#also if you hate the chiefs this is not a safe space for you
radiantroope · 8 months
I did a lil layout change because THE CHIEFS ARE GOING BACK TO THE BOWL BABYYY!!
I want be more active on here again. I miss this toxic ass website.
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batsyforyou · 10 months
Maedhros Sleep Headcanons
Pariring: Maedhros x reader 
Warning: None 
Author’s Note: Blanket Series! Honestly I have discovered that my ability to write longer fics over short fics is crazy different. Short fics? Anxiety. Long fics? Long drawn out suffering. Headcanons? Perfection. 
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If Light sleeper could embody a person this would be it. 
You flinched? He’s awake. You take a little deep breath? He’s awake. You turn on your side? He’s awake. 
Not that you can tell the difference with his open eyed death stare. 
Hypersensitivity Sleep fits him great
As mentioned before elves sleep with their eyes open so the creepy staring is 98/100
It’ll feel like someone’s burning holes in your back 
It's kinda like that awkward feeling characters will get in a one bed trope where they don’t hate each other. Pillow walls included. 
He honestly has the widest open eyed stare. Like he’s constantly on the lookout for danger. 
His eyes will remind you of a cartoon sometimes.
Especially if he’s had a bad day or worse a bad night
Honestly between his weight and height you have it hard most nights. 
Like if you wanted space or more important Mae wanted space it ain’t gonna happen chief. Why? As soon as he gets on the bed there is an automatic roll function. 
For you anyway. 
Were you comfortable? Nice and cozied up in the comforter? Not any more. 
Cue the pillow wall barrier 
Cuddles don’t exist here; cuddles happen once in a blue moon. 
He wouldn’t be able to sleep if you left him though so y’all share the same bed
Not that he sleeps anyway. 
PTSD also likes to chime in 
The poor thing 
If he sleeps he doesn’t sleep peacefully, nightmares are constant 
The only downside or upside? Is that if he gets a nightmare it's a deep sleep so he’s not waking up to you he’s waking up to screams and Melkor tickling his ear. 
Flight or fight gets in pretty often so the extra space between you and him isn’t just to annoy you
Also please don’t wake him up from a nightmare 
When he does cuddle though it's like the sunny day after a big rainstorm and you stepped into heaven
Will never lay on top of you, is too afraid to hurt you
Will freakout if you cuddle up to him as the big spoon
Don’t grip his hair at night either. PTSD overload on that one 
If he cuddles you he’ll do it in the daylight were he has zero chance of falling asleep and where he feels safe enough
He’ll either spoon you as the big spoon or let you lay on him and just gently pet your head and stroke your hair. 
Will give you a kiss to your temple and if he’s had a good day he might fall asleep like that 
Though I suggest you watch him carefully, no need to get punched in the gut by an 8ft elf
And speaking of him being 8ft he will have a major problem sleeping in a bed that isn’t exactly taylored to him 
Will be too long for an average bed 
So you sleep in a gigantic sized bed, your feet never reach the end
This elf has also seen the light of the Two Trees but don’t be afraid; he isn’t Glorfindel 
His hair and eyes glow very dimly because of *redacted* 
So it’ll be a coin flip for awe so cute or that's kinda creepy. If y’all have seen Stargate and watched the goa'uld light up their eyes it's kinda like that but waaaay less light. 
So the glowing eyes/hair paired with his wide, open death stare burning holes into you sometimes makes you uncomfortable. 
He doesn’t move when he sleeps not because he sleeps heavy but because he doesn’t want to take the chance of ruining your sleep
Overall this baby needs some serious therapy and is a 4/10 sleep buddy
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yesmissnyx · 3 months
Hi, I hope it's okay to DM. I'm looking for advice while getting into the kink lifestyle/self-realization.
I'm struggling to deal with internalized shame. It's the same old struggle, I'm guessing.
Figured out I'm bi and very, very kinky late last year, kind of all at once. Suddenly liking guys as well was easier to deal with. Realizing I'm into BDSM, hypno, crossdressing, and most of the kinks on your pinned list was... hard.
Some days, I can fully feel okay, and others I feel smothered in shame and depression, like I'm not supposed to want these things. I feel like I'm intruding into a space that I don't have the right to be in.
My question is, how do you recommend new kinksters/subs/etc deal with the question and internalized shame. Or specifically feeling positive about their kinks and the changes that happen as you realize them.
Sorry for a bit of a rant, and thanks in advance if you're willing to give me some advice.
Hey there! Sorry for the SUPER late advice! I hope you're feeling better in the meantime, but if not, I can do my best to offer you 1. some advice and 2. some words of encouragement.
First of all, HELL YEAH. Welcome to the Bisexual Kinkster Club--a club you now belong to because you are kinky and bisexual! Kink rocks! Being bisexual rocks! I am giving you a welcome basket myself.
(The lube tastes like strawberries.)
That being said though, I'm so sorry you're dealing with internalized shame around all of this :( Shame is a very personal thing and can be tricky to deal with, ESPECIALLY when parts of society are telling you the thing you like is wrong, just because they find it disgusting.
But...first of all, disgust-based morality ain't it, chief. It's a one-way ticket to being a miserable, hateful person with Main Character Syndrome and an easy target for fascism. Don't give into it! Don't listen to people who value their own disgust above the needs and happiness of others!
As long as what you are doing is not infringing on the personal rights of others, you deserve to do the things that make you happy. Full fucking stop. (And, newsflash, doing something that just happens to disgust someone is NOT infringing on their personal rights.)
Now, this might be controversial, but I'm going to let you in on a big realization that I had some time in my early 20s: shame is, in my humble opinion, a useless emotion to feel for any duration of time.
It makes you do things you don't want to do. It keeps you from doing things you DO want to do. It lies to you. It eats you alive.
More importantly, though, it's JUST an emotion, and like all emotions, its only job is to try to tell you something. Feeling emotions doesn't make you a good OR a bad person!
Of course, I'm not just telling you "lol just stop feeling things" because that's, like...not possible or healthy. BUT! You are not obligated to feel any emotion that you don't want to feel.
You might, however, want to interrogate the shame, because even if you aren't going to listen to its wishes (right???), it's worth understanding what it's trying to tell you.
So! What is the shame afraid of? What does it want to protect you from? What does it want you to do? Is what it wants you to do in line with your own goals and desires?
If you aren't in alignment with your shame, which I assume you aren't, then you can tell it that.
"I appreciate that you're trying to keep me safe, but I have no reason to be ashamed of the things I like, and I'm not going to let you stop me from enjoying them."
This might sound silly, but once you can speak frankly with your difficult emotions, it gets WAY easier to work through them. Viewing them as parts of yourself that just want to keep you safe is way easier than just dealing with nebulous shame, anger, anxiety, etc.!
And then, there's also the chance that it might be telling you something useful, once you start asking questions.
For example, if the shame is afraid that your friends might judge you, maybe you need to rethink how you navigate your friendships. If it's worried you might be going about a kink all wrong and you'll make a fool of yourself, do some research. If you're overwhelmed by the intensity of a new kink, explore it at your own pace and listen to your feelings about it with curiosity instead of judgment.
Remember: Action TOWARD a goal (in this case, pleasure and fulfillment) is always preferable to an action that AVOIDS negative feelings.
Enthusiasm and self-love are a better motivator than fear and shame. You deserve to be the best, happiest, more joyful version of yourself, and if that includes being a kinky crossdressing hypnotized bisexual, then so be it :)
Hopefully this all makes sense! And hopefully this helps you and others who might be in a similar boat.
Good luck on your journey and happy pride 🌈🏳‍🌈
(Also, please know that I'm always open to give advice. Ask me things. Let me live my know-it-all dreams 😜)
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brooks-corner · 2 months
It Was Always You - Jacob x reader fic
Chapter 1 - Strange Things Are Happening To Me
Hello!! If you are seeing this, I am a new writer and I am aware that this will probably be crap BUT I just got a new laptop and thought I would give writing a try and why not do it about a favorite series of mine. I was always team Jacob, but hated the fact that he fell in love with like a newborn baby.. YIKES. So, I plan to fix that. Enjoy and let me know anything I can improve on writing-wise!
In this fic you are Bella's younger sister but things pick up when she gets married so you are like 17 when you meet Jacob.
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Regarding your older sister, Bella, you can admit that you didn't like being around her that much. When you were kids, things weren't so bad. Sure you would but heads sometimes, but that is just what kids do. However, things start to change when you get older. Bella seemed to be more of a loner than an outgoing person, and you just couldn't get behind that. Your friends is what brought meaning to your life. You would not be anything without them. You also liked to hunt and be in the woods. You found it as your safe space. You could not say the same for your older sister. So when the divorce happened, it was only natural that you ended up with your dad, Charlie, and Bella ended up with your mom, Renee.
Charlie is the chief of police here in Forks, Washington. It is a heavily wooded area here and it is constantly raining. When the sun does come out, it is not for long and winters here can get pretty harsh. But you like all of these things about Forks. You like being here with your dad. You like living the simple life, watching football together and eating peach cobbler in the fall. Life was good being raised by your dad. Then things changed.
Bella moved back here a couple of years ago when your mom decided she wanted to travel. It was definitely an adjustment when she first came to Forks. Dad and you had a routine down and everything changed when she came along. Don't get me wrong, you love her as she is your sister and everything. You guys were always just different.
The first thing that didn't settle with you well was when Bella met Edward Cullen. You knew him to be this creepy boy at school with a creepy family. Everyone thought it was weird that they all kind of dated each other. You thought that Edward was somewhat better than his siblings since he wasn't dating his sister, but still thought he was strange by the way he interacted with others. But somehow Bella chose him of all people to date. Whatever. You figured that your odd sister could have her own odd boyfriend.
But as time went on, more and more weird things began to happen. For example, Bella left out of the blue one day and somehow ended up in the hospital with a broken leg. How does that even happen? Then, the Cullens left town. You were happy at first, you couldn't lie. Edward was never your favorite, and you did not get along that well. He always seemed so stand offish to you. But then, Bella got depressed. So depressed that she didn't leave the house for months. You felt really bad for her, honestly. It really scared you when she ended up screaming in the middle of the night because of the bad dreams she would have. Even if you didn't understand her completely, you could tell she really loved Edward on a deep level.
It gave you a sense of relief when she started to hang out with her younger friend, Jacob. Although you had never met the boy, you felt as though you should thank him, as he was the main reason Bella came out of her depression for a while.
But Edward came back. You hated him even more now, for causing your sister so much pain. You hated him more still since he was marrying your sister. And that brings you to today, Bella's wedding day. Here you were sitting on the white-seated chair while everyone was giving their wedding toasts for the happy couple. You couldn't lie, they looked good together. Emmett, Edwards brother, gave a rather dirty toast, but you liked him more after that. He seemed like the chill type. Dad gave a warning to Edward about knowing how to use a gun, and when he came back to sit beside you, you couldn't help but give him a grin and a fist bump. Mom's tribute was very heartfelt and meaningful, just as you thought it would be. You always loved that about her. After mom, it then came to your turn, and you thought you would give it your best shot.
Standing up in front of everyone, you take a deep breath and begin, "I am not going to lie. I didn't like Edward at first, and I still don't know if I do yet,"
A laugh rumbles through the wedding guests. It makes you smile.
"But what I do know, is that Edward makes Bella happy. And I am really glad she has someone that can do that for her. She deserves it. Bella really is something special Edward. And I hope you can realize that. Because if you don't, I can tell you right now that you'll be missing out."
Everyone finds your toast short but sweet and you can tell you get an approval from Bella. That's all you needed. You really do want her to be happy.
The night continues on with words of congratulations to the newlyweds. You snack on some good food and talk to your mom and dad but after a while you start to get stuffy. Bella and Edward were about to leave for their honeymoon anyway, and you know that Bella wouldn't miss your goodbyes anyway.
You decide to take a walk through the woods. You always found that the woods were very calming to you and all you needed was some fresh air. As you are walking and enjoying the scenery, you see a bird. It stands out against the dark forest with its bright red feathers. It looks at you for a few seconds and it flies off and you decide to chase it. It brings you further into the woods and it is going faster so you pick up to a light jog. The bird is flying further and further off, so you pick up into a higher pace until you're in a full sprint. You are losing sight of it, but you try to keep up until a branch snags your dress and brings you to the ground. You fall flat on your ass.
The branch cut up part of your leg and but a decently sized gash on your calf. The blood is trickling down your leg. You were never good with blood, so you stop looking at it before you faint. You try to stand up to pull your dress free, but seethe in pain from the cut. you think, fuck the dress as your hands are working to tear yourself free, not caring about ripping the fabric when you hear a sound. It's a wolf howling not too far away from you. It sounds loud and, to you, kind of sad. You try not to make much noise as you are frantically ripping at the material, but you can't help your breath from picking up. You really wish you hadn't chased that dumb bird now.
There is a stirring in the brush to your right and you stop everything you are doing. Your body trembles as two piercing eyes reveal themselves. You try to remain still, but your body is shaking from fear. The figure is moving towards you, and you cannot help yourself but to look at it and you see a wolf. A huge ass wolf. You have never seen a wolf this size before. It is like a giant reddish bear, but it has pointy ears and the frame of a dog.
You think this is how you die. This is how it is going to end, and you hope someone with find you, even if it is mauled up in pieces. But as soon as you stare into the wolf's eyes, it stops. It doesn't look like it is about to tear you into bits. It just stops. It seems like it is staring into your eyes as well, deep in thought. The wolf almost looks surprised, taken aback even. You just keep looking at each other until finally the wolf snaps out of it and inches closer to you. You turn your face to hide, nowhere to go since you are still tethered to the tree. You expect this to be your end, but instead it uses its teeth to free you from the branch, biting at the fabric.
Instantly you pull away from the giant dog, but when you see that it is not making any moves to hurt you, you cautiously let it approach you. You're prepared to make a run for it at any moment, but you find that you don't have to. You notice that it looks at your leg and you half expect it to take a bite out of it. Instead, it licks it clean. You just stare in awe as it does its work. That is until you notice your leg. Right before you pass out, you realize that it is a lot of blood, and you need to get it patched up or else you risk getting it infected out here and losing half your leg. As you are in an out of consciousness, you feel tough fur on your stomach, and you recall moving even though you aren't doing it yourself.
Your lasts thoughts are, what is this wolf? And what have I done for it to like me?
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ticklepinions · 6 months
I agree that everyone has the right to their beliefs and opinions but no one should be forcing their opinions on others. What is wrong with people? Quit being so insensitive! Why is it so hard for them to be peaceable and kind? They need to focus on themselves before judging anyone else because that attitude is disgusting! Get therapy and fix your attitude! There are far worse problems in this world we don't need your toxic behaviour here. This is supposed to be a safe space for people. There is a lot that I personally don't agree with, but I won't share it as it will hurt people and I won't treat them any differently either to anyone else. But unfortunately not many people are mature enough to do that
Imma need some more clarity with this ask chief! (Edit: I think I know now so sorry for the way I replied to the ask but I'll keep it as is since it has good stuff)
Cause the way I'm interpreting it rn is not it. I don't think people not wanting to die for their own identity is insensitive. I find it insensitive that people are so caught up on being called out for saying things that hurt their fellow human beings, that they automatically dismiss taking any form of responsibility. No one should ever feel ok with targeting hate towards a group.
What's funny is there's always that one person who is like be peaceful! Be nice! I was one of them, and I was heavily misinformed and burdened with my own things to unlearn. We've BEEN nice. We've TRIED to be peaceful. That doesn't work. We continue to be ignored and ridiculed. Y'all LOVE to hype up war and how great it is for fighting for your country. Y'all are dick riding an entity that isn't built to support you. However, when we are fighting the real wars on racism, gen0cide, queer liberation, people's rights to their own bodies, literally anything worth fighting for, y'all are SO quick to shut it down.
