#also it clearly isn’t stopping me and it just makes me feel worse
nickfowlerrr · 1 month
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everything comes out teenage petulance
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pairing: bucky barnes x curvy!reader
warnings: angst, fluff, talk of insecurities, talk of rejection, virgin!reader but no smut - just mentioned, mutual pining - requited love - leaning toward idiots in love, hurt/comfort, pet names (sweetheart, doll), happing ending per usual. if i’m missing something important, pls lmk!
words: 4.3k
aspen!!! it’s crazy you sent this bc i was just about to start writing a little bucky fic and what better gif to use than this 😌 lol seriously perfect timing! tysm 🥰🫶🏻
and another huge thank you to you, ray for helping me out with the final edit!! @whatever-lmaoo i appreciate you sm! 🫶🏻
notes: had an idea, saw this gif, and then bam! here we are. yes i was clearly listening to down bad while working on this, but i promise it is not as sad as the song! also this fic is insanely self indulgent and i’m not even a little bit sorry lol. i do hope you enjoy this, and thank you in advance for reading! as always, comments and reblogs are more than welcome and so so appreciated! let me know your thoughts 🩵
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You’re holding in the emotions threatening to spill out of you as you step off the elevator to the living quarters of the tower. You know no one else is here, everyone out on missions or gone for some downtime out of the city, but still, there are cameras everywhere and you don’t need your impending breakdown to be recorded.
You pull your slipping bra strap up your shoulder and mindlessly pull at the hem of your dress as you walk further into the darkened living room, your heels clicking on the floor as you go.
Your head is down as you near the kitchen so you don’t see the light radiating from the open fridge, but you hear it as the door closes loudly. You startle and whip your head to the kitchen, finding the one person you really don’t need seeing you in your current state staring over at you.
“Fuck, Bucky,” you breathe as you have a hand over your heart. His mouth is open as his eyes scan your body, roving up and down and making you feel even more self conscious than you were before. “What are you doing, I thought I was the only one here for the weekend?”
“Little early for Halloween, isn’t it?” He asks, ignoring your question.
Your brows furrow in confusion, “What?”
“You’re dressed like a clown, aren’t you?”
You’re essentially frozen as you take in his words. The fear that came over you at his surprise appearance had your self pity and consciousness forgotten for a moment but now it was back. And it was worse. You don’t do anything but stare at him for a second, you’re afraid if you speak or even try to move you will break down in tears and - fuck - you can feel your eyes welling as they begin to sting. You take a sharp breath and swallow hard, nodding once as your lips purse and you blink. You turn stiffly and walk away without a response.
He’s right behind you, though and you don’t make it two steps before Bucky grabs your arm.
“Wow, hey, come on, I was joking,” he breathes a disbelieving laugh as he tries to turn you toward him.
You fight him and pull your arm away, “okay,” you huff, just wanting to get away from him before the dam really breaks.
He lets you go but trails behind you as you walk faster down to your room.
You push your door open and don’t turn around as the tears finally begin to fall, trying to shut the door behind you without having to look at him.
He sticks his foot in front of the door as you try shutting it and keeps it open.
“Go away,” you nearly growl through tears, your voice sounding tight and if he hadn’t already caught on to your crying, there was really no way to deny it now.
He doesn’t say anything but he does push your door open enough to slip through it. It falls shut as you stand with your back to him, sniffling and trying desperately to stop the flow of tears that are drowning you, arms crossed over your chest as you work to control your breathing. You just want him to leave you alone so you can cry in peace.
“Look, I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings, I really didn’t mean it, I was just kidding,” he begins softly, “but you and I both know I’ve said worse to you before, so,” he hedges, “maybe it wasn’t what I said that made you cry…”
“I dont wanna talk about it, Bucky. Why are you even here? Just leave me alone,” your voice trembles despite yourself.
He sighs heavily and you see him from your mirror as he runs a hand through his hair and takes a cautious step closer to you, “Yeah,” he breathes, “I dont think I’m gonna be able to do that, sweetheart.”
You bristle at the petname and can’t help the sob that leaves you as the reminder of how your date went tonight plays in your head.
“Go away,” you whine as more tears fall and you try to turn further from him - as if that were possible. Your eyes squeeze shut in a futile attempt to stop crying, a pathetic pout on your lips as you try to stifle your sobs.
A gentle pull on your arms has you turning around, you don’t have it in you to stop him as Bucky gingerly pulls you closer. You’re too embarrassed to open your eyes as you cry harder and when you feel his strong arms around you, holding you to him, the tears only come faster. You feel yourself lean into him as you mindlessly bury your face in his chest, hugging him tight like he’s the only thing keeping you upright.
His warm hand is rubbing up and down your back as your walls continue to crumble around him.
“It’s not fair,” you blubber like a child into his shirt.
He doesn’t respond, waiting for you to continue as he keeps rubbing your back in an attempt to comfort you, his brows furrowing as he wonders what could’ve happened tonight to cause this.
He’s never seen you this way and he hates it - hates that you’re upset and crying, anyway. The way you feel in his arms, holding onto him like this, well that’s a different story…
He’s keeping his anger at bay until he knows exactly what went down, but he knows you had a date tonight, and the only reason he’s here when he had plans to be out of town this weekend is because you were going to have the place to yourself, and he couldn’t get the idea of you bringing your date back here alone out of his head. Immature, sure, but he didn’t know what else to do but wait around to scare whoever it was you were out with away before they had a chance to so much as see you out of your shoes.
He’s even more grateful now that he decided to change his plans last minute. He was surprised to see you coming in alone, and if he wasn’t so caught up in how damn good you looked tonight, he probably would’ve noticed your mood before he decided to open his stupid mouth. But that’s your thing; the teasing, the bickering, the tit for tats. He was expecting a jab right back, but when he saw your eyes watering at his words, he felt sick. He couldn’t let you walk away crying, he couldn’t stand to see you so upset. Especially because of him. But now, as you stand here in his arms, so uninhabited and vulnerable, he knows it wasn’t because of him. And when he finds out exactly what or who it was that made you so upset… god help them.
“It’s not fair,” you mumble your cry again, “I just,” you hiccup, “why can’t I be pretty,” you sob.
It’s takes a second for the words to register before Bucky can react. “What?” he questions harshly, pulling you away from him, his hands on your arms as your tear streaked face and bleary eyes peer up at him.
Your eyes squeeze shut again as your crying continues and you fall into him again, not wanting to look at him as you make your confession. “I just want,” you cry, “to be pretty. I want someone to like me. To love me,” you eke out, your heartbreak evident in your voice. “No one loves me,” you mutter defeatedly. “No one’s ever loved me and no one is ever gonna love me,” you sob, grabbing his shirt as you cry into his chest harder.
“What exactly did this asshole say to you?” Bucky knows he needs to calm down but what he’s hearing from you right now is going to drive him insane. Why in the world would you ever say or think this about yourself? Your date had to have done or said something, he’s sure of it.
“Nothing,” you dismiss, “I mean, nothing wrong or mean. They were nice about it, I just,” you can’t help but cry more. “I’m not their type. Which is fine,” you try to shake your head and rationalize yourself into stopping crying, “that’s fine, I know I’m not everyone’s type,” you gesture vaguely down your body, “and I wasn’t super into them, either, I was just trying to put myself out there for once and I just, ugh,” you bemoan. “I dont know why I was expecting anything different. It’s never been different, won’t ever be different. I’m just, me. And they said what everyone always thinks, I’m a sweetheart, I’m just not their type,” you shrug before your tears bubble up once more and you let your face fall back into Bucky’s chest.
“If I was skinny, or pretty, or nicer,” you babble before Bucky cuts you off.
“Doll, stop it,” he orders firmly, surprising you as he suddenly lifts you effortlessly off your feet and has you clinging to him as he walks the short distance to sit you on your bed.
You’re stunned silent as tears continue to roll down your cheeks and even more surprised as Bucky kneels before you, making sure you’re looking him in his clear blue eyes. His gaze is intent and penetrating and you couldn’t look away if you wanted to. He’s so close…he’s never been this close to you before and you feel your breath trapped in your chest as you watch him.
“You’re fucking beautiful,” he says seriously, as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world and you’re an idiot for ever thinking otherwise.
His sincerity has your stomach twisting and your shame and disbelief has your tears falling again.
Your lips quiver as your pout remains, and you shake your head.
“Don’t do that,” he admonishes, hand gently grabbing your chin and making you look at him again. You swallow hard at the soft touch and the tenderness in his eyes. “Hear me when I say this, doll. You are absolutely beautiful. Exactly the way you are. Fuck ‘type’.”
You wince at his words, and you can’t help but look away again. It’s easy for him to say, he’s goddamn gorgeous and everyone knows it.
“I appreciate what you’re trying to say, but you really just don’t get it,” you shake your head. “You could walk down the street and get anybody you wanted with one look,” you smirk softly. “You’re everybody’s type.”
“You don’t need to be anyone’s ‘type’, sweetheart,” he says.
“Yeah, and I’m not,” you reiterate harshly before taking a breath, not wanting to work yourself up again. This is stupid and you know it and it feels even more mortifying to be talking about this with not only the most attractive man you’ve ever known, but also the man you’ve been down bad for for so long. Deep down you know you don’t really care what most anyone else thinks, there’s really only one person you care about not finding you attractive, and you’ve worked to get over that sting of unrequital for a long while now, but fuck, everything just feels so heavy tonight. It’s not even that it’s just not him, which still gets to you every time you’re reminded of it, it’s that it’s not anyone.
And it’s not that you even want anyone else… you don’t, but knowing there’s really no one interested in you, the very real prospect of being alone forever, it got to you tonight…
“You don’t know that,” he says lowly.
“Bucky,” you roll your eyes, not only in annoyance, but also to keep the threatening renewal of tears at bay.
“So what you’re not some random person you don’t even like’s type,” he dismisses, placing his hands on your thick thighs as he stays kneeled before you, and you aren’t sure if he even realizes he’s doing it as his thumbs rub there softly, “you’re my type,” he defends.
You could curl up into a ball right now and die, there is no way you’re this fucking pathetic you have Bucky Barnes on his knees trying to convince you he thinks you’re pretty. As if this night couldn’t get any worse or more embarrassing.
You’ve seen the people Bucky has brought back here before. He certainly had a type, and you are certainly not it.
“You don’t have to say that, Bucky,” you blink away from his gaze. “It’s nice that you feel bad for me,” you sniffle, wiping at your tears with the sleeves of your dress, “but you really don’t have to.”
“Why do you think I feel bad for you?” He questions, moving to look you in the eyes once more, his confusion clear on his face.
You shrug, turning your head to again avoid eye contact, “I’m pathetic,” you laugh sardonically, wiping at the tears still slipping, slower now but still evident.
“You’re pathetic?,” Bucky chuckles, his soft touches on your thighs ceaseless. He bites his lip as he glances down to his hands, spreading his fingers wide before he squeezes you a bit, and if you aren’t reading into it, you’d say he seems the slightest bit nervous, his hold on you as much to try to comfort you as it is to comfort him, “I’m the one who bailed on guys weekend just to make sure you didn’t bring anyone home tonight,” he admits, causing you to finally look him in the eye again. What did he just say? You’re baffled and it’s evident as your brows furrow and you frown. He continues, “Or if you did, to make sure they wouldn’t stay long,” he half smirks, half grimaces.
“What?” you breathe out.
“Not the most mature move, I know, but,” he says, running a hand through his hair before he rubs the back of his neck, having the decency to at least be a little embarrassed by his plan. “The thought of you with someone else…anyone else,” he shakes his head. “I can’t stand it.”
You can’t possibly be hearing what you’re hearing, right? You don’t move or speak for a long moment as you try to make sense of what Bucky’s saying to you because clearly you’re not hearing correctly.
“You can’t stand…” you process aloud, “the idea of me being with someone?”
He breathes a laugh as you stare at him dumbly, his nervous habit of pushing his long hair back from his face shines again while he chuckles. “Doll, I can’t stand the idea of you being with anybody who isn’t me,” he clarifies.
“What are you-?” you shake your head, “What do you mean?”
His big hands return to your thighs as he gently squeezes you. “I mean that if you had come home with someone tonight, I would’ve made sure they didn’t stay more than a minute to say goodbye.”
You snort a laugh, wiping another tear from your cheek. That’s crazy.
“Please. ‘M not that kinda girl anyway, Buck,” you say. “I uhm,” you clear your throat, clearly a little uncomfortable with what you’re about to say, but fuck, you’ve already embarrassed yourself this much tonight, what’s a little more confessing gonna hurt, “I’ve never…done, anything. With anyone.” You admit, looking down at your hands in your lap.
It’s a moment before Bucky speaks again.
You shake your head slowly side to side, lips pursed, “No,” you murmur.
“That’s impressive,” he breathes.
You quirk a brow at his response.
“Mean, you gotta be batting people off like crazy,” he says, his warm hand once resting on your thigh now thoughtlessly trailing down the soft skin of your leg.
“No,” you state slightly annoyed and ever embarrassed. “Not like anyone’s ever been interested,” you trail off.
