#also i'm so glad you trick or treated at my ask box I have been crafting this post in my head ALL DAY and I actually got to use it!
literaryartisan · 11 months
Trick or treat! 👻💀🎃 (I'm dressed as a an elephant, complete with a tea pot hat)
Oh what an adorable costume! For that I shall give the treat of an adorable little bird!
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Oh no, what's this?
It looks like the poor bird may have an injury! Maybe if you catch it you can help?
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So... close... almost... got it... WHOA
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You just got
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luckydragon10 · 2 years
Ahhhhh Hello Nemi 🥰 you've updated Last Loves
And first - welcome to the club of writers that chose treats instead of tricks this October (treats being new fics/chapters and tricks well we'll see when October ends 😇) 💞
Second - it was short but exactly what I needed today, very sweet but also with the right amount of little angst along the way
Loved, loved, loved jealous Kinn, give me more of that shit, I'll snort it like cocaine, like yeah, but Bom doesn't stand a chance where Porsche is concerned (who does) and I loved how Tay just kind of made this excuse of "not having time" (time lmao)
Tay growing to be a confident person outside of Time was precisely what I needed
AND OMG CARE MY BABY like once again can I state just how much I love her??
Oh and the two lesbian owners were just a nice touch, would love to see more of them and the found family atmosphere that the Fated Fusion curated
Ah also Tay sending a cute selfie to Kinn and Porsche - what I would give to see their reaction (I'm sure they had very hot and steamy sex about it later 😋) - was a very cute touch and just cemented my believe that I really want to be friends with him
The last thing
"Loving Time had never been an issue, but it had always been the problem."
so that's it
I hope you have a good day/night 💞
Oof! I was delayed by RL stuff, but I have let this sit in my Ask box and savored the knowledge that it would be there when I had time to really pounce on it properly! Thank you, dom!
Link to fic in question for convenience: Last Loves
In terms of chapter length, Chapter 2 was the only short one. 😅 This weekend, when Chapter 3 comes out, you're gonna be looking at an 11k+ monster. Look, a lot of things need to happen! 🤣
Kinn is about 40% jealous, 60% anxious as fuck. He wants to lock down Tay right this fucking second, he wants Tay HIS months ago, but Porsche is a bit (read: a lot) more empathetic toward Tay's need for recovery and freedom. Meanwhile, Kinn logically understands that Tay needs a period of adjustment, but the idea of someone else moving in before he can? That shit rankles. 🤣 Poor Kinn.
CARE! :D I'm so glad you and others are showing love for Care. I was a little nervous about her, to be honest. Gotta find a good balance with OCs, don't want to turn them into sock puppets and don't want them to take too much focus.
Similar with Nuru and Lamai, really. I wanted them to feel human, and give the flavor of Tay building his new life, but I also didn't want to pull away from the main story thread. BUT, if you will, please imagine that Tay has practically become an adopted son to them, which is sometimes really fucking confusing for all of them considering he's their investor.
THANK YOU for calling out that line! It's absolutely one of my favorites in the fic.
It was never hard for Tay to love Time. But nurturing that love in the face of all the difficulties, well, it certainly became a problem, and Tay sacrificed a bit too much of himself along the way. 😭
I hope your week is going beautifully, dom!
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actualbird · 2 years
A little belated, but thanks so much for the Halloween interaction! It's been a while since I wrote my thoughts about your fics down so I thought I'd send something for my interaction.
Zangr my beloved I'm so happy he opened the door!! Such a fun character I'm glad he came to your mind when I sent my trick or treat in! What made you decide to send him for me though if you don't mind me asking?
It's okay Zangr you'll be a cute marketable plushie in my heart 😔 if you do this again next Halloween and Zangr's gotten a plush by then I'm marching back to the door just to congratulate him on his fanbase.
Even if I'm just a human going by Milkyway, at least Zangr's managed to defeat one cosmic entity. Though it's by confusion. Eventually he'll work his way up to being free from the grip of narratives!!
