#also i will riot if i burn myself out again so im trying to yake it light
rii-bows · 2 years
Real quick update cause lots of things are happening/have happened recently :
I got my dosage raised! Need it for a while but if it's anything like when I first started taking meds, I might be a bit dazed the next couple of days
My nephew was born! I love my niblings with all my heart so I've been on call for watching my niece recently as well as visiting my sister
Lots of meeting the next couple of days regarding accommodation. Nothing too important but it takes up a bit of free time
I go back to work... Only part time but those 8 hours + full time school is gonna be a bit of a struggle for at least the first week
I also wanna try and actually prep for the Halloween months and post. Not doing a full month worth but probs a monster fic at least once a week.
That's it! A bit hectic but I'll manage hopefully. Not going on hiatus (will try to interact if I see notifications) but don't expect anything too big. Mwah mwah hope everyone is well 💕
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