Bucky laughs again, not so nervous now, more in disbelief, “You’re so blind,” he muses, “I feel so bad for everyone who has ever been interested in you.”
Your face shows your taken offense but Bucky keeps talking before you can say a word about it.
“If you really think no one’s ever been attracted to you, you’re fucking crazy, sweetheart.”
You gape like a fish for a millisecond, opening and closing your mouth as you blink down at your thighs, his metal hand holding your right thigh softly and the fingers of his right hand dancing along the exposed skin of your left.
“I’m not crazy,” you mutter as his hand slips higher up your leg.
“You are,” he argues lightly, “and you make me crazy,” he says softer, blue eyes gleaming up at you. “Have you not heard a word I’ve said tonight?” He pauses, debating on whether or not he wants to say what he’s about to say before he decides to throw caution to the wind and finally admit his true feelings to you, as clearly as he possibly can this time. “You’re all I ever think about. Not just because of how pretty you are, either,” he smirks, growing more confident now and loving the way you react to his touch as his hands smooth along your soft thighs, goosebumps rising in his wake as he hears your breathing stutter. “It’s so much more than that,” he breaths in, “it’s every single thing about you. Your snark,” he smiles, “your strength. Your bravery, your stubbornness. Your lame jokes,” he pauses to admire the slant of your lips as you fight a soft smile, “your laugh. Your kindness, your friendship. You’re one of the best people I’ve ever known. The whole damn package, doll. And that’s without even bringing looks into it, because fuck,” he scoffs, “it’s a real shame you don’t see what everyone else sees.”
You dare a glance back at his penetrative gaze, “…And what, exactly, is that?” you reply timidly, but desperately wanting to hear his answer.
“A real life goddess,” he admires as he leans closer to you, his hands now well under the hem of your dress as they inch further and further up your thighs.
Your stomach is in a flurry as a tingle sparks inbetween your legs at his touch.
He leans up to you slowly, testing your waters as he gets closer and closer to your lips. You’re barely breathing when his nose brushes yours and you take a shaky breath when his hands leave your thighs and come to gently hold your face.
“You’re insanely pretty, and likable, and lovable, and you don’t need to be skinny for anyone to find you attractive. You’re gorgeous, inside and out. And I don’t wanna hear you talking about yourself like you were ever again, you hear me?” He questions quietly, intent but caring as he holds your glistening gaze in his.
You nod lightly, knowing tonight you weren’t your typical self. You had a hard night, and you let those old mean, destructive and intrusive thoughts get to you. You really do know better, but you’re human. And everybody has those days. You’re suddenly feeling even more grateful for Bucky’s unexpected presence tonight. If he wasn’t here, you’re sure you’d have spent the night in a spiral of self hatred and pity and would’ve probably cried yourself to sleep.
Your tears are dry now, though. And Bucky is still so close, his touch so gentle as his brilliant blue eyes swim with his care for you. You’ve seen it before, but it’s never felt so real and intimate as it does now, knowing what you know now.
He’s here tonight because of you. For you.
He’s not expecting anything, and you’re not sure how much you’re ready to give, but as he smiles that lopsided smile at you, you can’t help yourself as you lean into him, too. It’s slow and cautious as your lips brush his, and then you let your eyes flutter closed as you finally kiss him. It’s almost embarrassing how many times you’ve dreamed of kissing Bucky, but none of them played out like this, none of them ever came close. His lips are soft, his hands firm as he holds your face and you readily let him lead you as he kisses you back.
It ends all too quickly as he pulls away slightly, his tongue slipping past his lips as he savors the taste of you, his forehead touching yours as he maintains your closeness.
“And just for the record, I don’t think you look like a clown,” he shakes his head while you let out a quiet laugh. “I think your makeup looks great, and this dress,” he sighs with a near groan, moving his hands to settle on your wide hips, squeezing ever so slightly, sending more sparks to light in your core as you almost mewl at his touching, “I know you know you look good,” he smirks. “I was just being stupid wanting your attention.”
“Well,” you start with a slight eye roll, “I mean, who could really blame you?”
He smiles brightly at that, his laugh warming you as he leans in to kiss you again. “There’s my girl,” he murmurs against your lips.
“Your girl?” You ask, a near whisper as his words have your heart skipping a beat, eyes still closed from the kiss before you slowly blink them open. He nods.
“If you wanna be,” he breathes, blue eyes bearing into yours. “I’ve been trying to figure out how to finally admit how crazy I am for you without making myself look like a complete idiot,” he simpers, his signature smirk on display, “obviously didn’t avoid that, but, now you know. I’m crazy about you, doll.” His thumb rubs your cheek softly as he keeps you close, “I wanna be with you,” he breathes, “in any way you’ll have me. So, if you wanna be my girl,”
You smile softly, nodding as you cut him off, “I wanna be.”
You see his toothy smile before Bucky kisses you hotly as he surges up without warning, hoisting you up with him as you squeak into his mouth, arms clinging around his neck as his own hold you under your bottom. His strength is so effortless it surprises you for a second, but in an instant you get more comfortable in his hold as he continues kissing you. His smile grows on his lips as you kiss him back in kind until you’re forced to break away for a breath.
“I’m not happy you were so upset earlier,” he says as he catches his breath, forehead pressing to yours as you tuck his falling hair behind his ears while he holds you, “but I’m so fucking glad you came back here alone.”
“Well, I’m not happy you were trying to ambush me,” you joke, “but I’m really glad you were here tonight,” you whisper the words as your hands play in his hair, noses brushing, you’re still so close.
You’re staring into each other’s eyes until your gaze falls to his lips. Bucky kisses you again, so much softer than he did before.
“Me too,” he whispers softly. You smile and then pat his shoulders. He gets your message and gently lets you go as your heels touch the floor.
“I know it’s late,” he starts, closing the small distance between you as he takes a step closer, not wanting to be too far from you, already missing your proximity, “but you were expecting a nice date tonight, and you didn’t get one,” he sighs, “I just don’t think that’s right,” he exhales with that ‘hear me out’ purse of his lips. You eye him expectantly, fighting a smile as you wait for him to get it out.
“What do you think about catching a movie and grabbing food at that place you like? With me,” he adds as if it wasn’t obvious, earning a bright laugh from you for the first time tonight. “It’s a Saturday, so you know they’re open late anyway,” he rambles.
You lean into him with your shoulder as you stand so close to each other, getting his attention back on your face as you smile. “I would really like that, Bucky,” you nod. “I’m just gonna,” you wave a hand around your face, “fix this up a bit.”
He laughs as he rubs a streak of black from under your eye, “still beautiful,” he simpers.
Your entire body warms at his touch and his admiration as you grab his hand gently in yours and pull him closer. He seems to read your mind as his arms circle you and he leans in to take your lips in his.
It’s sweet and so natural it’s hard to believe you guys hadn’t done this sooner. The friendship was always there, but you never knew the feelings were too. All this time you convinced yourself your harbored feelings for Bucky were unreciprocated, and all the while, he was trying to figure out how to confess his own to you.
You laugh quietly into the kiss, amusement playing on your lips as you think back on every encounter you’ve had with Bucky that had you falling harder and harder for him.
“What’s funny?” He asks as you part with a grin.
“It’s just, all so obvious now,” you giggle. “I always thought I was reading into things with you, that you were just being nice, just wanted to be friends,” you trail off, swaying closer to him in your heels. “But, this whole time,” you blink up at him, lips parted gently as he keeps your body to his, holding you close.
“This whole time,” he simpers, a soft smile on his lips. “What the hell took us so long?”
“Uhm,” you muse aloud, “probably our combined stupidity,” you joke as he chuckles, his smile never wavering as he keeps his eyes on you, “but, let’s just call it fate,” you shrug on a soft exhale. You lean closer to Bucky even more, letting your lips brush his again, the feeling one you don’t think you’ll ever tire of, “no better time than the present, right?”
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528 notes · View notes
loaksbitch · 2 years
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imagine you’re too scared to tell neteyam you’re pregnant cause he’s not ready for a family but you’re so wrong yes? this is a little present until i’m done writing the finale of ‘i trusted you’ series — 1.2k wc
warnings - mention of vulgar language, none other than that! likes + reblogs are super appreciated and not pressured thank you sm <3
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“my baby in you?” — neteyam sully (✿)
you’re scared.
you’re so scared and mo’at’s voice dining in your head isn’t helping but making it worse. you knew this would happen, it would eventually come but not in a million life time you thought it would be now.
“you should tell him, my child.” mo’at had said to you. “he must know you’re carrying a fruit of love inside you.”
how can you randomly go and tell him, your mate, neteyam that you’re pregnant with his child? he clearly has told you he doesn’t want a family, at least not right now.
you both agreed to focus on yourself and each other and family would come later but here you are crying because of the child you’re carrying, scared neteyam won’t accept him or…her.
you haven’t noticed how you’re protectively covering your stomach until you had to bring your hands up to wipe your tears
hours have passed since you haven’t stopped crying or went to sleep unintentionally.
“princess, wake up.” a familiar voice echoes in your head and you open your amber eyes hardly since it was swollen and pretty puffed up.
once you recognize who the man in front of you is, you jump and scoot away from him. “shit, did i scare you?” he brings his hand close to you, “it’s me baby, neteyam i’m neteyam, your man.” the way he claims he’s yours makes your stomach even churn
what if he doesn’t want to be your man after this?
“that’s right, come here” he calls for you, taking your dainty hands to him and pulling you close for a hug. “you were crying while sleeping.” you’re both now hugging while neteyam is kneeling in front of you and you’re sat on the thick mat
“something bothering you?”
he feels you shake your head and licks his lips before pushing you back a little to scan your face.
“don’t lie to me, pretty girl” you feel him cup your cheeks and trace your blue stripes as he gives you a melting smile.
did this really need to happen, eywa? why was she making you suffer like this when neteyam was clearly strict over having a baby right now?
“princess,” you’re pulled from your thoughts when your mate calls for you. “talk to me, what is it?”
“it’s nothing.” you blurt out and push neteyam’s hand away from you before getting on your feet. neteyam watches you with a furrowed brows when you walk away from him
this time, he calls you by your name and no pet names to make you freeze at your spot. “what’s wrong with you?” he didn’t fail to notice how your moods kept changing this days
how you’re very argumentative or a crybaby with no reason.
“i said,” you take a deep breath “noth–“ neteyam had enough. “cut the crap and tell me, what’s wrong? you know i won’t leave you alone without knowing what’s bothering my wife.”
his wife, neteyam was also on his feet now, towering your small body. he knows how stubborn you can be and he’ll make sure to fight until the end to know what’s up with you
“i’m worried, okay? fuck i’m so worried i can’t even focus on my training”
right, his so-called training.
you bite your lips and look away, why is it hard just to tell him you’re carrying his baby huh? why does this argument need to happen?
“hey,” neteyam was close to you again, taking your face to his large palms. “please tell me baby, mhm?” he presses a soft kiss on your lips but you don’t kiss back nor smile
“what’re hurting you? let me hurt with you, yeah?”
you can’t even describe how much you love this man and just losing him scares you so much. but you’ve to tell him, sooner or later you have to let him know you’re gonna give birth to the fruit of love you both made after months
“nete’” at your call, your mate desperately hums and searches for your eyes that’s becoming very teary. “i’m sorry” you can feel how his face twists in confusion but he’s silent so you can talk farther
you’re finally opening up and he wasn't dating to interrupt you.
but then again you’re awfully silent, only tears trickling down your beautiful face. “why’re you sorry?” his heart is now picking up its race and neteyam swallow down his worry
“i know you never wanted it to be this soon, i know you’re not ready and i’m sorry i’m ruining everything.”
the way your voice quivers makes his plan sweat and chest tighten, he hates seeing you in pain. “baby, please tell me what it is, what am i not ready for?” you’re silent again but neteyam was patient with you
he can see how you’re debating with yourself if you should say what you’re going to say or no
his breath bitch when you look at him, your pretty and big amber eyes wet from tears, neteyam only wipes them off your cheeks.
“i’m…” you stop and take a deep breath, “i’m pregnant, neteyam.”
right there, you don’t miss how his fingers stop wiping your tears, how his eyes are slightly widened and his body completely going stiff.
you begin to panic and bring your hands to him which is holding your face warmly, “i-i know you’re not ready and i’m sorry i ke— i keep ruining things for you.” you’re fast to apologize but neteyam wasn’t budging that you’re thinking he’s having a stroke
“i’ll take care of it myself,” you say wanting to bring back neteyam to himself but no answer, “i’m so sorry, we should’ve neve—“
things were fast when neteyam suddenly clashed himself to you, teeth clashing to each other when he’s kissing you, your wet eyes are widen and neteyam is desperately tugging on your lower lips with his teeth
did he not get what you said? you literally told him what he doesn’t want to hear and he’s kissing you.
one hand on your cheek and the other slides down to your lower back and pulls you close to him, you close your eyes and kiss back.
warm touches and tongue licks your lower lip, neteyam whines to your lips. he breaks the contact and a string of saliva latches to both of you.
