#also in the original tam looks so done
snaileer · 1 year
Everyone Loves a 2-for-1 Sale Part 3
Part 1 & 2 (And original Prompt)
The dining room was suspiciously quiet for a Wayne breakfast when Danny walked in.
He glanced up from his phone, pulling one earbud out, “Oh feel free to continue arguing my morality like I’m an object, my music’s on full volume.”
Dick looked uncomfortable, “We weren’t-Look, Ti- Danny, we are just a bit curious as to why you’re…. here,” Dick finished, glancing at the others like asking if they’d share the plate of batguilt-fries with him.
“Surely the world could have done without a second Drake,” Damian cut in before Danny could even start.
“And we could have done without even one of you, yet here you are,” Danny glared, “Factory defects and all.”
Damian jerked upwards with a raised knife, narrowly pushed back down by Dick.
Danny rolled his eyes, turning his attention back to his phone-Tim’s phone-their phone. He held a folded paper out to Bruce with two fingers, still typing, “I have a list, if you want it.”
He continued typing as they opening the note and read it, he knew what it said.
To Do in Gotham:
1. Get to Gotham
2. Find original - don’t freak family out
3. -Find- Talk to Bruce
4. Convince Vicki Vale that Tim is/ actually engaged to Tam Fox
5. Get safe house
6. New identity? (what do clones do? - ask Connor)
9. Leave?
“What’s number seven and eight?” Dick asked, and Danny actively made sure his typing pattern didn’t change.
“Don’t know yet,” He answered with a shrug, the picture of nonchalance. Bruce probably didn’t believe him.
Didn’t matter. Dick did. Because Dick felt guilty.
Bat guilty.
About time he believed him about something.
And Danny didn’t care about Damian’s opinions one way or another.
He stepped away from the table, plopping another grape in his mouth as he walked past, “Welp that’s it for me, busy day, fake engagement, gotta find some crutches because I don’t think Vicki will accept my ‘you got new legs Lieutenant Dan-ny’ joke, all that,”
Danny slipped out the door past a sleep-deprived Tim with a jaunty salute, “All’s well in Clone Town!”
Danny kept walking, his brain running miles ahead of him, Ted Tobin steering the wheel with his fingers on the keypad of his phone as he moved forward and mentally filled in the list.
Number 7: Find Ra’s Al Ghul and the Lazarus pits.
Number 8: Stabilize yourself.
Danny continued up the stairs. He had people to see and rings to buy. Busy is the life of a saboteur.
Red Robin watched his clone linger in the jeweler’s store, trying to keep the frown from taking over his whole face.
He was making Tim’s life difficult. Tim suspected it was on purpose.
Largely because people would ask way too many questions if two Tim Drakes showed up in Gotham at the same time.
Hence, Red Robin being relegated to rooftop surveillance.
He turned his attention back to the clone, watching as he left the shop and turned down the street. Red Robin swept after him, following from above.
The clone remained focused on his phone- which was also Tim’s by the way, and stolen- as he walked down the street, turning into an alley without even looking up.
Tim tilted his head and swung to the rooftop, peering into the darkness.
“You could always just come down and actually talk to me, you know?”
Tim dropped into the alley, unsurprised to come face to face with the clone. It was weird to see his own face look so annoyed by him.
“Thought it was best to stay out of sight. We’re not exactly a daylight hero.”
Danny rolled his eyes, “Already annoyed with Vicki Vale?”
Tim nearly growled, “That is your fault,”
“Oh come on, you can’t tell me it’s not hilarious.”
“You’ve spent all morning in ring shops! I have meetings!”
“Lucius can handle them. It’s not like we actually did anything this last year anyways.”
Tim stared at him for a second, confusion in the squint of his eyes and laced with suspicion.
Danny groaned with a roll of his eyes, “Fine, you want me to stay put somewhere so you can do your civilian thing?”
“I am not staying in the manor. You can’t make me.”
Dread filled him as Tim smiled, “Not a problem.”
Danny glared at Tim standing arms wide in the center of the room of his emptiest safe house, “This is so not what I meant and you know it.”
Tim’s face betrayed nothing, “Look, none of us are happy with this situation-“
Danny scoffed. Understatement of the century.
“But..” Tim continued with a pointed look, “It’s my fault, and I get that. So…compromise? You stay here, work on cold cases while I sort out my current job, and when I’m done, we’ll figure out what to do, okay?”
Danny sighed, feeling Ted Tobin stir to life with plans already forming.
Tim nodded succinctly, reaching for a laptop and multiple cords, “Ok, here’s my old computer, -huh, I could have sworn that had a different charger- anyways- I’ll take this,” he plucks the phone from Danny’s hands in one smooth motion, giving a mocking smile in return to Danny’s glare, “Thank you very much, now I just have to-and find the guy who…”
Tim’s voice tapers off into mumbles as he heads into the bedroom to peel off his suit, fingers focused on the keypad of his newly reacquired phone.
Danny slumps himself down on the secondhand couch, dust echoing around him. This was fine, he could do stuff in the meanwhile, maybe help Tim with his case -or solve it himself, he bets he could- and then finish the new specs for the suit wings that Danny’s suit still didn’t have.
Tim fumbled through the doorway, now in civilian clothes, already on a call with Lucius probably, or Tam. Tam helped him a lot.
Danny slouched further into the silence.
It felt like being left behind by his parents.
They had bigger priorities.
Danny shook his head, opening the computer and letting Ted Tobin fish through the passwords for case files.
He’s nearly 3 hours deep when he really pauses for the first time, finally stopping the continuous notes sitting next him, each a different clue. Most for different cases.
The current case pulled up on his screen scratches at him, facts slotting into place with rapid fire precision.
The officer assigned to the case is a vet.
The case is perpetrated by a senatorial candidate.
The officer assigned served on three active fronts and 2 undisclosed.
The guilty candidate is running support for a bill cutting veteran supports.
Best of all?
It’s not in Gotham.
Danny smiles as Ted Tobin’s plan fills in, piece by piece.
Ra’s Al Ghul should really make it harder to hack into his confidential back market mercenary dealings.
Then again, maybe it was for the better. How else would he make sure Red Robin was able to intercept the assassin in time to save that poor officer’s life the night before his case-closing arrest?
“Detective, I assumed holding my business outside of Gotham would keep it from being the concern of you and yours,” Ra’s’ voice is muffled through the bag over his head, “It seems I was wrong.”
“Oh well, you know me…,” The bag is ripped roughly off his head, leaving him blinking rapidly against the light even as he smirks, “Always butting into things when I shouldn’t. It’s kind of what we do.”
“Tell me, Timothy,” Ra’s says, turning his back to him once more, as he waves his ninjas away, “What does this officer matter to you, more than a state away from your usual stomping grounds? What-“ Ra’s pauses as a different ninja approaches him to whisper in his ear. His body stills.
“Well, we’ll start there. First of all, as I’m sure you just found out, I’m not Timothy,” Danny says, standing up smoothly. He relishes the look Ra’s gives him as he turns around. “And secondly, the officer wasn’t what mattered. Getting you here on the other hand. Now that.. that takes a little more planning.” Danny brushes himself off, removing the cowl to leave just his own domino behind.
Ra’s al Ghul hums, his eyebrow twitching up even as his eyes narrow in suspicion.
“What? No sudden desire to stab? No impromptu attempt to put a sword through my chest?”
“You are curious. So much like the detective, and yet… my people tell me he is currently patrolling in Gotham with the Grayson boy.”
Danny scoffs, “Oh great, another fruit loop interested in me, like I need a new one of those.”
Ra’s’ stare doesn’t change. Albeit a bit more annoyed, but still flat and calm.
“You wanna know what makes me different from Timothy, Ra’s?” Danny pauses, taking a deep breath and letting the ectoplasm ripple inside him for the first time in months. “The difference between me and him,” When he looks up he knows his eyes glow fluorescent green, “Is that I’m stronger.”
Bonus Scene:
Dick stared at Tim’s clone as he left, sweeping past the original’s bleary form stumbling to the coffee machine.
“Are we sure he’s Drake’s clone? He seems… less of a fool,” Damian sneered, watching Tim stand listlessly in front of the cabinet, coffeemaker off, and tablet in hand.
He looked out of the Dining room doors, spotting Danny standing not far away in front of one of the closets by the stairs rather than the actual steps, fingers tapping away.
Damian turned back to his breakfast, “I retract my statement. Clearly his stupidity was simply blinding.”
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strawberrybyers · 5 months
so the photo of mike is resting on a “see, hear, read” vinyl. many of these were made for different stories. the one featured in the image is “the swiss family robinson” vinyl
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here’s a synopsis of what the story is about (also in the original book, william is just known as father, but in one of the many adaptations of the story he develops the name william which ya know is interesting considering stranger things has their own will)
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while looking up the lore of “the swiss family robinson”, i discovered that there was a comic series developed in 1962 and continued releasing comics until 1982 in a series called “space family robinson”.
