#also i love taking screenshots when he looks confused sorry it just makes me think of the renata sorrah meme again
vi0let-writes · 1 day
Alright then, may I request Cyno, Xiao and AlHaitham. S/o pranking them, you know that one period prank girlfriend do on their boyfriend?, telling them to go by her some pads with wings. To see what they actually get for her (like would they actually understand the assignment or actually got her pads with Chiken wings thinking that's what s/o meant) or even told them to buy non-existent feminine products for example "help me buy the Super Jumbo Tampons with Wings✨✨✨" that kind of stuff. This is just crack request, wanting to trick these innocent stoic guys hehe~ 😈😈😈 this can be a modern au if you want
The dividers I used are here
thank you SM for the request!!!! This is such a silly idea! There is a screenshot of the messages for each one, and then a written part below, so make sure you don’t miss that!
characters: Alathiam, Cyno, Xiao
includes: Crack, fluff
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“I’m home” Alhathiams voice sounds as he walked through the front door. He made his way into the living room, where you sat on the couch, reading a book. You looked up, seeing your boyfriend with a shopping bag in one hand, and a takeout box in the other.
“oh! Did you get me food too? You’re so sweet!” You cheered happily. He rose his eyebrows confused.
“yeah, the wings you wanted?” He confirmed, his face obviously filled with confusion. You paused for a moment, before realizing that he misinterpreted the request, you then started crackling out in laughter.
“y-you.. thought I mean.. HAhAhaHa! Chicken wings?!” You wheezed out.
“let me see the pads you got.” He nodded, handing you the package over. “Baby, look, here on the package, it says ‘winged’ that’s what I meant” you giggled, taking one out and showing him. “Here, these flaps wrap around to keep them in place.” He looked utterly embarrassed.
“yeah.. I knew that.. I- I.. uh just wanted food..” he tried to play it off.
“it’s okay! I’ll go get these put away and then we can cuddle and eat these!” Alhathiam nodded, ears still red.
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“Love” a voice suddenly appeared behind you, causing you to jump.
“Xiao! Hi” you sighed out. He fell into your arms, face hiding away from you.
“I’ve failed you..” he grumbled out. “I couldn’t find the feminin product you requested.” You laughed, feeling kinda bad.
“it’s okay sweetie, I was just joking with you! Now I feel bad…” you ran your hands gently through his hair.
“what.. why? I went to 5 different places,people staring at me rummaging through things, and being sad for a silly prank? You have no respect for the Adepti..” he huffed, letting go of you and crossing his arms.
“no Xiao! I’m sorry.. come here, we can cuddle.” You apologized. He just rolled his eyes.
“fine.. only for a bit. I’m a busty person.”
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Cyno trudged through the front door, and to you in a hurry, 3 bags in his hands. When he came bursting through your bedroom door, your eyes widened in concern.
“Cy, what?” You questioned.
“I’m sorry, I took so long because I went to like 10 places trying to find the ones you mentioned; but I couldn’t… so I just got a bunch of them, you could stack them!” He reasoned, putting the bags down on the bed, revealing MANY boxes of pads. Your eyes widened again in surprise, before you laughed.
“Cy, you don’t stack them for one, also I was pranking you..” your smile was wide. He was quite for a second.
“oh.. haha, darling, I left work! For a prank?!” He sighed. ”what? You could have said that you were working!” A frown appeared on your face.
“hmm, it’s okay, but what do we do with all of these?” He motioned to the pads.
“I’ll use those eventually.” You bummed out a response. “Why don’t we play TCG to make up for it” Cyno pondered your proposal.
”I suppose I could take the rest of the day off”
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Hope this was good!
you can leave requests in the “ask me anything”
my list of fandoms is pinned in my blog.
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atthebell · 10 months
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this lighting was nice
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saruslumber-01 · 1 month
Quick take on Jiaoqiu’s trailer
As always, I love to take screenshots whenever there’s some images flashing and this time, I did the same thing.
Before I actually talk about the trailer, I want to point out how (to me at least), the theme/ost doesn’t really match him. Or rather, how he appears to be.
(Imo it’s a similar case to jade’s trailer, you’d think she’d have something more… idk tempting in a unsuspecting way, like when you believe you made an amazing deal, only to later meet the terrible consequences.
Well anyway, the thing that I noticed is that both in jade’s trailer [or at least splash art and references/motifs] and in jiaoqiu’s, they hold an apple in their hand. I get why in jade, but in jiaoqiu’s? That very weird to me)
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(Here you go, the moment, I’m talking about ^)
What I ACTUALLY wanna talk about that caught my attention, is the eyes we see all over the trailer.
I get it, he always keeps them closed, but from the trailer it seems it was not just a stylistic choice to make him this way, but actual lore behind it. (Ofc I might be wrong since we still know NOTHING about his backstory, and I’ll probably talk more when I’ll read his char stories after his release)
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Idk, to me this feels kinda weird to get his eye to pop out like that (and it reminds me of firefly’s trailer). Not only that, but we get a moment where we see a fox spirit (?) made out of fire which is oddly similar to Tail’s ‘true’ form (huohuo ult). AND then from the fox’s eye it smoothly transitions into jiaoqiu’s eye. Coincidence? I don’t think so.
To me, it might foreshadow that the “eye thing” that is going on with jiaoqiu is becase those are not his natural eyes. Rather, they’d ‘changed’ (idk how to explain that) into the golden ones, as if he got possessed by that fox spirit (or maybe I’m just reading into things too much, who knows).
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More eyes screenshots (which kinda remind me of sunday AND bring us to my next point)
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What I want to talk about is the placement of those eyes.
Please don’t tell me I’m the only one who didn’t think it looked somehow familiar…
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Rings a bell now?
I also ‘circled’ the flower she has on her ‘crown’ as it resembled the anise jiaoqiu uses in his skill, and ALSO popped up a few times in the trailer.
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I know I might be digging too deep, but I feel there something very eerie and off about jiaoqiu as a character in story, and as a playable character.
I’m sure everyone remember how jiaoqiu’s a cook, a healer, right? Then why on earth is he a nihility unit? I’ve seen sooo many people being confused about it, and I’m sure HoYo wouldn’t mention it that much, unless it was important to the story.
And before anyone goes and says “wdym phantylia got a new victim?” NO. That’s not what I’m talking about. I’m trying to prove that jiaoqiu isn’t probably just some random foxian who knows how to cook (and take care of feixiao). That there’s connections that all come back to the word “possessed”.
Tingyun? Possessed by phantylia (and spexulated to return in later versions)
Huohuo? Got her tail ‘possessed’ (I don’t remember too well, sorry) by Tail, AND in her trailer (which has a lot of flashing images and yin yang in there [I’ve got screenshots for both trailers to prove]) she is possessed by Tail, a heliobus. And what is a heliobus? Some kind of fox spirit! (Or at least I think so…)
What I’m trying to say is that there’s some kind of ‘possession’ when it comes to jiaoqiu.
(And another character that got flashing images and got possessed [outside of jade and huohuo] is sparkle! And don’t you agree that in terms of the overall vibes, their trailers does seem quite similar?)
So uh, yeah! That’s all I wanted to share.
I’ll probably do one more post for just the similarities in the trailers of jiaoqiu, jade, huohuo and maybe sparkle
Thanks for reading my ramblings and getting through to whole thing, I appreciate it a lot!
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Please No!
Oh this part, the amount of times it has gotten me teary eyed, a lot of this will probably be squealing so sorry about that but I am sucker for angst and this movie knows how to hit me.
Before I start crying let's go back for a bit.
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The sequence of Miles seeing the future somehow hit him, and I am assuming it was him and only him since the others don't seem disoriented and were kind of behind.
However, all of them saw Miles clearly be shocked by The Spot's words, and honestly I think everyone would had been a bit intimidated after seeing the man basically tear time and space just to say how he will end you.
Gwen quickly goes for him to see that he is okay and that he can get up.
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Gwen is calling his name while Hobie is clapping his hands, so I am guessing they both realizing Miles is stunned but physically okay, or as well as any of them are.
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I love that Hobie tries to get Miles moving and went with Gwen to check on him, this guy just met Miles, who hasn't been exactly the friendliest to him (not that I think Hobie care, if he ever paid attention to that to begin with.) Yet he still goes and check on him, even if this hasn't been the point when he actively likes Miles.
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Miles is disoriented, the world around him sounds distant and how we see from his eyes everything is a bit confusing and difficult to process.
This is probably bias talking but I love how realistic this feels, it reminds me of the times I had gotten so overwhelmed trying to make sense of words is difficult and felt like I barely have time to process what's going on.
Which makes me feel it for Miles while for him it only lasts a few seconds, DAMN I wouldn't like to be feeling that way when I am having rubble falling on me.
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As soon as they start running Gwen checks to make sure Miles is following fine, we know she specifically was looking for Miles because Hobie was going in front of her and Gwen went directly to look towards the direction Miles should had been coming. Then she went a step back to grab him.
While this makes sense, considering he was the one who stunted and Gwen probably can hear Pavitr coming slinging; we can't pretend there is no more meaning behind Gwen checking on Miles constantly while going on.
Hobie went to make sure he could get up but after it is Gwen who is making sure he goes out in one piece.
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She continues to grab him by the wrist while running (which btw, tip, most of the time that's a bad idea; it works in this context since Miles seems to be still disoriented,)
She tries to guide him amongst the rubble until it starts getting difficult for her too.
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Still keeping an eye on him and helping to get him out.
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(Sorry for the shake frame, I try 3 times to get one that looked decent and this was the best I could get.)
I couldn't get a good screenshot for it, but after Gwen helps Miles out he is the one who takes the lead getting out of it while still holding her hand.
There are other things to talk about in this sequence, but they aren't really ghostflower stuff, so it would go in their own separate post.
Let's continue to the part that still hurts even after seeing it so many times.
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We all know that there was more than once reason why she did this, and let be honest here, I don't think the canon event was the primary concern.
Let me repeat that to make sure no one gets it twisted, maintaining the canon event IS STILL important for Gwen, but I don't think it was the main reason why she was worried about this, and we see it in the next scene.
Not My video, this is a link for the original.
Again I normally try to not use works (gifs, videos,) but there was no amount of screenshoots and words that would make this moment justice.
I feel my heart bleed every time I watch this scene, I can hear the desperation in Gwen's voice and all I can think is how she must be thinking about Peter; how she also lost him when rubble fell on him and she needed to move around to get his body.
I can imagine how absolutely terrifying and heartwrenching this must be for her; she said it before, Miles was her only friend after Peter, and while Hobie and other spideys are important to her, Miles is next level.
And the idea of losing someone that important to you in the same way you already lost someone else- goddammit I am getting teary eyed writing this.
This is why I said her priority was Miles while asking him to not go; because she didn't try to look on her watch or see if the canon event was still intact, I honestly thing she forgot about it until her watch warned her about it.
I could probably go on, but I would be repeating myself; anyone who says Gwen doesn't care about Miles (using what happens later in HQ as proof,) is blind in my opinion.
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I had mentioned multiple times about how the masks are meant to be more expressive than what they would normally be to allow the characters to show emotion.
This normally shows by the shape and size of the eyes, but something I picked up while watching this scene again was that Gwen's eyes look really reflective in this scene (more than usual at least,) which is not something you really see in other scenes.
