#also irl name reveal i don't give a shit
absentmoon · 1 year
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verstappentime · 8 days
i posted about this before, but let me (as a journalist irl) elaborate what's likely going on with daniel!!
when no one asked dan about his future during press day last week, we all automatically recognized this was probably the result of an embargo (we have quite a few f1 fans in the newsroom). stranger still that christian horner was in the TP conference and didn't speak on it either. we had expected that combo to make a sort of joint announcement.
so what's an embargo/how does it work?
essentially, it's when a source gives you any information ahead of time, but requests you do not publish anything on it until a certain date and time. this can be done for a lot of reasons. embargoes usually request that you refrain from sharing information from a press release or document.
usually embargoes are put in place so essentially you keep to your time table of when the information becomes "public," but news outlets aren't left scrambling because they have already written their story and have it ready to go live as soon as it's acceptable. in the case of f1 this also applies to instagram posts and things like that. that's why you'll often see the posts go live straight away when an announcement is made; everything's pre-confirmed & pre-written, they're just waiting for the green light.
if you violate an embargo in sports journalism, you'll likely have your credentials to, say, get into the press pen revoked. you/your outlet will no longer receive any privileged information. and you'll likely be asked to take it down. not for any legal reason -- you're just burning a bridge and violating trust. so this info COULD be leaked, but under the honor system, it rarely is. (especially bc if you post embargoed info & ruin your org's reputation with the source, you're probably losing your job.)
so what's going on in DR's case?
most likely, all credible sources have either A) been given the information under an embargo, or B) been told the time they can expect an embargoed press release. (i work with law enforcement, so for me this is usually just something like "you can expect the records to be sent out before dinner time friday night but it will be embargoed till 9 a.m. when they're officially public record.")
either way, everyone has probably been warned off asking those questions, but they also likely already know the answer. whatever they received, even if it doesn't reveal all the cards, most likely said daniel would not answer questions prior to the official release time and essentially, don't bother.
what's up with all the rumors?
essentially, when every credible source has their hands tied, there's no one to counter all the randoms. we see it all the time -- people yapping trading theories when we actually know what happened and can't say. unfortunately in f1 some of the randoms have some sort of name recognition -- and for some reason there are like 500 completely not credible news outlets full of untrue shit. so right now, they are the only people 1) free to bang on with theories and 2) who dont either have the info or know when the info is coming available. so that's allowing them to take up all the space.
conclusion: this isn't necessarily good or bad, but explains why we're hearing so many irrelevant people's opinions on this and not hearing anything from VCARB, daniel or his team. it was most likely done to give preferred sources the jump on announcing the news, but also to allow daniel to focus.
i'm assuming the embargo will be lifted monday morning european time, but we may hear a vague denial this weekend as theres probably some building frustration (like daniel saying yeah you'll see me in COTA or whatever).
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fleshengine · 1 month
Rocky Horror Picture Show: I didn't like it
Here's the thing, I was mostly paying attention to the puzzle in front of me while I watched it, so I don't think I can call it disjointed and nonsensical in good conscience. When it comes to the actual content I feel like it's somewhere between what people who grew up in the suburbs desperately want to have happen to them, and what their parents are terrified of happening to them. A lot of perverts who don't really have an "in" into sexual communities want to be swept off their feet by a group of people in a sex dungeon. They don't want to have to give consent, they just want things to happen to them. At the same time, being enticed into a house with the promise of safety and being sexually assaulted and raped is something that a lot of conservatives and shit scaremonger about. Neither of these things really happen irl, if you want to be part of a kink scene you have to talk to people and very few people would even consider doing the shit Frank does without prior consent. It's a situation that's both hot and terrifying and is equal parts fantasy and nightmare. In this way, the story is a trans woman.
Anyway heeeyyyyy let's talk about that transmisogynistic stereotype huh? Frank N Furter who I will just call Frank now is like... everything about the stereotype. Intense makeup, evocative dancing, revealing outfits, rapist, violent, seductress, broad shoulders with a thin waste. It's really hard to fully articulate but basically Frank is everything people who fetishize transwomen want about us, and everything people who demonize us hate about us. Look, even down to the name he goes by being a joke about sausage.
It doesn't help that everyone in my life who has expressed a fondness for the movie hasn't been transfem, and I think that's because it makes us feel viscerally uncomfortable. Like, hey look there goes Mr. Transmisogyny raping a married couple and killing a man woohoo I love seeing what the wider public thinks of my existence! At the same time it's held up as a fucking... pinnacle of queer story telling, I've heard there's live productions on pride, and fucking monthly public viewings at theaters. It's ridiculous. I don't care if it was groundbreaking when it was made, or if it holds importance now, it has been made obsolete by the progression of queer rep. We don't have to enjoy transmisogyny anymore, we can just enjoy being trans. I know this is sort of shouting "stop having fun" at people, but I think this movie is harmful to have in the queer cultural zietgiest. I think it should belong in history, not something that you show to everyone you can because "it's so gay, you have to see it." It doesn't help that I saw it right before I saw Psycho for the first time which is also transmisogynistic and demonizes mental illnesses (that I have). No hate to the guy whose house I was at, but those were a combo my dude.
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the-cookie-of-doom · 6 months
Interested in your answers for 17 and 19 of the choose violence ask game, if you'd like to share them! Thank you :)
I was halfway through answering when I realized I totally misread the ask game. It is... not intended to be as dark as I made my answers, I think... oh well! I'm sticking to my guns. Anyone who's read my stuff knows this is a dead dove household lol
17. There should be more of this kind of fic/art
Oh man I'm about to Reveal Myself, but... I think KP as a whole could really use more noncon/dubcon, but KimChay especially (and Kim specifically). I read a fic a looong time ago when I first entered the fandom, it was like 400 words, and I'm not gonna name it in case the author doesn't want to be attached to it, but it was so good. Essentially Chay is very enthusiastic in the smut and Kin can't bring himself to say no, and I just!!! That is the good shit to me. I feel like especially post-reconciliation, Kim is exactly the kind of person that would overcompensate for breaking Chay's heart by giving him everything he wants. (i may be writing a fic about this already, called Stress Relief. That may or may not ever be posted. That may or may not be based on my own personal trauma. Anyway.) On a lighter note! I want to see more AUs! I'm a bit spoiled coming from the TW fandom, which is like. One of the most prolific fandoms on Ao3. But mannn, I want to see KimChay writers branch out and get absolutely unhinged with their AUs!
19. You're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
Lets be real. My first answer was non-con. There's really not a lot I'm ashamed about lol. I mean I've got like 3 different tentacle monster fics in the works, I've got a Wuju Bakery fic that's 90% slime and oviposition (technically still up for debate. Eggpreg?). I'm all in on the things I like, and don't care/think much about the things I don't. I think I've been in fandom long enough, and gotten old enough, that I just... don't have time to waste on being awkward anymore. Lose your shame! Cast off your shackles! That said I used to think rimming was really gross and I don't like it irl but there are some people who just write it like. unf. Hot damn. I'm a little mad at @ae-azile for that one chapter of Progression 👀
Also not mad/ashamed/horrified, but I was surprised at how much I love reading autistic Kim and writing trans!Kim. For the first one I think the writers in this fandom do an excellent and convincing job at characterizing him (esp @kimkhimhant my beloved <3) without infantilizing him, which... happens a lot with autistic characters. Like, the writing is so spot on that I didn't even question in, I pretty much immediately assimilated that into my mental rolodex of headcanons. 10/10 A+ effort for everyone around.
The trans!Kim aspect is also really fun. I'd never really written trans characters before, but this past year, and the past couple of months especially, I've been really struggling with my own gender and identity. So writing about that through Kim has been really therapeutic. (Adding to my first answer, we need more trans!Kim!) Although... I do hope that the particular way I've chosen to explore his gender in Dystocia is.. taken gracefully. Since it does revolve around Kim having a very traumatic pregnancy (and a lot of other trauma in general), which I know can be triggering for people. Whenever I eventually post that monster of a fic I'm just going to liberally tag it with all the things and hope for the best lol.
