for many years. I've spent a lot of money on books and, while I love my personal library and owning my own books, being able to borrow books is amazing and makes accessing a wide variety of materials so much easier. From here on out, I'd especially like to make a habit of checking out books I haven't read yet from the library instead of buying them. Instead, I'll save my book money for acquiring books that I know I truly love and will get lots of use out of -- and, of course, buying about a dozen special editions of the same favorites because they're all so pretty.
4 - Weed Out My Collection
I started doing this over the summer but circumstances led me to never quite finish and now there are piles of books that I keep tripping over on my floor. I've accumulated a LOT of books over the years,  and many of them I acquired when I was younger and had much different interests than I do now. It's difficult to part with them, especially when they've been small constants in my life for so many years, but the books deserve to go somewhere they'll be read, and I deserve to not have what has essentially become clutter blocking the way for new favorites to enter my shelves. Also not tripping every time I enter my room would be pretty cool. 
5 - Collect More Picture Books
All that about using the library and thinning out my collection being said, I'd really like to grow my personal collection of picture books this year. Working at the library, I encounter all sorts of beautiful, wholesome, and simply adorable picture books. Even before, picture books always had a certain draw. I love the illustrations and some of the simple, sweet stories are enough to make me misty-eyed. There's something so special about them. I have a small handful of picture books in my collection already, all but one of which are from my childhood, but I'd really like to dedicate some of my time, thought, and energy this year to finding some picture books that bring me joy and finding a special home for them on my shelf. 
6 - Feel Less Pressure With Reading
Especially in an age where trends and aesthetics are so easy to rapidly consume, and can so easily take over one's feed, it's easy to feel like there are books I "should" read. But really, the books I (and everyone)  "should" read are the ones that make me feel the most excited and intrigued. I have tried with all my might several times to read The Secret History. I just can't do it. Not yet, at least. While I do still have plans to read it, and think that it's a wonderfully well-written story from the portion I have read, I often feel some level of pressure to not only finish the book, but also to think and feel a certain way about the text when I pick it up. I don't want to feel pressure where reading is concerned. It should be something that's 100% relaxing and enjoyable. In the new year, I want to let go of any pressure I associate with reading and pick the books I truly feel like reading and allow myself to feel the way I feel about them.
7 - Write a Novella
I'm not sure this is quite a reading goal, but it's almost a reading goal and will certainly require me to do lots of reading for research, so close enough. I was recently rereading a short novella I had written as a gift a few years ago and I think writing a new one, maybe for publication or at least sharing, would be a great goal to give myself for the new year. Recently, I've been really struggling with what to write next. I'm not writing as ravenously as I was a few years ago, churning out short stories all the time, and acting on the novel idea I've had feels incredibly daunting. However, I do feel ready to write something longer. My short stories could still use a lot of work, of course, but I want to see what I can do with a higher word count to play around with. I also feel it will be good practice to write and polish something a little shorter before I finally start in on my novel idea. Writing something shorter gives me a closer goal to hit and will (hopefully) give me a boost of confidence and a feeling of satisfaction that I can springboard into a longer writing project with. 
Book Rec and Drink of the Month
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Photo by Işıl
For once, I will not be recommending a Hunger Games book, but only because I have already recommended every Hunger Games book that exists. I don't think I will stop thinking about this series for the rest of forever, though, so you certainly haven't heard the last of it.
Picking my recommendation this month was kind of hard because I haven't read much besides Hunger Games books since November, so I had to do a little delve back into my Goodreads to pick something I've read before. What I landed upon was one of my favorite series, The Magisterium. It's cowritten by Cassandra Clare and Holly Black, which should be a green flag for people who had very similar interests to me in middle and high school. I do, however, recommend this series with the caveat that the last two books somewhat ruin it for me. I read them, returned them to the library, then vowed to pretend they didn't exist. I can't remember too many specifics, but certain plot points get rather muddled and, despite it being a fantasy series, begin to feel almost outlandish. If I reread the series, I'm sure I could write an entire blog post just about the issues I have with the way the series ended (and I might in fact do that at some point because it sounds very tempting), but I do still feel like the first three books are very solid and worth the read. I found the magic system and the idea of counterweights super interesting and I loved reading about the relationships between Cal and his friends. 