I think this was a way to indicate that Gwen was getting teary-eyed below her masks, which I think would make sense considering that it already sounds like she is ready to cry by her voice.
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May be wishful thinking, but I think the way she says "Right" shows my point about not thinking on the canon event the moment she saw the rubble fall down.
For me it the way she says it looks like she just remember about this, and it needed to be her watch telling her in order to do so.
(By the way, we never see any scene with Hobie's watch doing this, it could had been that way because there was no point in doing so; but I wonder if, while being aware of canon events, his watch doesn't report these events because he isn't working full time with Miguel. Or maybe because Miguel doesn't trust him with that information.
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I think is around this moment, that Gwen starts to question the canon events situation.
While she technically sided with Miguel later (or at best, stood aside without doing much for any side,) she sees what they just did here, how they had saved a bunch of people and got a happy ending for Pavitr, who if Miles hasn't done anything, will had probably dealt with a lot of trauma and guilt that he didn't deserve.
Sidenote, sadly Miles and Gwen aren't holding hands in this scene, the angle just gives that impression. I wish tho.
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In a way, I think this shows what Gwen ultimately thinks about Miles' being an anomaly.
This entire situation is technically, an anomaly in itself, but she is looking at it in awe and shock, soaking at the image of a city that could had faced a worst tragedy hasn't them being here. She saw Gayatri hug her dad, something that wouldn't had been possible without Miles, because he was suppose to die in a event that is also suppose to kill Gwen's dad; I don't think that was something Gwen missed.
She knows Miles is an anomaly, yet she says she has always thought he was amazing.
I think she sees Miles in the same way Peter B does, yes, perhaps Miles situation was an accident, but it was ultimately good that it happened; because he himself is amazing, and he is better thanks to being an anomaly.
I see this scene, and I think of Gwen seeing Miles, while thinking "Perhaps is by being an anomaly, that you get to do the greatest things."
(Yes, I know that's a leap from speculation and into fanficfky territory, I may use that later.)
The Mumbattan scenes are interesting because we see an entire array of emotions coming from Gwen towards Miles. From being exasperated, to not wanting to give him the wrong idea about her and Hobie, to being so worry nothing else in the world matters.
There are still some things to talk about Mumbattan, but it has been mostly covered.
Thanks for reading!
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s0lar-ch3ri · 10 months
looking at character stuff for later art
first off, how did so many people forget caspians not a triton? im so confused by that????
next thing, if you want a good marshal john reference and google had none (for me it did not at least), take my screenshot from ep 101, 3:45 for timestamp:
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also why does john have that arm covering thing im hoping he didnt lose his arm and its a fun sleeve but ik im wrong WHAT HAPPENED TO MY BOY
nobody fucking told me there was this epic visual animation for the girls fighting!
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...i see why lizzie loved ava
OK BUT FR THE FIRE HAIR??? JESUS SHES LIKE SO PRETTY WOW (also the comparison to jason is a nice touch)
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i cant stop im so sorry she is so fine
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alright this one is just for me to say WOMEN HOT IM GAY but i must say women hot im gay
its kinda interesting to me how different these two look, honestly! like, when i first saw jay on the animatic type thing, i thought how clean she looks, while lizzie is more rugged and shit, cool design details i noticed lol
okay ollie time! when looking up shit for ollie, i checked the fan wiki, and apparently while ollie had the compass he experienced nightmares of some unknown sort. chip met with niklaus in a dream, and he was the first to get a nightmare arc. i wonder....yes this is a kuba kenta and niklaus hendrix made a deal type shit
the belt is not a fucking belt it looks like a corset i cant make this shit up
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also i love how he still has the feather i think thats very sweet
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oh and also the bandana for some reason looks ever so dirty to me yet fine at the same time
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anyways if you join me next time we will be taking a deep undersea level dive to find out if people noticed caspian had a tattoo or if you guys are sluts for his boobs
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Yo so these are head-cannons from this thot a while ago.
Also the internet has come back, hopefully long term (never ever been this happy before), but enjoy for now xxx
transmasc Van and Nat btw (I LOVE THEM!!!)
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Was definitely way too into it at the time to notice wtf you were doing.
Continues to not know about it until she goes on there later (Callie set her up on it, of which you did not know).
"Y/n……. What is this?" "Uhhhhhhh nothing, just a BeReal." "I can see that sweet thing, but who else is in it?"
You know you're fucked regardless of how you respond.
That's pretty much all I can think of honestly (I'm out here tryna keep yall fed, sorry).
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Again, was probably way too into it at the time to notice.
Then she looks over your shoulder later on, while you're sat together watching TV.
"Watcha got there, love, hmmm?" "Nothinggggg" "Nothing huh, well if it's nothing can I see it?" "Nooooooooo"
Somehow ends up getting her hands on it (definitely did not chase you around to try and grab your phone, and/or tickle you when you wouldn't give up). "Oh?"
Honestly kinda flustered at first (even though she probably has no idea how it works).
Then makes it her screensaver for like a week, until someone accidently picks up her phone.
Poor baby gets so scared that someone's seen it, and changes it back to a more PG photo of the two of you.
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100% gets a lesbian spider sense and looks up JUST as you post it.
But doesn't say anything until way after, when she somehow gets her hands on it.
"Baby, I love you, but I swear to god, if people find that and use it as a reason to not elect me, I will be mad." "Oooooooooh, maybe I like it when you're mad 😏." "Y/NNNNN!!!"
You end up taking it down after a couple hours (idk if you can do that, I haven't used BeReal in ages), cause you don't wanna actually make her mad.
Again that's pretty much it, idk.
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This boy has no idea wtf BeReal is or how it works, but is definitely a little curious about it.
Honestly like extremely flustered by it when he finds it while looking on your phone for something (idk, like something you asked him to look at or grab from it).
"I'm not mad about it, it's actually kinda cool, but outta curiosity, how many people are gonna see that?" "I don't know." "Wha- how can you not- HOW MANY PEOPLE ARE YOU FRIENDS WITH?!"
Poor baby boy is very confused, but it's okay, he's cool with it.
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The most smug motherfucker on earth when he finds it.
But then again honestly doesn't really give much of a shit.
But also 100% screenshotted it and sent it from your phone to his and looks at it alllllllllllll the fucking time may of masturbated to it once or twice when you weren't there 🤫.
Definitely makes it his screensaver too like Lottie, but has no shame about it whatsoever.
Not really got much else to say other then that honestly, but they speak for themselves, baby boy Nat has no shame whatsoever.
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A little confused by it, like the whole sorta aspect of it, like "Why do people have to know everything about what people are doing?"
Defo hacks into your phone later on while you're asleep (cause that's just so much more fun then just taking it and unlocking it or whatever).
And also definitely stares at it for like an hour straight (that babygirl is such a freak and a perv, but it's okay, we love her for it).
Let's just say poor baby boy Caligula gets demoted to home screen, and then she changes it around, and he gets bumped back up to lock screen.
As much as Misty loves you, the photo, and just the whole aspect of the situation, she doesn't wanna loose her job for unprofessionalism.
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cerealmonster15 · 2 months
Heyyyyy *tucks hair behind ear* can we get more Third Year poly? 😃
HELL YEAH LET'S GO sorry in advance if me saving an ask as a draft causes any tumblr glitches or if i missed any autocorrect/typos bc i did some of this on my phone late at night 🕺 also this is mostly just going to be me Blabbing Forever til i get tired or hit some sort of limit so WOOHOO THIRD YEAR DIVORCE POLYCULE TIME!!!
a readmore because there is a Lot of Text and Screenshots and Doodles so. it is a long post. SORRY.
i have so many twst thoughts just floating in my brain at all times so i didnt know where to start, but i did peek on your blog and see trey clover postings + trey/malleus which gives me the starting point of FIRELIT SKY OVER SANDS EVENT MY BELOVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a big W for trey/cater/malleus community [and also jamil had fun interactions with them but SORRY JAMIL THIS IS ABOUT THE THIRD YEARS RIGHT NOW!!!!]. i love that event So Much. that's the main place i can recall trey and malleus interacting and also they both had so many good moments w/cay... i love that cater calls them all -kun in the japanese dialogue, even malleus who so many people are scared of. hes like teehee no you still get hit with friendly cute honorific beam <3 i think malleus' main entryways to whatever the hell the third years have going on is via treycay for marriage but also, of course, his insane divorce beams with leona. and then when he heals vil in book 6 there's no escaping the polycule. best of both worlds welcome to the family LOL
anyway it's so fucking funny that cater and trey are like the normal class citizens having shock after shock of their lives in this event, being exposed to kalim's way of life and then whatever the hell comes out of malleus' mouth jfklsjdfls. anyway the scene where they get dressed in that event is everything to me like i thought about this dialogue for So Long
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like hello. Flirting. malleus telling cater he looked Bright Like Fireworks changed me as a person like i literally NEVER got over that line. And then caters like EXCUSE ME OTHER HUSBAND QUIT BEING A WALLFLOWER!!!! silly. Also
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This is soooo cute caters like “hehehehe I danced with Trey in the fancy ballroom” and grim is like “wow you bitches are having too much fun 😒” ??? Like a hater I guess LOL. But Trey gets so shocked and embarrassed about it going NO I DIDNT DANCE CATER JUST PULLED ME AROUND!!! like bro it’s grim 😭just admit you love your boyfriend it's FINE!! it’s so silly lol.
but also i was so mad at them in that one scene where cater was like "omg it's the fruit that makes you friends forever if you take a pic let's take a pic!" AND THEY ALL SAID NO. WHAT THE HELL. BETRAYAL AND AGONY cater got stuck with the "dont take a picture of me i dont like having my picture taken" squad 😒 jade wouldve done it. if he were here. sorry this aint about him either FSDLKFJSKLG trey clover you have let cay take pics w/you on several occasions why'd you have to shut down his fruit. ill kill u. sjkflJKFLDJSKLF JK JK aside from that. very cute stuff.
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Spices !!! lol i love that cater apparently just keeps pointing them out to trey like umm teehee doesnt that one sound sooo tasty and fun to cook with <3??? and treys like ok yes i will cook for you forever. because i love cooking and i love you. jkfdlsjfklsdj and then malleus is so funny to me hes like wow clover sure knows a lot about spices. i dont know anything about spices 😔 WHYS HE LOOK SO CRESTFALLEN ABOUT IT?? idk why that's so funny to me but it IS Lol. it's ok malleus just. marry into the polycule and trey can do all the spice IDing for you idk 👍 malleus draconia looming in the shadows of clover bakery watching his beloved normie husband bake. Hell yeah brother.