I think Dystocia and Stress Relief are two fics that I'm incredibly nervous to post, both because of how personally significant they are to me in a way most of my fics aren't, and because they're both very dark, which IDK if that's something people really want to see from KimChay (esp in Stress Relief).
Anyway! This is a lot wordier and darker than it probably needed to be, and IDK if it's what you were looking for dear anon, but thank you for the ask!
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mamamittens · 1 year
For my goofy self indulgent "Sir" au I've been considering what would, objectively, be the funniest way to reveal "Sir" is not, in fact, a sir at all.
Can't be a name reveal cause names can be weird.
I've had the TikTok meme about the corset song, you know uh... "--you bring the corsets~ we'll bring the cin-ches~ no one wants a waist over--nine inches~" where someone is tying either a corset or an apron and they tighten it on the measurement to show their silhouette. So that would be funny, just like, Nikia walking through one of the recipes from the hand me down book as she ties an oversized apron because they assumed she was bigger round the middle and everyone has a damn heart attack.
There's the casual "fuck me it's hot as balls out here" removal of the hoodie to tie it around the waist, maybe with a baggy shirt to help answer how the layers hide all that damn curve. Works wonders in real life btw if you don't wanna bind but want that illusion of a smaller chest. Really breaks up the more obvious boob shape.
Then there's a hug where someone (idk maybe Thatch but I'm a dweeb who thinks he's pretty so ya know) just throws their arms around her and is fucking shocked to discover there are tits there and not like Zoro's either.
Maybe one of them with an added bit of dialogue:
"why the hell are you calling me 'sir' anyhow?"
"It's not your name???"
"Who the hell names their daughter 'Sir'?!?"
"EXCUSE ME, WHAT ARE YOU IMPLYING?!? ISNT IT OBVIOUS IM NOT A DUDE?!? After all that work growing them as a teen??"
"WHA--oh shit, nevermind, this hoodie is fucking massive. right. My bad... WAIT DID THEY NOT KNOW EITHER?!? HOLD ON I GOTTA INTERROGATE SOMEONE!"
Cue additional rubbing because she's like, "Dude, everytime I get onto y'all I'm dead ass using a mom voice--how the hell did you think I was a man?!"
"None of us had moms..."
"...well now just I'm sad, c'mere you fucking walking tragedies, damn." *Gives consolation hugs* "...so was there any other assumptions, you know, while we're clearing the air?"
"... If you're not a man... Are you also not like, a teen?"
"No?!? I mean, this is a little less surprising, but no. I'm really not. I'm 27, dude."
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Thatch sighing in relief because it felt weird to like someone younger than his youngest brother.
Bonus points if this is after quite sometime bunking in the men's area cause Nikia doesn't actually care so long as she has her own space to sleep. And this is very much not how Whitebeard prefers to have the sleeping quarters separated cause he's a tad old fashioned.
Idk, just silly things to consider while it's hot as balls IRL.
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mygwenchan · 9 months
We stay with Nuth for a bit longer. After his hallucinations, which are undoubtedly an upsetting and traumatic experience, Nuth is trying to distract himself. He does what he likes best: Finding new cute boys on thaiboysonline!
Unfortunately for Nuth, Nont is already waiting there for him. Nont is pretending to be Captain, so I guess "Captainman" must be his username.
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Of course what Nont wants isn't some nice sexy times, he wants to get a good screenshot of Nuth's face and wants to find out where he lives.
You got this, Nont! I believe in you baby boy~
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The two of them get hot and horny (well mostly Nuth, since Nont is only pretending) and Nuth quickly reveals his face. That boy must be really into it, because otherwise he would've noticed that the guy he's talking to looks strikingly similar to his ex Nant! (like come on, even with the mask on it's obvious...)
Shoutout to the costume department for the "defend trans lives" shirt!
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Nont is ready to give it his all and pulls down his pants!
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His friends are shocked. Judging by the horse sound effect, Nont must be packing 😂👍
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Now all that is left is to find Nuth's exact location. Captain actually has some helpful tips here, who would've thought. Maybe there is still hope for this one :)
Nont tells Nuth to go to the window, pretending that it's all for the sake of playing a kinky game of "can you jerk off without the neighbors noticing?"
On a side note: please don't do that irl. As it happens, I had some neighbors a while back who liked to have sex in front of the windows and... yeah not the kind of thing you want to see at 9am on a Sunday morning when you haven't even had your first coffee yet 😭
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Zouey quickly recognizes the view. Nuth must be living in the same rundown apartment as Soong and some of the other Playboyys!
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And again Captain comes to the rescue. My boy is on fire today!
His idea to tell Nuth to go jerk off in front of his apartment actually works, because horny people can't think properly it seems lol
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We find out that Nuth lives in apartment no. 1524. We can also see that something gruesome must've happened there, judging by the bloody handprint on the wall right next to Nuth...
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Now Nuth wants to see who he's been chatting with and, being the little sadist that he is, Nont really enjoys this part. He moans Nuth's name and slowly takes off his mask. What a little shit XD
Save to say, Nuth did not get to nut that day 😔
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the-great-ladyg · 10 months
5) what’s the dumbest thing you’ve heard about your f/o, either on the internet or irl?
Hello! Sorry for taking so long on this one, but here I am at last. For this one I'll use Maegor, I have to rant about him.
5) what’s the dumbest thing you’ve heard about your f/o, either on the internet or irl?
Oh, this is going to be long, ig
TW: Violence, domestic violence, rape
"He was the worst king in Westeros history"
Okay, let's start: 🩸🐲 was not the worst king
He did some wrongs like killing ONE of his nephews (the other one was Tyanna's doing) or continue a war that wasn't ending, but he also did some goods like starting the process of disarming the Faith or uniting the realm under one cause.
Don't forget many of the things said about him were rumors (like when he killed a cat the first time he held a blade, or that he killed people from the smallfolk saing they were Warrior's Sons and Poor Fellows), or were Tyanna's actions (the death of Viserys, the kidnapping or Aerea and Rhaella, and the death of Jeyne Westerling and her son, and the stillborn baby of Elinor Costayne).
Now, people say Maegor's killing of every architect and person who worked on the Red Keep was cruel. Okay, what would you do? Those people knew the secrets of the king's castle, they could easily reveal any secret entrance and have the king killed. Even if he decided to cut their tongues and break their fingers, smallfolk would still say he was cruel.
Besides, there have been way worse kings than him, I'll give a few examples:
His brother, Aenys I. Aenys was a terrible king, he couldn't decide on anything, even if his kindom or family were in danger. Rebels trying to rise and get independence? He can't decide who to attack first. The Faith has his eldest son and daughter as hostages? He can't act bc he doesn't to act on undoing the marriage or attacking the Faith. And he made the worst decisions when he acted, like marrying his children with one another or sending his brother, his most powerful supporter since he had Balerion and both Targaryen swords (and he didn't try to take the throne from Aenys) to exile, sending away his most valuable protection from the Faith. Dude died from a stomach cramp lol.
Aegon II. This dude was an idiot who only wanted to act and kill, no negotiation, the only times he decided to negotiate were because his mother, grandfather and wife convinced him to do so, even 🩸🐲 could be reasonable at times without someone talking him to do that. He was an usurper since his father never named him his successor, and this dude only lasted two years as king, and those two years he had to fight in a war he started by taking the throne. The bloodiest civil war in Westeros' history happened because of this man.
Baelor I. Okay, maybe I'm kind of anti Faith of the Seven, but you have to agree with me on this one. This dude trapped his three sisters in the Maidenvault just to keep them as virgins, don't giving a shit about their consent, and that didn't stop Daena from giving birth to a bastard. "Oh, but he gave to every person a loaf of bread", yeah, and he also outlawed prostitution, burned books, did stupid things like "I'm granting tax exemptions if you put a chastity belt to your maiden daughters", named a child as the fucking pope. He was a fucking septon but didn't disolve Aegon and Naerys' marriage even his cousin was suffering and almost dying after every pregnancy. Hell, Baelor would have started a holy war against the North and the Iron Islands to convert people to the Faith, if he didn't starve himself to death.
