#also i thought he was in jail? xD
f-ngrl · 1 year
no:el went on 넘어와??? they laughed abt him just last EP??? 😂😂 hofgang kings of making friends with their enemies lol
(& blacknut & jhnovr)
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atanx · 1 year
okay I NEED you to elaborate on your headcanon about kuze being mana’s uncle because I absolutely can see it but I wanna know your context specifically (im @designernishiki btw)
Hi! Thamks for the ask! :3
Okay so admittedly I didnt come up with it myself, but I read it in this and thought yo why the heck not that shits epic?? Just the idea of Kuze having a niece and being a pretty good uncle?? Good shit right there!
I even started writing a little bit, dunno if I'll ever continue it but here:
It starts with his sister. His sweet, shy sister he never really knew, he never really talked to not because they didn't like each other but because she was five years younger and they had virtually nothing in common.
Throughout the years, they'd lost contact, yet, as Kuze's boxing career is falling apart, a letter arrives. Where Akira got his address from, he doesn't have a clue, but he remembers her handwriting.
They meet at Cafe Alps to catch up. He doesn't recognise her in the beginning, but she recognises him.
"Hold her for a second, would you?", Akira shoves her baby into his arms.
"-Oi!", Daisaku complains, mostly because his hands are made for boxing, for hurting, and he most definitely does not know how to take care of a baby.
But Akira leaves to go to the bathroom before he can get another word in.
Daisaku looks down at the potato. Babies are so ugly. They're deformed, weak and disgusting with drool and snot and even less pleasant bodily secretions everywhere. They scream and they're annoying, but - this isn't his baby. This is Akira's baby. He doesn't have the responsibility of having to do everything right. He won't have to suffer through the majority of the baby's tantrums.
The baby's big eyes follow his finger as he boops its little nose. It scrunches up its face in a way he must admit it decently adorable.
"Oh, you got an attitude.", he remarks with amusement. "That's a good thing. I like you."
The baby stretches out its tiny, tiny hand to play with his finger and he lets it.
Daisaku is overcome by wonder. It's so small, so weak and helpless, yet this is a human. This will one day grow up into an adult. What he is holding in his arms is a life. A pure, young, innocent life.
"I see you've become acquainted!", Akira teases him as she sits down, not making a move to take the baby back.
"Aa. It's got spunk."
His sister chuckles.
"What's it's name?", Daisaku asks.
"Kuze Mana.", Akira responds, looking at the baby with a lot of fondness. The little shit starts gnawing on his finger. He lets her.
"Eh? You're not hitched?"
"Nah, she was an accident, but I wanted to keep her."
"So, Daisaku... How have you been holding up?", Akira asks him, tone becoming a tad bit gentler. "I heard about what's happening with your boxing career."
Kuze clicks his tongue. "Don't believe everything you hear. Reason why things are going downhill is that I did something the Championship doesn't like so they're forcing me to lose. Bunch of fuckers."
Akira hums. "And what, you're just going to let them walk all over you?"
"Pf. As if. The reason I started up boxing is because I wanted to fight people stronger than me, not get tossed around by losers I could defeat in my sleep. I could tough it out, but... This isn't about strength or perseverance. Getting back in the bosses' good graces is gonna take a long time and then it's one wrong move and I'm in the doghouse again.", Kuze snorts derisively. "This is more showbiz than boxing. No, I think I'm done with it. Only question is what happens after."
"Do you have a job in mind yet?"
"No. That's most of the problem.", Kuze admits. "Like hell I'm gonna start an office job or anything like that. Don't exactly have qualifications either."
Akira looks him over critically. "I guess so."
"I have received an offer.", Kuze states, staring at the table. "He said my strength and potential was wasted there."
"Eh? Is it the Yakuza?"
Kuze looks up in shock. "How did you know?"
Akira smiles. "I've had a couple of friends who were in there."
"I see.", he states, still uncertain of what she thinks of it.
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lonicera-edulis · 8 months
For the character ask if you're still taking: Thorin 18, 24, 29, 30? :>
18. "How do you think they were as a kid? (Like, were they shy, noisy, wild, etc)" - He and his younger brother were a team of rascals. But gradually Thorin became more serious and anxious teen while watching after his goldsick grandfather.
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24. "What do you think is a secret they have that they never told anyone?" - I am not sure, there are many probably. Maybe some unpleasant encounter with Men in Bree when he worked there. But he probably would share this with Dwalin at least 🤔
And with what Balin's actor once said Thorin didn't keep his crush on Bilbo to himself as well it seems asdfghjk
Maybe something involving elves then? Okay, I just thought of something funny. What if he met an elf (who was moving to Grey Havens and dwarves didn't know why exactly elves go there). But the elf was also bad at directions. To make it more natural for Thorin, who would just ignore the elf asking to help to navigate in these lands, we can put them in a situation, like they were ambushed by goblins.
So they got out of it, but were off the road. Had to team up to find the way back, and it took them some time, which was unfortunate for Thorin who was holding serious grudges on elven kind. When they finally found the right ways, they just separated without a word.
I thought that it would be even funnier if that elf was very similar to Thorin in appearance and personality. And Thorin experienced some uncanny valley affect. Of course he wouldn't like to talk about it.
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29. "How do you think they would be as a parent? (and if they are a parent, how do you think they would be if they weren't?)"
Why is the question in brackets so funny? Like, yes, apparently the character is a parent canonically, but what if we reimagine this? Why? xD
I think he was already used to caring for babies when Kili was born, and was good enough parental figure until Fili and Kili became older and he had to become distant.
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I am not always up to Parentshield, but he would be good with small Frodo, better than Bilbo. Like in Ruto's comic, I like how Bilbo is portrayed there, annoyed and confused, but Thorin is collected enough. Bilbo is good with teen Frodo though.
30. "The funniest scene they had?" - There are so many. Seems even more than with Bilbo, to me at least. He is like an epic tragic hero on the screen, but people notice some goofy stuff. I will put the links to posts I like:
This moment when dwarves were captured by trolls.
Whatever this was.
Cursing while being jailed in Mirkwood.
And I love this bit from the book too much...
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cassandracain52 · 4 months
You made me think about immunocompromised Tim so now you suffer the consequences (my thoughts) :D
Disclaimer: I haven't actually read that particular arc yet - I'll get around to it, I swear! But I do know roughly what happens.
With the whole spleentuation Tim turns the Red Robin costume into what basically amounts to a Hazmat suit. He doesn't actually change much - he goes for full face coverage and introduces some airtight seals. It makes upkeep slightly more laborious and makes him a lot scarier than he wants to be but it's this or risking getting benched for an infection for an unreasonably long time. Bruce returns and doesn't even question the look until he finds older Red Robin costume without the Hazmat qualities and in an attempt of casual bonding asks Tim why he changed it. You can imagine how the rest goes.
Second scenario:
Bruce vanishes before the pandemic, when he returns the family is very careful with like, disinfecting everything and they always have gloves and masks on their person. He writes it off as a side-effect on the pandemic until he realises how much more careful everyone is around Tim
Third scenario:
Tim uses his general lack of an immune system as a way to get out of things he doesn't want to do where there'll be a crowd. Mostly Gala's. Like:
Tim: I'm worried I'll get sick when I go to the opening of the Lexcorps factory we need to make An Appearance at.
Bruce: You went to ComicCon last week, you'll be fine.
Tim: 🥺
And like, what's Bruce going to do? Tim is right he SHOULD be a lot more careful. He SHOULDN'T go to the gala. So he folds like wet paper without fail every time. Tim cuts his public appearances down to an absolute minimum. Jason is seen more often and he's supposed to be dead.
Tims coup de resistance (is that the saying) is getting to attend a business meeting virtually because one of the three (3) people there was travelling two weeks ago
Bruce: Tim you should go to sleep staying up this long is not good for your health your immune system will thank you.
Tim: what immune system.
Bruce: What do you mean what immune system.
Tim *chuckles*: I'm in danger.
Bruce: What do you mean what immune system.
Damian sneezes once and refuses to take off his mask for six days straight on the off-chance he'll get Tim sick. He was literally digging through the dusty attic. He is not sick. Tim isn't even around half the time. You don't need to sleep in the mask Damian. DAMIAN.
”Jason is seen more often and he's supposed to be dead.” <<<asfghjkl XD this is taking me OUT😭 I never really thought of Tim using this as a “get out of jail free” card but he so would. But only for things he doesn’t want to do. That party of maybe 200 guests at most? Nope sorry can’t do it, too risky. That concert with 50,000+ people? Completely fine
All these scenarios were so fun!! I especially appreciated “What do you mean what immune system.” and Tim just immediately starts sweating bullets cause Oh Did He Forget To Mention That?
and Damian would so be super paranoid to accidentally get Tim sick but also would never admit that because Tim Must Never Know He Worries About Him
Damian wearing a full mask, gloves, and maintaining a ten ft distance at all times because Jon (who has seasonal allergies) sneezed kinda close to him: You’re a disgrace to this family Drake. Do us a favor and die
Tim not falling for this for a second: Uh-huh so can I just- [attempts to take approximately One Step Closer]
Damian rapidly scrambling back: nO I HATE YOU STAY AWAY-
Please feel free to share your thoughts again🤣
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kiennilove · 21 days
What board game do you think Ian and Mickey like to play?
definitely monopoly lol
ian says that two people isn’t really enough, but the only thing mickey wants from this game is asserting his dominance in the “business field” in their relationship
ian, who had lost his beginner’s part years ago, goes to jail a lot, and mickey teases him about it. something like “you went to jail in the game more than i ever did in my life”
at some point stuff just… shifts. mickey doesn’t pay a lot of attention to the game, knowing he’s gonna win, but suddenly luck is back to ian, so he is now getting the best moves there are possible, no more jail for him, etc xD
for the pieces — i don’t know. i think ian might choose cat or rubber ducky, and mickey goes with the top hat. they’d never used the thimble piece or the dog one, but sometimes mickey might go with the racecar
other than that, when it’s just them wanting to spend time somehow but let it be fast, they play cards (i saw someone making a screenshot of a deck of cards laying on the window near their bed), maybe also with winner getting something out of it or just to get fully tired. in the HOS episode they also played some competitive game on their phones (i wish we knew what that was lol i want it to be my fav mobile game but iirc they don’t have duel mode with chosen players, only a team one, but i still have some headcanons for it)
that’s pretty much it :) thanks for the ask! i’ve never actually thought about that lol
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kitofawriter · 3 months
So I watched the first two episodes since they’re in English now. Live reaction:
LMK Season 5 spoilers under the cut:
Fun training session! Let’s go!
Tired MK is tired. Somebody get this boy the therapy he needs!
Wukong is trying to be responsible about the monkey form at least.
“I’m compartmentalizing!” XD me too MK, me too
MAC MAC MAC!!!! Also “Bud” not in a mocking way!!!!
“This mountain’s been by home just as long as yours” I’m screaming!!!
They’re working together! (Sorta)
Wukong confirming he didn’t know about MK!
Referencing Mac’s death and resurrection!
Ominous stone crack!!
Mei!! My girl!!!
Tang continuing the tradition of shirking the hard labor. Good to see he’s still himself.
The origami!!
Even Mo gets a picture!!
MK please chill, like even 2% calmer would be a major improvement. You need to rest and get therapy.
“Sleeping with the noodles”
Dadsy give him some comfort. Also send him to therapy. Or teach him cooking.
MK backstory! Noodles! Sleepy noodles!!!! That is so cute oh my god!!
MK is a heavy boi. Also sleepy.
“I love you, son” I am not emotionally prepared for the sheer amount of MK and Pigsy fluff in the last two minutes.
Mac sleeping with the little monkeys!!! At the tree!!!
Spooky goings on. References to Monkey King getting kidnapped to the underworld perhaps??
Stop blaming the monkeys for the things they’ve been trying to stop please. That’d be great. MK needs a nap. You could’ve waited for him to sleep.
Wukong throwing shade about the underworld situation. You tell ‘em!
Smug smile. Good monkey.
Mac canonically appears in the Monkey King Ace Attorney TV show? What?
Fillet?? Fillet??? Nezha?!? “Nezhie”?!??!?
Li Jing, hey, can’t say it’s a pleasure to meet you. Maybe take some parenting classes and then we’ll talk.
Mac trying to stop the fillet!!!