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cater teaching malleus to take pics and using his hip cool teen slang that confuses him is soooo cute ough i love them. like i started shipping them i think specifically from the PE story where cay wanted a pic of malleus and malleus was TEASING HIM by running around and being all evasive, so i love that it comes back around here with more photography bonding lol. and then cater 👀 talking about malleus' music and commenting on the more melancholic vibes... this line marinates in my mind for now, i actually forgot about that one. i am 🔍 thinking a little more about how cater sometimes gets those implications and scenes where he himself is a little more on the melancholic and loner side of things, and i do think that's another point as to why i like to put him with characters like malleus and idia [also leona??] lol because i think it could be interesting to put cay in his somewhat less performative state [not to say his ENTIRE character is an act, there are layers here, but omg if i start going into my cater diamond thoughts again we'll be here forever so i will not get into that rn LOL]
anyway i would like to see cater and malleus play music together. i think there's a line somewhere - i wanna say cater's pop/light music club card had a homescreen line? where he says something about how he wanted to try a ballad out but lilia and kalim were a lil too wild hyped up or maybe that the three of them could never settle on one genre lol i forget exactly. but i think malleus with his knowledge of Stringed Instruments In General [he has a guest room line where he's just like. yeah if you have any stringed instruments i can play those. he doesnt specify which ones so i guess he just knows All Of Them. Okay.] + cater on HIS stringed instrument, the guitar... they'd be a cute little music duo. i reckon the style of music mal plays isnt what cay's used to but i think he could be into it once he's used to it. he's making that expression in the second part there ^ that doesnt look particularly off put or really anything extreme, but like hes just Thinking about it. pondering if you will. me when i over analyze one little dialogue and facial expression flkjfklsjfKLJFDSKLJF. They’re even matching their closed eyes thinking pose….
you will find my thoughts about 3rd years and also twst in general skew HEAVILY towards heartslabyul centric thoughts because. i spend the most amount of time thinking about them and who they interact with LOL like omg i know malleus and leona fight a lot but i actually genuinely struggle to remember specific instances of it besides that one laundry saga with like the ceremony robes mix up thing JFSKLFJKSDL but i sure can talk for many paragraphs about like, one off dialogues they have with cater diamond specifically.
Trey feels like a trophy husband LOL I mean not really but also kind of. Mostly bc I remember one of his cards has a home screen line where he’s like “yeah I’m the vice housewarden but it’s really decoration bc riddle does all the work himself” <- Trey when he downplays his own contributions. but also when you look at all the other third years they’re all SO MUCH and treys kinda just chillin. He keeps everyone fed while they do their antics 🫡 i also love that Trey is more or less the one with the least hostile bonds of the third years shfjcngng everyone’s fighting for their lives but Trey clover is cool. I mean Idia did list him and rook in his top 10 scary vice dorm leaders or whatever the fuck it was he said in one of the beans events LOL but ASIDE FROM THAT. god i love Idia he is so strange.
Anyway Trey and cay are soul mates bonded for life in my eyes so they are a package deal integrated into the divorce vortex of third years djffngbgbght like Trey is besties with cater and they were roomies for two years. He’s science besties with rook and they keep buddying up during events together. Vil praised him in vils lab coat story and even was convinced by Trey to take a break and have the cake he brought over lol, and I think??? That’s also where he was like “hmm I’d like to have you as pomefiores pastry guy 🧡” or whatever??? and he was like Ha Ha No Thanks I Dont Want To Do Calorie Calculations fkljdsfklsd. silly. Malleus seems impressed with treys dedication to his craft or at least bc he knows what spices are lol. i feel like theres a gap in my mind when i try to remember malleus and trey talking outside of the sands event.... also the coconut thing was funny in that event where malleus just busted one open with his bare hands and trey was like WHAT THE FUCK!!! i dont remember anyone else's reactions but i am p sure trey at least was. shaken to his core with how wild that was LOL. anyway. I think Idia finds Trey scary bc he finds everyone scary but also sees trey as the normie type guy who is good at socializing and seems unassuming on the surface but is concealing HIDDEN POWER??? I can’t remember if that’s something he actually said or if that’s my headcanon lol. Leona and Trey interact quite a bit in playful land event but I still don’t wanna say too much in case that’s spoilers for eng only people!! But Leona always has that smug smirking TENSION VIBES when he talks to his fellow third years like that bastard is trying to speedrun the marriage and divorce at the same time. He has Trey and cater in his sights actually I doodled that once I gotta find it
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it was on a post about second years so i cropped it but i also left some of them in bc i think my joke was like teehee third year divorce polycule that riddle thinks is strange despite also kind of being in a divorce polycule himself with like. the fish and jamil at the very least KLFDJSKLFJKGLH but we cant get into the second years right now this aint about them WE DONT HAVE TIME!!! actually lemme see what other images i can post before i hit a limit just by skimming thru my drawing tag
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heres rookvil ft leona re: rook and vil's bond when rook was still a savanaclaw and then transferred to pomefiore,,, i want to know what it was like in savanaclaw with both leona and ROOK lkfjdslf
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this was something i drew after book 7 part 111 or something, i was watching the youtube fan translation so i guess it is maybe not out in engtwst yet but no context dont worry about it. dont. dont worry about it. idia and malleus.
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cater rook smoochie doodle :]
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classes 2c and 3b my beloveds... i am also realizing as i skim thru my drawing tag that i draw. a lot of Second Years skfjsdljgh
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CAYTOBER JUMPSCARE!!!! every year in october i do a cater doodle every day because I Love Him and hes fun to draw. this one included lurking malleus, for some reason. i like when he looms behind people but hes kinda just. gripping cater by the shoulders here KLFDSJFKLG?? whatever it's fine
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ALSO TREYS BIRTHDAY IS DURING CAYTOBER SO HE GETS TO HAVE DAY 25!!!! we are once again in the cater skewed territory lol
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LITERALLY why do cater and vil feel like such a RAREPAIR!!!! there's a line in jpntwst in vil's R card standard uniform story with him and cater, and in the original cater's like "woahhh your eyelashes are sooo longggg [gets in his space] haha for a moment i thought about dating you~!" and vil's response is more or less "ok well you should know that dating me would be very EXPENSIVE." and caters like aw bummer hehe <3 or something like that. something along those lines. engtwst changed it to cater saying something more like "ohhh woah your eyelashes are so long for a sec i thought i was dreaming~" and vil says "well you should be glad there's not a price for dreaming about me" or whatever. honestly still a little gay but def NUKED >:[
but also while i have you here i have to talk about the cater milf enjoyer line that they ALSO nuked EVEN MORE than the dating vil line that NO ONE TALKS ABOUT i swear to god let my guy be bisexual. it's not related to the third year polycule thing but i just want to talk about it. anyway in i think either cater or trey's ceremony robes story[i mix them up bc theyre both in each other's 🧡 but i think it was probs cater's?], when cater and trey are watching the sorting ceremony and doing their game together about guessing which dorm each student will be in [btw so cute theyre playing a game together lol i love u treycay my BELOVEDS] anyway they see epel go up, and debate on if he will be in heartslabyul or not. i believe in the original theyre talking about how epel's pretty and cater's like "ooooh i bet he has older sisters~! or if he doesnt have sisters, he at least has a mom~ HEHE JKJK" like. hello. FJKSDJFLDSJGKLFJ i think treys just like 😑 about it LOL god. but then in engtwst they CHANGED IT!!!! to cater commenting that epel "looks like he does his dishes" and trey was like "you just want him in heartslabyul so he will do your dishes 😑" which is so. like. huh>????? that boy looks like he cleans up after himself and does his dishes. GIRL HELLO why does that. wh. that's such a drastically different line from before lol. like at least with the vil one it was still honestly a similar ballpark, cuz cay seemed like he was going "wow youre soooo gorgeous i thought i was dreaming~" which still feels flirty even tho they took out the DATING line, like im still mad about it but it couldve been worse i guess. wow vil you look like you do your dishes KLFJDSKLFJLK
anyway. cater and vil are so interesting to me. like a lot of times vil is rolling his eyes and calling cater out for his superficial tendencies because yeah, to be fair, cater DOES Have a habit of sweet talking to try and get something out of it - like magicam clout. HOWEVER ill defend to my death that theyre not ONLY interacting like that and they do sometimes get along jfklsdjfl specifically in the halloween events, like the first two halloweens and then also theyre both in the puppet playful land event, which is i guess not halloween in universe BUT it's twst's halloween event lol, and they DO get along and work well together in those!!! i think vil likes cater fine and doesnt mind him, but he will just call him out like he would anyone else if theyre doing something he doesnt agree with / hes like [sonic voice] IVE FOUND YOU FAKER!!! but when cater's not being suspicious hes not got reason to be aggro.
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ace jumpscare!!! this was directly from a guest room fight i had between trey and cater and then ace was also there just chillin while his dorm parents tried to kill each other :3
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but it's ok i also drew them smooching jsdklfjsdlgjh this all also tells me i need to draw some non cater third year ships!!!! well i will still draw cater. but i will also draw Other Ones because I LIKE THOSE TOO i just jkfjslejfk
ok this post is getting too long so i am going to cut myself off now but FIRST!!! i feel like my stoopid caterella multiverse ideas probably also applies because there are a lot of third year branches involved in that one LOL . and ummm some fics ive written for third years hmm what do i have...
this one is cater/idia and it's one of my more recent fics and tbh one of my current favorite ones ive written so far lol.
some short leona/cater sorry these ARE all going to be cater related jkljfdkslfj when it comes to fics the main things i write are something cater or something jamiazu KJSDFKLS
this one technically isnt ships but i think i reference a few, it's cater and leona hanging out and then also trey and vil are there lol
trey/cater fic about them getting together when they go to rook/vil's wedding
and then this is the only cater/malleus i've written somehow despite having drawn them a lot over the years and them being one of my early twst ships... i think about them a lot why havent i written more for them...
i also have never written cater/vil which is a crime. i tend to pair treycay with rookvil and i just hfsdhgskljel the four of them. lock them in a room together study them under a microscope forever. theyre the most married section of the overall polycule in my mind lol the least likely to fight but they will probably still bully each other for funsies sometimes because they ARE still nrc students <3
ok ok ok i am dragging myself away from the keyboard. cerealmonster talk about something that is less heartslabyul centric challenge level IMPOSSIBLE!!! sorry i like all of them but i just have heavy bias towards my fave dorm forever LOL JKSLFJSDL
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caputgeratlupinum · 5 months
In which I (re) watch Robin of Sherwood
In the dim and distant past (of a few years ago) I started watching Robin of Sherwood. I dropped out after the end of season 2, when *events* happened (if you know, you know).
Anyway, this to say that I started watching it again, and I thought it would be fun to record my reactions to it. I remember it as being a good if slightly silly show, so... we'll see how it holds up.
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We are starting off strong with the Ominous Bad Guy theme that sent me back to the last time I watched this with the force of a hammer (this show has about five soundtracks and they all come up like once an episode).
Our introduction to adult Robin is him running to the top of a... something, I'm not sure if it's a hill or a ledge or what. Anyway he runs there, stops, and screams 'MUCH!'. Which must be wildly confusing if you're not familiar with Robin Hood.
ITVX doesn't let me take screenshots (tragically) but I need you all to know that Guy of Gisborne looks about twelve and speaks like he went to fancy boarding school.
Hi Will Scarlet I have fond memories of you from last time! And I think this might be the first time he's 'scarlet' as in 'bloody' rather than named for his hair or clothes. Also the second Will tells them his name another man steps out of the shadows to introduce himself like he's desperate to get in on the action.
ROBERT! ROBERT! BY CHRIST ROBERT I WILL NOT LOSE MY FISHPOND! 10/10 introduction no notes. Genius move to give the Sheriff an annoying brother in the form of Abbot (??) Hugo.
Sheriff duties: keep on top of the poachers in the forest, and meet with the evil sorcerer baron and his... possessed slave? I'm vague on what position Little John holds here.
Sorry, Sir Evil Baron (yes I know his name is Simon de Bellame. I'm ignoring that), but I don't believe for a second that your wife taking her own life was nothing to do with you.