“you’re having little us.” he was pressing his forehead against yours. you’re somehow confused and open your mouth to speak. “you’re not mad?” you softly whisper and neteyam looks at you like you’re stupid.
“mad? baby, i’m the happiest na’vi alive.”
something in you finds relief and you start to smile.
you giggle when you’re swept away from your feet and neteyam twirls you while laughing happily. “neteyam!” you say in between your laugh but neteyam was too happy to even listen
once you’re back on your feet, neteyam searches for your eyes, “you have my baby in you?” his eyes were teary when you shyly nodded.
“don’t ever apologize for this, it’s not only you who’s in this but me too.” he tucks your braids behind your ears, “princess, you’ve no idea how scared i was to tell you i want a family with you sooner.”
neteyam takes a deep breath, “i regret telling you i’m not ready because i was from the start, i just didn’t want you to feel pressured.” he says and your lips curve for a smile.
“i’m so fucking ready you’ve no idea.” he places a feather light kiss on your forehead.
“i love you baby,” he pulls you for a hug and loves how you fit on his chest. “i love you too.” you hug him back, silently thanking eywa and apologizing at the same time.
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i need a man like neteyam and it’s not even a joke, i hope you liked this one! thank you for reading — likes and reblogs are appreciated <3 i love each and everyone of you sm! mwah**
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sakur4ii · 1 month
Rooted Connections Pt.2
Charles Xavier x Reader x Erik Lensherr
the gender of the reader is not specified
Note: I will not make a third part, I hope you like it. Also reminder that English is not my first language, let me know if there are any mistakes I didn't notice (especially with pronouns).
Summary: feelings come out, plants love romance and you are still as blind as in the first part.
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Finally, peace.
After supposedly saving the future from great chaos, Charles decided to reopen the doors of his school, offering you to stay with him. You accepted because you didn't want to leave him alone, feeling his sadness through the earth. Although in reality, he wasn’t alone; he now had his students, but the connection the three of you had created was so strong that you feared that if you also left, he would break again.
Years have passed, and now the school is full, and you are a teacher.
You walk through the halls, searching for something, maybe someone, though you’re not sure. The mansion’s plants have warned you but haven’t specified anything, so you proceed cautiously, trying to find some intruder.
"Professor Y/N,” you hear, a voice you know well.
“What is it, Jean?” You turn around; you can’t see her clearly, but you can feel her nerves and hear her heart beating faster than usual.
“Someone is approaching from the backyard.”
Before she finishes speaking, you are already running to the backyard. The plants don’t want to reveal anything, and for some reason, you don’t feel any unusual presence, leading you to assume that the earth doesn’t want you to know who the intruder is on purpose.
Once your bare feet touch the green, damp grass, you stop feeling the presence of everyone at the school except for the person sitting on the grass a few feet away from you, and Charles, who is coming up behind you.
You take slow steps toward the seated person, hearing a gasp behind you. You sit down next to him and wait for Charles to come closer until he is on the other side of the man.
“What are you doing here, Erik?” Charles asks. You can feel his conflicting emotions through his voice. On one hand, he is happy to see him again and that it isn’t to stop him from killing all of humanity and condemning mutants. On the other hand, he’d love to punch him again for prioritizing revenge and abandoning him.
But you focus more on the absolute pain you feel from Erik through the earth. You can feel him mourning, yet also very angry, seeking comfort to avoid vengeance.
When Charles doesn’t receive any response, and you can assume he also starts to feel the man’s emotions, you wrap your arm around Erik’s shoulders, pulling him into a side hug, enough for him to start crying.
“I tried,” he sobs into your neck, while Charles sits on the ground, leaving the chair aside and firmly holding Erik’s hand between his own. “I tried to live like them, to blend in, and they… they killed my wife and daughter.”
You don’t know what to say; you don’t know how to comfort him with words, so you just rub his back. You know Charles is afraid of saying something wrong, something that will only make the situation worse, so both of you remain silent, comforting your old friend (and the third missing piece of the puzzle) through gentle touches.
“I didn’t know where else to go… you’re all I have left.”
You weren’t born blind; you had the privilege of seeing the color of the sky and vegetation. You had the privilege of having a favorite color, but an accident occurred, and it was no longer worth thinking about things like a favorite book or a favorite flower because you couldn’t see anything anymore.
Plants are very talkative; they always have been. They love to gossip, and they love drama. The day before the accident, they were very hysterical, sensing something bad was coming, but they couldn’t say what.
Then the accident happened, and you were hospitalized. The plants felt guilty, apologizing over and over, even the plants you didn’t know but who knew you, apologizing and feeling ashamed that they hadn’t been useful, that they couldn’t prevent the tragedy.
It was when you lost your sight that your powers began to manifest: control of the earth, the ability to feel through it. Your mentors were the plants, the trees, and the earth itself. You learned that you could see through the roots of trees, and that was an easy way to find something or someone.
When you met Charles, even before the man arrived at your house, the plants were more talkative than usual. They told you everything they knew, like how Logan was from the future and needed help, your help. But they mostly talked about Professor X and a puzzle. You couldn’t understand them, but their excitement amused you.
When they freed Erik from that cell, the plants began talking non-stop again, once more about a supposed puzzle and Erik’s entire life, about how angry they were with some of his actions but how much they appreciated him.
The first time they fell completely silent was when Erik shot Raven; the second was when Erik fled to avoid being captured.
The third time you didn’t understand the silence; you were listening to Charles reading to his younger students, and out of nowhere, the plants fell silent, a mourning silence.
And the fourth time was the day after the third when Erik appeared unannounced at the school. Although it was more for drama—did I mention they are dramatic?
Erik stayed at the school, purposely obtaining the room that was between yours and Charles’.
If before the plants always talked about Charles, Erik, and his family and the children at school, now, whenever you entered your room, they only talked about Charles and Erik. You only heard about the children if you went outside.
A couple of years have passed. Erik is visibly better, happier, and that makes you happy because it’s real, he’s not pretending, and you’re the first to know that.
Your room is a madhouse; you feel like you’re losing your sanity. They won’t stop talking about how handsome, intelligent, and kind Charles is, or how hot, serious, and cunning Erik is. They have the audacity to tease you for not being able to see them, those bitches. When did they go from remorse to mockery?
“What time is it?” you ask, tired, sitting on the edge of your bed while putting on your sunglasses. They all ignore you, except for some jasmine flowers Charles gave you for your birthday along with some heart-shaped sunglasses.
You leave the room, grateful for the silence the hallway plants give you. You don’t know what to do; maybe you’ll go to the kitchen and eat some ice cream, you’re not sure.
When you arrive at the kitchen and take out a tub of ice cream and a spoon, you’re surprised that no plant has told you not to eat something so cold in the middle of the night, raising your suspicions.
You focus on the earth, sensing how all the children and adults are sleeping, everyone except Xavier and Lensherr, which makes you sigh tiredly.
Lately, the plants not only wouldn’t stop talking about them, but they also did everything possible to ensure you spent most of your time in the same room with them, and you only complied because deep down, you wanted that too.
You finish the ice cream and walk through the halls to Charles’ office, without any obstacles in the way (the children make sure not to leave anything lying around that might hinder you, even though they know you could easily avoid it; they fear you might get distracted and have an accident).
—“Come in”— you hear in your head, making you jump in place, and some nearby flowers laugh.
You open the door, and for some reason, they’re both sitting on a three-seater couch. Charles’ wheelchair is set aside to not get in the way, and the plants laugh conspiratorially.
«Speak of the devil…» a flower murmurs, sparking your curiosity.
“Can’t sleep?” Xavier asks. You shake your head. The other man is silent; you know he’s watching you, his intense gaze on you. Sometimes you think he has the power to read souls and keeps it a secret.
Charles laughs at your thought, but you don’t notice him elbowing Erik to stop being so obvious.
“Come sit with us, darling.”
The flowers and plants in the room react as if the pet name was directed at them, as if expressing what you don’t dare express even in your own head for fear the telepath might discover your feelings.
Smiling, you approach the couch. Erik, the closest to you, takes your hand and guides you to sit between them.
“What were you talking about?” you ask.
“Nothing important; we were just planning to take the older kids on a field trip, maybe,” Charles responds, and you know he’s not lying, but from the booing of the plants, you can tell that wasn’t what they were discussing before you arrived.
Erik remains silent; you can’t figure out why. Lately, you can’t sense his feelings, only his emotions, and you can guess that the earth is hiding them on purpose—or maybe the metal?
What you do sense is his knee brushing against yours and his gaze trying not to linger on you for too long.
You tilt your head to one side, sharpening your hearing, trying to pick up something more; you don’t know what, but you want to hear all their movements and, above all, the beating of their hearts.
Just when you perfectly hear their rapid heartbeats, the plants start making a ruckus, making you frown.
“What’s wrong?” Erik finally speaks.
“Why don’t the plants want me to hear your heartbeats?”
Unbeknownst to you, Erik and Charles share a wide-eyed look of complicity.
—“We should tell her”— Erik.
—“Now?”— Charles.
The silence between the two men creates a lump in your throat. Since that day on the plane, you felt like you were missing something in the dynamic, all because you couldn’t see. You felt out of place in moments like these, where they might be communicating with just a glance—or worse, telepathically. You hated the thought that they were having secret conversations, thinking that they were using the fact that you couldn't see to communicate in secret. And you hated knowing they were communicating because you could feel the change in emotions through the ground, but what you hated even more was that now you couldn't even feel the emotions of the two men because nature decided to turn its back on you this time.
Tired, you get up from the couch.
"Sorry for interrupting your time alone, I'm going to bed."
You avoid the obstacles you can't feel now but know are there.
"Y/N, no, wait! It's not what you think, let me explain," Charles says, while Erik gets up and runs towards you, grabbing you so you won't escape (and without you knowing, preventing you from bumping into the closed door).
"Listen to them, listen to them, listen to them," the plants chant in unison as you squirm in his grip. The earth allows you to see through your feet again, finally letting you feel the emotions of the two men, which makes you stop struggling and fall into shock at what you're sensing.
"You two are in love," you whisper.
Erik leads you back to the couch and sits you down so that you're facing the telepath, while he hugs you from behind and hides his face in the crook of your neck. He's embarrassed.
Charles gently removes your sunglasses, and you can feel his emotions not just through the ground but also inside your head. He takes your hand in his.
"We’ve been debating whether or not to tell you; we didn't know how you'd react, darling."
"So much secrecy just to tell me you two are dating? I'm not homophobic if that's what you were worried about," you say with an amused smile.
You're sure both men are rolling their eyes.
«Don't be an idiot» a flower says.
Charles laughs while Erik raises an eyebrow in a questioning manner towards him, knowing he's missing something.
"We're not just dating, Y/N. We love you as much as we love each other, and we want you to be a part of what we have because you're the missing piece of the puzzle," says Charles.
"And we want you to be officially ours," adds Erik.
Their words take you by surprise, making your heart race a thousand miles an hour. You're sure you're blushing, and loose words echo in your head.
The missing piece of the puzzle... ha... that sounds familiar.
At some point during the evening, you moved to Erik's room (the one furthest from the other rooms, with only one flower that you gave him a long time ago), where you shared kisses, hugs, words, and feelings. Where you expressed the great love you share, making grand plans for the future. And where you realized that you never were out of place; rather, you had always been missing, so they could feel complete.
The End.
@djlnkaled @kindlover @only-nope @larissa1379 👋❤️
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onlymingyus · 1 year
a little attention
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pairing; yoon jeonghan x gn reader
genre; fluff, slight angst
warnings; some tension in the relationship, talks of being sick or worse, dramatic af!jeonghan, mostly just two people in love and one of them is an attention hog
w/c; 1.4k and some change 
requested; no
a/n; i just had an idea of jeonghan and how he enjoys attention and the lengths he would go to in order to get it. also i wrote that first line and it made me fond of him. i hate it here.
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Hannie: Be sure to take care of Jjongddol when I’m gone. 
It takes longer than you would like to check your phone but the moment you see the message from Jeonghan you can’t help but sigh. Your boyfriend has always been dramatic so it had become a bit like the boy who cried wolf when it came to know if he was actually needing you. Sighing you glance at your co-worker's desk noticing she isn’t paying you much attention before you put your phone to your ear letting it ring. 
“Baby…I could be dead by now. Laying in a ditch, is this how much I mean to you?” 
Another sigh slips from your lips causing your co-worker to look at you, prompting you to turn your chair from her direction so you can talk to Jeonghan with some bit of privacy. 
“Jeonghan, you are so…” You can almost picture his pout as you speak making you stop mid-sentence taking another direction in your conversation. “Tell me what’s wrong.”
Turning over on his side, Jeonghan whines into the phone as he pulls your blanket over his body on the couch. He loved the sound of your voice, even if you sounded a bit annoyed with him. He missed you so much and he didn’t feel his best. 
“I don’t feel good, come home. Something is wrong.”  
Furrowing your brows, you glance at the clock on your computer to see what it was. You had only been at work for a little under 4 hours, with another 4 to go so Jeonghan asking this of you was a big ask. Shaking your head, you look down at your lap feeling your heart tighten at the sound of his whine. He sounded pitiful. Maybe he actually was sick and needed you. 
