#also i've actually talked to my mom about everyone's doors and described all the designs to her before drawing them
linalilia · 1 year
sorry for comparing my milgram and twst ocs again but the difference between what i make for them is just. so funny.
my twst ocs: ohhh maybe i should make something like a timeline for my oc ships!! like how they met, how their relationship developed and all of that <3
my milgram ocs: F L E S H D O O R
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kiwipineappleparasol · 4 months
TTYD remake Rambling -- Stuff up until the end of Chapter 2 talked about here
The TTYD remake has so much attention to detail put into it it's crazy… Like, there's the big things to improve the general experience for both newcomers and returning players; the Partner Ring and the new pipe system are much more convenient so far. And the battle tutor toad is great for practicing those tricky Stylish Moves with alot more precision than just going off Eddy's well meaning but ultimately still vague advice, considering some of these timing windows are crazy fast. Or the new partner hint system! I never really got stuck in these games, but I know that it's just a much better mechanic than going allllll the way back to have your future path read if it's something you need. Plus, I love any new dialogue for my little friends, even if they're ordering me about haha.
The layout for everything is so slick now too! And I love the fact you can unlock art and music in the menu by collecting Shine Sprites and Star Pieces -- while already useful in-game, it's just extra incentive to get them. Especially star pieces -- I really wanted to collect them in all these different areas and see the art! And it was sooooo worth it. Concept art for not only the remake, but for the original too. Stuff I've never seen before! Makes me wonder if they got it released just for this remake, yaknow? Just really cool to look through.
I love all the little things too. The new animations of course are obvious, I adore those -- they really add to the personality of the characters. But I also love stuff like how everything in the environment reacts to you, how instead of shaking bushes you crush them, being able to whack literally everyone over the head brings Such Joy …
I think Zess T uses unique cooking utensils for each recipe, which I don't believe was in the original? I think that's so cool ! Like this attention to detail is what I'm talking about. This was a completely frivolous change, but they did it anyways -- and that to me, shows the care put into this.
(Unrelated, but the animation of Mario getting trapped in the bubble in the Boggly Tree is sooooo silly… Pretty sure that was in the original but still. I enjoy Flurrie's personality too -- I never really appreciated it as a kid because I wasn't a fan of her design so I never used her. It's still definitely not my favorite haha, but I could appreciate her more now.)
Also the way they changed the dialogue about the Shadows -- I didn't want to just believe wholeheartedly that they would change the translation, but they actually did here! They didn't do a direct translation of the original Japanese version from my understanding -- opting for Beldam's transphobia to be in how she disregards the sister label but gives a very flimsy excuse for it, when it's obviously out of cruelty -- instead of outright misgendering. But Vivian saying that she just likes it when she's called their sister made me so sad… Vivian you deserve better!!! Another great thing about the new changes: you can whack Beldam over the head all you want in the overworld!
I still can't believe we're in a world where a remake with such care put into it exists for a game I thought would never be ported, let alone treated with such love. And even changing the English Translation regarding Vivian's character? I never in a hundred lifetimes would believe that would happen! It's honestly quite surreal for me.
This feels like such a love letter to the fans of this game, like an early birthday present delivered right to my door. It's honestly hard to describe how much fun I'm having with it and everything I enjoy about it -- I just wanna keep playing, haha. Chapter 3 is when I remember getting really invested in this game as a kid, for various reasons -- so we'll see if I come back for another Ramble then.
Bonus: the scene that my mom kept calling “Flurrie knocking over Mario with her boobs” And wouldn’t stop laughing about
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Weekend Fun
Clare: smiled innocently. "I've played with change and real bills before but that's kind of risky. If I lose, I have to explain where my money went to and why I have nothing to show for it. If I win, I have to hurry up and spend the money, and hide whatever I buy. Gambling's a sin you know." She giggled because of course she didn't really believe that. Clare just stared at them when they said their mom had played with them before and ended up in her bra. In a way she thought her life would be so much easier if she had a cool mom. Or dad. Eli had both. But most of her friends' parents were as strict as hers or worse. Then again, it would be really gross to play strip poker with your mom! "Oh. I didn't think about Emi being in the pool because Dakota told me she's afraid of the water." Clare explained smiling sheepishly. "Nothing dangerous, got it. I just don't want to ruin anyone's fun or cause problems." She thought it was cute how Stacy was part of their family, she could understand that since Stacy had been dating Dallas a long time already. But it was all the more reason why she didn't want Stacy to think she was getting special treatment. Clare was quiet while Dakota and his family took turns talking to their grandfather on the phone. She couldn't help laughing when Emi said she wanted a pony though she covered her mouth to muffle the sound. She was a little confused by all the talk of sperm donors and arranged marriages. Then Clare realized 'the sperm donor' was Dakota's father. She couldn't blame him for thinking that way from what he'd told her. "I have friends whose parents cultural and religious beliefs include arranged marriages, I think it's awful." Clare said quietly. "So you're lucky he's going to let you take over the company without one." Dakota seemed happy his future was secure and she knew it was important