Did I mention Marian and Tuck are here? They are! I love them both very much.
I can't believe they that they just leave Rat Man and Arthur behind. I demand a spin-off about what happened to them.
'You're like a May morning.' *climbs out the window without another word* I mean to be fair to Robin if I tried that line I'd probably also flee immediately afterwards.
I really wish I could do screenshots because Herne the Hunter's vision of various events with Evil Baron's face over it all, slowly getter bigger and bigger, is truly a sight to behold. Robin honestly took that pretty well.
The classic bridge fight is very enjoyable but I am haunted by the knowledge of the blooper reel where Michael Praed gets hit in the balls. And Robin's dramatic scream as he falls off the bridge is sending me.
Last time I wasn't really sure how to feel about the Herne the Hunter stuff, and right now I'm in the same place. uhh... stag-man. With vague prophecies. I dunno... 'when the horned one possesses me' ok but who are you when he's not possessing you? How does one become possessed by the horned one in the first place (I know none of this is the point. I just have questions!)
If I were one of the merry men, I would find it easier to agree with Robin's Heroic Inspiring SpeechTM if it hadn't started with him explaining how he's been 'awakened' by a deer-headed man.
I feel like Will saying, 'You should have killed him. You'll have to someday.' is setting up for a conflict down the line where Robin has to make a Choice about Gisborne some day, but I don't remember any such plot.
aaand that's it! I didn't mention every single thing that happened, there's a lot happening in this episode. Genuinely had a good time though! Despite my poking fun at stuff, I do actually like this show.
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curedeity · 1 year
Yooo!!!! Anyone wanna see all the assets I made for the first part of my hikaru visual novel!
First of all, I was honestly surprised by how few I had. Even then, theres a lot I wouldve wanted to put more effort into. Its good this is just a prologue then, as it let me figure out what worked for me
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These are all six Hikaru sprites I made for this first part of the game. I really like all of them, except the angry sprite, which I struggled with the posing of (might try redrawing it). Her design was pretty simple, I went off the show pretty closely while changing a few of the colors slightly. I decided pretty early on not to shade my sprites, so I would feel more confident about making more. I also decided to give her two more neutral sprites, one a bit more serious, so I could switch between them for different emotional moments in dialogue.
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Ryo only got three sprites, which is a testament to how much I hate drawing this man and how much. well. he really just had some of the easiest emotional beats for me to capture. I like his neutral sprite (the first one) the best and am very proud of it!
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Madokas sprites... I love them, but now I'm worried because I realized I want to give her a different, maybe slightly more grown up design for later portions. I worry that her using her fusion outfit accidently complicates people's understanding of when this takes place. Either way, if i want to change her, I'll just change her, but dnndlbgbgdjgjlbs sorry for any confusion that might cause. Im actually very happy with all her sprites! Her thinking sprite was the funnest to come up with
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These are my backgrounds. Im sure you can tell which ones I had screenshots to base them on. I'm very proud of Madoka's workshop, but otherwise, I plan to work on my background skills a lot. They're very fun and I want to improve at them!
Now, there are two more art assets im not posting here, which are the two ending cgs. So if you want them... Well actually the video only includes the good one but i have a video of the good ending on my blog! please go check it out! the game is also posted to my discord server.
As a bonus though! Here are some development drawings.
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In the first draft, I used a completely different sort of sprite shot. I also directly color picked from her reference with no changes. And I hadnt figured out how to draw her hair.
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So these first drafts included a lot of changes to Madoka's design... that I just forgot to include in my redraws. Welp, next time you see her, she might be beat up! I had a lot of solid concepts for what i wanted her sprite work to look like, so just transferred that into my redraws.
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majorproblems77 · 7 months
Hi! Its time for a Recalled update! :D
Ive been following this comic for a while and i really enjoy the concept for it, I highly recommend you go and check it out over at @recalled11.
It's an interesting take on the links meet idea and i love the art style and the character designs.
Now, this is a rambly post, no I'm not sorry. Please sit with me, grab some popcorn and some hot chocolate or a hot drink of choice. Prepare to sit for like 30 minutes :D
Also prepare for blorbo hype cause he's here too :D
Lets get started!
All panels belong to @recalled11 thanks for the permission! :D
Alright here we go!!!
First off, it must must be said.
These backgrounds are incredible. like, oh yes oh hell yeah *chefs kiss* I love them.
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So at first i was a little confused about the glowing eye, i was looking back at the other pages and back to here and thinking about if it's just a Wild thing. Which would make sense right?
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Then they throw this curve ball
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Man's like, bionic? eye is doing work for us and I'm here for it. the blue glow as well, yes. Just yes.
Also with this panel. We know each of the arrows while a Link is holding it points to a Link. The same goes for Zelda.
And i've been brainstorming who is who.
So, If I've got this right, based off what i could figure out in panels where the compass appears.
Mainly this one
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From directionless 2
White (Blue white?) - Wild
Green - Time
Blue - Captain
And now
Yellow - Sky
Let me know if you think it's different! :D
Moving on!
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The detail in this is making me so excited, I'm wondering what it means when an arrow acts like this. Is it travelling towards the compass? It is exclusive to just Sky's point? Little thunderbolts spark from it.
Maybe im reading too far into this but the others dont do this, so Im definitely intrigued by this!
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I love a full-body shot of anyone, and I love how Wild looks! The little poncho and the details with the scaring!
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Now I've not found any official names for the loftwings yet, I personally use Crimson and Luna. And will differ to these unless told otherwise. But if there are official names please please tell me! :D
Also is this the camera attachment? A zoom feature? I figure we are gonna see more of wilds ability as we go through but I'm thoroughly enjoying finding out what he can do!
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This is the correct reaction when you see a GIANT BIRD flying at you at speed. The people of Wild's world have been through so much at this point the assumption of another monster first its absolutely fair.
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When I tell you I had happy clappy hands at this panel I mean my phone fell to the floor with more than a thud.
There's a lot to unpack here, first the reigns with that little gold detailing from the clasp. The saddle? Is it a saddle for loftwings? The leather straps around Link's loftwings.
And Sky's design!
If you know me you know that SKSW is my fave game and that SS link if my fave in pretty much every AU that i encounter. This one is no exception
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I'll go into detail later, when we have the detailed screenshots. But just look at my boy!
Also the goggles were a nice touch! It just makes sense for them to wear them, they fly so damn fast imagine the dust.
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Captain is a fight first ask questions later, man is ready to go!
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Crimson is out here getting half pages and he deserves every inch of space he gets. Such an extra boy and i love him. The details with the feathers flying from both of them too. I love it. I love them
Loftwings my beloved!
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Shout out to Zelda for landing Luna not right in the way of everyone, Sky please. Your scaring the adults. The kids think it's cool and want a ride.
But the detailing on the feathers and the eyes even from this far is just incredible.
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Crimson please, your scaring the adults. Im here for just the amount of people in lookout landing who sprung to its defense.
While wild is just up here chilling out, This is a totally normal Tuesday!
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this reminds me of my chill cat and it makes me love Zelda's loftwing even more. Just a birb chilling.
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And this reminds me of my other cat. Loud noises!
Are loftwings in this universe just giant cats? Two types, Chill and crazy.
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The real mvp right here. He is ready to fight the big bird.
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From a later panel, we can see that the one at the back here is Captain. This means he not only drew his sword he was straight-up ready to fight by this point. He is fast!
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Sky my beloved, god I love his design so much.
Also captain's face, He's seen the green tunic and is like. Well, its another child to add to our collection better put the sword away before he does something.
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Yes malon, yes they are! And they are wonderful! :D
Time looks worried, is Time afraid of birds? My understanding of oot is that he and the owl were friends?
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My fave panel, the best boy with best birb.
Crimson totally knows this is a comic and breaks the forth wall to smile at the reader as well as the others in lookout landing. I love the details here. I love him so much.
He know's he is stunning and will flaunt it every opportunity he gets
Also Sky and Sun having matching sailcloths? I am in love. I love them both.
I'm gonna mention the feathers now too. I love the details of them having their loftwing feathers in their hair as like a head dress. That's such a cool idea i love it!
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These two panels had me laughing I wont lie.
First off, Sun responds to Hylia. That is the face of someone who's heard their name. Second off, Flower is a mood. running out of bed with a sword, questions later style.
The detail on Zelda's loftwing too. Such a pretty creature. So well-behaved.
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Also, Zelda(flower) asking captain what's happening and the link responds rather than one of her captains.
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I really like captain, He's a chill guy. while Sky is just confused. Really cool of captain to be the one to introduce first, he seems to be the one who will be the main referral when it comes to authority. I assume he will be the one who introduces first for all of them.
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Time for me to be excited about their designs.
Skyloftian goggles, I love it. It just makes so much sense.
I love Sun, Her dress, the way she's got an sailcloth wrapped around her shoulders like that, the way she's got loftwing feathers not only behind her ears but at the end of her longest braid too. I'm very excited to see more with her.
And Sky! where do i start without going on a twenty minute rampage about him. The way he's got his sailcloth around one shoulder like that. I assume to make it easier to use if he ever needs to use it to land. The loftwing feather hanging off his belt. (Which I notice Zelda doesn't have. Is this just a him thing?)
I can't get over the headdress with the loft wing feathers. Is that a skyloftian thing? Is it ceremonial? Is it because they wanted matching headgear?
I want to know more about Skyloftians in this universe.
Also totally not Sky being an absolute cinnamon roll. Beloved. I love him.
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Time and Malon are an absolute mood. time just existing in a state of confusion. And Malon being excited about loftwings. Me too malon, Me too! Let Malon ride one of the loft wings as soon as possible.
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Captain behaving like a dad already. Gives me 'Where is the wild child' vibes. Which is funny, cause Wild is older than him.
Oh and I will mention the scars on Sky's face, I love the scars that they all have. It's all so detailed. Sky's lightning, Captain's burns. And the two cuts on his face.
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The fact that this is an expression at all, let alone one that the rest of them are not going to understand cause you know, No remlits on the surface. Poor cinnamon roll man is confused.
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Again chill dude with all the friends, i love Captain so much. He's just here to help you out.
Oh man, I enjoyed this update, this was good. I love Sky he is wonderful.
Im sure she can and im very excited to see what's next!
thanks for listening to me ramble for so long. I'm gonna get something to eat and you should too.
See you later! :D
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lyrker · 2 years
1 n 3 n 19 n 31 n 50 for the oc asks !!!!
1.First oc ever ?
I’m gonna have to pass this one to good ol’ Leader Decrose. I REFUSE to get into the backstory of how he came about, but in this old world I never dive in anymore, he’s like ? A refuge i suppose ? A set of four characters (including my self insert) were based on cards and his was the diamond.
3.Have you ever adopted a character or gotten a character from someone else ?
Odd situation but I GUESS ?? There’s a few but one I like is named Polaris and they’re like. a dying star. And their big brother figure is Cyrus, aka cc who thought the key to transitioning was dismembering yourself and using dark magic on a lifesize frakenstein doll he made.
They work in a fucked up lab but like, fucked up as in goofy as hell. They’re so silly (:
19.Introduce a character that means a lot to you and why
*SLAMS JACE IN FRONT OF YOU* I love him an insane amount.