As for my drink recommendation, I will be somewhat piggybacking off of last month's recommendation of peppermint hot chocolate to present you with lavender hot chocolate. I started making this in the fall by mixing about 2-3 teaspoons of lavender syrup into a regular mug of hot chocolate and as an avid lavender lover, I think this will be a perfect cozy and comforting drink as we delve deeper into the Winter months. (One day I will actually recommend a tea on the blog called Katherine's Tea Party, but today is not that day.)
To anyone who may be reading, I'd love to hear what your personal goals or resolutions for the new year are and I hope your New Year's Eve was safe and happy! Hopefully 2024 will treat us all kindly and be a year full of growth, joy, love, and books. I'll be back again in February!
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filmbyjy · 1 year
We've decided to directly address the public about our relationship and I don't know how to go about me also being an internet personality as a VTUBER 😭😭😭
She watches the sky pass them by, locked in his embrace, and spots the sun beginning to set. The bright yellow and orange merging into the oncoming dark blue makes for a perfect sight. Wordlessly, she pulls her phone out, single handedly, and captures the image. As she reviews the photo of the setting sun, she takes a moment to deliberate. "I think...I want us to actually go public," she gently announces, "We've left your fans and the internet speculating enough."
He looks over to her, curious, when she suddenly pulls out her phone and says she wants to take a picture, before his eyebrow raises at her actual words. "You mean... you want to finally confirm it, publicly? Like... that we're a couple, and everything?" He asks, softly, wanting to make sure he heard her right.
"Maybe leave out Angel and Damien, for now," she adds, looking back at him, "They're still only babies but yes." They've had two soft launches already-the first shortly after they first got together on her private instagram and the second when they danced together during the Random Dance Challenge on Cai's birthday just two months ago. She still wonders how those videos have yet to see the light of Social Media day. Now, she's ready to walk hand-in-hand with him proudly. No more hiding, no more disguises.
He chuckles "That's fine by me," He adds, with a small little smile, before he asks "And, like... how do you want it to come out?" He continues. He knows she's probably got it all planned out already, but he wants to hear it from her mouth just to be sure.
"...Would your company throw a fit if I post it publicly on instgram as myself and interview you on stream later tonight?" She suggests, ending in soft laugh, "It may be weird but I still want to separate myself from Yvette and ask you questions about us...even if it means I, as myself, may only seem to be going out with you for clout." She doesn't want to reveal her true identity to the viewers of her stream. She never planned to really. That was the whole point of starting her VTUBER career as Yvette.
"I mean... I think that would be fine," He reassures her, "And- I think it's really cute that you want to do that. I mean... if you want to, I have no complaints." He smiles softly, leaning a little bit more into her- this was really cute to him, and he was happy that she wanted to do this with him.
"I do," she confirms, leaning her forehead against his as she closes her eyes to savour this one last private moment out between them. After today, she suspects they won't have another moment like this.
"So, will you be interviewing me as yourself, then?" He asks, with a small smile on his face- he seems to be enjoying their little moment too, the two of them alone together like this. He's just enjoying spending the moment with her, and he can't wait to spend even more moments with her- moments like this, and moments like the ones they just had, and the many more to come.
"No, I'll be asking as Yvette," she reaffirms before thinking better of it, "Or is that a bit complicated?"
He gives a little laugh, "It might be, yeah," He admits, "But I won't stop you if you wanna go ahead with it- I think I'd be happy no matter what." He says, with a smile, before he leans in, just a little bit, giving her a sweet little kiss on the lips. "I'll do whatever will make you happiest- we'll do whatever will make the both of us happiest." He leans back again. "So, if you wanna go for it- we can do it."
"We could draft up a script-more like dot points," she suggests, "Or Yvette could be a character in later chapters of Enhypen's Webtoon Dark Moon: The Blood Altar, what do you think?"
He chuckles again "I think both could work," he replies, thinking about both those things- she always seems to be thinking of the coolest ideas, and of the ways to improve them- she's always got the best ideas, and he adores her for it. "What do you think would work better?" He asks, his smile soft again, as he leans in for another small, sweet little kiss.