Aegon IV. Anyone who know his story knows this piece of shit is an useless king, no wonder he's remembered as "the unworthy". He wasted lots of money on favoring certain lords, on trying to conquer Dorne even when his son Daeron was married to princess Myriah. He raped Naerys, don't doubt about it, he killed his sister by forcing her to give birth to all of his sons, and after she and his brother Aemon died he said Daeron was Aemon's son in a tantrum, and it's said he killed his father Viserys to become king. Aegon had sons and daughters with any woman he desired, and he decided to legitimize all of them before dying, because of this piece of shit there were the Blackfyre rebellions that brought death and despair for almost a century.
Aerys II, you know, "the mad king". We all know why he was a terrible king. He tortured and burned people for the most stupid reasons, he raped and beat his sister Rhaella multiple times, the Targaryens lost their most valuable ally, Tywin Lannister, after Aerys threw tantrums over his own stupidity to rule, he caused the fall of House Targaryen because he thought it was a great idea to kill several Northman lords and their sons, including Ned's father and brother.
Honorable mention: Joffrey I Baratheon, you know why.
🩸🐲 is considered the worst king of Westeros because maesters, the Faith and the Hightowers were angry at him, and these people are the ones who write down the story, of course they would say the worst things about him this way "Yeah, he drowned puppies when he was four years old... but that's a rumor".
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syntaxvomit · 9 months
I ruined it. We were doing so well and I ruined it.
Now I'm laying awake trying to ignore my sick stomach because it's all just so much to digest. I got a job offer today. I've been desperately looking for a job like this for about 9 months. Haven't been unemployed thank god but I've been contract hopping without benefits for 9 months. I'm not sure how much to reveal or how to begin without giving away who I am.
Who am I trying to hide from? Myself I guess.
I've been trying to be better and I've been trying to do more but it all felt like it was all for nothing today and I ended up tying other completely unrelated shit to it because I was upset and I wasn't in my right mind. As I type this out I'm feeling better though I guess that's the whole fucking point of this thing.
I feel unloved, empty, and broken. I'm trying to ignore that feeling by staying busy but it all came to a head today. I know this is definitely all in my head because when I stop and think about it, it's absolutely ridiculous. Every single day I'm shown how much I'm loved and I haven't been observant enough to appreciate it lately. That's on me.
At the same time, I haven't been intimate in months and this has been happening frequently, even before the reveal.
Valentine's day is coming up. I commissioned an original painting from an online friend who I never met IRL. We've been FB friends for years, almost a decade now. She seems like she's a nice lady with a good head on her shoulders. She's incredibly talented, her handle on insta handle is @kara_rae_art -- you should look up her stuff. It's really good.
I commissioned a painting for my girl for Valentine's Day and I'm really excited to see how it turns out. I've never commissioned a painting before, I feel so adult!
Okay I'm starting to fade now. I want to continue to try to end this entry on a good note because there's a lot to celebrate.
Since the new year, I've been going to the gym and it's long overdue. I've been feeling better, and that's all I really care about. I don't care about how I look or how big I am, I only care about feeling good and getting enough rest and enough water. I want to keep the momentum going for as long as possible.
Also, the job! It's full time with benefits and fully remote. I haven't had something like this in a while and it's exactly what I've been looking for. I just hope the team isn't as terrible as my last full time job. But, I have more experience now, and I am much more confident in my field than I was when I got my first full time role. It's salaried too, which means I'll probably commission more art because our walls are bare and how awesome would it be to have our walls filled with original art?!
I don't post about my career or my job or anything because I like to play it safe. I'm actually making a decent salary now and I feel I have something to lose. I fear I would get doxxed, that's why my real name isn't on my FB. I could just not post inflammatory things, but where's the fun in that? I like to instigate and argue. Healthily ( I think)
Alright I'm fading out now. Word vomit complete.
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lonespektr · 1 year
Influencer (2022)
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Voice over in her influencer toxic positivity platitudes shit about growth or whatever while she is just doing the opposite of what she is saying
Occasionally spliced with her taking photogenic shots
Just noticed the poster might already be a spoiler
And YUP the first time we see her is in water
This is Thailand
The girl approaches protag and "scares off" a creepy guy and "opens up" to imply she was dater*ped by a guy like that
Now the girl had her on her bike
Supposedly this was a trip with bf but he bailed
But he did pay for it
Girl hides from a live stream shot
Girl is making fun of her for being terminally online but that is her job??? Like irl
She sells products and travel stuff
She doesn't have another job??
We don't actually see girl go inside the suite
Protag sweet wide open upon return
Her stuff got tossed and jacked
Passport gone, she's technically stranded
Called bf he blamed her for her stuff getting stolen
Very controlling
She said they should break up and he just ignored her and said call me in the AM when you aren't upset
Girl is taking a bunch of pictures of her with hey phone
Prevented her from shooting at their original location and no service once they got there (Island) one way off her boat
Sees tally's on a log eight days
This is literally her hunting ground
OMG she's telling her her WHOLE plan
Fucking savage
She said i'll give you four days
Ofc the girl laughs like it was a joke
Girl seems to be anti influencer specifically??
Says they are self centered
Protag finally admits lonely
Then to give us a "maybe she deserves it feeling"
The girl confirms sarcastically she is the center of the universe
WHOA title comes in late
Using the same voiceover i think
Now that girl stranded the protag
Did we literally get her name ever???
Girl took over her social media - not only do they look nothing alike the girl has a MASSIVE birthmark on half her face
Literally just went through all her old shit photoshopped her face onto old posts clearly an expert at Photoshop
5th victim real serial killer wall
Already hunting for accurate victim
Solo white girl influencer
In a way we actually haven't left the main character cleverly - because the villain stole the protag's life
Kinda wild the protag slept on the beach and after she revealed her master plan
New victim knows she has a tail
She didn't really do a lot of research on new vic
Old vic was desperately lonely
New vic is a low key cultist??
She's tries a new approach after trying to lead
She backtracks as a submissive
Offering bait of a fancy place
Girl didn't account for controlling bf
He did the rose petals thing
So now it's new vic and old vic bf n her in old vic's place (that's paid by bf)
Lolz how she going to get them not to talk to each other
The new vic clocked the girl (again) as they both obviously got their rooms broken into
The thing with all these is the first vic clocked all these things too, she just brushed it off as non sensical
"you're fucking creepy"
That's the trigger
Vic no 2 RIP just had the courage to stick to her instincts
We don't have clear motivations on why she's doing this
And unfortunately it comes off as bitches be crazy
Like everyone is just clocking an inherent wrongness to her but we don't know why she is doing it so it's just boadering on crazy people are dangerous
She still has to deal with the guy
There's activity on vic no 1's account..but she has the phone??
She's working several angles
He can tell from the posts she made it's not vic #1 clearly illustrating that she can't see things about people others can and probably doesn't bother to anti-social tendencies and that's why she didn't consider s bf would come after her (also she's cocky and doesn't do enough research)
It also very clear he just uses that line on women but that doesn't mean he can't recognize fundamental things she probably can't
*SA !!!
Well an aporoximation
This sets up a strong juxtaposition that the girl just mimics life but doesn't actually know what it is or how to connect with people
Okay flash back
Vic no 1 + bf
Lol not this same guy chattin up
I'm not saying this guy wouldn't be able to point out the weather phenomenon he's obviously a busy body but they could have had him talk longer ro make it seem realistic
Wow vic no 1 bestie said bf can do better but like??? He's shitty, they are both shitty???
Bf found the trail of bredcimbs of doctored posts because he is also a media guy and can tell
Looks like she cleared out but she is still there
He got the drop on her
The writers are dragging both characters
They are both shitty
She's making a play
It must have been difficult to get that underwater shot
She got the drop on him
She's a bit like villanelle without the explanation
Ok the bestie is just the embodiment of fake ass fakers
She's keeping the vic 1 identity but trashing the bf identity
Back on the island
Surprised vic no 1 isn't dead
We got one big hint she was hiding some..talents but that's it
Found and buried the other two girls
Still got her shoes
Got a mean sunburn
Found her bf
Didn't kill her, left her, not surprising bro does she know how to get back?