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i am intrigued because it mentions a war between two planets, so in stranger things terms “hawkins vs the upside down”. the robinsons meet telepathic tripods, which we could could compare to el and any other kids from the lab. it also mentions fixing the station’s power source and considering there has always been an emphasis of electricity and lights in stranger things and there’s been even more hints regarding those things with them filming at a radio station— that intrigues me. there’s a mention of being able to “restructure matter with their thoughts”… isn’t that kali/008’s and vecna’s power?? now idk who tam is, but considering will was the first to go into the upside down and was kept alive, could he be “tam” and the “aliens” be vecna since vecna obviously isn’t done with will yet?? then the final mention is that the swiss family lands on a duplicate earth which they think is home. THE UPSIDE DOWN IS LITERALLY A CARBON COPY OF HAWKINS ON NOVEMBER 6, 1983!!!!!
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ahoyimlosingmymind · 6 months
So your opinion on Sokeefe and Fitz like YES EXACTLY. .... What are your opinions on the contents of Keefe's character itself?
Tehe thank you <3
I'm SO glad that post was well received, because I was sweating BULLETS.
To preface this post, I must admit I have been a Fitz girlie since day one. A lot of my issues with Keefe stem from the WAY he is written, and the way the narrative favors him and justifies him. Fitz comes into play, because Fitz and Keefe are used as narrative devices to contrast one another. However that was not always the case. In the earlier books, when they were still close friends, they agreed on a lot and seemed to know each other well. And then BOOM- Neverseen hits, Keefe is super reckless (even if his heart was in the right place) and is immediately forgiven for it. He became a fan favorite, and thus the decline in Fitz's original character begins. Shannon had to ruin Fitz's character to prop Keefe's up in the later books-- which comes off as supremely lazy to me. And I just cannot get over the complete character assassination of Fitz. Which again, not really a KEEFE issue, but more so my beef with the writing and execution.
That was a giant preface. I'm sorry. anway-
In previous posts about Keefe, I've gone over the way he often airs out and announces Sophie's emotions to the room, and he uses the fact that he can feel her emotions to get her to share secrets with him that she otherwise wouldn't. This is never seen as a bad thing, but when Fitz- who is not privy to Sophie's emotions- asks her how she's feeling or for her thoughts, it's suddenly 'invasive' and 'pushy'.
I've also gone over how Keefe lets Ro, his bodyguard, just verbally insult and berate Fitz, his supposed best friend, and never comes to his defense. Keefe- while consumed with his own issues, is often dismissive of others' issues. Which I don't blame him for- but he's never held accountable for it.
With quotes like (and I'm paraphrasing) "Yeah but you get to go back to perfect Vacker Land when all is said and done"- this was directed at Fitz when Fitz was trying to bring perspective and comfort. I believe this happened in either Neverseen or Lodestar. He also refuses to relate to Fitz or meet him in the middle on any issues ever. When Fitz points out that they both have traitors in the family, Keefe is quick to scoff and dismiss this olive branch.
Another moment is when he tells Tam that the role of "Mommy/daddy issues is taken" and in inadvertent ways, pokes fun at Tam's coping mechanisms. in front of everyone.
And then you get moments, like in Flashback, where Fitz directly tells Sophie he doesn't feel like he's allowed to be hurt the way he is- because he doesn't have it 'as bad' as other characters. <- huh wonder where that comes from.
Just not a great look imo.
I am also just really tired of the 'I use humor to hide how broken I am' archetype often found in literature. And while it may be relatable to many people, and a reason why he is a favorite- I'm just tired of seeing it, and I think it could have been done better. But it is a middle grade series, so of course it's a bit dumbed down.
I also get annoyed when Keefe butts in to any moment concerning Sophie because he just HAS to get a word in. He HAS to prove why he 'Knows Foster best'. All of the characters do this to an extent, but he does it the most and it's like- STAWP PLEASE.
Keefe is also just... blatantly mean in his own POV? Especially towards Fitz. He calls him boringly perfect, mentions how he wants to punch him, internally agrees with Ro's jabs etc-
and the other half of his POV is just ruminating on his sucky life and the 'cute worry line between Foster's brows'
and maybe I'm not being fair to him. Because LISTEN- I don't want him to be a perfect character. My issue is that he's obviously NOT perfect, but the narrative never makes him out to be imperfect. It runs circles around itself justifying him and his actions- but doesn't offer the same grace to any of the other characters besides Sophie.
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harvey-guillen · 10 months
We took our Carol trip!
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December 10, 2023, my good friend Sarah and I piled in my small Kia and made the 1 hr 40 min trip from Indianapolis, IN to see Cincinnati and Chevoit, Ohio shooting locations from 2015's "Carol." It's the only winter movie that matters to me. Here are some of the key locations we visited.
Tagging: @belivet, @pacinos, @lesbin
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Shillito Center and art deco exteriors in Cincinnati.
Shillito Center was a department store with art deco features including the beautiful clock pictured above. This was the exterior of Frankenberg's in the film. The Shillito's department store has closed but the beautiful building has been turned into luxury loft apartments!
The other buildings of note were the Bell Telephone Company's "Cincinnati Bell" building--my friend noticed that the decorative border on the building is comprised of a stone pattern of old rotary telephones! The exterior of the now-Hilton Cincinnati is another Carol shooting site, which doubled as New York City's Drake hotel.
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This is the exquisite Hilton Cincinnati at Netherland Plaza. As you can see, the art deco influence is strong and the rooms are gorgeous and grand. We were hungry and wanted to have lunch but the only available menu was the Dickens breakfast buffet, priced at a formidable $89! So we enjoyed a drink and a bowl of peanuts at the bar. A quartet of professional singers in Victorian costumes sang Christmas Carols beautifully in the background. The bartender was dressed like they used to dress, in a beautiful tailored slacks, shirt, and vest uniform. He did not work at the Hilton in 2014-2015 but was delighted by our quest. The entryway to the hotel is known as the "Hall of Mirrors," inspired by Versailles.
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This is the stone bathroom structure at Eden Park, which was the setting for the Christmas tree farm impromptu photography session. My friend watched Carol to prepare (she called it "fun homework") and I prepared by finding a tam o shanter hat at a thrift store. My parents had the scarf, blonde fur coat, faux fur hat, as part of their repository of items from doing over 25 years of community theater together. The rest of my clothing items are a regular part of my wardrobe. I vacillate between eras but I love 40s, 50s, and 60s best of all. I also think it's likely they filmed the scene of Therese and Richard on bicycle going through a park at Eden Park as well, but can't be totally sure.
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Finally, Maury's Tiny Cove Restaurant in Chevoit, Cincinnati is the setting of the first lunch between Carol and Therese. The booth they used for shooting has been preserved and I reserved it ahead of time, although surrounding booths also have pictures from filming hanging over them. It's been long enough that the server didn't know much about the film but told us that a group of excited college students ate there once and requested the same meal Carol and Therese ordered in the movie. I had lasagna as we had not eaten much all day, and a Santa Cosmopolitan from their holiday menu. The food was wonderful and it was obvious a lot of people are regulars. We noted that there are glass windows over the booths now, unlike in the movie, probably added during the height of Covid.
Bonus, but a disappointment:
Carol & Rindy's beautiful house at Grandin Rd has been completely re-done and now looks nothing like in the movie:
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And, "that's that"! A truly special and memorable experience.
Here is a link to a Google Drive with all of the unedited photos and videos we took if you want to see anything in original quality/detail. We shot video of the photography scene but it was mostly goofy and unusable haha.
We talked about the movie some and Sarah asked me which character was the best fit for my personality. Hands down, Abby. I was wide-eyed Therese once, never glam enough for Carol, but Abby will tell you the truth and not blush from it. My hero!
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achaotichuman · 9 months
Okay but what are your thoughts on Tamlin purring, not the quiet kind of purring but like the loud and happy purr? I imagine him purring every time Lucien gives forehead kisses or andras ruffling his head XD
Yes yes yes yes! Thats all I can say, jk I will absolutely say more.
Why stop at purring? Lets go full cat mode! Tamlin hissing at Rhysand when he appears in the Spring Court. Tamlin just going full chaotic mode at three in the morning and just knocking stuff over left and right. Tamlin sitting at Lucien's door when its locked and pawing at it, while continuously calling out for Lucien to open up.
I'm just imagining, Andras getting back from border patrol, he's had a long day. He had to trap and kill a few dozen creatures, he's about to give the report to Tamlin's father. All he wants is a bath and his bed.
Then Tamlin comes bounding out, his green eyes alight with energy. He's holding something, Andras already knows the Prince wants to show him something. The other sentries are knocking off for the day, all of them are scattering, heading for their respective quarters. Andras stays rooted in place, watching as the Spring stops before him.
"Guess what!" Tamlin says, practically vibrating with excitement.
"You found a million dollars on the ground and you giving it to me." Andras says deadpan.
"No! Even better! I found-" Tamlin rifles in the satchel slung across his chest, eventually grinning when he seems to find it. Holding it up in front of Andras' eyes, Andras sees some kind of purple flower, specks of gold are emitting from it. He eyes it warily.
"Cool... what is it?"
Tamlin huffs, seemingly annoyed by Andras' lack of floristry knowledge, "This is the bloom from a cactus that only grows in Winter, Andras! And I found it growing in a cave in the side of the mountain near the tunnels! You know what this means! It means flora originally thought to only originate from certain Courts can grow in other places if given the correct conditions and time. We can experiment and maybe we can grow things here we normally get from imports from other Courts! It would make our Court so much more valuable as an ally!"