Jace Luong was away when the apocalypse striked, lost his daughter thag he blames himself for (but he could never save her anyway), accidentally shot a guy and had to step down from his military position, more for his mental sake than anything, ended up using his best friend, and that last one sounds so bad. and it is. But it is for this Reason that makes me shake him like GRRRR I LOVE YOU. WHY DID YOU DO THAT oh yeah i’m the author loll !!
Because the point of Jace is that. He wants to help so fucking bad but he keeps Messing It Up. He is not evil and I cannot say that enough—he is very “the means justifies the ends” but that does Not mean he doesn’t feel bad for using Noah as a lab rat. When Noah came back to KILL HIM he cried because someone Came Back For Him, even if it was to kill him.
I don’t wanna take up too much space but it’s because he’s not evil just severely fucked up from losing his daughter and the life of being in a world filled with zombies that he’s trying to rush to make some sort of cure, so he can save people, so that people can live again instead of just survive, but he goes about it in a horrible way that, honestly, was probably inevitable.
He’s special to me because he’s a fuck up, but he’s genuinely really really trying. He is not a good person, though.
(also if he was a tma avatar he would be of The Lonely or Eye and that’s so silly)
31.Pick an oc and explain what their Tumblr blog would look like.
I’m going to go with RAYNE because he probably DOES use Tumblr, knowing him. His layout is green but also he’s probably using the Goth/Rave color pallet because he thinks the colors are nice and he’s a 3 am user so that dark mode comes in handy. His pfp is like, his favorite pokémon but with a ditto face.
He reblogs pokemon stuff—screenshots, fanart, memes, etc and he’s Definitely gotten into discourse abt the best game. Also he’s totally a Nightvale listener so throw in some Nightvale posts. I think he reblogs a lot of shitpost art but also just art in general.
And of course, the occasional cat photo and tumblr trademark textposts.
50.Give me the good ol’ oc talk.
I WAS GONNA TALK ABOUT NOAH & CO. BUT I ALWAYS TALK ABOUT THEM so here’s the MoMOF crew, named after the lemon demon song “Mask of my Own Face”
It’s a classic high schoolers sci fi horror story, think stranger things except without mike bc i hate him (did not finish watching stranger things)
Basically, six kids, Rayn, Rowan, Alex, Ash, Zach and Winston are friends ! Yippee ! Average middle/high schoolers.
And one night, Rayn and Rowan (dating) are just hanging out. Rowan is conked the fuck out at Rayn is gaming on his DS, and then he gets a text from Alex saying “Dude, why tf are you outside it’s like 2 am ???” and Rayn is confused outta his mind.
“Wdym i’m literally at home rn.”
Alex attaches a photo, a shot looking thru the blinds of their window of what looks to be Rayn.
Rayn sends a selfie back of the Charmander he just leveled up and Rowan fast asleep.
And it Can’t be him if he just sent that photo, because the beanie he always wears was handmade by Asher himself—whos this guy ?!?
naturally, they text everyone, everyone’s yelling in a vc and was NOT asleep like they should be, and Rayn gets the FANTASTIC idea to go and see who the person is. Alex is yelling that they will personally stab Rayn if he does.
He does anyway.
and they’re too far away now for Alex to see, but they’re watching their phones and when Rayn finally approaches the other Rayn the camera flips and it is missing Half Of It’s Face and then Rayn hangs up.
And they Cannot Find Him.
So for weeks they are searching for Rayn and are scared out of their wits about Why there were Two and they told the police, but they don’t believe them all too much.
But Rowan finds him one night, at the edge of the forest. Half of his face looks tk have been torn away and his hat and coat is gone and he looks run ragged but oh. Oh no.
That’s the real Rayn.
And it turns out, the Rayn they’d been staying with recently was a clone.
And he’s babbling about something, saying they “Can’t trust Winston”
And at the same time, Rowan gets a call. And Zach sounds like he’s running for his life, because Winston cannot talk, let alone sing, and Zach heard them whispering the lyrics to a song he doesn’t know, and ran for it.
So, while they found Rayn, they now don’t know where the real Winston is. And it’s kinda all about not trusting each other but also wanting to stay together because What If Someone Else Gets Taken, and they can’t trust anyone at All because they won’t believe them, and they could be more clones.
Other stuff happens; Ash is going kinda insane, Alex, as the eldest, feels like they have to be the parent of the group because god they’re falling apart and they can’t stand to see it, Zach doesn’t know if the things he’s catching on camera are real or not, and there’s also an almost murder and also arson !! Both by the kids (:
It’s a fun world i like to play around with because the kids dynamics are all super fun <3
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goldenhypen · 2 years
❣︎ ⎯⎯ your smile is so cute, i could kiss it .
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PAIRING ! yang jungwon x fem!reader // GENRE ! fluff // WC. ! 0.6k // reader is insecure of her smile
PROMPT(S) ! 16. taking a photo of them smiling or in their element ;; 27. randomly face-timing just to hear their voice/see their face // requested by @woonie-muffin <3 // 2k followers event
A/N. ! slowly getting through all of my jungwon requests for this event. i’ll get there eventually 😭 anyways i hope y’all enjoy cuz i had a lot of fun writing this one <3
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“hi,” jungwon greeted you through the screen with a very happy smile on his face at the sight of you, the tone of his voice soft and loving.
“hi,” you replied with just as much joy to the boy displayed live on your phone. “everything okay? why the sudden call?”—not that you were complaining though.
“yeah, everything’s fine. i just needed to see your beautiful face,” he told you with his still wide smile.
“well, sorry to break it to you, but i don’t look too beautiful, especially right now-“
“are you kidding?!” your boyfriend interrupted. “you’re kidding, right?”
you sat there on the opposite end of the line, taken aback, “what do you mean?”
“you’re one of the most beautiful girls on this entire planet, how could you say you’re not beautiful?” jungwon asked, genuinely sad that you were down on yourself about your appearance, especially of all people; he was speaking the truth.
“one of the most beautiful?” you questioned with a jokingly offended tone. “who else is on that level to you?”
“obviously my mom,” he answered effortlessly to which you nodded in approval and understanding.
“but what about your sister?” you asked.
“what?! ew—no, are you kidding?” jungwon replied without hesitation, causing you to laugh.
but those joyful sounds that left your lips faded just as quickly as they came when you got alerted on your phone that jungwon had just taken a screenshot.
“hey! what was that for?” you questioned, confused, with a slight smile still on your face.
“as i said, i think you look beautiful,” your boyfriend answered proudly.
“wonie,” you pouted. “i don’t look good right now.”
“stop, who are you trying to fool? you literally look incredible right now. i don’t understand how you could think otherwise,” he said, frowning with his last statement.
“and i don’t like my smile,” you added softly, half-hoping he wouldn’t hear you.
“y/n,” he looked at you sadly, “why would you ever say that? i love your smile. that’s one of my favourite features of yours. i love how it shows how happy you are at a certain moment. i think your smile is adorable and seeing it always makes me so happy.”
“it’s true,” he told you as he began to navigate his way through his apps and to his photos where he then found the screenshot he took of you.
a smile instantly grew on his lips. he looked so happy.
“your smile is contagious, i love it,” he said, giggly.
your heart quickly grew soft and warm, and you felt a giddy feeling within your stomach.
“i wish i could kiss you right now,” you told him. “if you were here right now, i would totally kiss you—wait. wonie, are you—no. no, you’re not. you’re kidding. are you here right now?”
“heck, yeah, baby. now open the door,” he said, and you watched with amazement that the background on his end was of the view just outside your front door.
“how-“ you attempted to get out. “how did you even-?”
“surprise, you’re just not very observant,” he teased, causing you to roll your eyes. “hurry, don’t just sit there. come open the door for me! i miss seeing that pretty smile in real life.”
“you saw me earlier today at school,” you said.
“yeah, and? doesn’t mean i can’t miss it,” he continued. “and not only do i wanna see that smile. i also wanna kiss it.”
“wonie!” you said, trying to hold back your giddy laughter, but it was to no use.
“okay, hurry up! open the door!”
with both of you laughing, you hung up the call, walked to your door and opened it to reveal a very happy wonie.
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A/N. i want a wonie 🥺💗 feedback and reblogs are appreciated ! thanks for reading <3
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erodasfishtacos · 3 years
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Like, comment, share, and come talk if you enjoyed the fic.
*inspired by this *
I write for free - so if you would like to support my work, you can donate here. (plus my bday is coming up in a week 😌)
Despite Harry being less than active on social media, it doesn’t mean that he didn’t creep through Instagram and Twitter after the shows.
He used a fake account to scroll, constantly liking pictures and videos of his wife dancing or funny fan signs to his phone.
Tonight, after the Philly show, YN was already fast asleep in their tour bus bed - she had curled into Harry with her leg between his and her head on his bicep.
Harry was trending on Twitter for his show, however, he scrolled a bit further and noticed that a hashtag called #JusticeforYN was trending.
When he clicked on the link, it took him down a rabbit hole of screenshots and videos from the concert.
It doesn’t take long to see what had happened, it was a girl recording herself on Snapchat from the pit during the concert.
The ‘fan’ held up her phone enough that you could see her but also YN, Jeff, Harry Lambert, and Tommy in the background behind the pit.
Adore You started blasting through his AirPod and the girl recorded his wife dancing with their friends - he gets distracted for a moment, watching her have fun and sing along.
He loved her so fucking much.
But then, it’s the next clip, and the captioned text on the video said ‘Harry’s Whore.’
The small smile on his face disappears instantly when he sees where this is going.
In the next few segments, the girl is screaming things at YN who can’t even hear them because of the music but it’s still completely disrespectful.
“Hi, Harry’s Whore!”
“Get the fuck outta here, nobody wants you here!”
“Fuck you!”
It makes Harry rage, even from the comfort of his bunk with his perfect love, and then he digs deeper to find his real fans defending YN.
YN was pretty loved by the fans. She was always kind, posted pictures of Harry (because he rarely did), and made really kickass merch.
He finds the Twitter account of the girl who harassed his wife, her name was Gina, and he read through her tweets.
She was going to three more of the concerts - following them from Philly to Detroit.
One of her tweets said…
‘If you guys are mad about what I said during the last concert, just wait what I have to say to her next time.’
And he also finds out that she had won a meet and greet for the DC show through the record label and Harry already knew what he was gonna do.
YN wakes up before Harry, sitting in the small living area of the bus - watching a cooking show on the television and still slightly dozing in and out of sleep.
“Hi bun,” She mumbles, opening her arms and legs to let Harry flop between them. Chest to chest and he was a bit to heavy for this but he liked laying like this.
“Mornin’, my love,” Harry rasps, peppering kisses all over her jaw and the smooth column of her neck until she giggles.
“Shouldn’t you be saying good morning to your whore on tour?” YN replies, her voice is light and unbothered - obviously found out the online drama.
Harry tenses up, looks up at her seriously, and tells her, “M’gonna take care of it.”
“Don’t, it’s fine, bubs,” YN assures him, she’s smiling softly and Harry just…he is so obsessed with the woman below him that he has to kiss her for a long moment.
“No, it’s not. I’m not going t’let someone treat m’wife like that. She won tha’ meet and greet. I’m gonna have a talk w’her when she comes backstage,” Harry tells her, lips brushing on every word and he can help but grind his hips forward against her.
“Always so horny in the morning,” Yn teases but still lets her thighs fall open a little bit more so that the only barrier is their underwear.
