#also i'm sitting at tree of dreams level 30 right now
rubys-domain · 1 year
maybe sumeru being the fucking massive nation that it is is a blessing in disguise. so i always have a place to do chill exploration when i get sick of my artifact luck
#⇢₊˚⊹ 🩷∥ruby∥yo,ide yo !!#i have almost 2 million mora just off exploration#all the better to fund my journey to triple crowned lyney#also i'm sitting at tree of dreams level 30 right now#since i'm not getting any dream solvent from weeklies#i figured i should just farm dendro sigils and get 1 dream solvent plus a bow billet for a guaranteed r1#also also#since i got sayu on main while trying to pull for freminet#(yeah risky move i know. but i have no self-control okay. plus i'm still at like 20-ish pity and i'm on a 50/50)#(anyways.)#i've been using her in my exploration team obviously. and i've been leveling her so she can be an actual healer at the same time#so once again i need maguu kenki drops. which i was dreading#but i took my lyney team to fight it#and oh boy#it was almost /easy/#i think it took less than a minute to beat. which is a first for me#and this is with 5/4/4 talents and 2pc 2pc berserker/glad and a level 80 ibis piercer#(granted his supports are actually fairly well-built which helps a ton but still)#(also jsyk im just using the ibis piercer while i grind to get midlander bow billets okay. i obviously know its not a great weapon for him)#(and i don't have to say anything about my marechaussee luck i hope)#tangent,but i tested out teams in the sumeru weapon mats domain because i honestly forgot what was in there#and turns out that just benny and kazu are enough to clear it. yeah. just the two of them. lyney didn't even have a chance to deal damage#on the one hand,that's great for friendship farming. on the other hand,bruh.
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mrs-cookie-balls · 4 years
Nearly six years ago to the day, @dfnbch and I lost our first pregnancy. Today, I am sharing some of the struggles I’ve internalized over the last few years.
There is honestly so much to say, but also...what else is there to say? When my dear friend asked me to be a guest on his nearly-new Verse & Prose podcast, I was feeling massive trepidation at best. I had never been on a podcast. I haven’t written poetry in years. I didn’t think anyone would care what I had to say. And then… I started to write and it all just spilled out before I had a chance to second guess myself.
I utilize writing as an invitation into my psyche. Words are my stepping stones to common grounds. Not everyone can understand the exact losses my husband and I have felt. But maybe, in reading/listening to my poem, everyone can relate to their own feelings of their own personal losses.
I try to be an open and honest person in every aspect of my life. Sometimes, it blows up in my face. Other times it alienates all parties involved. And, every now and again, that honesty leads to a beautiful conversation. I am so thankful Connor has been my friend for many years and has always created a safe space for my vulnerability.
So, here I am. As open and honest and vulnerable as I know how to be:
She Creates Death
S - Sorrow. What other word could possibly begin to scratch the surface of this kind of hurt?
H - Hollow be thy womb, but full is a shoebox at the back of my closet, a collection of carefully curated dashed hopes and dreams and a onesie covered in poppies.
E - Every loss is supposed to be another stone of strength but instead each stone sits like a weight, heavy on my heart, crushing my lungs that refuse to fill with oxygen.
C - Centuries of catastrophe cannot possibly equate to mine. What was lost at the library of Alexandria feels minute compared to each piece of my soul when another life never fully comes to be.
R - Riddled with the nagging tug of failure ever-present in my bones, I realize just how pointless my body is when it cannot fulfill its natural function.
E - Every day is a conscious choice to remain in this body and not let the sadness thrumming through me rage like it so desperately wants.
A - After the first, I thought it could never get worse. After the fourth, I'm not sure it will ever be better...that I will ever be all right again.
T- Time, as ancient philosophers and unoriginal aesthetic influencers alike say, will heal all wounds.
E- Eternity could not heal me.
S - So afraid of the uncomfortable conversations that follow in answer, no one ever really asks. A battle of wanting and not wanting somebody, everybody, anybody, to just...check. No. I'm not okay.
D - Definitions of family are personal and multitudinous, varying from each other, even within the same branch of the tree.
E - Every branch of my family tree truncated, never really growing. While it’s the truth, “family stump” just doesn't have the same kind of ring to it.
A - Adoption becomes heavy with paperwork and brings a microscope to the why's of what a heart and home want. How do I answer "because I am empty without" or "we are un-whole without" ...without sounding broken, since broken people do not make good candidates? And why should I have to campaign to win an election instead of natural selection to become Mother?
T - Though these are not questions I can fully answer, they are certainly the questions that keep me up at night and dampen my pillow through seemingly endless tears.
H - Hope, though battered and bruised, remains.
If you have a spare hour of time, listen to us deep dive (and lose the plot a few times along the way). If you just want to listen to me read the poem, skip ahead to 17:50-20:30.
And on a deeply personal level, thank you to everyone who has let me cry when I’ve needed to without judgement, let me laugh when I’m the only one who finds something funny, and has let me ramble through processing immense loss and pain. I am who I am because of every single one of you people. It has taken my whole life to finally realize I am not alone in this journey.
