#also if ive left anyone out as in charmed accounts / muses lemme
magicresteda · 3 years
Hey there! I’m thinking about joining the indie charmed rp world and I was wondering if there are any characters that are wanted by the fandom? I haven’t found many active blogs which is why I’m asking haha! Please and thank you! <3
Hi!! Welcome to this chaotic side of tumblr rp. Honestly any and all characters! We have a few wonderful multis around which have a few next gen, ocs and charmed ones but generally theres lots of muses to take up!
From what I know we have @naslaidire (a few ocs, piper and parker) @maelindas (canon divg melinda) @burygods (amazing ocs) who have active charmed muses. Edit: i totally forgot the amazing @twicesad (also has melinda and parker) Other than that its free game and were always happy to welcome duplicates & ocs and all that jazz.
Personally, I would love the Charmed Ones (i mean whats the charmed fandom w/o them?) But also leo! Cole would be fun and honestly chris! Also if youre into the reboot, reboot charas would be sick!
If anyone else has suggestions/want specific charas let anon know bc its def time for a fandom revival!
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