MK losing it a bit at that, love the concern for Wukong! They is a family!!!
Also Nezha trying to plea for them!
Underworld jail.
Grumpy Wukong and mopey Mac, I can just feel all the angst fics being written.
MK is trying so hard to free his mentor!
“It’s tense in here.” Gee I wonder why.
Secret plan with the fur? Secret plan with the fur? The nods?!
(I think I should interject here to point out, I rarely watch things without also doing something else to distract my hands, and yet my crochet has been forgotten because I’m having so many thoughts!)
Nezha providing exposition
Tang!Wukong, glasses is a must
Painted art style my beloved it’s good to see your return!
“My father is not the enemy” I mean he’s not exactly a pillar of goodness either my dude.
“I’m a clone”
Okay the running animation bit was actually pretty nice, love the movement. I like how they’re really trying to keep close to the original style of animation even though they’re working with a totally different tool set.
Mac, are you…are you Naruto running?
Wukong keeps doing the cutest smiles. I’m gonna have to go back through and grab some many screenshots.
Wukong and Mac just…knowing exactly how to fight together with no communication when they’re actually both on the same side.
Sandy got a new truck…
…And it’s gone, poor guy
MK worried that they’re just the harbingers of chaos when they have directly caused so few of the problems they’ve faced. Like, I get it, but maybe have some perspective. You know what would help with that? Therapy.
Just don’t explain anything. It’s fine. They’ll figure it out.
MK building powers!!
Fillet use!! Mac stepping in!! Mac sacrificing himself?!?!? Oh the angst fics will be legendary!!
“He always gets away, right?” Followed by sad face?!? OH THE ANGST FICS WILL BE LEGENDARY!!!
Monkey in pagoda. This feels familiar.
I’m sensing a later “boiling rock” style episode. Or else they all get trapped in there and have to bust out (Nezha helping them escape possibly?)
That was so good! I can’t wait for the actual proper release for better audio quality and more importantly MORE EPISODES!!
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If you are still taking submissions for the character ask thing perhaps Sweetie?
My first impression - She's so spoiled??
My impression now - She's SO spoiled?? Also not a villain, just obsessed with being in the spotlights, ok. They do treat her lowly though... I'd be annoyed too.
Favorite thing about that character - She may scheme all she wants and even capture the Princess, but the moment the Princess turns out to be in danger, she's always like HELL NO NOT ON MY WATCH
Least favorite thing - For such a smart pup, she fails a lot to understand most things she tries to get for herself to become the Queen won't actually make her the Queen just for being in her possession XD Come on Sweetie, you're more intelligent than this...
Favorite line/scene - See the next answer for favorite interaction, it's also my favorite scene
Favorite interaction that character has with another - She just wanted the attention and applauses... Busby played applause sounds for her... She hugged him... There goes my heart, I didn't need it anyway--
A character that I wish that character would interact with more - Chase. NO, SERIOUSLY, HEAR ME OUT-- Remember how she hated him because he's the Princess' favorite rescue pup? Imagine if the show would keep going back to this, at least sometimes. There would be space for so many shenanigans and side glaring/growling and arguing between these two. Every time they go to Barkingburg, Chase's like "What did Sweetie do this time" and Sweetie's like "HOW DARE YOU INSULT ME LIKE THAT I'LL MAKE YOU PAY FOR YOUR INSOLENCE" and everyone else's like "Omg just kiss already" "Welp here we go again"
Another character from another fandom that reminds me of that character - THOSE TWO GIRLS FROM THE HORSELAND SHOW, CHLOE AND ZOEY and tbh their horses too
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A headcanon about that character - She secretly likes Rock music.
A song that reminds of that character - I NEVER THOUGHT I'D ASSOCIATE A SONG FROM "SIX" TO ANY PAW PATROL CHARACTER EVER and look at me now. "No Way". Just-- Just take away the whole part of how this song is about a Queen who was betrayed and gaslighted by her husband. Instead, change it into how Sweetie has always been treated poorly, promised big things but in the end she's just being played, she wants the attention she was made to believe she deserves, she wants to be important, and they just find it adorable and silly from her and keep pushing her down all the time. She's been loyal, she's been there for the princess all this time, what she gets in return? Mockery, laughter, they treat her as an adorable joke, most times they're just annoyed when she demands attention, she causes a mischief and they send her to her pup house jail thing and move on.
An unpopular opinion about that character - If there's a pup in this show who has an awful owner, that's not Arrby, that's Sweetie. She's not a villain, she's literally led to believe she'll have greatness and then they pull her down all the time. I really think the Princess should be a better friend and owner.
Favorite picture - Not exactly any particular picture but I just really like to see her happy
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mostlikelytofangirl · 1 month
Basically what's in my head
Jins and Nies as earthbenders; Jins as Ba Sing Se and Nies as Omashu
Lans as airbenders
Jiangs as waterbenders
Wens as firebenders
And avatar JGY
The avatar is known to be born into the Jins, but they don't know which one, and when JGS kicks JGy down the stairs, it's too late to check
JGY learned waterbending from Meng Shi; he learns earthbending from NMJ and then NHS (I picture NHS as a very weak bender that knows earthbending the same way Toph does, as an extension of himself rather than a weapon. He also bends metal). He learns the basics of airbending from LXC and teaches himself the rest, and then firebending from WRH (the most powerful firebender ever). He is also a bloodbender
JGY in this, I think, woukd be more resentful than in canon because as the avatar he's supposed ro bring peace and harmony to a world that's done nothing but chew him up and spit him out. Resentful enough to actually stay by WRH's side
When WRH captures everyone (like he did NMJ in canon), they stand no chance because JGY forces them all to theirs knees via bloodbending
It would be neat if all his chakras are blocked to such a degree that the previous avatars can't even reach him
The earth chakra is blocked by his fear of death
The water chakra is blocked by his guilt about never making it into the Jin (guilt about forgoing MS's dream)
The fire chakra blocked by the shame of not feeling truly guilty about his actions anymore
The air chakra that has been blocked since MS's death; a blockage that only got worse as he mourned his expulsion from the Nies and then his betrayal to LXC
The sound chakra that is blocked by the fact he is a spy, and then, by hiding his treason from LXC until they are captured
The light chakra blocked by the illusion of happiness that being WRH's son/lover/both brings (he can't be truly happy. Because LXC and NHS are jailed in the dungeons, and though they aren't at true risk because JGY as WRH to spare them, they are suffering)
The thought chakra blocked by JGY's attatchment to MS and to the people that are good to him
AAAAHHHHH you have some sort of dark Avatar going on here!!
It's fascinating how you manage to make it all fit, and how it would be to have an Avatar, the one supposed to bring balance and peace, siding with the "bad guys" and helping them in getting their nation on top of the others.
It makes sense in the context of this AU tho, JGY has been mistreated almost all his life despite his Avatar nature, so why should he help the ppl that dismissed him? Just bc it's the right thing to do wouldn't really do it for him. Maybe a bit more of what he is meant to do, but I can totally see how the prospect of being finally respected and treated well would be too big a temptation. He IS the Avatar, he IS special! He has seen how his past lives were treated with reverance and respect, why isn't he???
I can see WRH forcing everyone to show the Avatar the proper deference, he's a smart man that would figure that having the Avatar on his side would be better than trying to get rid of him. And of course, that would work wonders on the boy's poor traumatized hea :'D
I can also see how JGY could eventually unblock his chakras if he really wanted to bc he is made of determination tho... but why should he want it XD.
But there's a big chance for a sort of redemption for him! He had the best of intentions at first and he tried! But it's also interesting to explore how much of a different person he would be if he is in a similar position as canon, yet also being the most powerful being. Still, that wasn't enough to get him treated right by most ppl around him, it's very interesting tbh
Also the fact that technically JGY is stronger that WRH, so there's also that change in dynamics going on there since they are on more equal grounds, so to speak.
Fascinating indeed :D
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georgiapeach30513 · 9 months
Peach, you're the best! Thank you for posting that amazing pasta art! (And thank you to the lovely artist who made it =)) - Mrs Pasta.
That being said...I have a few things to say. No words of wisdom, just some thoughts. Some people will disagree with my takes but if you're here reading it, read it carefully and really consider what I said before you disregard.
Every time something happens that gets a certain portion of fans excited that "it's coming to an end," it is nearly always (99.9) followed by something that completely disputes that hope and gets everyone angry, upset, and riled up. It's time to pick up on the patterns, guys!
Ramen and Soba attended the GG afterparty for Soba's agency but didn't show up for the red carpet or awards show. It's got some people thinking Ramen fell off on the HW hierarchy food chain but people. Please. Let's be honest with ourselves here. Did they not attend because he couldn't get an invite since he's "so irrelevant" now or did they not attend because them trying to act like they know each other in real time, for the camera, would be a feat harder than climbing Mt. Everest? Why else do y'all think Soba attended the GQ event with Cup of Noodles instead? You know, the one where she actually did pose for photos and walk the red carpet? And flash her loaned jewelry and "wedding ring" but refused to speak to reporters because she had nothing to promote? It's giving "a...weird face wife that will never do an interview" XD
Every time something happens that gives another portion of fans the chance to "gloat," something else happens to throw a wrench into the mix. You don't question why only one "director" got a random picture of soba and ramen in the same bowl but nobody else saw them? And they can only be mentioned in a throwaway line by a Condé Nast publication (Vogue, Vanity Fair, GQ) and neither Ramen nor Soba could spring for a stylist this time? Looks like somebody doesn't want to make that red carpet debut...but why not? Aren't y'all married for the 50th time in a year and also expecting for the 20th time in the past two years?
Lastly. Just because Ramen has had a few pitfalls this past year does not mean that suddenly he's dropped to C-D list and that he's completely irrelevant in the industry now. I understand having critical flops can hurt your career. Of course it can. And in fact, I'm sure these pitfalls have hurt him. But remember that just because someone is doing well now doesn't mean they'll always do well, and just because someone is having a rough few years doesn't mean they'll never get a comeback.
I'd also like to close with a reminder to those gloating on about how RDJ is doing better and Ramen is failing in life...RDJ was once a drug addict and ended up in jail. My parents still mention this about him every time they see him on TV....people do remember when the biggest news of his career was him getting arrested. Also, after Endgame? Does anyone remember Doolittle? 15% on rotten tomatoes had people thinking RDJ fell off. And then covid hit and he was just doing his own thing for a few years. Now look at him. Looks like that awards campaigning worked! Because no disrespect, Robert, but your Oppenheimer performance was lukewarm at best. IMO, You deserved it more for Tropic Thunder and I say that as someone who genuinely admires you.
I hope I didn't ruffle any feathers. It's just tiring to see people ignore certain things for the sake of running with a narrative.
Love ya, Peach!
Mrs. Pasta, thank you for gracing us with your presence twice today. I honestly, have nothing to add to this great observation. I was just talking about a lot of these points earlier with some mutual about a certain even with a super shiny watch 🤭 I honestly never thought about equating Katt’s words about weird faced wife that will never give an interview to this 😵‍💫 but your’e on to something there!
Looks like someone reached into the depths of their closet to try and scrounge up a look last week, but what do I know?
Mrs. Pasta, I always look forward to your takes and observations.
@inshelliesworld created some cute little Mrs. Pasta art 😊
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cetacian · 8 months
The Fall and Rise of Orca: Orca Joins a Furry Gang Part 2
Warning: This post contains spoilers for Batman & Robin Vol 3 Issue #5 "School Daze."
Note: I missed a bit of info in Issue #4 that Damian suspected his school principal to be Shush, formerly Mistress Harsh, one of the trainers for him when he was being raised by his mother with the League of Assassins.
And now, back to our story already in progress:
Batman and Damian caught up with Orca, hoping to gain more information regarding Man-Bat's plans, though she was anything but cooperative, fearing Man-Bat's wrath should she give anything away:
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Okay, so apparently Orca being able to breathe and speak underwater is still a thing. I'll chalk it up to a parting gift from the late Lord Chondrakha/Kamo for helping out his son over in the King Shark miniseries until and unless another explanation is given. Her leaping and smashing abilities however are much more in line with what we've seen before.
Interestingly, this the first time Batman has used a variation on the famous "Let Me Help You!" line on Orca. Which I thought would've happened much sooner in either the New Earth or Rebirth continuities, but still. XD I personally think a fight between Orca and Man-Bat would be much more evenly matched than she realizes, though it would depend on the given terrain and other circumstances.