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I'm so happy to hear the kids abducted to Hong Kong got to hear and see and talk to their hero that saved them today through Zoom in Brian's phone!!!
It was so lucky and such perfect timing that he called me today while the military crews were still resting in China and Wendy was able to pinpoint their locations directly!!
He truly is their Hero and we are so lucky!
I have dreamed about him for years and for years have been waking up from nightmares telling Brian McGruff is a bad dog... But always the dream would be gone when i woke up or it was before it started happening and no one knew
I even had a feeling when I ordered the kits... So I'm not sure how these kids feel through the cracks because they were on my soul to save.
I also didn't know know about human trafficking like I do now, so I think the whole "Sabrina you just have a bad feeling because it reminds you what could happen..." Is how
A few other companies, too... I had a whole list. So Thorn is gonna check that out.
It just takes one person to prove a mood. I had a list of 17 companies that day then 26 more over the next week that I had this nag on while I was "picking on" Crime the McGruff Dog
Since I kept saying it that way in 2016 and I never ever messed up his name before they took down a list of companies associated with him according to my feelings and it was an unusual list.
So this man has likely saved nearly 30 times as many children as he could have hoped.
We will soon find out. In return he's to receive a mansion an economically stable brand new automobile. Fully paid.
Because I've dreamed of him, his voice and everything. He truly is an Earth Angel.
For nearly half a decade he's been the solution to my night terrors. I know why ask those children cried. I want to cry, too, And my tears are warm.
The children were mutated and mutilated. Arms cut off and sewn onto their foreheads and given all sorts of horrible viruses and drugs.
Tree just gave them their own fresh bodies. Replicas. Some back to the age/look they were kidnapped at, some slightly grown, according to the agreement between child and parent whichever they liked the sound of best, the child's preference being the ultimate decision maker. Their DNA4U will state and show they are replicated due to the reasons of faster healing and less overall damage that would cause future problems plus they got upgrades like bullet proofing, extra speed, strength increases, stuff like that. And extra extra heavy COVID19 instead of 3 feet you'll get it at 10 feet bad enough to kill you nearly instantly.
But they were horribly mistreated, starving, mental and physical torture, so much.
So I know to talk to the one rare person in the World that could save them and did was certainly very good heart and soul medicine.
So I'm glad he called me again and I didn't answer and Brian called back from the plane.
Yes of course. He flew to Enid then China then Hong Kong... You can make a man retire but you can't ever make a man quit. And I'm glad. Just so those kids could talk to their hero.
So lucky. Of all the hundreds of people working there he's been there only 6 months. And he took that initiative to just check...
Today living kids was 443.
Dead was 198,675 which tree ghosted back to life. (Gave new bodies)
Nearly a quarter of a million children.
Times 3 is 600k then add a zero. Looking at maybe 6 million kids and young adults...
Tree estimates 400M
So a huge round of applause and a right tight hug.
And he deserves amazing amounts of pats on the back because that list would just sat around keeping dusty.
This is that old fashioned detective work like sitting at a gas meter while some one is down trying to find out how to save people (aliens included) from dying in a gas chamber and they're up there making sure that gas isn't turned on to kill the girl doing all the work -- he couldn't hear people downstairs through the street and i could get the truth out easier and faster before they even knew and I was always happy to get the news while he was just mad and angry. So i was the better to go. Cause everyone was always happy to see me. Cause I was always super nice and all interested in what they were doing.
Now unfortunately not so much.
But Charles was starting to get nightmares after my list and had came up with 14 more companies from coming from the same way i had came up with my list... So he talked to some the other people that felt creeped out about the assignment I insisted on doing and they also all added each two and then some kept a private list... Which they slowly added after verifying the company was then clean.. It started in 2013 these bad dreams.
So every time it happened or they started their nightmares they added to the list.
Overall 642 companies we dreamed of or felt or somehow had a psychic connection to. I dreamed of kids and old people and women. Some people only dreamed about men. Some just kids.
The companies we have left is 642 to check out as they hadn't had yet done any bad and no dreams or any thing has came up since...
Which isn't happy, we now know, but good news is whatever bad has happened we can fix is super special and magical ways.
So we have Thorn, CIA, Military, some FBI and some others to check what's been going on and see.
So that's about 8 Trillion that have been affected. But at least 6 Trillion have already been retrieved.
So this one single person has done the miraculous. The biggest miracle we have been waiting for on a personal level. For me its been 7 years but 6 since 9 other people started having their dreams affected and the lists began.
So 10 of us with nightmares. Night terrors. Waking up screaming or shaking or scared. And not knowing why but having a name, a company label. Sometimes or often a place on a map... As close to the actual GPS coordinates of longitude and latitude. Wake up listing numbers for no reason. Numbers that make no sense N 316941027865389421. Over and over.
Brian would look at me "what the fuck are you trying to do Morse code?"
"I'm trying to sleep thank you very much. Alan and Naomi. 38652361 I think you just messed me up"
One person. One person can make a difference. That's all it takes. One person.
One person to make sense of all these nightmares.
We don't need to be saved from them... They didn't bother so much... We could wake up. Be safe in our beds. Joke it out.