Andras had to admit even he was impressed by the prince's words. At the same time, he was exhausted. He still smiled, then he lifted a hand and placed it on Tamlin's head. Ruffling his golden hair.
Tamlin closed his eyes, grinning widely. A purring noise came from the back of his throat, a loud kind of happy sound that Andras felt vibrating in his hand.
"Well done, Tam. You did good." Andras said.
Then I'm also imagining.
A loud crash in the middle of the night, or morning? Lucien looks at the clock hanging on the wall opposite to him. Three in the morning, what the hell was that?
There's another loud crash and Lucien lunges out of bed. A snap of his fingers and clothes appeared on his body, he ran from the room and bolted down the stairs.
There was an incessant clanging, Lucien followed the noise until he was in the kitchen.
Throwing the door open, he shouted, "What is going on- Tamlin Kali Fairburn!"
Tamlin was on the floor, a metal pot on his head, several pans and other kitchen supplies scattered around him. He had one pot stuck on his right foot, and a sheepish look when he lifted the pot off his head.
"Morning Lucien." The High lord said, trying to ease the fire lord into not being too angry with him.
"What in the Mother's name are you doing?" Lucien hissed.
Tamlin shrugged, "I was getting water, then I found a pan on the stove so I went to put it away, then more fell out, then one thing led to another..."
Lucien looked at the dozens of cabinets wide open, all items removed from them and on the floor, "How did you even manage this?"
"I... I don't know." Even Tamlin looked shocked at his own destruction.
Lucien put his head in his hands, "Oh good Gods, you know what?! We'll clean it up tomorrow."
The Fox made quick strides for Tamlin and pull the metal pots off his head and feet. Then pulled him to stand, the tired High lord swayed on his feet. Lucien decided enough was enough. He picked Tamlin up, bridal style and walked out of the room. Tamlin just yawned and rested his head on Lucien's shoulder.
"I am quite tired." Tamlin mumbled, already half out of it.
Lucien sighed quietly, "Of course you are."
The Fox pressed a soft kiss to the centre of his High lord's forehead. Tamlin smiled in his sleep, and a deep purring noise escaped his throat. Loud and happy, like a cat asleep in his arms.
Those are the scenes I came up with! Thank you for the ask!
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scribefindegil · 1 year
71. When it comes to more complicated narratives, how do you keep track of outlines, characters, development, timeline, ect.?
A big old messy scratchdoc!! I try to use headings to keep the information somewhat organized, but they work best if I let them stay pretty sprawling. It's usually something like:
Top section: What are The Themes? Why am I writing this story? Are there important symbols or visual motifs I want to keep track of? Are there reminders to myself that I want to see frequently to bring myself back into focus (re: tone, characterization, types of description or details to focus on)?
Character Section: I don't always do this, but for big fics or things with a large ensemble cast I usually lay out each important character, the basis of their arc/conflict, and how they contribute thematically to the story. If it's AU or set post-canon or there are other reasons that information about the character would be different from their canon counterpart, I note it here.
Reference section: Any specific research I've done for the fic. Lists of things like minor characters' names, descriptions of settings or OCs, etc.
Revelation List: I stole this from DMing advice blogs, but any time there are mystery elements to a fic I always lay out the Revelations (what the characters need to learn) and the specific clues or circumstances they encounter that allow them to reach those conclusions. Do they find and interpret evidence? Do they get information from another character? Do they do research? Even if I don't plan out all the details of the plot, I need to understand how the characters are going to reach each of the Revelations or I'm going to get stuck.
Timelines: I don't always do these either; it really depends on the fic, but if there's a specific chronology I need to keep track of (or a secret structure that would get lost in the full outline) I try to write it down
The Plot: Finally!! The actual outlining part! I start by writing bullet point versions of the events I know will happen (I usually have a pretty strong sense of the beginning and climax of a fic by this point, even if I still have a bunch of fine-tuning to do) and then work backwards or forwards to fill in the gaps. If it's a mystery fic (and most of my longer fic has at least some mystery elements) I refer back to the Revelations list to make sure I have scenes that cover all the necessary Leads and Revelations to get the characters to the endpoint.
Snippets: For certain scenes, the outline version doesn't accurately capture the Vibe I'm going for, so I have a section at the end where I write quick, tiny, scaffolding-style first drafts. These usually have almost no relation to what the final scene actually looks like, but it's about pinning down the idea and the atmosphere.
These documents are really big and messy and I usually need to go back and edit them as I go, because my original ideas inevitably undergo some shifts as I figure things out, but that's the fun of it!
It has to be the right type of fic to make this worth it, but sometimes I'll also do a scene-level outline in an Excel spreadsheet, with columns for Scene, POV Character, Location, Characters Present, Events, Reactions, and Plot-Important Info. This is good for super plotty/mystery-heavy fics and fics with big ensembles that I can't keep track of other ways. I have an enormous and beautiful outline in this style for the Owl House Tam Lin AU which I do still want to write someday, bc while I didn't end up loving TOH as a whole I do love a lot of the characters, and also we came up with possibly the best plot twist of my life involving 400 years of moon phase records so. It's on the back burner but it's still on the stove, as it were. And the good thing is that because I have such an exhaustive outline it will be easy for me to pick back up at any time if I want to!
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dairy-godmother · 6 months
Holy moly are those ever after high ocs? They sure are! Let’s take a look, shall we?
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So who is this cutie and what is her fairytale?
This is Clementine Lin, the daughter of Tam Lin and Bonny Janet from the Scottish myth/fairytale, Tam Lin! Her destiny is to follow in her father’s footsteps and get kidnapped by the queen of the fae! I found this fairytale so interesting because the male in the original story was the damsel in distress.
Tam Lin is about a girl named Bonny Janet who owned the forest of Carterhaugh since it was given to her by her father. Bonny Janet was bored and had nothing to do with her life, so once she found out about a mysterious entity that steals the “Purity” of all young maidens who enter Carterhaugh alone, she went running. Once she met Tam Lin, a strange spirit who was surprisingly relatable, Bonny Janet became pregnant with his child. Wonder if that has anything to do with the purity stealing thing. One day, they’re hanging out as young lovers do, and Bonny asks if Tam Lin was once human. This is where the plot REALLY kicks in. Tam lin was riding his horse through Carterhaugh one day nearly 7 years ago, and he suddenly fell off of it. Somehow, this meant he was now the property of the queen of the faeries in Carterhaugh. He also tells her that every seven years, the faeries make a human sacrifice to hell on Halloween night, and that he is worried that despite the faery queen’s fondness of him, he might be this year’s sacrifice. After this, Bonny Janet and Tam Lin come up with a plan to rescue him from being sacrificed. Bonny must push him off of his horse in order to become her property rather than the property of the queen of the faeries. However, Tam Lin knows that the queen will do anything to keep him, so she will transform him into horrific beasts and hot burning coals in order to make Bonny drop him. This is worrying, but Tam Lin assures her that since she is the mother of his child, he would never do anything to hurt her in any form. Bonny trusts this and the plan goes swimmingly! Everything works, and the queen turns tam lin into a pile of burnt coals. In order to revert him back to normal, Bonny drops the coals into a well and he comes out of it fully human! (And unclothed)
Back to Clementine, her personality is reminiscent of Tea Kettle from Inanimate Insanity Invitational. She wants to be the mom friend and be helpful to her friends, but she also can’t help but gossip and can’t keep a secret, so people don’t trust her the way she wants them to. She also loves the idea of being a damsel in distress and needing to be rescued. She is excited for her destiny.
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Who is this and why does she look so weird? This is Chance Ribbon, the daughter of Jenny and Alfred from the Girl with the Green Ribbon.
In her fairytale, a boy named Alfred meets a girl named Jenny in school as a child. Jenny always wears a green ribbon around her neck, and Alfred wants to know why. When Alfred asks her, she basically just tells him “later” and goes on with her day. As the years go by, the two fall in love, get married, have children, and the whole time, Alfred keeps asking her what the ribbon is for. Finally, when they are both extremely old, sickly, and on death’s door, Jenny tells Alfred to untie the Ribbon. He does so, then…
Her head falls off.
Chance’s own personal story in my writing is that her mom only died about a year ago, despite Chance, the only child, being 16. Chance has always worn a ribbon, just like her mother. In fact, she was born in a secluded place without her father just so the secret couldn’t be spread. She and her mom were the only ones who knew what the ribbon was for, and now that her mom is dead, it is only her. Her father didn’t understand what he had done by untying the ribbon. He was confused and angry, and so he projected that anger onto Chance. Now that Chance is back in high school (she had to skip a year of classes and got held back) she is mostly seen having angry text conversations with her father on her Mirrorphone.
Chance is a wild card and a bit of a goofball to her friends. She hates large crowds, but doesn’t hate social interaction in general. Sometimes, she speaks in slight riddles, leaving people confused on what she means.
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Who is miss sassy? She is the daughter of King Midas, who shall remain unnamed for the moment. She is a redesign of my first ever EAH oc, who will eventually be linked (here.) I haven’t thought her character out very much.