The fight ended shortly due to Daman's quick thinking and Orca was left to be arrested:
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I know last time she got fried by sound waves, but insert your "two nickels, weird that it happened twice" meme here. Also, thank you, Batman, for saying that about Orca being better than this, because it sure seems like the writer didn't. Ugh, more self pitying backsliding. I get so tired of seeing it because it's very shallow: it doesn't go into the real roots of her poor self esteem and it feels like whatever progress she makes falls by the wayside as a result in order to keep her in the position of sniveling goon. It's fine if they want her to remain a villain, but there has to be more going on then "poor me" for Orca to feel like an actual developed character. Also is this how she ended up in jail during the Punchline backup over in the Joker book? I don't know and it seems like the writers don't care to give any conclusion to that plot thread.
I'm really hoping this isn't the end of Orca's involvement in this storyline because it would just be another example of the writer not planning ahead, getting bored and rushing things. If you as the writer don't give care about you've set up, you can't expect your readers to either.
If Orca shows up again in this book, I'll make a part three. If not, I have a certain clip waiting to be used.
Bonus: Variant cover art for Issue #5 by artist Nikola Cizmesija:
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Doll!Chucky x Drunk!Fem!Reader x Freddy Krueger || Headcanons
*Set in the Horror House
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Topic: Its a classic- you get drunk because you've had a sucky, sucky day. And you're just wondering by the house, barefoot and probably cold, when Chucky and Freddy see you and get you inside. (And... boy, does that sound threatening 😅 To be clear- this is mostly fluff XD )
(This can be read as romantic or platonic! Readers choice.)
Warnings: Characters who have no business ever being characterised as nice, being nice (In a way that I hope is still them 😅), Reader is sad and uses alcohol to numb themselves. (You're not depressed or an alcoholic though), and also the word 'bitch' is used quite a bit, I'm sorry 😅😅
Look if no one else is gonna write mindless, non-canonical fluff for these two shits then I WILL-
🍺 You're sitting on the porch swing with a blanket over your shoulders and Chucky in your lap, playing with his bright orange hair while Freddy lectures you- how did you get here??? This explanation is seemingly very simple.
🍺 Today was the first day of your life... it started out good, texting with Jennifer while you got ready for the day, but then you had a fight. Sure, you would both get over it tomorrow and you knew that, but it felt awful. Then your bus was late and so you were late to work, it was a busy busy day, your mood deteriorated... and finally you left early because you just felt that upset- which just made you feel worse, for missing work!
🍺 So you decided to go have a drink at a bar. That turned into 2... 3... then you were in a guy's lap and you lost your shoes. He was an ass, turns out, of course, and so the next thing you know--
🍺 You're strolling drunkenly, barefoot, down Jennifer's street sniffling and sipping a cheap wine straight out of the bottle. You just wanna see her- you think if she sees you so fucked up and sad then she'll stop being mad at you and... *sniffle*... give you some cuddles, and make you feel better after this hell day...
🍺 Oh, you hope she will. You need your best *hick* friend... *hick* please...
🍺 You're just wandering down the footpath, almost tripping a couple of times, when you hear fast footfalls behind you (Like boots) and a hand lands on your shoulder. You whip around, wide eyed, but relax immediately when you recognise Freddy's familiar form in your tipsy, dazed state. He's looking amused at you, and vaguely you think he must know that you're drunk, must have figured it out (He's clever ^^), because he waits for you to fully focus on him. Then with one blade he points downwards to your feet, letting you follow his gesture before talking.
🍺 "Princess I don't think you're supposed to leave the prince both shoes. If he cant findya with just one, I don't think you even want a dumbass prince like that."
🍺 "Hm?-... oh... I- I... it was hot... "
🍺 "Too hot for your shoes?" He looks bemused, but in your drunken state you think he's just concerned for you.
🍺 "Mhm... "
🍺 "... where are you going to, anyway?"
🍺 "Um, I- I-... " You start sniffling again, remembering where you were going and why you feel so so crappy- eyes immediately filling up with tears. "Oh. I, I was looking for- for Jen... We had a fi-ight, and I... I really needa see 'er... "
🍺 Freddy stares at you for a few moments- as much as he loves to see someone - anyone. especially something so fucking cute, like you, - crying like little bitch in front of him, something about this... doesn't sit right with him. After a moment of thought, he grows annoyed at his own lack amusement and twists you around and guides you back down the footpath again. "Well you're goin the wrong way. You go in this house, you'll find a bitch but she's asian, and she's gonna be real confused why you broke into her house late at night- c'mon. Lemme tell ya, jail aint for you."
🍺 He leads you to the right house - they all look the same in the dark!! you didn't know you were going to the wrong one... - and as soon as you step up onto the porch you hear another harsh voice yell in a way that makes you jump right out of your skin.
🍺 "Where the hell are that girls shoes, fuckface!?"
🍺 "Fuck, everything's my fault around here, huh kid?... I don't know, bitch. She said she was too hot wearing them, gimmie a break."
🍺 "We all know she's hot Freddy, that wasn't my question." Chucky sniggers, sat up on the porch swing with a wicked grin on his face. When he looks at your properly, sniffling and blowing your nose into a tissue from your pocket, and he makes an ewwwww sort of face, instead. "... and you made her cry. That's a little kinky even for you."
🍺 "... Uh, not its not."
🍺 "You're right, its not. Aaanyway- what the hell did you do to her??"
🍺 Here you finished wiping your nose and, tiredly now, turned to shake your head at Chucky. "No, its... *sniff* I was- was looking for Jen... a guy at the bar... he- he was an ass, and I just- "
🍺 Immediately they exchange an uncomfortable look. "Uhhh- what kinda ass?" Chucky asks, while Freddy gives you a quick once over.
🍺 You shrug, not truly thinking about what you're saying. "I- I thought he w-wanted t' cheer me up... but he didn't... she will, th- though, I hope,.. do you- do either of you know where she is maybe?... "
🍺 "Ehh... sorry kid, hate ta break it you ya but she left for the night... " As soon as those words leave Chucky's mouth your eyes fill up with tears all over again and you almost start crying immediately- before he fast tracks to stop it. "But hey!- y' share that bottle with me and y'can hang here. I betcha I'm better company then that millennial whore."
🍺 ... really? Immediately your heart soars, getting special treatment from one the meanest and scariest assholes in this house. The nicest thing you had ever heard him say before this moment!, you think!, was 'Get the fuck out of my way, please'! When you turn to Freddy, silently asking if that would be okay, he flashes you a smirk.
🍺 "Well, I am."
🍺 "Shut the fuck up, you pair of cauterized ass cheeks."
🍺 "That's a new one." "Yeah, pretty good, eh?" "Not bad, plastic breath."
🍺 As you sit down on the porch swing beside Chucky, taking some deep breaths of fresh, cool nighttime air to try and sober yourself, Chucky takes the cheap wine and he looks ridiculous with it but he takes a big gulp of it. Then turns to you, and asks promptly- so why're you so fucked up tonight, huh? Somethin' bad happen?
🍺 You stop, think about it... and immediately start crying into your hands.
🍺 Freddy pulls his hat down roughly over his eyes, and groans "no class... "- as if he's got any, either. Then turns and waltzes into the house again saying he's going to get the fucking box.
🍺 (He actually just goes to pee and comes back with a blanket for you)
🍺 A good while later, and you're getting quite sleepy just sitting there listening to Chucky and Freddy go back and forth from either side of you (You're not really contributing to the conversation, just sitting there with a blanket around you nodding or letting out little 'mhm's or 'uhuh's if they look at you to agree with them) and your gaze slips over to Chucky.
🍺 He stops mid-sentence to look at you, like, whadaya want?
🍺 Quickly he deadpans, recognising the look in your eye that he's become very familiar with since... you know... living as a good guy doll. "... you wanna fucken hold me, don't you?"
🍺 ... "Mhm... " You nod.
🍺 "Fuck, no. Get it outta your head. Do you think I enjoy that shit?? I'm the goddam Lakeshore Strangler, bitch, not a fucken Cabbage Patch kid. I'm feared. I'm infamous- no, do not fucken cry again. I swear, I'll stab you if you cry. Don't test me. Don't- aghhh!" After a few moments, he gives up, letting you gather him in your lap; One arm wrapping around his middle and the other hand slipping into his soft, messy hair. "If you tell anyone in there about this shit, you're gonna wake up with a new hole. I don't know where it'll be yet, I think I'll be spontaneous about it, but it will hurt."
🍺 "And you- " When Chucky turns to Freddy, who looks like he's about to explode seeing this, he stops. ... Slowly, he grins. "You know what?... Freddy buddy, why don't you tell us again how you lost so fucken bad to the momma's boy?" ... oh dear, you think, eyes going wide and round.
🍺 Like a light switch, all amusement is gone from Freddy's face, replaced by a furious glare, and he takes a deep, deep, deeeeeep breath; Getting up from the swing to stand in front of the two of you. "... you move your asses outta that chair before I finish and you die."
🍺 So yeah... explanation is seemingly very simple... but who would really believe you if you tried to tell them this all happened and Chucky and Freddy Krueger were actually nice to you??
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coline7373 · 2 years
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"I think you will be needing this..."
There was a time in fandom where people used to make tons of rec lists of their favorite fics. I discovered a lot of great fics this way! I decided to make my own, to treat my codywan fever.
I hope it helps people discover, or re-discover, some amazing fics.
So! For your reading pleasure, here are some of my favourite codywan fics, out there. They aren't all here, because we have been blessed with a lot of great fics for this ship, but I have definively loved all of those.
Good reading!!!
Canon compliant
illicit affairs
Rex catch Cody and Obi-Wan in flagrante delicto and has a lot of feelings about it. Not positive ones. He feels it threaten his brother's life and... well, he's not wrong is he?
But love, between brothers, between a commander and his general can sometimes stronger than risks or reasons.
Painfull but amazing.
It happens during the war and ends during it too, so you don't know what will ultimately happens in this world. Do they make it? You don't know. I didn't put it in canon divergence because, aside from the fact it's codywan, nothing contradict it being canon compliant.
Canon -or not- is not the point, though. The point is the love story of Cody and Obi-Wan, as seen through Rex's eyes.
But love, between brothers, between a commander and his general can sometimes stronger than risks or reasons.
Painfull but amazing.
an injury to one
deniigiq is one fo those authors whose codywan's I just can't get enough of. That weird assholes hyperarticulate characterisation is just... XD I don't know. I love it!
The troopers make a discovery of the fiscal variety, which causes them to realize that they may have more in common with the jedi than they previously thought.
The Jedi Order is a charitable religious order. Ergo, they aren't getting paid. They get 'some' stipends but with the war, they are quickly reaching the point of untenability. Don't worry, they've got a plan.
It's told mostly from from Fox's POV which I love because 1. I love codywan as told from an outside POV 2. I love Fox.
I just love him. He has so much happening to him. He is so nihilistic, deadpan and done. Yet, he never let it twist him or give up because he love his brothers and won't let them flounders. Also, he may or may not have acquired a crush on that impossible kriffar jedi.
Warning for exploitation, money, off-screen non graphic child death and clone troopers deshumanization. Jedi Order and jedi lineage fuckery. Clone commanders fuckery. Grogu briefly shows up. Fox's buir instincts are now activated. Previously, he was of the opinion jedi could sink or swim on their own not anymore. He got this.
Canon divergence
The Art of Happenstance *
Cody and Obi-Wan co-parent a lightsaber. Force Bond. I think it saves Cody from Order 66? It ends on a cliffhanger but it's hopefull.
Funny and fantastic.
The Clone Wars are the backdrop to a quiet and fragile love between a general and a clone commander.
Listen. Listen. I cannot even begin to tell you how beautifull and delicate their love feels in this fic. It's like picking up a piece of art made out of gossamerish light.
It's poetic. It's splendid. It's quiet, discreet and personnal, like the feelings of these private men. It ties up kind of quickly to give a happy ending despite Order 66 still being carried out, but it's everything that get you there that matters.
The Loneliest Human Boy in the Jedi Temple
Rather than let Boba go to jail, Obi-Wan adopts him.
It's told from Boba POV, which is very interesting. I love TCW period stories featuring Boba!
