#also i'm toying around with the idea of slowly transitioning to rping more on discord so i can roleplay my original characters more
ravensroleplays · 2 years
Yeah so...I mentioned in a post that I reblogged some time back that I’m just going to keep my BATIM AU pretty much the same...I was toying around with some ideas for incorporating Audrey, and the events of BATDR into my AU, but in the end I was like ‘nah’, and decided to just leave my version as is (though I don’t mind doing threads with BATDR roleplayers, or even discussing ideas down the road!)
I will, however, be making one change to my main BATIM AU/verse--I realized it didn’t make any sense for Joey not to be happy with Bendy when he was basically perfect in every way, so I’m going to say that, when Bendy first came to the real world, his inky body would sometimes start to melt when he got too happy/excited. Think Dani from Danny Phantom, and her unstable body, but with a bit less angst (at least, until Joey decided to kill two birds with one stone regarding Bendy’s unstable toon body, and his own illness...)
TBH, at some point I may or may not look over ALL the verses for my various AUs, and scrap a few...a certain one in particular now being kind of redundant with my upcoming original story, Oasis to Oakwood, which I’m planning to start drawing more for next year. Though hey, given that I’m planning to focus more on my original stuff, as well as other things, in 2023, I’m admittedly not entirely sure how much I’m going to keep doing stuff for my AUs...
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