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What in the Good Luck Charlie!? This is actually Theria Thumb, the daughter of Tom Thumb, who would do anything to get her out of his destiny. Theria is only 12 years old and in middle school. Theria will not be attending EAH after her eighth grade year. Her father’s one dying wish before he died of a massive spider bite was for her to be protected from the fate he was not proud of. You may be wondering. Darius, what’s the matter with Tom Thumb and his destiny? Oh nothing, he just upsets everyone around him for no reason, pranks his classmates, and then is punished for it for the rest of his life by getting baked into a pie and getting eaten by like 42 different creatures, not to mention the embarrassment of being harassed and made fun of by the court of KING ARTHUR (yk the one with merlin and the sword and escalibur? that guy) there is just so much terrible stuff in the story that Theria must avoid. The question is, how CAN she avoid it without just being locked inside for forever? The apple really doesn't fall far with these two, and Theria constantly wants to explore, to the dismay of her guardians.
aaand yeah that's all of them. hope you enjoyed!
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memberment · 2 months
Good morning everyone I slept like hell. BUT. I'm ready to actually write water world(when my didn't-sleep-enough migraine goes away). Also y'all are starting to catch onto my lil secrets without me telling you.
Gonna have to start hiding more in different places. LMFAO. Anyways stay tuned updates are here today.
7:45: Chapter 13 is done and I can actually say I have put more work into this chapter than I have in probably any chapter I've ever written. The coding alone seriously took me two hours to figure out (and it is not perfect, but whatever. If anyone knows html pls lmk bc all of the YouTube tutorials and calls to the void have left me with nothing.) Anyways, we're at 43.2k. Also Tammy's almost done. Yippie.
8:26: In a fun update, I may very well be making not one, but TWO ship tags for this fic. At what point to I become the owner of rare pairs?
9:39: Y'all is this gay? (The weather forecast is starting to look like doomed yuri may roll in.)
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(Yes there is a running gag of Tammy calling Wendy emo and I think it's fucking hilarious. )
Happy 12:52!
Here’s Tam. I gotta fix her bc I’m not too fond of her face but HERE WE GO
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It's 6:35. I am not shutting down but I did just realize I broke 50k. I am currently on chapter 15. Which means a new player is introduced!! And I'm losing my shit! She was supposed to get introduced in 17, but I cut two chapters because they were honestly very filler-ish and whereas I do enjoy me a good filler chap, they'd probably be incredibly short and not very good at all. So there are little bits of filler and fluff sprinkled around. I might go back and phone in a filler chapter or two because I do love the ups and downs, but I am officially at the point of no return in this story. No more fun filler potential after this chapter. Like, I am writing Craig solo fight an angel as filler. I was originally gonna skip over it but chapter 15 is only 2.6k so far and that's just like disrespectful to its 3-5k brethren.
Also the angels I started concepting last night and finished tonight for chapter 14 fucking ATE!!!!!!! I love them so much oh my god their entire concept is fucking great. I also fear chapter 14 may be like one of the most well written fights/realms I've written and it's all downhill from here. God bless.
Okay it's 6:58. Chapter 15 is done. It's 3.6k. I can live with that. I'm closing up shop at 51.3k tonight. Goodnight.<3
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septembersghost · 2 years
what songs from present day would you want to hear elvis cover?
ANON!!! 🥰💕 i love this message an enormous amount, and then it tormented me for two days because i read it and instantly forgot every modern day song i've ever listened to somehow lol. the actual problem was, i felt like i didn't have a solid enough handle on today's genres that he might lean more towards or that would do him justice? i was sitting here frantically thinking of songs by pop girlies™ and i could hear him softly laughing over my shoulder. so i was going to give you a short answer.
then i ended up looking at my actual music library and came out with a novel.
first, i sent this to both my loves @joons and @headfullofpresley in my initial dilemma, looking for suggestions. sidenote: if anyone would like to add to this, you're welcome to!
chelsea gave me three that i think are simply marvelous and i will weep forever that we cannot have them: million reasons by lady gaga (the taste this has, the vision this has. I bow down to pray, I try to make the worst seem better, Lord, show me the way to cut through all this worn out leather. I've got a hundred million reasons to walk away, but baby, I just need one good one to stay. hello?!), praying by kesha (well, you almost had me fooled, told me that I was nothing without you, but after everything you've done, I can thank you for how strong I have become, 'cause you brought the flames and you put me through hell, I had to learn how to fight for myself, and we both know all the truth I could tell, I'll just say this is "I wish you farewell." I hope you're somewhere prayin'...I don't need you, I found a strength I've never known, I'll bring thunder, I'll bring rain, oh, when I'm finished, they won't even know your name...can you imagine how much i would cry?), and love on the brain by rihanna (baby, I'm fist fighting with fire just to get close to you, can we burn something, babe? and I run for miles just to get a taste. i NEED to hear how he would arrange this).
tam i know would say peace (there's robbers to the east, clowns to the west, I'd give you my sunshine, give you my best, but the rain is always gonna come, if you're standin' with me) by taylor. also slow dancing in a burning room (this is the deep and dying breath of this love that we've been working on. can't seem to hold you like I want to, so I can feel you in my arms, nobody's gonna come and save you, we pulled too many false alarms) and shadow days (did you know that you could be wrong, and swear you're right? some people been known to do it all their lives. but you find yourself alone, just like you found yourself before, like I found myself in pieces on the hotel floor. hard times help me see, I'm a good man with a good heart, had a tough time, got a rough start, but I finally learned to let it go...).
for my part, i feel like there is this endless list of songs i could mention from further back in time, but i wanted to pull from our modern era since you said present day, and i've been mulling some of my favorites in my mind. granted, elvis would play around with how these are crafted and produced, but in my head, i can hear these.
taylor is such an obvious go-to, and i wracked my brain trying to think of what would be right for him. something with her country flavor, or something with a bigger sound, a more rock-infused sound, like state of grace (PLEASE), like the story of us. but these jumped out - the original version of that's when. i love the duet with keith urban, but the original can be carried by one person. i can't explain, but it's very kentucky rain-coded to me. also just the story there, that idea that all these mistakes have been made, but the person you love is always welcome to come back. there's also an unreleased song of hers called just south of knowing why (drive all night) that is SO GOOD, and i hope it'll be on debut tv. for some reason i can connect it with him easily. "if I could drive all night, would I find my peace of mind? would it be a million miles of cold white lies and unfamiliar exit signs? I just drive on by, just south of knowing why. I don't have a plan, I don't have a map, I don't even know if I'm ever going back." lastly, and this is the biggest one, i toyed with a bunch of folklore choices (this is me trying...they told me all of my cages were mental...), but my brain just kept circling back to fearless, specifically to change. this is curious because i never used to like change, it's the re-recording that, well, changed it for me. the initial letdown of it (the final blow hits you, somebody else gets what you wanted again, and you know it's all the same, another time and place, repeating history and you're getting sick of it), and then the hopeful triumph overcoming it (but I believe in everything you do). the spirit of it - and we'll sing hallelujah! anyway i cried thinking about this so that tells you everything.
to the lady gaga connection, can i say that el would sound phenomenal singing any number of the songs from she and bradley's version of a star is born? always remember us this way. alibi. music to my eyes (i know it's a duet!). and especially maybe it's time.
harry's version of just a little bit of your heart where he made it rockier (I know I'm not your only, but at least I'm one, I heard a little love is better than none). canyon moon, you just have to trust me.
and it hit me, LITERALLY ANYTHING by lord huron?! there's an entire playlist of elvis-as-lord-huron songs that i could make, but if i can only choose one, i'm going to say the man who lives forever. (ends of the earth? time to run? love like ghosts? the night we met? louisa? wait by the river? love me like you used to?) also he'd make fool for love really fun.
miscellaneous choices i adore from my library that i know he'd transform amazingly: green eyes and a heart of gold by the lone bellow, in the light by the lumineers, let's be still by the head and the heart, morning comes by delta rae, ghost towns by radical face, the weight of love by snow patrol, all of me by john legend, river by josh groban, you and me by niall horan (time's never been on our side, so would you wait for me?). wait for it (death doesn't discriminate between the sinners and the saints, it takes and it takes and it takes, and we keep living anyway, we rise and we fall and we break and we make our mistakes, and if there's a reason I'm still alive...). breathe by la'porsha renae (I swear I pray every day, but still nothing's changing, feels like my life might need rearranging. you say that you're here and right now is a test of faith. so open up my heart and have your way, I'm sinkin' in my thoughts, so pull me from the waves, my head's above the water, you're my sweet escape. I need you just so I can breathe).