And it deals with Boba confronting his father's death, being adopted by a jedi to avoid jail despite the fact his father hated jedi, dealing with what's he's done to get revenge on Mace, learning to see maybe the clones as more than things, and starting to accept that if clones are not things, then his father was wrong. What he did was wrong.
Boba has to recon with a thousand things, decide what's moral or what's not and has no one he trusts to guide him without feeling like he's betraying the only parent he has ever loved. At eleven.
Boba's disregard of clones is wrong. But when you look at all he has going on and what handicap he started out with, you cannot help but feel for him.
I feel like Boba is Dudley, the Dursley are Jango, the clones are Harry and I'm Dumbledore in the Dursley's living room at the start of book 6, shaking my head. In the end, you can only pity Boba a bit and love him and be sadden by the damages Jango did to Boba out of selfish, blind love.
No Order 66
These Things Happen
Obi-wan Kenobi keeps promoting Cody because giving him courting gifts as his superior officer would be Wrong. The promotions gets out of hand, and it somehow save the universe.
When Duty is Done - serie
Post-War: settling the matter of Clones Rights, Jedi Order Reforms, Force Philosophy, inter-jedi conflicts that were put off during the war, PTSD, healing, preparing a new planet to become the clones' home, clones culture exploration which is rooted in, but not, mandalorian's culture and, of course, getting together and settling in a relationship for Cody and Obi-Wan.
Loved it!!!! Cody is MVP. Maul is there, with Yaddle, and I'm here for it. Bant, where have you been? Chirrut is my Force Follower idol. Feemor is there as more than a footnote on Qui-Gon's history and it's amazing.
Basically, all the explorations of lives for the clones and jedi and Force Users you could possibly want in a No-Order 66 post-war setting.
Listen. Some works that are the work: Remedial Jedi Theology, Luminous, Prince With a Thousand Enemies, Open Skies ...
This is the one for No-Order 66 post-war Codywan, ex-aequo with sunshine and the shade of poetry.
sunshine and the shade of poetry
I have so much love for this fic.
The war comes to an abrupt end, and everyone around Cody begins the long road to recovery and discovery. Cody, on the other hand, just needs to find a new job. Unfortunately, he has no idea which one to pick.
First, No-Order 66 post-war Codywan is my absolute favorite type of codywan.
Second, everything. But more seriously, Codywan is often written in a such a way that Cody's life revolve around Obi-Wan's life. He settle in the Temple to live with Obi-Wan, he helps Obi-Wan deal with Anakin's meltdown/death/leaving the Order, he takes one of the job the jedi have made for the vode so he can work with Obi-Wan...
Do you see where I am going with this?
It's all about Obi-Wan. And while it can be fun to read if it's not pushed to its absolute, this type of unequal relationship, where one dedicate their entire life to the other, makes my skin crawl. Funnily enough, it's also 80% of the time the POC in that role when it's about an interracial couple. And I just - can't.
Here, Cody is his own person.
He had a life before Obi-Wan, he has one now beside Obi-Wan, and he will have one still, after, independantly from the love of his life. You can love someone as much as the galaxy is wide and still have love for your own separate life, your own friends, your own interests, goals, journey...
Basically, after the war, Cody says fuck it to any kind of military job and set out to 'find himself'. He doesn't know what it will look like and all his brothers mock him gently, and a bit worriedly, as they leave him in the dust by settling into their own civilian lives, since they don't have the same kind of hang-up he does.
But, by the Force, he is going to figures out who he is and what he wants, aside from the jedi, aside from the GAR, aside from even his own brothers, if it kills him. The 'situation' with General Kenobi will just have to wait until then.
Imagine that. Wanting to be sure of who you are, what you want and the kind of life you want before entering a relationship. Wanting to be certain of yourself, first. Especialy in a relationship where you didn't have the same power status before.
An excellent look at Cody, at the commanders, at the clones, at a post-war life in the Republic. Bly, Alpha-17 and Wolffe just shot me through the heart. It is now my headcanon that Bly is short for Butterfly for... reasons.
Find out by reading it.
And as if that wasn't enough, there's a short sequel with Alpha 17 written by deniigiq. It's the gift that keep on giving.
in our hearts some ancient song
Or: Cody finds Fives first. There are galactic consequences.
It was touch and go for a moment but happy endings guys! Thrill and anxiety abounds beforehand. Temple shenanigans. Force's engineering. The chips get activated earlier than canon but they make it through!
Worth a Thousand Words
Lol! Post-War, the clones didn't get much instructions in how to approach someone romantically. Someone suggest Cody try to send a dick pic to Obi-Wan. Somehow, it works, but not the way you expect.
This is so great! I was howling with laughers and cringing in sympathic embarrassement. Poor Cody!
This, too, was a gift
After the Rako Hardeen mission, Obi-Wan suffers a complete nervous breakdown, kills all the Sith in a way he feels violate everything he is and stands for, then fall into a severe depressive fugue.
Meanwhile, the Republic tries to reconstruct. The clones take what is owe to them and try to settle on a new planet, figure out who they are outside the War, serving the Republic and the jedi, while looking for their missing savior.
Obi-Wan is really, really depressed here and dissociated from reality for a while so, beware. Yaddle is MVP. A great look into the clones culture. The Sith problem get resolved pretty quickly. The story is about what come after and how you deal with having done what you had to do in a time of war.
This I Vow
Cody and Obi-Wan gets married for a mission. Somehow, it saves the universe.
Healthy . Adults . Communication. Please and thank you!
When We Were Young
After the war, Cody dedicated himself to his brothers: their rights, their protection, their well-beings, their lives...
He knows Obi-Wan has dedicated himself to the Order, but he hasn't seen him long enough to talk about it.
Thought now they are going on a joint mission once more, maybe that's about to change...
(hit me) with your heart
The one where Cody walks in on Obi-Wan in an intimate situation, and that ends up changing their relationship and the future of the galaxy.
Porn With Plot. Spanking. Kink exploration Safe, Sane and Consensual. It saves most of the galaxy. Rolls with it. Amazing exploration of sexuality and consent. Glimmerglanger doing the Lord's sexy work, as always. The plot is actually there and great!
the turning fork
Anakin doesn't fall, but he and Padme don't keep custody of Luke and Leia. Anakin tries to grapple with the consensual loss of his children while trying to stay in their lives. Meanwhile, someone murders a senator.
Amazing! Fantastic. The feelings... The reflection on choices and morality and parenthood and the choices one made about their lives and the ones they are going to make in the future to live a life they want to live.
Leia has Anakin's bad temper and the Organa love her but are a bit overwhelmed. Luke is his sweet self, being raised by weirdoes assholes Cody & Obi-Wan in space Scottland Stewjon. Yes, Obi-Wan left the Order to raise Luke in peace. He gets Cody as a bonus, since the man is now Luke's dad and Obi-Wan is lucky he's sharing.
A Different Perspective
Obi-Wan, Cody, the war, and a bunch of men and boys who have never gotten to choose things for themselves before, as seen through Dex's eyes.
Guys... Guys... *sob*
Finders Keepers *
Your soulmate finds everything you lose.
Obi-Wan has never had a soulmate of his own to lose things to before. Now, he's picking up things and wonders who they belong to.
Cody’s never been sure if the things he finds belong to his soulmate. If he even has one.
Anakin is contantly losing things but it somehow save the Universe because Padme take good care of them.
Fox and Bly and Bail and Breha and Bant and Kit and Boil and Waxer... all the others are there too.
chronic condition
Post War. Obi-Wan has epilepsy and it's tied to his prescience. Cody want Kix to investigate. Because they are weirdos assholes and he doesn't want to ask Obi-Wan outright. But also because he respects his privacy too much to make him talk about it. You know, they are only boyfriends. Don't won't to push boundaries too much, there. He's not a savage. Lol. Cody, you weirdo....
It was so good. So goooood... There was already the interesting part where clones don't ride into the sunset with jedi. They, too, chafe against their perception of jedi-superiority, so a lot of them choose something different than "move in the Temple and dedicate their lives to their jedi generals and jedi work". Which I love.
But, you know, I think this, it's a more realistic take and a more equal footing, long-term, than the unbalanced "clones devoted to jedi". Also, variety is always a special treat for the reader. At least it is for me. You could gave me a thousand of different headcanons, if it's well done, I'm on board!
And this one... The clones, the brotherhood/friendship amongst clones, Cody's backstory, the jedi, the post-war, the medical investigation, the Force/Jedi Order worldbuilding,.... What can I say? Save for a few fics with some of my NOTP/squicks, everything deniigiq has ever written just delight me and blow me away.
your atomic god *
The code of a clone is a simple thing: you were made to die for the Republic, for the Jedi. Make the most of the time you have before that.
Clone culture: seeded by mandalorian culture, but not the same. Introspection and identities issues: Cody ponders a lot about what it means to be a clone and who he is. Cody is super smart and cares a lot for his brothers. It has shaped my understanding of Cody.
Obi-Wan and Cody fell in love because they have actually a lot in common. Obi-Wan's lightsaber is playing matchmaker. This somehow save the universe.
Wrong Side of the Night
Is there a limit to how many fics by glimmerglanger I can rec?
*check magic eight ball* "My sources say no."
Cody has a very bad day, both he and Obi-Wan choose a less than ideal ways to handle the situation, and they have a long conversation about it the next morning.
Ouch. Like, ouch. Yet. Beware: Unjust treatement of the clones (not by Obi-Wan). Unhealthy emotional response. Impulsively angry sex. Dub-con. As-in, Cody's actions are driven by anger that has overtaken his reason and Obi-Wan's are driven by maladaptative reponse to a lifetime of traumatic environnement.
But, it's codywan, guys. So, once everyone has cooled-off: communication! Care and self-care! Trust! Support!
This fic was particularly impactful for me for personal reasons but I think it's powerfull, full-stop. You can love each other very much and still not act well towards each other. Beware of purity/cancel culture. People are failible and, at some point, they are going to fuck up.
But One: they are both harmed by the action they both perpetrated. No villain and blameless victim here. Two: once they have messed up, they both recognise their own part it it, apologise and commit to corrective actions.
This is what a good relationship look like, even with the slip up. This is what you can trust because of the slip up. They don't have to be perfect with the other all the time, because they know they can get through it and improve. The codywan is strong in this one.
I'm Not Safe Outside Your Arms
This is probably the most anguished fic you can find about a No-Order 66. But it has a happy ending!
Basically, and without spoiling it too much, the jedi do kill Palpatine but Darth Sidious continues to inflict pain, sorrow and suffering on the galaxy from beyond the grave.
Obi-Wan, of course, shoulders the whole of it but so do the vode. You're really horrified for Obi-Wan, but you feel for the 212th attack battalion: brave, strong and loyal to the end.
They should be free, they should be safe, for the first time of their lives. Their brothers are! But they aren't. And they choose it, because some choice, no matter how grim and terrifying, are no choice at all.
But there's light at the end of the tunnel. Everyone love everyone and no one is giving up. Get ready.
There Was Only One Bed
Make Your Bed (Lie in It)
They have to share a sleeping bag for cold weather reasons. Then, they just keep sharing. Yeah, Cody, we're onto you. Go through Order 66 with open-ended fix-it.
room for two
Cody and Obi-Wan are on an undercover mission, and for some reason, they have to pretend to be married. It appears that the pining will increase exponentially for the next week.
Not really a mission fic, since it's all about the trope. But it's there to put a "background" to all the small spaces sharing and there's even a tiny bit of action. It was funny and good and I enjoyed it a lot.
Warning for those who, like me, don't think the Code preclude relationships. Obi-Wan presents it like it does in the fic, but that he chose Cody anyway. I disagree. The problem is not relationship but the kind of relationship and how it impact the choices you make, your work, your committement. My headcanon for jedi/civilian relationship and their consequences/risks/problems is 70% like it is in Remedial Jedi Theology, which I recommend to everyone.
It's alright, it doesn't take off from it. It's mean to be this side of crackish, fun read, which it is, so I don't feel the need to split hair about interpretation of the Code. I just want to mention it for those who feel strongly about it. If it bothers you, you can stop at the end of chapter two. It's still great and can be read as finished at this point.
Obi-Wan goes undercover. Cody takes some calls. These two facts are absolutely not related.
Funny as shit!
First Choice
The AU where the clones get to pick their generals and Obi-Wan is, once again, left feeling unwanted. But is he really?