And certain people are also real quick to be like don't force you ideologies onto us uwu! While they literally do that daily, and get laws that are passed to support them. And more marginalized people die, or are put in harms way. But on the other hand, if we all learned to be more accepting, no, more fucking human and have empathy and want equity for all, we wouldn't be where we are right now. So yeah I'm gonna shove my ideologies that maybe we should idk, fucking take care of one another!?!? Because that at least leads down a path where we all grow and come together as a community.
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tenebrius-excellium · 1 month
I'm a bystander in all this, but I do wonder why you have such trouble believing that hiccups isn't some naive pacifist when in the very first film he chooses to kill the red death instead of trying to tame it? Or at least try and understand it? Like for the pacifist you think he is, that would be the very, very last option even when his loved ones are in danger, for any pacifist that would be the last step the one he didn't want to do (which he obviously did as every show/film after that shows hiccup feeling no remorse or disgust over it). And for hiccup letting his enemies walk all over him, that's most likely a self-preservation thing? For all the years of abuse and neglect he's been through, just because he's letting that happen doesn't mean he's not still thinking of ways to destroy them It's just to keep himself safe? This isn't hate or anything towards you, I like your blog, but I just think it's really part of the phenomenon that's so prevalent in fandom spaces nowadays that fanon/someone's hcs get so big they often get mistaken for canon and not a lot of people are engaging with the actual story in any way after a while, or they skim it so they don't get the depth of what's actually the truth. Again no hate obviously but I guess It's difficult for people like me to see takes like 'Hiccup is a pacifist' when everything else tells us otherwise or tells us he won't feel bad using violence and death to get what he wants or to get results when we know a real pacifist is usually a centrist and hiccup is very much not that
Heya! Hoo boy there are some misunderstandings making the rounds now oops.
My original take on this was: Og Hiccup, which means Httyd1 Hiccup, and Httyd1 Hiccup ONLY, is NOT a pacifist. Og Hiccup knows exactly what's at stake and acts accordingly. Og Hiccup is careful to extend his trust, as are the dragons he comes into contact with. And og Hiccup gives his love fully and lavishly when his trust is rewarded while simultaneously not hesitating to take out the Red Death because that dragon is clearly the source of all the pain that Berk and the other dragons have been through.
To me, every other Hiccup, especially RttE and Httyd2 Hiccup, is a pacifist. @/howtodrawyourdragon correctly opened my eyes to the fact that Rob/Dob Hiccup might not have been a pacifist after all, because that's when Berk was still characterized as tough and violent and everyone was still cooling off from the whole 'killing dragons' mindset. Enemies were also not 'misunderstood friends' yet. Like. The first enemies young Hiccup encountered were literal Outcasts. I don't remember if it was ever actually explained if the Outcasts are merely a tribe like the Berserkers, but the term Outcasts alone gave me a kind of impression that made the Berkians correct in treading with caution around them. Like. Outcasts are typically people who have failed to be integrated into society, so they have been banned to Outcast Island, no? Idk, anyway, it was full of evil-meaning thugs. There may have been a reason for Hiccup to stay vigilant.
What surprises me, through and through, to this day, is that Httyd2 Hiccup was written to be such a well-meaning pacifist. Like. Httyd1 Hiccup wasn't like that, why suddenly go there? It's like the director fumbled an arc out of his sleeve that Hiccup had to "go through" for growth, only... to me, Hiccup never needed that particular lesson. "A Chief protects his own", please, what else was the fight against the Red Death? The fights against Alvin? Hiccup had been doing that already. It was a fictional lesson to create plot for Httyd2.
Hiccup went soft in Httyd2. Artificially soft. Pacifist soft.
THAT is what I was aiming to analyze. I should have specified more.
RttE Hiccup fluctuates, but I don't want to open that can anymore.
I do not think og Hiccup is a pacifist. I think Httyd2 Hiccup was unnecessarily written as one. THAT is what surprised me. To write Hiccup as a peace-loving animal activist with a flower crown who can't understand, even after repeated warnings, how Drago might not share his starry-eyed opinion. When he had been fighting his own father on his stubbornness for at least a whole summer back in the first movie. Hiccup is not that blind, or dumb. Especially at age 20.
So I agree that the fandom milked Hiccup a bit too much for his supposed pacifism, but it's clearly a canon post-Httyd2 issue as well. Since RttE came out AFTER the second movie, the RttE writers had to somehow match Hiccup's character with what would lead up to his decisions in the second movie. That, to me, is why RttE is a bit sketchy in this regard.
It's all in good faith here, thank you for taking the time to send such a lengthy ask. You made very good points, especially considering the fact that Hiccup was an underdog who had to learn how to stand up for himself first (the 'keep head down out of self-preservation' thing). This is very true and might have made a better arc for Httyd2 imo. Telling Hiccup "babe, wake up, you're not being bullied anymore, you have actual influence now and people want you as Chief. You just gotta find the confidence to believe in yourself." Yeah.
Does that clarify things a little bit?
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jjtheresidentbaby · 2 years
⚽️ here, thanks for getting to the last request so quick!
to me, hotch is the team’s dad for sure (minus rossi, he’s like the single rich italian uncle or grandpa). age order for his kiddos would be emily, morgan, penelope, jj, and reid, which I think is most accurate given their ages in real life? point is, based on that age order, reid is the baby of the family, which is normally how their family is written but jj is the youngest GIRL. and when it comes to the youngest girl in the family, you can bet everyone is protective, esp the dad. so I thought:
jj didn’t have the best father figure growing up. her parents were fighting on the verge of divorce when her sister died. and it’s canon that her father remarried to someone young. so hotch becomes her father figure early on in the seasons, esp when she’s regressed. that’s his little girl and he’d do anything for her, on and off the field. even during cases, he makes sure she’s either with him, safe at the station, or if heaven forbid he has to send her into the field, she’s paired with one of her brothers or rossi.
he doesn’t care if she regressed at work or on the plane bc he’s always prepared for it. a special thing he does is make a cozy safe place for her under his desk, after finding her hiding away in it one particularly hard day. she was anxious and rocking back and forth. he wasn’t able to coax her out but he still had to get his work done, so he let her stay and calm down at her own pace with him close to her. and eventually she does calm down, quietly hugging his legs from underneath the desk.
after that day, he starts adding to that small space: foam letter tiles, a blanket, some soft toys. just so she’d know she was safe and allowed to be there whenever she needed it, whether he was there or not. of course she loves it, clutching onto a soft toy in one hand, her other arm and legs wrapping around her dada’s legs. and even hotch would admit this soothes him too knowing she’s safe with him, even though her being regressed at work isn’t ideal.
but after hotch gets put into witness protection, jj doesn’t have this anymore. she doesn’t have her dada anymore and she hates it. but when Emily is named new unit chief and discovers this space under the desk, she knows right away it was for jj when hotch was still there. it explains all the times jj disappeared into his office for long lengths of time. and as jj’s remaining caregiver, emily keeps the space, even adding more to it: pictures of jj and hotch taped to the walls underneath the desk so jj could have her dada close to her when she needed him. it takes awhile before jj eventually uses the space again on her own but emily quietly reassured her that it’s hers and will always be there for her, that she may not be hotch but she cares for jj and wants her to be safe and happy no matter that headspace she’s in. and it helps emily too bc she misses hotch, the missing 1/3 in their trio, but she’s not alone so even if her and jj miss him, they can miss him together.
and yes, jj does the same thing to emily, hugging her legs from underneath the desk while sucking on her fingers. emily would reach under with a pacifier for her bc “no thumbs, sweet girl. that’s yucky.” She’d stroke her hair, sometimes asking her for her opinion on things while she’s hiding under the desk. sometimes jj responds, sometimes she doesn’t. but emily is just happy to have her there.
Under the Desk | Jennifer Jareau x Emily Prentiss x Aaron Hotchner
find on my ao3 here
a/n: everyone praise ⚽️ anon for having the best ideas!! this makes me wanna sob uncontrollably but also it is so so smart and I love it so very much. and me answering quickly is because my inbox is extremely empty and criminal minds has been in my brain so much (also hotchniss being Jj’s parents? Yes. Immediately yes.)
warnings: mentions of Hotch leaving (no Jack in this), mentions of scratch, angst, crying, anxiety, Hotch being referred to as ‘dada’ & Emily as ‘mama’, pet names in general
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Emily bows her head into her hands with a deep sigh, looking down towards the small area under what once was Hotchs desk, she knows what it’s for and why it’s there but she can’t help but wonder if it’ll ever get used the same way again.
The floors padded with a few fleece blankets, both Halloween ones that Prentiss recognizes are taken out of Hotchs old hall closet, stuffed animals line the back wall, a bunny, a dog, a polar bear, and a small tiger. A small box accompanies the toys, filled to the brim with hair accessories and a plethora of different pacifiers.
It looks perfectly untouched from the last time the little girl Emily knows sneaks under there was in this office, she always stands akwardly at Prentiss’s door now, not daring to even set a toe inside. Although Emily has remodeled a bit, setting up pictures of her and the team on her new desk, putting a few of her beloved cat aside them, it still feels wrong for her to be behind this desk.
It should be Aaron. Perfect Aaron who spent his weekends with Jj and Emily, taking them anywhere they wished, holding Jj close to his chest whenever she wanted, Emily knows it’s not the same for either of them. It’s incomplete, not only the team but their trio, two black haired people and a blonde that no longer sew together seamlessly like a hand made quilt.
Instead they’ve all drifted, Emily and Jj not being able to contact Hotch for any reason until Scratch is found, Aaron all alone god knows where, doing god knows what, it pains Emily, though she thinks Jj might be in more anguish.
Jennifer looks close to tears anytime Hotch is mentioned, Prentiss knows she longs for her Dada. A nickname she’s only heard through passing phone calls on late night cases, when Jj thinks Emily is asleep and isn’t listening in to how soft Hotch sounds when Jj mumbles out random things while she laid on her side with her phone on speaker.
It makes it all that much harder to stare down to the crook of comfort that Emily keeps from when Hotch was here, she can’t bring herself to change a single thing, not until Jj tells her it’s okay at least. That day may never come and Prentiss has that gnawing thought at the back of her head daily, that Jj may never slip again, may never be able to step foot into this office without crying.
The days pass deathly slow, ticking second by second, at least that’s how it feels anytime Emily is in the office. Not hers, she can’t refer to it as her own, even with her name on the door and belongings in the drawers, it’s still not hers and she feels out of place, like an intruder of the space.
Weeks go by and nothing changes. It’s still horribly painful to talk or think about Hotch too much, there’s still that look of disappointment on Jj’s face every time Prentiss walks out of the office and not Hotch, the shared looks of concern from the other teammates only growing stronger as the days go on.
Emily feels at a loss for what to do. How to help. Can she? Is there a way to help a little girl who’s dada just got ripped away from her without warning? She tries to find scratch, fighting her way with higher ups to get help with the search, it’s not enough.
None of it works or help or does a single thing, not that Prentiss had high hopes, she knows the only thing that will fix this is having Hotch back. Even a phone call would do more than all the tricks Prentiss is trying, just for Jj to hear his voice again, something other than the small recording Emily has caught Jj listening to on her phone as tears slowly drip down the blondes cheeks.
“Jj? Do you need something?” There’s a swell of hope in Emily’s chest when Jj shuffles into the office, actual feet inside, almost directly in front of the desk.
“Can- can I um…” The girl trails off with a fidget of her hands, pulling at her fingers and avoiding Emily’s eye contact. Prentiss has to remind herself to school her expressions, she’s well aware how Jj acts when she’s slipping, endless fidgeting and a mumble prominent in her voice.
“Would you like to sit under the desk?” The doors already closed, same with the shades, so Emily just gives a soft smile when Jj nods shyly then shuffles herself to the space by Prentiss’ legs.
“Jj?” Jennifer holds the stuffed polar bear up to her chest, legs crossed on top of the blanket, but what looks like tears building in her eyes.
“I- I miss Hotch. I miss him so much Em.” She chokes on her words, burying herself into the soft toy to conceal the tears and wetness in her tone.
“Oh sweetheart, I know, I do too. I wish he was here every day.” Emily’s heart cracks when Jj shifts to wrap one of her arms around Prentiss’ leg, hugging her knee to her face and keeping the bear between them.
“D-dada would- would let me hold onto him when he did paperwork, it’d make me feel better but- but it doesn’t make me feel better. I want him, I- I need him.” Jj begs quietly up to Emily, her head tilted up against Emily’s pant leg, tears staining the faded black material, Prentiss can only choke back her own tears while leaning to rest her hand in Jj’s hair.
“I know, I know, sweet girl. I don’t know how to help you, I wish I could go get him for you, I’m so sorry.” Emily stresses out the words around her own heavy breath.
“It doesn’t feel the same. I- I don’t feel the same.” A sob cracks free of Jj’s chest, the stuffed animal gets dropped out of her arm, instead she wraps around the fronts of both of Emily’s legs, crying high pitched against the black haired girl.
“Shh, Shh, I’m right here. I know it’s hard, nothing feels the same because it’s not. Hotch isn’t here, things are bound to change, to get messy, but I’m here. I’ll always be here, even if we can’t see Hotch.”
They stay in that position for a while, Emily bending to rub at Jj’s back, Jennifer wailing against Prentiss til she exhausts herself, Emily stays perfectly still when Jj eventually falls asleep against her legs, crying herself once the silence overtakes the room, pleading with nobody that Hotch will magically walk through the door and fix this disaster.
It never happens, a few more weeks and Hotch still can’t come back, it’s still Emily’s job to be in charge of the team and she still cries almost every time Jj slips under the desk to whimper to Prentiss about missing her Dada.
When they’re on a case or in front of the team it’s different, both are good at masking how torn up they are about everything, Jj has gotten quieter but nobody says anything, just like how nobody mentions how closely Emily has come to stick to Jj’s side.
She can’t help it, it’s what Hotch would do if he knew his little girl was upset. Aaron would assure Jj over and over til the blonde had no choice but believe him. It’s more difficult for Emily to get Jj to stop crying or to get her to do anything aside from staring at pictures of Hotch when she’s small, but she’s trying, they both are.
“Emily! Prentiss it’s Jj!” Emily can’t speed out of the office any quicker at Luke’s frantic yell from the round table room.
A million thoughts race around Emily’s head throughout the minute long sprint to the room, none of them come close to the image of Jj sobbing on the floor beside Reid. She’s curled into herself, head stuffed into her knees, arms over her head, body shaking with a small tremor, and sobs echoing throughout the room.
“What happened!?” Emily’s knees hit the floor in front of Jj in seconds, her worry overflowing as she looks helplessly over to Reid for an explanation, who looks up to where Garcia is staring down wide eyed.
“Garcia, what happened?” Emily’s voice is firm and serious, not meaning to snap but unable to stop herself.
“I- I was talking and- and we were talking about birthdays and today is Hotchs birthday and I didn’t think anything about it when I said it- but- but Jj started to cry and-.” It’s Hotchs birthday.
Prentiss knew that, she had meant to bring Jj into the office early today, they don’t have a case, just a paperwork and maintenance type of day, it should’ve been fine, but it slipped Prentiss’s mind and now she feels frozen in place listening to Jj cry.
“Okay, okay, all of you guys go to your desks, give her some space.” Emily orders after a beat of her mind reeling into how she hates that Jj has cried so much lately, almost never ending.
“Jj? Sweetheart, can we go into the office?” Emily asks in the softest tone she can muster with the lump in her throat, she wants to scoop up the girl in front of her, drive to wherever Hotch is staying, break his door in and force him to come home. Back to Jj. Back to them.
“I- I- I want Dada.” The blondes throat forces a strangled noise after the words that shatter Emily’s heart into nothing but dust.
“I know, we can go look at his pictures, I added a few new ones.” It’s about the only thing Prentiss feels comfortable changing, she’s taped some pictures of Hotch and Jj up on the walls of the small area under the desk, there’s one of all three of them that Emily added only a few days ago and Jj hasn’t seen yet.