I brought this upon myself 🥲
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ivanpacheco-wa · 2 years
About this blog
So, I'm not much of a content creator. I'm a lurker at hearth, just getting my kicks out of the web and not participating much. I don't even post a comment on a post on Facebook, and I probably upload one or two photos to Instagram each year. The idea of my thoughts being out there for anyone to see it's a little unsettling. Once you post something you lose control over it. It will always be there as a piece of data on the internet.
But now I'm required to write 3 different blogs for the master's I'm taking.
That's going to seriously alter my online identity.
Don't get me wrong, I'm excited for a new challenge, even if it means my real identity and thoughts are going to get leaked for all to read. It's just that I'm used to being a private person. And getting a place where I can register the little things I learn or think about will help my learning in every aspect of my professional life. I might write here random thoughts that come when I'm working, ranting about clients and web development, new lessons from classes and general digital media related stuff. I probably will also write some notes on how I solved a challenge just so I can reuse it later.
It's going to be an interesting and formative ride, leaving behind my lurker flag and becoming more socially active in the digital sphere.
I hope we all at class learn a lot, have fun and finish the master, dissertation and all.
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occasionally-victor · 2 years
(click for a better quality)
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Oh, ashes, ashes, dust to dust
The devil's after both of us
Oh, lay my curses all to rest
And make a mercy out of me
*Instrumental duet between electric guitar and clarinet*
— Curses - The Crane Wives
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katy-l-wood · 2 years
I have a question about fire evacuation bags, if that's alright. My little sister (currently 14) is autistic with moderate support needs, and her special interest is stuffed animals. She also has anxiety and is really worried about the fires, as we all are, so we as a family researched and made plans together. But one issue that she/I/our family aren't sure about is taking her stuffed animals. We have a collapsible laundry bag and for now we've told her that IF there's time (so not the "we need to run in 3 minutes" situation) she can take as many as she can fit in there. When fire season starts she's going to fill it with her favorites in advance and keep it by her bed so she wouldn't have to waste time once the evacuation order is given. But the bag does take up a bit of space when filled, so we're trying to weigh what's reasonable for evacuating efficiently vs what's reasonable for soothing her. Some of the stuffed animals are irreplaceable for emotional reasons and/or would be extremely difficult or impossible to find a replacement in the first place, so she's really anxious about losing them. Do you think the laundry bag is reasonable or should we set up a different plan? Has anyone else handled a similar situation with an autistic family member (or autistic individual themself) having to take or leave behind a special interest collection?
Always happy to answer these sorts of questions!
I think you're lucky here because her collection is something soft and not breakable, which really expands your options for getting it together and out the door quickly. So here's what I'd do:
One hour or more evacuation time: get some of those vacuum storage bags and keep them in or near her room. Have her and everyone else in your family practice using them a few times. This should allow you to take a lot if not all with you, without them taking up too much space.
Less than one hour evacuation time: get one of those stuffed animal nets to hang over her bed. Like this:
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Put it on hooks that it can easily be unhooked from, rather than eyelets, and make sure it is easily accessible without the need for anything like a step stool. Then, if you have to evacuate quickly, just unhook, wrap up, and toss in the car. This is pretty much the same as the laundry basket idea, but it will allow her to better display her collection while offering an easy evacuation option. Also saves on floor space. You could even get her two or three of the nets and have the stuffed animals sorted by priority, in case you don't have room for everything.
Additionally, keep a backed up digital record of every single one of her stuffed animals. You'd be AMAZED what the internet can track down for special needs kids that have lost or worn out their favorite things. There's several subreddits dedicated specifically to doing stuff like that. So, worst case scenario, if you do lose an important one, you'll have good clear pictures to help with replacement hunting, rather than MAYBE some blurry candid shot from random family photos. You could even make it fun and have her set up little scenes with them to photograph so she can hopefully feel more secure in knowing you're all working together to protect the collection. And the fun scenes would hopefully make it less stressful/anxiety inducing.