Warnings: Obi-Wan has Self Esteem Issues. This is still funny and the whole pagentry/tests clones make the jedi go through to pick and choose their general was gold.
The Trouble With Tookas
Never trust somebody a tooka dislikes.
It started with a fanart and end up with tookas as Sith detector. It's great. Sheevie is regretting everything.
*The ones about Cody and Obi-Wan and Obi-Wan's lightsaber
Your Life In My Hands
OR, the one where a lightsaber really is a Jedi's life.
Temporary character's death. Under 5 000 words, but by all that is good and holy, does glimmerglanger make it counts.
Like, damn. Plus, jedi and saber lore. Must Read.
Mission Fic
Standard Operating Procedures
The 212th run into a dark acolyte who curse them with a love spell. Roll with it, it's amazing.
It's actually mission fic, or more like case fic. They are working hard to find out how to break the spell and why some brothers are affected and some are not. It's great!
Mission fic! Yay! Biological warfare, intelligence gathering, city infiltration, plot against jedi, temporary depowerment that won't keep Obi-Wan down, Competent Cody ftw, with art...
This fic has it all!
Obi-Wan fakes his death and Cody works through every stage of grief. He eventually decides that he's going to fuck his way out of the depression pit and finds himself falling in love with this handsome Mandalorian who he just keeps meeting.
Obi-Wan dies and Cody is out of all the fuck to give. First, he spirals. Then, he says screw the universe. He treat himself. He looks for sex. He undermines all the unworthy incompetent natborns officers. He take on Boba's gardienship, who is not in space jail at 11 but was up to this point under Mace's supervision. Ponds is very relieved.
He will crawl out of this depressive hole or die trying.
Smuggled In
NO ORDER 66. But, also Mission Fic. And I think it's more about the Mission than the fact it happens in a No Order 66's world, thought I love it and I'm gratefull for it.
Cody and some of the 212th get captured by smugglers, and nothing is quite what it seems to be.
Hahaha! I love this one! Cody is always blaming the shit that happens to the 212th on Obi-Wan and now the joke is on him because it went completely off the rails pretty early and the jedi is nowhere near where the action is happening. Or, is he?
Hedgehog's Dilemma
Cody is in love with Obi-Wan and determined to court him. Obi-Wan is interested in Cody but not sex. Cody has no idea what to make with that. They try to figure it out.
a lesson in attachment
Obi-Wan has never been enough. It's okay. The Force loves him anyway. And so does Cody.
Touching and, as greyS/Ace myself, it resonated.
A Slow Fall Towards Grace
I cannot even begin to tell you how much this fic touch me. Obi-Wan is an omega, though it's not a traditional depiction of A/B/O.
It keeps screwing him over thorough his life and the sex he ends up having despite himself is not funny. Read the tags. Obi-Wan is ignorant of how much people want him, but considering it's not because he's this bastion of Mary-Sue perfection, but because the alphas around him are knot-heads who excuse their poor behaviors and selfishness with their hormones, it doesn't read that way.
Cody is amazing. Obi-Wan is the Force's chew toy and beloved son at the same time. Loved it.
1861 c.100 s.60
Obi-Wan gets pregnant during the war and decides that the obvious course of action is constant and brazen denial.
Obi-Wan is a weird asshole. Cody is weirder. They are the perfect couple.
Anakin cannot deal with them because the twins came early and he doesn't have the time anymore. Listen, he doesn't even have time for Palpatine anymore...
Lol! Screwing with Sheevie. Clones fuckery. Adorable grumpy she-tubie. Codywan being the perfect assholes we know them to be and furiously in love. All the feels and pettily satisfying.
for every loved child
The one where new father Cody reckons with many of the anxieties and traumas of his past and gets some much delayed comfort.
Or how glimmerglanger managed to make me cry in less than 4 000 words.
It's not so much a mpreg fic, but a new parents fic. A late-night breastfeeding session reveals a lot of buried and current feelings, thoughts and issues. There's much pain, but it's all surrounded by intimacy, love and warmth. It's like hiding under the blanket with your SO and shading cathartic tears. Amazing.
Post-Order 66
I hate Order 66. I don't want to read fics about it. Some authors are just too good, though.
Haunt Me, Then
Fix-It, as much as possible. CC-2224 becomes Cody again and will die trying to make up killing his General and jedi, even if it kills him.
We Build Our Empire From Ruins And Smoke
The Republic is dead and the Empire's throne is empty, and Fox will be damned if he lets anyone claim it.
Basically, post-order 66, the clones come back online and since everything they worked, die for and cared about is dead or gone, the gloves are off.
Come with prequels and sequels, it's actually a whole serie. No dialogue. Anakin is dead. Palpatine dies. Clones-centric.
Not something I agree with irl, because it's when democracy is threaten you should work twice as hard to secure it. But since it's fiction and the general canon sense we get of politicians and regular population confronted with Order 66 is that they either don't care or agree, it's pretty fine with me.
First Sight
For Cody, it's love at first sight. From Kamino to Tatooine, it lives inside him.
A Treatise on Breaking and Repairs
Warning: whumpfest. Great satisfaction at the end, though.
Three years post-Order 66, Obi-Wan get captured by Vader. Rape and torture ensue. The 212th, under the chips' control, are there for it all. In the end, Anakin gets his just dessert. Our boys make free.
But while you can make free from a place, you cannot free yourself from the horrors visited upon your soul that easily.
the boat that would row you back
Or, after Obi-Wan vanish it front of Vader on the Death Star, Vader decides he didn't get the proper fight he deserves and send CC-2224 in the underworld to bring Obi-Wan back.
Of course, nothing is that easy.
The Carbon Cycle
Obi-Wan decide to try to grow flowers on Tatooine to heal himself. CC-2224 is having dreams about the General he supposedly kills. Somehow, it save the both of them.
I'm a whore for dreamsharing fic. I cannot even begin to tell you how much I love it. This fic... this fic is cleansing and healing and touching and beautifull. I loved it!
A Whim, A Desire
OK, this one doesn't hurt. Much.
Three years after Order 66, Vader finds an artifact that allows him to create his perfect dream world within the Force. However, he finds that maintaining this world is impossible without someone living inside it at all times. He throws in everyone he can from his past life, including CC-2224.
Obi-Wan fell asleep on Tatooine and wake up in his dreams in the perfect life.
But illusion is not reality and when the seems of the dream start to show, Cody and Obi-Wan will fight to make their dream a reality.
Both Cody and Obi-Wan think the other is an illusion, and so they are free and honest with each other. What they built is lovely. Vader show up like the Lord of the House but it allows Obi-Wan to play out his fantasies of still being able to talk to Anakin and being part of his life.
It doesn't ends in Yay! We saved the Universe and kills Sidious/Vader. Just - Cody, saving himself and those he can along the way.
Fantasic imaginings. Make you wish it could have happen, if Anakin hadn't ruined everything by becoming Vader. Vader's frustrations of people and things eluding his 'absolute sithly control' is hilarious, sad and the source of endless failures on his part. Thankfully.
diogenes (what makes a man?)
Cody, grappling with identity, purpose and what it means to be a brother.
Cody-centric. From Kamino to Tatooine. Lot of clones. Lot of feels and introspection. Most Dies But Some Lives.
Listen, I'm of the die hard opinion that if Cody's chip fail during the Empire, no matter when or how, he would not rest until he has saved all the brothers he can save. This is the same characterisation here.
|free the hearts and rust the chains|
There aren't many clones left in the Imperial Army. (...) Zhade-Ran doesn't trust her two bunkmates. Although perhaps not for the reasons she should.
I love stories being told from an excellently done OC. Here, we've got two troopers who want to desert and two clones who shake the chips' control after years of being under and deign for the natborns to join them on their way out. Now, all they need to do is find a way to get in touch with the Rebellion.
Loved it!!!!!!!!!!!!
An Elegant Weapon *
Cody is Force Sensitive. Obi-Wan teach him how to fight with a lightsaber. It doesn't save the universe, but at least it saves Cody. It's great! I promise Cody is still Cody and not changed into a zen jedi. He can just... feels the Force.
set the bones straight
Purge Trooper CC-2224 is an extremely efficient jedi killer. He will find them all. All of them. Even the one from his dreams.
Pffffiuuuu. Don't look into this one for Cody's softening influence on CC-2224 or breaking out of the chip's influence by the sheer force of Will and Morality. This is straight-up Purge Trooper. Happy ending, though. Sort of. As much as can be in Post-Order 66.
CC-2224 malfunctions. The Empire tries to wipe him into working order. Cody is not letting them.
Or, Eternal Sunshine of the Reconditioned Mind. *bawl my eyes out* Codyyyy!!!!
|to failure, sweet victor|
The chip malfunction enough for Cody to seek out and join Obi-Wan on Tatooine. The chips function enough for CC-2224 to tries to kill that traitor Kenobi whenever he's online.
They make it work.
one meal at a time
Cody and Obi-Wan's love story, as told through food. This is so chokefull of love...
Errr... Order 66 fuck me up. I don't get why I put so many of them there. I guess it's popular amongst writers? And I can bend my likes/dislikes when the writing is that good. Curse you, good writers!
Home, A Place You've Never Been
Cody's chip fails. Cody dreams of Tatooine. Cody gets to Tatooine. Now that he's there, he must heal and tame Ben Kenobi, whose wounds on his soul make him the kindest not-jedi. But also depressed, weary and wary as hell.
Excellent. Obi-Wan is very oblivious. Then, in the three sequels, very happy. As much as can be post-Order 66.
The Raephen's Gifts
It's happy! Cody and Obi-Wan obviously make it through Order 66 and the Empire, along with some clones and jedi, and the Republic and the Jedi Order are restored to the galaxy.
But it's all alluded to only very briefly in the background. Basicaly, now that the galaxy is at peace once more, old married couple codywan get on a week long retreat on a peacefull planet in Wild Space where they are sure they won't be bothered or called.
They sleep, eat fish and maybe meet some Force entities along the way.
Just... old codywan, with disabilities, having a week of rest and healing. Chilling. It's everything I wish for them in a post-Order 66 era.
AUs I Cannot Help But Read
AUs, as in, change the Star Wars Universe, not the events of canon.
Listen, I hate when SF is not SF. But, again, some authors are just too good and they make it work.
Vampire AU serie
Yes. Really. Don't run for the hills! It's not your Twilight Romance. Everything is the same. Obi-Wan is just of a specie called Vampire because, you know, they drink blood as part of their diet.
And since it's Star Wars: Space Racism! Yay!
This somehow makes the Clone Wars both better and worse.
Sort of Vampirism? Its not the story
I put it there because in this sort-of supernatural AU, Force users drink blood.
But really, the story is about how Cody and Obi-Wan get trapped in a lost jedi Temple, how they must join forces to make it out, and how the ensuing unshakable trust help them deal with post-Order 66.
It was great. I love lost jedi Temple fic! I could read millions of them.
Commander Cody and Star Wars’ actual Disney princess
Obi-Wan, the prince in his high tower, is not waiting for a rescue. Cody is the not-knight interested in rescuing him.
I shit you not. Magic is used instead of the Force, but everything is very recognisable and the story is great! Lot of Cody's brothers are there.
A stunning mission fic, 64 000 words long, where the Separatist experiment biological warefare on a neutral planet and the 212th get caught in the middle.
Down to less than a hundred soldiers, they must fight an entire planet for their survival. Buckle up! Clones Wars Plots! Zombies Nightmares! With sequel!
I cannot stress enough how much you need it. If you like action, this is the fic for you.
Sith Obi-Wan
Really not my kind fic. I headcanon the very bone of Obi-Wan personality as selfless. And to be Sith is rooted in selfishness.
Imcompatible in its essence. Does not work.
In this fic, it works. Sith Empire, so it explains Obi-Wan being Sith. Unexpected kind of A/B/O. Warning for Obi-Wan/212th battalion. The codywan is there and ready to do damage. Revenge ahead. Less than 6000 words, maximum impact.
Glimmerglanger strikes again. It was great.
Dark Sider Obi-Wan
Not to be confused: Obi-Wan is not a Sith there.
He is an ex-padawan who left the Order to fight a war for children against adults, then joined another war, then another war and another and another...
