#also i’m on mobile so if this post is really long im so sorry 😭
dalkyeom · 2 years
!! chia drop the ult dream logs !!! i need to compare notes bc ive only ever dreamt of vernon booing my “lesbians for woozi” signs at concerts T^T or sth similarly stupid
AMG NAURRR NOT VERNON BOOING 😭😭😭 also this is so funny to me bc my carat bestie’s ult is Vernon and is a lesbian then one time while watching some svt stage compilations, it dawned on my twin and I that… his vibes are just very made for lesbians 😂 like the one who would be the go to bias for them (it’s an inside joke so this is all very light hearted. She introduced us to svt so we always associated vernon with her before)
honestly thinking of making it a weekly corner thing if I haven’t set up my writing blog yet. they’re very fic worthy plots that are also very unfinished 😂 I can share a couple aside from my recent Shua dream that I’m unable to move on from. For some reason he’s always my husband/boyfriend in my dreams
[dream log 1] — in one dream, I had to go apartment hunting and asked help from 95z, Seungkwan, DK, and Wonu. somehow Shua and I got into an arranged engagement even though we were kind of like frenemies.
while apartment hunting we found a baby fairy and we somehow had to take care of it together. Shua had to semi-move in until the fairy child matures and we’d sleep in one bed but would sleep back to back only to wake up facing each other 😭 idk dream-self can’t stand his ass! He’d be so sassy while handling the baby. I think we were on our way to becoming friends though bc eventually I started to consider what he would want for breakfast and he would stand up for me when the receptionist at the lobby would be mean to me.
[dream log 2] — In another dream, idk I think I lucked out with both kyeomshua bc I dreamt that svt are a university cover band and we travelled out of town together for this battle of the bands contest. I think I acted as some sort of manager my yachi hitoka role lol so I had to be there as support and make sure they’re on track!
But as night fell, all thoughts of practice flew out the window and the boys started to gossip about the other groups participating (which was funny bc we were set up in cabins and the ones across us housed their rivals) and I would turn to Chan like “can you fling me in there bc I wanna hear the gossip too” so I ended up listening to their juicy gossip while being cuddled by Shua (boyfriend 1) while Seokmin (boyfriend 2) was flashing puppy eyes bc Mingyu was inbetween the 3 of us 😭
It was chaos tho bc eventually the gossip would go outside while they’re playing foot volleyball and I had to retrieve the ball every time. So Seokmin will be trailing behind me every time I had to pick it up near the rival team’s camp bc he’s worried they might scare me.
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corescreen · 1 year
For disability pride moth ask: #2!
Oh my stars I just saw this 😭 it’s almost 9/22 and I just looked in my inbox for the first time. Im so sorry thank you for asking! I scrolled through all of my blog to find the post and answer the question -
Q: how long have you known you're disabled? does that match up with diagnosis?
It wasn’t until this summer when I seriously considered myself disabled, which is also around the same time I started having to use mobility aids. So far due to super long waiting lists I haven’t been able to get an official diagnosis for what I have. It’s mostly been a ton of “im not sure let me refer you to this other doctor since this test is positive.” Which is really annoying but I’m lucky to have an amazing 504 coordinators who will work with me and give me preliminary accommodations until I get in to see the doctor I need. So far though they suspect it of being an autoimmune disorder and since my mother has the antibodies for one, it seems very probable.
Thank you so much for the ask! Im really sorry it took me this long-
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mushiewrites · 2 years
Hi Mushie! <3
I saw you rb'd a post about anons sending you questions so I am sending you some questions... except Im not on anon :P
If you don't feel like answering (all of) these thats completely fine too!! These were just off the top of my head! (Btw sorry for how long this ask is, you can't put readmore's in asks sadly)
1. What would you say is your fav color/ are your top three fav colors?
2. Sunrises or sunsets?
3. Fav animals as a kid vs now?
4. Current fav song if you have one atm/ how often do you listen to music?
5. Do you like to sing?
6. What do you like most about your art? What got you into drawing?
7. Whats the best season/weather?
8. Do you like thunderstorms? Do you like snow?
9. Do you have plants? If yes, how many?
10. Did you drink enough water today? If no, drink some rn this is a threath!
Juno 💗🥺 I love long asks so no need to apologize! For whatever reason mobile also doesn’t ever let me do the “read more” thingy so, I’m used to it 😂 The questions are a welcoming distraction so thank you, I appreciate you so much 😭
1. Okay my all time favorite color is like a teal blue-green? Like if you look up “blue green crayola crayon” that’s my favorite 😂 But second and third favs would have to be probably lavender and mint green maybe? Black also tbh
2. I am literally obsessed with the sky at any time of day, but I prefer evening / nights. I love cotton candy sunsets and starry nights ✨
3. When I was little I think it went in order from giraffe to elephants to wolves to cows to sharks to orcas….I still love all of them now but I’d say cats, orcas and sharks are my top 3. I have tattoos of an orca and a cat, I’m gonna get one of a shark too! (*an extra bit of mushie lore: I have a half sleeve on my left forearm that’s just all animals so rn I have the cat and orca, a moth, and a snake! My next one is gonna be the shark for sure)
4. OOF music related questions. More ~mushie lore~, I was a music nerd. I was in band, choir, advanced choir, music theory, marching band, theatre…..etc. I also was a music major in college 😬 So you can imagine how often I’m surrounded by music. I listen to it every single day, I don’t know how people go without it. I’d say right now, I’m currently just listening to Sabrina Carpenters new album “emails I can’t send” on repeat. But from THAT album, I’d say “because I liked a boy” OR “how many things” are the two I listen to the most! All time fav song…..that is genuinely so hard to pick but maybe “I love you” by Billie Eilish bc it always hurts me in the best way
5. I do be singing literally daily 😂 I used to get leads in musicals and stuff but I also don’t think I’m very good. BUT that being said I’ve had multiple people try and make me audition for shows like the x factor lmfao so do whatever you’d like with that information
6. So at the moment I’m not really sure there’s anything I like about my art. I’m kind of in a funk where I think everything I do just isn’t really that good. Which is dumb and not true! Because I know that I’ve been proud of things I’ve made. But yeah…I’m not sure. How I got into art was actually through my dad. He would always have canvases at his house and he would always encourage me to create stuff. So when I was younger and throughout like grade school I was really good, I was in advanced art classes and groups and in art shows and all that. But I kind of got out of it for a bit and just started up again in 2020. And I’m definitely more of a painter now, although I have been mainly drawing to try and get skill back
7. best season hands down is autumn. My favorite weather is stormy and cloudy, a little chilly so I can just wear a big sweater or hoodie and feel nice and cozy
8. Oop, I kind of answered the thunderstorm question. As for snow…..not really. I think it’s beautiful to look at and I love when it’s cold outside, but I don’t like being outside in it or driving in it
9. I have HELLA plants. Except they’re all fake 😎 I have probably around 20-30 in my room, I have an issue
10. It’s 9AM but I haven’t slept in like 36 hours so I don’t know what counts as today and what doesn’t….I have coffee currently and I have water!
Juno you are a lovely human and I am so grateful to have you in my inbox 💗
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