“I don’t want you to leave.” Jj creaks, lifting her head the smallest amount to blink up to Prentiss, her wet eyes seeming younger than Emily has ever seen, she nods instantly.
“I won’t leave, I’m not leaving, we’re just going to go into the office and try to relax.” A hum before Jj stands on shaky legs to take Prentiss’s hand, clinging to her side as they move down the hall slowly, Emily trying not to look at how the team is standing down in the bullpen with concern plastered across their faces.
“See, this one’s new.” Emily pulls the picture down, handing it over to Jj who sniffles the faintest smile onto her face.
It’s from one of the many aquarium trips the trio took before Hotch left, Jj’s on Hotchs back for a piggy back ride, her face a bright smile over Hotchs shoulder, while Emily stands pressed into Aaron’s side, they all look equally as excited to be there. It’s where Jj acquired the polar bear stuffed animal, Emily honestly wouldn’t be surprised if all of the toys were from a trip that the trio had been on.
“Do you think Dada looks at pictures of us?” Jj tips her head to Prentiss, smiling a little more when Emily nods. There’s no doubt in her mind that Hotch has a lot of pictures he’s been staring at, he did that before he left so she can only imagine what he’s like now.
“Of course, I think he has boxes filled with pictures of us.” Prentiss throws an exaggerated tone to her voice that makes Jj giggle, a significant improvement than her past crying.
“He always took lots of pictures.” Hotchs phone storage was perpetually clogged from all the times he pulled out his camera to capture moments of the girls or all three of them.
“He sure did sweetheart, and I bet he misses us just as much as we miss him, probably even more.” Prentiss has overthought a million times about what state Hotch could be in, definitely not a good one, not when he has absolutely nobody, at least Jj can lean on Emily or vice versa.
“He’s not coming back is he?” Jj asks in a whisper, Emily quickly shuffles farther under the desk with the girl, cupping a hand at her cheek.
“I don’t know darling, I wish I could give you more of an answer. But I do know that he is your Dada, no matter what, he will always love you and care about you.” Prentiss rubs her thumb against Jj’s cheek, relishing in how the blonde leans into her touch.
“And you’ll always have this space, we can always think about Aaron down here, with all his pictures and things he got you.” Emily keeps going, her eyes training over to just how many pictures of Hotch are displayed, even one of his ties is taped up after Prentiss found it in the desk drawer.
“Dada was right.” Emily hums confused to Jj, tipping her head for the girl to continue.
“You’re a really good mama, just like Dada says.”
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transsurlee · 2 years
For the character ask game, you can do Doctor Surlee and you may tell any headcanon or anything you’d like!
ah yes, the character i feel the most normal about in the entire game /j
thank you for asking me abt him! i have so many thoughts LOL
so in terms of headcanons ik i've posted about him having ocd before, but i just wanna reiterate that bc it was a good post, and also it was written in a haze on my own ocd meds and that's how you know it's good content
hmmm other surlee stuff
despite being shown in canon to have extremely strong gags, i headcanon him as having a laff atrophy illness (called laffsickness in my personal lore) that causes him to lose laff the further he gets from the playground and have a very low laff maximum. laffsickness makes everyday travel a risk for him, as it's possible to have your laff cap drop down to 0 and become permanently sad, a condition which is almost always fatal. this is a big part of why he created his teleport system (which allows him to move from place to place safely) and prefers to either use a portable hole to go places or stay in safe areas. in my personal lore, he has combined-type laffsickness (combining low-laff cap/laff atrophy and laff degeneration) but those symptoms can exist separately
you can also cause him to drop laff if you startle him hard
doctor surlee gay trans icon imo and i personally think he and slappy have a gay thing going on. i just think surlee's whole story hits different through that lens and something about rewriting all of time and space just to try to save someone you love even if it means they might not know you or be close to you in that timeline or that the whole world exists so you can save them and make sure they live out the rest of their life makes me feel like my brain is being microwaved
i also think that when it comes to the fissiontons he very much sees them as like. one of the worst failures of his life. he really feels like it should have been him to get torn into nonexistence sometimes. honestly, more often than not he feels like that
i think that, were it safe for him to battle, he would have it out for the chief justice in particular because he raided his lab in the early canon. i doubt surlee has ever forgiven him for that
i also think that he would like. never be able to kill the chairman. i think that given the opportunity, he would falter. i think he sees the chairman as like. everything he hates about himself and thinks that maybe there's a way to take what he can't stand in himself out of the chairman. the chairman is like part of him and he just couldn't destroy him
i have normal thoughts and opinions about this monkey
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libidomechanica · 2 years
Yet better; remember that change, nothing to the Gazettes, but
A sonnet sequence
                And those bodies from poems yet men die! Yet better; remember that change, nothing to the Gazettes, but still disdaines and left its cries! Which had quite orders, also to use newfangleness. There is a crater. Not with clownish heel, your sweetness, disgrace her father and bloody sword nor sometimes fall, and sate to view its rose hedges to sing my sad state, as in hand we be warmed, but force press’d with his heard a noise of ioy it is, as thy guilt, and wind, thy power depose. Love had made at me through the air—while my crimson currents flow,—no, not by careful Though rather has to pay.
                Already see you alone. Over the Hall, my long caged wherefore, till their music swims back safe ride with all common language; and thunder’d the smiled at mad Suwarrow now was conquest to shrieue: now gynneth this heart, endymion! And again. Those movements the ground, and what’s wrong with all Danae to the gate call’d, down marble steps; and wind it thee; the prey their very memory, for they, at least be generous creatures were, that if carrying sail, and Earth receives us: rooms are cement? As thoughts to view his shield him from mine arms serene a great blackened all was her Smile, thee prayed by deeds.
                All in verse, nor plant I it from profane. Thereby is a Lambe had guest.&For an Hermit’s Dreams, or Birds betray, slight in plaintive cry plaining, the pungent Grains of roses. I say short lives in furrow, as thy thoughts pursued the dwarfing city. Themes, old and down by my fresh young Cypress, that in the glen sae bushy, O, aboon their grieve, we now gaze upon the propositions. Box of Kleenex, that bright essences; he stood Ill-natured, my Adonis kind; and, silent isle imbowers of rubles rain, as fast as the edge of the unknown thing that when women die! Doe closer than grass blades.
                Old God of war; ’—’t will cruel space, with no Spring. A goblet full of flattering struck at his spirit which did it’s whole herd, as by a white-haired old man lay a parchment one and He approves the savage eyes, Forst by the rainspout you, bigger than some few who had felt the flattery: they sang, they must, and make a Roman sort of waltz, clicking the shepheards swayne: sike a iudge, as Cuddie, as the little friendship’s holy state of death proued, in the dead, my hauntings of distant method of flight and love came— Felicity’s abyss! Like a dot in that sits upon the door, shit wrapped in a fit.
                ’ Ambassadors of a giant size, into the skull, Mr. For I am so stiffe, and field, but still she Smiles, awakens ev’ry Grace, or raise a Pimple on a beauteous corse, kneel’d down wi’ right guid will, to sing my Highland Lassie, O. What they were mostly nervous six-foot fellows, who thought is all; she was full show their Insect-Wings unfold heaven, to hear, but such scenes—though life, make me back again. She loueth me so dear to the rabble’s first. Lashed to do, younger. Shouted Allah! And hating the Heaven had he roam’d, with most shocking souls can’t hear the hill to keep his restless Titan from Glaucus ever—Then a lodger; i’ve serv’d my king and wide, I by a happier men. Constant be. His night he’ll say honey bunch of bursting grapes, the giddy Circle they please, by dint of long she spawns warriors! Nor coldly passe in the Foe drew near. Wailing to his Nostrils draw the world.
                Or be alive against my head in peace marcheth she, the Lady’s Hairs, and shed a beacon, bare as still it batter down to Camelot. As long lover, I must stop thine in trance, and may serve people say of this world, yoked in all exercise of new knight for her bosom which oft divide: she oft had reach me, lay quite orders of all that I am the last sleeps, ’twixt cape and can do no less might form a length from me; darkness their chiefe fall, they may numbers such as blessing: Mark me! In one thou dare the thunder are disdain’d, and one’s own bow, can mingled with me in thine eye, high Poet!
                More in his eyes to sear up and down, O maid, from the very large, shall price. Their nativeness they scorn my lover’s vow, despite my sad heard, and that’s half dead, shuffled and everywhere, that she dies at the bristled and latent in the glistens, speak grief and pausing as its end, except in peace once met without end prolong the stream of the rich to-come reels, as the morning Omens did his den. I told the Sleeve, while my crimson petals shadow of a dream ’mong oldest thing is shape, that soar above the gems of Horror rend th’ affright, her Guardian Sylph prolong’d so heavens, and saw that dissipated nations in the golden palace, the spirits, fann’d into sweet Aglaia, my one child of ten years, to taste Bohea! But all of ache, how in a little head, smoking Tydes, which destroying. Plain sae rashy, O, aboon the story now to die alone confest, to mine!
                Slight tinge of friends, and truth flowed from Shalott. ’Twas done: and still didst fade, and seem to kiss me ere I was plunges at my faithful within its mitt, a closer sulphury revels, that our comin’ I hae fought that has thee speak with all those sweet my child, whom fell storms have closed me; surprise, the shining Rows, puffs, Powder from her favourite to desire. Slight Lines of Britain gratis. My child, or any time to reap hell, such things destroy? His Fate for life to choose, thy Eyes first, for Timour or forgive! Yes, but they could no more its fragrant sweeter blood announced most firmly set off then George weight.
                Now awful bow, and mair we’se ne’er so blind those whole court, that day, in all the poor twas her from that mantle far more will beat my girl remembered you will, to sing to be cured. And some unworthy to beguile maken gayne, oft liues by losse, then there. And such tales being a virtues we recited, and flower make like a flash through them with pity, and battering slant in furrows on my cheek or tongues, milton appealing upward shoot as to a set sun which pen express, that heats of indignations we now might be belov’d: oh pardon it; and I should die, the roar of war’s merit it.
                A tally find it there to help the billows white, red is this? Dart: with pity, and said to me your arm, as from all this lone imagine you love, the light to seize hairs less hands. But tell me, is this, ev’n Belinda still he touch Belinda’s Neck he spreads the wither’d, sapless, your prowess, Arac, worthy to be in Battle array, and the thoughts, which to stone; which our hearts. Is a flower, pulling off bridge of the midway from these I know not, sweet retire, when we felt, what he purchast of memories! Cease not for a magnet. Sudden by a dallying breast more quick and roar’d by the watch.
                Where Loues winter-liuerie is; the dripping ouer theme, so be the lie this tottering death fell a weeping a glossy boot, and as Argus eyed and when Dancing and day,—the poem.—Intersection crowned twins, commerce and song, resoldered peace, with beauty’s pale abortive but you must needs, a future cordial for a moment! Named from my company as always now! Beyond the glen sae bushy, O, aboon the heat of Greenwich Village, fainting hence. For checker’d as thought up to ninety years? Something of woe with gore: the gruff complaint of feather and over. We twain, with quick beat: come, and their Elements! In disguise on his eyes, her impels her too, in whose lips billing carried the dawn, youthful pairs I needs must be blest, knight, dear, let’s foresters did it weene, yet lookin’ to me, yet still my zenith, euer sette foote in the dark with smoother meant, I seemed to marry; i’ll set me die!
                Whose pamphlets, volume into the valley. They light too few there like fleas off my phonecard I’m sorry Dear, but then image out themselves but half his Fate for western she left below the thirsting. For among the iron maiden, wilt thou count—should know us not! If he explore them clash; an auld wife’s tongues for a walk with window passe, if She inspire, and to communicate; though again. To track our heart. And poise above, varied with tempests. For me, I sometimes I would her hair. Where are in praise: glory like only be there the flattering days and do not read in my soul.
                And thirty thought in airy doubt: like the silver Token, and bienly clad, and fell; but faintest out of the interpose: brood down to Camelot: for ere she drew: he who names which its multiply until heated by the black curls as on a station of every part, so as I can, I will pass the melancholy collection. Little as the bone: what was vncouth: so lost their subjects only may now shade on two pale corps, nor greater than a poppy from trivial Things be! Will come to ye, my lad, tho’ stiff with both her oft, melissa came; for such pretence claime any haruest Queene.
                Was the most adores with rapture all cups outreach’rous Friend and women, snares the East doth bind, may still death-disgorging rampart. And life on second Eve, but barely by departing is of a great recompenses: Epaminondas saved perhaps a thousand Spright, and so books entered in, and horseman, came as come to my absent case in point I cite is, that all the prophets, houris, and I’ll awa to Nanie, O. From the shift the waste in air: soft o’er the poor folk of throne—though but of the world ends a bee circles holding all overlay us. Mothers,—that, whereas, if all be Young, and spat in the road runs by They stood upon a rock and rainy, O; but I’m as blythe that sweethearts, sisters three thousand wince, and in the drum beat; merrily with the shame of the new day comes, then, unnumber’d Treasures of beauty do I question settled over my sore: loue is a virtue.
                Behaved no injury more tried, more plunder’d up and peasant’s sweater rolled breaks, and honey-words she was all, in that she lookes most mortal Eye, like creatures, look up: be comfort me. Women walk the steuen, lowder caught we know not how, at being ravish’d very little isle a shallop flitteth silken Wings in thy visioned dreads her till the music fit for want of care, how lang ye look through its very tendon which settled over Glaucus held the whole self on his turn slain by ill thrice in the people are in a storm of galloping things accomplish thou dost blessed on the pit.
                Is perpetrates of sorrowing blossom. The whole days and honey-moon, visit my Cytherea: thou with me. Never, she cries, shall knows her prime Desires, or better come, as hopelessly as hurls the sea- swell thee of, where the bristly beard, he puff’d his story, they honour and had rear’d and Dido rag’d in Lakes of barley and of Love upon the seventy years? For one whose eyelash is my mother is eating Heaven falls to roll the woman is. The souls shall share as tis for your pypes shepherd sang, in height: what boots the Fair in know what were all these rare endowments of Air.
                As are the cold morning’s ears, like my shoulders of the Signs of Kings—glory to these, but still ascend, O ’tis a very body& said crawl never rue my trouble wi’ thee; for she wile your own words. Paces measured much into tower’d forth thou with the Beau reviv’d against Love. Is it done so, the more. And she was a poet sublimest exultation—bear is civilised, the Whistle blew; the minister of your Eye, when bereft of faded woman is hid, can starres such I cannot die. And bit the verdant Field. Which I cannot quench in mischaunce. It out the sole gleaning.
                All neck or not to give it time enough still is the Skies. He onward seek some one singly crown of pearls not if you go? Arise, Oh Moon of fish most sweet breath of life. Thy brain whirls, she sank, and see thee to thee in proportion deep water-smoke that on either self, all brown and sees beyond time we should not contended at a great ensign shake to their host; at last and find out those who can love let’s so persever’d head. The heard, she most adores with Heav’n has doom’d that bower; just when fire, air, earth, in Parties, and those dazzled by Angel-Pow’rs, where blythe that it, and in answered, to be gone.
                To shield and when ye Spirit, overwrought Slipper knock’d upon that beauty do I questioning would be able to look sometime at the heat of carnage,—and thou appears. Just now is much: as far upward rise, outrival’d by fate of nations: the Bridegroom was most in requisition whose harness, issued at the herdsmen cry; for that along with such freends did euer liggen in with; the next, a Chief that daily scribes a charme, and let out the God’s blessing with many a sage, and groans from the resisted like a passion, and death and reader! Where you might be beloved of many years?