songs that are absolutely bonkers to choose, but i know how they could be re-worked somehow, i can HEAR it i just can't psychically share it with you: miley's never be me, aly & aj's symptom of your touch, hallelujah by alicia keys, someone new by hozier, graveyard (acoustic) by halsey (they say I may be making a mistake, I would've followed all the way, no matter how far. I know when you go down all your darkest roads, I would've followed all the way to the graveyard), golden by fall out boy (and I saw God cry in the reflection of my enemies, and all the lovers with no time for me...i like to cry idk), and simply because it tickles me as she is a huge fan, lana's get free. there are couple of lyrics in it that i question how he'd feel about, but this is modern elvis, i can open him up a little. here's why i couldn't help but choose this, in the end: there's no more chasing rainbows and hoping for an end to them, their arches are illusions, solid at first glance, but then you try to touch them, there's nothing to hold on to, the colors used to lure you in and put you in a trance. sometimes it feels like I've got a war in my mind, I wanna get off, but I keep riding the ride, I never really noticed that I had to decide to play someone's game, or live my own life. and now I do, I wanna move, out of the black, into the blue.
i could honestly go on forever, but have one last song, and it's an oldie (probably a cliche, but i do not care!), and that is landslide by fleetwood mac. considering how i feel about e's cover of bridge over troubled water, i think if i could hear him sing landslide i might be fixed forever (or shattered, but still healed somehow). picture this with me: I took my love, I took it down, climbed a mountain and I turned around, and I saw my reflection in the snow covered hills 'til the landslide brought me down. oh, mirror in the sky, what is love? can the child within my heart rise above? can I sail through the changin' ocean tides? can I handle the seasons of my life? well, I've been 'fraid of changin' 'cause I've built my life around you, but time makes you bolder, even children get older, and I'm gettin' older, too. it would be beyond beautiful.
honestly, for anyone reading, if you don't understand what i'm talking about in regards to the way he transformed and brought the incandescent soul out of songs, i just...please listen to this. my entire heart forever.
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mistress-of-vos · 7 months
Timber / timsteph? (I personally hate them, with good reason, of course! but I'd like to know ur opinion on them.)
I'm gonna do these two together! But this time I won't tag the ships as I don't want 🐜 interacting plus I don't really think it would be nice to put my hate on their tag lmao 🤣
Hate it. Loathe it. Rather than not ship it I'd say I want to destroy it.
1. Why don't you ship it?
It's terribly written. It's an ooc Tim with a self insert of the author and not even the most bland straight ship writing of DC is at this level of awful. It has done nothing but make Tim a terrible character and ruin him; currently Tim is a no one at DC and I blame this ship 100%. Amazing that what Slade's comics did so easily with Jericho was something impossible for Batman editorial.
2. What would have made you like it?
It would have to be written by another author. Someone who understood Tim completely, someone who wasn't afraid of real queer experience, someone who wasn't sexist as hell, and someone who didn't destroy years of a character's legacy.
B would have to be the old, original version. And his messiness should be kept, because that's literally the only interesting thing he had going on.
3. Do you have anything positive to say about it?
Sadly no. B current character sucks, which is a shame because his old version was kinda funny and definetely had the vibes of "mean, rude boyfriend". This B is nothing but a self insert and is closer to a woman than to an actual queer man, which also sucks. Tim has been made something he isn't, and it's horrible.
The fandom is disgusting. It's full of sexism, racism, and most people have zero media literacy which means they spend their time harassing people who create content for other Tim ships.
I really hope DC buries this ship down on the grave.
Huh, 50/50?
1. This is a complex ship for me. I think my problem is that I was very satisfied with their situation at the end of New Earth: I see them dating, caring for each other deeply, and eventually going their own ways but still being friends. Not even as bitter exes, no, I genuinely enjoyed Tim & Steph still trusting the other and being friends. I do enjoy them as two teenagers who feel attraction to the other and try it out. Now, this is usual verse. As you know, I play with Tim's gender quite often, and when I write Timothea/Thea, I really enjoy TimSteph more and feel like it's a sad but real romance.
Perhaps my feelings are too complicated for a single post. I see Tim as a queer person who loves strongly and not always in conventional ways. I think he loves Steph and Tam and Pru in different yet similar ways, and with the first two there was an attraction. It's just that it wasn't meant to be. That being said, I would really prefer Tim to be dating Steph or Tam in current canon (as long as it didn't do the girls any disservice) rather than his current love interest, but if it were up to me, Tim wouldn't have a canon love interest and Steph and Tim would be friends (not to be confused with family).
Plus I think a deep part of me was really confident Steph was gonna come out as bi or lesbian before Tim did because her story resonates a lot with wlw people who stay in the closet for different reasons (such as her past pregnancy) so... 😅
Idk! I don't want them to get married or anything like that but I think them dating is and can always be part of their story and something they look at with a smile. No need to ruin their friendship or push any of them as "evil".
2. If Tim were Timothea in canon I would be definitely obsessed with TimSteph. Something something make them the DC version of the manga NANA and have them reject heteronormativity.
3. Steph is a character unfairly hated most of the time and I think it goes hand on hand with people's own sexism and DC's awful writing for her. It makes me mad that we have so few moments where Steph actually shines and is allowed to be a more complex character. This is why I say I really would prefer if she and Tim had been allowed to stay single and as friends, because both of them deserve better than current DC.
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marypsue · 1 year
5,8,17,or19! For the fic ask!
[from this meme]
I've done 5, but I'll do 8 and 17...and 19 again, because I am shameless.
8. What project(s) are you currently working on?
At the moment, I'm plugging away at Fearleading Squad, Le Morte d'Artificial Intelligence, and Circus Luna. I did a post about my current ongoing original fiction projects here, and I'm just gonna link it because I'm lazy and also I think it's a pretty good summary of all three of them.
My current fic WIPs are:
the light of all lights: As mentioned in the previous post, I'm continuing this AU where the characters of Dracula get dropped into the events of Stranger Things season one.
tam lin's twin: The conclusion of the robber bridegroom and other stories, the one that grew out of a crackship challenge and turned into an AU where the Byers family have psychic powers and lab experiment trauma.
why can't we be ourselves like we were yesterday: The post-s3, pre-s4 Steve/Nancy/Jonathan bodyswap fic. There's a bit missing in the middle but I'm damned if I know what it is, so that one's stalled out in the garage for right now.
that same small town in each of us (aka 'relativity falls but it's stranger things'): The one where it's Stranger Things season one, but Hawkins Chief of Police Nancy Wheeler is trying to find Jonathan Byers' missing daughter, sixteen-year-old Mike Harrington and Will Byers have found a psychic fugitive in the woods, and twelve-year-old Karen Harrington and Jim Hopper are hunting a monster that might have taken their mutual friend Joyce.
former heroes who quit too late: The third and final installment in the Hawkins, Indiana psychic baby boom AU, aka 'the one where (almost) all the kids have powers and (almost) none of them know it'. Despite being probably the longest fic on this list, it's the one with the most concrete outline, and probably the closest to actually being done.
annnnnd Something Borrowed, Something Blues (aka 'RB2: Electric Blues-galoo')!: Yeah, I'm still plugging away at this one. It's so close to done. I want it to be done as badly as any of you do.
17. What’s something you’ve learned about while doing research for a fic?
I've talked a lot about how I found out about phreaking and early hacker culture for what became a plot point in the road goes ever on. I don't think I've mentioned, though, that I learned about the Greyhound drivers' strike of 1983 when I was trying to figure out what parts of the American Midwest Greyhound would have serviced and what their average trip lengths looked like for don't let the sun go down on me. And then I obviously had to incorporate it into the fic, for period flavour. And to cause additional problems for Steve Harrington. Which, as you may have noticed, is one of my favourite pastimes.
19. Give us a small teaser from one of your WIPs.
Yanno what, have a snippet of a scene from Fearleading Squad.
When Avery finally got fed up with being avoided and tried to hunt her down at the lunch hour, Mallory wasn’t at their usual lunch spot in the entryway of the science wing. She wasn’t out on the front lawn by the sign with the interchangeable letters that the jocks were always rearranging to make rude words with, either. Or in any of the practice rooms off the band room. After some searching, Avery finally found her in the cafeteria, sitting at a long table under one of the windows.
With the rest of the cheerleaders.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Avery spat, marching up to the table and stopping right at Mallory’s elbow, glaring down.
Mallory took a long, exaggerated look at her hot lunch tray, before dragging her eyes slowly and judgmentally up over Avery’s black peasant blouse, the silver ankh and the length of huge-linked hardware-store chain dangling around her neck, her dark purple lipstick, all the way up to her black-ringed eyes. “I thought I was eating my lunch…?”
Siobhan, across the table from Mallory, giggled. When Avery whirled to glare her down, she just offered a bright, guileless smile. Jennifer leaned over to whisper something to Krista, neither of them taking their eyes off of Avery.
And from the head of the table, Tiffany watched the whole thing intently, with a perfect, slightly smug sliver of a smile.
“Bathroom,” Avery snarled, grabbing Mallory’s arm just above the elbow and yanking her up out of her seat, making her drop her fork with a clatter into her mashed potatoes. “Now.”
Mallory shook off Avery’s grip as Avery slammed the door to the seventh-grade girls’ washroom behind them, taking two big steps back away from Avery. “What is wrong with you, you psycho?”