Lastly, make sure you are signed up for your local county phone alerts. In Colorado you can get REALLY specific with what you're signed up for. There's the standard "everyone gets these" notifications where your phone starts screaming and beeping, but there are in fact more options that will warn you BEFORE the big alert goes out. Not sure what other states offer, but I'd assume something similar. Also, get a Twitter and follow your local fire departments, and turn on push notifications for them. Without fail the last couple years, Twitter has been the best source for live fire information.
Hope this helps!
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oliviayamaoka · 4 years
The Distraction (Danny Johnson / Jed Olsen / Ghostface x Reader)
Y/N encounters Ghostface, a snarky and creepy silent killer. However, he isn’t as silent as he is made out to be when you hit him with your toolbox in defense. To stall time for your survival and the progression of other generators, you decide to humor him and distract him for a long amount of time for the others.
Possible Warning: Sexual tension, slight blood, slight violence, and Danny having perverted thoughts (up to your interpretation on what he’s thinking)
You slowly vaulted over a wooden structure within Autohaven Wreckers. The green atmosphere felt very chilling and eerie, you didn’t like doing your trials in this realm. Your eyes averted to an untouched generator. Thank the Entity you didn’t hear a chainsaw revving or the menacing lullaby sung by the Huntress. Y/N kneeled down and began to work on the generator, putting their toolbox to the side. Who knew you’d become a mechanic of some sort within the Fog. 
“Shit.” You mumble as you cut your arm slightly on something within it. For a moment you had considered using your toolbox but it was better to just save it for another time.
Y/N sighed and pulled down a lever before reattaching some wires. The generators always confused you. Not in a way where you didn’t know how to fix them but how the hell did they power up the exit gates? Oh well, it didn’t matter at that point. You were forced to do this by a literal god. 
You suddenly gasped when you felt a firm grip pry you away from your generator. It must’ve been the killer. Y/N aggressively fought back and wiggled with desperate grunts and yells. You somehow managed to escape his grip, how the hell didn’t you hear him? You shoved him away but he grabbed your wrist tightly.
“Let go!” You yelled, hitting him as hard as you could since he seemed to have dropped his knife. You recognized the killer as Ghostface. He didn’t seem to think that you’d be able to get away the first time. Y/N’s eyes widened in shock and curiosity when she heard him darkly chuckle in amusement
“You’re like that bastard King.” He said to you as you both struggled. David was always verbal when ”fighting” the killers. He grunted as you kicked at his thigh, desperately trying to rip your arm away from him. 
“Since when did you start talking?” You asked him, humoring him in pure panic. Ghostface was a bit thrown off that you even responded instead of screaming at the top of your lungs. In fact, he doesn’t recall anybody saying anything back to him other than David King or Yui Kimura saying something snarky after a successful vault.
“You’d be surprised--agh!” He grunted as you smashed your toolbox into his face as hard as you could. This definitely threw him off since it hurt just as much as the pallet stuns did. Was that even allowed? He adjusted his mask to keep it from falling off. His chin sure as hell hurt.
“Sorry.” Y/N said to him almost immediately, stopping for a moment. You weren’t sure why you felt sorry for the bastard in that moment. You once did something similar with the Trapper when he accidentally stepped in his own trap, there was a moment of silence between the two of you as you both stared.
“What do you mean sorry?!” He asked you angrily but he didn’t lunge or hit you. He seemed just as confused and caught up in the moment as you. You threw your arms up in defense, it was a psychological thing.
“It was instinctual! What was I supposed to do, let you stab and hook me?” You said to him as he stood up. Ghostface was much taller up close, it was strange.
“Well, yeah. You’re only supposed to fucken wiggle or try get off of the hook. It said those were the rules.” He argued as you turned your head to the side in disbelief at his behavior. 
“Since when did you start abiding by the rules? Aren’t you supposed to be a serial killer or something?” Y/N questioned him.
“Uhhh, since that thing started torturing the other people who got trapped here. You think I wanna look like that fuckface with the chainsaw?” He said aggressively but you didn’t seem to back down at all. He was referring to the Hillbilly.
“He already looked like that, dumbass.” You say to him as he paused.
“Oh.” Ghostface responded before shaking his head to knock some sense into himself and began to try grab your wrist again. he tugged you closer when he did rather aggressively.
“What the fuck am I doing arguing with my prey.” He muttered as you pulled away again, taking a few steps back.