“Can y’blame me? Look wha’ I wake up to,” He rumbles, voice getting illogically deeper and raspier when he speaks.
It’s not long before he tugs his briefs down just enough and her panties to the side to get inside her with his lips glued to hers.
He’s whispering things that would make him blush with embarrassment if anyone heard him.
“Can’t believe y’mine after all this time.”
“Y’my perfect match, on m’knees for you whenever you ask.”
“Arena full of people and all I see is you, baby.”
“Feel like heaven.”
“Only y’make me feel like this.”
“Come on, stubborn girl. Show me y’love me.”
Harry looks insanely stunning in his purple outfit but honestly - YN always steals the show (without even trying). ***
They’re in a common area, waiting for the meet and greet with the fans - it’s comical how Gina’s face drops when she arrives to see Harry facing away from everyone with YN giggle as he crowds her up against a wall.
They can hear Harry murmur, “Y’alway showin’ me up. Only gonna be able to look at y’during the show, bug.”
“Harry,” Jeff calls to his client, making him turn around and his eyes instantly search the small groups of fans until his eyes land on a girl dressed in a bright pink fishnet dress and boa.
“You,” Harry points at her, his face isn’t giving away any emotion, “Can I have a chat w’you?”
“S-sure,” She stutters, eyes wide and excited - oblivious that Harry actually knows what she had been posted on social media.
The singer takes her off to the side, YN’s eyes keep darting to them as she chats with the friendly fans who are complimenting her dress and her merch designs.
Frank is standing near Harry, prepared to escort the girl out after the conversation.
“Can we get a selfie?” Gina asks, pulling out her cellphone.
“No,” Harry replies seriously, “You also are going to get escorted out of this arena and banned from any of my future concerts.”
“Wh-what?” The girl stumbles, eyes watering as she looks at him in confusion and dismay.
“I need to make this a safe space for everyone who comes to my concerts. That especially includes m’wife. And I don’t feel comfortable havin’ someone scream at m’wife and posting nasty things on social media attending my concert.”
Realization flashes across Gina’s face, “I’m so so sorry. I can apologize. I really didn’t mean-“
“No. I don’t think my whore of a wife would want to hear it,” Harry chuckles with a nasty edge, “Y’can fuck off now. Go find a new artist to harass ‘cause if I see y’face at one of m’concerts - y’getting kicked out immediately.”
Frank appears beside them, gently guiding the hysterical girl out of the room while the fans look back in confusion.
They forget all about it once Harry saunters up to them and gives them a crooked smile, “Hi, m’Harry. How are y’guys?”
The fans don’t miss his hand moving quickly to squeeze his wife’s hip in reassurance before starting to sign things and take pictures.
Later that night, the disgruntled ‘fan’ sends out a nasty few tweets where real fans go after her and defend YN.
Also, the true fans are cooing over the fact that Harry is such a good husband.
haleyhs22: omg, could you imagine being called out by the nicest guy on this earth
tpwkjess_young: okay but I wish I had the luck that @ynstyles has to get a manz like that 😩
UsWeekly: Harry Styles bans ignorant fan from tour after nasty videos were leaked attacking his wife
strawberriesinsummer: harry is such a VIBE. Like he deadass kicked that girl out and then spent the whole night trying to seduce his wife with his shimmies and winks - he’s the hoe 🍑
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arcanadreams · 3 years
That time you and your demon boyfriend went viral
hi yes hello obey me fandom!! my name is Gabbi and i have never played a single second of the actual game but i have read enough fanon content for the past year to have this idea swimming around in my head and now i am finally letting this accursed thing out of my brain and putting it in yours
also i’m only doing the brothers because any more than that and i’d have an aneurysm probably. oh and shoutout to @obeythebutler and @beels-burger-babe for inspiring me with their works to feel brave enough to write for this fandom
You and Lucifer go viral on Asmo’s Devilgram story!
You’re in the kitchen helping Asmo with dinner duty and singing along to one of your playlists of human realm music that you like to show him.
Asmo starts filming your cute little dance while you stir the pot on the stove because you are just adorable!
About ten seconds into him filming, Lucifer appears in the doorway with quite the stern look on his face. You know, the one that comes right before a “MAMMOOOOOON” and strikes fear into the heart of all those with functioning eardrums. That one.
He opens his mouth, presumably to tell y’all to shut the fuck up, but then there’s a lull in the music and the eldest can hear your voice ever so slightly above the song’s vocalist and he freezes.
Man stops in his tracks like someone just smacked him in the face with a midair volleyball.
Asmo can be heard stifling a laugh behind his phone.
Lucifer’s face gets so soft and he almost, almost, loosens his metal-rod-through-the-ass posture before you notice him and give a little wave and ask if you and Asmo were being too loud like the considerate darling you are.
Lucifer clears and his throat and says something like, “No, you aren’t. I was just coming to check on how dinner is coming along,” and leaves, after which Asmo immediately presses the post button.
Screenshots of Lucifer’s heart eyes for you go absolutely viral because every demon on Devilgram goes absolutely feral for seeing the eldest demon brother lose his dignified composure. It becomes a meme template. “Get you someone who looks at you like Lucifer looks at MC” and “me at the delivery demon when he shows up with my spicy bat wings” posts become commonplace. (Asmo thinks the memes are totally worth getting strung up with Mammon for laughing at them.)
Much like Lucifer, you and Mammon end up going viral off Asmo’s Devilgram. (Noticing a pattern here?) 
He pulls a silly prank on your asses and honestly I don’t know how you fell for it. But hey, they say “idiots in love” for a reason, so...
You and Asmo are sitting in the common room of the House of Lamentation just chillin. Well, he’s chillin, you’re on the floor studying for an upcoming exam.
The video starts in the middle of a conversation you and the avatar of lust were having.
“No, Asmo,” you say. “Mammon and I don’t use pet names for each other.” Now that’s just a darn lie, and every demon and crow within ten miles of Mammon and you together knows it.
“Really? I find that very hard to believe, MC.~” 
You sigh in response to Asmo’s teasing. “Okay, he has a lot for me but I’m just not much of a pet name person, y’know?” The rest of the exchange goes like this:
“Oh, I totally get it.” *pause* “Hey MC, what do human world bees make again?”
Cue a sheepish Mammon sticking his head in the doorway at the bluntness of your tone when you answered Asmo.
“Yeah, babe?” he looks like a puppy left on the side of a highway oh my god hUG HIM-
Asmo turns the camera back to his smug ass face and in the background you can be heard tripping on the damn carpet trying to get up and hug your mans. (”MAMMON GET OVER HERE SO I CAN HUG YOU” “W-WHAT? I THOUGHT YA WERE MAD AT ME?!?!?!?!”)
Streamer Levi? Streamer Levi.
You guys go viral the first time you make an appearance on one of Levi’s weekly (insert cool Devildom streaming service name here) streams. 
It’s completely unintentional. You had been asking him for weeks to play with him on there, but he’s the avatar of envy after all. He doesn’t like sharing his partner, even if it’s with random strangers who have no real access to you.
However, he has his stream on a Thursday instead of a Friday one week, and you come into his room carrying dinner because 1) You didn’t realize he was streaming and 2) No matter what he was doing, the boy needed to eat. It wasn’t unusual for you to bring him dinner, so you had no idea why he was blushing and stammering even more than usual this time in particular. Boy was speaking in beached whale trying to tell you what was wrong.
Then you notice his screen. Oh! “Hi chat!” You wave, setting Levi’s food down on his desk in front of his keyboard. “M-MC!” He full-on whines, slamming a hand over his mouth afterwards when he remembers his viewers could hear that.
Honestly, they’d meme the fuck out of him if it weren’t for the fact that they are FINALLY SEEING HIS HENRY!!! THE MYSTERIOUS MC!!!
Chat is bombarding you with questions while you make Levi eat dinner. And by make him eat dinner, I mean literally feeding this man forkfuls/spoonfuls while he games because you love how flustered he gets when you do that. 
Does it impact his score? Absolutely. Does he care? Not really when you’re pampering him like that.
You start answering chat’s questions about you while he’s chewing so he can’t tell you to stop LMAO-
You’re a natural on stream. The VOD becomes the most popular on Levi’s account in a matter of hours and soon cute highlights compilations of you and him on that stream start making the rounds on Devildom Twitter.
There was buildup to Satan going viral, similar to Levi in a way. 
Satan does have a Devilgram, but it’s basically a white woman’s Instagram with added book reviews for variety. Unless you’re a reader his account is pretty boring: candles, books, fireplaces, and cats.
However, after you two started reading together fairly often he began posting pictures of your legs draped over his while you sat together. They’d always be captioned with vague ass pretentious literary criticism. 
This goes on for months, and he gains a lot of (horny) followers after the leg pics start up. He doesn’t really get why but you both joke that it’s because you have some damn nice legs and I mean neither of you are complaining about the new following.
You two go viral when he finally shows your face, entirely by accident.
The post is a video, which is already strange for him and grabs attention. In it, you’re scoffing and reading an excerpt of a book, mocking its understanding of female anatomy.
“I’m quoting here, Satan: ‘her breasts bouncing around like giant pacmen.’ I’M SORRY?? THAT ISN’T HOW BOOBS WORK SIR. WHY ARE MEN ALLOWED TO WRITE?” 
(fun fact that is a very real quote from a very real book I really read last month pls save me)
Originally the camera is focused on your body, with your head out of frame to protect your privacy, but your righteous anger made Satan laugh. Like, a real laugh. The one that makes you and everyone in earshot wonder if he truly was never an angel cause he sure as hell laughs like one but anyway-
When he threw his head back, his DDD angled up just a tad without him noticing, and your face was in view for like .2 seconds. Screenshots of it are making the rounds on Devilgram almost immediately: FINALLY THE LEGS’ OWNER HAS BEEN FOUND.
Satan apologizes profusely but you honestly find it funny and you two opt to just start taking selfies while reading with both of your faces in them from now on. 
I’m gonna be real with you: you and Asmo go viral all the time. Pretty much everything Asmo posts can be considered viral because of his social media following and his status as one of the seven avatars of sin.
However, there are some fairly cute highlights to be pointed out among the times you were both featured in a post that blew up.
Your favorite is probably that time Asmo livestreamed on of you guys’ ‘Nail Nites,’ as you call them.
You’re both on the floor, doing your nails and kicking your feet back and forth while talking to chat. A lot of the questions are about your relationship, and there’s a lot of flirting back and forth between the two of you.
A particular clip of the stream does blow the fuck up on Devilgram, though, when someone screen records it and posts it with a bunch of heart emojis edited over it.
“’What colors do you think best describe each other?’ Ooo, that’s a good one, chat!” Asmo claps his hands together excitedly, making sure to be  careful of his nails.
Pretty much everyone expected you to say pink, but you surprised both your boyfriend and your viewers when, after a pensive few moments, you replied with “Hmm...probably yellow or orange.”
“Can I ask why, darling?” Asmo tilts his head in confusion. I mean, yeah, those colors look good on him, but he doesn’t wear them often so he’s wondering about your thought process. 
“Well, in the human world those colors often represent happiness, optimism, and positivity. You’re always the cheerful presence I need in my life when things get hard, so you have the vibe of those colors.”
Asmo proceeds to burst into tears and hug you, messing up both of your nails and prolonging the stream since you both have to start over. But neither of you particularly care. 