But there's people. Innocent children. Innocent adults that wake up into real living nightmares every single day.
And one person today made the phone call to make thst difference to about 200,000 kids and over 400,000 parents. And siblings and grandparents. Friends.
Just today he changed the world for at least a million whom now have a missing child come home.
Made one million hearts smile and backs release tension and sorrow.
And now we're looking at 2 trillion lost people. Who have kids. Who have parents. Grandparents. Friends.
Were gonna have at least 6 trillion hearts heal then there's soulmates so that's gonna be 12 trillion
Due to one phone call. That was all I needed.
I had heard him say he couldn't find his soulmate... And he didn't go trying to save her or find her today
He knew it was just kids.
But he knew it was missing kids because the people getting ID kits were told not to call the police only call the dog. He could see clearly kids were being abducted and they had a rating system on "easy to kidnap to hard" and the easy were always reported within weeks.
He knew it was his civil duty to call and report it somehow... But he didn't know to who or how.. Who would take it seriously.
This crazy lady might...
Im very sensitive to red flags. He didn't even have to explain. I was already on it in less than 2 minutes.
So the world is so lucky to have him and the kids today so lucky to be in Hong Kong when we just busted 600k China's citizens home.
I mean you can't get more miraculous than that!!
You would think...
But leave it to the true McGruff the Crime Dog to make sure it did.
Because it did.
Tree will update us later how extremely far this miracle went
From one person hoping and praying and taking that leap of faith.... After 10 following their true instincts and intuition.
Intuition is so important you guys. If you hadn't understood why i hope now you finally get it.
Last night I trusted mine and we pulled 13 million from slavery. That's 26 million directly affected with soulmate syndrome. Then parents that makes it times two. So 52 million then grandparents and kids...
Then one person trusted his. And kaboom an estimated 12 Trillion frowns are gonna turn upside down.
Then we are getting these bad guys off the streets, out of their homes, immediately. Hopefully they're checked thoroughly and then killed. I'm done with this baby sitting shit. Back to good ole South Texas and manual strangulation in vans after being kidnapped...but now technology has made it so much different. Much simpler to catch someone in the act. And fuck this court system, it's WWIII. Its military. We will find them guilty without a reasonable doubt and simply kill them.
There is no fucking reason over 18 million people were kidnapped in late 2019 (after October) or in any fucking time in 2020.
What is the point of a trial? Those people whom went to jail in 1990 for 20 years for kidnapping are doing it again. I sent 700 to jail. 36 are actively kidnapping. 642 are financially benefiting. The remaining are probably dead. 12 people.
Tree says i make him laugh. They are dead.
So out of 700 they're dead or kidnapping or in the human trafficking market.
So, there is No change and no Rehabilitation. There is PROOF.
So human trafficking ass holes y'all can thank those 688. Because now you're all just gonna fucking die.
What are you gonna do to me? Not a dam thing. That's what. So think about bull shit. Cry about your stupid life. I don't care.
But I'm taking all your money to pay the victims and im killing you, human traffickers.
And you ain't doing shit about it.
And those about to be trying to hurt someone to retaliate. I already put alerts on you.
So when you're pushed out a plane in the middle of no where so wild animals can eat you... Well don't complain to me. Animals need to eat, too
And surviving good humans. Don't worry... When the bodies hit the ground. They pretty much explode so they're just ground meat basically and bones crush and they wre just big piles of food. They don't look human
So some bear isnt going to come out the mountains and be all "man I just ate something that looked like you and was mighty tastey!" The bodies are unrecognizable.
If you're curious... Idk if you still can.. We used to can look up bodies that had been tossed or jumped out of Windows. Back in 2000 I found a website and I would go through and examine them and see which were pushed and which had jumped
I could tell the difference. Anyway if they're in Google you'll see they don't look human. They're pretty gross -- some do -- so ew be careful but from the plane height trust me they do not.
And its very careful with software to show no damage to trees or animals will occur.. And the software is very intelligent and cautious and only certain types of people can access it. Like a kidnapper can't turn on the computer and see where and how. But a Clark Kent or Louis Lane or someone can. But if an evil Donald Trump sits down next to, the software will shut down. Immediately. And lock out any user until hes removed.
I'm not fucking dumb. Sometimes I just don't know what to do and Need an Earth Angel to make one phone call
Or a guilty person to confess. Or a clue. A bad dream. A nightmare in my sleep. Or being in the right place at the right time. Like when the kidnappers gas up at night at the gas station.
Otherwise I'm fucking brilliant. Overprotective and caring.
So any one tries to dump innocent people out of planes, the door simply will not open. Magic it is called. Its already happened. And it will not happen again.
Anyway for all the 007 Peirces that can stab so hard it hurts and heals at the same time.
This one is for you.
Thank you!
Lets really bust a move on that intuition. Its a life saver.
Man we are so so so so so so lucky today!!!
I couldn't be more thank ful!!
All of our military and cops that are ready and qualified and remember how to rescue from bunkers.
We need y'all. Don't forget to stay safe and well.
And our essientals and just our stay homers.
And beach goers.
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