“Jeonghan, I’m at work. I can’t just leave for no reason, as much as I’d like to–” 
“No reason? No…reason? I told you I don’t feel good. Y/N, I am wounded. My heart is breaking. It’s shattering into a million pieces on the floor as I speak.” 
You knew he was twisting the situation but all you could do was sigh in slight frustration. Your head leaning back against your chair, you close your eyes briefly listening to the whine in his voice only get stronger before you finally speak up again. 
“Fine! Oh my god…you are such a baby. If you aren’t literally on your death bed you will be Yoon Jeonghan.” 
A smile plays on Jeonghan’s lips at your words, he knew that was an empty threat. You loved him far too much, just as much as he loved you. Putting on his sweetest baby voice, Jeonghan shifts on the couch so he can look up at the ceiling, his fingers playing with the soft blanket that smells like you. 
“You’ll be home in an hour?” 
Furrowing your brows, you are already packing up your bag after typing up an email to your boss about an emergency at home when Jeonghan asks you that question. 
“Why does it matter? Do you need to plan something?” 
“No…of course not. I am just so happy you love me this much. I know I’ll start to feel a little better just seeing your pretty face.” 
Waving at your co-worker you can’t help but note her smirk as you start for the door, your eyes rolling at Jeonghan’s words. 
“Yeah, I’m sure. You want me to pick you up some soup?” 
Jeonghan juts out his bottom lip considering your offer before nodding to himself and making a cute affirming noise. 
“Please? And dumplings? I love you so much, angel.” 
The sound of your car starting makes Jeonghan grin, along with the sound of your more clearly annoyed breath when your phone connects to your car. 
“Yeah, I know. I love you too. Be home soon. Get some rest, babe.” 
That’s the last sound you hear before Jeonghan hangs up the phone, leaving you to your task and to drive. Around an hour later you find yourself in front of your shared home with the man, your bag, and take out in your arms walking up to the door. Furrowing your brows you balance it all in order to manage to unlock the door and get inside. 
After a quick glance around, everything looked normal. You hadn’t expected anything different really but you couldn’t help the deep-down feeling of dread. What if something was really wrong with Jeonghan? What if he was sick enough that you needed to take him to the hospital? He had said something that had stuck with you the entire drive; ‘Something is wrong.’ 
What could be wrong? 
Setting your shoes and bag to the side, you keep the takeout in hand as you make your way into the living room seeing your blanket missing. That could only mean one thing, Jeonghan had taken it to the bedroom. Something he usually did when he wasn’t feeling well and wanted it with him in the bed. Now you were concerned. 
“Jeonghan, baby?” 
The sound of your voice, a small bit of panic laced within the warmth caused Jeonghan to lift his head from the pillows, hitting pause on the movie he had been watching. 
“I’m in here, Y/N.” 
It was good to hear his voice, you realize. You really had missed him even if you had seen him just that morning. Stepping into the room, you let your eyes move over him on the bed. The blanket draped over his body, his shoulder-length brown hair resting a bit messily against his pillow. Other than looking a bit paler than normal he looked fine. 
Furrowing your brows, you sit down the takeout on the nightstand before reaching out to touch his forehead to check for a fever repeating the process on his cheeks. Jeonghan smiles taking your wrist and pulling your hand to his lips to kiss your knuckles lovingly. 
“How are you feeling Jeonghan? You said something was wrong?” 
The man nods, his lips brushing over the top of your hand as he lifts his eyes to meet yours. 
“It was, you went to work and left me home alone. I was lonely.” 
Pulling your hand away, you sigh loudly when Jeonghan laughs playfully, falling back against his pillows at your burst of frustration at his actions. 
“You are such an ass. That’s half a day of work Jeonghan. It’s not funny…” 
His laugh fades as he sees your face, the crease between your brows. Reaching up he tries to take your hand once only to be pushed away before he tries again slower when you let him as he sits up pulling you closer to the bed. 
“I’m sorry baby. I know it was stupid. I just…wanted a little attention. I’ve been gone so much and then when I got back you work every day. Also, it wasn’t a complete lie, I really did have a headache, but it is feeling better now. But, it was selfish and stupid of me. I just really miss you. I was hoping you’d find it fun too. I wanted to lay in bed, eat the food, watch a movie, cuddle…see where the cuddling led us.” 
You were trying very hard to stay angry at Jeonghan as he explained himself but as he spoke it got harder and harder to keep your eyes cold. It got more difficult to stay tense as his hand slid over your hip to your lower back trying to pull you closer to him on the bed. 
“You could have just told me that. I hate when you lie to get me to do something. I was so scared that something was really wrong. Don’t ever do that to me again.” 
Jeonghan frowns sitting back to look up at you better, his hand sliding from yours so he can hold his hand up to pledge to you. 
“I promise I won’t, I’ll just tell you. I love you so much, angel.” 
Furrowing your brows, you whine softly at his voice feeling yourself going soft for him. Jeonghan could see you crumbling for him, a smile on his lips at the sound. 
“I love you too, you idiot.” 
“Your idiot.” 
You let yourself be pulled onto the bed and into Jeonghan’s arms then under the blanket. The warmth of his arms lulls you to relax into the mattress and his touch when his lips meet yours gently. 
“Mm, but do you still promise to take care of Jjongddol if something does happen to me?” 
Jeonghan laughs against your lips, a pained sound escaping against your lips when your hand connects with his shoulder at his joke. His lips meshed with yours once again, a smile spreading on your lips when you find yourself happy that he lured you away from work today. 
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© onlymingyus - all rights reserved. Reposting/modifying of any fic, or pieces of original writings posted on this blog is not allowed. Translations not allowed.
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strniohoeee · 10 months
because matt is so tough lately can you write something about reader trying to show him her love with cutesy thing but hes just tough and even snaps at her for lil things and one time reader starts crying and tell him how she feels and matt feels bad and apologize and then some fluff
Can’t You See?
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Pairing: Matt Sturniolo X Female Reader
Synopsis: Y/N can’t understand why Matt is being such an ass to her. She’s going through her own stuff, and tries her best to be the best for Matt, but it just not good enough🩶 I also combined it with this request reader starts getting depressed but matt is an idiot and doesn’t notice and even makes it worse by being angry always than nick and chris talk to him and then he makes it up with fluffy ending
Warnings⚠️: Matt is an asshole in this which is not at all how Id think he’d actually be, but I had to do it🤭 Hope yall enjoy🫶🏽
Song for the imagine: Mark My Words- Justin Bieber
So you heard it all before
Falling in and out of trust
Trying to rekindle us
Only to lose yourself
But I won’t let me lose you
And I won’t let us just fade away
These past few weeks I have been at an all time low mentally. It’s been getting harder and harder to pull myself out of bed and get stuff done. I hated this feeling because it destroyed my life outside of my head.
At first Matt was understanding and even tried to help me, but this wasn’t something he could help me with. This was my own battle. I had to try and fix myself. I hated to put this on him and his brothers because I didn’t want them to stop what they were doing for me.
I often removed myself from them, focusing on myself when I got like this. They always checked up on me, but I made it clear I was okay on my own.
Most days I would wake up and shower and just sit in bed for hours staring at a wall or scrolling on my phone. Often forgetting to eat or drink water. At first they tried to help me, but then they went on with their lives doing what they needed to do, and I didn’t mind. That was until Matt started getting upset
I was once again sitting in Matt’s bed today in complete darkness curled up in a ball looking at the wall just thinking. It’s crazy how fast time goes when you’re not paying attention. Suddenly the door opened the lights flickered on causing me to squint
“Have you gotten up at all today?” Matt asked bluntly
“I have” I said in a whisper
“Are you just going to sit in bed everyday and mope around?” He asked opening his closet to change his outfit
“I’m not moping matt” I said not even looking over at him
“Yes you are, I’m trying to get you to get up and go out, see some light, and all you can do is lay around and stare at the wall” he said scoffing at me
“You’re being a dick” I said to him
“I’m not I’m being honest, and you clearly don’t like honesty” he said looking through his closet
“I’m going through something right now, and I’m really struggling to feel better, so you coming in here and barking at me isn’t helping” I said to him
“So get up, like force yourself up and let’s go do something. We can go for a ride or to the boardwalk or even to eat….just something” he said
“I don’t want to get up okay, you don’t get it” I said back
“I do get it. Do you know how many days I wake up and I want to roll over and stay in my room, but I can’t because I actually have a job to do and content to create” he replied back
I turned over completely appalled at his words
“Actually have a job? We both have the same fucking job you fucking asshole” I said looking at him
“Well look who’s putting in the work and who isn’t” he said looking over at me
“You’re such a fucking piece of shit when you want to be” I said rolling my eyes
“I tried to be there for you, but this has been going on for so long, and it’s exhausting trying to help you” he replied slipping his shirt on
“No one fucking asked you to help me I said I got it on my own. I’m so fucking sorry my depression is taking such a toll on you” I said getting up from the bed
“It’s upsetting to just see you lay here and waste your days away” he said looking over at me
“Can’t you see?…..YOU JUST DONT GET IT” I yelled the last part at him
Opening his door and walking out slamming the door behind me. I was fuming and I needed to get out of the house immediately.
I grabbed my purse and my car keys from the table
“Hey you okay?” Nick asked me as I walked into the living room
“Yeah I’m fine your brothers being a dick” I said
“Classic Matt” Chris responded
“Where are you going?” Matt suddenly asked from the kitchen
“I’m leaving” I said with my back to him
“This is what it took for you to get up? Was an argument? It’s shocking how upset you get over small things” he responded
“Matt shut the fuck up” Chris said to him
“I’m not mad I’m disappointed that you of all people are acting this way towards me” I said finally looking over at him
“I was just trying to help you” he said
“Whatever I’m going” I said turning to walk down the stairs
“Where?” Matt asked
“Away from you. I need space from you” I said
With that I walked down the stairs and hopped into my car deciding to drive back to my apartment. Once I got home I decided to shower and listen to music while I cooked something for myself
I loved Matt but his communication skills were horrible. It’s crazy that this small argument put some drive into me to start doing stuff. I was filled with so much anger and hurt from Matt. This was not who he was, and I wasn’t sure if he was going through something himself, or if I was genuinely making him upset.
I allowed myself to hurt and cry in the comfort of my own home. Scared that this would cause our relationship to end, but also scared that it could be something I wanted too.
I slept it off that day, and hadn’t spoken to Matt in three days. I would text Nick and Chris letting them know I was okay, and that I wasn’t too sure what I wanted to do as far as our relationship.
Another three days went by, and it was a good week now since I last saw Matt. Around the fifth day he started to call me, but I ignored his calls, truly needing this time to think.
On the eighth day I felt better, and I really missed Matt. I wanted to make things up to him and make things right. I decided to go on a small shopping spree for him and write him a cute letter attached to a new stuffed animal I got him.
After shopping I decided to head over to the triplets house letting Nick know I’d be over shortly. He left the door unlocked for me. I made my way to their front door letting myself in.
“Hi guys” I said walking up the stairs
“Heyyy you’re back” Chris said
“I am” I said giggling
“Are you feeling any better?” Nick asked me
“I feel much better. I think I just really needed those last days to think about everything and figure out what I wanted to do” I responded
“Are you breaking up with his bitch ass?” Chris asked laughing
“No I came to apologize to him” I said
“Apologize to him? You didn’t do anything wrong” Nick said
“I feel like I shut him out and I lacked communication with him, and that’s why I want to say sorry” I told him
“Aww okay” Nick said
“He’s in his room” Chris said
I nodded and walked over to Matt’s room, opening the door to see him lying on his bed scrolling through his phone.
“Matt” I said shutting the door behind me
“Baby” he said getting off the bed and coming over to kiss and hug me
“I missed you” I said kissing him again
“I missed you too” he said looking down at me
“I brought you gifts to say I’m sorry” I said smiling at him
“Oh yeah?” He said nodding at me
I gave him the stuffed animal and the bags of stuff. He walked over to his bed placing the stuffed animal on his bed and sitting down to look in the bags
He pulled out shirts and beanies and a new necklace
“Why’d you get me this?” He said his mood suddenly changing
“Well to say I’m sorry for not talking to you” I said
“You sit around moping and then suddenly you feel better to go shopping? This is all so expensive, why'd you waste your money?” He said looking at me
“What? I’m confused right now” I said shaking my head
“You don’t talk to me, but you think buying me expensive stuff is going to fix us?” He said
“Matt, are you joking? I came here to apologize to you for not opening up to you and taking your advice. I wanted to spoil you with my hard earned money, and this is how you treat me?” I said scoffing
“I just wanted you to talk to me not do this shit” he said putting the stuff back in his bag
“I don’t know what happened to you Matt, and I’m sorry if you’re going through your own issues right now, but this is not you” I said shaking my head
“I’m fine” he said sternly
“You’re clearly not you’re snapping at me for no reason” I said
“I’m not snapping” he said
“You know what Matt. If you don’t want to be with me just say that, okay? I’m over this! I’m leaving” I said walking out of his room
I walked to the living room and Nick stopped me
“What’s going on?” He said reading my demeanor
“I don’t know what’s going on with your brother but that’s not the guy I fell in love with” I said clenching my jaw
“What’s wrong with this kid?” Chris suddenly said
“I don’t know, but I’m over it. I’m leaving” I said huffing out a breath
I left their house and headed back to my place. Even more angry than our first initial fight. Why was he being such a fucking dick?