“What’s wrong with me? What’s wrong with you?” Avery looked Mallory up and down, from the toes of her sparkling white sneakers and slouchy white socks, to the glint of the tiny gold cross at her throat, to the bobbing pouf of her shellacked half-ponytail, throttled by a scrunchie exactly matched to the red of her cheer uniform. Her roots were still dark, Avery noticed, but the bleach-blonde woven through her hair looked more like intentional highlights than an overgrown all-over dye job. And was a soft, pale gold instead of the previous loud brass. Somebody had apparently also given Mallory a lesson or two in eyeshadow application, and must have finally told her to ease off the blush. “Who are you, and what have you done with my friend Mallory?”
“Excuse the hell out of me for thinking you might be happy for me,” Mallory spat back. “You know, I actually told Tiffany she was wrong when she said you’d be bitter and envious?”
Something cold slipped down Avery’s back, catching fire in the pit of her belly. “That bitch is talking about me?”
“She said you’d make this all about you. It’s not. You didn’t want the spot on the team. She gave me a chance, and I made the cut. It’s got nothing to do with you at all.”
Avery nodded, a prickling anger needling at her, just under her skin. “She said that, huh. Is she the same one who did your hair and your makeup? And bought your lunch? And gave you those new clothes you’ve been wearing?”
Mallory gave a little flick of her chin, so she was looking down her nose toward Avery. “As a matter of fact, yeah. She did let me pick some things from her closet. And helped me fix that awful bathtub dye job you gave me. She’s actually pretty nice, if you give her a chance.”
“She’s buying you,” Avery snapped back. “And you’re letting her! What happened to ‘I don’t need charity’?”
“It’s easy for you to say!” Mallory spat. “Some of us don’t get to just choose to shop at thrift shops because we’re oh so too cool for Benneton and Esprit -”
“God! So you just let a snob like her dress you up like her own personal Barbie, so you can be allowed to be seen with her and her crew? Play lapdog for her just so you can get some hand-me-downs with a more expensive brand name on the tag? When have I ever given a fuck that you’re poor?”
“You haven’t,” Mallory said, sharply.
She didn’t say another word, just pushed past Avery and out of the bathroom, letting the heavy metal door slam behind her with a hollow boom.
It swung open again a second later, to let in two chattering seventh-grade girls. They fell dead silent the second they laid eyes on Avery.
Avery bared her teeth in a snarl, glaring them down, and they both turned around and hurried back out the door again.
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bookishfeylin · 2 years
It bothers the figgidy FUCK outta me when I see people rag on Tamlin because of his indifference UTM. Saying shit like, “he shoulda fought for her” when it’s like the only real part that plays on the actual Ballad of Tam-Lin. They always treat it as if Tamlin is supposed to be the one saving Feyre when the whole point is that Feyre is supposed to be the one saving him. THATS THE THESIS HONEY. Feyre fighting for her fucking man!!! LIKE JANET DID IN THE ORIGINAL BALLAD!!! And we never, and I mean never, bash a female character whenever she’s in a compromising position and needs to be saved by her LI bro, because the women are always expected to be in the vulnerable role, and the men are always supposed to be the savior and now that the roles are reversed??? The woman is still somehow not seen as the savior, and man the one supposed to be saved. I think it also really grinds my gears because in between the lines it reads as if men can’t react in a more self preserving way to their abuse. They always have to tough it out, they can’t be scared, or if they are scared they have to pull some courage from out of their ass and save the day. So many comparisons I see saying shit like “well Rhysand was also a victim to Amarantha and he still—“ PEOPLE REACT TO ABUSE DIFFERENTLY SMOOTHBRAIN. And if he reacted to Amarantha the way Tamlin did who tf am I to blame him??? That’s his abuser. Amarantha has owned Tamlins fucking life for like 50 years and before that she was just hounding him, he is directly under the mercy of his abuser, he’s allowed to be frightened, he’s allowed to shut down, he’s allowed to self preserve. Because what if it was a woman? Would you fucking blame her? “I understand in the beginning but it’s been 3 months—“ EXACTLY BRO, three months and you don’t think Amarantha was using those three months to finally fulfill her morbid sexual fantasies for the man she’s been lusting over for 500 years, Tamlin was trying to survive too. When Feyre was suffering, and Lucien got beat for helping her, no one was like, “why isn’t Feyre helping Lucien more? Look at what he’s done for her why isn’t she helping him?” BECAUSE THEY UNDERSTAND SHES IN NO POSITION TO. Book 2 Tamlin can choke on thumbtacks, Book 1 Tamlin??? I might just ride for the guy, shit.
True, but all that aside Tamlin canonically has a reason for why he's indifferent Under the Mountain:
“Wait,” I said. “Is—is Tamlin all right? I mean … I mean that spell Amarantha has him under to make him so silent …” “There’s no spell. Hasn’t it occurred to you that Tamlin is keeping quiet to avoid telling Amarantha which form of your torment affects him most?” (ACOTAR Chapter 39)
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lady-janet · 2 years
since you're talking about tam lin books, i wonder if you or your followers would know this story I can't remember the name of? i'm pretty sure it was a modern-day adaptation of tam lin that was a short story, i think I read in an anthology, where janet and tam lin met at a house party, and the beasts that tam lin turned into were more metaphorical (ie struggles with poverty, mental health etc) but janet remained loyal... I've tried to remember what it is for so long but I don't know enough details!
I’ve done a little digging since I wasn’t immediately familiar with your description and have, perhaps, a few leads for you. "Cotillion" by Delia Sherman in Firebirds: An Anthology of Original Fantasy and Science Fiction sounds like it might be what you’re looking for. It might also be "He Said, Sidhe Said" by Tanya Huff, in Faerie Tales. Or “Burd Janet“ by Jane Yolen in Not One Damsel in Distress. I haven’t read any of these, so I couldn’t say for certain that they match your description. But they could be good places to start since they’re all short stories in anthologies.
What you’ve described does remind me a little of the songs Tamlin by Gillian Grassie and Tam Lyn: Retold by Benjamin Zephaniah.
But do let me know if any of my suggestions turn out to be the retelling you’re searching for. I love a mystery so I’ll probably keep searching. And if anyone else knows for certain which retelling this is, or has an idea of what it could be, please to leave a reply!
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illyrian-dreamer · 1 year
Hi! I was the anon who got into the Acotar fandom because of you 😊
I'm here to keep you up to date with my book journey. Like I said, I'm currently reading ACOWAR and omg 😂
It's weird reading the original story if you've already read tons of fanfiction, because you kind of know the eventual pairings and some major events. So you can imagine my confusion when Tamlin showed up in ACOTAR. I was like 'where's Rhys?' I even spent a few moments thinking Tamlin was another official name for Rhys (you know like Gandalf is also called Mithrandir).
Then I read on Tumblr that Tamlin wasn't the one you should root for, and I didn't get that. He wasn't so bad was he? Until ACOMAF, then the italised oh appeared. And Rhys being outright awful to her in ACOTAR?
You can believe I was confused during the entire first book, but it all made sense in the second one.
I can imagine during ACOWAR when you read that Feyre catches Cassian looking longingly at Nesta, that everyone's minds exploded. To me that was old news 😂 so yeah, I kind of miss the excitement with plot twists and stuff because I already know.
Can't wait to finish the third one, I'll come and yell about it as soon as I do!
Hello!! 👋🏼💕
Wow yes I can only imagine knowing the characters before reading the series, although by ACOWAR it should all be falling into place 😉 I’m sorry it compromises the shock factor, but hopefully you find some hooks and turns you didn’t see coming regardless (I obviously won’t mention any spoilers here lol!)
My humble opinion about ACOTAR (the first book) – I loved loving Tamlin. I fell for that blond muscly control freak as hard as SJM intended me too. And I think it’s nice to enjoy his and Feyre’s love regardless of knowing what’s coming. It was exactly what she needed, to be taken care of after she had done all of the work to keep her family alive, who wouldn’t fall for that?? Not excusing his later behaviour, but their book works and it’s just nice to enjoy their romance before things turned to crap 💕
Also the part after Calanmai when he bit her 👀👀👀 yum.
I’m all for a Tam Tam redemption arch, there is plenty of good in that male imo.
Thanks for dropping in lovey, there is soooo much good to come, enjoy enjoy enjoy!! 💕
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np5enkidu · 1 year
summer event thoughts
ok i have some thoughts so let's start with the good ones;
- only two ssr's instead of three. this is a good change, i didn't think the three banners were a good choice. the character split is also cool; tam lin and castoria and friends. plus oberon rerun is cool.
- suzuka's fat milkers np is funny.
- the new classes for the tam lin are pretty cool i suppose
the negatives
- chloe np. why'd they take away her cute journalist outfit :^/
- another original character sr avenger. erice was a weird choice and chloe even weirder.
- no vortigern costume version, seems weird that they'd make only his princely version playable. but i hope he has good lines.
- cnoc na riabh as a playable character. i don't feel like it's very appropriate.
overall thoughts;
going back to luluhawa, a chance or a threat.
servafes is still a really great event and event story and it was written by nasu so i can kinda understand it but i'm a bit dissapointed that there's no new place to explore.
i'm looking forward to the story but also i feel a bit dissapointed already that it's almost fully just an lb6 themed event. like lb6 is great and worthy of recognition but i also wish they'd kinda leave it alone and make something entirely new.
i liked cnoc na riabh in lb6 and her role was well done, but i never thought she'd be a servant. i don't know what kind of angle are they going to write her with but i'm a bit sad it's not someone else.
though the foreigner class fits a lostbelt native well i suppose
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The Stick of Truth
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Codename: Dovahkiin Part 1!
