#also i promise i'll be quiet about the zine eventually
iturbide · 2 years
Fic Authors Self Rec
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you’ve written, then pass on to at least five other writers.   Let’s spread the self-love! 
Tagged by @banyanas​​ and I’m dying because I most of the stuff I’d probably want to rec doesn’t exist
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so you’re all stuck with a bunch of Awakening because that’s all that’s finished
The Future Built Upon the Past (Fire Emblem: Awakening, 158k, in progress)
My monster, my baby: the fic that got me writing again after years of being creatively fallow and my magnum opus for the Fire Emblem: Awakening fandom.  It’s not even done yet and it’s already far-and-away my biggest endeavor to date, with my current estimate for final word count sitting around 600k whenever I manage to finish it.  A story of love, of friendship, and of bonds that transcend social mores, diplomacy, orders, duty, and even fate itself.
Heart of the Moon (Fire Emblem: Awakening, 60k, complete)
The first long-form fic I completed for Fire Emblem: Awakening and arguably the first long-form piece I’d completed in years.  One of my favorites in general since it’s based on East of the Sun and West of the Moon, my favorite folktale, and to this day one of my favorite F!Chrobin things I’ve written, particularly since it inspired a sprawling sequel that explores a lot of politics and social dynamics and a lot more character relationships and I haven’t finished it yet gods dammit
Cursed Fate (Fire Emblem: Awakening, 57k, complete)
As Gun would say, I was taken by a fey mood and banged this one out over the course of a month, month and a half tops after she decided to pick up Shadow of the Colossus on a whim.  This one never got much traction, which I think is a shame because I very much like it.  Along with drawing its narrative structure and overarching premise from Shadow of the Colossus, it also let me play around with a structure reminiscent of a fairy tale in how the repetition of its story beats, which I personally thought was pretty cool.
Affectionately Yours (Fire Emblem: Awakening, 59k, complete)
I love this one a frankly stupid amount.  Written for the 2020 Chrobin Celebration, it ended up as a love letter to Plegia: tons of worldbuilding and cultural nuance, meditation on the difference between blame, fault, and responsibility, and lots and lots of letters.  I have a weakness for epistolary format, despite not utilizing it often, so I had a great time choosing the fonts for handwriting and planning out the letters.  Someday I’m going to bind this in leather with gilded pages and it’s gonna be gorgeous
Proof of Life (Fire Emblem: Three Houses, 3.7k, complete)
The shortest piece on this list and also the only one that’s not from Awakening.  I love how this one turned out, particularly the conversation between Claude and Dimitri and Dimitri’s private introspection while he talks to his sleeping friend.  It never really got a lot of attention which I cynically think is because it’s gen and features a platonic relationship, but I still feel like it’s one of my strongest pieces.
And a bonus shout-out to my piece Invisible Ties in the Lodestar.sys sci-fi zine since I still feel like that’s the strongest piece I’ve written since I started posting fic again.
Thank you for tagging me Bany I appreciate you -- and since I can’t tag you back despite that being my first instinct, how about @wolfs-dawn​, @fayesdiary​, and @cheeseandcake-from-ao3​...and anyone else that wants to give it a shot!
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