Nicks POV
“Matt what the fuck is wrong with you?” I asked him
“Nothings wrong” Matt said scoffing
“You’re being a complete fucking dick to Y/N, and she didn’t do anything to you” I responded back
“She just makes me upset sometimes with how she does thing” he said back
“So then like an adult you use your words. You don’t just lash out like a child” I told him
“I didn’t lash out like a child” he said getting upset
“Yes you did, and you get upset easily. You need to figure your shit out, or she’s going to leave you, and I wouldn’t be shocked if she did” I told him
“You know what fuck you” he said and stomped to his room
Matt had sat on his bed running his hands through his hair looking down at the bags of clothes Y/N had got him. He let out a sigh and leaned back, suddenly landing on a stuffed animal and hearing a crunch of paper
He furrowed his brows and reached behind him, he pulled the stuffed animal out, and saw a note attached to the front. It read Matt with a heart next to his name.
Matt opened the envelope and pulled the letter out. He began to read and his facial features softened
To my beautiful boy,
I’m sorry if I’ve done anything to upset you, that's not what I intended. I’ve been struggling with my own depression, and it’s not something I want to put on you or your brothers because I know you go through so much daily. I appreciate you being there for me, and being my shoulder to cry on. I love you. I’m sorry if you’re going through anything yourself, and I haven’t given you the comfortability or time to express yourself. You haven’t been the same these past few weeks, and I hope it’s not something I’ve done. I care for you and I worry for you, and even though your words hurt me the other day I can not hold it against you. Deep down I know you’re fighting your own demons, but I just want you to talk to me. Our communication has been awful lately, and I’m not sure why. Please know that I’m always here for you no matter what. Rain or shine I’ll be there for you my love. I just want us to be how we used to be happy and in love. I love you with my whole heart Matthew!
Your biggest fan
Matt immediately shot up, his heart falling to his stomach. Immediately he felt the guilt and disgust wash over him. How could he be so mean and awful to you? You have been there for him through thick and thin. You were his rock and he was treating you horribly
Matt jumped up immediately grabbing his keys, and running out to head over to you. In a hurry he walked down the stairs shouting to his brothers he’d be back home soon.
He got in the car and immediately started his way over to you. How could he hurt his baby? His number one in life. He was so hurt he couldn’t even focus on anything else. About 20 minutes later he arrived to your apartment complex, walking up to your floor and knocking on your door
You opened the door with saddened eyes, and a confused look on your face.
“You’re my everything. I have never wanted anything more in life than you. I have been the worst boyfriend to you during a time where you needed my support the most. You didn’t deserve to be spoken to the way you were. And for that I can not forgive myself for. I was a piece of shit and you tried to be understanding. If you no longer see a future with me because of how I acted I completely understand that” Matt said looking me in the eyes
“Matt? I….” I couldn’t even form a sentence I was shocked
“I love you, and if you don’t want to see me right now I get that. I will give you space and I will leave” he said turning on his heels to walk away
“Matt wait” I called out to him which caused him to turn back around
“You were a piece of shit and the things you said were awful, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want to be with you. I know deep down you're struggling with your own issues, and if you don’t want to talk about them that’s fine, but just know communication is key, and it goes both ways” I said looking at him
“I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry” he said letting his head hang
“It’s okay Matt, come in” I said pulling him in to my apartment
“It’s not okay. I was horrible to you and I don’t deserve you” he said sitting down
“Don’t speak like that. We deserve each other, you just have a hard time communicating, and I understand that” I said walking over to him
“It’s just seeing you so hurt and depressed made me so angry because I couldnt bare to see my baby struggling and not feeling like you were able to come and talk to me. It hurt me, and instead of talking to you about it I let that hurt turn into anger” he said
“I’m sorry for completely shutting you out of my life for those past few weeks. It wasn’t right, and that was a time I needed you the most and I just pushed you so far away” I told him
“I promise to communicate with you about how I feel so we can work everything out, I don’t want to fight with you” he said pulling me into him
“And I don’t want to fight with you either Matthew. I love you” I said smiling at him
“I love you too” he said letting a tear fall from his eye
“Don’t cry my love it’s okay” I said pulling him into me
Matt completely broke down in my arms
“It’s not okay I hurt you and I can’t live with the fact that I said such awful things to you” he said in sobs
“This will make us stronger as a couple okay, we now know how to go about our issues without it boiling over” I said petting the back of his head
“I’m sorry….im so fucking sorry” he said pulling away and looking at me
“It’s okay, I love you okay” I said wiping his eyes and looking at him
“I love you too” he responded
I pulled Matt in and kissed him. It was a deep passionate kiss. A kiss that we so badly needed.
Matt laid in my arms the whole night as we spoke to each other. Talking about our feelings and how we wanted to change. He listened to every word I said carefully and I did the same
Matt was my ride or die, and I could not live without him.
The End
Alright guys I hope both people who requested this imagine enjoyed it! I loved writing this one! And I hope yall enjoyed it 🤭🤭🖤🖤🖤
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dontyouworrydaddy · 1 year
Hii!! Could you write 141 boys + konig reacting to seeing the reader smoke?? Would they be concerned, would they ignore it??
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Task Force 141 (+König) + gn! reader
I‘m so happy I get to write this because I had this in my mind for such a long time😩 I just know that Price and Ghost would smoke with reader. Thank you so so much for the ask 💘💘 Hope you love it <3
Also to the smokers here, do y‘all also have to listen to that one song so you can smoke in peace or is it just me?😭
p.s: I tried a new writing style. I kinda like it..🤞🏻💕
It was after a tough mission and you really needed a cigarette to calm down. You can’t remember the last time you had your last cigarette.
It was Ghost who first saw you smoking. To be honest he didn’t expect it. But he isn’t surprised.
"You smoke?" he asks you, pulling you out of your thoughts. You looked at him and nod. He sits next to you and starts lighting up his own cigarette. For the first time you got a peak of Simon Riley, the mysterious man.
He doesn’t judge you. He knows smoking is bad. But the reason why you smoke is worse.
Ghost became your smoking buddy. You‘d never go and smoke without him and he wouldn’t let a cigarette touch his lips if you’re not there.
The next person who noticed that you smoke was König. He was searching for you because he wanted to ask you where you left the documents and as he looked out of the window, he saw you sitting there, in the dark, completely alone. And he noticed the cigarette in your hand, too.
He didn’t know if he should go out and ask you and act like he doesn’t care or noticed that you smoke. But he was scared you‘d tell him that he’s getting unprofessional, even through he knows you wouldn’t say that.
He decides to go out and ask you about the documents. After getting an answer from you, he suddenly let’s the question slip out of his mouth. He was ready to apologize, in case he insulted you in any way.
You let out a chuckle, surprising him completely and decide to tell him your story on how you decided to smoke and why you can’t stop. He listens until the very end and apologizes anyway.
"It’s okay, Kö. Thank you" he didn’t get why you thanked him but he decided to not ask.
Soap and Gaz noticed when they were on their way to annoy you. You just finished smoking and were on your way to make yourself a coffee. They both tapped your shoulder and were ready to ask you the most stupidest question but a scent on you caught their attention.
"You smoke?" Gaz was the first to ask. They were both surprised that you smoke. They all thought you would never touch a cigarette. But clearly they were wrong. Soap doesn’t ask you anything. He is probably sad that you don’t talk to them about your problems and feel like you need to calm down yourself with a cigarette. You tell them it’s just because you want to feel anything. They don’t annoy you any further.
Gaz kinda wishes you stop smoking and try talking to them about stuff that bothers you or find anything that keeps you far away from cigarettes.
John Price is the last one to notice. He doesn’t judge or ask you any questions. He silently sits down next to you and lights up his own cigarette, smoking next to you. He knows he can’t change the fact that you smoke or take your pain away. But he hoped he can make you feel like you’re not alone.
He tries to smoke with you as often as he can. He is scared to let you alone with your thoughts.
Price is definitely trying to make you feel comfortable and appreciate without saying a word.
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formulafics · 7 months
For the blurb reader dealing with the hate of dating a driver and them comforting her.
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MRS. ALL AMERICAN, but make it a blurb
well, it may be a few months later, but here it is!! i so hope you love it rena 😔🙏🏻 also im living up to that conversation we had about me dropping things without warning 😼 this also lowkey made me wanna start writing again so 👀
MRS. ALL AMERICAN | SMAU (i’d suggest reading this before you read the blurb!)
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Initially, the comments didn’t bother you. In fact, you found yourself amused at many of them, being so unbelievably absurd and far from the truth. A part of you also know it was inevitable. The internet is cruel, and along with that, your relationship moved much faster than most in this day and age. So, for the time being, it wasn’t hard to just ignore them, especially since you were so certain that Alex would be your endgame. To which, he is.
Now, months later, with rings on your fingers, there’s not a shred of doubt in your mind, regarding your relationship with Alex. It’s only getting better by the day, and you couldn’t ask for a better partner. That being said, the comments didn’t stop. Frankly, you’ve started to think they’re getting worse, and unfortunately, it’s becoming harder for you to ignore them.
Alex is not oblivious to your shift in mood. He can see it clearly, especially now as he gazes at you from across the table. His eyes glance down to your hands, watching you pick apart the food on your plate, food that you usually would be ‘going to town on’ (as logan says). His brows furrow as he looks at your face, his heart sinking at the strange sadness that lingers within your expression.
“Are you okay?” He asks softly, eyes meeting yours when you look at him. You swallow a lump in your throat, one you didn’t even realize was there, before answering him. “Yeah,” you respond flatly, huffing briefly. Your chest is tight, leaving you to feel like you can’t suck in enough air. Your response isn’t exactly what Alex hoped to hear, the man being slightly stumped on what to do or say.
He waits a few moments, but the longer you both sit in silence, the more the whole situation weighs on the both of you. “You can talk to me,” Alex assures you, eyes hopeful that you’ll open up to him. You sigh, setting your fork down. You lean forward, resting your arms on the table to close the distance between you and him, and he mirrors your movements, making it feel as if you both are in a more private setting.
“It’s just,” you pause, trying to think of how to word things. “The comments — they’re getting worse, I think,” you say it quietly, the aforementioned lump returning to your throat. Alex’s expression softens, and he simply nods. “Yeah,” he responds. Before anything else can be said, the waitress is at your table, and after confirming that you’re done eating, Alex asks for the bill.
By the time you’re walking out of the restaurant and headed to the car, you’re almost in tears. You squeeze Alex’s hand in yours, unintentionally bumping into his side as you walk to the car. When you do finally reach it, he guides you to the passenger side, but rather than opening the door, he engulfs you in a hug. Just like that, the tears begin to fall from your eyes, and you hug him back, nuzzling your face into his jacket. He doesn’t say anything yet, and just rests his head on yours, his hand soothingly rubbing your back.
He waits until your crying slows, then kisses your head. “I’m sorry about the comments - I know it’s hard,” he says against your hair, and you just nod in response, hugging him impossibly tighter. “You smell good,” you say quietly, lifting the mood slightly. He chuckles, making the corners of your lips pull upwards. “Thank you,” he hums. You look up at him, a small smile on your lips. Even though there’s still weight on your shoulders, you can’t help the smile, or the way your heart speeds up when you look at him.
He tilts his head down and presses a kiss against your lips - a soft, short one. “I wish I could do more,” he says earnestly, resting his forehead on yours. “I know,” you respond, knowing that he probably needs some reassurance too.
A few moments pass, the both of you stood there in comfortable silence with your eyes closed, soft gusts of wind breezing past you. Alex inhales, then pulls away, but doesn’t go too far just yet. “I just hope you know that everything they say is complete bullshit, and that i’m genuinely so happy with you,” He says, his eyes glimmering with honesty in a way that makes your heart squeeze in your chest. “Me too,” you respond, pressing another kiss to his lips. Slowly, the lingering weight on your shoulders finally dissipates as Alex opens the passenger door, holding your hand until you’re in the seat. He bends down, a silly grin on his face. “I love you so much,” he says, making you smile. “I love you.” you respond, watching as he closes the door, then walks around the car, taking his place in the drivers seat.
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taglist: @renarots @jsjcue @treehouse-mouse @illicitverstappen @lovstappen @leclercvsx @motorsp0rt @fastcarsandshit @vellicora @spidersophie @arkhammaid @kortneej81 @lokietro @piasstrisblog @elliegrey2803 @i-love-ptv @marshmummy @sadieurlady
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I’m having a lot of thoughts about super protective Steve right now, but I’m also having a lot of writer’s block so I don’t have the energy to actually set the whole scene.
I need Billy and Steve delivering pizzas and snacks to The Party (including the Corroded Coffin guys) to wherever they’re holding their campaign. Maybe somewhere in the woods because it’s aesthetic and the weather is nice, like out by Castle Byers.