By the time he realised he strayed from the Light, he has cease to care about it. He is good at war and they always say if you're good at something, you should be paid for it. A galactic war may be the peak of his career, if it wasn't such a strange war. It doesn't quite make sense, and Obi-Wan's weakness is definitively curiosity.
Meanwhile, Commander Cody has it with this dark sider ruining things. He may be a fearsome separatist general, but Cody is no light weight himself. If the man is going to drop gauntlets left and right, than Cody is going to damn well one pick one himself.
Let's see who is the better fighter and strategic mastermind.
Funerary practices? Master Ti writes back. I’m not sure what you mean, Master Kenobi. Used biomass is the property of Kamino and thus is recycled into the cloning process.
So that’s how the revolution begins—with dead brothers, but not the way you might expect.
Obi-Wan is still Obi-Wan. You might as well read this as Canon Divergence. But fandom readers will always has the fear of Mary Sue, I think, so I prefered to put the fact that it's Lady Wan at the foreground.
It's great. It's so freaking great... The 212th are all a little bit in love with Obi-Wan. Cody definitively is. Obi-Wan has nightmares and decide she's done with this shit. She's going to take her clones and stage a strike. See how the Senate like that! Ha!
Lol. If anyone ever make a fanart of Lady Wan as a pinup for ship's nose art, please, please, send me the link! Warnings for cloneship in the background.
Time Travel
while the world still turns
Cody touch an artefact in a jedi Temple and is sent at various point of Obi-Wan's life. All the codywan feels. Of course, it's going to save the Universe!
Fire to ash, present to past (who knows for tomorrow?)
Obi-Wan is fifteen again, things are different, people are confused, but maybe there's something good at the end of the path
Obi-Wan is the Force chew toy and beloved son at the same time. Obi-Wan has PTSD. Qui-Gon is confused. Listen, you don't get much more than "Obi-Wan get back in his old body". That's it. That's the whole fic.
The whole thing is about landing in a different time with undealt with traumas and finally dealing. Why put it on this codywan rec list, then? Ah, I'm not gonna spoil you, now, am I? You will just have to read for yourself.
The Suns Swing East
Over and over, Obi-Wan woke up and wished he hadn't. Palpatine wouldn't stop until Obi-Wan had Fallen (...)
He couldn't save himself (...) What he hadn't realized was that didn't mean there was no way to be saved.
Time-Loop!!! Palpatine realise Obi-Wan can kick Anakin's ass and decide he is the one he wants as his apprentice. Then, with sith powers, he tries his best to break him.
Obi-Wan is at the end of his rope. He has lived through many lives, all of them horrible, all of them failures. At this point, he wished he could join the Force. Seriously. Depression. Suicide attempt. The work. But Obi-Wan isn't alone. And those who love him will save him. And the Universe along the way.
Die Sheevie, die.
A heartfelt thanks to @glimmerglanger @deniigi @nightfoliage @lttrsfrmlnrrgby @galateagalvanized @esamastation @wanderingjedihistorian @nerjetii @petrichordiam @someawkwardprose @trixree @andthepeople
(The other authors either had no tumblr handle put on their ao3 profile, or their pseudo didn't work when I tried to @ at them. I thank them anyway, and all those whose codywan fics I have loved but not put there. Thank you.)
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It's Talk Shop Tuesday! Question for today: How did Ken start getting into car mechanics? And how did he work up to running his own shop? (I can't remember what Ken Sr's job was, although I know he worked with Blackfoe, plus Ken Jr was quite young when Ken Sr was jailed, so I'm guessing it was not his father's influence that got him into car stuff.)
Also, general secondary question of "what do you currently want to talk about in regards to Annaáuchiwee?" again. As always. XD (I would love to hear any thoughts you have on the next book. Especially if you can say what its main theme is/what it's mainly centered around.)
I think Ken has just always had an aptitude for mechanics, probably discovered in middle school or junior high. Maybe went through shop class in school and went oh hey here's something I can do + needed something he could do and bring his son to work with him.
I don't really have anything to talk about regarding Annaáuchiwee, except an apology that we haven't been able to publish recently. 😅😅 I really can't say much about the next book that's not, you know, spoilers.
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a-very-fond-farewell · 2 months
I mean. I have to ask about "blownasunder" 👀
ahah you caught me P:
basically it’s a project that never saw the light beyond ch1, and that’s mostly bc your beautiful fic fed all my reading needs dear ;-; but also bc I was having troubles researching South Korean legal system and law school education curricula.
it should have been a canon divergence au where Yo Han didn’t become a judge but an Ethics Professor instead (can you imagine?? him?? ethics?? that’s an insane reach even for me), while Ga On began university later bc he did end up in jail in high school after getting (some level of) revenge for his parents. the catch should have been all focused on Ga On’s relationship with Jung Sun Ah as his benefactor funding his studies after charitably reintroducing him to society through a deal with the court. he gets a more lenient sentence and is made to apply for social work in volunteering activities (handled by the cult) before his military service. this all to be allowed to go to university and then law school in the end: so he actively mecame the posterchild for the elite’s facade of well-meaning intentions towards the commons folks and is paraded as such (causing him all sorts of self-esteem issues mixed with pride for “being picked” and for “having made it back to society”).
I thought to myself: what if Sun Ah gets to Ga On first? I wanted to explore something similar to the betrayal Ga On felt in canon towards [redacted..... for spoiler reasons in case anyone hasn’t watched the show till the end yet], but this time around in regards to an “older-sister-like figure”, so to speak. Sun Ah is very deceitful and can act the caring type well, so I wanted to see how Ga On would have grown up to be under her influence rather than anyone else’s. this would have also made him closer to the cult too and he would have been essentially groomed into being one of the many perfect little puppets they used for their schemes.
Soo Hyun would have not been in the picture close-range, since at the time she would have been in police academy, but I still wanted her to project her guilt onto Ga On for “not having managed to save him back then”, or something on those lines. my queen Jin Joo is also there, but I wasn’t sure whether to make her Ga On’s tutor or Yo Han’s teaching assistant yet.
I ditched the idea in the end, but i still think about it from time to time. I envisioned a How to get away with Murder scenario for the high-stakes ethics lectures under Yo Han’s guidance, but in this au Yo Han would have been highly suspicious of Ga On since the kid was basically taken under the 1%’s wing and is consequently indebted to them. Ga On would have been still 27-28 in this au tho.
I’m sad I wasn’t able to give justice to this plot idea, bc coming up with Yo Han’s shenanigans in class was proving to be very difficult for me at the time xD I wrote the basic plot points on my notepad and maybe the first chapter.. but then I gave up.
but in a way I’m glad I did, bc I was frustrated with myself and decided to treat me to some good food on ao3 and found your fic ;—; that way I found you T—T and we became friends T^T so all is well in the end :D
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dynamic-k · 3 months
hi i'm supposed to be doing latin homework but oh well XD
I don't have that many questions left that aren't too direct to the plot.
ok, I think I have a new one???
Has Chosen ever thought about doing villainous actions??
What about Dark?? Like- what if Alan was right???
Of course he wasnt, Chosen would never do that... right?
idk i think i can imagine him snapping and having a villain arc.
Probably in the fight with Primal. Maybe she went too far and actually stabbed him? Ballista and the others weren't fast enough to stop her. Primal what is it with you and stabbing people I swear-
But then the others come seconds [haha what have you done to me Scarlett] later and then Dark sees Cho nearly dead.
Dark goes feral, and Vics like oh god not again.
Second goes to heal him, and Ballista.. yea I dunno about Ballista :'D
I think if Chosen were to have a villain arc, Second and Ballista would have to be removed from the plot. They're too nice-
Dark and Chosen just committing crime while the other villains just stare and think: "what on earth- Hey! THATS MY JOB!!!"
And then plot twist the villains have to work together to become heroes and stop them.
How the turns have tabled XD
wait i this is actually so far off my original question wot happened
Well, thanks for reading listening to me ramble and good morning/night/whatever,
SS!Chosen thinking about villainy?! :O
WHat an iDeaA! Stick, no- He's very very heroic at heart, really and truly.
Cho dislikes harming people, and mostly uses his powers to trap, headlock, restrain, or take out of commission. UNLESS somebody hurt his family. XD Or, you know. Really-hard-to-defeat villain. He can get riled up, but he's mostly a quiet figure who has a heart for people's wellbeing and safety.
He's an AWESOME babysitter, he's protective, caring and loyal, and sticks [*silly grin*] his neck out for others' sake on a regular basis.
Even if Chosen did snap and get greatly upset, he isn't going to take it out on anyone. He tends to either grow very tense and grit his teeth and take on a dangerous tone of voice, lashing out with words rather than violence... ORRRR he leaves and calms down elsewhere. He isn't one to resort to reflexive violence.
SS!Dark. He is much the same way, although he might leave and go take it out on a pillow. Dark has the self-control to not punch someone, even if they're being really rude or insensitive to something and deliberating riling him up. He isn't going to do much aside from glaring or very hilarious and Dark-styled clever comebacks... although I suppose it is also possible he may knock the offending stick's lights out, no real harm done.
Dark has had nightmares of himself doing more than violent things, and it's not something he ever wants to come to fruition, or be made a reality. He's a careful stick, despite his reckless abandon. Oxymoronic, I know, but we did talk about how precautionary his designing of the button-bots' functions was. And even as careless as doing a surgery on himself sounds, he WAS steady and watchful in the process. He thought things through and understood the gravity of the situation he was about to do.
What is it with Primal and stabbing people- XD
She has always held a bit of a high and uncontrollable temper, only milded and mitigated to near nil or none when Ballista is around, seeming to sooth any and all violent reflexes by his presence alone. Primal loves Ballista dearly and is quite protective of him, in a similar manner to how protective the Beckers are-
So of course, the temper worsened to dangerously high levels when Ballista was in jail. :D /smile-of-"I-Love-Angst" insanity, hehe
Plus, knives and sharp things are some of the easiest projectiles for her to conjure up. Ease of summoning, plus "first-thing-she-thought-of"ness, not to mention that when you think of throwing or send-flying an object at another, it's usually an arrow or something just as sharp. TECHNICALLY, she only really stabbed Vic- She only tried to stab Chosen, which is saying a lot since this was all shortly after she felt sick to her stomach due to "killing" Vic, in her perspective.
To be fair, she was a little out of it. The serum she'd taken was meant for Vic and Vic only, and was having quite the adverse effect on her thinking and her health as a whole. Ballista was still in jail to her knowledge, Chosen was in her way ONCE AGAIN, and she was DONE. She snapped there, and for once, instead of merely paining the eldest Ladybug brother, she actually wanted to full-on drive something sharp into him so that he would not bother her.
Primal did not want to kill him, she had enough clarity of mind to decide this, but she knows where to aim her weapons so that Chosen will be weakened by injuries, but not on the verge of death. She wanted to disable him, but not fatally. She was not adverse to the sight of his blood, in fact, she was paying attention to it so she didn't overstep, even as hard as she was fighting.
There is also the adrenaline factor, and the rush that the serum granted her. It was a miracle she had enough sense to make decisions like not killing Chosen, when her mind is fuzzed by energy that her body isn't used to having, the pounding of her heart and code resonating through her ears but easily ignored because she's on top of the world and nothing can stop her.
Stick. I feel like I could have done better with Arc One, I really do. Sure, a lot say that it's really good, and I don't disagree with that, but... I see a LOOOTTTTT of room for improvement and structuring when I look back at it. HENCE! I want Arc Two to help fill in those missing spots Arc One lacked!! Might be why I'm taking so long to decide things, and probably contributing to the hiatus somewhat.
Overthinking everything... Timeline plotting for the plot on a diagram with mixed results of success...
| But then the others come seconds [haha what have you done to me Scarlett] later and then Dark sees Cho nearly dead. |
XD Nice notions, although I know even without the existence of Ballista and Second, even with the two sweeties gone, Chosen would still be a hero. It's interesting to think about how his villain arc would go, but we kinda already saw a taste on that in canon what with all the terrorism and destruction of sites. I know Canon!Chosen didn't kill anyone since that is exactly what worried him with Dark's whole Virabot scheme, but he DID help destroy a lot of homes at first.
Prettyyyy villainy.
SS!Chosen, thoughhhh- ehhh, nope. He good.
HOW THE TURNS HAVE TABLED INDEED- sticks i love saying that so much- XD
....Anyway- I will go and answer those other two asks in my inbox-
:3 Might be slow today, I'm currently at my shift, but there was a slow moment so- I got this one done. U v U
I LOVE this. Rambles are epic.