We didn't need to know how exactly she survived but it wasn't a big pay off because honestly the only character we got a read on was the bf and he didn't matter
It's a month, the weather is good generally except rainy season (there's wayer), no predators, if you can fish you can figure it out for a month
But she was.. Emotionally in a shit place and isolation should have exacerbated that..
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azzydoesstuff · 1 year
Fun RPG campaign concepts!
The Evil Clones: Have your players enter a fight they very clearly cannot win, like a pumped-up dragon or something (idk never played dnd or any rpgs). When things seem like they're about to go to shit, have whatever they're fighting get sneak-attacked and killed by a mysterious group of strangers. When the smoke clears, it's revealed that there are exactly the same amount of people in that group as there are in the party, and interestingly, they look just like the party, and very coneviently, they are all the exact same classes and have the same abilities as the party. Only difference? They're both annoying and evil as fuck is the most bullshit way possible. They're just straight up bastardized versions of your players. Shitshow fight ensues.
Also, give them names that are literally the party's names but dumber-sounding. For the funnies.
A Seemingly Useless Thing: Somewhere around the mid-early part of the campaign, have a certain boss drop, like, a weird lookin' stick or something among its other loot. Tell your players that it seemingly has absolutely no use whatsoever and that they can just throw it away if they want. If they get suspicious and decide to hold onto it and do so until the END of the campaign, after the final boss, they'll notice a strange marking somewhere in the arena after the fight. The stick, or whatever you chose to give them, was an ancient key this whole time. Ancient key opens the ancient door. Party can fight an even more pumped-up boss behind it as an extra to the campaign if they so choose. If they threw away the funny stick at any point in the campaign, tell them about the door and rub it in their face that it's their loss.
Uh Oh, It Didn't Like That: This is more of a general mechanic than an item or enemy idea. For each boss, make sure that there's a very ironic ability or attack players can use on it (i.e. if you're fighting a big bad guy you've fought before, hit 'em with the special weapon they dropped the first time you beat them). If your players do this, the boss will get so unimaginably pissed off that its stats will literally go up, making the fight significantly harder. You could make this an effect that wears off after a while, or just make it permanent. Just to make your players suffer. Maybe you could make it so the boss drops extra goodies if they beat it after enraging it. You choose.
The Kennys: The first time your players are deep in a spooky, dangerous place, make sure that along the way (or prefereably at the entrance) they see a group of a couple of guys, in trouble. Just, make them really look like they're stuck-in-the-mud. In a huge pickle. Don't let your players interact with them, just point out that they're there. Make sure you specify their appearance. That'll be important later. Later on, on another misson/in another dungeon, when they're about to enter another dangerous place, mention that they're there again. The same group of guys. Hell, give them names if you want to. Really emphasize that it's them again. After that point, whenever the party is getting into a BIG dungeon, mention them being around. It'll serve as a warning, they'll KNOW they're getting into big trouble whenever they see them. They'll probably grow attached to the poor fellas, too.
Note: I have not once played D&D or any sort of RPG campaign thing IRL with other people. I've only ever really played, like, one or two singleplayer RPG videogames. I don't know if these could even work in these environments.
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bradenthompson · 1 year
Insurgent (2015) notes
Give Divergent (2014) this: I did immediately put on the sequel.
>iirc, I bought a ticket to this movie opening weekend, for the purposes of sneaking into a screening of Kingsman: the Secret Service. So I'm partly implicit in this movie being #1 at that weekend's box office.
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>by 2015, Lionsgate had acquired Summit Entertainment, further consolidating their power in the bloody history of YA Movie Feudalism. This is important because at the top of Insurgent is a splash logo for Summit subsidiary International Distribution Company LLC, touters of maybe the worst splash logo of all time. Looks like a PS2 game, but like, the ones made when the PS3 was already out.
>also producing is one Red Wagon Entertainment, the production name for one Douglas Wick, producer for all three Divergent movies as well as 2005's Jarhead and Memoirs of a Geisha. So if you want someone to blame for these movies never concluding, well, he's a name that's public.
>Winslet says "...by dividing people based on personality and aptitude..." which goes against what I understood Faction Society to be. Citizens self-select their factions, don't they? Or is forced division a new thing since the Great Beatrice Crisis
>It'd be really funny if Kate Winslet is only seen on computer screens for the entirety of this movie. Just rolled up to the bluescreen studio and knocked out her role in one day
>I miss Jai Courtney. Haven't seen him in a movie for a while. Bro wasn't phoning it in, unlike some of this cast
>New director for this one! Robert Schwentke, also responsible for RED, R.I.P.D., the yet to be seen Allegiant, and Snake Eyes: GI Joe Origins (a movie that--get ready for this--I've seen)
>lil pissbaby Ansel doesn't get a cool Dauntless jacket lol get fukked bud
>Katniss also started her sequel with the lingering consequences of taking a life, Beatrice. One of you is gonna have to change
>ain't no goddamn way they filmed Divergent 2 with the IMAX cameras
>too many movies feed teenagers the lie of chopping your own hair and having it come out salon-layered and photogenic.
>am I supposed to call him Four or Tobias, because the former is funnier
>"How long do we have to stay here" Bea are you for real
>aw dammit Winslet's in the flesh
>secret box, secret box, secret box, secret box
>gonna start making guesses at what's in the box now and pray they reveal it before the end of this movie a. letter from the founders saying factions are a load of bullshit b. key to door that will be opened in Divergent 3 c. contract buyouts for the whole cast when this series fails to conclude
>"I really don't know how much longer I can do this whole peace and love thing." Truer words wrt Beatrice have never been spoken. She pops more heads in one movie than most YA girls do in a trilogy of books
>Miles Teller is silly now.
>"wait, we're fugitives?" Ansel, what the fuck did you think was happening here?
>"we need to find out what happened to the other Dauntless" presumably stayed in the city, Four, you beautiful cinder block of a man. They certainly didn't run off with you--I would know, I just watched the first movie like two hours ago
>"we need to kill Jeannine" TALK YOUR SHIT BEA
>lmaoo Miles Teller is such a dick, Beatrice is a psycho, this movie's gonna rule ass
>love how Amity has roads but the villain trucks just run over the fences anyway
>the dominant trait of Amity is politeness, which I feel runs counter to what's historically known about the agricultural complex
>hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha (people who have seen Insurgent know what I'm talking about)
>save money on set design with a little bit of the ol' RUNNING👏THROUGH👏FORESTS👏
>do you think Ansel was directed to run like a geek or is that just how he is
>man I hope Veronica Roth eventually got to jump on a moving train irl. Seems like a big fantasy of hers, next to sharing needles (incidentally, injection count's still at zero)
>who could ever dislike Beatrice. She breaks arms. She kicks women out of trains to be crushed under the wheels. She bites hands and doesn't afraid of anything
>Four's mom lives in a haunted house lol
>shut up Ansel (I've said this out loud four times, we're thirty minutes in)
>Divergents fit into every faction, like a faction avatar of sorts, and by that token the factionless don't fit into any faction, ergo they are the worst people. With you so far, movie
>hey what's the absolute weirdest thing a mother can say to her son's girlfriend. Because that's what Four's mom just said
>hey what's the second weirdest thing a mother can say to her son's girlfriend. Because that's what Four's mom just said
>we have just received mention of administering a truth system, bringing our injection counter dubiously up to one
>so every faction can hold their own trials? Is that what Four's talking about? Is the Dauntless trial just Thunderdome?