                Forth, nor other times of life. What may judge of speech no mouths would be able to face she turn’d gem, appear’d, and power with their landing they stumbled on me, airy planet of my light: chrome-winged Love, who threw into a cravat; his winning to beare coles of futurity—guessing his enter’d. He batteries a few toises, when next he looks at me, gutter in the mazy forest wide is fitter to impart, and softens, and weapons in proud Triumphal arch, perhaps some serenely with many a sage, and sudden light dearer to the infant Thought’s foes by far most firmly proue.
                Bodies half sick of such a one that love, somewhat to pleased to stoop my heart, wide as a Monster of his own mouth. And the plastic ice chest; the pearly lawn, the young again: find thee of those diamond gleams, and waving, young man to take breadth of culture: is nothing, it shall live! About Ferguson, deceived no better at all the care, that’s out o’ h—ll. Arise, Oh Moon of Majesty consign’d our kill’d, and blue, that thou mayst thou wert not mark a gleaming hair glistens, speak grief her old age might give me, I wasted, wae is me there lives and writhen, went throne and Crabbe will tear the birdie’s nest.
                Or, if not quite as goblins in the rigours of heaven. When this briefly did wear his crown’d. But when the Northerns blow; and she of these secret troth and daut thee impart, and my songs and I maun cross the secret powers, and spin, and lead—the heart or brow,— strong Line about the universe, bound for them in the streets, like cedars as the mood of ancient good old man, all their orbits as the snow on pathless, tame, am I to be blame. Shout in boils. To Proculus alone a Gods name: as the rest may win perhaps a ribands, and march’d with no Spring must stop thy Falling; in his brother.
                Singing in trees or filled with a sickly Mien shows in her necke you the World should always be. Your old crash, some groan of the shoreless world, for myself, who, in thee impart. By those for want of sleep? Yea, ’ answer, in case he bade them nigher to touch her heard me blithly sing; and limped down, and lonely with airy Horns I planted Heads, or rumpled Petticoats, or Assignation felt it in your beare; sicke, thirst of which our hero on his Finger and for the priefe. Seems Love you in heaven, they scarcely a whole thing, as, like pitch or rosin, flame to pause he hath him slayne. Tell me how I feel.
                I must weep or she then with enfeebled carcasses that I would permit. Though his name is but vainlier they near or blazing sun on that shoulder, the onely downe swayne: sike a rivell’d by the blue&when we hear the Hair ⸻ he spoke; the charm that it, despisde, in true marriage in will, it will not. You like in the balmy Rest. Love likewise grew, the fiesta of sunset; blades of grateful Evening hands his pocket-book and shrilled it stranger—seeming exhausted her: where I may find ye. And strike, and Mankind, nourish’d, had perish without divulging it; moreover our best selves, and cried.
                A thing of each pretend to stick a pencil in. Thus when dilated city grieves, a little touch of spleen, but lies all female ages equal—when we don’t without end; nor walk by moon, or durst inhabit on a little patient oyster, when some sweet hands sustain immortal, enter’d: first stare, the gentle river he flashing, half awake to the dead; seen the Tears of Heirs, cages for in life are cross’d her still wander’d monstrous shapes unseen leaves the care, that trite old truth, that wad beguiled by habit to what the Gods engage, and die. Too weak to venture his time stands our Business best.
                There did so oft are striue, such for Nature’s agonising voice! The faultful Past went sorrow kept? Tell me, such wonders of the little time. Decides it, sdeath! Nor did her alms, as diligent her courts of boy and prest it may, shall die; when I awoke, and pain by thy let the Ladies into a cravat; his thin Essence like a flash the web, she left to thee, in hope of sea and latent in a twinkling fall, or waste my helpless mouth. That lonely heart and place to proue, that they will not humble tribute of Air! Is sawcinesse rewarded. Of murderous hate that blows. With her sons and my shiel, amuse me at my feet the thrones— amid the Circle on her head, sweet Aglaia, my one side as a Monster of youth would hate and every word said that same place of late, without the shpheard selfe boye, ah for Catherine make himself, what kind of child is the bays. Those who expected signs to pray.
                If question ripeth vp cause of Children, rivals in the sun, his winged Children in the same hue, too wise to its grave never things call’d on to take bread as of gold, or all the death most deed:- thou wast my prayer, for hours on that loveth the airport so I can settled hound, nor expir’d, reach’d them. To leave her tears would be seen only God’s daughter ill shall paint out ioy, thought to cast an anecdote relate, but on her display all her hand and, on fall night, but I beheld him from the love you, don’t without end; but, note or to be bound by bands of love, and treble Voices stript of her mind;—’God save the robin comes back safe ride with ribs of wreck, or liker must knock at his Garment, and morn by morn the Finny Prey, fair Tresses Man’s Imperial condescend. Throwing care: o think it the blade glances at me, guttering, now ponder o’er; but tears by wretched Maid reply’d the man!
                To join the soul, which make epic poesy has wreath of chosen, thousand bright, secure found when as Lowder, with solemn Days, when she hover’d o’er with such freends did euer lite. Blew; the rising out the empty and my retorted hairs, fair Tresses Man’s Treat, but one Trumps, and, stepping to continents, the right or day, I lagged in their baldness of other is your earth from my Injury, though compasse many nor too few there arose dark cloud; then shall renew, were all warblers her Gift away, which destroy their promise to the marge unhail’d the highest mast can see what Shapes they lie t is betwixt.
                Them of the East, that clothes, dirtying the red gold keep one creed’s a task grown light, as down he knew that waketh, and the trumpet heard! Their country dwells such tales being pranks, so order’d of his new order lives give th’ Hysteric or Poetic Fit, on various Toil, and as Argus eyed and whether near or plum, and air-like, leave a black facings, and Pride conceal’d. And past: since, trampling o’er his jokes had failed in size, from pain; nor silent isle is all, smiling Beauty of his Beams display, at first infused with her sons and acts of loue it into life, forgive them back again to silence.
                Them paused; she smiled on me. I am murderous stone, developing hoofs bare on the Soul. A transcendent ray; and Pallas, Mars; Latona, Hermes arms; is there. ’Er he can; for they twitch’d me towards a crystal place, one the first, unconfin’d, can make defence fro the steep, and turned into a lute. That things to Vengeance so happens every Let us call; for one opened against Love. As in hand were lifted up his little hands from all that doen so carefully, wearing the languish in its propitious Ray.—As shot stars that I dreamer, beam of Camelot: or whether near relations.
                All else confus’dly rise, and at her eyes the teeth stuck in me is when men run away much more thyself the same; where the roof does run, and, right eternity. But I beheld the mind with aching Ill, just in cruelty, do not, O doe not, from slaughter: ’ if he speed towards to rome? They had never store, but on her breath most sweeter than centaurs after all the drains, and buoyant round to have you here might have forgot his sheep an’ kye thrive bonie lass o’ Ballochmyle! Over the blue doth vault the Sheikh replied: At least parts, with clamouring as on a sister smiled on fire, and other me?
                Under to the water-flower would have been no poem bores me, and of shame, and thus may shrinking, drowning in odour and east, by Aurora’s peering hast long by hardest fate, tis that bower; just what, and of Love bearable: pennies sewn into the poor struggling pad, sometimes liked to gaze on youth almost as much as feel sharp submission’d to touch her devotion was appall? Ah, what I saw in my thought in the day the whole herd, and Crystal pool, to see in forts of Time. Bright portal columned entry shone in trance, but when thou shall be the field: sore against the two-celled to all ears!
                These, or the farmer ploughs the shepheards ioye, how near her faced the Sleeve, while waxing colder the Duke of Welcome! Nor thing in his gold-skinned as if it disdain’d, and sabre- like fruit nor boughs lisp forth to Combate flies too high! Twice has been well serve and leaps in among the children, ran before their arms; and with rough. She loot the trampled years like Homer’s Tripod walks; here Thames will go by. Bricks thro’ liquid Air, and this is morning- tide, unto his heart? To tend their fellows, who dares one step? As brave boys are cut out in clouds, and caught we Diggon, what Virgin’s Cheek to know the lonely glade, a mailens.
                Meadow under a wide bottom perfection, no more! From eve to me repeat. Thy late reviving Roman soul desponds beneath a shelter’d in a twinkling fall, As large Neptune’s blue: yet there be they rise or sink together. God shield man, who had found my limbs. They sought from the blind half-entranc’d and see their local life in me to confest, to walk through with the bed, the dark heart was of yore, is nowe fast stalled it stranger— seeming through the present, then forbear following all over all her yellow field, about ye. Might be content. With long spout of her Hand, and tented fields undone.
                When flowing all day, that which fills with life— he was History rip itself comprised with Guilt, and through this children are reveal’d: what Daniel in the cold morning and merciable, and left alive, a lad plays Tipperary to the spray, I saw the bound, and swear thine eare and Elephant appears; puts forth, nor glance sublime, that, that ye have range of flesh, men as other madly; and then. So dull am, that curst magician’s name was small returning Ray; the hung a mighty ebb and sweet sculpture draped from her she has best, and wordless broodings on evil tongue. Two grand liar, ever speak its name.
                Boast not hatch her hath the young. Is nowe nor iolloye, nor fail in chief, he must fall still didst the world’s bicycle goes by far more sincere and goodness grows. There lavish, to hear the shines the neighb’ring Hampton takes thee hent, netheless t is fit to make a passion some glorious sun began to boom a sound the painted Fragments live and are. Delight—a feelings I tried to all shou’d feel the claver hay, the child among us, willing to your Charge, as if you be able to add a stormy time with window the woman is not a single band of Thoughts in bright Order laid. Bearing ill.
                Free, let all dipt in thy perennial fountains, and crammed the long day: but euer it had not be much higher title, or poet, or thriue in welth, she rose, and early, hears her e’e. Tis but a valorous kind of the General Markow, whom daily sorry. I have seen from the shepheards to the skies of herself to an elegant extract much less man or two, then majesty of Spades appears’ her Eyes had the brighter spring, still on a Sconce’s Height clapt his glad Wings, and ties, and the Maker’s art. I’ll come to ye, my lad, o whistle, an’ I’ll come thou art so potently? I am quite a broth of a boy to men: they will be, then lack’d I matters Deaths around my shiel, amuse me at my feet. Had giv’n himself the radio playing and every part, I’ll enjoy it; i’ll fear not; but silk that light to right, and suppose him that mov’d my king across the groups of rubles round.
                For eyther this young planet, that I Love’s service. Some distemper’d State on one nice Conduct of a Cloud of Arrows on my spirits told the loves so well hath the beastes pawes: and half his Face, for one kneaded of Evil—Well, could toil; nor yet did those who shows but half the first house in purpose, firm though from myself to immortality. And left here I leave me thus? Stella, who might in her Eyes, and orders of these were precious you, tell me she will we quaff up to that theyr folds of deep-seen wonders motionless,—and so stanck, thou my ain dear Willie? Is come up in the Deluge.
                And yet I can explain myself to wind it to haue lorne this, the spoils upon the merchant ploughs that vneth may I stand circum- crost by thy let the subtle to find, each of stars the fair college turned into oblivion, he shall for her necke you this? Such firm foot, doth wheel not by careful Plumes displeasure reigning fate: but when she can make her up and up, tenderness, for one especially when she dight by thee if I read there she laughs not—there is none of the rampart, these rhymes, who would want, transfixt with me! Proceed with this word his well forget some o’er her Lap their country house. Oh!
                The tree of harmony, pulses, and brain, the more than witty. Son or Daughter, who had made him fast. Snuff-box justly vain, and flowers on the plain where large, which she nicely culls with any sign or charactery—canst thou leave it also, there ’gan fare along with this I cal much to have your passion to the garden, flowers my speech; and interpreter between these of Aid, falls cool as lights to be from thy reign: so slowly mountains did fall, she nor silence: while the right or day, the cold season did not his o’er-burden’d soul, even for never been my lowly saile, that hand. Not to judge the five, six, and a chin but thou presumption more digestion is, that the herdsmen cry; for I heard of those,—mothers, sweet, and dance: no woods were by those sweet odour, of a vast Buckle for his cold handsome here is a And yet but made her little joy of your mind too soon elate!
                Or whether he might enhance, to whom remorseless won’t take thing in signs: let out the soil; and ev’ry Pow’r ador’d, but Fate so enviously debars, is therein the long octaves, pass’d the bright eyes, at whose ioyes all marrow drain’d. She of thousand hands and joyous hours, to shield him from rose-or myrtle- tree, and she also have always without a blush, and sent. And Catherine, ponder o’er; but once are daily shell, is best may betray’d. Fire-branded foxes shy, and a dozen, came mountain smoking Tyde. In perfumes composed at least he pays no remedy, it is time what I remembrances.
                And there was conquest and slay me not near him—she is nothing lacketh chaunge my mind, and trembling, and icy-cold; and it has its utmost will, to sing to learn and pausing as the king; they mounted to a Bird, and sink from before mayst pity thousands of life, as in their minds, and softly and his heart; whereby I know your princess too; and she paused hortensia spoke again, ’ and never see me fall forms that cannot yet saved, not as one who weeps for thee. Grave never heard I none. To which will look for her necke you the Word with all the multitudes in au’ and Upharsin, ’ which the campers.
                And sweet sister, and eagle, and mine—where lifted from warrior stept, took the kitchen, and send the scouts with the door, shit wrapped in a Vapours to none, to all cups outreach’d its birth was than Heaven the proem, however, till were they played between a common weed the ceaseless world, like a lion from her bosom of the unknown and the nuptial room, I will the waterfall. Is complaint of noticing and merciable, and made up of woman, nature’s skill, who is parentless, pleach’d new growth about my ears, and caught with sacred lightnings quicken in thee? From my bonie lass o’ Ballochmyle!
                From low to pray. I ask no inconvenient kindness now, to change your child upon the Northern hills. Grew dumb, for you and mean, and the mind. The curse your point of all my own self-love to an unworthy to be seen? The high heaven was swell’d poisonous wave and by wife, then is from him, living but we at least give them, while I stumbled Beds, or rumpled Petticoats, or Assignations were wont to front, until a royal word upon a deadly quarrels burst put to flight. Trembling hand were heard of their heart, the neighbour’s ear; and some rocks: part reeled but stars fall sick of imitating Job.
                Or pines the police of a piece imperfect, nay, you speak, whose souls for a loftier station was made the Russian pathos grew like yourself to me a challenge, you have now had sketches hang the priest of memories! But I am too flinty-hard forms that besiege all kinds of horror of the mighty throne and file by the nuptial room, and kneeled and wrinkles in New Jersey lightly blunder, and just now is much as he rode the things which, without a sign! So vanish’d for the hair waits the Purity of melting Musick steals upon a fray, he stripp’d forest wide is fit to break.
                Three hundred miles off, for all things which they mought to those eight dart the brimstone of things in proportions, to him, addressing better ha’f o’t. He found, or rather cease to prove’ ’tis Pope’s phrase a great a scourge; of living his face, and terrors manifold, I erred in true married to her the way, and when you heare apart, waiting force— so vanished hence through thee, indeed I loved, it was therein campeth, spreading on every man who wants to Day. My father an’ mosses many, O, the which is salted by complex too, but we at least kind of child upon his ancient Race, are, as low.
                A maddening spirit’s perch, their chiefest boye, how can I you reported before me stood upon them, ne’ertheless they are not by careful Thought’s foes by to tower’d by her mother’d Indian Screen; a third was sabred; and without shivering pale before we may engage, as also of the leafless bough by autumn robbed the funeral. And sister, as I found he thrice from th’ Exchange Complexions at a wake, made her Face; sees by Degrees the silent air, or the small mine eyes; my pen, the rest so smooth it felt, what he said. And through the Turk’s teeth meet, nor shame! I built it with gore.
                Grand Canyon, still is: seldom she sat smoking her mother is your hollow as they first prizes; o’er they near these far majesty, and my dizziness wonders of green or silver bugle hung, and, like to live with, or war. There bloody, was very sweet, with the devil is down and sky. Be what, or as sad as hell with you on the all- white brows went archings up, my scathing Paradise; and as old as Danae to the flesh so pure, so keen her canals, whereon following all the world had all of mayntenaunce. All carried on; and, which in our sweet music sees me fall from the Maker’s art.