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cherrysoulth · 2 years
Tumblr media
💕Pairing: Jimin x Reader
✏️Genre/au: Non-Canon, Action, Smut, Mafia AU
✏️Rating: PG 18+, explicit
📝Wordcount: 5443
⚠️Warnings: Explicit smut
Hii! Did you stumble across this work? Glad you're here 😊 Please, let me know your thoughts once you are finished. Feedback keeps me motivated to write 😁
Decided to write a one-shot of a parallel universe of The waiter because this song inspired me XD
Note that English is not my first language, so please if you find grammar mistakes, let me know. :)
My gratitude goes to @moonleeai for beta reading 💜
Have it all
Rip our memories off the wall
All the special things I bought
They mean nothing to me anymore
But to you
They were everything we were
They meant more than every word
Now I know just what you love me for
~Sam Smith - Diamonds
Walking inside the party you made sure your posh, self-sufficient smile stayed up, never dropping the mask for the vultures of your mother’s so-called guests. Your break up with the magnate Jeon Jungkook, still fresh on everyone's mouth while your heart still bleeds inside the pitch black dress hugging your chest and puffing out all the way down to your knees. Your matching high heels are heard from your confident steps as you approach the hotel bar asking for a glass of champagne, looking perfectly modest at your parents eyes, while what you would like to chug down is a double of whiskey with ice.
The bastard was playing mafia king while you were a respectable lawyer with the law tattooed in your soul. Almost literally, since you had the date of the first big case you won permanently printed on the left side of your ribs. Your first case against drugs was nonetheless related to one of his associates and although you are thankful it was the case allowing you to uncover the whole web of lies he had been throwing over you, that truth hurt.
Your poor, stupid heart had fallen for the sweetness and gentleness he seemed to have in his; even the almost brutal passion he showed in the bedroom. But to you, love couldn’t get past the fundamental fact that he was part of a criminal organisation; that due to some of his decisions people died in the streets or dirty motels like rats. That those deaths were not only tragic on their own but that they also left  families broken. 
The only thing your love did for him, and having lived together up until that point, was to not call your friends at the DEA to put his ass in jail. Not that it would have been a smart move anyway without proof; you know you would have ended up dead and probably suffering before it. Very likely by one of his own men’s hands. However, you still had the audacity to tell him that it was the only reason you would step away and act like you had broken up for any other reason; like you hadn’t seen anything. Not that you had seen enough anyway.
Someone bumps into you as you walk away with your glass and you look at the gorgeous and ethereal creature that stands in front of you. He seems just as charmed by you because it feels like time has stopped since neither of you move, lost in each other’s eyes. It’s the reminder of Jungkook in freshman year at the university and how he had looked at you exactly like that, which sends you back to reality and you apologise to the man, asking for a cloth from the next waiter coming closer. 
It’s your father approaching to offer to get it cleaned at the hotel laundry what sorts the situation. Jimin, who introduces himself to both of you, excuses himself and walks out of the bar towards the elevators, presumably to change his suit. Your father scowls you as soon as the door closes and you look at him, with an arched brow. 
“It was an accident,” you mutter, not willing to take the blame. 
“You would do yourself, and your mother, a favour if you behaved like the lady we taught you to be,” he whispers in an annoyed tone. “The break of your compromise with Mr. Jeon doesn’t need to be the end of your chances to marry a good suiter. The party is full of them. Make sure you cause a good impression,” he states before approaching and kissing your forehead, hands rubbing your arms. “We want the best for you, Darling. Please.” he then mutters with a much softer tone and glare. 
You can only nod. No matter how hard you have worked to achieve your place in one of the most prestigious lawfirms in Seoul, it means nothing to your family if you don’t marry and secure the linage and continuity of the business as the only heir to your parents. The anger in you for the way they speak so tragically of your break up with Jungkook, as if he was the best of all men that you could have chosen to spend your life with, makes you want to go get screwed by the first pretty face that lingers around. Maybe even to be seen at a late hours club dancing your heart out for the paparazzi.
A man interrupts the sweet father-daughter moment and you are introduced to Seokjin, his prince-looking son. You soon recognise the man, who hasn’t introduced himself expecting you to know who he is. He is an associate of your father with his franchise in the city. You automatically see the game your father is playing and more than before, you just want to leave the party and unwind from the whole getting-you-a-husband experience. Unfortunately for you, your father has other plans and engages you into the conversation, making sure to brag about your achievements while making you look humble and modest. ‘When will this torture end’ you think, almost rolling your eyes.
Seokjin seems like someone you could get along with, but unfortunately doing so would make your parents sign up for a wedding and you are simply not up for it. He seems genuinely interested in you by the questions he makes and you try to entertain the conversation with caution not to let your sour humour -that practically exudes from you since your break up- make an act of presence. The sound of the elevator, however, seems to distract you from the conversation at the right moment. Jimin steps out of it and your heart skips a beat.
He walks your way in a black suit that clings to his body like a glove, unusually tight at the waist, differentiating him from the rigid-looking male suits present. As soon as he is in your reach he says, “I think this suits me better, I should thank you for that little accident, Darling.” with his eyes on you and a sweetness to them that doesn’t match the sharp eyeshadow that he’s used. You are speechless but can’t figure out if it’s because of his approach or his beauty. Maybe it’s both. “Do you need me to save you from this conversation?” he mutters, leaning closer and laughing as he stands straight again. 
“Jimin-ssi, let me present you, Kim Seokjin,” you say drifting away from the unpolitness that the CEO’s son doesn’t deserve. “I’ll be fine with him, I appreciate it,” you mutter once they have exchanged basic information to become acquaintances. They seem to like each other, genuinely, and somehow that makes you glad. 
“All right, I’ll let you two go back to the conversation you were having before I interrupted,” he says with a bright smile. “I’ll go sit at the bar. If you need me, just look my way,” he whispers before bowing to you and Seokjin. 
It’s that sudden thought that you don’t really know the man that makes you notice what you just allowed. Thing is, his charms draw you in to wanting to know more than what he has just let out to introduce himself to Seokjin. The prince looks at the angel as he walks away in what you would swear is awe and you can’t avoid to smile; you are not the only one who’s been tempted. 
“Have you known him for long?” wonders Seokjin, turning to you after he takes a sip of his flute. “You two seem close,” he points out and a shade of pink paints your cheeks, realising the way Jimin has put his hand between your shoulder blades and he hasn’t made you uncomfortable in the slightest. 
“Not long really,” you respond truthfully, then realise how bad that can make you look, “but Jimin has that thing that makes you feel safe around him,” you rush to correct, masking your apprehension good enough. At least for your parents sake, it’s best that you keep appearances. 
“I can tell, I feel like I knew him from somewhere,” he says, looking to the side with a slight frown before meeting your eyes again, “but it’s impossible. I would remember someone like him.” His tone lets you know the meaning behind his words, he’s being open about his attraction to Jimin.
“Seokjin…” you hesitate a second. “This might be improper of me to ask but… Are you by any means–”
“Gay?” he interrupts with a smile and you nod with doe eyes waiting for what he’s to say next.
“Between you and I… And this is me guessing that you are of another kind from these people… I’m bisexual.” he admits and you smile at him brightly. “My parents don’t know… Or at least they act like they have no clue about it.” 
“To keep the image,” you say before taking a sip. “Oh, sir, do I know things about that?” 
“I know,” he interjects, “that’s why I’m speaking freely. I can only guess what this party is truly about and I can only say that I pity you.”
“No interest in me then,” you tease before taking another sip, looking around the room. 
“Don’t take me wrong, that’s not what I meant at all,” he says, getting your attention. “I think you are attractive and from what I’ve heard you are smart. No matter how much your father tried to minimise the importance of your career, it hasn’t fooled me. I’ve read articles and you are really good at what you do. Marrying you instead of a frigid posh-princess would be it.” he looks at you above the glass of champagne, seductively. You swallow. 
“I didn’t expect that,” you say, clearing your throat. “I mean–”
“My apologies if I was too direct there,” he rushes to do damage control.
“No, no, on the contrary. I much rather someone who is genuine than to be playing the chase.” you rush to reassure. “I just didn’t expect that from any of my father’s colleagues son’s to be honest. Everyone…” 
“I know, I would like to–” he stops immediately when his father signals him from across the room pointing to his phone. “If you’ll excuse me?” 
“Sure! Don’t worry.” 
“It was a pleasure to speak. I hope we can repeat it,” he mentions with a bow. 
“I would be glad to,” you reply politely, unsure as to why you just don’t feel attracted to him.
As he walks away, you scan him through, noticing the formalwear wraps perfectly at his well built buttocks. A ‘not bad’ pout draws in your face before the awareness of someone picking on the gesture makes you panic. You scan the room. The only person with eyes on you is Jimin, and he looks away with a laugh, making all the blood in your body rush to your face. You bite your lower lip and chug the rest of your flute down your throat, before turning around, deciding to abandon the party.
The amount of flutes you’ve had during the tormentous situation, escapes your knowledge and although you are normally very careful with getting drunk, it becomes obvious that a slight dizziness is playing a part in your decision. But as you leave the glass object on the near table a voice stops you in your tracks. The room seems to have fallen silent too.
“Ares, may we speak?” the voice resounds in your mind and you feel like you are about to lose your balance and faint, in either order. 
You turn around and you must look as drained of blood as you feel because his face expresses surprise and somehow, worry. ‘Escape plan, now’ your mind buzzes and you search across the room, having become disoriented as to where the bar is. Jungkook feels way too close, although you are aware that he is keeping a way more than polite distance. He repeats the question, but you are preoccupied and Jimin is not in his seat. You feel the tears prickle in your eyes and look for your parents instead but all the room has gone back to their conversations and they seem more than pleased to have him talk to you, because they don’t give a second glance in your direction.
In that moment something takes over you, ‘You can do this. Refuse, block, move away.’ “No. We have nothing to say.” You tell him and begin to turn around again, dismissively, but he grabs your forearm whispering for you to listen to him. You turn with a death glare, “Let go of me, Jungkook, or I’ll scream this house down.”
“I doubt you will,” he talks under his breath, confidently. “Besides, it–”
“Dove, sorry for keeping you waiting.” Jimin says from your left flank and Jungkook lets you go at the instant. “Are you sure you left the jacket in your room? I haven’t been able to find it,” he says, keeping his eyes on you before turning slightly to Jungkook. “Oh, sorry, are we not leaving?” he says, returning his eyes to you, looking way more gentle and innocent than you know him for. 
“Yes we are, Chimmy. My jacket is at the entrance, sorry, I got distracted,” you let out and cringe internally to how improper it is to you to nickname him when you barely know him. “Excuse us,” you say to Jungkook and bow out of your own proper behaviour, seeing Jimin do the same. You see him astonished from the corner of your eye as Jimin puts his hand at your lower back and walks with you to the entrance. 
He asks for your jackets to the buttler and he goes inside the room behind the reception where they keep the larger jackets for those clients who pay an extra for it. Jimin eyes the furry white jacket you are handed and giggles for a reason you don’t understand before helping you in it. Then the soft blue uniformed man passed him another fluffy coat in black, like a raven's wings. You watch as he puts it on and you smile at the coincidence. “May we?” he says, offering his arm.
Outside, he is given the keys of a pretty dark purple Porsche Boxster and then accompanies you to your door and waits for you to sit comfortably before closing the door. Finally starting the car and leaving the premises he speaks, “Chimmy. I think I like it.” The giggle that follows makes you blush.
“So corny, I know. I just couldn’t think of anything better at the moment,” you explained, opening the jacket a little bit as the heater inside the car is working too well. He makes quick use of his hands without taking his eyes off the road; turning off the heater and opening the sunroof of the car while reducing its speed. He looks at you and nods in a muted question, you nod back and lean on the headrest while breathing in the cold air of the night. 
You don’t ask where he is taking you at first and just enjoy the fresh air of the autumn night, away from that senseless event, away from the strings of your parents. You are sure, once back, you will hear from them and it’s going to be an uncomfortable conversation, like it all is lately. You are fed up. “You will have to tell me where you want to go or what you want to do. I’m driving aimlessly,” he points out and you open your eyes to look at him. 