The kids are fine with Harringroveson for the most part by now, though a couple of them (namely Dustin) don’t always get along the best with Billy. He tries really hard so it’s getting better, but progress is slow. He’s still detested by the Corroded Coffin guys (namely Gareth).
I love the misunderstood character trope for some reason. I love the idea of other characters hating Billy’s image, the idea of him, but when they get to know him as more than the asshole jock they peg him as, they realize he isn’t all that bad.
Maybe Gareth makes one too many comments about not wanting Billy there. Calls him an asshole and provokes him with the intention of validating his own perception of the blond. Maybe even goes as far as to insinuate that the only reason Eddie or Steve are with him is because of his looks. Something mean that’s said in a teasing tone, but hits just as hard despite it.
Billy doesn’t react with white hot rage like everyone’s expecting. He turns away and walks through the woods back to the car with a look of shame on his face, and Steve immediately jogs to catch up with him, lacing their fingers together as they weave through the trees.
Eddie stands there anxiously, wondering if he should follow them or if it’ll overwhelm his already upset boyfriend. He turns back to the group and looks pointedly at Gareth. Not angry. Just disappointed.
Which some could argue is worse.
“C’mon, man,” he sighs, gesturing vaguely. “You couldn’t be cordial until they left? He didn’t even do anything.”
“Made ‘em leave faster, didn’t it?”
Gareth’s tone is less sure than before, because after all, he isn’t a malicious person at his core. He’s clearly at odds with himself about hurting Billy’s feelings — he didn’t even think it was something that could happen.
Eddie just shakes his head and sighs.
“Well, you’ve poked the bear, so now shit’s gonna get testy.”
“What, like—“ Gareth gulps and his eyes blow wide. “Like Hargrove’s gonna kick my ass or something?”
At the words, Eddie laughs. Crosses his arms and sobers when he hears twigs crunch in the distance, a set of footsteps approaching once again.
“Not Billy,” Eddie whispers.
As if on queue, Steve emerges from between the trees. His jaw is clenched and his shoulders are squared. He gets eyes on Gareth before anything else, which has him scurrying up out of his seat on the floor. Ready to bolt.
Steve stops beside Eddie. Shrugs his hand off of his shoulder when Eddie sets it there and points an accusatory finger at Gareth. The movement makes him flinch even though he’s still a handful of feet away.
“I dunno what your fucking problem is, but you don’t say shit like that about my boyfriend when I’m around, you hear me?” Steve seethes. He eyes Gareth up and down like he’s sizing him up before he simply tsks and shakes his head. “You can find your way home in the dark for all I care, so don’t bother asking for a ride when the game’s over.”
He stares until Gareth nods, at which point some of the rage relaxes out of him. Only slightly.
Then he turns to Eddie.
“Get on the radio when you’re done?” he says much more softly. “I’m gonna go ahead and take him home.”
“Is he alright?”
“Yeah, but you know how he is.”
Eddie nods and cracks a smile.
“Big ol’ softie.”
Steve mirrors his expression. Leans in for a quick kiss, then casts Gareth a final glare before he takes his leave.
Once he’s gone, Eddie huffs a laugh and intertwines his fingers over the back of his head.
“Jesus. Give him a while, he’ll get over it,” he dismisses. Glances over at Gareth, who looks about as startled as a mouse that’s been dropped into a snake pit. “Maybe.”
“I dunno, you could probably speed up the process by making Billy a cake or something.” When Gareth furrows his eyebrows, Eddie shrugs and laughs again. “I’ve never pissed Steve off that bad, but I have hurt Billy’s feelings before. My boy loves him some chocolate cake.”
There’s a beat of silence. Then two.
They wind up having to wrap the game up faster than they anticipated, because the nice weather becomes a drizzle which becomes a pour.
Steve goes against his word and gives Gareth a ride home.
The next day, he’s standing on their porch with a Tupperware container full of chocolate cupcakes that say srry 4 b-ing an a-hole in blue icing on top.
Billy immediately shoves one into his mouth and Steve reluctantly forgives Gareth, meanwhile Eddie is laughing his ass off because he didn’t really expect him to take his suggestion seriously.
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kanejbr3kker · 4 months
Okay I need to vent. This morning I saw this on my fyp:
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(btw I'm choosing not to reblog the original post and instead just post screenshots because this is definitely a rant and since the creator and I clearly have different opinions, so I decided it's just better to leave them out of this)
Anyways, I saw this and I got pissed. Very very pissed. And so I spent 2 and a half hours writing a whole three page essay explaining everything wrong with this.
So here it is. (:
First of all, the Darkling does every single thing listed here for Nikolai, excluding cutting people’s fingers off, but he does commit mass murder, which I personally consider to be worse than cutting off someone’s fingers. 
Anyways, let’s first just address Nikolai’s reasons for doing each of these things and then the Darkling’s reasons for doing the same things.
Cutting the fingers off a man: Nikolai was a teenager who wanted to help his incredibly war torn country. He felt helpless, and even once he became a privateer, a lot of people still disrespected him because of his age, so he proved his ruthlessness by injuring one person, so he could help save his entire country. 
Usurping the throne: First of all, Nikolai was second in line to the throne, and after Vasily died, he would’ve been first. Also, the current king was an ignorant rapist who let the rest of the country go to waste to fuel his own luxuries. Nikolai wanted to rescue his country from war and a ruler that was doing nothing to stop hundreds of people (many of them kids) from dying in unnecessary battles.
Lying to Alina/hiding information from her: All Nikolai did was hide his identity from Alina to get her safely away from the Darkling who had just kidnapped her for the second time in less than a year. Kissed her without her consent: Okay, let’s just preface this by saying Malina was what got me hyperfixated on the Grishaverse, so seeing Nikolai kiss Alina did upset me, but he did it spread hope to the Ravkan villagers. They were also already spreading around a fake engagement, so while it was wrong, it wasn’t like he was trying to manipulate her. Nikolai was just trying to make their marriage more believable. (I’d also like to address a scene later in the book where Alina actually wants Nikolai to kiss her, and he says no, knowing that she just wants a distraction and isn’t really in love with him).
And now for why the Darkling did all the same things. 
Trying to usurp the throne: The Darkling hates the king, but not because he’s a terrible person, but because he’s ignorant and the Darkling knows he could be using the Fold to expand Ravka’s power. The Darkling usurps the throne so he can try and take over the country, not because he wants to save it.
Lying to Alina/hiding information from her: Unlike Nikolai, he wasn’t trying to protect her. The Darkling lied to Alina so she would believe that 1) he was in love with her and 2) he wanted to save Ravka. We know this isn’t true. When Nikolai lies, he does it to protect Alina, but when the Darkling lies he does it to manipulate her.
Kissed Alina without her consent: The Darkling tried to convince Alina he was in love with her so she would be easier to manipulate. Alina even says she doesn’t know how he feels about her, and that she doesn’t believe he loves her, but that she wants to be wanted by him. 
And now for everything else the Darkling does:
Mass murder: He destroyed an entire town just to prove a point. 
“Gifting” Genya to the Lantsovs, and then allowing her to be continually raped by them
for years. More than anything else, I feel like this proves just how terrible he is.
Killing his own mother: No explanation needed, that’s just awful.
Threatening to kill Mal to make sure Alina stays in line. He enslaved Alina. He put an unremovable collar around her neck that forced her to do whatever he wanted, and then promised to kill her boyfriend just in case that wasn’t enough.
Using kids as bargaining chips. Using grown people is bad enough, but kids. Sure, they’re Grisha, but they aren’t strong enough to fight back, especially after seeing their captor kill Ana Kuya, who helped care for them while they were in hiding. (Also just felt like adding that Nina was one of the students who he used as a bargaining chip. That’s honestly pretty unimportant, but if you needed another reason to hate him.)
Killing Alina’s mother figure: Again, he did this just to prove a point. He wanted to show Alina that he could hurt the people she cared about, and that was his only incentive.
So that the first 75% of my rant, but I also made the mistake of looking at the comments on that post and added a whole extra page responding to those.
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Saying that the same thing can be applied to Kaz is so fucking disrespectful. Kaz is a traumatized teen. Is he violent? Yes. But he only hurts people who have hurt him, his friends, or other innocent people. Oomen nearly killed Inej, as well as the other crows, so Kaz hurt him because he cared about his friends and was mad that they were almost killed. When the Darkling kills people, it’s out of greed for power and the fact that he knows it’ll get a rise out of Alina.
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And then this. Kaz calls Inej an investment because he values her. She said four words to him and chose to pay off her indenture. She ended up being not only an incredible spy, but an incredible friend as well. Kaz didn’t need to pay off her indenture, but he did because despite everything terrible that he does, he’s still a genuinely good person, and didn’t want to see a woman being exploited the way she was. An investment is something you value, which is why Kaz calls her one.
Also, Kaz makes a big point of Inej not belonging to anyone. He didn’t force her to get the Dregs tattoo, because he didn’t “want to be the one to mark her again.” He recognized that she was an independent person, and by not making her have the tattoo, he was giving her the freedom to leave Ketterdam when her indenture was paid off. Also, when Inej tells Kaz she wants to leave Ketterdam, he literally buys her a boat so she can leave. That’s not how you treat your property.
And as for the Darkling, he used Alina’s power to start a civil war. What he does is beyond redemption. The Darkling exploits and manipulates women. He abuses and assaults them to reach his own goals, most of which involve destroying the rest of the world so that Ravka stays in power. Comparing him to two kids who just do what they have to to survive is so disrespectful, and clearly you misunderstood the messages of the books if you think that Kaz and Nikolai are the same as the Darkling.
So that's my little anti-Darkling rant. I've already tortured my frienda with this, so if they didn't think I was insane before, they do now lol.
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therandomartmaker · 1 year
(In Case I Don’t See You) Good Afternoon, Good Evening and Goodnight.
After a reveal, things go strange for Danny. At first, he thinks it’s just the lingering effects of having his vigilante identity out in the open. Sam and Tucker tell him he’s being paranoid, and Jazz doesn’t talk much with him because she’d left for college. She only listens to his words and talks him through the feelings, a steady presence.
It’s then that he realises that his ghosts had been showing up… regularly. Not erratic and randomly, they were almost scheduled; he’d checked once, and they had always shown up when the time was even. He’d said this to Sam and Tucker, Tucker looked concerned but Sam brushed him off. “They’d have to coordinate for that, Danny,” she said, “Do you really think Skulker wouldn’t take every chance possible to fight you?”
His ghosts were getting more agitated. It wasn’t hard to defeat them, they were just. Angrier. They also went down easier, but got back up faster. They also were disjointed in their banter, and it got worse as time went by, fights quieter and more… emotion filled.
It’s only when Danny spots several white vans nearby his fights that he realised he’d forgotten about the GIW.
Danny rushed home, to the portal- he’s unlucky, or perhaps rather fortunate, that he stumbles upon the GIW in his home, talking to his parents. It’s an easy decision to turn invisible.
“Keeping Patient Zero in the Truman cage is working well, but it might be catching on. Unscheduled fights give us more subjects, so you’ll be lent Subject-E and Subject-SK in two days, in the private laboratory, as they are currently useless in field and hinder the process.”
Patient Zero? Subject-E and Subject-SK? Useless? What process?
Truman Cage? …Danny knew that movie. Watched it with Jazz a few years before, because Jazz had a project on it, wanted to do inquiry on unethical ‘imprisonment’ and isolation.
Static buzzed through the air, and Danny heard the GIW agent pick up an ecto-proof walkie talkie. “Report, Patient Zero has been missing for two minutes, unknown whereabouts, may be heading or already at FW Household.”
Danny swore mentally, flying away to the roof of the Nasty Burger, still invisible.
Shit. What were they doing- what kind of shit had they already done?
…What could Danny do to stop it?
Batman stared at the report in his hands. Phase One of the Ghost Investigation Ward’s plan was going well, to capture and learn everything they can about ectoplasmic beings and a ‘villainous creature’ that has taken control of a small town in Illinois. Supposedly, the ‘creature’ was a volatile destructive being that repeatedly put the town through constant attacks.
Everything about it smelt fishy, and he’d found about the ‘GIW’ was flimsy, and a strangely large amount of money was being siphoned into it. The Fenton research being used was also something that shouldn’t’ve been published, biased and clearly contradictory in areas.
The information blockout was just asking for investigation.
sorry that this isn’t more for the story! I may write more for this, but idm this being used as a prompt post either! If you respond to this in a separate post, please tag me, i like to see what y’all make, don’t just link this post and run y’all. Also, i’m like 80% sure someone’s made this already or at least done something similar, so if someone could find and link that, that’d be awesome
On a side note; some notes for this specific thing, but freedom is encouraged and this is mainly for myself because ik i’ll forget about this.
The GIW learnt danny’s id before the reveal and figured out very quickly that they wouldn’t be able to do anything to him because he’s legally human and he hasn’t had biological testing to make sure he isn’t human. They got ghost confirmation via the fenton parents after the public reveal, but had already informed the fentons of the possibility of danny being a ghost and proposed the ‘Truman Plan’ to them.