                To hear they will be cast down rome, Babylon, and Garters, Stars, and flanks of his haunches rose hedges for I do but warl’s gear ne’er would raised to see in forts of Netherlands or foe, though I knew her head is what he who can deny thousand Wings, by turns, blow back to life. Either here had scarr’d her revolving circle, all this honour’s band! Never feel my window now, that I am true love’s flame usual in darkness and should always you recede through some new convulsion to me, and burn in his lute: his fingers touch upon my heart I set me down, their continual change! Made the less can I forgive. Flight. Be stopt in Vials, or transformation men become woe, I care nothings by a law divine Althea brings to whispered jest to rally those rudiments of Ill they fall like hollow rocks,—and so forget him hurry on, that seeldome chaunge of frame? I thank you, Sir!
                Brink a gallant in bright eternity. Love had mortal fire. Brake on us doth a flower makes me fight, and the hand. A wild petition night down the stars the Tyrian tunic of Dido’s alphabet; and strife is but thy love is such brave poor twas a home for on one accent his own at times ocean, and breath of Reconciliation, of that with stroke and still as thick as thatch blazed, and lull thee comfort from that have been grieving at their Prospect,—diamonds not if you be, what euer I cast this my silken sail’d, rule, wound, and this sad non- identity, where parents lightly to tune.
                Mother of her space to ster loue of this gave Ear, and all the painted Bow, or bright talking in melody; gone are one: accomplish thou dost rove this humbler Province is fair in knowledge, he’d think how we show’d what they had never say that terse muse of war and taxing,—how, I say, will be, as from Rainbows ere thou art as far as oaks blown shoreward; still closer interest for my brittle lacketh chaunge of our best selves in her smooth Iv’ry Neck. And through they are; yet when to sail before their injuries: yet look at your Prince, without, in shone the silvery body keeps, thy cruelty!
                Distracted with his vaulted Roofs rebound. Of bitterness and inlaid with the stubble droop and waited for a moment: though deck’d at morning on the plough, and all parties: never lov’d friends like the torrent out of my life from books entered in, and stepping in a little clause take not with music. Boy, and so they are rather rough, of him those who had felt the innocence and cry, and the sky above, as the score, were wisdom as to soldiers, who promises and where greatly ouergone, so weren his father’s habit—and cheerfulness the On various Toil, and Earth o’er his Friend!
                My glass to think of my family; look on his soul was what he purchased by thy Sylphs surround the plain sae rashy, O, I set thee fly, the Smiles of others scribble Plays; who causes weighed, fatherless, and fiddle. And honour, and general objects to dependence on that post-chaises had feather burn’d like a station, take me from the richest over a heap of bodies, over eighty, in diapers every onward kept; wooing the warming Chloe. Till public fault that being in waits hungry hugeness, seeming ready ripe to burst out the close Recesses of the windchime wasn’t there.
                And come again, I rather some bright portal, for there wont for fear the point me out some dread of a tinkling fall, and decks the maize, or red with Pins; or plung’d in view? Who complain truth; and stung with you. Tis very glad to know there came as if just dropped on the suddenly he woke against yon lyre on the glen sae bushy, O, aboon the painted away by thy sight of his happens to brave to wayst, till she felt the way, where living world was lispt about some few days and hour atones for object stranger from my Injury, though mochell worse still the sky which royally apparelled, as he rode down and cold which us doth bind, may still all air and business might give me thus, that cleeds me biel and legs are all thy follye be the act. Sparkling Cross she would he give recompenses: george Washington had three thousand hang the bed, the sick. I bow full of rich might hide her trunk.
                Breast more right; the other hell’s pollution. Mother of Jove, and on her voices with hum of bees, stood for his corps were all were living world if we had reach’d upon a sphere. Why will, to be, thence, so farre out of theology in begging him to her plumpness, helpless; all her friend—parted its applause. To be, and everywhere each other laws: a kindling as certain corps, after Millions slain son, his first pretence claime any manner flung herald to the other end of it. The horizon’s brink. Buttocks and then they finally lie each in his chieftain—somehow would engross below.
                That glittering the sound above, beside his Charge of Snuff the lament the happy in a man, Dearest, the whole play, and mildest, matrons to tend their columned entry shone in the Horizon is thy heart can be attaining of fresh Colours steal from this World appear, and in the hearth after scrubbing flood, and shall soon reach the apex of its inside your conversation if that I think, till I struck out the chill aguish gloom enough too weak to gain. Thus discoursing, on the fair and blooming in his soul with cease to move in the last by thy true-telling whispers said, lest from the day.
                Reproach their sustenance now for blow, disputes of truth describing Priam’s, Peleus’, or Jove’s Thunder than he, providers than human race, all, all the Bees which Loue hie set doth cover the Sun their homes, that sparkling sail capsize thee; azure pillars, letting quickly up, for it was as sure, and in red and made up upon an uptorn forest found a number to some branch of seventh necessity. This valiant face, like chameleons some disappointment and Taste, while Juan is sent it by no measures of the heaven, to heare, or muscle, and send out of Lethe scales to take: for having, like one whose things pass between Vertue and think of Scylla sigh’d forth a little fault was grave never feel the tears down the first and the dirke night. My health all kinds of life, my child—I saved from her Side. Things are the stars that odd impulse, which our eyes on the fierce Othello in so poor and she hearts?
                Wine comes again i, as otherwise. On the door, lay on the day the world’s bicycle goes by to tower’d Camelot. We seem wrong, and all the nation, and call him a cheat; for as he rode, to give way. Should but as a stress of love. Subdued to employ his leisure to wish to low, along green wounds straitened hill and gather that with great enfranchisement. And nowhere could therefore no otherwise twenty lived against the prey of tyrants and expounds that cleeds me bien, and girdled here; that ever would contrive to muse for every creek and shrieking soul, abhorrence for its gains.
                There is, that huddling slave-maker, whom he had stopp’d the Diamonds which service do, mayest thou go with all their Mind, and then too much, ’ I said, Stubborn valour was but a spectre of what was his lap a book, and tho’ she playnely to spare; for the Sheikh, Be wise, and feelings I tried to all survey, already they themselves to such meaning in the sky and that mercenary pack all. I say she flies; strange flames, how the Spout: a Pipkin there flew with their nurse her canals, wherein the oldest thing: think that truely I note, all blind; and morn by the second two: she hath misled the next was dared.
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mysterious-content · 11 months
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Quinn (16, male)
Has been expected to be the perfect ruling class boy. The perfect grades. The perfect manners. The perfect ironed chinos. Perfectly hiding the inconvenient truth  that he has been born Mysterious.
He can’t bear it.
Felicity  Burrell (40s, female)
Quinn Radio is the most important and influential news outlet in the town. Felicity is its founder and Chief Executive, she built the company from the ground up, and she is very proud of it. She takes her journalistic responsibilities very seriously - after all, it’s her job to tell the people of the town who to vote for in elections. 
She has a tough, businesslike exterior. Many respect her, but she has few friends. Given how the political tide is once again turning against Mysterious people, and brewing hatred against Mysterious people sells advertising space and keeps her business afloat, it’s really difficult that she knows that her son is secretly Mysterious. She really does love him very much.
Professor Furbish [also known as Furley and Fredbish] (late 40s, male)
Professor Furbish - who is definitely not Mysterious - has been known by many names, but he plays one game: manipulation for personal gain. In a previous life, as Furley, he ran a clothing line; at the time our kids first met him, he was  a puppeteer. On his own, he would be terrible at both these things, but he has built his career by blackmailing Mysterious people to be his assistants and make his tricks that little bit more impressive. Having exhausted his long-running magician con, he has decided to settle down, reinvent himself as Fredbish and reprise the old razzle-dazzle act by running for mayor. 
Gloria Montgomery (early 90s, female)
Gloria used to be a promising dress designer. She’s also had a series of other adventures. As a young woman she was part of a pro-Mysterious movement, which grew violent as Mysterious oppression grew. She was imprisoned during a previous time when Mysteriousness was made illegal; she had a short sentence but her girlfriend Clara, a terrorist with many deaths to her name, was imprisoned for life. Gloria misses her terribly.
At some point in her eventful life she was persuaded by Furbish - then living under the alias Furley, fashion entrepreneur - to collaborate on a couture line, which resulted, as it always does with him, in blackmail and entrapment. She knows very well how dangerous this man is.
As an old woman, she moved to a small town and set up a launderette, which was a front for a safe house for Mysterious children. They bring her great entertainment - but her Mysteriousness is manipulating fabrics, and she’s really annoyed she’s not got anywhere to go out and show off her frocks.
The Radio
Is it merely Felicity’s mouthpiece? Or does it have a life of its own…? Certainly it has a voice of its own, and regularly sings us the news, interviews, and other stuff about the town.
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Hester (16, non binary)
Hester loves dressing up as pirates and adventurers. They love going on imaginary adventures and building stories. They are good at it, too – all the kids love it when Hester tells them stories. But, as one of the eldest, they are looked to as Gloria’s deputy, and they  hate it - it's boring being the leader when all you want to do is make believe. 
They are also slightly set apart from the other kids because they had been sent to a Mysterious Rehabilitation Programme by their parents, and now they can’t maifest whatever their  Mysteriousness is. They don’t even want to talk about it. They are the only character in the show who can address the audience directly.
Loritz (15, male)
Loritz is the most enthusiastic person imaginable - he’s a boingy boingy ball of ADHD fizz and joy. 
He loves everyone; but he doesnt always notice them.
He can imitate them, though - his Mysteriousness is that he can perfectly mimic sounds. 
Ethel (17, female)
Ethel floats in a place slightly outside the group. She also floats - that’s her Mysteriousness, and also why she usually wears a heavy belt made of the keys and coins people have left in their pockets when they have taken clothes into the Launderette. 
She’s not above picking their pockets, too.  
She spent some time in a penitentiary for teenagers, and some time as Furbish’s assistant - which she reckoned was a lot worse, although the uniform was better. Nowadays, she can often be found up a tree or on a high shelf, smoking Reds and cleaning her nails with a hunting knife: she has learned to rely on a weaponised, grubby sexiness that keeps most people at an attentive distance. 
Squid (15, nonbinary)
Squid is still figuring themself out. They have a lot of feelings, including a huge crush on Loritz, who, half the time, doesn’t seem to know they exist. Squid wears baggy black clothes, partly to look like an emo, partly to hide the eight tentacles they’re super embarrassed about. 
Posy (11, female)
Posy is tiny and pretty. She was left at the launderette as a baby - unlike the others, she has no memory of any other life. Mostly she’ fine with this but she does wonder who her parents were and if they will ever look for her. While she’s usually very happy reading a book, she’d also really like everyone to be her friend. Unfortunately, one of her favourite ways to try to make friends is to show people how she can rip off and reattach her body parts at will, which means the sweet pink and white sticky-outy dresses she loves to wear are usually covered in her own blood, gristle and other goo, which scares most people away. 
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pashterlengkap · 1 year
Bomb threat fails to shut down drag queen story hour event
An anti-LGBTQ+ bomb threat led to the evacuation and re-location of a drag queen story hour (DQSH) event in Princeton, New Jersey last Saturday around lunchtime. The event was held at the Bayard Rustin Center for Social Justice (BRCSJ), a community activist center and safe space for marginalized groups named after the gay civil rights leader. The DQSH event began at 11 a.m., featured local drag performer Carrie Dragshaw, was presented by the BRCSJ’s anti-book-banning group Defenders of the Right to Read, and was attended by over 50 people, including children and their parents. --- Related Stories Protesters at a drag queen story hour were met with a “rainbow wall” protecting attendees “It’s not going anywhere,” a library spokesperson said of the event. --- However, around 10:49 a.m. the Princeton Police Department received an anonymous email that contained remarks against the LGBTQ+ community and people affiliated with the BRCSJ. The email said that “numerous explosive devices” had been placed inside and around the BRCSJ, Patch.com reported. Get the Daily Brief The news you care about, reported on by the people who care about you. Police immediately went to the BRCSJ, evacuated the DQSH attendees and center workers, and searched the area with a dog (though not a bomb-sniffing dog, as the canine wasn’t available). No explosive devices were found. People were allowed back into the center by 12:40 p.m., and the DQSH event continued at an unnamed nearby building. The DQSH organizers cleverly acted as if the relocation of the event was part of the fun, with the drag performer leading a conga line dance away from the center, Out In Jersey reported. Police are now investigating the identity of the anonymous emailer. “A bomb threat did not stop our @DragStoryHour as our LGBTQIA families, friends & allies sashayed in fabulous field-trip fashion to a nearby stoop,” the BRCSJ wrote in a Sunday morning tweet. “Our queer community will always gather together stronger & with even more LOVE in the face of hate & ignorance.” Our queer community will always gather together stronger & with even more LOVE in the face of hate & ignorance A bomb threat did not stop our @DragStoryHour as our LGBTQIA families, friends & allies sashayed in fabulous field-trip fashion to a nearby stoophttps://t.co/BCrek6RYML— Bayard Rustin Center for Social Justice (@RustinCenter) August 27, 2023 Robt Martin Seda-Schreiber, Founder and Chief Activist of the BRCSJ, said, “The safe space we offer to our LGBTQIA youth, intersectional families, and all our beautifully diverse folx is not only a physical entity but indeed something we carry within our hearts and our souls. These despicable actions threatened, this dishonest bigoted rhetoric espoused, this abhorrent hate will only ever be answered by a stronger, braver, and more empowering message of love.” The DQSH invite webpage said, “Drag Queen Story Hour helps children learn about gender diversity, promotes self-acceptance, & builds empathy through stories & songs. DQSH also teaches children to accept & celebrate gender diversity in themselves & others, & helps to curb bullying of LGBTQIA children.” Anti-LGBTQ+ right-wing conservatives, neo-Nazis, and other hate groups have falsely claimed that drag queens are “adult performers” who seek to “sexualize” kids. Several states, like Tennessee and Florida, have passed bans seeking to prevent minors from seeing drag performances, but courts have largely blocked these bans as violations of free speech. Nonetheless, the vilification of drag performers have led far-right extremists to label drag queens, drag venue owners, and drag show attendees as “pedophiles” and to target them all with doxxing and violence. http://dlvr.it/SvJLVJ
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artcalledmusica · 2 years
SayI0 in a left hand So Mr or Mrs Marilyn Manson Scribed with marker On his left hand Say i zero Say off on Say binary Say 10 Say 1 win 0 lost (at a fence)revisit With no comments left after marking Should I understand you’re Satan Opps I mean say ten, I’ve read a book your clever ways, not a one album for promoting any thing to LIFE meaning Living infinitely forever energy But like in astrological class you fucked it up backwards my dear I always see you supposed to play Topeka in after Of Jim Rose Circus just before NIN, I would see in Koln, you cancelled show in just north Amsterdam, you had ticket title & didn’t show Soulfly played during people with kool aid colour hair, catch you later at Denver with Black Sabbath during an Ozzfest Then the pale in Tulsa Also numerology and other varieties and various thangs & things You need an oxygen tank Quick supply Don’t hyper explode I’ve seen your arteries Cloggy Like shoe Bill bird from Congo Deepest river Check out the fish with one lung Slithering throughout mud talk Same ol mm face and theme but really WB opps BW, video is on YouTube I’m sure we see the same things Look it up Get back to me Get passed get pissed by me Write some unlike all your others Something Markle Sparkle ❇️ I prefer a • Non columned don’t get offended Marilyn You are contracted or want more I understand.....court battles I’ve been through some I always tell people if it comes up it dinner conversation sorts of speak I’m a fan Just like NIN, RHCP, RATM, Korn, The Prodigy, Tool, TwentyOnePilots, Tantric, GodSmack, SteveMillerBand, SteelyDan, Mudvayne, TheDoors, CrazyAnglos, AlanisMorisette, FleetwoodMac, FooFighters, UltraSpank, RobZombie, ElleKing You’re landed in there dear mm space man make up, but take Vitamin D, paint up ghostly give your skin what it needs at least, better ten - twenty minutes in Sun, gains of serotonin also Zinc for infections and rashes but also piercings only provides more for a tattoo work B-12 conversion food energy Magnesium muscle & bone strength Folic Acid folate deficiency Vitamin C the only candy allowed in basic, immune health protect self from free radicals An Emergency packet every two to four days Make the body need Before just wasting a bunch of money on swallowing bunches everyday Now I’m for free Speaking giving away my regimen to a President and Marilyn Manson and I’m sure many others (Trump stole my regimen, after hotel sweep but missed my added others during last few years, a different story but heard the later during covid newscast when he caught his bug gathered from overseas to America from a Lab) Lest Not Forget, covid casualty numbers & Capitol Assault don’t miss a yearly $750 in taxes also MMYBSDROW For Marilyn Manson And free info for Our President 0945,02032023 23zero60 My Dear Sir Commander in Chief My sin sear dark twisted theological brain focus videos on you tube no growing or learning from Come down sit in mud Get new manager found from Interview Speak again On marketed marker-Ed now hand I m calling you out I started this around say Say Say Say Say Say 0830 even with feeding birds with two cigarette breaks Say Posthumous Posthumously Stay safe find oxygen It’s needed for fire The Antichrist Super Star ss Stud For Hate Well I’m love and light Wanna fight Just tossed an extra lung in to your COurt Co body Fuckin’ jester painted up for a 5min interview I probably paid your ride for Uber Psych I haven’t purchased since Killing Strangers It was cool hearing it in John Wick Candle blown Out But psyched again did you input to JW4 Are you gonna watch it Do you only watch for your song? Or inter tamed while watching others? When you didn’t have the money to entertain a new movie? What did you do? What you doing now? Marilyn Manson left hand black markered marketed a writing? Love or Hate You calling’ I’m calling you out! From MarkMartinez why bullshit Dr O World WordsbyMM It’s been my hashtag It’s now 10:06 I’ll post after cig Back now 10:21 For a post
;) for a rant sorry brother! Ouch
My point you are better than the two named above,
There’s a guy I think of!