The wind seems to have a deal with him because it makes his hair go backwards beautifully, only accentuating how handsome he is. “I can’t believe I got in a car with a stranger,” you voice without a thought and he chuckles. “How did you know I needed to get out?” you finally inquire.
“I know who he is and by your face, you know what his business is. It wouldn’t have sat well in my conscience if I had let him charm you to his world,” he says while using the indicator to turn right. You are at a loss of words processing whatever that can mean. “May I suggest we stop here and talk until you decide what you want to do?” he questions.
“Sounds like a good plan, Jimin-ssi.”  
He stops at a viewpoint towards the city and you soak on the spectacle of little lights it displays. It never gets old. The feeling of being much more tinier than you think makes you smile. You can’t help but notice his eyes are on you and not the view for some time. The light pollution has the sky coated and you can’t see the stars but you know they are there. You let out a sigh.
“How do you know who he is?” you inquire moving in your seat to face him.
“I’m surprised you don’t.”
“I do. He’s my ex, but what about you? This is not something he goes around screaming,” you concede not up for a cat and mouse chase.
“Let’s say I’ve seen what his organisation is capable of and that I would very much like to see him between bars.” he lets out with what you can guess is a sort of grunt of resentment.  “What he does is so wrong… It should end. How did you date him?” he wonders, leaning at an angle between his seat and the door. “Didn’t your parents investigate him?”
“I’m not even sure they know… I obviously can’t say a word because these people are dangerous, but he wasn’t even in when we started dating,” you explain and he looks at you attentively. “God… I barely know you, what are we even doing talking about this. I don’t-” You panic a little, aware that this could be one of those tricks the organisation plays to prove loyalties. That talking too much could put everyone you know in danger. The most concerning part is how has he come across them and saw anything if he is not related to the criminal work himself or partnered with someone inside. He surely acts like he is single and these people don’t let you roam around with just anyone from the other gender that belongs in. 
“I understand,” he says with a gentle smile that makes his eyes turn into tiny moons. 
“Are you from the Intelligence Service?” you finally have the courage to ask.
“Oh, no, Darling. I just happen to have crossed paths with the wrong people. Just like you did,” he points out. “At least I got something nice out of it,” he says, extracting a white gold chain full of swarovski crystals. 
“No jokes,” you say, appreciating the piece. “I feel a little bit less pathetic now that you showed me this.” you point out and he raises an eyebrow questioning. Reaching inside the neck of your dress you extract a white gold necklace with a three carat, rose diamond in pearl cut, with a matching sapphire next to it. “Diamonds are forever, even if relationships are not.”
“Beautiful!” he says looking at it with interest. “May I?” he refers to touch it and you politely agree. “It’s magnificent. I wish I had a better light to view it,” he mutters letting it go. 
“It’s flawless. He made sure of it,” you say and the memory of the day he gifted it to you comes back rushing with all the emotions you felt. 
He was at the peak of his career, or so it seemed, because you would have never guessed where he got the money to buy the expensive piece. You were celebrating the numbers reached at the end of the year from the face business that kept all that was happening in the background hidden and he pulled you aside into his home office. 
“I have something for you,” he said, whispering in your ear. “Close your eyes.”
He put the piece gently on you, careful with the baby hairs sticking out of your formal bun. You opened your eyes at the feeling of the weight of it and looked at the piece astonished. Even if jewellery wasn’t your forte or something you paid too much attention to, aside from it being an accessory, you did understand what you were wearing. 
“Oh my god, Jungkook. You didn’t have to, this must have cost a fortune!” you said, feeling overwhelmed by wearing something of the calibre that wasn’t gifted by your parents. 
“It’s just a token for your constant support. It represents us together,” he said, kissing your cheek before embracing you and making your lips melt together. You could still feel the taste of his bourbon stained tongue and how warm he made you feel. He reached for your left hand and put it up in the air, to the side, making you tilt your head to look as he did too. “Soon I’ll put a matching ring on this finger. I just have to find the perfect diamond for it.” 
His words didn’t shock you as much as the casualty in which he said it, as if knowing it for certain. “I think my parents will be glad that we stop living in sin,” you said with a giggle. 
“Wouldn’t you?” his tone, although calm, couldn’t hide the slight hurt. 
“I would. We’ve talked about it,” you said, placing both hands at his chest, meeting his eyes in a plea. “I love you, gukkie.” The nickname made him smile immediately. Not the attractive smile he dedicated to everyone around, the one that had everyone wrapped around his little finger. No. The one that made him look like an innocent bunny, the one that reminded you of the first time he stole your breath. The one that reminded you of the time you fell in love with him. Four years ago. 
“I love you too, my rose.”
“I shouldn’t have brought up the subject,” he mutters and hands you his handkerchief before looking away, you realise a couple of tears are falling down your cheeks and rush to dry them with the item offered then you keep it between your fingers over your lap for a second.
“It’s not sadness, I don’t miss him. I just… I feel hurt because I was lied to,” you partially lie. 
“I wish I didn’t understand the feeling,” he says, touching his lips with his elbow over the downed window at his side. “But let’s not talk about that,” he suggests. “I know only a few overheard things from you at the party, I would like to know which ones are true,” he says, positioning himself to look at you again. 
“Damn, I hope it was all good.” The smile on your face is sincere. There’s something in him that simply seems to soothe you. 
“You are a lawyer and just won one of the most important cases in South Korea,” he points out and you feel flustered. 
“They exaggerate, I’m not the best. I also have a great team with me.”
“Don’t undermine your value, Diamond,” he says, raising your chin for you to look at him the same way you looked at the crowded room when you entered the party. “The world needs more people like you.” 
You don’t know what takes over you but your digits rest gently against his thumb and the next thing you know, you are both leaning for a kiss. His lips curve in a smirk the moment your lips touch and he presses them inviting you to part yours. The kiss goes slow as you both drink from the nectars of your mouths and you feel like you are tasting the clouds. 
Not in a million years  would you have guessed that you would sneak through the back door of the hotel when a worker finished smoking and went inside. Neither would you kiss at every stop of the stairs until reaching his room. For sure, never, that you would be making out with the stranger in his bed like a couple of horny teenagers. 
He chuckles against your throat in response to a giggle when he grabs your ass, just like it happened when you were reaching his room floor. He nibbles and bites softly with an open mouth, his front teeth making goosebumps flourish all over your skin while your hands entwine over the bed. He lets his slide down over your arms until reaching your sides, sliding down to grasp your ass in handfuls and you gasp. He raises his upper body before using his shaft against your covered core, eyes hooded with desire, parted lips exposing the shallowness of his breath. 
You take grasp of his black hair at the scalp, softly sliding your fingers as you move up to find his throat and imitate what he has so expertly done to you. He grunts and has to remove his hands from your flesh to take hold of his own weight as you work.
He stands on his knees and you raise up using the moment you start undoing his shirt. His hand slides behind your back to undo the zipper of your dress. His chiselled chest displays right in front of your face as you get rid of the last button and you press a kiss on his ribs, where a ‘nevermind’ tattoo displays. He takes his shirt off from his arms and pulls your straps down your shoulders, letting him see your bra. 
He traces the extra lace at the upper part of your breasts where the thicker fabric covering them comes to an end, but the translucent silver looking material continues an inch. Your skin reacts to it and it sends a shiver down your spine. 
He slides his fingers up your sternum, where the two gems rest and he pulls his hand away. Unclasping his own necklace, he puts it on the bedside table, "Let's forget about them."
You nod and reach to your nape to unclasp your necklace. Taking it off you see the shine of both stones against the dim light of the room and you leave it next to his chain. 
Immediately his lips find your throat and his arms surround your waist to lean you on the bed. Getting comfortable between your legs. The cold of the metallic buckle makes you gasp for a moment and instinctively reach to separate it from your skin. 
He makes a little space to see what's going on, concerned, then realises no harm has been done and sits on his legs, unbuckling it. He starts pulling off the trousers down his thighs but you put a hand on his and move to stand, gesturing for him to do the same. 
When he obeys, you pull them down to his ankles, lowering to your knees and he meets your eyes when you look up. His crotch, in grey boxers, is right in front of you but he doesn’t look proud or greedy for having you in that position. He only seems to wait and your eyes fall on his bulge. 
Your dominant hand follows and you outline the shape of him, making his breath hitch when you trace the tip. The fact that he's still a stranger becomes your safe place. No need to worry about being judged because even if he does, you don't need to see him tomorrow. Something, maybe that thought itself, gives you the strength to unleash. 
You approach your face to his area and nibble on the middle of the girth. This time he hisses letting his head fall backwards and you pull the fabric covering him to his knees, looking at the perfection of his member. Hard and straight it springs out touching your nose. His eyes lock on yours again when you grab him and press the tip of your tongue at the juncture of his head. 
He squints his eyes and hisses once again, opening them, when you take it in your mouth. You play around it with your tongue, circling it, sucking softly, and his hand meets your nape, holding your hair but not inducing anything. 
The moment you start bobbing your head he grunts and you feel his precum spill over your tongue. "Damn…" he says using his grip to get away from your mouth and holds his shaft with one hand. "Stand, Diamond." 
He lets go of himself when you obey and grabbing you by the waist he makes you sit at the edge of the tall bed and falls on his knees in front of you. He gently discards your silver laced panties and grabs your legs to put them on his shoulders as he leans forward kissing the insides of your thighs. 
It's the first time you do this with anyone who isn't Jungkook and it just feels oddly cool to feel this man's tongue gently rub your knob. He works slowly, exploring, trying, and teasing until you are gasping at the verge of an orgasm. Then, his rhythm changes and seems to undo and redo his traces. 
You almost cry his name, unravelling in his mouth as he doesn't let go of your legs and keeps it going while you are at your peak. The aggressiveness in which he keeps licking makes you try to pull away but his grip becomes almost bruising and he nibbles a bit hard on your left thigh. "Let me do it again…" he mutters, looking at the spot before looking at your pleading eyes. "You taste so good…" 
His words send a wave of pleasure through you that you let out in a moan as you nod. He returns to it with closed eyes, focused, and moans the moment you arch your back again for him. 
He lets you find a spot in the bed to rest when he stands wiping precum from his tip before reaching for a napkin to clean it from his thumb. He leans forward to kiss you; his lips meet yours lightly, playing with the intensity until he pulls away and you involuntarily try to follow him with your mouth. 
He opens the drawer of his nightstand and pulls out a condom, opening it with ease. "Wanna keep it going?" he questions right before he starts slipping it on. You nod, feeling your body radiate heat to the thought of feeling him inside of you. 
He makes sure you are comfortable over the bed and allows his lips to fall on your neck trailing little nibbles as he mumbles how much he wants you. He seems in a trance, just as much as you are and when he aligns with you, you use your heels to encourage him pushing further in. He grabs at the back of one of the thighs to stop you and spanks slightly the other while hissing for you to stop. To your complaint, he lets go and obeys making both of you gasp when he fills you to the hilt. 
His hips snap on yours almost immediately and the hard grip stays on your thigh, as your nails start digging on his back. "Stop that, damn it…" he says and you chuckle in response, before he pulls out. He then puts you on all fours and plunges in making you moan and whine the moment he starts fucking you relentless with a hand at your nape. You grip at the sheets as if you were going to shred them before he angles better, making you let your forehead over the bed as he keeps it going. At the moment you feel you are peaking you close the grip of your walls, comming undone with the friction and spills with a growl almost immediately. "F-fuuck…" 
Both spent, he whispers for you to sleep with him and make use of his room as much you need.
Soon the drowsiness of exhaustion drifts you to slumber and he, who seemed to be just as tired, opens his eyes when your breath turns even. You don't notice him standing slowly, pacing the room completely naked with the calm of owning it and reaching to the nightstand for your necklace. 
He walks to the bathroom and takes a bag from underneath the sink. He places the jewel over a scale and then over a paper, taking a picture of the piece with a smartphone also from the bag. He types the characteristics and sends it all to the receiver before putting everything away. He goes out of the bathroom and makes sure to place the piece like nothing happened. 
His phone buzzes on the nightstand; unknown number. 
"Folder created. Ready to receive," says a male voice at the other side of the phone. 
I hope you enjoyed this. Let me know your thoughts and reblog to let it spread 😊 See you soon! ~
© 2021-2022 Cherry Soulth, all rights reserved. reposting/modifying of any kind, translations, unsanctioned adaptations are not allowed.
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