because of Emi. Once her jacket was on, Clare smiled at Dakota as he described Monica's bag and his grandpa's company. "No way! That was all you? The waiting list to buy one is full! I've heard a lot of kids at school complaining about it and who could blame them, the design is really something." She gushed. Clare nodded and grinned when Dakota kissed her cheek. "I hope you like designing." She had just sat down in the SUV and started to fasten her seat belt when Dakota's mom said they had to order something that cost at least $10. Her parents had taught her to respect all adults and follow their rules. Clare bit her lip as Stacy and Dakota described the chores they'd had to do as punishment. If she got in trouble, she would do as she was told. Clare knew Stacy was right though. Doing the dishes or cooking, or laundry for the Anderson family wouldn't be the same as when she did it at home. "Yes Ma'am. I'll order something moderately priced." She gulped and automatically reached up to clutch her cross necklace when Dakota's mom said she would have to sleep in his room if she didn't. "You don't own any pajamas? What do you wear instead?" Clare squeaked glancing over at Dakota. He shared a room with Emi so at least he didn't sleep naked. Clare gasped when she was told Emi would be sleeping in Kelly's room and she'd have to share a bed with Dakota. Her face turned red. She was not comfortable with this at all. It would ruin their friendship. If her parents found out, they'd assume the worst and really punish her. Clare wouldn't be disrespectful though. When they reached the restaurant, she got out of the SUV along with everyone else. There was a short wait time and then a waiter lead them to a couple of tables they'd pushed together for their 'party'. Once she was seated, Clare picked up a menu and began scanning it. There weren't any prices listed! She shot Dakota a horrified look. "How're we supposed to know what to get?" She hissed. Well salads and soup were out, they were too cheap. Clare didn't want to order something expensive like steak or lobster either. The waiter took their drink orders and left. When he came back and it was her turn to order, Clare asked for an appetizer, the Bloomin' Onion, and Coconut Shrimp. Clare silently prayed that would be enough but not too much. She normally wouldn't have ordered two things but she was scared the shrimp might be under $10. It was probably going to be way too much food for just her but hopefully they were allowed to share?
Kota: nodded at Clare. "I know the feeling. If we were to gamble and lose we'd be ok we can say we spent it all on food. We'd get in trouble, but not as much for winning. "Oh, life preserver. She doesn't mind if she's in a life preserver, but she needs to know how to swim and can't wear one in a kiddie pool or she'll be made fun of." he explained. He listened as Clare spoke about his family and smiled at her. "I am lucky. I get that grandpa doesn't want me to marry a girl who's just in it for money and since I'll have my name everywhere when I take over, it'll attract unwanted attention." he explained. "I probably have to date girls that grandpa picks out for me if I don't have a girlfriend by then. It's not like I'll be a player, he'll set a meeting with a girl and we'll learn about each other, if she doesn't interest me or I don't see a future with her it ends. The girls he picks will be my age and rich. They're parents will be the owner of a company that will benefit from the marriage due to the merging of the companies and besides if I'm to date someone he's picked out I'm getting a prenup." he shrugged. "If I picked her like if we started dating and we'd get engaged, we would ignore the prenup." he shrugged and listened as she mentioned the waiting list. "Yea, we're trying to put them on shelves, but the waiting lists are too long. It seems that once we finish one list we get another with at least 100 names on it. I'm only in charge of MB right now so I have to watch the product and answer calls about it." he sighed and looked at her. "Let me see your phone?" he asked and looked at it as they walked out the door. He took her case off and quickly ran to his room only to grab a case for her. "Here, I finished the design a month ago. This is a beta." he said putting a MB phone case on her phone. "Monica got the bag because I accidentally broke hers.I was helping her and when I lifted it, the strap broke. I had the MB one in my locker and told her I got it as a present. She didn't ask, but when people asked about it she pointed out the logo and the company on it. If anyone asks how you got the phone case just tell them you're beta testing and it'll be coming out in June. The waiting list is also online." he said honestly. "I just sent in a design for a hoodie last week, I'm going to beta test it." he smiled at her. "I'm designing other things mainly when Emi and I draw. I'm in drawing classes with her on Thursdays after school starting next week." he explained as they drove. Once heard Clare ask what he wore to bed, he licked his lips. "Boxers." he, his brother, and Stacy answered in unison. "We all wear boxers to bed. Stacy knows because she had to do laundry one weekend." he pointed out. The minute they got to the restaurant and seated, Kota listened as Clare ordered and licked his lips. "Sweetie, we normally share the appetizers besides, they're not a meal. You need vegetables, a side, and an actual protein such as steak and lobster or one or the other." his mom said and looked at the waiter. "We only want three Bloomin Onions but leave the shrimp." she said. "We can get both?" Kota asked. "Yes, you can get both." Kelly laughed a bit and he shut his menu and leaned over. "Dom got a burger and fries." he whispered. "There are no prices because mom wanted it that way. You can request menus with no prices at some restaurants or go to the really fancy ones that have no prices on any of them." he added, then ordered a steak and lobster with mashed potatoes and broccoli for himself and chicken fingers for Emi along with a Sprite for each of them. "Kota what are you doing with your money from Murder Bunny?" Dallas asked. "Well now that my future's settled, I don't really know. I don't have to save up for college since that's already paid for." he shrugged and looked at Clare.
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