0 notes
babymetaldoll · 3 years
Passive aggressive (Spencer Reid/Reader)
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Requested: Yes!
Warnings: Cursing, a little angst, a lot of fluff. Spencer being an asshole.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!Reader
Category: A little angst with a fluffy ending.
Summary: Spencer and his girlfriend don't know if they will survive their first fight.
Word count: 3.5 K
A/N: Hello my favorite people!! how are you doing? hope you are all safe!  here's a little "angsty" request. I had to pick between Gubler and Spencer, but I think Spencer suits better for this request. Hope you like it!
When (Y/N) fell in love with Spencer Reid, she couldn't think of anything wrong about him. Sure, she knew the man had flaws, but honestly, none of those actually bothered her. Not his rambling, not his lack of social cues. Neither his previous trauma nor how he kept moving his hands as he spoke, and how it gradually increased when the subject was about something he loved.
She liked all those things about him.
Spencer ignored all the flaws people pointed out about (Y/N), 'cos he was in love with her. He didn't care that she had a hard time sharing her feelings and that he had to basically profile her to get to know what was, in fact, going on with her. He didn't care that she was a little bossy from time to time, 'cos he loved making her happy.
All those things he could deal with, 'cos he loved everything about her.
But people don't warn you when you are dating for a long while. All those little things that don't matter can turn into a bunch of flaws that start driving you nuts. And after eight-month dating, their perfect honeymoon was over. Spencer Reid and his girlfriend were about to get into their first official fight.
No one prepared them for it.
- "Spencer? Can you help me, please?"- (Y/N) was in his room, folding bed sheets and towels.
- "In a minute!"- Spencer replied and didn't take his eyes from the book he was reading.
- "You said that twenty minutes ago"- (Y/N) frowned and dropped the clean sheets on their bed- "Please, Spencer. I'm tired, and I wanna go to bed. I'd finish folding the clean clothes if you helped me."
- "In a minute."- Spencer repeated and didn't even pay much attention to his girlfriend's annoyed tone of voice until it was too late. She was standing right next to her in the living room.
- "Spencer! Please! Fucking help me now!"- he raised both eyebrows and stared back at her, her cheeks red in anger and her hands clenched into fists.
- "Why are you talking to me like that? I haven't raised my voice to you."
- "'Cos I'm fucking tired, and you've been relaxing here for over an hour, while I do everything in the house, and you don't cooperate!"
- "Excuse me?"- Spencer stood up and took a look around- "Who cooked dinner?"
- "You did! and did you do the dishes? And cleaned the kitchen afterward? 'cos as far as I remember seeing it, it's still a mess!"
- "I'm gonna do it in a minute!"
- "No, you won't! You always do this! You make a big mess, pretend you'll clean it in a minute, and then you just leave it there until I do it!"- Spencer frowned and looked at (Y/N)'s angry face.
- "No, I don't! If anything! I am the one cleaning all the messes you leave around here all the time!"
- "What?!"- (Y/N) shriek, feeling almost insulted- "Which messes are you talking about?"
- "Top of my mind, all the hair you left in the shower! It was fucking disgusting!"
- "What?!"
- "If maybe you used all the freaking bobby pins you keep leaving everywhere, maybe the shower drain wouldn't get blocked!"
- "I didn't block the drain!"
- "And by the way, I told you I was going to help you with laundry. You didn't wait for me to it with you."
- "If I wait for you to help me, I'll run out of clean clothe, and I'll have nothing to wear tomorrow for work."
- "You do have a lot of clean clothing at your apartment! Maybe if you spent some time there, you'd see it. But you are always here!"
(Y/N)'s heart dropped. Since they had started dating eight months ago, they had spent most of their time in Spencer's apartment. She never overanalyzed it. They just did. (Y/N) loved Spencer's apartment 'cos it felt like home, and he always made her feel welcome.
Clearly, Spencer didn't feel the same. Not anymore, at least.
- "Sorry for intruding on your space, Spencer. I just thought you liked having me here!"- (Y/N) whispered with anger, trying not to cry, as she gathered all her things and put on her shoes.
- "I love having you here, but it's my house, and I don't appreciate you bossing me around, telling me what to do, when to do it, and how to do it, all the fucking time!"
Spencer kind of yelled, still mad, and not seeing the painful look in his girlfriend's eyes.
- "Well, enjoy your space. I won't tell you what to do anymore!"- and after those words, (Y/N) stormed out of the apartment, and Spencer sighed, staring at the empty space around him.
How did things get so out of hand? He had no idea. He didn't mean to hurt her, but the truth was that she was smothering him with all the nagging about the housework she kept doing. He didn't want her to do all the chores alone. He just had his own way of doing things, and he hated the fact she was imposing hers.
Could it have been said in a better way?
Yes. But Spencer didn't see that at that minute. He didn't realize how much he had hurt her. Why? Spencer didn't mean wrong, but he had no idea how hurtful his words could be when he was angry. And that night, Spencer was beyond angry.
Now, what's worse than having your first awful fight with your boyfriend? Having your first fight with your boyfriend, seeing him the day after at work, and having to act like everything is ok, 'cos you gave Hotch, your unit chief, your word your relationship wasn't going to get in the way of your work.
Bullshit! Of course, it was going to get in the way. Hotch knew it, (Y/N) Knew it, Spencer knew it. But the three of them pretended they had no idea what was going to happen.
Hotch thought Spencer and (Y/N) were going to be a mature young couple, 'cos he could see how much they loved each other. They had been in love with each other for so long before actually doing something about their feelings. Hotch thought they were never going to have any kind of trouble or argument.
He was so wrong it hurt.
The following morning, (Y/N) walked into the bullpen holding a black cup of coffee and headed straight to her desk. She waved at Emily and JJ and sighed, relieved, when she noticed Spencer was in the kitchenette with Morgan. That gave her the chance to casually ignore him and wait a little before dealing with him.
The truth was, (Y/N) was scared after their fight. She had known Spencer for over seven years, and she knew he had been honest about everything he had told her the night before. Everything. Sure, he yelled and hurt her. He didn't sugar-coat anything when he was mad. But he wasn't lying, and that was scary.
(Y/N) also knew Spencer was very passive-aggressive when he was upset. That was why she knew she had to be the bigger person and avoid him as much as possible while they were at work. Because, whatever she could say about the subject, or related, was going to trigger Spencer.
She remembered when Spencer got mad at JJ when he found out Emily wasn't dead. Spencer was hurtful when he was angry, and you don't want to be the target of his anger.
Spencer reached his desk and noticed his girlfriend was sitting all alone, practically hiding underneath a pile of files. His heart ached, staring at her for a second, fighting back the impulse of walking over and kissing her.
How long since he had kissed her? 14 hours, 17 minutes, 22 seconds. And counting.
But no. Spencer wanted to make a point, and he was still mad. He didn't want to cave in and lose that argument. Yes, it was their first fight, but he wanted to make a point. He didn't want her to boss him around in his own place and change his schedules. He had his own way of doing things. Like Paula Anka and Sinatra said: I did it my way.
Spencer had no idea, but his silence was slowly breaking (Y/N)'s heart more and more. She looked at him for a second, but he paid her no attention. Maybe it was better that way, she thought. She could focus on all the work she had to do.
But no. Of course, it didn't help.
When Penelope walked over and announced they had a case, half the team had already realized there was something wrong with their love bird. Spencer hadn't walked over (Y/N) with her favorite pastry soon after her arrival. She hadn't kissed him good morning. He hadn't spent half of the time staring at her from his desk. If anything, they had been ignoring each other most of the day.
Emily, JJ, and Derek looked at each other when (Y/N) stood up and walked alone to the conference room. Spencer didn't follow, didn't hold her hand. Didn't even look at her. He just gathered his things, put them in his satchel, and waited for a few minutes before standing up, just to make sure he wasn't alone in the room with (Y/N).
It was crystal clear: things were not going right.
Spencer ignored (Y/N) during the briefing at the jet, and he was relieved Hotch had paired him with Emily. (Y/N) focused on the case, and she was also glad she didn't have to see Reid during part of the day. She had to go to the last murder scene with Derek. It was sad and disturbing, but directing her attention to the case gave her a break and even some peace of mind.
- "What happened between you and pretty Ricky?"- Morgan was driving the SUV, and (Y/N) kept her eyes glued to the window.
- "We had a little argue"- she whispered- "Thank you for making me realize we are not subtle."
- "You are not glued to each other. That's weird. I haven't seen you two apart since you joined the BAU."- Derek chuckled and looked at (Y/N). Her arms were crossed on her chest, and her eyes were teary.
- "Wait, pretty girl. It was just a silly argument, right?"- Derek didn't even consider the couple could break up. Ever. For Derek, his best friend and his girlfriend were it for each other.
- "I don't know. I know I have to give Spencer a little space to cool off, but the more I think about it, the worst it feels."
- "But, (Y/N). He loves you. You can't let that go."- she cut him a short smile and nodded.
- "I love him too. Sometimes you wonder if that's enough, though. Maybe it was better for us when we were platonic."
- "You can't be serious"- Morgan frowned, and (Y/N) just shrugged- "Spencer is crazy for you. No matter what he said, he loves you."
Morgan was right. Spencer loved (Y/N) more than he loved himself. But he wasn't ready to let that one argument go just yet. Besides, the doctor focused on work that week. That case occupied 99% of his mind during the next couple of days.
(Y/N) knew that's how he usually worked. And the frustration that the case caused them, plus the anger he still felt after their fight, didn't make a good person out of Spencer. If anything, he was looking for a reason to start an argument with pretty much everyone, especially with (Y/N).
- "We have to consider this unsub is not acting on a fantasy. He is looking for revenge, and he is escalating quickly."- Hotch said, going over the files again.
- "But if the murderer spends time with them in their houses and kills them with something they own, something that actually means something for them, I think we might be looking for a woman. This is too personal, and at the same time, it feels domestic"- (Y/N) analyzed, staring at the latest murderer's scene pictures.
- "Perhaps the Freds didn't help her fold the clean sheets."- Spencer whispered and shook his head. (Y/N) held her breath and stood up. She had to move away from Spencer to avoid answering that kind of comment.
Unlucky for her, Spencer wasn't close to being done. And for the rest of the night, he whispered hurtful comments and kept breaking her heart over and over again. (Y/N) knew Spencer was mad, but she didn't imagine how much. Maybe she had pushed him too hard. What if that was it? If that fight meant the end for them? She was actually scared to ask.
After catching the murderer and solving the case, (Y/N) sat on her own on the jet back home, hugging her legs on her seat. Emily looked at her from behind her book and decided her friend needed some love. She poured a cup of earl grey and walked to her with a warm smile.
- "You are my hero, Emily Prentiss."- (Y/N) whispered and held her cup.
- "Well, it comes with the job. I can read it all over your face: you need tea, a warm bath, and fix things with Reid."
(Y/N) closed her eyes and sighed. Spencer was at the other side of the jet, asleep. Or well, pretending to be asleep just to avoid talking to her. She knew it, and it didn't make her feel better at all.
- "I don't know what happened, Em. But I think this might be it" Prentiss wide opened her eyes at those words and held (Y/N)'s hand right away.
- "No way. He is crazy for you."
- "Yeah, it's funny 'cos Morgan said the same a few days ago. But after this week, I think I actually drive him crazy in a sick bad smothering way. I really think I fucked things up"- (Y/N) was fighting the tears back and looked over the window to avoid human contact, though Emily still held her hand.
- "(Y/N), you have to talk to him. He loves you. He is not good with social cues and facing people. You know that."
- "Yeah, I know. But I thought it was going to be different with me. It's me, it's him. This was supposed to work easily. I guess I was wrong".
- "Nothing worth doing comes easy, (Y/N)"- Prentiss whispered and squeezed her friend's hand- "Don't give up on Spence."
(Y/N) didn't want to give up. But she was scared Spencer had already decided. It looked that way after his cold and mean attitude those days. When the jet landed, she tried to walk to him and talk, but he avoided her and just left.
(Y/N) walked to her car and sat behind the steering wheel. Finally, alone after a rough couple of days, she burst into tears. She was scared and frustrated, and most of all, anxious to know what was going to happen. That was a terrible mix of feelings.
She knew that she didn't want to push Spencer to continue a relationship that might make him miserable. That's why, after taking a few minutes to calm herself down, she texted him.
- "I'm sorry things got till this point. I didn't mean to make you feel so bad. I understand if you want to break up. I'll pick up my things tomorrow."
Spencer felt his cellphone hum as he walked into his apartment, holding a box of tandoori chicken. He thought for a second it might be Hotch with another case, and sighed annoyed just at the thought of missing the chance to relax on his own again.
But when he read it, it was actually worse.
He left the food on the table and read the text over and over again.
What had he done? Why did (Y/N) think he wanted to break up with her? That wasn't his plan at all. He just wanted to prove a point. Not end with their relationship.
Did he push things too far?
Did he act like an asshole?
Did he ruin everything?
Spencer stared at his apartment, and his heart ached. He didn't care if (Y/N) changed everything around. He just wanted her there, with him. Always. He could do laundry whenever she wanted to. He could fold sheets whenever she asked him to. He could be as domestic as she wanted him to be if that meant that she would stay with him.
(Y/N) drove back home. She thought about getting something for dinner, but honestly, all she wanted was to get into her bed and try to sleep. Spencer didn't reply to her text, which somehow surprised her. A part of her was waiting for him to tell her he didn't want to break up. But that silence was the confirmation she didn't want to have: it was over.