Fun fact: Asmo has the clip that demon made of that portion of the stream saved on his DDD and watches it whenever he feels sad.
Beel and you probably go the most viral out of everybody. Like this moment is an entire phenomenon across the Devildom internet. 
It’s a video, or well, multiple videos, taken at the end of a Fangol game that Beel’s team had just won. Everyone is cheering and going crazy, yourself included, and you just really wanted to congratulate your boyfriend.
So, like the rational person you are, you elect to climb up onto the railing of the bleachers and wave to get his attention. 
You were absolutely fine up there, and sat all comfortably motioning Beel over to you. He notices, of course, and jogs over, standing right beneath you and looking up. (Back where you were sitting, Mammon is screeching like a hyena in heat and Belphie, who is laying down, has one eye open to glare at him. The youngest knows Beel would never let you hurt yourself; you’re fine.)
A bunch of assorted demons at the game has started filming while you were sat atop the railing since you were rather noticeable. Therefore, there’s a shit ton of different angles of the adorable events that follow:
You slide off the railing, landing right in Beel’s waiting arms bridal style. You’ve got this brilliant smile on your face as you pull his helmet off. None of the DDDs filming can hear it over the crowd noise, but Beel asks you why you just went through all that trouble and you tell him it’s because you wanted to tell him how proud you are.
Soft boy’s chest puffs up and he smiles this big cheesy smile at you reach up to run a hand through his hair. You feel him practically purr at the contact, and with a laugh you pull him in and plant a big ole smooch on him.
The crowd, at least those of them that can see, scream. Everyone is running high on adrenaline and happy emotions; something that cute causes a ruckus!! When you pull away Beel proceeds to put you on his shoulders and you celebrate with him and the rest of his team.
The videos of you two being adorable go completely viral and there are some threads dedicated to stockpiling every single angle taken of the event. Beel is completely oblivious to the attention but you have a lot of them saved on your DDD.
If you think Belphegor has any sort of social media presence whatsoever then you are sorely mistaken. (Well okay he actually does run some anonymous troll accounts to meme on Lucifer’s posts but that’s neither here nor there-)
Therefore, naturally, you two go viral off of Asmo’s Devilgram. 
Okay so someone in the obey me tag the other say headcanoned that Belphie will go out of his way to nap in ridiculous places and my brain really took that and RAN WITH IT.
So what happens is that Belphie will fall asleep in the fucking weirdest places. I’m talking on top of the fridge, underneath the dinner table, on top of bookshelves...you name it, he has slept there, no matter the effort it takes to get there in the first place. 
And, ever since you two started dating, you would join him. Sometimes it involved putting yourself at risk of great bodily harm, but the little smile he gave when you he saw you fucking scaling the countertop to reach him made it worth it.
So anyway, since Beel adores the both of you to no end, he takes pictures whenever he sees you two napping together, whether or not it is in a crazy place. He sends these to the family group chat because he thinks they’re adorable.
Over a span of weeks to months, Asmo has built up a stock of images of you and Belphie cuddles up in seemingly impossible places. Once he has about ten or so, he posts a compilation of them to his Devilgram with some cheesy ass caption like “The things we do for love <3″.
They become a meme SO QUICKLY. Like UNBELIEVABLY quickly. 
The picture of you and Belphie sleeping on top of a bookshelf, in particular, is a big hit. Memes abound.
“If my girl doesn’t climb up a bookshelf to cuddle my ass, she don’t love me.” “Get yourself a partner who scales bookshelves just to be with your ass.” Etc etc...Belphie doesn’t give a shit but you laugh at a lot of them so he sees that as a good outcome.
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willowfolksong · 3 years
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Introducing: the family
- Ushijima Wakatoshi x Reader
a/n: omg anon I'm so sorry, but I don't know what happened to your request. Everytime I tried to answer it I got an error??? and I don't really know why? so I took a screenshot and now here it is! that's why please, if you see this, pretty please let me know, so I can rest and know that you saw it 🥺❤ and thank you so much for your words!!! I enjoyed writing this a lot ✨
Willow ❄
Requests are open! ❄
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You turn around so fast that Ushijima actually has to take a step back, to avoid the cake on his hands to slip and fall to the ground.
He looks at you curiously, as you chew on the edge of your own scarf "Is there something wrong?"
"No, not really"
"Then why are we standing here?"
You look back at the door. The Hinata's entrance door, decorated with a sparkly 'Happy birthday' sign in pink and yellow letters.
You grimace, and look back at your unperturbed boyfriend.
No. Fiancee. You're getting married.
The butterflies that flutter around in your stomach at the thought are not enough to ease your nerves.
"Okay, let's rehearse this one more time" you say, and after changing his weight from one foot to another, Ushijima nods obediently "When you see Shoyo, you'll say..."
"Hello" Ushijima chants, knowing the words by heart now "It's good to see you"
You nod enthusiastically "Very well. And when you see his boyfriend?"
At that, Ushijima's right eye twitches slightly, but he still complies "Hello, Kageyama. How are you?"
You picture Kageyama's scowl in your mind, and shake your head wildly "I think is safer if you don't ask him anything"
"Why not?"
"Just... stick with saying that it's nice to see him again too"
Ushijima looks like he really, really, doesn't wants to say that, but after a pause, he speaks again "Hello, Kageyama. It's good to see you again"
Now comes the hard part.
You take a breath, and push some strands of your hair behind your ears "Alright. Now. Let's go over the topics we need to avoid"
"I won't bring up that Shiratorizawa is doing better than Karasuno" your boyfriend repeats, and you suppress the urge to contradict him, your Karasuno spirit almost betraying you. You might be a college student now, but you're still flying high in your heart "I will not talk about any match, or refer to any mistake in their games. I will also not antagonize them as players, and won't bring any volleyball discussion in general at the table"
You smile, proud, and step on your tiptoes to kiss him on the lips. Ushijima meets you halfway, smiling against your lips.
"That's perfect"
"I want you to be comfortable. And I want to make a good first impression in front of your parents, so I won't forget any of this"
"Oh, shit!" you gasp, sudenly panicking "My parents! We need to practice for that too! I've been so focused on you and the boys that I forgot..."
The door behind you opens in that exact same moment, cutting you off and making you take a step back closer to your boyfriend.
Natsu blinks at the two of you, confused, before her eyes light up at the sigh of Ushijima.
"You must be the boyfriend!" she squeals, and looks about ready to jump in his arms, cake be damned.
Ushijima looks at you for a moment, before his eyes go back to your little cousin "Hello, my name is Ushijima Wakatoshi. I'm very pleased to meet you"
Natsu's face erupts in a furious blush, and she covers her mouth with her hand to try and muffle her giggles "So polite! Like a knight!"
"Hi, little Natsu!" you say, amused at the fact that she's paying zero attention to her actual cousin "Good to see you again!"
The little girl finally looks at you, and smiles awkwardly before stepping aside "Hi! Come on in!"
Once inside, Ushijima turns to present the cake to her, small smile in place.
"Happy birthday. I hope it's of your liking"
Natsu quickly snatches the box out of his hands and runs to the kitchen, laughing in delight.
You sigh, and yell "Happy birthday!" to her before turning back to your boyfriend.
He has taken off his scarf to hang it on the coat rake by the door, and it's looking around curiously, hands behind his back.
It's time.
"Come on" you say, offering him your hand. "Time to face battle"
"I dont think this will be a battle at all"
You're two steps into the living room when you hear Shoyo running down the stairs and stopping a few feet away from you, huffing.
And, not a second later, Kageyama appears righ behind him, scowl in place.
Well, that was fast
"Hi Shoyo!" you great him, and he waves at you with a little smile before his eyes slide over Ushijima.
Your boyfriend nods "Hello. It's nice to see you"
Kageyama snorts, and Shoyo discretely elbows him before answering, still smiling "Same. Thanks for coming to my little sister birthday"
Ushijima nods again, and looks at Kageyama, still hiding behind the much more shorter Shoyo "Hello, Kageyama. It's good to see you again" he repeats, exactly the same words you practiced it.
When he looks at you for approval, you squeeze his hand proudly.
"Whatever" Kageyama deadpans, and turns around to run back up the stairs.
Shoyo blushes profusely, bowing in apology "I'm so sorry! He's just... I'll talk to him!" he says, and rushes behind his boyfriend.
You puff your cheeks, and look up at Ushijima. He's looking for something around the kitchen "Well, that was better than what I expected"
"Where are your parents?" he asks, and you scratch your chin in thought.
"Probably in the backyard. Why?"
Ushijima looks down at you, raising an eyebrow at your question "I want to meet them, and introduce myself"
"As your future husband and father of your children"
Your face burst into flames, and you softly smack his chest "Yeah, well... don't say that. Unless you're alone with my mom"
"Why? You don't want to have children with me?"
"Oh my god" you whine, pulling him with you to the place where you think your parents are "We're not having this conversation at my little cousin's birthday"
Your parents are, indeed, gathered around a table with the cake and the rest of the food on the backyard. Shoyo's parents are also there, as well as most of your family. Natsu stops jumping around as soon as she sees you, and rushes to your side to grab Ushijima by his free hand and pull him and you towards her parents
You don't miss your mom squeal of delight.
"Look! It's cousin's boyfriend! He's so tall!" Natsu says, and looks up at Ushijima with the biggest smile ever.
You clear your throat, amused at her evident crush "I'm here too, you know"
Your mom cuts everyone off, rushing to stand in front of you, with your father in town.
"Well, well! If it isn't the famous Ushijima? We've heard so much about you!"
Ushijima bows "Please, you can call me Wakatoshi"
Your mom literally swoons. Your father, however, doesn't seems that enthusiastic. He glances at Shoyo's father and nods, before looking back at Ushijima and crossing his arms over his chest.
"Say, Wakatoshi" he says, putting an exaggerated amount of emphasis in the name. Your roll your eyes "You play volleyball, right?"
"Dad..." you whine, but he only raises a hand at you, before talking again.
"Yes, I do" answers Ushijima.
Your father grins "Then tell me, quick. Addlers or MSBY Jackals?"
"Actually" Ushijima says, not missing a beat "The Addlers are interested in having me join their team when I finish college next year"
You gulp.
Your father's grin slowly morphs into a big smile, and he pats Ushijima on the shoulder "Good answer, son! Tell me more about that!"
Shoyo's father huffs from behind, glaring at the two of you— clearly displeased by the choice of team— but your father ignores him in favor of dragging your boyfriend with him to the table.
The rest of the day passes by quickly and without any incidents, until dinner time comes, and Natsu blows the candles and makes her wish before you can all start eating.
Hinata sighs, and aggressively whispers something in Kageyama's ear.
His boyfriend doesn't bulges, and instead cuts a big chomp of meat and stuffs his mouth before pointing at Ushijima with his fork "Hey!"
You whisper "Oh my god no", and place a hand over your boyfriend's thigh under the table.
Ushijima swallows his food before answering "Yes?"
Kageyama seems a bit taken a back by the acknowledgment, but is soon frowning again "What's that that you're signing with the Addlers?"
"They want me in their team"
"Yes. Why?"
Kageyama chews in thought before answering, while cutting another chunk of meat and this time glaring at his plate instead "The Addlers are the best team there is right now" he says.
Shoyo's smile freezes in his face "You mean the MSBY Jackals are, right?"