The plan was to set up another ghost portal with coordinates set to the same area the fenton’s portal lets out and recapture whichever ghosts danny lets go there, and this works exponentially well. They gain a bunch of speech capable ghosts to experiment on, and decide quickly that they’d start ways to put them under control and make them stronger, in order to, eventually, capture danny.
Phase Two is weakening Danny and looking into his skillset and how to counteract it.
Phase Three is actually capturing Danny.
Danny figures out that the GIW has agents everywhere, bugs everywhere and nowhere is safe. The only people he is absolutely certain he can trust to not make the GIW aware he knows he’s entrapped is Jazz, Sam, And Tucker, but since the last tw oare in the bounds of the GIW, he can only talk to Jazz to plan (he flies up up up and calls because tucker had them up on a private network so the only risk was being overheard, really)
B only discovered the GIW while passing over recent government records, and sets up one of his disguises to visit the town, eventually.
He ‘just so happens’ to be bowled over by Danny Fenton one afternoon and sets up a white noise generator to tell the boy the JL was on his side. After all, something wasn’t right, here.
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enkas-illusion · 8 months
The Night Is Still Young
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Fandom / Pairing: Jujutsu Kaisen / Nanami x f!reader
Genre/Theme: One-night stand; non-sorcery au
Content warning: fluff, drinking, flirting, Nanami got rizz, suggestive, no smut.
Summary: You are exhausted from working the entire month and you need some stress relief. What's better than finding a gentleman at the club and things take a turn for good.
Author's Note: This was supposed to contain smut but I really hit writer's block. So here's a quick drabble with my husband Nanami. Thank you for reading, hope you enjoy it!
~ Nanami's Munchkin
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“Shots! Shots! Shots!”
You shoot down the 6th shot of the night, the bitter liquid no longer tastes so bad anymore but the buzz keeps getting stronger.
It’s another Saturday and your plan was to stay home, sulking for the weekend but your friends had other plans.
You had just submitted your assignments and were exhausted beyond repair. Your friends were kind enough to give you an option (not really) between staying home and drinking your exhaustion away only to feel worse the next day – of course, you had to choose the latter.
“You know what would have been better than getting shitfaced tonight?” you asked your friends. Your friends roll their eyes, already knowing you are gonna bitch about being here again for the nth time but what you say next surprises them.
“If a man would fuck me so good that I see God,” you say in all seriousness.
“Damn she’s drunk drunk” your friends laugh at your confession.
You were neck deep into assignments for the past month. You didn’t leave your house except for going to the library to get shit done. So naturally, this also meant that you were frustrated mentally and sexually, needing nothing more than to melt your stress away. 
So what could be a better way than coming to the club to find someone who can help you with it? For your friends, it might mostly be the alcohol talking, but you knew the motivating factor that really convinced you to step out tonight was yet to be met.
“So you’re here to find a guy to hook up with... but all you’ve done is cry about being here. Make it make sense?” your friend Mila counters.
“It’s cause there aren’t any hot guys in here!” you cry out loud. “You need to help me find someone. Please—“
You go quiet as your eyes land on the group of guys that enter the club. Your gaze is fixated on this tall buff guy with blonde hair. He has a tired look on his face that rivals your own and he is oh so handsome.
The thing that catches your interest is his outfit. He’s wearing a black dress shirt with tan pants. His shirt hugs his muscles so tightly that it might rip open any moment. He stood out amongst the crowd of boys who wore T shirts and cargos and called it a fit. 
Your friends have already caught on to him with the way you were shamelessly checking him out. “Go talk to him,” your other friend Dia suggests.
“Oh God! He’s hot isn’t he!?” you whine. 
“Girl, you have a type. And it’s always the stoic, uninterested men.” Mila interjects.
“You forgot the hot dilf body.” Dia chimes in.
You don’t realize that you haven’t taken your eyes off him until you see him catch you staring. You revert back to your friends with a groan.
“Oh shit.”
“Why are you still here? Go talk to him.”
“Urghh… he doesn’t look like a guy who would be interested, you know? I mean look at him. He looks like he was forced to be here,” You say, sneaking looks at him.
“Oh my! You always do this. You thirst over men but never make a move. This ain’t window-shopping! Stop acting like a bitch for once,” Mila states clearly annoyed.
“Don’t you get started, Mila. Why don’t you go ask out the guy at the coffee shop. Harry, was it? You even made me ask for his name! So stop calling me a bitch.” You snapped at her.
“You know what? Let’s make a deal, go dance with that man and I’ll ask Harry out.” Mila replies, her lips twisting in half a smile.
“Deal,” you say, shaking hands with her.
“But I need a little bit more of that liquid luck.”
You head to the bar, ordering two shots of tequila and instead of drinking it, you walk up to the mystery man.
“Hey there, handsome. Care to join me for a drink?” You say almost screaming over the loud music blaring in the background. You were so fixated on him that you didn’t notice his whole group was staring at you.
“Oh he won’t drink, he's a buzzkill, you know. But I can take you up on that offer, pretty girl,” a guy with white hair butts in and you give him an annoyed look.
“Leave her alone Gojo,” the blonde says, pushing the snow haired guy away. “Don’t mind him, he’s annoying that way. Sure I’d like that drink.”
He takes the shot glass from your hand and you click it before shooting it down together.
You move closer to him to introduce yourself so as to not scream in front of others.
He holds his hand out and says, “Nanami Kento, nice to meet you.” When you go to shake his hands, he gently lifts it to leave a small peck on the back of your hand and you feel chills run through your body. 
“I didn’t know you got game, Nanamin,” the Gojo guy shouts. Nanami rolls his eyes and looks at you. 
“Do you wanna—“ you both say at once which makes you laugh. “Go ahead,” he responds.
“I was gonna ask if you want to dance with me?” you ask, suddenly shy.
He nods, holding his hand out for you and leads you to the dance floor. “Hmm… didn’t know you were such a gentleman. You don’t look like the guy who goes clubbing on the weekends,” you tease him.
“Trust me I’m not. I was forced to join them. Need to keep them out of trouble,” he says with a sly smile while his hands move around your hips and you both sway around to the music.
“So, you are the daddy of the group, huh?” you ask, which comes out more seductive than you intended and you cringe slightly.
He spins you around so that your back is touching his chest and you take this opportunity to grind back on him.
He leans closer to your ear and says, “Umhmm… is that the reason you were undressing me with your eyes ever since I entered? Need daddy to take care of you, too?” 
You turn around to face him and snake your hands around his neck. You have to stand on your tiptoes even with your heels on to reach him.
“So what if I do?” you look at him with dark eyes.
He pulls you into a messy kiss and you melt into it letting him take control. You don’t remember how long you’ve been making out in the middle of the dance floor. 
You hear your friends hoot which makes you self aware about your surroundings. You pull away from the kiss breathlessly to look at your friends and give Mila a look to which she mumbles ‘okay, okay’ with a shrug while Dia gives you a thumbs up.
You look back at Nanami who witnessed the whole interaction. “What was that about?” he asks with a quizzical look.
“Argh… nothing. Just a stupid bet between friends.”
“Is that what I am? A stupid bet?” He asks feigning hurt which makes you chuckle, “So what was the bet? Get a kiss?”
“Well I could tell you the truth that it was just to dance with you or I could just lie and say that it was to get you to sleep with me,” You reply with your hands running over his biceps suggestively.
“Hmmm… the lie sounds much more convincing to me,” he says lowly in your ears.
“So Nanami-san, you gonna help me win the bet or not?” your hands move up to play with his undercut.
“How can I resist when you ask so nicely.”
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btsficsandsuch · 1 year
hi! so, i was thinking, maybe a yoongi x reader where the reader is overall a physically weak person,, not that she can’t do stuff but more like she’s frail and things and with the summer and the heat she often feels tired and dizzy— so one day yoongi comes home from a bad day and just finds the chores undone or the dinner’s not ready, or maybe something like that and just blames her for being ‘lazy’ but then she actually tries doing something and almost faints- idk, smth like that! thank you and take your time,, also stay hydrated with the heat and stuff :)
Hope this is okay! Sorry it’s been a few days. I haven’t been feeling great myself. This heat is brutal!
Smoke Alarm
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This heat was absolutely killing you. To make matters worse the air conditioning in your apartment was broken and no one could come out to fix it for another week. You tried to do a couple chores around the house but with the heat and humidity you instantly started to feel dizzy and nauseous so you laid in bed with the fan on you trying to cool down. The thought of having to turn on the stove to make dinner in this heat made you sick so you decided that it would be a perfect day to order some takeout. You just had to wait for your boyfriend Yoongi to come home and find out what he wanted to order.
Somehow even in the heat you managed to fall asleep and take a nap but you were woken up when you heard a slamming door. You knew Yoongi must be home and it sounded like he had a bad day. Following the sounds of the slamming you found Yoongi in the kitchen rummaging through the cabinets slamming each one after coming up empty. “Hi Yoongles, How was your day?”, you say timidly trying to test the waters and see just how upset he was.
Your boyfriend turns around and glares at you, “Busy. I have a lot going on. Unlike some people apparently.” You bite your tongue telling yourself he’s just hot and cranky. “I’m sorry your day was so bad. Do you want to tell me what happened?”, you say reaching out to him. He moves out of your grasp. “No Y/N I don’t want to talk about it. I wanted to come home and eat a nice home cooked meal and take a shower and relax but I can’t do that since you couldn’t bother to cook anything. What did you even do all day? It doesn’t look like anything was done around here.”, he replies. Trying your best to stop the tears from falling you reach out once again, “You’re in a building with AC all day. It’s nice for you. You know I can’t handle the heat as well as you do. It’s really hot Yoongi and it’s miserable trying to do anything when the air conditioning isn’t working.” He rolls his eyes before grabbing an apple and storming off to his studio.
Sitting in the kitchen you were starting to feel bad. He had clearly had a terrible day. You knew you didn’t have to do it and Yoongi had told you many of times before this that he didn’t expect you to sit at home and be a housewife but you always enjoyed cooking and cleaning and having a nice home for him to come home to. It was how you showed love.
Looking through the kitchen you found some ingredients to put together a quick dinner deciding that maybe some food will make the both of you feel better.
Within a few minutes of the stove being on you could already feel the temperature in the kitchen rising making your vision blurry. You took your time slicing the onion making sure you don’t cut yourself. The longer you stood by the stove the worse you felt so you decided to walk over to the sink and grab a cool drink of water.
Yoongi had only been in his studio for about 15 minutes and he realized what you meant by it was miserable. He was soaked in sweat and lightheaded. Now he understood why you didn’t want to do anything. He had spent so much time at the company building that had a working ac that he didn’t realize just how miserable it was spending time in the apartment since he had only been there for a few minutes here and there since the ac broke. He knew you didn’t do well in the heat and he started to feel terrible for talking to you like that. You were his girlfriend not his maid. He decided he was going to apologize and the take you out to dinner to get some food in you and get you out of the heat for a while. He was shaken out of these thoughts when he heard a loud whistle going off. It took a moment but then he realized it was the smoke alarm in the apartment.
Yoongi quickly ran into the kitchen finding a pan with burning pork belly and smoke pouring out. He turned off the stove and placed the pan in the sink turning on the cold water before quickly opening the window to let the smoke out. This wasn’t like you at all. You were an amazing cook and you would never just walk away and leave the food unattended. He was finally able to get the smoke alarm to stop and after looking around that’s when he found you. You were passed out on the ground with broken glass and water around you head. His heart felt like it was going to explode.
He grabbed a couple towels and using one to push the glass away from you and the other he soak with some cool water and wrapped it around your neck. “Y/N please wake up. Please. I’m so sorry for what I said. This is all my fault.” He started reaching for his phone to call for medical assistance when he saw you start to stir. “Yoongi, what happened?”, you asked confused as to why you were on the floor. “You passed out at some point. The food burned and it set off the smoke alarm.”, he said while slowly helping you to your feet and walking you to the couch facing one of the large fans towards you. He came back and handed you a cold bottle of water before taking a seat next to you.
“Why would you do that Y/N,? If you didn’t feel good you should’ve said something. I was so worried. What if something happened to you? What if I wasn’t home and the place caught on fire and you were unconscious? You could’ve been really hurt or even worse.”, he said looking to be on the verge of tears. “I’m sorry. I just wanted to make you something for dinner.”, you whispered. Shaking his head he continued, “No I’m sorry. For everything. I had a horrible day and came home and took it out on you. I in no way ever expect you to cook or clean for me. Especially if you’re not feeling well. I’m a grown man and can take care of myself. I should be cooking for you anyways.” “Oh I better get the fire extinguisher ready.”, you quipped. “Hey I’m not the one that almost burned down the apartment today now am I?”, he questioned with a laugh trying to avoid the light punch you threw to his arm.
You leaned into his embrace for a moment before becoming uncomfortably hot. “I’m sorry, I’d love to cuddle you right now but it’s just too miserable.”, you said pushing away from him.”Yeah it really sucks in here.”, he signed. After a few moments of silence he began looking through his phone and after a few clicks he got up and reach his hand out to pull you with him. “Where are we going?”, you asked confused. “I’m not letting you stay here in this oven any more. We’ll stop and get dinner somewhere and then I rented us a hotel for the next week so that you’ll be comfy in the air conditioning.”, he said grabbing your hand.