>injection counter now decisively up to 1
>the Divergent series doesn't have a love triangle and thus doesn't have any teams other than Team Four but I'm gonna be Team Miles Teller just to be a pissant
>injection counter: 2
>Candor man asks "did you harm anyone" to which Beatrice, under the effects of truth serum, says "my mom," which literally is not true. Then again, maybe the truth isn't a divine thing, rather whatever the serumee believes to be true. Beatrice could be telling the truth as she believes--ie. putting her mom in the position to be shot is as good as killing her herself. So could a totally delusional person invalidate the serum by just believing incorrect things? Discuss with your table.
>Maybe Beatrice should've objected to Four's "neither of us have secrets worth hiding" thing
>"people get hurt when they get close to me" objection, your honor?? Conjecture???? why is truth serum making her say this????????? Again, I think truth serum has a big flaw someone should reformulate
>what's in the box? d. a ceremonial dagger whose holder gets to be King of Earth e. map to the rest of civilization f. the Allegiant book ie. the scene in Spaceballs where they fastforward the movie
>Divergents are special, but some Divergents are more special-er than others. What the fuck does that mean
>Four has a way of flying in from offscreen for stealth attacks. Refuse to believe he's capable of this. Giant, pretty tree, him. Ain't creepin up on nobody
>Jai Courtney we hardly knew Yai Courtney🙏
>what a fool I was to attempt an injection counter when I should've been doing a popped collar counter
>Beatrice wearing a tactical vest and nothing else; I like her style
>"I'm gonna kill Miles Teller!" "okay" lmao
>nine injections in one scene, talk about a buzzer beater
>back to the simulation fakeouts. Still momentarily fun
>still don't think admitting to insecurities should count as Candor. If anything that should be Dauntless
>Beatrice realizing Four's not actually there by him referencing a line from a scene he wasn't in? Cool idea. Don't think Beatrice had to reiterate that, but it's cool
>women in movies love taking showers while holding some random step of the Macarena
>shut up Ansel
>injection count: 12 (I'm counting all the simulation probes separately) (btw: injection count 21)
>good on them for keeping the "breaking glass barriers" motif for all the big "she's a Divergent" moments. Someone on the storyboard team wants senpai to notice. And I did
>so... am I to understand that Kwinslet unknowngly shut herself out of the box by putting Beatrice in a position where she can't act on her Amity-worthy kindness? I'm not ruling out this scene possibly being a longform fakeout. These movies have set a precedent
>Miles Teller Best Character
>injection count: 30. Allegiant's gonna need a miracle to beat this record
>I did predict Beatrice eventually scrapping with a shadow clone by means of self-discovery. Did not predict the video game graphics.
>Beatrice The Cooler Beatrice
>Beatrice should try the ducking in the corner trick, bug out Evil Beatrice's AI
>taking one more guess at what's in the box, for ol' times sake g. incomplete coordinates. Allegiant is about getting the rest of the coordinates, we never find out because they never finished these movies
>okay I was... almost correct? first answer was almost correct. It's a message from outside the city. If I have this right, the whole Faction Society was just a prank bro a social experiment with the goal of creating Divergents, and their greater purpose will be revealed in the next movie, or maybe not because they didn't finish them
>approximately how much time passed between movies? Kwinslet still has a bandage from Beatrice stabbing her hand. Has it been a week? I'm gonna imagine both movies are set over a week.
>Four's mom taking a little too much credit for this
>if Beatrice and Kwinslet don't get their ultimate deathmatch by the end of these I'm eternal sunshining this series from my head
>Faction Society only needed one "you guys can leave" message and everyone packs their bags, lmao. Solid as a rock
I'm clapping folks, I'm sitting at my desk and clapping. That was way better than the first movie, wtf is imdb talking about. We got Punished Venom Beatrice, Miles Teller talkin his shit, the number one cause of death is shooting in the head, YA Sequel Haircuts, Royal Blood at the end which isn't a great band but they bring some much needed oomph to this soundtrack. You'll take Veronica Roth's needles and jumping on trains from her cold dead hands. What is it with 2010s YA trilogies and the second movie being the best one, and why am I the only one who holds this obviously correct opinion? Glad I bought a ticket to this movie in 2015 and didn't watch it for eight years. Bring on movie three, I crave that total deflation.
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strxnged · 2 years
bad descriptions of genshin characters while i wait for 3.1 (a-z) [may contain spoilers]
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albedo: edward elric but his hair is actually blonde and not Yellow. and WAY quieter
aloy: who?
amber: some love her. some hate her. one thing you can be sure of: no one loves her as much as collei does. loud gang #1
arataki itto: if tanaka ryuunosuke grew out his hair and got a wacky fashion sense. and started a band? loud gang #2
barbara: if u sing one more time i swear to fucki-
beidou: hot pirate captain lady who WILL complain about being on land 99% of the time. best character
bennett: no one likes you bennett. seriously no one likes you. i am so sorry. fischl doesn't count
chongyun: looks like he just saw a ghost
collei: #1 amber stan
diluc: is it the trauma, the wine, or the shit-faced brother that made you this way?
diona: the least important character ? alcoholic catgirl minor?
dori: will scam you faster than you can say "mora"
eula: should become big sister figure to noelle.
fischl: holy SHIT girl FUCK honorary loud gang because she just talks a shit ton.
ganyu: of course i didn't forget your name! mommy - sorry -
gorou: now THAT's a crop top if i ever seen one. also what kinda fucking combo is bow & geo. shoulda given bro a slingshot
hu tao: girl put your thighs away. pinterest is bein a bit .........
jean: literally an overworked office wagey with a sword. in charge of like protecting the whole country or whatever
kaedehara kazuha: lalala poet in the breeze lalalaa his best friend Died for anarchy
kaeya: probably a lying piece of shit but we all want to date him anyways. also why half of us stuck to the game through prologue
kamisato ayaka: ⚠ WILL JUMP IN RIVER WITH SOCKS ON ⚠
kamisato ayato: who is never relevent
keqing: The cat girl. literal badass. she, like, has a sword, and like, swings it around, and like, BAM
klee: who raised this
kujou sara: if you didn't believe in tsunderes before ??
kuki shinobu: BEAST of a healer but literally kills herself to do it?? kinda questionable. good itto babysitter
lisa: *moans, through into jean's window*
mona: the CONSTELLATION DIVINATIONS BROOO let's just say the sprinting patch changed the GAME
ningguang: now why the fuck are you a 4*
noelle: BEST girl and i say this as a zhongli haver so i am allowed to
qiqi: oh dear. a zombie. who did this? hu tao? hu tao! come and get your failed sword-wielding experiment
raiden shogun: bestie's got like. a god complex
razor: bro lived with wolves give him a break
rosario: this is what goths are going for
sanganomiya kokomi: 🐬🦐🦑🐠🐟fish🐟🐟🐟 fish
shenhe: literal wine aunt except the wine is like. grass or something.
shikanoin heizou: L Lawliet lovers look no further
sucrose: absolutely irrelevent #3 ????
tartaglia: there's dangerous men and then there's attempting mass homocide. where do y'all draw the line
thoma: sweet. sweetest. sweetest best boy ever. if he were a cat i would pet him and stuff
tighnari: spoiler they never explain the ears
venti: we all know he's drunk. what we don't talk about is the. is the. uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh questionable behaviour at all times ?
xiangling: she makes good food but PLEASE don't make me talk to her directly. loud gang #??? lost count
xiao: be honest, xiao. do you listen to mcr. do you listen to fall out boy
xingqiu: erudite stuck up rich kid
xinyan: what in the WORLd does the accent have to do with rock music, and why is the only character with colored skin also irrelevent #4???
yae miko: her voice will knock the wind out of you. did i just reveal something about myself by saying that
yanfei: fischl and her should make a club. except she talks a lot because she KNOWS a lot so i respect it
yelan: that's not xingqiu?????
yoimiya: beloved loud gang member
yun jin: very very very very cool addition to the game
zhongli: last and opposite of least we have the lazy geodaddy. i mean just look at the statues of the seven he is MANSPREADING like the chair was built for it. like he wants someone to SIT on him.
disclaimer that all was meant in good humour pls laugh and if u do, reblog
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that-bajan-kid · 4 years
Boku No Hero Academia Chapter 291 SPOILERS
(I don't know what to put here...)