N.K. is angry at her parents. Not only did they move again, no, but they moved into a snowy hicktown named South Park! She was sure she would hate it there, yet surprisingly she gets to participate in the epic RPG the kids play and falls for the human princess and the elf king. Who is friend, who is foe and which side should she choose?
Main Pairing: New Kid/Kenny McCormick/Kyle Broflovski
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Chapter 13: Sunshine! Sparkle!
The next morning I woke up feeling like I got run over by a car.
I hate life.
Maybe the Goths are into something.
I roll over, away from my window, grabbing Ursa tight.
Need more sleep.
Before I can fall into sweet bliss again, I hear how I get a notification on my phone.
I want to ignore it…but I could be Tammy. I ain’t let hanging my best girl.
So I check my Facebook message.
Oh…it’s Kyle.
Emergency meeting at the Elven Forest.
Like a slap in the face, I remember what happened yesterday.
Clyde and his army of darkness.
The perverted Underpants Gnomes.
With I shout I run into the bathroom and throw up. God, I didn’t need to remember that so vividly!
After I’m done leaving my guts in the toilette I brush my teeth, I need to get the taste away. Then I decide to take a long shower and maybe cry over my lost innocent.
Yeah sounds like a plan.
When I’m freshly washed I get dressed in my room in my Dark Magician Girl Cosplay. I fix my hair up with brown extensions and with hairspray. I form the spiky hairstyle of the original Dark Magician Girl. I grip my wand, which is of course the same that the original uses.
I’m ready for the day!
I go down the stairs, pointedly don’t look at my parents and ignore their question if I want breakfast.
I mumbled something that I’m not hungry.
Then I’m out of the house.
I can’t right now be close to them.
“Morning, N.K.!”, greets Tammy, also in her fighter armor.
“Hey, Tam!”
We hug each other.
“What you doing here sis?”, I ask her after our hug.
She takes my arm and we start to walk.
“You surely saw King Kyle post on Facebook I thought we could go together to the Elven Forest.”, she explains.
I smile.
“You thought right.”
We chat about random things on our way over. Ah, that’s what I need to not think about THAT.
It feels so normal.
It’s a good feeling. Something I terribly missed this last days.
Finally, we reach the Elven Forest.
King Kyle takes note of this.
“Ah, Dark Magician Queen N.K. and Lady Tammy have decided to bless us with their presence. Let's get started.”
Tammy sits between me and Stan. Cartman sends me an evil look as I sit down beside him, while I just give him the middle finger.
I won fair and square the throne. Even if Clyde took my power away in a puff. It’s still awesome that the others recognize me now as the queen of Kupa Keep.
Also, I will change the name later, I will not let my kingdom be called KKK anymore.
The elven king has prepared a PowerPoint Presentation for us with a projector and a screen fabric.
“Humans and Elves of Zaron, a great evil has descended upon us.”, he begins. “After researching last night, I believe we are facing a threat to our entire world.”
He shows us Clyde’s evil yet badass fortress on the screen.
“Clyde's fortress of darkness is over four stories tall. So far, he has recruited at least fifty warriors to be on his team, and he-“
That’s when Cartman decides to do his job as the local asshole/bastard, whisper-shouting to Leo: “Teehee, leave it to Kyle to tehehe...”
“You have something to say, Wizard?”
“Oh, nothing. Just think it's ... kind of funny how Drow elves in the Middle Ages can use Powerpoint.”, Fatass snickers.
“Oh my god, can you please shut up!”, I command. “This is important.”
“You may have gotten my throne bitch, but you aren’t my queen!”, he hisses back.
I fix him with my best death glare and hit with my fist into my hand.
“You wanna go again, fat boy? I will kick your ass for all eternity!”
My glare must be really terrific since Cartman looks ready to shit his pants, also all humans who see it are shaking too. Even Kenny and Leo!
I hear something about red eyes.
“Queen N.K. I thank you for trying to keep order, but right now kicking Cartman’s ass, will not help us.”, tells King Kyle.
I look at Tammy, who gives me a nod. With a sign, I stop and cross my arms.
“Please continue, King Kyle.”
“Thank you as I was saying…Clyde is attempting to raise an army of darkness. I believe he is messing with something he cannot control. He has recruited many of our friends and so... our only hope is for our two factions to join forces.”
My subjects are shocked, while Kyle’s people seemed already to have accepted this idea. Maybe he told them before.
“FUCK. THAT.”, shouts Fatass. “WE do not team up with fucking ELVES.”
“You got a better idea, Wizard fatass?”, counters Stan.
“After what you elves did to us at the Battle of Wormsly Woods?!”, even Leo joins in. “You think we'll ever trust you?”
Having enough and before it escalates I stand up and stand before my people.
“Enough!”, I shout loud and clear. “I know I’m only been queen since yesterday, I don’t know what past our kingdom has with the elven one, but guys, see the bigger picture here! I agree with King Kyle. We need to join forces against Clyde. It will not help us to still fight each other if fucking Clyde takes over the world with his Nazi Zombie Army! I’m making myself clear?!”
Again I see how my friends and subjects shake. I’m really that scary? Tammy is giving me a proud thumbs up, while the elven try their hardest not to laugh.
“I’m making myself clear?!”, I repeat again, waiting for a response from my subjects.
Princess Kenny is the first to answer: “If the queen thinks this is for the best I support her.”
Shocked gasp from our people sound.
“Of course, you would say that Kinny! That bitch sucked your dick!”, accused Wizard Fatass.
Me and Kenny send him death glares.
“If I did or did not is not relevant and also is non of your fucking business, fatass!”, I shout and point my wand in his face. “I’m thinking about how to save our kingdom! This is the most important. If an alliance will help us so be it! So shut up and be the grand wizard we need for the fight and not a bastard for once in your life!”
I hear damn sons and approving whistles from Tammy and the elves. I can see that my subjects looking at each, whispering, and then all nod, besides Cartman of course.
“If you think this will be for the best, big sis…then we will follow your lead.”, speaks Leo for all.
I nod at him and sit down on my chair. I wave at Kyle to continue with his presentation.
The red-haired boy is looking at me…I would say in an admiring way. I blush and play with my wand. Tammy giggles softly in my ear. I blush even more. She will soooo tease me later, I feel it.
“Again, thanks queen N.K. I’m glad we are on the same page with this.”
“I don’t want to be a party pooper.”, begins Stan. “Even if we JOIN forces we don't have enough warriors.”
“So we recruit more factions to join us. The Pirates. The Federation. And... the Girls.”
Tammy and I deadpan at how all the boys are shocked about this.
“The GIRLS?!”, shouts Leo.
“Kyle, the GIRLS are not gonna fucking play with us.”, seems Cartman to remind him.
“Yeah, dude, we can't convince girls to do this.”, surprisingly Stan agrees.
“No, but maybe Queen N.K. can.”, counters Kyle. I cross my arms and raise an eyebrow at all the looks the boys send me. Only Tammy isn’t staring like a cow. She is deadpanning at them too. “Queen N.K. has a power we have yet to understand. She makes friends on Facebook faster than any we have seen.”
“She is really good at getting Facebook friends, I'll give her that.”, admins Wizard Chubby.
“And that I’m also a girl is totally irrelevant?”, I can’t help but point out. “And Lady Tammy here too.”
Kyle turns adorable red like a tomato.
“Erm…of course this too, queen N.K. I bet since you are their elder the girls in our grade will consider playing with us if you ask them.”, tries Kyle to save his face.
I giggle softly.
“It’s okay, cutie, I was just messing with ya.”, I flirt.
He turns red as his hair and is at a total loss for words. I hear a few snickers. Cartman opens his mouth to say something, I just hit him over the head with my wand.
“You be quiet. If you only talk shit, you will get hit.”
Grumbling curses under his breath Fatass rubs his hurting spot.
Now nearly everyone is snickering. I bet they all enjoy me putting Cartman in his place.
“Now that this is out of the way, please find a way to get the Girls to side with us, queen N.K. I'll deal with the other factions.”, promises Kyle. “The rest of you return to your stations and prepare for war.”
With a loud huzzah, we collected the chairs to put them away.
“Any idea where we could find the fourth-grade girls Tam?”, I ask my best friend, since the boys will surely not know it.
“Well when I was in fourth grade we had a secret base.”, she tells me. Huh, interesting. “It’s kind of a tradition here in South Park. But the only problem is that any new generation changes the location of the base. I think we need to find a fourth-grade girl to lead us to them.”
“Awesome! This means we can walk all day long if we don’t find someone!”, I groan annoyed, and let my head rest against her shoulder.
Tammy cooes and pets my head.
“There, there, N.K.”
“Erm, big sis?”
Surprised I look up.
Leo is standing before us.
“Hey Leo, what’s up, little bro?”
“Do you remember Annie, the one you helped against the bullies? She is a fourth grader and owes you a favor.”
I blink.
“Oh…I totally forgot! Thanks, Leo! I will send her a message.”