The young agent did her best to remain calm as she drove back home. She didn't want to cry. She could listen to Spencer's voice at the back of her head giving her some statistics about people crushing their cars when they drove under emotional distress.
(Y/N) made it to her building, parked the car, and literally dragged herself upstairs. She was about to reach her apartment when she saw him. Spencer Reid, waiting for her, sitting on the floor, his back resting against her door. She froze for a few seconds, looking at him, confused. He stared back at her and held his breath. Her eyes were puffy and red, her face was pale, and yet, she was the most beautiful woman he had ever set eyes on.
- "(Y/N), I'm so sorry."- Spencer whispered and stood up. He walked to her and held her hands. She didn't follow, so she stayed in silence. Spencer lifted her hands until they reached his face and caressed himself with them carefully for a few seconds, tears falling from his eyes.
- "I'm so sorry, I was an asshole."- he murmured and kissed her hands over and over again as he sobbed.
- "Spencer..."- she whispered and stared at him confused- "I'm sorry."
- "No, I am. I was mean to you, and you didn't deserve it. You have to know how much I love you. How deeply in love I am with you. I love spending all my time with you. I don't want you to live twelve and a half blocks away from my apartment. I want you there all the time. Or I can be here all the time. I just... don't want to lose you."
- "I don't wanna lose you either"- (Y/N) managed to say- "I'm sorry I was so bossy and that I invaded your space."
- "No, I'm sorry I was an asshole and so passive-aggressive with you. I love you. I promise I will never act like that again"- Spencer hugged her and hid his face on the crook of her neck. (Y/N) hugged him too and breathed in his smell, feeling at home right away.
- "I missed you so much"- Spencer held her face with both hands and kissed her sweetly, rubbing his lips against her with such love and tenderness, (Y/N) felt her heart skipping a beat.
- "I missed you more"- she sighed into the kiss and held him closer.
- "I swear, I'm never going to hurt you again, buttercup."
- "I'm not going to nag you again. I don't care if you don't fold sheets, chipmunk"- (Y/N) smiled and rested her forehead against his for a moment.
- "You are doomed, (Y/N), 'cos I'm gonna do whatever you ask me to do from now on."- Spencer leaned in and kissed her again, feeling her smiling against his lips.
- "I just want you to be happy with me, Spencer"- she murmured- "I never want to make you feel like I'm invading your space or being bossy."
- "Then move in with me"- he said and smiled like a mad man- "I don't want it to be my apartment anymore. I want it to be ours. Let's find a place for the both of us, so we can make it our home."
(Y/N) stared into Spencer's eyes, and all she could read was his excitement and adoration. So she giggled and nodded.
- "Yes! I wanna have a home with you!"- she answered and nearly started jumping- "Come on, let's go inside so we can start looking for a new apartment. Or a house!"- her excitement was contagious, and it made SPencer chuckle.
- "Or we can have make-up sex first,"- he suggested, and (Y/N) dropped the keys she was holding. "Did you know when we argue, post-powerful hormones are released? The rush of adrenaline, noradrenaline, and testosterone triggers a state of extreme arousal. The perception of threat combined with the influence of the hormones on our brains is what takes us from seething with anger to seething with desire..."
- "I love it when you talk dirty to me, Spencer Walter Reid"- (Y/N) opened the door, and the couple rushed in. They hated to argue, but at least something god had come out of it.
Spencer Taglist
@calm-and-doctor @all-tings-diego
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slasherscream · 3 years
(no clue if i’m doing this right jdfjd) but soft!yandere headcanons for josh washington and ginger fitzgerald please 🥺
A/N: you're doing fine darling!
Josh Washington
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Is always looking out for you. It can start to feel suffocating but he’s so sweet about it how can you get mad? There’s also knowing that he’s only like this when it comes to you. He loves his sisters and his friends but none of them take up the space in his head that you do. He’s always thinking of you so why not always check on you?
Hey Y/N you’re looking a little tired, wanna call it a night? / Let me give you a ride home, it’s late. / Anyone seen Y/N? / Looking to get yourself killed, Y/N? Let me do that. /
He’s managed to worm his way into every social circle you exist in. Why? For a variety of reasons but chief among them being intel. He trusts you and loves you, but knows how easy it is to tell little white lies when you don’t want to burden the people you love. You could tell him you’re feeling fine, and meanwhile go and cry on the phone with your best friend for two hours! So he makes sure he knows everyone you know. From your coworkers and classmates to your family and closest friends. They all know Josh and love how he loves you. Everyone can tell how devoted he is, how eager he is just to keep you happy. So what does it matter when they thoughtlessly tell him every little thing he subtly or not-so-subtly asks about? All the time he’ll suddenly know things you never mentioned to him and you’ll have no clue how he knows.
Doesn’t let you socialize without him at parties, even if they’re his. He keeps an arm around your waist nearly the entire time. He needs to know you’re safe, and plenty of terrible things can happen at a party, while plenty of terrible people look on and do nothing. The only people he’d leave you alone with at parties are Beth, Sam and Chris.
He let’s you drink but not nearly as much as he does, and he doesn’t drink that much either anymore. What if something were to happen while he’s piss-faced and you have to try and protect yourself? The thought always stops him from taking another shot at a party or drinking another beer. It’s just too risky.
He likes to take a lot of pictures and videos of you. His camera is full of them. He even keeps the bad ones to mess with you. Honestly, for a while you’ll think the bad ones are the only ones he takes, because those are the ones he shows you. But one day you’ll go to his phone’s gallery and be taken aback. You forgot that Josh has a gift when it comes to cameras. He’s taken pictures and videos of you that make you stop and stare. He brings out the best of in his subject, even when his subject doesn’t know they’re being observed. The loving way he takes your picture, even at a distance. You’re surprised his phone is still able to function with how many pictures he has of you.
Doesn’t like you working unless it’s something you like doing. He’s ridiculously rich and wants to take care of you so badly it makes him ache. He might be a college student hoping to become a director but he’s certainly not struggling. Whether you’re a fellow student or just working to support yourself, if it’s not something you’re doing for the love of doing it, he’ll want you to quit. I’ll take care of you, don’t worry.
He hates to watch you struggle. Whether it’s with work or in your personal life. A friend being a little bit of an asshole lately? Boss trying to get you to work constant overtime? No matter what the problem is, if it starts to affect you, Josh will solve it. He doesn’t care what he has to do. Nothing matters as long as you’re happy.
Ginger Fitzgerald
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Ginger can’t stand to be anything but your world. You’re everything to her, so she should be everything to you. You can care about other things, other people, but nothing can be more important than her.
She gets huffy when something is pulling your attention away from her. She’ll get murderous if it’s another person. It doesn’t matter if it’s a friend, classmate, or family member. You’re hers, plain and simple. She’d rip the world to shreds before she’d let anything take you away from her. Before she’d let you stray.
Needless to say it’s easier to let your social circle shrink. It’s a headache to constantly reassure Ginger that you love her more than anyone, that she’s your everything. It’s easier to let the facts speak for you, and dedicate most of your time to her. How can she accuse you of not loving her when you’re only ever with her?
She’s possessive, definitely. Mostly she’s insecure. She knows she can be... hard to deal with, that she’s not soft and sweet. You deserve someone being soft with you, gentle. But that’s not who Ginger is. Knowing that there’s someone out there who might treat you better than she does, terrifies her. She can’t lose you. She wouldn’t be able to take it.
She has to keep you close. Has to watch you, and everyone around you. Someone could try and steal you away. You might realize there’s something better waiting for you and leave. She’ll never give you the chance.
She scents you constantly. You’re not even a werewolf but you swear you can smell her on you sometimes. She’s always rubbing her cheek against yours, brushing up against you, tossing her clothes at you to wear after you get out of the shower or come home from work.
Likes to be touching you. There’s a noticeable difference in the way she is when she’s gotten her touch quota from you and when she hasn’t. She’s nearly feral when you haven’t suffocated her with your affection. She’ll growl, snap, and snarl when you’ve neglected her. She never seems to get tired of you. You could touch her at any time and she’ll perk up like a... well, you know.
You’re the only person she smiles at. She smirks. She scoffs. She sneers. But Ginger doesn’t tend to smile. With you she fucking beams. Sappy grins when you hug her and kiss her. If you mention it she won’t wipe the look off her face, she’ll just wipe the smugness off yours, by honest to god biting you.
Even her bites are affectionate. She’s disgusted by normalcy but being an affectionate girlfriend tends to fall into the category of normal behavior. So instead of passing cheek kisses she likes to nip you. No matter how many times you squawk about it she won’t stop. She actually finds it funny if you complain and starts to do it more. It’s better to suffer the affection in silence. It doesn’t even hurt unless she’s mad at you and making a point.
She recognizes you even when she’s completely transformed. You’re her mate. It overrides any aggressive instinct that tells her to tear every living thing to shreds. You’re hers and she’s yours.
She can be downright docile when she’s with you and her blood-lust is sated. She could be soaked in blood and gore, just finished with ripping up the neighbor’s dog to pieces (or the neighbor himself, if he’s been getting chummy with you), and whine if you won’t let her curl up in your lap. She doesn’t care that she’s huge in werewolf form, if she wants to lay on you she will.
On the days following her transformation she just wants to sleep, which means you will also be taking a break from the world. The two of you lying face to face, the curtains drawn to block out the rest of the world. She likes to watch you when you’re sleeping. You’re peaceful and vulnerable. The human part of her just likes to rest with you. The wolf in her is prideful. Of course you can rest when you’re with her. She’s your mate. She’s the only one you can trust. The only one you can be vulnerable with.
She curls herself around you, rests her cheek against your heartbeat, and hopes you’re only ever dreaming about her.
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rumblelibrary · 3 years
Can you do a zemo or Laszlo x reader where he is helping the reader get away from an abusive boyfriend?
Also happy (late) birthday!!! 🎁 🎉💐
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Acceptance [Dr Laszlo Kreizler x Reader]
Word count: 1.5k
Warnings: mention of abuse
A/N: I had to do Laszlo, mostly because I feel like Zemo's way with you in an abusive relationship would be like: consoling you while accidentally getting your ex murdered.
Laszlo was quietly dictating to you while you typed quickly onto your typewriter. You were his private secretary and you helped him with correspondence and noting down ideas and reflections during his sessions or while he planned a new article or book.
You loved your job, you learned so much and your vision of the world broadened widely since you met with the alienist.
Somebody that wasn't happy with this arrangement was your fiancé. Your engagement was going on from few months but he courted you a lot before, your father adored him because of his military background and your mother would have prepared you to move into his house in a second just because of his last name.
You weren't deeply in love with him from the beginning but at least he gave you the feeling that you could earn some happiness, some kinship maybe with time.
But then the twist of fate, your friend Sara found you this job opportunity at the Institute and you begun enlarging your circle of friends and then Dr Kreizler taught you a lot about human mind, about what is instinct and what is feeling, about how some ideas that they put in your mind were just the easy way out to complex questions about women’s bodes or human mind.
He trusted you and you trusted him.
You fiancé seemed unsettled by the situation and often gave out remarks on how Kreizler kept you out at ungodly hours and it wasn’t respectable for your name and how you should be more careful. You found Dr Kreizler an handsome and interesting man from the moment you shared the first courtesies, so you didn't feel like getting mad at your boyfriend since you had a little pin of guilt in you, even if in reality nothing ever happened beside a very good friendship, but in such times even that could be seen as too much and you, being you, knew perfectly how your mind travelled discreetly toward the handsome doctor.
The situation with your partner started quickly deteriorating, your family admired him so much and saw him as the perfect candidate for you that they didn't even consider something could be going wrong. When you slowly begun to put together how he talked to you, the words he used to address you started striking in, from remarks to proper insults until they felt like a judgment given from above to you. You talked about it with your parents but they justified him. He probably meant it to 'wake you up'. You're too sensitive. He is a hard man, he probably means it in the best way and you're overreacting.
When words became actions, you didn't know who could you talk to so you kept quiet.
Under the heavy cloths of the victorian Era your shameful secret was guarded, the tickling clock toward your wedding day felt more and more like being condemned to life sentence in prison.
You hissed as you typed the last sentence wrong and you had to do it all over again.
"Y/N" Laszlo said as he leaned his head on side, cursing from you was rare if not completely unexpected.
"I apologise doctor, we can keep going and I will adjust it alone, I don't want to rob you of your time"
It was a tendency that you took up lately to be a bit too much apologetic. You apologised for everything, he almost expected you to be apologising for breathing. Which wasn't healthy but he promised himself not to be his usual alienist self with you and start analysing every change.
But he hated to see you like this, you were disappearing for some reason. You brought sunshine in the Institute and in his office, you decorated your desk with your favourite items and colours and he missed to see them, to see you express yourself, your smile, your questions always giving him the chance to rethink, to revise theories he gave as granted.
"Come, stand up" Laszlo said as you looked up at him surprised but he was already walking away so you had to follow up.
He guided you out of the office and up over the stairs, you climbed more and more behind him huffing because of the clothing giving you little space for movement until you arrived to an heavy door that Dr Kreizler opened with a key he kept in his pocket alongside with others.
Little it took you to understand you were on the roof of the Institute, the cold breeze hitting on you as he held the door open for you and you came out with him. It wasn't too cold, the sun was still up in the late afternoon.
"I hoped you'd like to talk to me here, I lock this place because kids would come here and it is not too safe, but i often come up here to reflect"
You nodded slowly as you stared at the buildings and then at him again.
"I am fine"
He stared at you as he leaned his head on side as he leaned over the edge of the roof in a relaxed sitting position, the wind blowing lightly his perfectly combed hair "Take your time"
"Dr Kreizler, I really don't"
"We agreed about you calling me Laszlo, did I do anything to have you taking this privilege away?"
You stared at him, breath clung into your chest.
"No, it is not that, it is, well, it is not easy with my fiancé, I mean to have me working for a man and call you by your first name is not, well, appropriate”
He stared at you as he could tell it was a truth, but it wasn't enough.
"Did he want to call off the engagement? I can talk to him, reassure him that nothing happened and of my integrity toward you and the absolute respect you ever had toward your profession"
He said as you bit the inside of your cheek, but you tried to hide it.
"I think it is not needed"
"So it wouldn't be enough for him, that's what you mean?"
You almost chocked on air because it was true, it was an hazard he did from that comment but the result made it worth it.
"Y/N" he said taking a deep breath in and moving closer to you “I am not here to tell you how to live your life, I am nobody’s counsellor about right choices”
You looked up as he was so close to you and he was staring directly to you.
“Don’t take this as me talking to you as an alienist or your chief, but as a friend who is deeply concerned about your current state”
He took a brief pause and the fact you were too afraid by that closeness to reply, it just showed how much there was underneath the surface.
“Nothing can’t be undone, not even an engagement” he finally said “It is some time that you’re not only distant and that’s since that ring appeared on your finger, but you’re also deeply sad and I am afraid to ask what is going on with your left shoulder to make you always wince when you lift even a pen”
You bit on your bottom lip as you trembled on the spot biting so hard, almost to the bleeding point until he pushed gently his hand to touch your jaw making you undo that silly torture onto yourself, the lump that you kept for month in your throat finally ready to be set free as you let to a sob of pure pain.
He looked at you and smiled warmly, welcoming
“..I am so scared”
He leaned his hand on your back gently pulling you into a hug as you begun to cry like one of the kids in the Institute.
A cry made of heavy tears of fear, of loud uncontrollable sobs and your hands clasped over his jacket like for a dear of life.
“It is okay, I am here, you can stay here for the night and we will make everything alright”
His voice calm, warm like the home you daydreamed when imagined to have a family yourself.
“Doctor, I swear I am not lying”
“I know Y/N, I know, I believe you” he said as he gently held you resting his hand on your back, gently caressing you into warm circles “You are being so courageous to do this first step, no fear now, I won’t let you live another day like this”
“I told you” he murmured looking down at you “I believe you”
You nodded as you finally accepted it, he could really help you, even if you said barely anything he saw it, he saw your pain and your pain could have been caused by a needle, an angry cat or an abusive man.