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Baby. Where did 14-15yr old Touya find a jaw bone that matched his? How did he know it was a match? That jacket kinda looks like it's the same brand Natsuo wears. Speaking of Natsuo, this chapter is called "Thanks for being alright". This better show the other Todoroki's reactions to this.
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So his hair did go from red to white. Touya looks pretty excited to be training with Endeavour tho I'm pretty sure I already know how it all went wrong. It doesn't look like Touya's hair turned white due to stress. I mean he doesn't look very stressed out in this panel and his hair is already turning white. Is it something to do with his quirk then?
Okay so Enji and Rei decided together to have another kid, Fuyumi, with Enji's reason being he wanted a kid with both quirks and Rei's being she wanted siblings that would encourage each other. Boy did that backfire. Fuyumi only got Rei's ice but at the time Enji was pretty content with what he had cause Touya had a super powerful fire quirk. The Todoroki's seem pretty normal so something must have happened between Fuyumi's birth and Natsuo's. Maybe that's when Enji discovered Touya's limitations.
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Ok so I'm thinking the change in hair colour definitely has something to do with his quirk since it looks like his fire started hurting him after his hair started turning white. There's a question mark by that ouch which leads me to believe this is the first time it's happened. Touya probably pushed himself past his own limitations in an attempt to keep his father's attention but then Shouto's quirks manifested and Touya was pushed aside completely. He probably felt like Shouto was stealing their dad from him and Enji ignoring him probably didn't help. No wonder he hates Shouto.
Enji is in complete and utter denial. Meanwhile Touya is living is best life taunting Endeavour and asking why he was never invited to his fire quirk infested agency.
Compress is wondering why Dabi didn't tell them about this and Spiner is trying to get Shiggy to give Machia an order cause apparently he finally passed out. The Todoroki drama was to much for him to handle. Dabi tells Endeavour to run a DNA test if he doesn't believe him but Dabi already ran his own and is currently showing it to the general public on the latest episode of Keeping up with the Todoroki's.
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Omg they had to call Fuyumi out of her class. And Natsuo's face, poor boy is in shock. The video is already going viral. This is gonna follow them for the rest of their lives. Also Touya and Enji have very different versions of what happened in terms of the siblings being born. I mean maybe that's how it went down with Natsuo and Shouto, but Touya and Fuyumi seemed to have been a mutual decision. Yeah it's Endeavour's flashback but his is the only one we see and Dabi is an unreliable source.
Oh my god the heroes are so fucked. Can't-you-see-kun is yelling about how no one could possibly believe the words of a villain and then the video cuts to HAWKS STABBING TWICE IN THE BACK. When did he record that? Does this mean he let Twice get killed on purpose? It's not like he was in tears after it happened and before y'all come for me in the notes, when Dabi cries he cries blood. We saw it when he was reflecting on what Snatch told him. Yes his tear ducts probably are broken but that doesn't mean he can't cry. Plus he was grinning like a kid on Christmas after Twice's death, guess now we know why.
(Edit: So I forgot about the cameras in Hawks' wings but I still think Dabi wasnt actually hurt by Twice's death. It still worked out in his favour in the end so why should he?)
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I COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT THE CAMERAS IN HIS WINGS!!! Are those things heat proof or some shit? His wings were literally on fire. Lmao Sceptic. Shit I don't know if the heroes are gonna recover from this. Dabi literally said "why stop at Endeavour? Why not air out Hawks' dirty laundry too?~".
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Dabi is on a role today. It would be so funny if Best Jeanest really is alive and decided to use this moment to make his grand appearance. It wouldn't do much against all this damning evidence but it would cause more chaos and that is what I thrive on.
(Edit: Ya love to see it)
Tho this info makes it more believable that Keigo was abused by his father which would not only make Endeavour arresting him coincidental but also extremely ironic.
Video Dabi is going on about how heroes are the scum of the Earth and that the civilians are being lied to.
Irl Dabi is going on about how people will never trust the heroes again and he's absolutely right. I don't know how they're gonna recover from this. Can't-you-see-kun is in tears. Everyone looks so distraught, except for Iida who's wearing a helmet and Bakugou who looks like he's about to straight up die at any given moment. Dabi is all "Thanks for playing, Endeavour" as he jumps down from Machia's back.
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IT'S HAPPENING! THIS IS IT!! Dabi is straight up suicide bombing them. There is no way Dabi is gonna survive this, he's already at his limit. If Endeavour doesn't move, and I seriously doubt he will, he's gonna get caught in the blast and probably die. Poor Shouto is in tears. Man he is gonna be sooo traumatised.
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I'M SO GLAD HE'S ACTUALLY ALIVE AND MAN WHAT A SHOCK THAT MUST BE FOR DABI. "Apologies for being fashionably late." My man I missed you so much. Also roll credits cause I'm so glad he's alright. I can't wait to see the different variations of "this takes away from Hawks' character growth" even tho it really doesn't. Also is it just me or does Best Jeanest have a new hero costume? We'll most likely get an explanation on what happened next chapter.
Until next time.
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siren-virus · 3 years
More time asks :D I little but not too late, better that than the last few that I've been sending you that I take like 15 days to send XD
Flee: How was life for the trio before meeting? We know little of Leo considering the status of mutants in the world, and a bit of Tristan thanks to his sheltered life in the Domes, but it's still not enough to have an idea of how things were before the big adventure began; not to mention the fact that we know almost nothing of Robin's life before meeting the other 2, unless of course that's spoilers and that's why you don't say anything about it. That or you haven't thought about it, also a valid reason XD
SWUP: What did Vicky study before being kidnapped by aliens and becoming an Unicorn? and how are the lives of the rest of the cast now that there is the permanent presence of aliens duking it out near their work places and living arrangements? I imagine at the very least that the construction companies would send gifts to Vicky if they ever learn that she's the one fighting all the aliens that come to cause trouble, considergin that all the destruction the battles cause will make the companies get jobs very easily XD
Other: Would you mind if in the next ask I send a question about Luckycat!Ben AU? I'm starting to run out of questions for Flee and SWUP and I'd like to keep consistent with my personal schedule of things to ask you, though if you're still a bit burned out about that AU I can find a way to make more questions about other stuff.
Like for example, you mentioned Gecko before, but I only know that that's a game you're working on. What is it about? And how is the progress on that?
Been a bit flat
Also take your time with the asks, you don't have to force yeself
First up FLEE
Before the Trio met;
Leo lived in a burrow with his own colony of mutant hyrids, his job was mainly to seek out drinkable water and food sources, having the capabilities of flight are very valuable amongst hybrid societies. He wasn't too popular with his home burrow, seeing as he's kind of a angry shit. But he's very good at what he does. However he left his home for new things. A very selfish act, especially cause he left his few friends behind.
Tristian lived with his family (three siblings all older and his mum and dad) in the dome, attended high school, and was on a his way to a first class university which was practically next door. He wanted to study vetrinarian science because he has a love towards animals. But his dad was pushing him towards a more political role. His parents showed a lot of favouritism towards him, and with his book smarts and outgoing personality he would've made a perfect political candidate.
Robin on the other hand, it's basically spoilers but I'll give you a small hint, she was found by Leo and Tristian amongst the ruins of an isolated barn.
Don't worry I've actually thought about their pasts a lot, still developing them of course to make them seem a little more realisitc and a little more appealing and relateable to an audience (well as relateable as a post apocalypse is....)
I really want to have appealing characters, personality wise- it's hard, it'd probably be a little bit more easier if I did some reading but
She just graduated highschool, got one of those (i forget the word) ya know you study really hard in school, applu to a prestigious university and it's all paid for by the uni because your smart? brain doesn't compute with words i s2g!!!
She was going to study bio engineering- she's also quite smart. Too bad the whole unicorn thing destroyed her life haha! I love ruining my characters.