I ruffle his hair, while he smiles cutely up at me.
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I choose to take Tammy with me to the fourth-grade girls. Having two elders and no boys will maybe sway them faster in agreeing to help us.
“So…you like King Kyle?”, asks me Tammy with twinkling eyes, as we make our way to City Hall, where Annie is waiting for us.
I blush red.
I know she would tease.
“I’m in a goddamn love triangle, Tam!”, I bemoan my faith to her. “I hate it! It’s the most stupid cliche ever! I like Kyle and also Princess Kenny.”
Now Tammy is blinking rapidly at me.
“Princess Kenny? Huh, that’s kind of funny, my ex-boyfriend was named Kenny too.”
“I think, the princess and your ex are the same.”, I wince. “In real life, she is Kenny McCormick.”
We walk in silence for a while. This is a really awkward situation.
Tammy is the first to find her words.
“N.K. don’t feel bad, you meet Kenny earlier than me. How should you know that he was my boyfriend once?”
“It feels still so…awkward.”
“Listen, me and Kenny ended our relationship as friends, and…you are my best friend, even if we have known each other for such a short time.”, she takes my hand in hers and squeezes it. “What we have is so more…. potent than whatever I had with Kenny. So if you want him, get him. I just want us to stay best friends.”
“Me too, Tam, like sis, I think you are my soulmate!”, I confess to her, squeezing her hand back. “I don’t wanna lose you. You are more important than my two crushes.”
“That’s the sappiest thing anyone ever said to me…I dig it!”
I plant a soft kiss on her cheek, which makes her blush adorable.
So cute.
“I have more of that, but…you really okay if I go for Kenny. If I go…there is still Kyle.”
Now she kisses my cheek and I turn red.
“Yes, really don’t worry.”
At least my relationship with Tammy is safe.
What I should do about Kenny and Kyle is a whole other house number.
Why I’m in a stupid love triangle?
It doesn’t need to be a love triangle, girl…polyamory!
My face turns into a pepperoni.
Where did this thought come from?
I was always monogamous in my relanteship. I never felt the need to date different people at the same time.
Why know?
…Because I can’t fucking decide and thinking about having both Kyle and Kenny as boyfriends turns me so fucking happy.
Uha, better stop now.
There is City Hall and Annie waiting for us.
“Hello N.K. and Tammy, right?”, she greets us.
I nod, while Tammy greets back for us.
“So what can I help you with?”
I explain in short words what shit we are currently dealing with and that we need more girl power to kick Clyde’s ass.
“I see.”, frowns Annie. “I can take you to the fourth-grade girls. But I don't think they'll be very willing to play with boys. Do you wish to speak to them now?”
“Yes, time is a wasting.”
“Then please follow me, N.K. and Tammy.”
And we do just that.
Tammy and I are impressed with what the fourth-grade girls did with the girl bathroom in the playground.
Yes, their secret base is there.
How did they manage to paint it, bring these tables and all this other shit like posters here, I wonder.
A pretty black-haired girl with a lilac barret seems to be the head of the girls since she is the only one sitting at one of the higher tables.
“The four hundred and twelfth meeting of the girls is hereby called to order. Sparkle, Sparkle.”, she proclaims like we are in a trail, even with a little gravel.
“Sunshine!”, responded all the girls.
“Sunshine sparkle, Millie Larsen has the floor.”, says a brunette with a hairband.
This Millie Larsen starts right away: “If it pleases and sparkles, I move that we vote IMMEDIATELY on the urgent matter involving Monica Ryland.”
Agreeing sound from all the girls.
I look at them with fascination. That is so straight, I could nearly puke. But still fascinating. Since I’m bi I have no idea how straight girls think.
Tammy whispers nostalgic to me: “I’m having so many flashbacks.”
I grin at her.
“Excuse me, I'm sorry but I have an urgent matter that I believe needs to be addressed first.”, calls Annie for attention.
“The chair acknowledges Annie.”, says barrett girl.
“Sunshine, sparkle, Annie Knitts has the floor.”
“If it pleases and sparkles, two of our elders from the fifth grade are here to talk with us about a request from the fourth-grade boys.”
Like the good straight girls their age, they play their role of being sick hearing boys nominated. I bet at least half of them already had boyfriends.
“What request do the boys ask of us?”, wants the head girl to know.
“Sunshine, sparkle, I’m Tammy and she is N.K., little sisters.”, answers Tammy for us. “We came here since we are playing an RPG with the boys, but it has gone so out of control that we need more players. You.”
“Erm yes, sunshine sparkle, did I say that right? I’m currently the queen of one of the fractions and I need some Amazons in my kingdom. You pretty and powerful girls wanna help us beat up a stupid boy?”, I add.
“That…is interesting.”, admins the head girl. “I’m Wendy, pleased to meet you two. How did you manage to become queen of the boys?”
The other girls are interested too.
“I beat up Eric Cartman like the little pussy he is.”, I explain.
Awwing sounds all around us.
Wendy smiles nostalgically.
“Ah, reminds me at the time I beat up Cartman. Good times.”
Okay, I already like this Wendy! Anyone who shows the fatass his borders is amazing!
“So you girls wanna be my amazons?”, I ask again. “Anyone who fights against fatass is my type of girl.”
For that I get confused looks…only Wendy seems to get what I mean and blushes.
Oh…someone isn’t as straight as they present themselves?
Right, my black-haired beauty?
I wink at her, which makes her blush more.
“What?! We don't have time for that!”, shouts Millie. “Something VERY big happened and we MUST do something!”
“I know, I thought maybe they could help.”, answers Annie.
“Oh, that's not a bad idea.”, means a cute blond girl with long locks. “I glitter Annie's idea.”
“Sunshine, sparkle. A motion has been glittered to have queen N.K. and?-“
“Lady Tammy.”
“And Lady Tammy help with Monica Ryland.”
Now I’m curious what this could be.
“Well spit it out, girls?”, I tell them, while Tammy nods in agreement.
“All right, your Highness and Lady Tammy, look - there are TERRIBLE RUMORS going around town that our good friend Allie Nelson was spotted at the abortion clinic.”, explains Wendy.
I frown and Tammy gasp shocked.
“I have NEVER been to the abortion clinic! I'm not a whore!”, calls this Allie Nelson into the room.
Tammy looks at her with sympathy and I purse my lips.
I don’t really see the problem with either things.
Like abortion is our right and being a whore is a stupid concept. I mean I call myself a thirsty hoe, but how Allie says whore implies for me she means it in the patriarchy way that girls can’t even kiss two boys without being labeled as dirty and whores, while boys can fuck 50 girls and are the kings of the world.
Did I mention that I hate the patriarchy?
Now, you know.
“We aren't sure, but we think the girl spreading rumors about Allie is Monica Ryland.”, reveals Wendy.
“And then she has the gall to act all nice to me!”, adds Allie.
“We have to know for sure if Monica Ryland is a two-faced bitch or not. If one of you had been a boy we would have done this: we would send Monica a Facebook page with YOUR picture then told her that you're Bebe's boyfriend from Lakewood, and you want to meet her and ask her what the best thing to get Bebe for her birthday would be, and see if Monica tries to hit on you at all because THAT way, we can see if Monica is a manipulative bitch.”
“Right.”, comes from the golden locks’ beauty. So her name is BeBe.
Tammy nods in understanding, while I can just stare at them.
I think I’m going to have a rash from all this straightness, bitchness, patriarchy-infused mind thinking these little fourth-grade girls have going on.
Once again I want to thank the Lord that he made me bi and I don’t have that kind of mindset.
I can’t even comprehend that.
It’s so stupid.
Like we girls should ALL stick together and kick the patriarchy in it’s non existed balls!
The future is female and all that!
Wendy’s voice drags me back from my thoughts: “But since neither of you is a boy, we don’t know what to do.”
“Well, N.K. could dress up as a boy!”, suggests Tammy. “The boys thought for a while she was a boy as she was walking around in her Link Cosplay.”
I turn to Tammy and mouth what the fuck to her. She just shrugs her shoulders.
“Oho really, but you are so pretty!”, compliments me Bebe, but I see the envy in her eyes.
Oh no, I don’t have the nerve for this bullshit.
The other girls agree with her, yet their looks spell the same as Bebe one.
“I can put my Sasuke Uchiha cosplay on, that’s the only other male cosplay I have.”, I grit out from behind my teeth and wish to be anywhere else than here.
“Is he good-looking?”, wants Bebe to know.
Wordless I show her a picture of me in my Sasuke cosplay.
She nods.
“Yes, that will do.”
…I’m going to kill someone. I can’t with this shit.
“Do this task for us, and we will consider your request.”
Thanks, Wendy that you will consider it! And here I thought there was another one who wasn’t straight.
My Bi-Fi needs calibrations.
Wendy hits her gravel and says Sparkle and all, even Tammy, answer with sunshine.
I don’t even wait that Annie accompanied us to the door, I get out alone.
I need to watch/read some Yuri to get away from all this Heteronormativity/Patriarchy/Anti-Feminist I experienced.
Also, I need to change cosplay.
Why do I have a feeling this will be not easy as it seems?
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