The LI cookies!!! I wasn't expecting those! I'm very happy about my treat hehehe
Thank you so much for the entire Halloween saga! Reading it from start to finish was a joy and Luke plushie looks so good in his costume!
gmorning milkway :DDD!! and omg no worries, this isnt belated at all since i closed my ask box last night so i wldnt get more trick-or-treaters when i already had constructed a vague overarching storyline HAHAHSVKJHS
that being said, im so glad u enjoyed my silly little halloween saga :DDD it's funny cuz i wasnt even planning on doing any of that til i got sam's first ask and was like "okay how do i make this fun for everybody involved", and writing it all day rlly was so much fun on my end!!
i picked zangr for you cuz!:
in the beginning, my mode of choosing who would come to the door basically went "if i know who you are and who your fave is, im choosing the plush of your fave. if i dont know who you are OR if i dont know who your fave is, im choosing whoever is funniest" jjjVKJHVKJH!!
ive got a bad memory and i cant remember if, from the for nxx boys, youve got a specific favorite. so i went with zangr! cuz is he not all our deranged little fave? HAHHJAHFKJ
i deviated from this original mode though when i realized i didnt want to repeat plushies too often and also when i wanted to string the ask saga to the grand reveal of luke plush's costume, hehe
honestly, having a zangr plush would be both so cute and hilarious JHVKJAHVKJSHFAK. now i want 3 more tot plushies to exist: mc, DAVIS, and zangr
CONGRATS TO ZANGR FOR (KINDA) DEFEATING SOME COSMIC ENTITY!! wishing him the best on whatever other stories he may end up in <3
and u kno, i was originally gonna give you AP Energy Drinks, but then i realized that those dont actually look uh...particularly appetizing? JVKJSDFVKJSHD. the cookies from the cookie event still live in my brain rent free cuz they look so cute and so sweet and So Delicious mmmmmm
thank u for stopping by last night! and for stopping by this morning for this sweet ask huhu!!! luke plush is very happy u liked his costume :'D
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mortalfaerie · 3 years
Matthew Fairchild x Lost Herondale! Reader
Y/N Herondale gets her just deserts when snooping in Cirenworth's attic sends her back over 100 years.
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An indeterminate amount of time passed as you drifted in and out of consciousness. You recalled a silent brother standing over you, buts of hushed and worried conversation, and one occasion when you woke to Tessa sitting by your side, a cold cloth on your forehead and her mixing a tincture by your bedside.
You couldn't bring yourself to speak in your current state, but remembered vaguely that Tessa excelled in healing magic. You tried to reach out to her, but found you lost consciousness again before you could.
When you finally did wake without horrible pain, you found yourself in a narrow bed, in a cotton nightgown you'd never seen, but unmistakably in the London Institute's infirmary, the painted ceiling distinct.
What happened? Did Tessa and Jem take you here because you had been sick? Was Kit okay? Where was everyone? These questions pounded in your head as you stood from the bed, and cautiously padded to the double doors leading to the hallway. You opened the door to look out, but found Tessa and two people you didn't know - one being the man who had carried you - talking outside the door. They all looked to you, pausing, and then Tessa exclaimed, "Oh goodness, you're awake at last."
"I- what happened? Where's Kit? Why are we in London?" You asked, looking rapidly from person to person.
"You should have a seat, if you're able." said the other person - a petite woman of perhaps 40 or 50.
"What's going on?" you asked again, increasingly alarmed. "Is Kit okay? Where's my brother? I want to see him!"
"I'm sure we can help you find your brother as soon as we know who you are." The taller man assured you.
You looked again to Tessa, exasperated. "Tessa, what's going on? You know me, I- Kit and I live with you and Jem and Mina in Devonshire." Your voice started to wobble as panic set in.
"I- I'm sorry, I don't think that we've ever met before now." Tessa said, her face earnestly confused.
Tears spilled over your cheeks as you looked desperately to the other two adults.
"I'm Y/N Herondale." You choked out. "My little brother is Kit, you took us in after our dad was killed. We used to live in Los Angeles but we moved here after the Cohort - Tessa, please, you have to remember me."
At the name Herondale, all parties looked shocked and concerned. You cried earnestly now, shocked and panicked and feeling like you were living in a waking nightmare. You didn't pay much mind as they sheparded you into a chair in the infirmary, and the man called for tea from the kitchen. A blanket was draped around your shoulders, lest you go into shock, and when tea was pressed into your hands you finally ceased crying.
"Now," Tessa said softly, seated beside you and across from the others, "Why don't you tell us from the beginning what you remember, Y/N."