James (pending name still) loves the ideas of aliens fighting. Big comic book nerd he is. Sara, is quite worried, but happy there's a cute unicorn lady protecting her shop. (unfortunately I haven't developed many characters ahhh) But James' dad hates it, this unicorn is destroying property, and taking his job away. She's too destructive.
Probably they would send gifts- maybe also bribes. "destroy that house and we can build 20 apartments." But once again Vicky will not reveal her identity, James has warned her that it could have severe financial consequences.
I'm kinda blank on the Luckyboy/nekomata ahhh in fact im blank on all Ben 10- but I'd still love to talk about it- I'm so quiet irl about my interest it's kinda fun to talk.
Ah GECKO, so that's actual an animation- I've developed it so much more- I usually go through phases where I just binge on the development. I made a pilot/trailer thing of it last year
Gecko is (omg I actually have a genre for it) Supernatural/action thing about a guy named Mac who has a symbiotic relationship with a talking Gecko- that grants Mac higher strength and speed and all that jazz.
You might've seen a few drawings of Crystal around - ngl she's the only character who's design I'm happy with.
Kai and Mac are back to the drawing board- it's so hard to design them tho AH
I wouldn't call myself a perfectionist but I think I'm close to it.
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danieyells · 3 years
Thanks for answering my questions! I know it was a lot lmao but I Am Have Questions and very few people informed enough to discuss them with xD
I suppose it is possible they Oniwaka and Co. were being rent from their exceptions and not to Tokyo itself, but I thought the way it worked was that MC rent their connection to Tokyo itself and overwrote it with their own! I hadn't considered your angle before; something to think about haha
If I remember right though, Sitri's wings, and with them his powers, only grew in recently right? Like, a little while before the first Valentine's Event? That's why he had so much trouble controlling them if I recall correctly! But sustaining himself on that energy is one thing that can be explained (though! It's possible that part of Sitri's deep desire for chocolate in general, but valentine's chocolate especially, is the love that gets put into them? Not to say he sustains himself solely on it or anything, but it might explain the strength of his desires ahaha)
Wait. Do those character quests mean that collisions can literally send people into the pasts of other worlds?? Like fr?? And also, does that mean collisions are like, direct overlaps with other worlds and not just illusory versions?
Part of why I'm trying to sort this all out is because I want to write a TAS fic, but I needed a better understanding of how, exactly, the system works, and was basically about to throw my hands in the air and say that actually nobody goes home at all until they've fulfilled their contracts ever and that's that xD I've finished all the story content btw! Including chapter 11 and most of the translated events, except for the Canaan one (gotta get on that, pray I get myself a Dagon 5★)
Does that mean that we contracts are *unfulfillable*? Like MC's connection with Agyo was basically like "I want friend lmao" and then they got their friend, but does that mean that Agyo is trapped in Tokyo until MC decides that they don't want to be friends with him anymore?
Also, do you think that if a Stray Transient does eventually run out of energy to sustain themselves in Tokyo, they get booted back to their world permanently, or do you think they just recover their strength in their home world and then get pulled back over?
Thanks again for answering my questions! I hope that this is proving as interesting to explore to you as it is to me hahaha
I don't mind that it's a lot at all! Lol it was just a surprise. I'm honored to be approached about this kind of thing, and I find it very interesting, yeah! 'u' I love worldbuilding and characterization so thinking about/sharing my thoughts on it for things I like is always a pleasure.
I mean it's possible they're rending their connection to Tokyo, but I feel like that wouldn't take the exception away? Because it came from an interaction they had, not Tokyo itself. I figured they were torn from the exception and the exception and fighting robbed them of all their energy in the proccess of making them a. . .screaming, mindless fighting machine lmao. Like rending a familiar from someone? But that familiar is inside them? If that makes sense? I don't remember if this was explained to begin with let alone how lol I should reread it lol
Sitri's wings did come in pretty recently, and they're implied to be a puberty thing. The problem is that he says they came in "the other day"--which doesn't necessarily mean "two days ago" as convenient as that'd be. The Japanese is even more vague, just saying "When I was taking a bath" without giving a timeframe. But I kinda figured that, until the wings popped in, love from his family was enough to sustain him. Because Bathym doesn't have a family here, really, he has his fans and the guild. But also since his family knew about the wings, saying they were a sign he was growing up, maybe they have a similar power that pops in during puberty and thus were able to feed him others' feelings. But yeah they were new which is why he couldn't control them.
As for the pasts in other worlds. . .time doesn't flow in other worlds the same as it does in Tokyo necessarily. El Dorado isn't even around anymore, time in Shangri-La flows slower than in Tokyo, etc--but these places still participate in the Game despite that. So worlds and timelines aren't entirely stable--after all time's been reset over and over. Also, we have time travelers from Utopia(which is the future???) so if they were forced to conform to a single space-time path that'd be kind of difficult? So, yeah, time and space and memories aren't necessarily stable in collisions. I mean, if a world collided based on memories, who's to say those places are still exactly as remembered? It works for the jungle in Shangri-La because it's a jungle and how much will that change--but the collided oceans are connected to towns in other worlds? Dagon connected islands from various worlds into one, too--those can't all be his own memories or from the same timeframe. Collisions are pretty unstable by definition so it doesn't surprise me that time can get screwed up along the way.
But yeah collisions seem to be actual overlaps of some sort--since Macan remembered that he heard MC's voice that happened in the collision, Xolotl met and saw himself in the collision, etc. And those things had effects that brought them to Tokyo to begin with.
Oh, there's also Nomad's character story where MC was invisible to everyone but Nomad--Nomad could feel them too--because the worlds were unstable under Ikebukuro Coliseum and they reminded Nomad of the prison he was in, causing the Collision.
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MC could travel the collision/memory without Nomad around and get accurate information about its layout to help him escape.
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If the collision doesn't alter the actual past then there's no way they'd know without Nomad physically with them. . .and there's no way Nomad would know where to go to escape the prison if MC weren't able to get actual information.
Then MC breaks the lights--only Nomad can see them, but they can affect reality/the past in a way that influenced everyone in it. And they're able to escape thanks to information MC gathered about and influence MC had on the world that Nomad would have no means whatsoever of getting/doing on his own.
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Then they saw present Nomad who said MC was his, MC tried to reassure past!Nomad that it was okay, they were the same person, and past!Nomad felt betrayed.
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Past Nomad sees MC through the transient light and chases after them, bringing him to Tokyo in continued pursuit of revenge.
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. . .and present Nomad, now home with Mc and having had resolved the collision, remembered that he'd been chasing MC through the transient light but had travelled to Tokyo to find them--but had not travelled to them. He'd likely forgotten who he was looking for because he was kind of out of his mind at the time and thought he was chasing after his own hallucination to begin with.
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Now that he remembers he wanted to kill MC for leaving him but also knows that he's the one who MC left him for, he deems them half a traitor for only betraying the him of the past not the him of the present and lets them off the hook for now.
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(nice kabedon--DAMN THE TEN IMAGE LIMIT.)
MC was the one he wanted venegence against when he left Utopia, although he still has to get revenge against the people who turned him into a tiger. But he went to Tokyo to get revenege against MC and made a contract with them without remembering they were the target. He says he won't kill them for now but someday, when his other revenge is done, he'll come after them for betraying him. Until then they're his assistant and they'll be helping him get revenge. If they betray him again--betray him "one and a half times"--they'll become the new priority and he'll kill them first.
But even he said that he thinks that he's crazed for revenge is stupid so MC figured out that he wants them to keep him in check. (He calls them 'traitor' fondly(? He smiles while doing it, I think it's pretty fond) and I wish he kept doing that but it'd probably reveal more to people than Nomad is comfortable revealing lol so he calls you by name instead.)
Also, canonness note, he declares them his detective assistant when he declares them his accomplice--and in the Beach House Andvari he reiterates that's your relationship too. Which means that his character quest is canon across events. And if events are canon--whether through your choices or not(at one point in the story you know Gyobu but you only met him in events until that point???) that means Mc making pacts with everyone could be canon too.
. . .but yeah collisions are just time and space freaking out. Maybe they're past resets of sorts.