Ghostface, from your observation, was easily confused when talking to people. You figured it was normal since, well, when the hell did a psycho like him have time to talk to people? You recalled a conversation with Ace when you were upset due to one of your first trials. He had been previously married and referred to himself as a ladykiller, humoring the idea of trying to flirt with the Huntress. He was a wise dude despite being on the run from guys he owed money to, overall he made a good replacement father figure for a moment.
Clearly it was a bad idea but maybe instead of getting hooked or hurt, you could do what Ace jokingly suggested. It’d also be a funny story to tell some of your friends when this trial was over but it was scary thinking this could make him even more mad or aggressive. Oh, well, anything not to go through the pain again.
“Has anybody ever told you you’re handsome?” You asked, cringing at yourself for such a poor choice of wording.
“You don’t even know how I look.” He said, somewhat annoyed but loosened his grip slightly as you put your hand softly over his.
“That doesn’t matter. I feel like we could get to know eachother. I’m Y/N, by the way.” You say to him as he stopped completely, baffled even.
“What?” He asked in confusion.
“Think about it, if we have a nice little chat then I’m sure the Entity wouldn’t mind. And don’t get me wrong, I’ve been curious about your artwork. Or I guess you can say photography. I’m sure you have a collection.” You said.
“Right, like a puny thing like you would even understand what I do.” Ghostface said to you, crossing his arms. Admittedly, he seemed to slowly forget his objective when he began to even talk to you. Even he didn’t know why he kept responding to you.
“A puny thing like me? Oh, please. I’ve seen my fair share of blood and gore on the internet. I bet your photos wouldn’t even make me budge.” Y/N said.
“Really, now? I have a collection of photos of you and your little friends.” He said, getting rather defensive. Such a fragile ego, you thought.
“Oh, so you take photos of me?” You asked, pulling him closer. He seemed to freeze up when he was inches away from your face. Despite wearing the mask, he felt vulnerable. Why? You were just a survivor meant to be slaughtered.
“I don’t mean it like that.” He said firmly, although, it wouldn’t be a bad idea since you were rather attractive to him. Both physically and personality-wise. The thought amused him but he shook his head slightly.
“Shame. I could’ve offered you a special photoshoot.” Y/N said, enjoying getting into character at this point since all the generators should be done soon.
“A what?” He said, finally flustered. You couldn’t blame him. A survivor was practically seducing him. A part of him wanted to give in since he already wasted so much time just talking to you. There were, of course, other needs he needed satisfied. The idea of him showing no mercy on you got him hot and bothered.
“A special photoshoot. Just me and you, uhh... Ghostface?” You said to him, resting your eyes. 
“It’s Danny--I mean, Jed.” He said to you. You raised your eyebrows in surprise that he even told you his name, you could even swear your cheeks warmed up for a second. No. no, you thought. Do not get distracted.
“Jed, huh? Sounds easy to yell.” You responded with a smirk. 
At this point, Ghostface decided he definitely wanted you. He quickly gave into his desire since he had his own desires and fantasies he wanted to put at ease. Plus, a survivor like you giving yourself to him? It sounded too good to be true in his own dirty, messed up standards. He silently smirked behind his mask. Hooking and killing wasn’t the only way he wanted to hurt you now. He saw this as a way to properly get back at you for hitting him with your toolbox.
What did you get yourself into, he thought menacingly. Unbeknownst to him, you were already one step ahead of him. Ghostface wrapped his hands around your waist and brought you closer to him. Y/N froze for a moment but brushed her knee against his upper thigh in a rather suggestive manner. She didn’t think it would work yet it did.
“So, when do you want to do this, baby?” He asked you in a lower tone. You felt your cheeks flush and your heartrate beginning to increase but you had to stand your ground for a few more seconds. You looked away for a moment with an unimpressed stare.
“You’re such a gentlemen.” You said sarcastically, pushing away from him by his chest. The feeling of his leather and fabric was firm, you kinda liked that.
“Now what?” He asked in frustration. Your eyes averted towards the tools spread out on the ground from the box. Y/N came up with an idea.
“Pick my stuff up for me and maybe we can do something... quick.” You said, tugging your shirt downwards suggestively. 