With a shuddering breath, you began. "My name is Y/N Herondale. My dad was Johnny Rook, and my mother was Rosemary Herondale. My mom died before I can remember, and only a bit after my brother Kit was born. We grew up with mundanes were always told we just had the true sight and to be quiet about it, until the day demons attacked my dad at our house, and Kit and I barely escaped with Jem Carstairs and -" you looked to Tessa, "You. We lived in the Los Angeles Institute for a bit, but eventually we decided to go to England with you and Jem when you offered - you said it was because we were the lost Herondale siblings, and that you owed a debt to the Herondales."
You looked to the man and woman across from you, silently imploring if you should continue. The man, who's black hair was flecked with gray and who's blue eyes mirrored your own, cleared his throat.
"Y/N, my name is William Herondale, and this is my wife, Tessa Herondale. And next to me is Charlotte Fairchild, the consul. We don't know how you happened to get here, but rest assured, you will not be turned away."
You could have cried again for relief, but you steeled yourself when the consul nodded to you. "Do you remember what happened before you were discovered outside?"
You nodded slowly. "I was at Cirenworth Hall. Tessa - my Tessa, I guess - gave me a book to read and it inspired me to look around in the attic, and I found something in a box. I - I can't remember what it was, but I remember feeling sick suddenly, and then I was lying in the grass with Jessamine over me."
"You could see Jessamine?" Charlotte asked, and you nodded.
"Yeah, my brother and I could both see ghosts after we got our voyance marks. Some that other people can't see, too." You said.
Tessa and Will exchanged a glance, and Will spoke. "That would give credence to your claim of being a Herondale. The issue is, however, that the only living Herondales are myself, my family here, and my sister, now Cecily Lightwood. Our father had a brother, but he and his wife both died before they had any children."
"But his name was Tobias, right?" You asked, gears beginning to turn in your head.
"Yes, actually." Will said, raising an eyebrow. "How would you know that?"
"Because Tobias Herondale was my ancestor. He had a son no one knew about, and that son married a faerie woman..." you trailed off. "And eventually, I happened."
"That raises another question, then." Charlotte said, her expression speculative. "If you are a Herondale, and you bear marks, how is the clave unaware of you?"
"I think," you began, bracing yourself to be called crazy. "That maybe I'm not from this time, or this dimension. I think something I did in the attic sent me here, wherever here is."
"London." Tessa supplied, "July, 1903."
You stood up in shock. "1903? You can't be serious! I - how? I wasn't even born until 1997 - oh my god, Kit, I can't -"
"Y/N!" Tessa exclaimed, placing her hands on your shoulders to push you back in your seat. "Please, calm down, I'm afraid you'll make yourself sick."
You let her push you back into your seat, but stared blankly at the floor as your jaw worked.
"Is such a thing possible?" Will asked quietly to Charlotte.
"To have travelled through time? Not as I know it, but perhaps it could be a cruel faerie trick? It's known that time moves differently in the faerie realms." She replied, still cautious in her tone.
You brought your arms around yourself and hugged your sides as the gravity of your situation set in. Kit - oh god, was he looking for you? Would they know to look in the attic? What would happen to your little makeshift family? You heaved a sob, and the attention of the adults turned back to you.
Tessa - motherly Tessa - let propriety slip and pulled you to her side, and you clung to her for dear life. The consul came closer and passed a comforting hand over your hair.
"No matter how you came to be here," she said softly, "You are a nephilim, and you are displaced and distressed, and so you will always be supported at this Institute. We will do all we can to discern this situation, but you will be in good hands with Tessa and Will."
You hiccuped and met her eyes, seeing genuine compassion in them. She offered you a hesitant smile, and turned to Tessa.
"She will remain here until we are able to reverse this. I will confer with the Silent Brothers on this matter, and see if they know of any case like this. Until then, perhaps she will be treated as a ward of the Institute?"
Tessa nodded, her hold on you still firm. "Of course. We'll see to it."
Will went to see the consul out, and Tessa stayed behind, with you still holding onto her. "Y/N?" she asked, all gentleness and care in her voice. You wanted to believe this was your Tessa, the one who had become like a mother to you, but this Tessa knew nothing of you at all.
"Yes?" you said, your voice hoarse from crying.
"I don't know how you've come here, but I want you to know - I trust what you say. I have seen many impossible things, but still I am met with surprises. I also know that since I am a warlock - I am fated to live many, many years. If you truly were not born until 90 years from now, it's possible you know me in your time. I am sorry that I don't know you, but know that you are safe here."