"What?" Kageyama asks, raising an eyebrow at his boyfriend "That's dumb. Of course not"
"Statistically speaking" Ushijima intervenes, taking a sip of his drink "The Addlers had a much better performance this year. They are, indeed, the superior team"
Kageyama grins maniacally and turns to look at his boyfriend. Shoyo only squints his eyes at Ushijima.
"Is that so?"
"They're known for having much better reflexes, and the most successful serves as well" Ushijima keeps going, before you squeeze his thigh while trying to maintain your smile, and he turns to you, apologetically "I'm sorry. You did said no volleyball talk"
Shoyo and Natsu's mom stands up then, clapping excitedly "Now, now! Presents time! Let's all clean the table up so we can start!"
Natsu is the first to follow, laughing in delight and rushing past everyone. Ushijima diligently gathers both of your plates and glasses, while Shoyo also does the same, ignoring Kageyama's complains about not having finished yet.
In the haste of everyone standing up and trying to clean as soon as possible to leave room for the presents for the overly excited Natsu, you lose sight of your boyfriend, until you hear a loud 'clash' and one of your aunts horrified gasp.
You run to the source of the noise to find Ushijima laying on the ground, broken plates all around him— his own glass of juice apparently intact in his hand.
Shoyo snickers quietly besides him "Ups! Sorry, my bad!"
"Shoyo!" her mother chastises him, but your cousin only shrugs unbothered, his own dishes tightly clasped between his arms.
"I just thought he would have better reflexes and all"
You come near your boyfriend when he's already back on his feet, eyes on his stained t-shirt "Are you okay?"
He nods, and turns towards where your mom and dad watch the scene unfold, bowing his head in apology "I'm deeply sorry"
"Oh, honey. It's okay! Really"
"I promise I'll be more careful with the dishes in our engagement dinner party"
Once again, the deafening silence.
Your mother gasps, covering her mouth with both of her hands, while tears of joy rush to her eyes. Your father gapes.
Kageyama whistles from somewhere behind. Shoyo's mouth hangs in shock.
You blanche "Toshi..."
Ushijima seems slightly worried, glancing down at you "I assumed they knew?"
"YOU'RE MARRYING HIM?" Shoyo screams.
'Well— you think, while watching your family gush over your soon to be husband— At least no one is talking about volleyball anymore'
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Haikyuu boys and wearing their clothes
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Characters: Asahi Azumane, Kageyama Tobio, Sugawara Koushi, Tsukishima Kei, Bokuto Kotaro, Ushijima Wakatoshi, all with a gender-neutral reader :) (let me know if I missed a pronoun change or made something too femme! I very much so did not proof read this lol)
Warnings: Probably some swearing
A/N: This might be an overdone topic but I love it so much soooooo no regrets :) Let me know if you’d like more!
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Asahi literally carries a picture of you in his phone case because he loves you in his clothes so much. He also has a pic of you wearing his hoodie as his wallpaper, and another printed pic of you framed in his room. I don’t care what size you are, his sweaters still manage to feel gigantic on you. It is like a hug FOREVER. 
He literally could not care less that his closet is slowly growing smaller because it means that he gets to see you in his clothes. Eventually, you’ll carry them all back to him in a bag so that he can make them smell like him again. But this is his favourite part, because now his favourite items smell like you. 
Daydreaming in class? Thinking of you wearing the sweater he has on. 
Gets smacked by a volleyball during practice? It’s cause the smell of you is still on his jersey. 
This man trips over his own two feet cause he’s trying to find you in the halls and you wave at him wearing his volleyball jacket ”So that’s where that went. I thought I forgot it somewhere...”
The two of you would trade sweaters before he went on any overnight trips and you’d send him snapchats of you cuddling with the sweater over a pillow or just you snuggled in bed with it on. He’d screenshot all of them, regardless of if you thought you looked good. 
He has an album of you. He will never delete them because they’re all precious.
His teammates have accidentally caught him looking through it before a game because it really de-stressed him if you weren’t able to attend the game in person (though you made it to most of them). Tanaka would burst into tears over not being able to have a significant other with cute photos of and would make Asahi promise to always treat you right. And Asahi would just stare at your photos with his cute little smile and obviously promise because his least favourite thing in the world is seeing you sad.
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(Look at how cute he is omg)
Kageyama is confused when you ask to wear his sweater. You probably did it at a time that made some sort of sense. Like it was late at night and you were studying in the gym while Hinata and him were practicing. 
The cool breeze into the gym made you shiver a little and you noticed that his sweater was just sitting there on the ground so when he came over to grab some water you just looked up at him with your signature puppy eyes. “Can I wear it?”
“Oi, stupid head. They’re probably cold!” 
It would probably annoy him so much that Hinata figured it out before him. He’d kneel down and help you put it on, pulling it over your head and giving you a little smile cause you looked so damn cute in his sweater. 
But now that you’ve started wearing his things, he’s still very confused as to why you ask for them. “Should we go shopping?” He’d ask you randomly on a weekend when there was no volleyball practice. And you’d just stare at him because why would Kageyama want to stand somewhere that wasn’t a gym. “Aren’t you running out of clothes to wear or something?”
It would take a while and some conversations before you realized he was asking cause you had like 3 hoodies, a t-shirt, and some track pants in your room that were very much so his. “I just like having a piece of you with me,” you’d explain. He would have to think it over but he was very happy with this idea.
There’s only one shirt you’re not allowed to take and it’s this cute little graphic tee you got him for his birthday that has a nice drawing of a milk carton on it. He loves it. He will kill anyone that laughs at it. And no, you cannot wear it because if you’re wearing, what is he supposed to wear.
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Sugawara and you regularly switch clothes because this man gives no fucks for your gender roles thank you very much. He shows up to practice one day wearing a dark pinkish basic, or some floral print shirt that you had in your closet and the boys are like “um Suga what are you wearing?”
And he’s probably just like “it’s call fashion, look it up.” (Like Suga sweetie, it’s just a shirt lol)
If you own any tighter pants like yoga pants or leggings? Suga has worn them because his legs and ass look great in them and he will strut around fully confident with that knowledge.
Honestly, he probably steals your sweaters more than you realize. You guys are baking at his house one day and you’ve made a mESS of your clothes and he’s just like oh it’s okay I’ll get you some new clothes.
And you’re expecting this cute little pj set that he has that might fit you or some comfy clothes that he’s lending you. No. He legitimately has some of your clothes and gives them to you and you’re just like.... “Suga I’ve been looking for this shirt for weeks. I even asked you about it.”
And he is suddenly deaf, little shithead.
He likes you in any clothes but they have to be his comfy clothes or he will set that shit on fire. Ennoshita once offered you his gloves because it was fricken cold out and you forgot yours at home and Suga literally threw him across the road and was like “hello angel I have gloves for you”.
You’re just like “um... Ennoshita are you okay?” Boy probably has a concussion and Suga’s just like “who’s Ennoshita?”
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Tsukishima will kill you if he finds you raiding his closet. Like if he walks into his room when you two are supposed to be studying and you’re just casually picking out a sweater, he will throw you on the bed and tickle you until you call for mercy.
Will he offer his clothes to you if you’re in need of something? Most of the time, yes. But you have to ask. No stealing allowed in this household.
Except one night you stayed over and totally forgot a night shirt. Tsukishima is already like half asleep because he woke up way too early for practice that morning, so you just sneak into his drawers and pull out the first shirt you can. You can’t even see what it has on it cause it’s fucking dark. Then you crawl into bed with him, figuring you’ll accept your punishment for stealing tomorrow.
And when he wakes up, you best believe he was annoyed. First off, who plans to stay over and doesn’t bring a shirt? Stupid, can’t you remember anything? But then he realizes, you grabbed this cute little dino graphic shirt and his face is RED. Pasty boi so bright, he might as well be Hinata’s hair. And he’s desperately trying to get out of the bed and run to the bathroom before you wake up because holy fuck you’re PRECIOUS?
But all of his squirming just wakes you up and you see him all flustered, and just assume he’s mad and you’re like I’m so sorry I just didn’t have anything else and was stupid and forgot. And he just hits you (lovingly) on the head, mutters some sort of insult, and moves on.
From then on, that is your designated shirt. It’s a comfort item almost. He’ll only really wear it when he has to be away from town overnight, in which case he’ll wear it as a reminder of you (he won’t admit to it but you tried to take the shirt as a keepsake for while he was gone and he only had a heart attack. Tsukishima Kei does not believe in lucky charms. But he has yet to lose a game when he wears that shirt the night before).
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Bokuto has been WAITING for you to wear something of his, but you haven’t yet. And it’s been stressful. He keeps trying to find a good excuse to see you in his clothes but you’re always too well-prepared.
“It’s kinda chilly out, Y/N, want my sweater??”
“I brought one, don’t worry!”
-.- *cue owl boi pouts*
And he doesn’t want you to wear something of his just because he asked. He wants to you want to wear his things. So he just waits. And pouts. And waits some more.
The day finally came when he was least expecting it. The gym that his game was in was freezing and you couldn’t imagine why. Most of the gyms they had played before in were pretty standard temperature but you were going to die if you stayed in the clothes you came in.
You had snuck onto the court while the boys were stretching, Akaashi smacking Bokuto in the head and interrupting his hype session to help him notice you.
“You wouldn’t happen to have a sweater with you, would you? It’s freezing!”
His eyes would widen. The day has finally arrived. He would finally get to see you in his clothes!!!!
But of course he has no sweater because he had not planned on needing one. Cue more sulking. Of course Akaashi comes over and offers his sweater and Bokuto almost bites his hand off.
“Well offer her your jacket then, idiot.” Akaashi just needs this man to hold off pouting till later. 
Bokuto’s jacket just looked so perfect on you and it was a nice way to keep warm. You cheered him on during the games and after some jaw-dropping move of his, he would turn to your direction and send you a kiss. Embarrassing? A little. But he was such a cutie, how could you deny his air kiss?
Wearing his clothes became more common after that and he will literally bring you his whole closet so you can pick your favourites.
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Ushijima didn’t even wait for you to ask to give you his clothes. He probably folded up his hoodie or jacket for you before a game and placed it awkwardly on your lap or in your arms and you’re just like um... do you want me to put this away for you or?
“Would you wear it for me?” How can you say no??? His cheeks are just slightly going red and he’s avoiding your eyes a bit so of course you have to wear it.
Ushijima thinks you look so nice in his clothes and he really likes how happy you look when he asks you to wear something, so he keeps doing it. That and he knows that sometimes people ask you out during his matches and he likes knowing that they’ll recognize his school colours or his jersey number and at that moment, he will send a calculated glare in their direction. And they will run for the hills, never to bother you again :)
I feel like he’s accidentally shrunk his clothes in the wash before and he just keeps them in a small pile in his room so that you can wear them when you come over. He also buys you proper house slippers that you can wear around his home because he wants you to be as comfy as possible.
Sometimes when you guys are just standing around waiting for a game to start, or if you’re all done eating lunch, he’ll unzip his track jacket and open it up so you can stand there and hug him, and he’ll hug you back with his hands in the pockets so it’s like you’re in the jacket with him (Tendo has definitely zipped it up before and trapped you guys in an awkward hug like stance and he will continue to do this because he thinks it’s hilarious. Has definitely snapped pictures of it and sent it to Ushijima. Ushijima saved it because it was kinda cute).
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