“Okay, okay. Fine.” Ghostface responded to you sarcastically.
He turned to look at the tools on the ground. Kneeling down, he set the toolbox upright and began to put the tools back. Ghostface found it interesting how such small tools can play a big part in fixing the generators faster. He’d be pissed off if some random fucker like the Clown came and busted it up after long, hard work. You watched him actually do as you asked. It was somewhat heartwarming. No, actually, it wasn’t. You didn’t wanna catch feelings for him.
Y/N looked around, inhaling quietly. He seemed focused on picking up the smaller tools. You weren’t sure when to make your move. Suddenly, a horn blasted. A feeling of relief washed through your body. His head popped up as you quickly sprinted away from him. Ghostface whipped his head around. 
“Shit, fuck...!” He muttered. It was at this point where he realized what you did. He felt angry at himself for giving into his urges instead of just hooking you and killing you and your little friends. Ghostface smashed your toolbox against the generator in anger.
Standing up, he put his knife away. Despite being furious, he still found you attractive and confident for even trying that with him. It fueled a different urge within him. Oh, he would definitely make you pay. Not from the hooks, of course. He smirked at the idea of it and began to walk off to the other door once he began to calm down.
Y/N, he thought. 
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I suddenly wanted to get these things out of my head, so I'm going to tell you about my personal story related to manifestation and it's specifically about "accidentally manifesting random things and realizing after all those events" so yeah let's get started.
About two months ago, I read this book called "girl online" by Joe Suggs (don't attack me for reading this please because people in goodreads app were kinda aggressive about it and idk why though). And whatever, if you've already read this book, you would know the whole plot but if you haven't yet, I'll tell you a short summary about it. There is this girl from London who had to accompany with her parents to New York as her parents were responsible to hold the wedding of this another rich couple. Then, in New York, she met this kinda ghetto-gothic styled young man (idk lol I still can't visualize his appearance till now) who could sing well and who could play the instruments. Then, as you've guessed, they fell in love and the book went on like that. After reading that book, I had this strong urge to have this kind of boyfriend who could sing well (kinda like a singer) and who could play the instruments and I had been thinking about it everyday like "omg I wish I had this type of boy in my life" "I'm not getting a boyfriend until I meet someone like him" and things like that. At that time, those were just simple intrusive thoughts but cheesy feelings also kinda followed through those thoughts unnoticeably. And about two weeks later after reading that book, I met this guy through the internet who could sing well and who could play the instruments. He is not a famous singer but he is really good at singing. We talked and talked and now we are still friends but I know he's my soulmate. I can just feel it. He's going to be "the one" for me in the very near future. Periodt. 💅 And this can be said to be some kind of miracles because we met on an app (not a dating app) and we were matched randomly out of those millions or thousands of users who were using that app at that same time. Is this a coincidence? No, I don't think so.
Another personal experience: So, I am fond of creating pinterest pins and boards almost all the time. And about two months ago, this song "beautiful in white" was stuck in my head so I decided to make a particular board fulled with wedding photos. I am a Buddhist and the photos I saved were the Christian wedding ones. I will attach one of those photos underneath to make things clearer. It was not intentional, actually, I just had this sudden desire to quickly add those Christian wedding photos in a board because those were so beautiful and made me want to get married asap lol. And guess what? That guy I met on the internet. His religion is Christianity!! Maybe this is just a coincidence for others but for me, it's not.