The two of you packed some clothes and were getting ready to leave when you stopped and looked around. “What’s wrong babe?”, Yoongi asked. “I just feel so gross and I don’t want to go to dinner smelling like sweat. I want to shower but I hate the cold water and it’s too hot for a hot shower.”, you said with a pout. Yoongi walked over wrapping his arms around you, “Well Y/N we could take a cold shower TOGETHER. I’ll warm the water up for you.” Looking up at his smirk you rolled your eyes before taking his hand and leading him to the bathroom. Maybe a cold shower didn’t sound too bad after all.
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spacelazarwolf · 1 year
Also wrt the “transition for trans women is so much harder” like…we could do that too you know! There are absolutely aspects of transition that are easier one way, but that doesn’t make the entire process of transitioning easier in one direction than any other. It is no more helpful to say trans women have it harder because they have facial hair and other permanent effects of androgens that aren’t solved by HRT than it is for me to say “oh trans women have it so much easier because they can take estrogen to grow tits and just wear breastforms to pass in the meantime, whereas I have to get major surgery before people will stop misgendering me cuz my tits are so big that even binding isn’t enough.”
Everything i said there may be factually true, but that doesn’t make it helpful or reasonable to say. Breastforms are expensive, and not every trans girl on HRT will have an easy time growing breasts. Everyone has a different experience transitioning. Not every trans guy has an easy time growing facial hair, or binding, or with voice cracks. Some transfemmes have almost no facial or body hair, naturally softer facial features.
(Some transfemmes even naturally have tits! Lookin at you people with gynecomastia and other related intersex conditions!)
Like, especially with that person who said you couldn’t transition because transfems envy your body. Like, i just genuinely cannot imagine what gets in someone’s head to make them say things like “it’s transphobic to…*checks notes* be a trans man.” I hate to be the one to break this to them, but lots of trans men feel the same way about transfemmes! I sure did! Especially before i came out to myself I was so envious of my transfemme friends flat chests and deeper voices. I couldn’t understand why anyone would give up what I saw as clearly the better deal in favor of what I had. Does that mean it was somehow bigoted of them to transition? No! That’s literally the weirdest thing anyone has ever said!
seriously like. transition isn't easy for any of us! even in a perfect world it would still be stressful bc ur body is changing a ton!! instead of arguing abt who has it worse, we should be trading clothes and playing dnd.
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mimez-meme · 25 days
Defending hizashi chapter 420 (spoilers!)
(Please bear with me I’m not exactly amazing with my words or explaining but I tried, some of the points in here would have been mentioned before/talked about before)
Look im not saying what happened in chapter 420 didn’t annoy me a bit, like i was a bit angry at hizashi. But you gotta remember he has reasons for why he acted that way and it isn’t necessarily his fault? Idk
This man has been bottling up all his emotions for 15 years or more. Taking aizawa’s life way more serious then his, he wants to be aizawa’s protecter and make sure he finds happiness. He would do anything to make sure he gets that. (He also doesn’t view himself as a person he views himself as a third person if that makes sense) His reactions in 420 is a good example of what bottling up emotions can do to you, it can make you loose control when faced with those emotions, which is basically what happened.
Present mic CANNOT cope or deal with his emotions, half the time I doubt he knows how he actually feels He uses aizawa as a way to distract himself from the grief and his emotions, as he understands shota’s, and when aizawa is around he focus’s on him, not himself. When it’s just him, he will do anything to take his mind off his feelings by overworking, drinking ect. Now along with bottling up all his emotions he’s buried oboro, well not fully. He clearly isn’t over him but he’s trying to be for aizawa. He’s trying to get over his trauma. Because he’s built up all these emotions, made this persona, buried deep all his traumas and then being forced to face the worse trauma caused him to snap, beacuse he doesn’t want this, this isn’t how things were meant to be. He’s lost the patience to just move on, leading him to be violent and aggressive. Even aizawa was shocked when he snapped and told him to shut up and calm down in the car scene whatever. being forced to face him again clearly had an massive affect on him and he’s still trying to reject the fact that oboro could possibly be a villian cuz in his eyes villains don’t deserve to be forgiven they are horrible humans and don’t deserve second chances and he doesn’t want to believe his best friend who talked and told him about the ways and how they’re all going to be heros together, be a villain. Facing oboro once more has made all his emotions spark and like mentioned he cannot deal with that. Whenever he starts to show vulnerability he instead starts to act angry to cover up his true emotions with anger Because it’s better then being ‘weak’ and showing vulnerability infront of aizawa or others. His bottled emotions also seemed to of bottled up into anger, which is once more a common thing for those who bottle up emotions. Clearly hizashi is upset and hurt by all this but he refuses to show it. Now onto actually discussing chapter 420, killing kurogiri to hizashi is the only escape, only way to stop all these emotions, in this chapter he’s crying. And aizawa ‘points it out’ and when he does he responds with ‘I’m a man, men don’t cry!” However he doesn’t actually believe that he just thinks HE can’t cry because we see present mic attempt to comfort aizawa when he’s sad, he even punched the fucking doctor for making him cry. He wouldn’t do that if he thought MEN couldn’t cry. However it turns out aizawa wasn’t even talking about hizashi he was talking about Oboro/kurogiri, beacuse he’s crying. I’m sorry but it kinda felt like aizawa was ignoring hizashi then, and aizawa has never really acknowledged how hizashi really feels beacuse to him hizashi hasn’t changed all these years but to us we see obvious changes. (He said that in my hero justice 2)
Hizashi is facing so many emotions at once and like I said he CANNOT cope or deal with it, he has no distractions, it’s oboro and facing him again that’s making all his emotions spark, if your someone who’s bottled up their emotions for years and then one day your hit with a wave of them, and they suddenly they all come out whatever you will not know what to do. Hizashi is scared, angry, upset ect ect, it’s causing him to be violent. He wants aizawa to be happy, and safe but he doesn’t know what to do. He doesn’t want to kill oboro he wants to kill kurogiri but he knows kurogiri is oboro but he’s in denial. He doesn’t want to see Oboro has this villain but he knows deep down it’s true. (Now I’m talking about a different chapter, I forgot what one) When kurogiri dies/goes to save shigaraki we see zashi crying, he even said “thanks bud” when kurogiri opened a Portal for him to go to the battle field. At his point we see that hizashi seems to of finally came with terms of kurogiri being oboro but obviously he dies, if hizashi really wanted kurogiri dead he wouldn’t have cried? If that makes sense he wanted to save him like aizawa. Now beacuse kurogiri is dead present mic is going to have to carry MORE guilt probably more guilt then aizawa.
I still don’t think that was everything tho/ all his emotions. Like just think about how powerful zashi is, I think he was still holding back. Because he has been bottling them up for 15 years so there’s no way that’s everything. Yk?
His reaction was valid and in character for him.
The moment he shows emotions people hate him, like come on guys, Be so fucking fr. Like present mic is angry at himself, the villians ect. He couldn’t protect his friends, it was the villians who did this.
Thanks for reading!! And sorry if any mistakes or if some of it doesn’t make sense😓
‼️oh yeah he also has the black and white mindset and that’s believed to maybe be another trauma response‼️
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preggo-ace · 6 months
“What!? You- you can’t be ready to push…. The ambulance isn’t here yet.” I said, gently rubbing your back, while frantically looking down the deserted country road for signs of the ambulance.
We had gone on a walk through the local forest to help kick-start your contractions, but neither of us expected your labor to come on as suddenly as it did. Or as quickly. I kept one arm round your waist as we trekked through the forest back towards civilisation, stopping every so often for you to ride out each contraction. The pains quickly got worse and dangerously more frequent. I called an ambulance when you started grunting through them.
And now here we were, standing on the side of a quiet country road. You were braced against a tree, rocking your hips side to side and humming deeply. Feeling useless, all I could was massage your back and hope to god help would arrive soon.
“Take a breath sweetie, see if you can pant through it.”
I try my absolute hardest to take your suggestion, but it proves futile quickly. The weight of the baby lodged in my birth canal, the nearly blinding pressure, it's all too much for me. My body isn't giving me a choice.
"I... I can't. I can't, I'm sorry..."
Lowering into a small squat against the tree, I push into my hand with a whimper, the care of giving birth into my pants long since gone. They don't have much give, but it is enough for the head to descend at least a little. This wasn't what we had planned, not at all, though clearly this baby wasn't waiting. Still deep in the throes of the contraction, I push again with a low groan in the back of my throat.
I finally release the push with a gasp, leaning farther against the tree as I catch my breath. Due to the restriction of my clothes, my pushes didn't yield much progress, but part of me is kind of grateful for that; I'd rather not give birth on the side of the road! However, that also means I grow more and more uncomfortable by the second, my lips burning as they're trapped outstretched by the baby's head peeking through.
I push again despite my best efforts, eager to make that burning stop. My nails dig into the tree bark like claws, and I growl through gritted teeth as I exert practically all of my energy downwards. The baby, however, stays in place.
With still no sign of the ambulance - or any other human life besides us - I sink down to my knees as I accept the reality of this situation. We aren't leaving this forest without a baby.
from this prompt, feel free to drop more in my ask box (just read my pinned before you do!)
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wayfayrr · 9 months
Can I get a Christmas Pudding with a spiked eggnog to eat in?
Ps. love your work also when i checked your event gingerbread and candycane were a bit odd and didnt mention characters.. (as of 23:28 on dec 10)
order up - I hope you're happy with it <3
Yandere first 👀? It's been a minute since I've written for him but he's such a fun link to play with. I'll drop a warning for this though - he's got a few issues regarding divinity and theres a bit of blood/gore in it (although I know some people prefer that)
[Event masterlist]
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It’s nice being in a village again since who knows how long. Having another link join us was a nice surprise, even though he’s a bit more awkward than the others. Just a shame his ‘Hyrule’, despite it not being named yet, was so terrible. So empty and dead, full of abandoned villages, at least those that are more than charred remains. 
“If you’re overwhelmed by the crowds we can go back to the inn if you’d prefer.”
His grip on my hand tightened as he seemed to think it over, he’s clearly uncomfortable but there seems to be something stopping him from simply admitting it. I could force the issue and change the question, maybe that could get and answer from him. 
“I was planning to go back anyway, might as well make the most of having a private room for now, right?”
“I suppose that it is getting late now.”
I know that links sacred form is a wolf, but does he really have to lean into the clingy puppy side of it? Not even the rancher is this bad as wolfie, and he’s a literal dog at that point. He isn’t asking to share a room with me though which is nice, even though he’s a link and kind at that, there’s something off-putting about him. 
“Mhm, I’m definitely certain, it’ll be nice to call it early for once too.”
“Right then dear.”
How is he already so comfortable with using pet names for me? He’s known me for less than a week, yet he already sounds like he sees himself as my lifelong partner or something. All of the others have those types of names for me too, but with them? It took a while for them to warm up to me, I wouldn't have stayed with them half as long if they were like this. 
“You remember where your room is right?”
“Actually dear, I wanted to ask if I could come to your room in a moment, I’ve gotten you a gift and I think it’s a good time to give it to you.”
…A gift alone in my room, what is he planning?
“I saw it in town earlier and I was just going get it for you so I could keep it a surprise.”
“You really don’t need to get me anything link.”
“I want to though, it’s the least I could do for you.”
Just a hum. I’m not going to be able to convince him one way or the other, am I? Really though, am I overthinking this, what harm could a gift cause after all? 
I don’t have to wait for too long though, taking the time to sort through my belongings and practice some of the stitches legend and wars taught me to mend my clothing. If I had to guess then I was only waiting for about thirty minutes till there’s a knock on the door. 
“Link you -”
“Why are you covered in blood?”
He’s just smiling. Smiling and holding a package in his hands. 
“I was just getting you a gift, my deity.”
There’s no time to even respond as he’s shoving it into my hands as he walks in. I have so many questions but so few answers, why is he so bloody, why is it dripping, why is it warm? He’s looking at me so adoringly though, waiting for me to open it so politely. You know how to untie a knot [name], you can do this, you’ll only make it worse for yourself if you don’t open it. 
“Do you like my sacrifice for you, my deity?”
It’s a freshly butchered heart. Dripping with blood in my hands. He’s killed someone and torn out their heart to give me wrapped up as a gift. And now he’s looking at me for praise, he wants me to praise this. I feel like I’m about to throw up.
“You I… I don’t….”
“He was looking at you and trying to court you earlier and if there’s one thing that I learnt from hylia. It’s that gods adore sacrifices in their name.”
“But… I - I’m not…I’m not a god link.”
He doesn’t believe me, he’s got a sickening smile on his face like he’s done a good thing. Wait - why is he? The feeling of his blood sodden hand stroking my face is even more sickening than the heart still in my hold - why haven't I dropped it - he doesn’t think he’s done anything wrong. He’s proud. 
…What have I gotten myself into.
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