And oooh fanfics are exciting 'u' I'll give it a read if you link it! And congrats on reading everything! *U* I've gotta do that myself lol and good luck getting 5★Dagon!! I wanted 5★Tangaroa(someone I have added has him and. . .holy shit he heals himself, he heals allies around him, he's practically invincible) but I ran out of transient stones and I'm poor irl 8'D The Canaan event is fun and also chaotic and will probably give you even MORE questions about how the fuck timelines and collisions work. Because it kinda introduces a new mechanic into the mix. So uh brace yourself?
The problem with "nobody goes home until they've fulfilled their contracts" is that some people just don't have contracts. And their own desires only seem to cause gates to open and take them, not actually bind them--someone from Tokyo(or in Tokyo in MC's case) needs to be their binding agent if they're not like. A World Rep or someone similarly powerful enough to stay on their own(this is a guess--they're probably sustained by being the System and thus stand on the faith of all their people from their world. Alternatively they're bound to Tokyo via MC as the trophy.) Otherwise they wouldn't note that transients disappear eventually if unbound by a contract.
Gullinbursti isn't attached to MC by contract anymore not because MC said "I don't want us to be friends" or anything but because MC refused to make a proper contract with him because he'd misinterpret it. But he's still hanging out, so. It's not immediate. But, yeah, there are probably unfulfillable contracts that can only be broken by death or declaration. Agyo is stuck with MC until MC says he can go lol--I mean they're friends now but it'd defeat the purpose of the pact if they went away as soon as that happened. Because MC wants more and more companions they'll never truly have their desire to have friends fulfilled probably. So anyone summoned that way gets to stay in Tokyo until MC is no longer in it or maybe until MC decides "I don't want people around me anymore/I don't want to see anyone ever again" and truly means it--which will declare their contracts fulfilled and send them home, if they have a home/life to return to.
As for if Stray Transients go back permanently, yes and no. I think they go back and recuperate their energy and they stay home if they don't have an outstanding pact(whether they're aware or not)--however if they were just there because they went into the light and had nothing binding them to the land but that energy/will that brought them, they'd go home without bwing sent back unless they really wanted it again. Thus they can be resummoned, intentionally or otherwise. If MC one day dismisses everyone, regrets it, and says they want their friends back, everyone would come back. But if they didn't ask for everyone to return they'd stay home(disregarding that they'd probably all go NO WE WANNA GO BACK TAKE US TO MC and the transient light would bring them back to Tokyo again lmao.)
So. Yeah, they'll stay home until summoned again, even after they get their energy back, I think. If they don't have a home to go back to maybe they float in the void for a while, kinda like how MC just kinda existed as the Exiles without a home or like how Robinson says they can't stay anywhere forever because they're Wanderers.
(Somewhat related, Shiro mentions in the Apprentice Santa event that it must be hard to import turkey to Tokyo. . .import it from where? Tokyo is closed off on all sides INCLUDING THE OCEAN. That means someone's bringing turkey from other worlds into Tokyo--a business-like summoning contract lol. "Come to Tokyo, bring goods from other worlds, and you can go back until I need more" basically. Using another world like a manufacturing plant lol. . .little things like that make me consider that you can go and come back at the will of a summoner, assuming you donct have an artifact or ability that allows you to traverse worlds as you please.)
Another thing for you to consider if you wanna be a bit more puzzled: remember how much belief plays a part in how things work in Tokyo. Consider. . .if someone claims they're not a stray transient when they actually are and everyone around them believes that they have a contract or guild or something keeping them there even though it's not true. . .are they bound to Tokyo by that belief as long as they're around more people who think they're bound to somebody? Will they disappear if people stop believing them or they're around people who believe they're a stray? Consiquentially if people believe a stray will disappear sooner than later does their timer run out faster? If Ose somehow ran around telling people that transients won't disappear with his ability to make people believe everything he says, do they stop disappearing because no one thinks they will? I suppose he can't lie to nature, but can those beliefs sustain people? I mean belief can cause Oni to be hurt by beans, can cause Behemoth to regain his sense of taste, can cause people from worlds that've been destroyed to become demons because the Angels invading will it to be so. So where does belief's power end and the power of the System kick in? Does the game end if MC puts on Ose's crown and tells the Representaives it's over and they all lost? Or would the alternation of belief on a mass scale cause an Exception by clashing with something more powerful than it? What, since they so value Systems and the Faith that sustains them, to the point that losing Faith in your System causes a full on collapse of the world it holds together(see:Canaan), is more powerful in this game than the power of belief?
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itsjustascarecrow · 4 years
Ayy no I didn't make a sideblog, I just don't keep a blog after deleting a joke board I had in highschool, this account is 6ish? Years old. No, my point is, if they aren't allowed to take off their helmets around any living being, what would it matter if someone knew what their face looked like? What can they do with the information, esp if they're already hunting down mandos. I don't understand why you think I'm trying to start shit I'm trying to brainstorm key reasoning behind the helmet rule.
“I tried to discuss in messages but you have them shut down :/ Sorry just saw the end of your response, lol not catholic, islander/asian mix af. I think the reason people are taking offense at me asking the logic behind it is because they're looking at the religious insinuations, and think I'm arguing with that. I want to talk canon etc, which I guess this is the wrong place. ‘NOT TO MENTION THE SHEER AMOUNT OF PEOPLE WHO THINK THE IRL EQUIVALENT OF JEDI ARE CHRISTIANS??? AND NOT LITERAL MONKS????LIKE JUST ADMIT YOU HAVE CHRISTIAN BASED RELIGIOUS TRAUMA AND GET SOME THERAPY; STOP PROJECTING IT ONTO STAR WARS’ FUck okay you're hypocritical no wonder you just snap at questions, nvm I'm gone”
copying all your dumbass asks onto one, lol
first off, how tf do you have a blog for that fucking long and have absolutely shit all on it and NOT expect people to think you’re a spam account/sideblog, ghsjg.
and secondly, i’m aware of at least three of us now (myself included) who’ve been getting asks/replies from supposedly the same person who is just straight up not listening to a damn thing we’re trying to explain, like did you just completely fucking miss the part where i said din was FORCED DUE TO CIRCUMSTANCE to reveal his face to the empire?????? (not to mention we have no fucking idea how long these particular mandos have been using the strict helmet rule, so this could be an entirely new thing they decided to do to protect themselves further.) and even if it wasn’t an imperial agent who happened to see any of their faces, they can sell that information to them. and then the empire would have a face to a name to a set of armor and that makes it easier for them to track. they can find old contacts, haunts, etc and basically use backdoor methods to figure out all they can about their targets. and at this point, i can’t help but think you completely missed the scene where moff gideon knew who din and cara were and rattled them/got under their skin by sharing background info that neither thought the empire knew. THAT’S what they fucking do w/ information like that and again, it takes TWO FUCKING SECONDS to puzzle this shit out, kjghskdhkj. 
thirdly, no fucking clue where you got this idea that i haven’t been talking about canon THIS ENTIRE FUCKING TIME. like eve before the fucking ethnoreligious parallels, i’ve been trying to give in-fucking-universe examples/theories what tf ever to answer your damn question, but it’s like half of it you’re not even fucking reading, lmao.
and as for my tags on a completely unrelated post, how tf is that hypocritical. i’m fucking mixed native american/scandinavian raised by two recovering catholics but i’m not out here like the people i was complaining about who (also have zero critical thinking skills and) think christianity/the jedi are parallels for each other then there’s no evidence to that point. these people are projecting their religious-based trauma onto a group of people who aren’t even comparable; i may have my gripes w/ christianity too, but at least i’m not making baseless connections, lmao.
lastly, pretty sure i have my blog set to replies from mutuals only, so you wouldn’t be able to reply regardless, and i only snap at stupid questions like yours, honey. but good, glad you’re gone, you will not be missed, and frankly i’m amazed you came back into my inbox at all. please gain some fucking critical thinking skills before you bother anyone w/ this kinda shit again
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