I experience these types of synchronicities quite often and I also have encountered other really spooky ones too. The thing that I want to remind you all is to be aware of what you do and how you act in your daily life. That doesn't mean you need to restrict your feelings, emotions and routines but be careful with who you talk to, who you share your energy with, which movies you watch, which songs you listen to, which kinds of thoughts you let into your head, which photos you save into your gallery and small things like that. You won't actually believe me when I say this but everytime after I've listened to sad and breakup songs on loop for about a week, something that breaks my heart happens. I started to notice this about four months ago. I also watched "friends wih benefits" movie about a year ago and I felt fascinatei with the idea of it unintentionally. Then, I met my ex-crush who wanted me as a fwb. I have already cut him off though. I also want to say not to underestimate some scripting methods because I made 12 scripts on the full moon day in last October, I guess and I just realized that 5 of them already became true including my exam marks. But a big BUT also remember that thoughts ALONE cannot manifest into reality. So, you don't need to worry about your negative thoughts manifesting into reality because they won't. You need thoughts, feelings, actions and faith to manifest. (credit to the book "Make it happen" by Jordanna Levin) *if you're the one who's manifesting a sp, please don't read this whole book. Skim some parts even if you want to read because some of the contents are opposed to the topic of manifesting a sp so yeahh umm*
My thoughts are kind of complicated at this point, so I might make some grammar mistakes or create some confusions in this post but please understand me because English is not my mother language. I hope that guy doesn't use Tumblr and see this post because if he did, he would freak out af LMAO 😂. Thank you for sticking to the end and yeah buh-bye pretty bees!! 🐝💛
P.S. OMG I just realized that I also listened to this song in our country which contained some lyrics about going together to the church as a couple and making agreements for a wedding, on a loop for several months. Oh-My-Gawd.
One of the pictures I saved in my Pinterest board-
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becci-chan · 2 years
Reclaiming What’s Yours ~600 words Summary: Tony gets to see Steve’s tattoo. You can also read the story on AO3. :)
Since Steve never really actively thought about it, it wasn’t at the top of his mind when Tony undressed him for the first time. But Tony noticed it immediately, his fingertips reaching out to touch the black ink that started right below Steve’s left hipbone and ended on his thigh.
Later, they both lay in silence, letting their breaths calm after a shared orgasm. Tony’s fingers lightly traced the black lines on Steve’s body.
“I had no idea you had a tattoo. Honestly, I didn’t even know they would work on you.”
Steve hummed non-committedly but didn’t try to change the topic.
“Calla lilies are often used as grave flowers, right?” Tony asked, and Steve nodded.
“It’s usually a last wish to someone. A hope they’ll find eternal peace after leaving the Earth. Depending on the colour they can also mean courage, love, wisdom, or gratitude. I… didn’t want to give too much away by adding one.”
“It’s for your mother, isn’t it?” Tony whispered in the darkness, like it was a secret between only the two of them. And maybe it was.
Steve nodded.
“It’s more than that, but yes.”
“When did you get it?” Tony asked gently, like he was hesitant to do so. But his curiosity always won out over his sensitivity.
“Shortly after S.H.I.E.L.D. started using me as their lap dog,” Steve said bitterly. “I wanted to sorta reclaim my body and… well, other things hadn’t worked.”
Steve could feel Tony shiver next to him, so he tightened his hold around him.
“I don’t know why the tattoo of all things worked. Maybe the serum didn’t detect it as an open wound. It simply accepted the ink and then did its thing about preserving it ever since.”
“Fascinating,” Tony said and let his hand rest on Steve’s thigh where the spathe of the calla lily was. “The placement of your tattoo is smart. And it’s upside-down. Was your artist the only person who had seen it until now?”
“Live? Yes. In a picture? No. She took a photo of it at the end of my session and asked if she could post it on her instagram anonymously. I was fine it.”
“Have you seen the photo or how many people liked it?” Tony asked with a smirk. “You have really nice thighs after all.”
Steve laughed.
“Thanks, but no. I got what I wanted and the quality exceeded my expectation. I don’t need the validation from random people on the internet. I hope Chloe got all the praise for her work though, she did an amazing job.”
“Yeah,” Tony said, then hesitated for a moment. “I’m glad it helped.”
“Me, too.”
Steve was quiet for a bit. He kept his secrets close to his chest, but Tony was different. For the first time ever, he wanted to be completely honest.
“I hated the situation I was in so much, Tony. For a while I wished I had never agreed to get the serum at all. The tattoo did help, and still does. It’s a treasured memory of my ma and it was my choice. I didn’t need to ask anyone for permission.”
Tony leaned over and kissed him sweetly, reassuringly.
“I hope nobody will make you feel like your body isn’t your own ever again.”
He squeezed Steve’s thigh and earned a smile in return.
Steve found comfort in Tony’s touch and the knowledge the calla lily would always be his reminder and guiding light, just like his ma had been.
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