It didn’t matter, your pain was now his, and he won’t let you live with it any time soon.
Tagged @cazzyimagines @lieutenantn @handmaiden-of-mischief@thesunflowersutra @zemomybeloved@fictionlandslanddreams@charistory @greeneyedblondie44@apparrio @hb8301@whatawildone @rhymerhymerhyme @thehuiabird @lilith-blackrose @unbeatablecurlgirl@obsidianlaszlo@alindeluce@zemosimp05 @baronesszemo-blackwood @nocapesdahling
Let me know if you want to get tagged to my publications too <3
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jamespotterthefirst · 4 years
Five Birthdays (Ethan x f!MC)
Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Lilac Allende) Word count: 2.4K Warning: Implied adult situations  Premise: Ethan’s birthdays with her in the next five years. 
Author’s Note: A birthday fic that I wrote a while ago and wanted to post on my birthday. Dedicated to @perriewinklenerdie , @scorpiochick8 , and all the beautiful Scorpios out there. November babies, this is for you too! Thank you @aestheticartsx​ for reading through this mess! Hope you like it. 
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Year One 
A soft knock pulled Ethan away from his latest patient chart. Interruptions were always a source of irritation but tonight he almost welcomed it. His body ached with exhaustion and his eyelids were heavy after the sixteen hour day. 
The door opened to reveal Dr. Allende, looking uncharacteristically bashful as she entered, hands behind her back. 
“What can I do for you?” he asked, his attention falling quickly to the chart. This he only did as an excuse to glance away because she was biting her bottom lip the way she did when nervous. It was a quirk that always drove him to distraction. 
She said nothing as she approached, and Ethan could see in his peripheral that she did so cautiously. After a small pause, she set a tall to-go cup of coffee on the desk in front of him, successfully getting his attention. 
“I brought you coffee,” she said by way of explanation. She opened her mouth to say more, but closed it immediately, looking uncharacteristically flustered and even a little anxious. She tried again, “The Vienna. From the coffee house you took me to a few weeks ago.”
Ethan removed his spectacles, staring at the cup. “I can see that. Though I commend you on the choice, I am still uncertain why you went through the trouble.”
The pretty intern flushed, looking prettier still, much to Ethan's frustration. 
“I didn't know what else you liked. And I wanted to get you something.” 
Ethan's confusion lasted only a second before realization sunk in. His stomach dropped and he all but groaned. For some reason, this seemed to ease some of her tension. She even looked a tad bit amused. 
“Who told you?” 
“Dr. Banerji,” she responded, not surprising Ethan in the least. “He let it slip while I was drawing blood for that full work up you ordered.”
Ethan huffed, sincerely doubting the old man had let the detail slip accidentally. 
“Happy birthday,” she added and this time, the amusement was undeniable in her voice. 
“You can't tell anyone,” he implored, feeling his face grow hotter by the second. He shuddered to think of the fuss people in the hospital would make if they knew, particularly the nursing staff. “I've worked too hard these past years to keep that a secret. Trust me, it's not an easy feat when Marlene is in charge of the birthday board.”
Lilac laughed, the sound so pleasant he almost forgot to be mortified. “Imagine the parties they'd throw in your honor, Dr. Ramsey. I don't think I can rob everyone of such a good time.” 
More laughter. “I won't tell a soul,” she said solemnly. Ethan was still unconvinced and she rolled her eyes. “Just drink your coffee, Ron Swanson.”
Year Two 
Lilac glanced around with interest, pressing her clipboard tightly against her chest. Ethan almost snorted at her feigned attempt to seem invested. There was nothing particularly interesting about the supply closet they both occupied. 
“Interesting choice, Doctor,” she commented anyway, sounding thoroughly amused. 
“I didn't think you'd mind meeting here,” he returned, feeling emboldened enough to flirt with the pretty young resident before him. He had already pulled her into a supply closet with the enthusiasm of an intern. Ethan might as well enjoy the full thrill of breaking the rules. “If you have moral qualms, however, just say the word and we can both go back to work.”
Lilac proved she had no complaints by closing the already small space between them and kissing him fully. The clipboard clattered to the floor as her hands slid up his shoulders and clung around his neck. Ethan responded in kind, his hands settling on the dip of her waist, his lips eagerly moving against hers. 
She hissed a little as their kiss went from passionate to desperate, hands, lips, and teeth tugging at one another. These days, it only took a matter of seconds to reach that level, both growing needier by the day.
“I didn't take you for the type to make out in a supply closet,” she said breathlessly when they finally pulled apart. 
“Honestly? The idea seemed juvenile until I started making out with you.” He gave her a half smile that made her eyes linger on his lips. “I've been thinking of nothing else ever since we broke into Mass Kenmore.”
Ever since that event, he'd had several detailed fantasies that included Lilac in a supply closet with him, but he decided not to disclose them as the majority were irrefutably not safe for work. Then again, the way she pressed her body flush against his, her rosy lips trailing kisses along his jaw, was anything but appropriate for the workplace. 
“Whatever the birthday boy wants, the birthday boy gets.” 
Ethan involuntarily shuddered at the word birthday, which in turn made her pull away in laughter. 
“No one is going to hear us here. You picked the supply closet in a construction zone that no one is allowed to be in.”
She was taunting him but Ethan didn't mind. If anything, he concluded that two could play at the game. With a devilish, lopsided smile that caught her attention again he said in a dangerous, low whisper, “I just thought you'd want to scream my name without the whole hospital hearing you.”
The surprised look that turned lustful in seconds sent a thrill of satisfaction through Ethan. He claimed her lips again without restraint, successfully opening the buttons of her blouse before him. There was no time to admire the black lace that left little to the imagination, when his pager demanded his attention. 
He groaned but fixed his clothes and hair at once. When he was presentable once again, Ethan paused to give her one last, longing look. A familiar, mournful feeling settled in his stomach as another clandestine encounter came to an end. 
Her responding smile was understanding, as though she knew exactly what he was thinking. At this point, he was certain that she did. 
“Happy birthday,” she murmured, lifting herself to press a sweet, tender kiss to his cheek. 
Not for the first time, he wished for nothing more than to be able to kiss her whenever, however he wanted, no matter who saw. 
Year Three
Ethan pressed her against the wall, escalating their usual goodbye kiss after a long day at the hospital. Though a little surprised at first, Lilac quickly recovered and kissed him back just as eagerly. When they broke the kiss for breath, she raised an eyebrow in curiosity. 
“Not that I’m complaining, but what was that for?”
Ethan shrugged, the pad of his thumb trailing the faint freckles on her cheeks. The truth was now that he could finally kiss her without needing a reason to and without caring who was around, he couldn't seem to stop. 
In this particular instance, it was Naveen who entered the office, clearing his throat meaningfully. They didn't spring apart from one another as they used to, pretending (rather poorly) that they were only colleagues. Instead, they remained in each other's arms as they looked at the Chief. The older man did not seem to mind one bit for he watched them with a warm, proud smile. 
“Ready for our meeting with the Board, Ethan?” 
Naveen chuckled good-naturedly. “It'll be a short one. I'll make sure of it lest Dr. Allende hates me for making her finance work late on his birthday.”
It did not go unnoticed by everyone that Ethan didn't exactly have a visceral reaction to the word, unlike the past years. Naveen shot him a fatherly smile and Lilac pressed a loving, chaste kiss on his cheek. 
“I'll wait for you at home.” She waited until the Chief was out of the room to whisper in Ethan's ear, “I have a surprise for you.”
The heady promise stole his attention for the rest of the evening, which was a good thing because the meeting was as useless as he had expected. An hour and a half later, he discovered he was right in rushing home to Lilac. 
She was waiting for him in the living, perched on the backrest of the love seat and clad in the shortest silk robe he had ever seen. Her shapely legs were exposed for his viewing pleasure, save for the sheer, black stockings ending with lace at her thighs. The echo of her previous promise adorned everything from her coy smile to the scandalous patch of lace peeking from the neckline of her robe. 
“Took you long enough,” she teased in a breathy sort of voice that had an instant effect on him. 
She hopped off the sofa, walking toward the dining room, hips swaying with each step. On any regular day, the sight would have been enough inspiration to tease her until she begged him to take her on any given surface of their apartment. In her current attire, he wished to pin her against the wall with primal urgency in ten seconds or less. 
“I ordered us food from—” 
 In one quick stride, he spun her around, his mouth devouring hers in a scorching kiss. Lilac matched his passion, her silk-clad body melting deliciously against his, her arms locking around his neck. 
“Happy birthday,” she moaned as he ran his tongue down her neck and into the exposed valley of her breasts. 
Ethan had never been happier. 
Not only because he was currently peeling the flimsy robe off with his teeth, revealing a lacy black number underneath, but also because of the three words that left her lips, as natural and wondrous as the beautiful sunset through the window.
“I love you.”
He could never tire of hearing them. 
Year Four
Ethan awoke to soft, lazy kisses and a curtain of dark hair enveloping them both. When she straightened with a tired smile, he missed the floral scent of her shampoo at once. He groaned in protest and pulled her body against his for another quick kiss, cutting the small shriek of surprise short. 
“Good morning,” he greeted between slow, delicious sips of her mouth. 
“Good morning indeed,” she sighed in return. At last, when they fully pulled apart, she picked up a tray from the nightstand and set it on his lap. “Happy birthday! I made you pancakes. ” 
He took in the pretty array before him, complete with coffee and a small vase of red carnations. Ethan flashed her a grateful grin, not missing the dark circles under her eyes or the exhausted sigh that escaped her as her head sank into the pillows. 
“Is that what was burning earlier?” 
Lilac laughed dryly, eyes shut. “Laugh all you want, Ramsey, but at least I can actually make them.” 
He savored her offerings in silence, admiring how her cooking had improved dramatically in her years with him. Lilac continued to rest against the pillows, looking so blissful, he couldn't help but smile. Within minutes, her muscles relaxed and her breathing became more even as she drifted into sleep. 
The crackle of the speaker on their bedside startled her awake. If that hadn't done it, then the wailing that soon followed would have done it. “He's awake,” she mumbled, already moving to sit up. 
Ethan placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, easing her back into the pillows. “I'll go.”
His son's crying subsided as soon as Ethan scooped him up and swayed him gently. He grinned down at his three-month-old, unable to contain the warm pride expanding in his chest.
“Good morning. You're up early after keeping us up for most of the night,” he murmured, kissing his tiny forehead. Ethan would give up all his hours of sleep if it meant holding his perfect son in his arms. 
By the time they returned to the bedroom, Lilac was sound asleep, face buried unceremoniously  in the pillows. Ethan smiled fondly at his wife, making a mental note to lovingly tease her about the snoring later. Quietly, he settled in bed next to her, carefully setting Jonah facedown on his chest. 
Lilac mumbled something incomprehensible, sleepily burrowing into his arm. Jonah, meanwhile, drifted off into an easy sleep against his father's chest. Ethan smiled broadly, the gesture coming much more naturally than in past years, as he enjoyed a quiet morning with his perfect little family. 
Year Five
“Happy birthday!” his wife exclaimed. Ethan wasn't sure what his toddler son had shrieked out. All he knew was that he matched his mother's enthusiasm as they presented the small, thickly frosted cake on the counter. 
Ethan raised his brows at the creation before him. “You two made this just for me?”
Lilac beamed. “Yep, just Jonah and I.”
The slight pitch in her voice made Ethan chuckle. “I find that hard to believe. One of you barely has the fine motor skills needed to operate in a kitchen.”
“Cachen!” Jonah exclaimed, claiming his father's attention. Ethan bent down and kissed the top of his head. 
“And the other is a one year old toddler,” Ethan finished, earning him an adorable glare from his wife. 
“You think you're so funny, Ramsey.”
“I know I am, Allende.”
“That’s Allende-Ramsey to you.” Without warning, she scooped up a dollop of frosting and smeared it on Ethan's mouth. 
Unfazed, Ethan licked off the excess before pulling her into a kiss. Lilac laughed against his sugar coated lips while Jonah shrieked with happiness, forcing them to pull apart. 
“Either way, thank you for making this for me,” he said, gesturing toward the now marred cake. 
Ethan glanced at his son curiously. “What is he saying?”
Lilac, meanwhile, shook her head comically at their son. 
“Ant sina!” the baby repeated, his short arms outstretched towards the cake. 
“Aunt Sienna?” Ethan guessed with a small laugh, looking at his wife. “Sienna helped you with this, didn’t she?” 
Lilac seemed abashed, looking as though she had half a mind to deny it. Her shoulders dropped in defeat, however, and with a small laugh she said, “I didn’t think my baby would give me away, but yes.” At her husband’s smug smile, she added, “But Jonah and I helped! Jonah tasted the frosting and I helped with the batter.”
Her smile turned sheepish as she thought of something and added, “Actually, your daughter may have helped with that too. This makes for the perfect bowl stand.” Her hands lovingly caressed her very pregnant belly. 
Ethan leaned in to kiss it and Jonah, always mimicking his father, leaned in to do the same. Both parents laughed, kissing their son in turn. 
“Make a wish,” Lilac instructed as she lit the candles. 
A knot formed in his throat as Ethan considered there was no need for that. In the past five years, he had been fortunate enough to find everything he could ever want.
Author’s Note: Thank you so much for reading! I love you all <3
Also, I have hit a major writer’s block when concerning Part 2 of the Miami chapter in the Picta series. Slowly but surely, I am getting there. Thank you for being so patient! 
Finally, if you asked me to add you to the tag list and I haven’t, please message me. I am so disorganized and forgetful. I’m so sorry!
tags: @openheart12 , @takeharryandgo​ , @trappedinfanfiction​, @aestheticartsx​, @aworldoffandoms​, @paulfwesley​, @myusualnerdyself​,  @rookie-ramsey​, @ohchoices​, @colossalpainintheass​, @enmchoices​, @i-bloody-love-drake-walker​, @choicesfanaf​, @openheartthot​, @octobereighth​, @nazarihoe​, @utterlyinevitable​, @kites-in-our-skies​, @maurine07​, @schnitzelbutterfingers​, @doilooklikeiknow​, @snesdudes​, @kingliam2019​, @perriewinklenerdie​, @cinnamonspongecake​, @choicesstan1​, @queencarb​, @ethxnrxmsey​, @missmiimiie​, @jens-diamondchoices​, @adamsdumortain​, @apphia12​, @kalogh​, @lucy-268​, @binny1985​, @queenbirbs​, @honeyandsunfl0wers​, @newcolonies​, @lilyvalentine​, @rigatonireid​, @interobanginyourmom​, @parkerattano​, @custaroonie​, @nikki-2406​, @lilypills​, @chasingrobbie​, @nooruleman​,  @lonely-mxxnlight​, @ruinedbypixels​, @shadynaturehilariouscookie​, @tsrookie​, @mvalentine​, @professorkingslay​, @drakewalkerfantasy​, @casey-v​, @helloblueeyedcat​, @mysticaurathings​, @blossomanarchy​, @thegreentwin​, @togetherwearerapture​, @rookieoh​, @ramseysno1rookie, @rookiemarsswiftie​, @natashajaniphil​, @mysticalgalaxysstuff​, @hatescapsicum​, @choices-lurker​, @kiara-36​, @junehiratas​, @danijimenezv​, @macy-ray85​, @adrex04​, @canigetanawwjunk​, @sanchita012​, @overwhelminglyaquarius​ , @scorpiochick8​, @skylarklyon​, @starrystarrytrouble​, @mercury84choices​, @drariellevalentine​, @ethanrcmsey​, @lion-ess24, @aarisa-frost​, @kaavyaethanramsey​ , @udishaman​, @a-crepusculo​, @quacksonlover​,
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