You squeezed her, and managed to say, "Thank you. You've always been so kind to me. I - I'm glad I crash landed somewhere with you here."
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thank you! i think you're genuinely the only person that has ever said they actually like the fact that my bathrobe is obnoxiously pink. and you're absolutely right, one of the things i like most about it is that it hurts people's eyes. i love it actually. if you ever celebrate halloween you should absolutely add your bathrobe to your costume. an amazing idea. since it has a mouse face on the hood it could be two costumes rolled into one - both a vampire and a mouse (if in the middle of the evening you get bored of one), which i think would be awesome. and you probably wouldn't get cold (is it cold in nz during halloween? because here it almost always is). we don't celebrate halloween in lithuania either though. which i'm a bit bummed about, because halloween sounds super fun. mostly because of the dressing up! but i did celebrate it once, when i was 11 or 12 maybe? me and a couple of friends decided it would be fun even if it's not really celebrated here. so we dressed up, even went trick ir treating (half the houses had no idea what was happening and also i pretty much froze to death because i was dressed as a dead bride and refused to put a coat on because then you couldn't see my dress) and also watched horror movies. 12 (or 11) year old me thought it was amazing.
oh yeah! i've broken a knife on 2 separate occasions i think. once i tried to get something out of between the blender's blades, used a knife and then accidentally turned the blender on (i'm so fucking glad it was a knife and not my fingers). so the tip of the knife broke off (the blender was ok tho). and the second time i have no idea how it happened. i was cutting up broccoli and the knife just fell apart??? i was so confused, because one second i'm holding a knife and the next it's just two pieces of a handle and the metal part, all separate. had fun explaining that to my dad. you sound pretty unlucky too! i mean, a cut every time you use a knife, but you don't even notice it at the time? i think it's just that knives are out to get us (it's my newest conspiracy theory). i actually get double vision too sometimes! mostly when i'm tired, but i just figured that it was because i have really bad eyesight
they definitely SHOULD teach about gender and sexuality in school. it's a really big problem that in a lot of places it's either not compulsory or not even in the curriculum. honestly, everything i know about sex ed or lgbtq+ i had to learn myself on the internet, because we only had one class when we were like 13 years old with a guest speaker and it was mostly biology and then a little bit about menstruation and pads for girls (i have no idea what they told boys because we were also separated). so sex ed definitely sucks a lot in my country and i bet it's the same in a lot of others, which makes me really mad
exactly!! it's so hard to tell whether i'm feeling romantic or platonic love sometimes! it's confusing. also i remember one time me and a couple of friends had a sleepover and the friend's, who was hosting, parents weren't home so we watched romance movies (scandalous i know). again we were maybe 12. and they kept going "oh he's so hot" and intensely watching the sex scenes. while i was looking away from the tv whenever sexy times were going on and commenting on how much i loved the house design and the garden. gee i wonder what that means. (still can't believe it took me this long to figure out i was ace)
the breakfast went very well though! it's so interesting how different traditions are everywhere. i hope your lunch and the rest of christmas day went well too! (also i forgot to ask last time, but what is boxing day? google says it's mostly a shopping holiday, is it that? we just call it the second day of christmas and it's pretty much the same as christmas day but there's no presents!) but yeah i hope you had fun with your extended family on boxing day!
having acid reflux sounds like it sucks. i love breakfast, it's my favourite meal of the day (when i don't have to rush that is) and i skip lunch a lot because i usually have no time for it (my schedule kinda sucks), so i usually try to have a bigger breakfast. but hey, peanut butter is good! so at least you can have something that tastes good for breakfast!
aaand i feel like this ask got away from me. sorry it's so long!
it’s because i have t a s t e. it may not be GOOD taste but it sure is...taste...and i am proud of it. and yes, i love the idea of adding my dressing gown to my costume specifically because it means i’m basically in my PJ’s. minimal effort. comfort to the max. living the dream. halfway through the night i’m tired of being the vampire no one invites in so i drop to my knees and start the mouse act. mice are good at getting in houses and getting to chocolate and such. the dream. also i absolutely would get bored of one costume within the space of a few hours knowing me, so that’s a plus. uhhhh halloween is october which is. mid-late spring so it really depends on the day. it might be a little cold, might be shorts weather. I rarely leave my house at night so I’m not an expert on nighttime temperatures sdflsdfjsd. 
I used to wish we did Halloween here but that was mostly because I wanted lollies. Although I also liked playing dress up as a young kid so maybe very young me would’ve vibed with the costume aspect. I know there’s a photo of me when I was like, 5 and my best friend of the time dressed up as witches at some point, maybe we had our own little halloween. I also possibly had a halloween themed birthday party once as a kid? I remember the little gift bags having spooky things in them and also possibly a bat cake but my memory is too bad to remember for sure. aha that’s the problem here too, no one locally would ever think to buy lollies to give out so it’d just be like um. you can have an apple I guess? at least you had fun though! i respect the commitment to the costume despite the cold. 
that is such a stressful story to read, i fear for your life. although i understand the knife breaking in that first scenario. that would be terrifying though. what if the blender launched it,,, nOPE. i’m very glad it wasn’t your fingers, that’s some horror movie shit. the second time is just,, it be like that sometimes. it was probably just waiting to happen. my parents have a cheese grater with a loose handle and it. falls off. every time. i dry it. with the dishes. and every time i fear for my life as the grating bit drops off towards my feet as i’m left holding the handle. i should expect it by now but i never do. I get scared every time it happens. knives are definitely out to get us, i fully support this conspiracy theory. oh yeah, tiredness doesn’t help with double vision. i kind of need bifocal glasses by now but I also don’t want bifocal glasses so i just suffer but I suspect having them would reduce the double vision. maybe. maybe not.
yup! i remember someone handing out tampons and pads at primary school, i assume after giving a talk about periods, idk. i do also remember a teacher pulling the girls aside and being like yo, this is what a period is, here’s a horror story about my daughter and a tampon, enjoy the trauma, go back to class. good times. we did actually get really comprehensive sex ed concerning most things at my high school but that is faaaarrr from the norm around here, clearly. although teenage boys are good at filling in gaps, in my experience. they’re like little sex encyclopedias that offer up information without you asking. i didn’t ACTUALLY want to know that but i do now, i guess, thanks michael. 
dude. the ‘oh he’s so hot’ comments are so confusing. ‘hot’ is like a category of attractiveness that I’ve never understood. ‘isn’t he hot?’ what does that MEAN rebecca. i think i asked once if it meant like, attractive or good looking. and the person i asked was like, you know, hot. you just look at them and, you know- no i don’t know. what is this. i don’t think i’ve ever watched a sex scene with people my age though, generally i just zone out for them sdkfhskdfh. i feel like there’s definitely all these indicators when you look back like oh yeah, should’ve realised i was ace then, but it’s just. such a hard sexuality to figure out. not that other sexualities aren’t but you’ve got to figure out an absence of something when you don’t even know what the something feels like- it’s a challenge.
I’m glad it did! It is interesting, for sure. I’ve always been interested in how winter Christmas’s work. As a young kid I didn’t understand hemispheres...obviously...i was like 5...and i’d go out on Christmas morning to see if there was snow. and sometimes it’d be a bit chilly in the morning and I’d be like damn. we almost had some this year. it’s a shame our climate tends to be too hot for snow on christmas :// like no you tiny dumbass it’s summer you little idiot there will be no snow no matter what. everything ended up going super well here :). boxing day is basically just a shopping holiday, i don’t know if it has any significance in any other way, i’m sure it did at one point, but i know there’s always boxing day sales everywhere. I think it’s also a public holiday (?) to give people another day off work and that, but I could be wrong there. I know I also used to regularly go to the races (horse races) nearby that were always held on boxing day, it was like a 150 year old tradition or something until people in attendance started dropping and I think they finally shut it down a couple years back. I didn’t care all that much about the horses but they also had food and carnival-type rides and such for the kids which is why I loved it. also we tended to meet extended family there for a picnic lunch.
acid reflux is like the least of my problems sdfkjshdkf. it’s annoying but it’s pretty managed with medication, I have to watch certain foods and drinks but I’m used to it by now. I think it’s also what causes me to not be able to eat large amounts normally so I survive a lot on snacks and a reasonable sized dinner. works for me. but peanut butter is good! i’m glad i can have that! I used to also have vegemite but that’s a bit more of a push, it’s easier to stick with peanut butter.
also it’s fine!! my responses are always very long too sdfjhskdf.
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